September 08, 2013 - St. Josaphat Parish
September 08, 2013 - St. Josaphat Parish
September 8, 2013 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Great crowds were traveling with Jesus, and he turned and addressed them, "If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple." - Luke 14:25-27 St. Josaphat Parish A church to come home to since 1883 2311 N. Southport Ave. Chic ago, IL 60614 • phone 773.327.8955 • fax 773.327.2047 2 Calendar Notes Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson: Cheryl LeeVan Sun. 9/8 SummerFest 10:00 am- Mass in the Community Park (No 12:00 pm noon Mass) Parish School Board Mon. 9/9 7:00 pm- Baptismal Preparation Class Parish Finance Council Tue. 6:30 pm- Catechist Workshop 9/10 Parish Development Council 6:30 pm- School Board Meeting Sat. 9/14 8:00 am- Women's Spirituality Sun. 9/15 7:30 pm- Concert: King Solomon's Singers We warmly welcome new parishioners: Chad & Stephanie Alvarez and family. If you are new to the neighborhood and have not yet registered, the easiest way to register is through our website at You may also fill out the form on this page and place it in the collection basket. If you are moving soon, you may also provide a change of address. President: Dan O'Donnell President: Joseph Keller Thu. 9/12 Welcome Chairperson: Kelly Abeles Dowling Directory Parish Office and Rectory 2311 N. Southport • Chicago, IL 60614 Phone.................................................773.327.8955 Fax......................................................773.327.2047 Parish School 2245 N. Southport • Chicago, IL 60614 Phone.................................................773.549.0909 Fax......................................................773.549.3127 Website................................... Parish Staff Pastor..........................Rev. Richard J. Prendergast Resident Priest................Rev. Michael A. Gabriel School Principal.................. Ms. Colleen Cannon Pastoral Associate / Dir. Religious Ed...............Ms. Mary Jane Shields Deacon ..........................................Mr. Dave Keene Music Director ....................Mr. Joseph Labozetta Development Coord........Mr. Justin Prevost-Schultz Business Manager........................... Mrs. Fran Klus Parish Office Manager............... Ms. Maria Tubay Maintenance.................................. Mr. Willie Shaw Parish Information Parishioner Registration Form Also available online at: oNew Parishioner oChange of Address oMoving Away Infant Baptism Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm, the 3rd Saturday at 11 am and the 4th Sunday at one of the weekend masses. Baptismal Preparation Class is the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 pm in the church. Please RSVP to the office. Marriage Please contact the rectory at least six months in advance of your wedding to set a date. Parish Marriage Guidelines available at: Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:15-4:45 pm or by appointment. Pastoral Counseling Services are available from Miriam Wolfe, M.A., L.P.C. at 773.517.3182, and Theresa A. Nollette, LSCW, M.Div., 312.540.0320 or e-mail Home/Hospital Visitation & Communion Calls If you would like someone to visit, please contact the parish office. Parish Registration We welcome new parishioners warmly. To join, please fill out a registration card which can be found in the back of church or at the rectory, or find the form online at Career Transition Center of Chicago Name ________________________________________________________ If you would like more information contact 312.906.9908 or visit their website www. Address _______________________________________________________ Zip Code Bulletin Deadline Telephone(s) ___________________________________________________ E-Mail ________________________________________________________ I prefer to make my donations via: o on-line giving o weekly envelopes St. Josaphat Parish Wednesday, 9:00 am. Address articles to Emergencies Call anytime (773.327.8955). From the Pastor's Desk 3 school age. Children from the parish school and Religious Education program participate in special ways (depending on their age and abilities) This past week a letter about the Hymnal Renewal Project and also host hospitality after the mass. The homily and a special envelope was mailed to every registered parish household. The same envelopes have been stuffed is directed towards the children and usually we in today’s bulletin as well. Please consider donating one or more of the new Gather hymnals in memory of will be using the special Eucharistic Prayers for a loved one, or in honor of a friend, family member of Masses with Children which have simpler language and just someone deserving of some recognition! We hope some sung refrains throughout the prayer. On Sundays to start using the new hymnals on our Parish Feast Day weekend – November 9-10. Complete information is on that are not Family Mass Sundays, the Children’s Liturgy of the Word is available at the 10:00 masses for children page 5. grades Kindergarten through 5th. On those Sundays, the Presider will invite the children forward after the Next Sunday at