November 2012 - The Vanguard School


November 2012 - The Vanguard School
The Vanguard Voice
Volume 18, Issue 3
In this Issue:
Putting the Spirit
in Spirit Week!
Putting the Spirit in Spirit Week…………………..1
Executive Director’s Letter………………………..2
6th Grade Challenger Field Trip………………......3
by Senior Sarah Lendzioszek
Junior High Dance…….………………………......5
Quarter 1 Honor Roll…….…………………..…....6
Quarter 1 Principal’s List…..……………….……..7
Coach’s Corner: Girls’ Volleyball………….……..8
What is a Gobolink? ……………………….…….10
Junior High Boo-ya Dance……………….……....10
PTO Updates …………………………………….11
Colorado Gives Day: 12/4………………...……..12
Dates to Remember:
November 19 Progress Reports
November 21-23 Thanksgiving Break (NO
November 29 Grades 4-8 Geography Bee
November 30 High School Academic Tea
November 30-December 1 Holiday Bazaar
December 3 Progress Reports
December 11 HS Christmas Arts Fest
December 17 Progress Reports
December 18 JH Christmas Arts Fest
December 21 – January 2 Christmas Break
January 3 Students Return
January 7 Progress Reports
January 8-9 Grades 9-12 Exams
January 10-11 Grades 7-12 Exams
January 11 Quarter 2 Ends
For more details on these events, and to see
additional events, visit
Excitement was bubbling over at the beginning of
Homecoming week as students prepared for the festivities
awaiting them that Saturday. Months ahead of time some
girls were already picking out beautiful dresses to wear,
and guys were planning on creative ways of asking that
special someone to accompany them to the dance. As the
date steadily approached and last minute preparations
were made, many students took advantage of Spirit Week
to show off their school spirit and enthusiasm for the
dance with clever and original costumes.
As Monday was Sci-Fi Day, many students found
ingenious ways to bring their favorite science fiction
characters to life. Star Trek, Star Wars, various aliens,
and even characters from Dr. Who walked through the
halls that day. Senior Jessy Sweet, who dressed up as a
weeping angel from Dr. Who, claims, “I liked the odd
creativity needed for some of the days. Sci-Fi was the
(Continued on page 4)
From the Executive Director
Dear CMCA Families and Friends,
As usual, our school is excelling in all areas, and this issue is filled
with the interesting stories of our success. Our junior high and high
school sports program just completed the most successful season
ever, with every team having a winning record, and several of our
teams winning championships. Our band and choir students have
been performing across the city, and our annual high school musical
is this weekend, which is certain to be a terrific show. Meanwhile, our
teachers have been successfully implementing new curriculum in
writing and math, which is a major effort, but an important step for the
improved performance of our students. Please read through this
edition and get to know our students, our staff, and some of their outstanding achievements.
Thank you to all of our parents who took time to attend parent teacher conferences. These
conferences are an important way for our teachers to collaborate with you for the success of
your children. Our teachers put a lot of work into preparing for these meetings, and they very
much appreciate when you take your time to make them. Working with your child and with
his teacher is the most important way you can support our school. Of course, there are
several other ways as well, and I encourage you to volunteer as much as possible in any of
the following important ways:
Volunteer in your child’s classroom by filing papers, supporting class level or grade
level events, sharpening pencils, etc.
Help at the building level with carpool duty, crossing guard work, front office support,
Support the PTO in their many community building and fundraising events.
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I’m reminded of how grateful I am to get to serve
as the leader of such a fantastic organization as our Cheyenne Mountain Charter Academy
and The Vanguard School. We have an outstanding team of professionals with whom I get to
work, supportive and engaged families, interested students who take seriously the excellence
in character and academics that we are trying to instill, and a mission that is not only inspiring
but potentially life altering. What we do here, as a team effort of teachers, parents, and
students will shape the path and opportunities of our students’ lives moving forward. In doing
so, we are also improving our community and our country by developing virtuous, educated
leaders who can think critically about the world around them, address problems creatively,
and communicate effectively. I’m honored and thankful to be a part of this effort and this
Have an enjoyable and restful Thanksgiving.
