29 Term 3 week 3 Week 31


29 Term 3 week 3 Week 31
Term 3 Week 3 2015
Rugby League – NSW All Schools Carnival
On Monday SPPS sent a team of 14 boys up to Penrith to compete in The NSW All
Schools Carnival after winning the South Coast All Schools Carnival earlier in the year.
We were very competitive but unfortunately lost our 3 games. The 3 game scores were
14-4 against Colo Vale, 14-8 against Bankstown and 16-12 against St Patricks.
I was very happy with the team and their efforts during the day and it was a great
experience for the boys to compete against the best teams in the state. Well done boys!
Mr Chapple
Dates to Remember
Excursion notes at the end of news letter
NED Show
Our Onesie Day last Friday was fantastic and thanks to all our students and staff for participating. This
was a fundraiser and we raised $336.60.
Yesterday was our book character parade and I don’t know who had more fun, the staff or the
students. Again, thank you to our families and staff for your participation. Kaos Kottage again
supported our staff with their costumes.
Today we had our Outstanding Student Assembly and we are very proud of each and every one of our
winners. Thank you to our special guests, our own local heroes from the Ambulance, Marine Rescue,
Fire Service and SES for supporting our school and for the work you do.
We finished the day with a fun day to celebrate Education Week.
We are taking the names of students who wish to enrol in Kinder for 2016. We have a limited number
of spaces and we are anticipating filled classes for next year. Anyone wishing to enrol a child or knows
of anyone wanting their child to come to our school in 2016 needs to contact the office to secure their
We had an incident yesterday where, the parent of a child took discipline into their own hands and
approached and allegedly threatened another person’s child. This is both inappropriate and illegal
and we have passed the details onto the police regarding this specific matter.
If your child is having an issue with another child at school:
Talk to your child and the staff and make sure what you are being told is the whole truth.
Find out what we have done about it…your child may not necessarily know. If we didn’t know about
it give us time to address it and we will get back to you.
Parents are again reminded that the car park that is accessed from Idlewild Ave is NO ENTRY and is
for staff and authorised deliveries only it is not a pick-up or drop-off zone in the morning or the
We have had a couple of very close calls with parents driving in the car park and nearly hitting
Keeping your child home on their birthday is illegal and we are required to report it. Students need to
be at school unless they are truly sick. It is important that if possible doctorr or dentist appointments
are made outside of school times, we understand that sometimes that is not possible, but where
possible students should be at school.
School News
Outstanding Effort Awards 2015
Oakley Williamson, Charlie Reimann, Kayla-Skye Williams, Honey-Rose Stewart,
Matilda Starr, Haylee Shaw, Chole Robertson, Daniel Marsden, Tailah Lewis,
Emma Jenkins, Blake Hawes, Jarleel Olive-Hampton, Madison Connolly,
Leonard Simister, Kirsten Simister, Emmet Burnett, CaitlynnAllan, Abbey Warren,
Jordyn Miller, Milly Garrett, Jenna Lanenegger, Jade Corcoran, Amelia McCarthy,
Kayla Todd, Tara Hoffman, Grace Tybell, Penny Holloway, Ben White, Julia Reimann,
Rylei Cotton, India Slaughter, Ella Sharp, Connor Burnett, Galina Butler,
Cheyenne Patterson-Harris, Ella Crowe, Gabi Peterson, Rylee Gannon,
Jazlyn Ashman, Mya Dunn, Summer Beers, Naturelle Misfud, Amahlee Doyle,
Chantelle Mounce, Kalara O’Connor, Aslyn Wood, Shauna Short, Reece Glover,
Krysten Sutton, Amber McKenzie, Brooke Thomas, Andrew Percy, Emile Warren-Bolte,
Emma Sharp, Jessica Alcott, Jett Glennan, Isabella Waters, Jaymee-Lee Joines,
Kaleb Langenegger, Ryan Silk, Tanesha Silk, Charlotte Ellis, Lilli Shaw,
Bianca Coleman, Alicia Butler, Lora Oreskovic, Cody Braidwood, Connor Moorcroft,
Charley Garrett, Erin Lloyd, Kalind Little, Lyric Slaughter, Sebastian Kyte, Riley Scott,
Abby Jackson, Brayden Lewis, Kye McGinn, Britney Knight, Jack Lewis,
Chloe Lattanzio, Caitlyn Fitzsimons, Ben Ebzery, Bethany Burnett, Cherylee Byrne,
Jade Jones, Maddison Burnes, Thomas Pearson, Riley Bishop, Kia Mounce,
Jennifer Murray, Kade King, Louis Losurdo, Bianca Karam-McCaffery, Summer Hoath,
Corey Jarvis, Hallie Grainger, Brodie Richards, Caitlyn Graham,
Lucienne Van Huisstede, Indianna Graham, Annuska Van Huisstede, Charlotte Franco.
