January 3, 2016 Bulletin


January 3, 2016 Bulletin
January 3, 2016
The Epiphany of the Lord
National Migration Week
THIS WEEK AT ST. LOUIS (Daily Mass Schedule p.2)
6:30 am - Men’s Spirituality Group, Manse
3:30 pm - Children’s Choir Practice, Church
7:00 pm - Parish Council, Parish Meeting Hall
7:30 am - Understanding Sunday’s Scriptures,
4:30 pm - Living Faith Classes
6:30 pm - First Penance Kick-off Family
Session, Church
2:45 pm - Mass at the Highlands Laurelwood
7:30 pm - Regional Charismatic Prayer Grp., PMH
7:00 pm - Holy Hour, Church
1:00 pm - Mass at the Highlands Laurelwood
7:00 pm - Challenge Teen Girls Group, PMH
Saturday - JANUARY 9
3:00 pm - Confessions (New Time)
4:30 pm - Mass (Sign Language Interpreted)
6:00 pm - Ultreya (Pot Luck Dinner 5:45 pm), PMH
The Baptism of the Lord
7:30 am - Mass
9:00 am - Mass, Children’s Choir, Seasons of Faith
11:00 am - Mass, Children’s Liturgy of the Word
5:00 pm - Mass
6:15 pm - Middle School & High School Youth
Ministry Groups
Like us on Facebook
Blessings to you and those you love in the New Year.
Let us rejoice in God’s precious love.
May the Prince of Peace lead us to true peace as we continue our
journey to Christ and experience the Year of Mercy together.
~ Fr. Bob, Msgr. Krieg, Fr. Ray, Dcn. Dave,
and our St. Louis Parish Staff
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY www.StLouisChurch.org Phone: 585.586.5675 Fax: 585.387.9888
Mass Intentions for This Week
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious
1 Jn 3:22--4:6/Mt 4:12-17, 23-25
1 Jn 5:5-13/Lk 5:12-16
11:00 am Memorial Mass for
Margaret Burt &
Catherine Procopio
5:15 pm Joan Powell Tom & Barbara Curran
St. John Newman, Bishop
1 Jn 4:7-10/Mk 6:34-44
11:00 am Andrew Eilertsen Eilertsen Family
1:00 pm Mass at the Highlands
Laurelwood for the People
of the Parish
5:15 pm Jimmy McCarthy Tom & Barbara Curran
6:45 am Fran Robeck Dick & Isabel Miller
11:00 am Roland Schindler Jeanette Watters
1 Jn 5:14-21/Jn 3:22-30
9:00 am Special Intention for
Gerard Rooney Marie Wilhere
4:30 pm Don Corletta Joe Pocious
We invite you to have a
Sanctuary Lamp lit at the
Blessed Sacrament to have
your very special intentions
remembered for a week.
To arrange this, please call or visit the
Ministry Center. The Thursday Holy
Hour Ministry will offer special
prayers for your intention.
One lamp will burn for a
Special Intention for Hailey Fuller
by Grandma.
1 Jn 4:11-18/Mk 6:45-52
11:00 am James Newell The Baptism of the Lord
Ann & Jack Burns
Is 60:1-6/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1- 12
2:45 pm Mass at the Highlands
Living Center for the Residents 7:30 am Terrance Henry Bob & Joan Farnam
and Staff
Powell 5:15 pm Pat O’Connor Kate
Henry DePippo
Smerbeck Family
11:00 am Irene DeSantis Fred & Karen
5:00 pm Special Intention for
1 Jn 4:19--5:4/Lk 4:14-22a
Those Struggling with
6:45 am Robert Courtney Addiction and Depression
VFW Post 5092
11:00 am Nelly O’Connor Doris Schmidt
One lamp will burn
In memory of Jim Lougheed
by Jo and Family.
