F o urth Sund ay Easter saint charles borromeo parish parma, ohio


F o urth Sund ay Easter saint charles borromeo parish parma, ohio
Fourth Sunday of Easter
saint charles borromeo parish
parma, ohio
Ivanov, Alexander (Russian). "Noli me tangere," Christ's Appearance to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection ca. 1835. Oil on canvas (8 x 10½ ft). The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.
Fourth Sunday of Easter April 17, 2016 Entrance #73—At the Lamb’s High Feast Psalm 100 We are his people, the sheep of his flock Offertory BAPTISMS
Congratulations and God’s blessings to Whitney & Daniel
Hudak on the Baptism of their daughter, Charlotte Marie; to
Kelly & David Mason on the Baptism of their son, Kayleb
Thomas Joseph; to Mara & Gregory Wehrung on the Baptism
of their daughter, Madeline Mercy; to Kathleen & Christopher
Young on the Baptism of their daughter, Olivia Mae.
#466—The King of Love My Shepherd Is Communion Shepherd of My Heart...F. O’Brien I
Jennifer Jackson & Adam Ausperk
LIFE IS CHANGED, NOT ENDED Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord Michael Straker Deborah Sauer Text: Psalm 23; Francis Patrick O’Brien, b. 1958. Tune: Francis Patrick O’Brien © 1992, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Reprinted under OneLicense.net A‐702572. Closing #576—I Know That My Redeemer Lives 2nd Annual May Crowning Our 2nd Annual May Crowning will take place
on Sunday, May 15th, 2016 at 2:00pm in our
church. We are asking that any member of our
parish that would like to participate in the
“Living Rosary” to please call the Parish Office and leave your name and phone number.
This could be one adult or teen individual, a
couple or a family of no more than four who
would be willing to lead a Hail Mary or another part of the
ST. CHARLES HOLY NAME SOCIETY WELCOMES DEACON DANIEL GALLA “Releasing the Power of our Rosary” Thursday, April 28th 7:30pm Parish Activity Center (Go up the 2nd floor & turn left to John Paul II Room.) In the past, Deacon Dan has addressed: “Catholics and the
Jewish People: Our Older Brothers in the Faith,” “Voting
with a Well-Formed Conscience,” “The Importance of
Baptism in Daily Life,” and “What Pope Francis is Saying
and not Saying,” and “The Four Signs of a Dynamic
Our Deacon, Teacher of Theology at St. Ignatius, does an
in-depth preparation for these timely presentations and would
welcome your attendance. The semi-annual presentation will
allow for a Q&A period as well as interactive participation.
Doors open at 7:15pm. Meeting is free and open to the public
with complimentary refreshments. Any questions, call Fred
Hollman, President, St. Charles HNS (440)884-6179.
Merici Chapel… As you make plans for Spring
activities, sporting events, graduations, showers,
weddings and gardening, try & make time for the
most important event in your life — preparing for
eternity. Visit Jesus in Merici Chapel. He’ll help
you with your plans.
St. Charles Borromeo Church April 17, 2016
This Week’s Liturgy SUNDAY, APRIL 17 Fourth Sunday of Easter
Acts 13:14, 43-52; Revelation 7:9, 14b-17; John 10:27-30 10:30 AM † Fr. John Iammarino
Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am, 12:00 Noon, 5:30pm
MONDAY, APRIL 18 Acts 11:1-18; John 10:1-10
7:00 AM † Antoni, Jane, & Richard Kukawka
8:30 AM † Joseph Patka, Sr.
7:00 PM † Anna Kopas
TUESDAY, APRIL 19 Acts 11:19-26; John 10:22-30 7:00 AM † Mary Tyburski
8:30 AM † Deceased of the Rodgers Family
7:00 PM † Mary Deane
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 Acts 12:24—13:5a; John 12:44-50 7:00 AM Wroniak & Powers Families
8:30 AM † Elaine L. Moore
7:00 PM † Jack Kachmarik
THURSDAY, APRIL 21 Acts 13:13-25; John 13:16-20 7:00 AM † Lillian Subin
8:30 AM † Sr. Jeanne Koma, H.M.
