Number 2, Spring 2003 - JRI
IN THIS ISSUE... SOURCES FOR JEWISH HISTORY OF THE 17th-20th CENTURIES IN THE POLISH STATE ARCHIVES' RADOM BRANCH by Sebastian Piatkowski translated by Wlodzimierz Rozenbaum ... . 3 CHMIELNIK: 3peciaf interest Group {Journal , tf^inéer 2 j\^ journal oj^cwi pu6fisfic(f quarterly , covering the (ju&ernias of and of the ^KJiig(fom as defined by the boundaries as tRe^ existed 1867- • From Pinkas HaKehillot by Daniel Blatman translated by Shlomo Wygodny 1 3 • Yizkor Book - Necrolog y transliterated by Sharon Lehrer 1 9 • Surnames from Vital Records 1885-1900 from JRI-Poland's PSA Project 2 8 • 1929 Business Directory transcribed by Warren Blatt 3 2 The Castle on the Hill - I n Memory - llz a by Betty Provizer Starkman 3 6 EXTRACT DATA IN THIS ISSUE 3 8 • ILZ A Marriage s 1866-187 7 by David Price 3 9 • SECEMI N Births , Marriages & Deaths 1846-1865 byLeahBisel 4 7 • KONSKI E Birth s 1872-188 4 by Dolores Ring 5 3 GLOSSARY, PRONUNCIATION GUIDE 7 ...but first a word from your editor 2 2 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 Spring 2003 ... but first a word from our editor SpeciaC i n journal ISSN No. 1092-8006 Published quarterly, in January, April, July and October, by the KIELCE-RADOM Special Interest Group (SIG) Gracie Station P. O. Box 127 New York, NY 1002 8 e-mail: m Annual subscription rates (U.S. funds): U.S.A.: $26.00 Canada: $30.00 Elsewhere: $37.00 Subscriptions and changes of address should be sent to the above. hi this issue, we have a focus on the town of Chmielnik - a translation of the article from Yad VaShem's Hebrew-language Pinkas HaKehillot;a transcript of the Chmielnik entries from the 1929 Polish Business Directory, the necrology of Holocaust martyrs from the 1960 Yizkor Book Pinkas Chmielnik, and a list of over 2,000 unique surnames appearing in the 1885-1900 vital records of Chmielnik, as indexed by JRI-Poland.. The vital records extracts in the issue are the 1866-1877 Hza marriages; the 1872-1884 Konskie births; and births, marriages and deaths for 1846-1865 for Secemin (a "new" town for us). This issue also contains an essay on the source material concerning Jews which can be found in the Polish State Archives branch in Radom, translated from Èrôdia Archiwalne do Dziejôw Êydôw w Polsce, recently published by the Polish State Archives. We previously published this book's essay on sources at the Kielce Archives branch (in VI:3, Summer 2002). Rounding out this issue is Betty Starkman's account of a visit to the town of Hza ("Driltsh"); and a call for information to create a ShtetLinks website for the town of Iwaniska ("Ivansk"). The KIELCE-RADOM SIG is a non-profit, informal world-wide body of individuals interested in Jewish genealogical research from Kielce and Radom, two gubemias in the Kingdom of Poland as defined by the boundaries as they existed from 1867-1917. hi news from the JRI-Poland project, the second batch of photocopies of index pages from the Radom Archives have just been received by the JRI team in Warsaw - over 1,500 pages. Much funding is required before these index pages can be transcribed and be made available. For more information on the towns included in these vital records, and how you can help, see the last issue (VU:1), pages 34-35. ADVISORY GROUP: Warren Blatt, Editor Debra Braverman, Membership Carol Isaak, Production I look forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming 23rd IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, to be held in Washington, July 20-25. For more information about the conference, see < >. VISIT OUR WEB PAGE All matters relating to research and editorial articles should be directed to: Warren Blatt, Editor 8 Bishops Forest Drive Waltham, MA 02452-8801 e-mail: ©2003, all material this issue As always, I am interested in your comments and feedback on the Kielce-Radom SIG Journal, and hi what types of material you would like to see. Of course, we would welcome contributions of articles and other materials for the Journal. If you would like to assist, please contact me. — Warren Blatt Spring 2003 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 3 Sources for Jewish History in the 17th-20th Centurie s in the Radom Branch of the Polish State Archives by Sebastian Pi^tkowski "2r6dla do dziejôw ludnosci zydowskiej w XVII-XX w. w zasobie Archiwum Paristwowego w Pvadomiu" Translated from the Polish by Wlodzimierz Rozenbaum from Érôdla Archiwalne do Dziejôw Zydôw wPolsce (Warszawa, 2001), pages 313-327 Published under the auspices of the Polish State Archives in Warsaw in 2001, érôdta Archiwalne do Dziejôw Zydôw w Polsce ["Archival Sources for the History of Jews in Poland"] is a 600-page volume containing over 50 essays, in Polish. Forty essays cover source material on Jewish history held at the various branches of the Polish State Archives, and ten essays cover archives in Israel. We published a translation of the chapter on the Polish State Archives branch in Kielce in Kielce-Radom SIG Journal VI:3 (Summer 2002), pages 41-49. Presented here is a translation of the chapter on the holdings of the Polish State Archives branch in Radom. - WB The Radom Branch of the Polish State Archives (RBPSA) is the only archival center in Poland which has published a guide to Jewish materials in its possession.1 This is in large part due to the richness of materials concerning history of Polish Jews as well as the unique value of many collections assembled. The guide, authored by Adam Penkalla, contains descriptions of several dozen of collections down to individual files (often with references to specific documents) and it should be a required introductory reading for anybody intending to utilize the Radom materials for the study of Jewish history. This article has a similar goal, although smaller in scope. It contains brief descriptions of the most valuable documents in their historical contexts. Described materials are grouped by subject with focus on those most interesting and unique. Footnotes point to specific studies, which focus on individual archival collections or discuss history of Jews in central Poland. Old Poland (until 1795) The RBPSA contains very little materials from the First Republic of Poland. Nearly all of them had been deposited in the Old Acts Archives [Archiwum Akt Dawnych] in Warsaw before WWII and they perished during the war. That does not mean, however, that we do not have any archival sources for Jewish history prior to 1795. Such materials - although few in number - have been dispersed through various collections of later date - particularly those from the 19th century - because they were used as attachments to current materials, mostly dealing with economic matters. For example, the oldest part in the collection of the Radom, Kielce, Lublin, and Siedlce Gubernia Agricultural and Government Property Administration [Zarz^d Rolnictwa i Dôbr Paristwowych Guberni Radomskiej, Kieleckiej, Lubelskiej i Siedleckiej], covering the years 1773-1918,2 contains, among others, a small number of Jewish testimonies, written in classic German - a very rare occurrence. It also contains details of the credit contract (wyderkaf - from the German Wiederkauf) between the College of the Ordo Scholarum Piarum in Opole Lubelskie and the local kahal. There are also many copies of the modern era privileges given to cities and parishes containing references to Jews. Similar information can be found in the collection devoted to land property inspections. Many interesting facts are contained in the materials on the confiscation of the Church property in the 19th century which are deposited in the Radom Office of Fiscal Administration [Izba Skarbowa Radomska]. There is an attachment there containing a list of kahals in Janowiec and Zwoleri made for the Benedict Order monasteries in Sieciechôw of 1675 and a rare handwritten copy of records made for the parish church in Przytyk which contains a description of the local synagogue from the 18th century. Many attachments can be found also A. Penkalla, Akta dotyczqce Zydôw w radomskim Archiwum Panstwowym (1815-1950) [Documents Concerning Jews in the KBPAS, 1815-1950], Warsaw, 1998. [See Kielce-Radom SIG Journal V: 1 (Winter 2001), pp. 11-15; V:2 (Spring 2001), pp. 19-25]. 1 2 See H. Kisiel, "Akta Zarzadu Dôbr Panstwowych w Radomiu" [Documents of the Government Property Administration in Radom], Archeion vol. 36, Ï962. 4 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 Spring 2003 in archives of the Radom County Real Estate Administration [Hipoteka Powiatowa Radomska] (1606-1996), which undoubtedly contains materials relevant to the history of Jews. However, these records require diligent review. From the Partitions to the January Uprising (1796-1863) The archives of the Radom Gubernia Government [Rz^d Gubernialny Radomski] (1815-1866) contain the richest sources for the history of Jews. The gubernia authorities were primarily interested in the activities and financial supervision of Jewish houses of worship, hence the greatest number of materials deals with these issues. Documents are kept in thick sewn books, which hold lists of people, who paid mandatory religious fees, as well as budgets and congregations' financial statements, property inventories, protocols of elections to supervisory boards, documents on construction and renovation of synagogues, ritual baths, kosher butcheries, and various property auctions. These documents are available for several dozen localities, including Ilza, Kazanôw, Przysucha, Radom, Rakôw, and Sandomierz. Considerable number of documents concerns rabbis from the Jewish religious districts. Many materials document Jewish involvement in both government tax collections (kosher, consumption, trade, tobacco, liquor sale) and private ones (liquor sale, bridge and street fees). Most documents come from property auctions and contracts. Economic activities were on occasion directly linked with criminal activities and in the case of Jews these involved illegal production and sale of alcohol as well as practicing certain professions without a permit. There are quite a few documents describing such activities. Some individual documents in this collection refer to Jews converting to Catholicism and to their assimilation, demonstrated by the abandonment of their traditional garb. Excellent research material is contained also in other collections such as those dealing with financial and communal activities of the city governments where Jewish topics were frequently on the agenda. For example, materials on the accommodations for the Russian troops contain extensive lists of soldiers, assigned to specific domiciles and - in the case of larger cities - locations of individual houses; such information is an important source for studies of living conditions and of the structure of Jewish enclaves. Very valuable - and often utilized by historians - are historical and statistical descriptions of the cities in the Radom Gubernia of 1820 and 1860. They contain retrospective data on the size of the population in individual cities in various years and by showing ethnic and religious composition they make it possible to follow the demographic dynamics of Jews.3 The City of Radom collection [Akta miasta Radomia = AMR] for the years 1795-1950 contains many relevant materials. They deal with the functions of executive boards in the Jewish places of worship, construction and ownership of the mykva buildings, registration issues, participation of Jews in crafts and trade (including the local Merchants' Association [Zgromadzenie Kupieckie]), and in the emerging local industry. Preserved rich correspondence allows tracing the history of several Jewish leather tanneries, the textile factory of Selim Bloch, whose son, Bogumil Bloch, was the "railroad king," distinguished manufacturer, and a noted pacifist, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.4 But these developments must be viewed in the context of the old Polish royal privilege, de nontolerandis Iudaeis, which even in the 19th century denied Jews the right to live within the Radom city limits and which Jews actively opposed. Such issues as the Jewish settlement in special jurisdictional territories in Staroscin and villages near Radom; illegal residences in the Radom downtown; assimilation; and many - unsuccessful -attempts to expel Jews from Radom are also very well reflected in this collection.5 During this period the city started permanent resident books, which encompassed rich personal data. Complete sets of these books from the 19th century and later periods have survived to this day and they are outstanding sources for genealogical and demographic research. hi the first half of the 19th century, Radom was one of the very few cities in the Russian Poland which had a Jewish hospital. Its history is documented in the files of the Detail Council of the Jewish Hospital [Rada Szczegôlowa Szpitala Starozakonnych] in Radom (1848-1870). These files contain 3 R. Guidon, S. Marcinkowski, "Opisy miast KielecczYzny z lat 1820-1860" [Descriptions of the Cities in the Kielce Region in 1820-1860], Studia Kieleckie [hereafter SK], 1976, No. 1. R. Kolodziejczyk, Jan Bloch (1836-1902). Szkic doportretu "krolapolskich kolei " [Jan Bloch (1836-1902): An Outline of the Portrait of the "King of Polish Railroads"], Warszawa 1983. 4 W. Cwik, Pozostahscifeudalne w miastach rzqdowych mafopolskich terenôw Krôlestwa Polskiego (1815-1866) [The Feudal Vestiges in the Government Cities of Malopolska in the Kingdom of Poland, 1815-1866], Lublin 1968. 5 Spring 2003 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 5 documents on construction, financing sources (including lists of individual contributors from many localities in the Radom gubernia), medical and support personnel, food supplies, contributions for the purpose of providing treatment for the poor, and the hospital's involvement in fighting the cholera epidemic and other infectious diseases. There is also rich correspondence on hospital management and patient care with the state and local authorities as well as with various medical organizations around the country.6 In a related collection - the Radom Gubernia Physicians Registry [Urzad Lekarski Guberni Radomskiej] (1839-1866) - there are materials about Jews admitted to feldscher certification exams and about their medical practices in some localities of the gubernia. Many archival collections document participation of Jews in broadly understood economic life.7 In the mentioned above Radom, Kielce, Lublin, and Siedlce Gubernia Agricultural and Government Property Administration there are separate files on Jewish settlements in Radom and Opoczno; financial settlements with local Jews by Anna Sapiezyna, the owner of Szydlowiec; and financial statements of Lewin Sunderland, the owner of a china factory, established in Hza in 1823.8 Jewish names can be found in hundreds of files on state, local, and private land properties. One such file contains a list of all homeowners in all urban centers of the Radom gubernia who paid real estate taxes on their houses in 1857. Even more information on economic activities is contained in the City of Radom Real Estate Office [Hipoteka Miejska Miasta Radomia] (1816-1978), Radom County Real Estate Office [Hipoteka Powiatowa Radomska] (16061996), and Hza County Real Estate Office Ppoteka Powiatowa Ilzecka] (1824-1946) collections. These collections are an indispensable for those researching property issues. Another excellent source, which is often neglected in historical research, is the notary documents. The RBPSA has more than a dozen of document collections from notaries public, who performed their duties in liza, Radom, and Kozienice. These materials enable us to follow in great detail increased involvement of Jews in business life as well as reconstruct its local dynamics, and learn about business activities of individual Jews. Notarial acts in the files deal with real estate purchases, sales, and ownership taxes as well as information on real estate, land ownership, associations, property division, apartment rentals, and many other issues. In the period discussed, these files also contain Jewish wills, which often donated substantial sums to various charities (including Christian ones). Also, business issues are indirectly reflected in the collection of the Radom County Supervisory Council for Charitable Institutions [Rada Opiekuricza Zakladôw Dobroczynhych Powiatu Radomskiego] (1833-1870), which contains materials on the establishment and operation of a credit institution for poor Jews of Radom the main purpose of which was to save the poorest Jews from creditors. The beginning of the 19th century also marks the creation of a new category of documents: the vital statistics records. In 1810, registration of births, marriages, and deaths became official. For the next 15 years, Jewish data were recorded in the same books as the ones for Catholics; that is why their last names (or rather nicknames as they were usually derived from the first names) are often to be found in the records of the Catholic parishes. In 1826, special regulations required that Jewish data be recorded in separate books. The Radom archives have several dozen collections, containing documents of the Offices of the Vital Statistics of the Jewish Congregational Districts [USC Okregi Boznicze]; they were systematically updated [from the local USC offices] with the latest update in the year 2000. They were usually appended by attachments ("allegata"), which contained additional information, particularly about the persons getting married. Several collections (Bialobrzegi, Gowarczôw, Grôjec, Kozienice, and others) also contain some of the series of books from the interwar period and the years of the Nazi occupation. The Post-Uprising Period (1864-1914 ) The second half of the 19th century witnessed a serious transformation of the Jewish community, with growing number of workers and the emergence and growth of socialist and Zionist organizations. The 6 These documents were utilized to discuss the history of the Jewish Hospital in H. Kisiel, "Publiczne zaklady opieki zdrowotnej i spolecznej w Radomiu w latach 1815-1914" ["Public Healthcare and Welfare Institutions in Radom, 1815-1914"], in Biuletyn Kwartalny Radomskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego [Radom Scholarly Society Quarterly hereafter BRTN], vol. 17,1980, z. 2. 7 W. Caban, "Zydzi guberni radomskiej 1832-1862. Zrodla utrzymania i akrywnosc gospodarcza" ["Jews in Radom Gubernia, 1832-1862. Sources of Income and Economic Activity"!. Biuletyn ZrHTBulletin of the Jewish Historical Institute], 1991, z. 2. 8 Z. Hunter, Hzafabryk^fajansu sfynna [Hza, the famous China Factory Town], Warszawa 1993. 6 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 Sprin g 2003 major source of information about Jews during this period is the archives of the Radom Gubernia Government [akta Rz^du Gubernialnego Radomskiego] (1867-1917).9 They contain predominantly documents related to broadly understood supervision of Jewish houses of worship. The largest group of materials concerns financial matters such as annual budgets, which include lists of people paying mandatory fees - divided into categories based on income - for membership in the congregation. These documents provide a great amount of information about incomes and expenditures of individual congregations as well as about the social stratification of Jews in various localities throughout the gubernia. They are also an excellent source for genealogical research. Another collection contains files of people employed by the congregations such as rabbis (fulltime and honorary) as well as cantors. Among them are CVs, certificates that the persons in question had never violated the law, certificates of skills, details of the selection processes, and descriptions of the installation ceremonies of rabbis in the synagogues.10 Materials about applicants for the rabbi position contain less detailed material. But the files on selection of candidates for the leadership positions contain interesting information about the work of the most active and respected members of the local Jewish communities. Also, there are files available on the use of Jewish religious institutions such as synagogues, houses of worship, ritual baths, kosher slaughterhouses, cheders, and cemeteries. Materials on construction and repairs often contain itemized invoices and architectural drawings. They cover both, small localities such as Granica, Osiek, and Przytyk as well as cities, where thousands of Jews lived such as Koriskie, Opatôw, and Radom. The Radom Gubernia Government offer also many files containing information about various facets of Jewish civic activities. Also, large series of files deal with conversions - particularly interesting are the testimonies of the converts on the reasons for their conversions.11 More materials deal with punishments for conducting religious instruction in private homes. Other issues are also reflected in this collection such as a rabbi's curse thrown on a Jewish baker from Zwoleri, or about collections of funds for Jews in Palestine. The files of Radom Governor's Chancery [Kancelaria Gubernatora Radomskiego] (1867-1917) is of great interest as well; it handled cases of special importance. There one can find materials on people exiled for political activities and criminal acts (and on returns from such) as well as sources on emigration of Jews (particularly to the United States); and in the early 20th century, and materials on labor strikes, Zionist activities, etc. The city archives contain a great wealth of information on Jewish topics. The AMR collection contains numerous statistical data on migrations as well as detailed files on such things as ownership, use, and repairs of the ritual bath, kosher butchery, synagogue, and the cemetery as well as on elections to the synagogue executive board, tax matters, social programs, conversions, and other issues. They also offer information about fundraisings, carried out by the Jewish Hospital, about the activities of the funeral home associations, and about Jews avoiding military service. Similar materials, but fewer in number, are contained in the City of Kozienice Archives [Akta miasta Kozienice] collection (1817-1950). Gmina documents, however, only occasionally offer information about Jews, and these are contained only in the permanent resident record books. The earliest extensive data on political attitudes among Jews in the 19th century are located in the collection of the Radom Division of the National War Commander Headquarters [Zarza.d Naczelnika Wojennego Oddzialu Radomskiego] (1861-1867), which coordinated military activities against the Polish forces during the January Uprising. There one can find information about Jews participating in the January For more information about this and other collections see J. Boniecki, Archiwa \iadz administracyjnych guberni radomskiej w latach 1867-1915 [Administrative Archives of the Radom Gubernia, 1867-1915], Kielce 1973. 9 10 A. Penkalla, "Zrôdla do dziejôw rabinôw w Krôlestwie Polskim na przykladzie guberni radomskiej" ["Sources on the History of Rabbis in the Kingdom of Poland based in Radom Gubernia"!, SKI 995, No. 1. [Also see Penkalla's "Personnel Records of Rabbis in Radom Gubernia, 1867-1914", in Kielce-Radom SIG Journal V:l (Winter 2001), pages 16-23]. 11 A. Penkalla, "Z problematyki zmiany wyznania wsrôd Zydôw na terenie guberni radomskiej w latach 1867-1914" ["On Conversions among Jews in the Radom Gubernia, 1867-1914"], in Narôd i religia. Materialy z sesii naukowej [Nation and Religion, Material from a Conference], ed. by T. Stegner. Gdansk, 1994. 12 H. Kisiel, "Materialy do dziejôw powstania styczniowego w Archiwum Panstwowym w Radomiu" ["Historical Sources on the January Uprising in the Radom State Archives"!, Archeionvol. 12, 1964; W. Caban, "Zydzi guberni radomskiej a powstanie styczniowe," [w:] Zydzi w Mdopolsce. Studia z dziejôw osadnictwa i zycia spoiecznego, pod red. F. Kiryka, Przemjél 1991 ["Jews of the Radom Gubemia in the January Uprising" in F. Kiryk, éd., Jews in Malopolska. Studies on Settlements and Society, Przemysl, 1991]. Spring 2003 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 7 Uprising and working with the uprising command as well as about police informers, including those sentenced to die by the insurgents for cooperating with the Russian occupiers. A small series of documents details financial dealings of Jewish suppliers with the military. Since the uprising the state authorities watched very closely increased political activism of Jews. The surveillance expanded in the beginning of the 20th century due to the active participation of Jews in the revolutionary uprisings in the years 1905-1907. This is amply reflected in the files of the Radom Gubernia Gendarmerie Headquarters [Zarzad 2andarmerii Guberni Radomskiej] (1887-1917) and its local branches.13 They mostly contain files from investigations against persons suspected of illegal political activity, including those active in the Bund, Poale Zion, Jewish Labor Party, and others. These documents include reports from police and police agents as well as personal profiles, and descriptions of activities. Often these files contain leaflets and documents detailing the structure of local party offices. The gendarmerie documents also contain materials sent to Radom from Warsaw on programs and activities of the leftist and anarchist parties. Interesting materials on the activities of Jews in leftist political movements in Ostrowiec, Radom, Wierzbnik, and other cities can be found in the archives of the Office of the Prosecutor for the Radom District [Prokurator Sadu Okregowego Radomskiego] and of the Investigative Judge for the Radom District Court [Sedzia Sledczy Sadu Okregowego Radomskiego], both covering the years 1905-1907. The archives of the Radom School Administration [Radomska Dyrekcja Szkolna] (1864-1917) offer extensive documentation about the Jewish educational system under the state supervision. This collection is divided into two series: general (generalia) and specific (specialia). The former contains statistics, school programs, Jewish teachers' personal files, and correspondence on teaching Russian in the cheders. The latter holds documents from several hundred public and private elementary schools in the entire Radom gubernia. Of particular interest are the lists of persons, who paid mandatory school fees; these lists are divided by individual income levels and they include many Jews. The first private Jewish secular schools in Radom and other cities appear in the beginning of the 20th century. The said archives contain permits to operate the schools, statistical data, and information about teachers and the support staff. Similar information - lists of students, examination documents, correspondence - can be found in the archives of the Men's and Women's Gymnasiums [Gimnazjum Mçskie and Gimnazjum Zeriskie - secondary schools] in Radom (both cover the years 1891-1919) which were attended also by the Jewish youth. One group of materials in the RBPSA from the second half of the 19th century contains information about Jewish business activities. The property ownership data and notary public documents increase in number during that period due to the growing number of Jews among real estate owners and administrators and their investments in industry, trade, and other branches of economy. This collection, entitled the Radom Fiscal Administration [Izba Skarbowa Radomska] (1867-1917), holds several dozen thousand files, containing reports on tax inspections of businesses, owned by Jews, and documents detailing inheritance fees. However, these materials require a more thorough review to establish the full extent of information about Jews. Several folders in the collection The Radom Gubernia Office for Village Affairs [Urzad Gubernialny Radomski do Spraw Wlosciariskich] (1864-1917) contain complaints of Jews experiencing business problems.14 World War I (1914-1918) The WWI period was for the Polish Jews a period of emancipation and struggle for equal rights in the future Poland. Information about these dramatic events is very interesting, but it is dispersed throughout the archives. In the AMR collection there is a several-hundred page file, containing correspondence between the city authorities and the Synagogue Executive Board (Dozôr Bozniczy) in Radom about the elections of the rabbi and the mandatory fees to be paid by Jews. Many letters and applications in this file show the pauperization of Jews due to the devastation caused by the war and because of the evacuation of the Russian banking institutions. Other files contain materials about Jewish girls, working as volunteers for the Polish Committee for Medical Assistance [Polski Komitet Pomocy Sanitarnej], and about the deportations of so- 13 J. Boniecki, "Zarza.dy Zandannerii w guberni radomskiej i ich zawartosc aktowa (1867-1917)", BRTN t. 12, 1975, z. 1-2 ["Archives of the Gendarme Headquarters and Local Branches in the Radom Gubernia, 1867-1917", Biuletyn Radomskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego, vol. 12, 1975, Nos. 1-2]. 14 C. Ohryzko-Wlodarska, Organizacja wladz wh&iariskich w Krôlestwie Polskim i ich pozostalosc aktowa (18641918) [The Structure of Village Authorities in the Kingdom of Poland Reflected in the Archival Sources, 18641918], Warsaw, 1973. 8 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 Sprin g 2003 called hostages to the gubernias in central Russia as well as about the service of Radom Jews in the tsarist army (the lists often include military ranks and units in which they served). Of particular interest are materials about the transformation of the Radom Jewish community. They contain minutes from meetings of the Radom City Council [Rada Miejska miastaRadomia], which for the first time included many Jewish members.15 Jewish councilmen focused on equal rights and education. The latter is very well documented in the files of the School Commission of the Radom Land [Komisja Szkolna Ziemi Radomskiej] (1915-1918) and of the School Council of the City of Radom [Rada Szkolna Miasta Radomia] (1915-1925) collections. Both contain information about the school system, Jewish teachers, and various statistical data. It is also worthwhile to mention the files of the Peace Courts [Sijdy Pokoju] - in Bialobrzegi, Kunôw, Ostrowiec, Staszôw, and other cities - and the Regional Courts [S^dy Obwodowe] - in Koriskie, Opoczno, Opatôw, Sandomierz, and other cities - all from the years 1915-1917. They contain court documents on civil suits involving Jews. They provide information about relations between various groups in small cities. Unfortunately, very little documentation remains about one of the largest industrial enterprises in Radom the Johan (usually referred to as Jakub) Kolin Furniture Factory [Fabryka Mebli Gietych Johana Kohna], established and managed by Jews (1913-1918). The Interwar Period (1918-1939 ) The best source for information about Jews in public life in the interwar period is the collection of city and gmina archives, the remainders of the local administrations. Of these of particular importance is the AMR, which contains documents of the City Council [Rada Miasta) and the City Administration [Zarzad Miejski] as well as the letters received by them from various constituents. This collection contains the minutes of the City Council, where Jews had substantial and active representation.16 In addition to information about the councilmen and their activities, these reports contain interesting ideological declarations of parties and social groups (Zionists, socialists, middle classes, and others) as well as collective declarations on issues vital not only to the citizens of Radom, but the entire country as well. One such declaration was issued in March of 1939 in response to the increasing German territorial demands. It reads, in part: "[...] we, Jews, join all other citizens in paying tribute to our Army. When need arises, we will offer not only our property but our lives as well in defense of the Honor of the Brightest Republic, the integrity of Her borders, and the freedom of Her citizens." This collection also provides plenty of material about Jewish institutions and charitable organizations active in Radom such as the Bekerman Home for the Aged and Handicapped [Przytulek dla Starcôw i Kalek im. Bekermanôw], the Jewish Orphanage [Dom Sierot Zydowskich], the "Ezra" Aid Society for the Poor and Sick [Stowarzyszenie Niesienia Pomocy Biednym i Chorym miasta Radomia "Ezra"], "Unas Hacedek" (Physicians' Assistance) Society to Aid Poor Sick Jews [Towarzystwo Wspierania Biednych Chorych Zydôw "Linas Hacedek" (Pomoc Lekarska], and the Radom Branch of TOZ - the Society for the Protection of Health of the Jewish Population in Poland [Towarzystwo Ochrony Zdrowia Ludnosci Zydowskiej w Polsce "TOZ"]. These materials for the most part cover the 1920s; they show great need for social programs among the Radom Jews in the first years of the Polish independence as well the efforts to meet these needs. The same issues are reflected in the archives of the Radom Health Department [Wydzial Zdrowia radomskiego Magistrate). They show the effects of infectious diseases, which affected particularly hard the Old City - the old Jewish district in Radom. Many documents dispersed throughout the collection deal with Jewish business activities; among them there is a list of tool shop owners in the years 1926-1929 which contains more than 1,950 names, of which 90% appear to be Jewish. Diligent researchers will find there information about the Jewish trade movement, cultural life , and education. For genealogists, there are several thousand applications for passports which contain personal 15 C. Luszkiewicz, "Rada Miejska miasta Radomia wokresieod 28.XII.1916 do 23.111.1919" ["Radom City Council, December 28, 1916-March23,1919"] [w:] 70 rocznica odzyskania niepodleg hsci przez Polske. Materiafy pokonferencyjne, pod red. J. Misiaka [in J. Misiak, éd., The 70th Anniversary of Poland's Independence. Conference Materials], Radom, 1989. 