`Good` News` - Channahon United Methodist Church
`Good` News` - Channahon United Methodist Church
VOL. 60 No. 9 September 2014 Circuit NEWSLETTER OF: Rider ocus CHANNAHON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PASTOR STEVE GOOD 24751 W. EAMES, CHANNAHON IL 60410 815-467-5275 WWW.CHANNAHONUMC.ORG Mark Your Calendar 9.1 Labor Day Church office is closed 9.6 ‘Crusin’ for Logan Car Show 9.7 Sunday School & Fall Programs Kick-Off 9.10 ‘KIDZ CLUB’ begins 9.13 All Church Pig Roast Picnic 9.27 ADULT GAME NIGHT 9.30 New Testament Bible Study begins ‘Good’ News’ “I read about a guy who catches exotic fish for aquarium owners”, recalled Penny Rose in her book Pathway to God’s Treasures – Ephesians. “His top-selling fish is the shark. He explained that if you catch a small shark and confine it to an aquarium, it would only grow in proportion to its environment. A shark can be a mere six inches long and still be an adult. It’s growth is stunted by it’s surroundings. But if you turn that dwarfed shark loose in the ocean, he’ll grow to his normal length of nearly eight feet.” “The same thing can happen to Christians. I’ve seen some of the cutest little Christians swim around in a little puddle of self-centeredness. They stay small and immature it their faith. But place them into a larger arena- the vastness of the body of Christ – and they can reach their full potential and ‘grow up in all things into Him who is the head – Christ’ (Eph.4:15)”. Penny’s analogy intrigued me as I reflected on the physical expansion of our “tank” with the creation of our new multi-purpose Fellowship Wing, now in full construction mode. Though our life of faith isn’t confined to our building, we can still ponder whether the expansion of our facility can be matched with a similar expansion or maturity of our faith. Our Christian Education Team has recently put in long hours of work to clear unsightly clutter in our Sunday Continued on page 2... ‘Good’ News’ Continued … School rooms and organize them for our new season of learning and spiritual growth for our children and adults (THANK YOU!). Their goal is to make these spaces in our existing building more attractive, hospitable, and conducive to learning. Invitation to the New Testament – Adult Study So many wonderful spiritual growth opportunities will be taking place in these re-claimed spaces: Sunday School for all ages, Tuesday night Adult bible study, Confirmation Class, Youth groups, worship and service opportunities. Our building is growing. . . let’s grow with it so we can reach the full potential that God created within us. Tuesday nights, 7:00pm – 8:00pm, Beginning Sept. 30 thru Nov. 18 Sunday Mornings 10:30am-11:30am Sept. 28 thru Nov. 16 This 8-session adult small group experience, led by Pastor Steve (Tuesday) and Wilson Young (Sunday) makes use of weekly video segments to better understand the New Testament and renew our commitment to be shaped by the story of Jesus – personally and together. We will explore the writings of the New Testament using the story of Jesus as a starting point. Join us as we learn how the early church embraced the message of Jesus and grew as disciples to create vibrant communities of faith. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind” Peace, Steve Reminder: September 7th we will resume our normal worship schedule every Sunday 9am - Traditional 10:30am Contemporary Cost: $16 for Participant book Sign up in Narthex and pick up your booklet. Read through Chapter One before our first class on September 28th or 30th. CUMC - Pastor Steve and the Leadership Team would like to know if you are interested in serving on one of our program or administrative groups/committees at CUMC, beginning January 2015. This fall, we will gather names of those who are interested in helping with one of these groups who do much of the “behind the scenes” planning for most of our congregational life together. Examples include: Youth Council, Education Team, Nurture Team, Outreach Team, Trustees, Finance, Staff-Parish Relations. You may call the church, or email pastor@channahonumc.org 2 Class is now forming to start in October Students 8th - 12th grade who are interested in participating in Confirmation Class this year, please