Number 3, Summer 2001 - JRI
/A/ TH/S / S S I / E SPECIAL SECTION ON LAGÔW • Introduction • From Pinkas HaKehillot translated by Jerry Tepperman • From Slownik Geograficzny translated by Gordon McDaniel • Growing Up in Lagov by J. B. Salsberg • 1929 Business Directory •An 1859 Petition • Yad Vashem Pages of Testimony • Vital Records • Landsmanshaftn • A Trip to Lagôw by Jerome Hershman • Miscellany interest journal Summer 20a of ^Jewish published quarter^ cohering the Qubernias of and Q^a of the q^gdom of Roland ÛS defined &^ the boundaries as tfic£ existed 1867-1917 3 4 7 8 11 12 13 16 17 19 21 SURNAME VARIATION IN EARLY 19th CENTURY OLKUSZ by Robert Heyman 24 JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS IN KIELCE PROVINCE (1918-1939) by Maria Kaczmarkiewicz translated by Gwido Zlatkes 25 KIELCE AND RADOM GUBERNIAS From Evreiskaia Entsiklopediia translated by Gordon McDaniel 29 EXTRACT DATA IN THIS ISSUE 34 • KLIMONTÔW BIRTHS 1840-1865 by Ronald Greene 35 • SZCZEKOCINY MARRIAGES 1847-1865 by Leah Jordon Bisel 62 • STASZÔW BIRTHS 1864 by Jean-Pierre Stroweis 69 CYRILLIC ALPHABET CHART 71 GLOSSARY, PRONUNCIATION GUIDE 72 ...but first a word from your editor 2 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Summer 2001 ... but first a word from our editor Spectaf interest Group ^journal ISSN No. 1092-8006 Published quarterly, in January, April, July and October, by the KIELCE-RADOM Special Interest Group (SIG) c/o Mark Froimowitz 90 Eastbourne Road Newton Centre, MA 02459-1206 email: Annual subscription rates (U.S. funds): U.S.A.: $26.00 Canada: $30.00 Elsewhere: $38.00 Subscriptions and changes of address should be sent to the above. Postmaster: Send changes to the above. Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Rates is Pending at Boston, MA. The KIELCE-RADOM SIG is a non-profit, informal world-wide body of individuals interested in Jewish genealogical research from Kielce and Radom, two gubernias in the Kingdom of Poland as defined by the boundaries as they existed from 1867-1917. ADVISORY GROUP: Warren Blatt, Editor Mark Froimowitz, Coordinator VISIT OUR WEB PAGE All matters relating to research and editorial articles should be directed to: Warren Blatt, Editor 8 Bishops Forest Drive Waltham,MA 02452-8801 e-mail: ©2001, all material this issue This issue contains another set of varied articles and extracts relating to Jewish life in the former gubernias of Kielce and Radom, with a special section highlighting a single town. The focus of the majority of the front section in this issue is the town ofLagôw ("Lagev", in Yiddish), in Radom gubernia, on the road between Kielce and Opatow. There has been no Yizkor Book published for Lagôw, and no extant vital records register. But we have pulled together many diverse articles, translated from Hebrew, Russian, and Polish; some original articles; and data from a variety of sources. We begin with a translation of the Lagôw entry from Yad Vashem's Hebrew-language Pinkas HaKehillot, "Encyclopaedia of Jewish Communities". We again thank Yad Vashem for granting permission to translate and publish these excerpts. We thank Yad Vashem also for extracts from their new database of "Pages of Testimony" for Holocaust victims born in Lagôw. Other items about Lagôw are the article from the 19th-century Sfownik Geograficzny [Geographical Dictionary]; reminiscences by J. B. Salsberg; a transcription of the 1929 Polish Business Directory entries for Lagôw; an 1859 community petition to the government; data about Lagôw landsmanshaft organizations in Toronto and Chicago; a report on a trip back to Lagôw; several maps; notes on the remnants of Lagôw's Jewish vital records and references to Lagôw residents in other records; reports about the Jewish cemetery; and miscellaneous bibliographical references. This Lagôw section demonstrates the amount of data that one could collect about a small obscure town, with a bit of effort. Also in this issue are translations of the articles on Kielce and Radom gubernias from the Russian Evreiskaia Entsiklopediia [Jewish Encyclopedia], filled with statistical and demographic information about their Jewish residents; a translation of an article from the Warsaw Jewish Historical Institute's Biulelyn concerning Jewish organizations in our region between the two world wars; and a Robert Heyman essay about surname variations, something we should all be aware of when researching vital records. The extracts of Jewish vital records from LDS microfilms in this issue include a very large set of births: over 1,700 births from Klimontôw, covering 1840-1865, extracted by Ronald Greene. Also included are marriages for Szczekociny, 1847-1865, by Leah Jordan Bisel; and extracts for a "new" town - Staszôw - the 1864 Staszôw births, extracted by Jean-Pierre Stroweis. I'd like to take this opportunity to remind people of Jewish Records Indexing-Poland's "Polish State Archives" project, to obtain indexes of non-microfilmed Jewish vital records of the late 19th century. There are still no Archive Coordinators for the seven archives holding the Jewish vital records for towns in Kielce and Radom gubernias. No work will be done at an archive until someone volunteers to be the "Archive Coordinator" for that archive. See page 26 of IV: I (Winter 2000) issue, and get in touch with JRI-Poland to participate in this important endeavor. At the upcoming 21th International Conference on Jewish Genealogy in London, JRI-Poland will hold workshops on Sunday July 8th to train Archive and Shtetl Coordinators for this project. — Warren Blatt Summer 2001 Kielce-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 ;$': Lagôw -* Special Section on Lagov by Warren Blatt In this issue we present a special section on the J Ustrowiec Bodzentyn town of Lagôw. About 1,400 Jews lived in ' Kunow Lagôw before the Holocaust. There is no Kielce Cmielow Yizkor Book for Lagôw, and no extant vital Slupia Nowa Jj • records, so genealogical research on Lagôw is Opatôw •Daleszyce difficult. The material we bring together here \ Lagôw will hopefully serve as a memorial to the Jewish community of Lagôw. \ Rakow Iwaniska J yPierzchnica The town of Lagôw ("Lagov", "Logif', in Yiddish, JlaroBt in Russian) is on the road \ between Kielce and Opatôw, about 20 miles ^ ] east of Kielce and 15 miles west of Opatôw, at 50°47'N 21°05'E. Chmielnik • Szydtow • ti ^ \ • Kurozwçki Y • w r y Klimorrtôw ^Bogoria Koprzyuunica. Before WWI, Lagôw was located in Opatôw powiat (district) of Radom gubernia (province) of the Kingdom of Poland of the Russian Empire (1867-1917). Between the two world wars (1918-1939), Lagôw was in Opatôw district of Kielce wojewôdztwa (province) of the Second Polish Republic; from 1945-1975 in Kielce province of Poland; and from 1976-1998 in Kielce administrative district. Since 1999, Lagôw's jurisdiction is the Kielce district of Swietokrzyskie province. The Jewish population of Lagôw was very small - less than 200 persons - until the removal of legal residency restrictions throughout the Kingdom of Poland in 1862. After that time, the Jewish population quickly grew to about 1,200-1,400 persons, and that size remained fairly constant until the Holocaust. The 7-line article "JlaroBt" (Lagov) in the Russian EBpeÉCKXJi 9Hn,UKjionep,ia [Evreiskaia Entsiklopeidiia = Jewish Encyclopedia] (St. Petersburg: Brokhaus-Efron, 1908-1913), Volume IX, column 958, reads: Lagov - Settlement in Opatôw uezd [district], Radom Gubernia. Since it was classified as a [Roman Catholic] church possession, Lagow had the privilege until 1862 of not allowing Jews to settle on its territory (This privilege is not currently valid). Nonetheless, even by 1856 there were 145 Jews (and 1,186 Christians) registered. In 1897 the total population was 2,440, of which 1,233 were Jews. Previous articles about Lagôw in the Kielce-Radom SIG Journal are: • Illustration: "Lagover Mutual Benefit Society - Constitution, 1931". 1:3 (Summer 1997), page 8. • "Memories of Lagov" by J. B. Salsberg. Excerpts from his articles in the Canadian Jewish News. 1:4 (Autumn 1997), pages 17-20. • Marriage extracts from Opatôw, 1855-1862. 1:4 (Autumn 1997), pages 40-52. • "Report of Recent Meeting of the Lagower Mutual Benefit Society of Toronto", by Sid Orfus and Max Katchky. With photos and names of 51 members, 1938. 11:2 (Spring 1998), pages 28-29. • "The Lagover Mutual Benefit Society Cemetery", by Sid Orfus and Max Katchky. 111:4 (Autumn 1999), pages 11-17. Transcripts of Toronto landsmanshaft burials, plus photo and transcript of Toronto Holocaust memorial. Also Lagôw market day photo, 1930's, page 31. The following 20 pages contain diverse articles and material about the Jewish community of Lagôw. Kielce-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Summer 2001 Lagôw from Pinkas HaKehillot, Polen, Volume VII (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1999), pages 267-269 By Shmuel Levin and Rachel Grossbaum-Pasternak Translated from the Hebrew by Seymour Baltman, edited by Jerry Tepperman Lagow In Yiddish: YrçOfcÙ (Lagev) Opatôw district, Kielce province Year 1662 1827 1857 1921 1939 Total Population Jewish Population 171 60 142 1,327 1,304 2,527 - 1,269 -1,400 Lagôw is first mentioned in records from the 1 lth century as a property owned by the Catholic Church. In the vicinity of the town, a particular form of clay was found that was well suited for the manufacture of porcelain wares. Lagôw was recognized as a minor city in 1253. (It appears that it got lower status rights because the number of inhabitants had not, at that time, reached 486 persons). In 1453, the King of Poland,' Kazimierz IV Jagiellon [1427-1492], raised the administrative rank of Lagôw and changed it to a full city according to the Magdeburg Law. As such, it was allowed to hold two annual fairs every year. In 1504, the boundaries of Lagôw were expanded to include parts of the forest adjacent to it, including the land that had been utilized for the production of clay for the porcelain industry. During this period, Lagôw enjoyed strong economic improvement, and a factory was built for the production of glassware. In 1578, iron ore and lead were discovered in the vicinity and factories were built there which manufactured iron utensils. At that time, there were 47 tradesmen in the city, including four liquor distillers. When the Swedes invaded Poland, in the middle of the 17th century, the combatants passed by Lagôw without incident and the city was able to continue its growth and expansion uninterrupted. However, by the end of the 17th century, the city was devastated by a fatal epidemic, which wiped out all but 171 residents. At the beginning of the 18th century, a city revival of sorts began, and once again a few factories were established for the production of porcelain wares. By 1739, the number of annual fairs increased to 10 per year, and many people were attracted to those events from far and wide. At that point, a large inn was built. After the Polish insurrection in 1863, in which many of the citizens of Lagôw participated, the Russian authorities closed several factories in the city and the city's standing with the regional governments declined. There remained only a few small factories for the production of fire-resistant porcelain wares. In the year 1869 Lagôw's city status was taken away, and even as a part of the independent Republic of Poland after World War I, it remained a provincial industrial town, without official city status. Until the end of the 19th century, we have no evidence of the existence of an organized Jewish community in Lagôw. In 1827, no more than 60 Jews resided there, but from that point their numbers grew continuously - in 1852 the Jewish community numbered 142 people; and by 1921 the population grew to 1,269 people. The Jews of Lagôw, as did their brethren in other Polish cities, earned their living from commerce and trades and from participating in the market days and the fairs. They earned their livelihood with difficulty and hard work. In 1903, the newspaper Izraelita published an article on the poverty and difficult existence of the Jews in Lagôw, and described the absence of needed help from outside sources. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Jews of Lagôw became organized into a community and built a small synagogue. In 1908, a community leadership committee was chosen and they appointed Rabbi Tzvi Dov Rozen, who served as Rabbi in Lagôw until 1924. His successor, Rabbi Yissachar Dov Shwartz (died 1937), was the second and also the last Rabbi of Lagôw. After Summer 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 him, no other Rabbi was appointed to take on those rabbinic responsibilities. During the First World War, many of the sources of livelihood for the Jews had disappeared, and many residents were compelled to rely on the regular assistance from the general community fund for the poor. In 1915, a community kitchen was opened in Lagôw to feed the large numbers of poor people. In 1919, at the end of the war, the armies of General [JôzefJ Haller of the Polish forces passed through Lagôw, took advantage of their position to pillage the stores of the Jewish community, and to cut the beards and brutalize passing Jews, thereby causing them intense suffering. Also, in 1922, when a large fire erupted in the town, the Jews were used as a scapegoat and were accused of setting fire to the settlement. The police opened an investigation and concluded that the Jews were innocent of the crime. In addition, in the later part of that decade, particularly in the days of the economic crisis of the 30's in Poland, a crisis whose effects were also severely felt in Lagôw, the Jews suffered more intensely than others in the competition for the ever-shrinking sources of income. There were Jews who left the town, some to bigger cities within Poland, and others to locations outside the country. However, despite the economic distress and emigration from Lagôw, this period in Lagôw's history was characterized by an increase in community and political activity. Specifically, the assorted Zionist parties flourished, along with their respective youth movements. There were also those in Lagôw who were followers of "Agudath Israel". In the period between the two World Wars Lagôw contained a synagogue, a few prayer houses, shtibelech of Gur and Alexander Chassidism, and a minyan of trades people. The Jewish community in Lagôw had no cemetery of its own1 and the dead were generally taken to nearby communities for burial (principally to Opatôw). 1 This contradicts other reports, including the U.S. Preservation Commission; Przemysîaw Burchard; Jerome Hershman's visit. See pp. 19, 21, 23. - WB. During the Second World War Lagôw was conquered by the Germans during the first week of the war [September 1939]. During the fighting in the area, many houses were destroyed. In anticipation of the arrival of the Germans, a group of young Jews escaped to Eastern Poland, which was under Russian occupation. Immediately after their arrival, the Germans began conscripting Jews into forced labor. At the end of 1939, a Judenrat [Jewish council] was established in Lagôw and with their help, all of the Jews of the city were taken out of their houses and moved into inferior accommodations in the market area of the town. At first, they continued to be able to leave their homes as before, but in March 1942 the area was closed off and it became a ghetto. The Germans were not successful in extorting large financial contributions from the Jews of Lagôw, because most were miserably poor. Even threats did not help. Even so, the Germans killed hostages, conducted searches in Jewish homes, and looted their insignificant property, but they were unable to find any money. Many young Jews were sent to work camps. In March 1941, one hundred refugees from Vienna were brought to Lagôw, and then in July 1941, another large group of refugees arrived from Radom, barefoot, starving and sick without anything they could call their own. They were housed in the study -house, and in the small synagogue of Lagôw. As a result of the congestion and poor sanitary conditions, an epidemic of typhus broke out that killed a significant portion of the town's residents. As mentioned earlier, in March 1942, the streets of the Jews were fenced with barbed wire and a small gate was built, in order to enclose the ghetto. It was forbidden to leave the ghetto, and anyone who dared to contravene this prohibition was liable to punishment by death. In the spring of 1942, a new wave of evictions of Jews from ghetto to ghetto began in the district of Radom. At that time, there was a reduction in the number of food cards that were distributed to the Jewish workers in the ghetto by about one-sixth, and the famine in the ghetto became more intense. Kielce-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 In July 1942, according to a list that was prepared in advance, the Germans removed 460 young men from the Lagôw ghetto to an unknown destination. The Germans claimed that they were sent to a secure place and that they were working there on behalf of the German war effort, but no indication of life was ever received from any of them. In August 1942, a rumor spread in the ghetto that the Germans were expelling Jews from ghettoes in the area to extermination camps. Many began to find for themselves an assorted variety of hiding places. Some turned to farmers in the area to beg for help, but only a few farmers were ready to endanger themselves to assist Jews. In addition, on December 15, 1942, the German head of the Radom district published an order and announced that anyone who gave assistance to Jews would be sentenced to death. Despite that threat, there were Polish individuals who dared to hide Jews and also shared their bread with them. One, Ignacy Bazurski, who used to bring food to many Jewish families from Lagôw and even tried to find places for them to hide, was given up to the Gestapo by a Polish accomplice, and was tortured to death in a German prison. 2 On October 27, 1942 , S.S. personnel arrived in Lagôw and with them, Ukrainian and Polish police. They broke into the houses and took out all the Jews to the yard beside the Judenrat building. The sick and old were shot in their beds. Many children were shot to death. In the yard in front of the Judenrat building, the Jews were lined up in rows according to their families and from there moved toward the train station. Even on the way to the train station many Jews were shot. Those who survived, about 2,000 in number, were put into wagons soaked with chlorine and were transported to Kielce (q.v.). After a brief stop there, all of them were sent to Treblinka. During this general expulsion from Lagôw, the Germans permitted some tens of Jews to remain. Those Jews were put to work to collect and sort the property that the expelled residents had left 2 All other sources give the deportation date as October 7, 1942, e.g. Yitzhak Arad, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps (1987), page 395, Table 3; also A. Rutkowski, in BZIH, 1955 #15, page 164. - WB. Summer 2001 behind, to bury the murdered victims and clean the ghetto. After some time they too were sent to the extermination camp. Sources: Izraelita, May 5,1903. [See below] Zbrodnie na Palakach dokonane przez hitlerowcôw zapomoc udzielanq Êydom, Glôwna Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Polsce (Warszawa, 1981), p. 24 From Izraelita, a weekly Jewish newspaper published in Polish in Warsaw, 1866-1913. Nr. 23, May 30 (June 12) 1903, pages 272-273. "Izraelita" Correspondence From Lagôw in Radom Guberniya the following correspondence has arrived amongst the others: In our locality, as in many neighboring shtetls, where mostly very poor Jews reside, such a degree of extreme poverty and depression governs, that even the oldest people do not remember such horrible times. The life of Lagôw's Jews and of the Jews in the other shtetls is a wretched daily existence. Probably the only help for those paupers - who with horrible efforts are managing to earn a small piece of bread, barely sufficient to avoid death from starvation - is to become engaged in agricultural work or to move somewhere else. But even those efforts can not be accomplished without outside assistance, since the residents of Lagôw and the similar backward communities can only complain about their situation and suffer with all humility, but they cannot fight, due to the lack of initiative and money. But those outsiders that can take initiative and possess money would not even think about the Yidlakh of Lagôw. For example, if they would at least peep at the shtetls in the deep provinces where the Jewish proletariat is dying from hunger all their life - they could, after all, do so much good. The young generation of those poor beggars is healthy material after all, and from them, in appropriate circumstances, one could develop competent people. People from Lagôw need assistance to resettle and to begin a new life: to educate them, to open their eyes for their daily wretched existence - this is a goal of all Jewish associations, charities and circles, since they do not identify those goals themselves. Translatedfrom the Polish by Alexander Sharon Summer 2001 Kielce-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Lagôw - Article from Slownik Geograficzny Translated from the Polish by Gordon McDaniel The 16-volume Slownik Geograficzny Krôlestwa Polskiego i innych krajôw slowiariskich [Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavic Lands], edited by Filip Sulimierski, et. al. was published in Warszawa between 1880 and 1902. This Polish-language reference work is the best single source for finding general information about places in the Kingdom of Poland. For more information about the Slownik Geograficzny, see the article by William F. Hoffman in Avotaynu XVI:3 (Fall 2000), pages 4953, or < >. Translated here is the article on Lagôw, from Volume V, page 574. Lagôw. Settlement, later town, on the Lagowica River, county and parish of Lagôw. It lies on an upland that rises here to 924 feet and constitutes the southern flank of the Lysagôr Range, whose Swietokrzyski [Holy Cross] summit is only 7 versts [4.6 miles] distant; Lagôw is23 versts [\5Vt miles] from Opatôw. It lies on the road from Opatôw to Kielce. It has a brick parish church, 3 brick chapels, a home for the poor, a lsl-class elementary school, a county court of the 3rd district [okreg], a county office, post office, an oil mill, two water mills and windmill. In 1827 there were 209 houses and 1,299 residents; in 1862, 201 houses and 2,371 residents (including 192 Jews); now it has 212 houses (5 brick), 2,005 residents. The settlement contains 2851 morgs [1 morg= 1.2 acres] of land. The population is engaged in manufacture of earthenware utensils for many years. The vicinity of Lagôw yields nonflammable clay and dark marble. Near Lagôw is the Zbôjecka cave. Lagôw is an old settlement. Wladyslaw Herman, at the intercession of his wife Judyta, donated the property with its attached villages in 1305 to the Kujawa Chapter: "The cathedral of Wladyslaw, and the castel [castellania] of Lagôw with its district, I concede in permanent donation", states Dlugosz [in Latin]. The expression "castellania" indicates that there must have been a castle there, managed by a castellan or administrator of royal property. Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary and Poland, during the incompetent rule of her son Ludwig, owner of the area, cited a privilege issued in Sandomierz in 1375 to the effect that its castellan Zbyluta, the Bishop of Kujawa or Wloclaw, had raised the village of Lagôw to the rank of town; she gave it German Law [an incorporation charter], and established a market on Thursday. King Jagiello, in granting the request of Piotr of Radolin, a doctor of both laws, confirmed the above privilege in 1390. The town experienced a severe loss in 1502, when it was burned by the Tatars. King Stanisiaw August, for the convenience of the residents, changed 12 annual markets to different days, in 1778. The local church, constructed of stone with a lofty tower, appears to be from the 15th century. Information about its history is lacking, and there is nothing in its interior. Of a second church, also old, in which there was a hospital, there remain only walls. (See Kod. Dypl. Pol. II, 760.) In Lagôw was born the scholarly Hebrew writer Jakob Reifman.1 The parish of Lagôw, in the deanery of Opatôw, has 6,586 souls. The property of Lagôw's wojt [chief officer of a group of villages], a manor farm, entailed estate, has 1 house, 14 residents, 124 morgs. Lagôw Poduchowny is a settlement, has 2 houses, 257 morgs. According to the Land Credit Society [Tow. Kred. Ziem. = Towarzystwo Kredita Ziemskiego], the property of Lagôw consists of the manor farms of Lagôw, Zamosc and Wôlka Zamojska, the villages of Lagôw, Wola Lagowska, Zamosc and Floryanôw, the extent of which is 1385 morgs. The manor farm of Lagôw has 454 morgs of land under cultivation and gardens, 25 morgs of meadow, 9 morgs of pasture, 424 morgs of forest, 25 morgs of fallow land and building plots, for a total of 937 morgs, with 3 buildings of brick and 27 of wood and an 8-field rotation system. The manor farm of Zamosc has 126 morgs of land under cultivation and garden, 34 morgs of meadow, 6 morgs of fallow land and building plots for a total of 166 morgs, with 1 building of brick and 9 of wood, with a 6field rotation system. The manor farm of Wôlka Zamojska has 213 morgs under cultivation and garden, 1 morg of meadow, 4 morgs of pasture, 50 morgs of forest, 14 morgs of fallow land and building plots for a total of 282 morgs. There are also an oil mill, windmill and peat area. The village of Lagôw has 49 morgs in the settlement, with 746 morgs of fields. The village of Wola Lagowska has 13 morgs in the settlement, 232 morgs of fields. The village of Zamosc has 35 morgs in the settlement, 484 morgs of fields. The village of Floryanôw has 10 morgs in the settlement, 151 morgs of fields. The county [gmina] of Lagôw has 4476 residents, 592 houses and 8427 morgs of land. There are quarries of pottery clay and limestone. To the county of Lagôw belong the following: Lechôwek, Lagôw, Lagowska Wola, Malacentôw, Maslowiec, Nowy-Staw, Oriowiny, Paprocice, Sedek, Stawki, Winna and Zamkowa Wola. ' Jacob Reifmann was the author of over 50 books. From The Jewish Encyclopedia (Funk & Wagnalls, 1905), Vol. 10, pp. 365-366: "Reifmann, Jacob - Russian author and philosopher, born Apr 7, 1818 at Lagôw, near Opatôw, Russian Poland, died at Szczebrzeszyn, Oct 13, 1895. Up to the age of 6 he received instruction in Hebrew from his father, whom circumstances had forced to become a "melamed"; after that age he studied Talmud under different rabbis in Opatôw, to which his family had removed from Lagôw." - WB. Kieke-Radom S1G Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Summer 2001 Growing up in Lagov Shtetl was steeped in superstition By J. B. Salsberg Canadian Jewish News, September 3,1981 It's an old custom in this corner to make a hasty retreat into the distant past from time to time. Call it escapism, but it is a relief to get away from it all. So, turn off the radios and the TV boxes and let us return to Lagov, my birthplace. Lagov was very much like the hundreds of other shtetlech in eastern Europe where, until the early part of the 20th century, the majority of European Jews lived. The shtetlech were, of course, affected by the winds of modernism that blew on the European continent, but essentially, shtetlech like Lagov, before the World War I, were still steeped in superstitions. In Lagov, for instance, every little Jewish boy knew that there were sheydim (imps, goblins, etc.) that emerged from their hiding places and carried on their nefarious activities during the night. The sheydim lurked in the attics of Jewish homes and they loved to pounce on young girls who forgot to wear their aprons when leaving their homes. When that happened, mothers would be filled with fear and would leave no stone unturned to protect their young ones. One trained in the art of dispelling the effects of an evil eye would be asked for help. Old Jewish and non-Jewish women who had a reputation for mixing potions for every conceivable emergency would be asked for help. The rabbi of the town would also be consulted and his advice would be scrupulously followed. — In Lagov we knew that the sheydim would conceal themselves under bridges or in culverts and pounce on horses, causing the beasts to gallop until covered with lather and drop dead. What such an experience did to the passengers in the wagon is too horrible to describe. The frightful experience would often put the victims to bed for days or weeks. — In my shtetel it was widely believed that sharply at midnight the dead rose from their graves in the Jewish cemetery and find their way (covered in white shrouds, of course) to the synagogue for prayers. It was, therefore, best to keep out of the shul and the area that led from the cemetery to the shul. It was well known in town that so-and-so, who happened to be in front of the shul late one night, saw a departed one in a shroud heading for the shul and he fainted away. Fortunately he was found by the non-Jewish night watchman who alerted the community. — In Lagov every little boy knew that it was a sin to kill a living thing, but that the prohibition did not apply to the spider. The spider, as is well known, helped in the burning of the holy temple in Jerusalem. — In my town the peanut was called an "Eretz Yisroel nissele" (nut), because when you gently opened the kernel you found a minute, finely formed head of a bearded man. (Try it when surrounded by little ones in your home.) We called the little figure an "Eretz Yisroel Yiddele". In Lagov, so my mother told me, there was an occasion when the entire community celebrated a wedding "under the stars," in front of the synagogue at midnight! How come? Here, according to my mother, of blessed memory, was how it came about. A matchmaker arranged a shiduch between the daughter of a "balebatishe" family in Lagov with the son of an equally balebatishe family in another town. As was customary, the boy's family came to the girl's home for the engagement (Tnaim) and this was when the two young people were allowed to meet briefly. A wedding date was set and the girl's family made elaborate preparations for the event. They even hired a well known musical capella from another city for their daughter's wedding and half the population of Lagov was invited. But at the appointed hour there was no sign of the groom or his family. The capella did its best to entertain the assemblage. But as the hours passed without a sign of the groom, the bride began to cry. So did her mother, so did a lot of other women... and gloom descended on everyone. Gossips assured everyone ready to listen that they didn't like the shiduch in the first place and that the groom didn't impress them at all. Slowly and silently the guests and onlookers departed and the home of the bride became like a house of mourning. Then, near midnight, the groom and his entire entourage arrived in town! What happened? An axle in one wagon and a wheel in another broke and it took all that time to make the repairs. The rabbi approved the holding of the ceremony; the capella began playing "under the stars"; all of Lagov was awakened and all of Lagov, even the uninvited ones and even the non-Jews, hastily assembled in front of the shul where the wedding took place. "What a night that was," said my mother. "No one slept a wink and everyone agreed that the groom was really a lovely young man." So, my friends, it's getting late and we'd better get home before... Summer 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Lagov was progressive town, not backward By J. B. Salsberg Canadian Jewish News, September 10,1981 Hear me, oh you good people whose ancestral roots go back to Lagov! Listen to me, all ye who have compassion for even the humblest of our landsleit! Free yourselves, I pray, of all anger towards me - one of yourselves, blood of your blood, flesh of your flesh and accept my amends. Here and now, before the eyes of all the readers of this renowned publication, I proclaim my affection for the ancient Jewish community of Lagov that has been destroyed by the Hitlerites. I publicly atone for any misconception I may have inadvertently given that Lagov was a town steeped in abysmal superstition. Well, my patient readers, what happened was totally unexpected. Last week's paper no sooner appeared than my uncle Eliezer's telephone became a substitute for the Wailing Wall. It seems that not only the few remaining Lagover originals but many of their children and grandchildren, who had never seen Lagov but had heard it described in technicolor, felt mortally wounded by what I wrote last week. "He has given Lagov a black eye," one complained to my uncle. So I declare: Lagov was no more superstitions than were all other shtetlech at that time and far less so than many other shtetlech in the general vicinity. In fact, Lagov was darned progressive. How can one think of Lagov as a backward community when one can tell the following about It? Before World War I, before my family left for Canada, an uncle of mine was already singing Eliakum Tzunser's the "Soche" (the plow), as the instrument for a Jewish agrarian life in Eretz Yisroel. Yosel (I can't recall his surname)"was so far out in his untraditional method of teaching that his cheder (school) paid little attention to Gemara (Talmud) but concentrated on the Prophets. He was my last rebbe in Lagov. To emphasize his radical methods, he shocked Lagov by giving his limited number of pupils a recess twice a day and he got them back to the classroom with the ringing, of a tiny bell. It was a revolution! Lagov, before we left, already had a few subscribers to the "Freind," a Yiddish daily. Another proof of Lagov's modernism, while I was still there, was the existence of two tiny "ice cream parlors" that served no ice cream, because there was none to be had, but did serve "zode vasser" (carbonated water) with and without fruit juices and they offered pitifully small collections of sweets. One of the two entrepreneurs was the possessor of the only phonograph (horn and everything) in town, and on a balmy summer evening the dark marketplace was enlivened by the popular Yiddish song: "Hot a Yid a veibele" ["What a wife a Jew has"]. I recall my mother singing about Noah and his Ark. It was as heartrending as it was instructive. It related how the sinners scoffed at Noah when he urged them to desist from their sinful ways and when he began building the Ark. But when the flood waters rose, those same sinners appealed to Noah: "Oy, du Noach, hob rachmones, loz undz in der teive (ark) arein" ["Oh, you Noah, have pity, let us into the ark ]. But Noah replied: "Avek rashoim mit eire chatoim; ihr vet in teive nisht arein!" ["Away evil-doers with your sins; you will not go into the ark"]. If that wasn't a sign of modernism, what was? During my last summer in Lagov, Bunim, the rabbi's son-in-law, and a couple of his friends who were singed by modernism, equipped themselves with colored pieces of glass and gathered secretly in my grandfather's orchard to observe an eclipse of the moon. (Together with a couple of my cheder friends I came upon them quite by accident while we were out for some unripe apples.) Then there was Motel the butcher and his kaloshen (ankle high rubbers). Only because one wanted to keep up with new forms of living could one bring himself to buy a pair of kaloshen in Lagov. In dry weather one didn't need them. When it rained or snowed one was likely to lose the rubbers in the mud or snow. But there were a few who, nevertheless, demonstrated their modernism by buying rubbers. Motel the butcher was one of them. Motel's rubbers were never sullied by mud or snow. He put them on only on a sunny, Sabbath afternoon as if they were slippers. On such occasions Motel stood proudly in front of his place, adjusted his position to get the maximum reflection of the sun on his rubbers and, swaying from side to side, Motel beamed at his rubbers. And then there was my much adored grandmother, Miriam Shevah. She spoke to her children and grandchildren in Yiddish, of course. But her Yiddish was sprinkled with Polish, French and Aramaic words that I sorted out only many, many years later. - But she deserves and she will receive the special attention and treatment that she deserved. For now I close with the hope that all Lagover, here and elsewhere in the world, will be conciliated and will join me in singing the praises of our vanished Lagov. Amen. J. B. Salsberg was born in Lagôw in 1902, and arrived in Toronto with his family at age 11. He wrote a weekly column for Canadian Jewish News for many years, including stories of "the small typical Polish-Yiddish shtetl where I was born ". Excerpts of other articles on Lagov byJ.B. Salsberg appeared in Vol. I, No. 4. 