FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. A Publication of the Marketing and Public Relations Department TABLE OF CONTENTS Background............................................. 3 Grammar ................................................ 4 Abbreviations and Acronyms ............... 4 Capitalization.......................................5 Punctuation............................................. 6 Apostrophe.......................................... 6 Comma................................................ 8 Dash.................................................... 9 Ellipsis................................................ 10 Hyphen................................................ 10 Period.................................................. 12 Quotation Marks.................................. 12 Semicolon............................................ 14 Style........................................................ 15 Poster Templates......................................24 Notes....................................................... 26 BACKGROUND For all other style issues, refer to the AP Stylebook. The Christian Writer’s Manual of Style and The Little Style Guide to Great Christian Writing and Publishing should be used to address religious or Christian terminology. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN This style guide is to be used for all First Baptist Church of Glenarden publications (i.e., Sunday bulletins, newsletters, magazines, posters, etc.). Please note that this document provides a quick reference to address some of the most commonly used terminology and mistakes. This guide is broken into three categories: grammar, punctuation and style. 3 Grammar Abbreviations and Acronyms In general, avoid alphabet soup. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms that the reader would not quickly recognize. BEFORE A NAME: Abbreviate titles used before a full name (Dr., Gov., Lt. Gov., Sen.). *Exception: Write out church titles Deacon, Deaconess, Minister and Reverend. (NOT Dea., Dcn., Min. or Rev.) FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN AFTER A NAME: Abbreviate junior or senior after an individual’s name: Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Note: no comma). Abbreviate company, corporation, incorporated and limited when used after the name of a corporate entity. 4 In some cases, an academic degree may be abbreviated after an individual’s name. Use such abbreviations as B.A., M.A., LL.D., Ph.D., D.Div., Th.D. and M.Div only after a full name — never just a last name. SECOND REFERENCE: Do NOT follow an organization’s full name with an abbreviation or acronym in parentheses or set off by dashes. If an abbreviation or acronym is not clear on second reference without this arrangement do not use it: First Baptist Church of Glenarden; NOT First Baptist Church of Glenarden (FBCG). Capitalization In general, avoid unnecessary capitalization. Use a capital letter only if you can justify it by one of the principles listed here. PROPER NOUNS: Capitalize nouns that constitute the unique identification for a specific person, place or thing: John, Mary, America, Annapolis, England, Church Development Symposium. PROPER NAMES: Capitalize common names such as ministry, party, river, street and west when they are an integral part of the full name for a person, place or thing: Democratic Party, Potomac River, Fleet Street, West Virginia, Dorcas Ministry. Lowercase these common nouns when they stand alone in subsequent references: the party, the river, the street, the ministry. Lowercase the common noun elements of names in all plural uses: Agape and Dorcas ministries, Worship and Ministry centers, the Democratic and Republican parties, Main and State streets, lakes Erie and Ontario. COMPOSITION TITLES: Apply the guidelines listed here to the titles of books, computer games, movies, operas, plays, poems, albums & songs, radio & television programs, speeches & works of art. -Captialize the principal words, including prepositions and conjunctions of four or more letters: “The Catcher and the Rye,” “Gone With the Wind.” -Capitalize an article – the, a, an – or words of fewer than four letters if it is the first or last word in a title. -Put quotation marks around the names of all such works except the Bible and books that are primarily catalogs of reference material. In addition to catalogs, this category also includes almanacs, directories, dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks and similar publications. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN DERIVATIVES: Capitalize words that are derived from a proper noun and still depend on it for their meaning: American, Christian, Christianity, English, French, Marxism, Shakespearean. 