Briefing Board - Ohio Council of Chapters


Briefing Board - Ohio Council of Chapters
A Publication of The Ohio Western Reserve Chapter–Military Officers Association of America
Briefing Board
“Never Stop Serving”
May 2016 • Volume 16 Issue 4 • and • P.O. Box 4272 • Copley, OH 44321
President’s Notes
Our April meeting, where we returned to an evening format, saw
Colonel Dave Taylor, U.S. Army (Ret) and OWRC member, present a talk on “Cebu-The Philippines: Struggle for Freedom, WWII”.
Dave served in the Americal (23rd) Infantry Division in Vietnam,
is the Americal Division Veterans Association WWII Historian,
and showed through his maps and slides what a tough fight the
outmanned but not outfought Americal troops had in their invasion to free the island of Cebu and it’s Filipino people.
We are ramping up for the May salute to our ROTC and Junior ROTC honorees.
This is always a celebration of local college and high school youth and their
dedication to the United States. We are offering OWRC members the opportunity
to “sponsor” a cadet and/or their family at the recognition dinner. KSU has
honored their cadets at campus awards ceremonies, and the University of Akron
will host theirs on 6 May, 2016. We have provided OWRC representatives at all
Awards Ceremonies and at each ROTC commissioning ceremony in May.
Summer events are coming on fast and we have received our poster from the
Rubber Ducks, touting a special $5 night on 15 July for the game and free
fireworks. Bracketing that event will be our June picnic and the Steak and Corn
Roast in August.
Please stay healthy, stay alert, and come see us at our upcoming family-style
Larry Ashbaugh, President, OWRC
We have a chapter flag!
Attached to the flag are the chapter’s two
five-star streamers for being one of the best
chapters in the country. Thank you for
your contributions.
4-Star Web Site
Way to go Dave!
5-Star Newsletter
Way to go Janet!
President LTC Larry Ashbaugh presents
the OWRC flag set and Ohio Council of
Chapters Challenge Coin to COL David
Taylor for his presentation.
Remembering those who paid for our freedom
Take time to attend a ceremony
Memorial Day
May 30, 2016
This monument in Plaza Independencia on the island of Cebu was erected
to honor the war veterans. It bears the
“This monument, an eloquent oblation
like hands reaching for heaven, soulful in supplication, stands for the noble
living and the noble dead whose dreams
and hopes shall in the end, hopefully find
reward in an enduring freedom from all
kinds of tyrannies, suppressions, fear and
want.” – Prof. Julian N. Jumalon
June 11
JULY 15TH, 7:05PM
PETE NUGENT AT 330.253.5151. EXT. 297
OWRC–MOAA Briefing Board
Members Are Encourage to Attend
ROTC–JROTC Awards Programs
Date Time
College/High School
and location
Akron University Army
MOAA Medal
ROTC VFW Post 4738,
and Scholarship
3733 Fishcreek Rd.,
from OWRC
Stow 44224.
Green High School Air
Force JROTC at MAPS MOAA Medal
Akron East High School
Marine JROTC at East
MOAA Medal
High School
Garfield High School
MOAA Medal
Perry High School Army No Award CerJROTC—Banquet
McKinley High School
MOAA Medal
Kent State University Air Force Commissioning Ceremony–KIVA
Kent State University Army Commissioning Ceremony–KIVA
Akron University Army Commissioning
Ceremony– Guzzetta Hall
Asking for Sponsors
“Buy A Dinner for a Cadet”
For this meeting we have instituted a “Buy A Dinner for a
Cadet” where a member can contribute $30 to offset the
cost of the chapter. The chapter pays for the dinner of a
cadet, their guest, and their military staff member. If you can
assist by “buying a dinner” you may do so at the door. Any
surplus of donations will be put into the scholarship fund.