10 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Summer 2001 I £ VmyrSUnmg dm dnt»chen Karle 1 : lOOjOOO torn John 1B14, HaAttab 1.75.000 1 i ? i I Î I ! «dm Summer 2001 11 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Lagôw - 1929 Business Directory Entries Transcribed by Warren Blatt Transcribed below are the entries for Lagôw from the 1929 Polish business directory Ksiçga Adresowa Polski (Wraz z w.m. Gdanskiem) dla Handlu, Przemystu RzemiosI i Rolnictwa [Directory of Poland (including Gdansk) for trade, industry, handicraft and agriculture], (Warszawa, 1929), from page 239. For more information about this directory, see K-R SIG JournalTV: 1, pages 27-29. tACÔW. Ottdn mkjf., paw. Opatfw, o f ^7 ;. (U poix, tnb. 7 habit. S (ju km) , „ ,-, Lajow y Unutvir Kiulocki. A.lniiuislr. ta finéts. 1 B <sih. i U r t h ï i : le j«u<ll. Stiorle», ' 1 JRI-Poland is currently engaged in a project to transcribe this entire 3,000 page directory, and create a searchable online database. If you would like to help, please see <>. ; S Irai ogniowa ochotn. , K j m i n d j n t ( O n >4«i pompitr» rolonl. Comiruim/ani): Touian , K.>\uowu>&k. ; Itkmrmm mlnymmfi | Lagow. Town, district of Opatôw, justice court of peace, district court of Radom. Population 2,527. Train 36 km. away at Kielce, Lagôw, Opatôw Kielecki. Administration of State Forests. 1 Catholic church. Markets: Thursday. Sawmill, flour mill. Volunteer fire department, commander Tomasz Kasztowniak. Icruurinv): mMtcitu •'• Spocbowikl — L»n- (tiinu): D a u l g h r 3 . — I Klrunubeiff A. — Kupurbtsrf J. * ©urfto — Ph4Pttl#i (ifMlit't.lit 6tMiflttf!). 1 Hemenboro C. — P « U k I. — > Wajnsttnk L. ' CtgitlM» itrriiflMrriti): Wolsryb S, j — x s k » Caarwlnuna. ! Cenpnit* f/otr. <U auquHUl): KlaJ' mine H. — Porlman J, — Stputi*! ! G. — Unr«t A. > ftlennat {^ariUn-ehinTfitm): Ji>- tefowftki M. Lekarze weterynarji (médecins vétérinaires) [Veterinarians] : Spochowski - Lenkiewicz Wl. II GtUantmrtm (mmtriu): Apelbaum ' Ch. — Siperline F. Akuszerki (sages-femmes) [Midwives]: Kasz J. : Jadlmlojni* (rauturmu): Jablolkiki .St. Apteki (pharmacies) [Chemists]: Gruszczyriski SaMm — tand«l Immh. ill * « l " l l ! Blawaty (tissus) [Fabrics]: Dancigier S. - Kirszenberg A. - Kuperberg J. Bloch H. I Frynwman A. — Uroiuun — Stplxit) — SipWol L. i 1 . Bydlo - handel (march, de bestiaux) [Cattle dealers]: Herszenhorn G. - Piatek I. - £rotrcj« {tatllan): Uolilinib Sf — KamaUki J. — Wajoaaa B. — Wajnsztok L. Z)-llK:rbrt; A. Mbu* (mcvlini): CM'» U. — X*ltWCegielnie (briqueteries) [Brickyard]: Wajnryb S. - Ska Cegielniana ikj \\. — Wiutblu 0. Czapnicy (fabr. de casquettes) [Cap makers]:«Klajminc H. - Perlman J. - Szpigiel G. - — Uruiruann A. — Hufnu" D. — Silainnr I. — ZifibHtitn S t Unrot A. PittiamU {Imuuria-dMl): Aptb lnu:a .V. — jAliinAakl S. — £i*<>» Felczerzy (barbiers-chirurgiens) [Barber-surgeons]: Jôzefowski M. J. — Walilnoa U. Frnéft I ClHnioen*! Mar* {pillGalanterja (merceries) [Dry goods]: Apelbaum Ch. - Szperling F. iihoiu <i (nu/ucni>iu): Ku»iowniuk. Jadlodojnie (restaurants) [Restaurants]: Jabloriski St. Hummrm (bciurtUtn): Cukier 0— Cukier j . Konie - handel (march, de chevaux) [Horse dealers]: Bloch H. i Frymerman A. - Grosman nnimltt (fmucAcn): Dfbm A. — Hoiman Z. — ZjHbcruinn M. - Szpigiel - Szpigiel L. i Z. (oiin): lwaiiki Ch. " i (ipinlmm): C'Dar H. Krawcy (tailleurs) [Tailors]: Goldgrôb Sz. Karmaiski J. - Wajsman B. - Zylberberg A. ., , *rt. (amaltoU»): Baitman S. - Oloeh \V. — Chahipoik Mlyny (moulins) [Mills]: Czaja L. - Majewski W. - Wajsblat B. ChTTS^.' fjjkior K. — Ickowia Ch. — Ko»(à f; - 3»tii..l H, Piekarze (boulangers) [Bakers]: Goldgrub Ch. - Grosmann A. - Hofman B. - Sztajner I. StclMTf (mominirt): OuikomU - Zylberberg Sz. W. — Tnuif' '• — Cch K. — RatPiwiarnie (brasseries-débit) [Retail breweries]: Apelbaum A. - Jabloriski S. - Sisarz J. - Kanunikk ifiais H. — SiaotiwiM W. — Ulnal T. Waldman M. rartaftl (ttima): Bajwol S. — F«ronni»u> K. i Rrohla U. siikc. Prosb itlumaczen biura (pélititions et traductions) [Translator]: Kosztowniak Tglttletee «vrakR <latea): Citaj 3. — .labimiikl St. — NtM&bauis Rymarze (bourreliers) [Harness makers]: Cukier B. - Cukier S. J. — WaMmao M. Obrnnlm golaiM (cAnnmtt canRzeznicy (bouchers) [Butchers]: Beben A. - Rotman Z. - Zylberman M. ftdioMdi): Wuinftnt J. — ZylMT' Skôry (cuirs) [Leather]: Iwariski Ch. berc A. WmptrnnmOd (fmm & dutnx): C M Spirutualja (spiritueux) [Liquor distiller]: Cellar H. •nv St. — DrUkl A. — I'iotwnnki Spozywcze artykuly (comestibles) [Food articles]: Baltman S. - Bloch W. - Chalupnik Ch. j . — s»pi»i«i .v. — s«pi(r>«i I. — Stpigirl.J- — Wajnryb S._ - Cukier K. - Ickowicz Ch. - Kosela F. - Sanbel M. B ina xyk 1. — Dialy J. — ikl J. Stolarze (menuisiers) [Carpenters]: Denkowski W. - Trojster I. ZNU. (gnriu): StWlo N. tmtam (/«T»): Hertyk I. — 8»t«Szewcy (cordonniers) [Shoemakers]: Grzesnik P. - Kosztowniak - Lach K. - Rotsztajn M. - Siemieniec W. - Ufhal T. Tartaki (scieries) [Lumber mill]: BajwilS. - Fefermana E. i Rechta B. Sukc. Tytoniowe wyroby (tabacs) [Tobacco products]: Czesny J. - Jabloriski St. - Nisenbaum J. - Waldman M. Ubrania gotowe (vitements confectionnés) [Ready-made clothes]: Wajngust J. - Zylberberg A. Wapienniki (fours à chauz) [Forger]: Czesny St. - Debski A. - Piotrowski J. - Szpigiel A. - Szpigiel I. - Szpigiel J. Wajnryb S. Wyszynk trunkôw (spiritueux) [Liquors]: Banaczyk J. - Biaty J. - Majewski J. Zboze (grains) [Grains]: Sztein N. Zelazo (fers) [Iron]: Hercyk I. - Szterenfeld H. 12 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Summer 2001 A Petition from the Lagôw Jewish Community, 1859 Translated from the Polish by Peter Jassem At the Archiwum Glôwne Akt Dawnych [AGAD] in Warsaw, the Main Archives of Historical Records, among the vast papers of the "Komisja Rzadowa Spraw Wewnetrznych i Duchownych" [K.R.S.W.i D.] collection ["The Government Commission of Internal and Religious Affairs"], the following pieces of handwritten correspondence regarding Lagôw were found. Document #2112/8693, pages 105-110. The first letter, dated Feb. 21/ Mar. 5, 1859 [Julian/Gregorian calendar dates], is addressed to "His Excellence Chief Director and President of The Government Commission of Internal and Religious Affairs". The senders are "(Jewish) parish members of Opatôw District in Radom Gubernia" and subject of the letter is regarding "including back some of adjacent villages and towns to the Mosaic Faith [i.e. Jewish] Parish of Rakôw, for the reasons as follows". "As long as the Rakôw Jewish Congregation has existed, the villages of Medrôw, Cisôw, Ociesçki, Napekôw, Makoszyn, Huta Nowa, Piôrkôw [these villages are all located within a 10-mile radius of Lagôw], the town of Lagôw and others have belonged to this congregation of Rakôw as far as religious activities (rites) are concerned, and we participated in them with great convenience. These communities were separated from Rakôw Congregation by a government decree of 1843 and attached to the distant synagogue of Opatôw. The undersigned experience great inconvenience as far as observing their religious duties because according to Mosaic faith on some holidays we have to pray at graves of family members, which due to attachment to another parish we are unable to continue doing. Also the Jews from the communities listed above, located near Rakôw, have to travel far to Opatôw, which is tiresome and expensive. In addition it happens that bodies of persons deceased after long and serious illness, according to the existing regulations, are kept in place for three days, and then on very hot days have to be transported to 30 versts [-20 miles] away Opatôw, which is a great health risk of spread of dangerous disease due to decay, and sometimes holidays and Sabbath days are violated as we have to travel through Rakôw and Iwaniska against our religion, and we have to travel through uninhabited areas and forests, since due to the fear of epidemic, the local authorities of villages and towns make it hard to pass through. Previously in 1853 we sent petitions to the Radom Gubernia Authorities asking to incorporate us into the town of Rakôw's synagogue congregation, and as a result we filed required protocol declarations on Oct. 24 / Nov. 8, 1853. And now the parishioners of Jewish faith having learned that the Commission of Interior and Spiritual Affairs has refused our petition on the grounds that current status quo is required for the purpose of military conscription, although the fact is that our religious duties would not inconvenience the conscription, registration or taxation activities. For these reasons we have to beg your Magnificence General Director of the Government Commission of Interior and Spiritual affairs, as a caring authority, to look at our difficult situation as far as practicing our faith is concerned and the good of Jews living in the communities of Medrôw, Cisôw, Ociesçki, Napekôw, Makoszyn, Huta Nowa, Piôrkôw and town of Lagôw in the administrative district [powiat] Opatôw, attach them for good to Rakôw (synagogue district) in administrative district [powiat] of Sandomierz. We remain in sweet hope that our petition will be accepted. With great respect in the name all interested, [Signatures of] Herszel Sztajn, Szulim Podstolski, J... Brauman. Medrôw, Feb. 28 1859." The Response letter: From: K. R. S. W. i Dch. ["Komisja Rzqdowa Spraw Wewnetrznych i Duchownych"] Warszawa, 18/30 May 1859, in response to correspondence 2112/8693. To: the Jew Herszel Sztain of Medrôw, administrative district of Rakôw. "In response to the application of Herszel Sztain filed on behalf of inhabitants of Medrôw, Cisôw, Ociesçki, Napçkôw, Makoszyn, Huta Nowa, Piôrkôw and the town of Lagôw on Feb. 28 1859 to director general of K.R.S. W.iD. regarding separation from Opatôw synagogue district and inclusion in Rakôw synagogue district being closer, the Commission declares that the Radom Gubernia Government has already declared on 16/28 January 1857 that this request cannot be met because these communities and the town of Lagôw are located in the administrative district [powiat] of Opatôw, while the town of Rakôw is located in the administrative district of Sandomierz. Inclusion of these communities in a synagogue district located in another administrative district would cause disorder in enforcing administrative, police and military regulations, and this is why when the synagogue districts were regulated in 1822 they were to be limited by the administrative district [powiat] borders." [Signatures, dated 5/21/59, 5/26/59, 5/28/59]. Summer 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 13 "Pages of Testimony" from Yad Vashem's Hall of Names Presented below are extracts from "Pages of Testimony" for Holocaust victims born inLagôw, from Yad Vashem's Hall of Names database. Each line of data comes from one "Page of Testimony" [in Hebrew: "Daf Ed"], filled out by survivors and other family members. These extracts were transcribed and transliterated from handwritten pages in many languages, so there will be inconsistences in spelling, and there may be errors present in these transcriptions. To obtain copies of the original "Page of Testimony" from Yad Vashem, see their web site: For more information about this database, see the articles "Yad Vashem Mobilizes Army of Workers to Computerize Names of Holocaust Victims", by Bill Gladstone, in Avotaynu XV: 1 (Spring 1999), pp. 7-8; "Yad Vashem Opens Multimillion Names Database", by Sallyann Amdur Sack, m Avotaynu XVI: 1 (Spring 2000), p. 3-4; and "Using the Pages of Testimony Computerized Database", by Shalom Bronstein, in Avotaynu XVII:1 (Spring 2001), pp. 15-17. Yad Vashem states that "This is only a partial report from the Pages of Testimony Collection databank, which is subject to updates, corrections and additions on a daily basis". Thanks to Alexander Avraham, Director, Hall of Names, for providing this information to the K-R SIG. Father Mother 1922 Shmuel Khana 1920 Shmuel Khana Shimon Miriam 1910 Shmuel Khana 1919 Shmuel Khana APELBAUM, Shimon 1924 Shmuel Khana ASCHER, Gitel Sara 1937 Aharon Ester BALTMAN, 1925 Eleizer Chana BALTMAN, 1929 Eleizer Chana BALTMAN, 1926 Eleizer Chana BALTMAN, Chana 1899 Name Born APELBAUM, Gitl APELBAUM, Hinda APELBAUM, Khana 1892 APELBAUM, Pua APELBAUM, Raizel Birth name KLEINMINTZ Spouse Place of Residence 1 Death Lagow f Treblinka Shmuel Eleizer BALTMAN, Chava LI Treblinka L / Treblinka L f Treblinka LI Treblinka L | Treblinka LILILILILILIL LILIL Asher Zelig Gitel Chana Asher Zelig Gitel Chava Laibish Ruchtcha Opatow I - BALTMAN, Yietzhak Pinchas Dora BALTMAN, Yiezhak Pinhas Dvora LI 11 L1 Kielce L1 Majdanek BALTMAN, Eleizer 1897 BALTMAN, Eliezer BALTMAN, Reisel 1914 SZPIGIEL BEINWOL, Bella BEINWOL, Ita BEINWOL, Szmuel BRUMAN, Poria SZPIGIEL Chaim Pesia Shmuel Bela Chaim Pesia Brandi Bluma 1907 Shmuel Bela Zavl CITRIN, Mendel DEBSKA, Sara 1880 Maier 1921 Avraham Shmuel DEBSKI, Abraham Szmul 1891 ZYLBERBERG Leizer Hirsh Chana Ester DEBSKI, Hane 1893 ZYLBERBERG Shlomo David Rivka DEBSKI, Mendel 1913 KAHAN Avraham Shmuel Chava DEMBSKI, Avraham Szmue! DEMBSKI, Chana 1893 1894 Ester Chana ZYLBERBERG Lozer Hersh Shlomo David Rivka Avraham Shmuel DEMBSKI, Menachem Mendel 1913 1915 Avraham Shmuel Avraham Shmuel Roza 1921 Avraham Shmuel DEMBSKI, Moshe DEMBSKI, Sheindel Yafa Chana Chana Tzira L1 Ostrowitz Lodzl Kielce 1 Kielce •IL Chana Toba LILILIL1 Poland L1 Kielce LILILIL Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 14 DEMBSKA, Carka DREYLICH, Noah ERLICH, Mordchai FEFERMAN, Israel FEFERMAN, Israel FEFERMAN, Malka FRIMERMAN, Malka FRUCHTMAN, Brandi FRUCHTMAN, Dvoyra FRUCHTMAN, Leah FRUCHTMAN, Rifka FRUCHTMAN, Rizel FRUCHTMAN, Schmiel FRUCHTMAN, Srilke FRUCHTMAN, Yitta GOLDBERG, Josef GOLDBERG, Rozia GOLDGRUB, Chamel GOLDGRUB, Mailech losel GOLDGRUB, Srulich Israel GOLDGRUB, Toba GOLDGRUB, Tzivia GOLDHAAR, Mosche GOLDVASER, Meir GOLDVASER, Rosa GOLDVASER, Tova GOLDVASER, Yocheved GOLDVASER, Zarke GOLDWASER, Miriam Sara GOLDWASSER, Ester GOTLIB, Rivka GOTLIB, ShlomoYosef GROSSMAN, GROSSMAN, GROSSMAN, GROSSMAN, Israel GROSSMAN, Nechemia GRYNBLAT, Cyrla HERSCHKOWICZ, Rachel HERSZKOWICZ, Abraham HESZKOVIC, Szaul MIMMEL, Haia HOFMAN, Pesl HONIGSBERG, Reizel JOZEFOWICZ, Chana JUNGFER, Lea KAC, Zelman KAC, Zelmann KLAJMINE, Mendel KLAJNMINC, Zelik KONIGSBERG, Fischel KONIGSBERG, Fischel LEIZOREK, Lea LOJZOREK, Lea MANGURTEN, Leiser MANGURTEN, Leon MILCHMAN, Abie MILCHMAN, Chaia Gitel MILCHMAN, Chana Doba MILCHMAN, Melech MILCHMAN, Mendel MILCHMAN, Noach NAIFELD, Chana NAIFELD, Pinchas 1889 1916 1921 1889 ZLOTO RECHT 1885 1896 Leizor Hersh Bayrel Eliezer Israel Simeon Avram Chaim Mordecha i Jacov Jacov Ester Razel Tauba Hannah Jacov Jacov Jacov Jacov Jacov Elihu Elihu Moshe Chaim Yitzhak Moshe Moshe Schlomo Herschl Fishel Fishel Fishel Fishel Fishel Aharon Fishel Chaim Moshe Israel Israel Israel Shmiel Israel Leah Leah Leah Leah Leah Chaia Chaia Razel Feigla Malka Razel Razel Toba Fradl Miriam Sara Miriam Sara Miriam Sara Miriam Sara Miriam Sara Ester Miriam Sara Pesia Rivka Leah Leah Leah Reina Gitel Rishla Sarah Leah Leah Jacov ZAIFMAN 1888 1883 1899 1890 1892 1915 1920 1925 1900 1923 1920 1906 1938 1938 1929 GRINBLAT SZPIGIEL 1903 Hinda Summer 2001 •/• LI• 1 Treblinka Kielce 1 Treblinka 1 Kielce / Auschwicz L I Treblinka Lf Treblinka Poland I • Poland I • LIPoland 1 • Poland I • Poland f - LIPoland 1 • Poland 1 • LILIStaszow I Staszow LILIStaszow I • Alte Reil Fishl Moshe LIL I Treblinka L I Treblinka L I Treblinka L I Treblinka L I Treblinka L I Treblinka L I Treblinka L I Majdanek LIL •1• / • •1Leah Leah LI•I- •11897 1895 1880 1880 APELBAUM BOXENBAUM 1907 1899 1911 1894 DYSENHAUS KESTENBERG ROZNY BALGLEY 1900 1900 NISKO 1891 1901 1901 1925 BALTMAN Chaim Yichiel Israel Herschl Chaia Leah Leah Israel Avram Simcha Dvora Miriam Hodes Esther Pinchas Leon Blanche Herschel Myriam Perel Rivka Schulim Pinhas Pinchas Scheindla Dvora Dvoreh Gitel Gitel Chana Doba Chana Doba Fessla Hillel Hilel Hershel Melech Ber Melech Ber Frodl Melech Ber Chana Doba BINSZWICZ 1878 1900 ROZEN Avraham Ruchel Chaia Ruchel Nota Abie Melech Ber Melech Ber Hershel Avraham Chana Doba Chana Doba Chaia Chana L I Auschwitz L1 Auschwitz Lodz I Auschwitz Ostrowiec 1 Ostrowiec LlKielce 1 Treblinka Lodz 1 Auschwicz Warszawa 1 Paris, France 1 Auschwicz •/• Bruxelles 1 Auschwitz L I Auschwitz -1Lille, France 1 Auschwitz L I Treblinka Lodz 1 Kielce Ghetto LILILILlLlLlLI- LIAvraham Rivka Warsaw I Otvosk Warszawa 1 Treblinka Summer 2001 NUSBAUM, Rivka ORGANEK, Dawid ORGANEK, Herman Chaim PEREL, Ester PIASECKY, Ruchema PILTZMACHER, Shosha PILZENMACHER, Chaia Malka POERL, Yaakov RABINOWICZ, RABINOWICZ, Chana RABINOWICZ, Hana RAPUCH, Sara Rifka RECHT, Ita Sura RECHT, Ita Sura ROZEN, Avraham ROZEN, Hene ROZEN, Jicchak ROZEN, Lea ROZEN, Moshe ROZENBERG, Balci RUZANI, Avraham RUZANI, Mirjam SENDROWICZ, Regina SHECHTER, Balci SPIEGEL, Berek SPIGEL, Bluma SPIGIEL, Avraham SPIGIEL, Benjamin SPIGIEL, Breindl SPIGIEL, Chaim SPIGIEL, Chana SPIGIEL, Chaya SPIGIEL, Dora SPIGIEL, Leon SPIGIEL, Nadya SRAJBHAND, Szulim SZPIEGEL, Regina SZPIGIEL, Beniamin SZPIGIEL, Fiszel SZPIGIEL, Gavriel SZPIGIEL, Israel SZPIGIEL, Rivka Reizel SZPIGIEL, Yochanan SZPIGIEL, Zelda TEPERMAN, Chaja Sara TUCH, Chaja TUCH, Helene WAJNRYB, Symcha WAJSDORF, Chana Adel WAJSDORF, Faigele WAJSDORF, Schlomo WEISDORF, Hanna Pessel WIKINSKI, Moshe ZIBICKI, Peril ZILBERBERG, Alter ZILBERBERG, Baruch ZILBERBERG, Baruch ZILBERBERG, Frida ZILBERBERG, Jchil Alter ZILBERBERG, Lipa ZILBERBERG, Mendel ZILBERBERG, Mosze ' ZILBERBERG, Ysrael Meer ZIPINE, Marie Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 1934 1884 1893 1902 1885 Mordekhai Aharon Tzvi Mendel Efraim Maier Zacharia Moyses Efraim Shlama 1905 1895 1888 1901 1901 1912 1910 1887 1912 1890 1910 1908 1885 1901 1895 ICKOWICZ ICKOWICZ PILZMACHER ROTER ROTER ROTI ROZEN ROZEN WEINREB SUGAR SUGAR Bela Marya Khava Sara Tzvetel Bluma Mariam Bracha Tzvetel Hana Zacherie Yosef Yosef Itzhak Itzhak Hershel Moshe Hersehl Simcha Simcha Hersh ^ Maier Hershel Mariem Reyzl Reyzl Reizel Reizel Chaia Avraham Shlomo Avraham Avraham Avraham David Avraham Avraham Avraham Avraham Chana Pesel Chana Chana Chana Sugar Fay Chana Chana Chana Chana Shmuel Yosef Yochanan Yochanan Yonatan Aharon Dov Chaim Yosef Yichiel Eliezer Shraga Bella Rivka Reizel Edla Adla Adla Bela Pesia Rivka Reizel Chaia Miriam Hodes Miriam Chaia Ida Chaia 15 LI- Chawa Hilde Gitel Mordechai Leib Szlama Shlama Zalman Szlomo Chaim Mordechai Chaim Mortchai Reizl Moshe Sarah Simcha Yaakov David Shlomo Sara Chana Avraham Lodz I Slupia Nowa Lodz f Poland L f Treblinka Kielce / Kielce Russia (USSR) / Ivaniska f • L / Treblinka LIL LIL I Treblinka Poland 1 Skarzysko LILILILILI•/• Szczecin 1 • Warsaw I • Warsawa I • Warsza I Poland 1 • Hag/• / • LI•/• LILILILILILILILI•1- 1908 KLEINMINTZ RECHT 1918 1913 ERLICH 1885 1913 1885 KLEINMINTZ MANGURTEN 1872 1903 1905 1872 1869 1892 1902 1923 1918 1920 1912 GOLDBERG PLOWCKI PLYOCKI Hinda Yosef Adla Kalman Tzvi Tauba Jona Feiga Schlomo Schlomo Chana Adel Hershel Gittel Boruch Mindel Pinia Leib Shprintse Boruch Boruch Hertzl Boruch Boruch Mindel Mindel Miriam Mindel Mindel Chava Moshe Chaya Sarah Mendel Mindel Yichiel Alter Freda Chava LI Auschwitz LI Majdanek LIL L1 Majdanek L I Majdanek LI Majdanek LI Majdanek L I Majdanek Ivansk I • •IL Lodz I • L1 Treblinka LI Treblinka L I Treblinka L I Treblinka L1 Auschwitz Kielce 1 Treblinka Lodz 1 Lodz Lodz 1 Lodz Lodz I Lodz Lodz 1 • Lodz 1 • Lodz I Lodz Lodz 1 Lodz Lodz I Lodz Lodz 1 Lodz Lodz | Lodz Camp •1- 16 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Summer 2001 Lagôw Vital Records No vital records specifically for Lagôw have survived - they were all presumably destroyed when the Germans bombed the Lagôw town hall during WWII. However, there are birth, marriage and death registrations for some Jewish residents of Lagôw in the mid-19th-century Jewish civil registers of the nearby town of Opatôw. When the Lagôw Jewish community was small, they apparently registered their vital events in Opatôw. But it is not yet clear if these are all of the registrations for Lagôw - At some point Lagôw presumably had its own Jewish civil registers, after it began growing in the 1860s. More investigation into the Jewish civil registers of Opatôw is needed to determine when Lagôw began its own register. Microfilms of the Jewish civil register of Opatôw are available for 1831-1884, on 7 LDS microfilms: #809,163-165 and #1,808,844-847. Extracts of some of these records have been published in the KielceRadom SIG Journal: The Opatôw marriages for 1855-1862 appeared in 1:4 (Autumn 1997), pages 41-52. Lagôw registrations in the Opatôw Jewish civil registers: Births: 1855: #24 FRYMERMAN, #25 BLUSZTEJN, #26 PERELMAN, #39 SZPIGIEL, #41 PERL, #42 ROTSZTEIN, #64 PEREL, #65 ROZENFELD. Marriages: 1855, 1857: 1858: 1859: 1860: 1861: 1862: 1856: None. 2: # 1 RAJCHCAJG, #2 FRYMERMAN 6: #16 TRAJSTER, #29 SILBERBERG, #30 WEISDORF, #30 UNROT, #44 PEREL, #44 SZPIGIEL 6: #9 KATZ, #22 KOTLARZ, #45 SZNAJDER, #45 KATZ, #46 SZTARK, #46 WEINSZTOK 2: #2 MENDEL, #2 ROTBURG 4: #19 PERLA, #19 MERELBAUM, #32 TAJECHMAN, #39 ROTSZTEIN 6: #2 WIKINSKI, #12 SILBERBERG, #33 GRYNSZPAN, #34 SZPIGIEL, #50 FRÛMENMAN, #53 SZPIGIEL 1863: 1: #10MILSCHMAN References to Lagôw Jewish residents in other towns' vital records (other than Opatôw): - Bogoria 1857 M #1: Sima PFEFERMAN, @19, son of Aba (dec.) & Dobra - Bogoria 1858 M #5: Ester EJZENBERG, @18, dau of Majer (dec.) & Ciejwa - Bogoria 1858 M #10: Mosk TAJCHMAN, @20, son of Mejlich & Gitla, of wies Lagowice - Bogoria 1859 M #1 : Lejb SILBERBERG, @18, son of Mendl & Szandl (dec.) - Bogoria 1859 B #11 : Abram PFEFERMAN, son of Sima @25 & Fajga z NACHTYGIEL @24 - Checiny 1842 M #42: Fraydla FEFER, @21?, dau of Abus (dec.) & Dobra - Checiny 1860 M #17: Haja RAYCHCZAYG?, @19, dau of Michal & Szprinca - Checiny 1882 M #1 : Nachman Ber MANELA, @21, son of Boruch & Haia [RAYCHSZAJG] - Klimontôw 1827 M #2: Jakier ROTBERK, @21, son of Lewek Joskowicz & Haia - Klimontôw 1850 M #8: Cypa PERELMAN, @19, dau of Jankiel & Tauba - Chmielnik 1877 M #35: Ajdla Chawa RECHTMAN, @20, dau of Wolf & Gena REMBESZEWSKI - Chmielnik 1881 M #56: Gerszel SZTIEL, @19, son of Moszek & Liba DRUCAN - Daleszyce 1862 B #22: Michel SZPERLING, son of Jankiel @28 & Elka BRAUMAN @28 - Daleszyce 1862 M #3: Major ORGANEK, @19, son of Dobra Landsmanshaftn: There are two known landsmanshaft organizations for Lagow: -Toronto: "Lagover Mutual Benefit Society". Founded 1931. Last known address: 501 Briar Hill Ave., Toronto, M5N 1M8. (416) 485-1778. < .stm> The Ontario Jewish Archives (4600 Bathurst Street, Willowdale) may have some records. - Chicago: "Lagower Aid Society". Founded 1934. See Sidney Sorkin's Bridges to An American City: A Guide to Chicago's Landsmanshaften, 1870 to 1990. (Peter Lang: 1993), pp. 207-208. Summer 2001 Klelce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 17 Lagover Mutual Benefit Society - 25th Anniversary photos Toronto, 1956 Photo courtesy of Sy Baltman, Photo captions transcribed by Sid Orfus 7 horizontal rows, starting from the top, left to right 1 M Katz (Trustee), J Winemaker (Rec Sec), M Greenspan (Fin Sec ), S Shugar (ex Près ), S Persiko (Près ), J Ross (Vice Près), N Stern (ex Près ), J Troster (Treasurer), J Silverberg (Ch Bd of Directors), Louis Spegel (Trustee) 2 Jacob Klein, I B Klein (Audit Com ), N Hershenhorn (Executive), A Applebaum (Chanty & Relief Com ), M Siegelbaum (Inner Guard), P Greenbaum (ex Près ), M Mandel (Ch Calender), M Greenbaum (Exec Board), H Applebaum (Audit Com), Ch Troster (Charity & Relief Com), I Gotheb (Exec Board), L Onrot(Exec Board) 3 M Silverberg, S Baker (Exec Board), N Applebaum, S Mandel, 0 Starkman, H Pearl (Audit Com ), A Weinstock (Exec Board), Max Freedman (Exec Board), S Mandorf(Exec Board), S Pearl (Exec Board), S Pearl, M Katz 4 J B Weisman, P H Freedman, A Freedman, I Freedman, B Wislesky, K Wislesky, A Wislesky, H Baltman, M Baltman, J Baltman, J Perlman, J Hersh 5 B Gotheb, J Pearl, M Weisbrod, S Weisberg, B Freedman, L Sherman, L Laufer, M Werner, ] Klein, J Chelsky, L Myers, B Besser 6 H Kremnitzer, M Silver, H Nash, A Wolgelenter, H Rosenfield, D Dombrofsky, A Mandel, H Price, V Kleiner, J Alter 7 J Fruitman, S Sheps, B Baum, H Silverberg, M Chmielnicki, Ben Lerech, S Bemholtz 18 Kielce-RadomS1G Journal Volumeigi,Number3 Summer2001 Lagower Landsmanshaft in Chicago From Bridges to an American Society: A Guide to Chicago's Landsmanshaftn 1870-1990, by Sidney Sorkin (Peter Lang, 1993), pages 207-208: Lagower Aid Society (Poland). Founded 1934. Incorporated January 7,1935. Lagower Aid Society Cemetery Association. Incorporated August 16, 1935 Cemetery: Menorah Gardens; Sexton, Lebovitz & Co., Inc. References: American Jewish Congress Yearbook 1939; Piser Guide; Hyman L. Meites, History of the Jews in Chicago (Chicago JHS, 1990); Landsmanshaften Questionnaire. The Lagower Aid Society was organized in 1931, officially founded in 1934 and incorporated in 1935. Seven months later, on August 16,1935, the Cemetery Association was chartered. A meeting was held on the first Sunday in August 1980, in the Workmen's Circle Vladick Center, at 6500 North California Avenue, and it was a modified version of a picnic, merely held indoors. One of the featured guests of the party was Mr. Joseph Roter, who was the first president and now a resident of Israel. He was the guest of honor. It was almost like a family reunion. Some of the information garnered at that time follows: The Society does not support its landsmen in Israel, only direct support to Israel. They had their last banquet on November 18, 1981, in Chicago. There is a large group a Lagower landsleit in Toronto, Canada. A large part of their current membership consists of children of the original immigrant members. These children are now 40, 50, and 60 years old. They also had other forms of fund-raisers such as an annual fish boil at the Sovereign Hotel. Their meetings were held at the Workmen's Circle building until it was sold. They have moved their meeting place to "What's Cooking", a restaurant in the Lincoln Village Plaza, Chicago. Joseph Zemel, A. Goldzweig, Nathan Klein, Philip Cooper and Sol Roter were men who signed the incorporation papers. Sam Roter, Nathan Klein, Joseph Roter, Morris Shabelman, Sol Roter and Philip Cooper were the men who organized the Cemetery Association. Mollie Silver, Haskel Roter and Annie Klein completed the Landsmanshaft Questionnaire September 6, 1981. While they were discussing the verein [organization], it became apparent that the members were almost like a family. This town, which is in the province of Radom, near Warsaw, was like one big extended family. The original purpose of the verein was to help landsleit, especially during the 20 years between the two World Wars. Most of the members came to America after WW1, and thus were directly acquainted with the conditions over there. By 1940 the Lagower Aid Society had been dissolved by the state, but still continued to function. Al Hirsch, who was one of the organizers, was not listed on the charter. Yossel Roter was the first president of the Society, and attended the meeting in 1981 over which his son, Haskel Roter, presided. The elder Mr. Roter was 98 years old at the time. The other officers at the meeting were Helen Diner, vice-president, Joseph Spiegel, recording secretary, and Jack Baumgartner, treasurer. At its peak its membership reached 60 but its current membership is approximately 20. Only 18 attended the meeting in September of 1981. Originally, the dues were $5.00 per year. They are now $10.00. The verein has never issued a monthly bulletin or had a yearly adbook. It still holds monthly meetings but does not hold executive meetings. There were annual picnics until about 1970. Special anniversaries were celebrated at the annual meetings. Sometimes holidays such as Purim and Chanukah were celebrated. One important function, the fund for the needy, is still operative. The sick committee still makes visits and reports. The organization faces a common problem with its cemetery. One third of the lots have not been sold and for a large portion of those sold, wither empty or occupied, payment for their upkeep is not forthcoming. Summer 2001 Kieke-Radom S1G Journal Volume 5, Number 3 19 A Visit to Lagow - May 14,1996 Jerome Hershman My father grew up in Lagow. My mother was born there but left it when she was only 4 years old. Although my father hated it and told me little about it, other than that it was poor, I was always curious about what it looked like and what life there was like before 1920 when he came to Chicago to join his older sister, Rose. When I was invited to a medical meeting in Warsaw, I decided I would visit Lagow. I engaged a guide, Darius Kuzniar, an ambitious young man who was an excellent translator and guide. He showed me and my younger cousin, Robert, around Krakôw. We also visited Auschwitz, where I tried without success to look up family members, because all but one of my father's large family who remained in Poland were killed in the Holocaust. We drove northwest from Krakôw on E7, then took E23 around the west end of Kielce, then east about 30 minutes to Lagow. In contrast with the richer farming communitites we passed north of Krakôw, the farms around Lagow looked poor. The town square is rectangular with a large Catholic church on the north end with a new cupola on it and a small scraggly park near the middle of the square. There are old one-story stores around the square, poor shops on the east, very little merchandise, and almost no commercial activity. We went to the town hall, up a flight of stairs over some shops, and met the Assistant Mayor and three clerks. They told us that all of the records were destroyed by the Nazis during the occupation of the town, a consistent story we heard later. Although I assured them that 1 was not there to reclaim property, they were not convinced of this. Why would I come there? I learned nothing about my relatives or about the town during the first part of the century. A woman in the square in her 60's said she know a Yankele, my grandfather's name, and that he had three daughters, but this Yankele's surname was Cooperman, not Hershman. My grandfather had two daughters and three sons. Yankele Cooperman organized resistance against the Nazis and was shot. We met another woman, Mary Olendrova, age 82, widowed and lonely because her daughter died at age nine. She asked us to come to her house on the west side of the town past some poor houses. Another man led us there, opened the locked gate by climbing over it. The house was a farmhouse, quite run down, and she offered us tea. She said that she went to school with Jews and that everyone got along fine. In the afternoon, we met with the village priest who has been there only one year. He was proud of the new construction on the parish church. He assured us that all of the records were destroyed during the war and showed us the church records which had only a few pages that had been reconstructed to describe the initial events of the church history, and were written in the 50's or later. Though Mary we met Jerry Kowalik, whose uncle was named a righteous gentile in Israel. He saved a wealthy family named Fefferman and was given some of their property after the war. Kowalik's children had moved to Australia. After lunch at a roadside café outside of town, we looked for the Jewish cemetery, now a grove of poplar trees with some refuse near it. There were no tombstones, and we could not find the plaque commemorating it that my cousin had seen in an earlier visit. Jerry Kowalik told us that the tombstones were removed in 1946 by "communists" who took them to another town for construction material. In June, 1942, Lagow was surrounded by Nazis. Jews were herded into a central area, and a ghetto with over 2000 people was set up that included Jews from neighboring towns. Survival was barely possible. At night, enterprising Jews could sneak out of the ghetto, go to neighboring farm to barter for food. On October 7, the Jews were marched to Kielce, then transported to Treblinka where they were killed. Lagow was on the war's front, and the townspeople abandoned it because there was heavy shelling. When they returned, the Germans were gone. The synagogue 20 Kielce-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 had been damaged by the shelling, and years later fell apart. All of the records were destroyed by the Germans. Later in the afternoon, I decided to video the buildings around the square, including the small wooden building at the corner of Iwaniska street that was built on the site of the synagogue. On this south part of the square, there were two taverns and drunken men emerged. When two of them made threatening gestures, I decided it was time to leave quickly. We had overstayed our welcome. In Krakôw the next day I found a book written in 1992 by Adam Penkalla, which had brief summaries of the shtetl demography, including a page on Lagow. In 1787,9 Jews lived with Polish Catholics. In 1827, Lagow had 60 Jews, 4.5% of the population. In 1921, there were 1,269 Jews, 50% of the population, and in 1939, there were 1,400 Jews. Today Lagow has a population of 1,617 people. It has never been repopulated after its Jewish population was wiped out by the Nazis. Summer 2001 My diary contains this impression of Lagow: "All of the Jewish presence is gone, wiped out by the Nazis and the Poles. It is a poor village, little to do, poor economy. Drunkenness prevails. There are many nice Poles in it, but their concern with Jewish visitors is that the Jews will reclaim their houses on the square. The memory of the Jews is fading rapidly. Still I think there was not any future for Jews in Lagow." Going there gave me the idea of the geography, but the absence now of a bustling lively community of Jews makes the present situation an inauthentic copy of old Lagow. Since the war, without its Jews, Lagow has not redeveloped. As my father said, it was a place to leave and never to return. Dr. Jerome Hershman is an Endocrbiologist, Professor of Medicine at UCLA, and does research on thyroid cancer. He has been President of the American Thyroid Association, and Editor of the journal Thyroid. He lives in Sherman Oaks, Calif the father of three sons. Summer 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 21 Lagow's Jewish Cemetery Survey Report by the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad: USComm. no. POCE000290 < > Lagôw is located in Kielce province. Cemetery location: agricultural location between road for Kielce and Pucki. The town is 37 km from Kielce. Present town population is 1,000-5,000; no Jews. Town official: Wojt. Gminy Lagôw, 27-430 Lagôw, Kole Staszowa, ul. Rynek 52, tel. 41. Local authority: Wojewodzki Konserwator Zabytkow, ul. IX Wiekow Kielc 3, Kielce, tel. 45634. The earliest known Jewish community in town was in 1878. Jewish population in 1929 was 1,269 (50.2%). The Jewish cemetery was established in 1867; last burial in 1942. Cemetery location: rural (agricultural), on flat land, isolated. No sign or marker. It is reached by turning directly off a public road and is open to all. No wall or gate. The size of the cemetery before WWII was possibly approx. 