2006 - Kern Community Foundation


2006 - Kern Community Foundation
Kern Community Foundation
Meeting the Needs
Giving Back
Helping People
Community Donors
Philanthropic Leadership
...Serving the Community Good
Managing Philanthropy
The Community Foundation
Report to the
Professional Staff
Our Board of Directors …. Leadership at it’s Best
Noel E. Daniells
President & CEO
Executive Director
A principal asset of Kern Community Foundation is its Board of Directors. These dedicated
community leaders and their predecessors, through their unselfish commitment of time and
talent, have managed the Foundation’s funding growth to its current totals of approximately
$12.5 million….in just the seven-plus years since its founding. Insuring that Foundation
programs remain focused, effective and accountable, these trusted stewards of charitable
giving are a significant force in Kern County’s philanthropic growth and management.
Board of Directors - Officers
David G. Parker
Executive Vice President
Garrett R. Ming
Judith T. McCarthy
Jim Burke Lincoln Mercury Jaguar
Vice President/General Manager
Chair, Women’s & Girls’ Fund
Community Volunteer
John Brock, Jr.
Keith T. Brice
Gregory Bynum & Associates
Vice President of Development
Mid State Development Corporation
Chairman of the Board
Vice Chairman of the Board
Amy D. Smith
Program & Community
Partnerships Officer
Secretary of the Board
Treasurer of the Board
Philanthropic Leadership
Connecting people who care, with causes
that matter.
The Kern Community Foundation, as an IRS approved
501 (c) (3) charitable organization, offers Donors a
clear-cut and straightforward manner to accomplish
charitable giving, estate planning objectives and
community philanthropy.
Community Development
Community foundations are somewhat unique
among charitable organizations in that they offer the
Donor a high degree of expertise on both sides of the
philanthropic exchange, providing management and
investment services for the fundholder, while applying
an exceptionally broad knowledge of the community
and it’s needs to the Donor’s philanthropic objectives.
Kern Community Foundation, one of approximately
750 community foundations in the United States, with
combined assets of approximately $35 billion, has met
the most rigorous standards in philanthropy and is in
full compliance with the National Standards of U.S.
Community Foundations.
Grants Made
Women’s & Girls’
Human Services
Arts and Culture
Health Services
Non-Profit Support
Grants Made
Foundation Assets
Number of Funds Held
Value of Funds Held
Past Directors
Kern Community Foundation − Board of Directors
Curtis Darling
1918 – 2005
Director Emeritus
Morton E. Brown
Director Emereitus
Bruce F. Bunker
Patrick J. Collins
Noel E. Daniells
Joan Dezember
Suzan D. Hopper
George A. Johnson
Claude P. Kimball
Daniel A. Lacey
George F. Martin
Tony Martinez
Ginger Moorhouse
Robert B. Ortiz, Jr.
John G. Pryor
Larry E. Reider
Linda R. Robinson
Marjorie Rump
Brent Rush
Mary K. Shell
Gayland P. Smith
Janice I. Smith
Honorable Jon Stuebbe
Honorable Robert
S. Tafoya
Mary Lou Thomson
Terrence J. Werdel
Rob C. Yraceburu
Robert A. Barnes
Judith B. Chase
Joseph E. Drew
Retired Educator
Community Volunteer
Vice President, Commercial
Industrial Development,
Tejon Ranch Company
Jack Hardisty
John F. Nilon
Director, Kern County
Department of Family Services
Nancy L. Oehler
Owner, South Valley Solutions
Barbara Patrick
Jeanette Rogers
Vincent Rojas, Jr.
Stephen L. Sanders
Patricia M. Smith
Marvin Steinert
Bob Barnes & Associates,
Ridgecrest, California
Special Projects Coordinator,
Great Valley Center
Division Administrator,
Child Development & Family
Services, Kern County
Superintendent of Schools
Community Outreach
Coordinator, Kern Valley
Healthcare District
Community Volunteer
Attorney at Law, Klein,
Denatale, Goldner, Cooper,
Rosenlieb & Kimball, LL.M.
President/CEO, Kern Schools
Federal Credit Union
Owner, Steinert Investments
A Year of Accomplishment
2006 was an exceptionally good year for the Kern Community
Foundation. Serving as Chairman of the Board has afforded me the
opportunity to more fully realize the substantial efforts that have been
made to achieve our impressive results. Equally important, it has allowed
me to recognize the potential good we can continue to accomplish.
The Kern Community Foundation has grown substantially and is a
significant community asset, recently exceeding $12,000,000 in managed
charitable funds. Our professional staff, and our Board of Directors, have
been key to creating this record, and will continue to play a leading role in
the Foundation’s future.
The Foundation’s Board of Directors serves as a catalyst for our actions
to improve Kern County. Our Board is made up of engaged community
leaders who share in the Foundation’s aim to build a better Kern
County. We are fortunate to be governed by this team of dedicated
individuals , all busy in their own endeavors, but who give unselfishly of
their time and talents to our mission…serving Kern County by ensuring
that our programs are well planned, efficiently executed, and that they
achieve the Foundation’s objectives.
Our professional staff, led by President/CEO Noel Daniells, continues
the tireless effort to implement the strategies developed by the Board.
Under Noel’s leadership, the Foundation has grown from an ambitious
fledgling organization to become a major, influential force in Kern
County’s philanthropic services. Noel’s steady hand and depth of
understanding of philanthropic management has produced lasting benefits
for our community by accurately matching our donors’ wishes with the
Foundation’s capabilities.
Kern Community Foundation’s current asset development efforts will
be built on services to these important segments…professional advisors,
personal connections and general public awareness…all designed to assist
individuals and businesses create solid and sustainable philanthropic plans
that are customized to meet their needs. The donor’s initial purpose for
a gift is accomplished, first, through in-depth discussions with our team,
to “focus out” on the Community, and then “focus in” on creating a plan
that will meet this purpose.
I look forward, with gratitude to our Donors, and to our Board and
Staff, to serving as Chairman of the Board for 2007. Our community is
growing…Kern Community Foundation is growing…and we hope you
will join us in making Kern County the best place that it can be.