A donation via the web site Events Tab May
“Buy A Dinner for a Cadet” or make a check payable to and
mail to: OWRC-MOAA, P.O. Box 4272, Copley, OH
May 2016
2016 Chapter Dues – Return to Sender?
The post office doesn’t know why OWRC dues checks
were return to sender. If it happen to you please try one
more time. Make check payable to and mail to: OWRCMOAA P.O. Box 4272, Copley, OH 44321
Bart Oldenburg
Jack Harig
William Albright
Leslie Peine
Tom Harnden
Dolores Alley
Bob Pollock
Bradley Harvey
Larry Ashbaugh
Gordon Herndon Gabe Pszonowsky
Charles Auker
Robert Hixenbaugh Margaret Rakas
Joseph Avella
Charles Reitz
Charles Hunter
William Bamler
Rich Richkowski
C. Joseph Barnette John Jacob
David Riegler
Mike Baumgardner Harlan Jewett
David Rivedal
Barbara Jones
T. Mike Besch
Charles Ross
Greta Jones
Ann Besch
John Sachleben
James Kendall
Beverly Beuck
Judy Sallerson
Arthur Kenepp
Patrica Bosley
Thomas Sawyer
Bruce Kilian
Donald Bratton
Robert Schiesswohl
George Kilkenny
Albert Brewster
Oliver Schneider
George King Jr
Robert Bruce
David Sears
Frank Klein
William Butke
Donald Sewell
Brandon Calhoun Gordon Koscher
Dan Shilling
Kurt Kosmatka
Dick Calta
John Shoemaker
Richard Lander
Eugene Calvin
Kenneth Sladky
Wayne Lavender
Elaine Cameron
Ronald Smetana
Jack Liberator
Vitula Carpenter
Ernest Stadvec
Eldon Lown
Gene Champe
Dennis Churgovich Thomas Luczynski Walter Stashkiw
Melvin Steedly
Alanson Mabry
Anthony Cookro
Frank Steel
Michael Corathers William Maki
Roy Stephenson
Nancy Cressman George Manos
Deb Stephenson
John Martin
Lois CsontosTed Stults
Edward Mazak
Jennifer Syme
Margaret Delillo- Randy Meador
Willie Carol Menza David Taylor
Robert Thompson
Terry Michaels
Ross Dorsett
Raymond Toombs
Andrew Emanuele Grover Miller
Charles Tyburski
William Miller
Chaker Fadel
Charles Walker
Ronald Mitchell
Lynda Farkas
Dominic Giordano Nathan Monastra Arthur Wallach
James White
Donald Morris
Ronald Girard
Richard Wray
Michael Gonzalez Ronald Nelson
Joseph O’Brien
Ronald Goodell
Clayton Wright
Daniel O’Connell
Gene Haas
Janet Oglesby
Dan Hahn
OWRC Membership Requirements
The membership in MSVC shall be composed of: Men
and women who are or have been commissioned or warrant officers of the seven United States uniformed services
(Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and
Public Health Service). Surviving spouses of deceased individuals who, if living, would be eligible for membership.
MSVC-MOAA memberships are open to all eligible people.
Page 2
Members Every
1130 hours
1562 Akron
Peninsula Rd.
Akron, OH
A Chapter That Has “Never Stop Serving”
May 2016
OWRC–MOAA Briefing Board
May Legislative Update
While the majority of congressional action has been focused on campaigning and re-election as all
Senators and Representatives are up for the vote this fall along with that for POTUS, there have
been hearings to focus on certain actions effecting the military.
Currently, one of the hottest topics is the “Widow Tax” whereby a service-connected death requires
a dollar-for-dollar (up to $15,000) deduction from the SBP annuity. Why the architects of this
legislation ever felt the survivor should be penalized for this reason for death of their loved one is
beyond comprehension. But it will take a positive vote in the Congress to repeal this ‘tax’. You are
urged to contact your House Representative and Senator, ASAP to support this repeal action. Please
follow this link: S. 979 - Eliminate the SBP-DIC Offset.
Other very important actions will be the military budget, wages and healthcare (TRICARE). We
owe to ourselves and our fellow service members to protect our military capabilities as well as
family care priorities! Take the time to review the information at in the Legislative
Action tab. Get Involved!
Honor Flight Columbus is looking for a few good women veterans - about 80 of
them - for the first all-women veterans’ flight from Columbus. The one-day trip to
Washington, D.C. is free to the veterans as a thank you for their service and is an
opportunity to “Honor, Share, and Celebrate” their contributions. The flight is on
Saturday, September 10, 2016 from Port Columbus.
