May - All Saints Lutheran Church of Palatine


May - All Saints Lutheran Church of Palatine
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Saints Alive
All Saints Lutheran Church
For All to Know Christ
May Special Worship
Summer is Coming – Summer
Schedule Reminder
Beginning with Memorial Day weekend (May 26-27), All
Saints will be moving to a summer worship schedule.
Saturdays, beginning May 26, we will worship at 5:00. The
Saturday service is piano-accompanied and a simple "summertime" liturgy, featuring Holy Communion as always. Sundays,
beginning May 27, we will worship at 9 am. These services will
feature all of the liturgies and styles that we use all throughout
the year.
Save the Date!
Chapter One
Book Club
May 21
Yoga Class
Sundays at 7:00pm
Join the All Siants
Yoga class every
Sunday! No
experience needed!
ELCA Hunger
May 6
Use offering
envelopes in the pews
and mark ELCA
Ascension Day is Thursday,
May 17. We will worship
together at 7 pm followed by a
pie/dessert social. Come and
mark the culmination of the
Easter season together.
Then, Pentecost (the day of the
gift of the Holy Spirit and the
birthday of the church) is
Sunday, May 27. This is also
the beginning of our summer
schedule. Worship on Saturday,
May 26 at 5 or Sunday, May 27
at 9. Remember to wear red to
help mark the occasion.
Cinco de Mayo
The Palatine Opportunity Center
(http://www.palatineopportunit is a partner in
ministry here in the community
of Palatine, bringing health and
education and community
development to underserved
parts of our community. Its
biggest annual fundraising event
is a Cinco de Mayo Party…
actually on Thursday, May 3
from 5-9 at Falcon Park in
northeast Palatine. Tickets are
$30 in advance and $35 at the
door. See Pastor Seth for your
MAY 2012
Daily Email Devotionals and Conversation
Each day (Monday through Friday), Pastor
Jenn and Seth write a brief daily email
devotional that is sent out via email. The
scripture texts for these reflections are based on
the daily lectionary, designed to tie in to and
build upon the readings from the Sundays. If
you'd like to receive these and are not currently,
please send an email to We also have a
conversational component for those who wish.
You can also read the devotionals at Here, you
can also leave comments either for the pastors
or for other members and reflect back on what
we've written. Join in the conversation and
make the Bible a part of your daily life. During the
season of Lent, beginning with Ash Wednesday,
February 22, these devotionals will be written by
members of All Saints.
Easter Basket Thanks!
Thank you to our wonderful All Saints congregation,
for your generous support of this years Palatine
Township 2012 Spring Basket Program. We provided
beautifully decorated (and generously
filled) baskets for 15 children from 11
families, ranging from age 1 to 9. A
big thanks to our Basket helpers Vicki Drucker, Linda Foltz, Diane
Gylling and Ruth Spasoff!
You are the best,
Dee Gray & Cindy Parkin
MAY 2012
Celebration of Talent
Celebration of Talent – Sunday, May 20 at 4:00 to
7:00 pm
The All Saints Stewardship Committee is planning a
special evening to celebrate the many talents of our
congregation and community. Any funds raised will
take a bite out of our building’s mortgage.
Dave Esau of Dave's Specialty Foods will provide
demonstrations of appetizers which will make for an
enticing evening. Of course, there will be samples to
try. Dave will also be our judge for an Appetizer
Contest. Only $10 per appetizer to participate. (This
entry fee will be used to offset the events fees).
Winner will receive a wonderful and expensive bottle of
You may remember John Lofgren auctioning his
computer services to the congregation during a
Sunday worship last year. We are developing an
evening which will include a Live and Silent
Auction of congregation member services based on
this concept.
Everyone is welcome to come for the
presentation from Dave Esau, to snack on
appetizers throughout the evening, and to
participate in the live and silent auctions.
Volunteering for the Talent Auction is optional
as well as the Appetizer Contest.
We have a congregation of many talented people.
We have received several offers for the Talent
Auction. Here are just a few:
• Linda Foltz is donating her pie baking skills
as well as tutoring in Chemistry or Reading.
• Bob and Mary Ann Schneider are offering a
few hours of errands for a busy parent or
someone who isn’t comfortable driving
• Kim Kuhlmann is offering her photography
• And more!