Garrett R. Ming
Chairman of the Board
“Our community
is growing…Kern
Community Foundation
is growing…and we
hope you will join us
in making Kern County
the best place that it
can be.”
Garrett R. Ming
Managing Philanthropy
Serving the community through philanthropic leadership. This is what the
Community Foundation is all about. By providing services to charitably
minded people and businesses, many times through their professional
advisors, we have been able to build our assets to over $12 million.
This has allowed us to make grants of over $2 million to the non profit
organizations that provide services and meet the needs of the people of
Kern County and, in addition, helping them have a better way of life.
“People of Kern
County are beginning
to recognize the
importance of the
Community Foundation
as a resource for
making this area a
better place in which
to live.”
Noel E. Daniells
Building our asset base to more than $12,000,000 has been helped greatly
by our association with the Community Foundation in Los Angeles
County, known as the California Community Foundation. We reached
an agreement with them in 1998 for them to manage our funds, and
since that time, after all investment fees, there has been an average rate of
return of approximately 10% each year. Our relationship with them has
been invaluable, because it has taken care of one of our most important
responsibilities, without requiring a lot of time on our part. In this way
we have been able to concentrate on learning about the needs of the
community and in serving people who believe in philanthropy and who
want to help take care of these needs.
We have also been able to develop very productive partnerships with other
large California Private Philanthropic organizations such as the James B.
Irvine Foundation, the Weingart Foundation and The California Wellness
Foundation. Our relationship with these organizations could not have
been possible without a viable Community Foundation being located in
Kern County, and because of this, we have been or will be able to grant
several hundred thousand dollars to help mitigate the needs of the people
of Kern County.
People of Kern County are beginning to recognize the importance of the
Community Foundation as a resource for making this area a better place
in which to live. This whole concept has been greatly enhanced through
our association with the large foundations noted above. The James
Irvine Foundation, in particular, has helped us greatly with our Board
Development, our Donor Services and with our philanthropic leadership
in the community including more effective grant making. I would like to
take this opportunity to thank them for their dedicated efforts in helping
us develop our Foundation into this viable resource for the Community.
We have made great strides in achieving our goals, but only with the
continued dedication can we be assured of attaining the ultimate goal…
the enhancing of the quality of life of all of the people of Kern County.
Noel E. Daniells
Foundation Donors...Generous Funding...
Transforming Philanthropy into Community Enrichment
The Kern Community Foundation, as approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, allows us to offer
our Donor/Funders the most straightforward and effective manner of accomplishing both their charitable giving and estate planning…
while realizing the full benefit of applicable tax benefits, with the maximum inheritance going to the heirs.
By donating through the Community Foundation, the donors generosity may take a variety of forms, as we work with them to form the
plans that will allow them to choose, specify, and support the agencies and organizations of their choice. This is being accomplished while
the donor is avoiding both the reporting responsibilities, and the expense of establishing a private foundation.
Our objective is, always, to provide methods of tax advantaged charitable giving that combines the maximum in flexibility and community
benefit, while providing all allowable tax savings.
Donor Advised Funds
Field Of Interest Funds
Appropriate distributions are made from these
Funds, based upon advice from the Donor.
When a Donor desires to address a specified field,
a broad purpose, or a particular area of concern.
Aera Energy Fund
Robert C. & Doreen (Boylan) Abrams Charitable Fund
Donald E. & Audrey W. Barnes Charitable Fund
Boydstun Family Charitable Fund
Judith B. Chase Family Fund
Curtis & Peggy Darling Fund
Curtis & Peggy Darling Permanent Endowment Fund
Richard & Lorraine Davies Charitable Fund
William & Susan Davies Charitable Fund
ECR Fund
Fiddler Family Charitable Fund
Gordon Family Charitable Fund
Helen Hawk Windes Charitable Fund
Holmes Western Charitable Fund
George & Karen Johnson Family Fund
Kern 178 Corridor Fund
Linda Lopez Charitable Fund
David & Jan Nicholas Charitable Fund
Plank Family Charitable Fund
Prolific Talents Fund
Rachel’s Girls Fund
Sheldon Family Charitable Fund
Gayland P. & Joy A. Smith Fund
Sounds of Promise Continuing Education Funds for Orphans
Jack & Mary Lou Thomson Fund
Hancock Family Fund
Women’s & Girls’ Fund of Kern County
Designated Funds
With this type of Fund, the Donor designates the
nonprofit organization that is to receive funds.
Coe, Gorman, Diggles Foundation
Kern Community Foundation,
Founders Permanent Endowment Fund
Kern Community Foundation Founders Fund
Fox Theater Foundation Endowment Fund
KRP Stewardship Endowment Fund
Kern River Valley Heritage Foundation Stewardship Endowment Fund
Kern River Valley Endowment Fund
Sergeant Tom Pryor PTSD Awareness Fund
Edward M. & Constance W. Tilbury Fund
Bryce & Florence York Fund
Marjorie Rump Endowment Fund
SCE Kern River No. 3 Hydro Electric Project Fund
Scholarship Funds
Unrestricted Funds
In accordance with established criteria, a committee established
by the Foundation informs Foundation staff of the students who
are to receive scholarships.
The Foundation staff and Board of Directors
apply their expertise in the distribution of these funds.
Dr. Joseph E. Anderson Scholarship Fund
Arvin Womens Club Scholarship Fund
Arvin Womens Club, Ellen Kovacevich Scholarship Fund
Larry Carr Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dolores & Victor Cerro, St. Francis Scholarship Fund
Kern Camp Scholarship Fund
Mayor of Bakersfield Scholarship Fund
David & Priscella Moore Scholarship Fund
Partners For Success Scholarship Fund
George & Helen Stewart Memorial Scholarship Fund
C. J. Williamson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Agency Funds
The Community Foundation manages these funds
on behalf of other nonprofit organizations.