the 10:00 mass we have our first “Family Opening Prayer at mass, hand the children and their Mass” of the new school year. About every three weeks, Leader the gospel book for children, and give them a at the 10:00 Sunday mass, we have a Family Mass that is blessing. They will then move to the “crying room”/ directed especially at families with children of grammar side chapel for the children to hear the scripture readings at their level and do a reflection about the readings. Children return to their parents in the big church in time for the Presentation of the Gifts. Parish Mission Statement: Happy SeptemberFest weekend! I hope you are able to join in all the fun and food and music and festivities these two days! Special thanks to Katie Groff and her corps of volunteers for once again providing a great weekend of parish celebration! St. Josaphat Catholic Parish, with faith in a loving God, joyfully welcomes all who wish to come together as a community of shared faith in Jesus Christ, to give glory and praise to God. We commit to making Christ’s love apparent on our journey of faith by striving to support, comfort, forgive, challenge and inspire each other in our homes, schools, neighborhoods, community and world. We are energized through the celebration of the sacraments and the proclamation of the Gospel. Through our ongoing formation and education, outreach to those in need and hospitality to all, we come to know Christ and make Christ known. Last week President Obama announced that while he was confident he had the authority to order a limited strike against Syria because of their reported use of chemical weapons against their own citizens, he was going to consult with the Congress. Amen and thank God! I hope all of us will use these coming days to reflect on the violence in Syria and what options are available besides more violence to address the situation. As Catholics I hope we will consider the guidance of Pope Francis who has already spoken out strongly against more military action. In all the conversations, let us keep the Syrian people in our prayers that all hearts will turn from violence and find a pathway to peace. September 8, 2013 4 Scripture Reflection 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Our first reading today tells us that our plans are earthly and that no one really knows what the Lord intends for us. All of the questions in this reading can be answered with two words, “no one”. We don’t really know what the Lord intends for us. We don’t really know what heaven is like. We might have our own plans but how do we know they are what God has planned for us? We are always growing in our faith and to do that we need to have wisdom to be able to follow and know when God is leading us and when we are trying to go against God’s plan for us by following our own plan. This is not always an easy thing to do or to know. Sometimes we know we are not doing or saying the right thing but we do it anyway. So how do we get there? We pray. We pray for guidance and we pray for direction and then we listen. We listen for God to direct us down the right path. In keeping with the theme of our first reading, our gospel takes us in the same direction. Now we are given advice on how to be a disciple of Christ. This gospel message is sometimes a difficult one to hear. The word “hate” in this scripture reading really means, “to prefer less”. Jesus is trying to tell us that in order to truly follow him we have to put him first above all else. Who puts Jesus above all those whom you love? Who puts Jesus above material possessions? Who puts Jesus above money and fame? If the answer to all of these questions is the 2 words, “I do” then you are on the right track to being a disciple of Jesus. — Mary Jane Shields, DRE Prayer for Peace in Syria Rest in Peace God of Compassion, Hear the cries of the people of Syria, Bring healing to those suffering from the violence, Bring comfort to those mourning the dead, Strengthen Syria’s neighbors in their care and welcome for refugees, Convert the hearts of those who have taken up arms, And protect those committed to peace. God of Hope, Inspire leaders to choose peace over violence and to seek reconciliation with enemies, Inspire the Church around the world with compassion for the people of Syria, And give us hope for a future of peace built on justice for all. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace and Light of the World, Amen. This prayer is from Catholics Confront Global Povert, a collaborative effort of USCCB and Catholic Relief Services. St. Josaphat Parish Please pray for the repose of the soul of Richard L. Mundo, Father of John Mundo Eternal rest grant to him O Lord. Please Pray for Our Sick Parishioners & Friends Jeanne Basile, Barbara Blake, Kurt Braun, Holly Conley, Melissa Delia, Mary Lou DiNovo, Barb Duffy, Christopher Farrell, Tina Fritts, Ann Gerothanas, Joanne Gross, Patrick Hanrahan, Eddie Hussey, Patricia Ingram, Mike Jeuk, Emily Johans, Gloria Kennedy, Jeff Kusmierski, Dennis Laspesa, Theresa Lapinski, Jack Lauth, Vernon LeSage, Billie Maring, Fr. Joe Morin, CSSR, Michael Morse, Ronald Peterman, Loretta Porebski, Frank