st. margaret mary catholic church


st. margaret mary catholic church
Welcome to
Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time/
Sexto Domingo del Tiempo
February 15, 2015
Teaching Moment:
What is a “Lectionary” ?
The Liturgical Book containing the scriptural
passages which are used for the celebration
of the Liturgy of the Word in the Mass. This
book contains a three year cycle of readings
used for Sundays, and a two year cycle of
readings which are used for weekdays.
Scriptural readings proper to special feasts
as well as readings for Votive Masses are also
included. Passages included are from the Old
and New Testaments.
St. Margaret Mary Website:
If you have a question, comment or suggestions,
please contact: Tony Mandala at or the Parish Office:
Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas
Monday, February 16,19,20,21:
7:00 a.m.
Daily Mass (Church)
Tuesday, February 17:
7:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Daily Mass (Church)
Ash Wednesday
See Inside Bulletin for
Mass Times
Wednesday, February 18:
Saturday, February 21
7:30 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Sacrament of Penance
Vigil Mass (English)
Vigil Mass (Spanish)
Father Michael Miller
Parochial Vicar:
Father Emmanuel Ukaegbu- Onuoha
In-Residence Priest:
Father Eugene Eburuche
In-Residence Priest:
Father Declan Fogarty, O.S.A.
Parish Office Hours
Sunday, February 22:
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Mass (Spanish)
12686 Central Avenue, Chino, California 91710-3508
Monday-Thursday: 8-5:00 p.m.
Friday: 8-12:00 p.m.
(Open during lunch!)
Parish Office — (909) 591-7400
Parish School — (909) 591-8419
Page Two
St. Margaret Mary Parish
Saturday, February 14:
7:00 a.m.
† Starling (Bud) Coppess
4:00 p.m.
† Caroline Ford
† Mr. & Mrs. Jose B. Vasquez
6:00 p.m.
† Erik Novoa
† Candido Buenaventura
Sunday, February 15:
7:30 a.m.
† Kathleen Kohnle
9:00 a.m.
† Jean Etchamendy
11:00 a.m.
† Manuel and Carmelia Sousa
† Giovanni and Maria Pirlo
1:00 p.m.
Sp. Int. Maria Elena Sanchez and
Pedro Cornejo
5:00 p.m.
Sp. Int. People of the Parish
Souls in Purgatory
Monday, February 16:
† Jules Henraat
7:00 a.m.
† Olivia Cardoza
Tuesday, February 17:
7:00 a.m.
† Ivo Agusto Rocha
6:00 p.m.
† Joseph David Jordan
February 15, 2015
Wednesday, February 18:
6:00 a.m.
† Nyla Gilmet
7:00 a.m.
† Robert Kay
6:00 p.m.
† Gene Pohl
7:30 p.m.
† Refugio Gallegos Gonzalez
Thursday, February 19:
7:00 a.m.
† Robert Kay
6:00 p.m.
† Ruth Clark
Friday, February 20:
7:00 a.m.
Sp. Int. Daniel Rodriquez
Saturday, February 21:
7:00 a.m.
† Ivo Agusto Rocha
4:00 p.m.
† Patricio and Rosario Cruz
Irenea Marcelino
6:00 p.m.
Sp. Int. People of the Parish
† Erik Novoa
Sunday, February 22:
7:30 a.m.
† Loretta Teper
9:00 a.m.
† Ruth Agnes Clark
11:00 a.m.
Sp. Int. Glen Heymans
1:00 p.m.
† Vence Ruiz
5:00 p.m.
† Maksood Maksood
† Frances Addante
First Reading — The leper will dwell apart, making an abode
outside the camp (Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46).
Psalm — I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill
me with the joy of salvation (Psalm 32).
Second Reading — Do everything for the glory of God; be
imitators of Christ (1 Corinthians 10:31 — 11:1).
Gospel — The leprosy left him immediately, and he was made
clean (Mark 1:40-45).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981,
1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation.
All rights reserved.
Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21;
Mk 8:11-13
Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b,
9c-10; Mk 8:14-21
Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17;
2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25
Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15
Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32
Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15
Hungering for the Journey
Join our parish community—and more than 13,000
Catholic communities across the United States—in
a life-changing Lenten journey with CRS Rice
Pick up your family’s rice bowl after all masses on
February 14/15, and don’t forget to download
the CRS Rice Bowl app! Remember, your Lenten
sacrifices change lives.
Page Three
St. Margaret Mary Parish
February 15, 2015
A Note from the Administrator...
Dear Friends,
Next Wednesday our Church begins Lent. Lent is a 40 day retreat Catholics make each year so we can arrive at Holy Week
and Easter with minds and hearts renewed. Some make a good
Lent for personal spiritual renewal; others to show solidarity and
support to the catechumens preparing for baptism; others for
world peace and conversion.
