October 3, 2012 Dear Solana Vista Families, As we move into the
October 3, 2012 Dear Solana Vista Families, As we move into the
October 3, 2012 Dear Solana Vista Families, As we move into the month of October and begin to settle into the new school year, I would like to highlight some of the ways that you can become more involved in our school. There are many opportunities for you to support our school that extend beyond the walls of your child’s classroom, and I hope that you will consider helping out in some of these different programs and settings. During the wheel classes every week, our art and science teachers would welcome parent volunteers to support their programs. Both of these classes are highly labor intensive and Mr. Girod (science) and Mrs. McTaggart (art) are hoping that some of you will become regular helpers in their weekly classes. If you have a passion for art and/or science and are available during your child’s wheel time, please consider becoming a regular volunteer. You may contact Mr. Girod at rgirod@sbsd.net or Mrs. McTaggart at nmctaggart@sbsd.net for more information about how you can help them out. Coach Kaufer, our PE teacher, is working closely with our Peaceful Playground Coordinator, Ryan Ulak to create more opportunities for our students to participate in new games during the lunch recesses. If you would like to help out to create a more peaceful and organized lunch recess, we hope that you will consider volunteering at least one 20 minute period per week to become involved with Playground. Please contact Coach Kaufer at jkaufer@sbsd.net if you would like to sign up to help, or if you would like more information about this program. Another way that you can help outside of the classroom at Solana Vista is in our Media Center. Kathy Zakoski, our school librarian, can use help shelving books as well as leveling the school and classroom libraries. There is training and support available if you are interested in these volunteer opportunities. Please contact Mrs. Zakoski at kzakowski@sbsd.net for more information. Also, please remember that our Halloween Carnival is fast approaching, and we will need an army of volunteers to help out with this very big Foundation event. We hope that you will attend and be able to help out with your child’s booth for a couple of hours that day. There are also many pre-event opportunities available and if you have questions about how you can help out with the Carnival, contact the volunteer coordinator in your child’s classroom. Please remember that we also encourage grandparents and community members to become involved in our school community. If you have a grandparent or know of a community member that might like to come in on a regular basis to help out, please encourage them to come into the office for more information. I hope that you will consider one or more of these many ways to become more involved at our school. It truly does take a village to educate and support our children, and we look forward to working together to create the very best learning opportunities for your children this year. Sincerely, Lisa Platt The Solana Beach Foundation for Learning Presents the ! "#$%&%!'(")%!*!"+,$(&-! ! .%$$#/--&!0%1&('%$2! Sunday, October 21, 2012 • 11 am – 4 pm at Solana Vista School 780 Santa Victoria, Solana Beach – see map If you’re looking to spend a fun autumn day with your kids, don’t miss our Halloween Carnival – a 40+-year, Solana Beach tradition! We have new and exciting games and rides this year: Boom Buster, QB Blitz, Pumpkin Pyramid, Obstacle Course and Costume Contest! Plus we’ll still have favorites like the Speed Sport, Giant Slide, Cake Walk and Face Painting, Food from local restaurants, Raffle, Games, Prizes & much more. And you’ll be supporting Art, PE, Technology & Science at Solana Vista and Skyline! FREE Admission! (Game Tickets $.75 each and less) The following restaurants are DONATING many of their specialties. Be sure to thank them for their support! Pizza Nova • Subway Sandwich • Caffé La Bocca • Chief’s • Tony’s Jacal • Don Chuy’s Fidel’s • The Fish Market • California Pizza Kitchen • Solana Beach Coffee Company ! ! "#$%&'(!)