16 W. Macherzynski, "Wybory do Rady Miejskiej w Radomiu w latach 1918-1939" ["Elections to the Radom City Council, 1918-1939"], Biuletyn Kwartalny Radomskiego Towarzvstwa Naukowego [Quarterly of the Radom Scientific Society], vol. 22, 1985, Nos. 1-2. Spring 2003 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 9 data and very often the applicants' photographs as well. These documents provide information about many members of the Jewish intellectual and social elites.17 Documents of other local administrative organs and governments in the Radom and Kozienice counties are rather fragmentary, but even they contain interesting materials about local Jews. The City of Kozienice Archives and the City of Wysmierzyce Archives contain the full set of minutes of the city council meetings for the years of 1917-1950 which provide as much interesting information as the files in the AMR. In the gmina administration collection, the Jewish materials are contained in the files of the gmina Bialobrzegi (1900-1945) - participation of Jews its economic life; and in the files of the gmina Wielogôra (1919-1936) - extensive materials about the Firlej industrial complex near Radom owned by Mojzesz Den. Archives of many gminas (Pionki, Radom, Wolanôw, Zakrzôw) contain so-called books of permanent residents [ksiegi ludnosci stalej], which offer information about the local population and its migrations at any given period of that era.. Not much has been preserved in the Radom archives with regard to the participation of Jews in the local government administration. However, reports held in the collections of the Radom District Administration [Starostwo Grodzkie] (1933-1939), Radom County Administrations [Starostwo Powiatowe w Radomiu] (1922-1939), Kozienice County Administration [Starostwo Powiatowe w Kozienicach] (19331939), and the County Police Headquarters in Radom [Komenda Powiatowa Policji Paristwowej] (19251939) provide information about political activity of Jews, particularly about their involvement in the communist movement. But the most valuable materials in this regard can be found in the archives of the Regional Court Prosecutor's Office [Prokurator Sadu Okregowego] in Radom (1922-1939), which are rarely consulted by historians. They contain several dozen files on Jews active in the Communist Party of Poland and in other radical left organizations. It is worth noting that researchers may learn a great deal about the daily life of Jews from the archives of the Civil and Criminal Divisions of the Regional Court [Wydzial Cywilny i Wydzial Karny Sadu Okregowego] in Radom (1917-1940); they contain divorce acts, marriage annulments, documents on court-appointed guardians for underage children and mentally ill as well as materials about the involvement of Jews in the activities of the local criminal groups. The Radom archives have been able to preserve a very high percentage of materials about the local educational system and activities. Of particular interest are documents in the collection of the Board of Education [Inspektorat Szkolny] in Radom (1917-1939). The Board of Education supervised schools in the City of Radom and in the Radom and Kozienice Counties; its documentation contains materials about Jewish schools and kindergartens as well as copious correspondence about their activities. Of special interest are the Radom reformed cheders (private elementary schools) such as "Masoteth" (Tradition), "Mada" (Knowledge), and "Kultura" [Culture]. They provide information about the educational levels, teacher treaining, and sanitary conditions of these educational establishments. There is also information about the struggle of the state administration with the illegal cheders and personal information about the Jewish teachers. Additional information is contained in the Educational Board collection mentioned above; it provides information about the actions taken against Jewish parents, whose children failed to attend school. The RBPSA also holds files of several dozen public schools from the city and the region. Most of these are grade books and graduation certificate books. They also contain files of the Berek Joselewicz Elementary School, which was one two public schools for Jewish children only - called the Sabbath schools - in the interwar period in Radom. A very valuable source to study Jewish cultural life in Radom is a collection of posters, announcements, and leaflets from the years 1918-1939; they mostly refer to theater performances. Among them are posters announcing performances of local ensembles such as Borochow "Strzecha Robotnicza" [Worker's Home] Association, Grosser Worker's Club [Klub Robotniczy] as well as visiting artists such as the United Jewish Ensemble of the Warsaw Artists' Association [Zjednoczona Trupa Zydowska Warszawskiego Zwiazku Artystôw], whose major star was Regina Cukier. There are also a few announcements of the Jewish Religious Congregation in Radom and advertisements of the Radomer Wochenblatt [Radom (Jewish) Weekly]. Many materials in this collection are political propaganda of various 17 Information in these documents is extensively discussed in S. Piatkowski, Zvdzi radomscy w latach 1918-1950. Dzieje spolecznosci lokalnej na tie historii miasta i regionuTThe Jews of Radom, 1918-1950 : A History of a Local Community as a Part of the History of the City and the Region], Lublin, 1998. A doctoral dissertation in the Archives of the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin. 10 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 Sprin g 2003 political parties published during elections to the parliament and local governments and, thus, they contain anti-Semitic writings and slogans. As it has been already stated, Jewish business activities and contributions to economy is reflected in many archival collections. Among them are the files of the Tax and State Monopoly Office [Urzad Skarbowy Akcyz i Monopoli Paristwowych] in Radom (1914-1929) which contain financial as well as technical-administrative documentations of Jewish businesses, including breweries and liquor bottling plants. There are also incomplete files on Radom steel and enamel factories such as "Glinice" Casting and Enamel Factory [Fabryka Odlewôw Zeliwnych i Emaliowanych "Glinice"], owned by Izrael Rozenberg and Jôzef Diament as well as the Casting and Iron Works [Fabryka Odlewôw Kutolanych i Zeliwnych], owned by E. Gotlieb. With regard to mentioned already real estate and notary collections, the AMR, and Radom and Ilza counties contain tremendous amount of detailed information about Jewish holdings in real estate, industry, and agriculture. However, they await a thorough review. There is a similar situation is with the several dozen of notary collections in Radom, Kozienice, Szydlowiec, and Zwoleri, which contain many materials documenting sales and purchases and founding of businesses, financed by Jews. Here the major source of information is the collection of the Radom notary, Wladyslaw Roguski (the 1921-1951 period) who specialized in industrial associations. The War and Nazi Occupation (1939-1945 ) The Holocaust caused physical annihilation of the Jewish community in Poland as well as destruction of sources documenting Jewish presence in Poland for many centuries. Information about Jews in this period is present throughout the archives in various collections, but it is very fragmentary. The major source is the collections of the Radom District Supreme Council of the Jewish Elders [Naczelna Rada Starszych Ludnosci Zydowskiej Dystryktu Radomskiego] (1941-1942), composed of several dozen thousands of applications for identity cards in the Radom ghetto. The application forms contain personal data and often applicants' photographs as well. These materials are very valuable for genealogical research, but they also provide important information about the life in this closed community, its organizational structure, and the activities of the local Judenrat}* Another interesting source is 500 personal files of Jews, employed as forced labor in the "Bata" Shoe Factory [Fabryka Obuwia "Bata"] which are located in the collection of the Radom Shoe Factory [Radomskie Zaklady Obuwia] (1941-1959). Overwhelming majority of these laborers lived in Glinice, a district in Radom known as the little ghetto. They were deported in August 1942 to the extermination camp in Ttreblinka. This fact is documented by the following note on nearly all files: "[he/she] did not report to work after the liquidation of the ghetto." The documentation of the German civilian administration is incomplete, hence it contains little material about Jews. In the archives of the Radom District Governor [Gubernator Dystryktu Radomskiego] (1939-1945) there are two collections providing information about deportations of Jewish youth to labor camps in the Lublin region in 1940.19 The first of them contains interesting correspondence about the organization of individual transports and living conditions in the camps, while the other one contains recommendations for release of individual underage inmates of the camp in Cieszanôw. This collection also contains the lists of earnings with the names of Jews, working as forced labor in Radom (for example, unloading coal); a file containing extracts from the "A" account to which Jews were forced to contribute by the Nazis; and individual reports about activities of local civic organizations, including the Jewish County Welfare Committee [Zydowski Komitet Opiekuiiczy Powiatowy] in Radom. Very little information is contained in the archives of the Radom County Administrator (1939-1944). Only two small files contain information about deportation of Jews and anti-Jewish regulations, introduced by the Nazi occupants. These regulations were usually published in the form of announcements; many of these are stored in the Collection 18 For a detailed description of these materials see H. Kisiel, "Mieszkancy radomskiego ghetta w swietle Zrodel archiwalnych" [w:1 Zydzi dvstrvktu radomskiego w okresie II wojnv swiatowej. Materialy sesji populamonaukowej odbytej w Radomiu 27 wrzeénia 1997 roku, pod red. S. Piatkowskiego ["Inmates of the Radom Ghetto based on Archival Resources," in S. Piatkowski, éd., The Jews of the Radom District during WWII. Materials from the Conference Held on September 27,1997 in Radoml, BRTN, vol. 34,1999, No. 1, pp. 71-85. 19 J. Kielbon, Migracje ludnosci w dystrykcie lubelskim w latach 1939-1944 [Population Migrations in the Lublin District, 1939-1944], Lublin, 1995, pp. 133-137; S. Piatkowski, "Deportacje Zydôw z dystryktu radomskiego do obozow pracy przymusowej na Lubelszcz^nie w 1940 roku" ["Deportations of Jews from the Radom District to Labor Camps in the Lublin Region in 1940"!, Almanach HistorycznyTHistoric Almanac], 1999, No. l,pp. 185-198. Spring 2003 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 11 of Posters, Announcements, and Leaflets from the Period 1939-1945 [Zbiôr plakatôw, afiszôw I drukôw ulotnych z lat 1939-1945]. They include announcements on residential permits, registration, relocations, mandatory metal scrap collection, and orders forbidding Jews to enter certain streets. There is also a copy of the announcement about the establishment of the ghetto in Radom and a map of the city with the ghetto boundaries. There is also interesting, but unanalyzed, documentation on repressive anti-Jewish actions during the Nazi occupation; it is held in the Radom Prison [Wiezienie Radomskie] collection (1939-1945). Out of more than 14,000 prisoners' personal records, 2,000 were those of Jewish prisoners, many of whom died in prison or were deported to labor and death camps.20 These documents offer valuable information about individual prisoners, including reasons for imprisonment, and their fates; occasionally, they contain illegal correspondence between prisoners in Polish and Yiddish confiscated by the prison guards. This collection also contains personal records of Polish prisoners, who were imprisoned for hiding or helping Jews. Similar documentation is contained in files of the courts of that period. Here of particular interest is the collection of documents from the Special Court [Sad Specjalny] in Radom. Its Prosecution Office [Prokuratura przy Sqdzie Specjalnym] files (1939-1944) contain death sentences imposed on Jews for leaving closed districts. A lot of information about the conditions of the Jewish population in the first months of the Nazi occupation can be found in the city and gmina archives. In the former the most important collection is the Archives of the City of Skaryszewo [Akta miasta Skaryszewa] (1939-1950), which holds materials on the introduction of anti-Jewish regulations as well as the lists of Jews from territories incorporated into Germany who were resettled to this city. Unfortunately, they cover the years 1939-1940 only. Other collections contain only singular files such as on the conversion of a Jewish school to a delousing center and infectious diseases hospital; sums exacted from the Jewish congregations in 1939 (the Bialobrzegi gmina collection); and economic exploitation (Kozienice gmina collection). Documents and related materials on the Holocaust also are available in collections from the postWWTI period. One such collection of particular importance is that of the Special Prosecutor of the Civil Court [Prokurator Specjalny S^du Karnego] in Lublin. The Radom Branch [Ekspozytura w Radomiu] ( 19451951) contains files on investigations against Germans, employed in the administrative apparatus as well as in police units, involved in persecuting the Jewish population. In this collection there is a group of files on employees of the Weapon Factory [Fabryka Broni] in Radom where Jews were employed as forced labor and records of the guards from the special camp attached to the factory (1942-1944).21 Some background material also can be found in the postwar collection of the Radom County Administrator [Starostwo Powiatowe w Radomiu] (1945-1950) and in the files of the gmina administration offices. They provide statistical tables and statements on the Nazi extermination policy in the Radom County which were compiled by the Research Institute on Social Policy [Instytut Naukowo-Spoleczny] in Radom for the purpose of publishing a monographic study of the county under the Nazi occupation. This work has not been completed. The Post-war Years (1945-1968) In the first months after WWII, Radom was one of the largest Jewish population centers in central Poland. This was due to the fact that many Jews were returning to their home town, quite a few inmates of the Nazi camps settled there temporarily, and also a number of Jews, repatriated from the Soviet Union, were directed to this area. These migrations were recorded in the file collection of the Regional Jewish Committee [Okregowy Komitet Zydowski - RJC] in Radom for the years 1945-1950.22 In this collection there are letters from the Central Committee of Jews in Poland [Centralny Komitet Zydôw Polskich] in Warsaw as well as K. Jaroszek and S. Pi^tkowski, Martyrologia Zydôw w wiçzieniu radomskim, 1939-1944. Wykaz zamordowanych, zmarfych, deportowanych do obozôw koncentracyjnych i obozôw zag lady [The Martyrology of Jews in the Radom Prison, 1939-1944. A List of Deceased and Deported to Labor and Death Camps], Radom, 1997. 20 21 Materials from this collection were utilized in S. Pia,tkowski, "Obôz pracy przy ul. Szkolnej w Radomiu (19421944)" ["The Labor Camp at the Szkolna Street in Radom, 1942-1944"], Zeszyty MajdankarThe Majdanek Camp Materials], vol. 19, 1998, pp. 41-50. 22 A. Penkalla, "Unikalne archiwalia do dziejôw radomskich Zydôw po II wojnie swiatowej" ["Unique Archival Materials o n the History of Jews in Radom after WWII"], Biuletyn ZlHBiuletyn Zydowskiego Instyturu Historycznego - The Bulletin of the Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw], 1993, Nos. 3-4, pp. 147-149. 12 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 Spring 2003 minutes of the RJC meetings and the correspondence of the RJC with the local authorities, Jewish organizations abroad, and private persons. Documentation in the collection shows attempts to rebuild Jewish communal life in Jedlirisk, Szydlowiec, Kozienice, and most of all in Radom. Individual documents reflect the efforts to provide the Radom Jews with material goods, food, and medical services as well as attempts to recover the synagogue and the Jewish Hospital and steps taken to protect the Jewish cemetery from devastation. There is also correspondence on searches for relatives, lost during the war; participation of the RJC in exhumation of bodies; and the historical materials and testimonies collected for the upcoming trials of the Nazis. Many documents in this collection contain information about Polish-Jewish relations during the war, although this interesting material is not always objective. The crowning achievement of the RJC was the erection of the monument to the Radom Jews, who perished during the war. The monument, designed by Jakub Zajdensznir, was publicly unveiled during a special ceremony on August 17, 1950. This event was the last one during which the Radom Jews made a public showing as a religious and ethnic group. In the following years many Jews either immigrated or underwent advanced acculturation. The files of the Regional Liquidation Office [Rejonowy Urz^d Likwidacyjny] in Radom (1945-1955) constitute another interesting source of materials about Jews, and particularly about their property, in the postwar period. They include several hundred cases where the owners and/or inheritors, who resided in the Radom area before the war and after the war lived in Poland or abroad, requested that the family property be restored to them.23 These requests deal with real estate (especially, private homes), land, and large factory buildings and equipment. They make it possible to trace the fate of property and the owners but they also shed light on the policies of the state. Additional materials on this issue can be found in other collections such as the index of formerly-Jewish real estate kept in the archives of the Presidium of the City Council and the County Administration [Prezydium Miejskiej Rady Narodowej i Urzedu Powiatowego] in Radom. Fragmentary materials about Jewish life in Radom and the region after WWII are held in a few other collections as well. The AMR contains a file with correspondence between the city authorities and the RJC about the need to protect the Jewish cemetery and about erecting a monument at the site of the former Jewish ghetto. In the Kozienice County Administrator [Kozienickie Starostwo Powiatowe] archives (1945-1950) there is a list of Jews, who lived in Kozienice in 1945, and a registration application from the Jewish Committee in Zwoleri from the same period. There are also reports filed later on the situation of the Jewish population in the county; curiously, their author, the county administrator, blatantly lied, no doubt, when he claimed that there were no Jews in his jurisdiction after WWII. The collection of posters, announcements, and leaflets (1945-1989) contains two announcements on Jewish subjects. One of them is a joint statement of the bishop of Kielce and the city and county top officials denying the popular rumor that Jews committed ritual murders. The mass immigration of Jews after the pogrom in Kielce in 1946 led to practical disappearance of Jews from Radom; the remaining few underwent complete assimilation and acculturation. Some of them became victims of the anti-Semitic campaign in 1968. The archives of theVoivodship [Province] Party Committee [KW PZPR] in Radom contain files from the Section for Communist Veterans [Referat ds. Dzialaczy Ruchu Robotniczego] (1975-1989) where one can find correspondence on expulsions of Jews from the party and dismissals from jobs.24 One can expect to find that this kind of information in other collections at the RBPSA as well, but this is a task for future researchers. 23 For extensive discussion see K. Urbariski, "Z problematyki zydowskiej w Kieleckiem w latach 1945-1946", [w:] Zydzi w Mahpolsce ["On Jews in the Kielce Region in the Years 1945-1946," in Jews in Malopolska - see footnote 12]. 24 S. Piatkowski, "Referat do spraw Dzialaczy Ruchu Robotniczego przy KW PZPR w Radomiu - organizacja, dzialalnoéc, cliarakterystyka materialôw i ich przydatnosc badawcza," Radom 1999 (mps, tekst wystapienia na zebranie naukowe w Archiwum Panstwowym w Radomiu) ["The Section for Communist Veterans at the Voivodship Party Committee in Radom - structure, activities, and assessment of documents and their usefulness for research," Radbm 1999 (typed manuscript of presentation prepared for a research seminar at the RBPSA)]. Spring 2003 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 13 Chmielnik fromPinkas HaKehillot, Polen, Volume VII (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1999), pages 228-233 By Daniel Blatman Translated from the Hebrew by Shlomo Wygodny, Edited by Perets Mett Chmielnik The early Jewish community Stopnica district, Kielce province Year 1766 1827 1857 1861 1897 1902 1910 1921 Total Population 1,812 3,098 3,488 6,888 8,352 8,073 7,690 Jewish Population 1,445 1,195 2,066 2,724 5,671 7,048 6,452 5,908 The beginnings of the settlement were in a castle built in the 13th century, which was used to defend the place from the Tartar invasions. In 1248, the Tartars conquered the region after defeating the Polish army. As a result of the Tartar conquest, the local residents were deported and the area was not settled until the 16th century. Only then did settlers of German origin come and established new settlements. In 1551, King Zygmunt August granted a privilege to Samuel and Mikulai Ulshnicki and Chmielnik got the status of a privately-owned town. In the 17th century, the ownership of Chmielnik passed to the Calvinist Golochowski family, and was one of the main influence centers of the Aryans in Poland. At the end of this century, Chmielnik moved to the ownership of the Ozarowski noble family, whose members returned the town to Catholicism. As early as the 17th century, the German residents of Chmielnik started to mine iron and copper locally. During this period Chmielnik was also an important crossroads, and trade routes between Poland, Prussia and Silesia passed through it. In the 2nd half of the 18th century, workshops for textiles and metal tools were established. With the partitions of Poland at the end of the 18th century, Chmielnik passed to Austrian rule. In 1809, it was included in the [Napoleonic] Duchy of Warsaw, and in 1815 it came under Russian rule. In the second half of the 19th century, industrial undertakings were set up in Chmielnik - for soap, textiles, leather processing and shoes. During the 1863 Polish insurrection, battles took place in Chmielnik and the surrounding area between Polish insurgents and Russian army troops. On Jan. 20th 1863, the Polish insurgents took over the city and controlled it for several months, until it was re-occupied by the Russian army. In the old Jewish cemetery of Chmielnik there are tombstones from the 13th century, which testifies that Jews had already settled there. However the first written documents in which Jewish settlement in Chmielnik is mentioned date from 1556. The Jews who settled in Chmielnik engaged mainly in trading: on 1632 the trader Pesach Yehuda from Chmielnik was known due to large transfers of money and goods he made between Chmielnik and Lviv. During the Swedish wars, in 1656, the Jewish community in Chmielnik was attacked and almost completely destroyed. The Polish armies under the command of Czarniecki, who freed the city, accused the Chmielnik Jews of providing support to the Swedish army, and murdered some 150 of them. Only in the second half of the 17th century did Jews return to settle in Chmielnik. They were allowed to acquire houses and shops and to trade. During that time, trading in wheat, cattle and wood became concentrated in Jewish hands. According to the 1765 census, Chmielnik included 10 retailers, 9 tailors, 6 butchers, 4 bakers, 4 hatters, 3 candle-makers and some other craftsmen, and in addition 8 teachers (melameds), one Rabbi, 2 Chazzans, one undertaker, a Shamash and a supervisor of weights and measures. Altogether, 68 Jewish heads of families were enumerated in Chmielnik, engaged in various crafts and other jobs. The sound economic status of the community can be seen by its synagogue, which was built of wood and was one of the most magnificent in Poland; this synagogue remained intact until World War II. Towards the end of the 18th century, the economic situation of Chmielnik's Jews worsened, mainly because of competition from Polish traders. Some of them asked King Stanislaw August Poniatowski to re-schedule their tax debts. The king granted their request and in September 1779 issued an order spreading the debts of several Jewish traders from Chmielnik. During the 17th and the 18th centuries, Chmielnik was the meeting place for the representatives of the 17 Jewish communities which belonged to 'Little Poland' (Malopolska), Sandomierz-Krakôw county. In the 19th century, the economic situation of the Chmielnik Jews improved, and their numbers grew. In 1852, Jewish investors approached the governor of Radom (qv.) and got a permit to build 14 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 workshops and factories in Chmielnik. In the mid- 19th century, a few Chmielnik Jews opened textile factories. The factory of the industrialist Zalman Pozner was especially famous. In 1876, a large fire broke out in Chmielnik, ruining most of the town's houses and destroying many Jewish businesses [as well as all the pre-1876 vital records - ed.]. At the end of the 19th century, economic life recovered and a small professional class of Jews emerged. In 1897, a survey in Chmielnik counted four Jewish physicians, one lawyer and three clerks, hi addition, there were 77 independent businessmen, and 589 industrial workers and craftsmen - including 49 in textiles, 63 in wood, 25 building laborers, 11 in the metal industry and 251 tailors. Thirty Jews found their living as wagon drivers1 and transport workers. The number of teachers and melamdim2 in that year was 26, and 16 Jews worked in religious and community services. There were also 5 Jews who worked in agriculture. Spring 2003 [Miedzyrzecz Volhyn, Ukraine]. At the beginning of the 19th century, R. Lipa Weisbloom, the son of R. Elimelech of Lizhensk [Lezajsk], also settled in Chmielnik. During the years 'shtiblekh' were opened in Chmielnik by the Chassidim of Gur, Alexander, Modzryce, Radomsk and Kuzmir [KazimierzDolny]. Towards the end of the 19th century, a group of young intellectuals tried to modernize the Jewish educational system in Chmielnik. They gathered money and tried to open a modern Talmud-Torah in which Hebrew, Polish and craft would be learnt, but the experiment did not succeed because of opposition by the old leadership of the community. During these years, the first Zionist association was organized in Chmielnik. Its members collected money as part of the Zionist 'SheqeP plan and spread Hebrew newspapers in the town. The Jews between the Two World Wars The first Rabbi of the Chmielnik community whom we know by name, R. Yitschak, served the community during the period of the Swedish wars and was killed in the massacre of the town Jews by Polish troops in 1656. In 1676. R. Aharon Shmuel Kajdnower (the 'Maharshak'), the Rabbi of Krakôw, passed away in Chmielnik. He was buried in the local cemetery. After R. Yitzhak, the following rabbis served in Chmielnik: R. Yitzhak Meir Frenkel-Teomim; R. Eliezer son of R. Yehuda, author of Damesek Eliezer, R. Shimon Wolf from Piriczôw (qv.), author of Kvod Habayit and Kvod Chachamim (1712); R. Dawid Szmuel Szmelka Szydlôw son of R. Yehuda Leib (died 1741), who was nominated as Rabbi of Krakôw, but moved to Dzialoszyce (qv.) because of a family conflict; R. Yoseph Halevy Landa (in 1763); R. Berish (in 1795); R. Yoseph Halevy Itinga son of R. Yehuda Leib from Lviv; R. Dawid Landa, a descendant of the Noda Bihuda 3: R. Arye Leib Epsztajn, the Ad'mor from Ozarôw. At the beginning of the 18th century, R. Eliezer son of Yehuda, author of Mishnat Eliezer, a book of commentaries on the Agada, served as the rabbi of Chmielnik. At the end of the 18th century, Chasidism started to spread in the region, and in the 19th century, Chmielnik became an important Chasidic center, after the arrival of R. Avraham Dov Aurbach, a disciple of the Magid Dov-Ber of Mezeritsh balagoles; the balagole was a central character in shtetl life. 1 2 3 Plural of melamed. lit. 'well-known from Yehuda'; the title of the responsa of R. Yechezkel Landa (Chief Rabbi of Prague) by which name he is best known. In September 1914, the German army took over Chmielnik, but after a short while the German and Austrian armies retreated, and the Russian army regained control over the town. The renewed Russian occupation brought a wave of violence against the Jews. Russian soldiers confiscated food and property from the Jews, and all commercial life in the town stopped. Three Jews were arrested by the Russian soldiers and were executed on charges of espionage for the Germans. In February 1915, about 1,100 Jewish refugees, who had fled from central Poland and Volhynia province, gathered in Chmielnik. They were housed in private apartments and in the local Beith Midrash. hi the spring on 1915, the Austrian army re-occupied Chmielnik, and from then on commercial life in the town resumed. A civilian committee was set up, whose duty was to organize trade and work; the committee had one Jewish representative. In association with the committee, a department was set up to handle Jewish refugees, but the committee allocated for this a mere 150 rubles out of approximately 1000 rubles which were gathered to finance its activities. The Jewish department opened a food warehouse for the refugees and a public tea house in Chmielnik. Between the two world wars, Chmielnik Jews worked in craft and trade, hi the early 1920's there were, according to partial figures, 348 Jews who worked in the tailoring sector in 152 tailoring workshops. There were also 30 tanneries in Chmielnik, in which 93 breadwinners worked, 21 carpentry and wood products workshops, with 49 employees, 24 bakeries and food stores, with 38 employees, and 27 Jews who worked as builders. Other sectors in which Jews worked were the metal sector, with 15 employees, machine shops, Spring 2003 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 employing 13 workers, and textile factories, employing 17 workers. A few dozen other breadwinners worked in factories for chemical products, paper, graphics products, and as sanitation and cleaning workers. In 1926, a charitable fund4, supported by the Joint Distribution Committee, was set up in Chmielnik. The fund got its support money from the Joint headquarters in Warsaw, and in 1933 it had 384 members. In that year, the fund gave interest-free loans to craftsmen and traders in the town in the total sum of 58,635 zlotys. At the beginning of the 1930's, an initiative was started to raise money for the charitable fund, and several thousand zlotys were contributed by four wealthy traders from Chmielnik. Between April 1937 and February 1938, the fund gave about 500 loans in the total sum of 51,426 zlotys. At the end of the 1930's, with the worsening of the financial situation of the Poland Jews in general, and among that the Chmielnik Jews, the management committee of the Chmielnik charity fund applied to American Jews who came from Chmielnik, and asked them to support the fund too. In February 1938, the Joint office in Warsaw transferred 10,815 zlotys to the Chmielnik fund, and together with its previous capital it had available 20,061 zlotys. In June 1938, the Joint transferred to the 'common fund' in Chmielnik 1500 zlotys - as special support for poor families who had lost their source of income. The first trade union of Jewish workers in Chmielnik was set up in the winter of 1920. Members of Poaley Zion set up a tailoring workers union, and in April 1920 a labor dispute broke out in the tailoring factories on grounds of the workers' demands for pay raises. In the 1930's, the few Polish workers who worked in Jewishowned workshops joined the Jewish trade unions. In 1938, the wood workers joined the central wood workers trade union in Kielce province and got its support in their demand for pay raises. 15 Beith YoSeph Yeshiva, headed by R. Yoel Yakliin. In 1924, the community opened a 'reformed cheidef in which the children learned, in addition to the religious studies, Hebrew, mathematics and Polish. The Beis Yaakov network set up a girls' school and a kindergarten in Chmielnik, and Poaley Zion Smol 5 set up a Yiddish-speaking TsIShO public school in which mainly children from poor families learned. The Yavne network, too, set up its own school, and the Tarbut network operated a kindergarten in Chmielnik. But the modern educational institutions did not last long, and closed intermittently because of lack of funds. There were also two general state schools in Chmielnik of the 'Szabasuwka' type, in which the language of instruction was Polish and most of the teachers were Poles, but most of the pupils were Jews. One of these schools was managed by a Polish liberal named Marszinski, who took into consideration the special needs of the Jewish pupils. The second school, in which Jews were about half of the student population, was managed by Henryk Krinitski, who saw the school as a tool for the assimilation of Jews into Polish society. In the 1930's another general state school was set up, for girls. In May 1930, a big fire broke in Chmielnik, which consumed many of the town's houses. In this fire two Jewish women died and five other Jews were injured and hospitalized. After the fire, the community organized a charity operation for the injured. Aid was sent also from other Jewish communities in the region. In the 1920's, the orthodox controlled the community institutions and the head of the community was a member oi Agudath Yisroel. In April 1931, elections for the community took place, in which a united Zionist list and the Mizrachi party participated in addition to Agudath Yisroel. ,About 300 voters voted for the Zionist and the Mizrachi lists. A Zionist, Yisachar Kanercuker, was elected chairman of the community. During that time the community rabbi was R. Avraham Yitzchak Sylman, a Chasid of Gur and Kotsk, who was one of those who called upon people to join Agudath Yisroel in 1920. hi December 1936, a dispute broke out concerning the appointment of a new rabbi for the community. Agudath Yisroel activists wanted R. Eliezer Yehoshua Halevy Epsztajn for the role, whereas most members of the community's management board supported the Mizrachi candidate, R. Towia Sylman, son of R. Avrohom Yitzchok. Arguments, accompanied by acts of violence, broke between the supporters of the two rabbis, and the Polish police put R. Epsztajn in custody. A delegation of community leaders left for Kielce (qv.) to persuade the district attorney to release the rabbi. Through the involvement of the leaders of the Kielce community, the rabbi was finally released, after the community deposited 50,000 zlotys bail. Between the two world wars, the Jewish educational system in Chmielnik still kept its traditional style. Several yeshivas were active in the town, of which the most well known was the Zionist activity in Chmielnik renewed right after the end of World War I. The local Zionists set up a society for learning Hebrew called Ivriya, headed by Yitzchak Aspis, leader of the town's 1 ' A Zionist Socialist movement Kupat Gmilut Chasadim 16 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 Zionist association. The activists set up a Bnot Zion6 group affiliated to the Zionist association. In 1919, a district convention of the movement took place in Chmielnik, with the participation of Yitzchak Grinboym, one of the Zionist leaders in Poland. In May 1921, the Zionist supporters in Chmielnik held a convention with about 200 attendees. During this convention money was raised for the Keren Kayemet [Jewish National Fund]. In 1923, 67,500 marks were gathered as part of the 'Zionist'Shekel' plan. In 1930, the income of Keren HaYesod in the town was 507 zlotys. In the elections for the 21st Zionist congress, held in 1939, 479 out of 493 eligible voters voted. The League for Eretz Israel got 212 votes, Al HaMishmar - 105 votes, Mizrachi - 76, Poaley Zion Smol - 50, Noar HaZionf - 32; and Mifleget HaMedina* - 4. In 1919, Tseirey Zion 9 set up a branch in Chmielnik with 65 members, hi 1920, after the movement in Poland split, most members in Chmielnik joined Poaley Zion Ts.S.. In 1915, Mizrachi supporters set up a branch in Chmielnik, which had 500 members in the early 20's. Poaley Zion Smol started to be active in Chmielnik before World War I. A few activists of the movement from Warsaw moved to Chmielnik and set up a small branch of the movement. In 1925, a branch of Agudat Israel was set up in Chmielnik on the initiative of local young chareidim. At the beginning of the 1930's, a branch of Tseirey Agùdat Israel was organized in Chmielnik by students of the Tor atEmet yeshiva. The youth movements started their activity in Chmielnik immediately after the end of World War I. In 1919, a cell oîHaShomer HaTsair was set up; by the end of the 1930's, it had about 150 members. At the beginning of the 1920's, the HaShomer movement was established in Chmielnik; it was related to Grinboym's Al HaMishmar (General Zionists10) faction. At the beginning of the 1930's, Beytar movement, too, set up a branch in Chmielnik. In 1933, a regional convention of the movement in Kielce province was held in the town, and in 1935 there was another convention, hi 1935-37, Beytar was the largest youth movement in Chmiehiik and had about 200 members. 6 Daughters of Zion. 7 The Zionist Youth. 8 The State Party. 9 Young Zionists. 10 A party which was neither Socialist nor Revisionist; "Simply Zionist", as its members called themselves. Brit Yoseph Trumpeldor, the Revisionist youth movement. 