10.5 hectares; now it is 0.5 hectares. There are no gravestones, structures, or mass graves in the cemetery. Present owner of the cemetery property is the municipality. It is used as a Jewish cemetery only. Properties adjacent to the cemetery are agricultural. The cemetery boundaries are smaller than in 1939 due to agriculture. The cemetery is rarely visited by private visitors. The cemetery was vandalized during WWII, but not in the last 10 years. There has been no maintenance or care. Security, erosion, and pollution are moderate threats to the cemetery. The site was visited by and this survey was completed by Dr. Adam Penkalla. Miscellaneous records with references to Lagowers: 1992 Mormon IGI (International Genealogical Index): - RAJCHCAJG, Majer, born 6 Feb 1903, Lagow - ROZEN, Jacheta, born 6 Mar 1915, Lagow These names were purged from the IGI in 1995. The data likely came from either: • Lijst van Nederlandeejooden die gestorven zijn gedurende de tweede wereld oorlog [List of Dutch Jews, prisoners and missing people that have died in concentration kamps during WWII]. (Netherlands Ministry of Justice, 1949-1950). [LDS FHL: Europe Q 949.2 V23n. Also on microfilm: #1045357, 1181856, 1183644]. • Le Memorial de la Deportation des Juifs de France [Memorial to the Jews Deportedfrom France], Serge (Paris: Klarsfeld, 1978) [LDS FHL: 944 F2k. Index on microfiche 6306697]. JewishGen Holocaust Global Registry: < > Searching for: - Yaakov CHALUPNIK, son of Yisroel & Chava [ORGANIK], born in Lagow, last seen in 1942. - Laya MANGURTEN, daughter of Herschel Zvi & Gitel Niguss , born 28 April 1908 in Lagow, mother of Morris G. Dyner Voters in Russian Duma Elections, 1906-1912: - Surnames of voters from Opatôw district can be found in Kielce-Radom SIG Journal, 1:1, pp. 17-23. Passport at the Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw: - Majer FEFERMAN, born Lagow 1911, lived in Warsaw, made aliyah to Palestine in the 1930s. 22 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Summer 2001 Miscellaneous References to the Lagôw Jewish Community Guide to Unpublished Materials of the Holocaust Period. Series editor: Yehuda Bauer. (Jerusalem: Hebrew University and Yad Vashem, 1970- ). Yad Vashem Archival Material, Part 2, Volume IV, 1977. Page 194: Collection 0-3/2973 and 0-3/2977 contain material about Lagôw: prewar, aid by non-Jews, Polish collaborators, deportations, Judenrat, Polish police, resistance. Yad Vashem Archival Material, Part 3, Volume V, 1979. Page 258: Collection JUS ("Jiidische Unterstutzungsstelle fur das General Government" = "Jewish Welfare in the General Government, 1940-1943"), contains material about Lagôw under 0-21/16,19. The original material is at the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, with microfilm copies at Yad Vashem. Wiesenthal, Simon. Every Day Remembrance Day: A Chronicle of Jewish Martyrdom. (New York: Henry Holy & Co., 1986). 320 pages. Lagôw is mentioned on page 226: (October 7, 1942: deportation of 2,000 Jews to Treblinka). Kugelmass, Jack and Jonathan Boyarin. From a Ruined Garden: The Memorial Books of Polish Jewry. Second edition. (Indiana University Press, 1998). 353 pages. Very brief mention of Lagov on page 223, in the Yizkor Book of Kurôw. Schepansky, Israel. Luach ha-Shoah shel Yehudot Polin [Holocaust Calendar of Polish Jewry]. (New York, 1974), page 52. (In Hebrew). States that there were 1,500 Jews in Lagôw before the war - No further information. Kagan, Berl. Hebrew Subscription Lists. [Sefer haprenumerantn]. (New York: Ktav, 1975). 384 pages. {Contains names of towns whose residents subscribed to Hebrew-language books}. See entry #4182 for Lagôw, page 143: - 1 reference in UXH VW Ezor HaTzvi, by Abram Jelen (Warszawa, 1905). - 7 references in '7p>7X >!£> Peri Tzadik, IV, by Zadok HaKohen (Lublin, 1901-1934). Chamber of the Holocaust. There is a memorial plaque for Lagôw at this museum/memorial on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. < >. Maps: Lagôw is located at 50°47'N 2 l°05'E, in south-central Poland. Several good detailed maps of the area around Lagôw are available, including: - ME200 Series (Middle European Maps, Scale 1:200,000, circa 1910-1937): Map39°51°Radom. - ME300 Series (Middle European Maps, Scale 1:300,000, pre-1937): MapR51Kielce. - ME75 Series (Austrian Imperial Military Archives, Scale 1:75,000, dated 1914) Map #3666 Lagôw. Zone 2, Kol. XXIV. [See page 10 of this issue]. {These maps are available from: Genealogy Unlimited, Inc.,}. - U.S. Army Map Service. M751 Poland. Scale 1:50,000. LDS FHL #6,001,046. 116 microfiche. Lagôw is on Sheet 3219 I (Lagôw), fiche #66. - Mapa Szczegôfowa, Wojskowy Institut Geograficzny, 1932. Scale 1:25,000. Lagôw is on Sheet 4532 H. Summer 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 23 • "Martyrologia, walka i zaglada ludnosci Zydowski w Dystrykcie Radomski podczas okupacji hiterowskie" [The Martyrdom, Resistance and Destruction of the Jewish Population of Radom District During the German Occupation]. By A. Rutkowski. In Biuletyn Zydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego w Polsce (BZIH) [Bulletin of the Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw], #15-16 (1955), pp. 75-182. Specific mentions of Lagôw on pages 86, 93, etc., as well as statistics in Table XIII on page 164. • "Stowarzyszenia Zydowskie w Wojewôdztwie Kielceckim (1918-1939)" [Jewish Organizations in Kielce Province (1918-1939)]. By Maria Kaczmarkiewicz. In BZIH, #169-171 (1994), pp. 55-84. [See pages 25-28 of this issue for English translation]. Appendex I lists three Jewish organizations in Lagow: - #13: Stowarzyszenie dla Szerzenia Oswiaty pn. "Kultura". [Organization for the spread of knowledge and culture] Registered 18 III 1920 - #121 : Biblioteka Zydowska im. I.L. Pereca. [Jewish library, Itzhak Leib Peretz] Registered 18 VII 1926 LBP 170/2/1; Liquidated 9 VI 1932 BP 6019/1/31/L - #338: Stowarzysznie Dobroczynnosci "Gemilus Chesed". [Charitable organization - interest-free load fund] Registered 25 IV 1938. SPS 2/34/38 • Akta dotyczqce Zydôw w radomskim Archiwum Paristwowym (1815-1950) [Documents concerning Jews in the State Archives in Radom (1815-1950)], compiled by Adam Penkalla. (Warszawa, 1998). Lagôw is mentioned on pages 22,23, 25, 28 and 30, in the description of the "Rzad Gubernialny Radomski" [Radom Gubernia Administration] files. {This inventory was translated into English in Kielce-Radom SIG Journal, V:2, pp. 19-25}. • Burchard, Przemysiaw. Pamiqtki i Zabytki Kultury Zydowskiej w Polsce [Relics and Monuments of Jewish Culture in Poland]. (Warszawa, 1990), page 140: "Lagôw - The cemetery located at a field outside the locality, on the right side of the road to Kielce (via Pucki). Date of the cemetery establishment is unknown, on all territory poplar trees were planted, cemetery is destroyed, there are no visible traces left." - (Translated from the Polish by Alexander Sharon). • Files in the Jewish Historical Institute's Archives in Warsaw indicate that there were about 1,400 Jews in Lagôw on the eve of the war. As of 1 January 1942, the Lagôw Judenrat reported a Jewish population of 1,985, including refugees from Vienna, Lodz, Kielce, Radom, Aleksandrow and smaller villages in the region. The Judenrat sought and received limited assistance for these refugees from the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee [AJDC] until the US entry into the war, and then indirectly from the Joint through the Jewish Self-Help Association [ZSS]. [See AJDC t. Nr. 124, t. Nr. 173; JUS t. Nr. 269; opd. G.R.N. w Lagowie]. • The JewishGen Family Finder (JGFF) < > lists 20 Jewish genealogists with an interest in Lagôw. 24 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Summer 2001 Surname Variation in early 19th century Olkusz by Robert Heyman It is well known that there were numerous Jewish surname changes in the Kielce gubernia in the early 1820s. Some are clear; some are a bit subtler. If this weren't confusing enough, I would like to present here an argument that surname variations occurred prior to the beginning of civil record keeping in 1810. A ggggg-aunt of mine in Olkusz was named Ewa EICHENWALD. She married Moyzesz SZTERNER. Moyzesz appears in the whole span of Olkusz Jewish vital records, from the birth of a daughter Sara in 1810, to his death in 1870. Akt #81 in the 1817 births [see the 1810-1825 Olkusz Jewish birth extracts in Kielce-RadomSIG Journal, 1:2 (Spring 1997), pages 40-44] records the birth of a son Herszl Dawid to Moyzesz and Ewa. Moyzesz's surname here was originally listed as SZTATLER, but it was crossed out, and SZTERNER written in its place. Ordinarily, I would just regard this as a simple error - such errors occur all too frequently. However, Akt #163 in the 1819 births records the birth of a daughter Mindla to Moyzesz and Ewa, however the surname is listed as SZTATLER, rather than SZTERNER. This time the surname was not crossed out. Clearly this was another error. But the same error occurring twice made me a little suspicious. I decided to investigate further. Akt #8 in the 1870 deaths records the death of Moyzesz SZTERNER, and lists his parents as Wolf and Mindla. SZTATLER was quite a large family in Olkusz, and the patriarch happened to be named Wolf. I researched further what I knew about Wolf and Mindla. Akt #83 in the 1818 deaths [see the 1810-1825 Olkusz Jewish marriage and death extracts in the Kielce-Radom SIG Journal, V: 1 (Winter 2001), pages 62-67] records the death of Mindla bat Szmul, wife of Wolf SZTATLER. This fits with Moyzesz naming his first daughter born after this event Mindla. Additionally, Moyzesz named a son Szmul, whose death is recorded as 1822 death Akt #89, at the age of 15. We further find in Akt #143 of the 1821 marriages, that Wolf SZTATLER of Bedzin married a second time, and his first wife is identified as Mindla bat Szmul. Wolfs parents were identified as Dawid and Frymet. We have already noted Moyzesz naming a child Dawid. There is no evidence of Moyzesz having a daughter named Frymet. However, it is definite that the first child or children were born before civil record keeping began in 1810, so some children's births will not be in the civil records. We note that Akt #8 in the 1843 deaths records the death of Wolf SZTATLER, and search for descendants of Moyzesz named Wolf. Moyzesz's last son was born in 1829, and he did not name any of his sons Wolf. The records identify ten children of Moyzesz and Ewa. Five died young. One more married and moved out of town, and I do not have any further records of that child. However, the remaining four married, and had children in Olkusz. All of these four individuals named their first son born after 1843 (the death of Wolf SZTATLER) Wolf. Bare extracts were unlikely to have uncovered these clues. The lesson here is that sometimes it is necessary to go beyond the extracts and actually construct the family. This completed my research into the clues of the identity of Moyzesz SZTERNER's father. 1 leave it for readers to draw their own conclusion, but it is my contention that a father-son relationship existed between Wolf SZTATLER and Moyzesz SZTERNER. Summer 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 25 Jewish Organizations in Kielce Province (1918-1939) by Maria Kaczmarkiewicz "Stowarzyszenia Zydowskie w Wojewôdztwie Kieleckim (1918-1939)" An article from Biuletyn Zydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego BZIHNo. #169-171 (1994), pages 55-84 Translated from the Polish by Gwido Zlatkes In the years 1922-1932, various forms of social activity in the Kielce wojewôdztwa [voivodship = province] grew rapidly, including Jewish organizations. Ten Jewish associations existed before 1918. Among the oldest in the 20th century was the Jewish Music Society in Dabrowa Gôrnicza, chartered by the authorities on February 17,1900.' In Kielce, two charity associations had charters. One of them was the Association for Poor Sick Jews, "Linas Hacedek", registered by the Russian authorities on April 29,1914; another was the Association for Providing Care to Poor Jews "Machrykaj Hades" chartered on September 13, 1918, number 218.2 There also were: the Association for Providing Care to Poor Jews "Hachnusas-Orchim" in Czestochowa (chartered on January 12, 1911), the Association "Linas Hacedek" in Radom (chartered on April 7,1910)3 the Jewish Gymnastic and' Sport Association "Hakoakh" in Bedzin (chartered on May 7,1914, no. 692) and the Town Library Jewish Association "Najmôd Kochimuch" in Busko (chartered on December 10, 1917).4 After Poland regained independence, the economic and social situation significantly improved. This is particularly evident after 1921, when both the Polish population and the minorities could maintain rich social and cultural life in Poland. These rights were confirmed in the Constitution of the Polish Republic of March 17, 1921. Its article 108 stated that all citizens had the right to unite and assemble, and to create associations and unions.5 This applied to the national minorities as well because "every citizen has the right to preserve his nationality and cultivate his language and national character."6 The rights aquired on the basis of the constitution influenced the growth of social activity, and prompted the creation of institutions that acquired legal status. According to article 110 of the Constitution, Polish citizens who belonged to national, religious or linguistic minorities also had "an equal right with other citizens to establish, supervise and control, at their own expense, charitable, religious and social institutions, as well as schools and other educational institutions." 7 The Jewish population took a great interest in culture, education, religion and social life, regardless of the political and social situation in Poland. Jews created many social organizations, which gathered people of different political and social views. Many forms of activity were also present in Kielce voivodship8 inhabited by 9.1% of the population of Poland.9 This voivodship was among the largest in Poland in terms of territory, and included 16 powiaty (districts). Seven of them formerly belonged to Kielce gubernia (province): Jedrzejôw, Kielce, Miechôw, Olkusz, Piriczôw, Stopnica and Wloszczowa; another seven to the former Radom gubernia: Hza, Konskie, Kozienice, Opatôw, Opoczno, Radom 5 1 AP Kielce [Archiwum Paristwowe w Kielcach = State Archives in Kielce], UWK [Urzqd Wojewôdzki Kielecki = Kielce Voivoidship Office], I, sygn 3582. [Editor's note: The UWK is a large collection (236 linear meters), described on pages 68-70 of the Kielce Archive's 1993 catalog. (See the Kielce-Radom SIG Journal IV:4, pp. 9-20).- WB]. 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid. 4 Ibid. Komtytucja RP, Warszawa, March 17, 1921. See Konstytucja Marcowa, edited by Andrzej Burda, (Lublin: Wydawn. Lubelskie, 1983), p. 78. 6 Ibid. 7 Ibid 8 This essay discusses the activities of social and cultural organization in the Kielce voivodship. 9 Jozef Grzywna, Polski i zydowski ruch ôswiatowokulturalny w srodowisku robotniczym wojewôdztwa kieleckiego 1918-1939, (Kielce: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna im. Jana Kochanowskiego, 1991), p. 5. 26 Kieke-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 and Sandomierz; and two from the former Piotrkôw gubernicr. Bedzin and Czestochowa.10 The 1920s and 1930s brought a rapid development of many associasions and unions. Cultural-educational associations spread Jewish culture and helped in developing various cultural and educational institutions." These associations were entitled to "create institutions for artistic, cultural and educational purposes, such as libraries, theaters, publishers, museums of arts and science, exemplary institutions for educational purposes, etc." 12 Summer 2001 schools and spread education and proper upbringing, including religion, vocations and sports.13 The statistics in the accompanying chart testify to these activities. Out of 217 Jewish associations chartered in 1921-1928 in Kielce voivodship, 44.7% were charitable associations, 23.96% culturaleducational, and 11.05% were sports-related. Charitable organizations were often created in small towns and villages, where a large majority of Jews lived in poverty.14 List of Jewish associations chartered by the authorities of general administration in Kielce voivodship, 1920-1928 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 Total Character of associations Cultural-Educational 2 2 6 8 11 51 5 3 14 1 2 Social 2 5 Charitable 9 9 6 4 36 20 97 4 9 Sport 2 3 5 2 24 3 3 6 1 6 2 4 2 17 Professional 1 1 5 4 4 2 Economic and Credit 4 22 3 24 Total: 19 21 17 22 55 33 217 25 Source, AP Kielce, UWK1, syng. 3052 A large number of charitable organizations, whose purpose was constant help to the poorest Jews, was established in the Kielce voivodship in the 1920s. They have various characteristics and goals. Their statutes included helping people in difficult situations. Among the most useful and best developed with a large membership were the charity associations named Unas HaCedek, Gemilus Chesed, Bikar Cholim, and others. Educational associations also played a great role. Their goal was to promote and build Jewish 10 Ibid, page 5. [Editor's note: See map on next page. In 1927, a new district, Zawiercie, was formed from part of Bedzin district. In April 1939, Koriskie and Opoczno districts were transferred from Kielce province to Lôdz province. - WE]. " See Statut Êydowskiego Stowarzyszenia "KulturLiga w Polsce ", Warsaw 1926, The State Archive in Kielce, The Kielce Voivodship Office I (henceforth AP Kielce, UWK I), call number 3166, art. 3. n Ibid, art. 4. In the subsequent years the number of organizations chartered greatly increased, especially in the years 1929-1932. But in the later period only a few new associations were chartered. Some of the existing organizations either suspended their activities or dissolved altogether.15 In general, almost all localities in Kielce voivodship had at least one association. Jewish associations were most numerous in the city of Kielce (28 different organizations, i.e. 8.0%), Radom with 24 organizations (6.9%), Czestochowa - 20 (5.7%), Sosnowiec - 19 (5.5%), Bedzin - 16 (4.5%). Smaller population 13 Statut 2ydowskiego Stowarzyszenia "Zjednoczenie SzkôlÉydowskich w Polsce", Warszawa 1930, AP Kielce, UWK I call 3170; comp. Statut Towarzystwa SzkôlZydowskich w Sosnowcu, AP Kielce, UWK I, call 3169. 14 See Appendix 1. 15 See Appendix 1. Summer 2001 27 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 centers had much organizations. smaller numbers of The greatest number among the chartered associations were charitable (48.2%), culturaleducational (23.4%) artisan (9.5%) and sport (9.24%).16 Comparing the numbers for 1921 -1928 with those for 1920-1939, we see that the number of charitable organizations increased whereas the number of cultural-educational and sports decreased. Association and unions brought together the Jewish population in 94 localities in Kielce voivodship.17 In particular years their number varied, and to a large extent it depended on local needs. These forms of officially registered activity looked as follows: Number of Associations Year Registered 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 TOTAL _ - 16 15 23 21 16 17 22 46 30 26 23 19 29 3 5 1 10 11 11 2 346 Removed from the registry • To sum up this data, we must note that the activity of these associations had a great impact on the life of the population. They enabled the Jews to meet their needs and brought large-scale help. The economic crisis of 1929-1933, with its large unemployment and the lack of financing caused by the general political situation, prevented the growth of charitable, workers', sports, and cultural-educational organizations. Many of them had to limit or suspend their activities. These associations greatly contributed in the development of the intellectual, cultural, and public life of their localities. Appendix 1: Chronological list of Jewish Organizations in Kielce Province in the years 1918-1939 [This table, not reproduced here, occupies pages 59-80 of the original Polish article. For each organization, the table lists number, locality name, full name of organization, date of registration, date of re-registration (which is filled in only for the first nine organizations, which were originally registered before 1918), and date of liquidation (which is filled in for only a small percentage of organizations). Each date is followed by a document reference number]. 2 <v 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 9 8 34 Source: AP Kielce, UWK I, syng. 3582,647-650,652653; SPK [Starastwo Powiatowe Kieleckie], syng. 461, 469, 505, 508 ff. Opoczno I 1 V • afj/orto.ra^.^ *v ^ 1, » > o _'")' Y"' ~ Jv \ Zawierae \ \ 0 Konskic K. / \ I x O t Wicrzhmk «Ti ® "V" / ,(. \ i Onaiéw S O ,.A v ' Swidomicrz j Jçdrwjàw \ *f ,'Q \ j ^Ptàczà^Ç / * \ / ( Mieciww\ WçJiçdzînl Olkusz \ ° \ Husk» \ \ %f J? "V^** Kielce wojewôdztwa, 1927-1939 16 See Appendix 2. "Ibid 1 f y 28 Kieke-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Summer 2001 Appendix 2 Table of Jewish Organizations Registered in Kielce Province 1918-1939 Key to types of organizations: A = musical, B = cultural, C = charitable, D = educational, E = sports, F = artisans, G = scouting, H = other. Town Bedzin Bialogon Bodzentyn Busko Charsznica Checiny Chmielnik Ciepielôw Czeladz Czestochowa Dabrowa Gôrn. Drzewica Dzialoszyce Gtowaczôw Golonôg Grodziec Hza Jedlirisk Jedrzejôw Kamyk A B C D E F G H 2 1 1 1 1 - 8 2 Total 2 - 3 1 - - 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 - 18 3 2 2 3 - 2 1 1 2 2 - . . ] - - 1 - - - 1 1 - 4 - 2 - - - - 2 ] . . 2 1 - 1 - 3 - 1 16 1 1 1 3 5 1 4 20 8 2 6 2 1 1 3 4 1 Opoczno Osiek Ostrowiec Ozarôw Pacanôw Pilirn r uiLd Piriczôw Polaniec Proszowice Przedbôrz Przyrôw Przysucha Przytyk Radom Radoszyce Sandomierz Sçdziszôw Siewierz - Skaryszew Skarzysko - • - - 1 - 2 1 - 1 - - . 1 i 1 1 2 1 - 1 1 1 z. > _ - - 1 > 2 0 > - 4 1 - 1 - 1 4 10 3 - 2 - 1 - 1 3 - 1 2 - - 3 1 - - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 - - 1 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 1 - 2 . . ] - 1 - - 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 1 - 4 - - 1 - - 2 - 2 6 1 1 1 1 - 1 2 - ] - - - 1 1 - . ] . . 1 28 2 3 7 3 5 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 5 2 1 1 2 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 3 ] - 3 1 - - 1 2 - 1 1 ' 1 J 1 - 1 - <) 2 2 - 1 - 1 1 <% 2 5 - 1 1j T'a r-1 A\i/ i al IUW TOTAL - - - 1 - 1 - 9 1 2 1 - - - - - 3 1 1 2 1 . ] 2 - - - - - - - ] - 2 - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 2 1 . 1 1 - - - 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - 1 2 19 7 1 2 1 6 10 1 9 i i ] Wasniôw Wislica Wierzbnik Wtoszczowa Wodzislaw Wolbrom Zawichost Zawiercie Zqbkowice Zwoleri Zarki Zarnôw Zarnowiec 4 2 2 4 1 1 3 24 1 5 1 1 z. 1 - Ol\ul i\U W It/v Slupia Nowa Sosnowiec Staszôw Stopnica Strzemieszyce Suchedniôw Szczekociny Szydtowiec Szydlow ] 9 2 2 9 i Kazimierza W. Kielce Klimontow Klobuck Koriskie Koszyce Kozienice Koztow Krzepice Kurozweki Lelôw Lipsko n/Wisla Lagôw Lazy Lopuszno Magnuszewo Matogoszcz Miechow Modrzejôw Mstôw Niemce Nowy Korczyn Odrzywol Olkusz Olsztyn Opatow 5 •3 J - 1 - 1 ] - 1 - - - - 1 - - 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 4 2 1 1 - - . 1 z. 1 2 4 3 6 2 8 1 5 3 ] - - - 62 167 19 32 33 4 20 1 346 Sources: AP Kielce.. UWK1, syng. 647, 648, 650, 652, 653, 658, 3052-54, 3088, 3235, 3582. Starostwo Powiatowe Kielce, syng. 461, 462, 469, 474, 478, 500, 505, 508, 509, 583, 587, 591-593. Summer 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 29 From Evreiskaia Entsiklopediia Translated from the Russian by Gordon McDaniel The 16-volume EBpeiicKxa 9HWKnonep,bi\Evreiskaia Entsiklopeidiia = Jewish Encyclopedia] published in St. Petersburg (Brokhaus-Efron, 1908-1913) contains articles on all aspects of Jewish life in the Russian Empire. Translated here are the articles for the cities of Radom and Kielce, and the gubernias of Radom and Kielce. The gubernia articles are accompanied by many statistical tables based upon the 1897 Imperial Census. Radom - During the period of the Rzecz Pospolita [Republic of Poland, before the partition of 1795], Radom was the capital city of the district [powiat] of the same name, which was part of the Wojewodztwo of Sandomierz. Radom was known from 1613 as the seat of the Skarbow Tribunal, with which representatives of the "Council of Four Lands" ["Va'ad Arba Arazot"] were in constant contact. In the 1765 census, there were 67 Jews in Radom. In accordance with the lustration [survey] of 1789, Jewish kosher butchers paid 512 zloty [plechkov]. The surveyors noted that there were no traders in Radom other than a Jew who owned a grocer's shop at court, and who paid 800 zlotys. References: Baliriski & Lipiriski, Starozytna Polska, [Ancient Poland, 1845], s .v.; Census [Liczba] of 1765, in Archiwum Komisji historyczniej, VIII. At the present, Radom is the capital city of a gubernia. According to official documents, Radom held the privilege of King Augustus II, dated 28 November 1724 of "fife non tolerandis judaeis"; on the basis of this document, the residents of the city sent a petition to the king in 1743 to prevent the mayor [starosta] from settling Jews in the city; consequently, a decision of the Royal Commissary Court was issued on 10 January 1746 that required removing the Jews immediately and preventing their settlement in perpetuity. Later, the mayor and residents came to an agreement, and the mayor obtained permission to settle five Jews under his jurisdiction. The temporary Supreme Council of the Duchy of Warsaw made a decision in 1814 to create a Jewish quarter, as a consequence of which Jews resided on Walowa street, outside the earlier walls of the city. According to data from 1856, there were 6,546 Christians and 1,495 Jews (manuscript material). In 1862, the privilege lost force. In the census of 1897 there were 146,000 residents in the district [uezd], including 20,930 Jews; the city of Radom had 29,896 residents, including 11,277 Jews. In places in the district with at least 500 residents, Jews were represented in the largest numbers in the following: Bialobrzegi, 2,307 residents, 1,534 Jews; Wierzbica, 1,429 and 297; Wolanôw, 491 and 333; Wysmierzice, 1,454 and 220; Glinice, 2,092 and 411; Jedlirisk, 1,361 and 622; Pryztyk 1,802 and 1,504; Skaryszew, 1,756 and 775; Stromiec 880 and 174; Jastrza.b, 623 and 113. Of Radom rabbis, the names of Samuil Mogilewer and Avraam Tzvi Perlmutter should be mentioned. Kielce - a gubernia capital city. Kielce did not have a special privilege that would have prevented Jews from settling in the city. However, since the privilege of King Sigismund I stated: "Insuper conservamus incolas oppidi Kielce, in eis libertatibus et in communitatibus quibus omnes alii subditi Eclesiae et Episcopes, cracoviensis ab antique gaudent et potiuntur" (roughly: "Moreover, we preserve the inhabitants of the town of Kielce in their rights and in their community which in all things is subject to the church and bishop of Krakow, who enjoys domain as of old"), thus due to Kielce being among religious possessions, as well as the order of an internal affairs commission dated 22 March 1834, the Ruling Council issued an order on 27 April 1843 to remove the Jews; However, by 1856 there were 101 Jews registered (and 3,639 Christians). In 1862 all the restrictions in regard to Jewish residents in the Kingdom of Poland were set aside, and then the Jewish population of Kielce began to grow rapidly, reaching 974 in 1873. The growth in Jewish population, as noted by the Governor in 1873, not only lacked negative consequences for the Christian population, but, on the contrary, because of the trading activities of the Jews, many goods were sold more cheaply. In the district [uezd] of Kielce in 1873 there were 6,526 Jews. In 1897, in the same district the population was more than 140,000, of which 18,405 were Jews, 6,399 in the city of Kielce. In places with population more than 500, Jews were represented in the greatest percentage relative to the other inhabitants. Bodzentyn, 3,350 inhabitants, 1,472 Jews; Bialagon, 970 and 378; Daleszyce, 1,987 and 270; Dabrowa, 946 and 104; Lopuszno, 854 and 462; Promnik, 491 and 49; SlupiaNowa, 1,674 and 1,038; Suchedniôw Zachodny, 559 and 418; Checiny, 6,178 and 4,361. Manuscript sources: Materials of the Commission on Jewish Life (Saint Petersburg, 1874). As of January 1, 1908, the Gubernia Statistical Committee determined that the number of residents of Kielce was 31,316 of which 11,264 were Jews. Among the Jews the largest number were temporary residents (54.4%), while among the Christians the majority were permanent residents (66%). Trade, concentrated primarily in the hands of the Jews, had a small business character and was limited to products of artisans and agricultural produce. From data relating to larger establishments, taken from the "List of factories and plants" published in 1910:16 establishments, 4 Jewish; 720 workers, 112 Jewish; 800 tons of products, 110 Jewish. There were 16 doctors in the city, of which only one was Jewish; 8 bookstores, 6 Jewish; printing houses 5 and 3. There was one synagogue and 9 prayer houses. There was a Jewish section of the city hospital. In the boy's high school there were 33 Jews out of 304 students, in the girl's school 34 out of 203. Compare with: Results of the First All-Empire Census, Kielce Gubernia; Trudy Varshavskago Stat. Kom. (Works of the Warsaw Statistical Committee), issues 21, 32, 38; Kielce Gubernia Review; the appendix to the General Report; Calendar of Kielce Gubernia. 