*$$+,!-$)%./'!-$#%')%! Come to the Carnival Information Booth for costume judging between 11:30am and 12:30pm. Winners will be announced at 12:45pm. We will have categories for cutest, scariest, best make-up, best homemade costume, and best TV/Movie character. !"#$%&"'(%)*$%+,(%-)%)*$% ./0.%*-11"2$$(%!-3('4-15% -((,-1%!"6),#$%!"()$6)7% Come one, come all for this annual event! All students and families of Solana Vista and Skyline may participate. Come to the “Judging Area” at the Carnival Information Booth, registration and judging between 11:30am and 12:30pm only. Winners will be announced at 12:45pm. Categories judged for: • Cutest Costume • Scariest Costume • Funniest Costume • Most Original Costume • Best Group Costume -(8%",3%6'1$()%-,!)'"(7 An incredible display of items you won’t want to miss! Make sure you stop by the Silent Auction Booth (in the center of the Carnival – next to the Raffle) and make a bid for: Front row seats and reserved parking for: • SV Third Grade Play • Skyline Talent Show • Sixth Grade Promotion Cool stuff like: • Blue Angels Youth Ski & Snowboard Camp •SV Reserved Parking for a Year • Little League and Softball Registrations • Beautiful Handcrafted Jewelry … and check it out! Many teachers have donated special time with them too! • San Diego Zoo and Birch Aquarium Outings • Cookie Baking/Decorating • Pizza and Ice Cream Parties • Arts and Crafts Projects 6$$%9",%6,(8-9:%"!)";$3%.0:%00-#%<%=%>#% The Solana Beach Foundation for Learning Presents The !"#!$%&''()**+$,&-+./&'$ -&00'*$1$234%.-24$ Last year we had over 200 incredible raffle prizes, nearly $5,000 in value! And this year promises to be better than ever! Raffle Tickets and T-Shirts will be available after school at: Solana Vista – on the playground Skyline – in front pick-up lanes (5$6$6$6 You may purchase raffle tickets with the advance order form (below) and return it to school by Friday, October 12th with payment (check made to SBFL) and we will send home raffle tickets in your child’s backpack. 4(7*$(0$(8-$-&00'*$9(+(-4$.+,'89*:$ American Family Martial Arts, Bar Method, Baskin Robbins, Beach Grass Cafe, Billabong, Claire's on Cedros, Costco, Continental Cleaners, Solana Beach Family Optometry, Kahoots Pet Shop, The Habit, Hansen's Surf Shop, Fidels, Tony's Jacal, Glamour Nails, Sprout's, Four Season's Resorts, JW Tumbles, Juicers & Java Depot, The Miscellany Shop, Mor Furniture, Noonan Family Swim School, North Coast Repertory Theater, Norwood Music Studio, North of the Border Bike Shop, Naked Cafe, Pure Barre, Sammy's Woodfired Pizza, Starbuck's, Stanley Steemer Carpet Cleaning, Stone Brewery, Belly-up, TRC Gymnastics, The Toffee Box, Sandra Kay Photography, All Star Dance, Monart Art School, Bongiorno's Pizza, Detour Salon, Pacific Coast Grill, Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific, San Diego Air and Space Museum, Boomer's, Birch Aquarium at Scripps, The Huntington Museum, Legoland California, Sea Life Aquarium, San Diego Zoo, Reuben H. Fleet Science Center, Sea World San Diego, San Diego Model Railroad Museum, In-N-Out Burgers, Rubio's, Silpada, Forever Fit Bootcamps, Solana Beach Brewery LLC, Deco Studio, Dr. Steven F. Jaksha D M D, Mistral, Pizza Port, Center for Movement & Balance, Mark Flather, PLUTA Movement Therapeutics. …and more items coming in daily!!! &+9$9(+;2$0(-<*2$(8-$%8<*$4.'*+2$&8,2.(+$&2$2%*$,&-+./&'=$ 0*&28-.+<$08+$ $>&,?&<*4$9(+&2*9$@A$A(8-$2*&,%*-4B$ $ $ $ ! ! "#$"!%&''()**+!,&-+./&'! !-&00'*!1.,2*1!(-3*-!0(-4! ! number x cost ____________ = total $1.00 FOR 1 TICKET ___________ _______________ $5.00 FOR 6 TICKETS ____________ _____________ _______________ $10.00 FOR 12 TIKETS ____________ _____________ _______________ $20.00 FOR 25 TICKETS ____________ _____________ _______________ (Please make checks to Solana Beach Foundation for Learning) GRAND TOTAL _________________ Student Name ________________________________________________ Phone Number__________________ Teacher/Room # ___________________________________________________Room # ____________________ For Raffle questions you may call Cynthia Walsh at 692-1917. TEACHERS: PLEASE TURN THIS FORM INTO THE OFFICE. THANKS FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE. (56787!9:;!