7:00 PM † Sophie Krencisz
FRIDAY, APRIL 22 Acts 13:26-33; John 14:1-6 7:00 AM † Anna Gatzke
8:30 AM † Julia Vlna
7:00 PM † Donald Liptak
SATURDAY, APRIL 23 Acts 13:44-52; John 14:7-14 8:00 AM † Andrew A. Papson
VIGIL MASSES: 4:00 & 6:00pm
SUNDAY, APRIL 24 Fifth Sunday of Easter
Acts 14:21-27; Revelation 21:1-5a; John 13:31-33a, 34-35
10:30 AM Mother's & Father's Confraternity
2:30 PM Confirmation
Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am, 12:00 Noon, 5:30pm
SUNDAY COLLECTION April 10, 2016 Offertory Collection
ACH / Online / Credit Card
Thank you! Deacon Kevin Klonowski, a lifelong member
of St Charles Borromeo Parish, is scheduled to be
ordained a priest, with his four classmates, on Saturday, May 21,
at St John Cathedral. Kevin is the son of Scott and Vicki
Klonowski of this parish. Kevin was educated at St Charles
Borromeo School, St Ignatius High School, Borromeo Seminary,
John Carroll University and St Mary Seminary School of
Theology. He has earned a Master’s degree in Divinity and a
Master’s degree in Theology.
Canon law requires that I publish these banns of
ordination, much in the same way that an impending wedding
requires banns of matrimony.
If anyone has a serious objection to Deacon Kevin
Klonowski’s ordination as a priest, please share that concern with
me. I can be reached by calling 440-884-3030 or by e-mail at
The next offering in our Year of Mercy Film Festival will
be the movie Seabiscuit. It is scheduled for this Sunday afternoon,
April 17, at 1:30pm, in the John Paul II Room (second floor) of the
Parish Activities Center. Usually “once is enough” for me when it
comes to seeing a movie. But I enjoyed Seabiscuit so much that I
saw it twice in the theater and once on a DVD. It’s a great story
and very well told. I recommend it highly. Brian Pelcin, our
dedicated pastoral associate, will introduce the movie and then
conduct a brief discussion afterwards. Wasn’t it Ghoulardi who
used to say something like: “and now the movie, folks?”
Sunday Pre-school 2015-2016 concludes today at the
10:30am Hall Mass. Thank you to all—teachers, aides, and
administrators--who make Sunday Pre-school such a special
experience for our very little ones.
Next Saturday is “Jesus Day” for our First
Communicants. This is a memorable time for our second graders
and their parents to prepare for the Big Day. Thanks to all who
work to make it happen. Songs, stories, bread-baking, and banner
-making are just part of the experience.
If summer is coming, Carnival 2016 can’t be far behind
(July 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 to be exact!). We made a trip to
Gillingham Ford a few days back and we are now the proud
owners of a 2016 Ford Escape. We hope to have Carnival tickets
in your home by the middle of May. The 2016 Carnival Committee
has been hard at work for months; you’ll enjoy some new
attractions and have a few surprises come July!
Mark your calendars now for what promises to be an
outstanding evening scheduled for St Charles on Thursday,
May 12, at 7:00pm.
The internationally known speaker,
Christopher West, will join us for a presentation entitled “Life,
Love, and Mercy.”
Thank you to all who gave us a meaningful Lent, a
prayerful Holy Week, and a joy-filled Easter: those who cleaned
our church on Monday of Holy Week; our many liturgical
ministers: ushers, servers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers; our
choirs, musicians, cantors, and directors; those who decorated our
church so beautifully; the sacristans who cleaned, arranged, and
organized; St Charles maintenance crew and office staff; and to
all of you who were so generous in so many ways: the offertory,
your cards and notes, and all those good things from your
“He is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen! Alleluia!
Fourth Sunday of Easter April 17, 2016 HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP MINISTRY (Grades 9-12)
 Upperclassmen Leadership Team  Youth‐Focused & Youth‐Led Mass  New Days & Times for Events  Twice a Month Events for 9th‐12th Graders JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH MINISTRY (7th and 8th graders) Tuesday, April 26… 4:00-5:30pm Junior High Youth
Ministry Closing Event. We will meet in Lower Parish Hall
and walk over to church together for a prayer service. After we
will return to Lower Parish Hall for an Ice Cream Social. All
6th, 7th and 8th graders (Day School & PCRF) are welcome to
attend. We will say good-bye to our present 8th graders and
welcome our new 6th grade members into Junior High Youth
Tuesday, April 26… 7:30-9:00 Transform in the JPII Room
of the Parish Activity Center.
June 17-18-19… Save the date...Franciscan University’s
Steubenville Summer Conference.
Registration forms
available in Parish Office. Deposit of $50 is due ASAP to
reserve your spot. Cost for the weekend is $195.
