January 24, 2016 Bulletin


January 24, 2016 Bulletin
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Consistent Life Ethic Works of Mercy Tag Boards
THIS WEEK AT ST. LOUIS (Daily Mass Schedule p.2)
6:30 am - Men’s Spirituality Group, Manse
3:00 pm - Children’s Choir Practice
7:30 am - Understanding Sunday’s Scriptures,
4:30 pm - Living Faith Classes, Parish Mtg. Hall
7:30 pm - Bible Basics, Rectory
7:30 pm - Regional Charismatic Prayer Grp, PMH
January 24, 2016
Joining the Team
This past Fall, staff and pastors from our tri-parish planning group
(St. Catherine’s, St. Louis and Transfiguration) had a joint staff day, with
Fr. Jim Schwartz facilitating. Through the morning and early afternoon,
Fr. Schwartz shared with all of us a few of the changes instituted in how
things are organized at St. Joseph’s. Near the top of the list: something that
might seem cosmetic, but for his parish proved quite effective. Though
Pastoral Councils and Finance Councils are mandated in canon (church)
law, and so the names are official, many other groups in a parish have
more flexibility when it comes to a name or way of operating. Historically,
almost every group would be a committee: pastoral care committee,
stewardship committee, liturgy committee, social ministry committee, etc.
At St. Joseph’s, following the success of other parishes, the word of the day
is team. The word just conveys a different flavor and philosophy.
Committees in parishes are often set groups, together for a long time, with
standard operating procedures, rules, and expectations. Team sounds more
like a group of people bringing a variety of skills or gifts, coming together
for a limited period of time, to accomplish a given set of tasks. The jargon
can become confusing. Is this a committee, a team, a ministry, a council?
Stewardship ‘committee’, later ‘council’ now agrees: team better reflects
the spirit of what St. Paul teaches in our second reading today. We bring a
variety of gifts, experiences and energy, but all to work together for the
7:00 pm - Challenge Teen Girls Group, PMH
common good. Folks are more likely to rotate onto and off of a team,
bringing fresh ideas and energy, new perspectives, while broadening the
Rochester Catholic Women’s Conference Info (p. 9) experience base of parish life for those who, over time, may serve on a
number of different teams. There can be multiple teams in one area – rather
10:30 am - First Penance Penitential Service
than one liturgy committee, a small team could work on Lent/Holy Week/
3:00 pm - Confessions (New Time)
Easter, another on Advent/Christmas/ Epiphany. Or different teams might
4:30 pm - Mass (Sign Language Interpreted)
energize particular parish social events.
5:45 pm - “New Year“ Bistro Dinner, PMH
1:30 pm - The Holy Year of Mercy, Faith Sharing
Guide Book Group, Reddington Hall:
Lower Level below PMH
6:30 pm - First Penance Family Session, Church
Rochester Catholic Women’s Conference Info (p. 9)
Catholic School Students Deadline for 2016
St. Louis Confirmation Program (p. 5)
9:00 am - Mass, Seasons of Faith
11:00 am - Mass, Children’s Liturgy of the Word
12:15 pm - The Holy Year of Mercy, Faith Sharing
Guide Book Group, Reddington Hall:
Lower Level below PMH
5:00 pm - Mass
6:15 pm - Middle School & High School Youth
Ministry Groups
Like us on Facebook
St. Paul’s point (in the longer version of the reading) is so true. There ARE
many different gifts, and each is vital. Some are center stage, others less so,
but all are needed. One is not better than another. It is essential for good
functioning of the body that they all work together.
A corollary – the Holy Spirit distributes all the gifts needed for the body to
function effectively. But for that to happen, we need to discover our gifts,
explore how to use them, and put them at the service of the wider good.
Take another look at what Paul has to say about gifts in his letter to the
Corinthians. Could he be speaking to you? You bet! He is speaking to all
of us!
Soon a new directory of councils/teams/ministries here at St. Louis will be
coming out. Give it a serious look, to see how you might get more involved.
Your insight, skill, gift or contribution may be just what we need!