30 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Kielce Gubernia is one of 10 gubernias in the Kingdom of Poland. It contains 10 cities and 33 towns (settlements). It has 761,995 inhabitants, of which 83,247 are Jews. Jews comprise 2.2% of the village population, 46.1% in cities, and 51.3% in settlements. Overall in the gubernia, Jews are 10.91% of the population. Other nationalities are represented thus: Poles 87.5%, Russians 1.049%, Germans 0.32%. Of the total population, 90.76% live in villages, only 9.24% in cities. Only 16.39% of Jews live in villages, the rest are in cities or settlements. The distribution of the Jewish population in individual cities and districts, as well as in larger towns, is given in tables 1 and 2 [see page 32]. The gender distribution of the general population (1,040 females to 1,000 males) differs from the Jewish population in that women are a larger percentage in the latter group: 1,050 females to 1,000 males. The age composition is characterized by the following figures: Age Jewish population General population 32.5% 23.1% 13.9% 11.8% 7.4% 5.9% 3.5% 1.4% 0.5% 30.03% 21.31% 15.09% 12.87% 8.15% 6.68% 3.81% 1.55% 0.48% To 9 years 10-19 years 20-29 years 30-39 years 40-49 years 50-59 years 60-69 years 70-79 years 80 years + demonstrating that there is a higher percentage of children and youth in the Jewish population than in the general population, but in the span between 20 and 50, i.e., working age, the percentage of Jews is noticeably lower than among the general population, which is a circumstance that is unfortunate for the Jews. The family composition of the general and Jewish populations is as follows: Jewish population Male Unmarried Married Widowed Divorced Not indicated 23.7% 71.9% 4.0% 0.3% 0.1% General population Female Male Female 18.6% 70.6% 10.0% 0.7% 0.1% 30.02% 66.42% 3.47% 0.09% 25.89% 62.29% 11.66% 0.16% Among the Jews, a larger percentage is married, notwithstanding the fact that the Jewish population is urban. This demonstrates that, in the Kielce Gubernia, the patriarchal way of life has been maintained to a significant degree. Summer 2001 Literacy of the general population is 25.86% for males, and 19.59% for females. This breaks down along religious confessional lines thus: Russian Orthodox males 63.85%, Russian Orthodox females 57.08%; Protestant males 47.85%, females 57.08%; Jewish males 39.52%, females 14.81%; Roman Catholic 24.27% for males, 19.25% for females; other confessions 40.56% for males, 23.08 for females. It should be noted that these data about Jewish literacy from the 1897 census are far below the actual figures. In particular for literacy in Russian, that is 16.5% for males, 6.9% for females. According to data from the Jewish community, in 1898 there were registered 181 cheders with 3,421 students (3,308 boys), of which 64 were in cities. There are 12 Jewish elementary schools. Schooling is generally not on a satisfactory level. The professional composition of the population is given in table 3 on the verso of the map. The basic professional groups, of which there are 65 families of professions, are: 1) Agriculture, 4.7% of Jews; 2) Manufacturing - 27.9%; 3) Transportation and communications -1.81%; 4) Trade - 48.14%; Personal services, servants, day laborers - 7.03%; 5) State and general service and liberal professions - 4.06%; 6)Nonmanufacturing and undetermined professions - 6.03; 7) Armed forces - 0.32%. Trade is primarily in agricultural products and small goods. Manufacturing is chiefly crafts. Artisans comprise 10.6% of the total population in cities. Workshops are not large, averaging 2.4 persons. The most numerous are tailors, next are bootmakers. Much footware (more than 100,000) is created by bootmakers in the city of Checiny. In Kielce Gubernia there are about 80 Jewish factories, of which the largest (with energy plants) are 17 in number, while the remainder are small. • The number of Jewish workers is 164, of which only 88 are adults. The poverty of the Jewish population can be characterized by the fact that 22.7% of Jewish families have been forced to turn for help to charities: thus, in 1898, 2,516 families asked for Passover materials. There are 16 Jewish charitable organizations in Kielce Gubernia: 2 lending houses, 1 house for foreigners, 1 society that provides clothing to the poor, 1 hospital, 10 societies for aid to the sick, 1 society to provide for poor unmarried girls. According to the 1907 survey, there was one synagogue, 30 temples, 63 prayer houses. References: 1897 census for Kielce Gubernia; Populated places of the Russian Empire; B. Brutskus, Statistics of the Jewish population; B. Brutskus, Professional composition of the Jewish population; Materials on the economic situation of the Jews in Russia, vols. 1 and 2. Summer 2001 Radom Gubernia was established in 1844 out of Sandomierz and Kielce wojewôdztwa. Out of all the inhabited places (cities and settlements), there were 49 in which there were no restrictions in the right of Jews to be residents; in 42 there existed privileges which either did not allow settlement of Jews, or confined them to a special Jewish quarter; in 33, which were in the border zone, movement of Jews into them from the interior of the district was restricted (all of these restrictions were removed in 1862). In 1867 part of the territory of the Gubernia was removed^ to form the renewed Gubernia of Kielce; the remaining territory was divided into seven districts (ye3« = uezd): llza, Kozenice, Koriskie, Opatôw, Opoczno, Radom and Sandomierz. According to the census of 1897, there were 814,000 residents, of which 112,239 were Jewish (including 8 Karaites; see table 1). As a portion of the total population, the Jews were: 2.4% in villages; 50.5% in settlements; 50.6% in cities; and 13.8% in the entire gubernia. The majority of the Jewish population lived in cities, 45.18%; 41.44% in settlements and 13.3 8% in villages. Composition by religion was 83.55% Roman Catholic, 13.78% Jewish, and 1.54% Russian Orthodox. The Jewish population was characterized by the dominance of women: 100 men for 106 women. The composition by age is shown in the following table: Absolute Numbers Male To 9 years 10-19 years 20-29 years 30-39 years 40-49 years 50-59 years 60-69 years 70-79 years 80-89 years 90-99 years 100-109 yrs Unknown Fem All Percentages Male Fem All 25.9 23.0 15.8 12.8 7.5 6.3 3.2 1.2 0.3 0.1 - 26.9 15314 14934 30248 28.0 12598 13267 25865 23.0 7680 9124 16804 14.1 6660 7370 14030 12.2 3811 4312 8123 7.0 3329 3660 6989 6.1 3.4 1850 1817 3667 751 699 1450 1.4 162 180 342 0.3 44 24 68 3 3 6 10 4 14 - 23.0 15.0 12.5 7.2 6.2 3.3 1.3 0.3 0.1 - The marital composition of the adult Jewish population is characterized by the following figures: Absolute Numbers Unmarried Married Widowed Divorced Not indicated TOTAL 31 Kielce-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 By Percentage Male Female Male Female 6,352 20,973 1,010 73 14 28,422 5,226 22,170 3,344 194 44 30,978 22.4% 73.8% 3 6% 0.2% 16.9% 71.6% 10.8% 0.6% 0.1% 100.0% 100.0% The following table speaks to the physical handicaps of the Jewish population: Male Female 22 31 62 18 44 177 Blind from birth Became blind Deaf and dumb Dumb Feeble-minded TOTAL Per 100,000 17 34 42 16 49 158 35 59 93 29 83 292 Literacy in the Jewish language was not completely registered in the census; more precise are the data given below on the literacy of Jews in the Russian language: Absolute Numbers Male To age 9 Age 10-19 Age 20-29 Age 30-39 Age 40-49 Age 50-59 Age 60+ Age unknown TOTAL Female 192 254 2,309 2,232 1,462 1,817 651 361 174 - 874 361 91 27 16 - 7,321 3,440 By Percentage Male Female 1.3% 18.4% 29.2% 22.0% 17.1% 18.8% 6.2% 1.6% 13.7% 10.0% 5.1% 2.1% 0.7% 0.6% - - 13.5% 6.0% According to the data of the Imperial Free Economic Society (Imperatorskoe volnoe ekonomicheskoe obshchestvo) (1894) there were: 251 cheders, 251 melamed, with 4,534 male students. The composition by profession of the Jewish population is shown in table no. 3 [see page 33]. Approximately 29,000 heads of households had 82,000 family members. For every 100 Jews, the professional breakdown was: 40.41 merchants; 32.94 manufacturers, 8.03 personal service; non-production and indetermined professions 6.86; state and public service 4.28; agriculture 3.35. According to data collected by the Jewish Colonization Society [Eweiskoe kolonizatsionnoe obshchestvo], for the 29 non-Jewish factories (13 without machinery) there were 136 Jewish (116 without machinery) with 387 Jewish workers (plus 18 in non-Jewish factories). The number of Jewish artisans, according to the data of the Jewish Colonization Society, comprised 20% of the Jewish population. The percentage of needy Jewish families was 21.7%. References: 1897 census, Radom Gubernia; Inhabited places of the Russian Empire [Naselennyia miesta RossiiskoiImperil]; B. Bruktskus, Statistics ofthe Jews [Statistika evreiskago naseleniia]; Materials on the economic situation ofthe Jews in Russia [Materialy ob ekonomicheskompolozhenii evreev v Rossii] (publ. by the Jewish Colonization Society, vols. I and II); materials in manuscript. 32 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Summer 2001 Population of towns and districts, 1897 Census Kielce Gubernia Radom Gubernia Jews Jçdrzejôw Bodzentyn Busk Wislica Wloszczowa Wodzislaw Wolbrom Dzialoszyce AHflpeeBt B0fl3eHTHHl, Bycin> BucjiHua BJIOIHOBI Bofl3HCJiaBT> BOJI6POMI fl3HJiouiHu;e aCapHOBeut KejibUH KopHHHT> HOBblH K c e H x i BejibKHii JlejieBT» MexoBij OjibKyuiTj FIai;aHOBT. FlHJiHua FIHHMOBI. CjiaBKOBl CJIOMHHKH Cjiynfl HoBaa CO6KOBT> CTonHHua XeHUHHbl XMejIbHHKl IIlHflJlOBT) 2,050 1,472 895 1,755 2,530 2,667 2,901 3,526 1,412 Zarnowiec Kielce 6,399 KorczynNowy 2,781 Ksiaz Wielki 729 Lelôw 720 Miechôw 1,436 Olkusz 1,840 Pacanôw 1,520 Pilica 2,688 Piriczôw 5,194 Slawkôw 714 Slomniki 904 Slupia Nowa 1,038 Sobkôw 646 Stopnica 3,134 Chçciny 4,361 Chmielnik 5,671 Szydlôw 867 Total 4,717 3,350 2,169 2,508 3,724 3,622 4,815 4,606 2,472 23,178 3,787 1,412 1,236 4,175 3,441 2,451 3,975 9,075 4,243 3,690 1,674 1,117 4,420 6,178 6,888 2,368 Jews Eoropua BflJio6p>KerH BepacÔHHKi FHeBouàeTi Fpamma TT'H'WPTÏ'WÏTÏÎ EflJIHHCKl )KapHOBT> 3aBHXOCTb 3BOJiem> HBaHHCKTj Hjixa KJIHMOHTOBTJ KOHCKl KonpacHBHHija JlaroB'b JIHIICKO MarayrueBi OxapoB'b OnaTOBi OnoHHO Oceicb IlojiaHem, îlvx.eBÔoviX'b npxHcyxa FIpXHTMICb PaflOMi) PanoujHue PaKOBTi CaHflOMHpi. CeHHO CKapbiuieBi Cojieui CTameBii TapjioBi Il.MejieB'b Population of Districts: lUnfluoBeuT) Kielce Uezd Jçdrzejôw Uezd Wloszczowa Uezd Miechôw Uezd Olkusz Uezd Piriczôw Uezd Stopnica Uezd 18,405 8,104 7,428 5,808 11,376 13,716 18,410 142,754 78,889 74,437 114,410 113,540 107,495 130,470 Kielce Gubernia Total In Cities 83,247 761,995 36,141 70,402 Tariôw 4,903 1,201 Cmielôw Szydlowiec 5,298 Total 1,185 2,307 1,787 2,128 1,801 1,078 1,528 1,553 1,361 1,361 2,035 2,545 6,011 2,406 4,230 1,335 3,407 6,882 8,130 2,152 2,440 2,443 1,632 3,339 6,603 6,079 1,431 9,768 2,595 5,927 2,903 1,802 29,896 3,549 2,090 6,556 1,938 1,756 2,614 8,724 1,924 1,940 7,435 20,930 11,513 13,793 18,521 20,719 10,116 16,737 146,779 110,552 110,670 118,921 127,380 100,451 100,194 Bogoria Bialobrzegi Wierzbnik Wqchock Glowaczôw Gniewoszôw Gowarczôw Granica Drzewica Jedlirisk Zarnôw Zawichost Zwoleri Iwaniska Ilza Kazanôw Klimontôw Kozienice Koriskie Koprzywnica Lagôw Lipsko Magnuszew Ozarôw Opatôw Opoczno Osiek Ostrowiec Polaniec Przedbôrz Przysucha Przytyk Radom Radoszyce Rakôw Sandomierz Sienno Skaryszew Solec Staszôw .A • *—A * ^ * ^ \J \J A &J Radom Uezd Ilza Uezd Kozienice Uezd Koriskie Uezd Opatôw Uezd Opoczno Uezd Sandomierz Uezd Radom Gubernia Total In Cities 575 1,534 975 638 1,109 523 681 1,213 855 622 1,171 1,680 3,424 1,996 2,069 816 2,443 3,790 4,453 836 1,233 1,468 771 2,557 4,138 2,425 590 6,146 1,221 4,089 2,168 1,504 11,277 1,728 1,263 2,163 1,059 775 829 587 112,329 814,947 50,751 100,230 Summer 2001 33 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Occupation Distribution, 1897 Census Taken from Table XXII of the 1897 Census, entitled "Classification of population into occupation groups and ethnic groups according to mother tongue". Some very small groups are ignored. Radom Gubernia Kielce Gubernia Employed # Occupation of Jewish Population 1. Administration, courts, police 2. Office workers; civil service 3. Private legal practice 4. Armed forces 7. Clergy, non-Christian 8. Cemetery and similar personnel 9. Education: Teachers, tutors, etc. 10. Science, literature, research 11. Physicians and health workers 13. Servants, day laborers (private employ) 14. Income from capital(?) 15. Living on public funds 16. In prison 17. Agriculture: Tillers of the soil 19. Livestock farming; Animal husbandry 20. Forestry: Lumber and sawmills 21. Fishing and hunting 22. Mining: Ore and coal mining 24. Wool working; Fiber processing 25. Processing animal products [tanners?] 26. Woodworkers [carpentry] 27. Metal workers 28. Mineral processors [potters] 29. Chemical products [pharmacists?] 30. Vintners, brewers, and honey makers 31. Other beverages 32. Processing plant & animal foodstuffs 33. Tobacco and tobacco products 34. Printing trades 35. Surgical and other instrument makers 36. Jewelers and luxury-goods makers 37. Garment trades 38. Furniture repair, building maintenance 39. Eating utensils 40. Miscellaneous crafts 41. Water transportation 42. Railroads 43. Carters, coachmen, draymen 44. Other land transport 45. Post and telegraph 46. Credit and commercial institutions 47. Trade agents; Middlemen Trade occupations: 48. General, undefined 49. Livestock dealers 50. Grain products 51. Other farm products 52. Construction materials, fuel 53. Housewares 54. Metal goods and machines 55. Fabrics and cloth (weaving) 56. Leather and furs (tanning) 57. Luxury goods, delicatessen 58. Other commodities 59. Distribution: Pack and wagon peddlars 60. Taverns, inns, etc. 61. Beverage trade 62. Bath-houses and attendants 63. Persons of undefined occupation 65. Did not say Total for the gubernia Male 12 29 253 74 172 329 104 872 705 86 626 73 15 . 19 122 259 345 156 25 31 13 12 858 3 79 66 40 3,215 297 8 4 11 273 38 8 10 197 Dependents Female Male Female Employed Male Dependents Female Male Female 26 10 2 2 6 1 39 1 2 155 2 2 3 1 1 . 1 9 58 4 101 275 378 136 976 962 26 1134 104 10 29 107 271 356 204 28 48 28 20 1,184 2 91 75 28 3,602 386 15 4 4 376 45 9 6 260 9 102 7 171 430 668 . 222 1,712 1,723 44 1,779 98 21 42 179 536 630 372 72 70 44 41 1,893 9 155 145 66 5,584 582 22 5 21 617 78 9 9 488 15 37 4 624 101 260 508 10 126 1,394 1,142 124 94 649 90 28 6 45 229 426 600 398 40 68 29 13 1,042 2 113 69 41 5,431 408 5 25 27 18 657 114 12 18 215 6 7 . 27 2,889 349 116 10 58 12 1 1 1 72 6 4 6 3 5 1 105 16 229 7 - 9 117 41 13 69 241 417 634 329 44 63 29 18 1,478 10 116 57 33 5,647 527 2 21 34 17 928 141 8 19 280 1,116 374 850 2,920 398 87 136 430 395 55 103 420 53 303 48 195 50 114 7 30 428 11 14 3 88 39 2 8 76 8 49 62 85 59 1,534 599 1,270 4,198 586 105 163 705 672 68 127 543 107 615 122 168 58 2,678 997 2,107 7,308 981 168 339 1,248 1,025 132 190 925 144 944 158 325 63 1,887 415 907 2,622 395 77 180 518 301 32 151 468 87 388 61 250 84 282 3 42 552 18 23 12 86 15 3 16 149 23 51 73 115 55 2,830 625 1,374 4,143 614 118 242 839 448 27 163 646 175 672 132 240 71 4,718 17,516 4,073 23,012 38,416 24,080 5,474 30,434 52,110 2 5 . 26 2,256 296 71 71 1 1 - 14 • 1 1 19 48 2 7 164 386 600 3 157 1,594 1,642 42 - 1,078 23 86 9 8 224 648 1,037 18 292 3,135 2,732 87 1,504 219 77 20 116 435 764 1,079 637 101 132 73 34 2,435 9 213 131 77 9,971 924 3 11 64 46 1,644 262 16 28 543 983 2,346 6,812 1,014 229 470 1,300 772 78 317 1,113 240 1,149 166 423 113 34 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Summer 2001 Extract Data inthis Issue Klimontôw Szczekociny Staszôw Births Marriages Births 1840-1865 1847-1865 1864 The vital record extracts for this issue are 1840-1865 births for Klimontôw, prepared by Ronald Greene; the 1847-1865 Szczekociny marriages, prepared by Leah Jordan Bisel; and the 1864 Staszôw births, prepared by Jean-Pierre Stroweis. This data has been extracted from the civil registration books in possession of the Polish State Archives, and microfilmed by the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints (LDS). These extractions include information derived directly from the original registrations on the following LDS microfilms: #0,809,130 Klimontôw 1840-1853 #0,809,131 Klimontôw 1854-1861 #0,809,132 Klimontôw 1862-1865 #1,199,733 Szczekociny 1847-1852,1858-1865 #0,588,934 Staszôw 1864 There are additional microfilmed records available for all three towns. Klimontôw This issue contains a very large set of extracts of Jewish births recorded in Klimontôw, from 1840 to 1865, thanks to Ronald Greene. The earlier Klimontôw Jewish births, 1826-1839, appeared in 111:3 (Summer 1999), pages 31-49. Also see Ronald Greene's introductory notes on page 23 of that issue. Klimontôw, in Sandomierz powiat (district) of Radom gubernia before WWI, had a Jewish population of 2,443 in 1897, and 2,652 in 1931. The Klimontôw records also include events from nearby villages, most notably Koprzywnica (1897 Jewish population of 836). These Klimontôw birth extracts also include the exact date of birth. From this you can see some delayed birth registrations, especially in the first half of 1865. Szczekociny Leah Jordan Bisel continues her contribution of Szczekociny data, with extracts of the marriages for 1847-1865. Note that there are no records for 1853 to 1857, either in the archives nor on microfilm. Her extracts of the birth records of Szczekociny for 18471866 appeared in Kielce-Radom SIG Journal IV :2 (Spring 2000), pages 47-62. Ronald Greene Leah Jordan Bisel Jean-Pierre Stroweis Szczekociny ("Shchekochin") was in Wloszczowa powiat (district) of Kielce gubernia before WWI, and had a pre-Holocaust Jewish population of 2,532. As with all marriage extracts, these will be of interest to researchers from many towns, because the majority of the marriages include a bride or groom from another town in the region. Marriage partners from Lelôw, Pilica, Piriczôw, Wolbrom, Wtoszczowa, Zarnôw, and other Radom and Kielce gubernia towns appear frequently. Szczekociny was near the border with Piotrkôw gubernia, so there are also partners from some Piotrkôw gubernia towns, such as Bedzin, Koniecpol and Zarki. Staszôw We're pleased to welcome a new contributor, JeanPierre Stroweis, who presents extracts of the 1864 Jewish births for the city of Staszôw ("Stashev") - a "new" town for us, for which we have never published any extracts. Staszôw (like Klimontôw) was in Sandomierz powiat of Radom gubernia, and its Jewish population in 1897 was 4,903. While transcribing the Staszôw indexes for the JRJPoland database, Jean-Pierre noted that the birth records for the year 1864 were unindexed by the original clerk, so he created a set of full extracts of the 151 births for 1864, and donated them to the Kielce-Radom SIG for publication. Indexes for the Staszôw birth, marriage and death records 1826-1836 and 1857-1865 can be found in the JRI-Poland database: Caution These extracts are intended to assist the researcher in selecting records that may be of use for further study. There may be errors in interpretation in these extracts, due to the uneven quality of legibility of the handwriting, the microfilming, and the condition of the microfilm itself, in addition to errors in the original record books. As always, it is prudent for the researcher, when using secondary source data such as these extracts, to examine the primary source data for final verification. It is always best for the genealogist to view the actual records pertaining to his/her family to verify the interpretation, and glean additional facts. -WB Summer 2001 35 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Klimontow Births 1840 -1865 Akt Surname Given Name Father Age Mother Ape Birthdate Birth Location Jakob Abram Jakub Mosiek Mosiek Muta Jekowicz Lewek Jakob Eliasz Hil Jukiel Jonas Jcek Gierszon Dawid Mosiek Jukiel Jcek Beniamin Jakub Joysep Wolf Boruck Szmerek Zyszman Szlama Abram Jankiel Urys Izrael Leybus Abus 30 25 26 28 24 30 24 24 30 32 32 33 24 32 36 25 40 40 57 52 40 28 28 32 30 36 42 40 30 32 34 Sury z Mechlow Ryfka z Markow(?) Michli z Jekow Marya z Abuscow Sura Ryfka z Zeliorow? Rochla z Izraelow Ruchla z Meylickow J—lia z Jckow Gitla z Leyzrow Ryfka z Szmulow Ryfka z Mortkowiczow Zysla z Jarmalow (?) Hana z Lyserwiczow Ruchla z Szmulow Zlota z Izraelow Zaydla Mey-- z Meyorow Dyna z Lewkow Haia z Herszlow Séria z Herszkow Aydla z Lewkow Etla z Wigdorow Fayga (?) z Szmulow Malka z Abramow Malka z Joskow Hindaz Janklow Szaindla z Moskowiczow Laja z Jckow Perla z Forkowiczow (?) Fryma Laja z Szmulow Dwoyra z Szuchmow? Tyszler Sura z M—kow 26 lOFeb 1840 wies Byszôw 23 22Febl840 Klimontôw 26 22Febl840 K 24 1 Mar 1840 K 23 2 Mar 1840 K 26 12 May 1840 K 22 15 May 1840 K 20 15 May 1840 K 25 17 May 1840 Koprzywnica Sura z Szlamow Tema z --?-Estera z Mortkowiczow Estera z Abramow Bina z Moskow Szajna z Zelikowiczow Cyma z Haiow (?) Baila z Jakubowiczow Rayzla z Moskow Hejna z Maj—ow HaiazMendlow Haia z Lewkow Tauba z Beruchowiczow Szajdla z Haimow Laja z Joskow Gitla z Majorow Sara z Szajow Sara Sory z Jarmulow Estera z Herszkow Estera z Herszkow Hana z Szuelimowiczow Sobra z Moskow Sznajdla z Blumow (?) Eydli z Joyzepow Rachla z Herszlow Laia z Majorow Haia z --?-Tema z Herszkow 30 1 Jan 1841 28 1 Jan 1841 45 1 Jan 1841 26 30 Dec 1840 28 1 Jan 1841 20 1 Jan 1841 26 1 Jan 1841 20 5 Jan 1841 28 1 Jan 1841 28 2 Jan 1841 26 lOFeb 1841 28 8 Feb 1841 30 8Feb 1841 38 10 Feb 1841 30 16 Feb 1841 30 7 May 1841 28 24 June 1841 30 8 July 1841 28 9 July 1841 28 18 Oct 1841 28 18 Oct 1841 22 14 Sep 1841 22 22 Oct 1841 20 22 Oct 1841 20 22 Oct 1841 28 1 Nov 1841 25 INov 1841 45 11 Nov 1841 30 7 Nov 1841 1840 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Malka RuchlaLaja Jcek Abus Majorck Ruchla Chaja Izrael Jcie Laja Sara Sara Kraydla Ela Mortka Jcek Zysman Leib Bayla Izrael Mortka Chajm Gimpel Itta Gitla 17 Sura 18 Etla 19 Rochla Laja 20 Jozek Herszk 21 Mirla 22 23 KWIAT IKRÀWIEC?] Hajm Szlama Lewek Jcek 24 EFEKTER Sura Laja 25 GOLDWASSER Izrael Haskiel 26 CYPLER Nama 27 KACIER (?) WolfMoszek 28 SYPER Pinkwas 29 MENIOWICZ Henia 30 GRINBERG Izrael Jankiel 31 SZPETER BAUM KIPERWASER FAIERSZTEIN ZYLBERSZTEIN CUKIERMAN H1[R]SZMAN LEWY FLIGIELMAN EYDELMAN CYNAMON CWEIG FE1NTUCH TYSZLER K1ELBIK KIMEL CWEIG ALBUS ZEYDMAN TROCHT ECHT KUWERMAN AKTOR 28 24 30 20 25 26 23 30 25 26? 40 33 24 22 32 31 25 28 25 30 28 28 16 May 1840 17 May 1840 1 June 1840 5 June 1840 8Augl840 10Augl840 20 Oct 1840 22 Oct 1840 22 Oct 1840 22 Oct 1840 22 Oct 1840 23 Oct 1840 25 Oct 1840 25 Oct 1840 25 Oct 1840 25 Oct 1840 25 Oct 1840 25 Oct 1840 15Novl840 15Novl840 22 Dec 1840 22 Dec 1840 Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K K K Koprzywnica K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Koprzywnica 1841 ] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CYNAMON REPIN SZPERLING MERZEL IMEREL] MEREL ROYCHMAN SEN1SBERG SZUCHMACHER APOLET NISENBAUM MERGIER HIMELFARB GOLDWASER URMACHER HERSZKEWICZ ROZENFELD JOSKOW1CZ TYSZLER REPIN FANKUCHEN FANKUCHEN TEPERMAN RAPPAPORT LENDERMAN BAUM FAGIET BAUM LUNCHABER SZULDMAN Estera Tema Senta Laja Mosick Cypa Jcek Leybus Jozek Szajna Szaja Sora Symcha Estera Malet Jcek Jcek Jcek Berek Cypara Izrael Malka Bayla Malka Abram Jankiel Ryfka Siwa Perla Laia Herszla Maria Bayla Haim Szlama Fiszel Leyzer 36 Jakob 32 Joysep 48 Abram 30 Leybus 30 Horoim (?) 26 Zelik 26 Haim 27 Zyma 31 Major 34 Lejbus 31 Judka 29 Urys 31 Jozek 45 Jankiel 30 Abram 40 Szmerek 33 Leybus Meniowicz 38 32 Abram Jcek 36 Jcek 36 Nuta 24 Mosick 30 Abus Zalkowicz 22 Szyia 22 Berek 30 Jcek 21 Major 48 Szyman 30 Koprzywnicza K Nawodzice Uzarzow Uzarzow K K K K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K Smerdyna Smerdyna Koprzywnica K K K K K Koprzywnica K K K K wies Byszôw Koprzywnica K Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 36 29 KALINA 30 HERSZTEJN 31 TREFLER 32 ZELBERG 33 AYNHERT 34 GOLUFARB 35 MIRLA IMERET] 36 FAURSZTEJN 37 KAC 38 MERLACH 39 LURMAN 1842 1 GOLDHAMER 2 SPIRO 3 GRINBAL 4 AXAMIT 5 BUDYN 6 MICMACHER 7 FANKUCKEN 8 SZMIT '9 KATZ 10 HERSZ 11 GRVNBLAD 12 KAUFMAN 13 SEIRADZKI 14 GRVNBERG 15 PERECMAN 16 CZAPNIK 17 FEFER 18 ERDFROCHT 19 GANC 20 LIDA 21 NUDELMAN 22 GRYNBLAT 23 KLOS 24 SZPRYNG 25 EPELBAUM 26 BRAUNER 27 FANTUCH 28 GOLDSZTE1N 29 CWEIG 30 BUDEN 31 CWEIG 32 EYDELMAN 33 BUCHMAN 34 KOP 35 CWEIG 36 WAY[N]SBROT 37 MERZEL 38 KWIAT 39 LAUFER 40 FUX 41 BERNBAUM 42 SZULDMAN 43 ADLER 44 FANKUCHEN 45 CUK1ERMAN 46 CWEIG 47 MERGIEN 48 MERGIEN 49 GRYNBERG 1843 1 BAUM 2 BAUM 3 HERSZMAN 4 WEYGMAN Sora Josek Mosick Malka Fayga Bayla Haja Sora Sora Hana Abus Dawid Szlama Nochym Fajwel Szmul Jcek Zyska Herszkowicz Major Jankiel Haim Zysman Izrael Mindla Szyra Malka Malka Hindla Izrael Perla Anselm Chaim Dyna Rachla Szulim Horim Michel Major Izrael Fayga Laja Wolw Mosick Mosick Siwa Ryfka Fajga BlimaBrandla Dyna Lejbus Bajla Sifran (Sifra) Leyzer Moszek Haim Szmul Szaja Wolf Ruchla Gitla Chil Rywka [Ryfka] Malka Mary a Estera Chawa Szlama Chaskiel Blima Chemia Major Chaim Mortka Leyzer Joel Fraydla Jcek Szachna Ber Abram Leyb Ruchla Chana Szaja Mortka Beniegion Dawid Marya Nocha Leybus 42 32 26 45 24 Summer 2001 30 25 38 26 30 Dwoyry z Jckow Fryma z Joskow Nachy z Michalow Sora z Herszkowiczow Cyjrla? z Szmulow Lipa z Lyzurow Cyrtla z Serkowiczow Mechla z Szlamow Jeta z Beniaminow Majdla Eydla z Lejbusow 37 26 20 . 19 20 30 24 41 34 24 13Novl841 18Nov? 1841 20Novl841 25Novl841 26Novl841 26 No v 1841 6 Dec 1841 7 Dec 1841 8 Dec 1841 8 Dec 1841 7 Dec 1841 Berek Lewek Izrael Eliasz Hila Szlama Mortka Aron Wigdor Szulim Berek Abram Jankiel Uszer Jankiel Berek Abram Ursz Herszla Judka Uszer Berek Berek Keyzel Szmereck Moszek Jonas Szlama Jukiel Abus Bondyl Eliasz Szmul Moszek Jukiel Jaskiel Abram Szmerek Berek Kiwa Jukiel Dawid Berek Mortka Mortka Leybus Zelik Perec Uszer 48 22 25 22 30 24 36 36 43 25 32 36 28 30 30 27 28 30 33 23 22 40 55 28 36 36 32 28 32 30 50 40 43 28 24 30 31 31 28 37 28 36 28 34 29 30 28 32 27 Cwertla z Joskow Haia z Morkow Itta z Naftulow RyfkazGimplow Malka z Seiow Malka z Nosynow ? Z Lejzurow Gitla z Szulmow Haia zLej bow Brandla z Fiszlow Cyna z Herymow Kraydla z Izraelow Eidla z Rajchmow Fajga zFIigulmenow Jhla (?) z Herszkow Bayla z Berkow Malka z Nachmanow Nochy z Jckow Cyzdla z Jckow Ryfka z Joskow Ryfka z Joskow Royszla z Herszkow Sizla z Ezerow Rywka Kayli z Braunerow Nauma z Herszlow Zysla z Jakobow Laia z Jckow Rywka z Magielow Laia z Ecklow Rywka z Moszkowiczow Gitla z Izraelow Rywka z Smerzkwiczow Séria z Izraelow Adysli (?) z Jckow Fraydli z Cweikow Estera z Urysiow Malka z Tyszlerow Laia z Szuchmacherow Marya z Meylechow Mirli z Majorow Estera z Mendlow Séria z Joelow Cypy z Berkow Laia z Lewkow Chana z Szanow Gitla z Jckow Brandla z Jckow Rywka z Abramow 48 21 23 22 29 22 30 38 41 18? 28 36 24 24 27 26 24 28 22 20 20 23 40 24 29 30 25 25 28 40 40 28 38 25 24 27 26 27 27 28 24 28 25 28 25 26 25 28 22 4 Jan 1842 K wies Peterycach 4 Jan 1842 4 Jan 1842 K 30 Jan 1842 K 2 Mar 1842 Koprzywnica 3 Mar 1842 K 4 Mar 1842 wies Kepie 5 Mar 1842 K 7 Mar 1842 K 4 Mar 1842 K 5 Mar 1842 K 5 Mar 1842 K 13 June 1842 K 16 June 1842 K 16 June 1842 K 16 June 1842 K 18 June 1842 K 18 June 1842 K 17 June 1842 K 16 June 1842 K 16 June 1842 K 16 June 1842 K 16 June 1842 K 6 July 1842 Konary 8 July 1842 K 1 Oct 1842 K 27Sep 1842 K 22Novl842 K 10 Oct? 1842 Koprzywnica 28Novl842 Koprzywnica 20Novl842 Koprzywnica 1 Dec 1842 Koprzywnica 21 Nov 1842 Koprzywnica 25Novl842 Koprzywnica 25 Nov 1842 Koprzywnica 24 Nov 1842 Koprzywnica 25 Nov 1842 Usarzowie 22 Nov 1842 K 23 Nov 1842 Koprzywnica 4 Dec 1842 K 4 Dec 1842 wies Stoptowie 4 Dec 1842 Szymanowie 4 Dec 1842 K 10 Dec 1842 Dmozicach 11 Dec 1842 Koprzywnica 14 Nov 1842 Koprzywnica March 1839 Koprzywnica 13 Apr 1842 Koprzywnica 14 Dec 1842 wies Smerdyna Zelman Zelman Nuta Izrael 42 46 36 26 Ryfka z Szlamow Ryfka z Szlaow Ruchla z Izraelow Dwoyra z Szmuelow 36 40 28 22 14 July 1834 13 Apr 1838 8 Jan 1843 lFebl843 25 K wies" Kiurkowic? K K K K K K K K Koprzywnica wies Byszôw wies Byszôw K Szymanowie Summer 2001 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 FANKUCHEN ARDWERGIER MERZEL CWEIG NUSENBAUM SZULDMAN ZEYDMAN GOLDMAN GOLDFARB MAYNGARTEN WAYNFELD TYSZLER SALCBERG BURSZTYN GIELA KOP AYNCHER GORZYCZANSKI SALCBERG KJEYSMAN MER FAKTER FANKUCHEN FANKUCHEN GRYNBLAT EPELBAUM GOLDSZTEIN ECHT GRYNBERG GRYNBERG RAYCHMAN OFMAN OFMAN OFMAN CYNAMON SZPETER SZPETER HIRSZMAN M1CMACHER BEKIER RUBIN FUX Kielce-Radom S1G Journal Volume 5, Number 3 37 Matys Jcek Szlama Szmuel Manes Bayla Malka Hersz! Eliasz Marya Alter Berek Sara Szmul Leyb Szulim Pinkwas Abram Mortka Moszek Herszla Fayga Ruchla Jozek Laja Jcek Mendel Abram Simsia Izrael Alta Ryfka Jakob Gitla Leyzor Albus Szlama Szmarya Josek Berek Moszek Leybus Josek [Izrael] Zysman Etla Ryfka Laia Fayga Jarmula Josek Jankiel Hua Zajnwel Sura Moszek Jankiel Leyb Eyzyk Merzek Jukiel Major Izrael Beniamin Urys Zyskind Nuta Meylech Jcek Herszl Jaskiel Noah Moszek Jcek Nachman Szmul Dawid Zysman Moszek Mortka Mortka Beruch Szmerek Szlama Zelik Jcek Jcek Charym [Chaim?] Izrael Izrael Izrael Leyzer Aron Wolw Abus Izrael Szlama Abram Leybus Jankiel 36 23 48 23 40 42 42 34 30 22 36 24 34 27 28 32 25 45 40 26 26 26 45 45 35 26 24 28 54 54 31 26 26 26 39 34 35 26 45 32 40 32 Séria z Eyzykow Ruchla Brandla z Fiszlow Ella z Mendlow Maydla z Majorow Hana z Manesow Chaia Sura z Wigdorowiczow Chaia z Herszlow Jenta z Ablorow Laia z Zysmanow HendlazHaimow Etla z Joelow Hana z Zysmanow Bayla z Abramow Haia z Abramow Golda z Wolwow Séria z Izraelow Cyrla z Salcbergow Hana z Wolwow Sora Idda z Lemkow Hana z Simelow Haia Matla z Herckow Sara z Szmerkow Nachy z Leyzerow Nachy z Leyzerow Manda z Abramow Ruchla z Urysiow Laia z Izraelow Fayga z Nachmanow Laia z Joskwiczow Laia z Joskowiczow Sieywa z Zelikow Cyrtla z Grynbergow Cyrtla z Grynbergow Cyrtla z Grynbergow Sura z Jckow Sura z Jckow Sura z Moszkow Aydla z Leybusiow Séria z Nusymow Szprynca z Jckow Cywa Fayga z Szolow Estera z Nachy 28 21 36 40 36 29 24 30 26 21 28 24 32 22 24 27 24 38 40 24 29 19 36 31 28 24 22 33 48 48 24 24 26 29 30 30 30 25 20 28 30 27 8Febl843 16Feb 1843 15 Mar 1843 4 Apr 1843 18 Apr 1843 12 June 1843 30 June 1843 14 June 1843 14 June 1843 15 June 1843 1 Aug 1843 17 July 1843 18 July 1843 25 July 1843 13 June 1843 8 Aug 1843 26 Dec 1842 19 Aug 1843 1 Aug 1843 14 Sep 1843 21 Sep 1843 6 Sep 1843 15 0ct 1843 15 Mar 1838 14 0ct 1843 21 May 1843 24Novl843 26Octl843 14 Mar 1838 21 Oct 1843 28Octl843 13 Sep 1838 23 Dec 1840 31 Oct 1843 18Novl843 6Novl843 8Febl843 13 Dec 1843 19 Dec 1843 19 Dec 1843 19 Dec 1843 19 Dec 1843 K K K K K K K Koprzywnica K K K K K K wies Beszowie wies Beszowie K K wies Beradzie K Smerdyna Smerdyna K Swiniary Swiniary wies Nawodzice Koprzywnica Koprzywnica Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K K K Malka Tema Szulim Ber Szlama Ruchla Tauba Brandla Abram Chana Marya Izrael Marya Liba Chil Eyzyk Jeremiasz Jozek Herszcek Jankiel Leyb Izrael Pinkwas Mayor Sura Ita Marya Gdala Jankiel Hawa Josek Tobiasz Berek Mortka Majer Abus Chil Wolw Szmul Szyja Mortka Gitsman Herszl Izrael Leybus Moszek Judka Haim Moszek Zelman Zelman Josek Leyzer Jcek Uszer Jankiel Mortka Kopel Abram Ela 32 30 45 36 25 35 32 42 23 38 54 36 24 30 37 37 24 28 23 31 26 27 36 Cwetla z Joskow Jerla z Simsiow Laia z Herskow Hana z Leyzerow Hinda Malka Herszkow Szyfry z Borkow Sora z Joskow Cypa z Joskow Ruchla Cypa z Joskow Sura Laia Tauba z Wolwow Haia z Leybusiow Dyna z Jakubow Hudes z Izraelow Ryfka z Szlamow Ryfka z Szlamow Malka Laia z Kalmow Haia Sura z Wolwow Ryfka z Joskow Gitla z Izraelow Sosi z Joskow Hinda z Eyzenbergow Ryfka z Joelow 30 1 Jan 1844 24 2 Jan 1844 36 2 Jan 1844 35 2 Jan 1844 30 10 Jan 1844 30 10 Jan 1844 26 10 Jan 1844 36 10 Jan 1844 20 11 Jan 1844 30 11 Jan 1844 44 12 Jan 1844 34 18 Jan 1844 32 18 Jan 1844 28 18 Jan 1844 37 1 Febl844 37 1 Feb 1844 22 8Febl844 24 11 Feb 1844 22 11 Feb 1844 26 11 Feb 1844 24 12 Feb 1844 22 12 Feb 1844 30 18 Feb 1844 K K K K K Dmezicach wies Nawodzice Rytowicach K K wies Wlostowie K K K K K K K K K K wies Byszowie K Rybnica K wieé Grocholice Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K K 1844 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 MINTZ LUDERMAN LOFFMAN GIEBER BAUCH (?) FANKUCHEN MERLENBAUM GIELMAN BEKIER TYSZLER GROSMAN HIMMELFARB GRYNBAL FENSTER BAUM BAUM GOLDCHAMER WALMACHER NUDELMAN SIERADZKI GOLDWASER BAUM AXAMIT 38 24 KNEBEL 25 ANCMAN 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Kieke-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Abram Ela Cherszla Manes Jcek Moszek LUDERMAN Moszek Berek MERGIEN Izrael Szmuel ARBES Wolw MERC Haia Etla FANKUCHEN Herszla GRYNBERG GANC Szaja Marya SPIRO Idel Leyb HAYSMAN Michel AWENUS FEFERMAN Szlama Eliasz Moszek Izrael WAYSBERT BLUMENFELD Izrael Major Beniamin KATZ Aron Herszek SPIRO Hawa MERZEL Hana FUX Ruchla Serla AWENUS Haia Pesla GANC Ruchla LANG1ER MERGIEN Ryfka Pesla Estera Hena KIPERWASER Ryfka LAUFER Izrael AYDELMAN Jcek HERSZTEIN Hawa HIMMELFARB Izrael GURFINKIEL Tauba GOLDSZTEIN Haja Estera GRYNGAS Slawa ZYNTYK Ela WARSAGIER SZMIT Ides Major Mendel RAPPAPORT Boruch KUCZLER Perla DYNER Harym GROSKOP Faywel BUDYN Szyja KNEBEL FENSTER Noma Cyrla Szyfra GRYNBERG Cyrla Cypa ECHT Aydla BEKIER Malka BUDEN Ryfka Ruchla FANKUCH Mechel MERZ Jankiel Szmul SZMIT KATZ Izrael Leybus Pesla SZPRUNG Malka Cywia NUSENBAUM Sura Szeindla GOLDFARB Szaia WE1SBROT Malka WEGMAN Golda GRYNBERG Noma FLIGIELMAN Maior Jankiel SALCBERG Marya Szandla LIDA Herszla PERELMAN Cywia WEGMAN Moszek GIELER Herszla Dawid GLOSMAN FAJERSZTEIN Perla SZUCHMACHER Bencyen Gitla WAYNFELD Liba Fayga BRAUNER Jankiel Berek 40 Laia z Lyzow Zelman 23 Estera Hana z Kalmanow Major 27 Dwoyra z Janklow Leybus 36 Chaia Hinda z Berkow Moszek Szysman 28 Rayzli z Szlamow Herszla 24 Ryfka z Leybusiow Josek 26 Rayzli z Szulimow Moszek 38 Rayzli z Ansolow Szmerek 36 Sura z Szajow Uszer 35 Perla z Izraelow Berek 30 Ruchla z Izraelow Herszla 24 Gitla z Wolwow Nuta 30 Chana Ruchla Haskiel 36 Fraydla z Leyzerow Hil Leyb 26 Dwoyra Laia z Eliaszow Haim 40 JentazBeniaminow Judka 25 Liba Haia z Moszkow Leybus 38 Bina z Moszkow Kiwa 40 Marya z Meylechow Izrael 37 Hana z Morkow Szmerek 40 Liba Ryfka z Swaywlow Moszek 40 Ruchla zZelikow Perec 31 Brandla z Joskow Abram 25 Hinda z Simsiow Berek 32 Laia z Szmulow Eliasz 33 Gitla z Izraelow Nochym 32 Blima z Joskow Nusen 27 Rywka z Rywenow Leybus 50 Bayla z Szmulow Haim Dawid 32 Sura z Lebusiow Berek 22 Hana z Bendelow Bayna 22 Ryfka z Wolwow Dawid 42 Perla z Szandlow Aron 30 Haia Gitla zHaimow Moszek 33 Dobra z Moszkow Judka 25 Estera z Janklow Eyzyk 34 Brandla z Jankow Moszek 50 Tauba z Wolwow Hernia 38 Malka z Szyjow Herszla 25 Rayzy z Jakubow Joel 48 Ita Bayla Lewek 40 Hena z Szulimow Jcek 30 Haia z Beniaminow Jcek 36 Serla z Izraelow Uszer 26 Sima z --?