Blessing of Wheeled Things At our first Saturday evening worship service of the season (Saturday, May 26) bring your bicycles, skateboard, scooters, motorcycles, etc for a special ritual of blessing at the end of worship.
Come Join the Fun!!
Please place the date on your calendar and join
us on May 20. Sign-up is in the Gathering
If you have questions, send an email to Dana
Schmidt, Stewardship Chair at or call her at (847)7725983.
Pastor Seth will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Ministry at the 152nd Commencement of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Sunday, May 13 at 2:30 pm. Graduation will be held at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, 5472 South Kimbark Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. We will celebrate as a congregation after worship the weekend of June 9-­‐10. We give thanks for your prayers and support! Thanks, Jen!
MAY 2012
Summer Camp 2012
The time is coming to register your kids for lots of great
summer camp opportunities. Brochures about all the
great opportunities at Lutheran Outdoor Ministry
Center (LOMC) in Oregon, Illinois and Camp
Lutherdale in Delavan, Wisconsin are available at the
Welcome Center. You can find more at
and at Scholarships are available
from All Saints. Please talk with one of the pastors.
The All Saints Giant Rummage Sale will benefit our youths traveling to the ELCA gathering in New
Orleans and Little Saints Preschool. The sale will be held on Friday, May 25 and Saturday, May 26, 9
am to 4 pm. Come and shop!
This year we are offering a preview day for All Saints family and friends Thursday, May 24, 6:00 to
8:30 pm – get the best picks for a $2 entry fee (per adult).
Donations will be accepted Saturday, May 19, to Wednesday, May 23. Drop off times are as follows:
Saturday – 4 pm to 8:30 pm
Sunday – 9:30 a.m. to 4 pm
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday – 6 pm to 8:30 pm.
Tax donation receipts will be available. Here is a list of items we are looking for:
• Children’s clothing (baby through teens) and shoes
• Toys, including outdoor play sets, games, bikes
• Housewares and linens
• Art, jewelry, accessories
• Tools, smaller exercise equipment
• Small furniture items (e.g., chairs, side tables, night stands)
• Books, Music CDs, DVDs
We will NOT be able to accept: adult clothes, adult shoes, holiday items, heavy or very large pieces of
equipment or furniture, outdated electronic equipment, baby cribs or car seats.
Youth members and families, as well as preschool board members, will volunteer for this public
fundraiser. But we invite all members and friends to help out to make this event a success.
Opportunities before and during the sale will be available.
A binder with sign up sheets is located at the Welcome Desk. The poster next to the desk provides an
overview of the volunteer date and times.
Have questions? Please contact Monika Fiedler at 847-358-8757, or Scott
Lindstrom at 847-202-8758,
Thanks for your support!
MAY 2012
Music Notes
(flute), Carl Moland-Kovash
(piano), Pastor Seth MolandKovash (viola), Michael Mohr
(trombone), Roger Nelson
(baritone), Jenny Porzak (trumpet),
Kristin Porzak (percussion, timpani), David
Wuersig (cello, double bass)
Our deepest gratitude to Karen Nedzel,
pianist/accompanist, for all she does to enhance our
worship services throughout the year.
Apologies to anyone not acknowledged. Please
inform Doug Williams so that you are properly
Summer is a wonderful time to share your talents in
singing a solo, playing your instrument, organizing
an ensemble, or joining with summer choir
opportunities as they are announced. Please contact
Director of Music, Doug Williams at or 847-991-2080, ext.
25, to indicate your interest and availability.
fortunate of our neighborhoods. We
received 4 grocery carts full of food and
$468. These will go towards getting food to
these needy. We look forward to continuing
to share our love of music and desire to
help our community be stronger.
2012 Music Appreciation
All Saints is truly blessed with an
abundance of gifted musicians.
Thank you to all who contributed
their talents in regular and special
services this past program year.