Arvin Union Congregational Church Fund
Bakersfield Aquatic Center Fund
Bakersfield Christian High Fund
Boys & Girls Club of Kern County Endowment Fund
Centre For Neuro Skills Fund
Peggy Darling/Fox Theater Restoration Fund
First Congregational Church Fund
Foothill High Endowment Fund
Golden Empire Gleaners Endowment Fund
Grace Reformed Church Building Fund
Grace Reformed Church Living Memorial Fund
Grace Reformed Church Outreach Fund
Junior League of Bakersfield Community Center Fund
Lake Isabella Skate Park Fund
SSRS Stewardship Endowment Fund
Spotlight Theater Reserve Fund
St. Paul’s Episcopal Parish Endowment Fund “A”
St. Paul’s Episcopal Parish Endowment Fund “B”
St. Paul’s Episcopal Parish C&A Fund
St. Paul’s Episcopal Parish John Spear Memorial Fund
Symphony Associates Endowment Fund
Twin Towers Orphans Fund
Westminster Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund
Westminster Presbyterian Church Global Gifts Fund
The Community Enhancement Fund
Charitable Gift Annuities
These funds consist of charitable gifts that are specifically
contributed to a specified nonprofit organization, after a
pre-set annuity has been paid to the Donor.
Marvin and Adala Steinert Charitable Gift Annuity
Margaret Urner Charitable Gift Annuity
Building the Foundation of Community
Kern Community Foundation is committed to
building community.
To be an effective community builder, we must first be an
effective, sustainable organization…one that governs wisely, invests
strategically and communicates effectively.
Thanks to a grant from the James Irvine Foundation, Kern
Community Foundation is expanding its skills in all three areas.
This grant is a part of a broader initiative to help nine growing
community foundations across California establish more sustainable
practices as they lead community change, address priority needs and
help residents achieve their charitable goals.
An independent foundation dedicated to expanding opportunity for
the people of California, the James Irvine Foundation has offices in
San Francisco and Los Angeles.
“Community Foundations inspire charitable giving, build stronger
communities and lead positive change in locales throughout
California,” said Anne Vally, James Irvine Foundation special
initiatives officer. “They are philanthropic advisors and social
change agents, coalition builders and community advocates. We
are privileged to support them in their work.”
For Kern Community Foundation, the James Irvine Foundation
grant has provided strategic help in three operating areas:
governance, sustainability and visibility. Staff and board members
have had opportunities to connect with leaders of other California
community foundations and to learn from each other. The grant has
also allowed the Kern Community Foundation to hire its first fulltime program and community partnerships officer, Amy Smith.
“From board development to strategic planning to financial analysis
to visual identity, we’re receiving topnotch assistance from the
resources the James Irvine Foundation has provided,” said Noel
Daniells, Kern Community Foundation president. “Their expert
guidance has transformed our perspective, our operations and our
sense of possibility.”
As part of the James Irvine Foundation grant, Kern Community
Foundation will receive $150,000 over a three-year period, to
build community by addressing local needs. The first round of
local support includes grants to support education and selfsufficiency for young people in diverse circumstances.
Improving access to education; the e-College Connect
program at California State Bakersfield will 1,000 local
students improve their success with college applications.
Promoting self-sufficiency; the Take-Away Tattoo program
of the Kern Probation Auxiliary will help incarcerated
girls shed symbols of gang affiliation and prepare for
successful employment.
The Teen Supreme career orientation program; will
introduce low-income youth at the Lamont Boys & Girls
Club to opportunities available through vocational training
and higher education.
The Studio 2B program; of the Girl Scout Joshua Tree
Council will encourage girls to pursue higher levels of
achievement by exposing them to higher standards of living
and by providing financial literacy and job seeking skills.
The local Junior Achievement program; designed to
introduce young people to entrepreneurial opportunities and
help them develop business skill, will include two additional
high schools.
The Youth-Supported Employment program; of the
Bakersfield Association of Retarded Citizens will help young
people transition to improved job opportunities.
Daniells believes that improvements made possible by the James
Irvine Foundation grant will be evident in all facets of the Kern
Community Foundation’s operation and performance. Growth in
board development, asset building and grant-making expertise will
help move the organization to the next level.
“I expect to see significant results in less than 10 years,” Daniells
said. “I think we will double or triple in size. We’ll take an
increasingly organized approach internally. We’ll be better
positioned to recruit and retain outstanding board members. We’ll
have an even stronger story to tell our donors. We will be running
like a well-oiled machine.”
Each internal operational enhancement will lead to improved
performance across the board in the foundation’s work of
building community.
“We will be an increased philanthropic leader in the community,”
Daniells said. We’ll be helping nonprofits be more organized and
effective. We’ll be the go-to source for people who are passionate
about community philanthropy.”
In the not-too-distant future, Daniells sees Kern Community
Foundation emerging as a widely recognized and valued community
resource. “When people have problems, they will look to their
community foundation to solve them and in the process, help
people in the community lead better lives.”
The Women’s & Girls’ Fund of Kern County
This Field-of-Interest Fund was launched in May 2005 to promote the highest quality of life for Kern women and girls. The first
grants from this permanent endowment will be extended in May 2008 to nonprofits in Kern County whose programs benefit
women and girls. Each year’s grants will be made within a specific focus area and based on solid community research. The grantmaking process will be guided by the Fund’s Founders, community advisors, and teen girls, who are included in the process to
better understand their community and its philanthropy. The Women’s & Girls’ Fund seeks to work with other nonprofits and
agencies to share research, leverage grant-making, fund cooperatively, and maximize positive impact for women and girls.
For more information, including details about the grant-making process, please contact chairperson Judi McCarthy at judi@
lightspeedsystems.com or visit www.kernfoundation.org.
We thank the following for their donations during 2006 and the first quarter of 2007, building the endowment to $280,000 by
March 31, 2007. Founders and Corporate Partners are recognized in perpetuity.