Although for a while Lent seemed to fade, it’s making a comeback … as more and more Catholics consciously make some concrete decision to increase prayer, sacrifice or almsgiving.
This year our parish is offering some support for those wishing to make a serious Lent.
Devotional Lenten booklets will be distributed after Mass this
weekend, to help with daily prayer and reflection.
In addition to our daily morning Eucharist, we will have evening Mass (bilingual) Monday through Thursday at 6 PM.
On Fridays we will have bilingual Stations of the Cross at 7
Our parish will again participate in Catholic Relief Service’s
Operation Rice Bowl.
Special Church decoration and Sunday Mass practices will try
to remind us that this is a special time of penance and
conversion, and we are supposed to be “on retreat.” Some
people veil images in their homes, rearrange furniture,
subdue the TV and computer … to keep mindful of the
I hope you will consider doing something of the above --- it will
make us a better parish --- and I hope you consider make some
modest but concrete Lent resolution of your own … or even as
a family.
Peace, All Good!
Fr. Mike
Queridos Amigos,
El próximo miércoles nuestra Iglesia comienza la Cuaresma. La
Cuaresma es un retiro de 40 días que los católicos hacen cada año
para que podamos llegar a la Semana Santa y Pascua con mentes
y corazones renovados. Algunos hacen una buena Cuaresma para
la renovación espiritual personal; otros para mostrar solidaridad y
apoyo a los catecúmenos que se preparan para el bautismo; otros
para la paz y la conversión del mundo.
Aunque por un tiempo parecía que la Cuaresma se estaba desvaneciendo, se está haciendo un regreso ... a medida de que más y
más católicos conscientemente están tomando una decisión concreta para aumentar la oración, el sacrificio o la limosna.
Este año nuestra parroquia está ofreciendo algo de apoyo
para aquellos que deseen hacer una Cuaresma seria.
Folletos cuaresmales devocionales se distribuirán después de
la misa este fin de semana, para ayudar con la oración y
reflexión diaria.
Además de nuestra Eucaristía diaria por la mañana, tendremos Misa (bilingüe) en la tarde de lunes a jueves a las 6
Los viernes tendremos Estaciones del vía Crucis bilingües a
las 7 PM.
Nuestra parroquia volverá a participar en el Catholic Relief
Service’s Operación Rice Bowl.
Decoración especial de la Iglesia y práctica de la misa del
domingo nos recordara de que este es un momento especial de penitencia y conversión, y se supone que debemos estar “en retiro." Algunas personas velan imágenes en sus hogares, reorganizan sus muebles, quitan la
televisión y la computadora ... para mantener consciente
la temporada.
Espero que consideren hacer algo de lo anterior --- nos hará una
mejor parroquia --- y yo espero que usted considere hacer una
modesta pero concreta resolución de Cuaresma ... o incluso
como una familia.
¡Paz, Todo Bueno!
Padre Mike
Well done, good and faithful servant!
¡Bien hecho, servidor bueno y fiel!
Over 50 years ago, then pastor of St. Margaret Mary Fr.
Michael O’Day gave the church keys to a 12 year old boy and
asked him to play at all the Masses. Ever since then, in
different capacities, Dr. Paul Rodriguez has been offering his
music to God and to this parish. A stroke that robbed him of
sight in his left eye, a partially collapsed lung and two broken
bones in his wrist, did not deter him from climbing steps to the
choir loft and leading the congregation in the praise of God.
Paul is pulling back from the organ today, and wants his
departure to be simple and without fuss. But the parish
certainly owes him a great deal for his generosity and
commitment over so many years. Next week the 7:30 Mass
congregation will meet our new organist, Lourdes Goni.
Hace más de 50 años, el párroco en ese tiempo de Santa Margarita
María Padre Michael O'Day le dio las llaves de la iglesia a un niño
de 12 años y le pidió que tocara en todas las Misas. Desde
entonces, en diferentes capacidades, el Dr. Pablo Rodríguez ha
estado ofreciendo su música a Dios y a esta parroquia. Un derrame
cerebral que le robó la vista en su ojo izquierdo, un pulmón
parcialmente colapsado y dos huesos rotos en su muñeca, no le
impidió subir los escalones al coro y guiar la congregación en la
alabanza de Dios. Paul está renunciando el órgano desde hoy, y
quiere que su salida sea simple y sin escándalo. Pero la parroquia
sin duda le debe mucho por su generosidad y compromiso a lo
largo de tantos años. La próxima semana la congregación de la
Misa de 7:30 se reunirá con nuestra nueva organista, Lourdes Goni.
Page Four
St. Margaret Mary
February 15, 2015
2015 Diocesan Development Fund Campaign
February 7/8, 2015
Loose Checks & Cash
We had our 2015 DDF appeal on the weekend of January 24th and 25th. The DDF is
one of the major fundraisers of the Diocese.
Please pray for its success!
Our parish covers its expenses through money from wills, ministry fees
(like religious education and youth ministry), fund-raisers, offerings
for the sacraments, and collections at Mass. We need an average
$12,810 per Sunday collection (not counting Christmas and holydays)
to meet our budget. Thanks for your offering!
Parish School Staff
Parish School (909) 591-8419
Joan Blank (Principal)……………….(
Annette Wendling (Office Mgr.).(
Monica Silva (Secretary)…………...(
Diocese of San Bernardino ( …..…909-475-5300
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops……………..
Parish Staff
Father Michael Miller (Administrator)……………………...………….ext. 225 Richie Garcia (Pastoral Care)………………...………………..……...ext. 226
Nancy Haynes (Asst. to Pastoral Administrator)……………..…..…ext. 222
Father Declan Fogarty (In Residence)
Paulette Burandt (Asst. to Religious Education)………………….... ext. 230
Father Emmanuel Ukaegbu-Onuoha (Parochial Vicar)…………….ext. 224
Luis Caballero (Parish Liturgist)…………………………………....
Marianne Hacker (Pastoral Administrator)……………………….… ext. 223
Gabriela Gilbert (Coordinator of Volunteers)……………………….. ext. 221
Nancy Keegan (Director of Religious Education)……………..…….ext. 231
Stephen Brown (Bulletin Editor)………….…………………………....
Joe Chiuppi (Director of Confirmation/Youth Minister)……………..ext. 232
Master of Ceremony
EMHC (English)
EMHC (Spanish)
Lectors (English)
Lectors (Spanish)
Ushers/Hospitality (English)
Ushers/Hospitality (Spanish)
Altar Servers (English/Spanish)
Music Director
Javier and Ana Alcala…… …………….....(909) 248-3403
Peggy Campbell...…………………….…..(909) 947-2574
Mary Monroy ………………………………(909) 994-6653
Javier and Nancy White…………..……….(909) 217-2144
Elvia Aguilar ……….………………………(909) 927-2882
David and Rita Wettengel…………...…....(909) 627-4138
Eva Bustamonte…………………………..(909) 465-3048
Andrew González…………………………(909) 638-4828
Larry Haynes ………………………...........(909) 730-6364
Service Ministries and Prayer Parish Organization
Homebound — Germaine Lanathoua.... ............ ………….909-627-9357
Altar Ministry —- Josephine Almirantearena…........... ……….909-627-9017
Art & Environment Ministry —- Laurie Worden ......................909-591-8820
Women’s Fellowship/Bible Reflection—Teresa Farr…. ……909-627-6054
Pro-Life Ministry — Debbie Cruz………….………………..…..909-235-9602
Grupo de Oracion — Jose Luis Isidro.…...…………….….…...909-994-6144
Legion of Mary — Terry Medina…………….......................909-627-1478
Cursillo — David Montoya....……..………….………………909-627-0760
Men’s Bible Study — Jesse Isom …………………… …….….909-627-3765
Library Ministry— Angie Alvo....……..…….……….………909-627-1912
Filipino Ministry — Dinia Anonuevo ………...............................909-248-1361
Knights of Columbus — James Hernandez……………..…....909-591-5541
Men’s ACTS Retreat—Richard Soto………………………. .. ...909-463-8095
Women’s ACTS Retreat—Melinda Ramirez………….…...909-346-5088
Wedding Coordinator—Ana Alcala…………………….…..323-209-7474
Table of Plenty (Food Pantry)- Monica Vasquez………...909-229-0463
Rosary Makers — Ed Gomez…………………………….....951-285-3529
Portuguese Prayer Group —Rose Avila…………………..909-591-7651
2000 Hail Mary— Rose Avila………………………..……….909-591-7651
Quinceanera’s — Blanca Lindley…………………..……….909-952-8962
Page Five
St. Margaret Mary
February 15, 2015
West End Vicariate
Lenten Penance Services
Penance Date
St. Charles Borromeo
Friday, February 27, 2015
St. Peter & St. Paul
Alta Loma
Monday, March 2, 2015
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Rancho Cucamonga
Monday , March 9, 2015
St. Mary
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
St. Joseph, Upland/St. George Upland
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Monday, March 16, 2015
St. Paul The Apostle
Chino Hills
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Our Lady of Lourdes
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Sacred Heart
Rancho Cucamonga
Thursday, March 19, 2015
St. Joseph
Monday, March 23, 2015
St. John XXIII (E. Easton)
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
St. Anthony
Thursday, March 26, 2015
St. Margaret Mary Penance Service
Friday, March 27,2015
Page Six
St. Margaret Mary
February 15, 2015
All youth nights are after the 5pm Mass on Sunday Nights
February 15th
Boomers Upland
Join us in the hall with some awesome fun miniature
Classes will be held the week of February 23rd – 25th
Retreat Reminder:
Year 3 Confirmation retreat will be on March 13th – 15th .