Colin T. Mullaney
Colin T. Mullaney
Executive Director
6th Grades Students Face the Challenge
by 6th grader Molly Quesnell
A Visit to the Challenger Learning Center
The Challenger Learning Center, located in
Colorado Springs, Colorado, is a fun
experience for everyone, whether one is
from CMCA or not. Recently, the 6th grade
classes from CMCA took a field trip there.
While some students were working in the
spacecraft, mission control worked down
on Earth. Rows of two to four desks
decorate the right side of the room. Each
desk has a computer, controls, or
headsets, and the main screen is up above
everyone displaying the astronauts in their
spacecraft during the mission. Mission
control, the “brains” of the mission, helps
solve many problems up in space. The
students are faced with real-world
challenges and emergency situations
during a simulated mission and have to
problem solve many challenges in a short
amount of time. The Challenger Learning
Center is a very fun and educational
experience from which everyone can learn.
(from top right) Mrs. Schachlin’s students (left to right) Erika Chien and Molly Quesnell posing for a picture, Darian Nguyen
at a command computer, and Cameron Lang conducting some observations. (bottom right) Mr. Fowler’s class hard at work!
Vanguard Homecoming
(Continued from page 1)
coolest!” Those who participated with creative costumes had the
opportunity to compete in a costume contest during lunch to win
homework passes. The number of people participating made it
difficult to choose the winners. Tuesday, Sock Hop Day, was filled
with poodle skirts, leather jackets, and 50’s hairstyles. Wednesday,
was Team T-shirt Day, and the freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and
seniors displayed their pride through their innovative designs. The
Seniors completed their outfits with candy mustaches, some topping
the whole thing off with a sombrero. Everyone looked elegant on
Thursday, Formal Day. Friday, last but not least, was overflowing
with school spirit as Blue and Gold Day. Overall, Spirit Week was a
fantastic success.
After school on Wednesday, seniors and juniors competed in
the traditional Homecoming Game. Although seniors were
expected to win, the juniors managed to steal the victory right
from under their noses. As juniors celebrated, seniors were
stunned by the outcome. When asked about the game, Addy
Reddish, a senior, replied, “Football games need better
referees in the future because seniors should have totally
claimed victory on that one.” Many seniors agree with Addy
and argue that the only reason the juniors beat them was
because their last minute touchdown didn’t count. Whatever
the reason, the juniors are the official victors of the 2012
Homecoming Game.
The BBQ and bonfire that same night were great attractions to raise money for the senior class. The money
raised will go towards lowering the cost of Prom, so thanks to all who attended. The food was delicious,
there was an outstanding climbing wall present, and through the chilly night air the bonfire glowed brightly,
warming everyone around it. The event was fun and memorable.
Thanks to Claris Park and dedicated volunteers, the decorations
for Homecoming were a huge hit. From the giant popcorn
containers designed by Mrs. Deeds at the front and the large
silhouette of a couple behind it, to the car-shaped cookies,
everything contributed to this year’s theme: A night at the Drive –
In. Special thanks also go to those who donated Christmas lights
and to the teachers who chaperoned. Sophomore Jenneah
Lenzini mentions, “The teachers were laid back and had fun with
the students instead of being really strict.” The dance was full of
fun and good music. Also, the DJ was impressive with his ability
to keep most of the crowd dancing. Jordyn Arcuri, a junior, says,
“[My] favorite part was dancing with my friends and being able to
spend time with everyone! My least favorite [part was] that it didn’t go longer.” As the dance came to a
close, many commented that this has been the best dance Vanguard has had in a long time.
In the Spotlight
Job Well Done, Austyn & Alyx
Austyn Callahan (Senior) and Alyx Callahan (Sophomore)
are in the spotlight not only for their excellence in athletics
but also for their incredible character. Austyn (Senior 3
Singles) excelled in Boy's Tennis this season to be one of
the first players ever to go to State in Tennis for Vanguard!