5 TITLES: Capitalize formal titles when used immediately before a name. Lowercase formal titles when used alone or in constructions that set them off from a name by commas. Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.; Church Administrator Stanley Featherstone; John K. Jenkins Sr., the pastor; Stanley Featherstone, the church administrator; Reverend Dr. Johnny Parker; Elder Frank Walton, chairman of the Deacon Ministry; William Gentry, deacon; Julius Brown, president of the Good Samaritan Ministry; Vivian Leigh, secretary of the Star Ministry; Secretary Vivian Leigh, Star Ministry; President Julius Brown, Good Samaritan Ministry. Punctuation Apostrophe (’) (Plurals, Possessives) Plurals FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN FIGURES: Add s (no apostrophe): The custom began in the 1920s. The airline has 727s. Temperatures will be in the low 20s. There were five size 7s. ‘90s NOT ‘90’s; 1990s NOT 1990’s 6 SINGLE LETTERS: Use ’s: Mind your p’s and q’s. He learned the three R’s and brought home a report card with four A’s and two B’s. The Oakland A’s won the pennant. MULTIPLE LETTERS: Add s: She knows her ABCs. I gave him five IOUs. Four VIPs were there. Possessives PLURAL NOUNS NOT ENDING IN S: Add ’s: the alumni’s contributions, men and women’s joint fellowship, women’s rights. PLURAL NOUNS ENDING IN S: Add only an apostrophe: the churches’ needs, the girls’ toys, the horses’ food, the ships’ wake, states’ rights, the VIPs’ entrance. NOUNS PLURAL IN FORM, SINGULAR IN MEANING: Add only an apostrophe: mathematics’ rules, measles’ effects. Apply the same principle when a plural word occurs in the formal name of a singular entity: General Motors’ profits, the United States’ wealth, Cub & Tiger Scouts’ troop, Life Builders’ meeting, Prosperity Partners’ training, Global Missions’ outreach, Senior Ushers’ fellowship. NOUNS THE SAME IN SINGULAR AND PLURAL: Treat them the same as plurals, even if the meaning is singular: one corps’ location, the two deer’s tracks, the lone moose’s antlers. SINGULAR NOUNS NOT ENDING IN S: Add ’s: the church’s needs, the girl’s toys, the horse’s food, the ship’s route, the VIP’s seat. SINGULAR COMMON NOUNS ENDING IN S: Add ’s unless the next word begins with s: the hostess’s invitation, the hostess’ seat; the witness’s answer, the witness’ story. SINGULAR PROPER NAMES ENDING IN S: Use only an apostrophe: Jesus’ life, Pastor Jenkins’ sermons, Moses’ law, Achilles’ heel, Agnes’ book, Dickens’ novels, Kansas’ schools, Socrates’ life, Tennessee Williams’ plays, Xerxes’ armies. JOINT POSSESSION, INDIVIDUAL POSSESSION: Use a possessive form after only the last word if ownership is joint: Fred and Sylvia’s home, Fred and Sylvia’s ministry , GMCHC & FBCG’s joint revival. DESCRIPTIVE PHRASES: Do not add an apostrophe to a word ending in s when it is used primarily in a descriptive sense: a writers guide, a Washington Redskins jersey, the Wizards playbook. An ’s is required, however, when a term involves a plural word that does not end in s: the Women’s Ministry, the Men’s Ministry, the Children’s Institute, the Children’s Ministry. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN SPECIAL EXPRESSIONS: The following exceptions to the general rule for words not ending in s apply to words that end in an s sound and are followed by a word that begins with s: for appearance’ sake, for conscience’ sake, for goodness’ sake. Use ’s otherwise: the appearance’s cost, my conscience’s voice. 7 Comma (,) The following guidelines treat some of the most frequently asked questions about the use of commas. IN A SERIES: Use commas to separate elements in a series, but do not put a comma before the conjunction in a simple series: The flag is red, white and blue. He would nominate Tom, Dick or Harry. At the church picnic, we had hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken and an array of side dishes. Put a comma before the concluding conjunction in a series, however, if an integral element of the series requires a conjunction: I had orange juice, toast, and ham and eggs for breakfast. Use a comma also before the concluding conjunction in a complex series of phrases: The main points to consider are whether the ministries are engaged in outreach, whether their members are participating, and whether they are of benefit to the community. WITH INTRODUCTORY CLAUSES AND PHRASES: A comma is used to separate an introductory clause or phrase from the main clause: When it became too hard to find a seat at the 10 a.m. service, he switched to the noon service. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN The comma may be omitted after short introductory phrases if no ambiguity would result: During the night he heard many noises. 