contact Pastor Steve for information 815-467-5275 ext 11 or Email pastor@channahonumc.org Playtime with the Bishop An evening for Young Adults ~ Ages 18 - 39 Join us Saturday October 4th ~ from 3-6 pm for a fun afternoon of fellowship and conversation with Bishop Sally Dyck. Email us at nicyacouncil@gmail.com or find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/41931209256 We will meet at 1st UMC Elgin, 216 East Highland Ave. in Elgin Bishop Sally Dyck S.T.O.M.P. presents ‘The Farmers Market Table’ FUNDRAISER The Sr. High Small Group (STOMP) is organizing our very own farmer's market to benefit our Senior High Small Group Retreat in October. We invite you to "shop" for produce and pastries after worship over the next few Sundays and leave a freewill donation to help cover some of the cost for the Sr. High Small Group retreat taking place in October at Wesley Woods in Williams Bay, Wisconsin. If you have an abundance of bounty from your garden and would like to donate some to our Famers Market, please drop it off at the ‘STOMP Market Table’ in the narthex. Thank You. 3 SUMMER WINDING DOWN… STILL MORE FUN AHEAD! Nurturing’s Adult Adults 18 and over….. Euchre, cards, dice & more… Saturday, September 27th ~ 6p - 9p ~ In the Church Narthex Bring a snack to pass! Coffee, Water & Lemonade will be provided. And Annual Pig Roast Saturday, September 13th @ 4:00pm on the church grounds Join us for an afternoon of food, fellowship, fun and games! All family and friends are welcome! We hope you will join us for the fun!! ** Youth Group Bonfire at 7pm following the afternoon picnic ** 4 Over 55 group of CUMC and Friends Channooka Area CROP Hunger Walk Mark your calendar - Thursday, September 11th, 2014 Artisans at Emerson @ Emerson Creek Pottery, 5126 Stephens Road, Oswego, Il. Sunday, October 05, 2014 They will have a collection of unique vendors, talented artists and creative crafters. If you have never been to Emerson Creek you will love what they have done and the setting on the farm. Resurrection Lutheran Church 25050 W Eames St, Channahon, IL The Walk is a 5K. Stay tuned for more details to come, but save the day!! Check out the link: www.ecreekpotteryandtearoom.com/ REGISTER OR DONATE online @ www.crophungerwalk.org/channahonil We can meet at the church and car pool at 9:30 A.M. Please let Sharon Hedgren know if you will be attending by Sept. 2, for lunch reservations! Onsite Registration: 1:00 p.m. Step-off: 1:30 p.m. Monday, September 1st Contact: Harry Breen lineman5171@att.net 815-942-5171 or The church office will be: Gail Chase Girard gjchase01@comcast.net 815-685-3520 Calling All Choir Singers!!! There will be a WELCOME rehearsal on Wednesday September 3rd at 6pm Weekly rehearsals will be every Sunday at 8am beginning on September 7th. Psalm 139:14 5 August Dates Thursday September 4th , 10a-2p *UMW Circles will begin meeting again in September: .10cent sale and BAKE SALE Monday th September 8 , 6p-8p Circle of Hope meets 2nd Tuesday at 7 p.m. Contact Dottie Priddy-815-467-5712, Hannah Jessup meets 2nd Wednesday at 7 p.m. Contact Anita Young-815-467-2802, Ladies Aid meets 1st Thursday of the month when Thrift Shop is open. Contact Sandy Fodero-815-467-5027. Rachel Circle meets 2nd Tuesday at 6 p.m. Contact Lana Stafford-815-483-3796, Ruth Circle meets 2nd Monday at 10 a.m. Contact Cindy Vong-815-467-6840. .10cent sale Thursday September 18th 10a-2p Monday September 22nd 6p-8p Ladies Aid Meet ~ September 4th ~ 9am Thrift Shop is doing well and getting lots of new customers. We have an over abundance of clothes so we threw in a few .25 cent sales. The donations just keep rolling in and we are very grateful for them. All women are welcome! *UMW will have a fund raiser to benefit Grace Children’s Hospital in Haiti. This will be presented to the UMW membership in September and the congregation will have an opportunity to participate in October. Please watch for more information in the October Circuit Rider. We are very grateful that we were able to use Room #140 most of the summer, it has made things much easier for us to have that room for our overflow. We will be having our Ten Cent Sale on Thursday, Sept. 4th and Monday, Sept 8th. During the Thursday hours which are 