Introducing . . . - St. Louis Church


Introducing . . . - St. Louis Church
THIS WEEK AT ST. LOUIS (Daily Mass Schedule p.2)
Monday - February 29
6:30 am - Men’s Spirituality Group, Manse
3:30pm - Children’s Choir Practice, Church
7:30 am - Understanding Sunday’s Scriptures,
1:15 pm - Untold Blessing - Three Paths to Holiness
Book Group, Reddington Hall:
Lower Level Below Parish Meeting Hall
4:30 pm - Living Faith, PMH
6:30 pm - First Eucharist Parent Kickoff, Church
9:00 am - Momnipotent, Reddington Hall:
Lower Level Below PMH
1:50 pm - St. Louis School 5th Grade Presentation
Stations of the Cross, Church
2:45 pm - Mass at the Highlands Living Center
7:00 pm - Gospel of Luke, Reddington Hall:
Lower Level Below PMH
7:30 pm - Regional Charismatic Prayer Grp, PMH
7:00 pm - Holy Hour, Church
11:30 am - 4:00 pm: Exposition of
Blessed Sacrament, Church
1:00 pm - Mass at the Highlands Laurelwood
7:00 pm - St. Louis School 5th Grade Presentation
Stations of the Cross, Church
7:00 pm - Challenge Teen Girls Group, PMH
2nd Collection for Catholic Relief Services
8:00 am - Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible,
Reddington Hall: Lower Level Below
9:00 am - 8th Grade Confirmation Program, PMH
9:30 am - Gospel of Matthew, Reddington Hall:
Lower Level Below PMH
3:00 pm - Confessions
4:30 pm - Mass (Sign Language Interpreted)
Speaker: Fr. Bill Jarema, Retreat Director
February 28, 2016
Introducing . . .
Hello! My name is Ted Bianculli and it is my
privilege to serve the St. Louis family as your
new Youth Ministry Coordinator.
Since my first day here the staff, parishioners,
and youth have been very welcoming. I feel
like I've come home! I'd like to give a big
thanks to Fr. Bob, Michelle, and Peggy for
being so accommodating!
A little about my background: I was born and
raised in Tampa, Florida, and I've lived all over the U.S.; from the Midwest,
to the Carolinas, to New England.
I was originally born an Anglican and encountered the Catholic Faith in
2001. From that moment onward I was hooked. In 2002, I entered RCIA. In
2003, I was officially welcomed into the Church. I received my Bachelor's
degree in Comparative Religion at the University of South Florida (Tampa)
and my Master's degree in Theology & Christian Ministry at the Franciscan
University of Steubenville, (in Ohio).
For two years, I served as Youth Ministry Associate at a poor parish, in the
Diocese of St. Petersburg. Last year, I served as a Campus Minister for the
University of Wisconsin - Platteville. This year, I became engaged to my
girlfriend of two years, (she is also a Youth Minister for the Diocese of
When I'm not doing ministry, I like to play music, hike and climb, and (of
course) spend time with my fiancé. A personal goal of mine is to visit all 50
of the United States in my lifetime. I would say I'm almost halfway there.
As far as ministry goes: sharing our rich faith is something that is deeply
personal to me. I look forward to meeting and working with all of you, as
well as helping our future leaders of the parish encounter Christ!
2nd Collection for Catholic Relief Services
Speaker: Fr. Bill Jarema, Retreat Director at Masses May God Bless you!
7:30 am - Mass
9:00 am - Mass, Seasons of Faith
Ted Bianculli
11:00 am - Mass, Children’s Liturgy of the Word
5:00 pm - First Sunday Youth Mass
6:15 pm - Middle & High School Ministry Groups
Like us on Facebook St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY Phone: 585.586.5675 Fax: 585.387.9888
Mass Intentions for This Week
2 Kgs 5:1-15ab/Lk 4:24-30
Hos 14:2-10/Mk 12:28-34
11:00 am Patrick J. PietropaoliPatty & Tom Dromgoole
5:15 pm Marian Battle Jo Petcoff
Dn 3:25, 34-43/Mt 18:21-35
6:45 am Michael Bingo Chris & Kevin Cass
11:00 am Edward B. Reagan The Lada Family
Dt 4:1, 5-9/Mt 5:17-19
11:00 am Ellen Woloszuk The Lanahan Family
2:45 pm Mass at the Highlands Living
Center for the People
of the Parish
5:15 pm Carol Darby Family
Jer 7:23-28/Lk 11:14-23
6:45 am Mary Coco Henry Gerry Mangione Gebbie
11:00 am Michelle Peartree Megan DiPasquale
11:00 am Edward Lada Family
1:00 pm Mass at the Highlands
Laurelwood for the Residents
and Staff
5:15 pm Eunice Wilcox Lynn Hughes
We invite you to have a
Sanctuary Lamp lit at the
Blessed Sacrament to have
your very special intentions
remembered for a week.
To arrange this, please call or visit the
Ministry Center. The Thursday Holy
Hour Ministry will offer special
prayers for your intention.
Hos 6:1-6/Lk 18:9-14
9:00 am Marian Battle Geri & Paul Dolan
4:30 pm Pat O’Connor Ginny, Bill & Kristen Boehm
Three lamps will burn
In Memory of Michelle Peartree
By Strassburg Family.
All are welcome to spend
an hour this March 4, for
First Friday
Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
between 11:30 am - 4:30 pm.
4th Sunday of Lent
Jos 5:9a, 10-12/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
7:30 am Stephen Mangione Gerry Gebbie
9:00 am Angela Tomczak Tomczak & Catalanello
11:00 am Special Intention for Those
Struggling with Addiction &
Depression - Parishioner
5:00 pm Maria Greco Cindy Naas & Gary Wurth, Jr.
Requiem Aeternam
Gino Berno
John Francis Ripton
Saturday & Sunday, March 5 and 6
Extraordinary Ministers of
Holy Communion
4:30 pm
H. Gerstner
J. Gerstner
M. Conking, D. Huver, C. Check, L. Peckham, P. Kessler,
M. Leonardo, K. Maclaren, M. Mench
M. Diamond
L. Nunn
M. Smerbeck
7:30 am
R. Dewan
K. Revekant
M. Brady, M.J. Decker, J. DiPrima, J. Farnam, D. Jackling,
M. Reinagel, G. Shea, P. Shea
T. Cummings
R. Whelehan
L. Newell
9:00 am
A. Camarella
D. Calcagno
F. Barr, J. Wihlen, R. Calcagno, B. Bullis, K. Calcagno,
M. Monley, C. Lanahan, K. May
B. Lanahan
S. Payne
D. Kendricks
11:00 am I. Best
B. Best
C. Ray, J. Walsh, L. Aldred, J. Aldred, L. Sengenberger,
J. Perham, M.A. Perham, D. Wilmot, D. McKeown, S. Hessey
D. Schnell
J. Schnell
D. Varrenti
B. Varrenti
5:00 pm
K. Gilman, T. Strassburg, K. Murphy, K. Hettrich, M. Lippa,
M. Murphy, L. Sullivan, A. Molinari
C. Aeroesty
J. Roxstrom
R. Strassel-Mills
P. Molinari
E. VanDusen
Sunday Communion Service - March 6
The Highlands: Fred & Marie Lapple
Heather Heights: Diane & Joe Salipante
Page Two
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
February 28, 2016
relationship with God and our relationship with the family
of God. What damages the relationship? That’s what we
turn away from; what deepens it? That is what we are
called to turn toward and embrace.
3rd Sunday of Lent
1st Reading: Exodus 3:1-8a, 13-15
I am the God of your ancestors
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:1-6, 10-12
Do not grumble, as some of them did
Looking Ahead:
4th Sunday of Lent
Gospel: Luke: 13:1-9
I tell you, repent and be saved
1st Reading: Joshua 5:9a, 10-12
Finally at home in the Promised Land
The Friendship Begins
“I am who am.” A fascinating name. One held with
tremendous reverence. In respect for our Jewish sisters
and brothers, who believe that the Divine name is too
holy to be spoken, recently the church has asked that we
not use the name ‘Yahweh’ in the liturgy. Songs like
“Yahweh is the God of our salvation” are out. But there
is more to this reading. Moses has a mission that is central
to God’s plan, and the process begins as any healthy
relationship does – God shares who he is: I’m the God
of your fathers. I’m the one who has heard the cry of the
people. I am the one who has come down to rescue them
(and us). I know their suffering (and ours). I will lead them
to the Promised Land. God begins with self-revelation. As
the story unfolds, Moses will open himself up to God,
share ever more deeply. Deuteronomy 34:10 tells us
“Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses,
whom the LORD knew face to face.” God shares with us
the divine identity throughout the scriptures. Lent is a
good time to ask: how am I doing sharing the real me
with God?
Gospel: Luke: 15:1-3, 11-32
He was lost, and has been found!
Day of Penance and Mercy
March 9, 2016
12:30-7:30 pm
2016 Deaf Catholic Retreat Plus Mass
(Conducted in ASL)
Guest Presenter: Rev. Thomas Coughlin,
OP Miss., Diocese of Springfield, Illinois
Saturday, March 5, 8:30 am - 7:00 pm
St. Bernard’s School of Theology & Ministry
120 French Rd., Rochester
For more information or to register, contact Lisa DeWindtSommer at
$25 registration fee includes breakfast, lunch & dinner.
We believe that important facets of the Christian
mysteries are pre-figured, or symbolized in the Old
Testament. St. Paul was masterful in drawing out these
theological insights, as relates to us today, the typology
between the Exodus events and Christian experience. Do
you have a clear enough sense of the central motifs and
themes of the Old Testament to connect them to your
experience, so each can shed light on the other? If not, a
Bible Study, or a good book on scripture can do wonders!
Couldn’t Happen to Me!
In the earliest days after the resurrection, many believers
expected Christ to return and make all things new
immediately. Over time, the expectation diminished, and
a sad result was complacency sometimes setting in. Our
Gospel was intended to shake Luke’s community, (and
us), out of complacency. Repentance isn’t a one-time
thing; it is a life long journey. Repentance isn’t simply
about changing behavior – the central aspect is our
Page Three
2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
We are ambassadors for Christ
Sponsored by the Diocesan Office for Cultural Diversity and
the Deaf Catholic Commission.
Pope Francis has named this liturgical year a Jubilee Year
of Mercy. “The ‘great river of mercy,’ as Pope Francis
calls it in Misericordia Vultus, ‘never runs dry’ because
there are always those who are willing to perform acts of
mercy in their everyday lives.” One of the corporal works
of mercy is to visit the imprisoned. We are not asking that
you visit inmates but rather to volunteer in the play area
where children can go during Saturday visits at Five
Points Correctional Facility in Romulus, NY. The play
area is a separate space in the visiting room that is
monitored by security staff. The children, ages 4-12 years,
are able to come into the room and play with toys, games,
puzzles, coloring books, etc. We are in need of more
volunteers to help us. The commitment is for one
Saturday per month for 3 hours (10am - 1pm). If you
are interested in learning more about this, please contact
Maureen Collins (the Catholic chaplain at the prison) at
315-729-0376 or
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
February 28, 2016
Count Me In
What better time to take a deeper look at the
peace and justice, or social ministries or our
parish than in this Year of Mercy, with our focus
on Works of Mercy? We have a wealth of ministries that our parishioners serve, from the ever
expanding impact of Saint’s Place, to continuing
support for Fr. Rick’s work in Haiti; our CLE
team (Consistent Life Ethic), Habitat Interfaith
Partnership (Habitat for Humanity), RAIHN
(Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network),
a sister school in Africa, the list goes on. But
who will help us keep a wider view, or ensure
that we have the impact we are capable of with
the new poverty initiative in Rochester? What
about coordinating, and encouraging these
efforts to new parishioners, or those wanting to
be more involved? Many parishes have a social
ministry committee or team, and we are about to
launch one here in this Year of Mercy. THANK
YOU to those who already have responded to
the article last week! Is your interest or passion
piqued? Please contact Isabel Miller, or Fr. Bob at Help make it happen!
“I Was Hungry And You Gave Me Food”
Many thanks to all who brought in food last
weekend, to help keep the Sister Regis Food
Cupboard stocked. If you miss the third weekend collection, food may be left anytime for
Pittsford Food Cupboard. There is a drop off
drawer in the entry way near the grand piano at
the front of church. There is also a bin in the
Narthex near the handicap door. Contributions
of non-perishable food can always be donated.
Page Four
HIP is a “coalition” of local faith groups and one
civic organization, formed in 2001 to assist Flower
City Habitat for Humanity (FCHH) in their mission
of “. . . making decent shelter a matter of conscience
and action.” FCHH invites people of all backgrounds,
races, and religions to build houses together in
partnership with families in need of decent and affordable housing.
These new home owners are required to put in 450 hours of sweat
equity in their own and other Habitat housing projects. Joining
St. Louis Church in the HIP coalition are: Christ Episcopal Church,
First Presbyterian Church of Pittsford, Islamic Center of Rochester,
Mount Olivet Baptist Church, Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church, Temple
Sinai of Penfield, and Pittsford Rotary. Our coalition raises the funds
needed to purchase the construction materials and provides
the construction volunteers.
Our build in 2016 also constitutes HIP’s 6th house since 2001. Visit for history and
photos of our builds including the 200th build for FCHH in 2013.
Next weekend’s annual Collection for Catholic Relief Services
provides funding for the USCCB Offices of International Justice
and Peace, Migration and Refugee Services, and Pastoral Care
for Migrants and Refugees; relief work of the Holy Father; and the
Catholic Legal Immigration Network.
Hungering to Give Back for a Healthy
Start in Rwanda
Odette started working with Catholic Relief
Services even before she gave birth to Olga to ensure her child
would get the care she needed during the crucial first 1,000 days of
life. The nutrition a child receives from the time he or she is in the
womb until his or her second birthday can mean the difference
between a promising future and one of poor health and limited
opportunities. Catholic Relief Services works with communities
in Rwanda to end child malnutrition by supporting health and
nutrition programs, and teaching families to grow crops that add
nutritious variety to their meals. Because poverty is a major cause
of malnutrition, CRS helps families find opportunities to earn an
income. With a loan from her microfinance group, Odette started a
business selling agricultural fertilizer so she could support her
family. Odette attends weekly classes that are helping her grow
healthy crops on her farm. She’s also taking courses on how to
prepare nutritious meals from those crops. This year, Olga will reach
a milestone: Her second birthday. Because Odette has been feeding
her a variety of nutritious foods-many of which were grown in the
family garden-Olga is growing up strong and healthy. Every human
being has a special value and purpose. We need to care for each
other so that we can be the people God calls us to be.
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
February 28, 2016
Mark Your Calendars!
Important Dates for Faith Formation Families!
2016 First Eucharist Preparation Calendar
As a reminder, attendance at all sessions is expected.
*Parent only @ Kick-Off.*
Parent and child attend Family Sessions.
Tuesday, March 1st Parent only, Kick-Off
6:30pm-8:00pm Church
Wednesday, March 16th Family Session
6:30pm-8:00pm Church
Wednesday, April 6th Family Session
6:30pm-8:00pm Church
Thursday, April 14th Family Session
6:30pm-8:00pm Church
Thursday, April 21st Practice Session
6:30pm-8:00pm Church
Page Five
First Eucharist celebrations will be either:
Saturday, April 23rd @ 11am & 4:30pm
Sunday, April 24th @ 11am
2016 Sacrament of Confirmation
Important Dates for
Catholic & Public School 8th graders:
Required, Immediate Preparation & Retreat
Saturday, March 5th 9-12pm
Saturday, March 19th 9-12pm
Mandatory attendance at both sessions
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
February 28, 2016
Untold Blessing ~ Three Paths to Holiness
With Bishop Robert Baron
Tuesdays February 16 - March 29 1:15-2:30 pm
Reddington Hall $13.00 RSVP*
The Gospel of Luke
Wednesdays February 24 - May 18 7:00-8:15 pm
Reddington Hall $16.00 RSVP*
Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible
Saturdays February 27 - May 7 8:00-9:15 am
Reddington Hall $30.00 RSVP*
*RSVP to 585-586-5675
Looking for a meaningful Lenten commitment? Come to
know a loving God during this 10-week study and explore
the gospel that is being proclaimed this year at Mass and
that ties in particularly well with the Year of Mercy. Find
great resources and interact on our website for this study
at .
Where? St. Louis Church, lower level (former Youth
Rm) below Parish Meeting Hall in Reddington Hall
When? 7:00-8:30 P.M. Wednesdays: February 24,
March 2 & 16, April 6, 13, 20 & 27, May 4, 11 & 18
Materials Cost? $16
Facilitators: Honus Wagner and Kathryn McAlarney
Please register by contacting Kathryn McAlarney at
490-2745 or
Unlocking the Mystery of the
Bible, an eight-part study,
makes the complex simple
and provides the easiest way to understand the Bible. This
video study is also available *online.
Where? St. Louis Church, lower level (former Youth
Rm) below the Parish Meeting Hall in Reddington Hall
When? Saturdays from 8:00-9:15 A.M. February 27,
March 5 & 19, April 2, 9, 16 & 30, May 7.
Materials Cost? $18
Rochester Catholic Women’s Conference
Love One Another
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Aquinas Institute, Rochester, NY
Doors open at 7 AM, Mass at 8 AM w/Bishop Matano
Speakers include Sr. Clare Matthias of the Franciscan
Sisters of the Renewal, Kelly Wahlquist, author of Created to Relate: God’s Design for Peace & Joy and Marcus
Grodi, host of The Journey Home on EWTN. Register
now at Early Bird $50
Admission fee available thru March 4, includes lunch.
$35 discounted ticket for young adults (18- 25 years old)
includes lunch.
Page Six
Matthew: The King and His
Kingdom is an exciting study
that explores the life and mission of Jesus. Matthew
demonstrates how the promises and prophecies of the Old
Testament are fulfilled in Christ. This video study is also
available *online. Join us this spring as we explore the
first 8 sessions of this study.
Where? St. Louis Church, lower level (former Youth
Rm) below Parish Meeting Hall in Reddington Hall
When? Saturdays from 9:30-11:15 A.M. Meeting dates
are: February 27, March 5 & 19, April 2, 9, 16 & 30,
May 7. Materials Cost? $35
*Registration instructions for online courses are posted
on our website,
Please register online through to order
materials before the first meeting. If you need help or have
questions, contact Kathryn McAlarney at
(585) 490-2745, or
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
February 28, 2016
LENT 2016
March 4
11:30 am-4:00 pm Church
March 4
7:00 pm
March 7
9:00 am
Transfiguration Tri-Parish Lenten Retreat / Fr. William Jarema
March 7
7:00 pm
St. Louis
March 8
9:00 am
Transfiguration Tri-Parish Lenten Retreat / Fr. William Jarema
March 8
7:00 pm
St. Catherine’s Tri-Parish Lenten Retreat / Fr. William Jarema
March 9
9:00 am
Transfiguration Tri-Parish Lenten Retreat / Fr. William Jarema
March 9
7:00 pm
Transfiguration Tri-Parish Lenten Retreat / Fr. William Jarema
March 9
12:30 - 7:30 pm
Day of Penance & God’s Mercy
March 11
11:00 am
Anointing of the Sick at Mass
March 11
7:00 pm
Prayer Service for Anointing of the Sick
March 18
7:00 pm
Taize Prayer at the Cross
March 24
7:30 pm
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper
March 25
3:00 pm
Good Friday Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
March 25
7:00 pm
Good Friday Tenebrae
March 26
8:00 pm
Easter Vigil Mass
Easter Sunday Masses: 7 (new time), 9 & 11 am, 1 pm
March 27
First Friday in Lent Eucharistic Adoration
Friday: Stations of the Cross / St. Louis School Students
Tri-Parish Lenten Retreat / Fr. William Jarema
You’re Invited!
Tri-Parish Lenten Retreat ~ Next Week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
St. Catherine of Siena, St. Louis and Church of the Transfiguration
Fr. Bill Jarema is an author, psychotherapist and international retreat director. He is the founder of the Mercy Center for Healing the Whole
Person in Colorado Springs, Colorado and the Society of Missionaries of Mercy (A Lay Catholic Movement – USA). Pope John Paul II’s,
encyclical “Rich in Mercy” was a defining encounter for Fr. Bill giving vision and shaping Fr. Bill’s hopes and dreams for the Society of
Missionaries of Mercy and is the cornerstone of the Mercy Center for Healing the Whole Person. Each missionary of Mercy, clergy & laity,
men & women, married and single is dedicated to the vow of conversion of life and the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.
March 7, 8 and 9} 9:00 am Morning Mass Followed by Discussion. All three morning sessions
will be at Church of the Transfiguration, 50 West Bloomfield Road, Pittsford
March 7} 7:00 pm Evening Session followed by refreshments, St. Louis, 64 S. Main St., Pittsford
March 8} 7:00 pm Evening Session followed by refreshments, St. Catherine of Siena,
26 Mendon-Ionia Rd., Mendon
March 9} 7:00 pm Evening Session followed by refreshments, Church of the Transfiguration
Page Seven
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
February 28, 2016
3rd & 4th Spiritual Works: Counsel the Doubtful and
Comfort the Sorrowful
What a tremendous gift it is from The Divine Mercy when
you find someone who really listens to you, who really lets
you pour out your heart and share your troubles and
miseries, and who then really takes your whole situation
in prayer to the Lord before presuming to dole out advice
to you. Plenty of people are quick to give out half-baked,
ill-considered advice! But how many people do you know
who really listen to you and to the Holy Spirit before
they speak?
You can become that person for others if you learn to really
listen to the Holy Spirit in your own life first. Read the New
Testament every day and listen to the Lord speaking to you
there. Find a good spiritual director and listen to the Lord
speaking to you through his or her wise counsel. Then,
having learned to listen, you will be ready and able to listen
deeply to others.
We can find a good example of this in the life of St.
Faustina. In her religious community in Vilnius, Lithuania,
she was apparently such a good listener she earned the nickname "the dump" from her fellow sisters because they were
always dumping their problems on her (see her Diary, 871).
It's not hard to discover from her Diary where she learned
this art of listening. She learned it from listening to the Holy
Spirit in prayer and from the same Spirit speaking to her
through the guidance of her spiritual directors, such as
Fr. Joseph Andrasz, S.J., and Blessed Michael Sopocko.
While listening and offering support verbally, sometimes
the best comfort you can provide someone, especially someone who is sad or grieving is to just be there. Sitting with
someone, walking with someone and just being present is
enough. We don’t always have to offer words to make
someone feel better.
5th Spiritual Work: Be Patient With Those in Error
This is a tough one. In God's merciful love, we certainly
ought to share the Catholic Faith with those who are far
from Him because they need His mercy so badly. (Don't we
all!) It is an act of merciful love to share the faith with those
who need it and to pray for them. On the other hand, we
must be patient with God's work in other people's lives. We
must never harass, pressure, or manipulate anyone. There is
a famous bumper sticker that reads, "Please be patient: God
is not finished with me yet!" That sums up pretty well what
our attitude should be. Our job is but to sow the seeds of
faith in the hearts and minds of those who are in grievous
error. But change has to come in God's own time. Even if
we never see for ourselves the fruit of our efforts, God will
surely do His part to water with the grace of conversion the
seeds we have planted, when and if people are ready to
receive that gift. Until then, we are just to be patient with
those in error, to share the truth with them as best we can
Page Eight
(acknowledging all the while our own limited grasp of
God's revealed truth and limited capacity to adequately
express that truth to others), and to pray for them, trusting in
God's mercy and patience with us all.
6th Spiritual Work: Forgive Offenses
"'Vengeance is mine, I will repay,' says the Lord." (Romans
12:19) If there is any vengeance that needs to be "dished
out," in this life or the next, the only One qualified to do it is
the Lord, for He alone knows the secrets of all hearts. Thus,
we must always let go of any desire in our hearts for
vengeance or judgement, and in that sense at least, to
forgive our enemies. That means stopping ourselves from
exacting "petty vengeance" as well, which includes the use
of detraction or slander or gossip to get back at people for
the evil they may have done to us.
In short, we are not to curse the darkness, but to pray for
those in darkness. (See Matthew 5:44.) Whatever temporal
harm they may have done to us, those who are evil are in
danger of the greatest harm of all: everlasting loss and
condemnation. What they have caused us to suffer pales in
comparison to what they will suffer eternally if they do
not repent.
However, forgiveness is probably the most misunderstood
of all the works of mercy. It does NOT mean blindly letting
oneself be victimized. You have a duty to protect yourself
and your loved ones from harm, for you are all children of
God whom He made in His own image and for whom He
gave His life on the Cross. That's how valuable and precious
you are in the eyes of our merciful Savior!
Forgiving our enemies, therefore, is entirely compatible
with reasonable acts of self-protection. For example, forgiveness is entirely compatible with having criminals arrested and placed behind bars where they cannot do further
harm to the innocent. Forgiveness is even compatible with
the use of lethal force by the police or the military, as a last
resort, in fending off violent criminals or aggressive foreign
powers. (See Catechism, 2263-2267.)
Clearly, the duty to forgive your enemies is compatible with
protecting yourself and your loved ones from harm and
demanding high standards of conduct from those close to
you, including your own close family members. To prevent
and block the spread of evil in these ways is actually a work
of mercy, not only toward yourself and your loved ones, but
even toward the perpetrators of evil. The perpetrators, after
all, often have little chance of ever coming to repentance
without the help of the "reality therapy" meted out by those
charged with the social responsibility of defending the innocent. In other words, to love and forgive your enemies is not
necessarily to let them trample all over you. When there is
no effective way to defend oneself or others from harm, then
that may be the time and the place meekly to carry the cross
of persecution. But that time and place is certainly not every
time and every place!
Blessings, Cris Wensel, Pastoral Associate
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
February 28, 2016
You Can Help Your Marriage – Do you feel alone? Are
you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue or
have you stopped talking to each other? Does talking
only make it worse? Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi,
meaning rediscovery) helps couples through difficult
times in their marriages. Retrouvaille offers those in troubled and painful marriages the chance to rediscover a
loving relationship in their marriage. You are NOT alone.
This program has helped tens of thousands of couples
experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For confidential
information about or to register for the Spring program
beginning with a weekend at Notre Dame Retreat House
on March 18-20, 2016, please call 585-293-1552 or visit
the web site at
Young Adults, Don’t Miss Out
Theology on Tap
Monday Nights at 7:00 pm
Beginning Experience of Rochester Weekend for
Widowed, Separated, or Divorced Catholics Beginning
Experience (BE) is an international peer support ministry
for widowed, separated, and divorced adults. The weekend
program helps participants deal with the natural grief
process and offers an opportunity, through God, for dealing
with the pain of loss and moving into the future with
renewed hope. Our next weekend program will be held at
Camp Stella Maris on Conesus Lake, April 22-24, 2016.
For more information, please contact BE at (585) 987-1750
or visit
Please join the
5th Grade
MARCH 4 AT 7:00 PM
As they present
the Stations of
the Cross.
All are welcome!
St. Louis School • 585.586.5200 •
Page Nine
Beale New Orleans Grille Bar
689 South Ave., Rochester 14620
Rochester, NY 14620
February 29, A Severe Mercy
With Noelle Hiëster, Diocesan Director of Evangelization
& Catechesis
March 7, Mass: The Greatest Mercy
With Fr. Matthew Jones, Parochial Vicar, Blessed
Sacrament/St. Boniface/St. Mary’s
March 14, Mercy Extended: Healing Relationships
With Don Boice, LCSW-R, Boice Counseling LCSW,
Theology on Tap is an opportunity for young adults
to gather to discuss and reflect on issues of faith.
Sponsored by The Diocese of Rochester Department of
Evangelization & Catechesis. Theology on Tap is a copyrighted
program of Review International. Used with permission.
Saint’s Place needs the following items:
1.) Washer: A recently arrived Congolese Family of twelve needs a washer. If
anyone has a washing machine that works and they are
considering updating, please consider donating your
gently used washing machine to Saint’s Place. (Washer
needs to be less than 10 years old.) Call us at 385-6860.
What a wonderful way to welcome this large family.
2.) Teenage clothing: both for male and females – the
refugees love skinny jeans!
3.) Boys clothing: sizes 3T to 7 years, especially jeans.
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
February 28, 2016
PARISH OFFICES - Ministry Center
64 S. Main Street, 14534
(585) 586-5675; Fax 387-9888
Peggy Lynge, Faith Formation Coordinator,
ext. 230,
Ted Bianculli, Youth Ministry Coordinator,
ext. 234,
Rev. Robert Ring, Pastor,
ext. 225,
Laurie Martin, Finance Director,
ext. 222,
Deacon David Snyder,
Sally Schrecker, Operations Manager,
ext. 235,
Stephanie Honz, Pastoral Associate for
Liturgy and Liturgical Music,
ext. 251,
Christine Wensel, Pastoral Associate,
ext. 224,
Bea Hack, Liturgy Coordinator,
ext. 231,
Birdie Proctor, Secretary/Bookkeeper,
ext. 227,
Shannon Toot, Administration Support,
Faith Formation Support,
ext. 223,
Barbara Thomas, Bulletin Editor,
ext. 236,
Pat Spinelli, Parish Visitor,
ext. 232,
Michelle Andrews-Smith
Director of Faith Formation,
ext. 233,
Elizabeth Ministry, 586-5675, ext. 345
Isabel Miller, Executive Director,
Saint’s Place , 46 S. Main St.
Phone: 385-6860
In Residence at the Rectory:
Fr. Ray Booth
Msgr. Gerard Krieg
Fran Barr, Principal,
St. Louis School, 11 Rand Place
Phone: 586-5200
Richard Whelehan, Grand Knight
Knights of Columbus
Phone: 585-797-4638
Suzy Ward, Chair,
Parish Council, 746-5676
James Schnell, Chair,
Finance Council, 267-7295
Page Ten
Debbie Hoeft, Chair
Stewardship Council, 734-9705
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
Like us on Facebook:
February 28, 2016

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