How Do I Love Thee


How Do I Love Thee
April 28, 2013
How Do I Love Thee
Jesus’ command in the Gospel this weekend, ‘As I have loved you, so you
also should love one another’ provides a perfect launching point for a 1st
communion homily. ‘Boys and girls, how many ways do you think Jesus
loves us when we come to Mass?’ Parents, family, friends, all of us – a
good thought to bring to our prayer of gratitude! I’ll just start a sample list.
Jesus loves us before Mass even starts, by bringing us together as his family, giving us a church family. At the priest’s greeting, Jesus loves us, reminding us that he and God’s peace are present and with us. Next Jesus
loves us either by inviting us to leave our sins to God’s mercy, or reminding
us that we have been baptized into a forgiving family. Jesus deeply loves us
through the readings, teaching, encouraging, helping us understand God
walking with us, challenging us, forming us. In the intercessions, Jesus
loves us, listening to our prayers. Jesus loves us next in teaching us how to
offer ourselves to God at the altar, so we can offer ourselves to God and one
another through the week. Jesus loves us by inviting us to the most important meal ever, the Passover meal, leading us into freedom, sharing that
meal with us. The meal is about Jesus loving us, even to giving his life for
us on the cross. Jesus loves us in an incredible way in communion, giving
us his body and blood, so that we can become one with him, and with each
other. (And in this Easter season, to borrow a line from Elizabeth Barrett
Browning, he loves us better after death.)
Second Collection Catholic Home Missions
Daily Mass schedule on p.2
6:30 am - Men’s Spirituality Group, Manse
7:30 am - Bible Study w/Fr. Bob, PMH
7:00 pm - Confirmation Rehearsal/Review, Church
7:00 pm - Bell Choir Practice, Church
7:30 pm - Reg’l Charismatic Prayer Group, PMH
7:00 pm - Holy Hour, Church
11:30am - 4:00pm - Exposition of
Blessed Sacrament, Church
Bracelet & Basket Fundraiser for Ghana
3:30 pm - Confessions
4:30 pm - Mass (Sign Language Interpreted)
Bracelet & Basket Fundraiser for Ghana
7:30 am - Mass
9:00 am - Mass
10:00 am - Take Faith Home, Gym & May Crowning
11:00 am - Mass
5:00 pm - First Sunday Youth Mass,
Confirmation Rite of Sending
6:10 pm - Youth Group, YR
Now, part two of that word of Jesus. We see how Jesus loves us at Mass.
How do we love one another at Mass? Greeting each other, praying for each
other, sharing this holy experience, giving one another the sign of peace,
with a prayer for peace, doing our best to be in communion with each other:
these are powerful ways to love! Then there are particular roles we are
called to. Our liturgical assistants (LA’s) love us by making sure all is prepared for the holy meal, before we come to the table. Our ushers and greeters love by welcoming everyone into our place of prayer and worship. Our
musicians love us by using their gifts to raise our minds and hearts to God.
Our lectors love us by preparing the readings, loving us as they proclaim
the Word to us. Our deacon and priests love as they preach the Word to us.
Presiders love through leading prayer, blessing, making the offering, allowing Christ to use them in an amazing sacramental way. Our Eucharistic
ministers love each and every person who comes forward to receive the
body and blood of Christ. Just a sample list!
So taking Jesus’ command to heart, let’s pray for the grace to love each
other at Mass even more. Are you being called to a particular role? Pray
about it! Peace, Fr. Bob
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
Phone: 585.586.5675
Fax: 585.387.9888
A Stephen Ministry Parish
Mass Intentions for This Week
MONDAY - April 29
11:00 am Deceased Members of the
Lada Family - Lada Family
5:15 pm Joan Mary McCoy Joanie’s Angels
10:30 am Mass at The Highlands
11:00 am In Honor of the
Feast of the Sacred Heart Holy Hour
5:15 pm John F. Finkle Schnell Family
Acts 14:5-18/Jn 14:21-26
TUESDAY - April 30
Acts 14:19-28/Jn 14:27-31a
1 Cor 15:1-8/Jn 14:6-14
6:45 am Daniel Webster SATURDAY - May 4
Monroe County Council VFW Acts 16:1-10/Jn 15:18-21
11:00 am Michael Donnelly 9:00 am Margaret Rowe Ann & Tom Kirchoff
The Sherwood Family
4:30 pm Ida Tasciotti WEDNESDAY - May 1
Louis Tasciotti
Acts 15:1-6/Jn 15:1-8 or Gn 1:26--2:3 or
Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24/Mt 13:54-58
11:00 am Ann Napier The James Napier Family
11:00 am Mass at The Highlands Living
5:15 pm Hicker Yahn - Family
SUNDAY - May 5
6th Sunday of Easter
Acts 15:1-2, 22-29/Rv 21:10-14, 22-23/
Jn 14:23-29
We invite you to have a Sanctuary
Lamp lit at the Blessed Sacrament
to have your very special intentions remembered for a week.
