Names - H.O.P.E. Safehouse
Names - H.O.P.E. Safehouse
April 2013 H.O.P.E. Safehouse 1911 Taylor Avenue Racine, WI 53403 262.634.4571 ~ Names ~ For those of you who frequent our web page or are connected with HOPE through the social media, you get to see a lot of pictures of our rescues. We thought you also may wonder how these animals get their names. Our data is more easily accessed if every critter has a different name so when the animals come with names like “Kelly”, or “Molly”, we need to get creative on the spelling. We keep a name book at hand to make sure we do not have duplicates but this is becoming ever more difficult as the years go on. To date we have “Keli”, “Kelli”, “Kelie”, “Kelly”, “Kellee” and “Kellie”. There are times where it is unavoidable to change a name but we don’t like to do that. We feel these poor animals no longer have anything that belongs to them; no family, no home, no siblings, no toys, basically nothing but their names, and we just can’t take that away from them. Many of the animals coming in to HOPE Safehouse are from high kill shelters who don’t know their names. These abandoned pets are either assigned a number or get a computer generated name from the Petfinder site. Certainly not a moniker the animal recognizes or responds to. Therefore, we set about the task of giving them a name that is appropriate. Sometimes it will describe their demeanor, like “Wiggles”, “Happy” or “Kanga” ( as in kangaroo). Sometimes it portrays their color like” Chocolate” or “Licorice”. If we intake a litter of kittens, we will try keep all their names similar, like “Citron”, “Citrus”and “Cita”. A litter of puppies were named after states, “Arizona”, “Virginia” and California Girl”. If a group of dogs or cats comes in at the same time from a shelter but are not related, we will give them names all starting with the same letter like “Bebe”, “Blanche”, “Buster” and “BooBoo”. This helps us a great deal when we try to remember details or origin of one of the thousands of animals we have rescued. Sometimes the name reflects when they were found, as in “Tuesday”, or “Satter” and “Daey” for the day of the week. “Angel” is a cat found at Christmas, “Taylor” was found on taylor avenue, “Lou”, “Easy” and “Anna” came from Louisanna, and “Drago” was found by Draeger Langendorf funeral home. Pets have also been named after the human that rescued them as in “Danni”, “Trog”, “Austin”, “June” and “Becky”. We were accused of being a little crazy in naming a litter of kittens “Eenie”, “Meenie”, “Minie”, “Mo” and “No”. A mom cat we named “Wen” and her kittens “Why”, “Who” and “Because”. An adult male cat arriving around the same time was named “What” and 3 extra dogs on a transport that we hadn’t planned on were named “Ex”, Wy”, and “Zee”. Further exploits into the process of assigning names include “Wayside”, who was found at a wayside (duh), “Highwire”, a cat stranded on a telephone pole, “Half Dock”, who had only half a tail and “Freeway” ( you can figure that one out). I think we’re pretty clever sometimes although there have been some . . . interesting names along the way. “Kirzon Dax” was a young pitbull mix rescued around the time I was very into Star Trek. “Cluster” was the last dog named in a transport that went less than smooth, and “Fred the Head”, well, he had a big head! There are also those animals we named along the way that I can only wonder what drugs we were using at the time. “Pixie Big Foot”, “Red Bucky”, “Spikey Nakita”, “Fluffy Wicket”, “Sadie Fus”, “Door” and “Monkey Face”. Yea I know, scary stuff. We can’t guarantee we will use them ( or they may already be taken) but if you have some name suggestions for future animals, we would love to hear from you! • Ways to Help H.O.P.E. … Thank you to everyone who donated items on our wish list-your giving was astounding! Because of your generosity, we have all the supplies we need for this year and next! We are lucky to have such caring and generous supporters. Thank you! There are still a number of ways to help HOPE: Donate: Money: become a member, donate money, pay a vet bill, donate in memory of people or pets, donate in honor of people or pets (Every penny helps an animal!) Time: volunteer at the office, at one of our fundraising events, at one of our meet & greets throughout the community (Even an hour a month or year helps!) Purchase HOPE merchandise Join us at one of our fundraisers: HOPE Raffle tickets (drawing held first Saturday in June). Purchase tickets and/or help sell tickets for our raffle. Cause for Paws (held the first Friday in October). Come to the event and bid on items, volunteer for the event, join the committee and help make the evening a big success. (Check our website calendar or newsletter for upcoming events) Christie Graham from Homestead Realty, Inc. will donate 3% of her commission to the animal shelter of your choice, if she is your realtor. You can contact Christie by phone at 262-344-1752, by email at or visit her website at There is a website available that will help locate pet friendly apartments. Katie Reardon created to help find pet friendly apartments easily. Belinda Sauro has maintained our website for years, free of charge. Belinda runs a business hosting and designing websites using an easy to use CMS. If you are interesting in learning more about her services, please go to When at the vet with your animal, pay a little extra towards HOPE’s bill (at Northshore Animal Hospital or CrossRoads) Use your computer to help by using Good Search every time you search on the internet or make a purchase on line. (See below or our website for more information.) Adopt a shelter animal Foster a HOPE dog or cat One important way to help HOPE is word of mouth. If you like our organization, tell people! It’s easy to help HOPE by doing what you do every day - search and shop the Internet. Go to and enter HOPE Safehouse as your designated charity. Every time you search the Internet through the GoodSearch web site, HOPE will receive a penny. GoodSearch is powered by Yahoo so you will get the same great results on all your searches. You can also help HOPE receive money by shopping online. Go to and locate the store you would like to shop and if you have HOPE as your charity we will receive a percentage of your sales. Don’t forget to check the coupons of your favorite stores that are listed on GoodSearch. HOPE can receive money from airline ticket purchases to pharmacy purchases to clothes purchases to pet supply purchases. Hundreds of stores you shop on the web everyday are on GoodSearch. It really is easy to donate to HOPE just by shopping and searching the Internet. If you are concerned you might forget to go to the GoodSearch website, they have a toolbar you can download so every search will be counted. Page 2 H.O.P.E. Safehouse, Inc.. Board of Directors Lynn Nielsen-Eeg Jonathan Eeg Alan Eisenberg Lori Jensen Sharon Johnson Dave Braun Mike Balcer Cat Minister Kathy VanParys Veterinary Assistance Crossroads Animal Hospital For Pet’s Sake Veterinary Clinic North Shore Animal Hospital The Animal ER of Racine/Kenosha Web Space and Hosting Paul Burdick Canine Training Consultant Katie’s Canine Klubhouse Canine Training Associates Sherri Noha Mikey Thompsen VISIT US ON Canine Boarding & Daycare Woofdorf Astoria Dog Hotel & Day Spa Photographer/Online Promotions Sarah Hempel Off-Site Education Coordinator Maureen Potter Volunteer Coordinator Samantha Kupper Critter Quarterly Staff Editor ~ Sandra Knorr Writer ~ Lynn Nielsen-Eeg Printers ~ JD Printing, Racine, WI Labeling & Mailing ~ Pearl Czechowicz H.O.P.E. Safehouse is a 501(c) 3 charitable organization that specializes in the treatment and care of injured strays. All contributions of property or monies is tax deductible. PLEASE NOTIFY US OF ANY CHANGES: If you are moving or have changes to THANKS! your phone number or email address, please contact the office. We want to make sure you continue to receive our newsletter and are notified of any new happenings at HOPE. Thank you to Abbott Laboratories Employee Giving Campaign and the following employees: Valerie Aldrich and Mary Ustymowicz. Thank you to AdoptAShelter for donating money when people use to shop the internet and pick HOPE as their charity. Thank you to Linda Archibald for paying some of our medical bills. Thank you to the Aurora Health Care Employee Partnership and the following employees: Daniella Anderson, Rebecca DeGroot, Wendy Jaeger, Barbara Kimball, Ramona Milisauskas, Lynn Mizak and Carol Nolte. We would also like to thank those that gave to HOPE anonymously. Thank you to Stuart Ball for paying some of our medical bills. Thank you to the calendar committee for putting together the 2013 HOPE calendar. It was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who submitted a picture, we wouldn’t have a calendar without you. Thank you to everyone who purchased a calendar - all proceeds helped to pay our vet bills. Thank you to CERJ Development/Meyer Builders who used Christie Graham of Homestead Realty as their realtor. Christie will donate 3% of her commission check to the animal shelter of her client’s choice and CERJ Development chose HOPE. Thank you to Dover Flag & Map, Havahart, Northshore Animal Hospital, Petco, Pet Supplies Plus, Sportland and Woofdorf Astoria for continuing to allow us to have a donation jar at their locations. The extra change really adds up. Thank you to everyone who donated their change. Thank you to Kathy Garski and her scrapbook friends (Pat Anderson, Kathy Burrows, Kay Christensen, Karen Ellenbecker and Mary Schroeder) for donating money to HOPE in lieu of exchanging Christmas gifts. Thank you to Lisa & Al Grodey for paying some of our medical bill at North Shore Animal Hospital. Thank you to Johnson Bank’s Departments on the 3rd floor of the downtown building for having Casual for a Cause fund raiser on payroll Fridays. Thank you to everyone who paid to dress casual. (Continued on page 8) Page 3 H.O.P.E. Mailbag Merry Christmas to all of you at HOPE & thank you for all you do for those fuzzy, four footed creatures you care for. Thank you for these two, Nickie & Lexie, we love them terribly! Kay Pearson Lynn, I have been meaning to send you these! Thanks so much for allowing Ms. Diva to become Ms. Diva Graham! ☺ Remember how I told you she instantly fell in love with my son, Chris? Well….that’s putting it mildly! She’s OBSESSED with him!!! Ha! Ha! Here are some pics of her and Chris, as well as her other furry family members at Todd’s house. {Editors note: Sorry I couldn’t include all the pictures sent.} Thanks again, Christie Graham, Friends at HOPE, Just a quick note to let you know how things are going. Paige has been a blessing. Honestly the best dog I have ever had and I thank you for bringing her into my life. It is hard to believe that Katrina was over 7 years ago now. She is getting up there in age and still going strong. She loves her walks and going to the dog park every day. We appreciate all the work you have done and continue to do. Blessings to you all. Happy Holidays, Lisa Mahoney & Catherine Horst Hello, I am happy to report Dexter's most recent trip to North Shore confirmed he is 100% heart worm free. He made it through treatment with flying colors. He has been the best dog I could ask for. I can't thank you enough for saving him!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Leslie Here is a picture of Bebe’s pup Bruiser! Dear HOPE Safehouse, My husband and I would like to thank you for taking such wonderful care of our pup Buck (Kita). He is an absolutely wonderful dog and he is so happy at his new home with us and our dog and cat. He plays all day, sleeps a good chunk of time and messes with the cat. Thanks to you all he is in good health, heartworm free and enjoying life. HOPE Safehouse does such wonderful things for helpless animals and we would like to thank you for it all. We will be spreading the word about your facility to our family and friends and we hope to make more donations in the near future. We have included a picture of Buck with our other dog Cami. Brad & Maggie Walters Here is a picture of Bebe’s pup: Babble (nka Stella) Dear Lynn & staff, In appreciation for all the dedication to all the cats and dogs that you rescue and take such good care of please accept this donation as a token from us. We adopted Callie (Deana) from you 7 years ago. She is a joy to us and fits in perfectly! Happy Holidays. Marcia & Bill Huck (Continued on Page 9) Page 4 Page 5 Pets “Ally” ~ beloved canine of Bob & Sally Nielsen ~ Steve & Alice Chmielewski “Bailey” ~ beloved canine of Karen & Jerry Dinda ~ Susan Madsen “Bernie” ~ beloved canine of Margaret Gebhard “Brandy” ~ beloved canine of Vicky & Noel Fanta ~ Ann & Patrick Grady “Buster” ~ beloved Yellow Lab of Jim & Gigi Hansen ~ Kathy & Terry Van Parys “Charles” ~ beloved canine of Sara Krajewski & Jeff Fisher ~ Nancy Krajewski “Dawna” ~ beloved pet of Jerry Dressler ~ Bill & Linda Gissell "Dutchie" beloved pet of Jane Simons “Frank” ~ beloved feline of Katie & David Knabel ~ Laura & Jay Evans “Harley” ~ beloved canine of Vicki Schultz ~ Barb & Todd Nelson “Harley” ~ beloved canine of Vicki & Daniel Schultz ~ Charles & Diana Woodring “Keya” ~ beloved canine of Nancy Lamar “Louie” ~ beloved feline of Nancy Gorenc ~ Kathy & Terry Van Parys “Lucy” ~ beloved feline of Sue Madsen “Lucy” ~ beloved pet of Mary Bergum ~ Lee & Elizabeth Eisenstaedt “Maggie” ~ beloved canine of Chantil Ruud ~ Jan & Rob Jacobsen “Maggie” ~ beloved canine of Bill & Judy Hurtienne ~ Steve & Alice Chmielewski “Martha” ~ feline fostered by Tony Kehrer ~ Karen & Edward Hermansen “Patches” ~ beloved feline of Sister Audrey Mozejewski “Reeces” ~ beloved canine of Janet & Dave Roth ~ Ann & Patrick Grady “Romeo” ~ beloved pet of Beverly Hansen ~ Mark & Catherine Zlevor “Rosie” ~ beloved canine of Terri, Tom & Laura Seitz ~ Susan Madsen “Sabrina” ~ beloved wolf of Henry & Karen Nuszbaum ~ Mary Schaumberg “Sadie Jo” ~ beloved Border Collie of Harriet Newman People In Memory of Dan Bartelt JJ Austin Jerome & Deborah Prucha In Memory of Marie Hilyer Tim Hansche In Memory of Signa Lambrecht Cathy McMullen In Memory of Marjorie Lucina Mortenson Mike & Marcia McCallum In Memory of Barry Nielsen Grace & Mark Falaschi In Memory of the Newton CT victims Carol Ohde In Memory of Gordon Reabe Robert & Patricia McKee In Memory of Cindy Sullivan Wilson Charles & Jill Haubrich Our condolences go to the following: Nancy Gorenc who lost her 19 year old feline “Louie” in January 2013. Karen Hermansen who lost her 14 year old feline “Sammy” in December 2012. Sandra Knorr on the loss of her husband, Dan in February 2013. Sandra Knorr who lost her 15 year old feline “Catto” in March 2013. Bruce Sargent and his family who lost his brother in January 2013 Special condolence goes to Tony Kehrer who lost “Martha” while fostering her. “Sammy” ~ beloved feline of Karen & Edward Hermansen “Star” ~ beloved Ridgeback Therapy Dog of Rala Mandelson “Taye Taye” ~ beloved canine of Ann Wright ~ Barbara Walker “Trixie” ~ beloved Schipperkee of Gordon Reabe ~ Robert & Patricia McKee In Honor of... Dr. Lori Allen – Associates of the Wheaton Franciscan Laboratory-All Saints “Baby” – My Grandkittie – Jeffrey & Stephanie Braun “Booger” – My Grandkittie – Jeffrey & Stephanie Braun “Champ” – My healthy Granddog – Jeffrey & Stephanie Braun Tyler Dombeck – Merry Christmas – Christine Leto “Ellie” – My healthy Yellow Lab – Jeffrey & Stephanie Braun Jill & Mark Hoffman & Family – Merry Christmas – Christine Leto Katie & David Knabel – Congratulations on your new cat “Saige” – Laura & Jay Evans Mark & Kathleen Nielsen – Merry Christmas – Christine Leto “Nina” – Jill & Scott Gundy Mel & Jan Pfingsten – Merry Christmas – Craig Pfingsten Michael Pineikowski – Merry Christmas – Christine Leto Chris & John Poorman – Susan Madsen “Simone” – Jill & Scott Gundy Gloria Stops – Merry Christmas – Wayne Wrolstad Annie “Mikey” Thompson – Loved the dresses you made for the auction – Heidi Jahn Richard Ruston- Congratulations on your new kitten “Little Blackie” – David & Diane Snyder Cozy Comfy Petz, LLC 262.752.6977 We offer in-home pet sitting services in Racine and Kenosha Counties East of I-94 Fully insured and bonded Free initial Meet & Greet Petz serviced: special needs petz, cats, dogs, fish, birds and caged petz ALL THE COZY COMFY TLC FOR YOUR PETZ Page 6 Gold P lated Lifetime Members Mike & Sue Balcerek Kris & Paul Cook Erika Lee Gosker Wendy Gosker Sherry & Gary Horton Don and Sharon Johnson David Misun James and Jean Mohrhauser Nancy Nelson Marlene Perkins Runzheimer International Jane Simons Sharon & Robert Trussell ADOPTED! “Babble” – David & Sally Delp “Beaker” – Moira Rogers “Bebe” – Lisa & Andy Kirchmeier “Bertie” – Lisa & Al Grodey “Blake” – Diann Goggins “Bluez” – Nicole Christensen “Brooke” – Carolyn & Michael Hogan “Bruiser” – Renee & Robert Bauman “Butler” – Betty Shepherd “Buttens” – Lauren & Paul Luebker “Diva” – Todd Graham “Dora” – Danielle Lopez “Georgia” – Denise Kolden “Gibbity” – Elizabeth Oplatka & Bruce Covich “Ginny” – Elizabeth Oplatka & Bruce Covich “Humpty Dumpty” – Sandra & Scott Wilson “Little Boy Blue” – Maureen & Chris Potter “Little Miss Muffet” – Donna Sadlon “Roly Poly” – Michael & Michael Thompson “Sax” – Catherine & James Markstrom “Stephanie” – Eileen Jeffords Welcome New & Returning Members Kathy Aber Matt & Rita Andis Sharon Apostoli Betty Beadles Jan Behrens Claudia & John Berges Guy & Lynn Bretz John & Cynthia Briggs Paul Burdick Mike & Nancy Cadman Sue & Bud Causey Steve & Alice Chmielewski Lou & Sue Coddington John & Patti DeVincentis Cindy Dorf Nancy Draeger Ron & Jean Ernst Grace Falaschi April Falaschi Nancy Fenske Carol Fritchen Erik Froode Larry & Mary Ann Getche Mark Giese Kathy Ginther Jo Gregory Jill & Scott Gundy Beverly Hansen Darlene & Richard Heiden Karen & Ed Hermansen Tom & Leah Hinze David Hooten Heather Jirgensen Phyllis Johnson Robert Johnson Nancy Kapplehoff Kim Kass Roland & Nancy Kieffer Elizabeth Kiel Betty Kirsten Richard Kleiboer Bob & Patty Kogutkiewicz Larry & Cynthia Kornack Eileen Kraus Georgine Kudrna Connie Kuzel Nancy Lamar Phyllis Laudenbach Carolyn Lorenzini Rala Mandelson Beverly Marshall Laurie Melius Donna Mosher JoAnn Neville Sherri Noha Carol Nolte Kenneth & Jana Obrien Dr. Richard & Mary Lee Odders Carol Ohde Sue Olsen Robert & Susan Payne Nancy & Carl Petersen Lee & Gail Pullen Elaine Radwanski Norman & Kathleen Riddell Sally Roberts Ava Rogers Jim & Laurel Romnek Bruce & Suzanne Sargent Marlene Schueppler Howard Short Terri Sima Lori Slattery Nancy Smith Vinson Smith Marvin & Leone Sorensen Sandra & David Steinke Pat Stoker Connie Streuli Robert & Judy Turner Paul & Helen Vnuk Wayne & Pat Walczak Barbara Walker Christopher & Brenda Webb Beverly Wenzel Mary & James Wilson Lisa Zwaga Sadly, some of our adoptees have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. May they wear their silver wings with pride. “Gizmo” canine adopted 7/28/97 by Betty & Richard Petersen “Isis” feline adopted 1/12/00 by Kasey & Rick Diekman “Menie” feline adopted 11/11/11 by Sally Marianvi “Pork Chop” canine adopted 4/11/01 by Becky Ferguson “Reeses” canine adopted 3/9/02 by David & Janet Roth Saturday, April 20, 2013 is the 3rd Annual Hydro-Pawlooza The event is in memory of Hydro, a chocolate lab rescued by HOPE in 2009 who survived heartworm, internal parasites, ear infections, prostate issues and a shotgun blast. Hydro crossed the bridge after succumbing to brain cancer in 2010. This event will be held at Mixers inside Paradise West (6501 Washington Ave in Racine) from 6pm to 2 am. There will be several bands and different activities. Come out and joy the fun! Please see the website for more information. Page 7 THANKS! (cont. from pg 3) Thank you to Katie & David Knabel for paying some of our medical bills. Thank you to Jo Labre for paying for Martha’s appointment at the vet. Not only does Jo pay for some of our medical bills, she is currently fostering Prissy and Daey at Dover Flag & Map. Stop by Dover during their business hours to visit. Thank you to PETCO Foundation for considering HOPE a worthwhile charity for the Tree of Hope 2012 fundraiser. Tree of Hope is the PETCO Foundation’s annual holiday fundraising campaign where donations are collected in stores and the monies collected go directly to animal welfare groups in the areas where donations are made. PETCO noted that people were very generous this past holiday. Thank you to everyone who donated and thank you to Racine’s Petco for hosting us and being very generous throughout the year. Thank you to Pets Supply Plus for continually donating money & items to our animals. Thank you to the Racine City Sunshine Club who donated money to HOPE. The Sunshine Club gives to groups whose goal is to help others. Thank you to The Ruud Family Foundation Inc. for providing us with a grant. Thank you to the entire Ruud Family for their continual support of HOPE. Thank you to SC Johnson ‘Dollars for Doers’ and following employee: Bruce Sargent. Thank you to SC Johnson Law Department Patent Group for donating money to HOPE. The Patent Group decided to collect money instead of exchanging gifts and donate the money to charities. Thank you to the department for considering us a worthwhile charity. ~ Keep Your Cat Indoors ~ PET SMARTS by Maureen Potter Thank you to June & Frederick Sewell for paying some of our medical Thank you to Maureen Potter and the 9 dogs bill at Crossroads Animal Hospital. Thank you to Scott Thomas & Kathy Herman-Thomas for paying some with their handlers that gave an animal rescue presentation to approximately 400 students and of our medical bills. teachers at Raymond Elementary School. Thank you to the person who donated a Thunder Shirt for our cats. Some people are very defensive about a cat’s right to live outdoors. They argue that keeping a cat inside is cruel - evidenced by their cat’s meowing at the door, or at least inconvenient – since their cat has learned to use the neighborhood as a litter box. However, experts insist that indoor-only cats are perfectly happy when people make an effort to spend time with them and make sure they get enough stimulation. Isn’t that our job with any pet? More importantly, indoor cats live an average of 15 years while their outdoor counterparts live, on average, only 5. Outdoor cats risk being hit by a car, getting lost, being taken to a shelter, falling into the hands of abusive humans, succumbing to extreme weather, ingesting poison, being infested with ticks and fleas (which they can bring indoors), and contracting any number of maladies such as rabies, worms, Feline Leukemia Virus, feline distemper, ringworm, or upper respiratory infections. And remember, outdoor cats are not at the top of the neighborhood food chain. They risk being attacked and eaten by larger animals. I stopped my car one dark night to pick up my neighbor’s cat who I saw walking loose close to her home, only to watch her run away with a fox on her heels. She was never seen again. Further, let’s consider an outdoor cat’s effect on other species. Cats have a natural instinct to hunt and chase, so those that go outdoors will naturally stalk birds and small animals in their neighborhood. Sadly, scientists estimate that every year in the United States alone, cats kill 1-4 billion birds, and up to 20 billion mammals, including rabbits, squirrels, and chipmunks. Cats don’t need to be outside to satisfy their instincts. They can just as effectively be stimulated by chasing a toy mouse or laser beam around the house. Converting an outdoor cat into an indoor cat starts with spaying or neutering, which will reduce not only the mating instinct but also the tragedy of overpopulation. Provide a good-sized litter box in a private, comfortable area. Offer a scratching post and spend time with your cat, providing it opportunities to exercise and play with toys. If your cat still longs for the outdoors, consider building a “catio”, a screened enclosed outside space that allows your cat to spend time safely outdoors. Or, teach your cat to spend time with you outdoors on a leash. Be patient and your cat will likely grow to love you more and forget its former life of dodging dogs and cars. For your cat’s happiness, health and safety, it’s worth it! Page 8 DONATORS Kerry Anderson Arturos Hair Designs Michael Ash Jennifer Aylor Susan Balcerek Betty Beadles