Potucek, Chester Smietana, Don Thourot, Andrew Tomaras, Neil Vander Horn, Sharon Voelz, Bertin Villagomez, Bruce Williamson. Get Well Soon! We keep names on our sick list for three weeks. To place or keep a name on our sick list, please call the rectory every three weeks to let us know that you, a loved one or friend are still in need of prayers. Please call the rectory to request a visit from one of our Ministers of Care. Parish News 5 ST. JOSAPHAT’S Examining Gun Violence in Our Community This is the anatomy of an internet gun sale: On July 2, 2013, a Reno Police Sergeant posted an advertisement for her Glock 34 handgun on and sold it to a man who had contacted her about her posting. Conklin was unaware that the gun purchaser suffers from Asperger’s syndrome and had been committed to a mental hospital in 2012 after it was determined that he was a threat to himself and others. Neither state nor federal laws require background checks for sales by non-licensed dealers. Lots of unregulated guns are available online. Because the background checks law doesn’t apply to most online sales, these websites are magnets for people who are prohibited from buying guns from licensed dealers. Today, Armslist is the nation’s largest free gun sale site on the internet offering over 67,000 guns for sale from private sellers. Many websites similar to Armslist likewise offer thousands of no-background check guns at the click of a mouse. Background checks aren’t required for internet sales and there is no incentive to request one. The internet firearms marketplace allows criminals and other prohibited purchasers easy access to guns. When there are flaws in the system, lives are put at risk. St. Josaphat is in need of your help and support After many years of use, and due to the changes in the wording of many of the prayers and responses at mass, we need to retire our red (RitualSong) hymnals and replace them with new hymnals. After exploring the variety of hymnals available for today’s worship, we have decided to purchase the Gather hymnal which contains much of our current hymnody, a good selection of new hymns, and also the Sunday scripture readings as well as the common parts of the mass. We maintain a library of 250 hymnals for our parish. We are inviting every parishioner to consider donating one or more of the new Gather hymnals in memory of a loved one, a favorite teacher or parishioners, or in honor of your family or friends. Each hymnal will have a special acknowledgement inside its front cover with the name(s) of the one(s) being remembered or honored, and the name(s) of the donor (unless you wish to remain anonymous). Your generosity and commitment to St. Josaphat is vital to our success, and your contribution toward the purchase of our new hymnals is greatly appreciated. The donation for a single hymnals is $25, the donation for 5 hymnals is $100. All donations are welcome and are tax deductible. Donations can be made by cash or check, or you may go to our online donation site, GiveCentral website, and donate through the Gather Hymnal option. Gather Hymnal donation envelopes were mailed to every registered parishioner, and are in today's bulletin bulletin and also available at the doors of church. Thank you for considering donating for this important upgrade to your liturgy. We hope to be able to order the new hymnals and have them available for use in time for our parish Feast Day weekend, November 9-10. Stewardship Offering Update Sunday Giving for September 1 In-pew collection:................ $3,914.00 Electronic giving:................. $8,692.00 Subtotal:................................. $12,606.00 Weekly Budget...................... $9,314.00 Difference:....................... $3,292.00 Homeless Outreach In the month of August, we served 1317 sandwiches, soups, snacks, and hats, gloves, and scarves to the needy who came to our door. If you would like to help feed the needy who come to our rectory door MondayFriday, please call the Rectory Office (773.327.8955) to be put on the volunteer list. September 8, 2013 6 School News We are back in full swing with the new school year. This year, we welcome eight new faculty members and two former faculty members who have returned in new roles: Ms. Emily Dolan –PK3, Ms. Lauren Thier – Kdg, Mrs. Katie Stam – 1st, Mrs. Frances Minkowski – 2nd, Ms. Theresa Yerkes – 3rd, Ms. Meghan McDermott – junior high, Ms. Emily Sangalis –Spanish, and Mr. Brian Acker – music. Former teacher, Mrs Renee Bagdon has returned at our Director of Admissions and Mrs. Meghan Waldeck will return in November as a Reading Resource teacher. We are thrilled to have all of them become part of our SJS family. The four year olds started school by creating a “Friendship Garden” outside their classroom, below. Third graders began the school year with some teambuilding activities, including the Great Marshmallow Challenge where teams had to build a spaghetti tower that would support a marshmallow, right. In science, third graders did their first lab by using their skills in observation and making a hypothesis, below right. The children built a boat out of tin foil to estimate