Alyx (Sophomore setter) was an integral part of the Varsity
Volleyball team that went the furthest in Districts and had
the best season record ever. But beyond their athletic and
academic achievements (both rank very high in their
classes), Austyn and Alyx demonstrate outstanding
character. They were both involved in an outreach to
children in Guatemala this summer for 10 days working in
feeding centers and in an orphanage. They spent many
hours playing soccer, blowing
bubbles, serving food, hauling rock,
painting walls, holding babies and so
much more. Austyn and Alyx
exhibited their huge hearts and love
for others. Both Austyn and Alyx
have been a part of the CMCA family
since kindergarten.
Please submit all
student achievements
to be considered for next
month’s Vanguard Voice to
Congratulations to our Executive Director!
Mr. Mullaney was recently promoted in the Army Reserves from the rank of Major (MAJ) to the rank of
Lieutenant Colonel (LTC). He was first commissioned in 1992 through ROTC at the University of Notre
At his November 10th promotion ceremony, Mr. Mullaney renewed his oath of office:
Oath of a Commissioned Officer
I, Colin Mullaney, having been appointed an officer in the Army of
the United States, in the grade of Lieutenant Colonel, do solemnly
swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United
States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true
faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely,
without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I
will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I
am about to enter; so help me God."
With this promotion in rank, also comes a new Army Reserve
assignment. Mr. Mullaney will now be an instructor for the
Command and General Staff College.
4th Grade
1st Quarter
Honor Roll
4th Grade
Payton Behm
Tori Bevan
Rhylee Bramhall
Cedric Brown
Sean Cartier
Camille Clark
Lillea Cole
Karen Colin Alegria
Ifeoluwa Debo-Afonja
Chloe Elyo
Liam Everett
Raina Fagans
Bryson Frazee
Jayden Fritzke
Alexis Garcia
Tristan Guzman
Aidan Heinz
Joshua Jeppson
Chase Johnson
Mio Jones
Alicia Kane
Milan Katalin
Savannah Kenyon
Aaron Kirkes
Samuel LaCombe
Zachary Lathen
E.J. Lehmkuhl
Evelyn Lippard
Izabella Lozano
Jalea MaGraff
Katelyn McAvoy
Tyler Moen
Ameya Morris
Alejandro Niemann
Elijah Odell
Aspen Parsons
Jayden Paul
Meghan Paxton
John Petrone
Connor Pinero
Elizabeth Redd
Isis Rivera
Diego Rodriguez Jimenez
Adrian Ruacho
Ashleigh Sanders
Kyle Schoonover
Mariana Searl
Nicholas Sells
Ryan Smith
Nicholas Stasiuk
Mackenzie Stimack
William Stone
Anthony Studebaker
Sean Todd
Darcey Wingett
5th Grade
Jordyn Adkins
Brandon Bowman
Jordan Byrd
Michaela Chiplaski
Dominique Clifford
Victoria Clinger
Alyxa Davis
Macy Day
Manvir Dhillon
Alexis Duffy
Kelsea Dye
Juan Carlos Gutierrez
Teague Hackenberg
Aidan Hanson
Kayla Harris
Victoria Hughes
Faith Humbert
Ryan Kelepolo
Maya Kohlhepp
Christopher LaLoneAnisa Lenzini-Oldaker
Guillermo Morales
Elliana Morris
Lauren Nardi
Joseph Padilla
Chloe Polette
Adin Pruett
Rachel Rice
Charles Ross
Loren Ruckmich
Audrey Safer
Joslyn Samuelson
Mia Smith
William Smith
Vanessa Svihla
Bryce Tanner
Raif Wolford
6th Grade
Raelynn Blair
Erika Chien
Ivy Clough
Kaylee Cochran
Pasqual DeLuna
Allysen Duysen
Hayden Frear
William Geoffroy
Leah Hagen
Preston Hartman
Halle Hawkins