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. we will be having a Bake Sale by the piece, on Thursday only. Our hours for Monday is 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. We have lots of nice items left so come on out and get a sweet tooth fix and some bargains too. *World Thank Offering will be celebrated at both worship services on November 16. *Our ANNUAL COOKIE SALE will be held on December 13 at 9 a.m. BAKERS and VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! After the Ten Cent Sale we will be re-stocking with our Fall/ Winter items. Char Musser CUMW President We are excited about our move to our new room and really appreciate that we are getting it...thanks everyone. Rachel Circle September 9th 6pm @ Rose Admonis’ Hannah Jessup Circle September 10th 7pm @ Penny Kendirck’s UMW Circles At Channahon UMC Circle of Hope September 11 7pm @ Kathy Leatherwood’s Wednesday, th September 10 , @ 11:30am Suggested Donation is $4 per person Reservations are requested by calling the Channahon Township 815-467-2569. 6 Ruth Circle September 8th 10am @ Georgia Johnson’s Come along on the journey! You do not need to be a member of CUMC to enjoy our active learning environment. All programming is open to the anyone – invite a friend, relative or neighbor to join you! Sunday School classes are offered for children from Pre-school through 12th grade And an Adult Class is offered on Sunday mornings from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Here’s What You Can Look For Sunday, September 7th – Fall Programming Open House *Leaders from all of the programs and classes beginning this Fall will have a space in the Education Wing. *Come learn more about the Adult Classes, Kidz Club, Jr High Small Group, S.T.O.M.P., Youth Group, the Confirmation Program and Musical Groups kicking off a new season of programs and activities. *This will be a little bit different than the Rally Days and Kick-Off’s of the past. The Sunday School teachers will be in the Education Wing from 10:30-11:30. This will be a time for families to join their children in their classrooms and learn about the changes to the program. Teachers will share an overview of the class, explain faith milestone goals, explain the “No More Malaria” campaign for Sunday school offering, share the annual calendar and any answer questions you may have. Each class will also have a project to begin together with their families and teachers to help decorate their space. Wednesday, September 10th, 6-7 p.m. - Kidz Club for children in 1st-5th grade This ministry is led by Barb Sweet and Cassi Walker and meets on Wednesday evenings Sept-May. The multi-age group explores Christian values, giving and serving by using music, art, science, storytelling, drama, games, cooking and videos. Kidz Club takes the teachings from Sunday school and begins to apply them and explore them in practical and meaningful ways. Sunday, September 14th, 9 a.m. Worship – Prayer Pillow and Bible Presentation Prayer Pillows - Children starting Sunday School for the 1st time will be presented with a handmade fleece pillow to celebrate this milestone. Please sign your child up on the sheet in the narthex so they can receive this gift from the congregation as part of their journey of faith formation. Bible Presentation – as a gift from the congregation all children in 3rd & 4th grade will be presented with a Bible during worship. Please sign up on the form in the narthex so the bibles can be prepared for this special day. Sunday, September 14th – 1st day of Sunday school classes for Pre -12th grade Sunday, September 28th & Tuesday, September 30th – 1st day of Adult Study Class (see page #2 for more details) Sunday morning Adult Sunday Classes will continue through May. Registration is taking place now for all of the Fall classes and programs. Sign-up sheets and registration forms are available in the narthex. If you have any questions, call the church office at (815) 467-5275, or speak with Tenley Denton, Christian Education Team Chair, Bonnie Babich, Director of Children & Family Ministries or Roger Beitzel, Youth Leader. 