-Jonas 38 Zysla z Jakubow Jankiel 53 Laia z Joskow Jcek 26 Liba z Szmulow Wigdor 48 Hica z Leybusiow Szachna Herszla 36 Hana z Abramow Mendel 26 ? Hana z Leybusiow SzaulJosek 27 Golda Ruchla z Simsonow Josek 48 Ryfka z Moskow Wolf 24 Golda z Leybow Szmul 28 Ruchla z Rozenbergow Jukiel 28 Jenta z Frydmanow Szmul 42 Sura Ita z Ferncbugow (?) Judka 26 Rayzli z Herszkow Jankiel 33 Gitla z Herszkow Izrael 26 Dwoyra z Szmulow Noah 36 Golda z Wolwow Wolw 38 Hudes z Nochymow Jankiel 26 Mechla z Szlamow Chaim Nusyn 36 Bayla z Jakobow Moszek 38 Ryfka Perla z Hendlow Froim 38 Ryfka Laia Summer 2001 36 27Febl844 K 32 9 Mar 1844 K 24 24 Mar 1844 28 27 Mar 1844 25 7 Apr 1844 24 7 Apr 1844 19 8 Apr 1844 32 16 Apr 1844 30 16 Apr 1844 28 16 Apr 1844 28 17 Apr 1844 20 25 Apr 1844 24 1 May 1844 28 7 May 1844 24 6 May 1844 40 22 Apr 1844 24 14 May 1844 32 14 May 1844 32 22 May 1844 30 22 May 1844 20 23 May 1844 29 26 May 1844 25 27 May 1844 25 27 May 1844 36 4 June 1844 33 9 June 1844 30 9 June 1844 23 27 June 1844 26 27 June 1844 24 1 July 1844 18 2 July 1844 19 2 July 1844 28 2 July 1844 30 3 July 1844 22 4 July 1844 24 7 July 1844 32 8 July 1844 40 10 July 1844 30 21 July 1844 25 24 July 1844 42 24 July 1844 30 24 July 1844 20 13 Aug 1844 30 16Augl844 18 21 Aug 1844 26 4 Sept 1844 38 6 Sept 1844 24 12 Sept 1844 43 17 Sept 1844 33 17 Sept 1844 32 25 Sept 1844 25 1 Octl844 40 6 June 1844 20 24Novl844 27 8Novl844 27 8Novl844 42 13Novl844 24 20Nov 1844 30 21Nov 1844 20 9 Dec 1844 30 7Novl844 30 26Octl844 30 7Nov 1844 26 7Novl844 23 8Novl844 23 8Novl844 K Koprzywnica wies Nawodzice Budcach Grzybystawie K K K K K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K Pechowie wieé Ussarzowie K K K K Koprzywnica K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica wiei Kaczlowic K K K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K K K K wies Wlostowie Koprzywnica K K K K K Koprzywnica K na Budach K K wies Ulanowice Koprzywnica K wies Dlugoleu (not stated) K K K K K wies Skrzwirzow(?) K wies Bloniu K K K K Summer 2001 90 WAYSFROJZYN 91 FEKTER 92 MANDORF 93 KWIAT 94 CWEIG 95 GRYNBERG 96 WAXMAN 97 GOLDSZTEIN 98 GRYNBLAT [-BAL] 99 KAC (KATZ) 100 BRAUNER 101 BRAUNER 102 GRYNBERG 103 LEK 104 LANDEHUBE 1845 1 KOP 2 GRYNBERG 3 EYZENBUCH 4 RUBIN 5 BAUM 6 SZMIT 7 MER 8 PANTYR 9 KIPERWASER 10 ZALCBERG 11 CZAPNIK 12 DYNER 13 SALCBERG 14 CUKIER 15 GRYNBLAT 16 SZULDMAN 17 FANKUCHEN 18 EYZENBUCH 19 ECHT 20 BINDER 21 WINER 22 MICLA(?) 23 FANKUCHEN 24 SZNAYDER 25 LAUCHTENBERG 26 TYSZLER 27 TYSZLER 28 KIESLER 29 MERZEL 30 MINTZ 31 TREFLER 32 RUBIN 33 BOXERN 34 GOLDWASER 35 FERBER 36 KREMER 37 CWEIG 38 ROZENFELD 39 FENSTERSZTOK 40 BUCHMAN 41 CWEIG 42 GRYNBAL 43 KWIAT 44 KIPERWASER 45 NUSENBAUM 46 RYWENBAYRYCH 47 BRAUNER 48 GOLDFARB 49 AWENUS 50 FLISFEDER 39 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Berek LibaHawa Josek JankielLeyb Hinda Malka Jankiel Mendel LaiaGitla Wolw Josek Haim Eyzyk Fraydla FaygaLaia Szyfra Rochla Fiszel FaygaBayla Jeremiasz ZysmanLeyb Szmul Szmerek Jukiel Jcek Jcek Jankiel IzraelNoach Josek Moszek Leyzer Uszer Abram MajerLeyb 22 36 38 32 22 50 24 25 33 25 36 22 24 20 50 Ryfka z Moszkow Malka z Joskow HanazNusynow Matka z Abramow Rayzla zJckow Laiaz Joskow Malka z Nusymow Haiaz Moszkow ItazNaftulow SurazEyzykow Nauma z Rawidow (?) Szandli z Rywenow Ryfka z Abramow Czarna z Leybusiow HaiazGimplow 20 33 24 28 30 40 22 23 25 20 36 20 22 20 45 8 Nov 1844 9 Nov 1844 13 Nov 1844 20 Nov 1844 20 Nov 1844 20 Nov 1844 12 Dec 1844 12 Dec 1844 16 Dec 1844 16 Dec 1844 16 Dec 1844 16 Dec 1844 17 Dec 1844 22 Dec 1844 22Dec 1844 K K K K Koprzywnica wieé Smerdyni K K K K K K wies Smerdyna wieéBIoniu Koprzywnica Majer Abram Cypra Szyfra Jakob Hersz DobraHendla AydlaCyna Nusen Alter Ruchla FraydaHena Fayga Blima Dyna Marya Moszek Fayga Curtla BaylaMalka Ryfka Haja Curtla ' Jankiel Jarmula Fayga Tema Abram Zotka Toba Brucha Jcek Berek JcieLeyb Berek RywaZlata Nisla Major Ryfka Ryfka Raydla Pesla Marya Giela Major Moszek Jukiel Gimpel Bendel Moszek leek Szlama Jakob Moszek Hendel Aron Hersz Malka Blima Hena Major Szulim Abram Abus Herszla Uszer Dawid Uszer Szyja Hil Zysman Leyzer Mortka Herszla Berek Chaim Judka Beynus Zelman Dawid Jcek Szmul Joyzep Moszek Eyzyk Abram Josek Leybus Izrael Hil Josek Faywel (not named) Abram Zelik Simsia Leybus Simon Szlama Kalman Wolw Jukiel (Judka) Abram Major Szmul Leybus Simon Abram Dawid Lejba Hercyk Zaynwel Zyskind Ejzyk Szulim 36 32 20 22 36 36 26 48 30 36 32 25 36 36 22 38 42 50 53 30 36 36 34 30 26 26 50 Hana Maryz z Herszlow Fayga Szandla z Mendlow Dobraz Joskow HanaBayla zLidow Hinda Dwoyra z Joyzepow Cywa z Herszlow Madia Haia z Rywenbayrych Tema z Mortkow Brucha z Moszkow Bayla z Abramow Bayla z Moszkow Brandla z Moszkow Laia z Wigdorow Hana Szayndla z Dawidow Fryma z Dawidow Estera z Mendlow Estea z Szmulow Dobra Adla z Jarmulow Mindlaz Abramow Hana Gitla z Jarmulow Haia Sura z Haimow Estera z Zelikow Kayla z Izraelow Goldaz Haimow Hawaz Zelikow Haiaz Mortkow Fayga z Haninow Ruchla Estera z Uzyriow Toba Laia Szyfra z Abramow Cywa Fayga z Szulimow Gitla z Leyzerow Henda z Dawidow Zysla Rayzla z Szulimow Fayga z Ickow Ryfka z Magickow (?) Gitla z Majorow Hana z Leybusiow Ryfka z Herszkow HanazSanow DynazJakubow Fayga z Apeletow (?) Cypa Dwoyra z Szlamow Gitla zBerkow Ruchla z Lemkow ItazJakubow Szandla z Mortkow Laiaz Abramow Malka Haia z Herszkow 30 26 21 22 24 30 29 40 40 30 26 24 40 36 20 32 36 36 40 18 30 40 27 30 18 26 40 28 27 20 24 30 27 29 46 22 30 39 22 36 33 28 22 32 43 24 21 20 36 26 30 Dec 1844 3 Jan 1845 19 Jan 1845 20 Jan 1845 22 Jan 1845 23 Jan 1845 6Febl845 9Febl845 9 Feb 1845 11 Feb 1845 16 Feb 1845 17 Feb 1845 18 Feb 1845 18 Feb 1845 19 Feb 1845 13 Mar 1845 17 Mar 1845 17 Mar 1845 19 Mar 1845 19 Mar 1845 19 Mar 1845 20 Mar 1845 25 Mar 1845 25 Mar 1845 26 Mar 1845 27 Mar 1845 27 Mar 1845 19 Mar 1845 23 Mar 1845 6 Apr 1845 16 Apr 1845 19 Apr 1845 22 Apr 1845 30 Apr 1845 1 May 1845 2 May 1845 22 Apr 1845 22 Apr 1845 23 Apr 1845 21 Apr 1845 5 May 1845 31 May 1845 27 May 1845 1 June 1845 3 May 1845 6 July 1845 20 July 1845 21 July 1845 22 July 1845 22 July 1845 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K wies Gicraszowie wiesKepuc K K K K K Koprzywnica K K K K K Ussarzowie K K K K K K K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica Koprzywnica Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K K wiesBloniu K K K K K 35 23 25 38 30 34 43 26 40 45 27 45 40 30 28 33 43 33 24 33 39 27 4U 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 TRUFELMAN GOLDSZTEIN KOPSZTEIN BEKIER WEGMAN TYSZLER ADLER LUDERMAN TYSZLER BRAUNER GLOSMAN INGBIR HIRSZMAN HIRSZMAN KRYSZTAL GRYNFELD HERSZTEIN SILVERSZTEIN Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Haja Moszek Szmerek Jcek Ejzyk Gitla Blima Marya Mortka Herszl Szlama Moszek Szol Urys Izrael Berek Szlama Szyfra Blima [Gitla] Jcek Zelman Joyzep Mortka Hersz Izrael Joyzep Aron Szlama Leybus Zyndel Nuta 64 Zyndel Urys 65 Icie Lejb Lipa 66 Moszek Ejzyk Berek Nachym 67 Bayla 68 Moszek Malka Moszek 69 KOP Jcek Moszek Leyzor 70 MINC 71 BUDEN Eliasfz] Szmul Major Abram Wolw Pinkwas 72 ARBETMAN 73 TREFLER Joyzep Wolw Lejbus Hena Jcek 74 ALBUS 75 GRYNBAL Szyfra Cwetla Joyzep Wolw Mortka 76 GLOSMAN Hana Aron 77 RAYCHMAN Zysman Szol 78 FANKUCHEN Abram Ajzyk 79 KIMEL Wigdor Izrael 80 HIMMELFARB Wolw Rafael 81 ALDWERGIER 82 HIMMELFARB Josek Idel Wigdor 83 SOSIENOWICZ Moszek Izrael 84 GORZYCZANSKI Frajdla Nachman 85 KOP Kiwa Major 86 GRYNBERG Dwoyra Szachna 87 MICMACHER Chaja Ryfka Szlama 88 BARAN Michel Jcek Cherszla Jcek Abram 89 SZULDMAN 90 TOLPET Sura Ruchla Lejzor 50 29 40 26 28 35 32 32 25 42 29 40 33 42 33 21 35 34 37 21 22 20 27 45 22 36 32 28 35 33 24 28 24 46 24 24 50 22 30 24 1O/Jif. J OH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 GRYNBERG TREFLER SAUBEL GRYNBERG GULA [GIELA?] WAJSBORT LUDERMAN ZEJDMAN BINDER GOLDMAN SZULDMAN GOLDMAN HIRSZMAN KIEYSMAN HERCKOP GOLDEHAMER SIERADZK1 KLOS PECZYNA TREFLER FERBER ZLOTNIK TYSZLER EPELBAUM SZPETER Berek Chaja Sura Josek Kalman [Kalina] Dobra Chana Ryfka Ruchla Hinda Malka Ita Frajda Nusen Major Judka Aydla Mala Ejdla Lejbus Uszer Chaskiel Zysman Lejb Chil Berek Chaim Abram Chersz Josek Fiszel Szulim Mendel Izrael Chana Szmul Izrael Jeremiasz Zelik Abram Chaim Major Beniamin Moszek Urys Izrael Urys Nuta Dawid Izrael Berek Jankiel Zejscel (?) Szmul Lejb Fajwel Berek Szmul Lejbus Meniowicz Szmerek Uren 29 28 19 35 23 40 26 45 31 39 45 39 39 28 36 48 31 24 25 31 40 41 45 30 38 Summer 2001 Malka z Nochymow Laia z Izraelow Hendla z Berkow Ruchla z Kalmanow Hana z Berkow Fryma Laia z Szlamow Séria z Joelow Cywa z Jckow Chana z Grynbergow Ryfka z Jckow Ajdla Ruchla z Hirszmanow Fajga Laia z Herszkow Hana zWoIwow Zlala Dwoyra z Szmulow Tema z Szlamow Séria z Berkow Blima z Joskow Marya z Abusiow Séria z Izraelow Estera Dobra z Dawidow Hinda z Eliaszow Golda z Boxern Gitla z Abramow Dyna z Leybusiow Séria z Herszkow Hudes z Nachymow Liejwa z Zelikow Hana z Koplow Lida z Lejbusiow Hendla zNisenow Estera z Mortkow Sura z Lejbusiow Marya z Joskow Hana z Wolwow Gitla z Joyzepow Liejwa z Braunerow Fajga Séria z --?-Sura z Lejbusiow Chaia Laia z Moskow Estera z Lejbusiow 40 26 36 25 22 35 32 30 26 34 27 34 33 30 32 21 24 22 40 20 22 34 22 28 22 23 July 1845 27 July 1845 29 May 1845 27 May 1845 18 Aug 1845 18 Aug 1845 20 Aug 1845 20 Aug 1845 3 Sep 1845 4 Sep 1845 24 Aug 1845 28 July 1845 21 Aug 1845 21 Aug 1845 24 May 1845 17 Sep 1845 22 Sep 1845 22 Sep 1845 13 Oct 1845 7 Oct 1845 14 Oct 1845 19 Oct 1845 13 Nov 1845 13 Nov 1845 9 Nov 1845 19 Nov 1845 24 Nov 1845 24 Nov 1845 24 Nov 1845 27 Nov 1845 27 Nov 1845 4 Dec 1845 7 Dec 1845 8 Dec 1845 8 Dec 1845 8 Dec 1845 13 Dec 1845 13 Dec 1845 15 Dec 1845 15 Dec 1845 Fajga z Klosow Ejdla Szprynca z Karasiow Rajla z Braunerow Cywa Etla z Kalmanow Chana z Hersztainow Syna z Patetorow (?) Dwoyra z Jarmulow Chaia zBinderow Chana Gitla z Hirszmanow Jenta z Metorow (?) Chaia Sura z Himmelfarbow Jenta z Metorow (?) Rochla z Ludermanow Hana z Mandelmanow Chaia Rajzla z Zalcbergow Cwetla z Zyngow Gitla z Rachmanow Gitla z Gr-?Jachet Necha z Grynbalow Malka z Kie--g--bergow Bajla z Zacharyaszow Sura Lai z Kumarow (?) Ruchla laia z Erdfrochtow Sura z Jckow 22 26 Dec 1845 wies Kamiencie 32 30 34 20 18 21 20 40 36 30 26 22 30 28 28 wies Peterycach wiesBeradzu K K wies Smerdyna K K K K K Koprzywnica wieé Dlugoece (?) Koprzywnica Koprzywnica wies Zakrzowie K Kaczkowie K Koprzywnica K Koprzywnica K K K K wieéBloniu K wies Pechowie K K K wies Smerdyna wies Dlagoleu K K K K K K K 25 27 Dec 1845 K 27 7 Jan 1846 30 2 Feb 1846 24 30 24 25 24 32 38 32 30 24 30 48 30 22 19 28 44 39 36 24 33 18 Feb 1846 18 Feb 1846 28 Feb 1846 27 Feb 1846 26 Feb 1846 27 Feb 1846 26 Feb 1846 27 Feb 1846 25 Feb 1846 25 Feb 1846 24 Feb 1846 IP Mar 1846 22 Mar 1846 22 Mar 1846 30 Mar 1846 15 Apr 1846 29 Apr 1846 29 Apr 1846 30 Apr 1846 30 Apr 1846 3 May 1846 K wies Kamieniec wies Smerdyna wieé Szymanowice K K K K K K K wies Przyzwrowie K K K wies Wlostowie wies Szymanowice K K K K K Koprzywnica Summer 2001 26 TREFLER 27 HIMMELFARB 28 ANCMAN 29 CYNAMON 30 SZPETER 31 SZTERLEMAN 32 GRYNBERG 33 SP1RO 34 KLAJMAN 35 TATAR 36 OFMAN 37 KALINA 38 CUDYK 39 FANKUCHEN 40 L1CHTENBERG 41 CWEIG 42 WEGMAN 43 EJZENBUCH 44 MANDORF 45 BUCHOLZ 46 MAJNGARTEN 47 GORZYCZANSKI 48 BRAUNER 49 ALDWERGIER 50 PERELMAN 51 MERZEL 52 GRYNGLAS 53 MERGIEN 54 GOLDFARB 55 LERER 56 CYNAMON 57 BUDEN 58 KARAS 59 GOLDCHAMER 1847 1 GRYNBLAT 2 KNEBEL 3 BAUM 4 MERGIEN 5 LANGIER 6 KWIAT 7 FANTUCH 8 KOP 9 WAJNFELD 10 MERTENBAUM 11 ARBUS 12 RYWENBAYRYCH 13 GOLDSZTEIN 14 NUDELMAN 15 NUDELMAN 16 ALOES 17 FEFERMAN 18 EJDELMAN 19 TREFLER 20 WAJNBAUM 21 AGAYSTER 22 GARBARZ 23 ZEJDMAN 24 WARSAG1ER 25 RAYCHMAN 26 GROSMAN 27 BRAJDYL 28 GRYNBAL 29 AXAM1T 30 KOP 31 BINDER Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 41 23 24 24 40 42 40 39 38 64 30 28 22 50 28 50 45 28 23 45 23 24 22 26 30 22 40 26 36 30 27 29 23 24 25 Cypa z Fankuchenow Ryfka z Cherszlow Estera Chena z Kalmanow Sura z Jckow Sura Kajli z Moszkow Chaia z Koplow Chena z Szulimow Perla z Izraelow Malka z Mortkow Cyrla z Szlamow Cyrla z Jckow Ayfla z Berkow Malka z Mortkow Rayza z Szulimow Séria z Szolimow Szandla Matla z Lanchubrow Dwoyra z Szmulow Dobra z Joskow Hana z Moszkow Sora z Szjszynqow (?) Chandla z Braunerow Chana z Ejzenbuchow Ita z Zelikow Brucha Brandla z Fiszlow Rayzla z Mitbergow Bina z Moszkow Chana z --?-Gitla Golda Sarla z Chirsemanow Ryfka z Sieradzki Chinda z Szysmow Bajla Krajndla z Beniaminow Malka Laia z Szlamow 20 22 30 32 32 30 31 36 45 22 25 20 48 20 28 41 20 24 24 18 24 19 Idas Josek Uszer Lejzer Cherzla z Meylech Zelman Lejsor Abus Abram Lejbus Uszer Cudyk Moszek Izrael Lejbus Mala Josek Major Jakob Jukiel Izrael Dawid Szmuel Izrael Nuta Cherszla Zajnwel Jankiel Zysia Lejbus Berek Zelik Szol Josek Chil Chil Major Jankiel Lejzer Hawa Josek Josek Abram Bendel Sechia Michel Berek Abram Mendel Zacharyasz Beniamin Chaja Laia Zelik Wolw Sura Szandla Izrael Jcek Moszek Aron Nacha Tauba Ryfka Major Szlama Szyja Mendel Marya Liba Chawa Malka Lejzer Estera Cherszl Berek Berek Kopel Lejbus Lejzer Szmerek Jonas Zotka Berek Gilman Moszek Chercyk Chaim Dawid Uszer Abus Zelik Nuta Eliasz Simsia Saul Zyla Wolw Chaim Dawid Moszek Moszek Zelman Joyzep Abram Moszek Moszek 45 48 31 37 36 36 38 24 40 30 35 37 36 25 33 26 32 31 27 22 24 27 27 44 35 26 Cywa z Melorow (?) Laia z Lipow Chinda z Benderow Chai Chinda z Bendylow Gitla zLejbusiow Malka z Abramow Zyeda z Jarmulow Matla z Mersztein Fryma z Majorow Sura z Szp~?--ow Rayzla z Grynsbergow Ruchla z Ferncbergow Sura z Lejbow Ryfka z Gancow SerlazSimsiow Brandla z Lauferow Chana z Cynamonow Gitla z Lipkow Szyfra z Treflerow Jcy z Adamaszkow Ides z Juklow Chawa z Lejzorow Ruchla Laia z Chimmelfarbow Perla z Zybrow Gnandla z Fuxow Chinda Mirla z Raychmanow Séria z Binderow Ryfka z Joelow Séria z Izraelow Chana Gitla z Jarmulow 36 27 26 32 30 31 26 18 40 26 30 30 32 28 25 22 32 30 26 38 22 26 25 30 36 22 Chaja Sura Szmul Frajdla Malka Miszla Lejbus Simsia Berek Frajda Szmul Lejb Chaja Ruchla Berek Szmul Ruchla Ryfka Tauba Bendel Ejyzk Chil Szaja Haja Pesla Pinkwas Urys Szandla Ruchla Szandla Cyrla Chaja Fajga Bajla Michel Ela Brandla Ita Tema Ita 24 24 27 37 32 24 20 36 24 30 30 23 27 18 18 20 24 30 24 35 24 13 Feb 1846 25 May 1846 26 May 1846 31 May 1846 31 May 1846 31 May 1846 31 May 1846 31 May 1846 6 June 1846 22 June 1846 5 July 1846 27 July 1846 6Augl846 9Augl846 13Augl846 13Augl846 15 Sep 1846 15 Sep 1846 11 Oct 1846 13 Oct 1846 30 Oct 1846 30 Oct 1846 U N o v 1846 U N o v 1846 18Novl846 24Novl846 30Nov 1846 13 Dec 1846 13 Dec 1846 22 Dec 1846 23 Dec 1846 23 Dec 1846 23 Dec 1846 23 Dec 1846 2 Jan 1847 3 Jan 1847 12 Jan 1847 18 Jan 1847 25 Jan 1847 27 Jan 1847 27 Jan 1847 31 Jan 1847 30Novl846 26 Jan 1847 16 Jan 1847 16 Feb 1847 5 Mar 1847 9 Mar 1847 8 Mar 1847 10 Mar 1847 6 Apr 1847 5 Apr 1847 8 Apr 1847 9 Apr 1847 13 Apr 1847 13 Apr 1847 13 Apr 1847 18 Apr 1847 18 Apr 1847 20 Apr 1847 20 Apr 1847 18 May 1847 6 June 1847 23 June 1847 25 June 1847 wies Beszyice K K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K K wies" Swiniarice wieé Smerdyna wieé Nawodzice Slawislic (?) wieé Swiniarice wies Zbiegniewice K Koprzywnica wieâ Slezwiczowie K K wies" Loniowie K K K K K wies Usarzowie Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K K K wies Byszowie Koprzywnica K K K K K wies Gorki wies Nawodzice K K K K K Korpzywnica Koprzywnica K K K K K K K K K K K K K • 42 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 GRYNBERG MINTZ KIPERWASER WEJNFELD KOP RAWEL FUX FLIGIELMAN WEJNBERG WACIARZ KIENIGSBERG GOLDSZTEIN NUSENBAUM SZAUBEL GOLDCHAMER SALCBERG TECZA BARAN KLIGMAN DYKU MINTZ KIELBIK DYNER JEGIER Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Summer 2001 Judka Fajga Tema Moszek Chendel Szyja Jcek Laja Urys Cypa Major Dawid Cherszla Chana Herszla Lejbus Nuta Siejwa Gitla Abe Lejb Sura Bajla Lejb Ber Mechel Jcek Szandla Bajla Etlia Atla Bayla Szandla Frymela Perla Chyna Szmul Lejzer Abram Moszek Cherszla Chaim Kiwa Jukiel Abram Moszek Jcek Szymon Szlama Mendel Jeremiasz Major Judka Lejzer Cherszla Major Cherszla Lejb Lejbus Zelik Gierszon Chaim Lejbus 30 28 30 37 40 21 40 36 23 30 22 31 30 22 25 38 25 24 26 25 26 45 28 33 Fayga z Klosow Ruchla z Braunerow Chinda z Simsiow Rayzla z Ej-?-ow Chana Marya z Penynow Marya z Urysiow Marya z Meylechow Laia z Frydmanow Dwoyra z Spirow Chaia Sura z Wolwow Mindla z Mortkow Laia z Izraelow Chana z Lejbusiow Kajla z Braunerow Fajga Ryfka z Cherszlow Laia z Wigdorow Ryflca z Raychmanow Sura z Jckow Chana Pesla z Sliserow (?) Chinda Malka z Eliaszow Laia z Goldszteinow Mirla z Szulimow Brandla z Moskow Chinda z Simsiow 24 18 26 20 32 20 32 31 18 35 18 22 31 29 22 24 28 20 25 23 22 37 24 35 5 July 1847 7 July 1847 21 July 1847 4Augl847 19Augl847 23Augl847 23Augl847 Ryfka Jcek Chaim Jakob Moszek Ryflca Jcie Lejb Cherszl Cyna Marya Siapsia Baila Abram Abram Mortka Simsia Izrael Josek Marya Jochweta Eizyk Blima Jcie Lejbus Jankiel Szmul Uszer Lejbus Szyja Cherszl Szlama Moszek Simon Dawid Chaskiel Bainis Wigdor Menasia Urys Lejzor Szyja Szmul Maior Chil Zotka Fajwel Szymon Zajnwel Jcek Jankiel Joyzep Fajwel Cherszl Major Aron Bajnus Dawid Zainwel Liberman Izrael Moszek Zysman Judka Zyskind Berek 31 32 33 42 37 28 38 38 35 50 38 30 28 30 28 23 23 24 19 24 24 29 23 21 28 36 63 35 25 35 34 30 30 28 24 34 30 30 30 36 40 Mechla z Szlamow Ruchla z Rosenbergow Fajga z Fligielmanow Chena z Tuchfabrykantow Chinda Malka z Echtow Czarna z Cherszlow Chenda z Dawidow Marya z Merow Dyna z Frochtow Estera z Merderow Frajda z Wajbow Ryfka z Dynemarkow (?) Sora z Tefalow (?) Estera z Grosmaniow Chana z Berkow Estera Dobra z Grynbergow Szyfra z Joskow Estera z Janklow Szaindla z Nusenbaumow Ryfka z Landow Estera Matla z Herszkow Malka Chaia z Szolimow Bajla Basa Matla z Cukiermanow Malka z Nusenow Gitla z Rachmanow Mindla z Abramowiczow Necha z Michelow Chinda z Zelmanow Chana z Cherszlowiczow Siywa Frajda z Zelikow Chaia z Motylow Chana z Mandelmanow Jela z Felingerow Liba z Teszmanow? Aidla Ruchla z Moszkow Chaia z Izraelow Matla Chaia z Rywenbairych Estera z Janklow Szandla z Mortkow Séria z Benderow 26 30 32 32 26 22 35 28 28 36 30 22 26 24 24 22 22 24 19 24 20 28 22 20 24 30 45 29 23 25 24 28 26 26 20 30 24 30 26 22 32 27 Dec 1847 2 Jan 1848 4 Jan 1848 4 Jan 1848 20 Jan 1848 9Febl848 5 Mar 1848 9 Mar 1848 9 Mar 1848 12 Mar 1848 13 Mar 1848 13 Mar 1848 13 Mar 1848 14Mar,1848 22 Mar 1848 23 Mar 1848 1 May 1848 13 May 1848 20 May 1848 15 Apr 1848 13 June 1848 20 June 1848 30 Mar 1848 7 July 1848 7 July 1848 14 July 1848 14Augl848 27Augl848 30Augl848 7Sepl848 9Sepl848 17 Sep 1848 23Sepl848 12 Oct 1848 19 Oct 1848 12 Nov 1848 13 Nov 1848 5 Dec 1848 5 Dec 1848 11 Dec 1848 13 Dec 1848 13 Oct 1847 19 0ct 1847 27 Oct 1847 31 Oct 1847 1 Nov 1847 16Novl847 18 Nov 1847 5 Dec 1847 5 Dec 1847 22 Oct 1847 17 Dec? 1847 24Augl847 18 Jan 1846 14 Dec 1847 -1846 19 Dec 1847 14 Dec 1847 wies" Swiniarice K K wies Sternalice K K K K K K K wies Beradzu Koprzywnica K K K K K K K K K K wies Byszowie 1848 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 FAJERSZTEIN GRYNBERG GRYNBERG GRYNBERG BAUM ARBUS GOLDWASER ZYLBERSZTEIN GRYNBAL SZULDMAN WAYSBORT ZYNTYK CHIMELFARB KOFMAN WEJGMAN MINC BUCHOLC KATZ WEIZENFELD NISENBAUM KOP FLISFEDER GLANTZ BRAUNER WAXMAN SIERA |D]ZKI ECHT TREFLER SZULDMAN CUKIERMAN RAJCHMAN RUZENBAUM KIEJSMAN BRAUNER LUDERMAN GLOSMAN CWAIG MER KIESLER GOLDFARB ADLER Ela Mortka Abram Wolw Abram Szulim Abram Mortka Szlama Marya Estera Rayzla Idel Lejbus Ruchla Hinda Alia Lejbus Chana Abram Rywen Bajrych Jankiel Siejwa Chendla K K K K K wies" Nawodzice K K K wies Gieraszowice Koprzywnica Koprzywnica wies Smerdyna K wies Smerdyna K wies Dlugolel'a K wies Bloniu wies" Bloniu K K K K K K K K K wies Gozlice K K wies przepiwzowie K K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K K K Summer 2001 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 PENCZYNA SZMIT KIPERWASER PENCZYNA WAINFELD KREMER CZAPNIK SZMIT SZPRUNG FANKUCHEN KLIGMAN KIELBIC TREFLER Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Perla Matla Blima Haim Szlama Dawid Moszek Faiga Aron Rachma Ryfka Chaim Szlama Zysman Josek Juek Josek Chana 43 Lejb Chendel Dawid Aron Moszek Wolw Berek Jcek Szachna Josek Cherszla Lejb Jcek Lejzor 27 45 35 24 45 40 40 30 40 27 30 30 24 Jacheta z Szkelbergow Cywa z Cherszlow Cypa z Chaimow Sora z Ruzenwazerow Perla z Kalatow FaijazKopow Baila z Moszkow Liba z Szmulow Jetta z Szlamow Rasza z Szlamow Chana Perla z Joskow Sora Brandla z Wolwow Cypa z Fankuchenow 20 40 32 23 40 30 30 27 24 22 24 26 20 14 Dec 14 Dec 14 Dec 19 Dec 19 Dec 19 Dec 20 Dec 21 Dec 23 Dec 23 Dec 23 Dec 23 Dec 23 Dec Chaim Izrael Nachman Abram Jcek Szachna Zelman Urys Moszek Chil Cherszla Lejbus Moszek Abram Lejzor Izrael Lejbus Mortka Cherszla Zelman Major Izrael Szmul Rafat Noech Moszek Jankiel Wolw Szmerek Uszer Zelik Lejzor Froim Simon Urys Joyzep Jankiel Herszla Dawid Jonas Chaim Jukiel Zysiel Chaskiel Nuta Szmul Jcek Jankiel Moszek Szlama Lejbus Berek 40 28 50 36 30 27 27 50 28 36 36 28 34 20 30 32 35 30 37 26 27 36 30 24 36 27 34 40 30 25 37 45 32 40 40 30 25 26 40 20 36 28 40 60 24 30 26 40 50 49 48 Cyma z —klerow (?) Marya z Melechowiczow Chana z Waingarten(ow) Estera z Urysiow Rachla z Waswazerow Siejwa z Braunerow Mirla z Rajchmanow Perla z Dynerow Chinda z Gisow Dwoyra z Epelbaumow Chana z Rauzerow Chinda z Elow Dobra z Salcbergow Marya z Spierow Malka Laia z Kalinow Eidla z Karanow Golda z Chaimowiczow Szosza z Joskow Chinda z Micmacherow Fryma z Berkierow Gitla z Echtow Chendla z Dynerow Itta z Symchow Estera z Mortka Ciza z Berkowiczow Mala z Echtow Brucha Brandla z Awenusow Hudes z Nachymow Ruchla Laia z Erdfrochtow Laia z Pantyrow Gitla z Lejbusiow Ryfka z Wolwow Gitla z Baumelow Jenta z Mortkow Faiga Laia z Szlamow Tema z Izraelow Hena z Eizenbuchow Dobra z Grynbergow Lysla z Jarmalow Dobra z Cynamonow Laia z Fryolmanow Chana z Lejbusiow Freyda z Cwejgow Chana z Cyamonow Mechla z Ledermanow Chaia z Aldwergerow Baila z Zaidmanow Raizla z Eichenow Dwora z Klosow Chena z Tuchfabrykantow Laja z Lipow 36 22 45 30 30 24 23 30 26 30 30 24 31 18 28 30 30 23 30 25 24 36 27 27 24 24 22 32 24 20 36 26 30 36 40 24 24 28 30 20 30 21 30 35 22 35 24 23 48 36 42 14 Jan 1849 23 Jan 1849 25 Jan 1849 5Febl849 13 Feb 1849 19Feb 1849 23 Apr 1849 24 Apr 1849 26 Apr 1849 29 Apr 1849 6 May 1849 13 May 1849 16 May 1849 19 May 1849 22 May 1849 23 May 1849 27 May 1849 29 May 1849 3 June 1849 6 June 1849 7 June 1849 13 June 1849 14 June 1849 14 June 1849 17 June 1849 18 June 1849 19 June 1849 20 June 1849 20 June 1849 24 June 1849 29 June 1849 6 July 1849 13 July 1849 17 July 1849 19 July 1849 24 July 1849 30 July 1849 13 Augl849 23 Aug 1849 31 Augl849 17 Sep 1849 21 Sep 1849 28 Sep 1849 13 Oct 1849 19Octl849 24 Oct 1849 16Nov 1849 23Novl849 23Novl849 14 Dec 1849 21 Dec 1849 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 wies Rybnica K K wies Szymanowice K K K K wies Ulanowica wieé Zbiegniewicc K K K 1849 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Ides Szorya Nuta Laja Urys Szmul Jankiel Ruchla Brandla Zelik Joel Mechel Jcek Abram Nachman Jcek Lejbus Zysman Ber Aron Ber [Abram] Czarna Chaim Wolf Dawid Lejbus KOP Jutka CHIMELFARB Zelik TENCZER Cherszla ALDWERGIER Tauba GIELER Lejzor KARMESER Estera Malka ALDWERGIER Ryfka GLOSMAN Cherszla EPELBAUM Estera Chaja ALDWERGIER Jankiel LANGIER Dwoira BRAUNER Major BOXERN Joel GOLDMAN Chana IMBIR Dawid ZYLBERMAN GORZYCZANSKI Izrael Matla Ruchla EJZENBUCH Jukiel FANTUCH Szachna ZYLBERING Moszek FLIGIELMAN Ryfka KUSEK Bendel WAISBORT Abram FEFER Major PANTYR Chaim WACIARZ Malka KARAS Zysla WAINFELD Lejbus KALINA Chaim GRYNBERG Frajda KNEBEL WAISBORT SOZENOWICZ GORZYCZANSKI MERZEL FAINKUCHEN GRYNBERG BRAJDYK SZYFER GROSMAN BLUMENFELD KIEJSMAN DYKO RAPAPORT SZAFRAN GOLDHAMER TREFLER SNAJDER GOLDWASER AWENUS GRYNBLAT wies" Szymanowice wies" Grabinie K wies Uzarzowie wies Szymanowice K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K wies" Bloniu K wieé Gorki wies Szymanowice K K K wies Dlugolece wies" Beradzu K K K Koprzywnica K wies Wlsotowie Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K K wies Sternalice K K K 44 Kielce-Radom S1G Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Summer 2001 1850 1 NUSENBAUM Faiga Chana 2 BUCHOLC Judka 3 GOLDSZTEIN 4 BRAUNER Moszek Fraida 5 SZAFRAN Wigdor 6 HIMELFARB Raiza 7 TREFLER Baila 8 MERZEL Nusen 9 RYMER Chaika 10 MINTZ Kuna 11 MERDER 12 ROZENGARTEN Zysla Sima 13 SALCBERG 14 GRYNBAL Krandla Szyfra 15 KOP Kuna 16 MERDER Moszek 17 BUDEN Cherszl 18 LERRER Simsia 19 GOLDFARB Ruchla 20 GOLDHAMER Bajnus 21 MERDER Berek 22 FUX Dawid 23 MANDORF Moszek 24 CHIMELFARB Dawid 25 ALOES Mortka 26 CHIMELFARB 27 SANDOMIERSKI Moszek Mortka 28 JAMA Dawid 29 FAIERSZTEIN Szyia 30 WAINFELD Szlama Aron 31 IMBER Abram 32 WENTER Nacha 33 KOP Chaim Zelik 34 NUSENBAUM Cherszla 35 GOLDFARB Simel 36 KIEJSMAN Moszek 37 MINTZ Moszek Zelik 38 RAICHMAN Zelik 39 GOTLIB Lejbus 40 KOFMAN 41 FENSTERSZAIB Brandla Szaia 42 BUDEN Ruda 43 BUCHOLC 1851 Moszek 1 HIRSZMAN Maior 2 PECZYNA 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WAINBERG BUCHBINDER GRYNBAL TREFLER CYNAMON TATAR ZONTAK ZYLBERING EPELBAUM SANDOMIERSKI GRYNBERG EIZENBUCH MER GOLDWASER KANAR KENIKSBERG GRYNBERG FLISFEDER KLIGMAN Chana Faiwel Ruchla Aron Maior Eizyk Maior Izrael Josek Dawid Chana Sura Chana Marya Szmul Fajwel Laja Cyrla Iser Chil Izrael Szlama Abram Abram Szyia Szymon Aron Gierszon Lejzor Josek Maior Izrael Judka Szymon Lejbus Maior Josek Maior Uszer Chil Szol Maior Urys Jankiel Szmul Cherszla Zelik Nusen Lejbus Abus Jankiel Cherszla Joyzep Zelman Zotka Maior Zyskind Dawid Zelik Aron Cherszla Abram Maior Maior Chaim 32 25 35 19 23 36 29 30 28 24 25 30 38 36 22 25 32 Nuta Szmul Izrael Berek Jojzep Faiwel Chil Cherszla Bajnus Chaim Eliasz Zainwel Zainwel Jojzep Zysman Szlama Nachman Szymon Lejbus Faiwel Cherszla 23 23 30 18 20 24 25 28 24 22 20 24 28 20 19 20 26 27 35 25 36 30 27 24 25 30 38 20 30 21 40 20 24 35 22 30 26 25 22 20 28 24 18 14 Jan 1850 21 Jan 1850 14 Mar 1850 15 Mar 1850 19 Mar 1850 20 Mar 1850 21 Mar 1850 24 Mar 1850 15 Apr 1850 16 Apr 1850 8 May 1850 23 Apr 1850 29 Apr 1850 30 Apr 1850 7 May 1850 8 May 1850 12 May 1850 20 May 1850 24 May 1850 27 May 1850 29 May 1850 7 June 1850 8 June 1850 14 June 1850 17 June 1850 23 June 1850 8 July 1850 1 July 1850 16 July 1850 19 July 1850 21 July 1850 23Augl850 26Augl850 13 Sep 1850 17Sep 1850 20 Sep 1850 23 Sep 1850 2 Sep 1850 7Octl850 14 Oct 1850 22Octl850 23 Oct 1850 16 Dec 1850 Koprzywnica wies Loniowie wies Beradzu 34 27 50 36 40 28 30 30 44 22 36 21 42 25 26 35 37 30 45 27 45 30 27 20 Ruchli z Czarnobrodow Sura z Klosow Laia z Izraelow chana z Grynbergow Marya z Spirow Basa z Maiorow Szyfra z Abramow Séria z Krandlow Chaia z Szprungow Ruchla z Braunerow Chawa z Grynblatow Dobra z Ferberow Laia z Kacow Chana Pesla z Kofmanow Itta z Grynbergow Chawa z Grynblatow Sima z Cholzmanow Jarka (?) z Cherszmanow GoldazKowelow(?) Faiga z Cherszkow Faiga z Szyiow Estera z Szlamow Chana z Moszkow Ryfka z Cherszlow Brandla z Dawidow Ryfka z Abramow Mala z Grynbergow Chaia z Goldhamerow Machla z Kalinow Lipa z Faiwlow Faiga Laia z Wajsbortow Ruchla z Abramow Matla z Adamaszkow Chana z Manelow Szandla z Mortkow Chana z Manlermanow Tauba z Goldszteinow Siewa z Auslapierow (?) Sura z Gielerow Syma z Mandorfow Chawa z Lejbusiow ChindazEliaszow Chana z Szymonow . 26 25 . 27 37 33 24 29 24 25 25 28 27 36 40 28 26 40 32 34 Ruchla Jochwet z Szketbergow Hena z Zaiacow Eidla Jckow Séria z Binderow Nacha z Machelow Rywla z Lewkow Estera z Weigmanow Ryfka z Wolwow Dobra z Leizorowiczow Szanda z Chunow Cyrla z Berkowiczow Estera z Mangartenow Hasa Rywa z Rubinow Estera z Trefkrow Szyfra z Dawidow Sura z Tyszlerow Dwoira z Tyszlerow Chana z Tuchfabrykantow Chaia z Aldwergerow Chana Pesla z Joskow 40 26 20 20 40 29 36 20 27 22 19 24 22 19 19 38 24 20 32 30 28 26 Dec 1850 6 Jan 1851 13 Jan 1851 13 Jan 1851 17 Jan 1851 20 Jan 1851 13 Feb 1851 18 Feb 1851 21 Feb 1851 27 Feb 1851 13 Mar 1851 17 Mar 1851 21 Mar 1851 23 Mar 1851 31 Mar 1851 14 Apr 1851 23 Apr 1851 14 May 1851 23 May 1851 13 June 1851 19 July 1851 K 29 K K wieS Pelczyce K wies Sloptowie K K K K K K K K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K K K K K K K K K K wies* Kurow wies Dlugolece K K Koprzywnica K wies Przepiorow K K Koprzywnica K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica w Chotkow wieé Rybnica K K K K Koprzywnica wies Smerdyna Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K K K K K K K K K K Summer 2001 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ALMACHER MERZEL CWA1G FLIGIELMAN KRAMARZ KJPERWASER FANTUCH CHERCYK GRYNBERG GANC AXAM1T LEDERMAN MINTZ KWIAT TYSZLER TREFLER SAUBEL RAPAPORT LEDERMAN GRYNFELD PENCZYNA KLEJMAN FANTUCH 45 Kielce-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Krandla Zainwel Izrael Perla Jcek Kryl Itta Laib Gitla Josek Szmul Jcek Jukiel Etla Etla Jcek Chana Brucha Chaskiel Simson Izrael Simon Jankiel Mandzia Zelik Chozym Moszek Jukiel M ai or Abram Abus Izrael Szachna Szmerek Eliasz Liberman Lejzor Szmerek Izrael Izrael Jeremiasz Moszek Abus Eizyk Aron Nuchym Jonas Leybus Izrael Kalman Haja Mortka Sura Simcha Mendel Wolw Jcek Szyfra Frayda Judka Jcek Lejb Dawid Moszek Ryfka Serka Tauba Szaydla Abram Sura Estera Estera Malka Mindla Sura Dwoyra Szmul Estera Szyja Moszek Izrael Perla Cyrla Szaydla Abram Cherszl Laia Perla Dwoyra Morka Gitla 22 30 31 39 24 24 28 25 29 20 24 42 Pesla z Fenslerow Séria z Mortkow Chaia z Abramow Jenta z Frydmanow Curtla z Fligielmanow Chinda z Feferow Gitla z Tyszlerow Sora Gitla z Nusynow Siejwa z Braunerow Sora z Cytrynow Ryfka z Joelow Liba z Berkow Dobra z Grynbergow Malka z Tyszlerow Fryma Laia z Kalmanow Eidla z Karaiiow (?) Kajla z Braunerow Malka z Salcbergow Séria z Simsonow Séria z Goldhamerow Sora z Simchow Ruchla z Grynbergow Zysla z Jarmulow Dawid Zaywel Mortka Jcek Abram Abram Szmerek Moszek Izrael Szmon Eliasz Zysiel Pinkwas Markiel Leybus Major Leybus Chaskiel Hercyk Chajm Josek Chajm Rubin Szlama Izrael Jankiel Major Moszek 40 Dwoyra z Chaimow 40 28 28 40 20 36 24 24 33 21 18 40 20 47 40 18 21 Izrael Judka Dawid Leyzer Moszek Szlama Szmerek Moszek Leyzur Joyzep (Szmul) Moszek Cherszla 33 40 46 27 23 35 40 22 19 21 24 24 36 21 38 27 42 32 26 27 40 40 30 26 30 33 27 27 30 20 23 26 41 28 20 24 35 40 31 30 July 1851 K 6Augl851 wies Sloptow 15 Aug 1851 Koprzywnica 21 Aug 1851 K 24 Aug 1851 K 6 Sep 1851 K 13 Sep 1851 K 17 Sep 1851 K 19 Sep 1851 K 23 Sep 1851 K 29 Sep 1851 K 6 Oct 1851 K 15 Oct 1851 K 20 Oct 1851 K 23 Oct 1851 K 25 Oct 1851 K 6Novl851 14Nov 1851 18Nov 1851 23Novl851 25 27Novl851 32 26 28 24 22 35 K K K K wies Szymanowice 24 Oct 1851 wies Zurawica 16 Dec 1851 K 1852 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 KJPERWASER BRAUNER GOLDWASER ALBUS BRAUNER FEFER EPELBAUM GROSMAN GLOSMAN GRYNBAL GANTZ ZYLBERMAN GOLDWASER ALOES MINTZ BOXERN GOLDMAN SALZBERG RYWENBAYRYCH WAYSBORT OFMAN BUCHOLC NUSENBAUM 21 22 23 24 KOP 25 ROZENGARTEN 26 ALDWERGIER 27 KOP 28 WEYNFELD IGRYNBLAT] 29 BUCHOLC 30 SALZBERG 31 SZULDMAN 32 MINTZ 33 WEINBERG 34 GOLDSZTEIN 35 KWIAT 36 MLIGAK 37 STORENFELD 38 E1ZENBUCH 39 WEYNBERG1ER 40 WEYNFELD 30 Itta z Zelingierow 30 Sora (Sosa?) z Baumow 48 Dyna z Leybusiow 21 Chana z Grynbergow 34 Malka z Tyszlerow 30 Ruchla Laja z Erdfrochtow 32 Hinda z Gizow 36 Eidla z Hirszmanow 40 Hana Pesla z Kofmanow 22 Fayga z Krystalow 45 Fayga z Gotlibow 21 Ruchla z Mintzow 56 I ta z Moszkow 40 Gitla z Szperlingow 20 Itka z Moszkow 19 Bayla z Karpenow 23 Chaja z Kimlow 40 Ryfka z Lewkow 46 Tima z Pachtarow 21 Dobra z Chajmow 21 Hana z Rozenbergow 19 Cypra z Nusenbaumow 24 Dwoyra z Leybusiow 32 Dobra z Ferferow 30 Brucha z Fiszlow 30 Gitla z Echtow 34 Rayza z Einhornow Ruchla z Fantabow (?) Laja z Kacow Estera z Mendlow Ruchla z Braunerow Dwoyra z Spirow Laja z Izraleow Matka z Tyszlerow Cyrla z Kalman Ryfka z Nusenbaumow Haia Rywa z Rubinow Sura z Fligielmanow Liwia z Faywlow 13 Jan 1852 14 Jan 1852 15 Jan 1852 16 Jan 1852 19 Jan 1852 23 Jan 1852 23 Jan 1852 30 Jan 1852 13 Feb 1852 K K K K K K K K Koprzywnica 17Febl852 K 20 Feb 1852 K 27 Feb 1852 K 1 Mar 1852 K 6 Mar 1852 K 20 20 18 22 24 30 27 25 13 Mar 1852 wies Piorkow 8 Apr 1852 K 13 Apr 1852 wies Trzykosach 14 Apr 1852 K 16 Apr 1852 K 19 Apr 1852 K 23 Apr 1852 wies Opalina 27 Feb 1852 wies Swiniarice 4 Mar 1852 wies Bloniu 13 May 1852 K 19 May 1852 K 20 May 1852 K 22 May 1852 K 15 June 1852 wies Sternalice 24 30 40 25 20 27 37 26 18 20 20 24 21 June 1852 21 June 1852 13 July 1852 14 July 1852 22 July 1852 17Aug 1852 24 Aug 1852 13 Sep 1852 30 Sep 1852 13 Oct 1852 28 Oct 1852 16 Dec 1852 20 35 38 wies Loniow K wies Gieraszowicc K K wies Beradzu K wies Bazow wies Bloniu K K wies Kurow 46 Kieke-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 1853 1 KOP 2 NUSENBAUM 3 