Carolyn Jones
Alana Khederian
Caleb Knierim
Simon Kurtz
Duncan Lewis
Hans Mueh
Connor Nelson
Darian Nguyen
Adam Novak
Hannah O’Dea
Annaliese Ortiz
Savanna Padilla
Culin Peddada
Molly Quesnell
Hannah Sours
Maxwell Stieglitz
Narumi Taico Urrutia
Kayla Teel
Annalee TenBrink
Thomas Walsh
Lilly West
7th grade
Tswana Caine
Madeline Campbell
Elizabeth Clinger
Caleigh Daugherty
Jonathan Drosendahl
Eric Le
Shelby Mathis
Tristan Murphy
Zachary Reddish
Eunique Sanchez
Jailynn Underwood
Kelsey Van Demarr
Desi Ware
8th Grade
Max Anderson
Alex Cadman
Emma Card
Krista Davis
Alexis Fetterhoff
Myranda Kephart
Rachel Leasure
Keoni LeBlanc
Sydney Mobley
Angie Nguyen
Halle Schmitt
Andrew Sintas
Juliana Wall
Mary Walsh
9th Grade
Macee Carson
William Chaney
Lauren Clark
Eoin Doherty
Jacquelyn Drosendahl
Brady Gray
Miles Hatton
Rebecca Hurlbert
Shaye Killimann
Morgan McIntosh
Daniaru Qureshi
Kaylah Samuelson
Nghiem Anthony Vo
The Honor Roll recognizes students who receive
an equal or greater number of A’s than B’s
10th Grade
Joseph Adducci
Ashley Ames
Mariah Doom
Leslie Duggin
Amanda Eubanks
Danielle Herd
Rachel Hough
Andrew Lee
Kira Renfro
Julie Snively
Lilia Stingerie
Christian Sucher
11th Grade
Agnes Choi
Kory Hagen
Amanda Jesse
Justin Luu
Maddison Ratzlaff
Casey Sandberg
Rachel Sangalang
Victor Torres
Ashlyn Williams
Hannah Yu
12th Grade
Timothy Alexander
Rebecca Annicchiarico
Andrew Barton
Cooper Benson
Austin Board
Austyn Callahan
Timothy Force
Jaqueline Gutierrez
Sarah Lendzioszek
Claris Park
Whitney Schuck
Robert Stephens
Trenton Tulloss
Nicole Vasquez
Shannon Campbell
1st Quarter
Principal’s List
4th Grade
Tristan Barken
Owen Beute
Andie Blair
Nasiya Bruno Munn
Juan Bustamante
Paige Carlson
Aurora Collazo
Micah Colodny
Catilyn Defosses
Brooke Earnest
Angel Farina
Jazmin Finley
Jaden Fuqua
Amber Khederian
J.D. Malkin
Tyler Nelson
William Norman
Emma Palmer
Breanne Raley
Ian Ramirez
Mason Shandy
Evan Slavens
Elizabeth Sniezek
Rene Spar
Guillermo Taico Urrutia
Alec Toney
Cedric Underwood
Emma Viera
Carson Wolff
Bennett Ziegler
5th Grade
R. J. Book
Jack Henry Campbell
Shannon Campbell
Makaila Cardello
Quinton Corry
Logan Criswell
Tacey Davis
Alexandra Hall
Sydney Heffernan
Rebekah Melgr
Madi Moen
Ryland Morrissey
Nicole Orphan
Patrick Sniezek
Luke Sperber
Sydney Tanner
6th Grade
Alizabeth Clay-Del Rio
Harrison Huthoefer
Madison Jones
James Le
Mikaela McLean
Grant Shandy
Alixandir Walters
Alexandra Wolff
Leo Xiao
Konrad Ziegler
7th Grade
Nicole Alderman-Barba
Jeremy Allgood
Aspen Blair
Olivia Bolton
Janet Breckenridge
Fletcher Erskine
Seth Fuqua
Krysten Gard
Lydia Henline
Samuel Kilimann
Gina Kwak
Lauren Lee
Veronica Malkin
Hannah McReavy
Caolinn Mullaney
Kinsey Neuner
8th Grade
Joshua Breckenridge
Elizabeth Campos
Grace Corry
Megan Donovan
Katie Hall
Joshua Hanni
Jaymison Johnson
Katlyn Kenyon
Destiny Morgan
Harley Morgan
Jia Peng
9th Grade
Ryan Hughes
Slade Kelling
Matresa King
Laura Koop
Aidan Mullaney
10th Grade
Nour Ben Hmieida
Carrie Bieganek
Alyxandra Callahan
Justin White
12th Grade
Savannah Baron
Allison Bieganek
Lydia Blondin
Kayla Cantrell
Zachary Doom
David Flack
Zaynib Hassan
Rachel Hatton
Thomas Hetherington
Taylor Jones
Maja Mazic
Brady Muth
Adelaide Reddish
Jessamyn Sweet
Peri Rose Sykes
Gracie Williams
The Principal’s List recognizes students who receive all A’s.
