St. Joseph - National Blue Ribbon School


St. Joseph - National Blue Ribbon School
St. Joseph Church
750 Peachtree Street
Herndon, VA 20170-3798
Visit us on our website:
Rev. Mike Ciski, T.O.R., Pastor
Rev. Alberto Bueno, T.O.R., Parochial Vicar
Rev. Tom Bourque, T.O.R., Parochial Vicar
Call Mr. Danny Rucker - 703-880-4340
PARISH OFFICES - Hours - 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Monday - Friday
CHURCH OFFICE: 703-880-4300, FAX: 703-880-4320
Facility Superintendent: Mr. Danny Rucker
Kitchen Manager:
Mr. Jim Klenk
Network/IT Manager:
Mr. John Peitler
Finance Administrator: Ms. Teresa Westhues 703-880-4313
Finance Assistant:
Mrs. Cynthia McLaren 703-880-4355
Asst. Bookkeeper and Mrs. Beth Covert
Child Protection Liaison
Music Director:
Mrs. Alice Eelman
Religious Education Dir. Mr. Reyes Ruiz
Religious Ed. Secretary Mrs. Rosalind Murphy
Parish Secretaries:
Mrs. Jeanne Nappier
Mrs. Mary Kirby
Saturday Vigil Masses:
Sunday Masses:
Daily Masses:
First Friday Masses:
5:00, 7:30 p.m.
7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 a.m.,
1:00 p.m., 3:30 p.m. (Spanish)
5:00 p.m.
6:30, 8:00 a.m. Monday through
12:15 p.m. (during Lent)
6:30, 8:00 a.m., 7:30 p.m.
Religious Education Director, Mr. Reyes Ruiz
In Case of Absences - CCD Office - 703-880-4307
September - May
Grades K-4
Saturday 9:00-10:15 a.m.
Ages 3-5
Grades 5-8
Sunday during
Monday 7:15 - 8:30 p.m.
the 10:00 a.m. Mass
Tuesday 7:15 - 8:30 p.m.
Religious Education Secretary - 703-880-4305
During Lent: Wednesdays in the Church 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
NOCTURNAL ADORATION - following First Friday Mass
CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 3:30 p.m.
Eve of First Fridays: 6:30 p.m.
BULLETIN DEADLINE: The deadline for copy material is Monday before the Sunday it will appear. Any announcements received after Monday will be in the next bulletin. Please submit
material in writing or via e-mail at
MARRIAGE: Arrangements must begin at least (6) months in
advance of the date of the wedding. This is a Diocesan requirement. Call the Church Office for an appointment.
BAPTISMS: Held Sunday at 2:00 p.m. in the church. Call the
Church Office at least one month in advance. For parishioners
who are asked to be Godparents either in the Parish, or outside
the Parish, please contact the Church Office no less than 3
weeks before the event takes place to see if you meet the Diocesan requirements.
BAPTISMAL CLASSES: Baptismal classes are required for
all parents and God-parents prior to the child being baptized.
The next Baptismal Class held here at St. Joseph is
April 5, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in parish meeting room 209.
Director of Youth Ministry: Mr. David Bristow, 703-880-4309
Jr. High School Youth - Grades 7-8
High School Youth - Grades –9-12\youth
NEW PARISHIONERS: All are welcome! Please call or
register at the Church Office. Remember, just attending
church here does not automatically make you a registered
St. Joseph - National Blue Ribbon School
OFFICE: 703-880-4350, FAX: 703-880-4320
Grade School K-8
Principal: Mrs. Joan Cargill
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Cindi Conroy
Secretaries: Mrs. Mary Lewis
Mrs. Barbara Beech
Office Aide: Mrs. Debbie Lizama
Visit us on our website!
