st. margaret mary catholic church


st. margaret mary catholic church
Welcome to
Third Sunday of Easter
Tercer Domingo de Pascua
April 19, 2015
He is Risen! Alleluia
Teaching Moment:
What are the “The Spiritual works of Mercy” ?
Those acts of love performed to help our neighbor,
either bodily or spiritually.
“The Spiritual works of Mercy” are:
1. To instruct the ignorant.
2. To counsel the doubtful.
3. To comfort the sorrowful.
4. To admonish the sinner.
5. To forgive injuries.
6. To bear injustices patiently.
7. To pray for the living and the dead.
If you have a question, comment or suggestion please
contact: Tony Mandala at
or the Parish Office
We are a Community of Believers in Jesus, the
Christ, called to impact Family, Neighborhood
and Society with the Gospel so that People's lives
are filled with Hope.
Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas
Monday, April 20 through Saturday, April 25:
7:00 a.m.
Daily Mass (Church)
Tuesday, March 21:
7:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Daily Mass (Church)
7:30 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Sacrament of Penance
Vigil Mass (English)
Vigil Mass (Spanish)
Saturday, April 25:
Sunday, April 26:
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Mass (Spanish)
Friday (7:00 a.m.) — Saturday (7:00 a.m.):
24-Hour Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
12686 Central Avenue, Chino, California 91710-3508
Father Michael Miller
Parochial Vicar:
Father Emmanuel Ukaegbu- Onuoha
In-Residence Priest:
Father Eugene Eburuche
In-Residence Priest:
Father Declan Fogarty, O.S.A.
Parish Office Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8-5:00 p.m.
Friday: 8-12:00 p.m.
(Open during lunch!)
Parish Office — (909) 591-7400
Parish School — (909) 591-8419
Page Two
St. Margaret Mary Parish
April 19, 2015
Wednesday, April 22:
7:00 a.m.
† Manuel Sousa
Saturday, April 18:
7:00 a.m.
† Aurora and Antonio Mendez Sr.
4:00 p.m.
† Suzanne Cassou
† Arnaud Cassou
6:00 p.m.
Sp. Int. People of the Parish
Thursday, April 23:
7:00 a.m.
Sp. Int. Rosie Estrella and Family
Sunday, April 19:
7:30 a.m.
† Ivo Rocha
† Ismael Serrano
9:00 a.m.
† Joaquin Merceides Lourenco
† Antonio Erene Borges
11:00 a.m.
† Guiseppe Pirlo
† Nunes/Trovao Family
1:00 p.m.
† Mary Kessler
5:00 p.m.
† Juvenal Ormande da Rocha
Sp. Int. Vanessa Vasquez
Saturday, April 25:
7:00 a.m.
† Maurice Sauer
Sp. Int. Jackie Barney
4:00 p.m.
† Patricio and Rosario Cruz
† Irenea Marcelino
6:00 p.m.
Sp. Int. People of the Parish
Monday, April 20:
7:00 a.m.
Sp. Int. Henrietta Dominquez
Tuesday, April 21:
7:00 a.m.
† Sarah Chacon
† Lucy Vasquez
6:00 p.m.
Sp. Int. Beatrice Benavides
† Guillermina Orozco
Friday, April 24:
7:00 a.m.
† Mary Peragine
Sunday, April 26:
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Prudencio Fernandez
Ismael Serrano
Polly Nunez
Juvenal Ormande da Rocha
Annie Rose Aguiar
Nicolas Razo
Felicitas G. Santos
Lila Rose Preciado
First Reading — The author of life you put to death, but
God raised him from the dead (Acts 3:13-15, 17-19).
Psalm — Lord, let your face shine on us (Psalm 4).
Second Reading — We have an Advocate with the Father,
Jesus Christ the righteous one (1 John 2:1-5a).
Gospel — Thus it is written that the Christ would suffer
and rise from the dead on the third day (Luke 24:35-48).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981,
1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation.
All rights reserved.
Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30;
Jn 6:22-29
Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a,
17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35
Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40
Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51
Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59
1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20
Acts 4:8-12; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29;
1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18
CRS Rice Bowl Thanks You!