7 Youth Group Reflection By Roger Beitzel Remembering The last few weeks I’ve watched a lot of news stories about the death of Robin Williams. I remember a certain Tuesday night in 1978. I was 12 years old at the time, and we almost always watched "Happy Days" on Tuesday nights in my house. We still had a black and white television in those days. (We wouldn’t get a color TV for three more years.) That evening’s episode of "Happy Days" was titled “My Favorite Orkan” and featured a 26 year-old comedian as an alien who visited Milwaukee and tried to take Richie Cunningham back to his home planet. (I admit, I had to do some google research to fill in some of those details.) Robin Williams’ appearance that night was a hit, and it led to the spin-off show "Mork and Mindy," which premiered later that year and ran for four seasons. We watched almost every week. My Dad and I would even have silly made-up arguments using two of the nonsense alien words from the show, “nanoo-nanoo” and “shozbotz.” It was a silly sitcom with mediocre writing, but Williams' portrayal of the main character was firstrate. Later I enjoyed Robin Williams in "Good Morning Vietnam." Another great role was the doctor in “Patch Adams. But the film role that left the most lasting impression was as English teacher John Keating in "Dead Poet’s Society," which released in 1989. A drama film, its theme “Carpe diem, seize the day” and its handling of family conflict, academic pressure, and teen suicide had a significant impact on me at age 23. I’ve enjoyed watching Robin Williams in a number of other roles through the years, but none are more memorable for me than Mork and Mr. Keating. Robin Williams would battle depression and drug and alcohol addiction at various points throughout his career. The man who made the world laugh had some serious internal struggles. Many of us have difficulty understanding how someone so wealthy and famous could struggle with something like depression. But that’s how depression is. Rich or poor, celebrity or regular person, young or old, it can affect anyone. And sometimes the person we least suspect is the one who’s struggling with it the most. I’ve lived with chronic depression for a number of years. Thankfully, several years of counseling and continuing medication have helped reduce its impact in my life, but there are still days when I feel the symptoms. Compared to what some people face, my depression is relatively mild. But I understand how debilitating it can be and how it can cloud someone’s judgment. We’ve heard all kinds of conversations about depression and suicide. It’s sad that it takes the untimely death of a celebrity to get us talking about these things, but these are conversations that need to be had, and it’s my prayer that this increased awareness will save some lives. I’m also praying that we’ll learn to take care of each other and look out for each other a little more. Thanks for making us laugh, Robin. You’ll be missed. 8 S.T.O.M.P. Students Taking Our Ministries Personally Sr. High Small Group of Channahon United Methodist Church The SR. High Small Group Leaders WELCOME all Sr. High Youth ~ 9th – 12th ~ grade to our small group STOMP. Our first small group meeting of STOMP will be on Sunday September 21, 2014. We will meet from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the church. This year our group will meet every other Sunday – starting with the 21st of September and every other Sunday after that. This year our focus will be based around the name we all decided on last year. We will work towards doing mission activity within and outside of our church walls. Please come with your ideas on how you see this vision and focus taking place. We are excited to be leaders of this group and look forward to meeting with each and every one of you during this time. Remember we have our Sr. High Retreat in October. This will be a time to get away from the everyday activities, have some fun and learn more about each other and the group. A loving message and invite from your Sr. High Leaders Kellen Walker, Mary Caher and Nancy Geldean Proverbs 22:6 Teach your children right from wrong, and when they are grown they will still do right. September Youth Ministry Calendar Sept. 13 Youth Group BONFIRE Following Church Picnic and Pig Roast 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. at the church. Enjoy campfire stories, games, & S’mores Sept. 19 Box City of Hope Sept. 21 Senior High Small Group S.T.O.M.P. Resumes 6 – 8 p.m. Sept. 24 Junior High Small Group Resumes 6 – 7:30 p.m. 9 Photo Gallery Beach Fun at Lake Will Ice Cream Social with the Youth Group! Construction begins…. Rick Lyman oversees day ONE! The ‘Ground Breaking Ceremony’ and Blessing of the new building. “Unless the Lord builds the house, it’s builders labor in vain.” Ps. 127:1 Acts 4:32 The group of followers all felt the same way about everything. None of them claimed that their possessions were their own, and they shared everything they had with each other. 10 Community & Future Church Outreach’s Crafters and Vendors Fair October 18th 9a-2p at CUMC If you are a crafter or a merchandise vendor and would be interested in this Outreach fundraiser, please contact the church office 815-467-5275 or Jodi Landes at 815-409-075 to reserve your table. there will be not be multiple vendors of the same commodities, reservations are on a first come/first serve basis. Cedar Lake Ministries—Cedar Lake Indiana invites couples to join them on this all-inclusive ‘Lets Get Real’ weekend retreat, featuring speakers Dale & Jen Forehand with personal, practical and biblical principals of marriage from shattered to restoration. Times of praise and worship led by Jonathan & Kate Burkey, teaching from ‘God’s Word’, and fun activities including a good ‘Ol fashion Hoedown’. Lodging is limited to approximately 30couples, so register soon. Who: All Couples When: Friday, October 10th - Sunday afternoon October 12th Where: Cedar Lake Ministries - Cedar Lake Indiana (approx. 1hr from CUMC) Cost: Per Couple: $269 (group discount if booked before 9/11 with $50 deposit) or $288 (after 9/11) Includes a private room-full or queen bed/private bath for 2nights 5 Buffet meals –Friday dinner through Sunday brunch More discounts: Sharing a 2bdroom/1bath rate is $225(before 9/11) after 9/11—$243 Take a brochure (in narthex) for more details and for RV Park Overnight availability and pricing. When booking—mention Channahon UMC for the discount! Visit www.cedarlakeministries.org/register_couples1.htm or call 219-374-5941 11 OUR CHURCH’S CONCERNS Surgeries/Hospitalizations Leonard Hoffman, Kathy Lawrence(Good), my sister(Gwen Tunney), Dick McLaughlin, Alexis Barga(Brick), Health Issues and General Prayer Requests Rose Kickert(Gledeans & Sweets), Roy Robb, Bill McClintock, BW Self, Lindstrom Family, our Oklahoma friends(Lynch), friend Jan & Kiane(Szoke), Fred Asp & Mark Lemmerman & Debbie Wright(Hedgren), Zinn family(Hayden), Tina Lentz & family(Platt), Pixie Koenig, co-worker’s family and daughter Kim(Ciolkosz), Judy Clausen(Lehman), Dom Fodero, Dave Stafford, sister Sandy-brother Keith-cousin LeAnne(Beitzel), friend Sara(Babich), Good Family, All the students starting this year, the construction of our new building and financial state of our church. *Names in ( ) are those who have requested the prayers. Thank You’s… Thank You!! It is truly awesome of CUMC VBS to collect so many school supplies. The materials collected last year went to good use. The fact that I am able to bring more supplies for the students again is great. The students really appreciate what you have done and know where to find basic supplies throughout the year. You Guys Rock! Charlie Bassett OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHIES Dee Sneed & family On the passing of her brother Ronald Vetter Tina Lentz & family On the death of her husband Paul Lentz Many thanks for all of the prayers, cards and phone calls in this time of great loss. My brother will be sorely missed, but the warmth of the prayer blanket will give me comfort. Thank you. Dee & Dar Sneed Judy Clausen and family On the death of her son Tim Connelly Thank You Lana Stafford, Dottie Priddy, & Donna Szoke for helping in the office while I took some time off. Kris Hayden Michael Finney & family On the passing of his mom Marion Finney. Thank you one and all for your prayers and concerns during my illness. I am on the mend and with God’s help and prayers I will be there ASAP. Leonard Hoffman Psalm 73:25 “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my hear and my portion forever.’. Our Joys to Share It was a joy to see so many pets at our Outdoor service. 50 dogs and 1 guinea pig!!! Ray & Dawn Brick - it is so wonderful when we see Alexis making progress and getting stronger. Donna Szoke - it was wonderful and such fun to walk the STOMP out Malaria 5k… Thank you Jodi Landes & Outreach team. Wallers - Moved Jace to a new apartment in Madison WI. Meadows - visit from my mother from Arizona. Denoyers - Mackenzie starts at Univ. of Arizona. Bonnie Babich - a joy to have such great help to get our classrooms under way for Sunday School! Janet Robb - enjoyed my 50th year HS reunion. Dee Sneed - our graduate granddaughters - Corie from HS and Heather from grade school . Pat Williamson - our 19th great grandchild Annie was born, Geldeans - Andy leaves for U of I. Rose Fields - it’s a joy to have my granddaughter Laura to visit. Celebrations: Kellen & Michelle - 8years of marriage Steve Good - Raney’s birthday 8/7 Jim Waller - Aunt Nor’s 90th birthday *& Joan’s birthday. Bonnie Babich & Tammy Platt celebrating shared birthday! Bonnie & Bob Babich - 18years of marriage. Nancy Allen ‘s birthday Joanie & Terry White - 30years of marriage Jim & Jo Walker - 36 years of very blessed marriage. Our new building is underway… Foundation was poured on Wednesday, August 20th… Be sure to stop by and see the progress… 12 September Birthdays 1 2 2 3 4 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 Joe Borracci Michael Finney Aaron Platt Carolyn Harrell Colton Francisco Bob Manion Jimmy Anderson Mary Caher Ben Young Michael Nickel Matthew Powell Madonna Arnold Macie Mossberger Tom Sweet 9 10 10 12 12 12 13 15 15 15 17 17 17 18 Richard Taylor Mitchell Berkey Nick Botz Sonny Hedgren Carol Hoffman Tori Weller Glen Meadows Seth Bouselli Jackie Goggins Ray VanMeter Cassi Norman Adam Platt Donna Szoke Rebecca Lynch September Anniversaries 18 18 19 19 21 22 23 23 25 26 27 27 28 30 Brett Middleton Steve Olson Bob Coen Ray McSteen Barb Sweet Nathan Greep Steve Good Jean Lawrence Joe Eigenheer Gabrielle Jones Steve Admonis Ryan Sartori John Sartori Brenan Regas 9/2 9/3 9/5 9/6 9/7 9/10 9/11 9/13 9/18 9/24 9/24 9/27 9/30 Brett & Sommer Middleton Sonny & Sharon Hedgren Nick & Amy Olson Dick & Margaret McLaughlin Randy & Tammy Platt Rick & Michelle Mossberger Joe & Bonnie Eigenheer Mike & Deb O’Brien Ron & Michelle Blazekovich Steve & Linda Olson Ben & Bri Young Roy & Janet Robb Ray & Cathy Breen If we have missed your birthday or anniversary and you would like it to be added to the weekly bulletin announcement and monthly Circuit Rider, please contact the church office @ 815-467-5275 or email: cum_church@cbcast.com September Sunday Service Volunteers Church Ambassador: Jackie Goggins Counters: Ricky Lawrence & Mark Lindstrom 9:00 am Communion Servers: Barb Powell, Rachel Lynch, Janet Robb, Donna Szoke 10:30am Communion Servers: Nancy Geldean, Mary Caher, Dave McMurtry September 7 September 14 September 21 September 28 Greeters Geldean Family Roy & Janet Robb Elena Warren Donna Szoke Liturgists 9am Rachel Lynch Lana Stafford Donna Szoke Dee Sneed Liturgist 10:30am Nancy Geldean Mary Caher Mary Essary Lisa McMurtry A/V 9am Adam Taylor Adam Platt Steve Olson Mark Lindstrom Mike & Amy Geldean Anita Young Tim Wasilewski A/V 10:30am Liam O’Brien Bobby Babich Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” 13 The Channahon United The Methodist Church CIRCUIT RIDER Volume 60, No.9, September 2014 Editor: Kris Hayden CUMC reserves the right to edit all submitted materials. 24751 W. Eames (Rt. 6), Channahon, IL 60410 www.channahonumc.org Pastor: Steve Good Cell #: 815-922-6872 pastor@Channahonumc.org SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE Youth Leader: Roger Beitzel Youth@Channahonumc.org Director of Children & Family Ministries Bonnie Babich Director@Channahonumc.org Office Ministry Assistant: Kris Hayden Cumc_church@cbcast.com Traditional Worship Contemporary Worship Coffee & Donut Fellowship Sunday School (all ages) 9:00am 10:30am 10:15-11:00am 10:30am Office Hours Mon. – Fri.: 9:00am-1:00pm Phone: 815-467-5275/ Fax: 815-467-7435 CHANNAHON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 24751 W. Eames St. Channahon, IL 60410 We are especially grateful for: