Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church


Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Sunday, December 20, 2015
“To move closer to God in all that we do”
Welcome to
St. Francis Xavier
Catholic Church
Regular Mass
Week Day
Monday - Friday
6:30 am & 8:15 am
8:15 am
Saturday Vigil Mass
5:00 pm
8:00 am, 9:30 am,
10:15 am (Gym)
11:30 am
Every Saturday
after the
8:15am Mass
Christmas Eve
December 24th
Christmas Day
December 25th
3:00 pm
3:15 pm Gym
5:00 pm
10:00 pm Carols
10:30 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:15 am Gym
New Year’s Eve—5:00 pm vigil
New Year’s Day—9:00 am
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Page 232
On this 4th Sunday of Advent, our
attention is directed to Mary, the final
figure in this season.
In today’s Gospel, there are two
statements about Mary that are significant. We hear the words of Elizabeth:
“And how does this happen to me,
that the mother of my Lord should
come to me?” Advent is a season of waiting, we join the people of the Old Testament in their waiting for a Messiah. But
Mary adds another part to this season, she knows the promises of God are about to be fulfilled. And she knows that she
will have a special part in that fulfillment. She agrees to what
the Lord asks of her that she be the mother of His Son.
What will it mean to be the mother of the Lord? How will
this happen? What will be expected of her? These and similar questions are Mary’s in the Scriptures. But Mary is a
woman of faith. Her faith in God meant a couple of things.
She believed in the fidelity of God, what God said He would
do, He could be counted on to do. Further, Mary could put
her faith in the Lord who asked her to be the mother of His
Son. Her questions would work out, her wonders would be
responded to, her fears would be calmed. “Blessed are you
who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord
would be fulfilled.”
December 21-December 26
Wed . 6:30AM +
8:15AM +
Thurs. 6:30AM +
8:15AM +
Mary is a person of faith and in this she is an example for
all of us. We too believe in the Lord confident in His power
and goodness.
Advent Blessings, Fr. Sheridan
This coming Thursday and Friday we begin to celebrate the
season of Christmas. On behalf of the priests and staff here at
St. Francis Xavier we wish you a very happy and holy
During the season of Christmas, we are in need of help
with dinner some days at the rectory. We are very flexible
with our needs and how they might be met. If you can help
us, please contact Fr.Sheridan
Stewardship Report
Sunday December 13, 2015
Collected at Church
Thank you for supporting your
Billy and Cecilia Cannon
Tom Byrne
Jean Glunz
Mary Tefft Ostry
Mary Connolly
Tom Rees, Sr
Purgatorial Society
Mary Hoyle
Tony Rogers
Souls in Purgatory
Jean Glunz
Rev. Theodore Hesburgh CSC
Carol Hopkins
Dc Bill Thesing
Robert & Mary Hoyle
Meaghan Murphy
Mary Rice
Rita Eggert
Jean Glunz
Pat Lambert
John Cusack
Donald Dooley
Jean Glunz
Michael McHugh
December 27
9:30AM +
10:15AM +
11:30AM +
+ Deceased
L Living
Guy C. Packard
Jean Glunz
Francis Burns
Michael Guthrie
Joan Digani
Jean Glunz
Souls in Purgatory
Jean Glunz
Cynthia Kovacevic
Nancy Van Heule
Page 332
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Make Our Liturgy More Beautiful
Christmas Flowers Offering
If you wish to remember loved ones living or deceased while at the same me provide
Christmas flowers and enhance the parish Liturgies, fill out the form below and place it
in the collec on basket or drop it off at the Parish Office no later than Saturday,
January 2nd. Names of your loved ones will appear in a special sec on of our bulle n on January 10th.
Please Print)
Donor’s Name:__________________________________
Phone No.:_____________________________________
In Memory of:______________________________________
Suggested DonaƟon $20.00
(Make checks payable to SFX Church)
Mary Harvey
Kevin Kunde– II
Do you like to sing? Adult choir is looking for
members, young, old, women, men. Voices high
and low. Come sing with us, pray with us and
praise the Lord.
We rehearse at 7:00p on Wednesday evenings
and sing at the 11:30 am Mass as well as for
other liturgies.
Leave your name and phone number at the
Parish Office and we will contact you.