Corporate Partners ($10,000 or more)
The Bakersfield Californian
Grimmway Enterprises
Founders Circle (Repeat donations of $1,000 or more)
Doreen Boylan Abrams • Louis & Sheryl Barbich Foundation • Audrey Barnes
Lynda Boleschka in honor of Heather Boleschka • Mary Christenson
Peggy Cole Darling • Joan Dezember • Jennifer Boylan Drake
Bonnie J. Fitzgerald • Sheila Fry • Kari Grimm • Barbara Grimm-Marshall
Virginia Hamisch • Susan Killingsworth • Wayne & Ginny Kirschenman
Dianne Klein • Holly Lazzerini • Dayna Leggio in memory of Grace Leggio
Mary Mazzei • Judi Tuttle McCarthy • Louise McCarthy in memory of Jan Tuttle
Kay Meek • JoAnn Meyer • Suzanne Meyer in memory of Faith Meyer
Tom & Mary Middleton • Bitsy Ming in honor of Priscella Moore
Ginger Moorehouse in honor of Tracey & Ginny Cowenhoven
Rotary Club of Bakersfield • Pat Smith • Mike & Cathi Stier
Founders ($1,000 or more)
John C. Alexander, D.D.S. in honor of my daughters • Lisa Andrew
Maureen Andrew in memory of Ann Abrams • Anonymous Donors (2)
Jeanne C. Austin • Mary Barlow • Kristen Barnes
Bella at the Marketplace • Bettina M. Belter • Sue Benham • Catherine E. Bennett
Deborah H. Besenfelder • Linda Brenner • Laurie Bustamante • Natalie Bustamante
Jackie Bynum • Mary Bynum • Jana Campbell • Pat Durando Campbell
Phyllis Fielding Campbell • Castle & Cooke • Sylvia Thomson Cattani • Donna Chaffee
Judith Chase in memory of Mary Elizabeth Safford • Dona Penoli Chertok
Terri Collins • Joan W. Cox • Margaret DeArmond • Mary Button Demos
Anna Dezember • Gordon & Joyce Downs • Jan Drew • Katharine Edmonson
Vicki Farrell • Ann Fisher • Melissa Fortune in memory of Doris Paggi Fortune
Tom & Judy Franconi • Edith Frick • Corrinne Garrison • Catherine Gay
Pamela Presley Giumarra • Christine Goedhart-Humphrey
Gold Crest Construction • Fran Gunner
Becky, Jessica & Alexandra Hall • Harvey & Lavonne Hall • Susan B. Hamilton
Marianne Harmer in memory of Nina Oddo & in honor of Bianca Harmer
Bill & Carol Hatcher • Jane Haupt • Mikie Hay in honor of Bebe Burke
Arlene & Joel Heinrichs • Susan Hersberger in honor of Kate Hersberger Greenberg
Deborah Hess • Jane Hildebrand • Cheryl Holsonbake in honor of Bill & Donna Eslick
Judy Hyatt • Cliff & Gail Johnson in memory of Johnnie Sisson
George & Karen Johnson in memory of Lorraine Olson Johnson • Cindy Jones
Dave & Danielle Kilpatrick in memory of Betty Lou Townsend Kilpatrick
Lisa King • Ruth Klein • Lyndia Krausgrill
Dawn Land-Walker in honor of Evelyn Land • Sherry Lanza • Susan K. Laverty
Tish Layous • Lesa L. Mackessy • Rhonda Magness • Judith Malerich
Lori Mariani • Lynzi Massey • Paije Massey • Sandi Maul • Livio & Ronda Mazzei
Diana Mestmaker • In memory of Barbara Meyer • Kim Mishkind
In memory of Leola Morgan • The Mountain Mommas • Beth & Joe Nahama
Dayna F. Nichols • Pamela Ott • Sally Panero • Mona Pankey • Paramount Farming Co. Diana
Pascoe • Laura Pascoe • Barbara Patrick • Cathy Perfect & Amber Siratt
Peggy Dewane Pope • Linda Pounds • Randy & Mary Richardson • Jeanette Rogers Monique M.
Rogers • Marjorie Rump • Teri Shambaugh • Mary K. Shell
Evalee Simmons • Barbara & Bob Smith • Southfork Woman’s Club
Holly Spohn-Gross, M.D. • Nadene Steinert • Betty & Bob Stine • Nancy J. Stoller Linda
Sullenger • Joan Thomas • Mindy & Kurt Thomas in memory of Curtis Darling Mary Lou
Thomson • Pamela Tivnon • Today Cleaners • Carol S. Townsend
Nancy Turnipseed • In Memory of Arlene Tweedy • Phyllis Van Boening
Supervisor Ray Watson • Lonie Wattenbarger
Dolores Whitley in memory of Dale Moulin • Dr. John & Debbie Wilson
Laura Lollar Wolfe • Jeanne Young • Betty Lee Younger • Kathleen Zaninovich
Founder Pledges ($1,000 pledges to be completed by 6-1-10)
Shelli Carlovsky/South Valley Outdoor • Meg Clay • Rebecca Anne Ennis
Pam Godfrey • Mary Madland/Madland Toyota • Karen Northcutt
Jennifer & Steve Starbuck in honor of Betty Jones
WINGS • Women’s Ministries, Family Life Center • Linda Wright
Holly Culhane • Essentiels Spa et Beaute/ Reza Nabavian M.D.