Peace to all, Fr. Bob
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY www.StLouisChurch.org Phone: 585.586.5675 Fax: 585.387.9888
Mass Intentions for This Week
11:00 am Joseph Crerand Crerand Family
5:15 pm Tom Furgeson VFW Palmyra Post
11:00 am Eileen Cahill Joan & Vince Steeley
5:15 pm Marie Ginoli Fred & Karen
Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22/Mk 16:15-18
2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/Mk 3:31-35
6:45 am Al Parks VFW Fairport Post
11:00 am Bela Mersich Brother & Sister-in-Law
2 Sm 7:4-17/Mk 4:1-20
2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17/Mk 4:26-34
We invite you to have a
Sanctuary Lamp lit at the
Blessed Sacrament to have
your very special intentions
remembered for a week.
To arrange this, please call or visit the
Ministry Center. The Thursday Holy
Hour Ministry will offer special
prayers for your intention.
2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17/Mk 4:35-41
9:00 am Special Intention for
Gerard Rooney Marie Wilhere
4:30 pm Gail LeBoeuf Mary & Tom Diamond
One lamp will burn for a
Special Intention for Hailey Fuller
By Grandma.
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
11:00 am Nelly O’Connor Sally Lashomb
5:15 pm Jerry Cagle Jeff Mason
Jer 1:4-5, 17-19/1 Cor 12:31--13:13
or 13:4-13/Lk 4:21-30
2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29/Mk 4:21-25
6:45 am Jim Newell Mary Jane Decker
11:00 am Janice Maxwell Peggy Midgley &
Patty O’Neil Ferrara
7:30 am Gloria Hetterich Breakfast Club
9:00 am Janos Faggyas Sister, Piroska Balogh
11:00 am Eileen Cahill Debra & Michael Monaco
5:00 pm Maria Greco Lucille & Gary Wurth
One lamp will burn
In Memory of Martha Haley
By Daughter, Beverly Dunn.
One lamp will burn
In Memory of
Pasquale & Cecilia Sgabellone
By Family.
Requiem Aeternam
Fr. Richard O’Connell
Saturday & Sunday, January 30 and 31
Extraordinary Ministers of
Holy Communion
4:30 pm
A. Romeo
A. Romeo
P. Spinelli, P. Spinelli, K. Maclaren, P. Kessler, L. Peckham,
C. Ryan, J. Ryan, E. Horey-Thiede
J. Creary
S. Schrecker
C. & A.
7:30 am
F. Miller
C. Miller
M. Reinagel, M. Rose, R. Dewan, D. Haefner, C. Hill,
S. Holderle, L. Newell
J. Miller
T. Miller
B. Hack
9:00 am
S. Welch
D. Calcagno
M. Payne, J. Pippin, S. Bestram, K. Calcagno, S. Carpentier,
R. Calcagno, S. Payne, M. Ramos
V. Gauvin
B. Lanahan
D. & D.
11:00 am T. Bernacki
J. Schnell
M. DeSain, J. Eisenhart, C. Carpenter, M. Cargill, C. DeJoy,
K. Kammholz, A. Roberts, R. Willison, J. Ferranti, A. Molinari
J. Bernacki
C. Heffernan
Sr. Anne &
5:00 pm
K. Gilman, J. Roxstrom, K. Darby, M. Lippa, K. Hester,
C. Hester, L. Sullivan, M. Wanberg
J. Haefner
C. Aroesty
M. Lessard
E. Smith
E. VanDusen
Sunday Communion Service - January 31
The Highlands : Carol Duffy
Heather Heights: Darlene Huver
Page Two
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
January 24, 2016
Looking Ahead:
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
1st Reading: Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10
In the Lord must be your strength
1st Reading: Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19
Known and called from conception
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 27
You are Christ’s Body
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13
The greatest of these is love
Gospel: Luke: 1:1-4; 4:14-21
A Jubilee Year!
Gospel: Luke: 4:21-30
Hostility at home
Why All the Crying?
The 1st reading doesn’t tell us exactly why all the people
were weeping. They had been in exile 70 years, so
perhaps with the covenant renewal ceremony, it truly sank
in: we are home, and that suffering is at an end. Some may
have longed for the chance to renew the covenant for
years, and now the time finally arrived. For many who
were younger, it may have been hearing from the Torah
for the first time. Others may have been struck by God’s
love and promises, now fulfilled, while some may have
been struck with how far they had drifted away from
God’s commands during the exile. Regardless, Nehemiah
was clear. Renewing the covenant, a fresh start: it’s a time
to rejoice and celebrate!
Even More Powerful Today
St. Paul’s analogy of the body is fairly easy to grasp.
Different organs and parts of the body each play a specific
role, but all are needed for health. If parts of the body
compete with one another, we are in real trouble! Now,
knowing so much more about the human body than a
couple thousand years ago, we should be even more aware
of how essential it is that all the parts work together. As
Paul says, so it is too with the body of Christ, namely the
community of believers all joined in communion as one
body. How might Paul’s wisdom lead you to look at
others, or your own role in the church, in a different light?
Beginning His Ministry
Today we see Jesus in the Gospel beginning his ministry.
Luke makes it clear, his ministry is rooted in the tradition
of Israel, a fulfilment of prophecy. Picture Jesus picking
up a scroll, finding the specific passage quoted today, and
proclaiming it to those assembled. Lectors, we have
Nehemiah in our first reading, then Jesus in our Gospel
serving as a lector. Can picturing how they went about it
enhance your ministry to the community? Check out the
little clues … ‘all the eyes looked intently at him’. What
little tweaks might lead people to focus more intently as
you proclaim God’s Word?
Page Three
Married Couples! You Are Invited!
Celebrate St. Valentine's Day and your life together on
Friday evening, February 12, 2016! Its the First Friday of
Lent, and here is the plan. We'll begin with a simple
Lenten soup supper, a time to spend together and share
around the table. Then we'll move into church for a prayer
service, including the renewal of vows and a blessing.
Meet new friends, celebrate the ups and downs, joys and
sacrifices of marriage: don't miss out! Would you like to
help planning or putting this together? Please call the
office and let us know!
Pray With Me
We have a prayer intention book at the main entrance to
church. While these written prayer requests are not all individually read at Mass, others do pray for these intentions
regularly, and at times, we include an intercession for all
of the requests in our prayer intention book.
A Reflection on Rediscover Jesus
"Matthew Kelly has a way of relating everyday life to the
Bible and our relationship with Jesus. Chapter Seven is a
great example of this. We just married off our daughter
this past month. With the wedding came the rush of emotions that come from remembering all the time we spent
raising our daughter. So when Matthew Kelly starts out by
saying, "There are few things more precious in this world
than a mindful father", and goes on to discuss God's love
for us as His children, his points hit home. Matthew's
writing style of combining ideas and scripture while asking questions at the same time is thought provoking. As he
states, "The more we discover who Jesus truly is, the more
we will place him at the center of our lives." This book is
a great opportunity to Rediscover Jesus."
~ Parishioners, Roger and Jody Upton
Little children, let us love, not in word
or speech, but in truth and action.
~ 1 John 3:18
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
January 24, 2016
Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network (RAIHN) an affiliate
of Family Promise, is a not-for-profit, interfaith, culturally-competent
organization that assists homeless families to achieve sustainable
independence by supporting them with tailored services including
shelter, food, personalized case management, and a diverse network
of caring volunteers. Rochester is the 2nd poorest city in the United
States with more than 600 homeless individuals each night in
Rochester and its suburbs, including 100 families with children.
Not only does the Bible speak about tithing;
believers over the centuries have experienced
over and over again the value of being intentional about how we give back a share of our
blessings to the Lord. The Bible goal of tithing
is 10%. Many would see that as 5% of one’s
income in support of one’s church/parish, and
5% to support other charities, whether formal
(organizations) or informal (friends or relatives).
We live that commitment as a parish by tithing
10% of the Sunday collections. A portion of this
goes to the various charities you see listed on
this page, while a portion goes to support our
Saint’s Place ministry to refugees here in
Monroe County. So your contribution not only
supports our parish facilities, staff and services,
but helps us tithe, and reach out to those in need,
week after week. Thank you for helping us make
a difference!
“Let us not grow tired of doing good,
for in due time we shall reap our harvest.”
Galatians 6:9
The St. Louis faith community has been a supporting congregation
since RAIHN'S inception more than a decade ago. The mission of
RAIHN Homeless Ministry is to help families get back on their
feet into a stable home and job. Parishioner Ann-Marie DeSantis
coordinates the RAIHN Homeless Ministry for St. Louis with the
help of about 20 dedicated volunteers. Our hosting location is the
Mary Magdeline House in East Rochester, where we provide private
and public space for families, safe overnight accommodations,
home-cooked meals, and gracious hospitality for up to 15 families
a week at a time, 3 times a year.
RAIHN provides families with support that includes: At the
congregations: private bedrooms for evening shelter, breakfast,
lunch and dinner, caring and compassionate volunteers, recreational
family activities, Life Skills presentations on topics such as nutrition,
parenting, and budgeting. At the Day Center: personalized case
management, transportation assistance, access to shower and laundry
facilities, access to computer/fax/phone, other daily needs such as
food, clothing, toiletries, diapers. Support upon graduation from
RAIHN can include: after care services for up to 1 year after
program graduation, moving assistance and furniture procurement,
non-perishable food supplies, cleaning supplies, and assistance with
school supplies and holiday gifts.
RAIHN has numerous volunteer opportunities ranging from
greeting guests at a host location, cook or provide part of a meal,
plan a children’s activity, shop for breakfast food and supplies,
inflate/deflate air mattresses, drive the RAIHN van (no special
license needed), maintenance, fundraising, guest mentor, office staff
and much more! If you can share some of your time, please call
St. Louis RAIHN coordinator, Ann-Marie DeSantis at 406-6013 or
email amdesantis@frontiernet.net. More information about RAIHN
(and the Car City Fundraiser April 30 - May 1, 2016) can be found
at www.raihn.org.
“I Was Hungry And You Gave Me Food”
Many thanks to all who brought in food last weekend, to help keep the Pittsford Food Cupboard stocked. If you miss the
third weekend collection, food may be left anytime for Pittsford Food Cupboard. There is a drop off drawer in the entry
way near the grand piano at the front of church. There is also a bin in the Narthex near the handicap door. Contributions
of non-perishable food can always be donated. Thank you!
Page Four
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
January 24, 2016
All Catholic School Families!
January 31st is the deadline for
Catholic School students to register
for the 2016 St. Louis Confirmation
Program. This includes both 8th & 9th
graders! Registration forms can be
picked up at the Ministry Center or in
the Narthex hallway in church. Any
questions, please contact Peggy Lynge
@ 585-586-5675 or plynge@dor.org.
Calling ALL singers with a flexible schedule. Perhaps you may have heard that St. Louis has a
Resurrection Choir that leads the music at many of our funerals. Though the group is sizable, we
are having difficulty getting enough singers at short notice. Most funerals have 3-4 days notice at
most, and even for retirees, life is busy! This is a beautiful ministry that includes being on call for
our 11:00 am weekday funerals as they happen. The bigger the group gets, the easier it is to always have a nice number
of singers present. We can go weeks and even months without a funeral, and then there are times where we might have
3 or 4 funerals in a week. This is a minimal time commitment as there is no weekly rehearsal. We just have a short
rehearsal before each funeral as it comes up. Some of our singers are heading south for the winter, so we could use your
help now. Please contact Stephanie Honz at 586-5675 x251 or shonz@rochester.rr.com to inquire further.
Unlocking the Mystery of the
Bible, an eight-part study,
makes the complex simple and provides the easiest way to
understand the Bible. It helps to uncover the story of
Salvation History woven throughout Scripture so that you
can get the “big picture” of the Bible and understand what
it is all about. The Bible is a story about the Father’s
unfailing love for you - a love that you are now called to
share with others. This video study is also available
online, making it convenient to watch missed sessions.
You can also choose to study at your own pace and
complete the course independently online.
Where? St. Louis Church, lower level (former Youth
Rm) below Parish Meeting Hall in Redding ton Hall
When? Saturdays from 8:00-9:15 A.M. February 27,
March 5 & 19, April 2, 9, 16 & 30, May 7.
Come even if you can’t make each session!
Materials Cost? $18
Registration instructions for online courses are posted
on our website, http://stlouischurch.org/
Please register online through evangelization.com to order
materials before the first meeting. If you need help or
have questions, contact Kathryn McAlarney at
(585) 490-2745, or mcalarney1@gmail.com.