11 Spring 2003 In 1918, the first elections for the municipal council were held. Among the Jewish parties contesting these elections were a Zionist list, traders and craftsmen associations and religious parties. Five members of the Zionist list entered the municipal council. In 1920, the Jewish representation in the city council grew; 20 Jewish councillors were elected and only 4 Poles. Elections to the city council were held again in 1925, in which 18 Jewish councillors were elected to the 2 8-member council, including 5 members of Poaley Zion Smol. Two of the three members of the town management board were Jews. For the city council elections in 1929, regulations were published limiting the number of Jews on the council, and indeed in these elections only 12 Jewish members were elected to of the 24-member council, although Jews numbered about 80% of Chmielnik's population. Under anti-Semitic pressure the number of mandates for Jews in the council was restricted further; in the 1939 elections only three Jews were elected out of 24 council members. During World War II With the outbreak of war, many Jewish refugees passed through Chmielnik on their way east. These escaping convoys were joined by many hundreds of Jews from Chmielnik, mainly youngsters, fleeing the terror of the German army towards the Soviet border. Before the Germans entered the town, a civil militia was organized, and Jews joined it too. The Germans entered Chmiehiik on September 5th 1939. When the first tank entered the town, Wolf Moszkowicz was run over and died. After the town was occupied several Jews from the militia were caught and shot by the Germans. A few days after the occupation of Chmielnik, the Germans gathered about 30 Jewish communal activists and some dozens of Poles and assembled them in the Beit Midrash. Among those held was the community rabbi, R. Eliezer-Yehoshua Haleivi Epsztajn, and the pre-war head of the community, Shabthai Bialogorski. After a short while the Germans released the Polish detainees and set fire to the Beit Medrash, with the Jews trapped in it. A few Jews, who tried to escape through the windows of the burning building, were shot by German guards who stood outside the building. The Germans imposed on Avrohom Langwald the task of setting up a Judenrat [Jewish Council] in Chmielnik. Langwald was one of the community activists before the war, but now he found it difficult to bring other people in to the Jewish council. After failing in his task, the Germans imposed the role of constructing the Judenrat on David Zalcman and Efrayim Zalcberg. Eventually Zalcman's brother, Shmuel, was appointed as the head of the Judenrat. He was one of the Spring 2003 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 prominent public activists in Chmielnik before the war, working mainly in social help and support. Shmuel Zalcman brought into the council Joseph Kleinrat, Anshel Scizurik, David Zalcman. Efrayim Zalcberg, Moshe Levenstein, Yechiei Staszewski, Moshe Wajsgold (a refugee from Lôdz) and a few others. The Judenrat had 24 members altogether. In August 1941, Joseph Kleinrat was appointed as deputy chairman of the Judenrat. In the middle of 1940, when German pressure to supply Jewish workforce grew and it was necessary to organize groups for forced labor, a Jewish police force was set up, headed by Moniek Pasternak. hi the beginning of 1940, regulations were set forbidding Jews from going in the street after 6 pm. Entrance to the town market and to some central streets in the city was forbidden, and a 'contribution' of 50,000 zlotys was imposed. In the spring of 1940 another 'contribution' of 100,000 zlotys was imposed. Parallel to these decrees, the Germans started uncontrolled kidnaping of Jews for forced labor. The first workers taken were employed in reconstructing houses demolished during the occupation and in various service works in the town, hi the second half of 1940, the matter of Jewish forced workers became regulated. The Jewish council committed to supply a fixed quota of workers and take care of paying their wages. In August 1940, the Judenrat was ordered to send about 20 workers to Pacanôw (qv.), and in September about another 100 workers. In this month, workers were taken also to Busko-Zdrôj, for work in various military facilities which were set up there. In October 1940, about 500 Jewish forced labor workers worked in 'palcuwka's' (work-places) under the responsibility of the Judenrat. The wages of the Jewish workers was 25-40 groszen per hour. In the same month, the Judenrat was required to send about 200 forced labor workers to work camps around Lublin. Some of them reached Maidanek. hi November 1940, more groups of Jewish forced labor workers were sent to works in Biala Podlaska (qv.). In the summer of 1940, thousands of refugees, deported from the western regions of Poland which were annexed to the third Reich, started to arrive in Chmielnik. In August 1940, 1,150 refugees arrived, in May 1941 - 2,350 and in September 1941 - 2,176. In June 1942, the total number of Jews in Chmielnik reached about 9000. The many refugees placed a heavy burden on the Judenrat, which tried to find accommodations and support means for them. The Jewish council set up a committee to help the refugees, headed by Moshe Lewenstein. With the support money passed to the committee by the Krakôw J.S.S. (Jewish self-aid organization), it set up a public kitchen in which meals were distributed for a price 17 of 10 grôszen, the meals included 50 gr. bread, soup and potatoes. Between January 1940 and December 1941, the public kitchen served 35,000 meals to refugees and the needy. In July 1941, J.S.S. transferred to the Chmielnik Judenrat a shipment of food including sugar, oil and jam. This food was aimed mainly for distribution among the Jewish police force and the members of the Judenrat. In April 1941, a Ghetto was set up in Chmielnik. Jews were evacuated from the town center and concentrated in a few streets and side alleys. A few month after moving the Jews to the Ghetto, the Germans changed the street names in the town to German names. The crowding in the Ghetto caused typhus epidemics to break out, and in a few months, 104 of the Ghetto inhabitants died in of these epidemics. The Judenrat set up with T.A.Z. (the Jewish health organization in Poland) a clinic and a sanatorium with 400 beds. In the health services operated by the Judenrat, Jewish doctors and nurses were employed, who served also the Jews from neighboring towns. In 1940, Mordechai Anielewicz arrived from Warsaw for a visit to Kielce province. In Chmielnik he met with HaShomer HaTsair members. The meeting took place in a grove, 3 km from the town. Anielewicz brought with him issues of the underground newspapers published in Warsaw and information about the underground movement's activities. As a consequence of the meeting with Anielewicz, HaShomer HaTsair members set up a six-member committee and started to activate classes and groups for social activities for the youth. About 60 children and youth participated in them. In the summer of 1942, Anielewicz visited Chmielnik again on his way to the Zaglembia region, and brought to his comrades the first reports on the extermination in various regions of Poland. In summer 1942, messages came to the Ghetto on deportations of Jews from various locations in Kielce province. When asked by the Judenrat, the German administration personnel in Chmielnik answered that there was no danger for Jews who worked. The Judenrat increased its efforts to employ as many Jews as possible; and workshops were opened in the Ghetto for various crafts and professions. On October 1st 1942, an instruction was published for all males in the Ghetto aged 1225 to show up in the market square for a census. About 1,200 youngsters were registered and sent to the HASAG work camp in SkarzyskoKamienna (qv.). Another 40 workers were sent to the HASAG weapon factories in Kielce. On October 3rd 1942, 1,270 Jews were deported to the Chmielnik Ghetto from the towns Szydlôw (qv.), Pierzchnica, Bogoria, Piotrkowice (qv.) and 18 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 Piriczôw (qv.). On the eve of the deportation from the Ghetto, the number of Jews in Chmielnik reached approximately 11,000. hi the last days before the deportation, many Jews sold the valuables they had to the area peasants in order to have ready cash before being deported from the Ghetto. On October 5th 1942, the Ghetto was surrounded by Ukrainian guard troops and a company of S S men, who came from Radom (qv.), Kielce and Busko-Zdrôj. Commanding the units who participated in the Jews deportation was die Hauptman Geier, who was in charge of the annihilation of most Ghettos in the area. The next morning, on October 6th 1942, the Jewish police passed through the Jewish houses and instructed people to show up in the animal market square in Targowa Street by 8 am. Jews were permitted to bring packages and food up to 5 kg per person. During the gathering, the Germans murdered about 500 Jews who tried to hide, and also old and sick people who could not reach the gathering place. Among those murdered was the Judenrat head Shmuel Zalcman. About 8,500 Jews came to the gathering place. Geier and his men passed through the Jews and confiscated jewels and money they possessed. The deportees were left in the animal market yard for a whole day without food or water, and about 70 of them died in the meantime from the thirst and the heat. From the deportee lines, the Germans took out 72 youngsters, mainly craftsmen, according to a list prepared beforehand by the Judenrat. This group was returned to the Ghetto. A few HaShomer HaTsair members succeeded in escaping the deportation and reached Warsaw. Spring 2003 in the woods near Chmielnik during the deportation, returned to the Ghetto. The Judenrat opened a public kitchen for them in the house of one of the members, Moshe Pasternak, on Formanska Street. In November 1942, the number of the Jews in the Ghetto grew to 500, with the arrival of more Jews who had escaped during deportations in the surrounding communities. On November 5th, a troop of German gendarmes surrounded the residences of the last Jews in Chmielnik. Of the 500 Jews who were in the building, 75 were selected and transferred to a work camp in Stopnica (qv.). The rest were put on trucks of the HASAG company, which came to Chmielnik, and were transferred to the SkarzyskoKamienna camp. After the War After the liberation, 40 survivors returned to Chmielnik, mainly refugees who fled to the Soviet Union on the outbreak of the war. Some of them settled there. In August 1945, acts of violence against the Jews took place in Chmielnik, during which Pinchas Goldlist and Rachel Klarman were murdered by Polish anti-Semites. Following these murders the last Jews abandoned Chmielnik. Sources: Yad Vashem Archives (Jerusalem): M/l/E/524, 621, 763,2112, 2364; 02/604; M/l/Q/68, 69. The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (Jerusalem): 6874, 3540a, HM/2132 The Central Zionist Archives (Jerusalem): S5/1707, 1773;Z4/2023-I After staying a whole day at the assembly point, the Jews were taken out of the town and were led towards Checiny (qy.), 45 km away from Chmielnik. Left lying along the way were hundreds of bodies of Jews who could not stand the pace dictated by the Ukrainian and German guards and were shot dead. When the Chmielnik Jews arrived in Checiny they were left there for four successive days with no food and water. After that they were put on train wagons, about 130 people per wagon, and were sent to the Treblinka death camp. American Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC) Archives (New York): Countries, Poland, Local 20 The 72 Jews who were returned to the Chmielnik Ghetto were accommodated in the Judenrat building. The Germans appointed Leon Koralnik as the head of the group. The first duty of these people was to gather the hundreds of bodies scattered in the area and bury them in a mass grave dug in the Jewish cemetery. After a few weeks another 130 Jews, who succeeded in hiding HaMizrachi, 16.6.1921. HaTs'fira,2\ (1881). Naye Folkstsaytung, 5.8.1927. Gazeta Zydowska, 31.8.1940, 6.9.1940, 2.10.1940, 11.10.1940,23.10.1940,12.11.1940, 13.1.1941,11.2.1941, 29.4.1941,23.7.1941, 25.8.1941 Pinkas Chmielnik, Tel Aviv 1960. Bafrayung, 21.3.1919. Dos Virtshaftlekhe Lebn, 4-5 (1934). Dos Yidisce Togblat, 28.1.1932,11.5.1932. Der Yidisher Arbeter, 3.4.1938. Haynt, 16.2.1920, 31.5.1921, 29.5.1928, 7.4.1930, 29.5.1930, 8.6.1930, 28.4.1931, 18.7.1933, 24.7.1933, 15.12.1936, 3.3.1937,18.3.1937, 15.12.1937,2.6.1938,27.3.1939. Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 Spring 2003 19 Necrology from the Chmielnik Vizkor Book Transliterated from the Hebrew by Sharon Lehrer The list of Chmielnik residents killed in the Holocaust, from Pinkas ChmielnikYisker bukh noch der Khorev-Gevorener Yidisher Kehile [Memorial book of Chmielnik: Yizkor book of the annihilated Jewish community], edited by Ephraim Shedletski (Tel Aviv, 5721 /1960), pages 17-48. ABRAMOVTTCH Eliezer, Breindl, Volff, Polle, Shmuel-Yosef, Rachel ABRAMOVTTCH Kalman, Chana ABRAMO VTTCH Heshke, Rachel OGNIEVITCH Alter, wife and children OGNIEVrTCH Simcha, Rivtche, Golde, Moshe'le OGNIEVUCH Melech, wife and children OGNŒVTTCH Yisrael, Esther OGNIEVITCH Leibl, Toibe, Sheindl. Leah OGNIEVITCH Yosef, Mindl, David, Esther, Chana, Malka, Yoel OGNIEVITCH Shmuel, MM, Malka OGNIEVITCH Zelig and wile OGNEVrrCH Chana, her husband and children OGNIEVTTCH Elimelech, Feige, Tuvia, Pesl, Leah OGNIEVITCH Malka, Fishel, Mira'le OGNIEVITCH Shmuel, Rive, Melech, Sarah, Leibish ODLER Feivel, wife and children ODLER Leib-Hersh, Chaya, Alte, Rachel, Ya'akov UNGER Yoel, Esther, Leibish, Bezalel UNGER Leibel, Leah and child ORBEITL Yisrael, Kaile and children IGELNK Kalman, Baltche and children IGELNK Herzl, Mendl, Zelig, Pesl IGELNlKMoshe and children IGELNIKBerl IGELNTKYirmiyahu, Malka EIZKOVITCH Pesl, Yehezkel and 2 children EIZENBERGPaltiel,Hitsl EEENBERG Zelig, Volff and children EEENBERG Shimon EIZENKOPF Shmuel, wife and children EKENKRUNTS Velvel, Miriam, Breindl, Leibish, Herzl, Pesl ALTMAN Esther, Mordechai, Yocheved, Meir, Miriam OSIASH Zisme, Libe, Perl ASPIS Hersh-Yosef, wife and children ASPIS Avraham, Shmuel, Reizl, Rachel, Breindl, Chana APELTSVEIG Heshl, wife and children OFMAN Avraham, Esther and children OKSENHENDLER Shmuel-Eliahu, Rachtche, Moshe, Yehuda OKSENHENDLER Avraham, wife and children OKSENHENDLER Yosef, wife and children OKSENHENDLER Leibl, wife and children ORENSHTEIN Gershon, Rivka BATSCH Yosef, wife and children BATSCH Yisrael and wife BOMSHTEIN Shalom, wife and children BOMSHTEIN Hershl, Sheindl, Mindl, Melech, Natan BORSHEVSKI Paltiel, Avraham, Yudl BORSHEVSKI Moshe, Toibe BOGEISKI Mendl, Eliezer, Rozshke BORSHTEIN Yitschak, Sarah, Moshe-Mendl, Elke, Blimtche, Chaya BORSHTEIN Getsl, Sara'che BZSHISKI Gershon, Esther, Chana BZSHISKI Yosef, Reizl BZSHISKI Kalman, wife and children BZSHISKI Avraham, Aharon, Male BZSHISKI Pinchas, wife and children BZSHISKI Lazer, wife and children BZSHISKI Aharon, wife and children BZSHISKI Shmuel BZSHISKI Feivl BIALOGORSKI Shabtil and wife BIALOGORSKI Mordechai, Malka, Fishl, Toibele, Sara'le BIALOGORSKI Moshe, wife and children BIALOGORSKI Nisi and wife BIALOGORSKI Leizer and wife BIALOGORSKI Leibish BIALOVONS Meir BIDLOVSKI Shimon, wife and children BIDLOVSKI Hinde and husband BIRMAN Yosef, wife and children BIRMAN Berl BIRMAN Chaya BIRMAN Sarah BIRNBOIM Perets, Chaya and children BIRNBOIM Golde, Leibl, Yosef, Gimpl BIRNBOIM Esther and 2 children BIRNTSVEIG Chana, Avraham and 2 children BIRNTSVEIG Meir, son, wife and children BLANK Chaim, Chaya-Gitl, Hendl, Volff, Yishayahu BLANK Toibe, Ya'akov, Avraham, Yisrael BLANK Reuven, Shoshana, Polle, Meir BLANK Reuven, Reizl, Yishayahu, Ben-Tsion, Miriam BLANK Malka, Shmuel, Ya'akov BLANK Yisrael-Moshe, Leah, Meir, Dévora BLANK Rachel, Feigl, Hershl, Reuven, Chaya, Malka-Reizl, Shmuel BLANK Chaya, Zisl, Moshe, Henne, Leibl BLUSHTEIN Feigele, Malka, Yehudit, Sarah BLUFARB Yehuda, Perl, Eli-Meir BELFER Chava, husband and children BEKER David, Toibe, Breindl, Moshe, Rachel, Shlomo BEKER Zisl, Pesl, Orish, Shmuel BERGER Miriam, Efraim, Yitschak, Sarah BERGER Moshe-Menachem, Elke, Blimtche, Chaya BERGFREIND Peretz, Chaya and children BERLIN Meir, Sara'le and children BERLINSKI Sarah, Chaya'le BROVARNK Yisraerke-Yechiel, Sarah, Shmuel-Volff BROVARNKAbba, Shlomo, Gelle, Esther, Tsirl BROM Fishl, Leah and children BRANDENBURG Baruch, Perl and children BROTMAN Ya'akov, Zelde, Mandl BROTMAN Chaiml, Hadassah, Bashe, Nisi BROTMAN Moshe, wife and children BROTMAN Yosef, wife and children BROTMAN Alter-Binyamin, wife and children BRKMAN Shlomo, wife and children BRKMAN Meir-Eliezer, wife and children BRKMAN Meir and wife BRKMAN Michael, wife and children BRKMAN Mordechai, wife and children BRKMAN Nachum, wife and children BRErrBARD Yitschak, Rachel, Pinchas BRENDZEL Chaim, Poltche and child GOLDBLUM Aharon, Leah, Blime, Moshe-Leib GOLDBLUM Chaim-Shmuel, Chana, Ya'akov GOLDBLUM Meir, MM, Frimet, Sarah, Beirish GOLDBERG Melech, Chana-Mirl GOLDBERG Eliahu, wife and children GOLDBERG Tsipe, Chantche GOLDBERG Yoel, Toibe, Sarah GOLDBERGYosef GOLDBERG Leibl, Yosl and family GOLDBERG Berl, wife and children GOLDVASSER Simcha, Sale, Malka, Moshe, Sarah, Rachel, Gitl GOLDLIST Baruch, Hitsl, Gitl, Feitche, Rachel GOLDLIST Yehoshua-Leib, Rivka, Chanoch, Moshe, Pinchas, Tova, Franye GOLDLIST Yisrael, Tova, Moshe, Michael, Sarah, Reizl GOLDLIST Chaim, wife and children GOLDLIST Hertske, Sheindl GOLDLIST Yitschak-David GOLDLIST Yisrael ben Moshe, Mindl, Rachel, Sarah GOLDLIST Libe, Chaim, Kaltche, Ya'akov GOLDLIST David, Gitl, Moshe and son 20 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 GOLDLIST Bed, Esther-Chana, Malka-Chaya GOLDLIST Yisrael-Yehezkiel, Blime-Reizl GOLDLIST Gele-Rivka, Shifra, Eizik-Hersh, Leibish GOLDLIST Botchke and wife GOLDLIST Rachel, Gershon-David GOLDLIST Esther-Leah, husband and children GOLDLIST Rachel, husband and children GOLDSHTEIN Chaim-Natan, Hitsl, Shmuel-Hersh GOLDSHTEIN Malka, Moshe, Yosef, Gele, Tsila GOLDSHTEIN Shaul, Manye, Reizl, Esther, Hinde GOLDSHTEIN Yosef, wife and children GOLDSHTEIN Yisrael, Moshe, Gershon, Yitschak-Meir GOLDSHTEIN Moshe, Aharon, Mordechai, Freide, Gitl GOLDSHTEIN Hershl, Toibe-Necha, Feivush GOLDSHTEIN Pesach, Reizl, Pese GANTSARSKI Avraham, Rivka, Blime, David, Ya'akov GANTSARSKI Levi, Rivka GORLITSKI Itche, Tuvia, Sarah, Shlomo, Nechama, Blime GORLITSKI Avraham-Yitschak, wife and children GORLITSKI Mendel, Beile, Shmuel, Michael, Nachum, Rivka GORLITSKI Shmuel, Esther, Mordechai, Beile, Rachel, Feigl GORL1TSKI Sarah-Gitl, Meir, Leibish, Yosef GORLITSKI Ya'akov, Etl and 8 children GORLITSKI Ya'akov, Chana, Toibe, Shalom-Itche, Leibish, Lea'tche, Nachum GORLITSKI Mendl, wife and children GORLITSKI Avraham, Esther and children GORLITSKI Beirech, wife and children GORLITSKI Itche, wife and children GORLITSKI Yosef and wife GORLITSKI Yechiel, Sarah-Miriam, Yosl GORLITSKI Gershon, wife and children GORLITSKI MM, Shmuel, Gitl GARFINKEL Simcha-Yoel and wife GARFINKEL Leibish, wife and children GARFINKEL David, wife and children GARFINKEL Yeikl, Shlomo, Velvel, Frimetl GARFINKEL Lea'tche, David, Rachel'e GARFINKEL Volff, Feigl GARFINKEL Kalman, wife and children GARFINKEL Mordechai-Fishl, wife and children GARFINKEL Yehuda, wife and children GOZE Yosef, Leah, Hershl, Sarah GOZE Zelig, Sarah and children GOZE Motl, Miriam GUTMAN Yona and wife GUTMAN Binyamin, Feitche, Sara'tche, Leibish, Hershl GUTMAN Yitschak-Meir, Necha, Bunim GUTMAN Roize, Halinka GUTMAN Avraham, Esther, Chantche, Leah, Mendl GUTMAN Mendl-Meir, wife, son and daughter GUTMAN Yehoshua, wife and children GUTMAN Yisrael, Botche, Renia, Alek GURGEL Moshe, wife and children GURGEL Gavriel, Feigl, Baltche, Necha GURGEL Yehoshua, Rivka, Perl, Zelig, Meir GURGEL Freidl, Ite, Moshe'le, Meir GURGEL Meir, Chana'le, Motl, Chaya-Breindl GURGEL Yona, wife and children GURGEL Zelig, Dobre and children GURGEL Meir, Hodes and children GLOZMAN David, wife, son and daughters GLOZMAN Eliezer, Chaya-Perl, Chana-Rachel and children GLEIT Shlomo-Yosl, wife and children GLEIT Yitschak, Hodes, Pesl, Esther, Alter GLEIT Mendl, Shabtil GELBARD Hershl GELBERT Menachem, wife and children GELBERT Chava, husband and children GELBERT Zelde, her husband Chanoch-Mendl and 3 children GERTNER Yochanan, wife and children GERTNER Baruch, wife and children GERTNER Avraham, wife and children GRAUSHEPS Menachem, Esther, Chaya GRANEK Berl, wife and daughter Meitche GRINBOIM Moshe'le, Bine, Sara'le GRINBOIM Eliahu-Meir, Sheindl, Yechiel and children GRINBOIM Feike and children GRINBOIM Shimon, Treindl and children GRINBOIM Meir, Chava, Chana'le, Toibele, Libe, Alter, Yosef GRINVALD Shlomo, wife and children GRINVALD Rachel, MoU, Yitschak, Beile GRINVALD MM, Efraim, Chanina GRINVALD Esther, Chana, Chanina, Yitschak, Yocheved DAVIDOVITCH Moshe, Malka, Mordechai, Baruch, Meir, Ruchama DAVIDOVITCH Pinchas, Rivtche, Rachel, Kalman DOMB Itche-Meir, wife, son and daughters DONAYETCH Shlomo, Rachel-Leah and children DZIALOSHTTSKI Hertske, Tsotl, 2 daughters, Devorah, Leah DZIALOSHrrSKI Sheindl, Shalom DZIALOVSKI Yosef, Blimele, Yechiel-Shiyes DZSHURE Yitschak, wife and children DZSHURE Avraham, Rivka and children DZSHURE Hirsh-Meir, Hinde, Spring 2003 Yerachmiel DZSHURE Yissachar, Baltche, Avigdor, Avraham DZSHURE Volff, Sarah-Leah DZSHURE Berl, Esther, Sarah DZSHURE Fishel, Esther, Kalman DZSHURE Moshe, Hene-Gitl, Chana, Sarah, Abba, Eliezer, Mordechai DZSHURE Hershl, son and daughters DZSHURE Yisrael DIAMENT Abba, Feigl DIAMENT Sarah, Natan DIAMENT Yitschak, Yachet, Chana-Rachel DIAMENT Ben-Tsion, wife, son Fishel, Meir DIAMENT Zalman, Rachel, Rafael, Bela DIAMENT Hertske, Gitl, Eliezer, Yitschak DIAMENT Yehoshua, Elimelech, Gitl DIAMENT Lipe, Poltche, children DIAMENT Nate and wife DIAMENT Avraham-Yechiel, Tsheyve, Leibish, Moshe DIAMENT Yisrael-Meir, Shmuel-Ya'akov, Esther, Ya'akov DEENHOIZ Shlomo, MMam, Yitschak DEENHOE Harsh-Leib and wife DIZENHOIZGolde,Yosl DEITELBOIM Moshe, wife and children DEnELBOM Yitschak, wife and children DRUKAZSH Avraham, Etl and children DRUKAZSH Moshe, Yosef, Pesl, Hinde DREVNIANI Shlomo, Rachel, Yisrael, Harshl, Chana-Leah, Ya'akov HALPERIN Berl, Keile, Frimet, Alter, Gutche HOLTSMAN Moshe, Chaya HOLTSKENER Avraham, Chava HAMER Berl, Sarah and mother HANDELSMAN Shlomo-Chaim, wife and children HORVTTS Chana-Leah, Chava HORVrrS Shmuel-Eliahu, David-Yitschak, ReizLShifra HORVTTS Mendl-Zelig, Alter-Reuven, Dévora, Alter HORVTf S Gitl, Avraham-Tsvi, Chava, Moshe FflMELFARB Avraliam, Rivka, Feivush FflMELFARB Sarah HELER Avraham-Moshe, Rachel-Leah, Binem, Yisrael-Yitschak, Gitl HERING Tuvia, Roize and children HERSHBERGChaim, Peitche HERSHKOVrrCH Leibish, Feigl and 2 children HERSHKOVITCH Ya'akov, Toibe. Yitschak-Yosl, Zalle, Chana HERSHKOVITCH Bashe, Shlomo, Reuven, Esther HERSHKOVITCH Eliezer, Zisl and children HERSHKOVITCH Rachel, Chaya, Golde, Yitschak Yosl HERSHKOVITCH Shmuel-Dov, Bashe-Leah and children HERSHKOP Shmuel, Malle and children HERSHKOP Yitschak, Nechama, Rachel, Avraham, Yisrael HERSHKOP Shmuel, Malka, Avraham Spring 2003 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 VARGER Mendl, Hershl, Mordechai-Yosef, wives and children VARGER Hirsh, Dina, Mandzye, Malka, Mendl VARSHAVSKIPesl VARSHAVSKI Herzl, Baltche, Yosef, Kune VARSHAVSKI Reizl, Yekl, Rivka, Baltche VARSHAVSKI Dévora, Yehoshua, Mordechai-Yosef VARSHAVSKI Yechiel, wife and children VARSHAVSKI Yitschak, wife and children VARSHAVSKI Volff, Chava and children VARSHAVSKI Moshe-Leib, Temerl, Chana, Leah VARSHAVSKI Feigl, Yocheved, Yenkl, Chaim, Michael VIGODNI Etl, Esther, Tsipora, Perl, Freide VIGODNI Zerach, Sarah, Esther, Pesl VIGODNI Simcha, Lipe, Zerach, Pesl, Abba VIGODNI Yitschak, wife and children VIGODNI Leibish, Golde-Rivka, Polle VIGODNI Yisrael VILTSHIK Leibl, Roize, Zlate VILTSHIKYosl,Freidl VILTSHIKOVSKI Mendl, Feitche, Pesl-Leah, Velvel VILTSHIKOVSKI Libe, Chaya-Esther, Chaim-Mordechai, Beile Toibe VYETSHNIK Eizik, Zisl and children Chava, Yisrael, Sarah, Ya'akov VYETSHNIAKChaya-Eidel, Shmuel, Rachel and 2 children VYERNIKYisrael-Shmuel, Chana-Perl, Chaim, Rivka VYERN1K Rafael, Miriam, Mindl VEHNTTSKI Ben-Tsion, wife and son David VISHNITSKI Shlomo, Sarah-Leah VISHNrrSKI Yokl, wife and cMdren VISHNITSKI Naftali, Shimon, Moshe, Shmuel VISHNITSKI David-Yitschak, Tseshye VEIL Shmuel-Eliahu, Tsvetl VEMAN Mendl, Ite, Chana, Roshe, Leah-Frume, Shalom VEINBERG Rachel VEINBERG Ya'akov, Perl VEINBERG Eizik, Tille, Shlomo, Shmuel-Zeinvel VEINBERG Feigl, Avraham, Asher VEINBERG Fishel, wife and children VEINBERG Beile, Perl VEINBERG Alter, Frime, Mordechai, Shmuel and 2 daughters VELNERG Manes, Roize-Leah and children VEINBERG Nute, wife and children VEINBERG Shamai, Reizl, Miriam, Chana, Motele VEINGARTEN Chanina, Dorke, Avraham VEINSHTAT Mendl, Yocheved and children VEINSHTEIN Izak, Freide-Rachl, YisraelTce, Leah, Rach'le VEINSHTEIN Esther VEISBORTMotl " •• VEISBORT Yissachar, wife and children VEISBLUM Yitschak, Tsilke, Avraham, Eidl, Yosef VEISBLUM Rivka, Zalman, Leibish VEISER Moshe-David and wife VEISKOL Moshe, Henna, Natan, Bronka VEITSMAN Moshe'le, Sarah and children VEITSMAN David, Etele, Chaim, Roize VErrSMAN Avraham-Yitschak, Beile-Chaya VEITSMAN David, Chana-Roize and 3 children VEITSMAN Yekl, Rachel, Anshel, Freide-Malka VErrSMAN Bertche and wile VEITSMAN Hershel VEITSMAN Menachem, wife and 9 children VErrSMAN Chaim-Yona, wife and children VEITSMAN Yekutiel-Abba, wife and children VEITSMAN Teme, husband and son VOLOCH Hershel, Blime, Yerachmiel VOLOCH Leibl, Mindl and children VOLOCH Avraham-Yishayahu, Sarah and children VEKSLER Yisrael-Pesach and wife VEKSLER Moshe, Hinde, Rivka-Rachel, Koifinan ZAYONCH Meir, wife and children ZAYONCH Volff, Sheindl ZAYONCH Azriel, wife and children ZAYONCH Moshe, Chava, Avigdor ZAYONCH Binyamin, Chaya and child ZALTSBERGEfraim, Esther, Meir, Yechiel ZALTSBERG Yisrael-Yosef, Chava-Mirl, Baruch ZALTSBERG Avraham-Yissachar, Reizl, Shifra, Rivka, Pesl ZALTSBERG Yosef, David, Yekl, Feigl ZALTSMAN Yitschak-Yishayahu, Breindl, Mendl, Chaya ZALTSMAN David, Ruchama ZALTSMAN Shmuel, wife and children ZALTSMAN Michael, wife and children ZONSHEIN Shlomo, Rivka, Leah, Sarah ZONSHEIN Avraham, Malka and children ZONSHEIN Yerachmiel ZONSHEIN Binyamin, Esther ZONSHEIN Moshe, wife and children ZONSHEIN Melech, Rachel and children ZONSHEIN Rachel'tche, husband and children ZONSHEIN Rivka, wife of Ya'akov ZONSHEIN Moshe-Chaim, wife and children ZONSHEIN Shlomo, Roche, Feigl, Shmuel ZONSHEIN Malka, Golde, Hinde ZONSHEIN Yehoshua, Teibl, Efraim, Sarah, Hitsl, Reizl ZONSHEIN Hirsh-Meir, Hindi and children ZILBERBERG Shlomo 21 ZILBERBERG Shmuel, Chaya, Halina, Odele ZILBERBERG Yoel, Kreindl, Rachel'e, Yitschak ZILBERBERG Eezak, Rachel, Henye, Lolek ZILBERBERG Sarah, Moshe ZILBERBERG David-Yosef, Chana'le, Leibl, Blime ZILBERBERG Chaim-Feivl, Miriam-Feigl, Eliezer ZILBERBERG Chana-Mirl ZILBERBERG Shlomo, wife and children ZILBERBERG Zalman, Bine, Roize, and child ZILBERBERG Feigele, Moshe, Yisraelke ZILBERSHTEIN Fishl, Pesl ZILBERSHTEIN Leibish, Reizl and children ZILBERSHTEIN Avraham-Yishayahu, wife and children ZILBERSHTEIN Note, Sheindl-Chava, Dévora ZILBERSHTEIN Pinye, Akiva, wives and children Z3NGER Yechezkel, wife and children ZINGERGenek, Rachel ZEIDMAN Melech, wife, son and daughters ZEIFMAN Sheindl, Ya'akov, Berl, Shimon, Hinde ZEITS Blime, Sheindl-Libe ZARITSKI Chaim, wife and children ZARITSKI Moshe and wife ZARITSKI Levy, Golde, Hinde, Yehudit, Ya'akov ZARITSKI Pinchas, Eidl, Michael, Yehoshua, Yehudit, Shmuel, Alter ZARITSKI Blimele, Serl, Tsirl, Baltche, Lea'tche, Perl, Dina and their families ZARITSKI Baruch, Dévora, Yachet ZSHUKOVSKI Avraham, Dévora and children ZSHMEDEK Moshe, wife, son and daughters ZSHMIDEK Mordechai, wife and children ZSHMIDEKYankl ZSHMIDEKAvraham ZSHMIDEK Shimon and wife ZSHMEDEK Harshl and wife ZSHMIDEK Leibish-Abel, wife and children ZSHELAZSHNIK Eliezer and wife ZSHELAZSHNIK Hirsh-Meir, Sarah, Rachel, Motl ZSHELAZSHNIK Leib, Meir, Kalman, Toibe, Yishayahu, Elisha, Esther ZSHELAZSHNIK Shmuel-Zelig, Sheindl, Yehuda, Pinchas ZSHELAZSHNIK Feigl-Chaya, Yishayahu, Chaim-Yechiel, Sarah, Breindl, Kalman ZSHELONI Shlomo, Blime, Sarah, Yishayahu ZSHERNTTSKI Yosl, wife and children ZSHERNrrSKI Moshe, Leah ZSHERNTTSKILibe, Pesl, Rachel, David and their families ZSHERNITSKI Fishl, Chana, Aharon, David, Yosl 22 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 ZSHERNTTSKI Ben-Tsion, Esther, Rachel TANDETNIK Volff, Freide, Yitschak TANDETNIK Yitschak, wife and children TAPLOVTTCH Avraham'tche, Toibe, Manye, Kalman, Heinoch TAPLOVTTCH Meir, wife and children TARGOVNIK Moshe-Volff, Chaya, Yisrael, Feigl TARGOVNIK Yehudit, Shlomo, Meir. Reizl TAREK Hertske, Esther, son and daughters TAREK Yishayahu, wife and children TAREK Volff, wife and children TAREK Yisrael, wife and children TAREK Zelig, wife and children TOIBENBLAT Melech, Perl, Toibe, 2 children TOIBENBLAT Moshe-Heinoch, Etl, Yisraelke TUCHMAN Naftali, wife and children TUCHMEIR Mordechai-Ze'ev, Shiira and children TURKELTOIB Shmuel-Yosef, Esther-Chaya, Avraham, Natan, Gitl TURKELTOIB Volff-Mordechai, Ruchama and children TURKELTOIB Shimon, Esther TURKELTOIB Eliezer, Manye and children TURKELTOIB Yosef, Esther, Pesl, Feivl, Sender, Rivka TURKELTOIB Ite, Simcha, Pesl, Ya'akov TURKELTOIB Yishayahu, Gitl TURKELTOIB Yisrael-Harsh, wife and children TURKELTOIB Baltche, husband and children TURKELTOIB Ya'akov, Gitl, Yosl, Leibish and children TURKELTAUB Feivl and wife TURKELTAUB Sender and wife TURKELTAUB Rivka, husband and children TIZON Gershon, Bashe, Zisl, Reuven, Sarah, Herzl, Moshe, Natan TIZON David, Aryeh, wife and children TEITLBOIM Moshe-Heinoch, Etl, Yisraelke TYER Yisrael, Shraga, Tsippora TENENBOM Yoel, Hitsl and children TROMBETSKI Berl, wife and children TREMAN Chaim-Shimon, Sarah'le, Hershl, Rachel TREMAN Shimon, Sarah, Esther, Chaya, Melech, Chana TSHAPNTK Avraham, Fradl TSHARNOCH Moshe, Freidl, Pinchas, David, Perl TSHARNITuvia, Rivka TSHARNI Eliezer, Reizl, Tsvia, Chaya, Pinchas, RikL Blime TSHETSHERSKIMotl TSHETSHERSKI Rivka, Pesach, Meir, Rachel-Leah TSHETSHERSKI Avraham, Blime and children TSHETSHERSKI Yosef, wife and children TSHETSHERSKI Meir, Rachel-Leah TSHETSHERSKI Volff, Tsira, Avraham-Yitschak TSHETSHERSKI Reizl, Ya'akov, Moshe, Chaim, Yisrael-David YACHNIN Yoel, Etele and children YAME Ya'akov, Sarah'le and children YOSKOVrrCH Avraham, Sarah and children YOSKOVrrCH Fishl, wife and children YAKOBOVrrCH Yisrael-Yechiel, Feigl, Sarah YAKOBOVTTCH Perl, Chava, Itche, Beirech, Motl YAKOBOVTTCH Chaim, wife and children YAKOBOVTTCH Yitschak YAROS Yosef, Rivka YAROS Esther-Sheindl, Mordechai-Yenkl, Yisraelke, Ite YOTSHENKE Itche, Esther, Herman, Salek, Meite, Yosef, Leah YORISTAEliahu YEGER Moshe, Feigele, Leibish, Shprintse, Gershon, Ya'akov YEDVOVNI Akiva, wife, son and daughters YEDVOVNI Simcha, Rivka, Hershl, Yosl YEDVOVNI Alter, wife and children YEDVOVNI Mandl, wife and children CHAYET Yisrael-David, Perl, Rachel, Velvel CHAYET Moshe, Hershl, Yitschak CHOLEVE Nachman, Esther, Shartse, Ite CHOLEVE Alter, wife and children CHOLEVE Leibl, wife and children COHEN Bella, Yitschak and 2 daughters CALEV Yisrael, Chaya, Yosef, Sarah, Natan, Yitschak, Shprintse CALEV Yitschak, Frimet and children CALEV Shmuel-Zeinvl, Fishl CALEV Yisrael-Moshe CALEV David CALEV Michael-Hirsh and wife CHMIELN1TSKI Yechiel-Yekl, son and children *KATZ known as YAKOBOVTTCH Chanan, Rachel, 3 children *KATZ known as YAKOBOVITCH Elchanan, Freidl, Zalman, Avraham, Ya'akov *KATZ known as YAKOBOVTTCH Yisrael, Eidl, Esther, Frimet KATZ Moshe-Meir, wife and children *KATZ = Cohen Tsedek (of the priestly tribe) LADOVSKI Feige, David, Sarah, Leibish, Chaim LADOVSKI Menashe, wife and children LADOVSKI Leibish. Toibe and children LAZENGA Yosef, Chava, Gitl, Moshe, Kalman, Bella, Esther, Hershl LAMENT Yosl, wife and children LAMENT Moshe, Reizl and children LANGARTEN Harsh-Mendl, wife and children LANGVALD Avaham, Pola, Leah'tche, Teltse LANGVALD Chele and wife LANDAU Heinoch-Mendl and 3 Spring 2003 children LAPE Alter, wife and children LAKS Alter-Meir, wife and children LUSTGARTEN Chana, Esther-Chaya, Michael, Yosef-Nachum LUSTGARTEN Kreindl, Moshe-David, Chana-Bashe, Blime LUSTGARTEN Toibe, Esther-Leah, Miriam, Avraham-Meir, Yehuda, Nachum LUSTGARTEN Nachum, Yente, Yona, Meir. Chana LUPKE Yitschak, Pesl and children LUPKE Efraim, Toibe, Chaya LUPKE Yerachmiel, wife and children LUPKE Eizik, wife and children LUPKE Ya'akov, wife and children LUPKE Harsh-Leib, wife and children LUKAVlETSLeibke LUKAVIETS Itche, Malka, Hertsl, Franye LUKAVIETS Chanine, Tsipora, Chaim-Heinoch, Shlomo, Feigele LUKAVIETS Leon and wife LIBHABER Moshe'ke, Prive, Eliezer, Chaya, Sarah-Chana, Yitschak-Meir LIBERMAN Moshe'le, wife, son and daughters LD3ERMAN Noach, wife and children LIBERMAN Avner, Rivtche, Breindl, Leah, Sarah, Lube, Esther, Kalman LIBERMAN Bashe and child LIBERMAN Ya'akov, Gitl. Chaim, Ze'ev LIBERMAN Sanne, Chaya, Eizik, Tseshia, Esther LIBERMAN Sarah, Shmuel, Abba, Yosl, Hertske, Isser, Sime, Golde LITERMAN Moshe and parents LIS Yehoshua, Avraham LISSER Ya'akov, Golde, Sarah, Yechezkel, Mindl, Yitschak LISSER Kreindl, Yosef, Ite, Yitschak, Sarah LEEMMAN Itche-Meir and wife LEINMAN Tsadok, Esther LEINMAN Yishayahu, wife and child LIPSHITZ David, Rachel, Yosef, Yocheved, Pesl, Dévora, Sarah LEDERMAN Volff, Sheindl, Yosl, Peretz LEVI Chaim, Sarah-Leah, Mendl, Beile, Zalman LEVI Eliahu, Reizl, Chana, Esther, Moshe LEVENREICH Hene, Hersh, Gele, David, Feige LEVENREICH Yechiel, wife and children LEVENREICH Berl, wife and children LEVENREICH Mendl, wife and children LEVENREICH Beile, Eliahu, Yissachar, Simcha, Hershl, Yitschak LEVENSHTEIN Mendl, Dévora, Miriam, Shlomo. Yechiel. LEVENSHTEIN Yechiel, Pesl, Moshe, Shlomo, Avner, Bracha LEVENSHTEIN Shmuel, Rachel-Toibe, Shiira, Moshe-Ya'akov LEVENSHTEIN Chana-Sarah, Freide, Chaim, Tsipora. LEVENSHTEIN Yisrael, Esther, Shlomo, Leibish, Mordechai LEVENSHTEIN Yona, Sheindl LEVENSHTEIN Natan-David, Spring 2003 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 Chaya-Sarah LEVENSHTEIN Yechiel, Avraham'tche LEVENSHTEESf Moshe, Chana-Ite LEVENSHTEIN Shmuel, Zelig, wives and children LEVKOVTTCHYitschak LEMBERG Moshe-Aryeh, Tsirl, Rivka, Chana-Reizl, Yona, Dobe, Miriam LEMBERG Mendl, wile and children LEMBERG Moshe, Golde, David-Yechiel, Yechezkel, Nache, Freide, Shmuel LEMBERG Meir, wile, son and daughters LEMBERG Aryeh, Zisl, Sarah, Chana, Yitschak, Yechezkel LEMBERG Meir, Ite, Feigl, Aryeh, Ya'akov, Anshel, Chana LERNERLiptche LESHTCH Ya'akov-Natan, Baltche, Sarah'le, Rachel'e, Feigele, Pesl, Chaim LESHMAN Yechiel, Pesl, Moshe, Zelig, Yisrael MACHTINGER Malka, husband and children MACHTINGER Rivka, husband and children MACHTINGER Temerl, husband and children MACHTINGER Meir, Rachel-Leah, Sarah'tche, Zisme, Moshe, Gutche, Esther MALI Feigl, Genendl MALI Bezalel, Gitl, Hershl, Shifra, Yoel MALI Hershl, wife and children MALI Moshe and Yehudit MALI Yedidya, Reizl, Mendl, Heinoch, Manye MALI Yosef and wife MALI Asher, Yosef, Mendl, Gershon, Berl, Chaim MONTSHNK Chantche, Ya'akov, Meir MONTSASH Aharon MONTSASHChaya MONTSASH Yosef MONTSASH Yosef MONTSASH Shmuel Zeinvil MONTSASH Shalom MONTSASH Malka MONTSASH Yekl, Dévora, Rachel, Shalom, Esther MONTSASH Eliezer, Sarah-Beile, Zelig, Moshe, Isser MONTSASH Bezalel, Rivka and children MONTSASH Aharon, Chaya MONTSASH Baruch, Feigl MONTSASH Avraham-Chaim and child MASAZSH Yisrael'ke, Malka, Hinde MASAZSH Leibl, Moshe, Ite, Yisraelke, Aharon, Hershl MASAZSH Aharon, Gitl, Zalman, Chaim, Meir MAPE Zelig, Tsatl and children MAPE Avner, Heltche and 4 children MAPE David, Sarah, Rachel'che, Dévora, Manye, Freidl, Polle, Shmulik MAPE Meir, Hendl, Avner, Rivka, Moshe-David .,; MAPE Yosef, Teme, Hershl, Alter, T Avraham MAPE Volff, Chaya and children MAPE Hersh-Ber, wife and children MATSKBR. Moshe, Rivka, Meir MOROVTTCH Zaken, son and daughter MORAVITS Yosef, wife and children MARGOLIS Yishayahu-Shmuel, Libe, David, Esther MARGOLIS Yitschak, Chaya and children MARGOLIS Yedidya and wife MORTIN Yitschak. wife and children MORTIN Meir MORTIN Moshe, Toibe MORTIN Blume MORTIN Mandl, Naomi, Avraham-Volff, Manye, Esther-Reizl, Sheindl MORTIN Yisrael-Moshe, wife and children MORTIN Ya'akov, Blime, Kune, Fishl, Shifra MORTIN Chaim-Volff, wife and children MORTIN Melech, Libe and children: Beile, Rivka, Malka, Pesl MARKOVIETSKI Mordechai, Pesl, Hinde, Rachel MARKSON Moshe-Leib, Tcharke and child MOSHENBERG David, Klare, Manye, Moshe, Toibe MOSHENBERG Shlomo, wife and children MOSHENBERG Yosef, Esther-Chana, Sarah MOSHKOVTTS David MOSHKOvrrs voiff MOSHKOVITS Ya'akov, wife and children MUSHKAT Reizl, Eidl, Moshe MIODOVNIKBine, Sarah, Chaim, Rachel MODOVNIK Shraga-Feivl, Liftche MODO VNIK Miriam, Efraim-Fishl MODOVNIK Nachman, Reizl, Esther, Kalman MODOVNIK Bashe, husband and children MODOVNIK Fishl, wife and children MDLAZSH Melech, Gitele MDLAZSH Reuven, Baltche, Kalman, Gutche, Polle, Pesl, Berl MDLAZSH Moshe, wife and children MDLAZSH Yona, wife and children MDLAZSH Avraham, Malka'le, Melech, Gitl MDLAZSH Josip MDLAZSH Aznel MDLAZSH Moshe, wife and children MILLER Leibish, wife and children MLLER Fishl, Gitl, David, Eliezer-Ya'akov, Ze'ev, Frimet MLLER Yosef, Freide-Golde MLLER Tsvi-Dov, Chana-Miriam MILLER Moshe-Reuven, Franye, Risha, Chana MILLER Blime, Sheindl, Malka, Fishl MLLER Avraham, Chana, Leibish MLLER Chaim, wife and children . MLLER Volff, Rachel, Meir, Moshe MILLER Simcha, wife and children 23 MLLER Freide, husband and children MNSKI Sheindl MNSKIFeitche MNSKI Perl MNKOVSKI Shmuel-Hersh, wife and children Rachel, Kalmish MEDZSHIGORSKI Shmuel-Eliahu, Yehudit, Rachel, Mordechai, Hertske, Miriam, Tolla, Kalman MEDZSHIGORSKI Yechezkel MEDZSHIGORSKI Berl, Feigl-Leah, Rachel, Chava, Libe, Alter, Yechiel, Chana, Yissachar, Shmuel MEDZSHIGORSKI Yosef, wile and children MEDZSHIGORSKI Kalman, Chava and child MTSNMACHER Meir and his family MTSNMACHER Chaim and his family MKOLOVSKI Tsiml, Rachel, Sarah, Chaim, Ya'akov, Malka MKOLOVSKI Chana MKOLOVSKI Aharon MKOLOVSKI Mendl MEEELS Yosef, wife and children MELMAN Moshe, Chana, Yechezkel, Leibl, Zlate, Bashe, Freide MENDLEyrrCH Moshe-Abba, Mindl and children MENDLEVITCH Yishayahu, Rivka and children MENDLEVITCH Aharon-Mendl, Toibe and children MENDLEVITCH Shamai, wife and children MENDLEVITCH Yisrael, wife and children MENpLEVrrCH Motl, wife and children MENDROVSKI Ya'akov, Feigl-Leah, Alte-Chava, Chaya-Sheindl MiNDROVSKI Melech, wife and children MENDROVSKI Ya'akov, Frimet MENDROVSKI Avraham, wile and children MENTLIKPesl MiNTLIK Yehuda, Freide M3NTLK Moshe, Chava, Yocheved, Reizl, Batsheva MENTLK Yisrael-Yekl, Shprintse, Noach, Esther MENTLK Binyamin, Malle MENTLDC Rachel, Herzl, Gitl, Elimelech MiNTLIK Gershon, wife and children MENTLK. Pinchas, Osnat, Altele MENTLK Gershon, Pesl and children MENTLK Yosef, Rachel, Beile MENTLK Sarah, David, Aharon MENTLK Ber, Mordechai MENTLK Yokil, Feige and children NOVOTNI Benzion, Freitche and 3 children NOZSHICH Shalom, Matil NOZSHICH Chaya, Yosl, Dévora, Shlomo, Max, Beile NOZSHICH Berl and wife NOZSHICH Mordechai, wife and children NOZSHICH Shmuel, wife and children NAPARSTEK Ezra and wife NAPARSTEK Avraham, Shifra, 2 24 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 children NOMANYosef,Baltche N01FELDYudl,Breindl NUSBOM Yehoshua, Sarah, Freidl and children NIZSHINSKI Efraim, wife and children NISENGARTEN Moshe, Sime, Kalman, Eliezer-Nute NISENGARTEN Yehoshua, Rachel'che and 2 children. NISENGARTEN Yosef, Toibe and 4 children NIRENBERGShmelke, Chana'le NIRENBERGLipe, Chaya'le, Heshl and children. NIRENBERG Yosef, Teme, Alter, Eliezer, Tsvia, Yekl, Yochanan, Bella NEMAN Itchele, wife and children NEMAN Tsotl, husband and children NEMAN Moshe, Esther, Mordechai, Aryeh NEMAN Melech, Malka and child NEMAN David and his family NEMAN Moshe, wife and child NEMAN Shimon, Pesl, Sarah, Efraim NEMAN Yishayahu, wife and 2 daughters NEMAN Pinchas, Nachman, wife and children NEMAN Sheindl, David, Yehoshua, Pinchas, Nechama SOLAZSH Chaim-Shlomo, Meir, Keile, Moshe SOLAZSH Pinchas, Frimet, Perets, Miriam SOLAZSH Moshe-Meir, Libe SOLAZSH Shmuel-Eli, Yehoshua, Chana, Mindl, Rachel, Feige SOLAZSH Aryeh, Menachem, Moshe, Yitschak SOLNI Yosef, Chava SOLNI Yitschak, Elke, Kalman, Ber, Rivka SOLNDC Yosef, wife and children SOLNIK Moshe, Rivka, Efraim, Reizl, Miriam, Pesl SOLNIK Feivl, Pesl, Hinde, Sheindl, Roize, Dobe, Gershon SAMBORSKI Shmuel, Esther-Vite SAMBORSKI Yosef, wife and children SAMBORSKI Moshe, wife and children SAMBORSKI Nechemia, Malka, Tashek, Chaim SAMBORSKI Kalman, wife and children SAMBORSKI Breindl, Polle, Chana-Mirl, Markl SAMBORSKI Meir, wife and children SAMBORSKI Sarah and husband SAMBORSKI Sarah, Polle, Baruch. Mil SAMBORSKI Markl, Esther, Bine-Reizl, Yosef SAMETBAND Aharon, Sarah-Beile, Golde SAMETBAND Shmuel, Chaya-Sarah, Blimke, Chana SAMETBAND Yekutiel, Moshe, Ya'akov SAMETBAND Alter, Golde, Toibe, Male SAMETBAND Meir, Volff, Esther-Rachel SAMETBAND Volff, wife and children SANDAL Chaim, Breindl SOPKOVSKI Joisep and family STASHEVSKI Yechiel, wife and children: Miriam, Yitschak, Sarah, Aharon STRAZSHEVSKI Sheindl, Motl Harav SILMAN Tuvia, Rachel, Hinde, Shmuel-Eliezer, Yechiel, Moshe Harav SILMAN Eliezer, wife and children Harav SILMAN Ya'akov, Chava, Yehudit, Tobtche SILMAN Rachel-Matl SILMAN Leibl, Rachel, Henya, Tseshe, Eva, Eliezer SILMAN Avraham, wife and children SMOLAZSH Idl, Henne, Yekl-Meir, Yechezkel SMOLAZSH Hershl-Bezalel, Meir, Sheindl SMOLAZSH Bezalel, Chaya-Perl, Meir, Hodes SMOLAZSH Leibish, Leah'le, Perele, Blime, Feigele SMOLAZSH Mordechai, Pesl, Leibl, Meir, Blime SMOLAZSH Yechezkel, Kreisl and 3 children SKORNIK Chava, Tuvia, Fradl SKORETSKI Heinoch and wife SKORETSKI Bendet, wife and children SKORETSKI Hershl, Sheindl, Moshe, Freidl SKORETSKI Yoel, Mashe, Sheindl, Meir, Moshe, Franye SKROBATSKI Zalman, wife and children SKROBATSKI Avraham, wife and children SKROBATSKI Michael, wife and children ELIASHEVITS Akiva, Toibe, Hershl ELIASHEVITS Feivl, wife and children ELIASHEVITS Eliahu, wife and children ELIASHEVITS Yitschak ELIASHEVITS Rivka Harav EPSHTEIN Eliezer-Yehoshua Halevi, wife and children EKERSHTEIN Shlomo, Chaya and children ERLICH Anshl, Rachel, Alter, Sarah, Shaul.Eidl ERLICH Berish, Tsirl, Chana, Libe ERLICH Eedl, Yosef, Shmuel, Eidl ERLICH Yitschak-Meir, Libe, Yossi ERLICH Shaul. wife and children ERENREICH Davidl, Hindi, Perl PODSTOLSKI Shalom, Malka PODSTOLSKI Harsh-Leib, Rachel, Yosef PODSTOLSKI Shmuel, Henya, Sheindl, Malka PODSTOLSKI Yekutiel-Abba, Ite-Breindl PODSTOLSKI Zelde, Shlomo, Moshe PODSTOLSKI Moshe, Rivka, Sheindl, Yosl, Leibl, Mindele PATSHORKOVSKI Yehuda, Esther Spring 2003 PACHOLHirsh-Mendl, Sheintche, Freide, Esther PACHOL Avraham, Feivl, Meir, Mandzye PASTERNAK Moshe, Sarah-Esther, Chantche, Rachel'tche, Rozshke, Leah, Shmuel PASTERNAK Rachel, Sarah'tche, Golde, Freidzye PASTERNAK Yosef PASTERNAK Yitschak, Perl mid children PASTERNAK Yosl, Blime PASTERNAK Velvel, wife and children PASTERNAK Eliezer, wife and children PASTERNAK Moshe, wife and children PASTERNAK Leibish and wife PASTERNAK Hershl. Tsvia, Moniek PASTERNAK Yechezkel, Feigl, Sarah, Beile, Chana, Leibish, Michael, Beirich PASTERNAK Meir, Esther and children PASTERNAK Leibish, Zelig PASTERNAK Rachel POPOV Freidl PAPLAK Chanan, Sarah and children POPER Yishayahu, GiU POPER Efraim, Gutche, Reizl, Berl POPER. Shmuel, Sheindl-Leah, Pinchas, Breindele PIYONEizik and family PIYON Shmuel, Yechezkel PIYON Berl, wife and children PLUTCHENIK Ya'akov, Libe, Kalman PLUTCHENIK Itchele, Feigele, David, Miriam PLUTCHENIK the dentist, wife and children PERLSHTEIN Hillel, Chaya, Chavale, Shalom, Getsl, Sarah, Pesl PRAVERMAN Ya'akov-Yosl, Chana-Leah PRAVERMAN Mosh'ke, Malka-Chaya and children PRAVERMAN Fishl, Malka and children PRAVERMAN Avraham-Yitschak, Golde and children PRAVERMAN Motl and wife PRAVERMAN Moshe, wife and children PRAVERMAN Moshe-David, wife and children PRAVERMAN Fishl, Toibe, Yisrael PRAVERMAN Avraham PRICE Chaim, Golde and children PRICE Rivka, Motl, Neshe, Leibl PRICE Moshe PSHEDNOVEK Feigl-Leah PSHEVORSKIShprintse, Yechiel-Nachum PSHEVORSKI Teme, husband and children PSHEVORSKI Ya'akov, wife and 2 children PSHEVORSKI Shmuel, wife and 2 children PSHENDZE Heshl, wife and children PSHENDZE Frimet PSHENDZE Moshe PSHENDZE Chana-Leah, Alter EATER Heniek, Chaya FUCHS Meir, Pesl, Leah FEIGOVTTCH Yehuda-Volff, wife and children Spring 2003 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 FEIGOVTTCH Yechiel, wife and children , FEIGOVTTCH Hershl, wile and children F1LTS Shimon, Sarah, Feigl, Fradl FISH Avraham, wife and children FINKELSHTEIN Eliezer FINKELSHTElNDreizl FINKELSHTEIN Chaya, Zalman, Yitschak, Sarah, Shmuel, Pesl, Rivka FINKELSHTEIN Shimon, wife and children FINKELSHTEIN Abba, Rachel, Yeikel, Motl,Yosef FINKELSHTEIN Toibe, Blimtche, Polle, Avigdor FEIGENBOIM Shimon, wife and children FEIGENBOIM Chaim, Yisrael FEIGENBOM Shimon, Erimet, Shmuel, Leibl, Chana, Esther, Blume FEIGENBOIM Yehuda-Volff, wife and children FEIGENBOIM Yisrael David FEINGOLD Mosh'ke, Naftali, Tseshye, Shimon, Lily FEINGOLD Bernard, Bronia, Henryk, Renia FEINGOLD Chaim-Mordechai, Rivka, Rachle FEINGOLD Yehuda and daughter FEKASH Meir, Yechiel, wife and children FEKASH David, wife and children FEKASH Reizl FLAUMAlte FLAMHOLTZ Alter. FELDMAN Avraham FELDMAN Hershl, wife and children FELMANMirl FELMAN Menashe, Rozshke, Shimon, Meir FELMAN Avreiml, Rivka, Feitche FELMAN Hershl, wife and children FELMAN Motl and wife FELMAN Yehoshua, Rachel and 3 children FELMAN Yehoshua, wife and children FEFER Yosef, wife and children FERLEGER Lipe, wife and children FERLEGER David, Tobtche and children FERLEGER Yosl, wife and children FERLEGER Yekl, wife and children FERLEGER Eliezer, wife and children FERENSON Ya'akov, Yosef EREEDMAN Michael, Miriam, Shalom-Ber, Meir-Itsik, Perl, Beile FREEDMAN Berl, Beile, Leibish, Esther FREEDMAN Meir, wife and children FREEDMAN Shalom, wife and children FREEDMAN Esther-Rachel, Meir, Ite, Yosef FREEDMAN Yekl, Chaya-Sarah, Eliahu, Esther, Leibl FREEDMAN Natan, Etl and children FREEDMAN Moshe, Pesl FREEDMAN Mirl, Pesach, Chana, Mendl, Leah FREEDMAN Getsl, wife and children FREEDNZON Ya'akov and wife .. ^ FREEDMAN Kalman, Yitschak, Blimtche and children FREEDNZON Aharon-Shlomo, Malka, Leibish, Ya'akov, Reizl FREEDNZON Avraham, Natan, Sarah, Tsirl, Avraham, Rivka FREEDNZON Ya'akov, Rivele and children FREIDMAN Chanoch, Eidele, Shmuel-Dov FREIDMAN Velvel, Malka-Feigl, Meir, Moshe FREIDMAN Freidl, Shmuel, Moshe, Idl, Henne TSVEIGENBACH Zishe, Tsipe, Chava TSVEIGENBACH Miriam, husband and children TSUKER Yehudit, husband and children TSUKER Eliezer, wife and children TSUKER Avner, Yisrael, Leibish TSUKER Natan, Feigl, Miriam. TSUKERMAN Pola, Yosef, Miriam TSUKERMAN Bashe, husband and children TSrTRON Bashe, husband and children TSICHOVSKI Kreindl, Ya'akov, Yitschak, Hendl, Chaim-Shmuel, Avraham'le TSIMROT Nachman, wile and children TSŒSHLEVITCH Eizik, Rachel, Perl, Sheindl TSIESHLEVrrCH Avraham, Mordechai-Yosef, Volff, Moshe TSIESHLEVITCH Yosef, wife and children TSELLE Yisrael, Itl and children TSELLE Gavriel, wife and children TSELLE David, wife and children KOVIALKE Yitschak, Feigl, Moshe, Chava, Rachel KOVIALKE Avraham, Yehudit KODENTSHK Yehoshua, Rozshe and family KAVETSKI Avraham, Perl, Chaya, Sheindl, Reizl, Chaim-Volff KOZLOVSKI Mordechai, Leah-Hudes, Chaim-Mendl KOSLOVSKI Baltche, Meir, Kreindl, Heinach KOSLOVSKI Yekutiel, Mintse, Feigl, Rivka, Pinchas, David KAZSHEvflRSKI Avraham, Breindl, Esther KATCHINSKI Yisrael, wife and children KATCHINSKI Avraham, wife and children KATCHINSKI Volff-Leib, wife and children KATCHINSKI Leibish, wife and children KOCHEN Feigele, Shmuel, Sarah, Breindl, Ehsha, Esther KOCHEN Devora-Leah, Tsvia, Pesl, Gitl, Eliezer KOCHEN Yosef, Tsvia, Mordechai, Yehezkiel, Sheindl KOCHEN Binyamin KALISH Abba, Esther, Ya'akov, Tsippora, Zisme KALMOVITCH Freidl, Shlomo, Zishe, Eliezer 25 KALMOVrrCH Sarah, Yosef, Perl, Leibish, Hinde, Eliezer, Yishayahu KALMOVTTCH Hershl, wife and children KALMOVrrCH Yitschak, Bashe, Pesl, David KALMOVITCH Rivka, Moshe, Meir, Berl, Eliezer KALMOVITCH Zisl, Hinde KALMOVITCH Yoel, Matele and children KALMUS Meir-Zalman, Sarah, Yitschak-Ber, Meitl, Gutche, Tsarke KALMUS Yehoshua, wife and children KAMINSKI Moshe'le, Gitl, Hinde, Hentche, Mindl, Tova, Simcha KANTOR Michael-Ya'akov, Toibe, Freidl, Basche, Yosef, Leah, Meir KANTOR Shlomo, Meir-Yitschak, Malka, Rivka, Sarah, Gershon. KANTOR Basche and children KANTOR Volff, Rachel and children KANERTSUKER Menachem-Mendl, Chana'le KANERTSUKER Yissachar and wife KANERTSUKER David, Yisraelle, Batya KOSSOVSKI Kalman, Tsarke, Moshe, Esther KOPLEVTTCH Ya'akov, wife and children KOFFLER Anshl, Hindele, Yosef KOPEL Sheindl, Malka, Feigl, Chaya KOPKE Alter, wife and children KOPKE Sender, wife and children KOPKE Avraham, wife and children KORNBLUM Ya'akov and wife KORNBLUM Hersh-Mendl, Chana, Shavtil KORNBLUM Feigl, Basche, husbands and children KOPERMAN Chaim, Gitl and children KOPERSHTICH Yechiel, Polle KOPERSCHMIT Avraham-Leib, Hendl-Reizl, Perets, Tsirl KOKYELKE Alter, Esther-Malka, Moshe, Leah KOKYELKE Melech, Dévora and children KVASHNIEVSKI Berl, Esther KVASHNIEVSKI Eizik, Freide, BeUa KVASHNIEVSKI Yosl, Ya'akov and family KOIFMAN Yeikl, Moshe, Rachel, Yisrael, Freide, Itche KOIFMAN Michael, Sarah KOIFMAN Leibish, Rachel, Alte KOIFMAN David, Rivtche and children KOIFMAN Moshe, Rachel, Esther, Chaim-Meir KOIFMAN Yitschak, Meir, Chana, Sarah, Asher KOIFMAN Yosef, Feigl, Moshe, Reizl, Temme, Yitschak-Meir, Nache KOIFMAN Sheindl, Sarah, Rachel, Malka, Tsvia KOIFMAN Beirish, Gitl, Shmuel, Chaim, Yechiel KOIFMAN Moshe, Gitl-Malka, Sheindele, Motele KOIFMAN Meir, wife and children KOIFMAN Golde, Beile, Pesl KOIFMAN Yosef, Moshe KOIFMAN Meir, Yachet 26 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 KOIFMAN Yekl. Blime, Shimon, Chaim-Volff KOIFMAN Yisraelke, Sheindl, Shimon, Yechezkel, Chaim, Shlomo KOIFMAN Salle, Genye KMAN Yochanan, Reizl, David KIMAN Gershon, Rivka, Yitchak, Alte, Reizl, Henoch KIFEL David, Chana and children KIFEL Leibish, Sarah-Blime, Eizik, Eidl, Zelde, Golde KIFEL Shimon and wife KLARMAN Baltche, Yitschak-Leibish, Yisrael-Ya'akov KLARMAN Teibl, Golde, Racheltche, Chana, Abba KLARMAN Roize, Feitche, Hershl, Alte KLARMAN Natan, Pesl, Genendl, Zlate, Moshe KLARMAN Nute, Breindl, Avraham, Yisrael, Libe, David, Eliahu, Moshe-Leib KLARMAN Hershl, wife and children KLARMAN Chame KLUG Hershl, Moshe, David, Genendl KLEIN Freidl, Hershl, Moshe KLEIMAN Yoske. wife and children KLEIMAN Zelig, Freide, Fishl, Roize, Avraham-Moshe KLEIMAN Shaike and wife KLEIMAN Shmuel KLEINHENDLER Leibish, Chaya, Kalman KLEINHENDLER Pesach, Temerl, Avraham-Leib, Freide KLEINHENDLER Leah-Feigele, Rozshke, Yosef, Shimshon, Manye, Ya'akov KLEINER Avraham, Hersh, Shmuel, Chaya-Sarah, Avraham, Aharon, Nachum, Yisrael KLEINERT Blime-Hinde KLEINERT Alter-Reuven, Miriam KLE1NPLATS Eliezer, Gitl-Reizl, Hirsh-Meir, Shmuel-Feivl, Shlomo KLEINPLATS Elke and children KNOBL Chaim, Chantshe and children KNOBL Ya'akov, Roize KNOBL Melech, wife and children KRAVTSCHIK Moshe-Heinach, Reizl KRAVTSCHIK Chaya, Avraham, Malka, Ya'akov KRAVTSCHIK Feivl, Alte and children KRAVKE Rachel, Chana-Hinde KSHANZER Ya'akov, Leah, Moshe, Sarah KSHANZER Itche KSHANZER Yissachar RODAL Moshe-Yekl, wife, son and daughter RODAL Aharon, Ite and children RADZINSKI David, Feigl, Sarah, Rachel, Shimon-Leib ROZEN Esther, Shmuel, Yitschak, Ya'akov, Dov, Manish ROZENBAUM Meir, Sarah, Tsippora, Rachel ROZENBOM Meitl and husband ROZENBLUM Yishayahu-Dov ROZENBLUM Yosef, Genya, Moshe'le, Michal ROZENBLUM Fella, Dévora, Gutte ROZENBLUM Motl, wife and children ROZENBLUM Nute, Sarah and 4 children ROZENBLUM Yitschak-Yishayahu, wife and children ROZENBLUM Chanoch-Yitschak, Machle-Rivka ROZENBLUM Pesl, husband and children ROZENBLUM Avraham-Ya'akov, wife and children ROZENBLUM Mordechai, Yehuda, Polle, Nachum ROZENBLUM Zelig, Bracha, David, Chantshe, Yosef, Pesl, Esther, Dorke ROZENBLUM Breindl, Rachtshe ROZENBLUM Avraham-Meir, Sheindl, Rachel, Leibish-Chaim, Hershele, Lea'le ROZENBERGPerl. Fishl, Meir ROZENBERG Leibish, wife and children ROZENBERG Godl, wife and children ROZENBERG Yeikl and wife ROZENBERG Ozer, wife and children ROZENBERG Lipe and wife ROZENBERG Moshe'le, Yosl, Yehudit ROZENBERG Chaya, Ze'ev, Yosef ROZENBERG Fishl, MM, Dévora ROZENBERG Perele, Leibish, Freidl and children ROZENBERG Yosl-Ber, wife and children ROTENBERG David-Natan, Feige-Chaya, Pesach, Yitschak ROTENBERG Tcharke, Shlomo, Malle, Sabina, Regina ROTENBERG Hersh, Fela, Chana'le, Nisele ROTTER Moshe, Sarah and children ROTTER Yeikl, wife and children ROTTER Avraham, Kalman, Yisrael, Rachele, Sender, Shaul, Blimtche RATCHE Hershl, wife and children RUBIN Sarah RUB IN Azriel, wife and children RUBIN Kopke, wife and children. RUBINSHTEIN Yakir, wife and children RUBINSHTEIN Moshe, Dévora, Rachel-Leah, Avigdor, Eliezer RUBINSHTEIN Chaim, Manye, Moshe ROEENTROIB Menashe, Feigele and children R O n Shmuel, Sarah. Yisrael, Avraham, Leibl ROMIANI Mordechai-Itche, Blime RIDELNIK Ze'ev-Dov, Esther-Tslove, Teibl-Michal RIDELNTK Chana-Feigl, Matl-Leah, Chaya-Sarah RIDELNIK Beile, Golde-Malle, Chava RITTERBAND Yisrael and wife REITER Shimon, wife and children REICH Michael, wife and children REICHERT Tova, Ezra, Lily REMAN Yosef, Rive, Moshe, Meir, Chana, Gitl REIF1SH Max, wife and children SHAVSHEVITCH Ruchama SHORRNatan-David, Chana-Toibe, Bracha Spring 2003 SHORR Yosef, wife and children SHOCHAT Moshe and children SHVARTZ Pesach. Esther-Chaya, Necha SHVŒTSHNIK Shmuel, Beile SHVER Yehoshua, GiU, Natan, Rivtche, Hantche, Yechiel SHVER Natan, wife and child SHULZINGER Leibish, wife and children SHULMANHeinoch SHULMAN Eizik, wife and children SHULTSMAN Moshe SHTOKHAMMER Rache, Motl, Shmuel-David SHTE1N Eliezer. Zisl, Yitschak, Sheindl SHTEINBERGMoshe-Nute, Chava, Yishayahu SHTEINBERG Shimon, wile and children SHTEINFELD.Maltche, husband and children SHTEINFELD Rachele, Blimele, Chaya'le, Devora'le, Avraham'le SHTEINFELD Shimon-Eliezer, Rachel, Reizele SHTEINFELD Baruch-Yitschak, Blimele, Avraham'le, Chaya'le SHTRAUCH Avraham, Esther, Manye. Yechiel SHTRAUCH Yona, Sarah-Leah. Meir, Hinde, Motl SHTROCH Meir-Mendl, Chana-Leah SHTROCH Zisl, Efraim and 2 children SHTROCH Blime, Hella, Mindl SHTROCH Chaim-Yechiel, wife and 10 children SHTROCH Feigl and children SHTROCH Melech, Chantche, Esther, Golde, Leibl SHTRUM Hershl, Teibl, Manes, Frimet, Chana SHTASHERVE Baruch, wife and children SHIDLOVSKI Velvel, Broncha SHIDLOVSKI Rachel SHEIBERKarol SHEINER Alter-Yechiel, wife and children SHMULEVrrCH Shmuel-Volff, Sarah, Meir, Itsik SHMDELE Binem SHMŒLE Leibish-Kalman SHMEELELeah SHMELE Leibish SHMEELE Yitschak SHPIGELGLASS Esther, Rachel, Sheindl, Yechezkel SHPEEER Ya'akov-Dov, Roize, Shabtai, Yosl, Chana, Rivka SHPYEVAK Yechiel, wife and children SHPYEVAK Beile, Mordechai and children SHPYEVAK Libe-Leah, Yitschak and children SHPERLINGMoshe-Yoisef, wife and children SHENKER Moshe, Leah and 3 children SHENKER Yosl, wife and children SHENKER Kalman, Golde and children SHENKER Shlomo and wife SHEPKOVSKI Avraham, wife and children SHER Rivka Spring 2003 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 MARTYRS FROM PffiTKEVITCH MURDERE D WITH CHMIELNIKERS ASSIA Mendl-Eizik, Sarah-Leah ASSIA Avraham, Mendl, Eliahu ASSIA Chaim-David, wife and children ASSIA Beirech, wife and children GOLDBLIT Yisrael, wife and children GOLDBLIT Yechiel, wife and children GOLDBLIT Rachel, husband and children HERSHKOVTTCH Ya'akov, wile and children HERSHKOVTTCH Avraham-Yoel, wife and children HERSHKOVITCH Ehezer, wife and children HERSHKOVITCH Leibish, wife and children HERSHKOVITCH Ya'akov, wife and children HERSHKOVrrCH Yechezkel, wife and children HERSHKOVITCH Azriel, wife and children VEINGARTEN Aharon, Tsvetl VEITSFELD Moshe, Hinde, Rachel, Rivka, Blime VEITSFELD Shlomo, Chaim, Yitschak, Ya'akov, Eliezer VEITSFELD Yosef, Rivka, Feigl, their spouses and children VLASTEVITSER Chaim, Aharon, Moshe VLASTEVITSER Shmuel, wife and children VLASTEVITSER Volff, wile and children VENGER Orish and children ZANDFERL Orish, wife and children TERKLTOIB Chaim-David, wife and children TERKLTOIB Yisrael, wife and children TERKLTOIB Feivl, wife and children TSHESHERSKI Gitl and children LIS Yehoshua, Mordechai, Yisrael, wives and children MALESHEVER Shmuel-Hersh and family MINKOVSKI Asher, Chaim-Ya'akov, Avraham SANDAL Freide-Rikl and family FREIDBERG Eliezer, Esther, Miriam-Leah, David FREIDBERG Mendl, Yeikl, wives and children FREIDBERG Aharon, wife and children FREIDMAN Avraham-Ya'akov, Golde and children PAGOREK Yitschak, wife and children PASTERNAK Moshe-Tsadok and family KLEINHENDLER Leibish-Yitschak, wife and children KERSH Shmuel-David, Bashe-Leah and children SHAVSHOVrrCH Feivl, wife and children SHAVSHOVITCH Avraham, wife and children MARTYRS FROM GLOVNO MURDERED IN CHMIELNIK OGNEEVrrCH Yosl, wife and children UNGER Shmuel-YosL Sarah'le, and children OSHENKER Perl and children EKENBERGSerl BAMSHTEIN Natan and wife BAMSHTEIN Dévora BREITSHTEIN Avraham, Chaya-Sarah BREITSHTEIN Zecharya, Yechezkel, Nechama, Gitl BREITSHTEIN Aharon-David, Toibe-Rachel BREITSHTEIN Gitl, Yechiel, Yitschak BREITSHTEIN Yishayahu, Ite BRErrSHTEIN Reuven, Leah, Moshe-Hersh BREITSHTEIN Ya'akov-Yosef, Beile-Golde BREITSHTEIN Fishl, Libe-Reizl BREITSHTEIN Avraham, Reizl, Sarah-Breine BREITSHTEIN Golde, Reuven MARTYRS FROM CHMIELNIK MURDERED IN FRANCE IGELNIKBerl BIDLOVSKI BIRMAN BerL Berte and Madlen GOLDLIST Shimon GORLITSKI Beile, Mordechai, Malka and son DIAMENT family VDETSHNIAK Chaya-Eidl, wife of Jaques VEISBART Mordechai VErrSMAN Mendl, wife and children ZILBERBERG, his wife and children Sarah and Avraham TCHETCHERSKI Sime TOPYAL Reizl, Moshe and Feigl MILLER Hinde, Morris and 4 children MILLER Moshe, wife and child SKROBATSKI Mrs. and children SAMBORSKI Moshe SALNK. Rafael-Fishl and Miriam-Mindl PSHEVORSKI Shmuel, Sarah, Yechiel, Heinoch KVASHNDEVSKI SHVIETSHNIK Shlomo, Reizl, Chaim-Yisrael CHMIELNIKERS DEPORTED FROM BELGIUM ADLER Shlomo ADLER Dobe and 2 children IGELNIK Chaim IGELNTK Yocheved and son APPELBOIMManye APPELBOM Shmuel-David GORLrrSKIChil GORLrrSKIChana GREENBOMYosl DRUKAZSH Itche-Chaskl DRUKAZSH Malka DRUKAZSH Izidor CHMEELNrrSKIManye LIBERMAN Hertske NTRNBERG Volff NIRNBERG Yerucham SAMETBAND Volff SAMETBAND Dora PASTERNAK Rachel PASTERNAK Esther PASTERNAK Moshe, Yitschak PASTERNAK Breindl KLEINHENDLER Sheindl, Leah KLEINHENDLER Roza KLEINHENDLER Avraham 27 28 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 Spring 2003 Chmielnik Surnames - fro m the 1885-1900 vital records Listed below are the 2,125 unique surnames trom the 10,756 entnes in the Chmielnik Jewish vital records of 1885-1900, as extracted by the Jewish Records Indexing Poland (TBS) Project's team in Warsaw This list contains all surnames and their frequencies (the number of occurrences) You will note many spelling variants, transcription errors, masculine/feminine versions, etc In order for these records to become available, please contribute to the JRI Chmielnik project For more information, see Kielce-Radom SIG Journal V 4 (Autumn 2001 ), pages 3 8-3 9 1 Abdelman Abel 5 Abelowicz 1 Abram 4 Abramowicz 41 Abraszowicz 1 Abrat 1 Adler 4 Ajchenbaum 1 Ajcow 1 Ajdelkopf 2 Ajdelman 7 Ajdler 17 Ajlenberg 1 Ajnszinker 1 Ajszenker 3 Ajzen 2 Ajzenbaum 1 Ajzenberg 35 Ajzenlist 2 Ajzenman 1 Ajzentet 1 Alaba 1 Aleksandrowicz 7 Alfus 1 Altman 4 Aorbach 1 1 Apel Apelbaum 13 Apelsztajn 2 Apfelbaum 5 1 Appelbaum Archit 2 Aronowicz 7 Aspis 13 Awner 6 Baci 2 1 Baderman Bajcman 1 Bajgelman 1 Bajgielman 1 Bajm 1 Bajmart 1 Bajnwal 1 Bajtelman 3 Bajwelcwejg 1 Bajzman 1 Bakalarz 8 2 Banach Banderman 1 Barkowska 1 Barwecka 1 2 Barwinek 1 Barwinska 1 Basenbaud 15 Baum 5 Bawarczyk Bawelczyk 1 1 Bechidorf 22 Beker Bekermajster 5 Bekerman 17 18 Belfer 1 Belzycki Bendorf 1 Berek 1 Berenfrajd Berensztajn Berger Berkenfraind Berkfrajnd Berkowska Berkrfrajnd Berlin Berlinska Berlinski Besendorf Besendort Beserdorf Beserman Betel Biala Biaikowska Bialogorska Bialogurska Bialogurski Bialowons Bida Biekier Bilaczewska Bilczewska Bilczewski Birenbaum Birencwajg Birencwoj Birenfas Birfas Birkowska Birman Birnbaum Blacharz Blachman Blad Blajberg Blajer Blajtman Blank Blankman Blat Blatman Bhmentajl Blimental Blink Blitentajl Blitental Bliumincoj Bljaer Blona Blugrynd Blumenfeld Blumenfracht Blumenfrant Blumensztajn Blun Blusztajer Blusztajn Blusztejn Bluzmk Bochner Bocz Bogechapl Bogochwal 1 1 20 1 18 1 1 10 3 6 23 1 1 1 5 2 3 5 8 14 6 2 1 1 5 3 18 14 1 4 2 1 7 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 47 1 2 3 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Boguchwal Boiak Bolk Bombsztajn Boms Bomsztajn Bonkersztajn Borcuch Borcuk Borczek Borczuk Borensztajn Borensztejn Borkowska Borkowski Borszewska Borszewski Borszowska Borszowski Boruchowicz Boruszewski Borzewskt Borzikowska Boskowicz Bozenbrontz Brajdman Brajtbort Brajtman Brak Bram Brand Brandeberg Brandeburg Brandszteter Branszteter Brantszeter Brasz Braum / Ciapa Brauman Brawarczyk Brawarnik Brener Broda Broder Brom Broman Brona Bronher Bromewska Brony Brawarczyk Browarnik Brudka Brudkiewicz Brudnewski Bruker Brukew Brukner Brum Brumska Brutman Brykman Bryl Brziska Brziskoj Brzozowski 18 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 2 3 2 19 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 10 40 3 1 2 5 5 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 2 2 2 35 1 19 5 1 1 1 1 Brzynski Brzyska Brzyski Buchbinder Buchszpan Bugajska Bugajski Bukszpan Bulwa Bunajska Burman Bursztyn Buskowoda Bydlowski Byfman Byk 1 12 8 2 1 11 8 1 24 1 1 18 1 1 1 15 1 11 22 1 1 8 1 1 8 1 2 1 3 1 2 6 7 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 7 6 Carka Cecerska Cecerski Cegel Cegla Cele Cendrowicz Cesl Ceslewicz Ceuker Chaber Chader Chajman Chajmowicz Cha]szowicz Chalpryn Chamer Chandelman Chandelsman Charszmand Chefter Chelbgot Cheldman Cheler Chelfgot Chelman Chencinski Chendler Chenig Chenik Cherc Cherszenchonl 1 Cherszkowicz 2 Cherszoju 1 Chiliewicz 1 Chiliowicz 1 Chinba 1 Chinowicz 1 Chitler 1 Chleba 15 Chluba 1 Chlyba 6 Chmelnicka 7 Chmelnicki 9 Chmiel 1 Chmielnicka 9 Chmielnicki 1 Chochberg 2 Chodyk 1 Chodys 1 Chojna 6 Chommowicz 1 Chonigman 1 Chornowicz 5 6 Choronowicz Chorowicz 2 Chrobarski 2 Chuderlanc 3 Chuderland 2 Chudka/ChitleM Ciapa 1 Ciele 1 Ciesla 1 Cyele 45 Cijesl 5 Cile 1 Cimrot 3 Citrynbaum 6 Cuker 12 Cukerchajdel 1 Cukerman 8 Cukier 1 Cuknik 1 Cwajgelman 3 Cwajgenbon 1 Cwajman 2 Cwern 1 Cycer 1 Cycerska 5 Cycyrska 1 Cygla 1 Cyla 1 Cyle 2 Cymerman 5 Cymrot 27 Cyn 1 Cynamon 9 Cysla 1 Cyslewicz 1 Cyszrot 1 Cytrynbaum 19 Czajmk 1 Czajpik 1 Czapa 5 Czapl 1 Czapnik 6 Czarka 15 Czarna 8 Czarnecki 1 Czarnobrocka 1 Czarnocha 7 Czarny 7 Czecerski 2 Czechowska 3 Czele 4 Czerchowski 1 Czernecka 1 Czerwona 1 Daches 1 Dajtelbaum 5 Dajtelcwajg 2 Dawidow 1 Dawidowicz 34 Denemark 1 Diament 141 Direnfeld 1 Dizenchauz Djament Dombrowska Drejzner Drewniana Drewniany Drezner Drochmacher Drukarski Drukarz Drynarz Drzewecka Drzewecki Drzewicka Drzewiecka Dul 1 2 1 1 11 8 5 2 1 16 1 5 9 1 8 1 2 1 7 1 1 8 9 26 1 21 14 1 5 3 1 1 54 3 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 31 3 1 5 1 Dula Dulorowicz? Dyrenfeld Dyzehauz Dyzenchaus Dyzenchauz Dyzengaus Dyzengauz Dzewencki Dziaba Dziadek Dziadlowska Dzialoszycka Dzialoszycki Dzialowski Dzibeltowska Dziura Dzura Edelberg Edelsberg Eger Egier Egjer Eidelman Ejchenbaum Ejchner Ejdelman Ejdelsberg Ejdenberg Ejger Ejsztajn Ejzakowicz Ejzejberg Ejzenberg Ejzenlust Ejzykiewicz Ejzykowicz Elaszewicz Elefant/Guinfelt Elencwajg Elfart Ehasewicz Elnasewicz Elnasz Elnaszewicz Eljaseicz Eljasewicz Eljaszewicz Epelbaum 1 6 1 9 14 8 6 1 3 2 1 Epsztajn Epsztejn Erenrajch Erlich Erszch Erterrocht Faersztajn Fajdman Fajersztajn Fajgenbaum Fajgenblat Fajgiel Fajglewtcz Fajglowicz Fajkarz Fajnajzen Fajner Fajngenblat Fajngenbok Fajngold Fajnkoch Fajtel Fajwel Fajwfewicz Faktor Falka Federman Fefer Fejrer Felcman Felczer Feldcman Feldgajer Feldman Feleger Felger Felman Ferleger Ferszt Fersztenberg Fertel Fidelberg Fiderman Figa Figowicz Fila Fincman Fincyb Finkel Fmkelsztajn Finkelsztejn Finkler Firer Firsztenberg Fislewicz Fisman Fisz Fiszbaum Fiszer Fiszla Fiszlewicz Fiszman Fitbaum Flajszcheker Flak Flaum 2 1 6 6 1 1 1 1 2 8 2 1 1 1 11 5 5 1 1 13 1 1 2 2 1 1 21 9 1 5 1 1 3 2 6 1 10 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 45 1 1 2 27 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 3 1 1 11 1 Fligelman Fliszner Flom Focher Formalska Frajdas Frajdman Frajman Frajszaker Frajtel Frajtman Framerman Frenkel Frenkiel Fndberg Fridenberg Fndenzon Fridman Fridnk Frojman Frydberg Frydenberg Frydenson Fryderman Frydlejb Frydman Frygman Frymerman Fryszerman Fryszman Fuks Furman Gabnszow Gajman Gancwajg Garbarska Garbarski Garbarz Garcarz Gardarska Garfinkel Garfinkiel Gawnlowicz Geberowicz Gebrowicz Gefter Gejman Gelbart Gelberg Gelbert Gelblum Gelbort Gelburt Geler Gelfanc Gelman Gendzel Gemg Genik Gercberg Gerfinkel Gerszberg 3erszengorn Gerszkop Gerszkopf Gerszkowicz Gerszkowtcz Gerszlew Gerszner Gerszten Gerter Gertkowicz Gertner Gerzker Gibrowicz Giecel 1 1 1 3 1 1 7 13 1 1 10 1 2 1 2 4 2 18 1 1 13 1 15 1 2 128 2 9 1 1 19 2 1 1 2 3 8 4 1 1 31 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 10 6 3 1 1 1 2 4 4 1 1 3 2 6 45 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 5 1 29 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 Spring 200 3 Gilberg Gildberg Gimpler Ginsberg Ginzberg Gitberg 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 19 5 12 1 1 17 1 28 1 1 Gladman Glajd Glajt Glajzman Glazman Glijajet Glikman Gliksman Gluman Gluzman Gocherman Golab Golandczowski 1 Golberg 3 Golblum 2 Golbuer 1 Gold 2 Goldberg 109 Goldbfrys? 1 Goldbht 14 Goldblum 13 Goldes 2 Goldfarb 17 Goldfeld 2 Goldfierb 1 Goldfinger 1 Goldflin 1 Goldflus 4 Goldfryd 1 Goldgrud 1 Goldker 1 2 Goldkorn Goldlis 1 Goldlist 23 13 Goldlust 14 Goldman Goldmine 1 Goldrust 4 3 Goldrut Goldszlak 5 Goldszmajn 1 Goldszmid 1 Goldsztajn 46 Goldsztejn 1 Golembiowska 1 Golsztajn 1 Golsztejn 1 Goluchowska 6 Goncarska 1 Goncarski 1 5 Goncarz 6 Gonczarska Gonczarski 2 Gonska 14 Gorlicka 61 Gorlicki 57 Gorzelnicka 1 Gorzelnik 26 Gorzelny 1 Gorzicka 1 Gorzlna 1 Gorzycka 1 Goskowicz 1 Gotfrid 2 17 Gotfryd 13 Gotlib 1 Grabarska Grabarski 1 Grafsztajn 2 Graisberg 1 Granek Grank Grapek Grau Grinbaum Gnnberg Gnnblat Gnncwajg Gnngros Grinszpan Gnntman Gnszpan Grojechnacht Grojman Grojs Grojsberg Grojsman Gronckoj Grosberg Grosman Groszek Grozberg Grundman Gruntman Gruszka Grycka Grycman Grynbaum Grynberek Grynberg Grynbiat 18 1 1 2 7 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 4 13 2 7 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 6 1 3 4 1 11 15 37 2 Grynfeld Gryngras Grynszpan Gurgel Gurska Gurski/Szuster3 1 Gury 1 Gutcherc 1 Guterman 76 Gutman 1 Gutsman Guza 36 Guze 1 29 Guzy Gwiazda 4 Hajm 1 Hajman 2 Hammer 1 Hauzer 1 Heldfant 1 Helefant 1 Heler 3 Helfant 1 Helfgot 1 Helfman 1 Here 1 Hercberg 1 Herszberg 1 Herszenchorn 3 Herszkopf 1 Herszlin 1 Hertlewicz 1 Herusztek 1 Hilewicz 1 Hilowicz 1 Hirsz 2 Hlyba 1 Hochberg 1 Hodys 1 Hofman 1 Hohberg 2 Honigman 1 Horberg 1 leek 2 Ickowicz 18 11 Igelmk Igiekmk 1 Igielberg 1 Igielnik 3 Irenbla 1 Iserowska 2 Izrael 1 Izraniat ? 1 Jagonkowska 1 Jajcach / Jajcarz 1 Jajcarz 15 Jajcarz / Solnik 2 Jajkiewicz 1 1 Jajlowicz Jakubowicz 25 Jakubson 1 Jalowec 5 1 Jankiel 1 Jankler Janklew 1 Janklewicz 4 Janosow 1 Jarmul 1 Jaros 30 Jaroslaw 1 Jaskulka 1 Jasna 1 Jawerbaum 1 Jaworbaum 1 4 Jedwabna Jedwabny 5 Jeger 10 Jegier 1 Jejger 2 Jejzenberg 3 Jelencwajg 1 2 Jelnaszewicz 1 Jerenrajch 1 Jojlewicz 1 Jolewicz 1 Josek Joskowicz 52 1 Joslowicz 1 Juklewicz Junger 1 Jurowicz 1 Jutrzenka 22 Juwen 2 Kac Kacinska Kacinski Kaczinska Kaczynska Kaczynski Kalb Kalerman Kalma Kalman Kalmanowicz Kalmowicz Kalmus Kalnowicz Kamelchor Kamelgor Kamelgorn Kamelhaur Kameniarz Kamieniarz Kamilchor Kamin Kaminiarz Kaminska Kaminski Kamyjcak Kanar 26 1 1 1 7 2 2 1 2 1 1 22 11 1 3 14 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 22 6 1 2 Kanârek 12 Kandelcuker 1 Kanecka 5 Kaner 7 Kanercuker 5 Kamcka 6 Kamcki 3 Kantar 1 Kantor 17 Kapeluszmk 1 Kaper 1 Karenbrot 1 Karmiol 3 Karp 1 Karpek 1 Karpen 7 Karper 1 Karzdan 1 Kasowska 1 Kassowska 2 Kasyjer 1 Kasza 6 Kaszer 1 Kaszerman 9 Kaszimska 1 Kasztan 3 Kasztanska 1 Katarynarz 5 Kataryniarz 3 Katerman 2 Kabennkarz 1 Kaufman 68 Kawa 2 Kawra 1 Kazmirski 1 Kelerman 6 Kelmowicz 6 Kemelchar 1 Kemelchaur 1 Kemg 2 Kemgsberg 4 Kemgsburg 1 Kerszenaum 1 Kerszenbajm 1 Kerszenbaum 41 Kerszencwajg 5 Kerszner 1 Kesel 1 Kesel ? 1 Kesele 20 Kielman 1 Kifel 5 Kigowska 1 Kiman 1 Kimelman 1 Kimon 1 Kingsberek 1 Kirszenbaum 1 Kirszner 1 Klajchendler 2 Klajman 37 Klajn 2 Klajnchendler 12 Klajner 11 Klajnert 2 Klajnmmc 1 Klajnner 1 Klajnplac 11 Klajszak 1 Klap 7 K laper 1 Klarchendler 1 Klarman 50 Klejman 1 Klejn 2 Klencarz 1 13 1 1 1 13 27 1 4 1 35 1 1 14 1 1 Kon 10 Konarbiewicz 1 Kondel 1 Konecpolska 1 Komcka 2 Konlewicz 1 Kopel 1 Koper 1 Kopka 6 Koplewicz 6 Koplowicz 1 Kopta 1 Korenberg 5 Korenblum 17 Korenchendler 2 Korenfeld 3 Kornberg 1 Kornblum 5 Koronblum 1 Koscielmcka 1 Kossowska 13 Kossowski 17 Koszercuker 1 Koszerman 1 Kotek 2 Kotlicki 1 Kozel 1 Kozlowska 1 Kozlowski 1 Krajcel 3 Krajcer 5 Krajngold 1 Krajtman 5 Krajtzel 1 Krajzel 1 Krakower 1 Krakowska 4 Krakowski 1 Kraksztajn 1 Krauz 3 Krawczyk 10 Krawiec 2 Krejmer 1 Krejs 1 Krigsztajn 1 Kroczak 8 Krojngold 4 Kron 1 Krongold 2 Krowka 5 Krukower 1 Kruwka 5 Krygsztajn 1 Kryksztajn 2 Krystal 3 Krysztal 1 Krzanska 1 Kucharski 1 Kucharz 1 Kugel 1 Kukelka 2 Klepcarz Klinchendler «linger Klucz Kluska Knobel Kobiulka Kobylka Kochan Kochen Kochma Kocionb Koclomb Kokowska Kolek Kukiolka Kukulka Kun Kuna Kumk Kupczyk Kuperberg Kuperman Kuperszliz Kuperszmid Kupfer Kupferblum Kura Kurc Kwasnewki Kwasnewska Kwasnewski Kwasmeska Kwasmewska Kwasmewski Kwiatek Kymolka Labowska Ladowska Ladowski Lagowski Lajtman Lament Lamet Lamett Lamont Lamwald Lancberg Lancyk Landa Landar Landau Landyn Lang Langart Langarten Langwald Lapa Lasker Later Latrowska Lauberbarm Lauberbaum Lauberblat Laufer Lazenga Laznowska Lebner Lederman Ledkowicz Leiwa Lejb Lejbowicz Lejwa Lejzor Lejzorek Lejzorow Lejzorowicz Lemberg Lemel Lemeszmk Lenberg Lencberg Lerner Lesman Leszman Lewandowski Lewek Lewenberg Lewenrajch Lewenrauch 12 1 3 1 2 1 7 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 26 25 1 19 1 1 1 1 33 32 1 4 8 16 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 9 1 2 1 7 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 36 3 2 2 1 32 1 6 1 3 2 15 1 Kielce-Rado m Si (J Journal Volume 7, Number 2 M) 66 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 44 2 1 1 37 1 JC 1 .ichcweld 2 Licht 1 -ichtensztajn 1 .ichtensztern 1 .icik 1 .icngert 1 .iderman 1 jecpiewska 1 .legarten 1 .iksihborska? 1 .ilenbaum 2 .imberg 1 .imenbaum 1 .incfeld 5 .incweld 2 .ingarten 1 .ipolarz 1 .ipszyc 2 Lis 35 _iser 15 .iser/Klarman 4 jsgarten 1 jsicka 1 .istgarteg 1 .istgarten 3 .itman 1 .itwak 7 jubka 3 jupka 3 .iwsza 1 .jujka 1 1 .jupk , .jupka 1 .jutlowska 1 .oberblat 1 1 .odowski .orberbaum 12 1 .orberblat .otrowska 2 .oznowska 1 .ubka 8 .ubliner 1 .uftszprynger 1 .ukawec 2 .ukawiec 3 .ukowicz 3 .uksenberg 3 .upka 19 1 .uterska Rachel 1 Viachtinger 1 Wachtyger 12 Wachtygier 2 vlaer 1 Waerkowicz 2 Waerowicz 3 Wagierka 1 Wagirkiewicz 2 Wagrowicz 1 Maj 1 Lewensztajn Lewensztejn Lewentajl Lewi Lewik .ewin .ewinsztajn _ewko .ewkow .ewkowicz .ewnsztajn Liba .iber .iberman .ibsker Majer 1 Majerchowicz 1 Majerewicz 1 Majerik 1 Majerowicz 8 Majerszajn 1 Majka 1 Majngarten 1 Majorkowicz 1 Majteles 1 Majzels 2 Mala g Maleluwicz 1 Mahmak 1 1 Maloju Maly 11 Mana 1 Mandel 2 Mandelcwajg 1 Manel 2 Manela 3 Manelewicz 5 Manemowicz 1 Manslewicz 3 Mantiger 1 Mapa 1 Mappa 29 Mappka 1 Marchewka 3 Margules 8 Markowecka 1 Markowicz 10 Markowiecka 1 Markowska 1 Martin 1 Masarz 27 Masrowicz 3 Maszarz 1 Maszchowicz 1 Maszenberg 3 Maszkowicz 1 Maujer 1 Maur 3 Meeker 2 1 Mecner Meier 1 Mencyker 1 Mendel 1 Mendelcwejg 1 Mendelman 3 Mendlewicz 37 Mendlowicz 1 Mendrowska 27 Mendrowski 27 Mendzelewski 1 Mendzigurska 1 Mendzigurski 1 Mendzygurska 9 Mendzygurski 10 Mendzyrzecki 1 Menthk 11 8 13 Mermk Merszajn 6 Meszberg 1 1 Mic Micenmacher 11 Michelson 1 Miedownik 1 Miedzigorska 4 Miedziogorska 1 Miendzigorska 1 Miendzyrzecki 1 Mikolowska 5 Mikolowski 2 Mikulowska 12 Mikulowski 10 Milcher Miler Miller Mine Mincberg Mindlowski Minkowski Minsdorf Minska Minski Minskoj Miodek Miodowczik Miodowmk Mizinckoj Mlotek Mlynarczik Mlynarczyk Mlynarska Mlynarski Mlynarz Mnaparstek Mockowicz Mojka Moncarz Moncmk Moncznik Moneta Monka Morawec Morawic Morawicka Mordkoicz Mordkowicz Morowec Morowicz Morszajn Mortan Mortkowicz Mortyn Moskowicz Moszek Moszenberg Moszkowicz Molkowicz Mozgowski Murowec Muszkat Muzo Muzykant Mydlarz Nachauz Nachman Najchaus Najchauz Najchos Najfeld Najgauz Najhauz Najman Naparstek Newiadoma Newiadomy Nidzinska Niedzwiedz Niewiadoma Niewiadomoj Nigus Niguz Nirenberg Nisengarten Nison Nitka Nizmska Nizinski Nizycka 1 17 29 1 2 1 2 1 7 9 3 2 1 68 1 6 1 8 1 1 9 1 1 2 22 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 7 70 8 2 37 36 1 1 1 3 1 6 58 1 1 2 9 1 12 1 1 21 38 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 25 2 1 11 5 8 1 Nizynski 2 Norzyce 1 Nowak 8 Nowomiejska 1 Nozyce 19 Nozynski 1 Nuchym 1 Nudel 2 Nusbaum 1 Nusynbaum 1 Nusynowicz 2 Nuta 2 Nutkewicz 3 Nutkiewicz 1 Nutkowicz 12 Nygus 1 Obernik 3 Obormk 2 Oerbach 1 Ofman 1 Ognewicz 40 Ogmewicz 6 Ognioowicz 1 Ogmowicz 1 Ojzer 3 Okowita 9 Oksenberg 1 Oksenchenbler 1 Oksenchendler17 Olesmcki 2 Oliwa 1 Olster 1 Olszower 1 Olszowska 1 Opatowska 6 Opatowski 1 Opoczynska 1 Oppenchejn 1 Orbach 1 Orensztajn 1 Organek 2 Orzech 1 Oselka 3 Osia 1 Osnewicz 1 Ossi 29 Ossia 2 Ostrowecka 4 Ostrowecki 7 Ostrowicz 2 Ostrowiecka 2 Ostrowska 1 Otremba 8 Otreszba 1 Otrzemba 1 Owes 2 Owsiana 7 Owsiany 9 Ozarowska 3 Ozerowska 1 Ozewicz 1 Pacanowska 3 Pachol 30 Pachtarz 1 Pagorek 2 Pagurek 11 Palarz 5 Palka 8 Panska 2 Paper 1 Paperman 4 Paplak 8 Paprowicz 1 Pardes 3 Pasternak 117 Pasycka 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 10 7 1 1 9 Pis 1 Pisarz 1 Piskor 1 Piskorz 1 Piskurz 7 Piszczele 1 Piwko 5 Pizel 1 Platek 1 Platkewicz 1 Plecennik 1 Pleszewska 1 Pleszowska 5 Pleszowski 2 Plotek 1 Plucenik 29 Plucennik 1 Plucernik 1 Plucienik 10 Pluciennik 4 Plucnik 1 Plywacka 1 Pocztalska 1 Podetolska 1 Podkowa 1 Podolanska 1 Podstolska 7 Podstolski 13 Politajska 1 Polowoj 1 Poltanska 1 Pomeranblut 1 Pomeranc 1 Peisak Pelc Pelerman Pelker Penkny Peprznik Perelman Perelmuter Perelsztejn Perens Perl Perslman Petrowicz Picele Piejsak Piekarz Pimcer? Pincer Pinchus Pinczowska Pinczowski Pinkoju Pinkwac Pion Pomerancblum 9 Poncer 1 Poper 1 Poplak 2 Porzicka 2 Porzycka 1 Posak 1 Potasznik 7 Potlak 1 Poznanska 1 Pracownik 5 Prajs 3 Prawer 15 Prawerman 1 Probsztajn 1 Propynator 1 Prywer 1 Przechacka 7 Przechacki 3 Spring 2003 Przedborska Przednowek Przekupmk Przenda Przendza Przeorski Przeworska Przeworski Przyworski Ptasznik Pusz Puterman Pysek Rabinower Rabinowicz Rachtman Radelmk Radzenoje Radzynski Rafalowicz Raj 2 15 1 1 15 1 6 7 2 10 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 3 9 1 4 2 10 1 1 3 15 12 2 13 9 21 10 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 Rajch Rajchman Rajman Rajter Rajz Rajzeman Rajzemuter Rajzman Rakowska Rakowski Rapaport Rapoport Rechcman Recht Rechtman Redyk Rejchkind Rejtier Rebeszowska Rçbiszewska Rçbiszewski Reboszewska Rendzerek Reszyszczewska 9 Ribelmk Rizen Rizenberg Rodal Rodol Roizen Rojzen Rojzenberg Rondberg Rosset Rot Rota Rotenberg Roter Roterman Rotgerberg Rotkowecka Rotner Rotsztajn Rozana Rozdzial Rozel Rozen Rozenbaum Rozenberg Rozenblat Rozenblum Rozenblut Rozenbom Rozencbajg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 35 40 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 2 7 10 89 1 75 3 1 1 Rozencholc 4 Rozencwajg 44 Rozendman 1 Rozenfarb 7 Rozenfeld 4 Rozenglid 1 Rozengolc 1 Rozenkrajn 1 Rozenkranc 2 Rozenman 1 1 Rozenmtajn Rozenmuter 1 Rozensztajn 2 Rozentajl 1 1 Rozental Rozernblum 1 Rozumicka 1 1 Rter Rubin 25 Rubin/ Pagorek 1 Rubinowicz 3 Rubinsztajn 17 Rubinsztejn 1 Rudawska 1 Rudowska 4 Rudowski 3 Rumiana 11 Rumiany 3 Rupman 1 Rutka 1 Rutkowecka 1 Rutkowecki 2 Rutkowska 1 Rycht 1 Rydelnik 13 Rykosmski 1 Rykotynska 1 Rymier 1 Ryndchorn 1 Rynska 3 Rynski 3 Ryntchorn 2 Rzetelna 1 Rzetelny 1 Rzeznicka 3 Rzeznik 6 Rzmidek 1 Sajdan 1 Sajdman 1 Sakowicz 1 Samburska 2 Samburski 3 Samenband 1 Samentband 3 Samentbaum 1 Sametband 4 Sandal 22 Sandel 1 Sandorska 1 Seczkowska 4 Seczkowski 3 Sendrowicz 3 Sercarz 10 Serkow 1 Siamsiowicz 1 Siapsewicz 2 Siapsiowicz 3 Sienik 1 Silberberg 1 Simber 1 Smecki 1 Simarska 1 Simarski 1 Sipa? 1 Skalmk 1 Sklarz 1 Spring 2003 1 Skoczylarz Skopek 1 Skopicki 1 Skora 5 Skorecka 2 Skorecki 10 Skorka 4 Skornik 2 Skorzewska 4 Skorzewski 5 Skowra 1 Skrobacka 7 Skrobacki 18 Skrzyniowski 1 Skrzypek 3 Skura 56 Skurecka 1 Skurka 5 Skurnik 4 Slaboszewska 8 Slaboszewski 3 Sledz 1 Sledzionka 15 Sledzki 1 Sledzyner 1 Slichner 1 Sloboszewski 1 Smiala 8 Smialkoj 1 Smialy 11 Smiela 1 Smiesewicz 1 Smietana 2 Smitana 1 Smolarski 1 Smolarz 48 Smuklerz 2 Snopek 6 Sobkowska 7 Sobkowski 1 Solarz 28 Soliarz 2 Solmk 48 Solmk / Jajca n: 1 Solowicz 7 Soncow 1 Sosinowicz 1 Sowa 2 Spiwak 1 Spongowska? 1 Srtraum 1 Stalewicz 2 Staszewska 4 Staszewski 1 Staszowska 2 Stawiarska 5 Stawiarski 2 Stawinska 1 Stawinski 3 Stenmcka 1 Sterensis 1 Sterenzis 2 Stewianska 1 Stopmcka 27 Stopmcki 23 Stroz 1 Suchecka 4 Suchecki 4 Suchszka 1 3 Sukemk Sukmk 24 1 Surowska Suskrewic 1 Sweczmk 1 Swiatowa 2 Swicarzoj 1 31 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 Swiczarczyk Swicznik Swisarczyk Swjatowa Syczkowska Sygal Sylberberg Sylberg Sylbersztajn Sylman Szaber Szachter Szafir Szaflowicz Szajber Szajberg Szajder Szajewicz Szajn Szajner Szajnfeld Szalowicz Szarlew Szatan Szaubenblat Szczebak Szczerba Szczytnik Szenker Szerba Szerlink Szidlowska Szif Szifer Szklarz Szkolmk Szlamberg Szlamowicz Szlechter Szlencka Szlezinger Szhcher Szlichter Szmajser Szmelka Szmuklerz Szmul Szmulewicz Sznal Sznicer Szniper Sznycer Szomsztajn Szpalter Szper Szperhng Szpicer Szpilfogel Szpiner Szpinrad Szpir Szpira Szpiro Szpirog Szrajbman Szrterenfeld Sztajberg Sztajchar Sztajman Sztajn Sztajnberek Sztajnberg Sztajnchaur Sztajnfeld Sztark Sztarkman 17 3 24 1 2 3 g 1 1 27 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 24 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 15 5 29 1 1 9 2 4 4 2 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 8 2 3 1 5 1 4 6 8 2 4 2 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 8 1 14 2 10 5 4 Sztejgmen 1 Sztejnberg 2 Szterenfeld 26 Szterensis 2 Szterensys 1 Szterenszys 1 Szterenzis 26 Szterenzys 1 Sztermen 1 Sztern 20 Szternfeld 2 Szternman 1 Szternsis 1 Sztrauch 57 Sztrejnberg 1 Sztreszczis 1 Sztrojwajs 1 Sztrozberg 1 Sztrozburg 1 Sztrum 8 Sztrumpf 2 Szub 1 Szuchym ? 