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Page 432
PREP Christmas Concert
Once again, the PREP Christmas Concert held on Sunday, December 13 was beautiful. The children gave
wonderful and moving performances. Thank you to all the parents and older students involved. A special
thank you to Karen Holmberg, the enthusiastic musical coordinator for the concert and Jo Ebert for graciously leading the bell choir. The "12 Days of Christmas" was again a fun wrap up and it was unanimous that the
"Two Turtle Doves" crew sang the loudest this year!
Christmas Children’s Masses
Please come on Christmas Eve to the 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm masses to enjoy the First Graders as they perform the Christmas Pageant. Rehearsal's are on Tuesday, Dec. 22 and Wednesday, Dec. 23. For the 3:00
mass, practice is from 9:00 - 10:00 am, and for the 5:00 mass practice is at 10:15 - 11:15 both days.
We hope you have a very Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Chicagoland Area
As we continue to prepare our hearts for the coming
of the Christ-child at Christmas let us live in his love
in all we do, especially in our marriage relationship.
The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends
February 12-14, 2016 or
April 8-10, 2016 or
June 10-12, 2016
all at Elk Grove Village, IL.
Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/information, call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778
or contact us through http://wwme-chicagoland.org.
Page 532
Speaking of Liturgy
The fourth Sunday of Lent! What is
the best way to prepare for Sunday Liturgy?
It is important that we reflect on the Scriptures, especially the Gospel, before we come
to Sunday Mass, so that we can be ready to
hear God’s word. Let those words challenge
us to see (the light) more clearly, and live
those words in our everyday lives.
When Jesus told Nicodemus, “just as
Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so
must I (the Son of Man) be lifted up (for all
to see).” When the gospel writers used the
description, Light, they were referring to Jesus. They were encouraging us to come to
the Light, that our works may be seen clearly!
Today’s gospel urges us to prepare ourselves to be enlightened at Mass.
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Page 632
Matt O'Connor, Sheli Sullivan Susie Gordon, Jim Vanderbosh and bell ringers.
Our SFX 5 O’Clock Mass Musicians
The Parish Office is looking for a part-time evening and Saturday substitute receptionist. Specifically, the evenings are Thursday and Friday from 4:30pm - 9:00pm and the
Saturday hours are from 9:00am to 2:00pm. These time slots can be applied for individually. The position involves answering phones, greeting visitors, some light office
duties and closing the office at night for the evening shifts.
High School seniors and College students - a great place to do your homework.
Senior Citizens - get some reading done.
Call the Parish Office at 847-256-4250 for more information.
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Christmas Ushers!!!!!
We always need help at the Christmas
Masses to handle:
The Extra Masses and
The Extra Crowds
If you can help, please sign up in the ushers
St. Francis Xavier invites families interested in learning more about SFX
School to join us for
one of our upcoming
Open House events.
We welcome prospective parents
and students on:
January 31, 2016 from 10:30am12pm.
Contact jackiepetrozzi@sfxschool.org with questions.
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
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Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
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Our Moms & Tots Program provides flexible, drop-in playtime for young
toddlers who are accompanied by a parent or caregiver. The group meets every other Friday throughout the school year and is free to all members of St.
Francis Xavier parish. Each session includes a “music and movement” sequence led by an Early Childhood music instructor as well as snack, open playtime and conversation.
All parents with infants, toddlers and preschoolers are welcome! Please contact stackirl@gmail.com for more
information. Moms & Tots will meet during the new year on January 8, January 22, February 5, February
26, March 11, April 8, April 22, May 6 and May 27, 2016 from 8:30-9:45am.
SFX School Endowment
Are you interested in learning more about giving to the
SFX School Endowment through the purchase of a brick
in our school’s Centennial Plaza?
Parishioners considering a year-end, tax deductible
contribution may contact jackiepetrozzi@sfx-school.org
for more information.