The All Women Veterans’ Flight will honor our nation’s senior veterans - WWII,
Korea and Vietnam - and is made possible by the generous efforts of the Westerville
for Honor Flight Committee. Applications are available at - click
on “Veteran Application” or call the HFCols office at 614-284-4987.
Application deadline for this special flight is Monday, July 11, 2016 and the applications will be
processed in the order received. Selected veterans will be notified by July 30. Applications by nonWWII and Korean veterans are not guaranteed to be selected on this or future flights.
Contact: Bill and Bobbi Richards
Honor Flight Columbus
614-284-4987 or 614-595-7718
June Membership Outing
Who: OWRC Members, Spouse/Guest, Family
What: Picnic lunch, a with heated pool for our enjoyment
Where: Andy & Ann Emanuele, 426 East Ave, Tallmadge.
When: Saturday afternoon, 11 June 2016
1200–1700 (Noon–5 p.m.)
Menu: Fried chicken, drinks and table service provided by OWRC.
Members BRING potluck casseroles, salads, fresh fruit, desserts
Bring a lawn chair for each adult
Cost: Cost: $7 per person
RSVP: We need to know much chicken, drinks and table service to purchase? Wouldn’t you want
to know how many guests to prepare for? Be considerate, and RSVP before Wednesday,
June 8th by one of the three methods
1. Use the web site then to “events” tab.
2. Email your reservation to:
3. Call LTC Dave Riegler at 330-666-2257
A Chapter That Has “Never Stop Serving”
1-800-234-6622 ext. 215
Legislative Contacts
Pres. Barack Obama (D)
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington DC 20500
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
Ohio US Senators
Senator Sherrod Brown (D)
United States Senate
713 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2315
Fax (202) 228-6321
Senator Rob Portman (R)
United States Senate
448 Russell Senate Office Bld.
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3353
Ohio US Representatives
Representative District 7
Bob Gibbs (R)
110 Central Plaza South
Canton, OH 44702
Phone: (330) 737-1631
Representative District 11
Marcia Fudge (D)
1225 Lawton Street
Akron, OH 44320
Phone: (330) 835-4758
Fax: (330) 835-4863
Representative District 13
Tim Ryan (D)
Akron Office
1030 Tallmadge Ave
Akron, OH 44310
Phone: (330) 630-7311
Fax: (330) 630-7314
Representative District 16
James Renacci (R)
1 Park Center Drive
Suite 302
Wadsworth, OH 44281
Phone (330) 334-0040
Fax (330) 334-0061
Toll-Free: 1 (855) 334-0040
Page 3
Email the legislative contacts through their web site.
Search for Women Veterans
MOAA Legislative
May 2016
Protect Yourself from Fraud
By Anne Hartline, Surviving Spouse Advisory Committee
Many dishonest people work diligently every day to gather
information illegally in order to steal identities and money.
To help protect yourself from fraud, be aware: Do not open
suspicious emails, carefully read emails from agencies and
businesses that appear to be legitimate, and cautiously answer
telephone calls from unknown individuals. In addition, do
not deposit checks that come in the mail from unfamiliar
sources. USAA, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and
banks are three of the most commonly targeted sources for
scams. Some clever thieves now can show USAA, IRS, and
the names of banks on the telephone caller ID and send
emails that look authentic. In 2014, USAA shut down 6,724
fraudulent websites. According to the Federal Trade Commission, from 2013 to 2014, IRS scams increased by 20 percent,
with more than 54,000 Americans being targeted in 2014.
In addition, almost daily, the media report scams involving
banks and bogus checks.
USAA advises that legitimate communications from their
company always will have a “USAA Security Zone” stamp.