GRYNBERG 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Sura Josek Szmul BUDYN Herszl Sura SZARPACH Josek Jakob PENCZYNA Dawid GOLDHAMER ZYLBERSZTEIN Zysman BUDYN Fajga Alter BINDER Frajdla EPELBAUM Wolw WORCMAN Dawid JEGIER Szmul BAUM Herszl KIEJSMAN MORTENBAUM Lejbus Chaja LEDERMAN Jankiel CYNAMON GRYNBLAD |-BAL] Chaja Dwoira HIMELFARB Herszl GOLDFARB Maior RYMER Mortka GRYNBERG CUK1ERMAN Mirla FANKUCHEN Icek Abram Berek FANKUCHEN Major FRINKIEL SZPERLING Marya Ruchla MERZEL Eydla PECZYNA Chaja BRAUNER JAROS |JONAS] Josek Herszl KAC TREFLER Sura Moszek HIMELFARB Moszek GOLDMAN Alta WAXMAN Pinkwas ALOES MINTZ Giela GRYNBAL I-BLAT] Fajwel Josek KOFMAN ZONTAK Wolf Josek SAUBEL TATAR Fryma TREFLER Szlama Moszek KARAS Herszl NUDELMAN Chaskiel BRAYDYK Dwoira NUSENBAUM Dawid WORCMAN ZYLBERMAN Judka Sima ADLER GOLDHAMER ltta Jcek HIMELFARB Lejbus Maior Josek Pinkwas Szymon Maior Chaim Mejlech Szmul Lejzor Moszek Joel Moszek Eliasz Moszek Lejbus Jcek Dawid Gitman Wolw Chil Joyzep Herszl Maior Szol Gierszon Beniamin Maior Josek Szol (Josek) Zelik Major Lejbus Aron Icek Abram Moszek Szmul Simsia Izrael Urys Jcek Zelik Zelik Chil Abram Baynus [J]Eremiasz Cherszl Fajwel Jankiel Uszer Zelman Hil Gierszon Jankiel Moszek Major Izrael 25 Chaia z Grynbergow 36 Chana z Hofertow 20 Chawa z Fiszlow 45 Malka z Szyiow 22 Golda z Kopow 30 Jochwet z Lejbusiow 30 Malka z Kalinow 45 Marya z Abusiow 24 Szyfra z Kalmanow 40 Séria z Treflerow 28 Szandla z Chanow 26 Sora z Szuldmanow 40 Chinda z Chaninow Lai a 40 Chana z Mantelmanow 36 Sura z Szperlingow 27 Sura z Katzow 40 Rywka z Zelmanow 30 Séria z Herszkow 30 Rywka z Herszlow 35 Golda zSimsiow 30 Chaia z Szprungow 32 Chaja z Fligielmanow 44 Hana z Herszkow 31 Rayza z Kofmanow 31 Raysa z Hofmanow . Liwia z Szojow 24 Perla Malka z Kamonkerow . Bina 22 Sora z Simchow 31 Szandla z Herckow 40 Siejwa z Dzikoverow 28 Estera z Janklow 32 Szyfra z Abramow 42 Hendla z Dynerow 40 Jenta z Aktorych 33 Malka z Rauszerow 33 Braridla z Lauferow 30 Tauba Laja z Goldsztein 28 Laja z Leyzorow 48 Sima z Mandorfow 31 Ryfka z Wolfow 30 Kajla zBraunerow 26 Estera z Weigmanow 40 Nechy z Grynblatow 30 Cypa 30 Chana 30 Mirla z Raychmanow 30 Ryfka 20 Hana z Glosmanow 30 Tema 30 Chinda z Joskow 31 Fajga z Adlerow 42 Hendla z Dynerow Summer 2001 22 19 Jan 1853 40 20 35 18 28 25 40 20 22 21 24 30 20 25 30 27 36 6Febl853 13 Feb 1853 14Feb 1853 21 Feb 1853 8 Mar 1853 14 Mar 1853 22 Mar 1853 24 Mar 1853 14 Apr 1853 19 Apr 1853 22 Apr 1853 6 May 1853 14 Feb 1853 18 May 1853 19 May 1853 24 May 1853 24 May 1853 30 May 1853 13 June 1853 16 June 1853 17 June 1853 20 June 1853 23 June 1853 26 June 1853 26 June 1853 14 July 1853 17 July 1853 19 July 1853 25 July 1853 23 July 1853 25 July 1853 7Aug1853 14Augl853 17Augl853 20Augl853 14 Aug 1853 26Augl853 26 Aug 1853 8Sepl853 15 Sep 1853 15 Sep 1853 20 Sep 1853 21 Sep 1853 23 Sep 1853 15 Oct 1853 20Oct 1853 20 Oct 1853 13 Feb 1853 18Novl853 13Novl853 13 Dec 1853 14 Dec 1853 17Aug1853 20 42 25 24 35 36 24 20 33 22 16 Dec 1853 18 Jan 1854 13 Jan 1854 22 Jan 1854 22 Jan 1854 23 Jan 1854 24 Jan 1854 24 Jan 1854 26 Jan 1854 26 Jan 1854 26 40 36 40 34 24 36 36 28 35 24 24 36 26 26 26 19 38 28 32 33 30 29 36 34 30 30 30 27 22 26 32 25 36 21 28 wies Niedrzwice Koprzywnica K Koprzywnica K wies Rybnica K K K K K wies Swojkowje wies Byszowie wies Byszowie wies Przcpiorowie wies Gorki K Koprzywnica K K K K K wies Byszow wies Zbiegniezwice wies Zbiegniezwice wies Wiszownica wies Szymonowice wieé Usarzowie wies Szymonowice K K K K K K K K K K K Koprzywnica K wies Smerdyna K K K K wies Bloniu wies Swojkowie wies Beradzu K K K 1 Ci-r1 A Job * 1 NUSENBAUM 2 MORGEN KLOS 3 4 GOTLIB 5 FENSTERSZAIB 6 MERZEL 7 GRYNBERG 8 GROJSM1NC 9 GLOSMAN 10 MER Sura Gitla Kuna Rocha Heinja Herszl Bajla Chemja Ides ' Nuta Maior Rubin Lejbus Zyszel Cherszl Major Abram Zainwel Fajwel Izrael Zysman 21 44 33 30 36 44 28 25 36 32 Cypra z Maiorow Chaia z Bendysow Chana z Lejbusiow Sora Hawa Estera z Urysiow Estera z Maingartenow Elka z Herszlow Eidla z Herszlow Estera z Trufelmanow wies Bloniu Koprzywnica wies Wlostowie Koprzywnica Koprzywnica wies Uzarszowje K wies Beradzu Koprzywnica K Summer 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 11 AWENUS 12 MERDER 13 GOLDWASER Cyrla Abram Sura 14 TREFLER Rywka Szlama Zelman 15 APELBAUM Jcek 16 GLOSMAN Le|zor 17 EIZENBUCH Brandla 18 GOLDMAN Perla 19 KALINA Rywka 20 ROZENBAUM Mortka 21 FRIDMAN 22 BROMBERG Estera Sura 23 ZYLBERING Gimpel 24 WAINBAUM Malka 25 BRAUNER Abram 26 BAUM 27 RYWENBA1RYCH Chaim 28 FANKUCH Matus Chaim 29 BRAUNER 30 ROZENGARTEN Masia Sura 31 MERZEL Moszek 32 TREFLER Kalman 35 ANCMAN Jcek 36 PENCZYNA Fryma 37 GANTZ Cyrla 38 KARMESER Cherszl 39 BRAUNER 40 SZULDMA1STER Perla Joizep 41 FANTUCH Siapsia 42 HIMELFARB Perla 43 GRYNBERG Chaia 44 SZPERL1NG Fajga 45 MINTZ (unknown) 46 (unknown) Szyfra Cwetla 47 KLAJMAN Wolw Urys Moszek Izrael Pinkwas Dawid Wolw Cherszl Lejbus Perec Siapsia Chil Josek Le|b Zehk * Chaskiel Jcek Jankiel Hercyk Jcek Zainwel Izrael Aron Le]zor Zelman Berek Ehasz losek Abram Maior lonas Szyia Uszer Maior 21 53 24 34 18 46 20 23 25 22 25 22 Ma| or Uszer Le|zor Moszek Posek Izrael Ma|er Ehasz Simon Szmul Beniamin Chaskiel Pinkwas Pinkwas ludka Le]bus Moszek Herszl Pinkwas Dawid Naftula Moszek Jakob Abus Szmul Major Michel Nuta Cala leek Leibus 47 32 45 40 40 25 Fajga z Zylbermanow Fajga z Szyiow Cywa z Frochtow Estera z Karasiow Siejwa Gitla z Winerow Chudes z Nachymow Frayida z Horymow Bajla z Moszkow Hendla Curtla z Moszkow Rachla z Helfandow Fraida z Kopiow Dobra z Cynamonow Chaia z Nuchymow Perla z Pecynow Sora z Melechow Ruchla z Lemkowiczow Estera z Jakobowiczow Itta z Zehngerow (?) Zysla z Zehkow Séria z Mortkow Cypa z Fankuchow Estera z Agaterow Balbina z Gothbow Faija z Meylechow Gitla z Jckow Chana z Grynbergow Sora z Grynbergow Zysla z Jarmulow BaiazMaiorow Fai]a z Fhgielmanow Perla Malka z Kamelharow1? 23 30 Jan 1854 K 52 14Feb 1854 K 20 18 Feb 1854 K 20 21 Feb 1854 K 19 1 Mar 1854 K 40 23 Mar 1854 wies Bloniu 22 29 Mar 1854 K 20 13 Apr 1854 wies" Trzykosach 25 13 Apr 1854 K 22 22 Apr 1854 Koprzywnica 23 25 Apr 1854 wieé Sniekoz 22 13 May 1854 K 22 14 May 1854 K 42 19 May 1854 wies Ublinka 18 21 June 1854 wies Szymanowice 42 22 June 1854 wies Przepiorow 36 24 June 1854 K 34 24 June 1854 wies Przybyslawice 28 26 June 1854 K 26 7 July 1854 K 33 18 July 1854 wies Sloptow 26 21 July 1854 w/ Sosniczana 40 24 July 1854 K 18 28 July 1854 wies Szymonowice 20 15 Augl854 K 26 19Augl854 K 24 24Augl854 K 19 26Augl854 K 36 14 Sep 1854 K 36 14 May 1854 wies Rybnica 40 18 Oct 1854 K 20 13Novl854 wies Szymanowice 41 32 30 33 32 32 34 21 23 21 20 27 26 27 30 32 40 23 26 25 31 40 25 37 22 24 42 21 22 28 Cha z Bergierow Rywka z Herszkow Ruchla z Brunerow Henda z Wolwow Chana z Izraelow Sura z Janklow Gitla z Echtow Ruchla z Jarmalow Chana z Perlmutrow Gital z Goryczanski Zlota z Goldhamerow LajazKimlow Marya z Fankuchow Ruchla Cywia z Memow La] a z Kacow Estera z Wolwow Ruchla z Moszkow Giela z Szamlow Sieiwa Gitla z Winerow Fajga z Moszkow Cyrla z Echtow Estera z Moszkow Gitla z Szmulow Fa|gla z Janklow Iska z Salcbergow Rachel z Kenigsbergow Chana -?- z Wolwow Huia z Braunerow Cywa z Tyszlerow Chaia ha 40 23 28 30 23 26 27 50 22 45 42 45 34 34 35 30 38 26 25 21 25 1855 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 NUSENBAUM ALTWERG1ER MINTZ GROSMAN MERDER BUCHOLC KOP KAC GRYNBERG GOLDFEDER GOLDWASER ZALCBERG EPELBAUM GOLDWASER SALCBERG PECYNA WAINBAUM RUBIN APELBAUM KAWEMAN KARMESER WROSTANZK1 FANTUCH GRYNBERG BOXERN GRYNBLAT HIRSZMAN SZUCHT TYSZLER KOP Rafat Berek Malka Estera Dyna Sima Zehk Uszer Berek A)dla Zehk Le|zor Chaim Jcek Abram Ruchla Rywka Izrael Moszek Dawid Berek Naftula Chaim Cherszl E]da [Ajdel] Cyna Beniamin Bendel Dwoira Szaindla Fra|dla Etla Zysla Major Herszl Estera Golda Jcek 19 23 20 18 25 20 22 28 20 30 20 21 22 19 36 20 32 23 23 41 19 22 26 13 Ian 1855 14 Jan 1855 13 Jan 1855 14 Jan 1855 13 Jan 1855 14 Ian 1855 22 Jan 1855 20 Jan 1855 30 Jan 1855 2 Feb 1855 1 Feb 1855 5 Feb 1855 12 Feb 1855 15 Feb 1855 27 Feb 1855 26 Mar 1855 8 Apr 1855 19 Apr 1855 27 Apr 1855 22 Apr 1855 20 May 1855 21 May 1855 20 May 1855 23 May 1855 21 May 1855 3 lune 1855 8 lune 1855 22 Feb 1855 6 June 1855 6 June 1855 Koprzywnica K K K K wies Loniow K K K K K K K K K wies Rybnica wies Strzyzowice K K K K wies Smerdyna K wies Skrzypaczow K K Koprzywnica K K wies Niodrzwice 48 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 KALINA KWIAT GORZYCZANSKI MERZEL EPELBAUM TECZA MORTENBAUM BINDER SILBERING HAJMAN ECHT WAINFELD Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Summer 2001 Matla Nachman Josek Bajla Maja Fajga Cypoira Izrael Szulim Major Szlama Sara Fajga Rywka Liber Szmerek Herszl Berek Szmerek Lejzor Gitman Moszek Jankiel Berek Jcek Herszl 22 43 31 28 36 33 38 36 37 38 24 26 Bajla zJcklow Matka z Abramow HenazEjzenbuchow Ita z Wolwow Ruchla Leja z Erprochtow Rywka z Rajchmanow Sora z Szperlingow Séria z Treflerow Tema z Izraelow Kajlaz Szulimow Rywa z Sandomierzki Rywka z Moskow 21 41 26 22 30 29 34 26 32 23 22 23 6 July 1855 5 July 1855 9Augl855 17Augl855 21 Sep 1855 22Sep 1855 30 Sep 1855 5 Oct 1855 20Octl855 2Novl855 7Novl855 21Nov 1855 Izrael Golda Chaim Perla Izrael Berek Moszek Lipa Estera Major Fryma Chaim Szlama Gitla Abram Chaskiel Ita Rajza Ruchla Fajga Szmul Lejb Etla Fajga Perla Zelik Herszl Chaim Jcek Tobiasz Etla Mortka Berek Chemia Mendel Uszer Lemel Chaia Judka Rywka Chaskiel Posek Moszek Chorym Major Posek Simon Major Lejzor Jcek Mejlech Moszek Berek Jankiel Mortka Jojzep Izrael Chaim Perec Hercyk Aron Chaim Szlama Abram Moszek Abram Nuchym Major Zelik Pinkwas Eliasz Lejzor 37 22 28 31 27 36 36 45 36 24 24 26 26 31 36 26 36 26 21 45 22 22 42 23 29 32 33 21 29 25 40 38 Chana Frajda z Koplow Serka z Szuldmanow Sora z Rozencwajgow Curtla z Fligielmanow Rajzy z Szulimow Szyfra z Abramow Chaia z Abramow Szumdla z Rywenbajrychow Perla z Peczynow Chana z Lejbusiow Sora z Fligielmanow Bajla z Gotlibow Cypa z Poskow Szosza z Lejzorow Hessa Rywa z Rubinow Dobra z Abramow Rajza Gitla Mindla z Goldhamerow Rochla z Kimelow Ajdla Mindla zKacow Szejwa z Dzikowerow Laja z Moszkow Rachla z Grynbaumow Gitla zEchtow Tauba Laia z Goldszternow Ruchla z Benderlow Szamdla z Hunow Rywka z Nusbaumow Fajga z Szulimow Chana z Grynbergow 33 22 27 31 21 32 35 30 35 20 22 24 20 22 30 22 27 23 18 32 20 20 36 22 26 30 30 20 22 24 34 38 15 Apr 1855 5 Jan 1856 28 Dec 1855 7 Jan 1856 13 Jan 1856 31 Jan 1856 24 Jan 1856 26 Jan 1856 31 Jan 1856 6Feb 1856 18 Feb 1856 1 Mar 1856 20 Mar 1856 30 Mar 1856 5 Apr 1856 20 Apr 1856 4 June 1856 7 June 1856 5 July 1856 4 July 1856 8 July 1856 9 July 1856 8 July 1856 24 July 1856 25 July 1856 3Augl856 12Augl856 17Augl856 16Augl856 19Augl856 20 Oct 1856 !Novl856 wies" Szymoniwice Abram Perla Lejbus Jojne Chaim Aron Lejb Jankiel Pejsak Michel Zelman Wulf Szyja Jankiel Pinkwas Berek Chil Uszer Chaim Wulf Pinkwas Lejbus Zajwel Szulim Elias 42 32 25 33 36 48 26 25 38 34 40 24 36 38 29 30 40 38 26 32 Bracha Brandla z Boruchow Perla z Lejbusiow Rochla z Szlamow Estera z Kalmanow Rywka z Abramow Ita Fajga z Rabinow Laja z Jckow Rochla Cywa z Mintzow Kajlaz Urysiow Laja z Lejzorow Fajga z Fligielmanow Ides z Grynbergow Fajga Blima Laja z Worcmanow Chaja Ita Estera z Majngartow Chana z Koplow Rywka z Joelow Fajga z Melochow EtlazMajorow 36 30 36 40 34 30 20 25 26 30 36 20 30 37 28 26 33 34 24 20 6 Jan 1857 17 Jan 1857 24 Jan 1857 24 Jan 1857 25 Feb 1857 10 Apr 1857 20 Apr 1857 20 Apr 1857 26 Apr 1857 27 Apr 1857 28 Apr 1857 27 Apr 1857 27 Apr 1857 24 May 1857 25 May 1857 2 June 1857 8 June 1857 12 June 1857 18 June 1857 11 July 1857 K K K K Koprzywnica K K wies Sternalice K K wies Gorki K wies Bazowie K K K 1856 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 KARPEN BROMBERG WORCMAN PECZYNA KRAMER FANKUCHEN TREFLER CUKIERMAN BRAUNER BRAUNER KOPIEC WAINBERG PECZYNA KARAS GOLDWASER EJZENBUCH ROZENFELD LEDERMAN MORTENBAUM RYWENBAJRYCH GRYNBERG STASZOER NOZYCE EFFEKTOR KLEIMAN KOP MINC EPELBAUM EPELBAUM SZTERNFELD BIRNBAUM TYSZLER Dan Jcek K wies Swojkawie wies Szymanowice K wies Zbiegniewice K wies Gorki K wieé Szymanawice K K wies Szymanowice K K K K K K K wies Piasceznej K K K wies Zu raw ice K K K K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K 1857 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ARWERG1ER DYNER GRYNBAL ANCMAN KIMERMAN BAUM MAJNGARTEN GOLDWASER CHAJMAN GRYNBAL GRYNBERG GRYNTES BURSZTYN GLAZER KOP GRYNBERG FANKUCHEN AXAMIT GANS OFMAN Moszek Chersz Sender Sara Frajda Tema Kuna Lejzor Gerszon Josek Lejb Perla Tauba Rayzla Bajla Mortka Josek Rajza Siosia Iser [Jcek] Meloch Laja Ele Moszek wies Smerdyna wies Kamiensu K K K K K wies Krasinku K wieâ Grocholice K K wies Pechowie K K wies Sulislawice Summer 2001 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 GOLDFARB TREFLER FANTUCH KALINA GRYNBERG FLIGIELMAN KAWEMAN PECZYNA KARMESER TYSZLER MAJNGARTEN SZARPAK EJZENBUCH GOLDWASER FAJERSZTEJN ARWERGIER SZUCHT Kielce-Radom S1G Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Mosia Jcek Lejb Dawid Pesla Lejbus Chaim Jenta Gitla Malka Gitla Kalina Blima Sima Abus Tema Jukiel Rywka Berek Jachet Jojzep Josek Fajwel Jonas Liberman Szuchna Aron Naftula Lejbus Josek Jankiel Moszek Mejloch Moszek Izrael Jankiel Uszer Cala 36 43 50 26 33 22 27 35 26 19 25 27 19 22 Abram Abus Estera Gitla Szlama Zotka Szlama Zotka Etla Fryma Jcek Mendel Malka Rochla Bajla Gitla Abram Ejdla Malka Szprynca Drezla Mendel Fajga Frajda Major Lejbus Jojzep Kalina Josek Zysiel Berek Abram Jankiel Ita Dwoyra Dwajra Dawid Jakob Jankiel Moszek Moszek Nusyn Marya Chaja Chaim Mortka Szyja Zelman Cherszl Major Berek Chana Ajda Szmul Simson Laja Abram Pesla Rysla Zaprela Estera Szyfra Chaim Nusym Blima Chaskiel Nachym [Nusyn] 49 40 34 22 Rochma z Chilow Necha Growendla z Abramow Zysla z Jarmulow Bajla zZyntakow Siejwa z Braumerow Jenta z Kopow Laja z Lejbow Gitla z Lejzorow Gitla z Moszkow Malka z Jckow Chawa Rochla z Lejbusiow Mala z Abramow Alta Szprynca z Jckow Chaia z Jckow Michla z Kalinow Rywka Necha z Izraelow Chaia z Braunerow 30 36 36 24 33 18 22 20 34 19 24 22 21 22 36 25 22 Dawid Jozek Lejbus Liberman Iser Jankiel Jcek Nachman Zysman Lejzor (not named) Berek Major Jukiel Gerszon Lipa (Lipca?) Moszek Major Jukiel Chaim Charym Zajwel Wulf Chenoch Chercyk Abram Dawid Aron Idel Moszek Elias Izrael Chaim Abram Wulw Jankiel Abram 35 33 27 33 21 36 25 40 36 40 . 28 24 25 28 28 31 32 38 21 33 36 34 19 43 48 20 21 38 30 40 24 45 36 34 52 Blima z Boruchow Chawa z Lejbusiow Bajla Liba Sora Chinda Rywka Frajda Sora Rywka Estera Rywka LANGIER, Bajla Bajla Iska Laia Chana Drapa Cyrla Fajga Jentla Sura Chana Sura Chana Estera Sura Mala Malza Ruchla Estera Bajla Chajwa (?) Dobra Gitla Dobra Etla Cywa Fajga Blima Cypa Syma 30 6 Jan 1858 25 5 Jan 1858 24 6 Jan 1858 30 19 Jan 1858 25 20 Jan 1858 21 26 Jan 1858 22 21 Feb 1858 29 6 Mar 1858 25 13 Mar 1858 36 4 Apr 1858 28 6 May 1858 21 6 May 1858 24 10 May 1858 25 11 May 1858 22 18 May 1858 20 18 May 1858 22 23 May 1858 24 23 May 1858 38 24 May 1858 33 24 May 1858 33 24 June 1858 22 5 July 1858 24 13 July 1858 20 14 July 1858 36 30 July 1858 40 17Augl858 18 18Augl858 24 23Augl858 K K K K K K K K K K K wieé Gorki K K wies Iwajkow wies Lipnika K K K 34 20 35 26 42 30 22 27 K K K Zelik Berek Berek Liberman Izrael Pinkwas Dawid Jakob Wulw Michel Pinkwas Zacharyasz Izrael 24 32 32 24 36 23 21 27 22 24 21 Rywka Chaia Rochla Rochla Bajla Sura 22 28 Dec 1858 25 5 Jan 1859 25 Dec 1856 22 22 Jan 1859 30 24 Jan 1859 24 2 Jan 1859 24 7 Feb 1859 25 7 Feb 1859 20 10 Feb 1859 20 14 Feb 1859 18 15 Feb 1859 15 July 1857 2Augl857 5Augl857 19Augl857 6Sep 1857 6Sepl857 7Sep 1857 2Octl857 27Oct 1857 16Novl857 15Novl857 17Novl857 24Novl857 30Novl857 9 Dec 1857 9 Dec 1857 9 Dec 1857 K K K K K K K wies Rybnica K K K K K K K K K 1858 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 TUSZER MERDER ALMACHER LEDERMAN LERER KLOS MINTZ KANAR MER TENCER LANGIER PECZYNA BOXERN EFFEKTOR WARCMAN OFMAN KARMESER GOLDHAMER FLIGIELMAN WAINTRAUB PECZYNA BRAUMER LEDERMAN FLIGIELMAN RYWENBAJRYCH MERZEL MERZEL WINER AWENUS KAC ROZENGART BAUM NOSYCE BURSZTYN KARAS KOFMAN 14 Oct 1858 17 0ct 1858 25 Oct 1858 26 Oct 1858 29Nov1858 6 Dec 1858 13 Dec 1858 23 Dec 1858 K K K K K K wies Uzarzowie wies Uzarzowie K wieé Byszowie K K K K 1859 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WAJNFELD GRYNGRAS GRYNGRAS KALINA BUCHOLTZ APFELBAUM ADLER GRYNBLAT KIEJSMAN ROTSZTEYN ERDFROCHT Siejwa Gitla Rywka Mala Rochla Rywka Estera Malka Chana K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K wieé Swiniary K K K K K K 5U 12 13 14 15 16 17 GLOZMAN ZYLBERMAN TREFLER GOLDWASER ALOES MERZEL GOTLIB ZALCBERG GOLDFARB TRUFELMAN BIRNBAUM Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Mala Frandla Ides Izrael Major Beniamin Frymet Josek Rydia [Rysia] 18 Estera Dwoyra 19 Gesel 20 21 Herszl Leyb Rywka 22 Frajda 23 KOP 24 MINTZ Herszl Zysman Szaul 25 MINTZ Moszek 26 ALDWERGIER Josek Jankiel 27 HIMELFARB Ides 28 EJZENBUCH Hana Matla 29 MAJNGARTEN Berek 30 KLOS Malka Perla 31 WAINFELD 32 TYSZLER Mortka Jcek Mortka Berek 33 BRAUNER 34 LEDERMAN Menache Jcek Mendel 35 WAISBERG Abram Jcek 36 RUBIN 37 ALBMAKER Nochym Jama Lejb 38 STASZOER Sima Gitla 39 GROJSMAN Izrael 40 BAJCZER Chaim Pejsak 41 GRYNBLAT Joel Michel 42 GROJSMAN Curtla 43 GANS 44 KOPSZTEYN Zysman Mosick 45 TOLPET Isia Lejb 46 ZAJDMAN Michel" 47 FERBER Major 48 BUCHOLTZ Nuta 49 KIMERMAN Herszl 50 JAMA Sura 51 BAUM 52 BAUM Bina Gitla 53 SZULDMAJSTER Rajzla Majla 54 SZULDMAJSTER Josek Abram Chaim Zelman 55 GANTZ Rywka Rochla 56 RAPAPORT 57 FLIEFEDER Jankiel Sura 58 UNGIER Fajga Szafnljdla 59 GRYNBLAT Liba Chaja 60 LEDERMAN Mortka Wulw 61 SZTERENFELD 62 WAISBERG Mortka Rywka 63 BAUM Chana 64 SZULDMAN Hendla 65 WENTER 66 ZYLBERSZTEJN Liba Frajda Rywka Rochla 67 SZERMAN Szaj[n]dlaRosia 68 BRAUNER Matys Mortka 69 FANKUCH Jakob 70 NUSBAUM Rywka 71 NUSBAUM Zelman Lejbus 72 NUZBAUM Liber 73 BUDYN 74 GRYNGRAS Rocha Abram Lejb 75 ZUNTAK Szmul 76 DYNENMARK 77 CYNAMON Rykla Mania Dawid Anzelm Simsia Mortka Zelik Berek Herszl Chaskiel Josek Izrael ' Dawid Zelik Zelik Lejzor Uszer Gimpel Jojzep Moszek Jankiel Szulim Pinkwas Zajwel Abus Izrael Herszl Lejbus Szlama Wulw Zelman Zelman Szmul Alter Szaja Lejzor Chaim Chaim Lejbus Wulw Abus Moszek Szyja Major Major Elias Daniel * Fajwel Abram Jankiel Chaim Lejzur Moszek Beniamin Aron Bajer Zelman Abus Cherszl Zajwel Josek Major Rubin Zidiel (?) Major Berek Bajnus Zydiel Josek Pinches 22 40 36 40 40 40 34 30 38 38 34 24 36 33 36 27 28 26 30 30 20 23 40 30 27 28 25 27 26 36 26 25 27 36 37 26 46 40 30 . 46 32 32 28 . 39 30 22 30 28 34 25 23 35 28 24 38 46 46 24 21 35 36 37 26 22 Kajla Gitla 27 Frandla 27 Szyfra 28 Sosia 36 Brandla 36 Ita 30 Sura 30 Etla Hana 20 Ruchma 28 Estera Chawa 26 Fajga 28 Chawa 28 Tauba Laia 35 Rochla 30 Rywka Nycha 26 Chana Ajdla 27 Chesia Rywa 24 Chawa Rochla 25 Rywka 21 Rywka 28 Sura Bajla 22 Chaia Zoysia (?) 23 Serla 30 Chenna 24 Gela 28 Cyrla 24 Mindla z Katzow 24 24 Rochla Laia Perla z Raychmanow 24 Frymeta z Bekerow 28 Tauba z --?-20 Malka 20 Hana Henna 25 Estera z Szajkow 25 Rochla Laia z Himelfarbow 28 Hudes z Mendlowiczow 30 Chaia z Szmulowiczow 32 Rywka z Dykowek 33 Rochla z Agaysterow 22 Dyporya z Butawow 20 Bima z Rabinowiczow 33 Sura z Grynbergow 25 Sura z Grynbergow 25 Fajga z Krysztalow 26 Marya Perla 26 Malka Chaia z Aldwergerow 39 Gimenbla Bajla zNudelmanow 23 Bajla Rywka z Goldmanow 23 Rajzla Gitla z Salcbergow 30 Rywka z Nusbaumow 25 Dwojra z Spirow 25 Chaia z Gelerow 23 Rochla z Gelerow 21 Rochla z Abramow 28 Sura z Efektorow 20 Chana z Ejzykow 28 Ita z Zelingerow 26 Kajla z Fankuchenow 36 Hana z Bergerow 45 Cypera z Nuzbaumow 24 Sora Laia z Bergerow 21 Rywka z Agaterow 26 Rocha z Goldszteynow 27 Rywka Ryda z Dynenwargow 34 Malka z Buchmanow 21 Dwajra z Borcusztejnow 22 Summer 2001 28 Feb 1859 Koprzywnica 28 Feb 1859 Koprzywnica 28 Feb 1859 K 6 Mar 1859 K 9 Mar 1859 K 21 Mar 1859 wiei Sternalice 22 Mar 1859 Koprzywnica 13 Apr 1859 K 13 Apr 1859 K 14 Apr 1859 K 30 Apr 1859 Koprzywnica 2 May 1859 Koprzywnica 2 May 1859 K 5 May 1859 K 6 May 1859 K 11 May 1859 K 12 May 1859 K 15 May 1859 K 17 May 1859 K 19 May 1859 K 18 May 1859 K 19 May 1859 K 22 May 1859 K 20 May 1859 K 23 May 1859 K 24 May 1859 K 26 May 1859 K 28 May 1859 K 28 May 1859 K 31 May 1859 K 1 June 1859 K 1 June 1859 K 5 June 1859 K 4 June 1859 K 5 June 1859 K 4 June 1859 K 6 June 1859 K 5 June 1859 wies Opalin 7 June 1859 K 8 June 1859 wiesSkrobna 7 June 1859 K 9.lune 1859 K 9 June 1859 K 11 June 1859 K 13 June 1859 K 16 June 1859 K 16 June 1859 K 19 June 1859 K 20 June 1859 K 22 June 1859 Koprzywnica 26 June 1859 K 6 July 1859 wieé Byszowie 7 July 1859 wieé Jochymowice 12 July 1859 K 18 July 1859 K 18 July 1859 K 20 July 1859 K 22 July 1859 Koprzywnica 21 May 1859 Koprzywnica 2 Jan 1859 Koprzywnica 20 Jan 1859 Koprzywnica 15 May 1859 Koprzywnica 28 July 1859 Koprzywnica 24 June 1859 Koprzywnica 27 June 1859 Koprzywnica 23 June 1859 Koprzywnica Summer 2001 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 HANDELMAN BUDYN BUDYN ZYLBERMAN AWENUS WAGNER NAJMAN TYSZLER GROJSKOP JARMULA DYNER KREMER EPELBAUM STERGMAN SZAFER FANKUCHEN KLOSEK GORFINKIEL WAINFELD WAGMAN TATAR SALTZBERG WAGMAN FLIGIELMAN ZYLBERBOIM OFMAN WARTZMAN KWASNIEWSKI KAWEMAN WAISBAUM GRYNBERG CHIRSZMAN ARWERGIER GRYNBERG CHERSZTEJN ZUMERFOJGIEL LERER Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Simsia Bajla Mortka Rywka Lejb Bajer Dwojra Mosiek Meyor Fajwel Josek Estera Nusyn Jcek Rywka Abram Nuchym Szajndla Herszl Mortka Nochym Izrael Wulw Sara Laja Mendel Ejzyk Hendla Bajla Rochla Szachna Brandla Frajda Frajdla Mosiek Chaim Tauba Etla Fajwel Etla Sima Jachet Lejbus Hana Berek Chaja Rochla Nuta Mosiek Nusyn Joel Mendel Wulw Beniamin Szyja Jcek Wulw Tojma Pejsak Wulw Pinkwas Izrael Samson Cherszek Jcek Zysel Major Cherszl Urys Cherszl Judka Mosiek Zelman Aron Fiezel Mosiek Moszek Lejbus Naftula Moszek Szmul Chaim Major Lajzor Nuchym Lejb Chil Rywka Chana Rywka Rywa Malka Chaja Jankiel Mendel Josek Jcek Abram Sender Rywka Bajla Fajga Cywia Cherszl Wulw Lejzor Szymon Chemie Lejbus Perec Kiwa Naftula Cherszl Lejb Szlama Jankiel Lejbus Chaim Lejb Froim Eliasz Kajla Wigdor Major Szlama Izrael Szmul Jcek Moszek Berek Dawid Dawid Chaim Mortka Szysmon Szymon Izrael Berek Enoch Josek Lejbus Abram Abram Abus Szmul Mortka Jonas Berek Abus Mosjek Lejbus Major Mosiek Wulw Abram 51 30 Sura z Koronfeld 54 Rywka z Zalcbergow 31 Szyfra Cwetla z Braunerow 40 26 25 45 26 30 24 33 40 26 25 22 50 38 23 30 46 32 30 25 28 Tema z Nuzbaumow 42 Fajga 30 Malka z Budynow 20 Mala z Zylbermanow 36 Cywa z Tyszlerow 26 Gitla z Szojbrymow 24 Rudla z Ratfajyielow (?) 22 Pesla z Dynerow 30 Fajga 30 Rochla z Cwajgow 21 Rywka z Majberow 18 Dwojra z Fankuchenow 20 Estera Rochla z Wakswaserow 40 Chana z Izraelow 30 Rywka z Kawemanow Sriwei (?) z Gryszpanow Chana z Goldbergow Estera z Wagmanow 43 Laia z Katzow 24 Frajdla z Mintzow 25 Jentla z Kaptzow 24 Szaindla z Nudelmanow 35 Etla z Majorow 32 Sora z Szuldmanow 24 Rywka z Goldhamerow 30 Laia z Milgramow 44 Ruchla z Waisbaumow 44 Fajga Malka z Klosow 21 Chaia z Chaffartow 28 Sura z Rozenbaumow 21 Sura Gitla z Gintzbergow 48 Matla z Himelfarbow 50 Rajza 39 Serka z Chirszmanow 24 30 36 30 38 23 21 21 25 32 23 24 30 33 20 24 20 33 36 37 11 July 1859 K 28Oct? 1859 K 17 July 1859 wiei Suliszowie 15 July 1859 K 31 Oct 1859 K 30 June 1859 Koprzywnica 20 July 1859 wies" Przepiorow 8 July 1859 wies" Smerdyna 19Augl859 wies Przybystawice 20 Apr 1859 wieé Wlostow 9Augl859 K 19Sep 1859 wies" Kurowie 7Novl859 K 6Novl859 wies Smerdyna 8Novl859 K 24Augl859 K 30 Oct 1859 K 20 Oct 1859 K 13Novl859 wies Sulislawice 13Novl859 wies Swajkowie 30Sep 1859 K 9Novl859 K 5Novl859 wies" Stryzyzowice 23 Sep 1859 wies Skrzypaczowice 29 Oct 1859 Koprzywnica 30Novl859 wieé Gorki 25Novl859 K 30Novl859 wies Kaczkowse 14 Dec 1859 wies Budy 6 Dec 1859 Koprzywnica 22 27 18 26 20 40 40 22 19 22 29 30 20 18 23 22 21 30 20 22 36 21 23 40 25 24 18 44 14 Dec 1859 27 Dec 1859 5 Jan 1860 31 July 1859 30 Jan 1860 29 Sep 1856 29 Sep 1856 5Febl860 10Febl860 27 Jan 1860 19Febl860 13 Jan 1860 27Febl860 15 Dec 1859 20 Mar 1860 2 Apr 1860 20 Mar 1860 7 Apr 1860 7 Apr 1860 8 Apr 1860 11 Apr 1860 12 Apr 1860 15 Apr 1860 14 Apr 1860 10 Apr 1860 20 Apr 1860 21 Apr 1860 22 Apr 1860 1 G£.n loOO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ALDWERGIER HIRSZMAN KLOS BINDER SZULDMAN SZULDMAN SZULDMAN WAJNTRAUB OFMAN GRYNBERG KIENISBERG GOLDMAN KARMESER WINER PECZYNA KOFMAN MORGEN ZOBERMAN RUBIN MINTZ FANTUCH PECZYNA FANTUCH BUCHALTER BRAUNER EJZENBUCH WATMACHER SZULDMAN 25 25 21 36 25 50 50 22 26 34 45 25 21 36 27 21 32 22 24 53 30 26 60 23 22 20 45 Cyrla z Zajwarow Hinda Brandla z Lererow Blima z Kwiatow Serka z Trufelmanow Chana z Grynbaumow Estera z Mendlow Estera z Mendlow Sora Trana Chinda Rywka Chana Rochla z Perelmeterow Dwojra z Tyszlerow Szyfra z Micenmaherow Rochla Laia z Echtow Bajla Majta z Rozenfeldow Estera z Szkulbergow Rywka z Himelfarbow Zysla z Perecow Estera z Budynow Chawa z Klajmanow Golda z Tyszlerow Zysla z Jarmulow Bajla z Gotlibow Gitla z Tyszlerow Brandla z Joskow Zysla z Robinsztejnow Altéra z Braunerow Ruchla z Katzow Chaia Laia z Moskow Koprzywnica 2 Jan 1859 19 June 1859 Koprzywnica 2 0ct 1858 Koprzywnica 30Novl856 Koprzywnica 31 July 1859 Koprzywnica 25Novl858 Koprzywnica 20 May 1859 Koprzywnica K K K K wieé Zejorsku wies Geraszowice wies Geraszowice K wies Lukow K K K K K wies Rybnica wieé Ruszezy Koprzywnica wies Sosmiezan K K K wiei Wowejwsi K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K K 52 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 BRAJDYK GOLDWASER GRYNBERG GROSHAUS GROSHAUS NAJMAN GASTMAN APOLET WAGNER TREFLER HIMELFARB SZULDMAN SZULDMAN SZULDMAN BUDYN GOLDHAMER TYSZLER BOKSERN EJZENBUCH HERSZTEJN BUDYN GOLDSZTEJN NUZBAUM SWITZMAN FLONBAUM GORZYCZANSKI TYSZLER HIRSZMAN AGATER AGATER CWAJG CUKIERMAN CUKIERMAN KRYSTAL ZYLBERMAN ECHT MER PECZYNA KOPT SYLBERSZTEYN SYLBERSZTEYN SZYFER KLOS GRUNBERG GRUNBLAT GOLDHAMER EPELBAUM TUSZER 77 EPELBAUM Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Szmul Rywen Zelman Manes Pinkwas Perla Szaja Chisia [Chesla] Szmul Malka Szmul Abram Noech Szyja Szmul Nuta Cywia Frajdla Aron BajlaRochla Beniamin Fajga Szaindla Fajwel Mosiek Nusen Berek [Moszek] Herszl Rochla Herszl Szaindla Herszl Lejbus Joel Jcek Jakob Major Zelik Lejb Hil Moszek Pejsak Major Aron Herszl Sura Nuchym Chana Laja Moszek Szlama Judka Lejb Wula Wulf Rubin Lejbus Mates Eliasz Jcek Malka Mejlich Lejbus Jankiel Rochla Laja Mortka Kalman Moszek Hemija Moszek Simecha Moszek Jankiel Major Ita Bajla Major Marya Szulim Fajga Anzelm Kalman Jcek Zysman Jcek Herszl Chana Charym Malka Major Josek Moszek Zelik Abus Ejzyk Judka Sura Jankiel Mosiek Chaim Fajga Laia Aron Beniamin Lajzor Szmerek Lejzor Jcek Josek Dawid Szyfra Ruchla Jankiel 42 29 21 36 36 45 30 24 26 46 42 36 36 36 32 34 27 28 28 48 26 23 27 30 43 24 23 22 45 45 42 50 50 25 42 49 38 35 37 50 21 22 33 24 22 36 38 40 21 Raj la [Bajla] Naftula Lejzor Chaja Ryfka Kajla Perla Abus Lejzor Jankiel Rochla Rywka Mosiek Dawid Herszl Jankiel Lejb 24 36 23 24 21 28 30 36 23 24 36 42 38 28 Michla z Rajchmanow Rochla Cywa z Mintzow Rochla Genendla z Braunerow Fajga z Kalinow Fajga z Kalinow Mala Hana z Zylbermanow Rykla Dwojra z Fensterszaub Basa z Chotmanow Malka z Budynow Nacha z Grynblatow Rywka z Himelfarbow Hinda z Roterow Hinda z Roterow Hinda z Roterow Szyfra Cwetla z Kalinow Fajga rywka z Herszkow Sura Dobra z Ostajczerow Iska z Saltzbergow Symocha z Blumenfeldow Matla z Himelfarbow Elka z Zylbermanow Hinda z Rozenbaumow Cypara z Wiezbaumow Dobra Dwojra z Jckow Marya z Cwernow Rywka z Taubow (?) Malka Cywa z Wainrybow Clurra (?) z Rozenow Cyrla Cyrla Cypa z Jckow Chaia z Moskow Chaia z Moskow Malka z Griiiinbalow Frajdla z Goldhamerow Rywa z Sandomierski Estera z Trufelmanow Sura Chaia z Rozenwaserow Gitla z Echtow Marya z Userow Sura z Efektorow Chana z Dynerow Rywka z Kawemanow Ejdla z Berenwagow (?) Dobra Gitla z Kwiatow Malka Laia z Kalmow Malka Perla z Erdfrochtow Blima z Drykzierow Perla z Goldhamerow Summer 2001 26 28 18 34 34 38 31 23 20 38 40 34 34 34 30 29 24 28 30 30 24 24 23 30 36 19 21 20 42 42 26 24 24 22 32 29 31 34 36 45 22 22 22 24 20 35 24 32 20 30 Apr 1860 6 May 1860 10 June 1860 8 Jan 1859 10 June 1860 19 June 1860 24 June 1860 27 June 1860 30 June 1860 8 July 1860 9 July 1860 10 Mar 1853 22 June 1860 22 June 1860 10 July 1860 20 July 1860 24 July 1860 1 Augl860 2Augl860 5Augl860 6Augl860 11 Augl860 12Augl860 13Augl860 10Augl860 20Augl860 20Augl860 2 Sep 1860 24 July 1853 16 Sep 1855 24 Sep 1860 6Octl860 6Octl860 7Octl860 7 0ct 1860 31 Oct 1860 5Novl860 7Novl860 20Novl859 18Novl860 19Nov 1860 17Nov 1860 24Novl860 1 Dec 1860 2 Dec 1860 1 Jan 1860 12 Dec 1860 14 Dec 1860 10Novl860 K K 24 35 18 20 21 23 24 24 20 22 37 40 30 28 28 30 21 Dec 1860 4 Jan 1861 13 Jan 1861 26 Jan 1861 27 Jan 1861 30 Jan 1861 lOFeb 1861 12Feb 1861 13 Feb 1861 19Feb 1861 K K wieé Nawodzice wieé Krolewice wieé Krolewice Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K Koprzywnica K K K K K Koprzywnica K Koprzywnica K K wies Karkowka ? Koprzywnica K Koprzywnica wieé Wiazownica wieé Koekowie K K Koprzywnica K K Koprzywnica wies Gorki wieé Gorki wieé Przeiporow Koprzywnica K K wieé Szymanowice K K K K K wieé Piaseczny K K K K K 1 Q4. lOOJ 1 GOLDWASER GOLDHAMER NUSBAUM GRYNTYSZ EPELBAUM GROSMAN MAJNGARTEN ARWERGIER SZPERLING WINER ROZENGART RYWENBAYRYCH TERKIELTAUB RUBIN KARMESER 16 LEDERMAN 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Kalman Jakob Abraam Liba Izrael Lejzor Fiszel Josek Aron Szmul Jankiel Uszer Josek Aron Judka Izrael Hercyk Herszl Herszl Mosiek Zelik Wulf Chaia z Kneblow Laia z Kalinow Sura Laia z Bergerow Idesa z Grynbergow Sora z Kalinow Tauba z Dckslerow Laia z Klosow Rywka z Zajdmanow Tauba z Dawidow Chaia z Fligelmanow Dobra z Zelikow Ruchla z Komkowiczow (?) Frajda z Pinkwasow Gela z Goldhamerow 32 Cyrla 36 Sura z Katzow 16 Mar 1861 27 Mar 1861 15 Apr 1861 24 May 1861 4 June 1861 13 June 1861 Koprzywnica K K K K K Budy g. Gorki K K K wies1 Malice K K K Summer 2001 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 FENSTER GRYNBERG GRYNBAL KRYSTAL KOFMAN GANTZ KARAS WARTZMAN BINDER KAWEMAN LEDERMAN SZUCHT WAINBERG GOLDWASER FLIGIELMAN KLOS GRYNBAL SZPEJTER WACIARZ KATZ NUSBAUM NUSBAUM BAUM KOPF SZULDMAN FAJNKOCHEN KAWEMAN TRUFLER KARAS ZYNGERMAN KOPF EJZENBUCH ZLOTNIK EJZENBUCH BERMAN GOLDFARB MUNTZ BAUM 54 55 FUX 56 BUDYN 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 CYNAMON CWA1G WEGMAN SNOPEK KLAJMAN KOPF GOLDFEDER UNGER WAJSFOG1EL Kielce-Radom S1G Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Joel Josek Malka Chaja Izrael Herszl Rywka Mechel Mosiek Major Jcek Abram Szyfra Joel Abus Ita Lejzor Gitla Abram Berek Ita Elka Fajga Hana Bajla Malka Cyra Cypa Rochla Dyna Haja Ryfka Fajga Izrael Jcek Mosiek Wulf Berek Jankiel Joel Lejzor Szmul Zysman Kajla Blima Inda Dwojra Blima Rajzla Sula Gitla Szajndla Czerna Rochla Zelman Josek Mosiek Zaj[n]wel Ryfka Estera Sejwa Sura Laja Estera Jankiel Estera Liber Josek Szmul Uszer Szymon Mortka Abram Eliasz Szmul Mosiek Mosiek Herszl Liberman Calel Mosiek Mosiek Enoch Jcek Josek Gidala Wulf Eliasz Fiszel Pinkwasowicz Chil Szyja Major Berek Izrael Jcek Szymsia Jankiel Lejbus Szmul Mosiek Jankiel Jojzep Zelik Lejb Josek Zelik Haim Wulf Majer Chil Chil Aron Josek Lejb Wulf Chaim Szmul Abram Haim Moszek Liba Ryfka Tratel Berek Zelman Lejbus Berek Herszek Liba Bina Malka Chawa Dwoyra Dobra Abram Dawid Marya Jachet lede [Ide] Lajb Sorka Haskiel Wolf Horym Wulf Mosiek Jakob Uszer Abram Majer Izrael Izrael Majer Berek Szlama Major Jcek Pinkwas Moszek Berek Majer 24 46 44 25 28 27 28 30 Sura z Grojsmanow Fajgla z Klosow Chana Perla z Kaufmanow Bajla z Zajdmanow Syma z Mandorfow Fajga z Krystalow Bajla z Bavakow Sora z Szuldmanow Serka z Trufelmanow (?) Chaia Ita Liba z Joelow Hana z Braunerow Sura z Fligielmanow Cywa Gitla z Frochtow Mala z Grynbergow Blima zKwiatow Rojzy z Rozenbaumow Elka z Kacow Ruchli z Kacow Gitla z Staszowski Brandla z Nusbaumow Ryfka z Landauw Ita Fajga z Rabinowiczow Gitla z Echtow Rachla z Gielerow Gitla z Grynbergow LaiazMingrotow Szyfra z Trufelmanow Cypa z Perelmanow Ryfka z Szmaltz Fajga z Rachmanow Atla Szpryntza z Epelbaumow Laia z Baumow Essa Rywa z Naftulow Tauba z Aloesow Rochna Toba Laia z Goldsztajnow Etla z Hochmanow Ryfka z Grynbergow Malka z Uszerow Ryfka z Skonecknicy Rochla z Cwajgow Sura z Kofmanow Frajda Jenta Cypa z Boruchowiczow Frajda [surname not known] Gitla z Gorzyczanski Grendla Bajla z [not known] Gitla z Budynow 30 22 27 24 40 26 45 24 24 29 24 31 24 26 35 Gitla z Trykmanow Maryj z Urysiow Serla Mindla z Szyjow Ryfka z Gielerow Hana z Szajow Estera Hana z Edfrocht Laja z Koperwasserow Hana z Kirssorow (?) Frajdla z Salemanow Bajla zGotlibow Malka z Tyszlerow Perla z Peczynow Ryfka z Gantzow Dobra z Bakalarzow Chana z Grynbaumow Sura z Grynbergow 36 58 31 22 31 40 22 36 26 34 30 22 23 40 24 22 30 24 36 48 37 24 23 28 40 38 40 23 23 25 31 22 38 40 24 24 23 44 20 29 28 53 22 33 30 32 38 26 23 31 28 23 30 25 28 15 June 1861 20 June 1861 25 June 1861 18 June 1861 20 June 1861 21 June 1861 22 June 1861 25 June 1861 30 June 1861 12 July 1861 13 July 1861 14 July 1861 12 July 1861 K wies Skrzypaczowice K K K K K 26 20 18 30 18 18 22 K K K K K 21 July 1861 K 22 July 1861 K 1 Augl861 K 1 Augl861 K 14 July 1861 Koprzywnica 5Augl861 K 21 Aug 1861 K 21 36 35 23 22 28 39 15 Aug 1861 20 Aug 1861 20 Aug 1861 18 Aug 1861 1 Sep 1861 29 Sep 1861 29 Sep 1861 30 Sep 1861 Koprzywnica Koprzywnica 28 38 22 23 21 26 24 6 0ct 1861 38 39 21 23 18 41 19 24 27 20 25 25 28 34 13 Oct 26 Oct 23 Oct 23 Oct 22 Oct 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 INov 1861 3Nov 1861 30 Oct 1861 2Novl861 6Novl861 17Novl861 13Novl861 28Nov 1861 30Nov 1861 4 Dec 1861 2 Dec 1861 8 Dec 1861 18 Dec 1861 22 Dec 1861 23 Dec 1861 wieé Swojkowie K K wies Jachymowice wies Beszyce K K K wies Szymanowicc K K K K K K K wies Byszow K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica Koprzywnica wies Skwicrzow K K K K K Koprzywnica 1862 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 GOISPOKT EDFROCHT H1MELSZTOP SCHMIT NUDELMAN GRYNBERG KELLER EDFROCHT KOFMAN PECZYNA FAKTOR BRAUNER KIEJSMAN AWENUS SZULDMAN SZULDMAJSTER 24 18 22 20 36 23 26 21 23 28 22 28 23 37 24 26 16 Jan 1862 9Feb 1862 7Feb1862 7Febl862 11 Febl862 10Febl862 12Febl862 10Feb1862 14Febl862 10Febl862 7Feb1862 11 Feb 1862 18Feb 1862 20 Feb 1862 14 Feb 1862 12 Feb 1862 K K K K K K K K K wies Nowa K wieé Szymonowice K K wies Gieraszowice K 54 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 MINTZ HAJMAN BAUM GROSMINTZ GROSMINTZ GROSMINTZ GURFINKIEL BAUM SALZBERG K1MELMAN KOPF GOLDWASER FANTUCH GRUNBLAT SZPEJTER KATZ HIMELFARB LANGIER ADLER BRYX EPELBAUM GRYNBLAT MAJNGARTEN BRAUNER PEJSAK WYNFELD BRAUNER AKSAMIT WEJNFELD ALOES BRAUNER RYMER LABEDZ AWENUS BURSZTYN ARWERGIER DYNENMARK ARTWERGIER FERBER SZPERLING GOTLIB NUSBAUM GRYNBERG WAGNER GOLDMAN GOLDMAN LEDERMAN SZNAJDER SZNAJDER OFMAN CWEIJG FEJNKUCHEN WEJNFELD MERZEL GRYNBERG GRYNBERG BRAUNER HIMELSZTAUB HIMELFARB MORTENBAUM BUCHOLTZ MATY MATY BRAUNER TREFLER HANDELSMAN Kielce-Radom SlG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Szol Zysman Hana Jukiel Josek Fajga Ryfka Dawid Lejbus Estera Kuna Malka Estera Ena Maria Mosick Moszik Haim Jcek Fajga Haja Lejbus Nusym Alta Cywia Rafat Dawid Giejda Siejwa Sura Laja Nuta Pejsak Brandla lta Sura Malka Laja Malka Berek Mendel Mortka Ides Szajndla Malka Brandla Mortka Sura [Sura lta] Szulim Szyia Chaja Ides Estera Ryfka Malka Hana Gitla Estera Malka Perla Baj la Ruchla Herszl Sura Gitla Herszl Szmerek Cypa Haia Jcek Lejzur Herszl Aron Josek Haskiel Zeldla Gitla Szyja Ryfka Laja Fajga Fry ma Chaia Serka Szlama Zysel Chajm Majer Hersz Jcek Hil Majer Jcek Berek Moszik Fajwel Fajwel Fajwel Majer Beniamin Judka Wolf Zelik Mortka Abus Zelman Izrael Wolf Wigdor Eyzvk Wul'f Major Aron Michel Berek Lejzur Dyner Zelik Wigdor Izrael Szulim Zelik Zelman ' Jcek Gierszon Jankiel Wolf Wulf Izrael Zysel Major Herszek Josek Herszl Fiszel Mendel Zywel Beniamin Charym Charym Charym Berek Berek Josek (deceased) Mates Herszl(?) * David Szymek Symcha Zajnwet Wulf Jcek Peritz Izrael Nuchym Berek Zajwel Nuchym Jarmuta Frajda z Braunerow 24 Kaila z Merderow 33 Cypora z Bulnow 20 Elka z Goldwaserow 26 Elba z Goldwaserow 26 Elka z Goldwaserow 26 Ryfka Hana z Kawermanow 27 Haia z Gutmanow 25 Lai a z Kacow 35 Ryfka z Ajzykow 30 Hawa z Hirszmanow 24 Siosi z Watmanow 30 Gitla z Tszlerow 29 Frjmet z Bekierow 33 24 Ryfka Laja z Kopfow Haja Sura z Mintzow 22 Laja z Rozenbergow 25 Estera z Opatowskiy 27 Ryfka Mala z Blumenfeldow 24 Juda z Panierow 33 Sara z Kalmow 23 Ruchla z Czapnikow 28 Fajga z Erdfrochtow 19 Ruchla z Boxerow 24 Pesla z Dynarow 33 Ryfka z Szmitow 28 EjdlazMarcow 25 Sura z Truflerow 21 Sura Ryfka z Tyszlerow 29 Gitla z Kieslerow 22 Estera z Morgunszternow Haja z Szplindrow 26 Fryma z Szpejterow 25 Fajga z Silberbanow 35 Fajga Blima z Zylow 30 Cyrla z Szyndlerow 25 (not given) (not given) Dwojra z Brykmanow 18 Toba z Szuldmanow 22 Sara Laja z Gielerow 36 Laja z Wejnebow (?) 