Dolores & Bob Hoffman
Michael & Kristy Allen • Antonette Anich • Novena Bonham • Georgia Clark
Brenda Ehmann • Cherilee Ezell in honor of Joan Dezember • Dixie Fornasero
Kathryn M. Fox • Donna Frank • Sally Goossen • Ann Hansen • Harding Family
Betty James • Karen Johnson in memory of Carolyn Johnston
Supervisor Jon McQuiston • Carol Mendoza • Michele Ming • Janice Montoya
P.E.O. Chapter HY • Lawton Powers • Doris Salter • Eleanor J. Scarbrough
Marilyn Shaffer • Carla Stonebarger/Amy Hanawalt • Mary Stornetta • Joy Thompson
Dorothy B. Weagant
Lisa Ayers • Robert A. Barnes
Cheryl Bauer in memory of my parents and father-in-law
Mary Berry • Bebe Burke • Kathleen Dezember • Teresa Ford
Deborah Hankins in memory of Torie Knapp • Judy Hicks
Andrea Jackson • Chris & Germaine Jacobs • Betty Jones • Patricia Loyd
Billie Jo Medders • Marlene Sciacqua • Claudia Sobel • Susan Stevenson
Gino & Sandra Valpredo • Mary Jane Wilson
Special Friends Of The Women’s & Girls’ Fund
support our goals and events
Castle Print & Publication, Inc. • Lynelle Echeverria
Ice House Framing & Gallery • Kern Valley Sun • KGET-TV 17 • Kaiser Permanente
Lightspeed Systems • McGee’s Steak House • Sextant Wines • Janeen Smith
S.J. Strong • Wendy Wayne • Whitney Interiors
• Julia Avila & Shannon Parker, Women of Inspiration & Spirit•
We Honor
Alice Rankin Beard & Bob Stine for generously supporting the mission
of the Women’s & Girls’ Fund of Kern County
More than 100 women’s funds are
established within the U.S., many
within community foundations.
While these funds differ in many
respects, all share the primary goal
of supporting those nonprofit
organizations that provide the
highest quality of life for their
communities’ women and girls.
Across the country, women’s funds
have raised more than $400 million
since the 1970’s, built lasting
endowments, and granted more
than $200 million.
The Women’s & Girls’ Fund of
Kern County is one of the newest
such funds in the nation. While
building an endowment to $280,000
in two years, Fund volunteers have
taken the lead in locally promoting
women’s philanthropy: speaking
throughout the county to civic
groups and women’s organizations;
gathering community research
pertinent to grant-making; and
creating social change grant policies
to maximize long-term impact for
women and girls.
The Women’s & Girls’ Fund
encourages women to think broadly
about issues affecting all of Kern
County and to respond collectively
as philanthropists.
“Never doubt that a small group
of thoughtful committed people
can change the world. Indeed, it
is the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead
Community Investors – Enabling the Foundation
The nonprofit organizations in Kern County are grateful to these
individuals, families and businesses, who have invested in our
community, by means of their contribution to the operating budget
of the Kern Community Foundation.
A Leadership Investor
A family, wishing to remain anonymous, has made a most
generous contribution to the Foundation’s operating budget…in
an amount in excess of $200,000.
Each of these Investors has contributed more than $25,000 to
the operating budget.
Marvin and Adala Steinert
Wells Fargo Bank
Community Investors….Leadership Group
These generous Investors have each contributed $25,000 to the
Foundation’s operating budget.
Donald and Audrey Barnes
Morton E. and Ann K. Brown
Clifford and Bradford Insurance
George and Karen Johnson
Donald and Sherrie McMurtrey
StructureCast Environmental
These Investors have committed $3,000 or more to the
Foundation’s operating budget.
An Anonymous Investor
Castle & Cooke California, Inc. Edwards R. Hopple
Noel and Rose Daniells
Aera Energy LLC
Joseph E. Drew
Karpe Real Estate Center
San Joaquin Bank
Lloyd and Patricia Plank
Foundation Contributing Investors
Major Foundation Investors
Curtis & Peggy Darling
Tejon Ranch Company
Foundation Supporting Investors
Borton, Petrini & Conron LLPs
Centre for Neuro Skills
Rayburn and Joan Dezember
Lightspeed Systems, Inc.
Gayland and Joy Smith
Community Foundation Investors
Each Investor has committed $10,000 or more to the
Foundation’s operating budget
Klein, Denatale, Goldner, Cooper, Rosenlieb & Kimball
John and Meg Pryor
Stinson’s Stationers
Union Bank of California
Each of these Investors has contributed $1,000 or more to the
Foundation’s operating budget.
American General Media
Mr. & Mrs. Gerold Fisher
Knox Richardson
Three-Way Chevrolet
Valley Independent Bank
W.F. & Bette Colm Living Trust
David and Jan Nicholas
Marjorie Rump
Jack and Mary Lou Thomson
Foundation Directors - Community Investors
These individuals and families each invest $1,000 or
more, annually.
Keith T. Brice
Morton E. Brown
Judith B Chase
Patrick Collins
Noel E. Daniells
Curtis Darling
Joan Dezember
Jack Hardisty
Suzan Hopper
George A Johnson
Claude P. Kimball
Daniel A. Lacey
Garrett R. Ming
Judith McCarthy
John Nilon
Nancy L. Oehler
Robert B. Ortiz, Jr.
John G. Pryor
Larry E. Reider
Marjorie Rump
Stephen L. Sanders
Mary K. Shell
Gayland P. Smith
Janice I. Smith
Patricia Smith
Marvin Steinert
Hon. Jon Stuebbe
Hon. Robert Tafoya
Mary Lou Thomson
Rob C. Yraceburu
Professional Advisors ...
A Major Asset to Community Philanthropy
It’s community teamwork … serving community donors!
As you plan your family’s philanthropy….whatever your objectives….you should know
that you have a team of trusted advisors and facilitators already in place … ready to assist
you, and advise you as how best to accomplish your personal and charitable objectives.
Professional Advisors ... Guiding the Givers
The Professional Advisor plays a very important role in helping a client create and
achieve a personal philanthropic vision, while often enabling significant benefits
through tax reduction. The Community Foundation is a resource for…attorneys,..
accountants,..financial planners…insurance agents…and other professionals who guide
clients through the often complicated pathways to planned giving and current giving.
Charitable Gift Planning ... Establishing the Gift
Planned Giving generally combines the dual benefits of increasing the impact of charitable
giving, while maximizing the income tax and estate tax benefits. Our GiftLegacy program
provides an excellent example. (Click…Planned Giving…on our website.)
Kern Community Foundation … The Facilitator
Occupying a unique role among charitable organizations, community foundations
are experts on both sides of the philanthropic exchange. A primary service of the
community foundation is the establishment and management of individual donor funds
while developing a deep knowledge of our community, its nonprofits…and its needs.