Adult Choir
George Becker, Wendy Cornwell-Gumz, Cheryl
Crackenberger, Linda Foltz, Bette Fredericks, Ed
Garner, Kathy Garner, Mary Hurney, Owen
Jacobsen, Diane Johnson, Brad Judd, Samantha
Judd, Irene Keilman, Dick Kingdon, Lee Kingdon,
Chris Lindstrom, Debbie Lindstrom, John Lofgren,
Jane Majewski, Gene Marx, Karen Nedzel, Irene
Ohlrich, Katie Ohlrich, Kim Perrone, Karen
Peterson, Lori Quinn, Carol Schmidtke, Diane
Szuberla, Wendy Williams, Jeff Witt.
Cantata Choir, Summer Choir, and others (in
addition to Adult Choir)
Julie Blume, Claudia Builta, Ken Dau, Kay Weir,
David Wuersig.
Thank you to Mary Hurney who assists with the
music library and robes; to Jeff Fredericks for all his
assistance with cantata production; and to Jeff and
Patrick Fiedler for their sound system assistance.
Adult Handbell Choir
George Buerger, Claudia Builta, Debra Burrowes,
Teri DeClerck, Linda Foltz, Mary Hurney, Brad
Judd, Irene Keilman, Mary Kosko, Fiona Kopeny,
Doug Kuhlman, Larry Mohr, Cindy Parkin.
Contemporary Worship Praise Team
Kenny Benjamin (drums), Karen Hansen, Karen
Peterson, Lori Quinn, Michael Garcia (guitar), Will
Komoll (drums), Jenny Porzak (guitar), Kristin
Porzak (drums), Tom Porzak (bass), Brian Voss
Alleluia Choir
Kate Backe, Sarah Blume, Alyssa Bolbot, Ally
Drucker, Griffin Drucker, Carl Moland-Kovash,
Kevin Lindstrom, Mia Trenkle
Our Alleluia Choir helper: Debbie Lindstrom
Thank you to our choir parents for encouraging
their child(ren)’s participation in the choir.
Kenny Benjamin (baritone), Kurt Benjamin (tuba),
Becki Bolinger (trumpet), Joshua Crackenberger
(trumpet), Madisyn DeFranco (piano), Lizzy Fisk
(oboe), Linda Foltz (violin), Grayson Garcia
(percussion), Amy Grasso (violin), Brad Judd
(piano), Samantha Judd (piano), Debbie Lindstrom
Join a Choir!
A new calendar year is a great time to join the choir!
Offer your musical talents; use your gifts!
Alleluia Choir, for children age 4 and up,
rehearses Wednesdays 4:15 to 5:00 p.m.
Adult Bells, for confirmation age and up,
rehearses Thursdays 6:15 to 7:30 p.m.
Adult Choir, for confirmation age and up,
rehearses Thursdays 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Give a short-term commitment and make music
with us this Lent, Holy Week, and Easter Season.
Keyboard and Music Stands Available
Several older music stands, an electric keyboard,
and a plastic stand for a keyboard are available to
anyone who can use them. See Doug Williams for
more information.
For information about the music ministry of All
Saints Lutheran Church, please contact Director of
Music, Doug Williams at or 847-991-2080, ext.
MAY 2012
PADS volunteer dinner, May 4
Everyone who helped with All Saints’ ministry to homeless persons this season has been invited to a Volunteer
Appreciation dinner Friday, May 4, in the Gathering Space. “Whether you worked face-to-face with our guests
once a month; baked a cake; or bought a couple loaves of bread, you played an important role,” said Tom
Germuska, co-Site Director. “We look forward to having you be part of this celebration of another successful
season—our 22nd.”
In addition to a catered dinner, there will be a review of the 2011-2012 season including remarks from Pat
Harrington, shelter director for Journeys from PADS to HOPE, the agency which provides supportive services to
the homeless in Northwest Cook County. All Saints is one of 19 shelters housed in churches in seven suburbs which
support Journeys activities. Members of the shelter’s Leadership Team also will be recognized.
On Saturday nights between October 2011 and this April All Saints has offered warm, dry, secure shelter and hot
meals to more than 80 different men, women and children; an average of nine each week. It was an unpredictable
season, Tom said. We cared for as many as 21 one weekend and just one another.
There were several significant differences in shelter operations in the season that just ended and prior years:
We cared for fewer guests each night in the first half of the season.