February 22nd
LIFE Night
We will be discussing friendship, family and how
love is more than a feeling.
Join the Youth Ministry for a fun night at Boomers!
We have officially been assigned our date for
Confirmation Year 3 Students.
Here are the details:
Confirmation Rehearsal
(St. Margaret Mary Church):
Sunday, April 26th, 2015
6:30pm – 7:30pm
Sponsors and students must attend. If the Sponsor is
unable to attend the rehearsal, a parent or guarding should
stand in for the sponsor.
Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation:
(St. Margaret Mary Church)
Thursday, April 30 , 2015
7:00pm – 9:00pm (Students arrive at 6:00pm)
Candidates and sponsors please arrive by 6:00pm. Student procession will start at 6:30pm. Individual pictures
with the Bishop will be available after Mass.
Where: Boomers Mini Golf in Upland
When: Sunday, February 15 t h , 2015
Leave Time:
Leave after the 6pm Mass
Return Time: Pickup at church parking lot at 9pm
Cost: $4 for 1 round of Miniature Golf
Is the Lord tapping you on the shoulder to serve Him in a radical
Do you feel called to the priesthood or the religious life?
Now is the time for you to examine what it is the Lord is calling you
to do with your life.
If you have any further questions or concerns please contact the
Office of Vocations at (909) 783-1305.
"Your wish to become a priest, or at least your wish to discover if you are
being called to be one. And so the question is a serious one, because you
have to prepare thoroughly, with clear intentions and an austere formation."
(Rome, Italy, October 13, 1979)
Page Seven
St. Margaret Mary
Mark Your Calendars
Lenten Meals Friday Evenings
In the Parish Hall
Feb 27, March 6 & 13
Sponsored by Knights of Columbus
St. Margaret Mary Council #15339
5:00pm to 6:45pm
Followed by The Way of the Cross at 7:00pm in the
February 15 2015
St. Margaret Mary School
22nd Annual Golf Tournament
St. Margaret Mary School in
Chino will be hosting their 22nd
Annual Golf Tournament on Monday, March 16th , at Western Hills
Country Club in Chino Hills.
Green fees, golf cart, and lunch is
included for $125 individual/$450
foursome, before March 1st. Your
support will benefit the students
of our school with classroom improvements.
Please call our School Office at 591-8419 for additional information. Thank you for your support!
February 18, 2015
6am, 7am, 8:15am
Mass (English)
Liturgy of the Word
Mass (English)
Mass (Spanish)
Universal Church Lent Customs
Please Join Us for Our Annual
St. Lucy's Benedictine Guild
Ash Wednesday Retreat
February 18, 2015
Remember to invite a friend.
St. Lucy's Priory
19045 E. Sierra Madre Ave. Glendora, CA 91741
9:00 am - 1:30 pm with Mass at 11:00.
Bring a Sack Lunch...Coffee and Tea are provided.
Your donation will assist with the expenses
of the day.
Additional Information: Ellen Carlson 909.624.2058
(an obligation for those between 18 and 59):
Abstinence: Catholics don't eat meat on Ash
Wednesday, Good Friday, or any Friday in Lent.
Fasting: On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday,
Catholics eat one full meal ... and the other food at
other meals should not equal one full meal. Also, on
these days we don’t eat between meals.
Would you consider sharing your gift, and giving the gift of service to God and the St. Margaret Mary Parish community by becoming part
of Music Ministry?
Costumbres de la Cuaresma de la
Iglesia Universal
(una obligación para aquellos entre 18 y 59):
Our new choir ~ which will sing at the 11:00
am mass on Sunday mornings ~ needs choir
members, soloists, cantors, and
Abstinencia: los católicos no comen carne el
Miércoles de Ceniza, el Viernes Santo, o cualquier
viernes de Cuaresma.
Ayuno: El Miércoles de Ceniza y el Viernes Santo, los
católicos comen una comida completa ... y las otras
comidas no deben ser iguales a una comida completa.
Además, en estos días no comemos entre comidas.
To join us or for more information, please come
to rehearsal on Tuesday evening at 7:00 PM, in
the church choir loft, or contact:
Larry Haynes