As you plan your family’s
your objectives….you should
know that you have a team
of trusted advisors and
facilitators already in place
… ready to assist you, and
advise you as how best to
accomplish your personal
and charitable objectives.
Spotlighting Our --- Partners In Philanthropy
The Mayor of Bakersfield Scholarship Fund
After Harvey L. Hall was elected Mayor in 2000, and before
he took office in January of 2001, one of his goals was to
make a positive impact wherever he could in the community.
He felt there was no better way to do so than to further
the education of our young people. Therefore, he made
a decision to donate his entire Mayor’s salary to form a
scholarship fund to provide an opportunity for youth
of Bakersfield to attend our local university and/or
community colleges.
In February of 2002, Mayor Hall proudly announced that the
Mayor’s Scholarship Fund was up and running at the Kern
Community Foundation, with the first scholarships awarded
during the 2002-2003 academic school year.
That first year, he awarded 24 scholarships for students
attending Bakersfield College, Taft College and California
State University, Bakersfield.
Since that time, a total of 121 scholarships have been
awarded, totaling $98,000, with the funds being
administered by the Kern Community Foundation.
Mayor Hall plans to continue this annual scholarship
program throughout his tenure as Bakersfield’s Mayor. This is
his way of showing his appreciation for the community which
he feels has given him so much, while making a positive
impact in the lives of these young people.
Kern River Fishery Granting Underway
Genetic Assessment of Kern River Rainbow Trout
A two year proposal totaling $165,000. (Current year, $81,093)
The first grants are being made in connection with the Upper
Kern Basin Fisheries Management Plan, according to Noel
Daniells, president of Kern Community Foundation.
The source of the reported grants comes from earnings of the
endowment fund that was established in connection with the
1996 re-licensing of Southern California Edison Company’s
Kern River Hydroelectric Plant #3.
This endowment fund, currently totaling approximately
$2.93 million, is held and managed by the Kern Community
Foundation, and has as its primary objective, the “net gain in
population, size and viability of Kern River rainbow trout.”
These grants, totaling $392,752, were approved by the board
of directors of the Kern Community Foundation and then
approved for issuance by the Upper Kern Basin Fishery
Resource Trust on April 24th.
Kern River Fish Hatchery New Well System
A proposal totaling $120,000, for construction and
development of additional water wells to provide a dependable
water source to the hatchery.
Upper Kern Basin Fishery Resource Patrol
$27,335 to support establishment of additional law
enforcement patrols within the Upper Kern Basin.
Trout of Kern River Basin
Signs, $270.
Aquatic Restoration in Upper Kern River of Sequoia
National Park
$80,147 toward restoration of aquatic habitats and native
species within the National Park Service-administered lands
within the Upper Kern Basin.
Holmes Western Charitable Fund
When Fred and Barbara Holmes (Holmes Western Charitable
Fund) were looking for an avenue in which to give back to their
community; they chose the Kern Community Foundation as that
avenue. Fred and Barbara own and operate three energy associated
companies in Western Kern County. Giving back to the community
was a lesson taught and learned by Fred from his father and mother,
the late Gordon A. and Josephine Holmes.
Fred is a third generation, native Californian, growing up with
two older brothers on an oil lease just four miles east of Maricopa.
Fred is what you might call an original oilman. His heritage is hard
work and long hours, these traits learned from his father, Gordon
and his father’s father, also named Fred Holmes. The elder Fred
owned “The Oil Center Livery Stable” located on Chester Ave. in
Bakersfield in 1917. In 1939, while working for The Transport Oil
Co., just outside of Maricopa, Grandpa Fred, Gordon and Josephine
purchased a BLM lease next to the Transport Lease. They successfully
drilled a few oil wells on what would later become known as The
Holmes Lease. Grandfather Fred passed away in 1943.Young Fred
and his brothers, Bruce and Mike had many good times while growing up on the oil lease. Besides all of the oil related projects on the lease;
there were also horses to ride and chickens to feed. Little Fred’s first, commercially successful venture was selling eggs to the hands. You
might say that he had a captive audience as the men would congregate at the lease before heading off to their respective job locations.
During the early 1940’s, Fred’s father, Gordon went into the contract well servicing business establishing Western Well Service. Fred and
his brothers worked in the business from the time they could walk - it was legal back then and not considered child labor. Their mom,
Josephine worked many long, hard hours right alongside her husband keeping the books and caring for their children. Josephine was
especially known for her delicious home cooking. She served many dinners to the well crews on the job site from the back of her old station
wagon. Bruce tells the story of his mother, while pregnant with Fred, carrying Mike in one arm and himself wrapped around her leg, going
out to start the steam boiler on the lease. Josephine was most certainly a pioneer oil woman in her own right. Josephine remained on the oil
lease until her death in 2001.
At his father’s retirement in 1976, Fred purchased Western Well Service - establishing Western Drilling, Inc. in 1983 and Holmes Western
Oil Corporation in 1994. Fred and Barbara purchased their first oil lease, The Kerr Fee, in the 1970’s. While Fred is a risk taker, Barbara
is a little more conservative, and was scared to death of the $200.00/mo payments they had to make to Mrs. Millie McCormick for the
purchase of the lease. Barbara remembers that the lease’s utility bill and the payments to Mrs. McCormick were just about equal to the
oil sales. Since that first lease purchase, Fred the risk taker and wildcatter has added many more oil leases to his legacy. Their combined
companies now employ around 200 people.
Fred learned community involvement and giving back to your community from his father, Gordon. Just as Gordon served on many boards
and committees during his lifetime; Fred has followed in his footsteps and believes that everyone should be involved in at least one civic
endeavor in order to better the lives of your fellow citizens.
Fred and Barbara have two daughters and six grand children, all living in Kern County. Most of their spring and summer evenings are spent
enjoying their grandchildren’s many sports activities.
While supporting youth through college and university scholarships is their primary philanthropic focus; they also enjoy supporting non
profit charities, as chosen by their family. They have found that the needs of our communities are great and the workers are few; so they
heartily encourage other families and businesses to consider the Kern Community Foundation as an avenue for giving back a portion of
their blessings. The Holmes’ believe in God, family, hard work and community. Colossians 3:17
Serving the Community Good ...