Look for your name and the last four digits of your member
number. Like all security cautions from any source that might
be compromised, USAA directs that you should not reply to
any email with personal information, such as passwords, Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, or bank account
numbers. If you receive suspicious communications from
USAA, contact them at (877) 762-7256 or forward suspicious
email communications to
Fraudulent IRS agents can be quite intimidating. They call
and state back taxes are owed, and the only way to avoid jail
is to pay back taxes and fines immediately. Then they offer
various methods of transferring the money. Sometimes the
con artists take a positive approach, telling people they have a
refund due and then asking for personal information. If you
receive a suspicious IRS call, assume it is a scam. The IRS does
not call people about back taxes or refunds; you will receive
notice via a mailed letter. The IRS also does not solicit information by email, text, or social media. If you are contacted
by phone, report the incident to the U.S. Treasury Inspector
General for Tax Administration at (800) 366-4484. If you are
contacted by email, forward the message directly to the IRS at
Wells Fargo has excellent information on their website regarding bank fraud and scams, including tips on how to protect
yourself, such as:
•If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
•Do your homework before cashing checks received in the
mail from unknown sources. Call the bank, and independently research an individual, company, or check to verify
•If you receive an email asking for money, forward it to
your local police department.
•Shred documents containing personal or financial information before discarding. Many fraud and identity theft
incidents happen as a result of mail and garbage theft.
Page 4
OWRC–MOAA Briefing Board
In Memoriam
Patricia J. Mitchell
9 March 1929 – 19 December 2015
Patricia is survived by her husband, CDR Ronald B.
Mitchell, USN Ret. (M.D.); sons, Robert B. (Lois)
Mitchell, Thomas W. (Ginger) Mitchell D.D.S. and James
R. (Cathy) Mitchell; son-in-law, Alfred Ciraldo M.D.; 12
grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents;
daughter, Deborah Ciraldo and brother, Richard Thompson.
Services will be held at Christ United Methodist Church.
Interment was at Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to
Lakeside Association, 236 Walnut Avenue, Lakeside, OH
43440. The complete obituary can be viewed at
In Memoriam
Carol Ann Martin
10 December 1929 – 4 April 2016
Carol is survived by her husband of 60 years, COL John
Martin, USA Ret. Carol is survived by her Husband of
60 years, two sons John L. (Cris) Martin, Steve E. (Kathy)
Martin, 3 grandchildren, 5 great grandchildren. Preceding
her in death by her parents and an infant child, son Michael E. Martin, brothers David and Willard Snyder and a
sister Ruth Snyder Powers.
Funeral services will held at the Wayne Presbyterian
Church and burial was at the church. In lieu of flowers,
gifts may be made to the Wayne Presbyterian Church
Building Fund or LifeCare Hospice, 1900 Akron Road,
Wooster, Oh 44691. Complete obituary can be viewed at
Challenge Coins Still Available
Your purchase of Ohio Council of Chapters Challenge Coin for $20,
helps finance JROTC awards.
•Promptly retrieve incoming mail, and place outgoing
mail with financial information in a U.S. Postal Service
mailbox, instead of your home mailbox.
•Consider paperless options for your bills and financial
Remember, be alert and question any suspicious communication to help protect yourself from fraud and scams.
A Chapter That Has “Never Stop Serving”
OWRC–MOAA Briefing Board
May 2016
OWRC Contact Information
President . . . . . . . . . . LTC Larry M. Ashbaugh, USA, Ret. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cell 330-990-1361
First Vice President . . . . . . LTC Ron Smetana, USA, Ret. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-836-5423
Second Vice Pres. . . . . . . . CPT Don Bratton, USA, Frm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-391-0508
Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . LTC Bart Oldenburg, USA, Ret. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-786-2147
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LTC Dave Riegler, USA, Ret. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-666-2257
Trustee (3 year) . . . . . . . . . . . Col Dick Calta, USAF, Ret. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-576-6404
Trustee (2 year) . . . . . . . . . . . . MG Dan Hahn, USA, Ret. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-313-1465