To arrange this, please call or visit
the Ministry Center. The Thursday Holy
Hour Ministry will offer special prayers for
your intention.
One lamp will burn
for a Special Intention
by Grandmother
Blessed is the man who trusts in
the Lord, whose hope is the Lord.
Jeremiah 17:7
7:30 am Bolick & Hedy Siergiey Family
9:00 am David Offen THURSDAY - May 2
The Paris Family
Acts 15:7-21/Jn 15:9-11
11:00 am Sam C. Battle 6:45 am Alfred Alexander Ann Marie & Kurt Weissend
Monroe County Council VFW
5:00 pm Special Intention for
11:00 am Deceased Members
Fr. Cory Mayer of the Derenthal Family Roseanne & Colin McGovern
Lada Family
Katherine Aquavella
Saturday & Sunday, May 4 & 5 Thank you faithful servants!
Eucharistic Ministers
4:30 pm
R. Dewan
C. Rucci
N. O’Connor, M. Quinn, B. Gerace, L. Iati, T. O’Leary, P. McCabe
L. Peckham, A. Tomaino, T. Gerace
N. Tomaino
DiPasquale A. Hauf
7:30 am
J. Holland
S. Holland
L. Jabbour, DiPrima, F. Galusha, P. Kling, L. Newell,
M.J. Decker, C. DeJoy, M.E. Galusha
L. Newell
K. Olfano
W. Bergin
J. Bergin
9:00 am
J. Denzak
K. Calcagno
B. Knittle, L. Lusk, A. Wilt, K. Shea, C. Thomas,
B. Chiacchierini, S. Denzak, M. Eakin, D. Infantino,
D. Kendricks
S. Denzak
N. Lusk
N. Denzak
11:00 am P. Mallon
E. O’Connell
G. Agban, M. Murphy, B. Streb, N. Roberts, E.
O’Connell, L. Aldred, C. Ray, M. Cargill, A. Roberts,
J. Aldred
Sr. A.
D. Cadirao
J. Bausch
5:00 pm
D. McBride, R. McNiffe, C. Potter, N. Potter,
M. Duffy, G. Rooney, S. Rooney, T. Strassburg
C. Huntress Teens
P. Huntress
J. Huntress
E. Regan
R. Regan
Sunday Communion Service - May 5
The Highlands: Doris Wilmot
Heather Heights: Ann Murty
Page Two
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
April 28, 2013
Liturgy Committee
Our Liturgy Committee meets this Monday, 7:30 PM in the
Parish meeting room. Join us to evaluate Holy Week and the
Easter season so far, and to look ahead to Pentecost and upcoming celebrations.
1st Reading: Acts 14:21-27
The door of faith is opened
2nd Reading: Revelation 21:1-5a
Behold, I make all things new
Gospel: John 13:31-33a, 34-35
Love one another!
Traveling with Paul & Barnabas
Today’s passage from Acts of the Apostles is about St.
Paul’s first missionary journey. Turns out Paul and Barnabas
were commissioned at Antioch, traveled to Cyprus, Pamphilia, Pisidia, Antioch, Attalia & back to Antioch. Sound confusing? There were actually 16 or 17 cities named Antioch in
the ancient world (Seleucus I Nicator liked to name cities
after his father, Antiochus). The two Antiochs mentioned
here are Antioch on the Orontes (in Syria) and Antioch of
Pisidia. But beyond the place names, note who is given credit
for the success of this missionary journey: they ‘reported
what God has done with them, and how He had opened the
door of faith to the Gentiles’. What can we give credit to God
for this week? When has the Lord opened a door recently?
Pray until the answer comes.
Now That’s Hopeful!