<:97=:;!>?5?!9?!5@A?! 679!B?58?C?9!67!%?99:D778!! ! Cantidad x Precio Total $1.00 por un boleto ___________ $5.00 por 6 boletos ____________ _____________ _______________ $10.00 por 12 boletos ____________ _____________ _______________ $20.00 por 25 boletos ____________ _____________ _______________ (Por favor haga el cheque a nombre de SBFL) ____________ = _______________ TOTAL _________________ Nombre del estudiante __________________________________________ Phone Number_______________ Escuela/Solana Vista ______ Skyline ______ Maestro ______________________________Salon # ________ TEACHERS: PLEASE TURN THIS FORM INTO THE OFFICE. THANKS FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE. !"#$%&''()*%''+'+* *,"(*-.##"/''%*0.(%12.#* 34"(5*6.(&1')7* * 82'(9"%'*4'#:";'<* 6#'.)'*="1%*$)*.&*&>'* ?"#.%.*!1)&.*@*A12.* B(";*C.;*@*DDEFF* G82'%*.*H*>"$(*1)*>'#I,$#J* * *4"(5*6.(&9*K.&')E* *CLMNO*DFLPO*DFLDDO* *DFLDQO*DFLDNO*DFLDR*S*DFLDC** 4'*%''+*9"$<* 6T8U?8* 0";'*&>1)*/''5<* Silent Auction Preview List SBFL Halloween Carnival 2012 Updated 10/08/2012 (more items coming!) Check out the list and plan your strategy ahead of time!! Visit the Silent Auction Table (next to Raffle) to bid on the items you want. Remember to check back often and make sure you're still the highest bidder! Good Luck! Teacher Donations: Solana Vista: Mrs. Jara - Come to Mrs. Jara’s house in Carlsbad for a pizza making, cookie baking, craft and movie day with her and her daughters…Zoe 6 years old and Lena 3 years old! Ms. Gonzalez/Johnson/Ochoa/Emert and Mr. Lynch - have an ice cream party and decorate a picture frame after school! Mrs. Preece - walk on the wild side with a trip to the zoo! Mrs. McCarthy – create an amazing piece of framed art then share a treat! Mrs. Moore and Mr. Cain – join them after school to bake and decorate holiday cookies! Ms. Mudd/Holohan/Trusso/Pobst/Hishmeh/Schroeder/Atkins – munch on snacks and watch a holiday movie in the kiva after school! Ms. Harley/Salic/Gallant/Strickland/Bartosiewicz – enjoy an exclusive holiday party with the 3rd grade teachers! Mrs. Z - stay after school to bake and decorate cookies then listen to a holiday story! Ms. Burnand – get to know the Solana Vista art teacher better by joining her at CeramiCafe for some painting fun! Coach K and Ms. Schlicher – you and a friend will meet them at the Birch Aquarium for a spooky good time at the Haunted Aquarium on Oct. 29th! Skyline: Ms. Tillyard – visit Coral Tree Organic Farm to pick veggies and feed the goats and chickens, followed by a treat from Gordy’s Bakery! Ms. Tucker/Perretta/Goodman/Garfinkel– make pizza & watch a movie after school! Ms. Durward – enjoy a movie with all the trimmings for you and 2 friends! Ms. Anderson/Schroeder – stroll down to Jamba Juice during lunch! Other Cool Stuff: Reserved parking space in the Solana Vista parking lot for a year!!! Front Row Seats and Reserved Parking for 3rd Grade Play, Talent Show, and 6th Grade Promotion! 1/2 hour private tennis lesson with Leo Bravo at LSFCC! Insider shopping experience at Billabong Private Store and lunch for 4! 5 Saturdays at the Blue Angels Youth Ski and Snowboard Program! Billabong wetsuit! Pure Barre classes! Private kicking and soccer lesson with NFL veteran kicker Michael Husted! Handmade, knitted hats! North Shore Girls Softball registration! Solana Beach Little League registration! Riding Lessons with Premier West Stables, RSF Awesome toy baskets from The Miscellany Shop Custom painted kids’ shoes from Lucky To Be In Love 10 week Bootcamp session from Forever Fit including a Polar FT4 heart rate monitor Free private concert at your event from the up and coming rock band “Open for Business” Gift basket from Mistral Jewelry from Rebecca Norman On location photo shoot w/Kevin Connors of Coast Highway Photography – includes an 8x10 print! Handmade fused glass art from Kiwi Studios! Custom made vintage jewelry from Katie Davis Designs! Handcrafted pottery from Ceramic Designs! Individual drum and group band lessons with The Rockademy! 