Trustee (1 year) . . . . . Lt Col Tom Harnden, USAF, Ret. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-848-1760
Chaplain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lt Col Les Peine, USAF, Ret. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-478-5118 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cell 330-284-6531
Chapter Programs . . . . . . . LTC Ron Smetana, USA, Ret. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-836-5423
Legislative Affairs NEED—Help The Chapter
Personal Affairs . NEED—Help The Chapter
Membership . . . . CW4 Dennis Churgovich, USA, Ret. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-725-2362
Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery
MAJ David Sears, USA, Ret. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cell 330-242-3739
Newsletter Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janet Oglesby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-568-4456
ROTC/JROTC . . . NEED—Help The Chapter
Surviving Spouse of MOAA . . . . . . . . . . . . . Willie Menza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-929-3734
Post 808 Range Day Date: Saturday, May 7, 2016 Location: 7222 Dalton Fox Lake Road, North Lawrence, Ohio 44666 Time: 1 – 4 p.m. Post 808 Range Day Date: Saturday, May 7, 2016 Location: 7222 Dalton Fox Lake Road, North Lawrence, Ohio 44666 Time: 1 – 4 p.m. To Join MOAA National
Future Range Dates:
orMay call7, 800-234-6622
July 9, & Sept. 17 All Dates are on a Saturday from 1 – 4 p.m. Application for Ohio Western Reserve Chapter of MOAA National
Name:___________________________________ Military Status__________ Spouse Name_____________________
Future Range Dates: Component_______Branch of Service________Rank _______ Applicant DOB___________ Spouse DOB___________
May 7, July 9, & Sept. 17 ☐ Regular Member (Retired, Former, Active Officer of the seven uniformed US Services
Membership $20/year)
All Dates are on a Saturday from 1 – 4 p.m. ☐ Widow(er)–Auxiliary Member (Auxiliary membership is available for surviving spouses of officers Membership $10/year)
Primary Phone: ________________________________________ Secondary Phone______________________________
E-mail: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter Member Dues = $20/yr from January 1 to December 31, 2016
Scholarship Donation:____________________
☐ Newsletters will be emailed, check this box if you prefer postal service
Enclosed is a check for: ____________________
Make Check Payable to and mail to: OWRC-MOAA
David Riegler, P.O. Box 4272, Copley, OH 44321 or to the website for application and pay via credit card.
A Chapter That Has “Never Stop Serving”
Page 5
OWRC–MOAA Briefing Board
Ohio Western Reserve Chapter
P.O. Box 4272
Copley, OH 44321
Return service requested
Thursday, May 19th Membership Meeting–ROTC/JROTC
Recognition of MOAA Award Recipients RSVP by May 17th
Where: The Galaxy Restaurant
201 Park Centre Dr.
Wadsworth, OH 44281
Social: 1 730 (5:30 p.m.)
Dinner Served: 1815 (6:15 p.m.)
Menu: Th
e cost is $30 per person which
includes gratuity. Each entrée includes:
Guest Speaker
salad, roll, potato, beverage, tax and gratuity. LTC Matthew Fox
Chicken Piccata
Kent State University
Parmesan Crusted Tilapia
Professor of Military
Vegetarian Tuscan Pasta
You will pay the chapter. Do not bring credit cards. Checks accepted.
The chapter will pay the restuarant, so there is no tax involved and only
one person has to check out.
1. Use the web site and pay with PayPal/credit card. It isn’t
required to have a PayPal account to use the system.
2. Email reservation to:
3. Call LTC Dave Riegler at 330-666-2257
You can “Buy A Dinner for A Cadet” on the web site.
Reservations are MANDATORY–The number of meals that are prepared are
based on the reservations receive. The chapter pays for no-shows.
OWRC-MOAA 2016 Calendar
Location and Program
ROTC/JROTC Dinner 1800 hr at Galaxy Restaurant
201 Park Center Dr. Wadsworth “Buy a Dinner for a
Cadet” See page two
DATE CHANGE Picnic at Emanuele’s 1200–1700
426 East Ave, Tallmadge, OH 44278 page 3
RubberDucks Baseball Game 1900 hr
Ohio Council of Chapters Meeting, Columbus
8/19-20 D-Day Conneaut, Ohio
Membership Steak Fry & Corn Roast at
Tadmor Picnic Pavilion 1400–1700
Dinner Meeting, at BRAVO, Summit Mall
10/20 Dinner Meeting, BRAVO, 1800 Summit Mall
10/22 Ohio Council of Chapters Meeting, Columbus
Membership Dinner Meeting, Election of Officers
1800 hr at Galaxy Restaurant 201 Park Center Dr.
Membership Christmas Party 1800 hr at Galaxy
Restaurant 201 Park Center Dr. Wadsworth
Suggestions for programs contact: Ron Smetana
<> 330-836-5423
RSVP are requested for all events to insure that the restaurant is
properly staffed. RSVP can be made at or email or 330-666-2257