Debra & William Bielefeldt Gary Bronson Beryl Brown Edward Bryner Thomas Buetow Lisa Bunzel Richard & Barbara Chambers Al Dandeneau Barbara DeWitt Sharan Domagalski Nancy Draeger Dawn & Eugene Dunk Thomas Ehlen Janis Elsen Judith & James Feller George & Stacie Fetzer Finn & Finn Ltd. Linda & Merle Fleetwood Cheryl & Thomas Foley Glenn & Shirley Freier Tom Gallagher Dottie & Larry Garski Nola Gordon Nancy Gorenc Ann & Patrick Grady Lisa & Alan Grodey Todd Grubb Carol Hansen & Bradley Jaeck Kathryn Hein Margaret Henze Edward & Karen Hermansen Paul & Mary Hesse David Hooten Catherine Horst Bill & Marcia Huck Beatrice Janiszewski Lois Kaplan Bambi Kehler Eileen Koehler John Kozel Georgine Kudrna Leslie Lauersdorf Suzan & Michael Lechner Joyce Levandowski Scott Lojeski Carolyn Lorenzini Lisa Mahoney James & Judy Martin Lynn Meidam Linda & Gregory Meier Denise Moriarity Donna Mosher Pamela & Gregory Mross Jean & Patrick Murphy Jean & Gregg Nelson David & Gwen O'Cull Lani Orloff Kay Pearson Charles Pease Marlene Perkins Michelle Perri Sharon Pitchford Maureen & Christopher Potter Elaine Radwanski David & Mary Lou Redmon Dianne Rice Norman & Kathleen Riddell Jacob Riha Sally Roberts Judith & Don Rogalsky Judith Rule Sandra & Robert Schindel Cindy Schmidt Robert & Viola Schmidt Betty Schneider Marlene Schueppler Edith Schultz Russell & Marie Schwartz Pat Sheriff Lori Slattery Amber Smith Speed Textile Printing Colleen Stoneburner Connie Streuli Lyle Sweet Talk of the Town John & Helen Therkelsen Cheryl Thompson Mike & Mikey Thompson Robert & Judy Turner Mary Lou Vandenburg Heather Vartanian Joanne Wahl Wayne Walczak Leslie Walker Maureen Walter Brad & Maggie Walters Mary & James Wilson SWEEPSTAKES TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW! The tickets will remain $5 per ticket or six for $25. The grand prize will be $1,000, $500 for first prize, $250 for second prize and $50 for third prize. There will also be 10 T-shirt winners. The drawing will be held Saturday, June 1, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. If you are interested in selling tickets, please contact the office. (Continued from Page 4) Here is a picture of Carolyn PilarkiHogan’s pup Diamond. Looks like the old dog kept his spot as top dog! LOL Posted by Katie via facebook: He just got a new bed from HOPE and what does he use….-a piece of newspaper for a nap, isn’t he sweet? Buddy, the therapy dog, through Health Heelers visited Marquette University campus twice to help students take a break from books and papers. (And did we mention he also does the reading program at the Racine Library? He is one busy and happy dog!) Page 9 H.O.P.E. Safehouse 1911 Taylor Avenue Racine, WI 53403 262.634.4571 Yes I would like to help HOPE Safehouse save more animals! Enclosed is my total contribution of $_________________________ to be used as follows: $______DONATION $______IN MEMORY/HONOR(Circle one) OF _______________________human/dog/cat/other (Circle one) (Please include name & address of bereaved family or honored person/group in the space below * so an acknowledgment may be sent) All memberships include a subscription to the quarterly newsletter, membership card and a 5% discount on HOPE merchandise. YEARLY MEMBERSHIP ___$10 Individual ___$25 Family ___$100 Patron ___$500 Sponsor ___$1000 Lifetime ___$2000 Benefactor $______Other GIFT MEMBERSHIP $25 or greater gift membership Buy a 1 year gift membership for a friend and you receive a HOPE T-shirt Please mark the size we should send to you ___S___M___L___XL___2X___3X___4X * Name:_________________________ Address:_________________________ City/State/Zip:_____________________ Phone:___________________________ email:____________________________ Name:___________________________ Address:_________________________ City/State/Zip:_____________________ Phone:___________________________ email:____________________________ Please print name & address of recipients of gift or bereaved: Please print your name & address: ALL MEMBERSHIPS ARE DUE FEBRUARY 14
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