March 16, 2014
Monday, March 17
6:30 a.m. + All Souls in Purgatory by The Nguyen Family
8:00 a.m. + Theresa & James Lumsden by The Lewis
12:15 p.m. +
Barbara Warner by The Minogue Family
Tuesday, March 18
6:30 a.m. +
Michael Minh Nguyen by the Nguyen Family
8:00 a.m. +
George Sullivan by The LaCombe Family
12:15 p.m. +
Walter Pary by Phyllis Pary
Wednesday, March 19
6:30 a.m. Special Intention by The Schilling Family
8:00 a.m. Joseph Franco by the Franco Family
12:15 p.m. +
Mama Helena Szulc by Mary Diana Szulc
Thursday, March 20
6:30 a.m. Josephine Akonobi by The Ezenwa Family
8:00 a.m. +
Margery Drilleau by Mike & Mary Klinker
12:15 p.m. +
Matt Kearney by Jim & Lil Simcox
Friday, March 21
6:30 a.m. All Priests by The Nguyen Family
8:00 a.m. + Irene Leckenby by The Howard Family
12:15 p.m. +
Michael Gatti by The Gatti Family
Saturday, March 22
6:30 a.m. +
Michael Minh Nugyen by The Nguyen Family
8:00 a.m. + Dorothy Campenni by Kathleen & William
5:00 p.m. + Melvin Miller by The St. Joseph Ladies’
7:30 p.m. + Mrs. Peggy Weeks by Tom & Melissa
Sunday, March 23
7:00 a.m. + Vincent Martinez by The Rueffert Family
8:30 a.m. - Living & Deceased Parishioners of St. Joseph
10:00 a.m. + Rose L. Chiarello by Dennis & Angela
11:30 a.m + Viola & Patrick Harris by The Proctor Family
1:00 p.m. + Dorothy McNamee by The Bolka Family
3:30 p.m. - Spanish Mass
5:00 p.m. + Algie Daughtrey by The Hurley Family
We invite you to join us for the Bishop’s “Light is On” each
Wednesday during Lent. The evening will begin with
exposiƟon of the Blessed Sacrament at 6:30 p.m. The
Sacrament of ReconciliaƟon will be celebrated from 6:30 8:00 p.m. The evening of prayer will conclude with
BenedicƟon at 8:00 p.m. Please note that the Ɵme for
EucharisƟc AdoraƟon on Wednesdays will be from 6:30 8:00 p.m. during Lent.
The gospel reading we’re given on this 2nd Sunday of Lent is
St. Matthew’s description of the Transfiguration of Jesus. With
that reading, I’m reminded that each year on August 6, the
Church celebrates the Feast of the Transfiguration with the
account taken from the writings of St. Luke. Whether it is from
the perspective of St. Matthew, St. Mark or St. Luke, the event
of the Transfiguration holds a special place in my heart. It was
on August 6, 1999, during a gathering of the friars of our
Province that I made my Solemn Vows to this Franciscan
The image of the gospel is meaningful to me. It’s not the
splendor or the glory of the transfigured Christ that touches me.
Nor is it the appearance of Moses or Elijah that resonate within
me. This encounter with Moses and Elijah reflects, not only the
Old Testament law giver and the prophets, but also reminds us
of the communion of Saints. Impressive, yes, but what makes
this account personal to me is the setting in which this happens.
I was privileged to be at Mount Tabor twice in my life. It is a
high and steep mountain and the ride up the mountain via taxi
was just as dramatic as the beautiful vistas one saw from the
top of the mountain. I’ll admit I had my eyes closed much of
the time on the way up the mountain as the taxis would careen
around the hair-pin corners where the views looking straight
down were (literally) breath-taking. I’m sure my prayers were
much like many pilgrims who prayed that the wheels of the
vehicles would not leave the roads.
But I’m intrigued not only with Jesus accompanying his
disciples up the high mountain but how we hear that Jesus then
accompanies them back down the mountain. That is the
important part for me. Jesus doesn’t simply allow the disciples
to glimpse his glory and remain on the mountaintop, but He
then takes them back down the mountain into the reality of the
As we continue on our Lenten journey we need to bring the
experience of our relationship with Christ down from the
mountain and into our lives. Just as Jesus didn’t allow the
disciples to remain for a long time on the mountaintop and
walked with them back into the crowds of the people, so we
need to take our faith experience out of the confines of the
church and into our families and marketplace.
May our Lenten journey remind us of all the ways Jesus
accompanies us in our daily lives and may our imitation of Him
allow us to accompany others on our
pilgrimage to heaven.
Stations of the Cross for All Catechism Classes
In observance of Lent on March 17th (Monday), 18th
(Tuesday), and 22nd (Saturday) all Religious Education
(CCD) classes will walk the Stations of the Cross with the
Director of Religious Education during class time in
Parish Hall C.
Confirmation Mass Rehearsal
All 8th grade Religious Education students (Confirmation
Year II) will have their Confirmation Mass Rehearsal on
Tuesday, April 1st from 7:15 - 9:00p.m. We will first
gather in Parish Hall C and then proceed to the church.
Sponsors should be at the Rehearsal. If the sponsor cannot
attend, another adult must be present in their place.
Visit us at
Next Sunday High School Youth Event Mar. 23rd –“The
Good, the Bad, and the Conscience”: Join us for an evening
devoted to decision making in a creative fashion. We’ll have
activities and tips to better form your conscience when tough
moral decisions arise. Dinner will be served. Meet in parish hall
C – 6:00-8:00 p.m. This event is open to all high school youth
of the parish. For more information, please contact Mr. David
Bristow at 703.880.4309 /
High School Ministry Sharing & Discussion: All high school
teens are welcome to join us on Wednesdays for small group
sharing and discussion in meeting room 209. We meet inside
the Church for adoration at 7:15 p.m. followed by discussion in
room 209 from 7:30-8:45 p.m. This week’s topic is friendship
during Lent . For more information, please contact Mr. David
Bristow at 703.880.4309 /
Greg Hughes & Amy Gold
March 16, 2014
"Every Child Deserves Great Moments" in a
faith-filled, safe, nurturing, engaging and
innovative learning environment.
Please visit or call the
school office at 703-880-4350 for more
During Lent, in addition to the daily 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m.
and 12:15 p.m. Masses, Stations of the Cross will be on
Fridays at 7 p.m., and 8:00 p.m. in Spanish beginning
March 14th. Please note: First Friday, April 4th, there
will be no Stations of the Cross.
We will be having a Penance service here at St. Joseph on
March 20th at 7 p.m. in the church. This will be a wonderful
way to spiritually prepare for Easter.
Other Penance services in the neighborhood are:
St. Thomas a’ Becket on March 13th at 7 p.m. , Christ The
Redeemer on March 25th at 7 p.m., St. John Neumann on April
8th at 7 p.m., and Our Lady of Good Council on April 10th at
7 :00 p.m.
Father Beiting Appalachian Mission Drive
It's hard to think of spring cleaning with the cold and snow,
but as you get to that task, put aside your unwanted
furniture, appliances, building materials and household
goods for this spring's Appalachian Mission drive.
This year's drive will be on May 3rd from 8:00 AM until
noon. We almost filled the truck last fall and would love to
meet that goal again.
Also, the mission sends out a newsletter to those that
contribute directly. You can get in touch with the mission at
their web site: In this month's
newsletter they describe how great the need is, yet realize
that any success is one to be thankful for. If you have any
questions, contact Joe Speetjens at
Fairfax Memorial
Full Service Funeral Home
and Crematory
9902 Braddock Rd., Fairfax
Visit us on our website!
Sunday, March 16
Second Collection - Parish Catholic Education Fund
PTO Donut Sunday (HALL C)
10:00 a.m. - Preschool CCD (SCH)
1:30 p.m.
- CS913, Den 1 (Rm. 212)
1:30 p.m. - Spanish Youth RCIA (SCH)
1:30 p.m. - Spanish Youth RCIA Parent’s Mtg. (HALL C)
5:00 p.m. - Spanish Prayer Group (Rms. 212, 215)
6:00 p.m. - Youth Group (Rm. 206, HALL C)
7:00 p.m. - Great Adventure Bible Series (Rm. 210)
7:30 p.m. - Choir Rehearsal (CH)
7:30 p.m. - Adults Only BB (GYM)
Monday, March 17
7:15 p.m. - Religious Education Class - CCD (SCH)
Tuesday, March 18
9:00 a.m. - Little Messengers Co-op (CH)
7:30 p.m. - Adult Handbell Choir (Rms. 216-217)
7:15 p.m. - Religious Education Class - CCD (SCH)
9:30 p.m. - Men’s BB (GYM)
Wednesday, March 19 - FEAST OF ST. JOSEPH
9:30 a.m. - School Mass (CH)
7:00 p.m. - BSA Troop 913 Mtg. (HALL C)
7:30 p.m. - ESL Classes (SCH)
Thursday, March 20
7:00 p.m. - Lenten Penance Service (CH)
7:30 p.m. - ESL Classes (SCH)
Friday, March 21
6:15 p.m. - Adult Bible Study (Rm. 205)
7:00 p.m. - Consecration to Mary (Rm. 210)
7:00 p.m. - English Stations of the Cross (CH)
8:00 p.m. - Spanish Stations of the Cross (CH)
9:30 p.m. - Men’s BBII (GYM)
Saturday, March 22
9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. - Religious Education - CCD (SCH)
9:00 a.m. - Spanish Legion of Mary (Rm. 214)
3:30 p.m. - Confessions (CH)
March 16, 2014
St. Joseph Men’s Society - At our monthly
meeting, Wednesday, March 26th, the Men’s
Society will host a very entertaining speaker, Jeff
Balistrere, the author of "God Doesn't Play Zone
Defense". The meeting will be held in meeting
room 214 from 7:30-9:00PM. All men of the
parish are invited and encouraged to attend.
St. Joseph Ladies’ Society invites you to
participate in this delicious fundraiser. The
proceeds of this fundraiser will enable the Ladies’
Society to continue our mission of supporting St.
Joseph’s Parish. Catalogs and order forms will be
available at the Religious Goods Stand in the
vestibule of the Church, at the CCD office, and at
the Parish/School office. You can also order online
by going to and selecting “Place an Online Fundraising
Order”. Enter “727107” as the Participants’ Number or “St.
Josephs Ladies Society” for the keyword to order. If ordering
online you can choose to have items shipped free of charge to
St. Josephs or for a small fee items can be shipped directly to
you. The sale ends on March 26th, and orders will be available
for pick-up by the Parish Hall on Friday, April 11th noon-3:30.
If you are not available to pick up at that time, please call
Therese Liebermann (703-858-7199) to make other
arrangements. Payment must accompany all orders, and checks
should be made payable to “St. Joseph Church.” (Sorry – we
cannot accept credit card payments.) Please send completed
orders to the Parish Office (you may drop orders off in the green
Drop box outside the Parish Office) or contact Therese to make
other arrangements. Thank you for your support!
Contribution Statements for 2013:
Could You Use a Few Pearls of Wisdom
For Your Daily Living?
Join us this Spring for a 10 week series
on the Book of James...
these pearls are sure to help!
WHEN ~ Sunday evenings, 7-9pm, starting
April 6-June 29
(no classes on Palm Sunday, Easter
or Memorial Day weekend)
WHERE ~ Meeting Room 210
Contact Amy at or 703.318.7311
Your Contribution Statement for 2013 will be available upon
request. To have your statement emailed, send your request to Indicate in the subject line “2013
Contribution Statement Request”. Please include in the email
your name, address and parish ID and phone number.
Call (703)880-4357 to request a paper statement. Please leave
your name, address and parish ID in your message. Statements
can be mailed or picked up at the Church office.
For planning purposes, please note that any donations received
after noon on Tuesday December 31, 2013, including those at
Masses on December 31st for the January 1, 2014 Holy Day,
have been processed by St. Joseph Church in calendar year
We Encourage Faith Direct - Manage your giving on line
with your own login. Sign up today by picking up a Faith Direct enrollment form from the Church office or, easier yet, visit and use parish code VA101 to enroll on
Visit us on our website!
Joseph's Church Gabriel Project has the privilege of serving a
new mom who is in need of many things. She has been on bed
rest since Nov. 2013 and needs practically everything for her
upcoming baby boy (due toward the end of March; beginning of
April)! In the past, St. Joseph parishioners have always been
very considerate and generous to our Gabriel Moms and their
babies and we are hoping to continue doing so.
Please prayerfully consider donating any of the following
and much-needed items: New or Gently Used Baby Boy
Clothing sizes Infant to 12 months; Bassinet or co-sleeper;
New Infant or convertible Car Seat; Stroller; Baby Carrier
of any kind; Breastfeeding Supplies; Baby Bath Tub &
Toiletries; Diapers: Sizes Newborn, 1 and 2; Baby Wipes;
Freezable meals; Target Gift Cards; Safeway Gift Cards
and Gasoline Gift Cards.
In order to donate, you may either call Melissa Przybysz (703709-7239) or Marie Valeski (703-437-0008) or log onto the
following site:
go/5080B45A8AD2B0-gabriel. Please do not drop items off
in the church. Thank you so much for whatever you can
provide and may God bless you in your generosity.
Lent 2014
Music Changes for the Lenten Season
To help signify the change from Ordinary Time to the
Lenten Season the following music changes will occur:
1. We will sing the Kyrie found in the Mass of
Renewal Booklet
2. We will sing the Holy, Holy; Memorial Acclamation
and Amen from the Mass of Christ the Savior found
in the Music Issue # 922, 923, and 926.
3. We will sing the Agnus Dei ( Lamb of God) in Latin
found in the Music Issue # 858 as a reminder of our
roots in the Latin liturgy.
4. No recessional song will be sung. Instead Handbells
will toll at the end of every Mass. Beginning on the
Fourth Sunday of Lent I wrote special chords to be
played at the end of each mass. You will note that
the chords become more dissonant with each week.
By Palm Sunday, the chords are very dissonant and
we end on a dissonant chord. This is to provide a
reminder of the growing tensions that Jesus faced in
his ministry leading up to Holy Thursday - His
accepting the cup from the Father; and Good
Friday – his death upon the cross.
There is also a history of bells being tolled at the end of
a funeral liturgy in the Catholic Church. Again, we toll
as a reminder of what is to come.
Alice Eeelman, Director of Music
March 16, 2014
Blood Drive is Sunday
March 23rd 7:45 a.m. -12:30
p.m. Please register to donate
using sponsor code 0116 at or
at the registration table this
weekend. Please support the
Knights of Columbus
sponsored event. Contact Paul
Mich at SJCBloodDrive@aol.
More Lectors Are Needed: Please prayerfully
consider becoming a Lector to help proclaim the
Word of God at Mass. In addition to adults, we
have recently opened this ministry to high school
students. All must be confirmed. Training will be
provided. You’ll serve at one Mass per month.
Please call Mark Overberg at 703-787-9824 for more
The Religious Goods Stand is open on Sundays, 8:30 a.m. and
5 p.m. after Mass. There you can find inexpensive blue ties,
veils (a variety of styles), rosaries, First Communion Books, and
statues, which make great gifts! Please stop by and shop!
The St. Joseph’s Ladies’ Society Meeting - Our next meeting
is March 27th at 7:30 p.m. in room 205. All ladies are invited
and encouraged to attend. Fellowship and refreshments will be
served. Before the meeting at 7:00 p.m., we will be packing
lunches for the Backpack Lunch Program (which provides 70
students with food for the weekend). Volunteers are always
needed for this project.
Please come and learn more about the Ladies’ Society mission
to help the parish and those in need. Contact Mary Kirby,
President, at 703-481-6189 for more info.
Visit us on our website!
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
All are welcome to adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in
the Chapel at St. Thomas à Becket Church in Reston.
(Chapel located near the side entrance of the Church)
Monday – Thursday 8 am to 8 pm; Friday 8 am to 6 pm
Or register as an Adorer for the late night
or early morning hours Monday-Friday.
Father Paul Grankauskas leads the Divine Mercy Chaplet
each Friday at 3pm. During Lent, our Adoration week
concludes each Friday at 5:30 pm with Rosary and
Questions? Contact Dave Benbennick at or 571-236-1993.
St. Thomas à Becket Church
1421 Wiehle Avenue, Reston
Collections: Weekend of March 2, 2014
First collection: $ 22,509 plus Faith Direct $11,246
Second collection: Parish Facility Fund
$8,425 plus Faith Direct
March 5, 2014 - Ash Wednesday
Aide to Central and Eastern Europe - $11,186
Plus Faith Direct
Weekend of March 9, 2014
First collection: $22,203 plus Faith Direct $11,246
Second collection: Black & Indian Missions
$6,066 plus Faith Direct
Bought with a Price
Bishop Loverde, recognizing the increasing problem of
pornography in our society and the great need to protect our
families from its impact, will issue a new edition of his 2006
pastoral letter, Bought with a Price, on the Solemnity of Saint
Joseph (March 19). “Since I first issued this letter nearly eight
years ago,” he writes, “the porn epidemic engulfing our
families, marriages and communities has reached a pandemic
scale.” This new edition features a Foreword by popular
speaker and recovered porn addict Matt Fradd, practical
takeaways, a Study Guide for individuals, groups, and families,
and a Plan of Life. Download the letter for free or order print
copies ($1) at Also available
on Amazon Kindle at
“God has called us with a holy calling…according to His own
purpose and grace.” If you think God is offering you the grace
of a vocation to the priesthood or consecrated life, call Father
J.D. Jaffe at (703) 841-2514 or write to
March 16, 2014
COMMUNION GIFTS! A safe place to shop where no one will
encounter products opposed to our Faith. Go to to order. Also, there is a direct link on
our website on the home page. Click on Parish Webstore and it
will take you directly to that website. Any questions, please call
Mary Kirby at 703-481-6189. Ladies’ Society receives 12% of
your sale.
The 2014 Diocesan Science Fair Needs Judges
Individuals with a science background are needed to judge
seventh and eighth grade student research projects for the 2014
Science Fair on April 12 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Paul VI High
School in Fairfax. These projects encompass botany, health,
chemistry, zoology, behavioral science, engineering, physics,
math and other areas of life and physical science. Contact Janet
Vetrano from the Office of Catholic Schools at (703) 841-2560.
Is your marriage in trouble? Retrouvaille can help, please
call (703) 351-7211 or see For
news about marriage and family, and tips for making
Catholicism a part of your home, like us on Facebook:
From the Office for Family Life
Be the first to know about events like the Diocesan Men’s and
Women’s Conference, retreats, and more! For news about
marriage and family, and tips for making Catholicism a part of
your home, like us on Facebook:
2014 Men’s and Women’s Conference
Talks will be posted online after the events. Please contact
familylife@ or call (703) 841-2550 for
more information.
Front Royal Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry
The pantry is looking for a volunteer to manage the food pantry
for 15 hours each week. The work involves food-stocking and
inventory, customer intake and management of volunteers. The
position has a small monetary stipend. Contact Shelly at (540)
Do you have free time on Tuesdays? Receptionist needed
Volunteer at Catholic Charities’ administrative office in Arlington to answer phones and provide miscellaneous administrative
help. Hours are 9 to 2 p.m. Contact
Are You Called to Help the Elderly?
Volunteers are needed at St. Martin de Porres Senior Center in
Alexandria. Opportunities include front desk help, exercise classes, computer aide and leading activities. Volunteer hours are
Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Contact
Kathryn Toohey at or (703) 751-2766.
Due to CYO, the (Adults Only) Men’s basketball will be
at 9:30 p.m. Beginning April 1st
Sunday nights are 7:30 p.m. year round