Coach’s Corner
by Coach Soeldner
The Vanguard Volleyball Program had a great year. Everyone had remarkable talents and skills that they were
able to use on the court to build team level performance that bested many of their opponents. Volleyball is a
highly complex and coordinated sport, and, due to its relatively confined space, is a very high speed game.
Teams have to work together in a group-think way to seamlessly anticipate and coordinate both offense and
defense in order to outsmart and outplay their opponent.
Many of the players worked in open gyms starting in April and over the summer on building developed skills
that are required in the positions of Setter, Outside Hitter, Defensive Specialist, Opposite Hitter and Middle
Hitter. It was very apparent how much these players learned and improved as a result of that additional court
time and training.
The teams decided they wanted new jerseys so they ran a fundraiser selling cookie dough. What an adventure
that turned out to be! After many delays, Vanguard Volleyball cookie dough customers were finally able to
make cookies! Thanks for everyone’s patience during that odyssey.
I’ve also had my eye on a unique piece of training equipment for several years now. It is called the AcuSpike,
and is one of the best hitting trainers on the market. Learning
to be an effective and reliable hitter in volleyball requires an
extraordinary amount of skill, timing and practice. The
AcuSpike trainer allows the hitter to work on the mechanics of
perfecting the approach and swing without having to make the
million little adjustments required to chase down random sets
from (even the best) setter. I was able to acquire the AcuSpike
around the middle of this season through some very generous
anonymous donations as well as substantial help from the
PTO. In return, the girls have helped out with various school
functions such as the middle school carnival. Thank you so
much to our donors and the PTO. The Vanguard program was
able to train on it quite a bit this season and will continue to get
great use out of that equipment for many seasons to come.
As a result of their hard work and training, both the Junior
Varsity and Varsity teams worked for, and achieved, better
records than had ever been achieved by any previous Vanguard team. The Junior Varsity team improved a
great deal through the season, with some fantastic wins against schools we had never beaten before such as
Fountain Valley and ECA. The girls played at their highest level against ECA and played their best volleyball of
the season at home for one of their final matches. They continued to improve the whole season.
It was great fun and excellent time spent in film review with all of you Varsity girls. I was so glad to have the
time to review our performances, plan for future opponents and congratulate everyone on jobs well done. I
found myself congratulating all of you quite often this season as you continued to knock my socks off with your
high level of play.
The Varsity team was very specialized from the beginning. The team faced this challenge head on. They
worked very hard. We all made great progress with our fundamentals as well as implementing them in game
scenarios. We had some challenges with illness, but the girls adapted and tried new positions which allowed
the team to continue winning together.
The Varsity team record was 10-9 in regular season play, giving us our first winning season in school history!
We beat ECA, Pikes Peak Christian, Kiowa, Miami-Yoder, CIVA and Peyton!