8 BEFORE ATTRIBUTION: Use a comma instead of a period at the end of a quote that is followed by attribution: “I read the Bible every night before going to sleep,” Tina Cawley said. Do not use a comma, however, if the quoted statement ends with a question mark or exclamation point: “Why should I?” he asked. NAMES OF STATES AND NATIONS USED WITH CITY NAMES: The missions team will travel from Trelawny, Jamaica, to Miami, Fla., and then to Washington, D.C. The Selma, Ala., group saw the governor. WITH YES AND NO: Yes, I will attend the ministry outreach. PLACEMENT WITH QUOTES: Commas always go inside quotation marks: “The church’s annual picnic will be held at Watkins Park on July 25,” said Betty Riley. WITH FULL DATES: When a phrase refers to a month, day and year, set off the year with a comma: More than 20 people responded to the altar call on Jan. 31, 2012, during Bible study. Dash (–) Follow these guidelines: ABRUPT CHANGE: Use dashes to denote an abrupt change in thought in a sentence or an emphatic pause: We will fly to Paris in June — if I get a raise. Smith offered a plan — it was unprecedented — to raise awareness. ATTRIBUTION: Use a dash before an author’s or composer’s name at the end of a quotation: “Who steals my purse steals trash.” — Shakespeare. IN LISTS: Dashes should be used to introduce individual sections of a list. Capitalize the first word following the dash. Use periods, not semicolons, at the end of each section, whether it is a full sentence or a phrase. Example: Jones gave the following reasons: — He never ordered the package. — If he did, it didn’t come. — If it did, he sent it back. WITH SPACES: Put a space on both sides of a dash in all uses except the start of a paragraph. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN SERIES WITHIN A PHRASE: When a phrase that otherwise would be set off by commas contains a series of words that must be separated by commas, use dashes to set off the full phrase: He listed the qualities — intelligence, humor, conservatism, independence — that he liked in a leader. 9 Ellipsis ( … ) In general, treat an ellipsis as a three-letter word, constructed with three periods and two spaces, as shown here. Use an ellipsis to indicate the deletion of one or more words in condensing quotes, texts and documents. Be especially careful to avoid deletions that would distort the meaning. PUNCTUATION GUIDELINES: If the words that precede an ellipsis constitute a grammatically complete sentence, either in the original or in the condensation, place a period at the end of the last word before the ellipsis. Follow it with a regular space and an ellipsis: I no longer have a strong enough political base. … When the grammatical sense calls for a question mark, exclamation point, comma or colon, the sequence is word, punctuation mark, regular space, ellipsis: Will you come? … FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN When material is deleted at the end of one paragraph and at the beginning of the one that follows, place an ellipsis in both locations. 10 QUOTATIONS: In writing a story, do not use ellipses at the beginning and end of direct quotes: “I will always love you.” NOT “... I will always love you ...” Hyphen (-) Hyphens are joiners. Use them to avoid ambiguity or to form a single idea from two or more words. AVOID AMBIGUITY: Use a hyphen whenever ambiguity would result if it were omitted: The pastor re-covered the Communion tray. He recovered his health. COMPOUND MODIFIERS: When a compound modifier — two or more words that express a single concept — precedes a noun, use hyphens to link all the words in the compound except the adverb very and all adverbs that end in –ly: a first-quarter touchdown, a bluish-green dress, a full-time job, a well-known man, a better-qualified woman, a know-it-all attitude, a very good time, an easily remembered rule. TWO-THOUGHT COMPOUNDS: serio-comic, socio-economic. COMPOUND PROPER NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES: Use a hyphen to designate dual heritage: Italian-American, MexicanAmerican. African-American is acceptable to hyphenate as an adjective, even though it does not signify dual heritage. For example: There were only 50 African-American people on the cruise ship. We are African Americans. AVOID DUPLICATED VOWELS, TRIPLED CONSONANTS: anti-intellectual, pre-empt, shell-like. PREFIXES: Generally do not hyphenate when using a prefix with a word starting with a consonant. Except for cooperate and coordinate, use a hyphen if the prefix ends in a vowel and the word that follows begins with the same vowel. Use a hyphen if the word that follows is capitalized. Use a hyphen to join double prefixes: sub-subparagraph. WITH NUMERALS: When large numbers must be spelled out, use a hyphen to connect a word ending in –y to another word: twenty-one, fifty-five, etc. SUSPENSIVE HYPHENATION: The form: He received a gift certificate that can be used over the next 6- to 8-months at the FBCG Media Center. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN Three rules are constant, although they yield some exceptions to first-listed spellings in Webster’s New World College Dictionary: 11 Period (.) Use one space after a period to separate sentences. Periods always go inside quotation marks. Quotation Marks (“ ”) If a full paragraph of quoted material is followed by a paragraph that continues the quotation, do not put close-quote marks at the end of the first paragraph. Do, however, put open-quote marks at the start of the second paragraph. Continue in this fashion for any succeeding paragraphs, using close-quote marks only at the end of the quoted material. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN If a paragraph does not start with quotation marks but ends with a quotation that is continued in the next paragraph, do not use close-quote marks at the end of the introductory paragraph if the quoted material constitutes a full sentence. For example: 12 Kirk Daley said trying to sit in the sanctuary at the Landover building was a challenge. “You had to arrive at least 30- to 40-minutes before service began and then worry about finding parking. “You could also park at an off-site location and catch a shuttle bus to the church. But once inside the old building, you still had to stand in line to secure a seat in the main sanctuary.” Use close-quote marks, however, if the quoted material does not constitute a full sentence. For example: Kirk Daley said trying to sit in the sanctuary at the Landover building was a challenge. He said you had to arrive at least “30- to 40-minutes before service began and then worry about finding parking.” “You could also park at an off-site location and catch a shuttle bus to the church. But once inside the old building, you still had to stand in line to secure a seat in the main sanctuary,” he said. UNFAMILIAR TERMS: A word or words being introduced to readers may be placed in quotation marks on first reference. PLACEMENT WITH OTHER PUNCTUATION: Follow these longestablished printers’ rules: The period and comma always go within the quotation marks. o “I will always love you,” said Billy Freedman.; He said, “It’s time for me to go home.” FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN The dash, semicolon, the question mark and the exclamation point go within the quotation marks when they apply to the quoted matter only. They go outside when they apply to the whole sentence. o “Help me!” she cried.; What are you going to do when James says, “I don’t know”? 13 Semicolon (;) In general, use the semicolon to indicate a greater separation of thought and information than a comma can convey but less than the separation that a period implies. TO CLARIFY A SERIES: Use semicolons to separate elements of a series when the items in the series are long or when individual segments contain material that also must be set off by commas: He is survived by a son, John Smith, of Chicago; three daughters, Jane Smith, of Wichita, Kan., Mary Smith, of Denver, and Susan Smith, of Boston; and a sister, Martha, of Omaha, Neb. Note that the semicolon is used before and after the final and in such a series. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN TO LINK INDEPENDENT CLAUSES: Use semicolons when a coordinating conjunction such as and, but or for is not present: The package was due last week; it arrived today. 14 If a coordinating conjunction is present, use a semicolon before it only if extensive punctuation also is required in one or more of the individual clauses: They pulled their boats from the water, sandbagged the retaining walls, and boarded up the windows; but even with these precautions, the island was hard-hit by the hurricane. Unless a particular literary effect is desired, however, the better approach in these circumstances is to break the independent clauses into separate sentences. PLACEMENT WITH QUOTES: Place semicolons outside quotation marks. of Church Baptist istry First Min en’s Issue 2 Wom me 6, 0 Volu 201 mer Sum n arde Glen men By Wo VISIKON ids men for Wo FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN VOLUME 1/ISSUE 2 201 1 BER CEM /DE BER NOVEM ace Gr Ages 5-12 zine Maga MARCH/APRIL 2011 Fina ncia lly Free Sum me S E 14/ ISSUE VOLUM CH OF GLE NARD EN spend “Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed shaken together, and running will be put into yourdown, over bosom. For with the same measure it will be measured back to you” (Luke 6:38).that you use, ted Uni tithe CHUR isters TIST ing ps ple. ract hi Inte tions y see peo Girls r Rela or, the col Sistedon’t see ren? They Child My en ol With Childr Scho No t to Do ivities for r Act Wha BAP n iew Interv Pearso Geneva save FIRST