Although the total number of guests accommodated during the season was similar to prior years, most
guests stayed only a few nights. Fewer than 10 percent of our guests were with us for 10 or more nights.
We cared for more families than prior years.
During the summer months the leadership team will review how we operate the shelter and make and
adjustments to better-utilize our volunteer resources as well as food donations. Watch for information about the
changes in an early fall issue of Saints Alive!
Members of All Saints who will be recognized at the May 4 dinner include: Site Managers Monika Fiedler, Rick
Gylling and Lea Wagner. Monika also is the co-site director; Volunteer Coordinators Gasper Grasso, Mary
Lofgren, Nicole Scornavacco and Dawn Wurtz; as well as members of the Food Services team, Adrienne Bolbot,
director, Karrie Benjamin, commodities, Sandy Tassi, coordinator and Claudia Builta, kitchen manager. Tom
Germuska was the site’s co-director.
Others on the Leadership Team who are not members of All Saints were: Frank Marcin, site manager; and Helen
O’Sullivan and Sangeeta Vyakarnam, kitchen managers.
Spring is upon us, even though it sometimes doesn’t feel like it outdoors!
For families with children in school, Spring means the end is near! And so it is for Sunday School—our
last Sunday School class will be on Sunday, May 20th. Classes will resume again in the fall.
Each Sunday, our children gather in the church for a short music program before breaking out into
classrooms for lessons. Throughout the year, they have been learning fun songs to get them going in the
morning while teaching them about God. On Sunday, May 13th, all Sunday School children (Pre-K
through Grade 4) will sing two of their songs at the 8:30am service. We look forward to sharing our
voices with the congregation!
Finally, we would like to thank our Sunday School teachers for their dedication to the children of All
Saints. We appreciate all of the preparation and caring they put into every lesson all year long!
Margo Ban, Susan Carlson, Lori Quinn: Co-Superintendents, Sunday School
MAY 2012
Sabbatical update
In January at the Annual Meeting of the
congregation I received a motion of blessing to
proceed with a grant application for a sabbatical in
2013. Several of you have asked how plans are
going, and I wanted to provide an update for you –
and ask for your prayers!
Since January I have been working on an
application packet for the Lilly Endowment Clergy
Renewal Program. I’ve updated the council along
the way, and a team of folks from the congregation
have been helping me to write the application.
Together we’ve imagined what some of the benefits
to the congregation (and me!) will be as a result of
this time away. My packet (in quadruplicate) must
be postmarked May 11; recipients of the grant
receive notification toward the end of September.
It’s a long time to wait for what will hopefully be
good news!
So, what am I planning to do? The focus of the
program I’m proposing in my application is
“Storytelling Across Cultures” and involves a
combination of travel (New Zealand, Canada,
Colorado, Tennessee, and Minnesota), time with
storytellers (preachers, fishermen, writers, orators,
photographers), and time for refreshment and
reflection (opportunity to write, read, garden, take
pictures, learn how to be a better bread baker, and
visit with family). The sabbatical would be during
the summer months of 2013.
The application packet is quite thorough and I have
done a lot of research to estimate costs, develop a
day-by-day itinerary, and make contacts for some of
these exciting opportunities. In addition to the
personal benefits, All Saints will also have the
chance for renewal and reflection – through another
voice preaching, special storytelling events (A
concert? A photography exhibit? A storytelling
evening?) at the congregation and a focus on your
own story of faith, as individuals and as a
congregation. If awarded, the grant will cover my
expenses as well as renewal events for the
I am happy to share additional details of the
proposal with you in person – just ask! In the
meantime, as we wait together, please continue to
hold this process in your prayers.