Programs & Community Partnerships / Nonprofit Resource Center
The Kern Community Foundation established the Office of Programs & Community
Partnerships/Nonprofit Resource Center in 2005 to provide capacity-building resources for
nonprofit organizations. Through trainings, listening sessions, programs, publications, and
technical assistance, the Kern Community Foundation works to help nonprofit agencies increase
their knowledge and management skills.
“The Kern Community
Foundation’s Office of
Programs & Community
Partnerships/ Nonprofit
Resource Center is
committed to empowering
nonprofits by providing
training and other
resources tailored to each
organizations’ concerns
and needs.”
Amy D. Smith
Groups who look to the Community Foundation for assistance represent our diverse community.
Current clientele range from emerging nonprofits to well-established organizations.
Services / Programs Include:
E-Blasts – free resource
available to anyone affiliated
with a nonprofit organization
• Job Announcements
• Requests for specific services,
i.e., board recruitment
• Resource Development /
Grant Making
• Training Opportunities
• Workshops
GABY – Grants Advisory
Board for Youth Philanthropy
Listening Sessions /
Community Convenings
• Community Health
• Community Involvement
• Freeze Relief Collaborative
• Grant Presentations
• School to Career Initiative
• Youth Services / Mentoring
Engaging Local Youth
in Philanthropy
The Grant Advisory
Board For Youth
Media/ Community Relations
• Local Media Guide
• Nonprofit Database
• Service Organization Guide
Technical Assistance
• Grant writing / review
• Phone / In-person
Nonprofit lending library
Trainings / Workshops
• “Meet the Grant
Makers” Panels
• Capacity Building
• Evaluation / Outcomes
• Grant Research
• Identifying Funding
Sources: How to Search for
Funding Opportunities
• Proposal Development
• Capacity Building Report
• Connections Newsletter
• Nuts & Bolts of
Grant Seeking
Resource Development
• Foundation Grant Making
• Community Wellness Fund
• Discretionary Fund
• GABY – Grants Advisory
Board for Youth
• School-to-Career Initiative
• Weingart-KCF Fund
• Grant Research - Grant Station
The Kern Community Foundation’s Office of Programs & Community Partnerships/ Nonprofit
Resource Center is committed to empowering nonprofits by providing training and other
resources tailored to each organizations’ concerns and needs.
We can help you make an
even greater difference in our
community. Take advantage
of our services and fulfill
your organization’s mission
more effectively!
Amy D. Smith
Program &
Partnerships Officer
Junior Achievement
Junior League of Bakersfield
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
KAXL 88.5 Nonprofit Christian Radio
Kern Adult Literacy Council, Inc.
Kern County Basque Club, Scholarship
KC Challenge for Youth Development,
Kern County Network for Children
Kern County Youth Council
Kern Bridges Youth Homes, Inc.
Kern County Museum Foundation
Kern County Scottish Society
Kern County Sheriff’s Activities League
Kern County Sheriff’s Service Unit,
Kern County Sheriff’s Service, Rescue,
Kern County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue,
Kern County Student Leadership
Kern County Youth Mariachi
Kern River Paiute Council
Kern River Valley Educational & Culture
Kern River Valley Heritage Foundation
Kern River Valley Historical Society
Kern River Valley Revitalization, Inc.
Kern River Valley Senior Citizens
Kern Valley Chapter, California FHAHERO Association
Kern Valley Community Orchestra
Kern Valley Youth
Kernville Union School, TCWF re-grant
Kiwanis Clubs, Division 33 Fund
Lamont School District
Leaders In Life
League of Women Voters
The Link to Life
M.A.R.E. Therapeutic Riding Center
Maricopa Activity Group
Maricopa High School
Maricopa Memorial Fund
Maricopa Unified School District
Maturango Museum
Mendiburu Magic Foundation
Minter Field Air Museum
Mojave Desert Mountain Research &
Mountain Arts & Recreation Coalition
Mount Elgon Corporation
The Mountain Memories Association
Mt. Carmel Community Church
Mustard Seed International
National Christian Fellowship
Native American Heritage Preservation
N.E.E.D.S. Center
Nemesis Station
New Advances for People With
New Tribes Mission
Norman Cooper Memorial Scholarship
North High School Booster Club
North Kern Property Owners
Northeast Branch of Kern County
Olive Knolls Christian School
Panama Buena Vista Union School
Partners International
Pewter Plough Playhouse
Phase One Phase Two Sober Living
Pine Mountain Property Owners
Point Loma University
Probation Auxiliary
R.M. Pyles Boys Camp
Remnant Ministries
John Nelson Richardson Fund
Richland School District
Ridgecrest Area Convention & Visitors
Ridge Route Museum
Ridge Route Preservation Organization
Rosamond Senior Center
Rotary Club of the Kern River Valley
Salvation Army
The Scripps Clinic
Seventh Day Adventist, Taft
Shafter Community Chest
Shafter Recreation & Park District
Shafter Stingray Swim Team
The Shelter on the Hill
Shriners Hospital for Children
Southwest Foundation
Smart Growth Coalition
Spotlight Theatre
Stars Music Theater
Stay Focused Ministries
Stewards of the Sequoia
St. Francis Parish School
St. Peters By the Sea Episcopal Church
Suggs Memorial Renal Fund
Taft College, Mayor of Bakersfield
Taft High School, Scholarship
Taft Lighthouse Mission
Teen Challenge
Tehachapi Community Orchestra
Tehachapi Cultural Arts Council
Tehachapi Heritage League
Tehachapi Humane Society
Tehachapi Unified School District
Tehachapi Valley Arts Foundation
The Jane Bruckel Research Fund
Tough Love of Kern County
The Tree Foundation
TRIO, The Ran Improvement
United Way of the Indian Wells Valley
United Way of Kern County
University of California, Santa Barbara,
Partners for Success, Scholarship
University of California, Berkeley,
Stewart Scholarship
University of California, Davis,
University of California, Riverside,
Partners for Success, Scholarship
University of California, Santa Cruz,
Van Horn Student Body
Veterans Memorial Fund, Kern County
Villages of Vision
Volunteer Center of Kern County
Wasco Junior Women’s Club
Wasco Women’s Club
Westside Caring & Sharing
West Kern Oil Museum
West Side Children’s Camp, Inc.