24 Estera z Majgartynow 32 Malka z Budynow 24 Szprynca z Milrodow 22 Szprynca z Milrodow 22 Rajzla z Goldhamerow 30 Estera Szt—ow 40 Estera z Abramow St—ow 40 Dobra z Chajmow 30 Rajzla z Brymow 40 Maryon Gitla z Rotsztajnow 20 Lejusia z Gryzpanow 30 BajlazSzyfmanow 22 Hawa Ruchla z Permutrow 30 Hawa Ruchla z Permutrow 30 Chaja Zysla z Epelbaumow 26 Mindla z Szyiawigow (?) 27 Laja Szwitzmanow 20 Mindla z Goldhamerow 24 Sura Cypa Kluskow 34 Ruchla z Grynbergow 35 KajlazCytybrow 24 Chaia Zysla z Apelbaumow 24 Ryckla (?) Cywzila z Mintzow 30 20 Hana z Glozmanow 19 28 42 26 34 34 34 25 28 42 44 24 42 29 32 21 24 26 28 24 40 23 31 20 39 35 26 25 21 30 28 33 39 27 30 38 30 30 30 27 25 38 25 36 27 20 20 33 53 53 34 19 24 26 26 23 28 27 26 36 38 28 25 23 Summer 2001 28 Feb 1862 K 27Febl862 K 3 Mar 1862 wies Skrobno 26 July 1856 wies Konary 24 June 1859 wies Konary 8 Jan 1861 wies Konary 13 Mar 1862 K 4 Mar 1862 wies Byszôw 20 Mar 1862 K 22 Mar 1862 wies Wiazownica 21 Mar 1862 Koprzywnica 25 Mar 1862 K 1 Apr 1862 K 1 Apr 1862 K 12 Apr 1862 Koprzywnica 13 Apr 1862 K 3 Apr 1862 Teczynopol 12 Mar 1861 K 16 Apr 1862 K 10 Apr 1862 wies Leserkow 4 Apr 1862 K 16 Apr 1862 K 15 Apr 1862 K 28 Mar 1862 K 13 Apr 1862 K 16 Apr 1862 K 17 Apr 1862 K 13 Apr 1862 K 15 Apr 1862 K 15 Apr 1862 K 15 Apr 1862 K 4 Apr 1862 K 13 Apr 1862 Koprzywnica 17 Apr 1862 K 14 Apr 1862 K 13 Apr 1862 K 20 Apr 1862 Koprzywnica 25 Apr 1862 K 9 Feb 1862 K 15 Apr 1862 wies Budy (g. Gorki) 18 Apr 1862 Koprzywnica 13 Jan 1862 Koprzywnica 17 Feb 1861 K 11 Mar 1860 K 20 Mar 1861 K 8 Apr 1862 K 27 Apr 1862 K 15 June 1860 K 1 Dec 1861 K 18 Apr 1862 K 5 Jan 1862 Koprzywnica 27 Apr 1862 wies Opalinie 2Novl861 wies Kurow wies Wlostow 7 Jan 1861 19 Mar 1857 K 13 Apr 1862 K 15 Feb 1860 K 14 June 1860 K 18 Jan 1862 wies Blonia 27 Mar 1860 wies Gorki 13 May 1862 wies Swiniary 13 May 1862 wies Swiniary 14 May 1862 wies Swiniary 9 May 1862 K 3 Feb 1861 K 12 May 1862 Koprzywnica Summer 2001 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 KWASNIEWSKI SZTERNFELD FLIGIELMAN GRYNBERG LERER KLIGMAN HERSZTEIN TYSZLER GOLDWASER TYSZLER CUKIERMAN GRYNBERG BAJCER ZYLBERSZTEJN TYSZLER WINER HOFMAN SZULDMAN CYNAMON OFMAN GOLDFEDER GANTZ GOLDWASER NUDELMAN AWENUS TREFLER TYSZLER WAJ1VBROT WEJGMAN GOLDBERG WINER GRUNBLAD GROSMAN KIELBIK HIRSZMAN EYZENBUCH OFMAN GRYNBERG NUSBAUM KIENIKSBERG TREFLER GORYCZANSKI BAUM KAWERMAN SZYFER RUBIN KIEJSMAN M1TZMACHER KLOS WAJSMAN BUDYN GROSMAN Kielce-Radom S1G Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Mosek Josek Mejlech Sura Ruchla Laja Zelman Rywen Lejb Frymet Perla Cypa Jcek Moszik Szajndla Aron Jcek Josek Sija Jankiel Mendel Gitla Kalman Jankiel Herszl Szachna Ela Sime Jcek Maier Fajga Majer Jakob Perla Liba Herszek Jankiel Curtla Szywra Terna Jankiel Jcek Szmul Gitla Boruch Izrael Dawid Jankiel Pinkwas Ita Necha Curtla Malka Haia Jakob Estera Golda Szlama Zotka Dwojra Bina Jcek Zajnwel Brajndla Majer Jachet Curtla Izrael Luzer Mortka Josek Lejbus Lejzur Aron Lejzur Siejwa Herszl Nuchym Zysman Lejb Izrael Chil Majer Josek Zelman Abus Pinkwas Aron Judka Izrael Mortka Josek Abram Szmul Izrael Beniamin Mosick Wulf Moszik Jcek Hanina Chajm Urys Lejbus Enoch Abram Szmul Frojm Szmul Mosick Chajm Herszl Urys Mortka Moszik Rubin Szymon Mosick Mejlech Dawid Herszl Herszl Szmul Izrael Anzel Jcek Fajwel Jakob Majer Wolf 27 29 27 26 30 45 50 23 27 28 50 20 28 23 22 26 21 25 25 29 28 22 28 24 Berek Malka Gitla Liba Zysman Nuchym Chil Jankiel Rywen Jankiel Zelman Sora Fajga Hindla" Judka Chanina Estera Wita Majer Jankiel Lejbus Aron Nuchym Mortka Charim Bajnis Chajm Izrael Kopel Matys Jcek Izrael Mortka 55 K 20 29 26 30 19 24 22 26 26 28 28 27 24 29 38 23 29 24 24 26 25 23 22 24 24 25 27 Ryfka z Goldhamerow 26 Ryfka z Nusbaumow 27 Etla z Kopiow 21 Sura Gitla z Herzijow (?) 25 Hitia z Michetzow 25 Gitla z Gatzow 40 Matla z Abramowiczow 36 Etla z Frochtow 20 Haia z Kneblow 26 Sura Laja z Oftajgerow 24 Haja z Apelbaumow 26 Ruchla 19 Perla z Rajchmanow 27 Sura z Efeltow 26 Sura Bajla z Sandomierski 24 Haia z Tlingemanow (?) 25 Rochla Kalmanow Brauner 20 Malka z Fankuchenow 28 Dwojra z Borensztejnow 24 Ryfka z Himelfarbow 24 Gitla z Gorzyczaniski 27 Jachet z Abramowiczow 20 Zlata z Goldhamerow 25 Haja Sora z Wynfeldow 34 Fajga z Janklow Frajda Ryfka z Nozyakow 20 Cytwa z Tyszlerow 28 Sora Trana z Goldhamerow 24 Sura z Ofmanow 28 Marya z Kalmow 18 Bajla Majla z Rozenfeldow 21 Mirla z Aktorow 22 Toba z Driksterow 24 Sura z Sztenderow 28 Haia z Hoferlow 24 Frajda Simcha z Blumenfeldow 29 Ryfka Juda z Tajdelbaumow 25 Etla z Hasklow " 22 Cypura z Nusbaumow 26 Dwojra z Tyslerow 30 Malka z Ledermanow 22 24 Ryfka z Taubow Chaja z Flejszakierow 21 Haja Ita 24 Hana z Dynerow 24 Hawa z Klajmanow 25 21 Haja Rajza z Fagotow Haja Rajza z Gantzow 20 Blima z Kwiatow 20 Chena Juda z Luzerow 23 Malka z Budynow 18 Ruchla Laja z Grojsmanow 21 May 1862 2 June 1862 10 June 1862 13 June 1862 4 June 1862 28 June 1862 1 July 1862 5 July 1862 6 July 1862 12 July 1862 3 July 1862 20 Mar 1862 24Novl861 13Augl862 13Augl862 4Sepl862 20 Sep 1862 14 Sep I862 13 Sep 1862 3 Oct 1862 15Augl862 6 Oct 1862 13 Sep 1862 29 Sep 1862 13 Oct 1862 9 Oct 1862 16 Oct 1862 7 Oct 1862 14 Oct 1862 6 July 1862 14 Oct 1862 23 Oct 1862 25 Oct 1862 26 Oct 1862 15 Oct 1862 27 Oct 1862 2Novl862 12 July 1862 6 Oct 1862 13Nov 1862 15Nov 1862 15Novl862 6 Dec 1862 15Nov 1862 19 Dec 1862 14 Dec 1862 16 Dec 1862 15 Dec 1862 21 Dec 1862 2Novl862 22 Dec 1862 27 Mar 1861 K K wieé Swiniary wies Gieraszowice Koprzywnica wies Skwierzowy K K K K K K K K wies" Skwierzowy K K K K K Koprzywnica K wies Lukowica K Koprzywnica K K K wies Byszowie K K K K K K K Koprzywnica K 29 39 26 24 23 25 53 29 25 20 33 22 25 Perla Marya z Goldhamerow Estera z Szulbergow Basi z Apoletow Rochla z Muuntzow Liwia z Apfelbow Chana z Himelfarbow Ryfka z Dynenmarkow Ajndla z Osircnewajgow (?) Giela z Grunbalow Ruchla z Goltmanow Dobra Dwojra z Jckowiczow Rajla Rajzla Hawa z Paniow 24 29 24 30 24 24 46 29 25 27 30 18 21 24Novl862 28Novl862 15 Dec 1862 20 Jan 1863 i 6 Feb 1863 13 Mar 1863 25 Jan 1863 3 Mar 1863 7 Mar 1863 15 Apr 1863 11 May 1863 16 May 1863 16 May 1863 K wieé Gorki K K wies Zurawica K Koprzywnica wies Swiniary wies Beszyce Koprzywnica wies Wiezownica K Koprzywnica 30 Koprzywnica K K K K wieé Kaszkowska K K Koprzywnica wieé Gozlice K K K 1863 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 EPELBAUM PECZYNA APOLET TRUFLER KLAJMAN DYNER SONTAG GRÙÛNBERG FAJNKOCHEN SZPYTER SWIEMAN HIRSZMAN HIRSZMAN 5ô 14 Kielce-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 BRAUNER Zeiik Ryfka Sznajer Jcek Szmerek 17 EPELBAUM Majer Wolf 18 WAJSBORT 19 RYWENBAJRYCH Szymcha Mosick Wolf 20 GRYNGLAS 21 BAUM Basia 22 ARWERGIER Ruchla Daniel [Dawid] 23 HIRSZMAN Majer Lejzer 24 MAJNGARTEN Dwoyra 25 TYSZLER Suralta [Zlotka] 26 SALTZBERG Szaindla 27 BLUSZTEIN Hersz Jankiel 28 CWEIG Dawid 29 WORTZMAN Kiwa 30 GOLDSZTEIN 31 GOLDHAMER Pinkwas 32 MAJNGARTEN Jakob Jcek Herszl 33 SILBERSZTEIN Moszik Aron 34 ECHT 15 LERER 16 LERER Jcek Chil Iser Mosick Josek Hercyll Berek Szyia Uszer Abram Moszek Ajzyk Haskiel Izrael Mortka Mosick Judka Lejb Lejzur Berek Anzelm Jcek 36 41 28 20 19 43 40 54 40 19 30 20 35 20 20 30 26 Jankiel Chaim Jck Berek Mortka Rubin Mortka Fiszel Herszl Wolf Szymcha Herszl Dawid Mortka Chaim Josek Szaja Wigdor Zysman Berek Joj--a Jankiel Pinkwas Mortka Berek Josek Josek Aron Szulim Mosick Josek Josek Lejbus Zajwel 50 Jenta z Jeowiczow (?) 27 Etla z Chockmanowicz 41 23 41 30 Estera z Morgienszternow Serka z Hirszmanow Sura Endla z Ledzumanow Perla z Mintzow Hawa z Sontakow Ruchla z Lemkowiczow Ruchla z Goldsztainow Ita Fajga z Rubinowiczow Ryfka z Zadjmanow Sejwa z Bajmow Hana z Rajznerow Szyfra Ruchla z Grynbergow Etla Ena z Erlichsonow Sura z Fajersztajnow Fajga Laja z Raychmanow Sara z Szuldmanow Juda z Rozenbaumow Malka Laja z Kalinskieh Fajga z Edfrochtow Frandla z Goldhamerow Rywa z Sandomierskie Summer 2001 22 3 May 1863 K 40 24 May 1863 Koprzywnica 29 25 June 1863 K 20 14 June 1863 K 19 38 30 32 30 20 28 25 20 21 24 30 28 36 22 33 28 17 June 1863 16 June 1863 21 June 1863 26 June 1863 27 May 1863 3 July 1863 10 July 1863 15 July 1863 13 July 1863 11 Sep 1863 17 Sep 1863 11 Oct 1863 7 Dec 1863 1 Dec 1863 14 Dec 1863 16 Dec 1863 26Nov 1863 Koprzywnica 30 23 19 24 28 21 23 30 24 24 19 19 23 20 27 6 Jan 1864 3 Jan 1864 12 Jan 1864 13 Jan 1864 20 Jan 1864 31 Jan 1864 3Febl864 28 Jan 1864 27 Jan 1864 2Febl864 4Febl864 4Febl864 1 Febl864 4Febl864 30 Jan 1864 7Febl864 13 Feb 1864 7Febl864 13 Feb 1864 23 Mar 1864 1 Feb 1864 14 Mar 1864 26 Mar 1864 28 Dec 1863 11 Apr 1864 25 Apr 1864 1 May 1864 3 May 1864 3 May 1864 10 May 1864 10 May 1864 22 May 1864 25 May 1864 20 June 1864 1 July 1864 1 July 1864 21 June 1864 6 July 1864 20 July 1864 21 July 1864 13 June 1864 23 July 1864 15 July 1864 21 July 1864 K wies Byszow K K K K Koprzywnica K K K K K K wies Przy Bystawice wieé Tecza wies Ruszcza wieé Jachimowice Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K wies Mosvaroices? K K K K K wies Byszow wieé Byszow K K Koprzywnica K K K K K K K K K wies Skwirzowy wies" Ruszcza wieé Sulislawice K Koprzywnica K K Koprzywnica K K K K K wies Wlostow K K K Koprzywnica K 1864 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 FLIGIELMAN Lejzor BAUM Herszl FANTUCH Jarmuta MÙÙNTZ (MINTZ) Blima Rajzla NUSBAUM Mosick Fiszel AKSAMIT Ryfka Brandla NUSBAUM Tauba Sura SZERMAN Liber WACIARZ Ita Bajla KIPERWASER Abram Lejb ALBUS Josek GOLDSZTEJN Chaja Ita FENSTER Ita Bajla GOLDSTEIN Ides HIMELFARB Hala LANGIER Sora SZULDMAN Ryfka Mala JARMUTA Szmul FENSTERSZAB Szymcha Boruch APPELBAUM Frajda Ena GOLDWASER Sora Dawid PENCZYNA GOLDFARB Lejbus KAWEMAN Wolf GRÛUNBLAT Berek BEKIER Bejnis GRÛÙNFELD Judka MUNDRY Lejbes MUNDRY Jakob ZYNGIERMAN Laja BRAUNER Mosick Mendel BIRENBAUM Szmul LEDERMAN Jakob Wigdor TREFLER Herszl JUKS Szonka DYNER Mala TYSZLER Lejzor BAUM Boruch FANTUCH Herszl BUCHALTER Haskiel KATZ Tuma OFMAN Szmul OFMAN Jcek OFMAN Curtla Dan Wolf Mosick Wolf Pejzak Pinkwas Szyia Abus Michel Eliarz (Eliasz) Izrael Abram Moszek 20 Haia Baila z Pejsakow 20 Haia Laia z Grinbalow 30 Cywra z Nusbaumow 21 Malka z Ajzerow 25 Sura Laia z Bergierow 31 Hana Sora 24 Ruchla z Kacow 21 Szpryntza z Kperwaserow 29 Szajndla z Baumsztejnow 23 Ryfka Rajzla z Fenserow (?) 29 Sura z Grojsmanow 24 Rayza a Majnfeldow 27 Laia z Rozenbergow Cypa z Lusow 28 Ruchla z Gielczow (?) 30 Ruda z Hryszlatow (?) 19 Fajga z Wrnczow (?) 29 Fajga z Wrnczow (?) 42 Sois z Sosmewiczow (?) 35 Rajzla z Gold— 43 Rachna z Mortkowiczow 24 Juda z Peretmanow 24 Dobra z Kwiakow 26 Curia z Bekierow 20 Marya z Wenterow 31 --(?)-- z Szermanow 31 --(?)-- z Szermanow 40 Ryfka z Szmulow 28 Haia z Syzmanow 38 Tema z Mosenbaumow (?) 40 Sora Ryfka z Katzow 24 Malka z Z~?-25 Rywa z Dyzenchwiczow 39 Ester Perla z Dynerow 24 Bajla z Sandomeriskich 54 Ita Fajga z Rubr-wiczow 29 GitlazTyszlerow 23 Brucha z --?-32 Gitla z Haszowskich 29 Rochla z Bronerow 30 Ryfka z Himelfarbow 42 Etla z Offmanow 22 • 23 24 20 20 36 33 33 22 21 28 21 30 30 36 27 25 37 24 24 35 25 33 27 20 24 25 22 28 Summer 2001 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 GROJSCHOES FLIGIELMAN BRAUNER BAUM SZPETER ZYLBERSZTEJN GEVSPELCWAJG TOKARZ ECHT GASTMAN MICMACHER SZUCHT MAJNGARTEN GRÛÛNBERG KOP KLAJMAN MORGIEN 61 HIMELFARB 62 WAJNBERG 63 BLUMENFELD 64 G1ELERERTER 65 WAGNER 66 BUDYN 67 HIRSZMAN 68 PECZYNA 69 ARDWERGIER 70 KLOS 71 LIDERMAN 72 BUDYN 73 ZLOTNICK 74 WEJSBLUM 75 FAKTOR 76 WENTER 77 SZPETER 78 BRAUNER 79 KOPF 80 UNGIER 81 SZYFER 82 TYSZLER 83 GANTZ 84 GOLDHAMER 85 CWAJG 86 CWAJG 87 FEFERMAN 88 GOLWASER 89 MER 90 KOFMAN 91 ERDFROCHT 92 RUBIN 93 KANAR 94 AWENUS 95 KIENIGSBERG 96 HIMELFARB 97 CWAJG 98 MORGIEN 99 HIMELZLAB 100 KREJZMAN 101 WAJNFELD 102 K1EJSMAN 103 BRAUNER 104 MÙÛNTZ 105 GRÛÙNBLAD 106 KARMESER 107 HAJMAN 108 GRÛÙNBERG 109 LIDERMAN 57 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Ryfka Sora Perla Jojzep Josek Rochma Herszl Lejzor Bendet Hisa Ryfka Lejbus Szulim Cherz Itta Moszek Szyfra Perla Kiwa Naftula Chersz Ides Rywen Marja Mylech Josek Haja Ita Lejbus Lewek Zysla Bela Wolf Hana Sora Bayla Marya Ezra Machela Chemla Szmul Szachna Lewi Sora Bajla Gitla Tema Ita Fryma Sora Ita Hersz Lejb Haja Ita Dwojra Harym Liba Dwoyra Szlama Ryfka Szachna Hercyk Rajza Bina Rywa Abram Szmul Nuchym Sora Sznajdla Zelik Wolw Zelik Rywen Szajndla Matla Izrael Herszl Juma Abram Major Jankiel Sora Gitla Szymon Kalman Hersz Michal Hinda Mala Ryfka Tauba Szmul Enoch Aba Szyja Gdalia Abus Chaim Moszek Jankiel Nuta (Jankiel) Jankiel Josek Cata Jankiel Josek Chaim Abram Lejb Lejbus Mosick Major Szucher Jakob Jumca Major Lejbus Zyndel Abram Hersz Uszer Jcek Liberman Izrael Jankiel Pinkwas Rafat Abram Zelik Izrael Jcek Herszl Aba 45 30 32 31 28 25 27 20 20 36 30 34 24 36 32 25 33 32 20 25 28 41 19 19 42 27 41 21 29 21 23 24 24 31 21 26 30 Cherszl 27 Jankiel Eliasz 30 21 Josek Uszer Jankiel 55 Mortka 26 Jankiel 23 Pinkwas 35 24 Zysman Major 25 Arym 26 34 Herszl Nachman (Nuchym) 45 Moszek 45 22 Josek 25 Chaim 22 Szmul Mosick Berek 21 30 Wolf 28 Pinkwas Zelik 33 Izrael 26 42 Lejzor 41 Lejzor 40 Zalman Josek 31 Berek 49 32 Lejzor Chaim 38 Fajga z Kalmanow Mala (?) z Gruunbergow Zelda z Kajzrgorow (?) Chaia z Gielmanow Estera z Urperow Sora z Faktorow Chaia (?) z Pantyrow Ryfka z Bokserow Sima Laia z Cukrow (?) Dwojra z Fenszterszabow Frajda z Altwergierow Hiela z Branerow Laia z Klosow Rochla z Hajmanow Frajda z Awenusow Cypa z Lererow Zysla z Morgienow Sora z Herklow Sora z Fligielmanow Bajla z Libersztajnow Hudes z Goldsztejnow Malka z Budzynow Sora Ryfka z Ferberow Siejwa z Bajmelow (?) Haia Laja z Rywenbayrychow Ryfka z Zajdmanow Blima z Kwiatow Liba z Mackow (?) Hana z Majborkow Laia z Baumow Elka z Oynamanow Estera z Rachmanow Ida z Raj—?--ow Ryfka Laia z Kopow Perla z Peczynow Fajga Blima z Saltzbergow Gnendla Bajla z Lejbow Hana z Dynerow Malka Cywa z Wajzynbrow Fajga z Krysztalow Bajla Golda z Ferdemanow (?) Fajga Laia z Raplmanow Fajga z Rajdmanow Fajga z Libermanow Ruchla z Moskow Estera Ruma Frajda z Luctzmanow Marya z Goldmanow Giela z Goldchamerow Ruchla z Kenigsbergow Dobra z Garfinklow Frajda z Sz—tzmanow Cywa z Lejserow Haia Estera z Jckeuskyrow (?) Frajda z Rajzenbaumow Hindla z Szyjowiczow Ryfka z Gantzow Ryfka z Szmulow Sora z Gitlow Rakla z Bokserow Ruchla z Braunerow Fryma z Bekrerow Gitla Kajla zMedrow Sora z Gruunbergow Rajza Gitla z Saltzbergow 25 26 25 25 24 26 18 18 19 36 19 23 28 21 29 28 21 26 24 22 22 25 28 21 18 32 22 33 22 26 20 22 20 23 30 20 27 26 27 27 30 24 21 25 31 31 24 22 30 22 42 20 18 24 19 25 25 26 22 25 36 40 35 35 24 24 25 July 1864 3Augl864 3 Aug 1864 30 July 1864 13Aug 1864 9SepI864 11 Sepl864 8Sepl864 27Sepl864 14Sep 1864 23 Sep 1864 wies Krolesvice K K wies Byszow Koprzywnica K Koprzywnica K K Koprzywnica K 13 Sep 1864 K 17 Sep 1864 K 28 Sep 1864 wies Skwrizow 30 Sep 1864 K 6Octl864 K 6Octl864 Koprzywnica 30 Sep 1864 K 16 May 1864 K 15 Oct 1864 K 6Octl864 K 17 Oct 1864 Koprzywnica 16 Oct 1864 Koprzywnica 13 Oct 1864 Koprzywnica 2Novl864 wies Gorki 13 Oct 1864 K 20 Oct 1864 K 28 Oct 1864 K 3Novl864 Koprzywnica 10Novl864 K 13Novl864 Koprzywnica 21Novl864 K 20Novl864 K 21Nov 1864 Koprzywnica 15 Apr 1864 wies Rybnica 23Novl864 Koprzywnica 26Novl864 K 1 Dec 1864 K 6 Dec 1864 K 15 Apr 1864 K 6 Dec 1864 K 1 Dec 1864 5 Dec 1864 9 Dec 1864 14 Dec 1864 14 Dec 1864 14 Dec 1864 6 Dec 1864 5 Dec 1864 13 Dec 1864 13 Dec 1864 15 Dec 1864 15 Dec 1864 19 Dec 1864 19 Dec 1864 13 Dec 1864 18 Dec 1864 17 Dec 1864 19 Dec 1864 16 Dec 1864 19 Dec 1864 20 Dec 1864 15 Dec 1864 19 Dec 1864 14 Dec 1864 14 Dec 1864 Koprzywnica Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K K K K K K K wies Pzybyslawice Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K K K K K K K K (K) K 58 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 GRÛÛNBLAT KARMESER GLOSZMAN TYSZLER WAJNBERG EPELBAUM GROJSMINTZ GOLDMAN ADLER WINER CUKIER GOLDMAN WEJGMAN JAMA BRAUNER GOLDSZTAJN ALDWERGIER BARAN GRÛÛNBERG AWENUS ERDFROCHT 1865 1 LEWI 2 FAJNKUCHEN 3 BRAUNER 4 KIELBIK 5 NUSBAUM 6 TRYFEL (TRYFER) 7 LINDEN 8 GOLDWASER 9 GRÛÛNBERG 10 BEKIER 11 MORGENSZTERN 12 EPELBAUM 13 ROZENFELD 14 LEDERMAN 15 FAJNKUCHEN 16 MATY [MALA] 17 HIMELFARB 18 NUSBAUM 19 HIRSZMAN 20 MATY [MALA] 21 NUSBAUM 22 WAJSBROT 23 CUKIERMAN 24 FARBER 25 KIEJSMAN 26 SZULDMAN 27 WEJGMAN 28 DYNER 29 BRAUNER 30 BUDYN 31 OFMAN 32 SZPEJTER 33 HIRSZMAN 34 BUDYN 35 GRÛÛNBERG 36 KOCHEN 37 MINTZ 38 SZAFIER 39 FAJNKUCHEN 40 SALTZBERG 41 ARBUS 42 EJZENBUCH 43 BERMAN 44 FAKTOR Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Perla Ajdla Cyna Huma Szymsia Chaim Szmul Herszl Berek Herszl Zelik Lejb Dawid Jojzep Perla Numa Lejbus Kiwa Estera Frajda Tyla Rysa Etla Tauba Laja Frajda Moszek Blima Sora Gitia Josek Berek Dawid Chil Mosiek Izraei Fajwel Mosiek Moszek Enoch Ejber Izrael Izrael Dyna Mortka Urys Lejbus Abram Jonas Herszl Hinda Estera Mortka Izrael Berek Estera Laja Malka Mortka Mindla Maria Sarka Judka Baynys Rywka Mala Laja Marya Frajdla Herszl Mosiek Wolw Marya Jachet Szlama Alterka Cypa Marja Ruchla Curtla Szypra Judka Lejb Brajndla Estera Wita Simsia Szofla Brandla Jcek Rucha Malka Mordka Blima Jama Mejlech Josek Mortka Zyzman Lejb Aron Nuchem Izrael Aba (Abba) Michel Chil Majer Szulim Rywen Mosiek Szachna Pinkwas Alter Aron Pinkwas Abus Marys Kiwa Jcek .* Jcek Izrael Chaim Fiszel Szlama Majer Herszek Jcek Berek Aron Zysel Lejbus Joel Mortka Kopel Szmul Mosiek Jcek Sana Rachmil Chaim Mordka Herszl Izrael Szulim Herszl Herszl Josek Szlama Aba Wigdor Hersz Ber Jankiel Chersz Abram Herszl Izrael Summer 2001 45 24 24 31 35 20 36 22 40 26 25 48 50 38 33 23 50 44 30 42 29 Rajza z Szalamow Rochla z Echtow Kajla Gitla z Handelsmanow Sora Dobra z Osdaciow Dwojra z Szpirow Tema z Miiùntzow Elka z Herszkow Szprynca z Milrodow Hinda z Grojsmanow Bajla Malka z Rozenfeldow Haia z Garbarzow Szyfra z Micmacherow Dwojra z Kifermanow Ruchla z Aysterow (?) Aydla z Mortkow Ryszla z Kiperwaserow Brucha Brajsdea(?) z Awenus Sora z Wolwow Estera z Erdfrochtow Cypa z M—?~erow Chana z Kieslerow 28 22 23 30 36 19 29 27 34 24 24 36 32 26 26 25 38 25 28 25 24 17 Dec 1864 16 Dec 1864 18 Dec 1864 14 Dec 1864 27 Dec 1864 21 Dec 1864 17 Dec 1864 20 Dec 1864 24 Dec 1864 25 Dec 1864 23Novl864 20 Dec 1864 21Novl864 19 Dec 1864 15 Dec 1864 23 Dec 1864 13 Dec 1864 15 Dec 1864 13 Dec 1864 19 Dec 1864 17 Dec 1864 K K 19 26 30 30 38 22 26 32 40 22 33 25 32 48 36 22 24 Laia z Gorzyczanskieh Giela z Griiiinblatow Zelda z Kajngur (Kapigur?) Siejwa z Lejbusow Ryfka Ita z Saudow Ita z Merzlow Malka z Panserow Cwiwa Gitla z Frochtow Siejwa z Braunerow Ruchla z Awenusow Ryfka Eta z Erdfrochtow Sora z Kali--wich Fajga z Lejbusiow Ita Blima z Zarasiow (?) Perla z Koplow Ita Fajga z Wenterow Brandla z Szychmanow Laja z Szwiniarskich Rajzla a Moskowiczow Ruchla z Jankelow Brandla z Kopow Golda z Branow Chaia z Epelbaumow Dwojra Tema z Brykmanow Malka z Kiejsmanow Hana z Gielmanow Sora z Hofmanow Cypa z Binderow Zysla z Hofmanow Cwetla z Kielbikow Ryfka Hinda z Jckowiczow Ruchla z Giertmanow Hinda Brandla z Lererow Ruchla z Kalmanow Bajla z Iondanow (?) Hana Gitla z Abramowiczow Chaia Laia z GriiOnbalow Maryia z Fajnkuchenow Ryfka z Chaimow Giela z Mintzow Czarna z Herszlow •Frajda z Blumenfeldow Ruchla z Jamow Malka z Tyszlerow 18 26 26 26 40 29 20 30 40 23 30 23 25 24 27 22 24 28 19 36 26 20 29 22 23 26 26 26 30 30 24 28 28 28 18 26 24 26 30 21 40 29 25 22 12 Dec 1864 4 Dec 1864 20 Dec 1864 20 Dec 1864 12 Dec 1864 21 Dec 1864 29Novl864 1 Jan 1865 12 Dec 1864 12 Dec 1864 30 Dec 1864 31 Dec 1864 23 Dec 1864 21 Dec 1864 22 Dec 1864 16 Dec 1864 16 Dec 1864 13 Dec 1864 4 Jan 1865 26 Dec 1864 19 Dec 1864 27 Dec 1864 15 June 1864 2 Jan 1865 16 Jan 1865 8 Jan 1865 9 Jan 1865 16 Jan 1865 16 Jan 1865 20 Jan 1865 26 Jan 1865 3 Jan 1865 28 Jan 1865 3 Jan 1865 27 Jan 1865 26 Jan 1865 19 Jan 1865 30 Jan 1865 25 Jan 1865 1 Feb 1865 2 Mar 1864 13 Feb 1865 13 Feb 1865 14 Feb 1865 K 24 40 26 30 54 25 23 28 32 40 27 35 29 22 31 53 19 29 21 27 42 21 45 30 24 27 Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K wieé Woli Konarski K K K K K wies Adamczowice K K K K K K K K wies Blonia K K Koprzywnica wies Sternalice wies Sloptow K K K K K K K K wies Zurawica wies Blonia Koprzywnica Koprzywnica wies Zurawica Koprzywnica Koprzywnica wies Pectowia K K K wies Skwirzowa Koprzywnica Koprzywnica Koprzywnica wieé Lukowica Koprzywnica K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica wies" Lejnikow K wieé Smerdyna wies Smerdyna K wies" Pelczyce K K K Summer 2001 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 no Kielce-Radom S1G Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Hana Ejzyk Mortka Ena Juda Lejbus Rochma Estera Haskiel Sora Jukiel Chaskiel PANTYR IPANCER] Lejzor Jojzep AKTOR Kalman Hersz MINTZ Alter Judka JARMULA FAJNKUCHEN Jukiel Rywen HIMELFARB ZYLBERMAN Mosick Josek Lejb ZYLBERMAN Wolw ZYLBERMAN Mosick Kalman GOTLIB Szlama TATAR TATAR Josek TATAR Urys Zelman BAUM Lejb GRUÙNBERG FAJNKUCHEN Mortka FAJNKUCHEN Zysman Majer ZYNGIERMAN SZPERLING Lejb Lipa SZPERLING Zelik SZPERLING Chaim Josek SZULDMAN Herszl Izrael BRAUNER Dwojra Ruchla BAUM Majer KRYSZTAL Zysla Basia BUDYN Herszek GRUÙNBERG Jcek Lejb FENSTERSZAB HANDELZMAN Szymsia Jankiel ARTWERGIER Zysman OFMAN Szmul OFMAN Judka OFMAN EPELBAUM Abram Majer EPELBAUM Fajga WAJSBROT Herszl LEJFERMAN Kana MATY |MALA] Jankiel MARTZ Lejbus MARTZ Josek KOP Bajla FLIGIELMAN ZYLBERMAN Szmul Majer Ela Mortka MAG1ET Mendel CWAJG MATY Szlama Dawid Zachariasz CYTRYN Izrael URBUS Hermia WINER Mortka TRUFELMAN TRUFELMAN Izrael Peretz MORGEN Lejbus Kopel POLARNIK Mejlech BUCHOLTZ Chaim Mendel BUCHOLTZ GRUÙNBERG SZULDMAN HANDELSMAN LABADZ FENSTERSZAB CWAJG WAJSFOGIEL RYWENBAJRYCH GRÙÙNBLAD CUKIER PERELMAN Lejbus Mortka Nuta Jankiel Jankiel Mosick Chil Hercyk Aron Mortka Iser Szmul Mortka Jcek Mosick Berek Jcek Gimpel Jankiel Jankiel Jankiel Berek Mosick Mosick Mosick Szyja Uszer Matys Matys Lejbus Szlama Szlama Szlama Abram Jcek Mosick Jcek(•) Majer Uszer (*) Majer Lejbus Izrael Lipa Lipa Lipa Eliarz Eliarz Josek Chil Nuchem Nusem Herszl Nusem Herszl Szymsi (*) Aron Lejbus Josek (*) Mosiek Mortka Wolf Herszl Judka Lejzor Lejzor Lejbus Abram Abram Aron Izrael Chaim Mendel (•; 25 27 32 30 20 46 40 43 25 50 30 40 39 32 38 22 35 47 50 52 50 42 44 44 30 45 36 36 44 50 50 50 52 31 28 26 45 31 30 47 47 47 38 38 25 50 38 46 46 30 33 46 29 31 45 29 40 40 26 42 42 Marya z Kalmanow Malka Liba z Fajnkuchen Sora Cywa z Kronfeldow Fryma Cerka z Izpelerow? Estera z Griiiinglasow Cypa z Zysmanow Gitla z Budynow Ruchla z Lemelow Frajda z Kopsztajnych Dyna z Jucklow Rywka Ruchla z Klajmanow Necha z Ledermanow Sora z Bluiimenfeldow Frajdla z Braunerow Hendla z Medlow (?) Haia Bajla z Pejzakow Hana z Karasiow Tema z Izraelow Tema z Izraelow Tema z Izraelow Rajza z Tatarow Cyra z Juklowiczow Cyra z Juklowiczow Cyra z Juklowiczow Chaia z Gielmanow Ryfka z Rozenfeldow Perla z Koplow Perla z Koplow Ryfka z Szmulow Ryfka z Goldsztajnow Ryfka z Goldsztajnow Ryfka z Goldsztajnow Chaia z Moskow Perla z Peczynow Cymra (?) z Bukierow Bajla Zysla Basi Malka z Budynow Fajga Hawa z Lejbusiow Perla z Gastmanow Cyrla z Herszlow Ryfka z Fajnkuchenow Ryfka z Fajnkuchenow Ryfka z Fajnkuchenow Szajndla Laia z Zlotnikow Szajndla Laia z Zlotnikow Slawa z Jantakow (?) Szyfra z Griiiinfeldow Ruchla z Griiiinbergow Ryfka z Lejbusiow Ryfka z Lejbusiow Ruchla Cywia z Mintzow Jentla z Kopiow Sora z Lancholcerow Marya z Lanchulcerow Cypa z Jckow Lipca z Apelow Sura z Cudykow (?) Czarna z Goldwaserow Chaia z Fagelmanow Cypa z Fankuchenow Cypa z Fankuchenow Zysla z Morgeniow Cypara z Alterow Sura z Matych Hawa z Rosenbergow 59 22 26 30 28 19 40 40 35 24 30 21 38 28 27 35 21 26 28 31 33 45 41 43 43 29 44 27 27 40 41 41 41 46 29 26 42 20 39 38 25 28 28 25 Sep 1864 18 Feb 1865 25 Feb 1865 21 Feb 1865 27 Feb 1865 14 Feb 1865 24 Jan 1865 12 Mar 1865 30 Mar 1865 18 Apr 1865 18 Apr 1865 18 Apr 1865 18 Apr 1865 26 Mar 1865 9 Apr 1865 1 May 1865 5 May 1865 15 Dec 1857 12 Mar 1860 15 Apr 1862 10 Jan 1852 10 Jan 1853 8 Mar 1855 16 Oct 1858 8Novl858 28 Sep 1851 21 Mar 1856 14 Dec 1858 4 Oct 1853 1 Oct 1859 7Augl855 4Feb1864 16 Sep 1862 15 Dec 1857 11 May 1865 1 Sep 1858 20 May 1865 6Nov 1858 9 Sep 1857 9 Mar 1864 30 May 1865 12Augl854 K wies Gieraszowice Koprzywnica Koprzywnica Koprzywnica Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K Koprzywnica K K K K K K K wieé Szymanowice wieé Szymanowice wieé Szymanowice wieé Smerdyna wieé Smerdyna wieé Smerdyna wieé Smerdyna wieé Byszow wieé Nawodzice K K wieé wieé wieé wies Szymanowice Smerdyna Smerdyna Smerdyna K wies Rybnica wies Skrobnia wieé Zakrzow Koprzywnica wieé Skrzypaczowice Koprzywnica wieé Janowice K wieé Zawada 36 8Nov 1857 wies Zawada 36 21 Apr 1861 wies Zawada 35 29 Sep 1859 K 35 25 July 1863 K 21 46 32 39 39 36 26 28 30 30 27 25 39 28 37 37 26 36 34 30 6 June 1865 17Augl854 13 Dec 1857 26 Oct 1855 17 Mar 1860 23 Mar 1857 2 June 1865 13 Apr 1859 5 Mar 1854 25 Augl854 14 June 1865 16 June 1865 13 Oct 1853 10 Oct 1865 21Nov 1857 9 Mar 1864 24 Dec 1859 20 Mar 1860 13 June 1865 21 Oct 1855 Koprzywnica Koprzywnica wieé Zurawice wieé Pelczyce wieé Pelczyce K K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica Koprzywnica wieé Swiniary wieé Swiniary wieé Wrobleiu K wieé Swiniary wieé Swiniary K K wieé Swiniary wies Loniow 60 Ill 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 KRYSZTAL WAJNBERG HIMELFARB TREFLER BRAUNER GREBER LERER BERMAN BRAUNER RUBIN RUBIN KALINA BRAUNER BRAUNER BRAUNER BRAUNER KALINA 125 126 127 128 KOP 129 WARZAGIER 130 GRÛUNFELD 131 GRÛÙNFELD 132 GRÛUNBERG 133 BLUMENFELD 134 KAWERMAN 135 GRÛÙNBLAT 136 GRUUNBLAT 137 ALOES 138 ALOES 139 GANTZ 140 NUDELMAN 141 AWENUS 142 WENTER 143 ZALZBERG 144 GRUUNBAL 145 FLISFEJDER 146 NUDELMAN 147 EJZENBACH 148 SZPITZMAN 149 KIENIZBERG 150 OFMAN 151 GOLDWASER 152 TRYFLER 153 BINDER 154 TECZA 155 KATZ 156 WEJGMAN 157 WEJGMAN 158 ARDWERGIER 159 JARMULA 160 FENTSTER 161 HOFMAN 162 GLANTZ 163 GLANTZ 164 BUCHALTER 165 RAUSZER 166 KIESLER 167 SZWARTZMAN 168 KREMER 169 ALOES 170 BRAUNER 171 SZMITH 172 SZMITH 173 SZMITH 174 SZMITH 175 BEKIER 176 KOP Kielce-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Sura Ryfka Alter Chaim Sender Ruchla Jojzep Lejbus Berek Mosick Hana Laja Herszl Berek Manas Naftula Abram Symsia Szoel Joseph Szmul Izaak Jankiel Jankiel Jankiel Abram Simsia Haskiel Jankiel Zelman Aron Wigdor Jankiel Ira Szmul Sachia Jcek Herszl Chaim Berek Zelik Tauba Chil Majer Wolw Lejbus Szymon Boruch Szyfra Hana Marya Hernia Lejbus Esterka Perla Jankiel Etla Michael Szmul Hana Hana Mosick Dawid Josek Joyna Lejbus Pejsak HerszMejlech Abram Lejbus Mortka Wigdor Majer Boruch Chaim Dawid Izrael Mosiek Chil Kalman Lejbus Pinkwas Lejbus Mortka Mosiek Nusyn Mosick Jcek Abram Sejwech Zelik Zajnwel Uszer Uszer Peretz Abram Abram Abram Abram Peretz Majer Josek Rywen Ejzyk Ejzyk Michal Chil Jcek Chil Chil Zelik Zelik Alter Uszer Herszl Zelman Judka Szymon Szulim Chaim Mosiek Dawid Maty s Szimon Abram Szlama Nuchym Mosiek Lejzor Szmul Izrael Izrael Jcek Jankiel Josek Manas (•) Szymon Szymon Lejbus Herszl Majer Majer Wolw Zelman Jojzep (*) Jcek Jcek Jcek Jcek Szoel (*) Szlama 37 40 46 25 37 30 48 26 45 40 40 34 32 32 32 32 34 42 30 42 40? 33 49 34 41 41 43 43 30 42 43 40 45 48 45 26 40 32 40 32 58 26 45 40 40 53 53 22 31 29 40 45 45 52 42 55 48 45 30 45 45 45 45 50 35 Ruchla z Zajdmanow 22 Dwojra z Spirow 35 Jachfet Ryfka z Himelfarbow 36 Frajda Ryfka z Nozyzow 25 Estera z Morgensztejnow 24 Estera z Frejzermanow 27 Ilka Mindla z Mislerkich (?) 40 Tauba z Lewkow 24 Ita z Zelegerow 40 Hana Bajla z Lidow 38 Hana Bajla z Lidow 38 Hendla z Fefermanow 31 Hana z Griiunbergow 31 Hana z Griiunbergow 31 Hana z Griiunbergow 31 Hana z Gruiinbergow 31 Hendla z Fefermanow 31 Gitla z Echtow 38 Laiaz Zajdmanow 28 Séria z Goldhamerow 38 Séria z Goldhamerow 38 Rochla z Ferberow 32 Dwojra z Epelbaumow 43 Laia z Melgrotow 25 Laia z Fajfelbaumow 36 Laia z Falfelbaumow 36 Brandla z Laferow 40 Brandla z Laferow 40 Malka z Kopsztynow 25 Hana z Herszkowiczow 36 Cypa z Nusmacherow 24 Rucha z Abramowiczow 30 Laia z Katzow 31 Hana Perla z Kofmanow 36 Malka Chaia z Altwergerow 44 Sura z Wajnfeldow 24 Dobra z Joskowiczow 40 Dobra Dwojra z Fajnkuchenow 32 Dwojra z Tyszlerow 36 Ryfka z Himelfarbow 28 Hendla z Perlow 48 Ruchla Cywia z Mintzow 28 Séria z Tryflerow 28 Ryfka z Rajchmanow 40 Marya z Bokserow 30 Dwojra z Kofmanow 42 Dwojra z Kofmanow 42 Perla z Termanow 20 Perla 28 Sura z Gosmanow 26 Estera Grojsmanow 38 Bajla Basi z Agaterow 36 Bajla Basi z Agaterow 36 Chaia z Himelfarbow 36 Ryfka z Tyszlerow 33 Laia z Kiperwaserow 40 Mindla z Pinkwasow 30 Fajga z Kopow 36 24 Gitla z Kieslerow Ryfka 40 Liba z Kiperwasserow 40 Liba z Kiperwaserow 40 Liba z Kiperwaserow 40 Liba z Kiperwaserow 40 Chaia z Abramow 45 Dwojra z Kanarow 36 Summer 2001 3 June 1865 23 May 1856 7 May 1859 15 Apr 1865 5 May 1865 15Novl861 11 Oct 1853 20 June 1865 3 Oct 1857 10 Apr 1860 15 Mar 1862 15 Mar 1864 7 Jan 1857 12 June 1859 27Sep 1862 HNovl864 7 Dec 1857 11 May 1864 27 June 1865 12Augl853 20 Mar 1857 2 Mar 1864 4 June 1858 29Sep 1863 20Febl859 12 Jan 1863 10 June 1858 15 Mar 1862 23 Feb 1863 15 Dec 1858 9Augl857 15 July 1859 23 June 1865 13 Feb 1857 9 June 1856 13Novl864 8 Jan 1854 11 Oct 1855 27 June 1865 20 Mar 1860 10 July 1855 16 July 1864 8Augl864 10Novl861 1 July 1865 3Augl855 10 Mar 1858 20 Apr 1865 15Augl858 2 July 1865 13 Mar 1861 7 May 1862 3 Feb 1865 16 Apr 1860 9 May 1855 2 Jan 1864 3 May 1865 3 Mar 1862 7 Mar 1859 10 June 1854 7 May 1853 25Sepl855 15 Augl860 12 Apr 1862 3 Oct 1855 8Sepl858 wies" Bazôw K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K wieé Wiazownica K wieé Ruszczcj K K K K K wies" Adamczowice wies" Adamczowice Osiekna K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Summer 2001 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 61 Kielce-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 GRÙÙNBLAT Jcek HIMELFARB Mosiek HIMELFARB Lejbus KARAS Mindla ARBETMAN Josek ARBETMAN Chaskiel GORZYCZANSKI Majer STASZOER Izrael Berek HANDELSMAN Josek FAJTELBAUM Izrael Aron FAJTELBAUM Jakob Joel CZAPNIK Berek ZYMELFAJGIEL Ryfka Sora Serka SZTENDER WARZMAN Chaskiel Chaim KNEBEL TYSZLER Cywia Ruchla SRYB Uszer Szymcha BUDYN Jcek RAJCHMAN Alter GRUi)NBLAT|-BAL] Abram Ela Szmul BERLIN Abram BLUMENFELD Szlama ROZENBAUM Zyla JAMA Herszl Lejbus OL1AVA Ryfka Chaja SZMITH WATERSZTEJN Lejbus Abram WAL Urys Naftula LEDERMAN Lejbus Szymon Mortka AXAMIT FAJNKUCHEN Ejzyk Fajga KIMAN FANTUCH Judka CYNAMON Majer PECZYNA Ides DYPLER ICYPLER] Lejbus Nusyn KIELBIK Aron Dawid Beniamin KLOSEK Szlama Lejzor RYMER Abram GRÙÙNBERG Mosiek BARAN Lejbus Berek TREFLER BOKSER Chaim Godala Jankiel ALOES ZAYDMAN Herszk Izrael WEJGMAN GOLDMAN Mortka Frajdla Malka M1TZMACHER Hersz Berek GOLDWASER KIMELHARN Jcek Berek Beniamin FAJERSZTEJN Josek GOLDBERG Abram FENSTERSZAB Majer GRUUNBERG Hana Juda GRUUNBERG HIRSZMAN Izrael Mendel LEDERMAN Szymsia Jcek SZPRINIK Ruchla KAL1NA Mortka Jakob 237 GREBER Brucha 238 BRAUNER Jcek Hersz 239 KARMASER Jankiel Wigdor Wigdor Jankiel Pinkwas Pinkwas Herszl Szlama Lejbus Majer Majer Mosiek Ela Herszl Mosiek Enoch Zysman Lejbus Mortka Mosiek Joel Josek Lejbus Szymon Majer Izrael Majer Bajnis Aba Mosiek Lejzor Jakob Szymcha Mosiek Abus Mortka (*) Matys Wolf Matys Josek Lejbus Abram Michel Zysel Gierszon Chaim Jcek Michel Izrael Majer Zel'ik Chaim Urys Izrael Anzel Mosiek Enoch Jankiel Lejbus Izrael Majer Dawid Mejlech Jcek Mosiek Mortka Szulim Berek Lejzor Liberman Abram Zajnwel Josek 28 48 48 40 44 44 39 31 31 31 31 24 24 22 38 24 24 22 36 24 50 21 20 50 36 23 21 20 19 45 22 40 36 28 43 65 30 41 42 30 19 23 32 43 45 50 48 25 35 22 47 23 44 23 24 27 23 24 26 32 30 31 Bajla Ryfka z Goldmanow 27 Sura z Tatarow (*) Sura z Tatarow (*) . Cypa z Perelmanow 33 Golda z Bokserow 36 Golda z Bokserow 36 Hana z Ejzenbachow 37 Mindla z Katzerow 28 Perla z Gastmanow 25 Rachela z Szpirow 31 Rachela z Szpirow 31 Gitla z Badynow 18 Malka z Krysztalow 28 Endla z Szuldmanow 21 Sura z Szuldmanow 34 Chawa Mary a z Katzow 22 Ita Etla z Ertfrochtow 22 Sura z Adlerow 26 Szyfra Cwatla z Krochmalskich 35 Frajdla z Klajmanow 24 Hana Perla z Hofmanow 47 Malka z Wojabortow 20 Bajla z Zylbersztejnow 20 Sura z Tryflerow 23 Rachela z Agaterow 35 Dara z Aiejsterow 22 Pinça z Armuzow 22 Dwojra z Griiiinbergow 22 Hina Alta z Braunerow 19 Ita Blima z Karasow 23 Malka 24 Marya Gitla z Rotsztajnow 20 Ryfka z Debowkow 38 Perla z Fagolow 27 Dwojra z Borensztajnow 28 Estera z Sztulbergow 31 Szajngla z Griiiinblatow 25 Sisjwa z Lejbusiow 28 Czurny z Arbuzow 32 Chaia z Szpringow 36 Ajdla z Birencwajgow 28 Estera z Kopow 19 Frajdla z Kopow 19 Iska z Saltzbergow 33 Brajndla z Lauferow 42 Ruchla Laia z Himelfarbow 38 Hana z Goldsztejnow 45 Szyfra z Mitzmacherow 32 Chaia z Gantzow 26 Cywia Gitla z Fruchtow 30 Ruchla z Jachowiczow 29 Machela z Kalinow 45 Marya Szajndla z Kalinow 22 Ruchla Laia z Abramow 21 Ruchla z Ledermanow 20 Dwojra Zelda z Hirszmanow 17 Hana (?) z Denermarkow (?) 