Easter 2015


Easter 2015
Eggcellent Easter Eaters! By Emily and Lizzy.
How do you eat your Easter Egg?
We all enjoy eating our Easter eggs , but we all do this in different ways. Which category of Animal
Easter Egg Eater do you fit into?
Mouse = You approach your egg with caution and delicately nibble away at it – sometimes it takes
you over an hour to finish it!
Shark = You attack you egg with confidence! This small gooey substance can’t hide from you – it’s
usually ripped to shreds and devoured within 10 seconds!
Snake = When it comes to your egg, you are a deadly predator! You like to take your egg by
surprise and you gobble it whole!
Squirrel = You take your time with your egg, cleverly ‘squirrelling’ it away from prying eyes! Your
egg can last for the whole year or, at least, until the sell-by date!
Cheetah = Your egg cannot run away from you! You are a fast predator when it comes to
chocolate! You viciously eat it within in 5 seconds flat and show no mercy!
Leech = The creamy filling is all you want and you suck it out until all that remains is a hollow
chocolate shell!
Which one are you??? Mrs Carter says she is a Squirrel; Mr Ingram is a leech and Ms Timon is a
squirrel too!
Did you know…??
There are lots of normal types of Easter eggs: plain chocolate, gooey chocolate and The Smartie.
However, as there is a lot of competition due to super markets trying to be the best, things get wackier
every year! Here are some of the weirder Easter eggs out now…
Marmalade egg!
Pot noodle egg!
Marmite egg!
Curry egg!
Eww! These sound disgusting! What do you think?!
When anyone mentions Easter, you instantly think of chocolate, right? But remember ,the real meaning
of Easter, as sometimes it slips through our chocolaty fingers!
Where in the school?
Can you find these obscure images in school? Have you identified
them all? Go looking for them if not!
(Answers on back page)
1D vs The Vamps
by Robyn and Harriet
This is a hard choice - One Direction or The Vamps! While One Direction are singing their hearts
out, The Vamps are getting ready for their next performance. Some people like 1D, but others might
like The Vamps. One Direction are good and they have some good songs, like ‘Steal My Girl’. The
Vamps have some fantastic songs, like ‘Cecilia’. Some of my friends like One Direction because they
sing there heart out and they like the way they look, however, I like The Vamps because they’re funny
and their songs are epic! Which group do you prefer? It doesn’t really matter if you don’t like the
style, clothes or the look – it’s the music that counts!!
It matters how good their singing is and whether the songs are catchy enough to download.
Currently, the most popular band are… You decide!
Fifa 15 review
Fifa 15 is a football game available on all sorts of devices:
i-pad, xbox, desktop. This review is on the i-pad version.
There has been no improvement except the player signings
are the same as the premiership. I like it because football
is one of my favourite sports.
It’s very realistic because you can create your own team and get packs
to make it better. As a reward for: passing, possession shots on target,
man of the match... you get coins to get better packs, and during
matches you sometimes unlock achievements.
In Fifa 16 I would like to see goal line technology where you have
instant replays to see if crossed the line. My recommendation to
everyone who likes football is you get this game
because it’s awesome!
A girl has been pushing me around and being mean to me. What should I do?
We know that must be hard. It’s horrible when people are mean to us and it makes us feel really bad.
The first thing you should do is tell a trusted adult, so that they can help you. If this person is
calling you names in class, you can tell your teacher. The teachers at Holy Trinity care about your
feelings and would solve this problem for you – they want to help. If it happens in the playground,
you can tell a lunchtime supervisor or a mediator. As well as these trusted adults, you should also tell
your parents, as they are there to help you too.
Remember: people who are nasty to others are often trying to get attention or make you feel bad
because they feel bad. You should ignore them and tell a trusted adult – you do not need to call
them names back.
‘A Bad Beginning’ by Lemony Snicket. Reviewed by Harvey H.
‘A Bad Beginning’ is the first book of the ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ series. This book is about
three orphans who must escape from an evil count who thinks up evil plots to steal their fortune (the
orphans were left with their parents’ fortune but weren’t old enough to inherit it yet. The Baudelaire
orphans were put in extremely challenging scenarios and they have to use their skills and intelligence
to pull through. ‘A Bad Beginning’ is suspenseful and very well written. I definitely recommend this
humorous, yet mysterious novel.
Trinitize would like more book reviews for the next edition. If you are interested in writing one,
please talk to Editor, Teo B 6C/W.
Vox Pop! By Erin, Lizzy, Charlie and Hannah.
We have a new way of doing Collective Worship and we wanted to know what you thought
about it. Here are some of your thoughts and opinions…
It makes learning about
Christianity really fun and we
understand more about R.E.
We prefer it to normal
assemblies because it’s more
We really like it because we
learn really interesting things
in a fun way!
It helps to understand deeper
meanings in stories and
Chloe and Amy (Year 3)
Alfie, Jack, Matty, Spike. (Year 3)
Elliot, Hal, George. E., Henry (Year
Beau (Year 4)
We really like it because we
get to be involved and that’s
good fun!
It’s good but it should be
shorter so that we can have
longer break.
We like it but we think it
should be more interactive.
It’s really good and better
than it was, but it could be
aimed at Year 6.
Alice and Lilly(Year 5)
Oliver, Max, Ben and Elliot (Year
C.J., Isaac, Felix, Robert ( Year 6)
Craig, Oren, Connie, Henry, Evie
and Mal (Year 6)
Do you have any ideas you would like us to feature in TrinitizeVox Pop? Please see Lizzy (6B), Erin (6T) or
Hannah (3E).
You choose!
Why don’t we have school dinners?
By Charlie
From September, children in Reception and Year 1 and 2 were given
free cooked school dinners by the Government as school dinners are
seen as healthier. However, at Holy Trinity, it is not possible to have
school dinners. We can only bring in our own food.
I asked children in year 3 whether they would like to have a cooked
school dinner or not. The results were:
Yes to school dinners = 45
Yes to both = 1
No to school dinners = 34
Mr Ingram said: ‘School dinners are a lovely idea and something we
have looked at. The lunch system we have works really well at the
moment but that’s not to say it won’t change in the future.’
What do you think?
Trainers vs School shoes
Sun vs Rain
1D vs The Vamps
Summer vs Winter
X-factor vs The Voice
Football vs Rugby
Netball vs Hockey
Dogs vs Cats
Meghan Trainer vs Ed Sheeran
Wet-play vs Outside play
Sick chair Gym mats Library shelf Stain glass window Handprint tile Penguin bin Projector Playground markings