Plato de Arroz CRS Rice GRACIAS!
Our community changed lives this Lent, and CRS Rice Bowl
wants to say THANK YOU!! Don’t forget to turn in your
CRS Rice donations.
Make a check payable to St. Margaret Mary Parish and write
“CRS Rice Bowl” in the memo line of the check. Please
don’t return the actual donation box. Thank you for your
generous support.
Nuestras vidas comunidad cambiado esta Cuaresma y plato
de arroz de CRS quiere decir gracias!! No te olvides de entregar sus donaciones de arroz de CRS.
Escribir un cheque pagadero a St. Margaret Mary Parish y
escriba "Tazón de arroz de CRS" en la línea de memo del
cheque. Por favor no devuelva el cuadro real de la donación.
Gracias por su generoso apoyo.
Page Three
St. Margaret Mary Parish
April 19, 2015
A Note from the Administrator...
Queridos Amigos,
Este lunes el Consejo Pastoral de nuestra parroquia examinara los resultados de la gran consulta parroquial realizada
por el Comité de Transición. Tres áreas principales de
crecimiento que fue identificado son la música litúrgica,
instalaciones brillantes actualizados, y un mayor enfoque
en la justicia social y asistencia para los pobres.
Usted también ofreció sugerencias, preguntas y preocupaciones adicionales. Mucho de ellos fueron mencionados
una o dos veces … pero algo fue mencionado 5 veces:
¿Por qué Santa Margarita María tiene que tener misas
Dear Friends,
This Monday our parish Pastoral Council will start examining
the results of the large parish consultation conducted by the
Transition Committee. Three main areas for growth you
identified were liturgical music, updated brighter facilities,
and more focus on social justice/care for the poor.
You also offered additional suggestions, questions and concerns. Most were mentioned once or twice … but something
was brought up 5 times: Why does St. Margaret Mary have
to have bilingual Masses?
To reply, let me make three points.
It is true that many find bilingual Masses distracting and
frustrating. Going from one language to another can
upset your train of thought and make you feel lost.
Both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking sometimes experience this.
For this reason we only have bilingual Masses a handful of
times a year --- Christmas midnight Mass, New Year’s
Eve, Holy Thursday, Holy Saturday, certain Marian
But we want bilingual Masses at least on these occasions
because sometimes it’s essential to gather the whole
family together. We are a family of different languages, and we have to make room for others at the
table. If you had visitors in your home from “the old
country” and they didn’t speak English, I’m pretty sure
you would try to accommodate them at least a little.
Mass is for the personal sanctification of individuals,
but it is also a way God gathers many different cultures
and languages into one Church, in Christ.
I’m hoping you’re willing to stretch and experience a little
inconvenience in the interest of entering into communion
with people of different language and culture. We don’t have
to have bilingual celebrations. But we choose to have a few
of them to build up on Body of Christ at St. Margaret Mary
Peace, All Good!
Fr. Mike
Para responder, permítanme hacer tres puntos.
Es cierto que muchos encuentran las misas bilingües
como una distracción y frustrante. Por qué pasar
de un idioma a otro puede interrumpir su flujo de
pensamiento y que se sienta perdido/a. Los que
hablan Inglés tanto como los que hablan español a
veces sienten esto.
Por esta razón, sólo tenemos misas bilingües unas pocas veces al año --- Misa de media noche de Navidad, la víspera de Año Nuevo, el Jueves Santo,
Sábado Santo y ciertas fiestas marianas.
Pero queremos misas bilingües, al menos, en estas
ocasiones porque a veces es esencial para reunir
a toda la familia. Somos una familia de lenguas
diferentes, y tenemos que hacer espacio para los
demás en la mesa. Si tuviera visitantes en su casa
de "el viejo país" y que no hablaran español, estoy
bastante seguro de que trataría de acomodarlos al
menos un poco. La misa es para la santificación
personal de los individuos, pero también es una
manera en que Dios reúne a muchas culturas y
lenguas diferentes en una sola Iglesia, en Cristo.