Style give t e Ou Insid the Kitchen r om ty Fr es in You ion Beau Remedi ansitJordan and Beauty of Tr ons h Brenda Seas s Wit ION 6 Faithful VIS AGES: Always use figures. The girl is 15 years old; the law is 8 years old; the 101-year-old house. When the context does not require years or years old, the figure is presumed to be years. Use hyphens for ages expressed as adjectives before a noun or as a substitute for a noun. Examples: A 5-year-old boy, but the boy is 5 years old. The boy, 7, has a sister, 10. The woman, 26, has a daughter 2 months old. The race is for 3-year-olds (this instance, hyphens indicate substitution for a noun). The woman is in her 30s. ALPHABETIZING: When listing names in a document, alphabetize by last name. Lowercase biblical in all cases. Lowercase bible as a non-religious term: My dictionary is my bible. Do not abbreviate individual books of the Bible. Names of the books of the Bible are generally spelled out when the reference appears in running text or when the book alone is referred to. (If references are numerous, then an abbreviated reference closed in parentheses and separated by semicolons is allowed.) Example: The Bible teaches that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). We are not to fear, but wait and trust in the Lord (Isa. 41:10; Ps. 27:14). FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN BIBLE: Capitalize, without quotation marks, when referring to the Scriptures in the Old Testament or the New Testament. Capitalize also related terms such as the Gospels, the Scriptures, the Holy Scriptures. 15 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN Old Testament 16 TITLE/ABBREVIATION Proverbs/Prov. Genesis/ Gen. Ecclesiastes/Eccl. Exodus/Ex. Song of Solomon/no abbreviation Leviticus/Lev. Isaiah/Isa. Numbers/Num. Jeremiah/Jer. Deuteronomy/Deut. Lamentations/Lam. Joshua/Josh. Ezekial/Ezek. Judges/Judg. Daniel/Dan. Ruth/no abbreviation Hosea/Hos. 1 Samuel/1 Sam. Joel/no abbreviation 2 Samuel/2 Sam. Amos/no abbreviation 1 Kings/no abbreviation Obadiah/Obad. 2 Kings/no abbreviation Jonah/no abbreviation 1 Chronicles/1 Chron. Micah/Mic. 2 Chronicles/2 Chron. Nahum/Nah. Ezra/no abbreviation Habakkuk/Hab. Nehemiah/Neh. Zephaniah/Zeph. Esther/Est. Haggai/Hag. Job/no abbreviation Zechariah/Zech. Psalm(s)/Ps. (Pss.) Malachi/Mal. TITLE/ABBREVIATION 2 Thessalonians/2 Thess. Matthew/Matt. 1 Timothy/1 Tim. Mark/no abbreviation 2 Timothy/2 Tim. Luke/no abbreviation Titus/no abbreviation John/no abbreviation Philemon/Philem. Acts/no abbreviation Hebrews/Heb. Romans/Rom. James/no abbreviation 1 Corinthians/1 Cor. 1 Peter/no abbreviation 2 Corinthians/2 Cor. 2 Peter/no abbreviation Galatians/Gal. 1 John/no abbreviation Ephesians/Eph. 2 John/no abbreviation Philippians/Phil. 3 John/no abbreviation Colossians/Col. Jude/no abbreviation 1 Thessalonians/1 Thess. Revelation/Rev. CITING SCRIPTURE IN TEXT: Place the Scripture reference in parentheses between the closing quotation marks and the period. Jesus replied, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:29). FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN New Testament 17 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN COMMONLY USED 18 501(c)(3) apostle Peter Bible school Bible study biblical blood of Christ cellphone Commandments, the Communion service Crucifixion, the crucifixion of Christ deacon (but Deacon Smith) deaconess (but Deaconess Jones; plural - deaconesses) devil, a Devil, the (Satan) disciple(s) Disciples of Christ email garden of Gethsemane gospel of Matthew godly God’s Word (Bible) God’s word (promise) Good Friday Gospels, the grace hallelujah heaven heavenly Father hell Holy of Holies Holy Spirit Internet John the Baptist Judgment Day Kingdom, the kingdom of God King of kings living God Lord’s Day, the Lord’s Prayer, the megachurch MERGE psalm, a Psalm 41, Psalm 91, Psalm 150 psalmist, the Psalms, the Resurrection Sunday Romans Road (no possessive) Savior Scripture(s) scriptural SHABACH! smartphone son of David (Jesus) Son of God (Jesus) son of man (Ezekiel) Son of Man (Jesus) Sunday school Ten Commandments (but the fifth commandment) Vacation Bible School (VBS) website, webcam, webcast, webmaster Web page, Web feed, the Web will of God Word, the Word of God (the Bible) word of God (his statement or promise) worshiped, worshiping, worshiper (one “p” is preferred) FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN WORDS/PHRASES 19 CHURCH CONTACT INFO: DAYB REAK A News letter And A Mess of the He sai d, “Le t Me go Healing for the Tr day bre ansition aks.” But he s and Be Genes said, “I will reavem is 32:26 en not let You go t Minis try unless You ble (HTB) ss me !” Turning age from the and Re turning—Director The Wa When y to Co I mplete talk aboget togeth Whole er wit ut our ness little