1 Szuf 2 Szulcman 1 Szuldzynger 1 Szuler 1 Szuhmow 1 Szulman 24 Szulman / Blank Szulwman Szulzinger Szwager Szwagier Szwarc Szwarcbaum Szwarcchorn Szwarcfarb Szwarcman Szwoler Szydlowecka Szydlowecki Szydlower Szydlowska Szydlowski Szylman Szyringer Szytnik Tabenblat Tadolowicz Taflewicz Tajchner Tajtelbaum Tandetnik Tanenbaum Targownik Tark Tarka Tarkel Tarkelbaub Tarkelbaum Tarkeltaub Tarkowska Tarnowska Tarnowski Tasma Tatarka Taubenbam Taubenblat Tauneltaub Tchorz Tchurd Tchurz Teflewicz Tejchner 2 1 2 1 1 26 1 1 1 10 1 1 2 1 44 25 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 4 23 1 32 2 1 1 1 1 35 1 10 7 7 10 1 12 1 18 1 20 1 1 1 Temerlju Tempelgof 4 Tempelgold 1 Tendler 1 Tenenbaum 10 Tenenwurcel 1 Todresowicz 1 Todrys 1 Tolpa 1 Tolpeng 1 Tolpet 5 Topa 1 Torgowni 1 Torgownik 2 Trajman 1 Trajstar 1 Trajster 1 Traub 2 Trejger 2 Trembacki 1 3 Trembecka Trembecki 1 Trembicka 1 Trembicki 2 Tnger 1 Trojam 1 Tryler 1 Trzensn 1 Trzensna 1 Trzon 1 Tuchmajer 5 Tuchmer 1 Tukfaktor 1 Turska 2 Turski 2 Turskoj 1 Tyzol 1 Tyzon 12 Udler 15 Unfeld 7 Unrot 1 Urbach 1 Urbajtel 11 Urbojtel 1 Urcwajg 7 Urcwajs 1 1 Urfis Uszer 1 Wachter 1 Wagner 3 Waiser 1 Waiberg 3 Wajc 2 Wajcberg 5 Wajcenberg 10 Wajcenfeld 1 Wajcerman 1 Wajcfeld 6 Wajchan 1 Wajcman 71 Wajcweld 5 Wajdman 1 Wajgarten 1 Wajgman 1 Wajl g Wajman 1 Wajn 1 Wajnberg 60 Wajncman 1 Wajncwajg 3 Wajncweld 2 Wajndberg 1 Wajnfeld 1 Wajngalt 2 Wajngarten 5 Wajngartyn 1 Wajngold Wajngort Wajngurt Wajnjurt Wajnman Wajnrajch Wajnrejb Wajnrejch Wajnryb Wajnrych Wajnser Wajnszaft Wajnsztad Wajnsztajn Wajnsztan Wajnsztat Wajnsztok Wajntob Wajntraub Wajntrob Wajnzaft Wajnzaw Wajs Wajsbart Wajsberg Wajsblat Wajsblum Wajsbort Wajsburt 7 g 2 1 1 11 1 1 28 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 6 1 8 3 3 1 1 1 4 1 3 12 1 1 10 1 16 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 6 1 13 1 1 1 1 2 1 15 1 1 22 5 1 1 1 1 14 6 1 Wajselfisz Wajser Wajsgarten Wajsman Wajstich Wajtrub Wajzer Wajzman Waksman Waksziak Waksztejn Waiberg Waldberek Waldberg Waltberg Wamag Wancman Wanderman Wandersman Wanger Warga Wargon Warman Warszawska Warszawski Warszer Warszwska Wartol Waser Waserman Watman Wechter Wecznik 8 Weksler 1 Wenger 8 Wengielna 1 Werdyger 3 Wernik 7 Werzba g Wetrznik 10 Wierzba 1 Wietrzniak 1 Wilczek 2 Wilczyk 1 Wilner 2 Wina 1 Wincigster 1 Wincingsztern 1 Winer 1 Wingort 1 Winter 2 Wiornik 2 Wishcka 3 Wislicki 2 Wismcka 33 Wismcki 23 Wismecka 1 Wiszn 1 1 Witenberg Wlemcka 1 Wloch 3 WloszczowskEi 2 Wloszczowski 3 Wojcikiewicz 1 Wojslowski 1 Wolberg 1 Wolchendler 6 Wolf 1 Wolhendler 1 Wolman 8 Wolsztajn 1 Woslawska 1 Wosniak 1 Wroclawski 1 Wroclowska 1 Wujcikewicz 7 Wujcikowicz 9 Wulf 1 Wulfowicz 14 Wulsztat 1 1 Wygnanski Wygodna 45 Wygodny 33 Wyladna 1 Wynagrocki 1 Wyrnik 1 Wyrobnik 4 Wyrzeboju 1 Wytrzniak 1 Zaba 29 Zagajska 1 Zajd 9 Zajdler 2 Zajdman 2 Zajdner 4 Zajdperel 1 Zajf 5 Zajfman 3 Zajnerman ? 1 Zajonc 46 Zajsman Zajszajn Zajt Zajunc Zak Zalberg Zalcberch Zalcberek Zalcberg Zalcki Zalcman Zaleszckoj Zaluska Zaluski Zandperel Zandperl Zanszajn Zantperel Zarno Zarnowec Zawadska Zawadski Zawadzka 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 39 1 8 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Zawadzki Zelaska Zelaski Zelaza Zelazki Zelazmk Zelazny Zelazo Zelbelberg Zelensztajn Zelezmk Zelicki Zelik Zelikowicz Zelikowicz ? Zelinger Zehzko Zelkint Zelma Zelman Zelna Zelnaja Zelmk Zelnikowicz Zelny Zelsztajn Zelwnej Zelyska Zemel Zernic Zermcka Zernicki Zertak Zeszkowicz Zetelna Zeziazmk Zilberberg Zilberbsztajn Zilberman Zilbersztajn Zilbersztejn Zinger Zisman Zjemiel Zlotnik Zloto Zmidek Zmider Znamirowska Zolberberg Zon Zondz Zonszajn Zontak Zroszczkoju Zrycka Zrycki Zryckoj Zuchowicz Zuchtczinska Zut Zylberberek Zylberberg Zylberbogen Zylberman Zylberszic Zylbersztajn Zylbrberg Zylman Zynbersztajn Zynger Zynper Zyska Zyskowicz Zysman 3 1 5 2 1 33 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 20 17 1 1 1 1 32 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 38 2 39 1 1 1 1 1 20 1 1 30 17 2 1 1 1 1 64 1 1 1 18 1 3 1 21 1 1 1 13 32 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 Spring 2003 Chmielnik - 192 9 Business Directory Entries Transcribed by Warren Blatt Transcribed below are the entries for Chmielnik from the 1929 Polish business directory Ksiçga Adresowa Polski (Wraz z w.m. Gdaiiskiem) dla Handlu, Przemysk Rzemiosi i Rolnictwa [Directory of Poland (including Gdansk) for trade, industry, handicraft and agriculture], (Warszawa, 1929), pages 181-182. For more information about this directory, see Kielce-Radom SIG Journal IV: 1 (Winter 2000), pages 27-29. The directory is organized by province, then by town, and then by occupation within each town. The occupations are listed alphabetically in Polish (except for the first few officials and medical/legal professions), with French translation following. For this transcript, I have alphabetized the entries by surname, with the occupation heading as the second column. I've omitted some information, such as business names, and the French translations of the occupation headings. For the full original entries, see the images online at <^izdir/start.htm >. We thank JRI-Poland for making these pages available. Abramowicz B. Abramowicz H. Abramowicz L. Abramowicz Z. Ajdelman Ch. AjdlerA. Ajzenberg Ch. Ajzenberg J. Ajzenberg K. Ajzenberg P. Ajzenberg S. Ajzenberg S. AjzenkopfSz. Ajzyk Bcia Apfelbaum L. Apfelcwajg H. Awner M. Awuca M. Bachbinder S. Balanowski, N. dr BanaSA. Baranowki L. BartolaW. BekierG. Bekier Sz. BekierT. BelferM. Bergfrajnd Ch. Berlin Berlin B. BialogôrskiB. Bialogôrski F. BialogôrskiM. Bialowas J. Bircwajg A. Birenbaum P. Birman C. Birman J. BlachaT. Blank Ch. Blank Ch. BobinskaM. Krawcy Restauracje Ovvoce Spozywcze art. Blawaty Krawcy Obuwie Tokarze Obuwie Tokarze Krawcy Silarze Rzeznicy Blawaty Spozywcze art. Spozywcze art. Galanterja Spozywcze art. 2,elazo Lekarze Wedliny Notarjusze Spozywcze art. Spozywcze art. Krawcy Maka Spozywcze art. Bielizna - pracownie Mryny Pieczywo Stolarze Stolarze Stolarze Spozywcze art. Obuwie Piekamie Kuchenne naczynia Blacharze Kowale Tartaki Wapienniki Tytoniowe wyroby BoksaJ. Bomsztejn N. BorekF.' BorekJ. Borensztejn S. Bomsztejn Sz. Borszewski P. BraciszewiczA. BrelaJ. Browanziuk I. Browarnikl. BrozekJ. BrumF. Brutman H. Brutman J. Brutman M. Brykman Sz. BrzyskiCh. Brzyski Ch. Brzyski I. Brzyski L. Brzyski M. BuchbinderM. Buchbinder S. Bugajski Bugajski M. Bugajski R. BuhvaJ. Bursztyn I. BykH. Cecerska G. Cecerska M. Cecerska S. Cecerski M. Cecerski M. Chaiiczko B. ChlebaCh. Chlebal. Chmielnicka T. CholewaN. ChrobotF. Cichoiiski J. Restauracje Stolarze Murarze Bedmarze Spozywcze art. Kuchenne naczynia Krawcy Mlyny Spozywcze art. Owoce Krawcy Spozywcze art. Drôb Nabial Pierze Kamasznicy Mydlo - fabryki Drôb Spozywcze art. Drôb Obuwie Szewcy Budulec Drzewo Rôzne towary Wegiel Blawaty Drôb Spozywcze art. Krawcy Garbamie Bielizna - pracownie Bielizna - pracownie Bielizna-pracownie Drzewo Wedliny Szewcy Drôb Skôry Bielizna - pracownie Kowale Obuwie CieleG. Ciele M. Cieélewicz J. CieslowiczA. Cukierman J. Czamocha F. Czamy Ch. Czamy L. Dajtelbaum R. DanielaB. Dawidowicz M. Djament B. Djament J. Djament L. Djament S. Djament Z. Doros S. Drewniana R. Drewniany J. Drukacz A. Dyzenfeld I. Dyzenhaus G. Dyzenhauz F. Dyzenhauz Sz. Dzialoszycki B. Dzialoszycki H. DziuraA. DziuraF. DziuraF. Dziura M. Dziura Sz. Eliaszewicz F. Epsztajn K Erenrajch D. ErlichÀ. Fajgenbaum M. Fajgenbaum S. Fajgenbaum Sz. Fajkarz A. Fajngold Ch.Fajngold Ch. Fajngold M. Krawcy Szewcy Pieczywo Jadlodajnie Drzewo Pierze - sortownie Obuwie Krawcy Herbaciamie Kolodzieje Szewcy Kamasznicy Spozywcze art. Skôry Obuwie Krawcy Murarze Spozywcze art. Pierze Stolarze Drôb Galanterja Spozywcze art. Pierze Garbamie Garbamie Drôb Drukamie Spozywcze art. Pierze Pierze Szewcy Pierze Pierze Zegarmistrze Skôry Galanterja Spozywcze art. Zboze Drukamie Ksiegamie Zelazo Spring 2003 Federman Ch. FeldmanH. Felman M. FerlegierD. Ferlegier J. Ferlegier J. Ferlegier J. Figowicz H. Finkelsztejn L. Finkelsztejn W. FiszA. FiszA. Frajdman H. Frajdman H. Frajdman J. Frajman Ch. Sz. Frydensohn A. Frydensohn J. FrydmanA. Frydman F. Frydman G. Frydman L. Frydman M. Frydman P. GarfinkielF. GarfinkielK. GarfinkielM. Garfunkiel GarulaT. Geclowicz Z. GertnerM. Gibrowicz K. QajtH. GlejtM. GluzmanD. GiuzmanM. Gluzman M. Godlewski Sz. Golebiowski J. Golebiowski J. Golebiowski K. Golebiowski M. Golebiowski T. Golebiowski W. Golebiowski W. Goldberg E. Goldberg F. Goldberg H. Goldberg L. GoldblumB. Goldbluml. GoldlistBoruch GoldlistCh. GoldlistG. GoldlistH. GoldlistR. Goldsztajn H. Goldsztajn I. Goldsztejn J. GoldwasserE. GorlickiA. GorlickiA. GorlickiCh. Gorlicki J. GorlickiM. Gorlicki M. GorlickiM. Gorlicki Sz. Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 Spozywcze art. Stolarze Skôry Piwiamie Miodosylnie Piwiamie Skôry Drôb Pieczywo Mlyny Blawaty Trykotaze - pracown Kolonjalne towary Spozywcze art. Malarze Pierze - sortownie Spozywcze art. Spozywcze art. Stolarze Spozywcze art. Stolarze Szewcy Drôb Szewcy Piekamie Spozywcze art. Ubrania gotowe Olejamie Restauracje Malarze Blawaty Spozywcze art. Skôry Drôb Kuchenne naczynia Drôb Pierze Skôry Nierogacizna - handl Murarze Nierogacizna - handl Nierogacizna - handl Nierogacizna - hande Kolodzieje Bedmarze Drôb Bielizna - pracownie Drôb Spozywcze art. Pieczywo Maka Wla&iciele ziemscy Drôb Kolonjalne towary Pierze Ubrania gotowe Blawaty Ubrania gotowe Krawcy Pierze Gonty Warzywa Kolodzieje Stolarze Kamasznicy Krawcy Zelazo Stolarze Gorzelnik S. GorzelnikT. Gotfridl. GotfrydK. GrabdaJ. Grabda Jan • Grinbaum M. Grinwald M. Grojsman M. Grosman Ch. Grosman J. Gudwaiiski J. GutmanB. Gutman Ch. Gutmanl. Gutman J. Gutman J. Gutmanl Gutman K. Gutman M. GuttmanB. GuzyJ. GuzyJ. Handelsman Sz. HelbergH. HelfgotW. Heller Ch. Hering T. Herszel Z. Herszenhorn E. HerszkopfC. Herszkowicz L. Horowicz Bejny Horowicz Sz. Igielnik M. Jakôbowicz Ch. Jakôbowicz Ch. Jakôbowicz J. Janczur E. Janiecki J. JanieckiW. JedwabnyA. Jedwabny K. Jedwabny S. JegierC. Jegier M. Joskowicz Ch. Joskowicz M. Jurowicz L. Kaderczyk I. Kail KalmowiczB. Kamelgor M. Kamelhar L. KantorN. Kantor Sz. Kantor Sz. Kantor Z. KarponN. Karzyriska R. KaszaJ. Kaszuba S. Kataryniarz L. Kaufman B. Kaufman G. Kaufman J. Kaufman J. Kaufman J. Ubrania gotowe Bielizna - pracownie Silarze Garncarze Rolnicze narzedzia Nasiona Kolonjalne towary Ubrania gotowe Krawcy Spozywcze art. Zboze Bedmarze Spozywcze art. Piekamie Garbarnie Drzewo KuMerze Skôry Galanterja Garbamie Nafta Pierze Ubrania gotowe Drôb Garbamie Plôtno - tkalnie Bielizna - pracownie Pierze Skôry Spozywcze art. Nabial Nabial Wla^ciciele ziemscy Tkacze Krawcy Kamasznicy Owoce Pierze Komomicy Murarze Murarze .Pieczywo Pieczywo Herbaciamie Kolonjalne towary Galanterja Kamasznicy Owoce Czapki Mlyny Nierogacizna - handl Stolarze Bielizna - pracownie Rymarze Drzewo Bielizna - pracownie Szewcy Bielizna - pracownie Mlyny Bielizna - pracownie Drôb Tytoniowewyroby Owoce Drzewo Drzewo Drzewo Piekamie Wapno Kaufman L I B . Kaufmann J. KazimierczakW. Kazmierczak KifelL. KirszenbaumA. Klajman F. KlajnB. KlajnerCh. Klajnert I. Klajnhendler P. Klajnplac E. Klajnplac G. Klajnplac M. KlarmanA. Klarman Ch. KlarmanE. Klarman J. Klarman R. Klarman Sz. Klimaszewski J. KnobelJ. Kobialka I. KocA. Kochen Ch. Kochen Sz. Koclqb D. Kodenczyk J. KohnJ. Korenblum S. Kosowski K. Kosowski K. Koszerman J. Krôwka F. KrôwkaK. Krzykiewicz P. KukiolkaA. Kwaeniewski B. Kwasniewski J. Kwasniewski K. Kwaâniewski L. Ladowska F. Ladowski I. Ladowski J. Lapa A. Lazega J. LudczakB. Lukawiec Ch. Lajnman I.M. Lament M. LandauC. Langwald M. Langwald T. Lederman M. Leisman I. Lemberg E. Lenberg A. Lemer Ch. Lemer H. Lemer L. Lemer M. Leszman Ch. Leszman S. Lewenrajch S. Lewenstein Z. Lewensztajn Bcia Lewensztajn Ch. Lewensztajn Sz. 33 Wapienniki Opal Rôzne towary Maszyny do szycia Maka Szewcy Spozywcze art. Blawaty Bielizna - pracownie Felczerzy Slusarze Bielizna - pracownie Rymarze Galanterja Drôb Herbaciamie Herbaciamie Mlyny Herbaciamie Rymarze Nierogacizna - handl Skôry Piekamie Ubrania gotowe Szewcy Szewcy Garbamie Maszyny do szycia Krawcy Obuwie Obuwie Ubrania gotowe Stolarze Pierze Spozywcze art. Wedliny Pierze Nabial Kowale Kowale Spozywcze art. Spozywcze art. Szewcy Pieczywo Pierze Piekamie Apteczne sklady Cukry Farby Pierze Bielizna - pracownie Galanterja Obuwie Pierze 2elazo Krawcy Silarze Spozywcze art. Spozywcze art. Olejamie Spozywcze art. Kamasznicy Restauracje Skôry Drôb Pierze Spozywcze art. Pierze Kielce -Kadom SlU Joui nal Volum e 7, Number 2 3H Lewkowicz Ch. Lewkowicz J. Liberman H. Liberman J. Libennan M. Liberman R. Libeiman S. Lipowski E. Lipszyc D. LiserCh. Listgarten N. Lobeibaum D. LubkaCh. Macarz E. MacarzN. Machtygier Ch.M. MacznikB. MajJ. Makowska F. MalyC. MalyC. MapaJ. MapaZ. Margules L. MarguliesS. MarguliesS.IL. MasaizH. Masarzl. MasarzL. MasarzZ. Mejer Mendel Mejer Szlama Melman M. Mendlewicz J. Mendlewicz P. Mendlewicz Sz. Mendlowicz A. Mendrowska F. Mendrowska F. Mendrowski MendrowskiA. Mendrowski M. MentlikB. MentlikF. MentlikG. MentlikL. MentlikM. MentlikS. MentlikS. MiekwaA. Miedzigôrski Ch. Miedzigôrski Sz. MielnickiA. MikuiowskaC. MilerL. MilerW. Miller A. Miller Ch. MindlarzM. Miodownik Ch. Miodownik Ch. Miodownik J. Miodownik R. Miodownik S. Mojdlan M. MolisakW. Moncarz E. Mordkowicz B. Skory Drzewo Krawcy Spozywcze art Blawaty Blawaty Garbarnie Rolnicze narzçdzia Spozywcze art. Szewcy Kuchenne naczynia Owoce Pierze Pieczywo Szewcy Spozywcze art. Rzeznicy Wedliny Blawaty Drôb Wegiel Spozywcze art. Drzewo Rôzne towary Nafta Sol Garbarnie Garbarnie Szewcy Szewcy Wkéciciele ziemscy Wlaéciciele ziemscy Zboze Pierze Grzyby Rzeznicy Stolarze Farby 2elazo Farby Futra 2elazne wyroby Bielizna - pracownie Spozywcze art. Spozywcze art. Mydlo - fabryki Blawaty Blawaty Pierze Spozywcze art. Spozywcze art. Maka Szewcy Pieczywo Szewcy Szewcy Konfekcja dzieciçcu Garbarnie Kamasznicy Nabial Zboze Stolarze Blawaty Spozywcze art. Stolarze Spozywcze art. Kuchenne naczynia Mlyny Morowicz M. Mortyn H. Mortyn I. Mortyn I. Mortyn M. Mortyn Sz. Moszenberg D. Moszenberg J. Moszenberg M. Moszenberg Sz. Moszkowicz D. Moszkowicz G. Moszkowicz J. Mydlarz E. Mydlarz J. Mydlarz M. NadlerF. NajmanB. Najman D. Najman H. Naperstek Ch. Naperstek E. Niewiadomy Z. Nigus Sz. Nirenberg Ch. Nirenberg J. Nirenberg L. Nirenberg S. Nirenberg Sz. Nisengarten Nisengarten D. Nisengarten M. NowaczekA. Nowotna F. Nozyce B. Nozyce Sz. Nozyce Sz. Nozyce K. Nusbaum M. Nutkiewicz L. OdrobiriskiB. Ogniewicz A. Ogniewicz J. Ogniewicz T. OksendendlerCh. OksenhendlerA. Ongiewicz F. Orzech I. Osak Osakow A. OsjaH. Pakosiiîska T. Pasternak Ch. Pasternak F. Pasternak F. Pasternak I. Pasternak J. Pasternak J. Pasternak L. Pasternak M. Pasternak M. Pasternak M. Pasternak M. Pasternak M. Pasternak M. Pasternak M. Pasternak P. Pasternak Sz. Drzewo Rzeznicy Rzeznicy Stolarze Rzeznicy Rzeznicy Fryzjerzy Fryzjerzy Bielizna - pracownie Fryzjerzy Kapelusze Stolarze Stolarze Kolodzieje Ubrania gotowe Szewcy Spozywcze art. Spozywcze art. Konfekcja dzieciçcu Kapelusze Skôry Blawaty Szewcy Spozywcze art. Bielizna - pracownie Czapki Introligatorzy Bielizna - pracownie Introligatorzy Rôzne towary Herbaciarnie Woda sodowa Nierogacizna - handl Blawaty Pierze Stolarze Szewcy Bielizna - pracownie Obuwie Obuwie Apteki Drzewo Spozywcze art. Pierze Maka Zboze Rymarze Mlyny Spozywcze art. Akuszerki Drôb Piekamie Pierze Konfekcja ludowa Krawcy Obuwie Skôry Spozywcze art. Galanterja Bielizna-pracownie Konfekcja ludowa Krawcy Mydlo - fabryki Szewcy Swiece - fabryki Ubrania gotowe Spozywcze art. Spozywcze art. Pasternak W. PawlikW. Pawlowski J. Pawlowski K. Petkowski Zdzislaw Perelman A. Perelsztajn H. Perelsztajn J. PfeferN. PhulF. PhullG.dr. Piiiczowska Pion A. Pion B. PiskorW. Plôciennik I. Plôciennik J. Poper Sz. Prajs I. Prawerman F. Prawerman J. Prawerman M. Przeda Z. PrzeworskiZ. Raca H. Radwariski Radwanski F. Radwanski J. Rajch Ch. Rajdman H. Rajman J. Rajter S. Rajz M. Rakowski J. RautA. RodolM.J. RogalaA. Rotenberg P. RoterCh. RoterJ. RoterM. RoterM. Rozborski T. Rozen E. RozenbaumA. Rozenbaum M. Rozenbaum Z. Rozenberg Ch. Rozenberg F. Rozenberg G. Rozenberg P. Rozenblum B. Rozenblum J. Rozenblum J. Rozenblum J. Rozenblum M. Rozenblum M. Rozenblum Z. Rozenfarb R. Rubin S. Rubinstajn J. Rubinstein J. Rubinstein M. Rubinsztajn J. RulnianB. Rydelnikl. RydelnikM. RydelnikW. Spring 2003 Kowale Murarze Nierogacizna - handl Nierogacizna - handl WlaSciciele ziemscy Spozywcze art. Pierze Pierze Spozywcze art. Wina i wôdki Lekarze Mlyny Skôry Nabial Rzeznicy Spozywcze art. Piwiarnie Pierze Pierze Stolarze Stolarze Stolarze Pierze Czapki Ubrania gotowe Nierogacizna - hand! Murarze Murarze Rôzne towary Spozywcze art. Czapki Zboze Tapicerzy Spozywcze art. Drôb Soi Mlyny Pierze Spozywcze art. Spozywcze art. Powroznicy Rymarze Wedliny Spozywcze art. Zelazo Stolarze Spozywcze art. Owoce Stolarze Powroznicy Bielizna - pracownie Spirytualja Baty - wyrôb Piekamie Spirytualja Baty - wyrôb Slusarze Galanterja Blawaty Mlyny Spozywcze art. Blawaty Felczerzy Pierze Bielizna - pracownie Stolarze Szewcy Garbarnie Spring 2003 Ryterband, L. Samburski Sz. Samenband Ic. Samentband H. Samentband Iz. Samentband U. Sametband Sz. Sendrowicz H. Siapsiewicz G. SikorskiA. Sipawski E. Skocz-ylas A. SkômikC. Skorzowski J. Skowerski F. Skowerski T. SkrobackiA. Skrobacki M. Skrobacki M. Skrobacki M. Skwara Paw. Dr. Sliwiriski S. Slomiriski J. SlusarskiA. Slusarski F. Slusarski J. Smolarz Sz. SobolF. Solarz Ch. Solarz M. SolnikF. SolnikH. SolnikJ. SolnikM. Solnik Sz. Spiewak L. Stachowicz F. Stopnicki M. StradowskiA. StradowskiA. Styczai Z. Swierzewski L. Sylman L. Szafraniec W. Szajnfeld L. SzczukiewiczA. SzczytnikA. Szczytnik G. Szenkier M. SzklarzE. Szmulewicz Ch. SzokofSW. Szolewicz F. Szpigiel Ch. Sztajnberg Sz. Sztajnfeld Ch. Sztajnfeld Sz. Sztrauch J. Sztrauch M. Sztrozberg J. Sztrum H. SztrumH. Szulcman A. Szulcman Ch. Szulman J. Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 Lekarze dentyéci Cukry - fabr. Kamasznicy Szewcy Szewcy Krawcy Szewcy Szewcy Pierze Kowale Nasiona - nawozy Spozywcze art. Spozywcze art. Stolarze Kowale Wedliny Ryby Pierze Plôtno - tkalnie Szewcy Lekarze Restauracje Mlyny Kolodzieje Kowale Wedliny Konfekcja ludowa Fotograficzne zakl. Skôry Zelazo Tkacze Bielizna - pracownie Blacharze Zboze Blacharze Szewcy Kowale Pierze - sortownie Restauracje Rzeznicy Murarze Kowale Piwiarnie Spozywcze art. Krawcy Kolodzieje Szlifiernie Nabial Piekamie Blawaty Szewcy Kowale Spozywcze art. Garbamie Rzeznicy Pierze Skôry Wapienniki Plôtno-tkalnie Wegiel Obuwie Spozywcze art. Stolarze Stolarze Bydlo - handel Szulzyngier Ch. Tajtelbaum Ch. Tajtelbaum M. TandetnikA. Tariski Henr. i Kaz. TarekH. Tarek Sz. Tarek Sz. Tarek Z. TaubenblattF. Taubenblatt Temerla S. Topiol S. TrabackiB. Tuchmajer R. Tuchman R. Turkieltaub Ch. Turkieltaub F. Turkieltaub J. Turkieltaub M. Turkieltaub R. Turkieltaub Sz. Tyonz Sz. TyzanD. UdlerF. UdlerH. Unfeldl. Ungier Wainsztadt M. Wajcman A. Wajcman H. Wajcman J. Wajcman R. WajlT. Wajnberg I. Wajnberg J. Wajnberg M. Wajnberg R. Wajnberg T. Wajnberg U. Wajnbergier M. WajnfeldW. Wajnsztajn I. Wajsberg Wajsberg F. Wajsbrot S. Wajsman D. Waksman J. Warszawska H. Warszawski I. Warszawski M. WasbortS. Wawszczyk J. Wawszczyk M. Wawszczyk R. Wawszczyk W. WcislikK Wegier H. Wekslerl. Wieckowska Wl. Wiernik I. WiemikSz. WilczykCh. Wilczykowski F. Blawaty ' Bielizna - pracownie Galanterja Spozywcze art. Wlas'ciciele ziemscy Rzeznicy Krawcy Rzeznicy Krawcy Mlyny Poriczochy Warzywa Pierze - sortownie Nabial Bielizna - pracownie Spozywcze art. Bawelniane wyroby Szewcy Drzewo Drzewo Drzewo Drzewo Spozywcze art. Krawcy Spozywcze art. Spozywcze art. Czapki Spozywcze art. Blawaty Szewcy Szewcy Szewcy Pieczywo Skôry Galanterja 2elazo Bielizna - pracownie Drzewo Pierze Drôb Budulec Galanterja Piwiarnie Wegiel Spozywcze art. Rôzne towary Skôry Szewckieprzybory Piekamie Piekarnie Krawcy Spozywcze art. Murarze Wedliny Kolodzieje Nierogacizna - handl Spozywcze art. Kamasznicy Nafta Spirytualja Galanterja Kuchenne naczynia Fryzjerzy Spozywcze art. Wisnicka F. WisnickiB. WisnickiB. Wisnicki J. WisnickiM. WismckiM. Wisnicki Sz. Wténiewska K. WlochH. WôjcikF. WôjcikJ. Wojcikiewicz Wosberg Sz. Wrzesieii A. WygodnaB. Wygodna E. Wygodna M. Wygodny Wygodny G. Zakowski Leon ZelaznikL. Zelazo A. £emickiA. ZernickiA. 2emicki D. 2ernickiM. 2ochorowska Jan. 2ryckaB. 2ryckaD. Zrycki L. 2rycki M. Zrycki P. Zaifman J. Zajac M. Zaj^c W. ZajdL. Zajd Sz. Zajdman M. Zakrzewski J. Zalcberg A. Zalcberg E. Zalcberg G. Zalcberg I. Zalcberg J. Zalcberg M. Zalcberg S. Zalcberg Sz. Zalcman D. ZamojskiA. Zamojski S. Zonszein M. Zunszejn Sz. Zylberberg Ch. Zylberberg D. Zylberberg H. Zylberberg H. Zylberberg I. Zylberberg J. Zylberberg Sz. Zylberberg Sz. Zylbersztajn Ch. Zymberg A. Zysman M. Zysman P. 35 Spozywcze art. Budulec Zbo£e Rzeznicy Galanterja Spozywcze art. Nierogacizna - hand] Wedliny 2elazne wyroby Mlyny Restauracje Mlyny Pierze Nierogacizna - handl Rzeznicy Spozywcze art. Spozywcze art. Drzewo Bydlo - handel Wlas'ciciele ziemscy Zelazo Piekarnie Spozywcze art. Stolarze Stolarze Rzeinicy Wlas'ciciele ziemscy Gilzy do papierosôw Spozywcze art. Skôry Zboze Piwiarnie Bielizna - pracownie Pieczywo Szewcy Kapelusze Drôb Blawaty Wlas'ciciele ziemscy Spozywcze art. Zegarmistrze Ponczochy Obuwie Spozywcze art. Zboze Skôry Zegarmistrze Garbamie Wedliny Jadlodajnie Nabial Ksiegarnie Wapno Zelazo Blawaty Krawcy Galanterja Slusarze Blawaty Wapno Skôry Pierze - sortownie Galanterja Kamasznicy 36 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 Spring 2003 The Castle on the Hill - I n Memory By Betty Provizer Starkman It was one of those rare perfect October mornings. Bonfires burning the crop residue, lent a curl of smoke and a pleasant scent to the air. The trees were bathe in bright sunlight. Red and golden leaves formed a bower above the road as we approached the top of a hill in the Polish countryside. We were south of Warsaw, south of Radom. A signpost announced "ILZA - 1 kilometer". My heart beat wildly. In the distance we caught a glimpse of the Zamek, the castle ruins upon the Barg, the hill, where my father and ancestors played as children. In the lovely valley below lay my fabled shtetl, Ilza with its narrow winding streets and ancient leaning houses. In Polish, Ilza means tears. The Jewish inhabitants, who were already here in the fourteenth century, had affectionately called it Drilge. No one any longer recalls why. No Jew lives in Drilge anymore. I am finally here-here-here- really here. So Ilza is truly a place. Not just an elusive childhood dream, not just a vague impression from a faded photograph, not just old men's nostalgic memories and stories, not just the haunting melody of a bedtime lullaby, but a town, a city, a reality, a part of me and my being, of my ancestors and my past. Ilza is a part of my personal history and my soul, a microcosm of the history of the Jewish people. So we wander the cobbled streets of my shtetl. Grandfather's house still stands on the Rynek, the market square, where the Jewish people lived and had their businesses. The only house on the square with a wrought iron balcony, it is easy to identify. In this house grandmother bore six children and died at the age of thirty four. My great-grandparents, Chaim and Elta Prowizor of Mogielnica, came to this house in 1909, to bid farewell to their children and grandchildren as they departed for pre-state Israel. The family fled from this house in 1917 when Ilza became a battleground for the warring armies of Russia and Germany. This is the house from which my father, Jack Provizer left in 1918 at the age of fifteen to become a Halutz (guardian) in pre-state Israel. In this house, grandfather, Mayer Rachmiel Prowizor held secret early Zionist meetings attended by Tzvi Zabotinsky and Shalom Asch. In this home grandfather planned the Jewish School which he built when the children of Drilge were plagued by anti-Semitism. In this house lived two Jewish teachers' grandfather brought from Warsaw to educate the children. One Passover morning grandfather dragged my terrified father, the eldest son from this house. They entreated the local priest to prevent a Pogrom by approaching peasants armed with pitchforks. Perhaps the most important decision made in this house occurred in 1919 and saved my immediate family. They packed their candlesticks, their books, their bedding and belongings and began the difficult journey to Palestine. We quickly become a curiosity as we explore the town; American Jews, complete with translator, chauffeur driven car, cameras, tape recorders and tennis shoes. Children surround us as word spreads. Old women in babushkas speak into our tape recorder telling us that they knew our family. They react with amazement as their voices echoed back via tape. Quickly they scrawled post cards to American family members for us to mail in the United States. Dr. Adam Bednarchyk, a retired professor and self appointed Ilza historian was sent for as we purchased flowers and made inquiries. With the help of Dr. Bednarchyk, we located the former synagogue. It is a small gem on the edge of a quiet stream and a picturesque wooden bridge. It is now a cinema set far back on a broad green lawn. As if in a dream, I remembered hearing of the stream and wooden bridge, in another world and another life. The Synagogue was locked and we were not able to enter. My great-great-great grandparents and the subsequent generations worshipped here. The Swastika-covered synagogue was being torn during my last visit in 1996. I attempted to stop the process, which is against Polish law. It was too late and the synagogue site is now an empty lot. I recited Kaddish, lit a Yahrzeit candle and was the last Jew in the Ilza/Drilge Synagogue. Spring 2003 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 37 The search for the home of my great-grandparents, Azriel and Rechel Samet, was another disappointment. It had been destroyed some months earlier. Childhood stories told of an extremely deep dark basement with a foundation of ancient burned boulders. These huge stones were presumably remnants of the Tartar invasion of 1241, when Ilza was destroyed by fire. Subsequent generations had probably built and rebuilt upon the former burned foundations. No one in this small town seemed to know the location of the Jewish Cemetery, the place of rest for our ancestors for at least 200 years. Dr. Bednarchyk led us there without hesitation. Up a shallow hill, to our horror, we discovered a young forest - no stone, no monument, no wall, no gate, no shard, no memorial; only fallen leaves, chestnuts and trees. The otherworldly silence was broken by our tears. We recited Kaddish and laid our flowers in the nonexistent cemetery. This was a scene to be repeated almost daily during our Polish travels. We were later told that the Jewish tombstones of Ilza/Drilge were used as paving material following World War II. Forty-two years later we saw no evidence of this. The summit of the barg yields romantic mediaeval castle ruins. Below is a stunning view of the surrounding countryside and tiny multicolored buildings of old and new Ilza. Young boys, their imaginations at play, dart in and out of the labyrinth of crumbling ruins and buildings. Bedtime stories of my childhood told of the castle built by King Casimir the Great for his bride Jadwiga. When Poland lost one of her innumerable wars, the Queen shed so many tears that the town was named Ilza - tears. Fact or fiction? Is this what legends and myths are made of? On October 22, 1942, the Germans ordered the remaining 1,990 Jewish residents of Ilza to the town qquare in groups. There they were stripped of any remaining valuables and shipped off to Treblinka extermination camp, where most perished. On that date the ancient shtetl Drilge suffered death throes and ceased to exist - never to be reborn. There is no Memorial or Yizkor book for Ilza, no Jewish Cemetery, no Jewish resident to mourn for the lost little shtetl, the lost way of life, the lost generations. Jewish Ilza lives today only in the collective memories of its few former residents and their descendents. So I remember, as I stand here at the Prowizor family home on the Rynek in Drilge. I stand weeping, touching the walls, saying Kaddish. Saying Kaddish for my ancestors and for those who were not wise enough, not brave enough, not lucky enough, not rich enough to have followed grandfather out of Europe. Do I hear the fain laughter of six little children? Is that the beautiful plaintive voice of grandfather chanting the evening prayers? Do I smell the aroma of freshly baked challah? Is there a slight shadow behind the lace curtain peering out at me? Will grandmother, tall and blonde appear and embrace me, her namesake? No, I am sure that it is all part of the illusion, part of the heart, part of the dream, part of being Jewish Life in Iwaniska (Ivansk): A Memorial Project I am trying to contact anyone who has roots in the shtetl of Iwaniska (in Yiddish, "Ivansk"). I need your help in obtaining suitable material to create a portrayal of Jewish life in Ivansk. The account will appear on the JewishGen ShtetLinks web site. Personal and family recollections of life in the shtetl as well as copies of photographs, maps, drawings or other documents would be treasured. All contributors will be acknowledged in the JewishGen site. For more information, please contact: Norton S. Taichman, 51 Wynnedale Rd., Narberth, PA 19072, USA Telephone: (610) 664-8171 Email: < > 38 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 Spring 2003 Extract Data in this Issue Ilza Secemin Koriskie Marriages BMD Births The vital record extracts for this issue are the 18661877 Hza marriages, prepared by David Price; the 18461865 Secemin births, marriages and deaths, by Leah Bisel; and the 1872-1884 Konskie births, extracted by Dolores Ring. This data has been extracted from the civil registration books in possession of the Polish State Archives, and microfilmed by the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints (LDS). These extractions include information derived directly from the original registrations on the following LDS microfilms: #1,192,419 #1,192,420 #1,201,345 #1,201,346 #0,716,108 #1,192,422 #1,808,866 #1,809,015 Hza 1866-1870 Hza 1871-1875 Hza 1876 Hza 1877 Secemin 1846-1865 Konskie 1872-1874,1877 Konskie 1878-1880 Konskie 1881-1884 There are additional microfilmed records available for all three towns. Hza Hza (known as "Drilch" in Yiddish) was the district town (the county seat) of Hza powiat, in eastern Radom gubernia. The town of Hza's Jewish population in 1897 was 2,069, and in 1931 it was 1,545. This issue contains extracts of the 252 Jewish marriages recorded in Hza between 1866 and 1877. The Jewish vital records registers of Hza for this period also contain registrations from several surrounding towns, such as Wierzbnik, Wachock, and Starachowice, as well as many small villages in the area. Jewish vital records for Hza from 1810 until 1825 were recorded in the Roman Catholic civil registry of Hza. From 1825 until 1850, the Jewish records for Hza can be found in the Sienno Jewish register. The Kielce-Radom SIG Journal has previously published extracts of the 1850-1877 flza Jewish births, 1850-1865 in UI:1 (Winter 1999), pages 21-36, and 1866-1877 in VI: 1 (Winter 2002), pages 46-63. The Hza marriages include marriage partners from many other area towns, notably Kazanow, Starachowice, Szydlowiec, Wachock and Wierzbnik. 1866-1877 1846-1865 1872-1884 David Price Leah Bisel Dolores Ring Secemin Secemin, located in the Wloszczowa district of northwestern Kielce gubernia, is the "new" town in this issue, a town for which we have never before published records. The town of Secemin itself had a very small Jewish population: 96 Jews in 1857 (11% of the town's total population), 171 Jews in 1897 (14%), 224 Jews in 1921 (14%), and 180 Jews in 1939. For this issue, Leah Bisel has extracted all of the births, marriages and deaths recorded in Secemin for 1846-1865. Most of the records are not for residents of the town of Secemin, but for residents of the surrounding rural villages. Konskie Konskie (known as "Kinsk" in Yiddish) was the district town (the county seat) of Konskie powiat, in western Radom gubemia. The town of Konskie's Jewish population in 1897 was 4,453, and in 1931 it was 5,037. Here we present the 1,371 Jewish births recorded for 1872-1884. The original records are in Russian. The records for 1875-1876 are not on the LDS microfilms, but do exist at the Polish State Archives in Kielce, according to the PSA's inventories. The Kielce-Radom SIG Journal has previously published extracts of the 1860-1884 Konskie Jewish marriages, in VII: 1 (Winter 2002), pages 28-45. Caution These extracts are intended to assist the researcher in selecting records that may be of use for further study. There may be errors in interpretation in these extracts, due to the uneven quality of legibility of the handwriting, the microfihning, and the condition of the microfilm itself, in addition to errors in the original record books. As always, it is prudent for the researcher, when using secondary source data such as these extracts, to examine the primary source data for final verification. It is always best for the genealogist to view the actual records pertaining to his/her family to verify the interpretation, and glean additional facts. -WB Spring 2003 39 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 Ilza Marriages 1866-1877 # Surname Given Name Age Father Mother 1866 1 BERTMANOWIC Z Icek 24 Moszek Necha?ZACHOW DENBLUM _ Aidla 18 Boruch BlimaPRACOWNIK Abram (wid.) 2 ZACHCINSKI 50 Cypa (wid.) 26 Berek ZYLBERYNG Estera ZYLBERYNG Josek Boruch (wid.) 64 3 ZYNGIER 22 Wadia Dwojra GRYNBAUM Sura Laja LOWTJPICZIEW 21 Mordka 4 MARKIEL Malka 20 Jonas ROZENKRANC Rvwka BRODBEKIER Lewa 23 Rubin Laja GUTMAN 5 EPSZTAJN 18 Joel Estera Teoba CWAJGIEL Chana Bajla MECHLOW 18 Mendel 6 SZULMAJSTER Mordka Szvfra 18 Kielman SuraSZAFJR WAJNRYB Mosiek Pinkwas 7 CUKIER Dyna 18 Szmul Golda 16 Lejbus DvnaFISZMAN BLIMAN 20 Jankel Nuchym Majer Szyfra Marya CUKERMAN 8 KLAJMINTZ 17 Abram Abba Ruchla Sura SZTARKMAN SZTARKMAN 18 Josek Alter BlimaBENJIAMINOW 9 HERBAUM Sura Mena 17 Moszek SZTARKMAN Jankiel Gitla BOJTBLIT 20 Szyja 10 CYTRYN Raizla 18 Josek Estera BRYKMAN WAKSMAN 17 Herszek Dawid Mozecha ZYDEMBERG 11 GRYNSZPAN 18 Abram MinkaSZYMONOW Laia ZAJDENBERG 19 Pinkwas Josek Mosiek Malka Mortkowicz 12 BEKIER Bajla 21 Abram Estera Gitla HELER 40 Haskel Izrael Blima 13 ROZENBLAT Ruchla CELOW 18 Izrael Gitla ZEGBOJM Chaja Nachymowicz 19 Josek Lejzor 14 BOJMAN 18 Bencyan Mindla Liba Majerowicz KACMAN Etla 18 Jankel Dawid 15 KRYSA Chaja Sura 18 Lejbus Hancia LUTK3EWICZ Estera 20 Froim 16 BRANSZPIGIEL Zelik Raizla SPIRA 18 Haskel Szmul Marya Haskelowicz 17 BRODBEKIER Hendla Szajndla Dyna 18 Szmul Sana MILRAD Ruchla 19 Dawid Mosiek 18 TENEBAUM LibaSZNAJDER 18 Lejbus Fraidla AJDELMAN 18 Moszek JentaJOSKOWICZ Joel 19 BLIMAN ChaiaBYKSOW 17 Majer RyikaLaia BLIMAN Andzel Chaja Jochymowicz 20 Szmul 20 GRYNSZPAN Estera Raizla Chaimowicz 18 Graina RUBINOWICZ Fajga CUKERMAN 18 Jankel HilTobiasz 21 GUTMAN Laja 18 Kielman Hinda Matla MELMAN HerszWulf Chaja TENEBAUM 18 Lejbus 22 GOLDBERG Chaja Dvna 17 Tobiasz Tauba Hinda FRYDMAN 1867 Jankiel Marya Jakobowicz 19 Zelman 1 FAJNTUC H 20 Boruch Hana Basa KACMAN BERENHAK Riwka Rochla 18 Nuta Lejbus Majer 2 KRYSZTAL LaiaFURMAN 17 Moszek Sura WAJZER Chaim Izrael Estera Joskowicz 22 Dawid 3 GOLDSZTAJN Hena 21 Aron Wulf Hinda Sura SBLVERBERG Malka Fajga 20 HerszelWulf Chaim Zisa 4 DREJZNER Riwka 18 Moszek Sura KORENBLUM Riwka ORENSZTAJN 19 Jankel 5 FLAMENBAUM Abram Lipa (widow of Abram) Brandla GRYNSZPAN BinyaURCEWELOW 18 Izrael Lejbus Majer 6 KRYSZTAL HessaGRYNBERG 19 ChilWulf Ides ARBES LajaKONERLICH Izrael 18 Chil Szaichna 7 JUDMAN Laia Brandla Rvfka 17 Abram ZACHCINSKI Town Hza Miachocki Miachocki Radoszvce I I Ostrôw Wieszbnik Puchala I Opatôw I Kazanôw I Nikisialki Dzurôw Dzurôw Mirzec I I I I I Bradôw I I I I Szydlôw I Wierzbica I Wierzbuch I Wier I I I I Wischloski I I I I I I Mlynka I 1 Koyetanôw Omski Majkow Trupiener Wier I I Szydlôw Wachock 40 8 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7 , Number 2 BRYTMAN/ Mosiek Chajm LAWALER WAJNTRAUB Faiga Icek (wid.) 9 WAJSBERT Alta Chaia Sura (w.) LANGIER Szloma 10 CYTRYN Chaia Sura KALACHMAN 11 RUTMAN Hersz Lajb Chana Dwoira WAJSGLAS 1868 1 BRODBEKIE R Icek Rifka KINIGSBERG Hersz Naftul 2 GRYNGLAS Chana BOMGART 3 AJZENMAN Gutman Ita CUKERMAN Ejne Dawid 4 GRYNSZPAN Rajzla SZACHMAN Fajwel 5 RYCHTMAN GOLDBLUM Chaja Fajga Izrael 6 TAJTELBAUM Chawa CUKBERMAN Gutman 7 BELBRONSKI RuchlaZlota HOFMAN 8 LAJTMAN Chil Fraida BINSZTOK Mosek Lajb 9 SZAJNMAN LANGIER Fajga Rvwka Kopel 10 SZUCH Chaia KORUNBLUM Berek 11 SZUCH Laia PRACOWNIK Abus 12 TAJTELBAUM Faiga WAJNERMAN Moszek 13 GIWERCMAN Maria ZEKBOJM Abram Lejzor 14 TENEBAUM Faiga AJZENMAN 1869 Jankel 1 BINSZTO K Golda AJZENMAN LejbusWulf 2 FELMAN Estera Basia GDANSKI Izrael Jankel (wid.) 3 LIPCHABER Faiga (wid.) KIELECHMAN Wigdor 4 ERLDIN Gitla BINSZTOK Josek Mendel 5 KORUNWASER Blima SZYFMAN Jankel 6 GROJSMAN Estera Rvfka FREJBERGON Chaim Herszek 7 KLEJNER Golda FRYDMAN Izrael Icek 8 ROZENBLUM Ruchla WAJNERMAN 9 RUDMANOWICZ Kiwa PALUCHOWSKI Ruchla Aron 10 LANGIER Estera TENEBAUM Mosek Dowid 11 SAMET Rvfka SZUCH Jankel 12 MANTAK BERTMANOWICZ Reizla Sanal 13 POZNER SzajndlaMalka KACMAN 18 Izrael IdesaBRYT 17 38 27 19 17 22 18 Berek Josek Mechel Josek Lajb Zelman Dawid Szmul Ruchla Laja Fajga Golda Gitla Chawa Perla SAMET SuraWALTMAN 18 18 20 18 21 24 18 18 Haskel Mortka Kalachman Nuta Izrael Aron Szlama Gema MaryaBOTFORT MalkaMALDONBAT Marya ldesa Golda Sura Perla ItaPoriaBERGSOWICZ RochmaCHELMAN 34 Ruchla 7RAB1NOWICZ MalkaGROSMAN Ita Sura Estera Riwka KACMAN Szyl? 18 Moszek 20 Dawid Chaim Majer 20 Jankel 19 25 Haskel 18 Michel 28 Josek Cypa 19 Josek 26 25 18 Berek 21 Maler 20 Izrael Zelik 18 Icek 17 Joine TaubaBRAWERMAN ItaBLAJTMAN Ruchla LEJBUSIOWICZ Gitla Moskowicz Faiga SZWARCBERG 20 Lejbus (wid.) 19 Izrael Chana Moszkowicz Sura Wigdorowicz Chana SZMULMAN Golda Szajndla GOLDBERG PeriaRUBINOWICZ Szajndla GOLDBERG 18 Jankel Laia - - Juda Icek SymaNoech Berek Majer Moszek Abram Szmul Chaim Chaim Szejwa Chaim Izrael Benjamin Icek (dec.) Chaim Zelik LibaNAJMAN Libka Malka Judkowicz CvDaFIGMANOWICZ MatlaLEJDERMAN Perla FRMERMAN TaubaKLAJNER Marva Estera Raizla ldesa Sura Syma Ickowicz Malka Abramowicz - - Uszer Hersz Laib Nuta Mendel Fajga Golda GUTMAN Sura Laja Etla 20 20 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 18 18 20 18 18 17 34 34 20 18 18 18 Spring 200 3 Wqchock I I I Ostrow I I I Wierzbnik I Kazanôw I Kurôw I Sienno I Wcncin I Wierzbnik I Kazanôw I Szydlowiec Wierzbnik I Wierzbnik I Wvlka I I I I I I I I Starachôw Kusôw Opatôw I I Malachôw Opatôw Worechucka Wierzbnik I I I I I Skaryszew I Szydlowiec Berzhb I I I I I I I I Spring 2003 1870 1 TENENWARCE SZTAJMAN L Izrael Daniel 2 WAJNBERG RUBIN 3 GUTMAN KUPERMAN 4 WAJCBLUM BEVSZTOK SZWARCBERG 5 KUPERSZMIDT MANATOW 6 ZYLBERBERG 7 WAJSFOGEL BAJMGURT 8 ROZENTAL LANGER CHILER 9 FURMAN 10 FRYDMAN KIRSZENBLAT 11 KLAJMAN RYBANAWICZ KALACHMAN BOMSZTAJN 13 GOTLIB POZNER 14 ZAJFMAN PRACOWNIK 15 NAJMAN CUKIER 12 1871 1 CH1BETOWSK I WAJNSZTOK 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BERENCWAJG BERENCHAK AJZENBERG AJZENBERG KORENWASER SZYFMAN GRYNSZPAN MARKUS SZRAJBER GITMAN SZAFIR KRYSZTAL GELMAN POZNER BLUSZTAJN FELDMAN WAKSMAN WALTMAN FRYDMAN FINKELSZTAJN ZALCMAN GRYNGLAS WARSZ ZACHCINSKI KUCZYNCKI GOLDBACH MAJEROWICZ KLAJNBERG PERENC FELDMAN Chudes Izrael Hersz Ryfka Pantil Majer Brandel Moszek Brandel Gecel Frajdla Tobiasz Idesa Majer Frajda Nusin Hersz CypaLaja Abram Sura Szaja Mirla Beniamin Necha Nuchim Golda Moszek Frajdla Herszek Chana Chaim Herskowicz Blima Szymcha Josek Golda Berek Toba Majer Uszer Toba Mendel Josek Fraidla Lejzur Ruchla Rywka Icek Rycla Chawa Izrael Laya Elya Jankel Rywka Fajwel Dwojra Majer Brandla Aron Brandla Zlota Lejbus Chawa Laja Chajm Jankel Rywa Moszek Sura Moszek Marya Aron Rywka 24 Josek (dec.) Szewa Szydlowiec Osinki, Mirfec 18 17 21 18 Lipa Moszek Icek (dec.) Uszer Josek Moszek Anzel Icek Tanach Abram Abram Izrael Szlama Frajda ZYLBERMAN Blima Zachariaszowicz Sura Dawidowicz Chana LUDOWNOW Fajga Malka Leibusiowicz Bajla ZYLBERMAN LibaBEKIERMAN Fajga Laja EtlaBLEDWEL Rajzla Janklow Chana GROJSMAN TaubaBORENSZTAJN MaryaROJTMAN GrinaNUSYNBAUM Hinda Abramowicz Enta LajaZelikowicz Fajga Malka Leibusiowicz Hinda Liba Izraelowicz Raizla Chaimowicz Cirla EntaFISZMAN Marya Ita Ita EidlaBINSZTOK Frajdla Judkowicz Idesa Herszkowicz Sienno I Szydlowiec Wachock Wierzbica Wierzbica Opatôw Wachock Pasztôw Czkarzhiwic I Kajtanôw Tarlôw I Salieac I Kunôw I Skaryszew Masiwszyn I Tychôw Netulnik Rzhnik I I Pietrôw Lublin Brzhbnik Lipa Estera ATLAS Rajzla (dec.) CyrlaRECHTER(dec) BasaKACMAN Rajzla Froimowicz FrymetWAJSMIC Malka Judkowicz CypaFISZMAN Bajla (dec.) Marva GRYNSZPAN Chana ELBANOWICZ Golda DLEMNEWICZ Fajga RiwkaCUKJERMAN Blima Mala (dec.) Sura Blima MACYMOR HindlaFROCHTMAN PrvwaGOLDWAR Golda BRAJTENBERG Sura Riwka ROZENCWAJG ChajaMANTELIR? (dec.) Sura Necha GTIMAN Szydlowiec Wachock I 1 25 18 20 19 24 20 21 18 21 18 18 20 24 22 23 21 23 20 19 18 25 24 18 18 20 20 23 18 25 19 20 19 00 O O 6 Kiwa Estera to t o ot o LEJBUSOWICZ FREJMAN to t o 14 41 Kklce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 21 19 20 18 25 20 20 28 19 16 15 30 25 19 21 21 22 22 20 Szmul Szmul Judka Lejbus Jankel Izrael Icek Grosin Lejbus (dec.) Szmerka (dec.) Moszek Cypa Judka Pinkwas Herszek Herszek Lejbus Wigdor Dawid Josek Boruch (dec.) Moszek Aron Alter Szaja Noech Berek Nuta Abram (dec.) Josek Chaim (dec.) Berek Nuta Rafel Nuta Manesa Abram Icek Josek Moszek Towia Bendyt Desat? Icek Herszek Fajwel Abram (dec.) Manase (dec.) Abram (dec.) Herszek Dawid Mandel CzernaKOPLOWICZ Sura Marta Marya RULOW RiwkaSZTARKMAN Chana BAJNOSZEWICZ ChaiaGLIKERUW?(dec.) Laja Moszkowicz Estera I Kanek I I I I I Wachock Bodzentyn Liabenia Ostrowiec I WolkaGlin Wydrisôw Wierzbnik Wachock I Wachock I I Suchedniow I Plewa I Swolina Rpgetin Baranôw Grinbow/Gura 42 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 17 BRY T GUTMAN 18 SZERMA N ZYLBERBERG Chiler Rochla Fajga Moszek Bina 18 Binem 20 Chaim Lejbus 21 Izrael 1 Kiwa Ruchla Gabrail Fajga Marya Lejbus Hinda Rachmil Estera Majer Ele Perla Szmul Chaja Chajm Fajga Lejbus Rochla Dawid Jochfet Icek Szyja Chaja Abram Cymla Majer Lejzur Estera Perla Moszek Malka Herszek Brandla Chana WolfKopel Sura Chajm Herszek Laja Mortka Chana Laja Fiszel Czerna Abram Enta Majer Abram Jachet Chajm Chaja Ita Rachmil Laja Izrael Rywka 18 17 20 19 18 18 20 19 21 18 Berek Liba Abram Sura Jakob Tauba Chaim Judka Chana Abram Jachet Alter Maria Lejzur Laia 20 19 19 18 18 30 18 17 21 18 25 17 21 18 FRAJNDENRAJCH KORENBLUM 2 PASTERNA K ZAJDEMBERG 3 DRELIC H BOJMEN 4 CUKERMA N GOLDMENDER 5 FARBMI N SAMET 6 FANTUC H WAJNSZTOK 7 LANGIE R WAJNERMAN 8 GUTFI L ROZENBLUM 9 RYNGERMACHER FINKIELSZTAJN 10 FINKIELSZTAJ N GRYNBERG 11 SPIR A SZMAJER 12 AJZENMA N BRYT 13 ZLATOWIC Z SZTARKMAN 14 GOLDBER G ALTMAN 15 JANE S BLBMAN 16 FELDMA N AJCHENBAUM 17 WAJNRY B FAJNGEMBAUM 18 JUDKEWIC Z HECHT 19 FAJGENBAU M KLAJNBERG 20 GERBLU M SZTARKMAN 21 GROSFEL D ROZENCWAJG 22 POZNE R KALACHMAN 23 RUBINSZTAJ N FRYDMAN 1873 1 NAJMA N WAKSMAN 2 NUDELMA N SAMSONOWICZ 3 BRAJTMA N KIRSZENBLAT 4 GOTLY B LANDAU 5 SZYDLOWECK I HECHT 6 GERBLU M SZTARKMAN 7 ROZENCWAJ G SZTARKMAN 26 18 18 20 18 22 18 19 23 31 25 22 17 21 19 25 25 19 21 18 18 20 20 20 21 19 19 18 17 21 19 18 19 oo o o 1872 Spring 2003 Perla Golda Majerowicz Szajndla BERNCHAZOW (dec.) HenaBLAJTMAN Wachock Parszôw I Kaszanôw Werzbica Misekôw Daleszyce I Slupia I Malysztajn I I I I Lipsk I I I I Szydlowiec Wachock Wachock Przvtyk I Busko Ostrowiec Wachock Szydlowiec Mirzhec Kolania I Piriczôw I Zwoleii I Abus Lejbus Wulf Haskel Lejbus Jankel (dec.) Towia Marya FELDMAN Riwka FELDMAN Sura Minka Marya Lejbusiowicz LaiaGOLDBACH Idesa Lejbusiowicz Frajdla GOTLYB PeslaSZPIGIELMAN Riwka LERZDER NachaTENEBAUM BasaSZLAJGER Riwka GERSZTMAN Rajzla Chana BlimaRYNG Raizla WAJNERMAN Szajndla Fajga KALICH Chana Riwka GTTMAN SuraNachaGTIMAN Liba Jakobowicz Sura Fajga ROZENBERG Frajda GRYNBERG Fajga Marya Idesa Ruchla Zlotowicz Mena Cyrla Laja Ruchla (dec.) GitlaSZANECKI MarYaFAJNMAN Frajdla ZYSEKAJTOW? Chaja Chaimowicz SuraSZAFIR Estera LAJTMAN Marya WARTMAN Szvgla SZTARKMAN Rochla BINSZTOK Chaja Berkowicz (dec.) Blima Joskowicz SuraZAJNDENMAN LajaBORNSZTAJN Brandla CUKŒR Hena Abramowicz Hawa Izraelowicz SuraWAJSEROWICZ Dvna MANINESTER (dec.) Wachock Wachock Wachock Rzhetin Michalow Dzurôw Radom Trenbowec I I Sienno I Ajdla Icek Szlama Samson Bliroch Haskel Moszek Chil Lipa Lazer Wulf Nuta Josek Moszek Szlama Abram Sura Dyna FISZEL Golda Lejbusiowicz Riwka Joskowicz (dec.) Serka Zelikowicz (dec.) Fraydla Janesowicz Hudesa ZAJDEMBERG (dec.) Liba Cyrtla Lejbusiowicz (dec.) Ruchla GOTLYB SuraTUREK Cvpoira RYBANOWCJZ Blima SZTARKMAN Mena SZTARKMAN GitlaTOWIOWICZ DwojraNuchvmowicz Cdec.1 I Wierzbnik I Wierzbnik I I Skarymel I Wachock Wachock Mirzhec Mirzhec Oransk Rzhelin Icek Moszek Lajb (d) Majer Abram Moszek Herszek Lejbus Lazer Abram Kaszla Dawid Lejbus (dec") Szlama Izrael Chaim Henoch Izrael Chaim Szmul Josek Bendyt Icek Dawid (d) Berek Lajb Icek Lejbus Izrael Icek Moszek Gnedki(dec) Chaim Urys Rubin Jojne HaskelzAbus Moszek Kelman Haskel Aron Nuta Mordka Boruch Haskel I I Herszek Chawa Szmul Sura Lejzur Ruchla Abram Josek Fajga Berek Helena Szmarya Estera Lejzur Laja Szandla Majer Maria Mortka Estera Chaja Chaim Majer Chil Dobra Szmul Nuta Jura Aron Szandla Urys Fajga Moszek Mendel Chaja Gitla Chil Alter Jochfeta Moszek Hinda Binen Ruchla Zelman Hinda Cyrla Mendel Szlama Chaja Perla Samson Gitla Izrael Maria Szlama Hersz Sura Rachmil Cyrla 18 18 18 20 55 35 18 18 to t o CD O Abram CM Pesla Aron Chana Rafal Frymet Jankel Icek Chana Laja Moszek Hinda Herszek Chaja Moszek Jankel Ides Berek Fajga Urys Chana Blima 18 21 30 20 18 20 21 18 50 25 20 21 37 19 20 24 30 24 18 18 19 17 Boruch Gitman Mandel Haskel Abram Abram Icek Abram Jankel Lejbus Fiszel Lejbus (dec.) Benchon Chaim Majer Mandel Abram Wulf Jankel ItaAbramowicz SuraLJJBERBAUM Sura Abramowicz Riwka Juklewicz Bajla Lejbusiowicz Ruchla KLONIG NechaSZACHMAN Riwka Pinkwasowicz Chana PRACOWNIK ChaiaZEJLERMAN Gitla SZERMAN Fajga Laja PRENDOCIN Chawa Ruchla Lejbusiowicz (dec.) Golda Hinda Szlamowicz Gludesa Chaimowicz Frajda Ruchla Zelikkowicz Riwka ORENSZTAJN Chaja Sura AJZENMAN Riwka BRODBEKIER Hinda Moszkowicz Ita Zelikowicz Enta Gitla MICHLOWICZ Brandla Chawa WAJNBERG RudaBROJTMAN Rajzla Berkowicz MarvaSUNDERLYND Fajga KONIG EndlaFAJGENBAUM Dwojra Lazerowicz Fajga Lejbusiowicz Riwka GERSZTER Riwka FANTUCH ZeldaAndzelowicz 23 16 SuraBOJMAN Brandla TENEBAUM 18 Liba Fajwelowicz 18 Rajzla Enta 20 BinaCHOCHMAN 20 Chana Sura Mortkowicz 18 Estera Gitla GNATOW? 18 20 Herszk Simcha (d) Simcha BINSZTOK Bajla Lewkowiczidec.) 16 TercaldesaGRULIC 18 Majer Fajwel 17 Nuta Fajga WAJNBERG 18 Majlech (dec.) Riwka Hilowicz Mala Jakobowicz 18 Mortka Toba Dawidowicz 16 Haskel (dec.) 17 Moszek (dec.) Enta Lazerowicz 30 Haskel Cyrla RUTMAN Raizla Moszkowicz 23 Boruch Liba Fajwelowicz KEMPLER 21 Icek Sura Riwka ROZENCWAJG 17 Josek Moszek ItaBLAJCHMAN 23 Majer (dec.) Szandla Cywia LANGIER (dec.) 16 Bencyan Josek Berkowicz Sura Ickowicz Boruch Ita SZTAJNBOK Chana Gril ERALBERG Boruch DwoiraSUNDERLYND Szlama Chaja Pesa 23 Abram Tabla ZOCHCINSKI 20 Izrael Dwojra Malka BORAN 20 Chaim 20 Izrael Idesa Joskowicz to t o 8 ABRAMOWIC Z FELDMAN 9 CYMERMA N BINSZTOK 10 LIPSZY C ZYLBERYNG 11 BINSZTO K DAWIDOWICZ 12 BINSZTO K SMOLARZ 13 SZTAJNBER G SZWARCBERG 14 ERLICHMA N WAJNTRAUB 15 BORE R SPIRA 16 ROZENBER G FLANCBOJM 1874 1 BRODBEKIE R ROZENKRAC 2 BAUMGAR T KACMAN 3 CHOCHENBAU M ZAJFMAN 4 ROZENBER G GERSZTERMAN 5 KINIGSBER G SALAMONSKI 6 BROMBER G GROJSMAN 7 ROZENCWAJ G ZYLBERBERG 8 LANGE R WAJZER 9 FANTUC H WAJSGLAS 10 KAMPE L MANDEL 11 ANDZELOWIC Z KRYSZTAL 12 BINSZTO K LACHTER 13 CHELSZTI M AJZENMAN 14 PRZEMYSLA W GRYNSZPAN 15 SZTAJNBO K KLONIGSBERG 16 KIRSZENBLA T BAUMGART 17 SZWARCBER G BORENSZTAJN 18 BINSZTO K WALTMAN 19 GIWERCMA N MAJTENBERG 20 KIRSZENBAU M CUKERMAN 21 CZERNIKOWSK I BERTMANOWICZ 22 GERLIN G EJNYSMAN 23 SZAJ N BRYT 43 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 to t o to t o to o Spring 2003 Lejbus Jojne Nuta Mordka Abram Nuchim (dec.) Hernia Lejbus Moszek Walter fdec.1 Chaim Lejbus Ber Josek Haskel Szlama Jankel Zelman Szmul Icek Dawid Moszek Izrael Lejbus (d) Kiwa Szymcha I Wachock I Wierzbnik I I Starachowice Serszawy Starachowice Mostki I 1 I Wachock I I I Trupensi Wierzbnik Wierzbnik I I Bartok Wachock Ozarôw I I I I I Wierzbnik I I I I I I Brendocik? Mogelnica I I Wierzbnik Gurnik I I I Ostrowiec Wierzbnik I I Jedlanka Prendycik Wa.chock Wachock I Staronci? Pczôw Staroskndlica Opatôw Luben Cendzono Tarlek Szydlowiec Wachock 19 18 18 18 21 16 33 18 19 20 22 19 18 16 27 19 23 18 36 33 32 27 32 16 19 21 36 17 ON ON 18 16 27 18 22 27 19 20 OO ON Lejbus Mendel Dwojra Rywka Abram Mordka Ester Rywka Boruch Hana Wulf Gitla Moszek Ides Perla Lejbus Sura Laia Ejnoch Kaila Rywa Kiwa Mirla Lejbus Chaja Rywka Lejbus Chana Estera Elya Rywka Chuna Golda Jankel Rywka Michel Fajga Mordka Dawid Gitla Banis Frajda Hinda Nusyn Ita Chaia Zysman Estera Gitla Moszek Dwoira Dawid Berek Maria Chajm Jankel Gitla Szulim Joine Laja 18 Noech (dec.) 20 Nuta Berek Boruch Haskel Szmul Majer 35 Mordka 28 Lemel 19 Moszek 16 Gdala Dawid Izrael 22 Josek (dec.) 19 Moszek 21 Haskel 20 Zelman (dec.) 25 Szmul 16 Lejbus 20 Moszek 27 Szlama to t o Mortka Dawid Sura Zanwel Laja Haskel Noma Lewek Berta Chajm Jankel Necha Haskel Moszek Chana Maria Izrael Herszek Chaja Gitla Majer Sura Andzel Sura Abram Maria OO 0 0 24 KORYNWASE R KRYSZTAL 25 NUDELMA N DEMBLUM 26 HERSZMA N GRYNSZPAN 27 SZKOPE K ELENKEWICZ 28 ROZE N NAJMAN 29 GUTMA N SZWARCBERG 30 AJZENMA N FELSZPER 31 ZAJNDEMBER G FANTUCH 32 GRYNSZPA N FURMAN 33 FRYMERMA N AJDELMAN 1875 1 MILECHMA N WAJNSZTOK 2 MILGRA M POZNER 3 ZALCMA N KACMAN 4 BINSZTO K GUTMAN 5 SZACHTMAN CYGIELMAN 6 WAJZER ROZENBERG 7 SZAJNFELD SZERMAN 8 MORA BINSZTOK 9 LEJDERMAN AJZENMAN 10 GELSZENDER CECOR 11 TAJTEL KACMAN 12 BOMSZTAJN FELDNICER 13 STOPE RUBINSZTAJN 14 CUKER SZTARKMAN 15 KRAKOWER TEPER 16 GOTLYB PALUCHOWSKI 17 HUBERMAN FANTUCH 18 ROZENBERG BEKIER 19 ZYLBERBERG SZWARCBERG 20 SZTERIN WAJNRYB 21 BLIMAN RUTMAN 22 WASERMAN LANGER Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7 , Number 2 ON OO 44 18 20 23 16 Judka Dawid Zuroch Nuta Nuta Nachman Haskel Chaim Eli Dawid Moszek Wulf Szlama Perca Fiszel (dec.) Mandel Berek Boruch Haskel Josek (dec.) Wulf Nachman Szmera Moszek Dawid Lajb Towia Lejbus Abba IcekWulf Izrael Chuna Icek Abus Daniel Lejbus Boruch Mordechai Izrael Haskel (dec.) Abram Lejbus (dec.) Moszek Berek Izrael Szlama Spring 200 3 Malka SZNLJDEROWICZ Riwka CUKJERMAN RyclaBAKALARZH Blima Janklowicz Chana KOCHNOW Fajga GRYNSZPAN Fajga MORGERSZTER Parcha Mordkowicz Cywia Szyjowicz Laja Wulfowicz Pesa Moszkowicz Chaia Riwka Andzelowicz Marya Cirla Benysewicz Ruchla Lejbusiowicz ZeldaTUCHMAN Chaja LaiaTAJTELBAUM Laja Abramowicz Chaia BORSUK Wierzbnik Luben Szydlowiec Wachock I I Warszawa I I I Sienno Prendycik Wierzbnik Radkowice I I I I Wierzbnik Wierzbnik Fajga ORAJNUDEL SzaindlaBERENBLUM Bajla GRYNSZPAN Sura Bajla NAJMAN Frimet Jakobowicz Necha SLIWNA Chana Gitla Cyrla Lejbusiowicz Rochma Moszkowicz Chaja GELOWKI LajaZelikowicz Rochla FURMAN HindaBERKMAN Jochna Nusynowicz Chaja ZAJFMAN Blima HEREC? Chaja Bajla Brucha Sliwa Ickowicz Frandla Lewkowicz (dec.) Estera Izraelowicz Necha Lejbusiowicz EntaFISZMAN CyrlaBANISSEWICZ Sura CHERCHC DvnaFRYDMAN IdesaPAWEWSZ? SuraROZENBLUM Chaja Frimet Blima AJZENBERG Sura Laja DRYNGOT Jura Chaia Sura TAJCHMAN Rajzla Malka ROZENBERG Rochla Lejbusiowicz Chana GROSMAN Estera Malka SZTAJNBOK Estera Necha JORMAN? Gena (dec.) Necha NAJM Fajga Liba Nusynowicz Riwka Szydlowiec Wachock Skarszew I ICazanow I Wierzbnik Koszar I I I I I I Morôw Gerniki Konac Bujak I I I I Rzepin Rzepin I I Malaszyn Dzurôw I I Wierzbnik Wierzbnik Zwolen I Warzhenzhic Broda ICastanôw ICastanôw Edlinen I I Rzhchôw I I 18 18 19 17 22 18 28 30 18 17 18 18 19 17 27 17 20 20 20 19 59 50 22 23 23 17 20 42 28 24 19 20 24 19 19 17 18 16 oo o o Elya Frymet Lejzor Boruch Maria Laja Dawid Fajga Henech Brandla Moszek Matla Herszek Sura Zelman Nechuma Boruch Frajda Erlichman Moszek Abram Cyrla Lejbus Hinia Aron Frajndla Lejbus Blima Szlama Majer Malka Gitla Nuta Lajb Jochfet Szmelka Iser Bajla Matla Mordka Szmul Malka Herszla Fajea Malka Pinkus Michel Fajga Herszek Hana Szlama Hasia Frajdla Haskel Sura Chana Majer Gitla Nuta Golda Majer Golda Laja Szmul Judka Sura Moszek Hersz Cywia Majer Raizla OO s o Nuta Ruchla Laja Mortka Ruchla Chajm Lejzur Rojza Jankel Hana Rejzla Jankel Szmul Racla oo e s es e s 23 HI L KUPERSZMTT 24 HIRSZBER G KAMMSKI 25 SZYFMA N FELDMAN 26 KASZTA N LEJTMAN 27 ROZENBER G ROZENBERG 1876 1 GUBER T ZALCMAN 2 GROSMA N RABEVOWICZ 3 FELDMA N FRYDMAN 4 BAUMGAR D POZNER 5 MASLOWICZ BINSZTOK 6 AJZENWASE R LANDO 7 FRYZERMA N BANKZAK 8 CUKERBLU M ERLICHMAN 9 GUTMA N BERENCWAJG 10 HONI G ZYLBERSZTAJN 11 CUKIERMA N KAMPEL 12 BOMSZTAJ N SZACHTMAN 13 EJCHGORE N RUBEV 14 BERENCWAJ G SAMET 15 KLARMA N MORGENSZTERYN 16 SZAFI R ZELMAN 17 SZTERYNFEL D RABEVOWICZ 18 FLANCBAU M KORENBLUM 19 KIRSZENBLA T HONIG 20 LICH T SZTAJMAN 21 FELDMA N WASERMAN 22 KLAJNBER G KLAJNBERG 23 LACHTE R NAJMAN 24 GROSMA N RABEVOWICZ 25 GUTMA N HOLOPRYN 26 CYGELMA N GRYNBLAT 27 HOROWIC Z GARFINKEL 45 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 to to to o Spring 2003 18 20 18 20 18 17 23 20 18 45 43 18 18 18 20 33 30 Nuta (dec.) Tancha Aron Jankel Lejbus Moszek Majer Abus Josek Boruch Malka MORGENSZTERN Rvna GOLDBERG? Bajla BORNSZTAJN Malka GRAFSZTAJN Mindla FELDMAN FaieaBOSMAN Rajla Jakubowicz Toba Estera SZULMAN Malka Chana Mortkowicz Rajla Matla Lejbusiowicz Szydlowiec Pasoslow? Zawichost I I Skarszew Kazanôw Malomerzhice Warzhenzhic Warzhenzhic Jankel Froim Majer Moszek Jankel Tobiasz Nuta Haskel Jankel Abram Michel Hil Lemel Riwa Josek Icek Izrael Szaja Berek Majer Szlama (dec.) Manesa (dec.) Haskel Szmul (dec.) Eli Josek Uszer Icek Kopel Moszek Aron Moszek Josek Pejszch Rafal Szmul Chaim Pinkwas Wulf Icek Izrael Izrael Jakob Moszek Dawid Izrael Herszek Haskel Szlama Szymcha Moszk Jakob Lejbus Szmul Fiszel Chaim Hil Izrael Dawid Szmul Zamwia Aron Dawid Riwka Hernia AKIERMAN Malka AJDERMAN Golda Laia KOZLOWSKI Riwka Nutowicz Chana Dyna MANGVESTROW HindaTENEBAUM Hindla Sura FRYDMAN Necha SZYFMAN Etla LAKER NechlaGOTLYB Ruchla Chana Szyfra Chaja ZYSMAN Brandla TENEBAUM ItaRODYENOK? Chaja Szmulowicz (dec.) Marya KUPERSZMIT (dec.) Necha FALKOTOW Brandla ZANYSMAN Szejwa GOLDMAN EntaFISZMAN RochmaGELMAN DwojraGELMAN Binla Lida Riwka BRYNMAN Riwka LERNER (dec.) SuraPEKARZHOW Chana Glikla WAJSDOFER Perla LBBERMAN Frimeta ZALCMAN (dec.) SuraBOJMEL Raizla Zelda ROTENBERG Szajndla CHOCHENBAUM Perla KORENBLUM Malka KOCHEN Golda PRACOWNTX Riwka Ruchla ORENSZTAJN Blima Fajga Blima Nusynowicz BLIMAN Chaja Chaja KANIOSOW EntaKANIOSOW Estera Gifla Chana GRYNBAUM Rocha ZAJFMAN DwoiraRABINOWICZ Chaja AJBERBOJM Sura KIRSZENBLAT Ruchla Riwka Zalmanowicz (dec.) Symcha ROZENSZTARK Laia ORENSZTAJN Jedlanka I I Przvsucha, Radom Dombrowa I I I Dombrowa Starachowice I I Berlebica I Sandomierz I Radom I Jasnic Bodzentyn I I Rzenin I Opatôw Wachock I I Checiny Wachock I I Checiny I Marzhec Welkowes Malynin Lublianka Ruda Malinecka I I Brepin Brepin Slucha I Wierzbnik I I Szydlowiec I I I I I 46 Moszek Majer Malka Haskel Ester Szmul Chaja Majer Cyna Aron Dawid Gitla 20 21 24 17 18 17 18 17 19 22 Wolf Rywka Moszek Pesla Haskel Gitla Majer Maria Chajm Basa Mendel Icek Maria Szymcha Szlama Moska Laja Samson Icek Chaja Perla Izrael Brucha Jankel Hana Zelik Ruchla Moszek Chajm Alta Touba Pinkwas Estera Perla Szoel Malka Lejbus Ruchla Laja Boruch Sura Mendel Sura Rywka Berek Jakob Szyfra Majer Chaja Sura Haskel Mordka Dwojra Jankel Perla Icek Moszek Slawa Abram Bejer Ita Laja Moszek Lejzur Sura Laja Chajm Hercik Szyfra Szmul Aron Serka Kelman Laja 18 17 42 19 18 19 20 27 Spring 200 3 Chaja Lejbusiowicz Szyfra Idesa Izraelowicz Riwka SZPILMAN Mandla HONIG Riwka FANTUCH Perla HONIG CyrlaEJZENMAN Gitla AJZENMAN TobaAronowicz Rajzla Hilowicz Broda Starachowice Kazanôw Chwalowice I I Broda Wierzbnik Bodzentyn Dabrowa Chaim Janas Haskel Chaim Jankel Samson Mandel Lejbus Moszek Izrael Lajb Haskel Michel 20 Chaim Izrael 20 Wulf 19 Boruch Chaja SZNAJDER Chana BLAJNBERG Pesla ZYLBERBERG SzosaGRYNGLAS HindaWAJNRYB Liba Judkowicz Mandla FRYDMAN Cylka Gabrylowicz LajaGRYNGLAS Sura Riwka KACMAN Rajzla BAJMAN Szajndla Haskelowicz BlimaSZMIRSZTAJN I I 21 Dawid 16 Mordka Haskel Jankel Moszek 18 Lemel 18 Szlama 36 Zachary 20 JosekLajb 18 Lajb Besr 16 Lazer 20 Haskel Izrael 50 Chaim Jankel 30 Judka 46 Lejbus 18 Towia 24 Haskel 18 Icek 66 Lejbus 56 Dawid 18 Icek 18 Berek 18 Noech (dec.) 17 Josek 18 Izrael 17 Uszer 20 Pinkwas 18 Izrael 18 Pinkwas 17 Moszek 19 Bencyin 20 Moszek 20 Eliasz 19 Berek 18 Dawid Lajb 18 Kiwa 20 Mordka 21 Jankel 24 Chaim 22 Izrael CypaWAJNTRAUB SvmaCWAJGEL Chana Szmulowicz ItaKALACHMAN MaryaRUTMAN Chawa FRYDMAN Riwka DRUKARZH Chana DRUKARZH AjdlaFAJGENBAUM Frajdla GOTLYB Fajga Idesa BRYD Pesla ZYLBERBERG Necha SZERMAN Laja Brandla WAJZER Ruchla Perla Minka EtlaGRYNBERG Frimet FMŒLSZTAJN Sura Laja Berkowicz Malka SZTAJNDER MarvaAJDMIMEL Idesa GLAD Lana Bojma LJDA Fajga SZWARCBERG Chaia Riwka WAJCMAN Fajga LaiaFURMAN SuraBANASZK Faiga GOTLYB Perla HindaZYSSONC Tauba GOTLYB MalaCUDESK Chana Sura Cywia Szmulowicz FaieaCUKJERMAN Cyrla Lejbusiowicz Malka CHOCHMAN ii Szymon Sender Majer Icek Mordka Jankel Lazer Berek Kuna Moszek Nusyn oo o o OO 0 0 28 BORUSK A ORENSZTAJN 29 WAKSMA N FRYMET 30 WAJZE R SZPBLMAN 31 CUKERMA N GOTLYB 32 SZTARKMA N SZTARKMAN 1877 1 MILLERA T ROZENSZTAJN 2 BLATMA N BLATMAN 3 BLIMA N AJDELMAN 4 NUDELMA N ROZENBERG 5 BAJMA N KIRSZENBLAT 6 WAJNERMA N GOLDCHERSZ 7 DEMBLU M BERTMANOWICZ 8 EJZENBER G BLIMAN 9 SZTAJNCHAR T KAMPEL 10 BOMGAR D FRYDMAN 11 ZYNGERMA N SZRAJBERG 12 GROSMA N GOLDSZAJDER 13 TROPP E AJZENMAN 14 BLATMA N FIGLARZH 15 TEPE R GRYNSZPAN 16 LEDERMA N KORENBLUM 17 KACMA N BEKDERMAN 18 FLANCBAU M AJZENMAN 19 KORNWASE R CHERBLUM 20 BRY T RUBEN 21 SZTAJMA N SZWARCBERG 22 SZTAJNBER G WAJZER 23 ORAC Z SZTAJMAN 24 SZMARA K WAJNERMAN 25 SZERMA N BANBIAK 26 ROZE N GUTMAN 27 GUTMA N KIRSZENBLAT Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7 , Number 2 Wierzbnik Wierzbnik I I I I I I I I Zwoleri I Ostrowiec 1 I I Buak I I I Litki Wachock I I Gowoskina I Kunôw Walikiwes I I Krzhiskalowice Krzhiskabwice Wierzbnik Wierzbnik Wachock Wachock Jedlanka Prendosta I I I I Imielôw I Ostrowiec I I Krzvzrinawice Koszar Blazin Spring 2003 47 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 Sëcèmin Births 1846 -1865 Akl; Surname 1846 1 SECEMSK A 2 PANSKA 3 DYTMAN 4 FRYDLAND 5 BORENSZTEJN 6 RAMBBECHOWSKA 7 KRAKOWSKA 8 GOLDSZTAJN 9 PEEKARZ 10 GOLDSZTAJN 11 ZYTMAN 12 KAUFMAN 1847 Given Name Father Age Mother Age Place of Birth Haja Kajla Tauba Krojna Moszek Szajndla Mindla Gitla Rachla Berek Salomon Wolf Aron Abraam Moszek Dawid Lejbus Zolna Zelman Lewek Joel Szul Mosiek Mosiek Lipman 30 50 27 27 37 24 29 35 27 27 19 32 Ryfka Koperberg Fajgla Nejman Roza Szadir Hai Sapioska Sora Szmul Roza Jackow Hana Szajowicz Hinda Eliasz Szprynca Kachman Tauba Monszajn Malka Borensztajn Gnendla Jumow 26 Secemin 46 Golcniow 25 Bebelna 24 Dzierzgôw 34 Teodorôw 24 Lipin, gm. Bielmiow 28 Zaleza, gm. Chrzaslow 30 wie£ Kobyla, gm. Bebelno 23 S 24 Radkôwa, gm. Radkow 20 wiei Zarzecze, gm. Golcniow 26 wieS Krzepina, gm. Krzynia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LESDENBAUM LEDERMAN FUTERCHENDLER JAKUBOWICZ KORENBERG WARSZAWSKA LEDERMAN HOFMAN HUBERMAN Mosiek Szyfra Szlama Zolma Lewek Icyk Cywia Blima Rochla Estera Moszek Izral Mortka Dawid Judka Uryn Moszek Josek Mortka Icyk 32 28 26 46 61 36 48 25 26 Fajgla Kaufman Haja Lipszyc Fayga Farebort Rejnya Dabkôw Ruchla Korenberg Szprynca Zytman Rochla Zyserman Cyna Muszynska Malka Slezegowska? 26 28 22 33 32 30 42 23 25 wieé Bebelna, gm. Bebelnie wieS Zarzecze, gm. Golcniow wies" Balkow wieé Radkôw S Szczekociny, gm. Golcniow Przedmieœow Szczekociny wieé Brzezowa, gm. Secemin wieS Mekarzow, gm. Mekarzow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GRUSKA SAPIOZKA DYTMAN FRUCHT FAJGIENBLAT KAUFMAN NAJMAN SECEMSKA KALMOWICZ Izak Perla Fajga Joachym Berek Marya Estera Brandla Hinda Abraam Jakob Dawid Abram Judka Mordka Joachym Herszlik Litman 29 27 29 35 50 26 36 27 29 Rachla Zlotnik Jenta Fajgienblat Sora Kachman Hanka Deszynska Hana Moszkowicz Cyna Muszynska Rocha Karemberg Tauba Cukr Syma Moskowicz 33 19 24 30 40 23 24 Chrzastow, gm. Chrzatow Dzierzgôn, gm. Dzierzgôw Bebelna, gm. Bebelno Kwilina, gm. Kassôw Dzierzgôn, gm. Dzierzegôw Brzezona, gm. Secemin Przedm. Szczekociny, g. Golcniow S Golcniow, gm. Golcniow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BIMKA SIAPSIOWSKI JAKUBOWICZ GOLDSZTAJN KANTOR REMBIECHOWSKI KURTZ LEWENBERG MUSZYttSKA Estera Szmul Laja Haja Ester Rochla Abram Pesla Juda Lajbuoe Estera Abram Jakob Judka Joel Eliasz Zal/ma Icyk Izrael Nucha 23 29 47 36 22 36 29 22 23 Rochla Muszynska Antka Faygienblat Rejna Dabowska Hinda Eliasz Haja Sora Frajman Rojza Jackowska Hana Czaryzka Klara Lederman Rocha Perelsztajn 26 21 32 30 22 31 24 20 25 S wieé Krasow, gm. Krasow wieé Ratkow, gm. Radkow wieS Kobyla, gm. Bebelno wieS Polomskie, gm. Chrzastow wieé Lipina gm. Bichniow wieé Sulikow, gm. Krzepien Przedm. Szczekociny, g. Golcniow S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ZYTMAN GRANEK GOLENIOWSKI LEWKOWICZ ZALCBERG N1SKI BLAT LEDERMAN HUBERMAN FRUCHT ROMANKOWICZ NAYMAN Matla Haym Kalma Hinda Rayzla Abram Mortka Sora Rayzla Laja Tobiasz Laja Estera Rywin Lewek Moszek Dawid Litman Herszlik Haym Szlama Szmul Berek Mortka Icyk Abram Berek Joachym 23 25 28 40 19 36 36 30 28 37 40 40 Malka Bomsztein Perla Witow Syma Jekowicz Mindla Draszner Estera Lederman Certla Zyndtowicz Estera Weslarz Haia Libszyc Malka Strzegowska Hendla Leszynska Hanka Moskow Rochla Korenberg 32 20 30 30 30 26 34 25 39 Przedm. Szczekociny, g. Golcniow Secemin, living in Lelow Golcniow Dzieszgôw Przedm. Szczekociny, g. Golcniow Secemin Przedm. Szczekociny, g. Golcniow Przedm. Szczekociny, g. Golcniow wieé Mekarzow wieé Churlina wieé Kopow, gm. Kossow wies" Golcniow, gm. Golcniow Malka Itla Rochla Jankiel Josek Chwula Herszlik Szmerl Maior Faywel Pinkus Szlama Szlama Dawid Nucha Mortka Eliasz Litman Icyk Joel 40 27 30 24 29 25 40 20 Hana Sztern Gitla Gabrysiôw Sora Witow Rochla Perelsztayn Cyna Muszynska Haia Sora Frayman Hendla Godlib Hana Warszawska 30 26 30 26 26 25 30 20 S wieé Bebelno 1848 1849 1850 1 Q£. 1031 1 ROCHMA N 2 KAUFMAN 3 WE.GIER 4 MUSZYNSKI 5 KAUFMAN 6 KANTOR 7 KAUFMAN 8 ZYTMAN S S wieS Brzezowa, gm. Secemin wieé Kuczkôw wieé Krzepin wieS Zaszecze 48 9 WOTNIK 10 JAKUBOWICZ 11 ZLOTNDC 12 SECEMSKA 1852 1 PALIWODA 2 GRANEK 3 GREER 4 KRESZERBAUM 5 LEWENBERG 6 KALMOWICZ 7 ZYTMAN 1853 1 ROZENBERG 2 NISKI 3 MAIEROWICZ 4 FAYGIENBLAT 1854 1 KANTOR 2 ROCHMAN 3 FRUCHT 4 ROMANIŒWICZ 5 ROZENBLAT 6 NAJMAN 7 FRAJND 8 KAUFMAN 9 KAUFMAN 10 MUSZYNSKA 11 RAPPOPORT 12 KAUFMAN 13 SECEMSKA 14 KORENBERG 15 NISKI 1855 1 LEWENBERG 2 SZAPSZOWSKI 3 KORENBERG 4 FAJGIENBLAT 5 FELBRYL 6 SZWARCBORT 7 NKKI 8 HOFMAN 1856 1 ROMANKIEWICZ 2 RAPPAPORT 3 KAUFMAN 4 SMOLARSKA 5 KAUFMAN 6 WAJZBORT 7 NKKI 1857 1 RAPPAPORT 2 KORENBERG 2 KORENBERG 3 KORENBERG 4 ALTMAN 5 MUSZYNSKI 6 LEDERMAN 7 FELDBRYL 8 ROZENBERG 9 SZKLO 10 STRZCGOWSKA 11 SECEMSKI 12 LEWENBERG 13 ZAJDMAN 14 KIRSZENBAUM 1858 1 MUSZYNSKA 2 WAJZBORT Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 Spring 2003 izraelAbram Faygla Abram Hersz Marya Ester Szmul Judka Rywen Herszlik 31 43 26 28 Hendla Mordka Lejzor Binem Mosiek Bajnyoe Rajzela Symcha Major Fajwel Major Dawid Dawid Wolf Izrael Litman Abram Aron 36 Frandla Szwarcbaum [26] Perla Witow 36 Fajgla Fajgenblat 43 Marya Markow 25 Klara Lejderman 36 Pecy Icykowicz 24 Malka Borensztejn 33 30 33 40 24 30 24 wieS Balkow Rochla Dawid Tauba Moszek Leyzor Szmul Jukiel Szlama 20 38 19 22 Itla Szmerl Cortka? Sanderowicz Bracha Lewkowicz Hana Czaryska 20 30 20 24 wieS Jakubowie Mosiek Josek Brandla Moszek Moszek Liber Icyk Ryfka Moszek Kal/ma Jankiel Laia Masia Estera Rochla Haim Herszlik Dawid Eliasz Szlama Abram Moszek Mordka Dawid Joachym Abram Szlama Mortka Nucha Josek Litman herszlik Lewek Szulim 28 36 40 41 40 42 30 29 32 27 21 40 32 18 30 Sora Frejman Hana Sztem Hendla Desk(ow) Hanka Moszkowicz Joachyart? Rochla Korenberg Itta Rozenberg Gitla Gabryel Cyna Muszynska Rochla Merelsztajn Szajndla Borensztajn Hendla Godlib Tauba Jakubowicz Maryam Rzezak Sora Eliasz 30 32 30 28 28 30 27 28 28 29 19 39 30 22 28 Szlama Moszek Laja Lejbuoe Laja Estera Froim Zysla Izrael Jakob Lewek Szlama Moszek Herszlik Szmul Mortka 27 35 19 23 21 27 40 34 Klara Lederman [Antki]? Judkowicz Maryn Rzezak Hanka Czaryzka Gula Korenberg HanaFeldbryl Corkla Zynglewicz Cyna Muszynska 28 24 24 28 19 24 29 32 wieé Zarzceze, gm. Golcniow wieé Kobyla, gm. Bebelno Aron Ryfka Blima Rajzla Mordka Ester Geles Fiszel Berek Zaynwel Szlama Fajwel Litman Haskiel Szulim 43 45 33 24 44 29 32 Hanka Moskowicz Liba Mejlech Gitla Gabryziow Fajga Ickowicz Hendla Gotlik Lai Perelsztejn Sora Hubergryc 32 35 32 18 36 20 28 wies" Kossôw wieé Golcniow wieé Bebelno Frajndla Ryfka Hawa Fajgla Rochla Jozef Berek Kalma Juda Mortka Ryfka Perla Laia Jankiel Szmul Abram Mordka Sara Rywka Josek Lewek Lewek Uryn Joachim Nucha Mortka Moszek Mendel Herszlik Josek Herszlik Izrael Jentla Lewek 24 22 22 46 46 31 36 24 40 24 22 32 36 36 30 Szandla Borensztajn Pesla Bankier Pesla Bankier LaiCyter Kajla Frajsztat Ruchla Perelsztajn Chajehy? Margola Korenberg Hai Lemel Fajgla Fajgienblat Mindla Lewkowicz Tauba Cukr Klara Lederman Jentla Gligsztajn Zelda Herszlik 20 22 22 30 30 33 20 22 30 19 21 32 32 36 26 wieSZarog Ester Mirla Laja Pinkus Eliasz 22 36 Malka Lewkowicz Rochla Muszynska 18 S 35 S HindaHaler Estera Rotman Dobra Szlamowicz Tauba Szmulowicz 33 40 24 30 S wieé Jakubôwska S S S Przedmiescie Szczekociny wieé Chlewska wola wieâ Zarzyce wie£ Golcniow wiesi Zarzyce S wieS Golcniow wies1 Krasowek wieS Kuczkow S wieS Chwilina wieé Kossôw wieS Zarzecze wieS Zarzecze S wieé Bebelno S S wiei Teodorow, gm. Secemin wiesS Krzepin S S S S wieé Krasow wieé Staczyna S S S S wies" Krzepin S S S S S S S wieé Zarzecze wieé Starzyna wies1 Chlewska Wola wie£ Dzierzgôw wieé Bieganôw S wieS Zarzecze wie$ Zarzecze wieS Chlewska Wola Kiewe-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 Spring 2003 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 BULWK FAJGENBLAT HUBERMAN GRANEK BESSER ERLIK NAJMAN LEPNICKA LEWKOWICZ TRAJMAN RAPPAPORT WAJZBORT NIZKA SZWARCBORT KAUFMAN KAUFMAN MUSZYNSKI lot ZALCBERG 1 2 NIZKI KS1ÇZKI 4 RAPPAPORT 5 FELDBRYL 6 LEWENBERG 7 BORENSZTEEV 8 KORENBERG 9 MALARZ 10 WAJZBORT 1860 1 ZLOTNIK 2 PALIWODA 3 LEDERMAN FELDBRYL 4 FELDBRYL 4 5 LEWKOWICZ FAJGIENBLAT 6 7 WAJNSZTAJN 8 ROMANKEEWICZ 9 SMOLARSKA 10 WAJZBORT 11 NIZKI 12 KORENBERG 13 ERLICH 14 WAJZBORT 15 GRANEK 16 MUSZYNSKA 17 SZWARCBORT 18 CHMIELEWSKA 1861 1 ZYTMAN 2 RYCHTER 3 RAPPAPORT 4 FELDBRYL 5 HABERMAN 6 MUSZYNSKI 7 WAYZBORT SECEMSKA 8 LEWENBERG 9 1862 1 GOLDSZTEIN MUSZYNSKA 2 3 NOWAK 4 ROZENBERG 5 KORENBERG 6 ARONOWICZ 7 NIZKA FAYG1ENBLAT 8 9 WAYZBORT 10 LASKA 3 Hawa Sora Brandla Jakob Herszlik Moszek Rywka Izrael Herszlik Lewek Haja Marya Frymet Estera Frymet Sara Telca Mortka Josek Rayzla Fajgla Jankiel Dawid Icyk Szlama Icyk Dawid Mortka Hersz Lewek Lewek Abram Lejbus Moszek Zaynwel Haskiel Szulim Herszlik Szlama Litman Naftula Fiszel Simsie Mendel Hersz Wolf Szyfra Moszek Machel Granek NaftulaKsyl Dawid Mortka Jankiel Szlama Szmul Rywin Josek Moszek Izrael Zelman Lewek Herszlik Major Moszek Lewek Dawid Lewek Szmul Jakob Mortka Joel Szlama Szlama Lewek Szlama Abram Haskiel Berek Fajwel Josek Szulim Uryn Lejba Aba 20 24 35 27 36 27 21 36 25 40 50 30 31 28 30 48 25 25 48 28 27 26 35 54 25 28 38 39 21 38 24 24 30 27 34 Perla Secemska Hana Czaryzka Malka Stragowska Perla Witow Hinda Besterman Telca Sonolarska Hana Szayner Pesla Jchel Ewa Kierszenbaum Certla Trajman Haja Liba Meylich Lai Perelsztejn Sora Eliasz HanaFeldbryl Gitla Gabrysiow Hendla Godlib Mindla Dawidowicz Estera Lederman Cerkla Dzieglowicz Blima Kantor Szajndla Borensztajn Margolit Korenberg Klara Lederman LibaGrank Pesla Bankier Fajgla Fajgienblat Rochla Muszynska Hinda Halar Fajgla Hai Sztark Hai Dawid Nucha Herszlik Pawel 30 . 32 36 31 31 Rojza Lieberman Rojza Lieberman Hawa Kirszenbaum Hanka Czaryzska Fajgla Haskl Hanka Moszkowicz Fajga Pinkowska Cwetla Kaczk Sora Eliasz Laja Cytr Pelca Smolarska HawaWajzbort Perla Witow Rochla Perelsztajn Lai Feldbryl Cerkla Szmul Rochla Laja Hana Rochla Josek Major Abram Moszek Berek Moszek Szmul Szaja Zolma Sora Laja Frimet Mosiek Lejba Zajnwel Szlama Icyk Szmul Zolma Herszlik Izrael 33 23 50 28 38 26 32 40 36 Mandzia Matla Rochla Estera Jakôb Hinda Uryn Major Bayla Rochla Perla Moszek Szmul Ruchla Moszek Wolf Naftala Szlama Berek Lewek Tobiasz Szulim Mosiek Major Mortka 25 Jenter Estera Mortka Wolf Laja Naftula Malka Ryfka Szaja Moszek Hana Ester Moszek Haim Iser Izrael Herszlik Sura Malka Fajgla Abella 47 26 35 31 50 27 50 21 30 24 32 34 42 23 49 18 S 28 wieé Krazowek 32 wieé Mekarzow 36 S 32 S 22 20 34 24 26 36 24 24 27 28 36 26 S wieé Zarzecze wieé Ratkow wieé Ojslawice wieà Bieganôw wies' Golcniow S S S wies Bebelno wieS Krzepin S 29 wieé Zarzecze 38 S 23 S 24 wiesZarôg 24 wieé Druzykowa 34 wies" Zarzecze 42 wieâ Kluczyce 27 wies' Dzierzgôw 25 wieé Dzierzgôw 35 S 38 24 20 26 26 27 34 34 35 24 25 28 33 24 22 S S wiesS Zarzecze wieé Starzyna wieS Starzyna wieé Ojslawice wies" Krasuwek wieé Kossôw wies" Kossoôw S wieé Czaryz S S S 30 s s s s wieé Kossôw Malka Borensztejn Hai Borensztein Hiliby?Majlech Roza Berkowicz Malka Strzcgowska Mindla Dawidow Lai Perelsztein Tauba Klara Lederman 33 19 40 27 36 25 24 40 30 wieé Zarzecze wieé Teodorow wieé Golcniow wiei Starzyna wieé Mekarzow S S wieé Zarzecze Tauba Szwarcbort Mindla Dawidow Cypra Birencwajg Bayla Rochla Jeziorowska Pesla Bankier Fajgla Kon Sura Huberman Dogra Erlich Ruchla Muszynska Ryfka Secemska 24 26 31 24 29 23 30 24 40 19 S S S wiei Polanskie, gm. Chrzastc wiei Dzierzgôw wieé Silina S wieé Chlewska Wola S S 40 38 29 5U Kieke-R,adorn SIG Jour,nal volume 7, Number 2 KLAYNBERG MMC RYCHTER SZKLO STRZYGOWSKA WAYZBORT CHMIELOWSKI LEDERMAN 1863 1 CYTER 2 ROMANKffiWICZ 3 ERLICH 4 NESKA 5 LEWKOWICZ 6 LEWKOWICZ 7 MUSZYNSKA 8 GRANEK 9 GOLDMAN 10 LEWENBERG 11 FAYGIENBLAT 12 KORENBERG 13 GLIGSZTAYN 14 SZWARCBORT 15 TRAYMAN 16 NISKA 17 WAYZBORT 18 MUSZYNSKA 1864 1 PALIWODA 2 LASKA 3 ZAJACZKOWSKI 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 KAC FAYGENBLAT FELDBRYL FRUCHT DUTKEEWICZ NOWAK WAYZBORT SZWARCBERG GOLDMAN LEWKOWICZ MOSIENBERG KORENBERG LB3ERMAN 1865 1 TORNER 2 LEDERMAN 3 BORENSZTEJN 4 ZALCBERG 4 ZALCBERG 5 GROER 6 LEWENBERG 7 SZKLO 8 FAJGENBLAT 9 GARBATY 10 CYER 11 MUSZYNSKA 12 KBERSZBAUM 13 BYCEN 14 RYCHTER 15 ROZENBERG 16 NIZKI 17 BORZYKOWSKI 18 CHMIELOWSKA 19 MINTZ 20 WARGON 21 RYTTERBAND 22 SECEMSKI 23 FRAJMAN Spring 2003 Josek Leyzor Faygla Dawid Litman Cerla Icyk Naftula Herszlik Gitla Sruel Fiszel Lebus Lejbus Herszlik Litman Josek Fajwel Mortka 46 32 23 28 32 39 30 40 Rochla Laj Szlam Itta Doresiow Haja Borunsztajn Fajgla Fajgenblat Hendla Niezman? Cwetla Kuczk Cortla Imil Haia Lipczyc 28 28 22 24 28 29 30 30 Boruch Icyk Estera Laja Ryfka Izrael Aron Boruch Troyna Daniel Marya Rochla Mala Berek Ryfka Fiszel Rochla Bayla Pesla Hana Troyna Abram Berek Lejba Szmul Abram Lejba Nucha Dawid Lipa feral Moszek Moszek Jakob Herszlik Moszek Szulim Haskiel Nawtula 23 53 32 45 20 31 37 40 21 40 32 21 20 36 45 35 35 28 Lai Hanka Moszkowicz Telca Smolarska Cortla Dzinglowicz Rochla Erlich Hawa Koszenbaum Rochla Perelsztejn Peria Witow Peria Secemska Klara Lederman Dwojra Erlich Marya Ewa Windman Hana Feldbryl Cortla Gapl? Sora Habergric Laj Perelsztajn Mindla Senderowicz 34 40 27 40 20 30 38 41 32 36 28 21 21 36 38 30 26 30 Dawid Maylech Masla Beniamin Layzer Nisla Kopel Gitla Golda Matylda Mosiek Matla Perd Dwoyra Estera Laja Haja Perla Lipman Wigdor Cerla Szaja Mortka Naftula Leyzor Izrael Moszek Szmul Jankiel Szlama Josek Cortla Czaryiska Ryfka Secimska Estera Debowska Ryfka Godlib Touba Erlik Marya Korenberg Hana Ryfka Wigdor Haja Rozenberg Cypa Birencwayg Cwetla Kaczka Lai Goldsztein Peria Secemska Rochla Erlich Hanka Lis Pesla Mindla Paliwoda 42 24 20 18 18 36 31 30 22 22 22 26 - wies Skociszowa, gm. Krasowek Lippa Abram Abram Lewek Iecyk 38 25 48 30 22 31 24 24 52 41 34 23 23 26 28 28 Haim Josek Malka Mosiek Josek Lejbus Symek Haim Hana Izrael Litman Lejzor Zajnwel Gitla Brandla Dawid Zysla Mordka Herszlik Pinkus Hill Tauba Mordka Abram Icyk Herszlik Ejzel Nacha Laja Judka Lajb Mordka Joel Zendel Szlama Szlama Lejzor Josek Herszlik Pincus Herszlik Abram Nucha Froim Haim Lejbus Berek Szulim Haim Josek Fajwel Lejbus Dawid Szmul Rubin Herszlik Mosiek 22 45 21 40 40 37 40 32 30 35 26 38 30 42 30 30 40 28 32 33 23 23 44 46 Fajgla Lederman Siejwa Ozsyns Sora Fiszer Estera Lederman Estera Lederman Handla Gilbert Klara Lederman Fajgla Fajgienblat Dwojra Maloszyska Estera Trajman/Frajman? LaiCytrow Rochla Perelsztajn Hana Cynamon Zelda Herszlikowicz Hai Borensztajn Bajla Jeziorowska Sora Elijasz Lai Panska Cortla Szmul Hai Itta Dercziow Cypa Owicesk? Estera Wajcman Tauba Cukierman Certla Gapl 21 24 19 36 36 29 36 28 28 30 36 40 28 32 25 28 38 22 32 30 21 20 44 33 wieé Zarzecze wies" Zarzecze wies" Teodôrow wies" Zarzecze wieé Zarzecze wies" Zarzecze wieS Zarzecze wieë Dzierzgôw wieS Chlewska Wola wies" Dzierzgôw Joachym H Dawid S S wieS Teodorow wieé Dzierzgôw wieé Bieganôw wies1 Czaryz wieS Kossôw wie§ Zarzecze S wiei Kossôw S S wie3 Bieganôw wies Oyslawice S S S wies" Zarzecze/Szczekociny Chlewska Wola S S S wiei Bieganôw S S S . S wies Zarôg Mekarzow wieS Bieganôw wieé Druzykowa wies" Radkow wieS Zarôg S wie^ Czaryz S S wies1 Bieganôw wieé Podlazie wieé Dzierzgôw wieé Chwilina S S wise Ojslawice S wieé Zarôg wieé Kuczkôw S Grodkôw, wies" Druzykow wieé Kossôw S S S s wieé Biegnôw Spring 2003 51 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 Secemin Marriages 1846 -} 1865 Given Name Age Father Mother Town Mordka Cyna 24 KalmazHerszl 21 - Rochla Jakubowicz Frayna Josekow (wid.) wieé Brzezgowa Secemin Herszlig Laja Eliasz Haja Sora 18 Joska 16 Dawid 20 Herszlik 20 Zlota Hana Moskowicz Hinda Hana (wid.) wieé, gminie Badkkowie wies" Starzyna Wioszczowa wieS Zaleze Lewek Rochla Dawid Perla (wid.) 20 Markas 19 Lewek 24 Jankel Szmul Witow Laia Cerla Frajdla Moszkowicz Laia Wioszczowa wies Kuczkôw Lelow S Herszlik Rochla 18 20 Ewa Hana (wid.) Szczekociny S Josek 24 Major Faygla Joskowicz Krasowek Gitla Lejzer Itla Szlama Hana 21 18 20 19 28 Estera Mindla Blaybfogiel HanaFrayman (wid.) Hana Faygla Przedborz Sprowa wieS Kuczkôw wieé Dzierzgôw wieé Krasowek Naftula Tauba Josek Szandla Joma Faygla 18 Mortka 20 19 19 Hendel 19 Aron 25 Malka Bajla Lewkowicz Gruszkow Siejwa Rappoport (wid.) Gitla Bayla wieé Choluwie S wieS Teodorow, gm Secemin gminie Pawyz wieé Ostrowie S Lewek Marvna 18 Uryn 23 Herszlik Ryfka Izraelowicz Masia? S S LitmanLoel Ryfka 20 19 Dawid Rochla Kac Golda wieS Mekarzow wieS Mekarzow, par Secemin Lewek 28 Mindla wieé Rakoszynie Fajgla Rochla Dwojra Rojza Rochla Geila Herszlikowicz Mindla Herszlikowicz S Plawno wies" Czeparce WUoszczowa wieé Podlazie S S Sora Tauba CO C O Ryfka Izraeliczow Rochla Muszynska Estera Kraycarow Mindla Herszlikowicz CO C O # Surname 1846 1 HOFFMA N MUSZYNSKA 1847 1 SWARCBER G FELDBRYL 2 KANTO R FROM 1848 No marriages 1849 1 WAJNBER G GLIK 2 GRAN K HENDLEROWA mnWITOW 1850 1 PRAGIE R FRAJMAN 1851 1 CZARYZK I v JAKOBOWICZ MIEDZINSKA 2 ROZENBER G FRAYMAN 3 FAYGENBLA T CZARYZKA 1852 No marriages 1853 1 WAJNTRO B GRUSZKOW 2 RAPPOPOR T BORENSZTEIN 3 WAJCENFEL D MARCZYKOW 1854 1 KORENBER G RZEZAK 1855-1857 No marriages 1858 1 KA C GOTLIB 1859 1 DAMINS K v DESZYNSKI BRATBORT 2 NAJNFEL D ELIASZOW 3 SZYLDCHAU Z NAJNFELD 4 KORENBER G ZAJNLWERKIER 1860 1 LASK A SECEM1NSKA 1861 1 KORENBER G KORENBERG 2 CYE R KORENBERG mnCITROW Fiszer Lewek Judka Major Zysma 19 Tobiasz Szvfra Zajnwl Icyk Rywin 21 Icyk Siejwa IcykAnklowicz 19 Josek 19 Zajnwl Itla 54 Szlama Uryn (wid.) Izrael Wiedor Laia (wid.) Mosiek Dawid Ryfka 20 Majer Mojzesz 19 Herszlik Moszek Marya Abram Laja (wid.) 19 Szlama 20 Marka Uryn Izrael Citrow Papierne, pow. Olkusz Lelow 52 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 Spring 2003 1862 24 20 18 22 o Dawid Cypra Haja Aron Blima Litman to t 1 WARGO N OWEECZKA 2 SZTERN GIELDBTER 3 BAKALARZ v GOLDMA N SECEMSKA Perla Dwora 1863 - 1864 No marriages 1865 1 CIESIELSK I (wid.) Elijasz ROMANKIEWICZ Hana (widow of Berek) 32 36 Efroim Joachym Mortka Zelik Szmul Zajwl Frandla Szprinca Laia Ester Sura Smolarska Rochla Rozenberg Koniecpol, gub. Warszaw Miesce Zamow Wloszczowa S S Abram Mortka Rytka s Fiszel Mosiek Estera Perla Fajglieman Wloszczowa? Secemin Deaths 1846 -1865 # Surname 1846 1 KAUFMA N 2 BORENSZTAJ N 3 DYTMA N 4 BULWI K 1847 1 BORENSZTAI N 2 BERGDE R 3 SECEMSK I 4 ROCHMA N 5 ROCHMA N 6 SMOLARSK I Given Name Age Survivors Town Rochla Mojzes Roza Szachrow Laja Balkowska 80 86 25 28 Laja 34, Mortka 24 Wife Sora, Josek 50, Zolma43, Hendler 38 Husband Dawid, Roza 2, Tauba 1 • Jankel Bulwik 28, Josek 6, Haja 3, Tolme 2 wieé Michalow wieS Teodorow Bebelno Zarzecze Sora (wid.) Icyk (wid.) Abram Ryfka Leiba Szulim 73 93 30 36 19 28 wie3 Teodorow Gitle 40, Certle 35, Esterke 24 Miasto Checiny Leaves children in Kossôw S WifeRyfka28,Perla8,Marye5,Haje2 Husband Lewek Muczyka 37, Jankel 15, Bluma 11, Mirla 5 Father Lewek Muczyka [37] S Wife Szprinca 26, Rochla 1 S Media 30 Husband Litman, Mosiek 7, Abelle 5, Perle 3 Joachim Joachym 36 Wife PoloskezWitow, Estera 3 9m Parents Abram and Hanke z Dwzyriska Sprynca Icyk Rejna 6 Parents Abram and Ruchla Tamroz wieé Chrzastow 31 Wife Hana z Czaryzka 28, Perla 9 months wieé Sulikôw 35 Husband Judka 40, Icyk 16, Hanke 14, Jankel 10, Raima 6, Lejbus 4, Laja 2 wies" Radkow Jakob 62 Son of Icyk and Malka, wife Ryika 52 Judka 42 Wife Estera z Retenberg 44, Icyk 17, Hane 15, Jankel 10, Raima 8, Lewek 5, Laje 3 wieé Jakobowka Estera Joskiewii Joskiewicz 73 Husband Mosiek, Malka 36 living Checiny, Lejbus 35 living Lqdczynie wis> Dzierzgôw 1848 1 KAUFMA N 1849 1 HENDLE R 2 FRUCH T 1850 1 GRUSZKOWN A 2 KUR C 3 JAKUBÔWIC Z 1851 1 BRYLOWSKI 1852 1 JAKOBOWIC Z wies"Krzepin S wieéKwilina wieé Bebelno 1853 No deaths 1854 1 FRYDLAN D 1855 Maryna Rzczakow Rzczak 1 KORENBER G Jankiel 2 KORENBER G 1856-1860 No deaths 1861 Litman 1 KAUFMA N 2 KORENBER G 3 NAYMA N 1862 1 GOLDBER G 1863 - 1864 No deaths 1865 1 ROMANKIEWIC Z 22 Parents: Herszlik and Matla, husband Lewek 19, HaimHersz, Laie 12 Parents: Uryn and Ryfka Najman Korenberg S 43 Uryn Bayla Wife Hindle z Godlib 36, Mosiek 22, Abel 9, Perle 6, Zelik 10, Majer 8, Malka 7, Estera 5 ,Zysle wieS I<rzepin 60 2nd wife Laje z Cytrow 30, Fajgle 3, Hanke 18 mo S 17 Father Joachym, brothers Szlama, Jankel and Lewek wieâ Zarzecze Ryfka Bratbort 28 Husband Mosiek Goldberg, Dwo jra 5, Surele 2 Berek 55 Wife Hana z Fajglisman?, Perla. Rywin, Mosiek, Boruch, Dodzia, Malka, Icyk wieé Kosôw wies1 Zwiecza Spring 2003 53 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 Konskie Births 187 2 -1884 Akit Surname 1872 1 ZYSMA N 2 ZOMER 3 RODAL 4 GRDSfSZPAN 5 GRBVSZPAN 6 TAJTELBAUM 7 ZELKER 8 KAC 9 RAFALOWICZ 10 FAJGENBLAT 11 NITKA 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Given Name Icek Dawid Liber Izrael Zajwel Hena Idel Fajgla Laja Moszek Abram Mortka Dawid Moszek Haja Sura WERTCHAM Herszek BERLINSKA Ruda SAPBER Abram Hawa Fajga GELCMAN POZNANTYN Josek Moszek PRZYSUSKI Benjamin Icek Symcha ROZENFKZ BORUCHOWICZ Hana Gitla MIEDZIOGURSKA Sura ZOMMER Rajzla Hinda PAPIERNIK ZLOTOGURSKA Dwojra SYMCHOWICZ Liba FUKS Mortka Faitel ZLOTOGURSKA Bajla Cywia Golda GOLDBERG RAFALOWICZ Icek Judka LANGIER BAND Kalman Icek Emanuel OKSENBERG MINC Haim Emanuel JankielWulf fflLEROWICZ Moszek Josek BACZINSKI RAFALOWICZ Andzelm JAKOBOWICZ Lejzor Zelman ZNAJOMEK KENIG Tyla Laja LEWIN Jakob Fajwel ELKENBAUM Haja ZAND Nusyn Dawid Rojza Fajga GINSBERG ZLOTOGURSKA Sura Dwojra Alter Maier CUKIER Aron Szmul KRYGIER Ejzyk TAJTELBAUM Aron Szmul DOMBROWSKI Tauba Gitla MANELA Moszek Jakob AUSTRYAN? Izrael CALKA Hana Perla CALKA ZAND Nusyn Dawid WAJNRAJTER Zajnwel Wulf WAJNTROUB Boruch KOSCIESZKO Szlama ROZENCWAJG Witla ZYNGER ZLOTOGURSKA Emanuel Izrael BERLINSKI Izrael Moszek MILNER SAKOWICZ Zelman Mariem Rifka EJZENBERG Mortka KURCBART JAKOBOWICZ Mendel NIEDZWIEDZ Zelman Szlama Majer Herszek EJZENBERG Hercel WAJSMAN Fajga Ruchla ZALCBERG Father Age Mother Age Residence Gerszon WolfLajb [Szaja] Sandel Zukind [Boruch] Gerszon Berek Binem Rubin Haim Abram Szaja Icek Dawid Dawid Szymon Zajnwel Szmul Boruch 25 27 19 36 32 30 29 37 25 25 22 wieé Janôw 24 Konskie 20 K 32 K 29 K 29 K 28 K 39 K 21 K 34 K Aba Lejbus Jojne [Icek] Cala Bencio Abram Bine[m] Szmul Szimon Szymon Hil Mortka Mendel Fajwel Litman Jukiel Zysman Lejbus Abram Benjamin Lejbus Kiwa Aron Abram Majlich . Lejzor Izrael Gabriel Icek Symcha Dawid Abram Herszek Fajwel Haim Herszek Szmerek Aba Boruch Sucher Lejbus Josek Lejzor Moszek Dawid Towie Dawid Haim Lejbus Matys Moszek WolfLejb Moszek Dawid Berek Hersz [Mendel] Emanuel RachlaLICHTENBERG Fajga Dwojra ZLOTOGURSKA Dwojra BERKOWICZ Rywka OKSENBERG Ester LIGIER Ester [Malka] MACHOROWSKA [Hana] Mirla CALKA Hana OKSENBERG RojzlaABRAMZON SzyfraKUSZER 42 Rojza HORENSLUP 22 CynaDZEWIENCKA? 