One of the most amazing matches I’ve had the privilege to coach was our Varsity Semi-Finals match against
Kiowa to go to District Finals. Without our starting Senior
Setter, Gracie Williams, Alyx Callahan set a 6-2 with Kira
Renfro, who had only practiced the setter position for us a
total of 3 hours before entering the match. The two of them
started set 1 setting together and only lost by 2 points. Kira
did a fantastic job as setter. Alyx then took over setter
duties in a 5-1 rotation to win the next three sets to give
Vanguard the win and trip to District Finals! Sierra Samsel
and Julie Snively did a fantastic job in their specialized
defensive positions, while my offense led by Whitney
Schuck including Ashlyn Williiams, Mariah Doom, Heather
Ryan and Kaylee Frear were fearless and unstoppable at
the net. They were blocking and hitting better than they
had all season. They all worked together like a well-oiled
machine and made the task of winning a playoff match look
easy! What an amazing job ladies! The experience we
had at District Finals was fantastic as well. We learned
Varsity Lady Coursers posing at Miami-Yoder
what kind of play and what kind of focus and teamwork it
takes to succeed at the next level. We didn’t manage to beat the top 3 teams, but we know what we have to do
next year and have our sights on Regionals next season!
It is with a heavy heart that we say so long to our two seniors, Whitney Schuck and Gracie Williams, who were
both unshakable pillars of the team this season.
Whitney Schuck is a true inspiration. She showed the team what could be accomplished by determination,
dedication and hard work. She set her goals high early in the summer and decided to become a great hitter.
Then she proceeded to come to nearly every open gym, putting in the time and work to achieve her goal. Her
hard work paid off in spades. She was the most dominant hitter on the team and one of the most dominant in
the league. Her dedication and progress in one season was outstanding. She became one of the best allaround players on the team and was the foundation of the Varsity offense. She was selected for the AllConference team at the end of the season. Congratulations, Whitney, and all the best in your future endeavors.
Gracie Williams has such talent as a setter. She is not only a great athlete and leader but also a very smart
setter. She is able to move her offense around to challenge any defense. Her performance as setter was a
cornerstone of the Varsity team for the last two years. It was such a pleasure to work with and coach her, as
well as to just watch her play. She was constantly working to improve herself as well as providing a tireless
voice of encouragement to the rest of the team. She was selected for the All-Conference Team at the end of
the season. We couldn’t have done it without you, Gracie! Best wishes in your future endeavors.
See you all next spring
for Open Gym!
What is a Gobolink?
by Elementary Music Teacher, Jan Lightfoot
Just ask any of our first through fourth graders who went on our Philharmonic
Field Trip, and they’ll have an answer for you!
On Wednesday, October 31, if you had been at the elementary campus you
would have seen eight buses lined up, ready to go. When the clock struck 10
A.M., 480 students poured out every main door of the building in typical CMCA
style: students in their uniforms, behaving well, and boarding their assigned
buses in an orderly fashion. They were equally well behaved and orderly when
the first bus would not start, requiring those students to unload and board the
other buses. Despite this setback, we were on the road to the Pikes Peak
Center right on time thanks to the flexibility of our students and staff.
Once at the Pikes Peak Center, we were ushered into the concert hall, where our 500 students, teachers and
chaperones took up several rows to watch the performance of Help, Help the Gobolinks! This was the first
time the Philharmonic had undertaken an opera for children and the first time many of our students had seen
an opera of any kind. Our students were well behaved throughout the performance. Parents, you would
have been proud; our teachers certainly were.
So, what is a Globolink? That was the name of the alien invaders that came to a town where band students
forgot to bring their instruments back when school started. The only thing that would make the Globolinks
leave our planet was the sound of music, because while the aliens were familiar with their own unusual
sounds, they were not familiar with the beautiful music on earth.
The opera provided the opportunity to hear several great singers in a fun setting. Our students also enjoyed
seeing other children their age performing in the opera as aliens. The CMCA students were just as well
behaved on the trip back to school, and we arrived at CMCA on schedule – with no aliens aboard our buses!