Any questions, contact:
Lena (216)-544-6164 / Lenamarie6@gmail.com
Fr. Ryan (440)884-3030 / frryanmann@gmail.com
Sr. Denise (440)884-3030 / sdmosu1@aol.com
SENIORS CITIZENS The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday,
April 20th in the Lower Parish Hall. Doors open
at 9:00am. A terrific and delicious hot lunch will
be served at 11:00am. You might like to become a
member of our St. Charles Senior Citizens Club. Think about it
and pray about it! New members are welcome. Dues are $5.00
per year. Call Shirley Potoczak (440)281-2586. Thank you!
Summer 2016
Steubenville Conference
St. Charles High School Youth Group
Friday - Sunday
June 17, 18, 19
!! Space is Limited !!
Registration forms available in the Parish Office.
Please return to Sr. Denise Marie with a
$50 deposit ASAP (Weekend cost is $195.)
EARTH DAY IS APRIL 22ND! Thanks to those of you who have
newspapers, magazines, phone books, and other
paper materials at the bins in the parking lots of St. Charles
School and Unity Catholic Credit Union. St. Charles School
student council is having a paper drive in conjunction with
Earth Day and Bonus Week. Bonus Week will be April 17th
through the 23rd. Please remember to flatten all cardboard
before putting it in the bins. If you need assistance getting
your papers to the recycling bins, you can call Kim
Tenerowicz at 440-842-8915 for a paper pick up. As always,
please remember to recycle this bulletin!
Final meeting ~ Wednesday morning, April 20th, 9:0011:00am in the Parish Activity Center. Any questions, call
Sr. Denise Marie (440)884-3030 or email sdmosu1@aol.com.
ATTENTION ALL 2016 GRADUATES BOTH COLLEGE AND HIGH SCHOOL Mark your calendars now for Sunday, June 5th at
10:30am. Your parish family is planning a special
Mass and reception to celebrate your graduation. We
invite ALL graduates to be a part of this celebration
(high school, college). Please call the Parish Office
(440)884-3030 if you can attend. Invitations to
known high school seniors will be mailed out soon.
More details to follow.
St. Charles Borromeo Church April 17, 2016 Basista Furniture 5295 State Rd, Parma 216‐398‐5900 St. Charles Ladies Guild
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“Bring your own tea cup & saucer”
Saturday, May 21st
Lower Parish Hall
Ages 10—110
A lite luncheon with all the tea & coffee you can drink will
be provided. Our speaker will be Deborah Lime —
“What Parma has to offer its Residents”
Door Prizes & Raffle Prizes
Welcoming great grandmas, grandmas, mothers, nieces,
daughters, sisters (no children under the age of 10, please)
$5 for ages 10-16 | all others $7
Stop in the Parish Office to purchase tickets.
For more information, please call Pat Lawler (440)843-9186.
Visit us on‐line at… www.stcharlesonline.org Stop in the Parish Office for a Discount/ Donation Voucher! Need new furniture or accessories for your home? Stop in
Basista Furniture on State Rd in Parma and present a special
Parish Discount/Donation Voucher upon entering the store.
St. Charles parishioners will receive an additional discount
from sale prices. Also, a donation will be made to St. Charles
Borromeo Parish upon delivery of your order!!
LOVELY LADY, DRESSED IN BLUE Do you remember a custom of long ago when a statue of the
Blessed Mother belonging to the parish would travel from home
to home and stay for a period of time? When
the statue was brought to your home, you, your
family and friends would pray a Rosary a day
for one week and then she was picked up and
taken to another waiting family.
This devotion will again be sponsored by the
Legion of Mary at St Charles during the month
of May and you are being invited to pray to
this lovely Lady in your home. You need only
to fill out the form found in the carousals in the
church's lobbies or call Chris Brindle at (440)
845-5810 with your name, address and phone number to be put
on the waiting list. The Legion of Mary will contact you to make
arrangements for your personal visit
Fourth Sunday of Easter April 17, 2016 Fit from Faith
Wellness Ministry Speaker
Tuesday, April 19th
Parish Activity Center, 2nd Floor
Join SWIFT as we bring to the parish, Lindsay Fullerman, who through personal relationship with Jesus and understanding of her Catholic roots, developed a ministry to bring inner freedom and balanced living through the mind, body, and spirit connection. www.fitfromfaith.com Salad / Pizza Social to follow on 1st floor Open to family and friends. Bring your teens! Questions: Joan Kuczek 440‐884‐0338. NEW! Cleveland Catholic
Radio Station - THE ROCK
AM 1260 has a strong radio
signal during the day and night.
Tune in for authentic Catholic teaching and programs. This is
a great way to learn more about your faith, what the Church
teaches, and for developing your spiritual relationship with
Jesus Christ. Learn more at www.am1260TheRock.com
AVILA HOLY HOUR The Avilas will meet in prayer on Thursday, April 21st at
8:00am in the church chapel. Let us continue to pray for an
increase in religious vocations and for those men and women
living in the vowed and ordained way of life. For more
information, call Marilyn (440)886-1788.
Fourth Sunday of Easter April 17, 2016 Not Alone
CASINO BUS TRIP Fundraiser Sponsored by the St. Charles Ladies Guild Are you a widow or widower?
Meadows Casino Washington, PA Wednesday, June 8th
Come join Not Alone!
$40/pp / $30 play back money Not Alone is a self-help
bereavement group
Meets for six weeks on Tuesdays from
6:30pm – 8:00pm
Leave new parking lot 9:00am; return around 7:30pm All are Welcome!! Reservations due by June 3rd to the Parish Office in envelope marked Ladies Guild Bus Trip ‐or‐ Pat Lawler Checks payable for $40 to: St. Charles Ladies Guild For more information, call Pat Lawler (440)843‐9186 There are still three sessions left
More info: Mark Martin
CERTIFICATE PROGRAM $100 WINNER Bonnie Biacsi TRY THE CHURCH & SCHOOL MOBILE APPS! To download the free parish app, scan one of the QR codes or
search for Saint Charles Borromeo Church in the App Store.
For the school mobile app, search for Saint Charles Borromeo
School in the App Store.
St. Charles Borromeo Church April 17, 2016 SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL
Your Old Car Can Earn You a Tax Deduction
& Help Someone in Need:
Your used car can become food, medicine and rent for the poor
in our community. When you donate your late model car, truck,
RV or boat to the St. Vincent de Paul Society, not only will you
receive a tax deduction to the fullest extent of the law, you’ll be
free from the troubles of insuring, licensing, repairing and selling
your vehicle. We’ll even provide free towing within 24 hours.
It’s quick and easy to donate! Call 800-322-8284 or donate
online: www.svdpusa.com.
MARY QUEEN OF PEACE (216‐749‐2323) “Festival of Choirs and Brass,” Wednesday, April 27th,
7:30pm. The Mary Queen of Peace Choir and Schola, the
Choir of St. Noel, Willoughby Hills, and the Choir of the
Basilica of St. John the Baptist, Canton, will be here for a
“a festival of jubilant works!” This is a free concert with a
free will offering.
ST. LEO THE GREAT (216‐661‐1006)
The annual 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration will be held on
Sunday, July 31st at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist.
Bishop Richard G. Lennon, will be the principal celebrant.
Reservations are now being accepted for couples married 50 years
Couples celebrating other significant
(married in 1966).
anniversaries (55 or over) or who have missed previous celebrations are welcome to register and attend. Seating is limited in
the Cathedral. The number of guests will be determined by the
seating capacity and total number registered.
Date & Time: Sunday, July 31st, 2016—2:30pm Mass
Place: Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist
Please register in the Parish Office by June 26th. On or after
July 15, registered couples will receive a letter with
instructions, map and driving/parking details.
If you have any questions, contact:
Jane (216)334-2978; email jschwendeman@ccdocle.org
or Jason (216)334-2974; email jrlewis@ccdocle.org
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Spring is around the corner and it is time for the Annual
Knights of Columbus Super Cash Bonanza. Each ticket is only
$5 and the proceeds from each sale benefit St. Charles. For
more information and for tickets please contact a fellow
St. Charles Knight, PTU member, or visit the Parish Office.
On April 25th at 8 PM in the Borromeo room of the Activity
Center, please join the Knights of Columbus in welcoming a
representative from Lifebanc who will give a presentation. The
presentation will be about their efforts to encourage organ
donation, and to share information regarding the upcoming
Transplant Games, and the Gift of Life Walk and Run on
June 11th downtown. Everyone in the Parish is welcome to
Please Pray the Rosary.
Bus trip, Tuesday, May 10th, Mansfield, Ohio, stops at
Mansfield Memorial Museum, Richland Carrousel Park,
Der Dutchman Restaurant, Possum Run Greenhouse,
Wayne’s Country Market, Eatmor Bundt Co. &
Olivesbury General Store. $66/person. For more info, call
Joanne (440)426-3505.
ST. THOMAS MORE (216‐749‐0414)
Women’s Guild Spring Style Show & Luncheon, Saturday,
April 23rd, 12:00Noon in Utopia Hall. Fashions by Dress
Barn. Tickets are $8. For reservations, please call Marge
(216)351-7850 or Diane (216)749-6332 by April 20th.