38 Sura Fajgla EJZERBERG 30 Szandla Rachla WISLICKA 42 HanaWAKSMAN 41 HudesaHENONSKA 52 Ester BALDERMAN? 21 RanaMODOWICZ 42 Marya Frymet ROTENBERG 23 Haja [Rojza] ROZENBLAT 32 SuraKALISZER 36 MindlaPRZEDBORSKA 30 Dyna PAPIERNIK 30 Gitla WIGDERSON 51? Rywa Abrachow 46? AjdlaKREDOWICZ 39 LajaEPSZTAJN 29 Pessa GOLDBERG 23 Mindla Ryfka MIODOWICZ 36 SuraFIZICKA 32 ZeldaORENBUCH 34 BinaPOZNANSKA 37 Mirla WAJSMAN 46 Ester Rojza WISLICKA 23 Fajgla HOROWICZ 30 SuraWALTSZTAJN? 24 Ita OKSENBERG 33 Haja Ester CALKA 38 Bajla [Sura] GUT 23 Ester BIRENCWAJG 42 Hinda ANKLEWICZ 39 Czama Laja FAJGENBLAT 21 Temerla ŒPIELOWSKA 36 Mirla KENIG 33 HajaKURSZBART 30 Sura GOLDBERG 40 Hawa Sura BJJRENSZTOK 22 Nacha [Hudes] RODAL 39 Ita Laja JOSKOWICZ 36 CejwaELIASZEWICZ 25 Ryfka LINTCHAIM 28 Bajla Ruchla ZLOTOGURSKA '25 HanaHERSZKOWICZ 44 Malka RUBINSZTAJN 34 Sura KURCBART 33? Sura POTAZNIK 33 HanaRYGIER 39 Golda SZAJNTAL 30 Ruchla KROCHMALNIK 22 Ryfka EJCHNER 43 Ester [Laja] ZLOTOGURSKA 36 Hana EJZENBERG 30 CynaEELD 27 Ryfka JURKJEWICZ 30? BinaSAKOWSKA 45 Hawa EJZENBERG 29 Perla FAJNER 23 Perla Laja ARTMAN 26 20 25 36 wieé Miedzierza? 36 24 40 24 26 19 28 34 28 29 28 36 37 K K K 27 30? 34 32 40? 36 23 21 27 24 32 25 25 32 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 37 K 21 K 29 K 25 K 29 K 39 K 21 K 38 29 24 30? 26 40 32 30? 32 34 30 25 38 37 Radom/K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 28 K 27 K 30 K 30 K 24 K 22 K 54 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Kielçe-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7 , Number 2 WKLICKA EJZENBERG BERGLER WAJSLIC OPOTOWSKI KRAUS KALKZER ORENBUCH ROZENCWAJG KENIG EJZENBERG LEWKOWICZ KENIG BACZINSM HALBERSZTAT MOSZKOWICZ SWENTALSKA WRUBLEWSKI RAFALOWICZ LICHTENSZTAJN SENDROWICZ RUB1NSZTAJN GRUNDMAN RAFALOWICZ APEL HULAK ZLOTOGURSKA CEDER LUBLINSKI JURKEEWICZ LICHTENSZTAJN KROCHN SENDROWICZ FIZYCKI ROZENFARB ZILBERBERG GRUBSZTAJN WYROBEK PRZEDBORSKA SZWARCZBERG REWIZORSKA BER ROZENBERG KKLEWICZ GELBART MILDMAN WICENTOWSKA KREDOWICZ BORUCHOWICZ WICENTOWSKA ZAJDENSZNER GINCBERG KUPER ORENBUCH WAJNRAJCH WAGMAN ANKLEWICZ 1873 1 RUDOWSKA 2 BERGIER 3 EPSZTAJN 4 CEDER 5 LIGIER 6 ROTMAN 7 SANKOWICZ 8 WORCAL 9 OKSENBERG 10 ANKLEWICZ 11 GERTNER 12 LUBLINSKI 13 ZYMLER 14 ZLOTOGURSKA 15 ROTMAN Brandla Pinkus Kiwa Jochwet HerszelNuchem Perla Gitla Perla Fajgel Szimsia Tyla Szmul Gela Raszka Abrain Moszek Laja Jenta Blima Icek Szlama [Hersz] Haja Sura Mendel Zysman Icek Cerla Perla Marya Gitla Brona Izrael Emanuel Froim Lejbus Lejbus Emanuel Wolf Szlama Henoch Icek Jakob Kalman Ryfka Frajdla Rifka Lejbus Laja Mindla Pesla Sura Hana Fajga FClel Wulf Ruchla Nusin Riwen Ajdla Rifka Dwojra GelaRachla Herszek Dawid Dwojra Abram Jankiel Maier Ber Szandla Malka Jochwet HaimWulf IcekLajb Szaja Janas Abram Perec Lejzor Sucher Haim Berek Haim Icek Zelman Jukiel Abram [Szlama] Dawid Josek Zysman Jakob Icek Szaul? Cejmach Mortka Boruch [Lejzor] Lejbus Jakob? Szmul Herszek Lejbus Abram Mortka Szaja Abram Lejzor Zajnwel? Josek Josek Moszek Saul Wolf Dawid Abram Perec Szaja Wigdor Lejzor Hercek Dawid Szmul Aron Haim [Icek] Rachmiel Rachmiel Moszek Haim Josek Aron Josek Aron Jankiel Rachmiel Lejzor Michal Szlama Gutman? Bajla Marya Josek Toma Ester Rajzla Szlama Maier Alta Brandla Icek Hersz Alter Icek Uszer Wolf Lejzor Efroim Abram Icek Brandla Sura Ryfka Spring 200 3 Mortka Herszek Moszek Berek Icek 35 34 60? 35 21 40 36 40 50 38 28 30 30 30 36 38 48 35 39 40 36 45 50 23 24 36 25 32 30 30 23 20 30 21 30 40 28 40 40 40 30 30 20 30 30 30 20 30 22 30 27 20 20 40 30 28 52 HendlaGRONDMAN ItaWISLICKA HanaWELTMAN Cyna ROZENCWAJG Hana Fajga GOTESMAN GenendlaAPEL Ruchla Frajdla PIONTKOWSKA? Cywia OKSENBERG Ruchla Laja FRYSZ Idesa KENIG EdlaNIEDZWIEDZ Szandla DOJT HajaSZAJOWICZ Numa ANKLEWICZ Bina RAFALOWICZ RojzaGLDC HanaSZWIENTALSKA Marya BLEINSKA Rajzla LIBERMAN HanaBACHMAN? Ruchla Laja SENDEROWICZ Bajla KREPS Haja Ester DANCYGIER Rajzla BLAWAT KruzaTENENBAUM RojzaKAPELUSZ Marya Dwojra SWENTALSKA Jenta GIERSZON Marya GEETNER Sura Laja WROBLEWSKA Ruchla RAJZMAN HajaDynaBDŒNCWAJG Haja [Ester] HILEROWICZ AltaZYGMANTOWICZ Ester PELTA ZeldaBRESLER Dwojra Ester BLINDMAN Ruchla BENDYK? Sura Marya SOKOLOWSKA Ruchla GRYNBERG Zysla ROZENCWAJG Perla HawaRUBINEK Haja Hwala KUPER Ajdla JAKUBOWICZ Bajla ROZENFARB Brandla TENENBAUM Golda Blima PK. Fajgla Dwojra RODAL Sura Ryfka KUCZYNSKA Ester [Rywka] ZLOTOWICZ Ruchla RAFALOWICZ Jenta WAJSMAN Ester SZMAJSER Fajga Laja SZAMPANIER NachaGROSMAN Helena NALEWAJSKA 35 33 26 24 22 30 30 40 30 35 27 26 26 30 25 38 42 36 38 40 24 40 30 22 25 30 26 30 28 30 24 20 30 20 20 30 23 30 40 26 27 40 22 32 35 36 20 28 20? 28 24 24 20 38 35 29 32 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Herszek Szachna Fajwus Sucher Mortka Sucher Ejzyk Jakob Perec Berek Izrael Zysman Josek Berek Abram Berek Dawid Icek 25 32 25 33 28 48 23 24 32 26 26 37 29 34 34 SuraHANDELSMAN Haja [Sura] RUBINEK SuraWISLICKA Bajla Sura POZNANSKA Malka KUPER Gitla [Etla] KREDOWICZ Ruchla ORENBUCH Mirla GRUNDMAN Ester JAKOBOWICZ Marya BLUM Ruchla ZLOTOGURSKA Ester MENDMAN Cypora?BLACHEROWICZ Laja Malka CYNA Mirla HAJDAK? 20 20 24 33 29 42 22 23 30 24 25 35 24 37 34 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Aba Spring 2003 16 HENIK 17 GOLD 18 PRZEDBORSH 19 ARONOWICZ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 MENDELSON MENDELSON EJZENBERG RAFALOWICZ RAFALOWICZ WAJSMAN ZAND SAKOWSKA RUBINEK MIODOWICZ EJZENBERG LIGIER ABRAMOWICZ PROMNICKI APEL SZAJOWICZ ZALCBERG WAJSMAN ROZENCWAJG HENCINSKA GOLD ROZENFARB ROZENCWAJG EJZENBERG ARONOWICZ WELTMAN PRZEDNOWEK BIDERMAN WISLICKI ZALUSKA EPSZTAJN HULAK OKSENBERG POZNANTYN WOLANOSKA POSTAKEWICZ ZYSMAN GRUNDMAN KREPS DAwroowicz SAKOWSKI POZNANSKA ROTENBERG ANKffiR WAJSLIC JAKUBOWICZ /KSEENZN1K RAFALOWICZ MARKOWICZ OKSENBERG GOLDBERG RAJMND LEWKOWICZ SZMOLINSKA SZWARZ WAJSMAN KREDOWICZ FUKS MARKOWIECKA DEMBINSKI KAC WAKSMAN MARGULES CIEPALEWSKI FRISZ TENENBAUM LffiERMAN KURCBART LEJBUSOWICZ OKSENBERG 55 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 Etla Majlich Josek Josek Jankiel Frajdla Brandla Mendel Mortka Moszek Rajzla Nusyn Dawid Ester Jochwet Rajzla Ryfka Moszek Aron Marya Ryfka Hejnoch Moszek Szlama Herszel Jankiel Dawid Abram Alter Moszek Perla Haja Icek Abram Mendel Boruch Blima Frajdla Hinda Szmul Moszek Golda Szajndla Icek Rojza Sura Ryfka Frymet Mortka Josek Moszek Haja Sura SucherBer? Mortka Sura Hawa Rajzla Szimsia Marya Brandla Hana Mindla Aron Pinkus Hana Perla Jochwet Herszek? Boruch Jakob Lejzor Jankiel Jankiel Herszek Jukiel Jukiel Alter Haim Abram HilWolf Judka Jankiel Izrael Moszek [Zukin] Alter Aron [Abram] Szaja? Berek Lejbus Benjamin Fiszel Szmul Icek Moszek Lejb Lejbus Wolf Icek Berek Rachmiel [Dawid] Dawid Josek Mendel Hil Jankiel Haim Nusyn Szmul Lejzor Majer Berek Jankiel Hersz Michal Dawid Szaja Szmul Sucher [Rachmil] Izrael Nitka? Abram Rafal Haim Dawid Lejb Jakob Majer Abram Icek Josek Dyna Abram Dyna Ruchla Emanuel Hinda Herszek Jochwet Icek Aron Moszek Josek Izrael Izrael Benjamin Cymla Berek Sura Rycla Rachmiel Mendel Szmul [Lejzor] Dawid Perec Hersz Maier Dawid Marya Lejzor Hana Priwa [Abram] Icek Mendel Haim? Lejzor Icek Jankiel Fiszel Jankiel Mendel Kisiel Josek Dawid Ela Hinda Wigdor Mendel Szlama Gdala Haim Jankiel Icek Dawid K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 27 24 25 37 36 36 35 24 24 28 30 29 18 31 36 19 36 33 31 22 27 23 31 40 27 24 42 27 38 42 36 42 20 27 31 35 25 45 36 50 30 28 36 40 31 32 21 49 34 33 HanaBJJŒNCWAJG Gitla ROZENCWAJG Ester LrTENKRANC Ester [Malka] MACHOROWSKA Mindla Laja P1NKUSEWICZ Mindla Laja PINKUSEWICZ Ryfka GROBSZTAJN Frymet WISLICKA Frymet WISLICKA .Machela LANDAU Szandla Ryfka SAKOWSKA Sura EJZENBERG Fajga [Ruchla] KIERSZENCWAJG Marya TENENBAUM Rojza Ita WAKSMAN RachlaJURKIEWICZ Sura Hana WICENTOWSKA Ryfka JANKIEWICZ Ester Ruchla SOBOL Ruchla JAKOBOWICZ BinaSZMEDRA Gitla GOLDBERG Jochwet GRUNDMAN BinaPRZYSUSKA LajaROZENBERG Haja Hana TAJTELBAUM Haja Mindla Laja OKSENBERG WitlaBLINDMAN HendlaGOLD Nacha [Rajzla] BACZYNSKA Haja Hana FMKJJELSZTAJN Hawa Rojza FUKS Ester Jachet LINTCHAM MirlaZYZOWSKA Laja GOLD HenaWENIK WitlaLEJZOROWICZ Ryfka CWAJG Gitla KISLEWICZ Haja Laja SPIRA Ruchla GRUNDMAN LajaDEMBINSKA Ryfka RUSMEK Sura MACHOROWSKA Hana Zelda OBERZANSKA Haja Sura ROZENPERL Fajga HUCINSKA DwojraDAJCH MirlaNIEDZWIEDZ 27 30 36 24 25 38 22 36 30 35 42 20 26 31 36? 21 38 36 36 29 25 35 38 34 30 20 37 32 28 K K K K K wies Odrowaz K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 40 20 36 22 32 29 38 23 36 28 21 34 35 21 38 20 Dwojra EPSZTAJN Hana RAFALOWICZ Malka ZAND HanaREWIZORSKA? Ryfka ZYNGER Ruchla SZATKOWICZ Malka NTJEDZWEDZ Ruchla SZTARKMAN Laja EJZENBERG Ester Gitla HERSZKOWICZ Ester ZARNOWSKA RudaFRYSZ Ruchla HIRMACZ Ryfka Laja MAJEROWICZ Rojza Mindla Ryfka ROTENBERG [Sura] Temerla ROZENCWAJG Hinda Bajla MŒDZIOGORSKA PessaTURKA Dwojra GRUNDMAN CiwiaZOMER PessaLEJBUSEWICZ Szandla Malka HJLEROWICZ 39 20 30 20 34 34 38 21 26 28 21 26 34 22 36 21 22 34 21 28 40 22 22 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 21 36 21 31 45 22 22 26 23 26 34 33 33 34 22 22 29 28 26 18 77 35 24 20 30 28 20 wieé Golodzin? K K K K K 27 K K K K K K K K 30 89 MOSZKOWIC Z 90 JURKEWIC Z 91 SENDROWIC Z 92 DAW1DOWIC Z 93 PAN K 94 WARGO N 95 MAIERFEL D 96 WAMRAIC H 97 NUDE L 98 FUK S 99 BACZ3NSK I 100 SZTARKMA N 101 SZMENDR A 102 FEL D 103 LERMA N 104 JURKEWIC Z 105 KUPE R 106 MANOWIC Z 107 ROZE N 108 ROZE N 109 OKSENBER G 110 JURKEWIC Z 111 LEJBUSEWIC Z 112 SZTUCBER G 113 ZOME R 114 HDLEROWIC Z 115 ZOME R 116 ZAJA C 117 KRIGE R 118 NTTK A 119 CWAJ G 120 FRYS Z 121 GOL D 122 LEWKOWIC Z 123 KURCBAR T 124 KALISZE R 125 REWKORSK I 126 JURKEWIC Z 127 MILSZTAJ N 128 ROZENFAR B 129 MINC/MIN G 130 HENCINSK A 131 APE L 132 BOJMALGRY N 133 TENENBAU M 134 WERTCHAI M 135 KURCBAR T 136 ARONOWIC Z 137 BERLINSK A 138 MIEDZIOGURSKA 139 ROZENCHAI M 140 GRUNDMA N 141 MARMU R 142 JANUSZEWSK I 1874 1 RUBINE K 2 JAKUBOWIC Z 3 BIRENCWAJ G 4 WICENTOWSK I 5 DANCIGE R 6 FEZMA N 7 DLUZENIEWSK I 8 LANGIE R 9 BACZINSK I 10 KBLOWICZ ? 11 FEL D 12 SOKOLOWSK I 13 WELICK I 14 AUSTRIAN ? 15 RODA L 16 BERLINE R 17 TENENBAU M 18 EJZELMA N Kietct•-Kadom S1G Jouirnal Volume 7, Number 2 Icek Icek Nusyn Hinda Rajzla Szprinca Haja Sura Dawid Icek Malka Fajga Szaja Naftula Abram Jakob? Kalman [Icek] Josek Icek Szlama Motel Jankiel Josek Ita Josek Lejzor Icek Jojne Gitla Ester Majer Nusyn Dawid Berek Hendla Zysman Abram Icek Motel Dawid Mosiek Marya Dwojra Jukiel [Jankiel] Mendel Boruch Haja Sura Moszek Ber Jakob Dawid Mendel Michal Motel Genendla Szlama Szlama Manel Jankiel Hersz Jankiel Izrael Matla WolfLajb Szlama Abram Temerla Izrael Szandla Szaja Jankiel Josek Mendel Icek Icek Dawid Herszek Haja Ester Lejzor Kriiza Boruch Ester Malka Pinkus Fajwel Boruch Wigdor Mendel Jakob Josek Abram Abram Wolf Lejb Berek Dawid [Ruchla] Herszek Fajga Perla Izrael Hawa Basia [Haim]Hil Zysla Moszek Bina Abram Idel? Haja Sura Andzel Ruchla Herszek Hana Gitla Dawid Icek Josek Szlama Moszek Emanuel Hinda Fajga Fiszel Dwojra Boruch Izrael Josek Mendel Jonas Moszek Haja Ruchla Lejbus Uszer Jankiel Josek Ajdla Jakob Icek Icek Lejb Abram Wolf Lejbus Hana Laja Berek Lejbus Malka Cyna Jankiel Izrael Icek Basia Cejwa Brandla Abram Izrael Hudes HilWolf Aba? Jojne Haim Icek Dawid Haim Josek Litman Fajwel Lejbus (d) Rachmiel Abram Abram Janas Szmerek Szaja Zandel Mortka Kisiel Lejbus Spring 2003 36 29 41 31 30 22 22 40 25 47 26 49 28 24 28 49 30 19 29 25 35 19 25 25 30 37 26 d 24 40 60? 20 25 25 26 40 40 40 30 22 34 30 26 27 27 23 40 35 50 30 22 48 32 43 HajaSZABELAK? MindlaZLOTOGURSKA Dwojra OBERMAN Cerla BIRENCWAJG Sura Ryfka WINCENTOWSKA Perla LajaEJZENBERG Fajga ROZENBLUM Ester Gitla FABIAN Krandla?Laja CWAJG Haja Blima DAWIDOWICZ Szandla Malka EPSZTAJN TaubaGOLDBACH Pessa GRUNDMAN Ryfka JURKDEWICZ Ruchla LajaROTBERG Fajga DAJCH Hana SWJJENTALSKA Haja Jenta WARGON Fajgla ZAJAC Bina GRUNDMAN Marya JURKIEWICZ Brandla SKURKA Marya GRUBSZTAJN SuraLajaSAKOWSKA Fajga [Dwojra] ZLOTOGURSKA HanaROTBERG Perla KUPERMAN SuraBLMDMAN [Sura] Hana ROZENBERG Rajzla HORENSLUP Sura Malka PFEFERBAUM Ruchla EJZENBERG HanaPRZYSUSKA HajaLajaWELTMAN Basia JAKOBOWICZ Szprinca WYROBEK Haja Hana PRAJZES HajaPULAWSKA BajlaDyna ROZEN? Ruchla ELBJNGER Ruchla Laja RODAL HwalaWISLICKA Dwojra DIAMENT HudesaSOKOLOWSKA Sura RUBINEK CynaDZŒWIENSKA? Sura Malka GOLDBERG FrymetBAND LajaWAJNTRAUB HudesaPRUS Bajla RUBINEK Hana Ruchla MAL Ester Rajzla WAJSMAN HanaROZENCWAJG 40 28 36 30 20 22 20 33 20 40 25 22 24 24 23 40 31 19 29 22 37 20 25 24 28 29 24 35 24 27 28 19 28 23 28 40 37 40 19 25 19 43 28 34 48 28 48 36 30 30 34 40 21 24 50 28 Fajga Ruchla KIERSZENCWAJG Perla PETRYKOWSKA Szandla ROZENBERG? Hawa dwojra ROZENFARB PeslaRAJSMAN Temerla SZMULEWICZ IdesaGUTMAN MindlaMIODOWICZ [Ester] RojzaWISLICKA Haja KUPER Laja SAKOWSKA Masia KUPER Hendla GRUNDMAN Ita Marya MOSZKOWICZ Dwojra BERKOWICZ Pesla GRUNDMAN Ruchla SOKOLOWSKA HajaROZENCWAJG 18 21 20 42 22 36 40 26 29 34 28 28 34 40 21 23 35 [36] 24 33 29 27 26 26 23 36 32 33 28 19 26 32 35 K K K K K K K K K K K wieé Stary Mlyn K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K wieé Miedzierza? K K wieé Wola? wies" Dzibaltôw K K K K K K K K wieé Blaszkôw K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 26 K 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 WELTMAN EPSZTAJN ROZENFARB SZTUCBERG HENIG CALKA NELKENBAUM? TENENBAUM JAKUBOWICZ SZAJOWICZ EJZENBERG PINCZOWSKA EJZENBERG ZNAIOMEK EJZENBERG JURKJJEWICZ HILEROWICZ MANELA KURCBART GRYNSZPAN RAFALOWICZ RAFALOWICZ GRKZPAN NIEMIEC BIALOGURSKA KENIG SWENTALSKI GIELBART WAJSMAN LUBLINSKI SAPIER ZALCBERG WRUBLEWSKA CALKA GOLD CWAJG KAC HERSZKOWICZ KREDOWICZ ZLOTOGURSKA RUB1NOWICZ ZYMLER ZELIKOWICZ HERENSZTAT EJZENBERG ROZENBERG ANKLEWICZ KENIG HWALfflOG HENCEVSKI WENIG LERMAN HILEROWICZ KRONENBLUM WAJSMAN ARONOWICZ MIODOWICZ ZNAJOMEK HENIG HILEROWICZ OKSENBERG RODAL EJLENBERG SZTAJNFELD MILNER SZAJOWICZ DAWIDOWICZ ZLOTOWICZ STASZEWSKI SZAJOWICZ KENIG EJZENBERG BERGIER RAFALOWICZ 57 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 Spring 2003 Haja Ides Mendel Mendel Szmul Haja Ester Perla Laja Szlama Aron Luzer Rywa Boruch Dawid Izrael Icek Marya Herszek Mortka Kiwa Josek Moszek Dawid Icek Cypojra Mortka Mendel IzraelHil Ruchla Laja Mendel Marya Rywka Szlama [Moszek] Izrael Icek Fajga Hiler Basia Malka Herszek Gela Dawid Sura Aba Nacha Haim Eliasz Mortka Boruch Luzer Zajwel Herszek Brucha [Szlama] Eliasz Brucha Hersz Mortka Moszek Szmul Icek Rachmiel Jacob Szlama Jachet Mortka Wulf Lejzor Berek Szymon Jankiel Emanuel Ita Moszek Aba Ela Dawid Berek Moszek Rubin Icek Mendel Haskiel Gitla Josek Emanuel Lejbus Ryfka Abram Szmul Icek [Abram] Haim Hawa Idesa Nusyn Szandla Tauba Dawid [Mendel] Abram Jankiel Lejbus Mortka Berek Szprinca Szaja Moszek Lejb Josek Marya Laja Jojne Moszek Icek Josek Moszek Michal Mortka Motel Abram Icek Szymcha Marya Rywka Hawa Rywka Fiszel Icek Dawid Hersz [Mendel] Brandla Jakub Mendel Laja Judka Szapsia Abram Abram Moszek Dawid Munia Benjamin Ita Josek Ruchla Jankiel Pinkus Haskiel Fajwel Haim Wolf Izrael Herszek Jankiel Berek Icek Jankiel Krandla Moszek Maier Szaja Masia Laja Mortka Jankiel Berek Abram Lejzor Manel Sender Abram Mortka Laja Lejbus Aria 45? 22 23 19 37 26 26 34 28 34 29 26 22 Rojza Frymet ZALUSKA LibaWARDA Marya SZWARC Hana EJZENBERG Ester Ita DUTKIEWICZ Rywka LINDCHAJM Ester BIRENCWAJG KurzaGOLD Marya CWAJG SuraNITKA AjdlaNIEDZWIEDZ HawaORENBUCH DwojraLAJPCZYK 24 RajzlaCYMERMAN 34 Gitla MINC 24 SuraKROCHMALNJJC 22 Sura Rywka NTTKA 27? Nacha Hudes RODAL 36 Tauba GRUBSZTAJN 32 CymlaSAKOWSKA 30 RozaABRAMSON 35 RajzlaLIBERMAN 30 Ester LIGER 28 [Hana] Ruchla ZAJDENFELD 38 Dobra SPJJRA 50 Bajla KENIG 33 LajaFttJBERG 34 Ajdla JAKUBOWICZ 36 CejwaSZMOLEWICZ 34 Marya GIERTNER 32 Szandla Ruchla WISLICKA 25 Perla? Laja ERTMAN? 30 Mindla GOWARCZOWSKA 22 Sura JAKUBOWICZ 19 Cywia RAFALOWICZ 29 Ruchla EJZELMAN 29 GoldaltaWAJSBLAD? 40 Tauba WROBLEWSKA 28 Nacha KORENBLUM 23 DynaPAPŒRNIK 29 Brandla [Bina] BORUSZKOW 37 LajaELIASZEWICZ 32 Ruchla Laja GLK 42 Brandla SZABELAK 49 Hawa EJZENBERG 19 Perla RAFALOWICZ 25 Marya BLUM 45 [Malka Hudes] WINER 47 RyfkaDYJAMENT 35 Malka PRZYSUSKA 34 HanaSOKOLOWSKA 36 Liba ANKLEWICZ 34 Gitla JURKIEWICZ 19 SuraRYCHTER 36 Perla FAJNER 33 LajaPROMNICKA 32 Marya TENENBAUM 25 Ita OKSENBERG 26 Hana Malka GROBSZTAJN 37 Mirla WAJSMAN 34 Frajdla ŒERSZONOWICZ 42 Dwojra HERSZBERG [53] Jochwet RUBINSZTAJN 21 Ester KUCZYNSKA 32 ZyslaROZENFELD 23 Ruchla JAKUBOWICZ 30 Ryfka GOWARCZEWSKA 40 SuraWAJSBLACH 24 Idesa ROZENFELD 23 Ruchla JAKUBOWICZ 40 Tauba BORENSZTAJN 38 Bina GRUBSZTAJN 29 Hana JURKIEWICZ 24 HindaRajzlaLEWJN 36 21 21 19 36 25 29 25 26 33 29 26 31 28 36 24 21 22 34 27 21 34 29 35 37 40 27 36 35 28 36 25 29 21 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 20 26 26 K 36 26 35 27 22 24 30 33 19 24 36 34 36 32 32 30 18 22 28 28 26 27 36 32 30 [52] 20 31 22 25 K K K K K K K K K K wieé Blaszkôw K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 40 K 23 K 21 K 26 K 36 K 30 K 24 K 58 Kieke-Radom SIG 93 BERGIE R Simsia 94 MORTKOWIC Z Szapsia 95 SKURK A Emanuel 96 FIGLARCZI K Herszek? Zelman 97 BERLINSK A FrajdlaPesla 98 JURKffiWIC Z Laja 99 JAKUBOWIC Z Emanuel 100 CEDE R MaryaBrandla 101 SENDROWIC Z Enta 102 LENGA ? Jakob Icek 103 STASZEWSK I Jankiel Haim 104 GIELCMA N Dawid 105 ANKLEWIC Z Szmul 106 PROMNICK I Abram 107 LICHTENSZTAJ N Rywka 108 RAFALOWIC Z Gitla 109 LICHTENSZTAJ N Ruchla Laja Jankiel Dawid 110 GRYNSZPA N HanaZysla 111 GRUBSZTAJ N HanaDwojra 112 KUCZINSK A 113 HULA K Icek Jankiel 114 ROZE N 115 ROZENKRAN C Icek 116 ROTMA N AltaCymla Brandla 117 KALEZE R Ruchla 118 GINCBER G Ruchla 119 ZLOTNICK A Jakob Mendel 120 RUBINE K Pinkus 121 RAFALOWIC Z Sura Fajga 122 ROZENFAR B Iser 123 RAFALOWIC Z HajaSura 124 FEL D Ester 125 WELTMA N 126 NIEPAMIENTN Y Emanuel Sura 127 OPATOWSK A Icek 128 ROZENCWAJ G Hana 129 WAJSLI C Izrael Szlama 130 LEWKOWIC Z Herszelldel 131 FRB Z Cyrla 132 WYROBE K Josek 133 SZWAR C Icek 134 NIEDZWIED Z Szmul 135 NAJGENBAU R Haja 136 HILEROWIC Z DydieHejnoch 137 BERGIE R Dawid Szlama 138 LERE R Jachet 139 ROZENFAR B Haja Ruchla 140 SAPIE R Berek 141 ZELKE R Zelman 142 WENI G Icek 143 BAN D 1875,1876 Not microfilmed 1877 1 GU T Rywka 2 G1ERTNE R HanaSzandla 3 EJZENBER G Etla? 4 REWIZORSK I Gabriel 5 EJZENBER G Zelik Abram 6 WELTMA N Rojza Frymet 7 ROZE N Arya 8 WELTMA N Haskiel 9 BYWALSK 3 Herszek Lejbus 10 HENCINSK I HilerGdala 11 JAKUBOWIC Z Ester 12 KENI G Laja 13 RAFALOWIC Z Zysla 14 fflLEROWICZ Sura 15 SAPIE R Hana 16 SOLAR Z Josek Haim 17 WIGDERSO N Mortka Ber 18 WYROBE K Jankiel 19 GRKZPA N Boruch 20 NIEDZWIED Z Lejbus Luzer Journal Volum e 7 , Number 2 Spring 200 3 Lejzor Mendel Szlama JosekLejb Lejbus Herszek Moszek Mortka Jankiel Noech Mortka Zajnwel Alter Aron Lejbus Jukiel Josek Boruch [Zuken] Abram Perec Boruch Mortka Herszek Izrael Ejzyk Haim [Icek] Michal Icek [Eliasz] Mortka Motel Hernia Mendel Zysman Berek Benjamin Haim Moszek Zelman Sucher Josek Lejzor Szaja Fajwel Dawid Haim Abram Szlama? [Fajwus] Alter ' Wolf Abram Binem Szmul Dawid 60 32 50 35 30 65 30 34 40 36 22 42 24 34 40 26 24 34 26 23 41 19 40 43 37 25 20 32 36 19 31 24 42 33 22 40 26 28 21 42 36 36 19 40 23 51 35 20 33 40 39 Hana WELTMAN Ita WAJNSZTAJN Idesa ROZENCWAJG LajaARONOWICZ Hana ZLOTOGURSKA Rajzla SOKOLOWSKA Ryfka JAKUBOWICZ Hana Malka FRYDMAN Ruchla Laja JAKUBOWICZ Rywka ORENBUCH Masia Sura EJZENBERG HanaWAKSMAN TemerrlaDZJENCINCZKA Ryfka JURKIEWICZ Hana KROCHMALNIK Frymet WISLICKA Ruchla RAJZMAN Ryfka OKSENBERG Dwojra Ester BLMDMAN Mirla IRLENDER Rojza KAPELUSZNIK Laja Blima LUMANOWICZ Fajga LEWKOWICZ Gitla Etla KREDOWICZ Ruchla Frajdla PIONTKOWSKA? Ruchla RAFALOWICZ HajaMILDMAN Fajga Bajla FRYDRYCH Dwojra Ester EPSZTAJN Liba EPSZTAJN Pesla GOLDBERG Ryflca JURKIEWICZ HendlaGOLD Szprinca GRONBERG Hana Fajga GUTERMAN Szprinca ZOMER Cyna ROZENCWAJG SzandlaDAJT? Ruchla EJZENBERG Rachla SALOMAN EsterFUKS BinaSAKOWSKA Glika LANGER Hawa GRYNBERG? Haja Sura RUBINEK HenaLANDOW Ester PETLA Hwala PRZYSUSKA [Hana] Mirla CALKA Sura [Cyrla] BORUSZEK Rojza ANSLOWICZ 35 28 36 20 30 35 30 23 25 27 22 38 26 33 40 26 26 33 26 36 36 17 35 42 30 23 21 31 35 19 28 24 24 28 20 24 24 30 20 29 35 35 23 22 21 28 29 22 29 39 20 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K [Rubin] Sucher Berek Aron Wolf[Lejb] WolfKiwa Mendel Herszek Berek Towie Szmul Cyna Gutman Lejbus Abram Abram Haskiel Pinkus Szaja Herszel Dawid 31 29 22 36 20 43 21 36 36 44 30 24 26 40 21 19 20 47 40 41 Rajzla POZNANSKA Rywka ZLOTOGURSKA Zelda LEJBUSEWICZ Rajzla KILSZTAJN Alta WAJSLIC Rojza Frymet ZALUSKA Laja [Blima] LITMANOWICZ HendlaGOLD TaubaBLAT Bina PRZYSUSKA Szandla MOSZKOWICZ Ester NIEPAMIENTNY Hinda Rajzla LEJWA?? HawaROTBERG Hwala PRZYSUSKA Blima RUBINEK HanaBLAT Ruchla SALOMON Ester LIGIER BinaSAKOWSKA 26 27 [18] 22 18 38 21 26 22 40 20 24? 27 28 20 19 18 34 35 40 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Spring 2003 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ZYMLER EJZENBERG NTTKA ZLOTOGURSKI ROZENCWAJG LEJBUSOWICZ DANCIGER MILSZTAJN POZNANSKI BYWALSKA OKSENBERG JAKUBOWICZ/ 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 SENDROWICZ Naitula Szapsia Mortka Moszek Brandla Kopel HilerGdala Hendla Gerszon Michal Dyna Laja Abram Icek MajerKiwa Abram Nuta Perec DOMBROWSM Naftula ROZENFARB Izrael Hejnoch EJZENBERG Jukiel HDLEROWICZ Jukiel Dawid Fajga TENENBAUM ZELKEER Haja WICENTOWSK3 Mortka Wolf HENCEVSKA Ruchla ZOMER Cyrla HERSZKOWICZ Frymet Cywia WENK Ester KURCBART ZYNGER Lejzor Monach Gi'tla PODCINGIEL? SZWARC[BERG] Nusyn Rojzla GUT LERMAN Dawid fflLEROWICZ Mortka Dawid MILDMAN Haim Josek FRYDBERG Uszer Jankiel Pinkus BERLINSKI SKURKA Szmul Jankiel Lejbus KADYSZON Bina LERER Matys LBVTCHAM LEJBUSOWICZ Emanuel MARKOWICZ Haim Fajgla ANKLEWICZ KOZLOWSKA Marya MARMUR Dawid OKSENBERG Alta Rojza GELCMAN Sura Hinda KONIG Marya KOSCUSZKO? Ester Hana Laja GRINSZPAN ROZENFARB Ruchla ZAND Szmul ZELEKOWICZ Gdala TAJTELBAUM Laja Icek Dawid WAJSMAN BORYCKI Rubin Josek RAFALOWICZ Szmul Perec Motel? KRAUZ Szlama KRAUZ ZYNGER Boruch Nusyn Manel SZYJOWICZ ZLOTOGURSKI Gutman CWAJG Fajga Rywka Curtla ORENBUCH GROSWURCEL Moszek? Icek Aron EPSZTAJN Sura GRUNDMAN Daniel WAJNRAJCH KOTLARCZYK Herszek Berek HAMER Cala CALKA EPSZTAJN Badzia? Sura Frajda LANGER RAJCHKIND Izrael KAC 59 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 Nusyn Wolf Aba [Abram] Abram Jukiel Haim Icek Szlama Szmul Aron Alter Nusyn Aron 41 30 21 34 51? 29 32 26 22 24 24 19 LajaELIASZOWICZ Laja OKSENBERG Ester KRONENBERG DynaPAPIERNIK Ruchla Laja FRYSZ PessaZELIKOWICZ PeslaRAJSMAN Sura JAKUBOWICZ Gitla GOLDBERG Frymet HJLEROWICZ HanaWENTK Sura Rywka SENDROWICZ Jankiel 43 Ruchla Laja SENDROWICZ Dawid 31 Rywka Laja MAJEROWICZ Wolf 20 MalkaROTMAN Aron Szmul 19 Ester Rywka POZNANSKA Jukiel d? HawaRUBINSZTAJN Szmul 20 Marya JURKIEWICZ Herszel 35 KruzaGOLD Benjamin 33 Hana Mirla CALKA Josek? Haim 25 Brandla TENENBAUM Moszek 33 HwalaWISLICKA Izrael 29 Perla KUPERSZMIT Josek 42 TaubaWROBLEWSKA Michal 36 HanaSOKOLOWSKA [Lejzor] Herszel 22 LajaDEMBESrSKA Josek 22 CurklaWODOWSKA? Abram 23 Rajzla Szajow Lejzor 46 Ruchla Gercow Pinkus 40 Rojza [Ita] OKSENBERG Motel 40 Liba JAKUBOWICZ Benjamin 43 Mirla WASJMAN Icek Jankiel 19 Haja ORENBUCH Mortka 21 Marya ROZENFELD Lejbus 30 HanaZLOTOGURSKA Gdala 28 CzamaJURKlEWICZ Efroim 19 Szandla RAFALOWICZ Alter 33 HanaLANDOW Sucher 27 Rywka JURKIEWICZ Jankiel 29 Marya GRUBSZTAJN Jakob Majer 24 Hana RAFALOWICZ Josek 25 Marya BLUM Icek Jakob 24 Sura Itka ROZENCWAJG Lejbus 38 Ester WAJSMAN Zysman Lejbus 37 Zelda ORENBUCH Zajwel 45 HanaWAKSMAN Szlama 45 TaubaBORENSZTAJN Lejzor 40 Sura GOLD Zukind? [Boruch] 38 Ryfka OKSENBERG Wolf 37 Ester PELTZ Haim 34 Szandla [Rywka] SAKOWSKA? [Dawid] Mendel 35 Ruchla Laja GLK Fajwel 33 Sura GOLDBERG Aba 19 Ruchla [Hana] WAJSMAN Mortka 25 HanaFIZICKA Mendel 34 Pessa GOLDBERG Berek 48 GnendlaAPEL Berek 48 GnendlaAPEL Dawid Tobie 40 HanaRYOER Berek 25 Ruchla JAKUBOWICZ Dawid 25 Temerla CJEPIELOWSKA Herszek 56 Sura Matla PFEFERBAUM Szlama 21 Haja RAFALOWICZ Mortka 21 Frymet OBERZANSKA Abram Haim 19 Ita Laja BIRENCWAJG Icek 21 Hana GRUNDMAN Motel 42 Ester Gitla FABIAN Sucher 19 Hwala JURKIEWICZ Matys 20 HanaFERSZTER Boruch 30 Rywka LINDCHAIM Sucher 38 SuraWISLICKA Fajwel [Litman] 30 MindlaMIODOWICZ Emanuel 34 Rywka ZYNGIER 25 24 21 33 36 26 K K K K K K 23 19 20 22 21 K K K K K . K 38 K 28 K 19 K 17 K 33 wies i Walôw? 20 K 24 K 32 K 24 K 32 K 30 K 36 K 36 K 20 K 19 K 20 K 30 K 42 K 38 K 40 K 18 K 19 K 30 K 30 K 19 K 32 K 22 K 26 K 23 K 30 K 20 K 38 K 37 K 40 K 33 K 40 K 36 K 30 K 30 K 25 K 32 K 18 K 21 K 34 K 38 K 38 K 41 K 24 K 24 K 30 K 20 K 19 K 19 K 20 K 32 K 22 K 20 K 30 K 30 K 34 K 29 K ou Kielce •-KadomSIUJoi irnal Volume 7, Number 2 ZLOTOGURSKA JAKUBOWICZ ROZENKRANC GRUNDMAN LIGffiR 99 LIGEER 100 SENDROWICZ 101 HENCINSKA 102 RAJSFELD 103 RAFALOWICZ 104 MARKOWICZ 105 NAPASZTEK 106 ZLOTOGURSKI 107 SOSNOWSKA 108 ZEVGER 109 RUBIN 110 JAKUBOWICZ 111 HALBERSZTAT 112 TENENBAUM 113 ZLOTOGURSKI 114 HEN1K 115 KALKZER 116 ZAJDENSZM1R 117 MIEDZIOGURSKI 118 SZTARKMAN 119 SZMEDRA 120 BORUCHOWICZ 121 CEMERMAN 122 WAJNRAJTER 1STo Gitia Herszek Josek Cerla Wolf Hwala Hinda Zyla Jankiel Dawid Hudesa Hena Malka Dawid Hejnoch Dawid HU Abram Icek Dwojra Laja Here Naftula Herszek Blima Hersz Majer Lejzor Litman Moszek Lejbus Szyja Mendel Fajwel Kadys Moszek Mânes Jankiel Dawid Marya Ruchla Lejbus Rafal Icek Haskiel Josek Zysman Szaja Jojne Josek Szymon Icek Herszek Szymon Dawid Haim Icek Lejzor Jonas? Majer Berek Aron Jankiel Aron Lejbus 32 Marya Dwojra SWDENTALSKA 36 SoraFALSZTAJN 40 HajaFajgaLEWKOWICZ 29 Dwojra ULMAN 31 Malka KUPER 31 Malka KUPER 45 Dwojra OBERMAN 26 RyfkaHENCINSKA 31 Sora ZLOTOGURSKA 29 FrymetWISLICKA 22 Ruchla ZLOTOGURSKA 20 Ruchla MANOWICZ 25 Malka FRAJSZTAT 22 Dyna CWAJG 19 SoraRojzaFRENKEL 19 Marya ROZENFELD 19 Sora Rywka ROTBERG 31 Bina RAFALOWICZ 28 Machela RUBINEK 44 Ajdla KREDOWICZ 30 Hena Malka GRUBSZTAJN 39 Ruchla PIONTKOWSKA 31 Ester ZLOTOWICZ 28 Haja [Rojza] ROZENFARB? 56 Tauba GOLDBERG? 31 Pessa GRUNDMAN 26 Fajga Dwojra RODAL 24 Ruchla SWBENTALSKA? 29 HenaHERSKOWICZ C 21 KAKREDOWICZ 3 ROZEN 4 MBLDMAN 5 WAGMAN 6 MARGULES 7 GOLD 8 LIBERMAN 9 FERSZTER 10 ERLENDER? 11 KENIG? 12 ROZENKRANC 13 ZOMMER 14 KOCZINSKI 15 ZLOTOGURSKI 16 ROZENBERG 17 POZNANTYN 18 WARGON 19 ICKOWICZ 20 SANKOWICZ 21 MACHOROWSKI 22 GRUNDMAN 23 ROTMAN 24 CEDER 25 CWAJG 26 ERNER 27 KRAJKA? 28 WAGMAN 29 TENENBAUM 30 SZTARKMAN 31 CEDER 32 BERLINSK3 33 PELTA 34 BIRBAUM 35 CUKER 36 DAWIDOWICZ 37 EJZENBERG 38 BIRENCWAIG 39 MANELA 40 RODAL 41 BORUCHOWICZ 42 SZAJOWICZ? 43 MORTKOWICZ Haim Josek Dawid Berek Josek Dyna Icek Josek Gecel Temerela RajzlaEtla Hana Rajza Abram Basia Jakob Maier Cypoira Jakob Dawid Wulf Aron Hejnoch Hinda Abram Beer Basia Hercek Sender GdalaHiler Machela Laja Faiga Cyrla Sora Marya Brandla Dawid Hendla Laja Aron Mendel Jakob Dawid Haskel Marya Ruchla Hana Hawa Berek Rywka Malka Jerla Gitia Maier Rywen Raszka Jankiel Dawid Aron Joel? Mendel Mosiek Izrael Abram Icek Boruch Eliasz Lewek Moszek Majlech Josek WolfLajb Lejbus Dawid Szaja Szmul Zelman Jakob Moszek [Jakob] Perenc Szlama Herszek Icek Abram Mosiek Szlama Fiszel Berek Moszek Icek Dawid [Towie] Mortka Fiszel Icek WolfBer Abram Jakob Icek Noech Joine Herszek [Szaja] Sandel Herszek Herszek Mendel 26 ItaLajaMAJEROWICZ 45 Golda Blima PIK? 29 Bina GRUNDMAN 42 Bajla Mirla ROZENFARB 21 Fajga JAKOBOWICZ 23 Rywka ROTENBERG 28 Gitia ROZENCWAJG 36 Dwojra GRUNDMAN 39 FajglaDZEWINSKA? 26 Mirla HAZEN 35 Haia Ester CALKA 32 Haia Brucha ROZENKRANC 36 Fajga Dwojra ZLOTOGURSKA 40 Brandla DOMBEK? 39 Laia Malka CYNA 22 Perla RAFALOWICZ 51 WittaBORENSZTAJN 20 Dobra Pessa GRAJNKA? 22 Kajla Ester SZPERLJNG 28 Ruchla ORENBUCH 76 Sura Hana SZYNKARSKA 57 Haia Ester DANCYGER 39 Ester SZTAJGMAN ZALCBERG 34 Jenta GIERSZONOWICZ 33 Ruchla EJZENBERG 33 Sura Laia FRYSZ 31 Szprinca? WICENTOWSKA 32 Ester Blima BLINDER 40 PeslaKrandlaTURKO 22 Dwojra Hwala EJZENBERG 38 HanaFRYDMAN 54? LaiaWAJNTRAB 61 Golda WAKSMAN 28 SuraSPIRA 41 Mirla KENIK 45 Rywka GOWARCZOWSKA 21 Ita RAFALOWICZ 23 Szandla ROZENBERG? 28 Nacha Hudes RODAL 26 Dwojra BERKOWICZ 21 Nacha LISOPRAWSKA 23 Gitia Uszerow 37 ItaWAJNSZTAJN 94 95 96 97 98 13/o Szaja Aron Izrael Luzer Sucher Sucher Abram Lejzor Jankiel Jukiel Hil Spring 2003 31 35 36 28 30 30 33 30 21 26 21 18 24 20 19 18 19 28 22 43 28 30 29 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 26 28 wies Stary Myn 27 K 24 K 23 K 32 K 24 32 27 40 20 25 27 34 20 24 34 22 35 38 38 21 35 20 23 26 K K K K K K K K K K K K K wieé Naleczôw K K K K wieé Kamien? K 28 K 35 K 25 K 33 K 28 K 30 K 23 K 20 K 23 K 21 K 20 K 40 K 36 K 29 K 38 29 19 25 27 27 20 K K K K K K K 29 K 18 K 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 PANK PRZEBORSKA SZAJNFELD GRUBSZTAJN HENIK MIEDOWICZ? HULAK BERGBER OKSENBERG BAND TURKO ORZECHOWSKA ZLOTOWICZ ZALUSKI MLYNARSKI OBARZANSKA EJZENBERG ORENBUCH BYWALSKI GELBART WAJSMAN? ZYNGER BYWALSKI LIGIER ROZENFARB LICHTENSZTAJN ZELBERBERG FELD ZAJDWERGER ROZENCWAJG WELTMAN MILSZTAJN SOKOLOWSKA JAKUBOWICZ EPSZTAJN BEER FUKS APEL WARGON GLK? ROZENTAL SZTXTCBERG? KURCBART RAJSMAN RUB1NEK? BIRENCWAJG ARONOWICZ FRBZ WAJSMAN KRIGER POSTAKEWICZ ROZENCHABM WAKSMAN WAJSLIC GRUNDMAN RODAL WAJSMAN GOLD WIERZCHOWSKA GINCBERG SENDROWICZ FUKS EJZENBERG FELD ROZENCWAJG SYMCHOWICZ RAFALOWICZ APEL GRUNDMAN FUKS ZILBERSZTAJN ROZENBERG SAPIER JURKEWICZ 61 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 Spring 2003 Aba Szandla Ruchla Laja Jankiel Emanuel Ester Dawid Curtla LaiaRikla Szmerel Jochwet Malka Haia Rywka Nusyn Szlama Mirla Mendel Dawid Marya Icek Haim Josek Marya Rajzla Brona Perec Icek Hana Hendla Haim Josek? Lejbus Pinkus Josek Ester Berek Rajzla Mortka Szaja Josek Rywka Haja Sura Motel Kalman Widgor FroimWolf Abram Perec Luzer Judka Haim Szachma [Fajwus] Josek Lejbus Dawid Lejbus Boruch Szaja Hil Josek Lejbus Abram Berek Aba Aba Rachmiel Aron Szmul Abram Towie Moszek Szmul Josek Berek Zysman Gerszon Zelman Mendel Herszek Abram Abram Sucher Icek Mortka Moszek Abram Szaja Zachariasz Abram [Icek] Josek Ruchla Laja Sucher Ber Szmul Binem Michal Nacha Szlama Hendla Mendel HilerGdala Icek Berek Wulf Eliasz Mortka Icek Herszek Berek Lejzor Lejzor Berek Bajla Benjamin Icek Josek Jukiel Majer Hudesa Izrael Rywka Moszek Berek Bina Sucher Hana Hiler Moszek Jankel Szmul Benjamin Siapsia Szandla? Ita Boruch Szmul Ester Fajgla Dwojra Mirla Michal Herszel Mendel Moszek Beniamin Szmul Wulf WolfKiwa Pessa Abram Zelman Fajga Laia Moszek Lejb Icek Binem Abram Giecel Hana Ides Abram Judka Szimon Zelik Jankiel Mendel Kiwa Haim [Szlama] Dawid Fiszel? Icek Maier Szaja Rajza Abram Gitla Icek 36 50 25 33 41 34? 34 26 33 25 43 28 43 32 24 28 51 45 30 40 22 23 21 26 26 28 25 27 24 42 34 34 36 23 40 21 36 30 22 40 23 33 24 36 26 39 26 29 28 56 36 26 33 24 24 50 28 29 30 36 19 42 33 28 34 35 30 35 29 21 23 22 29 Sora Rywka WICENTOWSKA Sura Marya SOKOLOWSKA Ester Hana KOCZYNSKA Dwojra Ester BINDMAN? Ester [Ita] DUTKEWICZ Marya TENENBAUM HaiaSZWARCFUTER Haia Sora RUBMEK Frajdla GERSZONOWICZ RojzaANSZLOWICZ? MindlaZLOTOGURSKA Ita OKSENBERG SuraWAJSBLACH Ester JochetLlNCHAJM? Laja GOLD ItaFULBERG Hana? Ester SZMEJLER? RaszkaNIEMIEC Ajdla JAKUBOWICZ? Rywka [Dwojra] TURKA Sura Rywka SWŒNTALSKA TaubaBLAT Rochla JURKEWICZ Marya SZWARC Ruchla RAJSMAN Gitla RAJSMAN Rywka JURKEWICZ HawaREWKORSKA Szprinca? ZOMER Haja Bajla DynaROZEN Masia?KUPER Mirla NIEDZJWIEDZ Gitla Rywka ZALUSKA ZeldaWIELGOSKA? Bajla WICENTOWSKA Ester Rachel SOBOL Perla [Laia] EJZENBERG Rajzla GLK. Fajga CALKA Hana EJZENBERG Basia JAKUBOWICZ BrandlaRUBINOWICZ Fajgla Bajla FRYDRYCK HanaFRYDENBERG? Ester Malka MACHOROWSKA Ruchla EJZENBERG Gitla KAPELUSZNIK [Sura] Hana ROZENBERG Gitla KISLEWICZ Bajla RUBINEK? Gitla GOLDBERG Cyna ROZENCWAJG Ester Laia LEWKOWICZ Ita RODAL Laia EJZENBERG Hana Golda PRZYSUSKA Laia Hendla CIECIOR Ruchla RAFALOWICZ Haia Ester HJLEROWICZ HanaANKTER Alta Jochwet WAJSLIC LaiaSAKOWSKA Haja Hana TAJTELBAUM Fajga Laia PAPBERNIK Pessa Krandla USZEROWICZ Dwojra DYJAMENT Rachla GRUNDMAN Haia Ester SENDROWICZ CynaKRONENBLUM Perla RAFALOWICZ Hwala PRZYSUSKA SoraKROCHMALNIK 28 K 44 K 25 wieS Dyszôw?, K 30 34 31 22 25 31 23 42 21 40 32 K K K K K K K K K K K 20 wieé Staporkôw, K 28 K 32 K 45 K 30 K 39 K 24 K 23 K 20 K 24 K 25 K 27 K 23 K 26 K 23? K 22 K 20 K 37 K 33 K 30 K 22 K 40 K 21 K 34 K 28 K 20 K 40 K 23 K 28 K 20 K 37 K 22 K 36 K 26 K 24 K 26 K 38 K 25 K 24 K 28 K 19 K 21 K 30 K 26 K 20 K 28 K 35 K 28 K 19 K 28 K 30 K 28 K 36 K 30 33 19 19 23 25? 28 wieâ Blaszkôw K K K K K K 62 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 SWIENTALSKA JURKEWICZ KAC OKSENBERG SOLARZ SAKOWSKA ZYSMAN KUPER ORENBACH HAZEN ZYLBERSZTAJN Ruchla Rajza Szmul Haskel Mosek Laja Mosiek Maier Hawa Jakob Dawid Laja Szandla Szlama Abram Szlama Szmul Zelik Lewek Dawid Haskiel Abram Berek Szlama Szlama Gerszon Mendel 40 27 27 28 22 36 32 28 22 19 20 Laia FULBERT Fajga BRANICKA Haia Frymet ZLOTOGURSKA Hana HILEROWICZ BlimaRUBINEK Sora EJZENBERG [Haja]LaiaSPIRA EntlaWAJSMAN Haia RAFALOWICZ HaiaTaubaKORENBLUM Ester ORENBACH 39 35 24 27 20 30 28 24 22 [19] 18 Haim Aba Berek Mordka Izrael Aron Szmul Moszek Berek Rachmiel Szmul Dawid Berek Abram Rachmiel Zajwel Eliasz Berek Moszek Szmul Zajwel Izrael Berek Cyna Wolf Dawid Jankiel Mendel Hernia Abram Josek Majer Jankiel Nusym Kiwa Herszek Szaja Szmul Hil Herszek Dawid Towie Mortka Moszek Jankiel Hersz Mortka Josek Beniamin Abram WolfLejb WolfLejb Jankiel Berek Szaja Joine Josek Rachmiel Gdala Moszek Moszek Symcha Haim Lejbus Beniamin Majer Jankiel Dawid Berek Luzor Wolf 36 35 23 40 24 24 33 38 34 28 24 29 43 48 21 30 36 24 35 35 33 20 28 37 24 36 25 34 26 43 31 24 25 33 23 22 41 41? 39 37 67 33 33 23 43 20 40 34 30 38 24 19 33 36 42 60 33 42 28 66 23 DwojraEPSZTAJN Cymla SAKOWSKA Cywia RAFALOWICZ Rajza KAPELUSZNIK Bina RAFALOWICZ Gitla GOLDBERG FajglaZAJAC? SuraRywkaKOCZYNSKA HanaOBARZANEK RywkaLaiaMAJEROWICZ Haia SAKOWSKA HanaREWEORSKA Hawa ARONOWICZ HanaWAKSMAN Perla RAFALOWICZ Ruchla JAKUBOWICZ Gitla MINC LibaLUBJNSKA Fajga GOLDBERG HudesaPRUSSA? Szandla MOSZKOWICZ Rojza MENDELSON SuraSENDROWICZ LaiaPROMNICKA LibaEPSZTAJN DynaPAPIERNIK Hana RAFALOWICZ Hana SWIENTALSKA SoraWISLICKA Szandla ORENBUCH HanaBIRENCWAJG Ester SPIRYTUS Rywka EJZENBERG SoraHANDELSMAN Dwojra [Hwala] EJZENBERG Frymet OBARZANSKA MalkaPRZSUSKA? LaiaMindlaPINKUSEWICZ Fajga Laia SZAMPANER Haia Szprinca TENENBAUM Tema POZNANSKA CynaFELD CynaFELD Ester ZAND HendaGOLD Rojza [Sura] FRENKJEL Laia ARONOWICZ Brandla SKORKA CzamaJURKIEWICZ Hwala WISLICKA Frymet CALKA HanaMENTLIK Rojza ABRAMSON Ester WAJSMAN Mirla WAJSMAN MalkaHERSZKOWICZ SoraZLOTOGORSKA Bina SAKOWSKA Frymet Fajgla[Laia]GOLDSZTAJN Malka ROTMAN 35 34 23 36 21 24 35 37 30 26 19 22 38 45 19 29 35 22 34 34 22 19 28 34 24 34 21 33 22 21 28 21 25 28 22 22 40 40 40 35 40 33 33 27 37 20 25 33 30 36 24 20 26 34 40 30 25 42 28 21? 22 1879 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 RAFALOWICZ Dawid GR1NSZPAN Bajla Hendla GOLD Lejbus HULAK Michal SZEPS Herszek POZNANSKI Icek Abram ROZEN Zukin WEVCENTOWSKA Laja POZNANSKA Etla KAC Rachla HENCINSKI Izrael GOLDBERG Jakob Lajb LKOPRAWSKI Zelman GELCMAN Josek BIALER Ruchla SZYJOWICZ Szandla EJZENBERG Hersz Mendel LEWKOWICZ Hersz Lajb KUZJNSKI? Moszek MIEDZIOGURSKA Hawa? JAKUBOWICZ Frymet OBARZANSKI Mordka JUDKOWICZ Idela? ARONOWICZ Abram ROZENFARB Aria Lejbus ZLOTOGURSKI Nusym MARKOWICZ Icek KUPER Brona BLUM Icek SZAJN Moszek Jankiel HENIK Haim KUCZYNSKI Jakob Icek POSTAKEWICZ Ruchla RUDOWSKI Moszek Nuta SZTARKMAN Rachmil Haim GROSWORCEL Ruchla HENCINSKI Jochwet Ruchla MENDELSON Mordka? WAJNRAJB HajaGitla NIEPAMIENTNY Szaja KAC Moszek KURCBART Herszek KURCBART Fajga Ides GRUBSZTAJN Sura Brandla WELTMAN Boruch ZYNGER Hana Ruchla FIDLARCZYK Aron OTREMBESKI Szmul SKURKA Dawid HENCINSKA Hanna RUSINDK Izrael Lejbus LEJZEROWICZ Sender RAFALOWICZ Haim? MARMUR Icek HILEROWICZ Sura Frymet BINSZTOK Gerszen Kalman RAJSFELD Alter Eliasz N1EDZWIEDZ Jochwet BYWALSKI Perec ROTMAN Maier Mendel DOMBROWSKA Rajzla Spring 2003 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K wies" Naleczôw K K K K K K K K K vneé Dzibaltôw wieS Janôw K K K K K K K K K K K K wieS Naleczôw K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Spring 2003 62 KADYS Z 63 WAJSMA N 64 BAN D 65 TURK O 66 EJZENBER G 67 WYROBEK ? 68 HENCINSK T 69 OBARZANSK I 70 TENENBAU M 71 EJZENBER G 72 WAJSMA N 73 CALK A 74 GIERSZONOWICZ 75 LUBLINSK T 76 KURCBAR T 77 FUK S 78 BACZINSK I 79 HERENSZTA T 80 JAKUBOWIC Z 81 EJZENBER G 82 WARD A 83 WYROBE K 84 ZNAJCME K 85 BERLINE R 86 WROBLEWSK I 87 RAFALOWIC Z 88 JAKUBOWIC Z 89 FERSZTE R 90 FRENKIE L 91 RAFALOWIC Z 92 ZELKE R 93 GRISZPAN ? 94 OKSENBER G 95 ROZE N 96 RODA L 97 WEBE R 98 BERAN D 99 MANEL A 100 HILEROWIC Z 101 CYN A 102 FRIDMA N 103 SZAMPAN1ER ? 104 BLU M 105 ROZENFEL D 106 ZBMLE R 107 JUDKOWIC Z 108 LEWKOWIC Z 1880 1 KREP S 2 JAKUBOWICZ ? 3 SUCHECKA ? 4 SENDROWIC Z 5 SZWARCFUTE R 6 KENI K 7 OKSENBER G 8 CBEPIELOWSK I 9 KOTLARCZI K 10 LICHTENSZTAJ N 11 FROME R 12 ROZENCWAJ G 13 GROSFEL D 14 WAK S 15 ROZENKRAN C 16 SOSNOWSK I 17 GRINSZPA N 18 ZLOTOGURSK A 19 EJZENBER G 20 LEWKOWIC Z 21 HJRS Z 22 HILEROWIC Z 23 RAJZMA N 24 FERSZTE R 25 RUBINOWIC Z 63 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 Haja Sora Laja Motel Jakob Aron Luzer Nuta Perec Zelman Moszek Etla Haja Blima Aron Jojne? Icek Moszek Ankiel Haja Zeiik Bentcia? Szmerek Szmul Zajwel Haim Herszek Haja Hawa Fajga Haja Bajla Haim Fajga Abram Aaron Rajza Fajga Zlota Laia Dawid Szmul Jankiel Uszer Gitla Josek Lejbus Szlama Moszek Aron Laja Ita Icek Sura Hana Sura Maria Sura Maria Szandla Gifla Fajga Abram Icek Fajga Haskel? Icek Mendel Lejbus Beniamin Herszek Nusym Majer Herszek Szmul Abram Herszel Mendel Herszek Abram Ide Majer Mordka Wolf Josek Szaja Mendel Nusyn Naftula Pinkus Fajwel 21 Szajdla RAFALOWICZ 33 Perla FAIN 22 LibaWELTMAN 19 Hinda?CWAJG 34 Laia OKSENBERG 34 LaiaKAC 21 Brandla TENENBAUM 27 LaiaROZENFARB 30 MachelaRUBINEK? 26 Zelda ZELIKOWICZ 22 Hana Ruchla WAJSMAN 27 Sura JAKUBOWICZ 21 Cyrla Cywia TENENBAUM 38 MaryaGIERTLER 23 LajaDEMBINSKA 22 IdesaBAND 32 Szandla EPSZTAJN? 36 Brandla Basia SZABELAK 21 Sora Rywka GROSBERG 41 HaiaWARGON 50 Pessa Liba RUBESfSZTAJN 47 Ruchla WYROBKA? 30 RajzlaCYMERMAN 30 Pessa GRUNDMAN 27 Matla EJZENBERG 30 FrymetWISLICKA 26 Jochwet ZYLBERBERG . HaiaFERSTER 19 HawaGOLDSZTAJN 29 HindaLEJWA 34 [Hana] Mirla CALKA 36 Ester LIGUER 28 HanaWENJK 22 Laia Blima LUMANOWICZ 24 Ita RODAL 19 Ester SENDROWICZ 20 Zysla TENENBAUM 30 NachaHudes RODAL 42 HawaROTENBERG 21 RojzaZLOTOGORSKA 19 Rywka FRENKEL 19 Ryfka FRENKEL 21 Ruchla RUSINEK 20 Rajzla RAFALOWICZ 36 LaiaELIASZEWICZ 34 MindaZLOTOGORSKA 30 HaiaLaiaWELTMAN Alter Izrael Cyrla? Hana Perla Perec? Szimsa Moszek Majer Moszek Nusyn Lejbus Lejbus Gitla Haja Henda Laja Berek Szlama Icek Hwala Dyna Aron Lejbus Gitla Zelda Bajla Ryfka Icek Dawid Rywa Laja Jankiel Dawid Ester Alta Hendla Sucher Aron Lejbus Jankiel Izrael Szlama Zysman Lejzor Sucher Josek Abram Szmul Jakob Pinkus Dawid Icek/Josek? Zysman Ziskind? Boruch Dawid Szajmich? Herszek Sucher Jukiel Icek Lejbus Abram Haim 20 21 ? 40 31 42 38 28 22 30 19 20 31 39 35 26 40 41 23 37 29 22 25 44 30 Efraim Mortka Icek Jankiel Herszek Wolf Lejbus Szaja Szmul Herszek Aron Aba Eliasz WolfBejer Lejbus [Lejzor] Herszel Ejzik Icek Jojne Lejbus Szymon Jankiel Jankiel Szaja Mendel Izrael Mortka Zelman? Jukiel Mortka Haja Szifra TURKO Sura Ryfka SENDROWICZ RUDOWSKA Ruchla [Laja] SENDROWICZ Dwojra Laia BORUSCEK? Tauba BORENSZTAJN Ester JAKUBOWICZ Sura Perla ROZENCWAJG Hwala JURKEWICZ Ruchla RAJZMAN Hana Sora GffiZUNDCHAJT Ruchla GRUNDMAN HaiaBLMAN? Hendla GOLD Haja Brucha ROZENKRANC DynaCWAJG Ryfka OKSENBERG Laia Malka CYNA Fajga BERKOWICZ Ruchla SZYDKB3WICZ? Ester Malka WE JSMAN Hana GOLDBERG Brandla RUBINOWICZ Fajga DZJEWCIENSKA Brandla Bina BORUSZEK? 20 K 28? K 20 K 17 K 27 K 25 K 21 K 18 K 26 K 22 K 20 K 26 K 19 K 36 K 22 24 31 30 23 19 25 30 32 28 27 28 25 23 18 28 28 37 26 22 21 K K K K K wies Walôw? K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 20 K 20 K 28 K 26 . 22 K 19 K 19 K 20 K 18 K 31 K 32 K 28 K 19 K 22 K K 30 K 19 K 30 K 36 K 24 K 24 K 32 K 18 Nowo Radomsko 23 K 30 Radom 36 K [24] K 21 wieé Niewachlôw 42 K 38 K 22 K 26 K 23 21 22 20 28 K K K K Piotrkôw? 64 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65* 65* 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 tal Volume 7, Number 2 RUBINOWICZ FELD NIEPAMENTNY? EJZENBERG CALKA MOWSZOWICZ? GUTMAN WAGMAN GRUBSZTAJN DAWIDOWICZ ERNER ROZEN MARGULES CYMERMAN OBARZANEK RAFALOWICZ ANKLEWICZ SZWARCOG GRUNDMAN GRINBERG MONK KREDOWICZ SZAJOWICZ TAITELBAUM KROCHMALN1K LEJBUSOWICZ WELTMAN PANK ZYMLER JAKUBOWICZ HULAK ZLOTOGURSKI RAJZMAN ROZENBERG HENCINSKA EPSZTAJN ROZENCWAJG ROTENBERG SKURKA RAFALOWICZ WAJNRAJTER LEWENBERG JAKUBOWICZ JAKUBOWICZ WARGON ZLOTOGURSKI BERLINSKI ZALUSKA JAKUBOWICZ CEDER SENDROWICZ TENENBAUM ZYLBERSZTEJN MARKOWICZ LD3ERMAN REWIZORSKA BERLINSKA ZLOTOGURSKI LERMAN Faigla Icek Lejzor Mendel Herszek? Ruchla Mendel Ruchla Lejzor Haskiel Ester Zysla Wolf Sura Fajgla Rajzla Szandla Frimet Jakub Dawid Beniamin Abram Icek Nusem Szmul Izrael Dawid Rywka Josek Gitla Ester Fajga Abram Lejbus Szlama Haim Abram Icek Wolf Lejbus Machela Moszek Jankel Szlama Moszek Nacha Golda Hil Michel Liba Perla Etla Haja Laja Hana Frajdla Haja Frajda Cejwa? Froim Rywka Haim Hersz Moszek Mendel Sucher Berek Haja Idesa Haskel Dawid Mendel Laja Szmul Icek Hercek Josek Berek Bajla Laja Dwojra Berek Hawa Szprinca GUT GOLD Lejzor Icek Gdala ZELIGOWICZ ORENBACH Abram Icek MACHOROWSKI? Abram Moszek Zyndel BYWALSKI CEDER Brandla Rajzla? LENG? Szlama Hana Perla RUBINSZTAJN Icek Mendel WKZLICKI EJZENBERG Manela ZLOTOGURSKA Ruchla EJZENBERG Frymet Izrael Beer ZIOL? ROZENKRANC Ruchla Abram Haim Zysman Aron Szmul Kiwa Mendel Lejzor Gierszon Moszek Berek Abram Perec Icek Jankiel Szloma Mendel Abram Icek Aron Abram Izrael Icek Alter HaimLejb Luzer Izrael [Haim]Hil Aron Jojne? Herszek Fajwel Nusyn Dawid Jankiel Mendel Kalman Moszek Cyna Haim Dawid Moszek Haim Icek Luzer Abram [Haim] Zelman Sucher Rachmil Szlama Mordka Mendel Lejbus Izrael Moszek Herszek [Icek] Josek Josek Lejbus Hil Aron Jankiel Abram Herszek Haim Szlama Jakob Majer Ela Herszek Fiszel Zelman Motel Jankiel Boruch [Dawid] Mendel Szlama Mendel Aba Abram Noech Lejbus Abram Noech Szaja Abram Zelman Izrael 30 31 23 23 60 40 22 34 34 38 40 31 27 28 42 24 29 22 32 31 33 38 28 37 23 32 50 31 29 33 41 32 25 30 27 22 36 28 55 36 33 28 35 25 27 28 34 35 38 21 48 37 22 24 39 31 56 21 32 23 30 40 24 23 33 37 42 24 25 24 34 21 40 45 Brandla Bina BORUSZEK? Rywka JURKEWICZ Gitla BERGIER JochwetWAJSLIC Bajla PULOWSKA? Ester Gitla? HERSZKOWICZ Golda HENIK Ester Blima BLIND? Dwojra Ester BLINDMAN? Rywka GAWARZEWSKA? SuraLaiaFRISZ Bina GRUNDMAN Rywka ROTENBERG Ruchla SWIENTALSKA IdkaFULFERBERT Frymet GRMBAUM Temerla DZEENCIARSKA Haia Ester GRUNDMAN Dwojra GRUNDMAN ItaHawaOKSENBERG Ruchla [Laja] RODAL Golda Blima PIK? Gitla JAKUBOWICZ Sora GOLDBERG Frymet CALKA MaryaGROBSZTAJN Haia GOLD Sura Rywka WINCENTOWSKA AjdlaHAMOWICZ Szandla JOSKOWICZ HaiaSZFARCFUTER? Temerla CIEPIELOWSKA Ester Hana BLIMSZTAJN? EwaRUBMEK? Rywka HENCINSKA ItaLaiaBUŒNCWAJG Szprinca ZOLMER Haia Sura ROZENPER[L]? Idesa ROZENCWAJG Pessa GOLDBERG HaiaGERSZONOWICZ TaubaZYNGŒR Rywka JURKEWICZ HanaSYJOWICZ Perla Laia EJZENBERG Malka Hana [Sura] ZLOTOGORSKA Ester Jachwet LINTCHAIM Sura Fajga Laja KURCBART Dwojra Bajla OBERMAN KruzaGOLD CynaKRONENBLUM Hana RAFALOWICZ Pesla GRUNDMAN Frymet SZTEJNFELD? LajaWAJSBROT Frymet SZTEJNFELD Ruchla Laia RUTBERG Ruchla KILSZTAM Gitla ROZENCWAJG Ruchla Laia GLIK Haia RAFALOWICZ Ruchla ORZBUCH RaszkaNJJEMIEC Jenta GTERSZONOWICZ Rywka ORENBACH Haia Sora WINCENTOWSKA? Mirla ROZENCWAJG Ita RAFALOWICZ Marya Dwojra SWŒNTELSKA Hendla GRUNDMAN EntlaFRYSZ Fajgla LEWKOWICZ Spring 2003 28 29 20 21 28 20 21 24 32 31 30 28 27 25 31 22 30 22 32 25 32? 35 20 32 20 29 24 30 27 22 24 27 19 28 27 24 24 28 40 36 36 24 33? 24 27 26 34 35 37 22 36 26 20 22 30 19 39 19 34 22 30 26 24 29 40 36 40 20 23 22 31? 20 23 40 Piotrkôw? K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 100 KOTLARCZK 101 FUKS 102 LANGIER 103 HILEROWICZ 104 KURCBART 105 WIGDERSON 106 KAC 107 ROZENKRANC 108 GLIK 109 MANELA 110 ZOMMER 111 OKSENBERG 112 TENENBAUM 113 CWAJG 114 ROZENCWAJG 115 ORZECHOWSKI 116 ROZENBLAT 117 BOEM 118 LEWKOWICZ 119 REWICZORSKA? 120 JAKUBOWICZ 121 CEDER 122 OPATOWSK A lOCt loo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 GERSZONOWICZ SZEPS? SZYMCHOWICZ HOZEN BLUM RAFALOWICZ BERGEER TENENBAUM RAFALOWICZ ROZENBERG KAC SZINKARSKI? BIALER WAJSMAN TURKO MACHTYNGER KURCBART RODAL HILEROWICZ BIRENCWAJG WICENTOWSKA? SAKOWSKI JAKUBOWICZ LIGIER ZLOTOGURSKI GELCMAN KRUGER? MILSZTAJN EJZENBERG PROMNICKA ROZENCWAJG FRENKEL BAUM OKSENBERG GOLD GELCMAN SKURKA CYNGISER WARSZAWSKI ZLOTNICKI DOMBROWSKI JURKEWICZ WERTCHAIM MACHOROWSKI GOLDBERG DANCYGER ZYSMAN SZMULEWICZ JAKUBOWICZ 65 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 2 Spring 2003 Hil Rajzla Juda Pessa Liba Jakub Sapsia Szmul Zajnwel Szmul Herszl Rajzla? Zysla Josek Riwka Mirla Jankiel Szandla Dwojra Jochwet Aba Haim Nusyn? Moszek Ester Hana Dyna Jochwet Szlama Mirla Mortka Rachmiel Fajwel [Litman] Szmul [Aron] Lejzor Hersz Pinkus Wolf Lejb Szlama Sucher [Ber] Herszek Wolf Lejb Haskiel Moszek Herszek Mordka Boruch Jankiel Szlama Zajnwel Wolf [Lejb] Dawid Mordka Haim 31 37 25 26 30 22 26 33 19 28 44 30 40 27 Mendel Lejbus Haim Lejbus Malka Fajga Rywka EKasz Mordka Wulf Rojza Fajga Jukel Gitla Jankiel Rywka Haja Sura Sura Mordka Frimet Laja Mindla Icek Hiler Sura Laja SuraZelda? Abram Mordka Nusyn Brandla Wulf Szaja Mordka Rywka Szlama? Sura Jochwet Haim Majer Ryza? Froim Ester Haja Liba Aron Aron Abram Abram Icek Jankel Perec? Zanwel Pinkus Berek Brandla Dawid Szmul Maier Szprinca Sura Gitla Wolf Beer Izrael Binem Gerszon Nusym Icek Szachna [Fajwus] Herszek Jukiel Moszek Aron Dawid Berek Eliasz Herszel Mendel Dawid Lejbus Szlama Dawid [Szaja] Sandel Abram Jojne Josek Szlama Abram Sucher Dawid Szlama Josek Herszek Jankiel Aron Jukiel Icek Mendel Lejzor Dawid Berek Abram Wolf Gdala Lejbus Szmul Boruch Wolf Wolf Naftula Dawid Szlama Abram Szmul Szlama Lejzor Cyna 22 Cywia Cyrla TENENBAUM 26 Bina RAFALOWICZ 34 Laia?PAPIERNlK 26 [Haja] Tauba KORENBLUM 28 SuraWISLICKA 20 HaiaRAJZMAN 30 Haia Sura RUBINEK 34 MachelaRUBINEK? 31 Frymet WISLICKA [19] Sora RAFALOWICZ 29 Rywka Laja MOJSZOWICZ? 24 HaiaSAKOWSKA 22 Blima RAFALOWICZ 37 Perla FAJNER 40 Mindla ZLOTOGORSKA 20 Marya Tauba GOLD 40 Tauba GRUBSZTAJN 30 Dwojra BERKOWICZ 26 Rywka JAKOBOWICZ 26 Szandla ROZENCWAJG 27 Mirla ZLOTOGORSKA 27 WitlaZAJNOWSKA 36 Mirla NIEDZWIEDZ? 38 Malka KUPER 47 GoldaSZAJNTAL? 25 LaiaZAJAC? 30 Sura Hana ROZENBERG 40 BajlaDynaROZEN 28 Rojza PULOWSKA 32 Rywka JURKEWICZ 50 RuchlaLaiaFRYSZ 22 SuraGOLDBACH 22 Marya KLAJNER? 23 Gnendla JURKEWICZ 28 Cywia RAFALOWICZ 43 Cywia SZTUZBERG? 32 Czama JURKEWICZ 24 Rywka WELTMAN 20 Mirla PRZYSUSKA? 22 Ester JURKJEWICZ 24 Malka ROTMAN 33 Mindla ZLOTOGORSKA 31 CynaDZJEWINSKA 72 Sora Hana HENCINSKA 32 HanaREWIZERSKA? 44 Henna GOLD 22 Haia FULBERT 23 Dyna WAJSMAN 27 HawaGLKSON 19 27 30 23 24 24 30 24 22 HaiaLaiaWEJNRAJCH Ester ZARNOWSKA Mindla MIODOWICZ MaryaJURKIEWICZ LaiaDEMBJNSKA LibaBLAT Haia [Frymet] ZLOTOGORSKA LaiaNORENBERSKA Rojza GLIK Nacha[Hudes] RODAL Fajga [Dwojra] ZLOTOGORSKA Gitla OKRENT Szandla SWIENTELSKA Sura Matla? FEFERBAUM LaiaKISLOWICZ? Ita OKSENBERG Hana ROZENCWAJG Perla ZLOTOGORSKA Liba LEWKOWICZ Rajzla KILSZTAJN? Perla PIOTRKOWSKA HanaFRYDMAN Hana Fajga GUTERMAN 20 28 33 23 23 23 28 23 24 30 36 24 24 33 19 20 38 19 25 24 27? 28 26 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K wieS Dzibaltôw K K K K [20] K 21 K 26 K 20 K 22 K 21 K 29 K 24 K 28 K 18 K 27 K 22 K 19 K 28 K 41 K 22 K 30 K 30 K 20 K 25 K 28 K 26? K 36 K 37? K 44 K 24 K 28 K 40 K 28 K 30 K 36 K 19 K 20 K 20 K 30 K 40 K 21 K 21 K 21 K 21 K 23 K 33 K 31 K 31 K 24 K 40 K 19 wieS Wasosz 21 K 19 K 00 50 GOLDSZTAJN 51 SENDROWICZ 52 MLYNARSKI 53 LEJBUSDEWICZ 54 SKURKA 55 ARONOWICZ 56 ZNOJOMEK? 57 POZNANSKI 58 RAJZMAN 59 ARONOWICZ 60 CffiPIELOWSKA 61 ZINGER 62 POSTAKEWICZ 63 HILEROWICZ 64 MANOWICZ 65 GRUNDMAN 66 MIEDZIOGURSKI 67 SOSNOWKKI 68 ROZENFARB 69 GRUNDMAN 70 ORENBUCH 71 KURCBART 72 MARKOWICZ 73 REWIZORSKA? 74 SZKLARZ 75 ZINGER 76 GRUNDMAN 77 OTREMBSKA 78 MOWSZOWICZ 79 ZIMER 80 JURKEWICZ 81 KAC? 82 FELIKS? 83 FUKS 84 KOZLOWSKI 85 OKSENBERG 86 HENCINSKI 87 WAKSMAN 88 JAKUBOWICZ 89 ZYLBERSZPIC? 90 ZYLBERSZPIC? 91 FELD 92 POZNANSKA 93 FRIMER 94 KUPER 95 WAJSMAN 96 ROTMAN 97 FIDLARCZIK 98 GRKZPAN 99 WARGON 100 HERSZKOWICZ? 101 EPSZTAJN 102 WICENTOWSKA 103 GELCMAN 104 ZAND 105 GRINBAUM 106 GRUBSZTAJN 107 BEER 108 SZWARCFUTER 109 TENENBAUM 110 SCISLOWSKI 111 BLADA 112 SENDROWICZ 1882 1 FERSZTER 2 WELTMAN 3 WISLICKI 4 HILEROWICZ 5 ANKLEWICZ 6 NIEPAMIENTNY 7 LERMAN 8 EJZENBERG 9 RUSINEK Kielct>-Kadom SIG Joumal Volume 7, Number 2 Bajla Szandla Laja Herszek Ester Brandla Zysman Szmul Icek Szmul Manel? Abram Moszek Frajda Cyrla Frajda Szaja Zanwel Cywia Hana Sura Abram Haim Icek Mirla Moszek Szlama Szmul Mendel Berek Szlama Hinda Malka Haja Laja Izrael Laja Mindla Frajda Szprinca? Ester Gitla Szandla Szlama Hana Rywka Lejbus Sura Rywka Icek Hersz Dawid Rojza Gitla Jankiel Rywka Lejbus Cyna Rywka Laja Emanuel Pinkus Szejwa Perla Jankiel Krandla Haim Herszek Matla? Jankiel Josek Ester Jakob Luzer Josek Gerszek Frimet Manel? Herszek Judka Mendel Ejzyk Laja Ruchla Laja Herszek Herszek Zysman Szmul Ester Ruchla Bina Rojza Hersz Lajb Sura Hana Icek Spring 2003 33 K 40 K Szimcha Binem Szmul Moszek Abram Haim Haim Josek Szymsia Hil Szaja Mortka Szaja Wolf Icek Mortka Szaja Kisiel Szmul Moszek Lejb Simsia Kiwa 19 40 24 28 27? 21 32 25 25 33 30? 19 28 23 28 60 37 26 29 25 21 33 26 20 32 27 27 36 48 40 30 36? 28 24 27 24 36 29 23 40 40 39 19 22 28 24 67? 42 40 23 24 24 30 20 46? 25 23 53 22 60 30 20 20 Mirla IRLENBERG? Haia Ester HILEROWICZ LaiaGOLD Pessa Zelda LEJBUSEWICZ Bajla Cypora ROTMAN? Rywka SZYMCHOWICZ Da OKSENBERG Gitla GOLDBERG Brandla RABINOWICZ LaiaPROMNICKA Sura Temerla ROZENWAJG RudaWAJSBLUM Ruchla EJZENBERG Hana GOLDBERG Hana/Haja WARGON Haia Ester DANCYGIER HudesaPRUSSA? DynaCWAJG HanaTAJTELBAUM Hana GRUNDMAN TaubaBERLINSKA CynaFELD HanaRAFALOWICZ Rywka KLERFELD Ruchla SZTARKMAN Sura Rywka SWIENTALSKA Ester [Laia] LEWKOWICZ Brandla? SKURKA? Ester Gitla HERSZKOWICZ? SuraKALISZER HanaJAKOBOWICZ Brandla JURKEWICZ MaryaHENIK? Bajla WICENTOWSKA SuraROZENCWAJG NachaLIBERMAN HwalaWISLICKA Gitla GOLDBERG FajglaJAKOBOWICZ Jochwet KRONENBERG Jochwet KRONENBERG Laia SAKOWICZ [Bina] Cyra Hana GEZUNDCHAJT Entla WAJSMAN Hana? Ruchla WAJSMAN Fajga GOLDSZTAJN Laia ARONOWICZ CymlaSAKOWSKA Fajga Laia EJZENBERG Zlota LEWKOWICZ ItaLaiaBJJŒNCWAJG Brandla TENENBAUM Frajdla ZINGER Bajla Hendla POZNANSKA Gitla SZAJNFELD Hendla ARONOWICZ Ester Malka MIGDOLOWSKA Frajda FELD Jochwet APEL HanaFUX Entla WICENTOWSKA Rojza GLIKS K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K [19] K 22 K 26 K 23 K 23 K 26 K 39 K 20 K 21 K 21 K 28 K 22 K 40 K 18 K 20 K 24 K 25 K 24 K 28 K 19 K 21 K Lejbusz Berek Abram Abram Alter Beniamin Josek Wolf Moszek 42 40 25 43 32 36 20 36 28 Fajga DZIEWNCKA? Hendla GOLD Mirla ROZENCWAJG HawaROTENBERG Temerla DZJENCIARSKA Haja Sprinca TENENBAUM Ester ROTENBERG Laja OKSENBERG Frymet CALKA 23 36 23 30 30 35 22 28 27 Moszek? Moszek Icek Haim Moszek Mendel Abram Szmul Aron Icek Jakob Mendel Lejzer Jonas Hil Jukiel Boruch Herszek Berek Zysman Moszek Lejb Haim Icek Icek Wolf Lejb Jakob Majer Jankiel Izrael Abram Hil Rachmiel Lejzor Cala Mosiek Szaja? Josek Moszek Icek [Jakob] Mendel Moszek Moszek Berek Icek Froim Froim Abram Lejbus [Abram] Mendel Szlama Gutman Aba Luzer Josek Aba 22 wieé Staporkôw 28 K 19 K 18 K 32 K 25 K 25 K 33 K 24 K 18 K 27 K 22 K 26 K 36 K 37 K 23 K 26 K 24 K 23 30 26 19 28 27 28 30 20 40 27? 27 24 23 26 24 36 30 24 38 38 28? K K K K K K K K K Spring 2003 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82. 83 ROZENCWAJG REWIZORSKI TARKOWSKA? GRUBSZTAJN GELCMAN OBERZANSKA KENIG LEJZOROWICZ HENDLER DANCYGER BERBAUM EJZENBERG ZALUSKA ZLOTOGURSKA HULAK ROZENKRANC ZINGER LEWKOWICZ HENIK NIEMIEC KOTLARCZIK BORUCHOWICZ LIBERMAN SZWARCFUTER OKSENBERG WAGMAN HILEROWICZ WARDA JAKUBOWICZ BAND LEJBUSEWICZ WANDER WANDER N1EPAMIENTNY TARNOWSKI ZNAJOMEK EJZENBERG ICKOWICZ ICKOWICZ ORLEAN OKSENBERG ROZEN SAKOWSKI SENDROWICZ ROZENFARB ZELKER EJZENBERG OBERZANSKI HERSZKOWICZ ZALCBERG BERGIER ROZENCWAIG KRAKAUER MASLER LENDCHAJM OKSENBERG WYROBEK OKSENBERG GREVSZPAN KROCHMALNIK SOLARZ KARPA GUT GROSFELD HULAK GEVTER KREDOWICZ ROZENCWAJG ZYMLER GOLD WROBLEWSKI RAFALOWICZ SZEPS NTTKA 67 Kieke-Radom SIG J Emanuel Szlama Zelda Sura Szyja Dwojra Hana [Rajza] Fajga Ruchla Szandla Mordka Ester Nacha Alta Haja Rywka Mindla Ides Szandla Sura Perla Sura Malka Zysman? Hercek Hercel Abram Perec Zajwel Abram Majlech Szymsia Kopel Icek WolfBer Aron m Judka Aron Szmul Josek Dawid Towie Josek Herszek Aba [Szlama] Elia Ester Sucher Ma Aron Szmul Herszek Ester Eliasz Mortka Szmul Izrael Rywka Mirla Zysman Lejbus Tauba Hendla Moszek Berek Machela Jukiel Jankiel Szapsia Cyrla Hendla Mortka Hercek Jankiel Rywka Mortka Rysia Szaja Cywia Szaja Szaja Mendel Ester Rywka Dawid Moszek Mendel Szaja Berek Abram Dawid Szlama Moszek Pinkus Moszek Kiwa Marya Moszek Kiwa Hawa Wadia Brandla Dawid Szlama Zelman Mendel Zelman Dawid Abram Jankiel Josek Abram Szmul Aron Josek Beniamin Blima Abram Berek Szmul Szmul Haim Hersz Haim Emanuel Lejbus Boruch Zyla Moszek Mortka Moszek Ester Eliasz Herszek Hana Masia Icek Dawid Josek Szimon Hil Lejbus Zysman Joil Nuchem Lejzor Herszek Dwojra Nusym Pinkus Haskiel Jankiel Aba Emanuel [Rubin] Sucher Brandla Moszek Emanuel Haim Ester Szprinca Szmul Emanuel Litman Eliasz Aron [Joel] Szmul Jakub Blima Rachla Nusym Haim Boruch Noech Zelman IzraelIcek Ojzer Izrael Dawid Malka Tauba Aba Abram 45 37 23 37 49 30 40 21 21 46 38 28 35 26 22 36 42 36 40 36 24 24 38 33 42 38 24 52 30 26 34 42 42 26 21 31 40 33 33 44 23 33 36 46 26 38 22 27 38 38 19 23 20 24 33 32 38 40 41 27 25 36 36 31 43 24 41 22 48 34 32 29 29 22 Szprinca ZOMER 28 K Zysla ROZENCWAJG 40 K HindaCWAJG 22 K Dwojra [Ester] BLINDMAN 38 K HanaWAKSMAN 40 K Ita FULBERT 27 K Haja Ester CALKA 40 K HanaMENTLICH? 21 K Frajdla GOLDBERG 20 K PeslaRAJZMAN 29 K SoraSPIRA 36 K Zelda Zelikow 24 K Ester Jochwet LJNDCHAIM 35 K Haja Ruchla KAC 23 K HajaKENJJC 20 K Haja Brucha ROZENKRANC 25 K HanaRIGIER 41 K "TlanaFrajdaLEWIN . 20 K HanaBIRENCWAJG 35 K Hanna [Ruchla] ZAJDENFELD 39 K HwalaJURKEEWICZ 26 K Nacha LISOPRAWSKA 22 K Dwojra GRUNDMAN 36 K Dwojra [Laja] BORUSZEK 22 K Zelda ORENBUCH '41 K Ester Blima BLIND? 26 K Krandla ZLOTOGURSKA 22 K PessaLibaRUBINSZTAJN 27 K Jochwet ZELBERBERG 30 K LibaWELTMAN 26 K Frajdla BAND 34 K Tauba Fajga KLAPERMAN 42 K Tauba Fajga KLAPERMAN 42 K Marya RajzlaZAND 23 K GitlaFRAJBAUM 22 K RajzlaCYMERMAN 33 K GitlaMINC 42 K Laja LEJZOROWICZ 31 K Laja LEJZOROWICZ 33 K RudaFRISZ 36 K GnendlaJURKIEWICZ 23 K Bina GRUNDMAN 30 K Frajdla CZAPNICKA 22 K Ruchla Laja SENDROWICZ 30 K Ester Rywka POZNANSKA 24 K Hana Mirla CALKA 40 K Hendla GRUNDMAN 22 K LajaROZENTAL 22 K Frajdla FIZYCKA 38 K BinaSZMEDRA 36 K ElkaPOSTAKŒWICZ 18 K LajaKISLEWICZ 22 K HindaWAJSBLACH 21 K Ruchla BAND 20 K Ruchla Liba KOCZYNSKA 20 K Hana HILEROWICZ 30 K Laja KAC 34 K Ester JAKUBOWICZ 40 K Ester LKHER 39 K Frymet CALKA 24 K Blima RUBINEK? 25 K Czama JAKUBOWICZ 24 K Rajzla POZNANSKA 33 K Rywka KAC 28 K Haja Fajga SZWARTZFUTER 25 K SuraBRANICKA 21 K Golda [Blima] PÏÏC 38 K Rachla GRUNDMAN 26 K LajaELJASZOWICZ 30 K Gitla ROZENCWAJG 34 K Matla EJZENBERG 31 K Frymet GRINBAUM 26 K Bina RAFALOWICZ 23 K Ester KRONENBERG 22 K 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 EJZENBERG GOLDMAN CALKA MARGULES SZWARCOG RAJSFELD PANIC ZAND TENENBAUM RAJSMAN RAFALOWICZ GRUNDMAN GRUNDMAN ROTMAN WYSZYNSKA DAJCH RAFALOWICZ FUKS OKSENBERG GLIKSON ARONOWICZ FRISZ MIODOWICZ PROMNCKA EJZENBERG CEDER GOLDBERG REWIZORSKA POSNANSKI JAKUBOWICZ PELTA TAJTELBAUM EPSZTAJN BERLINER ROZENCHAM BYWALSKI CYMERMAN SZWARCBERG BORUCHOWICZ EJZENBERG SZTARKMAN 188 lOOJ , 1 ZLOTOGURSK I LEWKOWICZ 3 KREPS 4 HECINSKA 5 EJZENBERG 6 EJZENBERG 7 WKZLICKI 8 BAUM 9 KOTLARCZYK 10 JAKUBOWICZ 11 JAKUBOWICZ 12 BAUM 13 HIRSZ 14 LUBLINSKI 15 BOJMALGRIM 16 WKZLICKA 17 SZWARCFUTER 18 GERSZONOWICZ 19 GRUNDMAN 20 BIALER 21 SAKOWSKI 22 FALEK 23 SZAMPANIER 24 ROZENBERG 25 SZAJEWICZ 26 KURCBART 27 EJZENBERG 28 RAFALOWICZ 29 GLIKSON 30 SIEDLECKI 31 WEBER 2 Spring 2003 Kielce -RadomSlGJoitrnal Volume 7, Number 2 09 43 Helena WARGON Marya Hinda Icek Moszek Jakob Mendel Icek Abram Lejbus Szlama Lejbus Jankiel Marya Jakob Mendel Josek Izrael Perla Lejbus Frajdla Jankiel Jukel Dawid Hawa Zelman Moszek Jankiel Sura Cyrla Icek Sura Marya Jakob Szyja Abram Rywka Marya Josek Gerszon Icek Lejbus Josek Liber Lejbus Joil Hersz Lejbus Jankiel Haja Sura PesselMalka Sura Hana Haja Slawa Jankiel Hersz Lajb Haim Mendel Abram [Icek] Haim Lejb Jankiel Kelman Aron Szmul Kisiel Moszek Lejbus Lejzor Josek Icek Abram Moszek Kiwa Ejzyk Nusym Herszek Mendel Lejzor Judka Jankiel Josek Mendel Jankiel Mendel Wolf Lejb Szmul Cyna Mosiek Berek Sucher Motel Izrael Aba Aron Lejzor Aron Jankiel Szewach? Majer 64 24 27 d 38 37 23 40 36 33 32 34 30 53 32 32 56 HanaMANOWICZ BajlaSAPŒR Rywka ROTENBERG Haia Ester HUBERMAN SoraZLOTOGURSKA Sora Rywka WINCENTOWSKA FajgaPRZEDBORSKA PessaTURKA Ester Hana BLOMSZTAJN Hinda Rajzla LEWI Dwojra GRUNDMAN Mirla HERSZKOWICZ Ester STAIGMAN FrymetOBARZANSKA Ruchla EJZENBERG FajgaHOROWICZ IdessaBAND HanaWENK. Ruchla ARONOWICZ GitlaSYMCHOWICZ Ruchla EJZENBERG Marya TENENBAUM Kruza TENENBAUM Nacha FRISZ FajgaLajaKURCBARD Krandla Laja LEWI RajzaKJLSZTAJN HanaOBARZANSKA Szandla JAKUBOWICZ EntlaZELIGOWICZ Ester Malka MACHOROWSKA SuraWISLICKA Pessa GRUNDMAN BajlaRUBMEK? RaszkaNŒMIEC Ruchla SWIENTALSKA Ruchla GRINBERG Fajga [Dwojra] RODAL FajgaBERKOWICZ Tauba GOLDBERG? Lejbus Jankiel Aba Aria Lejbus Rajzla Perec Manel Gerszon Laib Hana Malka Rywka Hendla Ester Moszek Uszer Laja Nusym Dawid Moszek Ester Laja Ruchla ' Laja Rajzla Marya Aron Szmul Mendel Icek Fajwel Hejnoch Mordka Noech Mirla Boruch Ester Mirla Perla Hersz Szmul Abram Icek Szimsia Szaja Pinkus Fajwel Sucher Berek Noech Boruch Szmul Aron Szlama Mordka Szymon Aba Lejzor Sucher Abram Andzelm Abram Ejzyk Àbram Icek Zelman Eliasz Szlama Zyskind Wolf Szaja Szymcha [Lejzor] Herszel Dawid Hercel Efroim Pejsak Abram 36 32 23 27 26 54 21 22 22 25 32 22 29 44 32 25 26 21 21 23 22 21 23 24 31 28 23 20 20 20 20 Marya Dwojra SWIENTALSKA Hana Laja WELTMAN [Haja]SzyfraTURKA HajaSAKOWSKA Ita RAFALOWICZ Hawa? EJZENBERG HajaDAWIDOWICZ Perla ZLOTOGURSKA Haja Laja WAJNRAJTER Sora Rywka ROTENBERG Perla P1ETRAKOWSKA HajaKLAJNER Ester Malka WAJSMAN HanaKORENBLUM HudesaSOKOLOWSKA Mirla ROZENCWAJG Hana Perla ICKOWICZ Haja SWIENTALSKA Rajzla JURKTEWICZ Blima RAFALOWICZ GitlaDLUCZNIEWSKA Rywka LUBL1NSKA Rywka FRENKEL Perla RAFALOWICZ HajaDLUZNIEWSKA? Kruza DEMBINSKA Laja ZYLBERSZPIC Sura RAFALOWICZ HenaFIGLARCZYK Haja Sora FRAJLICH Ester SENDEROWICZ 23 60 28 23 38 40 23 60 27 33 29 28 42 24 26 34 27 30 24 22 30 41 21 22 28 32 30 22 28 38 25 24 22 32 28 26 30 28 24 32 24 26 19 20 30 29 18 26 29 20 28 36 26 22 39 29 30 26 40 28 32 30 28 30 32 30 20 23 24 41 20 22 23 26 29 21 26 39 31 23 19 20 20 21 18 22 22 23 22 26 19 19 20 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K wies" Stary Mlyn K wieS Dzibaltôw K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 19 K 22 K Spring 2003 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 GELCMAN GADET JAKUBOWICZ WAJNRIB ZLOTNICKA KOTLARCZIK POSNANSKI WAJSMAN LEJBUSEWICZ TENENBAUM LIGIER CALKA KAC 45 SAKOWSKI 46 SZTARKMAN 47 HAMMER 48 SZTARKMAN 49 HIRSZ 50 LEBERMAN 51 ROTMAN 52 MARKOWICZ 53 GRUNDMAN 54 EJZENBERG 55 LEWKOWICZ 56 ZINGER 57 JURKEWICZ 58 NAJBERG 59 ORZECHOWSKA 60 JAKUBOWICZ 61 WAJSMAN 62 GELCMAN 63 DYKSZTAJN 64 HENIK 65 BYWALSKA 66 HENC1NSKI 67 JAKUBOWICZ 68 RUBINSZTAJN 69 ZELIGOWICZ 70 SZTUCBERG 71 BERLEVSKA 72 RODAL 73 KUCZINSKI 74 MILDMAN 75 WELTMAN 76 ZALBERG 77 BLACHAROWICZ 78 BLACHAROWICZ 79 BERLEVSKI 80 GUT 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 LEJBUSEWICZ OPATOWSKI LERMAN EJZENBERG WICENTOWSKA SZAJEWICZ BYWALSKI BACZEVSKA ERNER FUKS ELBINGER SWBENTALSKI GRUNDMAN JURKEWICZ ZNAJOMEK HENDLER LEJBUSEWICZ SOSNOWSKA KALISZER FERSTER CYNA ROZEN MIODOWICZ HBLEROWICZ GINCBERG 69 Kielce-Radom SIG JournalVolume 7, Number 2 Aron Isser Aba Mordka Michal Rywka Hawa Szlama Ester Rachla Sura Jukiel Herszek Hawa Basia Josek Zelman Szaja Emanuel Jankiel Manes Perla Cypra Izrael Jonas Wulf Lejbus Luzer Hersz Dawid Laja Hena Daniel Bajla Laja Dawid Rubin Hana Cyrla Regina Sura Brandla Malka Jankiel Fajgla Curtla Sender Ester Tauba Haja Blima Jukiel Bajla Mrla Icek Gnendla Rywka Lejbus Nusym Dawid Szprinca Lejbus Mendel Pinkus Frajdla Herszek Frimet Uszer Moszek Maier Cwetla Hawa Josek Hana Liba Izrael Rywen Dawid Rajzla Gitla Rywka Abram Szlama Brucha Zelda Bajrech Moszek Moszek Eliasz Szaja Haim Hiler Fajga Szymon Zelik Icek [Icek] Moszek Wolf Sucher Lejbus Aron Szmul Jankiel Michal Fajwel Moszek Berek Motel Izrael Icek Dawid Towie Matys Izrael Icek IzraelIcek Josek Luzer Jakob Majer Szmul Abram Aron Jonas Josek Haim Hersz Boruch Icek Hersz Mendel Szlama Abram Lew Dawid Towie Luzer Aron Lejbus Dawid Mendel Szlama Fiszel [Szaja] Sandel Moszek Jakob Mendel Pinkus Rachmiel Rachmiel Lejbus Jankiel Haim Haim Motel Jankiel Rachmiel Herszek Berek Icek Joine Szlama Kiwa Jankiel Jankiel Haim Icek Mosiek Abram Kopel Moszek Lejb Zysman Jakob Lejb Lejbus Icek Herszek Judka Jukiel Michal 21 Frajdla ZYNGER 19 Blima BACZYNSKA 22 Krandla Ruchla ZLOTOWICZ 26 LajaFOGEL 23 Ester JURKEWICZ 24 HwalaJURKIEWICZ 20 BinaHENDC 27 Rywka DwojraTURKA 36 MaryaGRUBSZTAJN 31 KruzaSZTERN 28 Ruchla JURKEWICZ 23 Marya CALKA •25 Hana FUKS 20 Haja CYNA 27 Hwala Dwojra EJZENBERG 23 HajaFERSZTER 27 DynaKUCZYNSKA 22 SzyfraJANOWSKA 21 Ester ROTENBERG 63 Fajga GOLDSZTAJN 30 HanaRAFALOWICZ 28 HajaFRYDBERG 22 ItaAPEL 39 ItaHilerow? 20 RudaWAJSBLUM 68 SoraBLINDBAUM 26 Ruchla SENDEROWICZ 28 ItaOKSENBERG 24 Fajga KURCBART 38 Perla FAJNER 27 Hena Cyrla ZAJAC 36 Paulina NELKEN? 36 Hana [Malka] GRUBSZTAJN 25 Tauba BLAT 32 Rywka HENCINSKA 42 Ester RUDOWICZ 26 Haja [Sora] WINCENTOWSKA 42 Ruchla Laja GLJK 26 Hana EJZENBERG 59 LajaWAJNTRAUB 31 Dwojra BERKOWICZ 32 SuraGOLDBACH 25 Haja Sura ORENBACH 53 Haja GOLD 19 Rywka KRONENBLUM 44 Hwala HERENSZTAJN 44 Hwala HERENSZTAJN 36 HanaZLOTOGURSKA 25 Ruchla KALISZER 31 Pessa 36 Fajga Laja OBERMAN 39 Ruchla Laja ROTBERG 31 RojzaPULAWSKA 44 Sura Rywka KUCZYNSKA 28 Gitla JAKUBOWICZ 33 Frimet 40 SzandlaEPSZTAJN 40 Rywka Manesow 31 Haja Ester SENDEROWICZ 21 Ester Brucha PRZEDBORSKA 19 ItlaANKJER 28 Hana GRUNDMAN 29 Hana JAKUBOWICZ 31 ItaOKSENBERG 24 Frajdla GOLDBERG 39 Cyrla EJZENBERG 28 DynaCWAJG 21 HanaHindaFRAJTAK 43 Fajga DZEWJENSKA 33 KruzaMANOWICZ 26 Laja [Blima] LITMANOWICZ 41 Maria TENENBAUM 28 Hena GOLDBERG 35 Ruchla RAFALOWICZ 22 K 19 K 21 K 28 K 20 K 20 K 20 K 27 K 36 K 28 K 31 K 20 K 25 K 18 K 27 K 22 K 21 K 20 K 24 K 25 K 28 K 24 K 21 K 28 K 18 K 43 K 21 K 25 K 23 K 26 K 25 K 26 K 36 K 24 K 31 K 26 K 20 K 28 K 24 K 40 K 30 K 33 wies " Naleczow 22 K 24 K 18 K 34 K 34 K 35 K 24 K 30 K 29 K 38 K 28 K 42 K 22 K 31 K 36 K 20 K 20 K 19 K 20 K 27 K 29 K 31 K 23 K 38 K 27 K 18 K 23 K 30 K 24 K 38 K 26 K 33 K /u Kielce- •Kadom Sl(i Joi 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 JOSKOWICZ WIGDERSON ZYSMAN WAGMAN RAJZMAN JURKEWICZ CINGISER BAND SAPBER BERGIER GELBART HILEROWICZ GOLD CEDER SZMEDRA BLADY MIEDZIOGURSKA GRUBSZTAJN ROZENFELD JAKUBOWICZ JAKUBOWICZ LEJZOROWICZ Ruchla Abram Szymsia Rubin Sura Fajga Gitla Rajza Fajga Wulf Rafal Motel Wulf Witla Ester Maiiel Szlama Haim Haja Hena Zelman Szapsia Szmul Hersz Mendel Dawid Josek 1 2 3 4 WELTMAN GUTMAN GLIKSON EJZENBERG FELIKS GOLDBERG GRINBERG ROZENFELD GRUBSZTAJN SAKOWSKA FIDLARCZIK ROZENKRANC FRENKEL GINTER FRAJTAK WAGMAN SKURKA LEWKOWICZ WINER Sura Hejnoch Jankiel Szaja? Haja Sura Haja 1884 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 PIK FRISZ POSNANSKI HILEROWICZ PRZEDNOWEK MORDKOWICZ GOLD ROTMAN DAJCH WANDER WARZAWSKA REWIZORSKA TENENBAUM KRIGER OBERZANSKI BERGIER HULAK GUT ROZEN KOSCZUSKO MARKOWICZ GRKZPAN HUDY BAND SOKOLOWSKA ZOMER BORUSZEK BORUSZEK ZINGER HUCHEN JAKOBOWICZ Szmul Pinkus Berek Moszek Berek Icek Naftula Lejbus Dawid Abram Moszek Rachmiel Hiler Izrael Mordka Berek Moszek Lejb Berek Wulf Szaja Mendel Zelik Cyna Szymsia Berek Gerszon Herszek Herszek Josek Abram Rachmel Zuskind? Izrael Marya Jochwet Abram Izaak Laja Abram Perec Sura Rywka Abram Ruchla Josek Mordka Josek Dawid Jonas Dawid Icek Mendel Moszek Jankiel Szmul Mnil Rywka Lejbus Hendla Mirla Szimsia? Dawid Moszek Rojza Josek Jakob Dawid Abram Icek Ester Rachla Majer Sura Ester Josek Icek Dawid Jakub Majer Hendla Laja Abram ItaHudes Aba Hana Mendel Ester Brandla Berek Mindla Aba Pinkus Moszek Icek Jankiel Gitla Boruch Gitla Herszek Mordka Berek Mordka Josek Szlama Izrael Emanuel Abram Josek Mordka Curtla Haja Pinkus Liba Szprinca Mendel Mordka Haskel Sura Szaja Hil Berek Aba Abram Herszek Majer Sura Josek Sura Mindla Mordka Ester Izrael Herszek Hil Dwojra Hil Laja Szaja Joine Rojza Moszek Fajga Szymon irnal Volume 7, Number 2 40 28 39 38 29 40 24 30 28 21 40 30 33 43 40 22 40 24 24 19 27 22 NachaltaZYMLER HawaBLAT Haja Laja SPIRA Ester Blima BLINDER Brandla RABINOWICZ Mindla ZLOTOGURSKA Rywka WELTMAN Rojza ANSZLEWICZ HwalaPRZYSUSKA ElkaPOSTAKJEWICZ Haja GOLD Sura Rywka MTKA Marya ROZENBLUM HanaFRYDMAN PessaGRUNDMAN JentaWICENTOWSKA Huda?PRUSS Hendla ARONOWICZ RajzlaRAFALOWICZ IdessaBORUSZKOW Hena GLIKSON HanaMENTLICH 46 23 24 42 26 36 36 23 38 37 44 38 24 25 21 28 30 40 32 63 26 24 30 19 42 30 20 28 23 24 Hendla GOLD GoldaHENIK Ruchla ARONOWICZ Rywka GRUBSZTAJN Marya WENIK Hana REWIZORSKA HawaltaOKSENBERG Ruchla EJZENBERG Dwojra Ester BLINDMAN FrajdaCZAPNKA Laja ARONOWICZ Haja Brucha ROZENKRANC HawaGOLDSZTAJN SuraBRANTCKA Idessa KAPLAN? Fajga JAKUBOWICZ Bajla ROTMAN FrajdaLEWIN Hana JAKUBOWICZ Szprinca FRISZ HanaPOZNANSKA Marya Bajla KREPS Sura Rywka JAKUBOWICZ Ester BACZYNSKA ItaWAJNRAJB? CywiaRAFALOWICZ Bajla SOKOLOWSKA Ruchla EJZENBERG KruzaGRUNDMAN Mirla PRZYSUSKA Frymet RZUCHOWSKA Szandla SWJJENTALSKA Sura Hana ROZENBERG SuraRODAL HanaJURKEEWICZ Rojza KAPELUSZNIK Gitla ZALUSKA BinaGRUNDMAN Szyfra JAKUBOWICZ Ruchla Laja ZLOTOGORSKA Cymla SAKOWSKA Marya JUDENHERC Hana BAND TemerlaANGELCZYK Perla KUPERSZMID Szandla ZYLBERBERG Szandla ZYLBERBERG Rojza Sura FRENKEL LajaKORZENEWSKA Sora Rywka ROTBERG 30 28 29 20 42 47 45 34 22 24 39 28 35 27 36 26 39 26 30 25 Spring 2003 K K K K K K K K K K 30 K 33 K 40 26 39 26 28 40 23 25 26 20 34 33 37 20 39 19 22 20 19 20 wieé Czama K K K K K K K K K 40 K 22 K 23 K [41] 26 24 30 18 36 23 30 26 22 21 20 28 21 22 30 26 20 22 29 19 27 34 19 23 22 23 28 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 26 27 18 41 44 30 31 21 22 39 24 20 24 38 25 25 24 28 K 29 K Spring 2003 51 HERSZKOWIC Z 52 GRUBSZTAJ N 53 TAJTELBAU M 54 WARD A 55 SKURK A 56 HENCINSK I 57 EJZENBER G 58 OBERZANE K 59 SZWARCFUTE R 60 DANCYGE R 61 KARP A 62 CIEPIELOWSK I 63 ZALUSK A 64 CUIŒRSZTAJ N 65 BERNAD ? 66 TENENBAU M 67 SCKLOWSK I 68 HULA K 69 GLE K 70 SAPBE R 71 EJZENBER G 72 WENI K 73 KEN1 K 74 HILEROWIC Z 75 POZNANSK I 76 KURCBAR T 77 KURCBAR T 78 ORLEA N 79 NTTK A 80 WAJNRAJB / WAJNRAJCH 81 ROZENBER G 82 JAKOBOWIC Z 83 KRAKOWIAK ? 84 NTTK A 85 FIZICK A 86 BIRENCWAJ G 87 GOL D 88 WYROBE K 89 HERENSZTA T 90 DZIENCIARSK A 91 N1EPAMIENTN A 92 REWIZORSK A 93 REWIZORSK I 94 SZMULEWIC Z 95 TURK O 96 STUDNI A 97 GOLDBER G 98 SZTARKMA N 99 GOL D 100 RAJCHKEN D 101 RAFALOWIC Z 102 PELT A 103 GERTNE R 104 EJZENBER G 105 OBERZANSK I 106 ZLOTOGURSK A 107 MILSZTAJ N 108 ROZE N 109 ANKLEWIC Z 110 WRUBLEWSK A 111 SZWARCFUTE R 112 ROZENBER G 113 WAJSMA N 114 WAJSMA N 115 FROME R 116 WANDE R 117 PERELSZTAJ N 118 CYMERMA N 71 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 7, Number 2 Josek Manel 21 K 26 K Moszek Jankiel Jankiel Aba Abram Mordka Jankiel Mindla Gdala Icek Kiwa Izrael Lajb Bencio Sender Dobra Abram Jakub Hersz Szaja Dawid Icek Dawid Jankiel Moszek Jankiel Lejzor MoszekAron Liba Izrael Hawa Rajzla Lejzor Szaja Kisiel Mendel Szmul Dawid Josek Aron Szmul Szimsia Berek Sucher Ber Szimon Lajb Lejzor Brandla Wolf Hana Mordka Joine Lejb Lejzor Rywa Jukiel Josek Szmul Szandla Laja Izrael Lajb Haim Josek Mendel IzraelBer Wadia Gitla [Aba] Abram Icek Hil 24 29 19 50 35 24 38 33 25 38 36 32 37 19 60 34 23 22 22 39 24 48 26 28 20 38 45 25 22 ZlotaLEWKOWICZ Ester ZAND DwojraLEJZOROWICZ Pessa Liba RUBINSZTAJN CzarnaJURKIEWICZ LajaWAJNTRAUB GoldaSZJDLOWIEKA? ItaFULBERG FrajdaFELD PeslaRAJZMAN CzamaJAKUBOWICZ Sura Tela? ROZENCWAJG Ester Jochwet LINDCHAJM FraydlaRUBlNOWICZ ItaARONOWICZ JochetSOBOL HenaFUKS HanaHENJX Raca GLJJC IdesaPOKOJ LajaOKSENBERG ItaRachlaGRYSZPAN MalkaHudesa WINER Krandla ZLOTOGORSKA Gitla GOLDBERG Bajla ZYNGER BasiaJAKUBOWICZ RudaFRISZ Ester KRONENBERG GoldaOKSENBERG 28 36 18 27 33 25 30 24 30 36 24 20 25 34 21 23 28 30 21 46 26 28 24 38 35 28 20 Moszek Wulf Emanuel Gerszon Gitla Enta Bajla Izrael Lejzor Abram Berek Hana Ruchla Marya Sura Ruchla Pejsak Laja Hana Abram Noech Ester HajaSura Laja Nusym Noech CyrlaFrajdla Dawid Zelik Lejbus Froim Majer Abram Szlama Ester Rywka Fajgla Hinda Ester Laja Emanuel Abram Abram Lejbus Moszek Jankiel Josek Herszek Emanuel Lejzor 24 21 20 20 37 30 19 38 41 25 42 40 40 24 24 29 28 58 35 20 26 24 34 43 24 42 34 20 35 37 36 22 26 26 26 45 21 30 Gitla SPIRA Ester Hana ZOMER Hinda GŒRSZONOWICZ Jochwet KURCBART HenaLIPSZYC Szandla ROZENBERG? HenaRABINOSWICZ LajaKAC Brandla Basia SZABELAK TaubaMAJZNER [Haja] Szprinca TENENBAUM Zysa ROZENCWAJG Zysa ROZENCWAJG Dyna WAJSMAN Hinda CWAJG Laja Dyna RZEZOWSKA Krandla Laja LEW TaubaGOLDBACH Gitla ROZENCWAJG Dobra Klara MIODOWICZ HajaRAJZMAN EntaZELIGOWICZ Rywka ZLOTOGORSKA DwojraLAJBCYK RojzaMENDELSON DynaPAPJERNIK SuraJAKUBOWICZ Perla ROZENTAL Temerla DZIENCIARSKA Matla EJZENBERG Dwojra Laja BORUSZEK Sura RAFALOWICZ Ruchla Hana WAJSMAN Ruchla Hana WAJSMAN Sura Hena GEZUNDCHAJT Tauba Fajga KLAPER Golda ROZENCWAJG Ruchla SWEENTALSKA 23 20 22 26 26 26 20 36 40 21 42 40 40 22 22 22 31 36 34 18 24 22 36 45 22 39 39 20 34 35 22 21 26 26 29 42 19 28 Abram Szymsia Eliasz Rachmiel Szaul Jojna Lejbus Lejbus Lejbus Mendel Beniamin Hercek Hercek Lejzor Herszek Jankiel Mendel Majer Berek Mordka Icek Moszek Berek Mendel Wulf? Abram Szlama Szyja Alter Zelman Izrael Moszek Aba Aba Mendel Szaja Zelman Aron 18 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K wies" Placzkow? K wies" Stary Mlyn K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Glossary akta Polish vital records, often seen as a column heading in vital record indices and extracts, to denote the record numbers document of intent to marry alphabet used for the Russian language: bann Cyrillic FHC FHL gubcrnia HLAS Hilfs Farein JRI-Poland landsman LDS matronymic monogenetic obwod palatinate patronymic poly genetic powiat uezd USC wojewodztwa LDS (Mormon) Family History Center, branch library LDS (Mormon) Family History Library, in Salt Lake City, Utah geographic/political subdivision of the Russian Empire, similar to a province, which applied to the Kingdom of Poland from 1844 until World War I (Russian: Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society help union or aid society Jewish Records Indexing - Poland, a database project hosted on JewishGen someone who originated in the same village prior to immigration (plural: landsleit) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly used to denote the Mormon Family History Library, identification by mother's given name surname from a single progenitor; all bearers of the surname are related district, subdivision of gubernia geographical/political subdivision of pre-partition Poland, similar to a province identification by father's given name surname originating from multiple progenitors; all bearers of the surname are not related district, subdivision of gubernia (Polish) district, subdivision of gubernia (Russian Ye3Kb = Polish powiat) Urz4d Stanu Cywilnego = Civil Records Office, where vital records less than 100 years old are usually stored in each town geographical/political subdivision of the Kingdom of Poland until its inclusion in Russia's gubernia system in 1844, and again following World War I through the present Polish Pronunciatio n Guid e Polish Alphabet: a ^ b c é d e ç f g h i j k l t m n n o ô p r s s t u w y z z z c ch, h c, cz, ci s, sz, si z, zi, rz = = = = = ts kh ch sh zh 3 = om, on em, en = Ç j = y dz = j I = w = w V Kingdom of Poland J 1867-1917 ( # cf
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