Junior High Boo-ya Dance
by Student Council Vice President, Aspen Blair
This dance was one of the best dances that we have ever
had. Everyone came dressed in great costumes! We had a
great DJ, Mr. Bower, who played many songs that all
students liked. Though we did not have enough beverages,
we had many tasty treats that were eaten up by the end of
the dance! Donut on a string was a big hit among the
students. Everyone was gathered around and cheering for
their favorite candidate. There was only one pumpkin in the
contest, but it was well carved and a great example of how
the other pumpkins could look. Our last activity, musical
chairs, did not get as many hits. It was very fun for all of the
contestants though! Over all, this Halloween dance went
very well.
PTO Updates
Dear Parents and Staff,
Fall is indeed the busiest time of the year for our
robust PTO! We have concluded our
Entertainment Book fundraising sale, and Cookie
Dough was delivered this week. It appears that we
earned approximately $10,000 from Entertainment
Books and $8,500 from Cookie Dough. Thank you
for your participation!
Friday folder and look for posters with more
Please like our CMCA PTO Facebook page and
look for weekly e-mail updates from your friendly
PTO. This is the easiest way for us to keep CMCA
and Vanguard families informed and to call for
We have been very busy utilizing these funds to
provide many extras that CMCA and Vanguard
could otherwise not afford. The PTO made a
pledge to spend $10,000 at each campus this
school year and capped off the Corona Campus
pledge by allocating $6,400 towards a new
concrete walkway that will be installed between the
Lower Lot and the Upper Lot. This will make for a
safer walk for students before and after school as
well as during PE, Field Day and fire drills. The
Wahsatch Campus was provided with several new
computers as well as the beautiful new fencing
along Wahsatch to help facilitate a safer pick-up
and drop-off for students. PTO also paid for balls
for the 6th-9th grade PE program, provided funds to
support the Geography Bee and materials to build
cell models for 5th grade science students , as well
as paid for several new glockenspiels for the
Wahsatch music program.
We look forward to seeing you at our next PTO
Meeting on Tuesday, December 11, 2012, at
1:30 pm at Schlotzky’s Deli near the Wahsatch
Kindergarten Building. All parents and teachers
are always welcome!
Nov. 29: Eat & Greet @ Papa John’s
Nov. 30: Holiday Bazaar (1-5pm in The Box)
Dec 1: Holiday Bazaar (10-3pm in The Box)
Dec. 11: PTO Meeting (1:30-3 pm @ Schlotzky’s)
Dec. 12: Eat & Greet @ Panda Express
President Trudy Hackenberg:
Vice President Jennifer Heffernan:
by Student Council Vice President Aspen Blair
PTO is looking forward to our first ever Holiday
Bazaar on Friday, November 30, and Saturday,
December 1, in the Corona Campus “Box.”
Please join us in supporting CMCA families and
their businesses as well as other local crafters and
small businesses. Vendor booths are full.
Admission is free.
Treasurer Brooke Bolton:
Secretary Taylor Fry-Van Demarr:
Another new event this year is the Holiday Gift
Shop for students at the Wahsatch Campus. This
is a way for students in grades K-4 to spend a
small amount on holiday gifts for their family or
friends. Students will be given time to shop the
week of December 10th. Watch your student’s
PTO Liaison Janet Dinnen:
PTO website:
Facebook: like “Cheyenne Mountain Charter
Academy PTO”
Cheyenne Mountain Charter Academy
1605 S. Corona Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80905
Support CMCA on Colorado Gives Day
Please support CMCA on Colorado Gives Day, which will be
the kick off of our annual Lend a Hand Fundraising
Campaign! On Tuesday, December 4th, Coloradans will
come together again to raise millions of dollars for nonprofit
educations like ours. Last year, a remarkable $12.8 million
was distributed to Colorado nonprofits.
What’s great is that 100% of your donation will come to
us, and the value of your donation will be increased by
the FirstBank Incentive Fund when you schedule a
donation on December 4th.
Schedule your December 4th donation today at: