pastoral staff - Saint Rosalie Parish
pastoral staff - Saint Rosalie Parish
PASTORAL STAFF Pauline Fathers: Fr. Tadeusz Olzacki OSPPE Fr. Bogdan Olzacki OSPPE Fr. Leslie Hoppe OFM Piotr Wojtasik Mary Louise Marcin Stanley Anuszkiewicz Pauline Wehr Marcin Wojtulewicz Lester Szlendak Pastor Director of Rel. Ed. Weekend Associate Business Manager Music Director Music Director Parish Council Chair Bookkeeper Finance Committee Chair 6750 W Montrose Ave. Harwood Heights, IL 60706 Phone: (708) 867-8817 Fax: (708) 867-0774 Office e-mail: Bulletin issue: Website: Volunteers in the parish office Monday 10 am - 2 pm Wednesday 10 am - 2 pm (Spanish /English speaking) Emergency Only phone (708) 941 -3888 Mission Statement We are a faith Community called by our Baptism to be children in the Family of God. We are on a pilgrimage striving to be Jesus to all and to find Jesus in others. With humility and respect we commit ourselves to share the gifts and talents received from the Holy Spirit. We live to proclaim the Mission and Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ in our Community. December 21, 2014 Office Hours: Tuesday 9 am - 4 pm Thursday 8 am - 4 pm Friday 11 am - 7 pm St. Rosalie 2 Christmas Schedule MASS INTENTIONS The custom in Germany is that of the Wednesday, December 24, 2014 childrens' festival between January 1-6 7:30 am NO MASS (Three Kings Day). After 4:00pm Family Mass a service at the + Norbert Pabich (Wife & Children) churches the children go 9:00pm Msza (Polish) from house to house to + Stanisława Janowska gather offerings for poor + Franciszek Rypel children in poor coun+ Józef Stępowski tries. + Michał Foryś They are dressed + Adam Pająk as the three kings and + Adam Cholewa carry sticks with stars on 12:00am Mass (English) the top. At the homes - Happy 57th Anniversary to they sing songs and reMr. & Mrs. Al Mittler cite messages of Christ+ Hilde Germaine mas. + Edmund Gregor At each house + Zbigniew Delanowski - 1 Year Death Anniversary they paint the letters "20+C+M+B+14" which Thursday, December 25, 2014 - Christmas are for the Latin Chris7:30 am + Edward & Cecylia Bates - Death Anniversary tus Mansionem Benedicat (Christ bless this (Daughter Eleonore) house). 9:00 am - O Boże błogosławieństwo dla Tadeusza i At the same time Marii z okazji 50 rocznicy ślubu oraz the letters are the first wszelkie łaski dla całej ich rodziny letters of the names of 10:30 am + Bruno & Helen Marcin the wise men: Caspar, + Edmund Gregor Melchior and Balthasar. + Zbigniew Delanowski — Christmas Stories 12:00 pm dantis from German Culture. 1:30 pm + Zofia i Tomasz Wozniak http:// + Tadeusz Wozniak + Aleksandra i Stanisław Zaglaniczny culture/liturgicalyear/ + Maria i Marian Łuszczycki prayers/view.cfm?id=49 ECHOING MARY'S DECISION Dla Boga nie ma nic niemożliwego O wierze rozmawiamy na różne sposoby. Jedni z mniejszą, a inni z większą łatwością. Problem w tym, że dużo trudniej, niż rozmawiać o wierze, przychodzi nam powiedzieć „wierzę" Dopóki pozostajemy na płaszczyźnie mniej czy bardziej teoretycznych rozważań o sprawach wiary lub pytamy o życie innych i o to, co bezpośrednio nie dotyka naszego osobistego życia, rozmowa o wierze przychodzi nam w miarę łatwo; zresztą - kto wie - może jest to tylko rozmowa o religii... Prawdziwa rozmowa o wierze to decyzja, by - jak Maryja - pozwolić Bogu wejść w nasze życie i zmienić w nim dosłownie wszystko. Przekroczyć granicę niemożliwego. Saturday 4:00 pm Vigil Mass in English Sunday 7:30 am 10:30 am & 12:00pm In English 9:00 am and 1:30 pm In Polish DAILY MASSES 7:30 am In English followed by Rosary 7:00 pm - In Polish on Fridays During the month of May: Monday thru Friday 7:00 pm - In Polish- May Devotion followed by Mass During the month of Oct.: Monday thru Friday 7:00 pm In Polish– Rosary followed by Mass SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Starts at: 6:00 pm on Friday 3:00 pm on Saturday St. Rosalie The angel Gabriel today confronts Mary with a mystery. The mystery of salvation in Christ is not a mystery that is solved, but a reality beyond our comprehension that we must choose to enter into. In the liturgy of the Eastern Church, everyone waits to see if Mary will enter into the mystery: God waits, Adam and Eve and all the souls of the dead who long for paradise wait, angels wait for new heavenly companions. And there is much rejoicing when her decision is "yes." We have less dramatic choices offered to us, but the mystery of our salvation in Christ is by no means "solved." We may understand it a bit better due to Mary's "yes." We may be a bit closer to it through the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But it still remains a mystery to which we all must give our own "yes." Soon we will be singing "O come, let us adore him." May our Advent prayer, our echo of Mary's "yes," continue then, so we may enter into the mystery of our salvation in Jesus Christ, God among us. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. SUNDAY MASSES ADORATION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm on Friday & 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm ks. Dariusz Madejczyk on first Thursday of the Month 3 St. Rosalie Dear Parishioners: May Christmas Peace fill your home and our Parish! We wish you an abundance of God’s blessings and good health. God bless you and your families and may Christ give you His peace, good will and fellowship with all the heavenly host. Drodzy Parafianie: Niech Pokój Bożego Narodzenia wypełni Wasze domy i naszą Parafię! Życzymy Wam błogosławionych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia, zdrowia i pomyślności w Nowym Roku AD 2015. Niechaj Dobry Bóg otoczy Was i Wasze rodziny łaską pokoju i miłości. Szczęść Boże! Fr Tadeusz Olzacki, Pastor Fr Bogdan Olzacki and Parish Staff 4 Today the second collection is designed for for the parking lot St. Rosalie Announcements Please join us for a 4pm Family Mass with children’s choir. Our Midnight Mass will commence Christmas with caroling at 11:30 pm . MaryLou-our music director has prepared a special Christmas music with choir and instruments. Please try to get to the church a little earlier. We invite all the parishioners and guests for The Winter Dance in our parish to be held on January 31, 2015. Live band Zawisza will provide entertaiment (the same as at the Parish Picnic in 2014). We are looking for sponsors who would found the prizes to the raffle (TV, bike or iPad). The Christmas season, especially the feast of the Epiphany, are traditional times when homes may be blessed. If you wish to have one of the priests visit you and your family for the traditional Kolęda, please contact our office to schedule the day and time of the date. We would like to thank everyone who has been helping our Parish especially those who have been working unselfishly. OGŁOSZENIA W dzisiejszą niedzielę druga taca przeznaczona jest na remont parkingu Zapraszamy na Mszę św. z udziłem chóru na godz. 24:00. Będziemy śpiewać kolędy od 23 :30, a o północy zostanie odprawiona pasterka w jez. angielskim. Msza wigilijna, po polsku jak co roku, odprawiona będzie o godz. 21:00. Juz dzis zapraszamy wszystkich parafian i gości na mającą się odbyć 31 stycznia Zabawę Zimowa w naszej parafii. Do tańca grać będzie zespół Zawisza (ten sam co grał podczas parafialnego pikniku w roku 2014). Szukamy sponsorów którzy ufundowaliby nagrody loterii fantowej (telewizor, rower czy IPad). Każdy, kto pragnie poświęcenia domu (mieszkania) w Nowym Roku przez kapłana oraz wizyty domowej, tradycyjnej „kolędy” proszony jest skontaktowanie się telefoniczne z biurem parafialnym. Dziękujemy wszystkim za wszelką pomoc i ofiary, szczególnie tym, którzy bezinteresownie pomagają przy parafii. Welcome our new parishioners Witamy nowych parafian : Fr. Tadeusz with Parish Council members 5 St. Rosalie MINISTERS for next Sunday MASS INTENTIONS Monday, December 22, 2014 7:30am dantis 7:00pm Retreat Tuesday, December 23, 2014 7:30am dantis 7:00pm Retreat (Wednesday & Thursday see page 2) Friday, December 26, 2014 7:30am + Michael Santucci ( Family & Wife) 7:30pm + Szczepan Budzinski Saturday, December 27, 2014 7:30am + Franciszek Rypel 4:00pm + Frank Cortese Sunday, December 28, 2014 7:30am For All Parishioners + Vincenzo & Nicoletta Santucci + Filomena DiCristophano (DiCristofano Family) 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm + Zofia Pawula + Maria Bandur + Harold Reiff ( Wife) + Plantak Family dantis 1:30pm Lectors December 28, 2015 Saturday 4:00 pm Sue Santucci/Karen Pabich 7:30 am Jim Mapes/Pauline Wehr 9:00 am Maria Sowa/Maggie Ejsmont 10:30 am Dorothy Krzyzanowski Mary Zukowski 12:00 pm Maria Boduch/Al Mitter 1:30 pm Danuta Stepkowski/ Cecylia Marszalik Eucharistic Ministers December 28, 2015 Saturday 4:00 pm Sue Santucci/Karen Pabich Tom Musial Sunday 7:30 am Diana Jun 10:30 am Sophie Drozd/Paul Szczurek Mitch Drozd 12:00 pm Al Mitter Ministers of Care December 28, 2014 NORRIDGE NURSING CENTER: Scott Baker Slow down and focus on the true meaning of Christmas! 6 HOMEBOUND Anna Santucci AUTUMN GREEN Karen Geller/Teresa Gunia As a community, let us pray for all those who serve our Country Kurt Beyer SPEC. 1st CLASS, ARMY Darryl Guzman PFC ARMY Ryan James Bigoness SGT USMC Michael Rivera ARMY John Velez US AIR FORCE Brian Talarico LCPL USMC Aurora Talarico……...LCPL USMC Matt Skiba Airborne Infantryman Benjamin Juhasz S/SGT USMC May God protect them and return them safely to their families. *** Many thanks for your generosity !!! Dear parishioners of Saint Rosalie Church On December 1st 2014 our Community of Saint Rosalie received a generous donation ($40,000.00) for our future new Parking Lot. This donation was made in memory of Alice’ sister Gloria L. Walaszczyk (December 22, 1928 - October 1, 2014) our long time parishioner. St. Rosalie PRAY FOR OUR SICK… Módlmy się za naszych chorych: E le o n o r W e h r; Ro se Woodworth; Delta Bertolini; Linda Boyko; Jozef Grochowski; Maria Lesny; Walter Niemaszyk; Dennis Laspesa; Chris Farrel; Michael Ehas; Steven Landquist; Donald Dickens; Timothy Lichak; Marie Scalet; Frank Dopak; Michael Czechowski; Donald Joerger; Debbie Juszynski; Fran Pyka; Grace Muto; Frank & Alice Miszkiewicz; Garrett FitzGerald; Jean Lane; Adrian Rzewuski; Ann Gutowski; Laverne Torissi; Elizabeth DiBerardino; Elaine DiCiaula; Vincenza Palimieri; Joan Craig; Mila Todorova; Sue McGarry; Leo Kawczinski; Richard Lorenz; Marcie Kawczinski; Thomas Calvit; Rozalia Giairdo; Bernadine Czechowski; Kathryn Minnice; Patricia Garcarz; Berto Santiago; Bobbi Wheeler Let us keep Alice and Gloria in our grateful prayers till we all meet in Christ our Lord. God bless you!!!!!! Fr Tadeusz Olzacki, Pastor Student_________________________ Church attended______________________ The Gospel was about: ____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ December 21, 2014 _____________________________________ Stamp or priest’s signature 7