z - JRI-Poland
/A/ 7H/S ISSUE... POLAND JEWISH CEMETERIES RESTORATION PROJECT An Update and Appeal to Genealogists by Dr. Norman L Weinberg 3 ZWOLEN: QpccicA interest ajournai 7, Qummer 2003 ^journof o j ^Jewish pu&fisfietf quarterly, co-vering the GaiBernias of ancf of the as defined 6^ the Boundaries as tfie^ existed 1867-1917' • From Pinkas HaKehillot by Daniel Blatman translated by Judy Montel 8 • 1929 Business Directory transcribed by Warren Blatt 10 KIELCE GHETTO MEMOIRS of Mildred (Mania) Fefferman-Wasoff by Elliot Cohen, M.D 12 STASZÔW CHRONICLE - DATES AND EVENTS from SefsrStaszôw Compiled by Elhanan Ehich Translated by Chana Tuchman 17 THE STONES OF STASZÔW by Jack Goldfarb 21 EXTRACT DATA IN THIS ISSUE 23 • ZWOLEN Marriages 1826*1877 by David Price 24 • RADOSZYCE Births 1826-1850 by Dolores Ring 54 • OGRODZIENEIC Births, Marriages, Deaths 1808-1825 by Robert Heyman GLOSSARY, PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ...but first a word from your editor 69 72 2 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Summer 2003 .. but first a word from our editor rest Group (journal ISSN No 1092-8006 Published quarterly, m January, April, July and October, by the KIELCE-RADOM Special Interest Group (SIG) Gracie Station P. O. Box 127 New York, NY 10028 e-mail: debraverman@hotmail.com Annual subscription rates (U S funds) U S A $26 00 Canada S30 00 Elsewhere $37 00 Subscriptions and changes of address should be sent to the above The KIELCE-RADOM SIG is a non-profit, informal world-wide body of individuals interested in Jewish genealogical research from Kielce and Radom, two gubernias in the Kingdom of Poland as defined by the boundaries ai they existed from 1867-1917 ADVISORY GROUP: Warren Blatt, Editor Debra Braverman, Membership Carol Isaak, Production VISIT OUR WEB PAGE www.jewishgen.org/krsig All matters relating to research and editorial articles should be directed to Warren Blatt, Editor 8 Bishops Forest Drive Waltham, MA 02452-8801 e-mail: wblatt@jewishgen.org ©2003, all material this issue hi this issue, we have a focus on the town of Zwolen - a translation of the article from Yad VaShem's Hebrew-language Pinkas HaKehillot, a transcript of the Zwolen entries from the 1929 Polish Business Directory, and complete extracts of all of the microfilmed Jewish marriage records of Zwolen hi additional to the Zwolen marriages - all 973 microfilmed marriages. 1826-1877, for this "new" town for us - the vital records extracts in the issue are the 1826-1850 Radoszyce births, and births, marriages and deaths for 1808-1825 for the village of Ogrodzieniec, near Pilica Articles on Jewish cemeteries in Poland and the town of Staszow include a report on the "Poland Jewish Cemeteries Restoration Project"' (PCJRP) by Dr Norman Weinberg, "The Stones of Staszow" by Jack Goldfarb, and the chronology of the Jew ish history of Staszow ("Stashev", in Yiddish), translated from the 1962 Yizkor Book Sefer Staszow This issue also contains a summary and index of "The Processed", the Kielce Ghetto memoirs of Mildred (Mania) Fefterman-Wasoff, prepared by Elliot Cohen. I look forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming 23rd IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, to be held in Washington DC, July 20-25 We have scheduled a meeting of the Kielce-Radom SIG for Thursday 7/24 at 2 00 We are also planning on having a table at the Conference's "SIG Fair" We"ll need some volunteers for the table For more information about the conference, see <http //www jewishgen.org/dc2003 > hi other developments The SIG has obtained photocopies of the 1906 and 1912 Duma Voters Lists for all of Kielce and Radom Gubernias, which were the primary sources used by Alexander Beider for his A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from the Kingdom of Poland (See Volume I, Number 1, page 17 for details) We would like to transliterate these lists from Cyrillic, and publish them in the Kielce-Radom SIG Journal and as a searchable database on JewishGen A volunteer Project Manager is needed to begin this process Please contact me if you are interested As always, I am interested in your comments and feedback on the Kielce-Radom SIG Journal, and in what types of material you would like to see Of course, we would welcome contributions of articles and other materials for the Journal If you would like to assist, please contact me — Warren Blatt Summer 2003 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Poland Jewish Cemeteries Restoration Project An Update and Appeal to Jewish" Genealogists Dr Norman L Weinberg, Executive Coordinator 95 Chasewood Lane, East Amherst, NY 14051 nweinberg(a>,picrp org Brief Synopsis of Previous Articles Ozarow descendants, some genealogists among them, a few survivors and friends, most never having ever met, came together m May 2001, through the miracle of the internet Their vision to restore the sacred burial place of their ancestors and relatives The Ozarow Cemetery Restoration Project (OCRP) was born and a website was established (www ozarow org) Within months, the OCRP had hired a project manager m Poland and began raising the necessary funds - all from landsleiter By early summer, the project started, including meeting the mayor and priest, who offered their support, obtaining a survey and permits, cleaning the cemetery, resetting fallen monuments on firm bases and recovering others from 10 miles away near the Vistula, taken there by the Germans as fortifications during the War, constructing new cemetery walls of stone with metal gates, and, erecting commemorative monuments at the site of the mass grave On October 15, 2001, a bus full of OCRP donors and friends arrived in Ozarow for the dedication ceremony We were greeted by over 500 people, including the mayor and priest, townspeople dressed m their best bringing flowers, as well as Polish and foreign dignitaries A moving ceremony followed at the mass grave where the priest in Polish, followed by the Ozarower Rebbe, Rabbi Tanchum Becker, a descendant of the famous rabbis of Ozarow, led prayers A few months later, without any encouragement from the OCRP, we received a letter from the headmaster of the high school that henceforth the students would clean the cemetery Norman and Hannah Weinberg were so moved by this, they established the Annual Weinberg Scholarship Award to be presented to a senior Ozarow high school student writing the winning essay on the Jews of Ozarow, on respect for others, tolerance and reconciliation, or a related theme The essays would be judged by the school staff [See Kielce-Radom SIG Journal V 4 (Autumn 2001). pp 28-29. and VI 1 (Winter 2002), pp 24-26] OCRP and the PJCRP Much has happened since' Of interest to Ozarow genealogists, the photographing and translations of all the monuments are underway, as is the making of a documentary film and collection of copies of prewar records and photographs of the Jewish students of the high school We are also tracking down rumors of a book of the Ozarow rabbis, handwritten m Yiddish The OCRP work goes on also with reconstruction of the ohels, the burial places of the rabbis Then there is the question of what to do about the former Ozarôw synagogue, a movie house after the war, now a plumbing supply No Jews live m Ozarow today Should we restore it for a higher purpose? Under recent Polish law, all Jewish communal property is to be returned into Jewish hands, the Jewish Communities of Poland or the Foundation for Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland. ommemorative Monuments Starting with urging by Rabbi Michael Schudrich, Rabbi of Warsaw and Lôdz, and a key member and advisor to the OCRP. the OCRP has been transformed into the "Poland Jewish Cemeteries Restoration Project" (PJCRP) - See wwwpjcrporg The PJCRP's objectives are based on our expenence and success in Ozarôw Its objectives are Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Summer 2003 1 - Restoration and Preservation of the still devastated Jewish cemeteries of Poland; 2 - Documentation and Publication, including of the restorations, before, during and after, and genealogical information on the internet in conjunction with JewishGen, and, 3 - Education, particularly of youth, both Jews and Poles Poland Jewish Cemeteries Restoration Project, Inc is a charitable organization incorporated in New York State. The PJCRP Coordinators are as follows Dr Norman Weinberg - Executive Coordinator, USA; Hannah Weinberg - Coordinator USA, Andrzej Omasta - Operational Coordinator, Warsaw; Rabbi Michael Schudrich - Halachic Coordinator. USA and Poland / Rabbi of Warsaw and Lôdz, Harold Halpern Coordinator. Legal Affairs. USA, Prof Daniel Wagner - Coordinator Israel, Moishe Gold - Coordinator, Canada In addition, each shtetl cemetery project appoints its own Shtetl PJCRP Coordinator to communicate activities between the PJCRP and shtetl descendants As of this date the PJCRP has ongoing activities and interests in the cemeteries in the following towns and cities Bialystok llza - initial fact-finding visits completed, fund raising in progress, recovery of Judaica and search for matzevot are underway Iwaniska Karczew (also nearby, Anielin and Otwock) - Phase I funded and completed, fund-raising Phase II begun Legnica Lôdz - funds transferred for cemetery restoration Losice - initial fact-finding visits completed, land survey and permits underway, fundraising in progress Mogielnica - initial fact-finding visit completed, two ohels were reconstructed with the advice and assistance of Rabbi Schudrich with costs partly covered through the generosity of Rabbi d'Ancona Opole Lubelskie - initial fact-finding visits Hza Recovered Talmud and Torah Scroll completed Oswiecim - initial fact-finding visit completed, PJCRP working on restoration with Auschwitz Jewish Center Foundation (AJCF). awaits funding Ozarôw - already restored, will finish ohels. raise partially buried monuments and complete objectives Plaszôw - initial fact-finding visit completed Polaniec Rozan - funds transferred for cemetery Staszôw - already restored, led by the amazing Jack Goldfarb; the PJCRP may assist in other objectives Strzegowo - initial visits and fund-raising completed, restoration work about to start. Tarlôw - initial fact-finding completed Warsaw - evaluations of costs were made for clean up of two sectors of the Okopowa cemetery by the Lauder Foundation, at the request of the Warsaw Kahal Work was performed by Sanders Int Wroclaw - funds transferred for cemetery restoration work Zdunska Wola - under auspices of the town, an agreement was worked out by Prof. Daniel Wagner of Israel and member of the Zdunska Wola landsmanschaft, to employ jobless to clean the cemetery Summer 2003 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 The PJCRP has the support of.the Polish and US Governments, the US Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage A&road'-(a US Government agency), the Rabbinic Commission on Cemeteries, the AJC, the National Polish American-Jewish American Council, the Jewish Historic Institute (Warsaw), the Foundation for Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland (Warsaw), the Jewish Communities of Poland, and JewishGen. as well as a growing list of other organizations Importantly, it also has the support of the mayors and priests in every former shtetl which the PJCRP has entered PJCRP Report on Mission to Poland In May 2003. Norman and Hannah Weinberg returned to Poland, and together with its Coordinators and Advisors in Poland met and reviewed progress and needs with members of the Polish Government (Joanna Hofman. Head Bureau Jewish Diaspora, Francisek Cemka, Director, Ministry of Culture, Andrzej Czohara, Director, Ministry of Confessions), the Israeli (Beth Eden Kite. Director) and German Embassies, the Foundation for Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland (Eve Anderson, Director), and the Jewish Communities of Poland (Andrzej Zozula. Executive Director) We traveled to seven towns to meet with mayors and priests To summarize, all the members of government and organizations in control of the Jewish cemeteries were very helpful Tarlow Synagogue Ruins In each of the towns we visited, we were greeted warmly by town officials and priests. Besides pledges of assistance to restore the Jewish cemeteries, we received assurances that the town would help with recovery of old Jewish records, photos, and other items of Judaica, and in several towns they had already begun their collection, even appointing a local historian to head the effort To our amazement, several towns had already provided work crews to the clean their Jewish cemeteries, in advance of any PJCRP restoration work. Participation of Poland with troops in the Iraq War, the only other country in Europe to send troops besides Great Britain, has raised expectations in Polish towns ? of considerable US investment Several towns went out of their way to show off the benefits of business locating in their town All of the people we met were respectful that Jews had returned to restore ancestral cemeteries Whatever the main motive, this is an opportune time for Jews worldwide to recover their Jewish heritage. The following are brief highlights of visits to these towns Ilza - There is very little left of any matzevot. just a few shards But the local museum had recovered a Talmud in excellent condition and the remains of a partially burned Torah scroll, miraculously recovered from between the walls of a burning house The museum also had a stone engraving of the 10 commandments, probably from the destroyed synagogue Fund raising is in progress to rebuild the walls and gates of the cemetery We learned that matzevot may be found, maybe at the bottom of local marshes, where they were taken by the Germans for road building Karczew - The cemetery is built on a shifting sand dune When it rains, human bones surface. Dogs have seen chewing them Phase 1, the walls and gates, are now completed But these cannot keep the sand dune, now a large hill, from moving, even spilling over the walls and gates It is urgent that Phase 2, the stabilization of the soil begm as soon as possible Phase 2 awaits completion of funding. Losice - The cemetery has no monuments, instead there is a park with the remains of a large dance pavilion, built by the town in the 60s and closed in the 70s All the matzevot, hundreds of them, were moved to a former dentist's house during German occupation and used there for paving the yard and forming walls This house, complete with a German bunker, became Gestapo Headquarters, a place of unspeakable horrors The Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Summer 2003 PJCRP hopes to raise sufficient funds to carefully remove, clean, photograph, catalogue, and store each monument until the cemetery walls and gates are completed when they will be returned there The Oswiecim cemetery has a German bunker in the middle of it These examples of irrefutable German presence and destruction were brought to the attention of the German Embassy in Warsaw by the PJCRP, asking that the German Government begin addressing by financial assistance, restoration of the cemeteries they destroyed Opole Lubelskie - The largest cemetery on our trip, is empty of monuments, however a number of matzevot were specially on display for us in the town, held otherwise in safe storage until the cemetery is restored Losice Tombstones at former Gestapo HQ Ozarôw - In a ceremony attended by the mayor, the headmaster, senior students and teachers of the high school, the first Annual Weinberg Scholarship Award was presented to Anna Czajkowska, for her moving essay, written in Polish and English, entitled the "Jews of Ozarôw" She had interviewed older members of her family and Ozarôw residents The essay mentioned names of many Jewish families. A digital camera was left with the school to send us records of prewar Jewish school children from their archives. In addition to photographing school functions, it will be used also to collect photos of other items of Judaica The restored cemetery was in excellent condition, with no graffiti or vandalism, more than VA years later, despite the concerns of some Ozarôw donors We later met with the priest who offered to help us recover the book of the rabbis of Ozarôw Strzegowo - All the initial funds have been raised for this project The cemetery in the middle of a small forest was being cleaned by the town. It has few monuments left, but it is believed there may be many hidden under the foliage and debris of more than 60 years, as was the case in Ozarôw Still more may be returned by residents one restoration begins this summer Strzegowo A few remaining monuments Tarlôw - We visited the remains of the once beautiful synagogue The Coat of Arms of Tarlôw has a prominent Star of David and a cross, the only remaining evidence of the former Jewish shtetl The town had appointed a historian to gather records of Jews and Jewish history and who presented a set of birth, marriage and death certificates of Norman's Tarlôw family to him The cemetery is empty of monuments except for a few shards Again many matzevot may be recovered from the underbrush and nearby locations, marshes, farmer's fields and paved areas, once the cemetery restoration work had begun Summer 2003 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Why Should Jewish Genealogists Get Involved in Cemetery Restorations in Poland? Jewish genealogists worldwide are actively engaged in recovering their past, filling in family trees with records of the living and the departed, including records of survivors and the millions murdered in the Holocaust. Who cannot be touched, shed tears or offer up a prayer when we come across another name or a whole family group wiped out during those terrible years? Genealogists can be proud of their accomplishments. By reconstructing our past from these records, genealogists have brought us closer to our roots, a legacy we in turn can pass on to our children. But, what of our physical heritage? What of our ancestral cemeteries left behind after the slaughter, with few if any resident Jews to tend to these holy places? Why should we care? Before World War II, an estimated 1,200 Jewish cemeteries existed in Poland. Today, they are in a devastated state. The Nazis had encouraged the Poles to use the monuments as paving roads for roads, backyards, building materials and even lining pig pens. As many as two-thirds of the Jewish cemeteries were totally desecrated and devastated, becoming farms, parks, soccer stadiums, garbage dumps, and building sites for schools, office buildings, even a house of prostitution. Under the Soviets, the destruction continued and was encouraged: after all, the country had virtually few Jews left (somewhere around 10,000 Jews are estimated today, out of the original 3.5 million, 3 million of whom were murdered), the cemeteries were not being otherwise used or cared for, and here were easy resources for already quarried stone. The rewards are many. You are already doing a mitzvah reconstructing family roots. If one can measure mitzvahs, than reconstructing your ancestral cemetery has to rank amongst the greatest. But even if you are only interested in genealogy, once cemetery restoration work is begun and connections built with the town, there are a wealth of valuable resources available in addition to birth, marriages and death records: from the tombstones, from school and town records, from the older Poles who have pictures kept for over 60 years and their stories; from the priest who may have records and even hold Judaica from that town. And, as was shown with the OCRP, as connections are formed with other descendants, invariably important discoveries are made of relationships to each other or extended families. Jewish genealogists, their special interest groups (SIGs) and landsmanschaften are best positioned to take the next step. You have already gathered a great deal of information through often hundreds of hours, in some cases thousands, of dedicated work, searching through records and doing interviews with relatives. Please take the next step and become involved in your ancestral cemetery restoration. Appeal: For Volunteers and Support We need volunteers to serve as PJCRP Coordinators for their ancestral shtetls. Jewish genealogists are ideally positioned, because of their interests and connections to other descendants and family members, SIGs and landsmanschaften. But this is not a necessity. PJCRP Town Coordinators help raise awareness and provide the communication link to the PJCRP. Call Norman Weinberg, Tel. 716-688-5272 if you would like to consider volunteering. Donations may be made to support restoration/preservation of your ancestral cemetery by sending a check or money order made out to the "Poland Jewish Cemeteries Restoration Project" to: Foundation for Jewish Philanthropies 787 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, NY 14209-1166 Tel. (716) 882-1166 (for donations by credit card or wire transfer) The Foundation for Jewish Philanthropies is a 501(c)3 charitable organization which issues tax deductible receipts. The Foundation takes a percentage of the interest to cover its expenses. Include with your donation, welcomed in any amount, your name and address, specifying the name of the shtetl, or whether this is for the PJCRP General Fund (applied to cemetery restorations anywhere in Poland). Every donation receives an acknowledgement. "Jewish cemetery restoration in Poland is about remembering and honoring the dead, and the millions slaughtered in the Holocaust, hundreds of thousands murdered in cemeteries and nearby forests and buried in mass graves. It is among the greatest mitzvot one can do, since the dead cannot thank us. It is also about life and the living, about tihkun olam...repairing the world, reclaiming Jewish heritage, educating youth, tolerance and reconciliation. " - PJCRP Mission Statement Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Summer 2003 Zwolen from Pinkas HaKehillot, Polen, Volume VII (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1999), pages 187-189 By Daniel Blatman Translated from the Hebrew by Judy Montel Zwolen Kozienice district, Kielce province Year Total Population Jewish Population 1662 1673 1827 1857 1864 1921 645 394 102 75 629 1.935 2,762 3.351 7.392 1.350 1,760 3.787 Zwolen was founded in 1425 by the aristocrat Jan Ceilenka, on the basis of a writ from King Wladislaw Jaglo. In 1443, Zwolen received the rights of a city based on the Magdeburgian constitution. At the time, market days and annual trade fairs were taking place there^ and several workshops were established which processed wool and leather. During the 16th century, there were 12 artisans located there - butchers, wheelwrights and brandy distillers. In 1660, there were 39 artisans in various professions in Zwolen, among them 17 Jews. After the Swedish wars in the middle of the 17th century, the development of Zwolen was halted, and in 1869 it lost its municipal status, which was restored only in 1925. In 1554, two Jews, both of them merchants, are mentioned for the first time as inhabitants of Zwolen. In 1564 there were 11 Jewish butchers in Zwolen, 7 wheelwrights, 2 millers and the manager of the bathhouse, hi 1579, King Stefan Baton granted the Jews the privilege of dwelling in Zwolen and working at commerce and manufacturing there, hi 1591, King Zygmunt III granted the Jews of Zwolen permission to own 10 houses within the city limits. After his death in 1616, the quota of Jewish families who were allowed to live in Zwolen rose to 20. The same year there were Jews who owned 12 workshops for processing wool and leather, hi 1671, King Michael Koriout Wisznowieski renewed the 1579 privileges and in 1679 so did King Jan III Sobieski. In 1660, a great fire broke out in Zwolen, which destroyed most of the homes in the village. The fire and the invasion of the Swedes several years later wiped out the Jewish settlement there almost totally, and only in the middle of the 18th century was there a recovery. At that time, the Jews of Zwolen earned their'livelihood from commerce and manufacturing. hi 1765, there were 400 Jews living in Zwolen, who paid 1,160 zloty poll tax. Among them were two merchants and 8 beer brewers and innkeepers, hi 1784 there were 25 Jewish cobblers living there as well as 6 Jewish saddlers, 5 coat-makers, 4 tailors, 4 wheelwrights, 2 carpenters and one blacksmith. During the 18th century, there was already an organized community in Zwolen. Among the rabbis of Zwolen, we know of Rabbi Shimshon son of Rabbi Shlomo (died in 1747 in Krakôw). With the expansion of Chassidism, Rabbi Shimshon was elected as the rabbi of Zwolen, a student of the "Seer of Lublin" and the "Holy Jew" of Przysucha. In 1891, Rabbi Avraham Chaim Fliderbaum was elected to the post of rabbi of Zwolen; the rabbinical judge in his day (in 1882) was Rabbi Eliezer Gutman. Rabbi Szmuel Elijahu Taub settled in Zwolen, son of Rabbi Yechezkel of Kozmir [Kazimierz Dolny], and established a Chassidic dynasty there one of whose branches is the Chassidism of Modrzyc [Deblin]. His sons moved to large cities and thendynasty was named for Zwolen. Rabbi Shmule Elijahu Taub died in 1888. With the outbreak of World War I, the Jews of Zwolen were commanded to hand over declarations of property to the Russian authorities, and the Russians levied a special tax on them. Families who could not pay the tax were driven out of the city. During the first two years of the war, Zwolen passed from Russian control into the hands of the German army and back again. In July 1915, when the Russians re-conquered the city, an organized raid was made on the homes of the Jews and they were commanded to load all of their possessions on carts and evacuate Zwolen. The deportees moved to several towns in the area and a few moved to Warsaw. During the summer of 1915, the Germans and Austrians re-conquered Zwolen and at that time the Jews were also allowed to move back into their homes. Between the two world wars, the Jews continued to earn their livelihood from commerce and manufacturing. In 1928, 28 Jewish carters purchased trucks and established a cooperative that transported goods to Warsaw. Until 1936, the ultra-orthodox ruled the community, hi the early thirties there were three representatives of the Chassidic courts and one representative of each of the Zionist lists and the Summer 2003 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Association of Merchants and Artisans: pn,\the community council. In the community'elêctidris in 1926,. the Zionists ("The National Bloc" and "HaMizrachi") won five mandates. The artisan's list won two mandates and "Agudat Yisra'el" one mandate. Josef Kirszenbaum of the "General Zionists" was elected as community head. The community had a synagogue, which was built in the middle of the 19th century, and several associations and charitable organizations functioned within it. In 1934, "Agudat Yisra'el" opened a girls' school in Zwoleri under the auspices of the "Beit Ya'akov" chain. The supporters of Zionism established a branch of the "Tarbut" chain and were attempting to open a Hebrew school, but they were not successful, hi 1922, the Zionists opened a small public library, which became a cultural center for the members of the Zionist youth movements. Of the Zionist political parties, "Po'alei Zion Left" was active in Zwoleri, and their influence was especially felt among the laborers in the manufacturing shops. In 1930, a branch of the Revisionist movement was also established along with its youth movement, Beitar. In 1929/30, 54 zloty were raised in Zwolen for the "Shekel" appeal. During the twenties, several of the Jews of Zwolen were active members in the Polish communist party; several of them were arrested by the police and imprisoned. The "Bund" was active mainly in organizing youth groups in their sports organization "Morgenstern" (Morning Star). In 1924, the Jewish political parties ran in the elections for the city council. Zionists won five mandates and "Agudat Yisra'el" one mandate. Among the Polish party lists, the "Senacia" (then the ruling party) won a majority of 10 mandates. Kirszenbaum, the community head, was elected as a member of the city administration from the Zionist camp. During World War II On September 6th, 1939. German airplanes bombed Zwolen and many large fires broke out in the city. About 100 inhabitants, some of them Jews, were killed in the bombing, and many fled the city and hid in the forests. On September 8th, the German army entered Zwolen, and during the occupation of the city two Jews were shot and killed - Josef Goldman and his sister. Several days later the S}'nagogue was broken into by local inhabitants, the Torah scrolls were set on fire in the market square and afterwards the Germans burned the synagogue. At the end of 1939, a Judenrat was established in Zwolen, headed by the baker Welwel Kirszblat. The Judenrat made a list of the Jews aged 14-60 as laborers. The Jews of Zwolen were indentured to work two days a week at the nearby agricultural farms and servicing the German army camps. Early in 1940, the community was levied with a "contribution" payment (ransom) of 200,000 zloty. During thi| period an open ghetto was established in Zwolen*and the Jews were commanded to move and live within it. In spite of the fact that leaving the ghetto without a permit was forbidden, the Jews were able to maintain ties with the Polish population and obtain foodstuffs. After the establishment of the ghetto, a Jewish police force was organized numbering six policemen. Their commander was Mendel Wajntraub. In February of 1942, the ghetto was sealed. At the end of July 1942, German gendarmes entered Zwolen together with a Lithuanian auxiliary force that arrived from Radom (cf.). They gathered the men aged 12-60 for work registration. On August 1st, 1942, 300 men were gathered in the agricultural school and shortly thereafter they were transferred to the Skarzysko-Kamienna camp (cf.). On August 5, another 200 laborers were taken to Skarzysko, and during this "Aktion" the German gendarmes murdered 15 Jews. That summer, about 4,000 Jews were transferred to the Zwolen ghetto from the towns and villages of Pionki, Garbatka fcf.V Gniewoszôw (cf.), Semowa and Kazanôw (cf.). On September 29th, 1942, the ghetto was surrounded by shifts of Ukrainians and a group of S S men from Radom. The head of the Jewish police and his men were commanded to collect the Jews from of their houses and to gather them in the market square. About 100 Jews - the elderly and the sick who remained in their houses and Jews who were discovered in hiding places - were murdered on the spot by the Germans. The Jewish policemen gathered the bodies and buried them in the Jewish cemetery. The rest of the Jews, about 8,000 souls from Zwolen and the surrounding towns, were marched on foot for 16 kilometers to the train station near the town of Garbatka and from there they were sent to Treblinka. An additional 200 Jews remained in Zwolen who were instructed to sort and collect the property of the victims, among them also the men of the Jewish police force. When the work was finished, these Jews were transferred to a farm outside of Zwolen. On November 31st, 1942, two trucks arrived in Zwolen from the labor camp at Skarzysko-Kamienna. The men of the "Werkschutz" (the German camp guards) made a selection and murdered some of the laborers who appeared to them to be unfit for work. The rest they transferred from the farm to the camp. Sources: Yad Vashem Archives (Jerusalem): 016/2618: M1/E1871/728, 2266/2291, 2487/2548'. Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (Jerusalem): HM/2/703-1, 3540, 6711. B. Cohen, editor, Zvoliner Yizkor Buck, New York, 1982 Biuletin, 27.6.1930. Haint 6.12.1926, 29.5.1934,7.9.1936. 10 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Summer 2003 Zwoleri - 1929 Business Directory Entries Transcribed by Warren Blatt Transcribed below are the entries for Zwoleri from the 1929 Polish business directory Ksiçga Adresowa Polski (Wraz z w.m. Gdanskiem) dla Handlu, Przemyskt Rzemiost i Rolnictwa [Directory of Poland (including Gdansk) for trade, industry, handicraft and agriculture], (Warszawa, 1929), pages 320-321. For more information about this directory, see Kielce-Radom SIG Journal IV: 1 (Winter 2000), pages 27-29. The directory is organized by province, then by town, and then by occupation within each town. The occupations are listed alphabetically in Polish (except for the first few officials and medical/legal professions), with French translation following. For this transcript. I have alphabetized the entries by surname, with the occupation heading as the second column. I've omitted some information, such as business names, and the French translations of the occupation headings. For the English translations of the occupations/business types, you can download < http://www.jewishgen.org/jri-pl/bizdir/occupations.xls >. For the full original entries, see the images online at < http://www.jewishgen.org/jri-pl/bizdir/start.htm >. We thank JRI-Poland for making these pages available. Zwolen - Town (and suburbs: Jôzefôw, Linôwek, Lysocha, Stanislawôw, Starostwo - Zwolen and Zwolen Region), district of Kozienice. Justice ofthe Peace and District Court in Radom. 8,544 residents. Train: 14kmawayat Garbatka, on the Deblin-Skarz.ysko line. 1 cathedral, 1 synagogue, agricultural school, community center. Associations of merchants, artisans, industry, shoemakers. Markets on Thursdays. Brickmaking, tannery, mills. Adamczyk F. AdamczykF. Ajchenbaum H. Ajzenman M. AkiermanM. AlmanJ. Altaian I. L. AmselA. ApelH. ApelJ. Baranek P. Bartmanowicz Sz Baumalgrin L. BednarskiJ. Bendelman F. Bendelman P. BerforNis. Dr. BersztelM. BersztelM. BiaJasF. Bichman Ch. Bielman J. Birenbaum M. BlicharskiA. Bliwas BohaterA. Bojmal Ch. Bojmal Ch. Bojmalgrin A. Cegielrue Cementowe wyroby Blawaty 2elazo Obuwie Krawcy Kaszarnie Apteczne sklady Skôry-walkarnie Piekamie Piwiamie Krawcy Zboze Rzezznicy Skôry Kamasznicy Lekarze Piekamie Spozywcze artykuly Piekamie Piwiamie Krawcy Zboze Samochodowa Lekarze dentySci PrôSb i tlumaczen Piekamie Spozywcze artykuly Blawaty Bojmalgrin A. Bojmalgrin Abram Bojmalgrin Aron Bojmalgrin B. Bojmalgrin 2 Bojowilgrin Sz BoleslawskiW. Borchman H. Borowiecki J. Boruchman H. Brandfan Sz BremerO. Breslauer J. Brzozowski J. Bursztyn J. Cechsztajn M. CukierM. Cwajgienberg Sz Cwerman Ch. Dabrowski J. Djament J. Djament M. Djament T. DrodzS. DybalskiW. Dyment J Ejdelsztajn J. EngielA. Feldberg N. Spozywcze artykuly Kaszamie Kaszarnie Gamcarze Spozywcze artykuly Rzeznicy Bednarze Rzeznicy Murarze Spozywcze artykuly Szewcy Farbiamie Felczerzy Piekamie Kaszamie Elektronownie Kaszamie Siodlarze Skory Fryzjerzy Kamasznicy Blacharze Siodlarze Szewcy Bednarze Blawaty Spozywcze artykuly Zelazo Blacharze Feldman M. FeldsztajnA. Feldsztajn Ch. Feldsztajn L. FinkielsztajnB. Fmkielsztejn I. M. Flomenbaum S. FlumeAM. Flumenbaum B. Flumenbaum E. Flumenbaum F. Flumenbaum L. Flumenbaum M. FossA. Frydman A. FrydmanM. Fuchs L. FucikA. FuksL. FuksL. FuksS. Galazkiewicz F. GalewskiA. GiedeK. GtockaM. Goldberg M. Goldfarb A. GoldfarbF. Goldfarb J. Piekamie Kaszamie Zelazo Kaszamie Szewcy Spozywcze artykuly Spozywcze artykuly Skôry surowe Krawcy Spozywcze artykuly Ubrania gotowe Olejamie Krawcy Farbiamie Konie - handel Blacharze Drzewo Lekarze weterynarji Olejamie Samochodowa Gamcarze Restauracje Spozywcze artykuly Tkacze Herbaciamie Ksiegamie Kamasznicy Piekamie Mlyny Summer 2003 Goldfarb J M Goldfarb M Goldman F Goldman N Grabowski J GrabowskiW GnnbergN Gnnsztajn I Grojsman 1 Groman J Grynberg T GrzybowskaA HanowerN Hanower Sz Hercberg M Hochman I HofmanJ HofmanM Hongoman H Jackowska A Jargot T Kaluschay F Kaluschay T Kaluschay T KaminskiL KaplonM KasperskiA KdeperskiA Keczkowski K fteskaA fCerszencwajg A J ECestenberg L Keszenblat Ch Kierszenbaum J Krwowicz J Kochanowski J KolodziejczykA Kolodziejczyk M Kolodziejczyk S KormanK Krawczyk Krzyzanska L KuklinskiA KukknskiH KuleszaA Kupererd H Kuperman D Kupeiman K Kuperman K Kuperman L Kuperman R Kwapkiewicz J Lagowski F Lajferman E Lukower Sz Laskowski J LeszczynskiJ Liberman L Liberman M Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Samochodowa Garbamie Gamcarze Piekamie Stolarze Kowale Krawcy Krawcy Krawcy Piekamie Drzewo Spirvtualja Skory Skory - walkamie Lekarze denty&i Szewcy Galanterja Spozywcze artvkuly Szewcy Restauracje Kolodzieje 2elazo Opal Rolnicze narzedzia Apteczne sklady Skory Piekamie Herbaciamie Krawcy Spirytualja Krawcy Konie - handel Kaszamie Spozywcze artykuly Krawcy Rzezmcy Piwiamie Piwiamie Nierogacizna - handl Galanterja Bednarze Akuszerki Rzezmcy Rzezmcy Piwo Blawaty Spozywcze artykuly Bydlo - handel Garbamie Garbamie Piekamie Rzezmcy Mrynv Woda sodowa - fabr Mydlamie Sol Ciesle Blawaty Szewcy LikoWer M LindenbaumA M Lisowski R Lisowski R Lukower M Majewski J MakowskiP Malach Sz Mandelbaum M Mandelbaum N Mandelbaum P Mandelbaum P Mandelbaum P Mandelman Ch Mandelman L Mandelman L Manela M Manela Sz Markiewicz W MilerJ MinskiM Morawska J Morgensztem G. Najchauc Bcia Najchauz M Nowakowski H Nowakowski T Olszewska M Paprocki S Pelcman M Pelcman S Pelcman W PerzynaL dr PiontekW PlacheckiA Popkiewicz A Porebski PorebskiK Puterman I Rajchenbaum I Rapaport K Rotblat Sz Rotenberg D Rozenberg I Rozenberg I Rozenblat J Rozenblat T Rozenperel P Samsonowscy Joz SaskiJ lSka SikoraM Skowronski Skowronski J Sobieszek J SoltykW Straszewska H Strusinski J Struszvnski F Szartarc D Szewcy "' ~, Skory surowe Mechanicy Slusarze Obuwie Ciesle Sol Olejarrue Kamaszmcy Szewcy Olejarrue Spozywcze artykuly Zboze Krawcy Krawcy Samochodowa 2elazo Kaszamie Ciesle Blawaty Kowale Akuszerki Galanterja Obuwie Szewcy Restauracje Mechamcy Restauracje Notarjusze Krawcy Krawcy Krawcy Lekarze Proébitlumaczen Kowale Rzeznicv Herbaciamie Murarze Spozywcze artvkuly Galanterja Fotograficzne zakl Zelazo Spozywcze artykuly Piekamie Spozywcze artykuly Spozywcze artykulv Szewcy Spozywcze artykuly Wlaéciciele ziemscy Piwo Spozywcze artykuly Siodlarze Kolodzieje Samochodowa Kowale Tytoniowe wyrobny Szewcy Piekamie Blawaty SzarfarcM Szarfharc2 Szczerbinski Maks SzermanA Szerman Ch SzermanJ Szlaferman G Szlaferman M SzlufmanA Szmeterhng Szperhng A Szperkng Ch Szperkng I Szperhng Sz Sztajnhom B SzterenA SztemI Szwarcberg B Szwarcberg Ch Szwarcberg M SzyldkrotI Szyldkrot S Taub TaubA TenenbaumCh R TenenbaumCh R TokarskiF TrajmanH Tyszko J Wajbrau S Wajcman M Wajnburg Ch Wajngrot Ch Wajntraub Wajntraub M Wajntraub Sz Wajntrob D WajsbordH Wajsbrot S WelnerA Werszenbaum R Winder N WiszniaB Wizenberg J WolmanN WolmanS Wyszynski F Zacharkiewicz W ZagrodzkiH ZakA ZalcmanN ZieknskiK Zylberajch F Zylbergield Zyiberman H ZymanP ZymanP ZymanS 11 Blawaty Cutaemicze wyroby Adwokaci Piekamie Szewcy Kamasznicy Fryzjerzy Fryzjerzy Kaszamie Powrozmcy Woda sodowa - fabr Woda sodowa - fabr Woda sodowa - fabr Woda sodowa - fabr Spozywcze artykuly Kamaszmcy Tokarz Spozywcze artykuly Tytoniowe wyrobny Piwiamie Cukiemicze wyroby Woda sodowa - fabr Tytoniowe wyrobny Spozywcze artykuly Restauracje Spirytualja Murarze Krawcy Piwo Piekamie Krawcy Zegarmistrze Garbamie Latrohgatorzy Kamaszmcy Szewcy Malarze Spozywcze artykuly Zajazdy Stolarze Piwiamie Prwo Piwo Kamaszmcy Spozywcze artykuly Zegaimistrze Stolarze Stolarze Apteki Piekamie Piekamie Szewcy Ziemioplody Drzewo Kamaszmcy Spozywcze artykuly Tytoniowe wyrobny Spozywcze artykuly 12 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Summer 2003 Kielce Ghetto Memoirs of Mildred (Mania) Fefferman-Wasoff by Elliot Cohen, M.D. Both my grandparents were members of a landsmanshaften called the "Kielce Sick and Benevolent Society" (KSBS). Both of my families came from Checiny [Chentshin] a town of 6,000, of which 50% of the population at the turn of the century were Jewish. Checiny lies 15-18 kilometers southwest of Kielce. As with many families from Checiny, the deplorable economic and political conditions of the Czarist regime pushed my mother's grandparents to emigrate. Abraham and Sara Rosenzweig arrived in 1910. Myfather's father, Morris Cohen, arrived with his eldest son Max and his oldest daughter Annie in 1912 or 1913. The Kielce Society was important to both sides of my family as an anchor in their new environments. As with most landsmanshaften, it provided continuity and a link with the homeland; it provided social and emotional ties to fellow immigrants from Kielce Gubernia. My maternal grandfather, Abraham Rosenzweig, helped establish the society burial plot in Beth David Cemetery in Elmont, New York. He was president of the society in 1924. He and other members of the society reached out after WWI to privately and quietly help fellow Keltzers from Poland to emigrate and settle in New York. Although I do not have documentation to back up this statement, I believe the KSBS probably brought in at least 100 families over a 10-year period, and provided initial lodging and support for them on arrival from Ellis Island. My paternal grandparents were highly involved in the 1930's with the KSBS, especially taking part in activities focusing on fundraising for fellow Jews left behind in Checiny who could not immigrate, could no longer support their families, and were coming under the brutal tide of anti-Semitism sweeping Poland. It was at one of these social fundraising events that my parents, Kalman Cohen and Anita Rosenzweig, met and fell in love. This engeandered my interest in knowing more about the society. It led me to two boxes of historical documents concerning the KSBS that are part of the YTVO collection on landsmanshaften, kept in the 3rd floor library of YTVO at 15 W. 16th St. in New York City. The boxes were a small treasure trove of membership lists, pictures of past presidents, organization documents (including an oath of secrecy) and magazines on various dances and fundraisers. I found old ads for my grandfather's haberdashery store Cohen and Horowitz at 125 Manhattan Ave. in Williamsburg, Brooklyn; and my uncle Harry's Furrier store at 136 Manhattan Ave., etc. An unexpected find and treasure find in these boxes at YTVO was a typed 107-page autobiographical account of the Kielce community's trials, tribulations, ghettoization and ultimate obliteration by the Nazis. It was written in 1945-1946 and copyrighted in 1979 by Mildred (Mania) Feferman-Wasoffand titled "The Processed". As I read this paper, I felt closer and closer to my deceased relatives who were part of this terrible time and I experienced their denial, their confusion, their disbelief, their descent into the abyss and the darkness. This autobiography connected me in a raw emotional way to the names in my genealogical research. I want to share this document with everyone and anyone who may have had a relative in the Kielce Ghetto. Mildred starts off her memoirs with a forward that reconnects the history of Jews in Kielce and the hostility and restrictions put on the Jews in Kielce by their Polish neighbors. She recounts that on Sept. 1, 1939, the Kielce Jewish community was 71 years old. She reports the prejudice of the population culminating in a bloody massacre in 1918 of Jews in the Polski theatre. After WWI, Jews could not find employment in private Polish industry or work for the government in any civil service position, either local or provincial. Only a few Jews attended Gymnasium (Local High school). Jews were subjected to vandalism and physical assault. Jews created their own companies and entered commerce via shoemaking, tanning, saw mills, photography, marble, lime, merchants, tradesmen, doctors, lawyers, and banks. Her journal starts September 1st, 1939 with the statement, "we saw the beginning of the end, the total annihilation of our world, and of our way of life." At that time, 25% of Kielce's population was Jewish (26,000). There was an impressive synagogue, boys and girls Yeshiva, an orphanage, an old age home, a Jewish municipality, two private high schools, two libraries, social and sports clubs and a Yiddish newspaper, "Kielce Leben". Most young Jewish adults were affiliated with the Zionist organizations (Labor, Socialist, religious, and revisionist.) Summer 2003 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 ' 13 Mildred was a young lady interested in painting as well as going to Palestine. Her grandfather's bank. Kredytowy, had gone bankrupt; her father Saulke Feferman merchandised petroleum products. Her brother Monick was engaged to Celina Zalcman from Lublin. At 9 p.m. on September 1st, they learned on their radio that Germany was invading Poland. On September 5th, the Wehrmacht entered Kielce, her brother fled to Russia, but her father's medical condition kept him and the rest of the family from leaving. Immediately the Germans started arresting prominent Jews (for genealogical purposes, I will list at the end of this article all the names mentioned); demanding ransoms of money and jewelry for their release. Next the Germans confiscated all the businesses by appointing trustees, and the Jewish owners worked without wages. Entire streets were made Juden Rein (Free of Jews), armbands with blue-stars of David were introduced and Jews were forbidden to use parks, and all radios were confiscated. If you did not turn in furs, silver, jewelry and electrical appliances, the penalty was death. September 16th, 1939 was Rosh Hashanah, and the grand synagogue on Nowo-Warszawska Street was now a depot and jail. On Yom Kipper morning, the Nazis dragged worshippers from their shtiblechs and cut off their beards. By October 26th, compulsory labor was ordered for all Jews 14-60 years old cleaning gutters, out-houses, and pulling wagons. The winter of 1939 was horrible; stoves were heated by sawdust instead of coal, a curfew of 6 pm was imposed. The population was sadistically terrorized by the local Gestapo thugs. Mildred and her family were subjected to their apartment being invaded looking for jewelry and money, the Gestapo slapped her mother around and cursed. The family had hidden jewelry by cementing it inside the bricks of their ovens. Soon Typhus raised its head, streets were quarantined, friends died. Life went on with a Bar Mitzvah in September 1940, at which she fell in love with Yumek Korngold, and was married by Rabbi Rapoport in her parents apartment on December 31st. They spent their wedding night with 14 people who could not leave because of the 6 pm curfew. They were hopeful that they could build a "good life" in Palestine after the war ended. During the winter of 1940-1941, many of the Feferman family's close friends died of disease, cold, and malnutrition. Her brother Monick and his wife Celina returned from Russia. Monick was arrested and was rescued from a Dachau transport by his wife bribing the guards. On the eve of Passover, April 1 st 1941, Kielce Jews were placed in a fenced Ghetto. The Ghetto was run by the Judenrat and 120 Jewish policemen. The ghetto's population was 28,000, swelled with Jews from neighboring communities and even from Vienna. Mildred states, "In the ghetto people soon forget how to laugh". People became emaciated: hunger was a daily issue, beggars begged for "nur a shtikele broit" (a small piece of bread). Typhus was epidemic. Jews who were thought to be communist or had returned from Russia were shot or sent to a work camp. The Fefermans survived by trading clothes and jewelry for food. Skilled workers, such as her brother Moniek, worked outside the ghetto in German plants without wages. Mildred had blonde hair and blue eyes, and would sneak out of the ghetto to trade with Poles. This activity was punishable by death and any Pole turning her in to the Gestapo would get a free bag of sugar. There was rejoicing and momentary hope when they learned that the United States declared war on Germany in 1941. However, things became grimmer and grimmer through the summer of 1942, with rumors of deportations - the Jews of Kielce felt trapped, hopeless and helpless. On August 22, 1942, the SS, Ukrainian guards and the Gestapo sealed off certain streets, and the first 'Action' began. A second 'Action' began the next day and all the Jews in these selected streets were deported, except for skilled workers, Judenrat staff, militia, and doctors. Mildred and family waited numbly for their turn to be deported in the third 'Action', four days after the first. She remembers that her father said, "Keep your faith and spirit. The Jewish day begins at night, to symbolize faith even in darkness, you'll see, light will prevail and a fine tomorrow will dawn on us." She sat that night, surrounded by crickets chirping, frogs croaking and the air sweet with the "fragrance of maciejki (?)", in a warm gentle breeze wondered why "the universe, like the rest of the world, was oblivious to our suffering. We knew by then that our turn in the last third "Action" was inevitable and imminent. And nothing, absolutely nothing was going to stop it." At dawn the S.S. and Ukrainian guards came with the dogs. Friends were shot, S.S. soldiers were screaming, they were marched to the town square, herded into the square, inspected, sorted, lines to the right were exempt from deportation, lines to the left deported, Mildred to the right, Mom and Dad and sibling lost sight of, babies tossed up for target practice, S.S. dancing demons, marched to synagogue, next day another "judging", rubber whips 14 Kklce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Summer 2003 snapping constantly. Jewish militia lined up and shot, brother Moniek found, rest of family deported. Mildred was in a select group of 1,600 remaining behind in the ghetto, mostly skilled workers, doctors and their families. Judenrat officials and militia. They cleaned up the scene in the town square - blood stained coats, knapsacks, hats, prayer books, shattered glasses, and toys. "We had become empty shells without human emotion." The High Holy Days of 1942 were celebrated on an empty lot within their camp. Two young teenage boys snuck into their camp and said they had escaped from Treblinka and reported that all the Kielce Jews were gassed and burned to ashes at Treblinka. She stated "the enormity of their shocking and terrifying story was preposterous, inconceivable to comprehend and impossible to believe... poor boys... minds twisted from fright to fabricate tales of such unspeakable horrors... and so it was discarded as a figment of the boys imagination." Mildred and the others kept working as seamstresses, housemaids, brick makers - all the time uneasy and puzzled about the fate of their loved ones. Life went on, people tried to split out of camp with false papers - some made it, some were shot. Women giving birth smothered their babies to avoid being shot. Jews arrested and machine-gunned in the old Jewish cemetery at Pakosh. In the Spring of 1943 on Purim. all the doctors and their families rounded up and shot at the cemetery. As Mildred says "the rope around our necks was getting tighter." Mildred reports on a "Clear, warm day on May 29, 1943" the Ukrainians and Gestapo surrounded the remaining Ghetto, and 43 children ranging in age from three to ten years old were forcibly taken from their terrified parents and murdered. Out of the 700 Jews left in the ' Little Ghetto', half were dispersed to a munitions factory in Pionski. Mildred and her brother went to a factory in Ludwikôw. At this point in this autobiography it appears that the ghetto of Kielce has ceased to exist. Jewish life after the 74 years in Kielce was destroyed and gone forever - living only in memory of the Kielce survivors, including Mildred (Mania) Feferman-Wasoff. Mildred Fefferman-WasofFs story of survival continues for another 40 pages in her autobiography. This indominatable woman survived multiple work camps and death camps. In August 1944, as the Russians moved closer, Mildred and her brother were transferred to Auschwitz-Birkenau. Mildred reports "like a bolt of lightening, with a blinding flash the strong odor of burned bodies brought the sudden realization of a terrifying fact: people were being burned. Thus, all the rumors that had circulated for the past two years.... were true." There were 86 women from Kielce in her block in Birkenau, and they survived through several selections in the winter of 1944, by the infamous Dr. Mengele. As the Russians advanced, a train to Ravensbruck transported Mildred and the other Kielce women. The women were, yet again, moved by train after 2-3 months to Malchow camp. Mildred's will to survive had dissipated to the point that when Spring came in March 1945 and the sun came out, she stated, "the bright sunshine could not warm me anymore." Then, the Kielce women heard the airplanes, heard the bombings, and saw the "sky orange with fire" and their "optimistic courage came back to life". On April 26, 1945, a column of 1,000 female prisoners, led by the Kielce-Radom survivors, were led towards the front gate of the camp and were met by a long line of white buses with Swedish and Red Cross flags waving. Thanks to the intervention of Count Bernadette of Sweden, the ordeal was over! Mildred recounts, "standing there on that momentous, glorious day... I heard my mothers soothing voice, 'you are young, you will see the end of the war'". None of Mildred Feferman-Wassoff s family survived the Holocaust. She wrote this incredible memoir immediately after her release from the camps and while in various hospitals. A year after her release, she immigrated to the United States. Some twenty years later, her two daughters and grandchild coaxed her into translating the memoirs from Polish into English. This memoir is important for several reasons. First, Mrs. Feferman-Wasoff is able to convey the humaneness, the spirit and will of the survivors in a way that touches my heart deeply. Secondly, I think these memoirs are incredible for her detailing the lives and actions of over 225 people from Kielce. This is a treasure trove for genealogists looking for information concerning loved ones who perished in the Holocaust. A gift to us from a brave, courageous woman. Elliot Cohen, M.D. can be reached at < Linus5600@aol.com >. You can also write to him at 4465 Northpark Dr., Suite 208, Colorado Springs Co. 80907. Summer 2003 15 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Name Index to "The Procélsed" by Mildred (Mania) Fefferman-Wasoff Index created by Elliot Cohen. M D The manuscript "'The Processed" can be found at YTVO. in the record collection of the "Kielce Sick and Benevolent Society of New York" (RG 1056) Adolph the hunchback Albirt Albirt Alpert Balicki Ruhele Celinka Baum Beinvol Bemvol Berlinski Besser Bialistok Bialobroda Bialystock Blausweis Blumenfeld Blumenfeld Borkowska Borkowska Braun Bugajer Bugajer Bute Cecler Chmieclewska Chmielewski Citrin Cymerman Cynadler Czajkowski Czajkowski Dalisman Artel Dio Dobroszycki Eisenberg Eisenberg Eisenberg Eisenberg Elbirt Elbirt Enoch Enoch Erhch Feder Feferman Feferman Feferman Feigenbaum Feinmesser Finkelman Rannenbaum Freismger Fried Fried-Goldberg Frydman Frydman Frydman Frydman Fryshman Gdanski Gertler Gertler Hil Ham Leiser Leibele Shmul Haim Shmul kate Shmiel Eli Basia Jacob Fele Adas Marysia Sender Sala Balcia Jonas mathematician storekeeper son of Mr Beinvol typhus victim storekeeper foreman, Ludwikow merchant, executed dressmaker son, 14yrs old 16 83 83,86,87 21,22,79 12 23 16 16 52 12 52-54 57 14 58 56 24 55 56 9,35 35 37 ghetto policeman 7,21 93,96 baker 9 96 24 58 dressmaker 9 Alter Otto Hela Regme Dorka Jodi Hershel Mundek Rutka Isacs Yakob Renia Zloto Elek Itchele Dorka Guta Sala Reb Srulke Moniek Rasele Meyer militia man 9 60 50 50 86 ghetto policeman Judenrat Council 48 51 1150 50 50 50 18 18 executed 58 48 76,94 petroleum merchant 3 4 4 35,44 militia man 60 Julek Pesia Leah Motek David 24 11 50 Rebetzin? gunned down gunned down shot 79 58 58 59 9,11 11 50 Zahana Avrum merchant, Typhus merchant 13,14,52 14 Gertler Gertler Gertler Glattstein Gola-Gurewicz Goldberg Goldberg Goldberg Goldberg Goldblum Goldfarb Goldlist Goldman Goldman Golembiowski Gotlieb Gottlib Gnnberg Gnnspan Gutman Gutman Gutman Haskel Heniek Hershkowicz Hilek Holcman Honigman Honigman Hytler Jakubowski Jankielewski Jansy Jurkewicz Jurkowski Jurkowski Justman Kahane Kaiser Kaminer Kaminer Kaner Kener-rodul Kleinman Klienberg Klugman Kohen Kohen Kolatacz Konigsberg Konigsberg Konigsberg Kopel Kopel Kopf Kopf Kopf Kopf Korman Korngold Kreisman Hershel Motek Hamek Otto Broma Hershel Berel violinist, murdered 55,57 76,89 Calel Checmy Rabbi baker Mietek Pola Simhe Binem Keilcinke Rabbi Stasiek Avrom 50 50 50 37 9 47 76 7 37 23,44 Judenrat Council Tecia Moishe 11 24 76,96 44 17 20 95 Genek Genia the porter 5 the engineer shot 60 7 49 59 Fishel Haskel Franka Franka Artur 19,58 59 6 76,96 Kaiser 96 59 44 10 60 9 50 50 Eh 7,14 Hernia Mordhe Fishel Yeedel Mordhe's son Luzer 9 shot baker brothers 11 Sala Broma dressmaker Duvyd Fishel Balbina merchant Judenrat council Renia Renia Herman Lola Abish Mama Dorka Andzia Hela Yumek 7 7 12 24 24 79 7 14 7,11 56 37 55 96 51 51 10 10,23 10,23 10,26 4,9 15,16,41 9 10 Krel Krell Kreps Knesman Kugelmas Kupfermine Lacks Ladowski Laks Laks Lapas Lederman Leibke Levenson Levin Levy Levy Levy Lewartowski Liberman Lichtenstine Mack Manela Manela Manela Mangel Mayerkewicz Mincberg Mordkowicz Mosenberg Woshkowicz Moshkowicz Munstug Wydlarz Mydlarz Mydlo Opatowski Peltc °erla Pinic 3 inkusewicz 3 osluszny 3 roszowska-Mmc 3 roszowski =rzygovski Rabmowicz Rabinowcz Rabmowicz Rabsztem Rapoport Rerter ^eiter Reiter Rodal Rosenberg Rosenberg Rosenberg Rosenberg Rosenholc RosenKranc Rosenkranc Rosenwald Rotenberg-Recht Rubinck Schate Schelke Schindler Jiielce-Kaa 'ont Aid Joun•tat Volume 7, Number 3 Sala Sala matchmaker 96 76 3,4 Lola Ziuta Noah Haim Joseph murdered baker Judenrat Council murdered cobbler Pimc's son doctor Moishe Haim Herman Olek Judenrat presidient Hilek Mama 10,51 44 11 20 50 29 14 55 50 58 HenJoel Wolf Mark Vovek ghetto policeman Brothers Heniek 89 11 58 9 11 23 50 58 26 dismembered ghetto policeman Haim Hirsh Meir Estusia 24 44 58 24 14 24 89 Eva ghetto militia Rozka Moise Hershel Moshe Fela 49,96 44 doctor the cobbler shot Hamu Regina Rudek Hilel Zelda Sala Etka Mark Leibke Ella Haike Mama Mama Matele Zosia 40 ghetto Policeman Rabbi Rabbi's son Rabbi doctor doctor doctor storekeeper baker 7,11,20 96 26 60 23 76 21 10 10 14 76 7,16 51 5157 57 12 24 49 58 93 9,33 48 96,97 murdered doctor Shic Ham ghetto militia 95 98 58 24 23 40 Shamo Shloimele Shmeterling Shulman Shwarcberg Sibler Sibler Sibler Skorecka Sladowski Somer Sonchof Spiegel Spiegel Stabholz-Goldfarb Starkman Strosberg Szlamowtcz Szlamowicz Szmulewicz Szydlowska Taubman Tauman Tauman Tishler Treister Trombecki Twerski Urbach Urbeital-Zloto Uszerowicz Velvu Wakszlak Wald Walish Warski 33 Kalman the baker doctor Berel Sevek murdered Lolek Niusa Cecylia baker Jewish commander Janka 95 37 9 86 53 59 45,46 Andzia Sala Sala brothers Dora Lola David Pawel Noah Shmil Zehg Motek 34 24 56 60 58 81 81,96 Stefa the bryzyve 50 90 43 78 50 50 48 48 49 60 23 23 Aba 50 Sonia Andzia Hirsh Srul Anka Rusha 45,46 Wasser Yosele Wasser Weber-Proszowska Weinreich Weinnch Wierzbinski Winiarz Wlodaver Zablocky Zablocky Zagaiska-Erlich Zajonczkowski Zalcman Zelinger Zemel Zloto Zloto Zloto Zloto Zloto Zloto Zloto Zloto Zloto Zlotogorski Zlotogorski Zylberberg Zylberstein Zylberstein Zyoto Zyto Summer 2003 charcoal peddlar storekeeper sisters Pola Natka Shlomo Shlomo Sala three brothers Celina ghetto policeman Meyer Judenrat Council Yozek Motek's son Calek Motek Leib Mendel Kopek » Sonia Rozka Regina merchant Fela 95 12 55 44 96 82,86 shot shot Yankele Waushyk Guta 17 44 hung hearse driver 59 59 50 50 55 55 86 60 4 21 44 11 14 15 15,26 18 29 29 33 33 14 37 59,60 23 92 55 86 Summer 2003 17 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Staszow Chronicle - Dates and Events Compiled by Elhanan Erlich Translated from Hebrew by Chana Tuchman; Edited by Jean-Pierre Stroweis This chronology was published in the Staszow Yizkor Book Sefer Staszow (Tel Aviv, 1962) in Hebrew (pages 43-46) and in Yiddish (pages 63-67). 1526 The owner of Staszow and Rytwin, Hyeronimus Lasky, received permission from King Sigmund I to hold a market day in the town of Staszow every Thursday. 1610 The Jewry of Staszow was expelled from the town due to a blood libel. 1690 After about 80 years, the Jews were allowed to return to Staszow. 1718 The Jewish community of Staszow was permitted to establish a synagogue and a cemetery. 1738 Prince Czartoryski issued a decree, by which a building for the town council was to be erected in the center of the market place, which would also house shops. 1772 The original licenses of the synagogue and the cemetery had been destroyed by a fire in the town. These documents were renewed. 1808 The Jews were ordered to add Polish family names to their names. 1809 Amongst other restrictions imposed by the Duchy of Warsaw, Jews were forbidden to live in the vicinity of the gentile population, and were assigned to live in a special area. From 1809 to 1844, Staszow was the seat of the regional district. 1811 Amendments concerning trade fairs were introduced: market days remained on Thursdays, and fairs were to be held on the following dates: January 2, February 29, April 1, May 27, June 24, July 26, August 24, September 2, October 21, November 30, December 20. 1825 The new cemetery was established. 1826 The first bridge [on the Czarna River] was built opposite the flourmill. 1843 The road leading from Staszow to Apt [Opatôw] was paved. 1846 Ten Jews settled with the assistance of Prince Potocki in an agricultural estate in Adamowka, near Staszow. Their names are as follows: Izrael Dizenhaus, Pinkus [Pinchas] Weinreb, Zetma(?) Straus, Leizor Szternberg, Cala [Betzalel] Wincenter, Izrael Goldsztein, Yecheszkel Orkan, Szmuel Goldberg, Leizor Erlich, Josef Frenkel. In the same year, Leibusz Wolman dug a channel which served as the new water way for the river Czama up to the Dluga street. Wolman was paid 2040 zlotys and 18 groschen for this work. 1850 The number of trade fairs was reduced to six per year. 1854 1874 A big fire erupted in Staszow. It destroyed seventeen houses and many auxiliary buildings. Another big fire erupted. It destroyed all the buildings from the river up to Kostielna Street, including the synagogue. 1886 The public park was established. iynagogue 18 1899 Kiehe-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Summer 2003 A cooperative bank for credit and savings was founded. Each member contributed 50 rubles. Year Members Jewish members Gentile members 1 otal members Cash Deposits Deposits of Jewish members Deposits ot Gentile members Total Deposits Loans Loans to Jewish members Loans to Gentile members Total Loans Overhead expenses of the bank 1899 1913 41 54 95 539 618 1,864 rubles 1157 44,435 rubles, 24 kopeks 500 rubles 4,049 rubles 4,549 rubles 52,508 rubles, 23 kopeks 87,000 rubles 139,508 rubles, 23 kopeks 6,666 rubles 80,000 rubles 75,000 rubles 155,000 rubles 4108 rubles, 40 kopeks 6,666 rubles Free 1905 The "Bund" was founded. In the same year, a governing body and a civil police force made up of Jewish and Polish citizens were established and a people's law court was founded. 1910 The market day was finally set on Thursdays and the fair day set on Mondays weekly. 1914 On Yom Kippur, one Jewish citizen was hanged and ten were shot to death, by order of a Russian general, named Novikow. In the same year, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Graubart, the Rabbi of Staszôw, and Rabbi David Goldfeder were exiled to Russia, serving as hostages responsible for the proper behavior of the Jews. 1917 The Zionist Federation and the Mizrahi were founded. In the same year, a memorial service was held on Kav BeTamuz (20 Tamuz), in honor of Dr. Herzl, may his memory be blessed, the first of its kind in Staszôw. 1918 The Scouts organization was founded by Yitzhak Tenenbaum, from Bendzin [Bedzin]. 1919 The establishment of the new post-war Poland brought about the incitement of the local rural Polish population to attack the Jews and unleash upon them a pogrom. However, the leaders of the Jewish community, amongst them Wolf Tuchman, Efraim Singer, Izrael Karpfen, Mathis Frydman and Josef Segal, succeeded to prevent this evil by their strict intervention. 1923 The young leader of the local "Bund" died of tuberculosis and his friends held a secular burying ceremony for him. The shtetl was in total uproar following this event. 1924 Lightning hit the 16 year old son of Herszel Goldflus. All efforts to save his live, such as artificial resuscitation, covering him in earth up to his neck, did not succeed. 1925 The repair of the old cemetery wall was completed. The Polish citizens living in the vicinity felt comfortable whilst the wall was broken and opposed forcefully to the repair work, which was only completed due to the heroic action of the members of the Jewish community and mainly by Rabbi Efraim Singer, who not once endangered his life standing up against the Poles. In the same year, during Rosh Hashana, a fire broke out in the town. The house of Reb Mosze Ray, by the river, burned down in his absence. After the Holiday, Reb Mosze was on his way home, unaware of the disaster that had befallen him; Reb Naftali Shor joined him on his way in order to prepare him so as to prevent even a greater disaster on finding out suddenly what had happened to him. 1929 From that year onwards, Polish anti-Semitism became very severe under the guidance of the Endeks [Polish acronym for the "Nationalist Democrats", a virulently anti-Semitic faction, led by Roman Dumovski Ed. Note] and their local representatives: Szczurek, Samburski (leader) and others, who broke windows and when the Jewish shopkeepers posted guards, struggles broke out between them and the Jewish youngsters. Summer 2003 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 1929/1930 The leader of Poland's Jewry, Isaac Griinbaum, visited Staszôw in the course of an election campaign. This visit turned into a great, happy event in the shtetl and left its impression for a long time. 1930 The movements of the Zionist youth and the pioneers of the General Zionists (HaNoar HaZioni and HeHalutz HaKlal Zioni) were founded in Staszôw, mainly by Zwi Leibowicz. 1932 Dr. Isaac Szifer and Chaim Zerubavel visited the town for a series of lectures on literature and other subjects. Another fire broke out in the same year. It started at the barn next to the house of Mordechai Wagner and spread very fast down all the buildings in the area called the "Platzes", up to Zlota Street. In this fire, a Polish shepherd, who slept in the barn, found his death. 1933 The butcher Chane Katz was killed by his bull. 1934 In February, the Jewish community celebrated the aliyah of the Rawed family. A party took place in Beit Mizrachi and afterwards, the many participants accompanied the first family to make aliyah, with dances, songs and great excitement. In the same year, a fire broke out again, in the hostel, situated in the corner of Opatowska Street and the market place. A whole row of houses (from the corner to Alter Buchwald 's house) burnt down. 1935 In February, the great strike of the shoemakers broke out, against the shoe traders. Due to untiring efforts on the part of the traders organization, mainly Alter Band, Mendel Szniper, Izik Wolman, Herszel Nissencwajg, Menachem Lifshitz, and the secretary of the organization, Natan Reich, they succeeded in stopping the strike before much damage was caused. 1936 After a great dispute. Rabbi Alter Eliezer Horwicz, former Rabbi of Ryglice, and descendant of Rabbi Naftali Ropszyc, may his holy memory be blessed, was chosen as Rabbi of the town. 193 8 The local Zionist organization opened an exhibition on behalf of the K.K.L. (Keren Kayemet Lelsrael = Jewish National Fund). Sept 5, 1939 On the 5th day of World War II, the town was bombarded by the Germans and the first casualties were sustained from the family of Meir Cohen and others. Sept 6,1939 A big fire broke out. Sept 8, 1939 In the early morning, the Nazi forces entered Staszôw. Oct 26, 1939 German Police forces made their seat in Staszôw. Several days later, five Jewish citizens were taken hostages to guarantee the "proper behavior" of the Jewish population. Nov 25, 1939 The Jewish community was asked to make its "first contribution". A few days earlier, the Germans appointed 'the Council of Elders". Dec 1939 A decree was issued, whereby every Jewish person from the age often is obliged to wear a band ("a paske") of white cloth with a blue Star of David (Magen David). In the same month, the first refugees arrived from the town of Kalisz. Jan 26, 1940 Jan 29, 1940 The soup kitchen is opened in the Hassidic school (Beit Midrash). 150 S.S. forces arrived in Staszôw, headed by Obersturmfuehrer Wassmann, to rob and destroy Jewish shops, with the active assistance of the Poles and the Volksdeutsche (German-speaking Poles). 1940 On the eve of Shavouot, German forest forces came to Staszôw and beat up Efraim Singer, arrested him and took him to Iwaniska. Only after great efforts and bribery, Singer was released from his torturers. July 1, 1940 All Jews from the age of 15 and up were compelled to forced labor twice a week. July 15, 1940 The German company for road paving arrived. 19 20 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Summer 2003 Sept 12, 1940 The Germans captured in a chasing action 260 Jews. 20 Jews were released due to health reasons and the rest were deported to a labor camp. Two days before Sukkot (the Feast of the Tabernacles), the German Police and the Volkdeutsche Karl Time arrested Leizor Brendzel, put him in the local jail and finally hanged him. June 1941 The "Jewish Police" (OrdnungsDienst) was formed. Jan 1, 1942 Jews were prohibited to leave the town. He who does not observe this decree will be executed. Jan 6, 1942 Action. Fur coats collection. Jan 15, 1942 Jewish shops were put under German Volksdeutsche or Polish control. Feb 1942 The Gestapo officer Von Moltke arrives in Staszôw from Tarnôw. He robs Jewish property and beats up its owner with cruelty. Another visit from Von Moltke. He kills two Jews from Mielec and one named Lichtensztein, who is a refugee. Mar 17. 1942 April 1942 Polish informers tell the Germans that the Jews are smuggling food. The first victim of the slander is Herszel Beizam's daughter, a girl of 19. June 1942 The council of Elders (Judenrat) is requested to supply 100 "volunteers" for the camp of Skarzysko-Kamienna. June 15. 1942 A ghetto was declared in the two parts of the town. July 1, 1942 The ghetto was closed. August 1942 Workshops manufacturing clothes for the Germans were established. Sept 11,1942 The German police broke into the house of Yechiel Milgrom, robbed all the goods that were there, bound him during the whole day to a taxi and jailed him. Sept 27, 1942 More Jews were captured to Skarzysko-Kamienna. Oct 1, 1942 Jandrek Drezler kills Jakob Aris Kozochowicz. Oct 2, 1942 Panther, a German police officer from Frankfurt am Main, kills the wife of Markel Weiswol. Oct 4, 1942 Deportation from Szydlow [near Staszôw]. In these days, deportations also took place in Ostrowiec, Apt [Opatôw], and Chmielnik. Oct 10, 1942 300 "volunteers" sent to Skarzysko. Oct 18, 1942 Deportees from Osiek and Plontch [Pdaniec] were brought in. Nov6, 1942 Second action in Chmielnik. Nov8, 1942 [28 Machhesvan Tashag 5703] Liquidation of the ghetto. It is said that on the same day, Reb Shimele Melamed cried: "No law, no judge". Dec 1, 1942 The Germans declare the establishment of five Jewish towns, one of them being Tsotzmir [Sandomierz]. Dec 15, 1942 Liquidation of the workshops and their transfer to Poniatôw. Jan 10, 1943 Liquidation of the Judenstadt of Tsotzmir [the Jewish town of Sandomierz]. May 1943 Dawid Sznifer, head of partisans in the forest of Wyszkôw. At the same time, 100 persons from the "Amler" camp were sent to "Kleczianow", a stone quarry near Tsotzmir [Sandomierz]. June 3, 1943 Liquidation of "Amler" and transfer of inhabitants to Tsotzmir [Sandomierz] and Radom. Nov 5. 1943 Liquidation of Poniatôw, amongst them hundreds of Jews from Staszôw. Aug 3, 1944 Freeing of survivors in the forest and hiding places in Staszôw. May 9, 1945 Freeing of Staszower Jewry from Theresienstadt [Terezin] in Bohemia. Summer 2003 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 21 Thé Stones of Staszôw by Jack Goldfarb I have made annual pilgrimages to Staszôw (pop 16,000) in south central Poland for many years My ancestors lived in the town from at least 1790 until the fateful day of November 8. 1942 On that "Black Sunday'", most of the 5.000 members of the Jewish community - including 35 of my uncles, aunts and cousins - were deported to their ultimate deaths in the Belzec and Treblinka camps The Staszôw Jews were forcibly assembled in the Market Square at 8 am that morning, and about 20 were murdered on the spot and subsequently buried in a mass grave in the cemetery Just last November, after 40 years of searching, we have located this mass grave by an accidental discovery In their sadistic efforts to obliterate all traces of Jewish life (and death), the Gestapo on that grim day ordered the approximately 1.000 tombstones in the 120 year-old cemetery to be uprooted Most were laid down in the town square and in side streets, to be used as paving for the muddy walkways in the winter of •42-'43 When World War II ended, the Mayor of Staszôw ordered the stones to be dug up and stored in a warehouse With no Jewish residents any longer m the town, nor any authorities the Mayor might have consulted about these stones, he was said to have sold the gravestones - mostly carved from sturdy sandstone - to construction companies The tombstones, as such, disappeared forever On November 8, 1992, exactly 50 years to the day after Black Sunday, we dedicated a Holocaust Memorial Monument on the site of the Jewish Cemetery, which Polish friends and I had helped restore after half a century of its desecration and abandonment A number of Christian families, hearing of the restoration project, came forward and presented us with 10 gravestones they had preserved in their gardens and backyards We re-erected these stones alongside the Memorial Monument as a symbolic minyan, a silent quorum of witnesses to a devastated burial ground After that event, there seemed to be no further traces of those 1,000 gravestones that had stood in the Staszow cemetery Three years ago, just as I was embarking on my annual journey to Staszôw, a letter from an Israeli arrived He told me that he had visited Staszôw and seen a stone with Hebrew inscription in the courtyard of a house on Koscielna Street Following his tip, I went to an imposing, meticulously maintained residence owned by a high school teacher "Yes". Mr Zielinski told me, he had a stone in his courtyard He had to have it lifted up in order to install a gas line on his property He had left it propped against a wall It was too heavy to move further In the gloomy November dusk, I slowly read the Hebrew inscription, which was clearly visible It was the gravestone of my grandfather1 [See Kielce-Radom SIG Journal III 2 (Spring 1999). page 8] Jack Goldfarb at his grandijlh'-r s grJ\ cslonc in the Suszou cemetery This stone, along with 120 other "lost'' stones, was recovered from the house used as Gestapo Headquarters 22 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Summer 2003 The next morning, under a grey overcast sky, as I said Kaddish and we laid my grandfather's stone back on the earth, incredibly, the clouds parted and a shaft of sunlight illuminated Staszôw. After further investigation, I discovered that the Zielinski property had been the Gestapo Headquarters during the Nazi Occupation. Later, it had housed the offices of the Communist Security Police (UB), and had also once been a military barracks. Mr. Zielinski now revealed that there were at least 40 more Jewish gravestones forming the courtyard and the floor of his garage. I was determined to recover every single one of those stones. I offered to repave his courtyard with my own chosen workmen, in exchange for the stones. At first, he agreed, but later he then changed his mind. I negotiated with him for three years, as he escalated his price from year to year because of "inflation" and his insistence on using his own "quality" workmen. I never knew whether my questioning the "morality" of the daily treading on these sacred stones had any real effect on this small town school teacher. At the start of this project to recover the stones, I went to the German Embassy in Warsaw explaining that it was apparent how these stones got to the Gestapo Headquarters in the first place, and it would be a nice gesture for the German Government to help defray some of the $5,000 cost of their recovery. "Mr. Goldfarb," the young and sympathetic German Counselor assured me, "We will cover the entire cost of this project." But the difficult negotiations with Mr. Zielinski continued to remain at an impasse, as his price rose at one point to $10,000. Meanwhile, the German offer of help, limited to $5,000, was nearing its expiration deadline of January 1, 2003. At this juncture, Rabbi Michael Schudrich, the Chief Rabbi of Poland, who had made many invaluable efforts to resolve the situation, came to the rescue. He asked Eliza Chodorowska of Warsaw to help. Eliza, a conscientious and diplomatic young woman, had top-level governmental experience dealing with difficult matters regarding Jewish issues. Miss Chodorowska convinced a trio of experioenced mediators to travel to Staszôw. The three were: Father Michal Czajkowski, an ecumenical leader in promoting Christian-Jewish relations; Joanna Branska, president of the Polish-Israel Friendship Society; and Mr. Laszynski. a prominent journalist for Rzeszpolita, a widely-read national newspaper. The "haggling" reached an end when Mr.Zielinski accepted $7,500. It took a crew of workmen from nearby Tarnôw just three days to extricate what turned out to be 120 