Requiem Aeternam
Margaret Burt
Catherine Procopio
Saturday & Sunday, January 9 and 10
Extraordinary Ministers of
Holy Communion
4:30 pm
H. Gerstner
J. Gerstner
C. McManus, S. Schrecker, M. Alongi, M. Diamond,
C. Herdklotz, D. Huver, M. Smerbeck, L. Nunn
J. Raymondjack M. Smerbeck
J. Pike
7:30 am
C. Bergin
S. Welch
D. Haefner, C. Hill, J. Farnam, S. Holderle, C. Housel,
D. Jackling, L. Newell, B. Tomaino
M.E. Galusha
F. Galusha
M.J. Decker
9:00 am
I. Best
B. Best
M. O’Neil Midgley, J. Pippin, G. Gebbie, M. Payne, C. Thomas,
K. Kolthoff, C. Lanahan, E. Ramos, M. Ramos, A. Wilt
B. Lanahan
S. Payne
S. Mattina
G. Mattina
C. Carpenter, K. Kammholz, J. Eisenhart, C. DeJoy, M. DeSain,
M. Hickey, D. McBride, K. McBride, A. Roberts, D. McKeown
A. Solazzo
P. Mallon
K. McBride
M. Hickey
P. Lynge, M.E. Holvey, C. Hester, K. Hettrich, A. Holvey,
M. Murphy, T. Strassburg, N. Tirabassi
M. Duffy
J. Haefner
K. Hester
11:00 am
5:00 pm
E. VanDusen
E. Smith
Sunday Communion Service - January 10
The Highlands: Darlene Huver
Heather Heights: Diane & Joe Salipante
Page Two
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
January 3, 2016
unavailable at
press time
Daystar for Medically Fragile Infants, Inc., a ministry of the Sisters
of St. Joseph of Rochester, is dedicated to protecting our community’s
most vulnerable children from birth to five years. In January 2013,
Daystar moved to its newly constructed 11,000-square-foot custom
built facility in Brighton, NY, specifically designed to accommodate
infants and young children with medical and developmental complexities and to enhance Daystar’s unique pediatric day-respite center.
Daystar dramatically expanded its services from a daily maximum of
12 enrolled children to 40 infants and children up to age five.
Today, Daystar’s one-of-a-kind model incorporates expert pediatric
medical respite care, therapeutic and educational support programming, and parent support and family engagement services to medically fragile children up to age five who are braving serious, and often
life-threatening medical and developmental complexities.
Daystar provides seamless coordination of other required therapies
such as physical, speech and vision, working cooperatively with Monroe County’s Early Intervention program and area school districts, and
offers music therapy and individualized educational programming for
all program participants. Daystar families receive essential guidance,
education, and support in facing the multiple challenges of raising a
child with medical and/or developmental complexities.
to all who have already made a generous
pledge to the Catholic Ministries Appeal!
Opening Our Treasures
The magi traveled far, and brought great treasures to offer the newborn Savior. Physically the
trip for us is much shorter, from home to church.
In other ways it may be much farther. But this is
a journey worth more than any other journey we
will ever take! The magi opened their gifts of
gold, frankincense and myrrh. We not only make
an offering from the many things with which the
Lord has blessed us; we open up the treasure of
the gifts and talents the Lord has given us, and
most importantly, we open up our heart.
Blessings to you this Epiphany, and always!
Would you like to make it easier next year? Consider shifting to
electronic giving. EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) means that your
monthly contribution is automatically transferred from your checking
or savings account to St. Louis Church. Benefits of giving through
EFT: You control the amount and timing of your monthly offering to
St. Louis Church, plus related Diocesan/National appeals as well as
Holy Days. You can spread your contributions evenly over the entire
year, and the Church can count on an even flow of contributions.
You receive an annual statement by e-mail or regular mail. These
statements also document Diocesan/National and Holy Day
collection amounts. This page serves as a record for those who
itemize contributions on their tax returns. To use EFT, you need to
complete the Authorization Form and return it with a voided personal
check. EFT forms are available in church; or you can call the
Ministry Center (585-586-5675) for us to mail the form to you;
to download a form, go to www.stlouischurch.org/parish-support.
Let the Children Come to Me Through Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 11 AM Mass, young children get to know
Jesus early on, as he speaks to them in the Gospel, and invites them to pray for their concerns. After proceeding to their
own area for Children’s Liturgy of the Word, the children listen to some of the Scriptures we listen to during the Mass.
(Often one passage is omitted, acknowledging a yet-to-grow attention span.) The leader, using resources provided,
engages them to focus on a point or two in the scriptures. Following that, they move on to kid friendly prayers of the
faithful, and finally the children return to Mass as the altar is prepared. Pray about it. Is this just the ministry for you?
You can start as an assistant with one of our Season leaders, to better discern whether God is calling you to be part of
the team. Contact Bea Hack (bhack@dor.org or 586-5675, ext. 231) or Fr. Bob (ring@dor.org or ext. 225) if you have
some interest!
Page Three
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
January 3, 2016
The Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord
1st Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6
Rise up in splendor!
2nd Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6
We are members of the same body
Looking Ahead:
The Baptism of the Lord
Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12
They opened their treasures
1st Reading: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11
Cry out! Here is your God!
Echoing Through Art
Read through today’s Gospel. Do you see any camels?
Through the centuries, Christian artists have depicted
countless scenes from the New Testament and the Old.
Their starting point is a given passage and the description
it offers. But many other images from the Bible swirl
around in the imagination as well, as the artist approaches
his or her medium. No doubt Matthew was aware of the
passage from third Isaiah that we hear this Sunday, for he
sees in the magi a fulfilment of prophecy. But he only
includes the notion of kings from afar, and the gifts of
gold, frankincense, and myrrh in his sketch. Many artists
felt the need to include more details, to let the viewer
know that these kings came from afar. The means of
transportation? Back to Isaiah – let’s put camels in the
painting/mosaic/fresco. And now you have the rest of
the story!
As you reread this passage, look beyond the physical
details, to the emotional/spiritual message. Sense the joy,
even a radiant joy, the hope, the wonder, the abundance
we find when we come to Christ.
One Big Family
Prior to the birth of Christ, while Jews, through the
diaspora, where living throughout the world, among
themselves, and to their Gentile neighbors, it was clear,
there are a people set apart. In just a few words, the
passage we hear in Ephesians today reflects a sea change.
Christ and the Gospel bring Jews and Gentiles together,
members of the same body, partners sharing the Good
News side by side.
Subliminal Inspiration
How did the magi know that Christ was born? Was it just
an unexplainable astronomical phenomenon that set them
on their journey? Possibly. But a dream led them to an
alternate route home. Perhaps a dream, or some other
subliminal message from God also set them on their
Page Four
journey. To get to their final destination though, they
needed additional help – the chief priests and scribes
helping them know what the prophets had said; the clues
in divine revelation. God was their ultimate GPS.
2nd Reading: Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7
He saves us through his mercy
Gospel: Luke 3:15-16, 21-22
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit
Bless Our Home
There is an ancient tradition of blessing one’s home on the
Feast of the Epiphany, connected to the magi coming to
the home in Nazareth. Here is one approach:
Leader: Peace be to this house.
All: And to all who dwell herein.
Leader: From the east came the Magi to Nazareth to
adore the Lord; and opening their treasures they offered
precious gifts: gold for the great King, incense for the true
God, and myrrh in symbol of His burial.
All Pray: the Our Father
Leader: Let us pray. O God, who by the guidance of a
star didst on this day manifest Thine only-begotten Son to
the Gentiles, mercifully grant that we who know Thee by
faith may also attain the vision of Thy glorious majesty.
Through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.
Leader: Let us pray. Bless, O Lord God almighty, this
home, that in it there may be health, purity, the strength of
victory, humility, goodness and mercy, the fulfillment of
Thy law, the thanksgiving to God the Father and to the
Son and to the Holy Spirit. And may this blessing remain
upon this home and upon all who dwell herein. Through
Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.
After the prayers of the blessing are recited, the initials
of the Magi, (Caspar, Melchior & Balthasar) may be
inscribed upon the doors with chalk. (The initials,
C, M, B, can also be interpreted as the Latin phrase
"Christus mansionem benedicat" which means
"Christ bless this house", 20XX for the year.)
Example: 20 + C + M + B + 16.
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
January 3, 2016
Q. “What is the atmosphere during Adoration at St. John’s?
Who should I expect to be there with me?”
A. These are some of the popular questions that have been
asked to date. The St. Louis Eucharistic Adoration program
is held at the side chapel of St. John of Rochester (8 Wickford Way, Fairport), attached to the church. With few
exceptions, the atmosphere is generally intended to be one
of quiet prayer time for anyone present in the chapel. The
exceptions can include publicized holy hours, such as a
periodic children’s prayer hour on certain Saturdays. In
addition, adoration is suspended during daily Masses (which
are held in the chapel) and weekend and holyday Masses
(which are held in the church). Adorers are not scheduled
during these Mass times.
During the quiet prayer times, silence is requested, both
for reverence and so as not to interrupt others. You may be
alone or you might be sharing the hour with one or more
St. John’s adorer(s) or even another St. Louis adorer. Also,
people from around the area may drop-in to pray at any time
during the day or night, and may stay from a minute or two
up to an hour or more – these are unscheduled visits, and
St. Louis parishioners are invited to do this as well, even if
they already have a scheduled hour on another day and time.
Some people pay a daily visit to the chapel as part of their
regular prayer routine. One of the advantages of a Perpetual
Eucharistic Adoration program is to be able to drop-in and
pray in the presence of Our Lord at any time.
Finding Time for the Bible
Lent will be fast upon us this year. Along with the
Tuesday morning Bible study where we explore the
coming Sunday readings, several other Bible study
opportunities will be offered. Watch for a Bible study
on Luke's Gospel, one on Matthew's Gospel, and, catch
this great title, "Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible."
Why, it almost sounds like opening the Door of Mercy!
Gathering with a group of folks to discuss what we hear
in a given passage, while also utilizing great resources,
truly does open a door into the scriptures. With several
of the studies, it is possible to miss sessions yet, get the
content on-line. We are talking very user friendly Bible
study! Watch for details.
Being Fed
Hungry? Need some good nourishing food for body,
mind and spirit? Ultreya is the answer! Saturday evening,
January 10, give it a try. We begin with a pot luck
supper at 5:45PM that will definitely feed the body.
Then for the soul, we do some sharing, in small groups.
We reassemble to hear someone give a witness about
their faith, reflect together, and to close the evening,
proceed to the church for closing prayer. Never been on
a Cursillo weekend? Please come to Ultreya. You will
be well fed, and believe it or not, that could just be
an appetizer!
If you have a general question about Perpetual Eucharistic
Adoration, would like to be an adorer, or would like
to know more about St. Louis Eucharistic Adoration at
St. John’s, please see Deacon Dave or Barb Snyder, or
contact them at stlouisadoration@gmail.com (note the new
contact information for this program). You may also fill out
one of the yellow sign-up cards located in the church pews
and leave it with an usher or at the parish office, or drop it in
a gold-colored Eucharistic Adoration box located at the
church side entrances and in the Narthex.
Moms & Dads ... Share Your Thoughts!
The Diocese of Rochester Department of Catholic Schools is seeking 10-16 parents/guardians of school-aged children
that have not attended Catholic schools to participate in one of two focus groups to discuss how different alternatives
may positively impact the future enrollment of Catholic schools in the Diocese of Rochester. Focus group participants will
be asked about 5 different alternatives to potentially help increase enrollment. It is estimated that each focus group will
last 45 minutes. We will hold the focus groups at Siena Catholic Academy in Brighton on January 6, 2016 at 6:30 PM
and at St. Mary’s in Canandaigua on January 7, 2016 at 6:30 PM. While there is no financial benefit provided to participants, light refreshments will be provided. Your input and time would be greatly appreciated. If you are interested please
contact the Department of Catholic Schools at (585) 328-3228, Ext. 1294 or by email to schools@dor.org. Thank you!
Page Five
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
January 3, 2016
Parents, grandparents, alumni, friends and supporters of
the St. Louis School family can now be a permanent part
of St. Louis School. If you have a current student in the
school, a family member that you would like to remember,
are interested in honoring a teacher, past alum or just
want to leave a footprint on SLS, consider ordering a
commemorative brick.
With a brick in the SLS Legacy Walkway, your personal
inscription will live forever at the school that shapes the
lives of thousands of children. For additional information,
please contact Dawn Schnell at
St. Louis School • 11 Rand Place, Pittsford, NY 14534 • 585.586.5200 • slspittsford.org
Page Six
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
January 3, 2016
A Stranger and You Welcomed Me
In the Gospel of Matthew (25:35) Jesus tells his disciples, "I was
hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink,
I was a stranger and you welcomed me." The call to welcome the
stranger plays an important role in the lives of faithful Christians
and has a particularly central place for those of us who work in the
migration field. The migrant, who moves from one country to another
is truly a stranger in the midst. Often unfamiliar with the local tongue
of the new country, not to mention its customs, the migrant needs the
support of local communities so that she [or he] can better adjust to
her [their] new surroundings. National Migration Week 2016 picks
up on the theme of welcome and, in doing so, calls on each of us to
welcome the stranger among us.”
“Our world, caught up in wars, violence, and various forms of
injustice, is witnessing an unprecedented movement of peoples.
How we deal with them is a test of our humanity, our respect
for human dignity, and above all our solidarity with our brothers
and sisters in need.”
~ Pope Francis, 11/27/15
Please Pray for World Peace
Saint’s Place reopens on Monday, January 4 at 8:30 am.
Angel Tree gifts can still be brought to Saint’s Place.
There is NO time limit on Angel Tree gifts. Saint’s Place shares
the spirit of Christmas 352 days a year.
Got Calendars?
At this time of year, we all seem to receive
unsolicited calendars from charities, home services,
etc. Rather than throw them out – please save them
for Saint’s Place to be part of our household setups for refugee
families. They are happy to receive a calendar. The calendars can
be put in the Saint’s Place drawer in the north entrance (piano side)
of church or in our red Angel Tree bins. Thank you!
We pray that you provide your divine
protection to all migrants,
particularly those who are driven from
their homes due to war or violence,
who are uprooted due to environmental
degradation and climate change,
or whose material poverty pushes them
to find opportunities elsewhere.
Show us how we might reach out to
these vulnerable populations and help
them to begin a new life in a new home.
Open our hearts, so that we may provide
hospitality for all who come in search of
refuge. Give us the courage to welcome
every stranger, as Christ in our midst.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus
Christ, who lives and reigns with you in
the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,
forever and ever. Amen.
Saint’s Place, 46 S. Main St., Pittsford, NY 14534. Isabel Miller Executive Director.
Saint’s Place Ministry Hours: 46 S. Main St.: Mon. through Thurs.: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Closed Fridays.
St. John of Rochester: Mon., Tues., Thurs.: 9:15 am until 12 noon; Wed.: 9:15 am to 2:30 pm.; Closed Fridays.
Phone: 585-385-6860 or saintlady@saintsplace.org, or www.saintsplace.org
Page Seven
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
January 3, 2016
March for Life in DC
Friday, January 22, 2016
Join pilgrims from around the Diocese at the
annual March for Life in DC. Gather for a
Diocese of Rochester March for Life photo
on the steps of the Basilica of the Immaculate
Conception, then join Bishop Matano for Mass
at the Basilica and march with him and others
from the Diocese.
Buses are leaving from around the Diocese
Thursday night, January 21 and returning
Friday night, January 22. They are filling up
fast – reserve your seat now!
Holy Spirit, Webster
commiteeforlife@yahoo.com • 585-503-3256
Seat Cost: $40 • Departure 10:00 PM
St. John of Rochester, Fairport
janene_loughran@yahoo.com • 585-329-1974
Seat Cost: $60 Adult, $30 Student
Departure 10:00 PM
St. Pius X, Chili
dolejar1@gmail.com • 585-305-2058
Seat Cost: $65 Adult, $45 Student
Departure:10:00 PM
Contact: Suzanne Stack, Diocesan Life
Issues Coordinator • For Questions:
585-328-3210, ext. 1304 or sstack@dor.org
Page Eight
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
January 3, 2016
Beginning Experience of Rochester will be
Love One Another, the third annual
Rochester Catholic Women’s Conference
is coming on March 12, 2016 to the Aquinas
Institute in Rochester. This year’s theme invites us to
share God’s love and mercy with everyone. Speakers
include Sr. Clare Matthias of the Franciscan Sisters of
the Renewal, Kelly Wahlquist, founder of WINE: Women
in the New Evangelization, and Marcus Grodi of the
Coming Home Network International.
This is a wonderful gift idea for your wife, mother,
daughter, sister, grandmother, aunt or best friend! She will
appreciate the opportunity to be refreshed, spending the
day with other Catholic women. Her day will also include
Mass with our Bishop, Catholic devotions, local vendors
for shopping, and a delicious lunch. Registration is open
now at www.Rochestercwc.org. Contact Christine DiNovo
at cdinovo@rochester.rr.com for more information.
sponsoring a 10-week hope and healing program for the
separated, divorced and widowed. Weekly sessions will
be held from 7:00 -9:00 p.m. at St. Catherine of Siena,
26 Mendon-Iona Road, Mendon, NY 14546 (Route 64)
beginning January 14. The course will follow the book,
“Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends” by Dr. Bruce
Fisher. For more information or to register call
Sue (585-749-8827). Or, for more information or to
register on-line visit the BE website at
Grief Share Support Group @ Transfiguration
Our Grief Share Support Group begins at the Church
of the Transfiguration on Wednesday, 1/13/16.
Grief Share is a friendly, caring group of people who will
walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult
experiences of losing a loved one. The program offers
caring and informative videos, workbook and shared
conversation with each session. Unexpected things may
come up and you will find encouragement and help
whenever you attend.
Join us for this fourteen week program on Wednesdays
from 12:30PM – 2:00PM in our Parish Life Center.
Materials cost - $15.00. Please stop by the parish office
to register, or mail your registration to Church of the
Transfiguration, 50 West Bloomfield Road, Pittsford, NY
14534, or contact Margie Benza at 248-2427 ext. 244,
or margie4@frontiernet.net. Registrations are due by
Michael Theisen is the Director of Ministry for the National
Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry in Washington, DC
and the National Coordinator for the Strong Catholic
Families initiative.
CENTENARY TOUR OF IRELAND: Veteran tour leader
Deirdre McKiernan Hetzler, retired pastoral and campus
minister, to lead a tour to Ireland on May 12-24. 2016 is
the centenary of the final push for Irish independence, tour
highlights some associated history, along with some off-the
-beaten-track scenery. View the itinerary at mckiernanirishtours-sites-google.com or call Deirdre at 388-8892.
Page Nine
On Tuesday, January 19, St. Catherine’s Church in
Mendon will host a discussion of Catholic-Jewish
relations in the Greater Rochester area. The discussion
starts at 7:00pm and will be held in St. Catherine’s
Chapel. Dr. Joseph Kelly retired Professor of Religious
Studies at Nazareth College and Hebrew Scriptures at St.
Bernard’ Seminary and Larry Fine, Executive Director of
the Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester will lead the
discussion. In September, 2015, Dr. Kelly published his
book, Behold How Good It Is, which traces the amazing
cordial history of Jewish-Catholic relations in the Diocese
of Rochester. The publication will be on sale at the discussion for $15. Larry Fine, has been the Executive Director of the Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester for
27 years. He actively participates in Rochester’s unique
inter-faith community, working closely with Christian,
Islamic and other faith leaders, in various forums which
have helped to build open and strong relationships across
religions in the region. For more information contact Jack
Clarcq (jclarcq@rochester.rr.com or Ruth Maier SSJ
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
January 3, 2016
PARISH OFFICES - Ministry Center
64 S. Main Street, 14534
(585) 586-5675; Fax 387-9888
Peggy Lynge, Faith Formation Coordinator,
ext. 230, plynge@dor.org
Michele Andrews-Smith, Youth Ministry,
ext. 233, mandrews-smith@dor.org
Rev. Robert Ring, Pastor,
ext. 225, ring@dor.org
Laurie Martin, Finance Director,
ext. 222, lmartin@dor.org
Deacon David Snyder,
Sally Schrecker, Operations Manager,
ext. 235, sschrecker@dor.org
Stephanie Honz, Pastoral Associate for
Liturgy and Liturgical Music,
ext. 251, shonz@dor.org
Christine Wensel, Pastoral Associate,
ext. 224, cwensel@dor.org
Bea Hack, Liturgy Coordinator,
ext. 231, bhack@dor.org
Birdie Proctor, Secretary/Bookkeeper,
ext. 227, bproctor@dor.org
Shannon Toot, Administration Support,
Faith Formation Support,
ext. 223, stoot@dor.org
Barbara Thomas, Bulletin Editor,
ext. 236, bthomas@dor.org
Pat Spinelli, Parish Visitor,
ext. 232, pspinelli@dor.org
Michelle Andrews-Smith
Director of Faith Formation,
ext. 233, mandrews-smith@dor.org
Elizabeth Ministry, 586-5675, ext. 345
Isabel Miller, Executive Director,
Saint’s Place , 46 S. Main St.
Phone: 385-6860
In Residence at the Rectory:
Fr. Ray Booth
Msgr. Gerard Krieg
Fran Barr, Principal,
St. Louis School, 11 Rand Place
Phone: 586-5200 fbarr@dor.org
Richard Whelehan, Grand Knight
Knights of Columbus
Phone: 585-797-4638
Suzy Ward, Chair,
Parish Council, 746-5676
James Schnell, Chair,
Finance Council, 267-7295
Page Ten
Debbie Hoeft, Chair
Stewardship Council, 734-9705
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
Like us on Facebook:
January 3, 2016

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June 19, 2016 Bulletin your very special intentions remembered for a week. To arrange this, please call or visit the Ministry Center. The Thursday Holy Hour Ministry will offer special prayers for your intention. One lam...

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How Do I Love Thee

How Do I Love Thee other at Mass even more. Are you being called to a particular role? Pray about it! Peace, Fr. Bob

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