Like other apocalyptic authors, John in Revelation sees a
new heaven and a new earth in store, God making all things
new. If the things John described never happened, the book
would have faded into oblivion. But along with believers
experiencing tribulation, and clinging to the hope John offers, many believers through the ages have then experienced
God making everything new in their life, being with them,
wiping away their tears. Remember the man in the Gospel
who said ‘Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.’?Repeat that
prayer a few times, and then read Rev. 21:1-5 a few times.
Let what John sees become part of your prayer, especially in
the worst of times.
The Real Litmus Test
In today’s Gospel, what does Jesus offer as the litmus
test, the way to determine if folks are his disciples?
How we love one another. That really cuts to the heart
of the matter!
Looking Ahead:
1st Reading :Acts 15:1-2, 22-29
No burden beyond the necessities
2nd Reading: Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23
Vision of the new Jerusalem
Gospel: John 14:23-29
Peace I give to you
Page Three
Sponsored by the Letter ‘C’
On the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, or
Corpus Christi, the homily will be sponsored by the letter
‘C’. Don’t miss it! Also, we will be commissioning new Eucharistic Ministers that day, and re-commissioning our current Eucharistic Ministers. Is it time for you to step forward
and serve the Lord and the community in this beautiful way?
Pray about it, ask a current EM … we are looking for at least
5 or 10 new additional ministers.
Baby Blessing Mass
Mark your calendars now: our baby blessing Mass for infants
baptized this past year, and all little ones will be June 23,
9:00 AM.
May Crownings
Two May crowning will help usher in the month of Mary,
the month of May. Our school 6th grade will be doing a May
crowning on Wednesday, May 1st, at 1:45PM. Family Faith
will be doing a May crowning on Sunday, May 5th at 10AM
Ascension Thursday
Thursday, May 9th is the Feast of the Ascension of Our
Lord. At the School Mass that day, in addition to celebrating
the Holy Day, we will be especially recognizing the children
who have made their first communion this Spring. Consider
yourself invited!
Parent Baptismal Preparation
Parents and expectant parents: our next baptismal preparation session is scheduled for May 15th, in the Parish Meeting
Hall. Please call the office to let us know you will be
For some time now, a number of children have been participating in their own RCIA, preparing for Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, just like adults choosing to become
Catholic. We will be celebrating their initiation on the great
feast of Pentecost, May 19th at the 9:00 AM Mass. May God
continue to bless these last days of preparation!
Seeing is Believing
At the last Pastoral Council meeting, discussion included
this question: are we utilizing all the resources we have as
effectively as we can for our weekend celebrations? Our
audio-visual system is used to project baptisms at Mass, to
project music at the 9AM, and infrequently for videos from
the diocese. Could we use it more effectively? Do you have
talents to share, ideas, suggestions, some skill in this area?
Please contact Fr. Bob, so we can find a good
time for our current AV team, and perhaps YOU to meet
and toss some ideas around!
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
April 28, 2013
April 21
Attendance …… … . 1,871
Collection ………… $15,653.00
Thank you for supporting our parish.
Do you use envelopes? Think of the
envelope as your contribution’s gift
wrapper. Envelopes also make it easier
for our money counters to post your
contributions for your year end statement. However you choose to support
St. Louis, THANK YOU!!
Many thanks to all who brought
food on the April 20 & 21 weekend to help stock the shelves of
the Pittsford Food Cupboard!
Whoever is happy will make others
happy too. He who has courage and
faith will never perish in misery.
~ Anne Frank
Attention Parishioners:
This Year’s Annual
Sunshine Luncheon is
Thursday, May 23
We are in the process of
contacting last year’s volunteers, but
please don’t hesitate to contact us if you
would like to help and have not yet been
reached. Please contact, Lisa DePalma
at or 738-4884 or
Ashley Vilkhu at or 402-5719.
Sr. Jody Being Honored May 4
Sr. Jody Kearney, who taught at St. Louis
School for many years and now lives at the
Parish in our Rand Place residence, is
being honored for her years of dedicated
service to the Mercy Prayer Center at its
35th Anniversary Celebration, which will be
held on May 4, 2013 at 6:00 PM at the
Harris Beach law offices (99 Garnsey Rd.,
just past Bushnell’s Basin). Tickets are $75
per person or $135 per couple. There will
be grazing, beverages and a raffle with
many great items. For reservations call the
Prayer Center 585-473-6893.
