6 - St. Joseph`s Catholic Church
6 - St. Joseph`s Catholic Church
1|Page PARISH STAFF: Fr. Gregory Hart, Pastor Dc. Dan Daily, Deacon Pamela Castillow, Bookkeeper / Office Manager Shannon Stowe, Business Manager / D.R.E. David Burkemper, Catholic Youth (CY) & Family Life Director frgreghart@att.net dcdaily@att.net stjoetontitown1@att.net stjoetontitownad@att.net stjoetontitowncy@att.net PARISH FACILITIES: Parish Hall Phone: Rectory Phone: SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION All Sacraments require a call or visit to the parish office for more information. Below are some notes for your benefit: Baptism: Parents and Godparents are required to participate in a preparation process before Baptism of Children. Registration is required. If possible, it is recommended that all requirements be completed BEFORE the child’s birth. Sick Calls: Please call the parish office if you or an immediate relative would like to receive the Eucharist or Anointing at home or in the hospital. Confirmation: Requires a MINIMUM of two years participation in Parish Religious Education and the candidate must be 14 years old. Contact Shannon Stowe at 479.361.2612. Convalidations: This is the term for marriages getting “blessed” in the church. Most rules for “Weddings” apply for Convalidations. Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday 8:00am through Midnight Friday in the Chapel. First Communion: Requires a MINIMUM of two years participation in Parish Religious Education. Candidates must be at least 7 years old. Contact Shannon Stowe at 479.361.2612. Funerals: Please call the office immediately to sstart preparation. Marriage Cases/Annulments: If you’ve divorced and are planning to re-marry, have already re-married, married, or are marrying / married to someone with that situation even if it was prior to being Catholic: Contact Pamela Castillow at 361-2612. Reconciliation: ½ hour before all weekend Masses or by Appointment. RCIA Classes: (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Pat Buhr 479-524-8921 or 479-466-7776. 7776. RCIA is for those who are interested in becoming Catholic or those who may not have completed d the sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation. Weddings: A minimum of 6 months is required for marriage preparation. No outdoor weddings are permitted. 479.361.2211 479.717.2354 IMPORTANT PARISH CONTACTS: Altar Servers: (Saturday): (Sunday): Mike Della Rosa 479.790.2246 Bereavement Dinners: Norma Deines 479.751.1425 Bulletin: Shannon Stowe stjoetontitownad@att.net Cemetery: Mike Zulpo 479.361.2357 Choir: (Sunday): Marty Taldo 479.361.2459 Catholic Youth (CY): (Sixth through ugh Twelfth Grade): David Burkemper 479.361.2612 ext 3 Eucharistic Ministers: Leonard Pianalto 479.361.2633 Gift Bearers: Shannon Stowe 479.361.2612 Misty Piazza Misty Piazza & Bonnie Thomas Deanna Shackelford & Shirley Lott 479.466.3994 Gift Shop: Saturday: Sunday (Eng): Grape Festival: (Chairman) Chris Martini (Co-Chairman) Eric Pellin “The Hut” 118th Tontitown Grape Festival dates: Grapevine (e-mail news): Shannon Stowe 479.530.0481 479.466-8223 479.361.2615 August 9-13, 2016 stjoetontitownad@att.net Knights of Columbus: Ryan Pianalto 479.287.9384 Lectors: Patricia Gross 479.521.0123 Mary Wyandt Hiebert 479.521.6566 Parish Council: Parish Religious Education (P.R.E.) Shannon Stowe 479.361.2612. Sacristans & Decor: 479.361.2560 479.361.2423 479.466.4128 Margie Ceola Jettie Franco Paula Marinoni If you are new to our parish, we welcome you and invite you to become a member. Registration forms are on the Parish Website (www.stjoetontitown.org) or in the Parish Office. Please complete one for each family member and drop it into the collection basket. Please also call the office if any of your family information has changed (name, phone, address, etc.) so that we can make the changes in our information. We are always in need of more help in our various parish ministries please call the parish office or the person in charge of any ministries you are interested in. We would love to have you! 2|Page SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2016 THROUGH PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL IN NEED Rob Beyer Thomas Bevins Kim Biondo Randy Brady Ginger Daily Louis Germany Roger Gross Alma Hartman Rose Huff Rainie Johnson Theresa Kappler Channing Ceola Lamb Debbie Magee Msgr. James Mancini Megan Taldo McAfee Vickie McAllister Thomas McFadden James Miller Andy Moffett Helene Newman Deloris Peacy Claudine Pianalto Elsie Mae Pianalto Esther Pianalto Lena Pianalto Leonard Pianalto Lou Pianalto Robert Pianalto Albert Piazza Oakleigh Roberts Lizbeth Roso Cathyrn Staggs Bill St. Mary Gerald Walsh Diana Wright Todd Zoretic We need to keep our prayer list tidy. We will clean it out June 30, 2016. You can keep your loved one on it by calling or e--mailing (stjoetontitownad@att.net @att.net ) the Parish Office to let them know which of your loved ones are still in need of prayer. HOLY FATHER'S INTENTIONS FOR MAY Universal: That in every country of the world, women may be honored and respected and that their essential contribution to society may be highly esteemed. Evangelization: That families, communities, and groups may pray the Holy Rosary for evangelization and peace. COLLECTIONS: Regular Collection Children's Collection Building Fund $6,246.57 $9.75 $181.00 SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS & SCHEDULE 7:40 am: The Holy Rosary 8:00 am: Immaculate Heart of Mary Sat. May 7 3:40 pm: The Holy Rosary Ascension Sunday 4:00 pm: All Mothers Sun. May 8 8:30 am: The Holy Rosary Ascension Sunday 9:00 am: All Mothers Sun. May 8 (Latin) 11:00 am: The Holy Rosary 11:30 am: All Parishioners Mon. May 9 No Mass No Mass Tue. May 10 5:15 pm: Liturgy of the Hours 5:30 pm: All Mothers Wed May 11 7:15 am: Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 am: All Mothers Thu. May 12 7:15 am: Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 am: All Mothers Fri May 13 7:15 am: Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 am: All Mothers Fri May 13 7:15 am: Liturgy of the Hours 5:30 pm: All Mothers Sat. May 14 3:40 pm: The Holy Rosary 4:00 pm: +Gregory Rolniak Sun. May 15 8:30 am: The Holy Rosary 9:00 am: All Parishioners Sun. May 15 (Latin) 11:00 am: The Holy Rosary 11:30 am: All Mothers 1st Sat. May 7 WHAT’S GOING ON AT ST. JOSEPH’S FIRST COMMUNION CONGRATULATIONS MARRIAGE CONGRATULATIONS! The following parishioners made their 1st Communion Peter & Claire Gunn Timothy & Abby Shields Craig & Michelle Wilson March 17, 2016 April 2, 2016 April 2, 2016 CONFIRMATION CONGRATULATIONS The following parishioners were Confirmed in our parish on April 24, 2016 Dwayne Byrd Alexis Cates Brock Easterling Adrian Gonzalez Hope Hanson Bonnie Holt Bret Jackson Bailey Lehmann Colton Miller Allisha Mussino Jordyn Piazza Catherine Ryan Gabrielle Verucchi Luke Washkowiak JT Weis APRIL BAPTISMS: Congratulations to those who joined our Catholic family through Baptism here at St. Joseph’s! Logan Carson Scott Son of Ben and Tara Scott here April 30th & May 1st of this year. Brookelyn Anderson Hayden Gee Luke Harlow Chase Jones Mia LaMendola Gabrielle Miller Andrea "Isa" Perez Colby Pianalto Elizabeth Post Birdsong Lillyanna Servis Benjamin Wray Troy Zantow Gavin Zulpo Graduating College & High School Seniors: We want to recognize you! May 22nd at the 9:00 am Mass. Participants must wear cap and gown! Call or email the Parish office for more information and the form (stjoetontitownad@att.net 3612612 x 2). 2) All forms must be turned in to the Parish Office no later than Friday, May 13th th in order to be recognized! Spurgeon Family Thank You: I would like to express my gratitude for the many prayers, visits and love shown to my family during the past few months month of John's illness, and his passing. We truly felt the support and embrace of our church family. ~Dee Spurgeon Next weekend the Catholic Communication Campaign will be collected. Half of the collection stays in the Diocese of Little Rock to support the communications ministries, 3|Page including the newspaper and Internet. Your donation will make it possible for more than 700 complimentary Arkansas Catholic subscriptions to be given to churches, schools, prisons and to those who can’t afford it. Please give generously. Thank you. Baptism Preparation Class: Friday, May 13th at 6:30 PM in the Parish Education Center. Call or email the Parish Office to register and get the appropriate forms. All parents and godparents are required at attend a class in order to proceed with the Baptism of their children. You do not have to wait until your sweet little bundle arrives to take the class but if you do wait, please make sure you can get someone to babysit! If we have no registrants by Thursday at 5:00 PM, we will cancel. PEP Rally: Join in fun, fellowship and a little tummy happiness! The next Pray, Eat & Play Rally will be May 19th, starting at 11:30 AM in the Education Center Adult Education Room. All are invited. Tickets for the James Miller Charity Raffle are available after the English Masses and in the parish office. $5.00 buys one ticket. First prize is a VISIO 50 inch Television. Second prize is a Yeti Tundra 50 Marine Cooler and third is a Cabela's Ultimate Cookstation with cover. Thee drawing will be on May 30th, 2016. This is a great chance to help out a parishioner in need. $25.00 per child with a cap of $75.00 per family. Registration includes snacks & materials. Registration and volunteer forms are in the main vestibule. The deadline to register registe is May 31, 2016. Did you know that your CASA offerings are a source of funding for the education of our Seminarians? Your faithful support helps provide the best in intellectual, personal and spiritual training and education that all of our Seminarians deserve. They have given everything for us and the Church, do we owe them any less than the best that we can give? Become a Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal supporter. Our goal is $10,720.00 We are currently at $8,352.00 with another $705.00 pledged! Please lease keep up the good work as you are able! Child Care is available for those who wish to use it during the 9:00 am Sunday Mass. Participating children need to be taken to the Education Center and will need to fill out an information form. Mother’s Day Masses: During the month of May we will honor our Mothers, Grandmothers and Godmothers with a series of Masses. Mother’s Day cards are available for those who’d like to have their Mother(s) remembered. Stipends are not necessary but are appreciated. Please use the card and blank envelopes from those provided to give to the Mothers you’re honoring. Use the “Spiritual Bouquet” Envelope if you’d likee to make a donation. Please be sure to fill it out and leave it in the Collection Basket. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Mother’s Day Book: At each door of the Church are pages on which you can write your Mother’s name.. The pages will be compiled into our Mother’s Day booklet which will stay on the Altar through the month of May. St. Joseph’s High School Seniors, juniors and sophomores: Now is the time to start thinking about the 2016 Queen Concordia contest. We are looking for three girls to run this year and have the chance to be crowned queen. Each candidate will receive college scholarship money, based on the number of tickets sold. This is a great way to represent our parish and help in this year’s fundraiser. This is a long running tradition for St. Joseph’s and an honor to be a candidate. The Tontitown museum has some information on the history of the Queen Concordia, please feel free to check out the display or contact any of the past queens, such as Lydia Huck, Blair Ceola or Caroline Franco. I hope each of you will consider being a candidate, if you have any questions please contact me, Chris Martini at 479-530-0481 0481 or you ca can talk with any of our past queens. Vacation Bible School: A Radical Ride on the Wings of Prayer...with Amazing Angels and Super Saints! will be offered June 20-24 24 from 9:00 am to Noon here at St. Joseph's! It is open to children ages 3-11. 11. Participants will go through stations of music, crafts, games and faith each day! The cost is CATHOLIC YOUTH YOU (CY): We will be having our next CY Night called "Down 'n Out" on Sunday, May 15 in the CY Room from 5:00-7:00 5:00 pm. VBS Volunteers: If any youth are interested, I am looking for volunteer help with VBS in June! Welcome all new adorers!! Midnight to 6am Laura Leto 479-442-0643 / 479-409-6467 Noon to 6pm Shirley Hoke 479-521-7869 / 479-530-4577 6am to Noon Denise Kidd 479-306-4244 / 479-439-2047 6pm to Midnight Judy Ranalli 479-361-2086 / 479-957-0825 The chapel is open for those who want to Adore the Lord from Tuesday at 8:00 am to Friday at Midnight. Please know that you can still sign up for any hour convenient for you. The Lord loves many Adorers. Adorers are welcomed for any hour. Two Adorers per hour is especially encouraged! en If you cannot attend your Holy Hour, please ask a family member, friend or another adorer to substitute for you. If none are available, then contact your division leader. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - FR. BANDINI COUNCIL Our Next Meeting – Monday, May 9th at 6:30 pm at the KOC hall with food and beverages being served after the meeting. For info or if you have any suggestions, please contact Ryan Pianalto at 479.287.9384 287.9384. TONTITOWN HISTORICAL MUSEUM You're Invited! The Tontitown Historical Museum Board invites you to our annual Tontitown Heritage Day on Sunday, May 15 from 1-4 4 p.m. in Harry Sbanotto Park. This is an Arkansas Heritage Month event supporting this year's theme -- Arkansas Arts: Celebrating ing Our Creative Culture. The museum will be open and the park will be filled with live music -- Pickin' in the Park style! Bring your favorite musical instrument, your voice, your toe tappin', or just your lawn chair, and join in! We'll have special childrens' ch museum 4|Page tours, hot dogs, and yummy Ranalli cookies. Don't miss this afternoon gathering of fun and friendship, honoring our Tontitown Heritage! FR. HART LEADS A PILGRIMAGE TO FRANCE Pilgrimage to France: In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, join Fr. Hart on a pilgrimage to France from September 19 to 30, 2016. Our journey includes: round trip airfare from Fayetteville, 10 First Class hotel nights (double occupancy), daily breakfast and dinner, private motor coach, Seine River cruise, baggage handling, daily Mass at various shrines. Among the sites visited are: Lourdes where the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in 1858, the parish church of St. John Vianney, Cluny Abbey, Paray-le-Monial, the Cathedral of Chartes with its famous stain glass windows, Lisieux - where St. Theresa the little Flower was born, the Normandy Beaches, the site of the Allied Invasion, and the American Cemetery there, and Mont Saint-Michel Michel Abbey Church. In Paris, we will visit: Notre re Dame Cathedral, Sainte-Chapelle, Chapelle, Museum d'Orsay, Montmartre, Basilica of Sacre Coeur, and a Seine River cruise. Price per person, double occupancy, is $ 4,150 + $ 154 airline fees. Contact Travel Tyme for information and brochure at 1-800-886-2151 2151 or Fr. Hart at 479-361-2612. DEADLINE EXTENDED!!! ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM OTHER AREA CATHOLIC INSTITUTIONS & PARISHES Prayers with Padre at Planned Parenthood: Join our priests for a time of prayer in front of the Planned Parenthood abortion tion center located on 3729 N. Crossover, Fayetteville. The lives of the unborn have been spared and hearts of clients and clinic workers have converted through the presence of those who pray. Schedule to date is as follows: For further information see www.nwarespectlife.org or contact Sheila at 469-231-1959. Fr. Jason Tyler Friday, May 13th 2:00pm – 3:00pm Fr. Pius Iwu Monday, May 23rd (Those at prayer will break for lunch with Fr. Pius) 11:00am – 3:00pm Msgr. David LeSieur Friday, May 27th 1:30pm – 2:30pm Fr. Barnabas Maria-Susai, Thursday, June 9th (Brunch together with Fr. Barnabas following prayer) 10:00am – 11:00am Fr. Pius Iwu, Immaculate Monday, June 13th (Those at prayer will break for lunch with Fr. Pius) 11:00am – 3:00pm NWA FRASSATI ST. SCHOLASTICA - FORT SMITH YOUNG ADULTS! The NWA Frassati Society is an energetic Catholic Young Adults group that yields Spiritual Growth, Social Events, and Service Opportunities! Join us for our bible study Mondays at 7:00pm pm at St. Joe's in Tontitown. To learn more LIKE us on facebook.com/NWAFrassatiSociety - visit our website nwafrassati.com or email us nwafrassati@gmail.com! St. Scholastica Monastery Fort Smith is holding a "Simply "Si Benedictine" discernment retreat on May 19-23 19 to allow young women ages 16-45 45 to experience a taste of religious life. There will be times for prayer, reflection, in house ministry, and visiting with Sisters as you learn how Benedictines live each day. y. There is no charge for this retreat except an open heart to the possibility of a religious vocation. For more information, contact Sr. Kimberly Prohaska, OSB at 479-783-4147 4147 orvocationdirector@stscho.org of visit the website at www.stscho.org/vocation/. www.stscho.org/vocation/ "The Beautiful ul Struggle of Daily Life" Life Retreat: St. Scholastica Retreat Center is sponsoring a 5-day 5 Silent Retreat, "The Beautiful Struggle of Daily Life," guided by Macrina Wiederkehr, OSB on July 17-23. 23. Cost: $500.00. For more information, or to register, ister, call the center at 479.783.1135 or visit www.stscho.org/retreat-registration. registration. SUBIACO ACADEMY - SUBIACO Camp Subiaco in Arkansas Summer Camp at Subiaco Abbey. Sign-up now! Camp Subiaco, for boys ages 9 – 13 inclusive, is an active all boys camp with fishing, archery, riflery, go gocarts, boating & tubing, climbing wall and much more. Camp Subiaco is operated by the Subiaco Alumni Association and the monks of Subiaco Abbey. Camp p is June 19 - 25 and June 26 - July 2, 2016. Google us on YouTube! You may sign up at www.campsubiaco.org or call 479-934-1001 1001 for more info. Come join us! It’s a blast! ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM OTHER AREA CATHOLIC INSTITUTIONS & PARISHES SEARCH #140 RETREAT: Registrations are now being accepted for Search #140, a retreat to help juniors and seniors in high school get to know themselves better, deepen their friendship with Christ, and find support in living out their faith. Search #140 will be held at St. John Center, Little Rock, June 24 – 26, 2016. The fee is $120.00 and the early registration deadline is June 8, 2016. For more information and registration forms visit our website at: http://www.dolr.org/sites/default/files/documents/search http://www.dolr.org/sites/default/files/documents/search140.pdf 40.pdf If you have questions you may contact Trish Gentry tgentry@dolr.org at the Diocesee of Little Rock Youth Ministry. Cenacle of the National Marian Movement of Priests: On Saturday, May 14th from 10 am – 12 noon, a Cenacle of the National Marian Movement of Priests will be held at: St. John Catholic Center / Fletcher Hall, Lafferty Chapel 2500 North Tyler Street Little Rock, AR 72207 Father Thomas Keller will be the celebrant. The Cenacle will begin at 10 a.m. with Mass to follow at 11 a.m. All are invited to this nation-wide wide time of prayer and thanksgiving, as we celebrate the Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis. For more information, please contact: Dr. Richard Riley at (501) 224224 3949 Celebrate the Year of Mercy at the annual Bible Institute Insti June 17-19, 2016 at St. John Center in Little Rock. Fr. Garrett Galvin, OFM, will address “The Message of Mercy: The Biblical Roots of Pope Francis’ Teachings” throughout the weekend that also includes prayer, discussion, fellowship 5|Page and good food. Paid registration of $100 is due by Friday, June 3. Contact LRSS for more information (501-664-6102 or lrss@dolr.org). Natural Family Planning (NFP). Natural Family Planning (NFP). Learn NFP at home and at your own pace with the Home Study Course from NFP International, www.nfpandmore.org. Includes Ecological Breastfeeding (it really can space babies), a double-check system of fertility awareness, and Catholic teaching that’s easy to understand. Work with a live instructor by email. Completion certificate. Only $70. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The Diocese of Little Rock seeks a Respect Life Director. Responsibilities include promoting and implementing the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities and Respect Life Program, working closely with parish coordinators, organizing the Mass for Life and monitoring state and federal legislation. Must be a Catholic with demonstrated knowledge of the Church’s moral and social teachings. Position is 25 hours per week and includes benefits. To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to: Dennis Lee, Chancellor for Administrative Affairs, Diocese of Little Rock, 2500 North Tyler Street, Little Rock, AR 72207 or email to dlee@dolr.org. Office Manager for Catholic Charities Immigration Services — Little RockFull-time; pay with benefits for interacting with clients and attorneys, managing files, schedules and databases, interpreting and translating documents; must have associate's degree, two years equivalent experience, excellent written and oral communication skills in English and Spanish, exceptional organization and computer abilities and talent managing multiple projects, maintaining confidentiality and interacting professionally with broad audience - Contact: Paula Lattanzi, human resources specialist Phone: (501) 664-0340, ext. 324 WEEKEND MINISTRIES Date: 7-May 8-May 14-May 15-May Altar Servers: Cross Book First Candle Candle Colton Miller Kylie Miller Lucas Schaben Christopher Schaben Emily Schaben Cross Book First Candle Candle Jacob Ford Dwayne Byrd Tyler Ford Torrie Pianalto Nicholas Byrd Cross Book First Candle Candle Hannah Pianalto Philip Ryan Sarah Heath Emma Casey Josh Zulpo Cross Book First Candle Candle James Kidd Adrian Gonzalez Brock Bewley Emma Breaux Rosalie Pianalto Lectors: Eucharistic Ministers: Dean Schaben Mike Washkowiak Richard Ptak Chris Martini Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Gift Bearers: Valerie Wright Mary Ann Carender Richard Ptak Maureen Gruich Shannon Stowe Mark Casey Mike Verucchi Laura Huck James Miller Denise Pearce Dail Bevins Robert Beyer Rebecca Pianalto Sara Miller / Dc Dan Evelyn Pianalto Stan Pianalto Judy Ranalli Patricia Mansell Pat Brock Denise Kidd Melanie Wiedenhoeft Bob Brock Debbie Verucchi Lydia Huck EM to Sick Jeff & Karen Strassle, Dail Bevins Brian & Shelly Bewley Family Linda Lee Roger & Sara Miller Family Dean & Denise McDonald Family Mike Della Rosa HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! David & Vanessa Sbanotto Jason & Silvia Hall Quinn & Kathie Engel Ernie & Kimberly Woodard Benjamin & Randa Storment Johnny & Leona Sabatini Mike & Debbe Verucchi HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Rodney Nichols Richard Placek Phillip Weis Sheila Gray Dean Piazza Kevin Wright Luciana Harbaugh Dean McDonald Maria Sulzen Miriam Twyford Maggie Verucchi Vincent Verucchi Virginia Diliberti Abigail Livingston Melanie Shifflett Bonnie Thomas 6|Page Mike Collins Albert Piazza Isabel Stewart Paul Foster Micah Wittschen Ali Ezell Becky Geiger Patrick Guy Charles Johnson Beth Miller CALENDAR OF EVENTS –MAY - JUNE 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday MASS READINGS MAY 8 - MAY 14 Sunday: Acts 7:55-60; Ps 97:1-9; Rev 22:12-20; John 17:20-26 Monday: Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:1-7; Col 3:1; John 16:29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-21; John 14:16; John 17:1-11 Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-36; John 17:11-19 Thursday: Acts 22:30, 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-11; John 17:20-26 Friday: Acts 25:13-21; Ps 103:1-20; John 14:26; John 21:15-19 Saturday: Pentecost Vigil Readings: Gen 11:1-9 or Exod 19:3-8, 16-20 or Ezek 37:1-14 or Joel 3:1-5; Ps 104:1-35; Rom 8:22-27; John 7:37-39 Morning Mass Readings: Acts 28:16-31; Ps 11:47; John 16:7-13; John 21:20-25 May 8 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM (Child Care Available) May 9 May 10 No Mass May 16 May 17 No Mass May 23 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM May 18 May 19 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM P.E.P Rally 11:30 am PRE 6:15 P M - PEC Last class! May 24 May 25 May 26 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM FIRST SATURDAY Rosary 7:40 AM Mass 8:00 AM LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM May 13 May 14 LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM May 20 June 5 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM (Child Care Available) No Mass June 6 No Mass Rosary 11:00 AM Latin Mass 11:30 AM PEC = Parish Education Center Divine ne Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel May 27 Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM May 28 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM June 1 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM June 2 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM June 3 FIRST FRIDAY LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM June 4 FIRST SATURDAY Rosary 7:40 AM Mass 8:00 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel June 8 Mass TBA LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM June 10 Mass TBA June 9 Mass TBA Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM June 11 Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel Mass TBA < < A N N U A L P R I E S T' S R E T R E A T > > AE = Adult Education Room May 21 Divine ne Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel LofH 5:15PM Mass 5:30 PM June 7 Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Office Closed Rosary 11:00 AM Latin Mass 11:30 AM Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Parish Council 6:30 PM May 31 FIRST FRIDAY LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM LofH 5:15PM Mass 5:30 PM May 30 MEMORIAL DAY May 7 Divine ne Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel LofH 5:15PM Mass 5:30 PM No Mass Rosary 11:00 AM Latin Mass 11:30 AM May 29 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM (Child Care Available) May 12 Saturday May 6 Divine ne Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel PRE 6:15 P M - PEC Rosary 11:00 AM Latin Mass 11:30 AM May 22 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM (Child Care Available) GRADUATE RECOGNITION With pancake breakfast following in the Parish Hall May 11 LofH 5:15PM Mass 5:30 PM Rosary 11:00 AM Latin Mass 11:30 AM May 15 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM (Child Care Available) MAY 15 - MAY 21 Sunday: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1-34; Rom 8:8-17; John 14:1526 Monday: Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-15; 2 Tim 1:10; Mark 9:14-29 Tuesday: : Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-23; Gal 6:14; Mark 9:30-37 Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:1-11; John 14:6; Mark 9:3840 Thursday: Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20; 1 Thess 2:13; Mark 9:41-50 Friday: Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-12; John 17:17; Mark 10:1-12 Saturday: Jas 5:13-20; Ps 141:1-8; Matt 11:25; Mark 10:13-16 Friday ABBREVIATIONS: C = Church 7|Page PH = Parish Hall Mass TBA Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM LofH = Liturgy of the Hours 8|Page