Espero que usted esté dispuesto a estirar y experimentar un
poco de las molestias en el interés de entrar en comunión
con la gente de diferente idioma y cultura. No tenemos que
tener celebraciones bilingües. Pero escogemos de tener
algunos de ellos para crear un Cuerpo de Cristo en la parroquia de Santa Margarita María.
¡Paz y todo bien!
Padre Mike
Page Four
St. Margaret Mary
2015 Diocesan Development Fund Campaign
Goal set by Diocese:
Meta establecida por la Diócesis:
April 19, 2015
Last Sunday’s Collection
Easter, April 4/5, 2015
Loose Checks & Cash
Parish Pledge Totals / Total de Promesas a partir del
As of April 13, 2015
Second Sunday of Easter, April 11/12, 2015
Loose Checks & Cash
Amount Pledged/Prometido Total: $108,226.00
Received/Recibido: $40,149.94
Donors/Donantes: 367
Parish School Staff
Parish School (909) 591-8419
Joan Blank (Principal)……………….(
Annette Wendling (Office Mgr.).(
Monica Silva (Secretary)…………...(
Diocese of San Bernardino ( …..…909-475-5300
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops……………..
Parish Staff
Father Michael Miller (Administrator)……………………...………….ext. 225 Richie Garcia (Pastoral Care)………………...………………..……...ext. 226
Nancy Haynes (Asst. to Pastoral Administrator)……………..…..…ext. 222
Father Declan Fogarty (In Residence)
Paulette Burandt (Asst. to Religious Education)………………….... ext. 230
Father Emmanuel Ukaegbu-Onuoha (Parochial Vicar)…………….ext. 224
Luis Caballero (Parish Liturgist)…………………………………....
Marianne Hacker (Pastoral Administrator)……………………….… ext. 223
Gabriela Gilbert (Coordinator of Volunteers)……………………….. ext. 221
Nancy Keegan (Director of Religious Education)……………..…….ext. 231
Stephen Brown (Bulletin Editor)………….…………………………....
Joe Chiuppi (Director of Confirmation/Youth Minister)……………..ext. 232
Master of Ceremony
EMHC (English)
EMHC (Spanish)
Lectors (English)
Lectors (Spanish)
Ushers/Hospitality (English)
Ushers/Hospitality (Spanish)
Altar Servers (English/Spanish)
Music Director
Javier and Ana Alcala…… …………….....(909) 248-3403
Peggy Campbell...…………………….…..(909) 947-2574
Mary Monroy ………………………………(909) 994-6653
Javier and Nancy White…………..……….(909) 217-2144
Elvia Aguilar ……….………………………(909) 927-2882
David and Rita Wettengel…………...…....(909) 627-4138
Eva Bustamonte…………………………..(909) 465-3048
Andrew González…………………………(909) 638-4828
Scott Hacker ………………………...........(714) 749-1550
Service Ministries and Prayer Parish Organization
Homebound — Germaine Lanathoua.... ............ ………….909-627-9357
Altar Ministry —- Josephine Almirantearena…........... ……….909-627-9017
Art & Environment Ministry —- Laurie Worden ......................909-591-8820
Women’s Fellowship/Bible Reflection—Teresa Farr…. ……909-627-6054
Pro-Life Ministry — Debbie Cruz………….………………..…..909-235-9602
Grupo de Oracion — Jose Luis Isidro.…...…………….….…...909-994-6144
Legion of Mary — Terry Medina…………….......................909-627-1478
Cursillo — David Montoya....……..………….………………909-627-0760
Men’s Bible Study — Jesse Isom …………………… …….….909-627-3765
Library Ministry— Angie Alvo....……..…….……….………909-627-1912
Filipino Ministry — Dinia Anonuevo ………...............................909-248-1361
Knights of Columbus — James Hernandez……………..…....909-591-5541
Men’s ACTS Retreat—Richard Soto………………………. .. ...909-463-8095
Women’s ACTS Retreat—Melinda Ramirez………….…...909-346-5088
Wedding Coordinator—Ana Alcala…………………….…..323-209-7474
Table of Plenty (Food Pantry)- Monica Vasquez………...909-229-0463
Rosary Makers — Ed Gomez…………………………….....951-285-3529
Portuguese Prayer Group —Rose Avila…………………..909-591-7651
2000 Hail Mary— Rose Avila………………………..……….909-591-7651
Quinceanera’s — Blanca Lindley…………………..……….909-952-8962
Page Five
St. Margaret Mary
April 19 2015
Stations of the
Holy Week
11-day trip to Paris
You are invited to join Fr. Pat Kirsch on an 11-day trip to
Paris and London June 19-29. Non-stop round trip air, hotel
in the heart of Paris next to an active monastery, Eiffel
Tower, Paris Music Festival, Eurostar train, mass at Notre
Dame & Chapel of the Miraculous Medal, Disneyland Paris,
Saint Chapelle, Louvre museum, catacomb tour, bike & boat
tour of Paris, breakfast and dinner daily AND SO MUCH
MORE, all for $3799.
Go to or text/call (909)210-7171
Car Show
This year's Car Show and Craft Fair will take place on
Sunday, April 26, 2015. All proceeds benefit the athletes at
Pomona Catholic.
Please participate by entering your vehicle in the show or
booking a table for the Craft Fair. We are also in need of
donations of food, goods, and certificates.
Every year has been more successful and exciting than the last
Date: Sunday, April 26, 2015
Location: Pomona Catholic Parking Lot
Time: 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Contact: Paul Marez 909-278 9839
Page Six
St. Margaret Mary
April 19, 2015
All youth nights are after the 5pm Mass on Sunday Nights
Topic Night
Classes: Week of April 27th – April 29th
Confirmation Year 3 Students.
Join us for a fun discussion on Happiness.
Pizza provided!
Confirmation rehearsal.
No youth night.
Here are the details:
Sacrament of Confirmation Rehearsal:
We will have our confirmation rehearsal
for all year 3 students and sponsors on
Sunday, April 26th in the church at
Sacrament of Confirmation:
Ceremony will be on Thursday, April 30th at 7:00pm.
Confirmation will be for year 3 students who have completed
all confirmation requirements. The ceremony will be at St.
Margaret Mary’s Church.
Year 3 Confirmation Requirement Checklist
___ Saint paper completed. Due
___ Complete 20 service hours. Due
Is the Lord tapping you on the shoulder to serve Him in a
radical way?
Do you feel called to the priesthood or the religious life?
Now is the time for you to examine what it is the Lord is calling you to
do with your life.
If you have any further questions or concerns please contact the
Office of Vocations at (909) 783-1305.
"Your wish to become a priest, or at least your wish to
discover if you are being called to be one. And so the
question is a serious one, because you have to prepare
thoroughly, with clear intentions and an austere formation."
(Rome, Italy, October 13, 1979)
Tony Melendez and Fr. Michael Miller
The confirmation program supporting
Mary’ Table in San Bernardino.”
Page Seven
St. Margaret Mary
April 19 ,2015
To Honor MARY during the month of
May, bring your whole family to see the
film, Mary of Nazareth on
Saturday, May 9
St. Margaret Mary Council # 15339
1:00 to 3:45 in the Parish Library
(The Sacred Heart Center, room C).
Come early to get a good seat.
Thank You for all those who decorated
our church for Easter.
It turned out Beautiful !
4th Annual Golf
Green River Golf Course
5215 Green River Road
Corona, CA 92880
Saturday April 25, 2015
TEE OFF - 8:00 am
Awards Luncheon - 1:00 pm
4 Person Scramble Format
$100.00 per Person
Tri-Tip Lunch Included
To register or for more information call
Armando Hernandez at 909-573-7580
We will have a 4 part series on
Why do we celebrate the Mass ?
Why do we sit, stand, and kneel during Mass ?
What are the different parts and what do they
Is the Mass in the Bible ?
Wednesdays, April 15th, 22nd, 29th, and May 6th
7:30-9:00 PM Multi-Purpose Room/TC
Please join us, all are welcome
If you have any questions.
Contact Tony Mandala at or (909) 5917400