experi h family, hou enc we back a se on De voy Str es growing love to up in Memp page in me eet. “reme the It's his mory. mber and rem , we like fallen the hei And wh like turnin to ” backya inisce abo visit the old en we're in g faith, and return ght from wh ut hope shoppi rd, about Ma playing in neighborh and lov to our origin ich we hav e ng ood al pla e. always downtown ma returningthe In tha ce of t chores brought and with the tre home fro are car place of FAI m don TH, we ed abo ats for e at ut she these for us are not the last minrushing to will sup and that the know tha they're place, get our about ply one wh t we ute all . founda about reconn trying to rel Moments and we anxiety abo our needs. o cares like ut the tions. not hav know that They're ecting with ive the pas future In that t; our pre is our about We als with Go e to be our sent sta dispelled being o per d, all whole the Ne tend to thi things manent sta te does . w Yea nk abo are pos te. 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Je nkins, Sr., Pa stor DATES/MONTHS: Use commas around the year when it follows a specific date; do not use commas around the year when it is used with the month or season alone. Always use Arabic figures without st, nd, rd or th: example Jan. 2 (not Jan. 2nd) was the coldest day of the month. The Agape Ministry agreed that Feb. 24, 2012, would be the next meeting date. The annual report was released in February 2012 to rave reviews. lth & ups and th gro ting, h you of fas ing a of bot aning ced dur vides ers me rifi pro Memb sed the en sac food order oft how ded in rn to discus d is sed lea nee foo for all. why We discus , and is fast we energy ily fun are a fam fast. h energy during vides our youth do you h the us wit vive, but truly pro me of the en they ss wit what you o fitne oy e. to sur on wh God. So yed wh d that tinu make you enj pra rne con focus ngth, s and ause th lea omery When likely to stre e. 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Din Ja nu r? ance ain D uaR Note: Abbreviate only Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec. when a month is used with a specific date — spell out when using alone or with a year alone. G FBC den naarrd len off G ho , Sr. urrcch hu nk ins Ch st C K. Je ry pttiist p t Baap inist stor John Fiirrss ce M F Pa Dan ITALICS: Use italics for prayers, unspoken thoughts, newspapers, magazines and reference books. Avoid overusing italics for emphasis. * Enclose italicized text of Scriptures with quotation marks. Italicize the following: Newspapers – The New York Times, The Washington Post Reference books – Webster’s New College Dictionary, Strong’s Concordance Magazines – Vision, Gospel Today, Grace, Ebony LINE BREAKS: Carefully check line breaks in each paragraph. Allow no more than two consecutive lines to break with hyphens. If a line break occurs in the middle of a person’s name, do not hyphenate the name. Rewrap the text instead. If a middle initial is used, place the initial on the top line. NUMBERED ADDRESSES: Abbreviate avenue, boulevard and street in numbered addresses: He lives on Pennsylvania Avenue. He lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NUMERALS: Use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, …), unless Roman numerals (I, II, III, …) are specifically required. REFERENCE: On first reference, use full name and title. On second mention, use last name only. Example: Use Detective John Brown first and Brown second. Exception: Use Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. first and Pastor second. Use First Lady Trina Jenkins first and First Lady second. 2nd Exception: (church titles) Use Bishop T.D. Jakes first and Bishop Jakes second. Exception: In stories involving youth, refer to them by first name on second reference if they are 17 or younger and by their last name if they are 18 or older. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN Spell out one through nine, start using figures with number 10 and above. 21 Please note that when using a suffix (i.e., Sr., Jr., I, II or III) with a name, do not place a comma before it: Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.; John Marshall III; Melvin Johnson Jr. STATE NAMES: Spell out the names of the 50 U.S. states when they stand alone in textual material. Any state name may be condensed, however, to fit typographical requirements for tabular material. No abbreviation: The names of eight states are never abbreviated in datelines or text: Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Ohio, Texas and Utah. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN Following are the state abbreviations, which also appear in the entries for each state (postal code abbreviations in parentheses): 22 Ala. (AL) Ariz. (AZ) Ark. (AR) Calif. (CA) Colo. (CO) Conn. (CT) Del. (DE) Fla. (FL) Ga. (GA) Ill. (IL) Ind. (IN) Kan. (KS) Ky. (KY) La. (LA) Md. (MD) Mass. (MA) Mich. (MI) Minn. (MN) Miss. (MS) Mo. (MO) Mont. (MT) Neb. (NE) Nev. (NV) N.H. (NH) N.J. (NJ) N.M. (NM) N.Y. (NY) N.C. (NC) N.D. (ND) Okla. (OK) Ore. (OR) Pa. (PA) R.I. (RI) S.C. (SC) S.D. (SD) Tenn. (TN) Vt. (VT) Va. (VA) Wash. (WA) W. Va. (WV) Wis. (WI) Wyo. (WY) These are the postal code abbreviations for the eight states that are not abbreviated in datelines or text: AK (Alaska), HI (Hawaii), ID (Idaho), IA (Iowa), ME (Maine), OH (Ohio), TX (Texas), UT (Utah). Also: District of Columbia (DC). Use the two-letter Postal Service abbreviations only with full addresses, including ZIP code. Punctuation – Place one comma between the city and the state name, and another comma after the state name, unless ending a sentence or indicating a dateline: Our couples retreat will be held in Newport News, Va., and we will be blessed to hear from guest speakers Justin and Christina Green from Colorado Springs, Colo. The best museums are in Washington, D.C., including the National Gallery of Art. TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Use hyphens, not periods. The form: 301-773-3600; 800-111-1000. If extension numbers are needed, use a comma to separate the main number from the extension: 301-773-3600, ext. 600. TIMES: Use figures except for noon and midnight. Use a colon to separate hours from minutes. When the time falls directly on the hour, there is no need to display the minutes: 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 3:30 p.m. FBCG service times: 8 a.m., 10 a.m., noon and 6:30 p.m. Start and end times: 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; 2:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN DO NOT display times as: 9:00 a.m., 10:00 AM, 11:00 am or 12noon 23 Poster Poster Templates In this section, you will find two poster templates. Please note that these templates serve as a general guide and can be customized to fit the needs of your ministry. If your ministry has annual or quarterly events, a poster can be developed with velcro inserts. The poster should include all constant information (i.e., name of ministry, event, church contact info) and the velcro insert will highlight variable items (i.e., date, time). This can prove to be more cost-effective than reprinting a new poster each year for recurring events. Posters with velcro inserts provide an excellent opportunity to brand an annual event to your ministry. With that in mind, the overall design should be something that lasts for several years. Poster Template #1 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN First Baptist Church of Glenarden Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. 24 Ministry Name Event Title & Graphics Guest Speaker/Preacher, if applicable Date (ex. Saturday, Nov. 8, 2012) Time (ex. 7 p.m.) Ministry Center 3600 Brightseat Road Landover, MD 20785 301-773-3600 Email: Poster Template #2 Event Title & Graphics Date (ex., Saturday, Dec. 17, 2012) Time (ex., 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.) Guest Speaker/Preacher, if applicable First Baptist Church of Glenarden Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. Worship Center 600 Watkins Park Drive Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 301-773-3600 Email: velcro insert WHEN: JulyWHERE: 21, 2012 First Baptist Church Of Glenarden WHERE: Worship Center First 600 Baptist Church Of Drive Glenarden Watkins Park Center Upper Worship Marlboro, MD 20774 600 Watkins Park Drive Upper Marlboro, TIME: MD 20774 1-3 P.M. TIME: Helps Helps April 21, 2012 Don’t just be a Sunday Worshiper. Get Plugged In! 1-3 P.M. Light Refreshments Will Be Served. For More Information, Phone 301-773-3600 Join us for the Connections Light Refreshments Will Be Served. or E-mail: For More Information, Phone 301-773-3600 Fellowship or E-mail: to learn how you can Ministry “Get Connected, Be Connected, Stay Connected.” Fa m ily L ife M CO WHEN: April 21, 2012 M S ON TI ICA UN WHERE: EDU C TRAATION ININ G & First Baptist Church Of Glenarden Worship Center 600 Watkins Park Drive Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 Helps MUSIC & ARTS TIME: 1-3 p.m. Light Refreshments Will Be Served. For More Information, Phone 301-773-3600 or Email: MISSIONS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN WHEN: April 21, 2012 25 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN Notes 26 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GLENARDEN Notes 27 First Baptist Church of Glenarden WORSHIP CENTER 600 Watkins Park Drive Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 (mailing address) MINISTRY CENTER 3600 Brightseat Road Landover, MD 20785 301-773-3600 Church 301-341-5660 Fax Email: Stay connected with us at: (February 2012)