Page Four
Saint's Place is a volunteer organization, based on Christian
values, that provides household goods, clothing, and education to legal refugees of all races and creeds who settle in the Rochester, NY area, to escape
violence, discrimination and poverty in their homeland. Each year, Saint's
Place assists hundreds of newly arrived refugees arriving through the Catholic
Family Center's Refugee and Immigration Department. Visit us at
The construction of our Habitat for Humanity House at 629 Brown
Street is underway. Over 70 parishioners have “Signed-Up” to help
build our house, 25 of whom have already worked at the Habitat site.
But as the old adage says, more hands make light work! So we could still use a
few more “hands”. Anyone interested can learn more about volunteering and actually sign-up and schedule a specific day to help by either :
Going to HIP’s web site:; or
Contacting one or our volunteer coordinators :
Kathleen Anderson: call 385-7601; email
Brain McMahon: call 383-6005; email
Delaina Infantino: call 586-1115
One of our parishioners, Mary Beth Quandt has returned home after several
months in the hospital and The Highlands of Pittsford. Mary Beth, who has a
long road of recovery ahead of her, is prayerful, optimistic and determined!
For updated information and to communicate with the Quandt family, you
may go to and sign into her personal account at marybethquandt. A website has been set up to sign up to make a meal for the Quandt
family. Please keep Mary Beth in your prayers during this time of healing.
To sign up to make a meal go to:
Our Legacy, Our Future, Our Hope: Giving Back,
Paying It Forward!
God bless the generous people of St. Louis Church! During the leadership phase
of this vital campaign, St. Louis parishioners pledged $280,800, which included
several gifts of $50,000 and higher. In this general parish phase, $30,865 has been
already raised, in addition. Thank you for showing gratitude to those who have
devoted their lives in ministry in the past, and for ensuring the education of those
who will follow! Please support the Campaign through a generous pledge, which
may be paid over a three-year period. To give, you can respond to the mailing you
received; or give securely online at Through your generosity, we
can continue to serve the needs of our priests and seminarians, ensure a vibrant
priesthood and pass on our rich heritage to future generations.
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
April 28, 2013
AT 10:00 AM FOR
(yes, you can.)
Buy a bracelet,
handmade by St. Louis children,
Or, a basket, handmade by the village
women of Ghana!
at the
Gifts for Ghana Sale
May 4th-5th, after Mass
Sr. Stan Mumuni's
Nazareth Home for God's Children.
A wonderful Mother’s Day gift
for a worthy cause!
Page Five
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
April 28, 2013
Registration for Fall Religious Education and Sacramental
preparation programs begins this week, starting Monday,
April 22nd. Although it seems like the school year has just
begun, it’s time to start thinking about religious education
and sacramental preparation for 2013-2014.
If you are new to our parish or have children who will be
coming of age to enroll into one of our programs, please
call Sue Payne at the Ministry Center, 586-5675 for details
of what you need to do to register.
You can register with your payment using the forms that
you will receive through your child’s class.
Children in Seasons of Faith and Living Faith will
receive, through their classes from their teachers,
re-registration materials this week. Material will also be
given out to the children in Crossroads as well as emailed
to all Family Faith families. Registration materials will
include registrations for Religious Education programs as
well as for our Sacramental Preparation programs. Please
read all information carefully to ensure that your child’s
registration goes smoothly.
So as we look towards the completion of our programs for
this school year, don’t lose momentum thinking we’re
done. Instead, get ready, set, go and take care of next year
now. Be proactive about your child’s faith development by
completing the registration forms as soon as possible.
(Please note: our website is under construction, and the
new website will be on-line in May. On line registration
will be possible as soon as the new website is complete!)
Because of the increased cost of materials
for the various faith formation programs,
we need to ask for a fee.
Here are some guidelines and requirements for
registering in our programs.
 Families must be registered parishioners of St. Louis
 Public school children, Kindergarten through eighth
grade, are expected to be in a religious education
program every year.
 Sacramental preparation programs of First Penance,
Confirmation and First Communion presume children
are receiving their religious education through one of
St. Louis’ programs or Catholic school, and build on
what is being learned in these venues. Consequently,
for a child to prepare to receive a sacrament, they must
have been in a religious education program (through
St. Louis Parish or Catholic school) for at least one
year prior to the preparation program.
 Parents are asked to actively participate and help in
our programs.
Here is a schedule of fees for each program:
 Seasons of Faith (our Sunday morning program)
and Living Faith (our Tuesday afternoon program):
$35.00 per child, 3 or more children $75.00 per
 Crossroads (Junior High) program: $35.00 per
child, 3 or more children $75.00 per family
 Family Faith families: $75.00 per family
The maximum of $75.00 per family applies even
when the three or more children are distributed among
elementary and junior high programs.
TUTORS NEEDED! The Saint’s Place Tutoring Pro-
gram that meets on Thursdays at the Greek Orthodox
Church of the Holy Spirit is in need of 9 tutors. Our
college tutors will no longer be with us as of the beginning of May. The commitment is for 6 weeks (May 2nd
-June 13th). We are located at 835 South Ave. near
Highland Hospital and meet from 4:45p.m.-6:00p.m.
If you cannot make it every week, that is fine. We can
still use your help. Tutors are needed for 2 (10yr.old)
girls, 2 (10yr.old) boys and a 6yr. old boy. We also
need 2 people to work with the PreK students and
2 tutors for adult women. Our tutors are high school
students, college students, and adults. It is an experience that will enrich your life. If you can help, contact
Geri Dolan at 278-8244 or
Page Six
Mark your calendars! St. Louis Church
Vacation Bible School will be June 26th,
27th and 28th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Registrations will begin on April 29th. Please watch for
information posters and registration materials at all
the exits of church starting on April 29th.
WE NEED ADULT TEACHERS!!!!!!! It’s simple,
fun and there’s lots of assistance so please contact Sue
Payne at 586-5675 Ext. 233 or email
if you would like to help us out.
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
April 28, 2013
Congratulations 2013 First Communion Class!!
We are celebrating the sacrament of First Communion with 77 children of our parish this weekend
at an 11:00 am Mass on Saturday and at the 4:30 pm, 9:00 am and 11:00 am regular weekend Masses.
We congratulate them and their families for all the hard work they did in preparation for this special time. Now that
they have achieved this place in their lives we look forward to their continued participation with our parish community each and every time they will be at Mass with us. These children have now come to the table of the Eucharist,
the great banquet, sharing a place with Jesus through the gift of himself as the Body and Blood of Christ.
Congratulations, First Communicants!!
Ben Abbamonte
Caroline Bauer
Adam Beckman
Caitlin Bergin
Elizabeth Bergin
Peter Bernacki
Ava Bleier
Polly Bogdan
Chloe Buch
Landon Buffery
James Capellupo
Isabelle Colburn
Nate Coons
Owen Corby
Annabelle Cotroneo
Parker Cummings
Brendan Dehn
Michael Dinardo
Leonardo DiNovo
Lia DiPasquale
Vincenzo DiPasquale
Rory Drew
Joseph Anthony Foggetti
Gabriella Fornuto
Andrew Garringer
Rachel Gauger
Maggie George
Henry Gerstner
Noah Gottko
Leah Griffith
Lilly Hajec
Alexa Harrington
Ashlyn Harrington
Lindsay Hauf
Andrew Hoffman
Audra Holfoth
Michael Hughes
Richard Jones
Carmen Kendall
Rex Kesselring
Allison Klingensmith
Nicholas Korten
Sienna Laird
Rachel Lawner
Alex LoVerde
Josh Mauro
Drew McDermott
Catherine Meath
Amelia Merulla
Caroline Mike
Chloe Mike
Ethan Minnella
Saturday, May 4 @ 9:30 am
St. Lawrence Church
1000 North Greece Rd
Join the Fun and Run for the Young at the 17th annual
Run for the Young 5K road race and 1-mile fun run sponsored by the Diocese of Rochester. This road race is open to
all ages. The 5K is a certified course that is flat and fast! The
race features over $500 in cash awards to the top 3 male and
female open and masters runners plus 90 medals awarded to
age group winners. There is a large post race party, free tshirts to first 350, and over $2,000 in door prizes!
Page Seven
Katia Moldoch
Marielle Juliette Morabito
Chase Moyer
Charles Moynihan
Francesco Palumbo
Maria Pietropaoli
Andrew Pinkham
Claire Pippin
Veronica Raffaele
Molly Ritter
Phillip Savka
Lauren Schenkel
Natalie Schnose
Matthew Spellman
Kevin Steeley
Elizabeth Steron
Gabriel Tapia
Casey Trueblood
Evelyn VanDusen
Cameron Wachob
Lily Wallace
Brady Wambach
Lily Warrell
Alexander Wasley
Izabela Woloszuk
All proceeds benefit the Bishop Matthew Clark Youth Advocacy Fund which supports Youth Ministry and Youth Ministry programs. Registration forms available online at http:// or “Like” our Facebook page at
Sunday, April 28, 6:00-7:30 pm. Meeting in Youth Rm.
Saturday, May 4, 9:30 am. Run for the Young, 5K Race at
St. Lawrence Church in Greece..
June 28 - 30. Steubenville Youth Conference
November 21 - 23. National Catholic Youth Conference
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
April 28, 2013
Is There a Doctor in the
House (of God)?
Actually, we can answer with a resounding
YES! As of October, 2012, when Pope
Benedict XVI added St. John of Avila and
St. Hildegard of Bingen, there are officially 35 Doctors of the Church. Some inquiring minds
might want to know: what is a Doctor of the Church, who
decides the list, who is on the list now, and how is this
related to the Year of Faith?
Three requisites are necessary to be proclaimed a Doctor of
the Church (Pope Benedict XIV's definition): an eminent
doctrine, a remarkable holiness of life and the declaration
by the Supreme Pontiff or by a General Council which has
met legitimately.
Besides those noted above, other Doctors include: Sts.
Athanasius, Ephraem the Syrian, Hilary of Poitiers, Cyril
of Jerusalem, Gregory of Nazianzus, Basil the Great,
Ambrose, John Chrysostom, Jerome, Augustine, Cyril of
Alexandria, Peter Chrysologous, Leo the Great, Gregory
the Great, Isidore of Seville, John of Damascus, Bede the
Venerable, Peter Damian, Anselm, Bernard of Clairvaux,
Anthony of Padua, Albert the Great, Bonaventure, Thomas
Aquinas, Catherine of Siena, Teresa of Avila, Peter
Canisius, John of the Cross, Robert Bellarmine, Lawrence
of Brindisi, Francis de Sales, Alphonsus Ligouri, and
Thérèse of Lisieux. Note that 4 of the last 5 named have
been female (since 1970).
Regarding the Year of Faith, select a Doctor or two, and
read how they served God through teaching, missionary
work, charity, prayer and simply striving to please God in
the ordinary actions and decisions of daily life. We celebrate the feast days of two Doctors this week – which two?
Those are the short answers. The web or Pope Benedict
XVI’s book, The Doctors of the Church, can provide
greater detail, or, as always, see me after Mass sometime,
or at
God bless, Deacon Dave
Friday, May 17, 2013, 6:00 PM
Locust Hill Country Club
$100 a person
Call 385-6860
for more information.
Page Eight
Check the bulletin boards at the side
entrances to church, for information
about St. Bernard's Institute Summer
Course Offerings!
The Apocalyptic Tradition –
Cataclysmic devastation, earthquakes,
monsters, battles and visions – this is the storehouse from
which apocalyptic imagery is drawn. St. Bernard’s summer
course will examine this tradition as it unfolds in the
course of biblical history. This graduate level course can
be taken for credit or audit on Tuesday nights beginning
May 21. Please visit or call
(585) 271-3657 x 289 for details.
Bishop Emeritus Matthew Clark will preside
at a Wedding Jubilee Mass to honor couples
who have been married 25 years or more next Sunday,
May 5 at 2:00 PM at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Rochester.
A reception will follow the Mass to honor the attendees.
To register, please send your name and address to Sylvia
Mancuso at or call her at
1-800-388-7177 x1295, or 585-328-3228 x1295. Many
married couples spend the winter in warmer climates –
so their families are encouraged to register them!
One in three pregnancies already ends in abortion in NYS.
According to a recent poll, 78% of New Yorkers feel there is
already sufficient access to abortion, with over 100,000 performed each year. We do not need to allow non-physicians to
perform abortions, nor allow abortions on demand through
nine months of pregnancy. Abortion does not need to be a
fundamental right, untouchable in the future, which will
eliminate any chance for common-sense regulations ever,
including restrictions on taxpayer funding of abortion, waiting periods and parental notification for minors. Conscience
protection should be extended to institutions (like Catholic
Hospitals and crisis pregnancy centers) as well as to individuals. Please tell Governor Cuomo and your legislators that
there is no need to expand abortion in NYS. You can go to to send an online message to Governor
Cuomo and your legislators, or you can call or send a letter.