gravestones from the Koscielna Street property. In addition, 400 smaller fragments of stones were recovered, which are being incorporated into two freestanding concrete Memorial walls. The gravestones have risen again in long orderly rows under the cemetery's tall acacia trees. Returning from their 60-year humiliating exile, the stones of Staszôw silently celebrate a belated triumph. Jack Goldfarb's previous articles in the Kielce-Radom SIG Journal about Staszôw are "A Kaddish Deferred" in 11:3 (Summer 1998), pages 13-18; and "A 'Memorial Day' in Staszôw" in 111:4 (Autumn 1999), pages 30-31. Also see the recent article about his efforts to restore the Staszôw Jewish cemetery in the New York newspaper The Jewish Week of 5/16/2003: "Saving Cemeteries Here And Abroad", available online at < http://www.thejewishweek.com/news/newscontent.php3?artid=7925 >. Jack Goldfarb has been writing about travel for over 30 years. His articles have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and many other publications. He visits Eastern Europe frequently on Holocaust Remembrance efforts. His email address is < jacsim@juno.com >. Summer 2003 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 23 Extract Data in this Issue Zwoleii Radoszvce Ogrodzieneic Marriages Births BMD The vital record extracts for this issue are the 18261877 Zwolen marriages, prepared by David Price; the 1808-1825 Ogrodzieniec births, marriages and deaths, by Robert Heyman; and the 1826-1850 Radoszvce births, extracted by Dolores Ring. This data has been extracted from the civil registration books in possession of the Polish State Archives, and microfilmed by the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints (LDS). These extractions include information derived directly from the original registrations on the following LDS microfilms: #0,716,373 #0,716,374 #0,716,375 #0,716,376 #1,201,357 #1,201,358 #0,719.332 #0,719,333 #0,864,498 #0,864,499 #0,864,500 Zwolen 1826-1833 Zwolen 1834-1851 Zwolen 1852-1858 Zwolen 1859-1865 Zwolen 1866 Zwolen 1867-1877 Radoszyce 1826-1841 Radoszyce 1842-1850 Ogrodzieniec 1808-1816 Ogrodzieniec 1813-1824 Ogrodzieniec 1825-1838 Zwolen 1826-1877 1826-1850 1808-1825 David Price Dolores Ring Robert Heyman 1810-1884, appeared in K-R SIG Journal, UJ:4 (Autumn 1999), pages 32-51. Radoszyce ("Radoshitz") is located 25 miles northwest of Kielce, and before WWI was in Konskie powiat (district) of Radom gubernia. hi 1897,1,728 Jews lived there, comprising 49% of the town's population. Additional information on maiden surnames of mothers has been derived by the author from an analysis of data from Radoszyce, as well as records from surrounding towns, tracking families over an extended period of time. All conjectural information is noted in square brackets Q, to differentiate from the data that appears in the original records. The conjectures do not appear in the record itself. Ogrodzieneic When the Jewish community of a certain town or village is rather small, its vital records are reported to some nearby town with a larger Jewish population. Ogrodzieniec is such an example. It is located at 50°27'N 19°3 l'E, six miles west of Pilica. Zwolen was a large town in Kozienice powiat. in northeastern Radom gubernia. The town of Zwolen's Jewish population in 1897 was 3,242 (over half the town's total population), and in 1931 it was 3,787. There are Roman Catholic civil vital records of Ogrodzieniec available on microfilm for 1808-1855. As throughout the Kingdom of Poland, Jewish records are included in these civil records up through 1825. This issue contains the complete set of all 973 Jewish marriages recorded in Zwolen between 1826 and 1877, extracted from the Polish and Russian by David Price. From the scarcity of Jewish records for Ogrodzieniec, it is clear that Ogrodzieniec had a tiny Jewish community (and it wouldn't be a big stretch to say it wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the Pachter family). Since the Pachter name occurs in the later Pilica Jewish records, and a number of Pilica records indicate a town of origin of Ogrodzieniec, it is believed that beginning with 1826, all Jewish vital records for Ogrodzieniec were filed with the Pilica records. Zwolen is a "new" town for us - one for which we have never published any extracts before - and with the publication of these Zwolen extracts, the Kielce-Radom SIG has now published extracts for at least one town in everyone of the fourteen districts in these two gubernias. The Zwolen marriages include marriage partners from many other area towns, notably Ciepielôw, Gniewoszôw, Granica, Kazanôw, Kozienice, Lipsko, Radom and Szydlowiec, and towns in bordering Lublin gubernia such as Kazimierz Dolny. Radoszyce Radoszyce births for 1826 to 1850 appear in this issue, extracted from the Polish by Dolores Ring. Dolores' extracts of the later Radoszyce births records, 1851-1884, appeared in Kielce-Radom SIG Journal V:l (Winter 2001), pages 38-58. Her extracts of all of the microfilmed Jewish marriage records of Radoszyce, Caution These extracts are intended to assist the researcher in selecting records that may be of use for further study. There may be errors in interpretation in these extracts, due to the uneven quality of legibility of the handwriting, the microfilming, and the condition of the microfilm itself, in addition to errors in the original record books. As always, it is prudent for the researcher, when using secondary source data such as these extracts, to examine the primary source data for final verification. It is always best for the genealogist to view the actual records pertaining to his/her family to verify the interpretation, and glean additional facts. - WB 24 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Summer 2003 Zwolen Marriages 1826-1877 # Surname Given Name Ï826 1 BOYMAYLGRYN Hil Estera WAJNSZTOK 2 KIWOICZ ROYSENCWAJG 3 ALTMAN ZAYDENBAUM 4 GOTLIB DYAMENT 5 CUKER KERSZEN 6 MANDELBAUM ERLICH 7 ERLICH LANDO 8 WAJNTROPP ZYLBER 9 ENGEL KATC 10 RUBINSZTAJN KNOBEL 11 HOCHMAN GROYSLACHT 12 CIOLEK BLACHMACHER 13 LEHRENMAN SZPIGELMAN 14 LAJBERMAN BRAYNTYCH 15 WUTECH CHABER 1827 1 GDLJBFARB TAYTELBAUM 2 WAYCMAN WILDMAN 3 AYZENMAN LEJBUSOW 4 ZYLBER BERENHOLC 5 KESTENBERG MANDELMAN 6 KIRSZENBLATT AYDELSZTAJN 7 WAYNTROPP AYZENSZTADT 8 BERGMAN KUPPERBERG 9 ILLEMBLIN DYAMENT 10 NAYMAN KAPLON 11 ZALCMAN APPEL 12 ROZENBERG POTAZN1K 1828 1 MALACH APFEL 2 WAXMAN FAYNTYCH 3 WAYSFELD KAPLON Abram Draizla IcekLejbus Rovza Ejzvk Gitla Lewek Rvfka Jonasz Laia Zelik Laia Moszek Sura Raca Abram Sura Jenta Lejbus Raizla Cwid ) Lejbus Chaia Faisa Abram Pessa Lejbus Icek Raizla Izrael Baila Wulf Laia Age Father Mother Town 18 Jonas Andzlow 17 Haskiel Herszkow 24 Kiwa Wulfowicz 17 Jakob Aron 18 Herszek Joskowicz 16 Abram Szlamowicz 20 Mosiek Ickowicz 18 Dawid Lejbusiowicz 18 Icek Majer Boruchowicz 17 Maier Gerszonowicz 19 Herszek Ezykowicz 17 Leibus Szaiowicz 18 Szlama Lewkowicz 19 Oron Hasklowicz 20 Pinkwas Szmul Zachanaszowicz 19 Leibus Sendrowicz 21 Izrael Herszkowicz 18 Haskiel Gdalowicz 28 Judka Jakubowicz 30 Josek Abram Gdalowicz 18 Mordka Josek Huna 22 Dawid Abramowicz 24 Jakob Szlamowicz 24 Jonas Ickowicz 20 Abram Jojzef 18 Chaim Abramowicz 24 Dawid Abaramowicz 20 Berek Gerszonowicz 22 Herszek Wulfowicz 20 Icek Abramowicz Chaja Fajwelow SoraBerkow Ruchla Moszkowicz Pessa Pinkwasiowicz Ryfka Iserow Zwoleri Z Granica Z Granica Izrael Tvla Raizla Andzel Estera Dwoira Faywel Maraula Brandi Sender Dwoira Rybin Rywen Laia Icek Raca Chaim Lejbus Sura Laia Lejzor Cvrla Nachman Szlama Jachet Chaim (wd ) Minka Mosiek Ester Naftula Rvfka 20 20 20 22 19 18 18 18 22 26 27 18 18 16 20 17 19 Jakub Ankel Hudessa Eyzyk Chaim Faiea Herszek Chana Liba 20 22 19 19 24 18 36 20 20 20 18 22 Abus Lejbusiowicz Ankiel Ickowicz Icek Herszkowicz Herszek Herszkowicz Jakub Moskowicz Leibus Izraelowicz Lejbus Sendrowicz Mosiek Ankel Mortkowicz Dawid Abusiowicz Berek Herszkowicz (dec ) Mosiek Lejbusiowicz Abram Leizorowicz Mosiek Haimowicz Leizor Maierowicz WulfChemiowicz Szmul Ickowicz Summer Oronowicz Herszek Boruchowicz Samson Chaimowicz Zehk Zacharv'aszowicz Nosym Jakubowicz Nuta Moskowicz Izrael Ickowicz Izrael Gawrvelowicz Z Ryfka Zyslow Jochwet Chana Laja Izraelow Faiga Izraelow Chaja Herszkow Kaila Zehkow Jachwet Jonasow WAJNBERG Hinda Zehkow Laja Izraelow Malka Nochimow Malka Izraelow Szyfra Dawidow Dwojra Majerow Paia Ruchla Nochymow Sura Gdalow Tauba Ickow Dvna Moszkow Jenta Herszkow Baila Joilowicz Laja Judkow Bravntla Machla Lejbusow Chana Ickow Ajdla Szmulow Cyna Szimonow Prywa Haimow Marvam Abusiow Chana Tobiaszow Dwoira Izraelow Malka Nochimow Chaia Sura Nisenow Dwojra Lejbusiow Kaila Jakubow Jenta Abramow Wadva Motkow Estera Lejbusiow Nesa Leibusiow Pessa Zyskantow Marvam Herszkow Malka Joskow Roiza Gerszonow Pessa Majerow Gitla Samsonow Henna Izraelow Serla Leibusiow Fajga Nutow Zvsla Herszkow Malka Beruaminow Faiga Ickow Lejzor Dawid Tanchonowicz Sura Maryam Lejbusiow Fraida Nosymow Wolwow Joskowicz Ruchla Basa Anklow Mosiek Jakubowicz Cvrla Ickow Zuk Ickowicz Herszek Abramowicz Leibus Rubinowicz Opole Z Z Kazimierz Granica Kuwel Z Z Lipsk Z Z Z z z Przytyk Z Z Lipsko Kazanowic Kazanowic Z Z Granica Kazanowic Z Z Ketyszel Z Konskowola Z z Opatôw Lipsko Z Z Z Z zz z Granica Z Granica Z z z z Pissarôw Z Lrosko Z Z Gniewosz Z ROLNTK ROZENBERG Abram Szaindla 5 BOYMAYLGRYN Lewek GOLDSBERG Chaja Sura 6 MANDELBAUM Eyzvk Mavla WAYNSZTOK 7 KESTENBERG Lejzor KRYSTZTELMAN BajlaLaja 8 Icek (wid ) LIPFELD Faisa Ruchla WAJNSZTOK 9 BORENSZTAJN Lejbus BOJMALGRYN Rvfka Laia 10 CHABERMAN Herszek SUCHAROWICZ Liba 11 TENENBAUM Josek Chaia Sura FAYNTYCH 12 ERLICH Motek Fraida CUKIER 13 SZTAYNMAN Beniaman Ruchla BBRNBAUM 1829 1 FAYNSZMTr RUBINSZTAJN v .Ankiel Herszkowicz ..v^Ryfka Joskow " Izraéi Lewkowicz FaigaNutow Jonas Andzlowicz Chaja Fajwelow Bina Zelikow Majlech Oronowicz Chaja Herszkow Herszek Eyzykowicz Haskiel Herszkowicz Sura Berkow Icek Anklowicz Kajla Kadaziewicz Gitla Iserow Mendel Berkowicz Mosiek Izraelowicz Chaja Lejbusiow Sura Berkow Haskiel Herszkowicz Szymcha Moskowicz Szyfra Germanow Andzel Anklowicz Chaja Sura Leibusiow Chaja Jakierow Berek Abramowicz Suchar Moskowicz Laia Judkow Szlama Herszkowicz Mindla Joskow Maier Wolfowiwcz Rvfka Faiga Jakubow Szlama Siapsa Lewkowicz Jochwet Jonaszow Samson Szmulowicz Chana Tauba Pinkwasiow Abram Beniaminowicz Hinda Ickow Ita Ickow Herszek Janaszowicz 19 19 22 20 32 20 Lipa Moskowicz Michel Lewkowicz Eyzyk Wigdorowicz Szmul Jakierowicz Michel Majerowicz Zelik Jakierowicz Oron Michlowicz Berek Oronowicz Zurek Ickowicz Andzel Zelmanowicz Nosym Berkowicz Oron Herszkowicz Andzel Nochymowicz Zacharvasz Wulfowicz Bajla Jakierow Perla Leibusiow Ruchla Joskow Maryam Herszkow Tauba Anklow Dobra Abramow Sura Abramow Chana Judkow Cerla Jakierow Sura Herszkow Estera Eta Lejzorow Hinda Zelikow Chaja Ickow Sura Leibusiow Granica Z Kozinic Z z z Fajdlow Z Z Z z z z z z z z z Gniewoszow Z z z z z Jozefôw Z Ciepelôw Z Tarnogrôd Z Kazimierz Warszawa Z Gniewoszow Z Z Sandomierz Z z z z z Przysusz Z NI N 20 20 28 18 58 20 30 20 22 11. 29 18 22 20 24 20 20 22 36 26 24 20 36 20 20 19 38 27 19 20 25 24 z z NIN Chana Gitla Chaimow Chawa Jonaszow Mala Ickow Ryfka Frajda Chaimow Estera Abramow Estera Lejbusiow Maryam Moskow Hena Herszkow Malka Abramow Drajzla Szmulow Sura Gdalow Tauba Szlamow Hawa Gawrylow Rajzla Oronow Brana Berkow Ruchla Ickow Maryam Isakow Frayda Hamlow Chaia Izraelow Ita Lejbusiow Ruchla Liba Joskow Blima Chaimow Ruchla Basa Anklow Laja Judkow Sura Wigdorow Frajda Szimonow Chana Leibusiow Serla Szimonow Dreizla Leibusiow Sura Lejbusiow Dreizla Leibusiow Z Z NI N NIN 19 20 19 18 Lejbus Szmul Moskowicz Szmelek Leibusiowicz Lejbus Moszkowicz Haskiel Leibusiowicz Gerszon Szlamowicz (w ) Ela Wulfowicz Moszek Chaimow Motek Nosvmowicz Abram Zyslowicz Benis Leibusiowicz Dawid Moskowicz Dawid Abramowicz Zelik Mendlowiczf Dawid Markusowicz Szymcha Szmulowicz LeibusKoplowicz Szmul Abramowicz Oron Mortkowicz Josek Izraelowicz Gimpel Boruchowicz Michel Leizor Herszek Oron Szimonowicz Moszek Jakubowicz Dawid Abramowicz Izer Andzlowicz Berek Lejbusiowicz Szlama Jakubowicz Herszek Kunowicz Moszek Abramowicz Kopel Nosymowicz Haskiel Szmulowicz ON ON ChaimWulf Sura 2 MORGENSZTERN Mosiek LECHTSZAYN Gitla 3 Szlama WAYCMAN CYAN Rifkd 4 WAYNTROPP Izral FAYGENBAUM Dwoira 5 APPELBAUM Zysel KERSZENBAUM Tauba 6 BORENSZTAJN Herszek Estera GRAYSLACHT 7 KENIGSBERGER Berek Hinda FRYDLENDER 8 Lejzor KORNMAN FLUMENBAUM Czarna Mendel 9 FISZER Chaia WAYCMAN 10 HOROWICZ Lejzor Estera Malka DYAMENT 11 KAFFENBAUM Szmul (wid ) ZWEIGHAFT Elka 12 CYBEL Simon Raizla WAYSFELD Ankel 13 LOYBERMAN BOYMAN Cvma 14 FRYDMAN Naftall (wid ) Estera FKZMAN 15 CUKER Chaim Czama DYAMENT 16 OBSTBAUM Mosiek Icek Faisa LEDERMAN 1830 1 KRAJZBERG Mosiek SZABMAN Estera 2 Zalman (wid ) SZTERN KUPPERBERG Gitla Raizla 3 ROYZENSCWAJG Majer Blima GOLDFARB 4 Abram LEYBEL GRYNBERG Royza 5 Icek Jakier KAPLON Dwoira WILDMAN Motek 6 FAJGENBAUM Ruchla LANDO 7 Icek KNOBEL Laia FANTYCH 16 20 18 20 17 24 20 50 60 20 16 24 20 19 19 19 16 24 16 N