Outstanding Achievement
Honey-Rose Stewart, Kade King, Charlie Garrett, Haylee Shaw, Kaleb Langenegger,
Jyara Newman, Chloe Robertson, Jett Glennan, Nathan Cannon,
Cheyene Patterson-Harris, Charlotte Ellis, Tara Thomas, Emma Jenkins, Alicia Butler,
Tara Hoffman, Thomas Pearson, Lucienne Van Huisstede, Jenna Langenegger,
Ben Ebzery, Emma Sharp, Amelia McCarthy, Mya Gunn, Andrew Percy.
Introduction to
Introduction session for families
Presented by Kerrie Hunt from ADHC
NDIS is the new way of providing individualised support for people with a
disability. This will affect how your child/teenager receives supports and
services in the future. At this introductory session you will hear about;
What is the National Disability Insurance Schem e?
How is it different?
How will it affect my child/teenager?
What can I do to get ready?
Where to get more information?
This is an opportunity to start a conversation
and to gain an understanding of the
changes ahead.
To attend either session
Please RSVP to Kerrie Hunt
Enquiries Sandy Clark
Vincentia High School
4441 6766
AUGUST 22, 2015
Francis Ryan Sports
Skateboard Demo
Art (Clay carving demo)
Free for the Family
Please call Community Development for more
Information on 4429 3259
P&C News
Our School Fair will be on the 17th October 2015, if you would like to have a stall at
the fair please contact Charlie at the canteen on Thursday or Friday or on 0421 515
In the canteen, we are now selling Noodle Cups at lunch time for $2:50 each.
Uniform Shop Opening Hours are:
9am –10am
Eftpos only no cash at all
Thank You Charlie Gannon
Primary Assembly Awards
Alana Hodalj, Abbey Richardson, Tom Oleson, Brodie Coleman, Zak McGarrell,
Ben Henebery, Kayla Toole, Jenna Langenegger, Phebe Lynch, Zaya Newman,
Andrew Percy, Charlie Reimann, Marissa Nepata, Connor Café, Kristy Dean,
William Jones, Haylee Van Heldon, Raquel Gabby, Jeremy Knight, Trey Carey,
Jay Sutton, Joshua Arkus, Jack Martin, Connor Duffy, Chelsey Burnett, Talaih Lewis,
Chloe Lattanzio, Luke Cox, Renee Harmer, Jayde Robbins, Andrew Starr,
Jacob Vidler, Jonathan Percy, Heath Williams, Louis Losurdo, Jessica Alcott,
Joel McHatton, Jade Jones.
Book Character Parade
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Dear Parent or Caregiver,
Years 5 and 6 have been invited to attend an excursion to Canberra on Friday 18 th September 2015.
This excursion has been planned to support our work on Government in the classroom.
The cost of this excursion is $49-00.
Travel will be by bus.
Students will need to be at school at 5.30 a.m. for the 5.45 am departure on Friday 18th September 2015 and will return
at 9.00pm the same day.
Students are to wear school uniform.
Please provide recess, lunch, water & an afternoon snack.
A dinner box is included in the cost.
Staff members with attending with Emergency Care and CPR training are Ms Doyle, Ms Garin, Mr Chapple, Mr Brown.
Full payment is required by Friday September 11th 2015.
Limited to the first 100 students. First in with note and money will attend.
Please return the enclosed permission note and medical Information form to the class teacher by Friday September
11th 2015.
Ms. B. Doyle
Mr J Ward
Please return permission note and Medical Information Form to the class teacher by
Friday September 11, 2015
I give permission for ……………………………………………………….. in class ………………………………..
to participate in an excursion to Canberra on Friday September 18th. I understand travel will be by bus.
My son/daughter has the following special needs (please provide full details and include any relevant medical details)
I give/do not give permission for my child to receive medical treatment in case of emergency.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ………………………………………….. Date ………………………………………….