26 Sura Bajla z Saltzbergow 18 Sura z Krysztalow 18 Bajla z Sontakow 27 Estera z Ertfrochtow 28 Chaia Zysla z Epelbaumow 20 Gitla z Jckowiczow 40 4 July 1860 10 June 1855 12 July 1859 12 July 1865 K K K K K K K K 15 0ct 1854 16 0ct 1860 9 June 1858 22 July 1865 25 July 1865 wies Szymanowice 13 Mar 1853 K 2Augl865 K 10Augl865 K 14Augl865 wies Nowej wsi 1 July 1865 wies Zbigniewice 21 Aug 1865 wies Wlostow 28Augl865 K 23 Aug 1865 K 29 Aug 1865 K 25 Aug 1865 K 23 Sep 1865 K 19 Sep 1865 K 20 Sep 1865 K 26 Sep 1865 K 9 0ct 1865 K 9 0ct 1865 K 15 0ct 1865 K 19 0ct 1865 K 15 Oct 1865 K 16 0ct 1865 K 17 Oct 1865 K 17 Oct 1865 K 8 Oct 1865 K 18 Oct 1865 wies Wiazownica 19 Oct 1865 K 19 Oct 1865 Koprzywnica 19 Oct 1865 Gorki 19 Oct 1865 K 20 Oct 1865 K 22 Oct 1865 wies Peslowice 23 Oct 1865 K 25 Oct 1865 wies Piascoznia 25 Oct 1865 K 6Nov 1865 K 30 Oct 1865 K 2Novl865 K 5Novl865 K 5Novl865 wies Kol. Smerdynski 9Nov 1865 K 15Novl865 K 15Novl865 K 16Novl865 K 1 Dec 1865 K 1 Dec 1865 K 28Nov 1865 Koprzywnica 30Nov 1865 wies Nadowzice 10 Dec 1865 Koprzywnica 10 Dec 1865 K 12 Dec 1865 K 7 Dec 1865 K 11 Dec 1865 K 12 Dec 1865 K 22 Dec 1865 K 22 Dec 1865 K 62 Kielce-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Summer 2001 Szczekociny Marriages 1847 -1865 FHL microfilm #1,199,733 # Surname 1847 1 GOLDBERG ICKOW1CZ 2 BERL1NSKI BEKIERMAN 3 JELEN AKJERMAN 4 STUDNIBOREK TOBYASZ 5 L1BERMAN DREZNER 6 FIRSZTENBERG STUDNIBORK 7 ZELMAN KRAJER 8 MIEDZYGORSKI SZWARCBAUM 1848 1 CUKIERMAN WROCLAWSKI 2 SZTERL1G STUDNIBORK 3 SZY1KA KEMELHOR 4 RZEJKOW1CZ WAJNRAICH 5 NUSYNOW1CZ JEZ1OROWSKI 6 MUNITA GOLCER 7 SZPAJZER KESTENBERG 8 KRAJER MAJOROWICZ 9 HOROWICZ GRINFELD 10 MONOWICZ BRANDYS 11 POSNERSON FRAJMAN 12 KAJZER STRZEGOWSK1 1849 1 KROMOLOWSKJ SILBERSZTAJN v FERL1GR 2 1CKOWICZ KAFL 3 ROZENBERG ALTBAUM 4 BRYN KOPLOWICZ 5 JAKUBOWICZ LENCZNER 6 ROTSZTAJN z GRODSZTAJN MONOWICZ 7 DABRAWSK1 PRAGIER 8 1CKOWICZ LENCZNER 9 KUPERBERG A BELL Given Name Age Father Wigdor (wid.) Hana Szymon Marva Raizla Gerszon Cvrla Abram (wid.) Haia Izrael Jakob Mizia WolfHil Sora Izrael Abram Malka Herszlik (wid.) Hena 61 20 26 18 23 24 31 22 23 24 18 17 45 24 22 18 Jukka Laia Faiela Josek Marva Sura Herszlik Wolf (w.) Hendla Eliasz Gitla Nusyn Laia Fajpla Mosiek (wid.) Szandla Kopl (wid.) Brandla {wid.) Enoch (wid.) Rvfka Abram Chersz Sora Jacheta Jachym Laja Lewek Chana Enoch (wid.) Fraidla 18 Abel 18 Jochvel 22 Frojm Mosiek 30 24 Josek 18 Herszl 16 Izrael 22 Litman 16 Icvk 29 24 Lewek 48 24 45 19 Dawid 18 Pinkus 18 Nachman 25 Michel 24 Naftuli 18 Hajm 17 Mortka Wolf Laja 21 Anzl 18 Josek Esterka Szandla Dzialoszyn S Wolf Malka Mendel Chawa Alter Chaia Jakob Zelda Ewa Rywen 18 20 23 24 18 17 22 18 18 Mosiek Lewek Mosiek Leibus Judka Abram Salomon Dawid Jankel Szaindla Rochla Bajla Bluma Tauba Laja Rochla Sura Malka Bluma Sora S S S S S S wies Slzyri? S Wloszczowa Enoch Fraidla Lemel Mosiek Zainwl Szlama Simcha Gitla? Szaindla Rvfka Ryfka Rochla S S S S S S S Liba Estera Abram (wid.) Gitla Jochim Szandla Mother Place of Birth/Residence Mosiek Szandla 2arnow Szczekociny Mosiek Frvmka S Herszlik Roizla S Tobvasna Berek Lewek Izrael Icvk Faiela Frymet Gitla Kajla Gitla Przyrôw S Wodzislaw S Hendel Ida S Major Dwoira S Rajzla Sura Dwoira Marya Tauba S Bai la Zysla Rochla Rochla Chana Pihey Ozarkôw S Frvmet S - S S Siosa Malka Jentella Frymet Sura Tauba Malka S 22 0 Mosiek 19 32 20 26 21 Jakob Dawid Hersz 21 24 Hendla S S S S Piotrkôw S S S Zgierz S S s 10 JASKIEROWICZ Wolf Aydla Bajla (wid.) Joel (wid.) Pesla Anzel Sura Frymet Izrael Hajm Frajda Icyk (wid.) Baila Jacheta Szmul (wid.) Chana (wid.) Icyk Witla (wid.) 38 23 62 20 18 18 19 19 36 21 42 40 33 37 OS 63 - S S Jankel Abram Anzel Mortka Nusvn ; Certla Marya Chfula Chava Dwoira - S S S Przedbôrz S Przedbôrz - Zarnowiec S Przedbôrz - - Szai Herszlik - Sora Laia - Fajwl Pinkus Mortka Wolf Mortka Mailich Abram Zainwl Fajgla Estera Rochla Rywka Ella Hana Frymet Sura Gnendla Lewek Mosiek Dobrusa Rudta Bruder 53 38 18 20 22 16 24 23 22 21 44 24 18 Raizla Mala Dawid Ajzia Dasa Hawa Judka (wid.) Estera (wid.) Nuta Chananel Estera 16 18 16 40 41 18 17 Icvk Abram Aizyk - Hinda Sora Gitla - Wolf Jakob Tauba Marva Abram Sura Baila Herszlik Kopel Baila Szmul Lejb Estera Hana Jankiel Rywa Gecel Malka Dawid Marya Sura Efroim (wid.) Rywka Mosiek Maryanna Hana Aba Tauba Rubin Hawa Izrael (wid.) Laia (wid.) Mosiek Szaja Estera Brandla Izrael (wid.) Rywka 21 20 21 17 18 19 19 21 35 20 20 26 19 Dawid Lewek Icyk Jachym Abram Jakob Major Lewek Uryn Lewek Mendel Mendel Szlama Eizyk Dawid Izrael Jachym Mortka Jakob Lewek Icyk Mendel Szlama Dawid Ryfka Gitla Mindla Gitla Sura Rochla Dwojra Rachla Brajndla Estera Frajndla Tauba Szprynca Perla Golda Kaila Nisla Hawa Refla Estera LENCZNER Chawa Svmcha KARPIN Gitla Malka Blima 36 27 Icyk Laia Przyrôw S 31 19 Herszlik Laia Pajeczno S 22 22 18 30 35 30 23 s sheciny C S Koniecpol S Lelôw S Zarnôw S Dzialoszyn S S S wieé Radkôw S Chçciny S Koniecpol S S S S S S S Zarnôw S S OO OO Lewek Sora 17 Przyrow S OO OO Rubin Szmul Rochla Szlama (wid.) Estera (wid.) Joel Hana Nusyn Nuta Baila Brauna Nusyn Tobiasz Hana Marya Icyk Rywka Zysla Icyk (wid.) Rochla Lejzor Tobiasz OS EPSZTAJN z LUBLINER 11 KS1EZKI DREZNER 12 GELBORT GELIPTER 13 ROZENBLUT LICHTMAN 14 WAJNRUB LENCZNER 15 GOTFRID DREZNER 16 LIPKA LIPCZYC 1850 1 NAJFELD ZALDSZTAJN 2 KOZUCH KNOBLER 3 ZYTMAN WARSZAWSKA 4 HOROW1CZ PERELMAN 5 ZLOTNIK MONOWICZ 6 MYDLARZ PALIWODA 7 GROSMAN LENCZNER 8 STORAZUM v BRODER STUDNIBOREK 9 LENCZNER LENCZNER 10 JAKUBOWICZ SPIRO 11 ZAIAC DANCYGIER 1851 1 FINGERHUT DREZNER 2 MONOWICZ FELDMAN 3 LENCZNER MELON 4 SZWARCBAUM KAFL 5 BERMAN NAJMAN KLAPFER 6 FRAJMAN 7 KRYMAN NAJMAN CUKIERMAN 8 BINSZTOK ERLICH 9 SMOLARSKI 10 SZWARCBAUM DYMANT 11 JARONOWSK1 STUDNIBORK 12 REDL1C LENCZNER 13 DUKAT DRAPAK / DRAPACZ 1852 1 ZNIERZYNSKI ZOLDSZTAJN Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 to to Summer 2001 s s s s s s s s 64 2 Klelce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 HERBERGIER Icyk 18 Lewek FERLEGIER Lipeia 17 Lipman 3 HALTZMAN Icyk 20 Szmul MAJOROWICZ Bai la 18 Abram 4 SZYPRINCA Herszlik 20 Hema NUDELMAN HaiaFaiela 20 Abram 5 NAJMAN Izrael 20 Lewek GELER Rvfka 19 Szvmon 6 SMOLARSKI Fajwel 25 Mortka PINCZOSKI Faiela 23 Icvk 7 PINKUSOWICZ v Szaja 25 Pejsok WARSZAWSKI PINCZOSKI Malka Rvfka 22 Juma 8 DANCYGER Abram 21 Icyk LENCZNER Szprvnca 21 Lewek 9 FRAGMAN Eliasz (wid.) 45 FINGER Laia (wiq\) 48 Mosiek 10 GRYNKRANT Berek 23 Nusyn JASKIEROWICZ Mareola 24 Abram Fajwl 11 ZAKS 19 Berek SZULMAN Ruchla Haia 20 Dawid 12 MAJOROWICZ Jukiel 18 Mosiek 20 Leybus GLIG Borucha 13 GOTFRYD Szmul (wid.) 40 Kopel JAKOBOWICZ Estera 44 Mendel 14 FISZER Szymon 21 Nuta JEZIOROWSKI Rvkla 18 Icvk 15 SPIRA Mendel Judel 20 Michal SZABAS Faiela Haia 21 Wolf 16 PERELMAN Izrael Berek 21 Wolf ROZENBERG Malka Sura 17 Siamsa 17 PALIWODA Jochym 25 Abram LEWKOWICZ Estera Raszka 22 Lewek 1853 - 1857 Not on microfilm 1858 1 KRESZUMER Mendel 21 Lewek Kopel WROCLAWSKA Faisla Hana Icyk 2 CYMERMAN Dawid Eliasz 18 Izrael LANDAU Jacheta 16 Abram 3 PALIWODA Izrael 20 Zajnwel SPIRA Laia 21 Mâchera Wolf 4 HONIG Josek Lejb 18 Manela LUDNER Ruchla Sora 25 Daniel 5 FEJNER Judka 20 Uryn LENCZNER Tauba Maria 21 Josek 6 ZAJDBAUM Lejbus 21 Aba Laia JEZIOROWSKI 17 Mosiek 7 FREJDL1CH Mosiek Jochym 22 Icyk FISZER Hendla Rvfka 22 Nuta 8 LEJB Naftula 26 Wolf NAHIELSKI Haia Hinda 23 Abraham 9 ZAKS Icyk (wid.) 50 BORENSZTEIN Dwoira (wid.) 29 10 GOLDKORN Lejbus 18 Jakob FEIGENBLAT Maria Feiela 18 Major Josek 11 CYER 22 Mosiek NACHYMOWICZ Rozalia Raizla 16 Michal 12 MAJOROWICZ Izrael 18 Hajm KAMRAT Roza 20 Icvk Wolf 13 GROER 21 Izrael MAJOROWICZ Gitla Jontella 18 Szvmon 14 WERDYGIER Pinkus 18 Mosiek DAJCZ Dessa 18 Pertvn 15 BRUM Abram Aba 18 Judka BAND Perla 16 Wolf 16 KLEIMAN Lewek Litman 18 Major STAL / FRA JKORN Dwojra Herszlik Icyk divorced from '.Zajnwel STAL 17 MANELA Alter 19 Aba SZWARCBAUM Raizla 22 Michal Summer 2001 Siejwa Nacha Hinda Faiela Malka Faiela Sura z Joskowicz Estera Marva HanazGRAYCAR Bavla Rayza Korczyn S wies" Libertôw Maloszyce Wloszczowa S Hana Rvchla Sora Esterka S Konary S Koniecpol S Pilica S S S S Chrzastowa Zarnôw S S S S S S Rochla Ryfka Cypra Liba Si osa Frymet Rvfka Rojza Ejdla Zvsla ROTENBERG Fajgla Hana Malka Laia z Gerszon Ajla Favela Dwojra zDANCYGlER Rochla Ryfka Tauba Rvfka Estera Frajdla Malka Grendla Malka Gitla Hinda Rocha Estera Frejdla Kaila Ryfka Feiela Fejgla Hana S S S s Pilica S Itla Sora Estera Ester Hinda Raiza Rochla Marva Estera z KILBERG Bavla FERLIGER Tauba Laia Jacheta Ruchla Hindla Hana Zelow S wies" Zabrodzie S S S S Wolbrom S S S S Zarki S S S S S Pilica S Pilica S S wieé Wierzbica Kromolôw S Wolbrom S S S Wtoszczowa S Ruchla Baila Certla Chçciny S - Summer 2001 18 ROZMARVN KAC 19 LIBROWICZ STUDNIBORK 20 LEWKOWICZ WAJNFELD 1859 1 MOKCZYNSKI WLOSZCZOWSKJ 2 BINSZTOK SZTERN 3 KRAKOWER SPIRA 4 ZYLBERMINTZ KRAKOWSK1 5 FELDBRYL KAC 6 LIBERMAN LIBELSON 7 WEJNBLAT NUDELMAN 8 CUKJERMAN FREJTAG 9 FJSZER FRALJCH / ZAJDMAN 10 ROZA ZAJDMAN 11 NEJMAN DABROWSKJ 12 WROCLAWSKJ SZWARZBAUM 13 WARMUND BORENSZTEIN 14 FEJNER SOBKOWSK1 15 POMARANC WEXLARZ 16 HOLENDER STRZYGOWSKJ 17 BIRENCHOLTZ FELDGAIER 18 KRAJER KSIESKI 19 ROZENTAL JOSKIEROWICZ 20 GELBORT PINCZOWSK1 21 GELBORT PINCZOWSKI 22 KANTOR LIPCZYC 23 KRAJER AJCHENWALD 1860 1 PINCZOWSKI DRAPICKROST 2 NAKJELSK1 FINGER 3 WARSZAWSKI SZULMAN 4 MOSKOWICZ ZYTMANOWICZ 5 GRINBLAT DABROWSKA 6 POMARANCZ PRADELSK1 7 LEJZEROWICZ LENCZNER Kielce-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Mosiek Cerla Kaila Herszlik (wid.) Estera (wid.) Lewek Liba 28 Nuta 28 Icyk 36 32 21 Zacharyasz 30 Wolf Izrael Ruchla Dwojra Abram Lejbus Hana Haia Szaja Baila Nacha Lejbus Sora Dwojra Mortka Baila Abram Icyk Siandla Hile Ryfka Aron Raizla 24 Herszlik Frejda z TENENBAUM 18 Dawid Szajndla 22 Anczel Siandla 22 Lemel Zysla 26 Jukla Esterka z RUBINSZTEJN 23 Michala Laia Itta 22 Abram Hana 21 Jankel Esterka z RUBITMSZTEJN 25 Mosiek Tauba Herszl 28 Zolma Ruchla 20 Dawid Frajndlaz TENENBAUM 24 Meilich Estera ZAKS Aba Blima z PYTNER 18 Abram Sora z Moskowicz 21 Dawid Golda 21 Izrael Mirla z KLASNER 30 Nuta Fajgla 17 Dawid Sora Rywka 26 Lewin Nuchima z Herszlikowicz 19 Rywen Lejb Hana FREJMAN 19 Joachim Ruchla KOREMBERG Maidla 19 Abram 27 Lejzor Estera 18 Mosiek Gitla 18 Herszlik Gitla 21 Herszlik Rvfka Brandla 20 Abram Hindla 17 Zysma 38 Icyk Rojza 25 Izrael Cwetla Dyna Dwojra 19 Abram Lejbus Reila 22 Mosiek 21 Abram Laia 25 Jura Baila 20 Enoch Fela 22 Joel Malka 22 Izrael Sora 22 Abram Fraidla 33 Mosiek Kajla Hana 39 Jona 64 60 (widow of Jakob Leibus PINCZOWSKI) 18 Szmul Marya Wita 17 Aba 24 Lewek Siandla Bajla 21 Szlama Hawa Izaak Szprynca Jankiel Hana Szlama Szaja Cypra Mosiek Jankiel Estera Laj a Szlama Hersz Gitla z PRAGIER Rywen Lejb Marya Laia Lejzor Icyk Rywka 19 24 22 18 19 24 18 18 20 30 19 20 18 19 Dvna Jakob Ruchla Laia Uzyel Szajndla Laia Jankiel Mary a Manela Rvfka Icyk Brandla Szymon Estera Lukwika Jankiel (wid.) Mai la Major Herszlik Marya Icyk Timerla Alter Haja Zysla Lejbus Brandla Zlota Lejbus Baila Mosiek (wid.) Rojza (wid.) Eliasz Hawa Szaja Dawid Ruchla Hendla Ruchla Brandla Juma Hana Icyk Laia Dawid Frymka Mosiek Liba Major Hindla Sosa Dawid Josek Ester Malka PIOTROWSK1 Rochla Szlama Dawid Major Haia (widow of AbramLSzmelka Gitla Gitla Itla Berek Abram Gitla Idessa Major Dawid 65 Wolbrom S Dzialoszyn S Kromolôw S Wloszczowa S S S Lelôw S Wloszczowa Lelôw S S Zarnowiec S Wolbrom S S Wolbrom S Piriczôw Pultusk S Zarzecze wies Oludza S S Koniecpol S Przedbôrz S S S Koniecpol S s • Piriczôw S S Zarki S S S s s s s Koniecpol S S ss s s s Wodzislaw S Olkusz wies Oludza S S Piotrkôw S 66 8 Kielce-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 FINKELSZTEIN v Tobiasz F1SZER ROZENBLUM Rvwka Mosiek Haim 9 WROCLAWSKJ KUPERSZTOCH Laia Haia Izrael (wid.) 10 MONOWICZ GABE v GROSMAN Liba (wid.) 11 LESMAN Jochym HAJMOWICZ Rajsla 12 LABORT v LEWART Abram Icyk SZWARZBERT Estera 13 HERZBERG Jochym (wid.) SZTYWELMAN Haia Cvzia 14 SZLACHTER v Icyk ROTENBERG POMARANCZ Haia Frajndla Icyk 15 L1BERMAN PALIWODA Mindla 16 JNGSTER Samuel FINKELSZTEIN Mala 17 FEJGENBLAT Mosiek (wid.) ERLICH Dwoira Hil 18 SLEZYNG1ER GELBORT Hana Laia Icyk 19 KUPERBERG KUPERBERG Ruchia Dawid 20 CABATKA GELBORT Kraidla 21 PERELMAN Cyna MONOWICZ Sora Kaila 22 KARPIEN Dawid Nusyn SZULMAN Laia 1861 1 MASSERMAN Rubin HONIK BlimaRochla 2 LENCZNER Lewek (wid.) LENCZNER Ruchia (wid.) Zysma Lejba 3 DREZNER LENCZNER Cerla 4 S1LBERMINTZ Jakob KARPIEN Haia Salomon 5 BORENSZTEIN KOPLOWICZ Gitla Liba Abram (wid.) 6 POZNANSK1 FREJMAN Laia Josek Mendel 7 BINSZTOCK MENDLOWICZ Marva Abram 8 LEWKOW1CZ ERLICH Rochla 9 EJZENFELD Major L1BERMAN Haia 1862 1 KOZMINSK1 Jojnes (wid.) ROZENCWAJG Gitla Pesla 2 BRAJBERT Izrael GEL1PTER Rvfka SZWARZBAUM Szmul 3 FREJMAN Szvfra 4 LENCZNER Szlama Szmul MESSIER1MAN HanaFeiala 5 MIEDZYGORSK1 Jakob KRYMAN Szorvnca Dawid (wid.) FRAJLICH 6 KJNOBLER Itta 7 BULWIK Herszlik HAJNFRYD Rvwka Baila WAXMAN 8 Joif LITMAN / L1CHTMAN FeielaHaia Abram (wid.) LENCZNER 9 LENCZNER Sura Summer 2001 21 Nuta Frajdla S 19 18 22 64 37 19 18 21 22 34 21 21 Fiszel Lejzor Josek Leizor Sora Esterka Sora - - Aba Wolf Josek Herszlik Marya GOLDSZEJN Surla Itla LibazZAJDNER Herszlik Marka / Marek? Hinda Hana z Herszlikow Piriczôw S Pilica S S Olkusz S S wies" Dobrakow Zarnôw S Pilica 16 19 19 19 19 23 24 19 17 19 20 27 20 Josek Jankel Herszlik Major Lejbus Icvk Judka Eizyk Abram Dawid Szlama Berek Mosiek Szymon Wolf Heinoch Icyk Izrael Baila z WESELAN Malka Estera zSZWARZ Gitla ROZENCWAJG Mirla z KAJZER Ewa Szandla Rywa Hendla Gitla Ryfka Haia Dyna Marya Ela Fraindla Estera Pesla 19 17 80 56 19 18 21 25 18 16 40 24 23 20 20 22 19 16 Majer Manela - Jacheta Estera - Abram Leibka Abram Abram Wolf Aba Gimpel Mortka Enoch v Andzel Abram Herszlik Eyzyk Szya Josek FejglazBREWIDER Dobrusa Haia Raizla Dobraz ERLICH Ruchia BORENSZTEJN Ruchia Hana Brandla Siandla Cyria Mindla Gitla Estera zTYNIESKI Sora z Issakow 22 20 19 20 22 20 19 20 18 21 45 20 18 27 25 20 38 17 Michala Wolf Szai Andzel Major Icyk Jankel Urysia Major Szyia Efroim Bajla Ryfka Estera Gitla Dwojra Zysla Hana ROZENBERG Jacheta z LENCZNER Sora Raisla z MAGUOLAS? Rachmil Fejwel Major Gompel Nusyn Abram [sic] Zysma Chai Sora Ryfka Berkowicz Zyzla Etla Dwoira Itla Rochla 19 21 20 18 S wies Chlewica wies Rokitno Bedzin S wies" Dzierzgôw wies" Maloszvce Zarki S S S Janôw S S S s s s s s s s Wloszczowa S Bedzin S Wodzislaw S S Miechôw wies Dzierzgôw wies Maloczvce Wodzislaw S Wloszczowa S Zarki S S S s S S S Piriczôw S Lelôw Zarnôw Janôw S S S (See 1864 M #161 32 21 23 28 20 17 22 25 19 19 18 21 20 18 18 18 22 18 18 22 19 22 28 18 21 22 20 33 44 Lewek Josek Lejzor Dawid Major Wolf Mortka Szmul Dawid Dawid Gompel Mosiek Jura Aba Mosiek Jozef Meilech Haim Herszlik Josek Manela Szlama Ansel Fiszel Abram Josek Jakob Zajnwel Josek Lejb Abram Estera Dwojra Frymeta Mindla zBer HessazGELIPTER Ruchla Haia Laia z Srod Malka Golda Estera Zysla Estera Sora Haia Laia z FLAJS1CKRET Estera Hawa Mura? STUDN1BORK Sora Haia Freilla Hendla Siandla ByszazTENENBAUM Siejwa Cyrla Ryfka Rywka z APEL Estera z Ickowicz Marya z Aun Josek Abram Sora z Joskow Laia z ROZENBERG Rajzla Lejbus (widow of Icyk !STUDNIBOREG) Gitla 18 Szmul Hawa z LENCZNER 18 Herszlik CM CM Haim Jerma 18 Abram Hana Tauba Rajsla 21 Mosiek 19 Nusyn 24 Icyk Rochla z BINSZTOK Myza MEKARSKI Hana Rochla s ss Koriskie Lelôw S Zarnôw S S [See 1864 M #4] Lelôw Wloszczowa S Pilica S Staszôw S S S Secemin S Pilica S Modrzejowice S Pilica S S S S S OO OO 22 26 20 24 22 18 21 22 28 20 Icyk Hinda Lewek Mindla Icyk Zlota z Markow Lewek Estera ROTENBERG Nachman Intla z Landow Szlama ZvslaFREJMAN Mosiek Wolf Estera z FERLEGER Fajca Uzrvl Izrael Bajla z BRAT Wolf Rochla Mindla Herszla Sora Josek Itla Feelaz PERELMAN Major Jacheta z LENCZNER Zysla Hanka Markus Laia Lewek Marya Wolf Haia z ROZENBERG (widow of Szmu 1 ZAJDNER) Nuta Fejgla Izrael Rochla PERELSZTEJN Abram Pesla Mosiek Frymka Judka Hajna z Moskowicz Szlama Haia Wolf Gitla BERMAN Baila CUKERMAN Leibus CO CO CO CO 18 16 22 21 18 17 22 21 21 22 22 20 OO OO GOLDSZER Machel ROZEMBERG Haia Sora Mosiek Mortka 11 MAKARSK1 Marya SPIRA 12 GRINFELD Berek Josek Bajla Estera ZAJDNER Ansiel 13 ROZENBERG CYMERMAN Bina 14 ROZENBLAT Lewek Herszlik Hinda/Hawa Intla LENCZNER Szymon 15 HERSZBERG Hana Rochla PRAGA 16 MESSERMAN Rywen BULWIK Laia 17 WEJNBERG Lejbus (wid.) Cervtla PRAGA 18 PALIWODA Uryn Baila Hendla ZAJDNER Nachamia 19 NURBAUM Frymeta WEJJVRAJCH 20 JEZ1OROWSKI v ZAX Szmul MAJOROWICZ Mindla 21 FEJGENBLAT Izral Tauba ERLICH Dawid Janas 22 RAJCHBERG Cvwia SZWARZBAUM 1863 1 KACENGOLD Salomon Rochla Jacheta WODZISTAWSKI Mendel 2 DREZLER Sora Chwala LENCZNER Izrael 3 LENCZNER GOLDSZER Rochla Felcia 4 BIRENCHOLTZ Izrael Bendyt CUKERMAN Hawa Marva Litman Dawid 5 KAC Blima Rochla KLEJNER 6 ALTBAUM / ALBAUM Mosiek WAJNTROP Gitla 7 MENDELBAUM Dawid LIBENSCHON Rvfka Mosiek 8 KAFEL Hindla FISZER Dawid 9 KLOPFER Sora ZOLSZTEJN 10 RYTMAN Dawid (wid.) BINSZTOCK Feiela Icyk Jakob 11 PARYS Maila LANDAU Hersz Berek 12 KAUFMAN SZWARZBAUM Laia Szaja (wid.) 13 LENCZNER LENCZNER Cyzia Icyk 14 GELBORT Itla PERELMAN 15 KUPERSZTOCH Pinkus BIRENCHOLTZ Haia Marek 16 PLESNER Hinda STUDNIBOREG / LEWENBERG 17 BOROWSK1 Nusen FRAJKORN Tauba 1864 1 KOFEL Aba SILBERSZTEJN Raizla 2 MAJOROWICZ v Major Icyk GROSMAN FINGER Dwoira Szmul 3 ZAKS Rvfka ZAKS to to O to 10 67 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 to to to to Summer 2001 Piriczôw S Bçdzin S S s 2arnôw Pilica Janôw S Piotrkôw S Sobkôw S S S S S Pilica S Bçdzin Pilica Zarki S S S s ss s 68 4 KRYMAN BRYN 5 CUKERMAN SZTAKERMAN 6 RZESZOWSK1 MENDLIK v ROZENBAUM 7 FAGENBLAT KOFEL 8 JG1ELBERG WEINRAJCH 9 PRAGA ZAX/ NUDELMAN 10 HALLER GOLDSZER/ KOPLOWICZ 11 ROZENBERG GRONID1APEL 12 SZYJKA ZYNABEND 13 KOPLOWICZ ROZENBAUM 14 COHN GRYNFELD 1865 1 SRODA ZAX 2 MANELA LENCZNER 3 DIAMENT BRUN 4 CZARYSKJ SZWARZBORT 5 LEMEL NAKJELSKA 6 LEDERMAN B1NSZTOCK 7 PRADELSK1 LEJBISON 8 ZYTMAN GOLDSZER 9 BUGAJER KAMRAT 10 HERSZ LICHTMAN 11 ZAX RAJNER/ PRADELSKJ 12 MONOW1CZ MIODOWA 13 WIKL1NSK1 F1SZER 14 LEJBEK1ER GELBORT 15 ROZENCWAJG AJCHENWALD 16 PROFESSORSKI ZYTMAN 17 GOLD DANCYG1ER 18 GOLDBERG FINKELSZTEJN 19 N1EZNANOWSKI / N1CZNANSKI KRAKOWER 20 KANTOR WAXMAN 21 ZYLBERBAND NAKJELSK1 Kielce-RadomSJG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 Summer 2001 Pejsak Raisla Wolf Hana Eliasz Sura Jacheta 18 18 19 24 30 22 Efroim Judka Dawid Dawid Leizor Abram Jakob Icyk (wid.) Gitla Szymka Lejzor Raizla Josek (wid.) Wosia (wid.) 42 25 22 18 55 38 Wolf (wid.) Rywka (wid.) 28 24 Szrul Lejzor Raizla Dwoira 18 17 22 24 36 17 18 18 Wolf Estera z HON1K wieé Feliksôw Dawid Frajdla S Herszlik Haia Kielce Izrael Dawid Ruchla S Lewek Laia z Majorowicz S Abram Sora S (widow of Nusvn ZAX) Lewek Hana Koniecpol Abram Estera Ruchla S (widow of Berek GOLDSZER) Mosiek Frymeta Chmielnik Naftuli SorazLlPCZYC WolfHersz Ruchla NAK1ELSKI S Lewek Sora S Enoch Barnu z SENDEROWICZ S Jakob Mendel Haia z Praga S Wolf Golita Rojza HERSZLMAN Warszaw Zelman Jutla S Dawid Mosiek Cywia Kopel Fiszel Basia Dawid Estera Abram Jonas Ruchla Josek Hana Dwoira Marek Berek Hawa Izral Rochla Jankiel Ita Roiza Berek Rvfka Hana Mortka Zolma Liba Jakob Mindla Lejbus Hana Rvfka Mosiek Hinda Icyk (wid.) Tauba (wid.) 20 19 29 17 18 16 22 25 22 23 20 21 19 20 18 16 23 20 20 18 Haim Estera Berek (wid.) Maila Szmul Berek Gutta Dawid Szmul Tauba Lai a Hemie Marva Raisla Salomon Feiela Mosiek Marya Berek BailaNachaz Szpiro Szmul Icyk (wid.) Haja Sora Eliasz Dwoira Jacheta RajzlazRUBINSZTEJN Tauba Laia z LENCZNER Golda z Gabrysiow Hana Haia Haia Lejzor Boruch Kona? Dawid Fiszel Juda Major Herszlik Abram Mosiek Szmul Icvk Berek Mailich Szlama Icyk Lejzor S S S S wies Dabie S Lelôw S S 22 18 40 20 20 25 21 19 19 20 18 16 21 23 20 Gitla CUKERMAN Liba Haila Jola z GELIBTER Estera zMOSKOWICZ Tauba Laia z KUCZAK Fajgla z JOSKOW1CZ Liba Malka Frimeta Golda zFREDMAN Sieiwa SZWARCBAUM Giela Ita z BINSZTOK Esterka z ZAX Rochla z GOLDSZER Hinda zSZWARZBAUM Hana z KOPLOWICZ Icvk Raizla Josek Haila Kusyn Dwoira Szmul Frajdla Berek Gitla Itla (widow of Major RAJNER) Icyk Mindla z KOPLOWICZ Leibus ItlazNAJMAN Herszla Sora Nuta Faielaz ROZENBERG Abram Macha Szvmon Marva Wolf Ryfka z GUBAT Josek Sora Dwoira SZULMAN Dawid Hana z P1ASKOGORSK1 Szlama Rochla z GOLDSZER Jakob Major Estera z FREJMAN Jakob Marva FREJMAN Aron Hana Icvk Mirla z KAJZERLICH Lejbus Wigdor Estera z RAJZ 27 45 16 19 24 Michal Herszlik Eizyk Josek Abram S Secemin S Piriczôw S 50 Laia Hinda Itla z WARSZAWSKI Jachwel z KONOR Hanka z Dawid S Janôw S Secemin S Zarki S Zarnôw S S S s Kromolôw S Zarki S S S s w s ieé Lopuszno S wies Kromolôw S S s Dzialoszyn S S s Pilica Checinv Wloszczowa Summer 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 69 Staszôw Births 1864 Surname DEJTELCWEIG MLOTEK SYMCHOWICZ LEWKOWICZ RAPPAPORT WEJNRIB ROZENTRAUB SZTROWEJS BANCHIG KARPF GOLDFLUS WURCEL WEJSZBLUM APFELBAUM TYGIER BEKIER NUSENCWEIG YAROSLAWSKI URBACH PARDYS KORENBLUM REJNGEWERTZ BAUM SYLBERBOGEN EJDELMAN KÔNIGSBERG SZMERKOWICZ BLUMENFELD LEWKOWICZ ROZENGARTEN WARSZAWSKI 32 WEJNTRAUB 33 34 POMERANTZBLUM 35 WEJNTRAUB 36 POMERANCBLUM 37 KIRSZENBAUM 38 ZYLBERBERG 39 BEKIER 40 PAGOREK 41 SZTERNBERG 42 DAJTELCZWAIG 43 ROZENCZWAIG 44 WITENBERG 45 LOWEY 46 BLUMENFROCHT 47 PFEFERMAN 48 TEPERMAN 49 FRYDMAN 50 HONIS 51 BAUM 52 BEKERMAN 53 PILTZ 54 FELDLAUFER 55 GOLDFEDER 56 ZALCMAN 57 GOLDFLUS 58 ROZNER 59 GOLDFARB 60 SZTERNBERG 61 SWIZCICKI 62 SZAULSTIK 63 GOLDFLUS 64 MLOTEK 65 LINKSMAN 66 SZWIÇCKI 67 LEYWIA 68 POMERANCBLUM 69 KARPFEN 70 ROZENFELD 71 BUCHWALD 72 WAJNRYB 73 DYZENHAUS 74 POMERANCBLUM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 First Name Mosiek Jeykiel Izrael Lejbus Szlama Abram Zelik Mordka Pesla Dawid Szlama Haim Hersz Liba Zlota Laja Gitla Haja Sura Hana Iosek Wolf Jacob Kiwa Lejbus Beniamin Zelik Gitla Alter Eliasz Szlama Herszel Beniamin Icek Haja Sura Rejzla Jakob Josek Marya Bluma Pejkiel Haja Ruchla Izrael Jakob Syma Basia Kider Marka Alter Lejbus Hana Sura Josek Haim Sura Nojeck Josek Rywka Rajzla Dawid Mosiek Szulim Zata Alta Hersz Haim Chana Bazia Lipa Laja Perla Symcha Mendel Pija Beno Lejzor Joel Wigdor Ita Krajndla Sura Icek Rochla Ejdla Lejbus Gawryiel Lejbus Lejbus Leyzor Curtla Dwojra Bejla Certla Abram Temerl Eliasz Josek Hersz Hana Fajga Alter Abram Ryfka Rajzla Mosiek Eliasz profession handlarz handlarz handlarz krawiec handlarz handlarz krawiec handlarz mosieznik wyrobnik rzeznik krawiec szewc handlarz wyrobnik wyrobnik fajczarz fajczarz handlarz handlarz handlarz kramarz handlarz faktor Father Szmul Chaim Wigdor Fraim Dawid Fraim Szaja Iosek Szochma Szmelke Szmuel Mordka Pejsak Kiwa Szymcha Mordka Beynus Mayer Dawid Herszel Herszel Mendel Gecel Mordka Izrael Abraham Berek Szlama Izrael Tobiasz Szmerek Haskiel Maior Major Jakob Pinkwas Szachna krawiec szewc handlarz handlarz handlarz handlarz handlarz Mendel Josek Abela Hersz Josek Jakob Izrael Nuta Abraham Hersz Bejnus Abram Andzel Mosiek Major Jakob Simcha Jankiel Szmul Szmul Haim Haim Szlama Szmul Haim Berek Mendel Szulim Mordka Hersz Mendel Mosiek Szlama Icek Josek Abram Icek Szymon Hersz Herszel Josek Herszel Herszel Mosiek Izrael Abel Jankiel Eliasz Lejbus Awner Icek Lejbus Lejbus handlarz krawiec krawiec handlarz krawiec wyrobnik wyrobnik handlarz handlarz szklarz rzeznik wyrobnik wyrobnik wyrobnik handlarz handlarz handlarz handlarz handlarz najemnik handlarz handlarz najemnik handlarz handlarz handlarz wyrobnik wyrobnik rzeznik handlarz handlarz handlarz handlarz handlarz handlarz handlarz handlarz handlarz handlarz handlarz - Age Mother 20 37 27 30 30 26 32 24 28 24 26 24 36 35 28 30 37 21 38 22 23 33 22 20 23 30 38 21 28 28 22 21 33 34 26 29 22 24 24 30 48 21 24 30 31 23 23 27 20 22 24 24 30 30 25 20 27 30 27 22 25 21 21 25 40 22 33 23 25 25 25 Zysel Zysel Fajga Bajla Eitla Ester Cyrkla Haja Gitla Frimet Basia Ruchla Certla Gitla Haja Bajla Rajzla Hinda Ruchli Blima Frimet Frejda Zlota Frejda Dwojra Ryfka Marya Brenda Marya Hendla SuraMechla Hana Mirel Szandla Dwora Hana Sura Frejda Pesla Ruchla Ester Rochla Ita Sura Zlota Laja Laja Majdla Pesla " Haia Chana Laja Rywka Szandla Necha Tauba Rochla Eidel Ester Cyrla Mindla Hana Ruchla Majdla Kajndla Hana Haia Sura Hana Pesla Rojza Tauba Ryfka Reizla Certla Rojza Syma Tema Ester Malka Gitla Golda Szajndla Hana Mindla Mother surname TAJNBLUM PFEFER WEJNBROD BAUM GERTLER KLEJNER SILBERBOGEN GERTLER HILFONT BAUCHIG ZUNGER SZTEJN GROSMAN DRAG APFELBAUM BERL DEJTELCWEIG KRAKOWSKI MARGULIES PINCZOWSKI LAUFER APFELBAUM FUKS BLUMENFELD ROSENZWEIG EDELMAN KWEKSILBERG ZALCMAN STROJ FEJGENBOGEN LILIENBAUM SILBERBOGEN GLASMAN WEJNBERG SZAJNWALD PASYERMAN WOLMAN KNOBEL PODGOREC NOJECK EJCHENHORN RAJCHMAN GOLDKIND PFEFERMAN BAJCZER WAJNBERG FRUSZTAJER ABRAMOWICZ KRONGOLD NISENCWAJG WASSERCIER GRYNBAL GOLDBERG GLASMAN BRYKMAN BUCHWALD WIZENTIER UNKIEL KORNBLUM GARWAJS RYDELNIK BINSZTOK RZEZAK SZLECHTER FUKS SZTERNLICHT PASTERNAK ERMAN JOSKOWICZ ROZENTRAUB HASMAN FRYDMAN DYZENHAUS ROZNER Age 20 20 25 28 27 26 24 30 24 25 24 24 30 27 25 30 30 20 34 20 21 28 25 19 22 28 34 20 21 26 22 25 20 33 32 24 34 21 21 21 24 36 20 25 24 28 20 31 22 26 20 21 24 24 27 28 25 20 28 28 24 24 21 18 22 36 22 27 23 24 25 26 70 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 HAMERMESZ WAGNER NUDELMAN JASKOLKA BUKSZPAN KRONGOLD HENGIELTRAUB BRENDZEL SZWARCBERG BUCHWALD BINSZTOK WAJSBROD TENENBAUM CWAJGENBAUM SZAFIR HEJLMAN ROZENTAL ZYLBERBOGEN FRYDMAN TISZGARTEN REJCH MORGENSZTERN BAJCZER KURLEND EJZENCWAJG HORN WAJSBROD LILIENFELD SZERMAN DAJTELBAUM KLAJN LINKSMAN WAJCHCHOLTZ SZTALRYT BIRNBAUM BLAJWAJS EBSZTAJN GLATMAN PIOCZICK1 ZYLBERMAN ZYLBERBOGEN CWAJGENBOK OSALKA WAGNER GLICKLICH RAJNGEWERTZ SZWARC ZONLICHT WAKSMAN DREKSLER WINCYGSZTERN GOLDFARB KNOBEL SZAJNWALD ZYLBERBOGEN FOGIEL FAJCHOLTZ BEKIER ZYNGIER GOLDFARB TENENBAUM HOHERMAN CWAJGENBAUM WOLMAN SZPIELFOGIEL SZMAJSER WAJNTRAUB RYZENBERG TYRKIELTAUB GOLDBERG SZWARC BOREK KATZ WOLMAN ROZENBERG MOHEL BAUM Abram Noiech Kalman Hinda Ruchla Abram Szmul Pesla Sura Boruch Josek Kiwa Urys Perla Haja Sura Mosiek Josek Ruchela Alter Abram Markiel Alta Sura Fajga Szajndla Haim Rochla Rajzla Mortka Jekiel Mortka Jekiel Hana Majer Alter Mendel Hinda Ester Rochla Laja Perla Mosiek Jakob Haja Szprinca Josek Haja Mala Hendla Tauba Izrael Abram Maria Perla Ruchla Mortka Lejb Icek Josek Szymel Haja Icek Lejbus Etla Hana Roiza Laja Perla Bajla Frajdla Szmul Malka Rajzla Mortka Zachariasz Mendel Mortka Lejb Dwojra Mosiek Lejbus Eliasz Pesla Sura Haim Abel Jakob Henoch Joel Rywka Rajzla Mordka Ester Golda Joel Rafat Manas Haja BajlaRyfka Hana Rajzla Szmul Fajwel Ester Rochla Jakob Mejlich Izrael Dawid Hana Mortka Dawid Jankiel Lejbus Hanina Haim Lejbus Josek Zelik Herszel Herszel Major Majer Abram Icek Szmul Tobiasz Lipa Zelman Daniel Izrael Hersz Urys Leyzor Mechel Icek Pinkwas Uszer Izrael Ber Mendel Icek Benjamin Izrael Mendel Izrael Szymon Herszel Symcha Icek Aron Benjamin z Mosk Zelman Abram Haim Lejb Lejbus Icek Bejnus Izrael Jakob Mechel Zysel Lejbus Jankiel Lejbus Szachna Dawid Zelman Mortka Josek Szachna handlarz handlarz krawiec faktor krawiec handlarz bakalarz garbarz krawiec handlarz wyrobnik krawiec handlarz handlarz krawiec krawiec handlarz handlarz handlarz krawiec handlarz handlarz wyrobnik krawiec krawiec rzeznik piekarz handlarz introligator szewc krawiec krawiec krawiec szmuklerz wyrobnik wyrobnik waciarz wyrobnik handlarz lakiernik szewc handlarz krawiec garbarz handlarz handlarz szewc wyrobnik wyrobnik mosieznik handlarz handlarz Don Awigdor krawiec Izrael handlarz Szmul handlarz Kisyel handlarz Berek handlarz Abram Berek krawiec Joel handlarz Abela handlarz Josek Noech kantor Haim handlarz spekulant Szlama Ejzyk handlarz Dawid wyrobnik Kuna wyrobnik Huna Kiwa handlarz Pinkwas Jerachmiel handlarz Mortka handlarz Moniek handlarz Dawid Lejb handlarz Haim ciesla Aron Icek wyrobnik Berek wyrobnik Izrael handlarz Szlama handlarz Hanina handlarz 23 28 22 30 24 24 61 26 40 38 37 35 22 30 28 26 33 24 44 31 29 22 27 23 26 30 50 28 24 37 28 26 33 36 31 56 24 36 22 30 39 22 47 38 36 24 46 24 28 40 22 23 30 25 27 24 22 21 25 33 26 21 30 30 48 25 40 29 19 32 28 25 23 21 24 26 27 Summer 2001 Sura Rejzla SZTERNLICHT 22 Gitla KORNBLUM 27 Bejla Sura JASKOLKA 19 BejlaFajgla NIRENBERG 28 Ruchla NUDELMAN 22 Ryfka KRONGOLD 22 Cypa KARP 34 Ryfka Etla 26 SZTERNBERG Edla WAGSZTEJN 30 Haja Sura KRYSTAL 33 Sura Etla MOSZKOWICZ 30 Mindla HELFONT 36 22 Pesa Rywa GROSBERG Etla Rochla ROZENBERG 28 Ryfka ZANDMAN 28 Rejzla FEJN 26 Biha Rejzla GLATMAN 35 Mirel GOLDFLUS 24 Rejzla CZERESNIA 31 Limeka NISENFROCHT 28 Idesa Majtla ROSENBERG 29 Hudesa LINKSMAN 23 Maria SZAULSZTIK 24 Hindla Ruchla GRYNGRAS 22 Ryfka Laja WAJCBLUM 25 Mirel GOLDFLUS 26 Hana GIMPLOWICZ 35 27 Szyfra SAMBORSKI KNOBEL Mirel 24 Ester Ita SZTERNLICHT 24 Bina ZYLBERBOGEN 22 Rochla HEILMAN 26 Hana Syma MORDKOWICZ 24 Cypora MANDELBAUM 37 TISZGARTEN Rajzla 26 Ester Rochla GOLDFLUS 49 Rojza ARONOWICZ 23 Ryfka KLAPER 34 Etla Liba FELDMAN . Haja Perla FRYDMAN 26 44 Syma MILCHMAN Frajda MILCHMAN 21 Syma GLASMAN 40 Gela JANKLOWICZ 27 Ruchla FRYDMAN 30 Haja DYZENHAUS 22 Toba JEKOWICZ 43 Bajla KRONGOLD 26 Necha MICENMACHER 28 Rajzla WAJNBAUM 26 Gitla BUCHWAJC 22 Idesa BRYKMAN 23 Hana MNAS1 28 24 Sura NUSBAUM Malka KO1ATKA 22 Sura BLUMENFELD 20 Fajgla Rajzla PANT1RER 18 Marya Ester GORECKI 24 Marya ZAJTELCWAJG 21 TANENWURCEL 27 Hana Ryfka ABEL 12 Gnendla GOLDFARB 20 EJCHORN Necha 26 Etla SZTALBERG 20 Malka GRYNFADEN 43 Hana Necha 19 CWAJGENBAUM 26 Getla 24 Szajndla NUSBAUM Blima Fajgla FLASZHAKIER 19 Haja LICHTENBERG 28 Dwojra GOLDGRAB 23 Hana Ruchla BAJCZER . Gitla APETER 20 Dwojra FRYDMAN 20 Mindla WAJSMAN 19 Hana Pesla CWAJGENBOK 19 24 Matla WAJSBROD Summer 2001 Kielce-RadomSIG Journal Volume 5, Number 3 The Russian Alphabet Russian Letter Aa B6 BB Tr AA Ee Ëë >K>K 33 HH HH Approximate Polish Equivalent Approximate English Equivalent a b w a b g d je jo z z i V g d ye yo zh z i y k JIJI j k 1 MM m HH n m n Oo 0 0 nn Ce P r s TT t yy u Oc}) f Xx ch P r s t u f - Uu c HM cz III m sz ts ch sh iHm szez sheh - hard sign i bb y - soft sign 33 e e IOio ju yoo ya KK Pp bibl ja 1 71 Glossary akta Polish vital records, often seen as a column heading in vital record indices and extracts, to denote the record numbers document of intent to marry alphabet used for the Russian language: bann Cyrillic FHC FHL gubernia HIAS Hilfs Farein JRI-Poland landsman LDS matronymic monogenetic obwôd palatinate patronymic polygenetic powiat uezd USC wojewôdztwa LDS (Mormon) Family History Center, branch library LDS (Mormon) Family History Library, in Salt Lake City, Utah geographic/political subdivision of the Russian Empire, similar to a province, which applied to the Kingdom of Poland from 1844 until World War I (Russian: ryôcpitmi) Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society help union or aid society Jewish Records Indexing - Poland, a database on JewishGen someone who originated in the same village prior to immigration (plural: landsleit) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly used to denote the Mormon Family History Library, identification by mother's given name surname from a single progenitor; all bearers of the surname are related district, subdivision of gubernia geographical/political subdivision of pre-partition Poland, similar to a province identification by father's given name surname originating from multiple progenitors; all bearers of the surname are not related district, subdivision of gubernia (Polish) district, subdivision of gubernia (Russian Ycafli» = Polish powiat) Urzqd Stanu Cywilnego = Civil Records Office, where vital records less than 100 years old are usually stored in each town geographical/political subdivision of the Kingdom of Poland until its inclusion in Russia's gubernia system in 1844, and again following World War I through the present Polish Pronunciation Guide Polish Alphabet: a g b c c d e ç f g h i j k l l m n r i o ô p r s s t u w y z z z c ch,h c, cz, ci s, sz, si z, zi, rz = = = = = ts kh ch sh zh 3 = om, on em, en y dz = j I = w w = V Ç = 1 —-
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