For more information, contact Kathleen McMahon, Pastoral
Associate for Social Ministry & Justice at 586-5675 x228 or Thank you!
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
April 28, 2013
Elizabeth Ministry Mother’s Day
Service Project
May 11 – 12, 2013
In honor of our Blessed Mother and all
mothers, Elizabeth Ministry is collecting diapers and baby/maternity items
to benefit those served by Judicial
Process Commission, Saint’s Place,
Birthright and Focus Pregnancy Help
Center. Elizabeth Ministers will be
present at all masses the weekend of
May 11 – 12 to receive your diapers
and gently used baby items. Please
consider donating to help these
wonderful agencies as they honor life
by giving loving, practical support to
young families in need. Please call
our voicemail, 586-5675, ext. 345 with
any questions.
New for Baby
Diapers – all sizes 1 – 5
Baby soaps, shampoos, diaper cream
Pacifiers, baby bottles & nipples
Baby wipes
Please contact the St. Louis School office at
586-5200 for tickets and sponsorship information!
For Mom
Maternity Clothes – new or used
(esp. summer)
Nursing bras, shirts, pillows
“What to Expect when you’re
Gently Used for Baby
Our last Fruit of the Vine event of the season will be on Tuesday,
May 21st with wine tasting at 7:00 pm and our discussion at 7:30 pm in
the Parish Meeting Hall. Jan Roth, a retired pastoral associate, parish liturgist and musician will share with us her thoughts on a young Jewish woman
of a peasant tradition who becomes Mary the Blessed Mother of Jesus. We
will look at Mary, our sister, in the human condition of her life and the effect of God’s grace on that human life. Please join us in the parish meeting
hall for an insightful discussion of the woman of God we love and hold
most holy.
Page Nine
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
Crib sheets
Toys, books, stuffed animals
Socks, all sizes and baby bits
Boy and girl clothing up to 3t or 36
Summer hats, spring jackets
Blessed Sacrament’s Original
Next to New Sale
School Auditorium
Monroe Avenue at Oxford Street
Thursday, May 2: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday, May 3: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday, May 4: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Bargains galore
for men, women and children.
Baked goods, lunch and supper
available at reasonable prices.
April 28, 2013
PARISH OFFICES - Ministry Center
64 S. Main Street, 14534
(585) 586-5675; Fax 387-9888
Susan Payne,
Director of Faith Formation, ext. 233
Peggy Lynge, Leader of Family Ministry,
ext. 230,
Rev. Robert Ring, Pastor, ext. 225
Deacon David Snyder, 586-5675
Stephanie Honz, Pastoral Associate for
Liturgy and Liturgical Music, ext. 251
Dan McBride, Youth Minister, ext. 265
Robin Hill, Middle School Youth Minister,
Christine Wensel, Pastoral Associate for
Pastoral Care, ext. 224
Patty Macera
Director of Finance and Administration,
ext. 222,
Kathleen McMahon, Pastoral Associate for
Social Ministry and Justice, ext. 228
Sally Schrecker, Operations Manager,
ext. 235,
Bea Hack, Liturgy Coordinator, ext. 231
Pat Spinelli, Parish Visitor, ext. 232
Page Ten
Birdie Proctor, Secretary/Bookkeeper,
ext. 227,
Elizabeth Finn, Secretary, ext. 223
St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY
Barbara Thomas, Bulletin Editor, ext. 236
Jeffrey Stid, Chair,
Parish Council, 752-8272
James Schnell, Chair,
Finance Council, 267-7295
Suzy Ward, Chair
Stewardship Council 746-5676
Stephen Ministry,
Confidential Hotline, 586-5675, ext. 324
Elizabeth Ministry, 586-5675, ext. 345
Colleen Knauf, Director, Saint’s Place
46 S. Main St.
Phone: 385-6860, Fax: 385-3963
In Residence at the Rectory:
Fr. Ray Booth
Fr. Al Delmonte
Msgr. Gerard Krieg
Fran Barr, Interim Principal,
St. Louis School, 11 Rand Place
Phone: 586-5200
April 28, 2013
St. Louis Church
Pittsford, NY

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