West Side Little League
West Side Recreation Foundation
The Winter’s Child
Women’s & Girls Fund of Kern County
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Young Audiences of Kern County
Community Foundation
Youth for Christ
Youth Connection
Organizations That Have Received Grant Support
From the Kern Community Foundation.
Adoptive Aquatics Center
Alpha House
Alliance for Nonprofit Development
Alzheimer’s Disease Association of
Kern County
Amargo Dulce Youth Community
American Conservatory Theater
American Missionary Association
Arthritis Association of Kern County
Arts Council of Kern County
Arvin Union School, TCWF re-grant
Assistance League of Bakersfield
Atherton Baptist Home
Bach Bay Area Classical Harmonies
Bags 4 Kids
Bakersfield Aids Foundation
Bakersfield Aquatic Center
Bakersfield Christian High School
Bakersfield Club Zion
Bakersfield College Archives
Bakersfield College Foundation, Mayor
Hall Scholarship
Bakersfield Community Church
Bakersfield Community Theater
Bakersfield High School FFA
Bakersfield Homeless Center
Bakersfield Masterworks Chorale
Bakersfield Memorial Hospital
Bakersfield Museum of Art
Bakersfield Music Theatre
Bakersfield Play Center
Bakersfield Police Activities League
Bakersfield Pregnancy Center
Bakersfield Rescue Mission
Bakersfield Senior Center
Bakersfield Symphony Orchestra
BARC Foundation
Baylor University, Stewart Scholarship
Believers In Jesus
Black Original Society (BOSS)
Blind Childrens’ Center
Boron Senior Citizens’ Center
Boy Scouts of America, Southern
Sierra Council
Boys & Girls Club of Bakersfield
Boys & Girls Club of Kern River Valley
Branch Over the Wall Pantry
Broncs Review Newspaper Staff
BSA Troop 291
Buttonwillow Union School, TCWF
California Living Museum
California Living Museum Foundation
California State University, Bakersfield,
School of Fine Arts
California State University, Bakersfield,
Partners for Success, Scholarship
California State University, Fresno, Partners
for Success, Scholarship
California State University, Fresno, Stewart
California State University, Bakersfield,
Mayor Hall Scholarship
Campus Crusade for Christ
Canyon Hills Assembly of God Church
Carrie Orvall Children’s Center
Catholics in Action Ministries
Center for the Blind & Visually Impaired
Child Care International
Chester Avenue Community Church
Central Valley Epilepsy Support Group
China Lake Museum Foundation
Chumash Council of Bakersfield
Clinica Sierra Vista, East Kern Collaborative
Coalinga High School
Community Action Partnership
Community Christian Fellowship
Community Connection for Child Care
Community Emergency Response Teams
Community Enhancement Fund, Bakersfield
Community Light Opera and Theatre
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Kern
Crown Ministries
CSO Community Support Options
CSUB, Athletic Department
Cushine’s Cool Kids of Van Horn
Delano Bengals Football
Delano Historical Society
Delano Union School, TCWF Re-Grant
Desert Area Resource & Training
Desert Planters of Ridgecrest
Earlimart Recreation Youth Center
East Bakersfield Community Coalition
East Bakersfield Senior Center
East Kern Youth Projects, Inc.
Family Life Center
The Farm Trail
First Baptist Church
First Presbyterian Church
Focus on the Family
The Fort Preservation Society
Fox Theater Foundation
Franklin Graham Festival
Frazier Mountain Meals on Wheels
Friends of California City Branch Library
Friends of Mercy Foundation
Friends of Wasco Library
Friendship House Community Center
Garden Pathways
Garces Memorial High School
Girl Scouts, Joshua Tree Council
Global Harvesters, Inc.
God’s Storehouse
Golden Empire Gleaners
Grace Family Support Services
Green Hotel Restoration Committee
Grupo Folkorico Escuelas Unidas
The Guild House
Habitat for Humanity of the Indian
Wells Valley
Happy Times Seniors, Indian Wells Valley
Henrietta Weill Child Guidance
Clinic, Delano
Highland High School Book Club
Highland High School Art Club
Highland High School Instrumental
Historical Society, Upper Mojave Desert
Houchin Community Blood Bank
Independent Living Center
Indian Wells Valley Concert Association
International Christian Ministries
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
Jerusalem Mission Learning Center
Jim Burke Education Foundation
Kern Community Foundation Statement of Financial Position
As of December 31, 2006
San Joaquin Bank, Operating Account
Contributed Funds, Deposited with California Community Foundation
Accounts Receivable
Prepaid expense
Furniture and Equipment, Net
Accounts Payable and Accrued Payroll
Grants Payable and Refundable Advances
Long Term Liabilities
Funds Held for Agencies /Others
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Unrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Permanently Restricted Net Assets
Total Net Assets
Support and Other Revenue
Contributions & Bequests Received
Management Fees
Investment Income
Total Income
Operating and Administrative Expense
Investment Management Expense
Grants and Philanthropic Distributions
Total Expense
Change in Net Assets, Before Market Value Adjustments
Other Adjustments
Fair Market Value Adjustment
Change in Net Assets
Net Assets at Beginning of Year
Kern Community Foundation Statement of Activities
January through December, 2006
Net Assets at End of Year
These statements reflect basic position and activities. For a copy of our full audited financial statement, please call or write
Why We’re Here
“To enhance the quality of life for all of
the people of Kern County by encouraging
philanthropy, by providing services to
donors, and by assisting those who serve to
meet the needs of the community.”
1626 19th Street, Suite 14 • Bakersfield, CA 93301-4329 • www.kernfoundation.org • Email: info@kernfoundation.org
(661) 325-5346 • Fax: (661) 325-5358