Page Five
Matthew: The King and His
Kingdom is an exciting study
that explores the life and mission of Jesus. Matthew
demonstrates how the promises and prophecies of the Old
Testament are fulfilled in Christ, the awaited Messiah,
who relives the life and struggles of Israel, and who will
become the faithful and victorious King. Set in the rich
context of Jewish culture, this study will help us to understand who Jesus truly is and what His life and teachings
mean for us today. This video study is also available
online, making it convenient to watch missed sessions.
You can also choose to study at your own pace and
complete the course independently online. Join us this
spring as we explore the first 8 sessions of this study.
Where? St. Louis Church, lower level (former Youth
Rm) below Parish Meeting Hall in Redding ton Hall
When? Saturdays from 9:30-11:15. Meeting dates are:
February 27, March 5 & 19, April 2, 9, 16 & 30,
May 7. (The next 8 sessions will be Fall, 2016 with
the final 8 sessions in Spring, 2017.
Materials Cost? $35
Registration instructions for online courses are posted
on our website, http://stlouischurch.org/
Please register online through evangelization.com to order
materials before the first meeting. If you need help or
have questions, contact Kathryn McAlarney at
(585) 490-2745, mcalarney1@gmail.com.
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
January 24, 2016
February 2, 2016
Page Six
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
January 24, 2016
God’s boundless mercy has
become the recurring theme of
Pope Francis’ preaching and teaching. It is his heartfelt desire that we
understand the Mercy of God. We
will be using The Holy Year of
Mercy, A Faith-Sharing Guide
to provide an opportunity to participate in the holy year
in a meaningful way.
We are offering two small group opportunities during
Lent so interested parishioners can join in the journey to
living a more mercy-centered life. Each group of four
sessions feature Gospel passages followed by homilies on
those passages by Pope Francis. Questions for reflection
and discussion focus on both the Scripture text and the
The first two groups being offered are:
Sunday at 12:15-1:15 pm on January 31, February 7,
February 14, and February 21
Bring a brown bag lunch if you wish.
Thursday at 1:30-2:30 pm on January 28, February 4,
February 11, and February 18
We will be in the lower level of Reddington Hall, below
the Parish Meeting Hall. Watch for signs!
Please RSVP to Birdie or Shannon at 586-5675 by
Monday, January 25 so that books can be ordered.
The cost to cover the price of the book is $10.00.
Watch for more groups forming soon!
If you haven't started reading our
Christmas giveaway book, Rediscover
Jesus by Matthew Kelly, now is the
perfect time. Over the next few weeks,
we will send out reflections, written by
your fellow parishioners, on some of the
meditations from this book. Look at
what they're saying about this book
and see if it resonates with you. We
begin with a reflection written by
Lisa Magguilli:
"The chapter that caught my attention is Chapter 2,
entitled 'Getting to Know Jesus'. I think it's easy to get
caught up in the idea that all we know about Jesus can be
found in the pages of the Bible, the words of the Mass, or
the stories that we tell every Christmas and Easter.
Matthew Kelly is calling us to a deeper, more personal
understanding of Jesus – something beyond a recitation
of facts from the story of His life. I thought back to the
story in the prologue about the blind woman and the man
who helped her pick up her fruit from the sidewalk. Her
essential question, "Are you Jesus?" resonated with me. In
order for me to truly know Jesus, I believe I have to look
for Him not just in the pages of Scripture but also in my
everyday encounters with my fellow human beings. If I
am not looking for Him, can I ever really know Him?
This is an interesting question to ponder and one that I will
be asking more frequently in my daily life."
If you missed our giveaway at Christmas, there are some
copies of Rediscover Jesus at the church entrances. Please
pick one up while supplies last.
We want to hear what you think of this book, even if
you’re just starting it and doing a meditation a day. You
can leave a comment about Rediscover Jesus on our
Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/
stlouischurchpittsford), mention it to Fr. Bob after Mass,
or send Fr. Bob an email. We hope to hear from you.
The St. Louis Adult Choir will once again travel abroad to sing a concert and we wish to invite
you! This time our travels will take us to the Emerald Isle where we will perform at St. Patrick's
Cathedral in Dublin. This exciting journey is scheduled for October 4-12, 2016. We will bus to
Toronto and fly non-stop to Ireland. We will enjoy 9 days of exploring the south of Ireland. The
trip includes visits to Dublin, Kilarney, Gallway, Our Lady of Knock Shrine, Shannon, Ring of
Kerry, and the famous Dingle Penninsula. All inclusive (besides lunches), from Toronto! Please
see link for brochure, pricing, and enrollment form. Or, you may contact Stephanie Honz at
shonz@rochester.rr.com for more information. We will be taking new travelers through May of
this year, or until space is filled. We hope you will join us for another great adventure! Go to
http://stlouischurch.org/Cantor/Ireland.PDF for a pdf with more information.
Page Seven
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
January 24, 2016
This week we begin to talk about “where the rubber meets the road” or living out the Corporal Works of Mercy
as we have been asked by Christ.
There are many people in this world who go without food.
When so much of our food goes to waste, consider how
good stewardship practices of your own food habits can
benefit others who do not have those same resources.
 Having delicious food for your Easter dinner?
Donate a ham to your local pantry so everyone can
have something to eat.
 Research, identify and contribute financially to
organizations that serve the hungry.
 The next time you make a recipe that can be easily
frozen, make a double batch and donate one to your
local food pantry or soup kitchen.
 Try not to purchase more food than you are able to
eat. If you notice that you end up throwing groceries
away each week, purchasing less groceries would
eliminate waste and allow you to donate the savings
to those in need.
Many of our brothers and sisters in Christ do not have access to clean water and suffer from the lack of this basic
necessity. We should support the efforts of those working
towards greater accessibility of this essential resource.
 We take it for granted that we have access to clean
water. Donate. . .to help build wells for water for
those in need.
 Organize a group of children involved on a sports
team (e.g,. soccer) or a summer camp. Invite them
to collect bottled water to distribute at a shelter for
families. If parents can be involved, ask them to
accompany their children in delivering the water
to the families.
 Do the same for youth and young adult groups.
 Make an effort not to waste water. Remembering to
turn off the water faucet rather than continuously
running water when you are brushing your teeth
or washing dishes can help, especially in regions
suffering from drought.
 Pittsford Food Cupboard: (585) 264-9860
 Sister Regis Food Cupboard: (585) 454-6766
 St. Andrew’s Food Cupboard: (585) 338-1764
 Foodlink: (585) 328-3380
 St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality: (585) 232-3262
 House of Mercy: (585) 546-2580
 St. Catherine’s, Mendon, Open Meal: Nicole &
Steve D’Anna, (585) 582-6354
 Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network
(RAIHN): Ann-Marie DeSantis, (585) 383-8686
(see tithing article on page 4)
 St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality: (585) 232-3262
 House of Mercy: (585) 546-2580
 Catholic Relief Services Water and Sanitation:
Kathy Dubel (Diocesan Coordinator)
(607) 734-9784, ext. 2135
We are looking for about 5,000
square feet, secure and clean, at a reasonable price.
We store over 250 new beds along with upholstered
Saint’s Place has an immediate opening
for a part time driver/crew manager
Mondays – Thursdays from 8AM until 1PM
20+ hours a week. Must be able to lift furniture and have
a valid driver’s license.
We need to vacate our present location by
Call Michele at (585) 385-6860 or email
mid-March. If you know of anyone who can help us
or who has available space, please call (585) 385-6860. michele@saintsplace.org to apply or for more
information. Pay is reasonable - and the work experience
This is an urgent need. Thank you for your help!
is extremely rewarding and meaningful.
Page Eight
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
January 24, 2016
Beginning Experience of Rochester will be
Love One Another, the third annual
Rochester Catholic Women’s Conference
is coming on March 12, 2016 to the Aquinas
Institute in Rochester. This year’s theme invites us to
share God’s love and mercy with everyone. Speakers
include Sr. Clare Matthias of the Franciscan Sisters of
the Renewal, Kelly Wahlquist, founder of WINE: Women
in the New Evangelization, and Marcus Grodi of the
Coming Home Network International.
This is a wonderful gift idea for your wife, mother,
daughter, sister, grandmother, aunt or best friend! She will
appreciate the opportunity to be refreshed, spending the
day with other Catholic women. Her day will also include
Mass with our Bishop, Catholic devotions, local vendors
for shopping, and a delicious lunch. Registration is open
now at www.Rochestercwc.org. Contact Christine DiNovo
at cdinovo@rochester.rr.com for more information.
sponsoring a 10-week hope and healing program for the
separated, divorced and widowed. Weekly sessions will
be held from 7:00 -9:00 p.m. at St. Catherine of Siena,
26 Mendon-Iona Road, Mendon, NY 14546 (Route 64)
beginning January 14. The course will follow the book,
“Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends” by Dr. Bruce
Fisher. For more information or to register call
Sue (585-749-8827). Or, for more information or to
register on-line visit the BE website at
The St. Louis Consistent Life Ethic Team will be
displaying a "Works of Mercy" tag board at each
Church entrance this weekend January 23/24. The
boards will be a reminder of the Spiritual and Corporal
Works of Mercy, and how we can each be a more active
part of bringing the love and mercy of God to those
around us (in very simple and easy ways), especially
highlighted by this Year of Mercy. For further details,
please contact Deacon Dave or Barb Snyder at
Looking for a meaningful Lenten commitment? Come to
know a loving God during this 10-week study and explore
the gospel that is being proclaimed this year at Mass and
that ties in particularly well with the Year of Mercy.
The Little Rock Scripture Study materials - the questions
in the guide, will direct your study, help you understand
the passages, and challenge you to relate Luke’s gospel to
your own life experiences. Lively discussions will give
you an opportunity to personalize this study and get to
know other participants. Invite your friends. We welcome
other denominations as we share our Catholic perspective.
Find great resources and interact on our website for this
study at http://lukestudy.weebly.com/ .
Where? St. Louis Church, lower level (former Youth
Rm) below Parish Meeting Hall in Redding ton Hall
When? 7:00-8:30 P.M. Wednesdays: February 24,
March 2 & 16, April 6, 13, 20 & 27, May 4, 11 & 18
Materials Cost? $16
Facilitators: Honus Wagner and Kathryn McAlarney
Please register by contacting Kathryn McAlarney at
490-2745 or mcalarney1@gmail.com.
Page Nine
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
January 24, 2016
PARISH OFFICES - Ministry Center
64 S. Main Street, 14534
(585) 586-5675; Fax 387-9888
Peggy Lynge, Faith Formation Coordinator,
ext. 230, plynge@dor.org
Michele Andrews-Smith, Youth Ministry,
ext. 233, mandrews-smith@dor.org
Rev. Robert Ring, Pastor,
ext. 225, ring@dor.org
Laurie Martin, Finance Director,
ext. 222, lmartin@dor.org
Deacon David Snyder,
Sally Schrecker, Operations Manager,
ext. 235, sschrecker@dor.org
Stephanie Honz, Pastoral Associate for
Liturgy and Liturgical Music,
ext. 251, shonz@dor.org
Christine Wensel, Pastoral Associate,
ext. 224, cwensel@dor.org
Bea Hack, Liturgy Coordinator,
ext. 231, bhack@dor.org
Birdie Proctor, Secretary/Bookkeeper,
ext. 227, bproctor@dor.org
Shannon Toot, Administration Support,
Faith Formation Support,
ext. 223, stoot@dor.org
Barbara Thomas, Bulletin Editor,
ext. 236, bthomas@dor.org
Pat Spinelli, Parish Visitor,
ext. 232, pspinelli@dor.org
Michelle Andrews-Smith
Director of Faith Formation,
ext. 233, mandrews-smith@dor.org
Elizabeth Ministry, 586-5675, ext. 345
Isabel Miller, Executive Director,
Saint’s Place , 46 S. Main St.
Phone: 385-6860
In Residence at the Rectory:
Fr. Ray Booth
Msgr. Gerard Krieg
Fran Barr, Principal,
St. Louis School, 11 Rand Place
Phone: 586-5200 fbarr@dor.org
Richard Whelehan, Grand Knight
Knights of Columbus
Phone: 585-797-4638
Suzy Ward, Chair,
Parish Council, 746-5676
James Schnell, Chair,
Finance Council, 267-7295
Page Ten
Debbie Hoeft, Chair
Stewardship Council, 734-9705
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
Like us on Facebook:
January 24, 2016

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