Pastor Jenn
National Youth Gathering Update
All Saints is sending 29 excited young people
and 6 dedicated (and slightly crazy) chaperones
to New Orleans this July for the ELCA’s
National Youth Gathering. 35,000 high school
age young people (and chaperones) from
throughout the ELCA will gather to sing, to
worship, to be inspired, and to bear witness
with the people of New Orleans to God’s hope
and promise. To get a flavor for the event, visit
Our contingent consists of:
Meghan Bartos, Amy Berggren, Kristin
Berggren, Becki Bolinger, Katie Bolinger, Riley
Carlson, Megan Chernich, Patrick Fiedler,
Garrett Garcia, Grayson Garcia, Jenna
Goldenne, Amy Grasso, Philip Hansen, Anna
Holowicki, Alex Johnson, Danny Johnson,
Samantha Judd, Tara Kennedy, Debbie
Lindstrom, Ayla Masrin, Jessica Masrin,
Brittany Mata, Sam McEnery, Michael Mohr,
Emily Stearney, Zach Stebbins, Allie Tassi,
Danielle Tassi, and Maggie Tuckey. The
intrepid adults will be Pastor Seth, Sandi
Bolinger, Peter Carlson, Karen Goodlow,
Sandy Tassi, and Nick Tassi.
We have placed a glass jar is sitting in the
Gathering Space. Drop your spare pocket
change here. This is not for fundraising to get
us there, but the group wants to contribute to
the mission projects. Your spare change will be
part of our contribution to meet the ELCA
Gathering’s goal of building 100 wells around
the world at $2500 each.
MAY 2012
Officers Mtg
Ladies Bible
Study 7pm
Yoga – 7pm
Choir 4:15
council 7pm
Alleluia Choir
Holden Evening
Prayer 7pm
Service Project
Sunday School
perform 830am
Yoga 7pm
Ladies Bible
Study 7pm
Yoga 7pm
Celebration of
Talents 4pm
Church Council
Boy Scout #335
Alleluia Choir
Staff Meeting
Alleluia Choir
Quilting 930am
Chapter One
Book Club 7:00
Ladies Bible
Study 7pm
Worship 9:00 am
No Education
Yoga 7pm
Adult Bells 6:15
Adult Choir 7:30
Women’s Bible
Studey 9:30am
PADS Volunteer
flower pick
Women’s Bible
Study 9:30am
Adult Bells 6:15
Adult Choir 7:30
MEF Comm
Mtg 615pm
Women’s Bible
Study 9:30am
Adult Bells 6:15
Adult Choir 7:30
Adult Bells 6:15
Adult Choir 7:30
Women’s Bible
Study 9:30am
Feed My
Children 730pm
Women’s Bible
Study 9:30am
Adult Bells 6:15
Adult Choir 7:30
Deadline for
Preschool 4’s
Rummage Sale
Worship 5:00pm
Bike Blessing
MAY 2012
To view the ELCA Prayer Ventures visit to download the version that works best for your system. Or simply
view them online.
Deadline for the next Newsletter is May 29, 2012. Please send submissions to Jen DeFranco at
Leaders and Staff
Jenn Moland-Kovash
Seth Moland-Kovash
Church Council
Joe Quinn, President
Troy DeFranco, Vice President
George Buerger, Secretary
Katie Fedota
Monika Fiedler
Mary Lofgren
Irene Ohlrich
Jill Rusten
Bob Schneider
Ray Winklelmann
Jeff Witt
Financial Secretary: Peggy Hollingsworth
Kevin Drucker, Treasurer
Church Secretaries:
Bev Laseke, Vicky Schnackel
Bookkeeper: Sara Cole
Music Director: Doug Williams
Accompanist: Karen Nedzel
Youth Ministers:
Linda and Kevin Kinsella
Karen Goodlow
Troy DeFranco
Little Saints Christian Preschool
Michelle Gutmann, Director
Confirmation Coordinator: Trina Garcia
Cradle Roll: Ruth Spasoff
Learning: Ruth Spasoff
Loving Hands: Nancy Oakford
Memorials: Rosemary Monsen
Ministry Endowment Fund: Tom Wischhusen
Mutual Ministry:
New Member Assimilator: Diane Szuberla
Outreach: Jon Gray
Personnel: Lydia Rohn
Prayer Chain: Rosemary Monsen, Carol Marx
Property: Jeff Fredericks, Bill Friskics
Shepherding: Jon Gray
Social Ministry: Cindy Parkin
Stephen Ministry Leader(s): Jenn Moland-Kovash
Stewartship: Dana Schmidt
Financial Support Committee: Kathy Garner
Sunday School Superintendents:
Margo Ban, Lori Quinn, Sue Carlson
Worship/Altar Guild: Janet Lowe, Janine Byrne