Thomas Of
Unused Travel Size
shampoo & conditioner
combs, brushes
hand lotion
lip balm
mouth wash
disposable razors
shave cream
pre-moisten towelettes
feminine hygiene products
facial tissues
bathroom tissue
Dry Goods
Mac Cheese
Ramen Noodles
Powdered Milk
Diapers Sizes
3, 4 & 5
Canned Goods
Canned Meats
Green Beans
Peanut Butter
If you don’t have time to shop, we
can shop for you. Make a check out
to St. Thomas of Canterbury and put
Food Pantry in the memo line. Thank
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Schedule of Events
If your loved one is no longer
in the service, please let the
parish office know so that we
can update our list of military
Maj.Jason Harlan - Nephew of Val Deady
Rev. John Barkemeyer - Son of Hank
Brian Walsh-Nephew of Peg McIntyre
Jesse Goutier-Cousin of Chris, Michael & Laura Farina
Shane Lawson-Cousin of Kari Clarke
Brian Krupp-Cousin of Jim Krupp
Scott Horst-Friend of Jim & Kathleen Koop
Tracy Hanson-Friend of Jim & Kathleen Krupp
Stephen Thale-Grandson of Jim & Frances Thale
K Anniston-Grand-Nephew of Nancy Graham
Lt. Cmndr. Andrew A. Nelson (USN/USMC)-Son of
David Nelson
David Lore Mayo-Friend of Carpenter Family
John Smeeton-Son of Andrea & Jack Smeeten
Richard Linehan-Son of Richard & Elaine Linehan
John Wesley Hobbs-nephew of the Weschler’s
Jeff Groom-nephew of Louise Sanborn
PFC Joseph Devroy-grandson of Marlene Devroy
Sgt. Daniel Koch-brother of Laura Koch
Family & Friends of Bob & Jean Quinn
Luke Stensberg—friend of the Revords
Lt. Peter Finley Adams USMC—grandson of Diana
Art Knurenko—friend of Watson Family
Brandon Galgay-friend of the Matt Revord family
Tom Smith—nephew of John & Mary Smith
John Robbins—nephew of John & Mary Smith
Spc. James Kerls—son of Bob & Karen Kerls
Lt. Michael Scott (USN)-nephew of the Scott family
Will McCarthy USMC-son of Kathy & Mike McCarthy
James Earp USN-family of Anita O’Neill
Romario Meza, USAF,-grandson of Mike & Kathy Bliss
Sunday, December 20
Monday, December 21
Tuesday, December 22
6:30p Just Faith
Wednesday, December 23
7p Adult Choir Practice
Thursday, December 24
Christmas Eve
Friday, December 25
Christmas Day
Saturday, December 26
Sunday, December 27
A Twelve Step Program for Those Seeking Emotional Health
Emotions Anonymous is a twelve-step organization. Our fellowship is composed of men and women, 18
years old or older, who come together in weekly meetings for the purpose of working toward recovery from
emotional difficulties. EA members are from many walks of life and are of diverse ages, economic status,
social and educational backgrounds. The only requirement for membership is a desire to become emotionally healthy. This program has been known to work miracles in the lives of many who suffer from problems as
diverse as depression, anger, broken or strained relationships, grief, anxiety, low self-esteem, panic,
abnormal fears, resentment, jealousy, guilt, despair, fatigue, tension, boredom, loneliness, withdrawal, obsessive and negative thinking, worry, compulsive behavior and a variety of other emotional issues. Group meets Friday 8:00-9:15pm in the Upper Room in the Parish Office at SFX.
Mediator: Fr. Rich Jakubik.
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Important information regarding communion visits and
pastoral care of the sick for the homebound and hospitalized.
Please read carefully.
Your spiritual needs are very important to the staff at
St. Francis. To insure that you received the desired spiritual care if
you are hospitalized or homebound with illness, please assist us by
providing us with the following.
If you would like anointing prior to a scheduled surgery,
please call the parish office to schedule an anointing with a priest.
You may also receive anointing at the hospital when there is an
When you are admitted to the hospital it is critical that you
or a loved one identifies your religious affiliation, your parish name
and your desire for pastoral care and communion visits.
The patient may also call the Ministry of Care line to
request communion at the hospital. A minister of care will make
sure the hospital is informed of this request.
Trained ministers of Care are available to bring
communion to our parish sick and homebound. Ministers also visit
local assisted living and nursing care homes. To schedule a visit,
please call the Ministry of Care line at: 847 256-2273 press 0 and a
Minister of Care will return your call.