4 Field Level Padres Tickets! New Items Still Arriving - Come Check Us Out!! See You At The SBFL Halloween Carnival on Sunday, October 21st! We Take Cash, Checks, and Credit Cards! Questions? Call Nicole Terrill @ 858-481-5425 ³ C e l e b r a t e t h e W a v e s´ 2012-2013 P T A M e mb e r s h i p C a mp a i g n !"#$%&'()*%+',%-$#. 1. P T A Membership D rive 2. W alk-A-T hon 3. F amily Dining Nights 4. eScrip / + ' , % - $ # % - , + 0 1 ) 2 * 3 % zImagination Machine Assembly zLegislation zTeacher Appreciation Week zBook Exchange zReflections zYoung Scientist Club zTeachers Grants zStudy Buddies zParent Education Seminars zRed Ribbon Week zCultural Enrichment zPTA Website/eBlasts/Wiki zPlayground Partners zEarth Day zSchool Assemblies z6th Grade Camp z'DG¶V&OXE$FWLYLWLHVzFamily Nights zYearbook/Newspaper zDiversity Awareness Programs zWave Directory z3rd Grade Play...! " # $ % & ' ( $ % ) * + , % ! 2 % ( 2 2 ) % / + ' 4 Help us continue with these wonderful programs that enrich and HQKDQFHRXUFKLOGUHQ¶VHGXFDWLRQDOH[SHULHQFH,W¶VNQRZQIDFWWKat children learn more when parents, staff, students and the community are involved in their education. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 / + ' , % 5 2 5 6 2 , * " 1 - % 7 2 0 2 7 ! "please check one. Your Membership is Tax Deductible (Solana beach PTA tax id # 95-6207429) 89::% 8P:% 8R:% 89T% % ; < = > 3 % & ? @ A = B C 6 D E A F G E E % 7 G H G = I AFJ=D>GE%KGLEAMG% NGJ<OFAMA<F % * A = H G N 3 % & ? @ A = B C Q < @ @ D F A M B % 7 G H G = %% 6 N < F S G 3 % & ? @ A = B % 7 G H G = %% 1F>AHA>D?=C$G?JUGNEC*M?VV%7GHG=% ########################################################" Student(s) Name (Last, First) Classroom # ########################################################" Name (Last, First) / Business Name Name (Last, First) ########################################################" 1st Email Address Optional 2nd Email Address ######################################################## Address (Street or Mailing, City, Zip) ########################################################" Phone Number Additional Contribution $ T O T A L Contribution $ Thank you! Please visit www.solanabeachpta.org for more membership information and volunteer opportunities. As a member, I understand that my address information will be shared with the California State PTA and the National PTA. Dad’s Club Welcome Back ICE CREAM SOCIAL Friday Oct. 12th 2:45 Next to the Garden ! Everyone Is Invited! kids, parents, siblings, teachers and staff ! Skyline and Solana Vista Elementary Schools *FAMILY NIGHT OUT* Thursday, 10/25 5-9 pm !"#$%&'!()*'+,'-./'012'' 23'4-"56'#3.6&'734'384'59:33%5;' California Pizza Kitchen Solana Beach 437 S. Highway 101 .com > supports Solana Vista and Skyline Welcome to Solana Vista and Skyline Elementary! Families play a big role in the success of our schools. Help the Solana Beach PTA make a difference by participating in the eScrip Program. Register once, buy groceries at VONS, and eScrip donates a percentage of every purchase to our schools! Sign up today! Use the form below and send it back to school with your student. Hey Parents! Support your school simply by buying groceries. It’s easy, just sign up your VONS card with eScrip one time and we’ll take care of the rest! Vons or Safeway Card #: __________________________________________ Don’t know your Card #? Call VONS at 1-877-723-3929 to retrieve. Group Name: Solana Beach PTA Group ID#: 137605534 First Name: ________________ Last Name: __________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ City: ______________________ State: _______ Zip Code: ______________ Phone #: ___________________ Email: ______________________________ Please return this form to the front office for the PTA Mailbox: Attn: Angela Hill (angela@incitrio.com ) and Lee Parnell (leeandrob@yahoo.com). Thanks! BOXTOPS FOR EDUCATION Attach (staple, tape or glue) one “BOXTOP FOR EDUCATION” coupon in each box. Fill up the sheet (25 BOXTOPS) and earn a kids cup of Gelato from Caffe La Bocca! Dropped the filled sheet into the ‘BOXTOPS FOR EDUCATION’ collection box in the office. Logon to: www.btfe.com for more information IMPORTANT—YOU MUST FILL IN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION STUDENT NAME: ____________________________________________________________________ TEACHER: ____________________________________________________________________ ATTACH ANY SIZE BOXTOP FOR EDUCATION COUPON Caffe La Bocca ATTACH ANY SIZE BOXTOP FOR EDUCATION COUPON ATTACH ANY SIZE BOXTOP FOR EDUCATION COUPON ATTACH ANY SIZE BOXTOP FOR EDUCATION COUPON ATTACH ANY SIZE BOXTOP FOR EDUCATION COUPON ATTACH ANY SIZE BOXTOP FOR EDUCATION COUPON ATTACH ANY SIZE BOXTOP FOR EDUCATION COUPON SOLANA VISTA SCHOOL—SB PTA QUESTIONS FOR MOR INFORMATION: Stacey Ward 619-743-1039 mailto:Stacey2@roadrunner.com SOLANA BEACH SCHOOL DISTRICT SOLANA VISTA SCHOOL English Learner Advisory Committee TO: All Parents, Staff and Community Members You are invited to attend our next ELAC meeting. We will discuss important school topics that address the needs of our families. DATE: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 TIME: 6:00 – 7:00 PM PLACE: Solana Vista School Media Center Proposed Agenda I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Minutes Community Programs/Resources: Migrant Education (Trino Sandoval) California English Language Development Test (CELDT): Results Parent-Teacher Conferences (Oct. 29 – Nov. 2): How to prepare Site Strategic Action Plan: Goals Halloween Carnival Technology: email Wednesday envelope/public announcements (Parent Education Workshops: Dr. Beatriz Villareal) Adjournment & Date of next meeting COME JOIN US FOR THIS PARENT INVOLVEMENT OPPORTUNITY! WE’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mpower your child with Play it Safe Monday, October 29 12:05-2:15 Cost: $20.00 in the KIVA Play It Safe for children is a fun, interactive, age-appropriate method that teaches students to respond appropriately to unique challenges they must face such as dealing with bullies, “mean” kids, stranger awareness and abduction defense. Play It Safe is based on a simple but effective step-by-step approach where students practice their techniques against trained instructors in age-appropriate scenarios. This empowering class teaches children to be aware of their surroundings, project confidence, trust their intuition and set boundaries. This can only come from hands-on repetitive training. Students will role-play with a mock “would be abductor” and a mock “bully,” while being coached by an instructor. This class has been taught to thousands of children. Each child will receive an “Awareness” certificate and scouts will earn their “Awareness” patch. Parents will be given an informational supplement of safety material. Solana Vista After-School Enrichment Solana Beach Child Development Center Registration Form Mail form with payment to: Solana Beach CDC, 309 N. Rios Ave., Solana Beach 92075 or drop off at the Solana Vista School office Please fill out the registration form on the front and back of this registration form. Please fill out a separate registration form for each student. Child's Name: Address: Mother's Name: Address: Home Phone: Father's Name: Address: Home Phone: Grade: Rm. Sex: Drivers License #: Work Phone: Cellular: Drivers License #: Work Phone: Cellular: The following people are emergency contacts and are authorized to pick up my child: Name Relationship Drivers License Phone ! ! ! ! My child will attend Club CDC after enrichment My child will walk home after enrichment My child will be picked up by an authorized contact listed above My child is a current Girl Scout or Boy Scout PAYMENT OPTIONS (Note: Registration will not be accepted without a method of payment indicated) ! Check #: ________________________________ ! Credit Card