Medical information form
The information provided on ………………………………………………...
by ………………..………………………………………………………………… (parent/guardian) is being
obtained for the purpose of ascertaining relevant medical information, requirements and other health care
related needs about …………………..........................................(student name) who is currently enrolled
at the school and who may participate in school excursions, sporting activities or other educational or
school activities conducted by or in conjunction with Sanctuary Point Public School.
It will be used by officers of the NSW Department of Education and Training to assist planning, to support
students, and to minimise risks when conducting school excursions, sporting or other school activities.
Other persons or agencies that may be provided with this information include, but are not limited to, volunteers and members of external organisations who join with the school or are otherwise involved in the
planning or delivery of the excursion, sporting or other school activity; and persons that may be called
upon to provide health care treatment or other assistance during or as a consequence of such excursions
or activities.
Provision of this information is not required by law. However, a failure to provide the information may
mean that your child can not participate in a particular excursion or school activity. In such circumstances
the school will make available a sound alternative educational experience.
Provision of this information will significantly assist the school in planning a safer educational activity. It
will be stored securely. If you have any concerns about provision of this information, please contact the
school principal to discuss further.
You may correct any personal information provided at any time by contacting the school office.
Student name: ……………………………………………………
Class: ………………………
Medicare number (optional) …………………….……………
Parent or caregiver contact details
Home phone:
Doctor contact details
Work: ……………………..…
Mobile: ………………………
Doctor’s telephone:
1. ………………………………
2. …………………………….
Emergency contact(s) details (nominated by the parent or caregiver as alternate contact)
1. Name: …………………………………………….……
Phone: …………………………
2. Name: …………………………………………….……
Phone: …………………………
List existing medical conditions or illnesses (include asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, allergies etc.).
Outline the treatment for each.
Outline special dietary needs including possible reaction to inappropriate diet
Medication(s) to be administered during the excursion. Include name of medication, instructions
for administration, time of administration, and any possible reactions
Clearly label your child’s medication with their name and class all medication must be handed to the supervising
teacher on arrival at camp.
If your child suffers with travel sickness please provide medication for the return trip. If your child is likely to
suffer with headaches please provide paracetamol clearly labelled.
I give permission for …………………………………………………………………..of class………………………………………………..to be
Given paracetamol as required. I have provided paracetamol clearly labelled for my child.
Signed……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Date……………………………………………………..
Address: 41 ldlewild Ave, Sanctuary Pt
NSW 2540
Postal Address: PO Box 89 Sanctuary Pt
NSW 2540
Phone: 02 44430546
Fax: 02 44437036
'<Togetlier We Succeecf'
Email: sancturypt-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
23 July 2015
Dear Parent or Caregiver,
The Great Big Storybook visits Sanctuary Point Public School.
Students in Kinder, Year 1 & Year 2 are invited to attend The Great Big Storybook presentation
of "Tiddalik the Frog".
The performance will be held in the school hall on Friday 14th August 2015.
The cost is $5.00 per student.
Please return the bottom section of the permission note with money in an envelope
to the class teacher by Monday 1o•h August 2015.
----X-------- Please detach and return to the class teacherby Monday 10th August 2015 --------------TIDDALIK THE FROG
I give permrssron for ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ........................ ...... of class ........................... to
attend Tiddalik The Frog at Sanctuary Point Public School on Friday 14th August, 2015.
Signed: ........................... ... ............ .............. Date ............ ... ............ .................. ........
July 23, 2015
Dear Parent or Caregiver,
Kindergarten students are invited to attend an excursion to Shoalhaven Zoo on Tuesday August 18, 2015 to conclude their
unit of work on “Animals and their needs”.
Travel will be by bus.
The cost of this excursion is $22.
The students will depart from school at 9.30 a.m. and return to school at 2.45 p.m.
The staff members attending with emergency care training and CPR training are Ms Callaghan, Ms Wilkinson and Ms Thorpe.
Students are to wear full school uniform and to bring lunch, recess and water.
Ms Wilkinson
Excursion coordinator
Mr J. Ward
"------ Please detach and return to your class teacher with payment by Friday 14th August, 2015 --I give permission for ……………………………….. in class …………………..to participate in an excursion to Shoalhaven zoo
on Tuesday August 18, 2015.
My son / daughter has the following special needs (please provide full details and include any relevant medical details)
I give / do not give permission for my child to receive medical treatment in case of emergency.
Signature __________________________________
Date ______________________
Emergency Contact - Name __________________________ Number _________