how many pennies the boat could hold before it sank. They walked around and observed each other’s boats to make changes and try loading the boat a second time. One of the boats was able to hold 64 pennies! We are very proud of our new class of eighth graders. They are already proving to be leaders in the school. Looking ahead: This week, students in 5th grade will be traveling to Camp MacLean in Wisconsin for an outdoor education overnight. Students in 6th and 7th grades will also be overnight at Camp MacLean for beginning and advanced teambuilding. September 19 will be “Back to School” night for parents. St. Josaphat Parish St. Josaphat School 2245 N. Southport Ave., Chicago, IL 60614 phone: 773.549.0909 fax: 773.549.3127 Parish Information Raising Faith-Filled Kids • One Word at a Time Let Go When a young boy and his father went to the park, the dad struck up a conversation with other parents nearby. His son stood by his side trying to get his attention: “Dad? Dad?” The father, so attentive to the other adults, seemed oblivious to his child. Similarly, as a mom was picking up her kids from school and loading them into the minivan, her daughter told a rambling story about what happened in class that day. The mom was preoccupied until her daughter suddenly stopped and asked, “Mom, are you listening?” Listening is not always easy. The Rule of Saint Benedict calls monks to “listen with the ear of the heart.” One of the most meaningful gifts we parents can give our children is to listen—without distraction and with a listening heart. — Tom McGrath 7 St. Josaphat Women’s Spirituality Group All women are invited to join us for a morning of prayer, reflection, faith sharing, meditation, inspiration, conversation, & camaraderie. We meet one Saturday morning a month from 8 – 10 am in the Upper Room of the St. Josaphat Rectory. Enter through the red door just west of the parking lot. No reservations needed. Suggested donation is $10. Our next meetings are Sept. 14, Oct. 12, Nov. 9, Dec. 14, Jan. 11, Apr. 5, May 3, and June 7. Our Annual Lenten retreat will be on March 8, 2014. We hope you’ll save the dates and join us whenever you can. For more information or questions contact Lou Marek at Ye ar of Strong Catholic Parents The Archdiocese of Chicago in partnership with Loyola Press. For more Parenting resources: NEW Low-Gluten Hosts For some time we have been able to provide low-gluten hosts to those with wheat gluten intolerance. While we were happy to be able to provide these hosts, they were a “tougher” host than what we are used to. But recently the community of Benedictine Sisters who bake all our hosts have been able to make some great changes in the low-gluten hosts so they now look and feel like the regular hosts we are used to. Like the previous hosts, these are less than .01% gluten content per bread. They are now white in color and shaped round, like our regular hosts. If you would like to receive a low-gluten host, please notify the priest/celebrant BEFORE mass. The low-gluten hosts are consecrated and kept in a separate, small ciborium, not in contact with the regular hosts. At Communion time, please come to the priest/celebrant for Communion and he will have the small ciborium and will give you a consecrated host from that special ciborium. Join us at St. Josaphat Church on Sunday, September 15, at 7:30 pm, when King Solomon's Singers proudly present a concert devoted to the music of Heinrich Isaac, the early Renaissance master of polyphonic music. The program includes excerpts from the Missa Carminum and Choralis Constantinus; two secular motets written for patrons Emperor Maxilmilian I and Lorenzo de Medici (pictured above). Suggested donation of $20, $10 for students. September 8, 2013 8 Parish News Back To School Ladies Night Out is quickly approaching on Friday, September 13 at 7pm. This fun event is hosted by Shannon Arsenau, Elizabeth Duryea, Ana Kelly, Meredith Travers, and Lisa Steele. This is a great opportunity to catch up with friends and meet new faces at St. Josaphat! This event takes place at Lisa Steele’s home and costs $60. All proceeds benefit St. Josaphat Parish. Please RSVP to Lisa at eleets02@ Youth Group Returns on September 22! Help Needed at St. Josaphat School! The St. Josaphat Youth Group is starting up again! Any teenagers from 7th12th grade are welcome. On Sunday, September 22, we will kick off the new year with a cookout and short information meeting for all parents and children from 6-8pm. The cookout will take place behind the rectory office in the picnic area. The youth group is a great way for teenagers to share and grow their faith with other young Christians. See you all on the 22nd! Interested in working a few hours everyday in the Extended Day Program? St. Josaphat School is looking for someone to work from 3 - 6 pm every school day. If interested, you must be a college grad, hard working, dependable, and enjoy being with children. Please email Colleen Cannon at Position available immediately. Religious Education RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Are you interested in becoming a part of the Catholic Faith? In the fall we will begin a new journey in faith to share the richness of the Catholic Church and our parish family. We invite you to learn what the church teaches and be introduced to some of our parish members. These sessions are also a chance for you to ask all the questions you have always wanted to but never had the opportunity to ask. Our program is for all inquiring and all those who are unbaptized as well as those baptized in another faith. Please give me a call if you have any questions or would just care to chat. Mary Jane Shields/Pastoral Associate 773-327-8955 or email me at Bring the Children to Me Children’s Liturgy of The Word For Parish Children Grades Kindergarten through 5th Liturgy of the Word for Children begins again on Sunday, September 22nd at the 10:00 am Mass. This special ministry will take place at most of the 10:00am masses each Sunday. This important ministry is for school age children to experience the readings and homily on their level. We will break open the Word and talk about what it means to live as Jesus teaches us. We will be using the chapel to gather with the children. We will only be in the chapel for 10 or 15 minutes. If you are in there with a small child when we come in, feel free to stay with us or use the vestibule if you are more comfortable there. Please remember to send your children of Kindergarten age or above to join us. For more information or to sign up for a Religious Education event or program, please contact: Mary Jane Shields, DRE/Pastoral Associate 773-327-8955 St. Josaphat Parish Spiritual Life 9 Men's Spirituality meets next on Saturday, September 21 at 6:30 am in the Meeting Room. All the men in the parish are also invited to the Annual Men's Spirituality Group Bar-B-Que on Monday, September 30, in the patio next to the rectory garage. (In case of rain, we will eat inside!) This is a great opportunity to meet the men who gather every other week to support each other in their Catholic faith. Come join us for a great steak, something to drink and a good time. RSVP so we can plan accordingly: Pre Cana Baptismal Preparation Class will be held next on Monday, September 9 from 7 pm to 8 pm in the Church. Please call the rectory office (773.327.8955) to RSVP. is for couples intending to be married. These sessions are held about five times throughout the year at St. Josaphat. Please call the Rectory Office (773.327.8955) to RSVP. The next Pre Cana will be on November 16, 2013 from the Vocation Office INSEARCH Discernment Group October 2013 to March 2014 The INSEARCH program helps men gain clarity in their vocation by discussing discernment and the call of discipleship and priesthood. Chicago priests tell their stories and offer presentations on spirituality and the life of a priest. Weekly prayer times and scripture reflections are included. Spiritual direction is encouraged for the INSEARCH participant to help him on his spiritual journey. • • • • • INSEARCH OFFERS PRESENTATIONS ON: evangelization prayer how to discern God's will celibacy Contact: Rev. Francis Bitterman, Vocation Director 312-534-8298 Women’s Spirituality meets next on Saturday, September 14 from 8:00 am - 10:00 am in the Rectory Meeting Room. Weekly Mass Schedule Weekend Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm Weekday Monday, Tuesday, Friday 8:15 am in the Church Wednesday, Thursday 6:30 pm in the Lady Chapel Confession Saturday 4:15 - 4:45 pm Holy Days of Obligation Anticipated Mass: 6:30 pm Holy Day of Obligation: 8:15 pm & 6:30 pm Parish Vision Statement St. Josaphat Parish will grow as a welcoming Catholic community celebrating our spiritual growth in worship, committed to excellence in education, and dedicated to serving others. September 8, 2013 10 C o m m u n i t y N e w s Transitions 101: The Invitation of Change with Al Gustafson Thursday, September 19th from 9:30 to 11:30am 703 W. Monroe Street, Chicago This new workshop helps participants grasp the effects and impact central to transition so they can better navigate change, from ending to a new beginning. Content touches on the personal, emotional, and even the spiritual invitation of change, growth, and regeneration. Participants may find that understanding the way of transition helps them gain perspective and resolve that helps them engage better in their job search with hope and greater confidence in a positive outcome. Please sign up online at Spirit@Work Retreat October 12 Where is the Spirit calling you? Spend a day reflecting on how God is at work in your life, and learning about Ignatian tools for discerning where God is calling you. You will hear talks from your peers, reflect on your own and in small groups, and celebrate the Eucharist. Regular Registration through September 30: $30 per person (lunch not included); $40 per person (lunch included) Late Registration October 1-October 9: $40 per person (lunch not included); $50 per person (lunch included) Don't ever let cost get in the way. Payment Plans & Scholarships available! Starts at 9:30 am (Registration @ 9 am) • Concludes with 4 pm Mass St. Ignatius College Prep, 1076 W. Roosevelt, Chicago, IL 60608 Contact Dierdre (773-508-3237 or St Andrew Used