Authorization ! Visa !MasterCard ! Discover Cardholder Name: Account #: Parent Signature: Expiration Date: Date: I hereby give consent to the Solana Beach Child Development Center to provide all emergency dental, or medical care prescribed by a duly licensed medical care provider at our expense. This care may be given under whatever conditions are necessary to preserve the life, limb, or well being of my dependent. I release the Solana Beach Child Development Center and the Solana Beach School District from any liability that may occur from participation in class. Allergies: Parent Signature Date For more information call the Solana Beach Child Development Center at (858) 794-7160. Solana Beach Child Development Center After-School Enrichment Program The Solana Beach Child Development Center’s After-School Enrichment Program classes are open to all students in the Solana Beach School District. Priority is given to the students of their home school. However, students may enroll in an enrichment class at a school other than their own if space is available. Enrichment Calendar: • Eight week, Fall, Winter, and Spring sessions are available. • Classes are not held parent conference weeks, school holidays, and all days school is not in session. (Solana Pacific does not hold classes the week of sixth grade camp). • Adhere to the Enrichment Calendar for exact dates. Registration and Fees: • Signed registration forms and attached fees can be mailed to the SBCDC Office or dropped off at your child’s school by the deadline. • Class fees can be paid by check (made out to SBCDC) or by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover). • A separate check for each class is required. • There is a $50.00 return check fee. • No, refunds, unless a class has been canceled due to low enrollment. • If a class has been canceled due to low enrollment, your check will be shredded. • Materials and supplies are included in the fee. • Class confirmations will be emailed to you with the room location. • Limited scholarships are available on a first come first served basis. A copy of your approved free and reduced lunch letter for the current school year needs to be attached to qualify. • Classes will not be pro-rated if enrolling after the class’s start date. Other Information: • Students must respect the property of the school, class, and the instructor. The student is expected to follow school rules and exhibit good behavior. The student will be dropped from the class if a discipline problem develops. Refunds will not be issued. • Call the SBCDC Office if your child will be absent from class. • Students are not escorted to the classes. However, CDC does check to make sure all students have arrived to their class. • Students will be dismissed according to their registration form. • Students must be picked up immediately at class dismissal time at the classroom. Children not picked up by class dismissal time will be signed in to the CDC Room and all applicable fees will be applied. Solana Vista 2012-2013 Yearbook Pre-Order Form *Price will increase to $25.00 after January 31st, 2013* Reserve your full-color copy of the school yearbook today! Complete the preorder slip below and return it with your payment of $20.00 per yearbook by Friday, Jan 31st, 2013. Cash and/or checks are acceptable. Checks can be made payable to the “Solana Beach School District.” Thank you for your order! Student(s) Full Name: ______________________________________ Teacher: _______________________________ Grade:__________ Books Ordered: ____ x ($20.00 per yearbook) = Total: $ __________ Payment by Cash ______ Payment by Check ______ !!!!!!!"#$"%&'!()!$*&!+,'-&)!,$!! $*&!#&)$&'!."'!,!*&,/$*0!/(.&1$0/&! ³7KHJDUGHQLQJFODVVHVDWWKH&HQWHUIRUKHDOWK\/LIHVW\OHDUHDWUXHKLGGHQJHPLQ1RUWK&RXQW\!"#!$%&'()*+! DQGKHUIULHQGVDEVROXWHO\ORYHWKHFODVVHVDQGORRNIRUZDUGWRWKHPHYHU\ZHHN´! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1223! 45!! 1223! +6732898:! KĐƚ͘ϴ͕ϭϱ͕ϮϮĂŶĚϮϵΎ! ϯ͗ϯϬ"ϰ͗ϯϬƉŵ͘! Ύ,ĂƵŶƚĞĚ,ĂďŝƚĂƚƉĂƌƚLJ͊! ! 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