Ministry of Care Visits ~Sunday, December 27
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is dedicated to helping the
poor and others who have come upon difficult times. As
Vincentians, we serve those in need through one-on-one counseling, as well as providing financial and other help to those
who have fallen on hard times. If you or someone you know
wishes to meet with us, please contact the parish office at 847256-4250 and ask for extension 44 and leave a short message.
We will respond as soon as possible. All Inquiries will be
treated in the strictest of confidence.
The St. Francis Xavier Parish Peace & Justice Ministry has
a new website! Visit www.sfxpeaceandjustice.org for
information regarding current peace & justice events, resources
and links to other
After 8:00 Mass
M Cordell**
M Watts
R Doran
K Kerls
K Tyrrell
B Weir
Mather Home
10:00 am
M Demetrio
After 9:30 Mass
C Cerone**
C Cowan
J Gillard
A Hrabe
D Miller
J Stahl
B Vassallo
(Mather Pavilion)
10:30 am
Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors Schedule — December 27
5:00 pm
8:00 am
Mary Alonzi
Peter Alonzi
Janet Creevy Avery
James Johnson
Molly Johnson
Kathleen O’Brien
Christie Vanderbosch
Dina Bair
Julie Berggren
Cathy Burgeson
Marge Cordell
Jerry Lenz
Colleen Reese
Eileen Sullivan
Janet Black
Cathy Cerone
Jeanie Egmon
Barbara Eichenlaub
Karen Kerls
Robert Kerls
Jean Spence
Celine Drwiega
Dani Froelich
Joe McPhillips
Allen Frantzen
Paul Meyers
Sarah Lawton
Ed Miller
Celia Muench
John Lawlor
11:30 noon
Carmel Cowan
Abigail Foerstner
Kay Malm
Mary Quinn
Kerry Suse
Millie McManus
John Carpenter
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
CHURCH: 9th Street and Linden Avenue, Wilmette, IL 60091
SCHOOL: 808 Linden Avenue, Wilmette, IL 60091
SCHOOL WEB: sfx-school.org
PARISH OFFICE: 524 9th Street, Wilmette, IL 60091
PARISH WEBSITE: www.sfxparish.org
PARISH EMAIL: sfxparish@comcast.net
Parish Offices: 847-256-4250
Parish Fax: 847-256-4254
Parish School: 847-256-0644
Ministry of Care:
Pastoral & Support STAFF
Rev. William J. Sheridan, Pastor
Rev. Rodlin Rodrigue, Associate Pastor
Rev. Edward F. Harne , Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Richard J. Jakubik, Resident
Robert & Karen Kerls, Deacon Couple
Dr. Pa y Jane Pelton, Pastoral Associate
Sr. Mary Ann Casey, OP, Director, PREP Program
Mary Therese Laird, Youth Minister (ACTION)
Andrea Hug, Director, Ministry of Care
Kieran Lyons, Director of Faith Forma on
Colleen Barre , School Principal
Jo Ebert, Director of Music
Judy Krugman, Vito Vitale, Organists
Sheldon Moore, Business Manager
Marge Kaup, School Business Office Manager
Marilyn Smith, Parish Secretary
Sara Crome, Secretary
Dani Froelich, Administra ve Assistant PREP Program
Darek Bukowski, Maintenance
Tadeusz Odbierzychleb, Maintenance
Barb Shields, Chairperson, Parish Pastoral Council
Ray Gass, Sara Crome, Sharing Parish-Chicago
St. Thomas of Canterbury
Jeff Later, Betsy Later, Sharing Parish-Hai
Immaculee Concep on
Parish Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 9:00am-9:00pm
Saturday 9:00am-2:00pm
Sunday- Closed
A er Hours Emergency Assistance:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
For assistance call 847-256-4250 Ex. 44
BAPTISM: 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements
and to register for a preparation session.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays after the 8:15 Mass.
SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Should be arranged at least four months in advance.
Call the Parish for details.
PARISH REGISTRATION: Registration Forms available in vestibule of Church, at the Parish Office or
from our Website.
Church name & address
St. Francis Xavier # 000145
524 9th St.
Wilmette, IL 60091
Contact person: Marilyn Smith
Software: Win 7m MSPub 2003, Adobe Acrobat X
Number of pages transmitted: )(6-8-JL; 2 ad pages)
Day & time of transmission: Wednesday am