Book Sale! Dorothy Day’s Granddaughter Sunday Sept. 28 from 8 am - lpm St. Andrew School in the Gym 1710 West Addison, Chicago Still Point Theatre Collective presents Martha Hennessy on Waging Nonviolence 1,000s of items to be sold! Paperbacks: $.25 cents or 5 for $1 Hard Cover: $1 each or 6 for $5 If you have book donations, please drop them at the St. Andrew School gym on Saturday, Sept. 27 from 8 am until Noon. Contact: Debbie Evans at debwe3@ St. Josaphat Parish Still Point Theatre Collective presents peace activist Martha Hennessy in a public speaking engagement on Waging Nonviolence. Ms. Hennessy is the seventh grandchild of Dorothy Day, co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement. As a strong participant with the Catholic Worker, Hennessy has followed in her grandmother’s footsteps by volunteering her time to help those in need as well as protesting issues she feels most strongly about. The event will benefit Still Point Theatre, a nonprofit that uses the performing arts in an effort to inspire compassion, raise social justice issues, and reduce the stigmas associated with incarceration and disability. The event will take place on Sunday, September 15 at 2:30 pm, at St. Clement’s Parish, 642 West Deming Place, Chicago, IL 60614. Suggested donation is $15, $10 for students. For more information, call the Still Point Theatre office at (773) 868-1700; or email W e e k i n W o r s h i p 11 Mass Intentions Monday.................... September 9 St. Peter Claver 8:15 am Living & Deceased Mothers & Fathers Tuesday................... September 10 8:15 am †Jane Gage Marino Wednesday...............September 11 6:30 pm Purgatorial Society Thursday.................. September 12 Most Holy Name of Mary 6:30 pm Parishioners of St. Josaphat Friday....................... September 13 St. John Chrysostom 8:15 am †Peter Mittler, Jr. Saturday.................. September 14 3:00 pm Kelly - Bordeaux Wedding 5:00 pm †Joanne Meade Sunday..................... September 15 Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am †Purgatorial Society 10:00 am †Kevin Flynn 12:00 pm †Patrick Brendan Lynch Liturgical Ministers for September 14 & 15 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, September 14, 5 pm Presider.....................................................................................................Rev. Dan Andree Deacon............................................................................................................. David Keene Ministers of the Word.....................................................Gina Hortatsos, Joe Scheidler Ushers..................................................................................................................Tim Quinn Ministers of the Eucharist.................................. Susan McDermott, Deanna Monroe, Theresa Montano Cantor..............................................................................................................Chris Tamani Altar Servers.............................................................. Katie Ausman, Claire McDermott Sunday, September 15, 8 am Presider..................................................................................Rev. Richard J. Prendergast Ministers of the Word...........................................Georgia Burke, Lindsey Mackenzie Ushers......................................................................... Terry Pawlowski, Agustin Velarde Ministers of the Eucharist.................... Cathy Barlock, Nolan Burke, Pat Pawlowski Cantor..................................................................................................................... Joe Keller Altar Servers..................................................................Zachary Anderson, Maria Frech Sunday, September 15, 10 am Presider...................................................................................... Rev. Richard J. Prendgast Ministers of the Word....................................................................................Family Mass Ushers................................................................................Jeff Lovero, Maggie Villagrana Ministers of the Eucharist.........................Jay Janicki, Judy Lovero, Jim Maciejewski, Don Tenbrunsel, Kate York Cantor...............................................................................................................Ron Dickson Altar Servers...........................................................................Lauren Bartels, Emma Polt Sunday, September 15, 12 pm Presider.....................................................................................................Rev. Dan Andree Ministers of the Word...........................................................Kevin Conley, Mary Gallo Ushers..................................................................................................................... Al Mittler Ministers of the Eucharist.........................Joseph Flores, Mary Flores, Sergio Flores Altar Servers.............................................................Jasmyn Mulero, Christian Sanchez September 8, 2013
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