N 4 25 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 to to o oo Summer 2003 Gniewoszow Z z Gramca Z Radom Kazanowic Z 26 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 NYMAN KNOBEL 9 FIX WASZMAN 10 AYLMAN RUBINSZTAJN 1831 1 BRAYNTYCH BRYN 2 WAJNTROPP 3 4 BORENSZTAJN KIERSZENMAN BEKERMAN ZYMEN BAUMGART Motek Zelda Abram Rvfka Jakob Tauba 28 24 24 19 22 20 Wulf Moskowicz Maier Moskowicz Josek Moskowicz Leibus Oronowicz Mosiek Szmulowicz Ankiel Ickowicz Estera Anklow Bina Wulfow Szyfra Chana Berkow Machla Ayzykow Gitla Anklow Sura Moskow Motek Faiea Zehk (wid ) Chaia Laia ( w l Chaim (wid ) Bayla (wid) Mosiek Majer Laia 22 18 60 26 55 30 21 20 Berek Gerszonowicz Majer Moskowicz Chaim Wulfowicz Wigdor Lejbusiowicz Mosiek Zyskantowicz Josek Gerszon Moskowicz Fiszel Boruchowicz Chana Motkow Bina Wulfow Rajzla Szlamow Chana Sara Moskow Nacha Herszkow Chana Abramow Ita Abusiow Chaia Ryfka Szaymow 45 24 25 20 20 20 19 16 25 22 24 20 53 43 24 22 20 18 18 18 26 25 Abram Josefowicz Mendel Moskowicz Lejbus Herszkowicz Manvs Moskowicz Abram Lejzorowicz Herszek Boruchowicz Chaim Moskowicz Abram Leibusiowicz Oron Szimowicz Josek Moskowicz Zaywel Zurkowicz Chaim Jakubowicz Lejbus Jakierowicz Berek Sanderowicz Mendel Elowicz Nosvm Jakubowicz Chaim Nosymowicz Pinkwas Jonaszowicz Peysach Lejzorowicz Mavlech Oronowicz Berek Szuhmowicz Mosiek Szmulowicz Michel Anklowicz Berek Gerszonowicz Zajzol Anklowicz Aron Mordkowicz Mordka Ickowicz Izrael Judkowicz Lejbus Lejzorowicz Szmerek Nutowicz Herszek Lewkowicz Leibus Maierowicz Icek Pesakowicz Mosiek Chaunowicz Kelman Anklowicz Herszek Samsonowicz Icek Herszek Boruchowicz Ryfka Judkow Brandla Herszkow Dwojra Sendrow Gitla Mendlow Sura Eliaszow Gitla Dawidow Dwojra Ickow Eyzykow Gitla Herszkow Bhma Chaimow Sura Chaimow Gitla Samsonow Chana Baila Ickow Dwojra Zaylow Ruchla Jakubow Gitla Herszkow Henna Izraelow Ryfka Laja Kunow Ita Joskow Ryfka Lejzorow Bina Abramow Cypa Nachmanow Chaia Anklow Fajga Lejzorow Henda Mortkow Sura Jakubow Marvam Szuhmow Royza Chaimow Szyfra Kunow Dwojra Abramow Sura Szymchow Ryfka Majerow Ruchla Moskow Fajga Szolow Estera Leibusow Perla Majerow Malka Joskow Chana Herszkow Royza Gerszonow Abram Szlamowicz Ankiel Ickowicz WulfChaimowicz Mortka Anklowicz Mosiek Abramowicz Zehk Zurkowicz Calel Andzlowicz Sender Herszkowicz IdessaNosymow Ryfka Joskow Pessa Smanow Chaia Abusiow Huna Pessa Wulfow Gitla Samsonow Ruchla Eliaszow Laia Leibusiow Sura Chaimow Maryanka Moskow Estera Lejbu sow FaiaaNutow 1832 1 KISZKA FAJGENBAUM 2 WAYNSZTOK Sziia Mrndla Herszek APFELBAUM Baila 3 FRENKIEL Lejbus Ehasz ZYLBERFARB Eta Izrael Icek 4 ROYZENBERG Ruchla DYAMENT Simon (wid ) 5 CYBEL MANDELBAUM Chaia Ruchla Samson 6 KAPLON Mayla Rechla GOLDFARB Chdim (wid ) 7 GILBFARB TANCHONOW Chana (wid ) Gerszon 8 RUBINSZTAJN ZALCMAN Perla Motek 9 OBSTBAUM BOYLMAYLGRYiN Szvfra Abram Ankiel 10 GOLDBARD GOLDZBERG Perla Lejbus 11 WAYSROK AYLMAN Eta Lejzor 12 WAXMAN Chaia BRANTYCH 13 KIERSZENBAUM Icek Lejb FBZBAUM Estera Bronow 14 FINKELSZTAJN Chaim Dawid KUPPERMAN Faisa Abram Ankiel 15 SZUSTERMAN WASERMAN Faiaa Marvam Ankiel Majer 16 LECHTSZAJN LEJBUSIOWICZ Fravdla Josek 17 HANDELSMAN WAYNTROPP Mindla Izrael 18 NAYCHAUZ ZYNMAN Dwoira Szymcha 19 MILLER Kaila DYAMENT 1833 1 GOLDFARB ROLNIK 2 3 4 5 6 BERGMAN MILLER ROYZENBAUM KAPLON FLUMEN CUKER KORNMAN FAJGENBAUM ENGLENDER ROZENBERG Ela Kaila Herszek Gitla Icek Machla Wult (wid ) Szvfra Izrael Icek Hudessa Liba Icek Hinda to to to oo 8 24 18 26 22 22 18 22 21 20 21 22 21 26 22 25 22 26 23 26 22 40 27 18 18 20 18 Chaim Jermal Mendlowicz Motek Nosymowicz Lejbus Boruchowicz Izrael Ickow Summer 2003 Kazanowic Zawisztat Z Z z Kozinic Z Solec Z Z z z Kazimierz Z Z Gniewoszôw Z Z Ostrowiec Z Kozinic Z z z z z z Tedlenska Sienno Z z z Gniewoszôw Z z z Kazimierz Z Gniewoszôw Z Solen Z z z z Kozinic Palowa Z z z Kranic Z Z Z Z zKazanôw Z z z Weiswodzki Z Ilza z Summer 2003 18) Jcek Dawid Joskowicz.v« a 18 Abram Leibusiowicz 26 Nosym Lewkowicz 22 Berek Oronowicz 22 Icek Herszkowicz 18 Abram Leibusiowicz 20 WulfGdalowicz 18 Dawid Mordka Majerowicz 54 Mordka Berkowicz 20 Zelman Leizorowicz 21 Izrael Majerowicz 18 Mavlech Janaszowicz Szmelka Lejbusiowicz Jankiel GOLDMAN to to to oo Szol Kina Mosiek Ruchla Laja Izrael Brandla Izrael Laia Gerszon (wid ) Dwoira Abram Szmul Faiga Dwoira Simon (wid ) Estera (wid ) Mendel Fajwel Mindla Lavb Jaker Rifka 19 Josek Mendlowicz 18 Herszek Boruchowicz 20 Chaim Jakubowicz 19 Abram Herszkowicz Icek Lejzor Josek Szmelka Abramowicz Mavta Ruchla Gimpel Boruchowicz 24 Berman Szajowicz Szlama Josek Estera Malka (w ) 21 Gimpel Boruchowicz 25 Jankiel Abramowicz Abram Aydla 18 Szlama Szuhmowicz 25 Berek Kunowicz Lejbus 18 Eyzyk Leibusiowicz Szeywa Abram Mosiek 22 Oron Herszkowicz Sura 18 Cham Moszkowicz ON OO Josek Jerla Bencyan Dobra Dawid Maylech Dwoira Taiga (w) Chaim (wid ) Idessa Ankiel Estera Szlama Nusyn Lai a Izrael Raizla Izrael Chaia Sura (w ) Hil Dwoira 23 22 OO OO Mosiek Oron Zlota Szmaja Chaia Dydyia (wid ) Tauba Baild (w ) Kona Gitla Manys Drevzla Mosiek Tyla Royza (w ) Icek Fiszel (w ) Kaila Sender Hinda Hil Jojne Liba Cvwia 50 36 24 22 25 20 22 27 19 17 22 18 ON OO FRYDMAN DYAMENT 8 GRYSZPAN GRYNDBERG 9 WAYCMAN RYBS 10 GODLYB APPEL 11 WORDSMAN WILF 12 HERNFRYD BOYLMAYLGRYN 13 RUBINSZTAJN KNAMIROWSKI GOLDMAN 14 NBENBAUM SYLBERFARB 15 GOLDFARB WAYCMAN 16 AYLBERT DYAMENT 17 WAYGENSZPORK DYAMENT 18 STOSWALKE GROSMAN 19 FINKELSZTAJN SZAYNEPUREC 20 GOLDZBERG KIERSZENMAN 1834 1 PERELMITTER KOZA 2 ROZENBLATT GOLDSZTAJN 3 EYCHENBAUM GOROZYCA 4 BORENSZTAJN ZYLBERMAN 5 KIESTENBAUM GLAT 6 KUPPERBERG GELBFARB 7 KOCHEN ERLICH 8 WAYCMAN WILDMAN 9 WAYNBERG CUKIER 1835 1 HUBERMAN GUTTERMAN 2 FRYDMAN FAJNTYCH 3 LENGA HORNFRYD 4 RUTCHAUZED AJDLER 5 DYAMENT GOREZYCA ZYLBERBERG 6 BOJMAYLGRYN 7 RUBINSZTAJN GRYSZPAN 8 WIZENBERG SZLAFERMAN 1836 1 BLUSZTAJN GOLDZBERG Cherszek Chaimowicz Leibus Wohva Motek Zehkowicz Berek Dawidowicz Dawid Cherszeklzraelowicz Izrael Lejbusiowicz Josek Anklowicz Nuta Wigdorowicz Leibus Maierowicz Lejbus Dawidowicz Ankiel TAJTELBAUM Szmul Berkowicz Szlama Siabsa Lewkowicz Abram Berkowicz Herszek Lewkowicz Kopel Jonaszowicz Samson Szmulowicz Brandla Moskow Gitla Herszkow Necha Moskow Chana Judkow Prywa Chaimow Grvna Moskow JachwetAnklow Rvfka Dawidow Estera Samsonow SuraAndzlow Frajda Beniaminow Ita Leibusiow Handa Jonasziow Raizla Berkowicz Z Z Hza Z Z Lublin Lipsko Z Z Z Krzepiec Z Rajzla Zysmanow Gitla Moskow Chana Bajla Ickow Gitla Joskow Szyfra Abramow Chaia Izraelow Rochla Moszkow Chaia Izraelow Ruchla Berkow Chaia Ickow Chana Herszkow Golda Szmulow Necha Gdalow Eta Judkow Warszawa Z Mindla Ickow GitJa Janow Tyla Ita Herszkow Mirla Jonasow Ruchla Beniaminow Malka MALACH Szyfra Kunow Ita Judkow Sura Bajla Zyslow Faiea Joskow Sylka Herszkow Cyna Szimonow Pesla Szmulow Jachweta Jonaszow Rajza Herszkow Maryam Abusiow Chana Andzlow Chana Tauba Pinkwasiow 22 Berek Abramowicz 19 Manasa Szlamowicz Josek Berkowicz Zacharyasz Wulfowicz 18 Boruch Ickowicz 20 Mailech Janaszowicz 50 Lejbus Anklowicz 24 Paisach Leibusiowicz 22 Dawid Lejbusiowicz 19 Zelik Szlamowicz 18 Motka Lejbusiowicz 16 Mailech Janaszowicz 24 Icek 20 Abram Szlamowicz 23 Abram Moskowicz 28 Wulf Kelmanowicz Chaja Ickow Chaia Leizorow Bajla Mindla Lejbusiow Sura Leibusiow Ruchla Chaimow Ita Leibusiow BOJMALGRYN Elka Szmulow Chaia Judkow Jachwet Moskow Boruch Lejbusiowicz 18 Mailech Oronowicz Sosa Ryfka Bina Zaylow to to to o 7 27 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Ryfka Moskow Ita Leibusiow Blima Moskow Machla Gidzlow Golda Izraelow RaizaKNOBEL z Szydlowiec z z Mogielnica Z Opoczno Z Z Z z z z z z z Gniewoszow Z Kozienic Z Grabow Z z z Gniewoszow Z z z z z z z z Kazamierz Z Z Klowic Z z Kozienic Z Z Taslowic Z Jedleszew Z Sienno Z Z z 28 2 BIRNBAUM AYLBAUM 3 ZAYDENBAUM CUKER 4 BERMAN BAUMGART 5 NUDELMAN KUPPERBERG 6 GRYNBERG CUMER 7 OBSTBAUM BRAUNBERG 8 KOCHEN WAYNTROPP 9 WAYNBERG GOLDSZAJN 10 FIX HELDZMAN 11 ROYZMAN AYLMAN 12 ZYNMAN KARP 13 WAYNTROPP WAYNTROPP 14 CYTRON GARTENMAN 15 ROHTBEYN BOJMAYLGRYN 16 LIPSZYC TAYTEL 1837 1 KAPLON KOHEN 2 HABERMAN KOZA 3 HANOWER LIPSZYC 4 NAJSZTAJN GRYNCWAJG 5 LEYB GELDFARB 6 FRYDMAN BEYTMAN 7 KISZKA BIRNBAUM 8 FEFERMAN KATZ 9 AILMAN KAPLON 10 FRYDMAN ZALCMAN 11 FRYDMAN CHERSZENHORN 12 BERGRASSE KAPLON 13 NUDELMAN BRYFTREGIER 14 MOSZKOW FAJNTYCH 15 KIERSZMAN FTX 16 FRAJBERG FRYMER 17 FRYDMAN KNOBELMAN 18 BOUMAN GUTMAN Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Dawid Bencyon Liba Izrael Hinda Nochym Szvfra Herszek (wid ) Giela Abram Chaia Dwoira Nosym Kaila Brandla Berek Sora Kopel (wid ) Fraida Moskow Josek Estera Lejbus Raizla Samson Baila Mendel Raizla Herszek Zlota Chaim Hil Chana Ratal Laia Marvam Mosiek Kuna Ruchla Herszek (wid ) Laia Rafal Rvfka Abus Baila Wulf Fai°a Wadia (wid ) Chaia Mendel Chana Mosiek Suia Icek Lejb Perla Liba Rafal Mendel Estera Dwoira Izrael Zvsla Svmcha Raizla Abram Estera Jankel Chana Nuta Chaia Dwoira Mosiek Serka Srul Rvfka Dawid Chaia (w) 20 18 20 19 24 20 28 19 22 19 19 18 18 20 48 26 22 19 20 19 20 20 17 26 20 19 18 19 16 18 20 30 20 20 18 18 16 19 20 42 20 24 20 20 21 24 21 20 19 20 18 23 20 20 16 31 19 20 18 18 21 16 22 24 Herszek Gerszonowicz Maier Szmulowicz Lejb Szlamowicz Icek Abusiowicz Szaja Chaimowicz Herszek Ickowicz Dawid Moskowicz Szmul Jakierowicz Manasa Mendlowicz Sender Herszkowicz Kopel Nosymowicz Szmerka Berkowicz Lejzor Gotlewicz Abram Chaimowicz Jonas Mendlowicz Boruch Icek FRYDMAN Berek Joskowicz Ela Szlamowicz Mosiek Abramowicz Boruch Maierowicz Herszek Samsonowicz Leibus Wolwowicz Abram Chaimowicz Mosiek Chaimowicz Fajwel Szajowicz Leibus Chaimowicz Josek Lewkowicz Mailech Janaszowicz Szlama Kelmanowicz Icek Abramowicz Mihkow? Perla Moskow Malka Joskow Estera Joskow Gitla Frajndla Wolwow Estera Lei busiow Szyba Herszkow Chana Moskow Szyfra Lewkow Ita Leibusiow Ruchla Iserow Dala Chaimow Herszek Lejb Zaylowicz Szmul Herszkowicz Berek Abramowicz Leibus Herszkowicz Abram Lejbusiowicz Icek Berkowicz Lejbus Michlowicz Izrael Leibusiowicz Herszek Lejb Wulfowicz Abus Leibusiowicz Szmenca Jankelowicz Herszek Motkowicz Zajwel Abramowicz Herszek Jonasiowicz Suchar Abramowicz Maier Abramowicz Mosiek Szmulowicz Zekk Zerkowicz Majer Janklowicz Hil Joizep Nusvmowicz Naftul Berkowicz Leib Andzlowicz Abram Beniaminowicz Zurka Ickow Dawid Moskowicz Icek Izraelowicz Josek Binowicz Maier Wulfowicz Icek Nutowicz Berek Joskowicz Dawid Chaimowicz Leibus Abramowicz Boruch Majlech Fiszlowicz Bina Berek Szuna Jakierow Gnendla Herszkow Chaja Jakierow Chana Ickow Chaja Berkow Eta Moskow Ajdla Lejbusiow Szvfra Abusiow Szajdla Herszkow Sura Aidla Szmulow Ita Dawidow Gitla Izraelow Rajzla Berkow Ita Ickow Laja Judkow Perla Izraelow Etta Izraelow Gitla Samsonow Ryika Mortkow Sura Gerszonow Sura Chaimow Kaila Hinda Ickow Cyrla Jankierow Drejzla Janklow Raizla Leizorow Liba Berkowicz Ryfka Janklow Malka Ickow Sura Herszkow Fmkla Haniow1? Szyfra Chaimow Fajga Laja Fiszlow Sura Andzlow Ruchla Wigdorow Hinda BRAJNTYCH Estera Izraelow Baca Gdalow Maryam Majerow Faiga Leizorow Jenta Moskow Rvfka Herszkow Drejzla Chaimow Maryam Herszkow Necha Percewicz Laia Lejbusiow Sora Lejbusiow Sora Ickow Sura Gitla Zosenow Gitla Fraidla Wolwow Abramow Ryfka Boruchow Sora Herszkow Summer 2003 Rzadowa Z Kony Z Lecza Z z z Gnaszow Z z z Glowasz Z z KraSnik Z Z z z Koriskowola Z z z z z Warszawa Z z z z Kozienice Z Z z z z z z z z z z z Jozefôw zz z z z z z z z z z Kazimierz Z Monkoza Z Gniewoszow Z z z Gniewoszow Z •h--'- Summer 2003 1838 1 GOLDMAN GRYNCWAJG GOLDBERG 2 KIERSZENMAN SZWARCBERG 3 KIERSZENMAN ROZENCWAJG 4 ERLICH 5 SZYPER WILF BIER 6 TROPP 7 RUBINSZTAJN KKZKA 8 NYSYNBAUM SZTAJNBERG 9 GRYNBERG ROJZMAN 10 GILDFARB MANDELMAN 11 KORMAN SZNAJDER 12 EJZEDBAUM ROZENCWAJG 13 BIRBAUM KUPERBERG 1839 1 ROTHBLAT DYAMENT 2 ELBERT RUBINSZTAJN FRAJMAN 3 PERERNUTEL WILF 4 BOJMALGRYN 5 FRYDMAN WAJCMAN 6 JUWAM ZAJDENBAUM 7 FIX EJZYNFLAT 8 WAJNBERG BOUMGART 9 GUREFINKIEL KAPLON 10 ZYLBERBERG OBSTBAUM 11 ABOWICZ JUTKOW 12 RUBIN BOUMGART 13 LEWINSON DYAMENT/ ROZENBERG 14 CUKIER AJZENSTAT 1840 1 PERELMTTER KKZKA FRYDMAN 2 CUKIER 3 FRAJMAN ZEJDENWAR MORGENSZTAJN 4 DYAMENT 5 APELBAUM AJDELSZTAJN 29 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Judka Fajga Mosiek (wid.) Data (wid.) Wulf Rvfka Sender Szajdla Pinkwas Mirla Salomon Chana Icek Dvna Jankel Liba Abram (wid.) Gitla Aron Mindla Mendel Handla Izrael Ryfka. Chana Icek Necha 19 16 48 38 19 16 18 16 26 18 26 20 24 18 19 17 26 17 20 16 26 20 19 16 19 16 Herszek Izraelowicz Izrael Lewkowicz Pejsak Chaim Moskow Jankel Wulfowicz Nuta Fajwelowicz Mosiek Gdalowicz Szlama Lewkowicz Jankel Zelmanowicz Herszek Zelmanowicz Mosiek Herszkowicz Motka Abramowicz Icek Janaszowicz Szaja Abramowicz Zysla Motkowicz Szmul Abramowicz Manas Mendlowicz Mosiek Abramowicz Abram Szlamowicz Jankel Szmulowicz Szmul Abramowicz Lejbus Szmulowicz Szmul Abramowicz Abram Dawidowicz Zajnwol Janaszowicz Szlama Szmulowicz 18 Slama Abram 20 Lejbus 17 Janas Ickowicz 25 Mosiek Judkowicz 17 Herszek Chaimowicz 19 Herszek Aronowicz 18 Fajwel Jurowicz 19 Wadya Szmulowicz 17 Lejbus Ickowicz 20 Izrael Nosymowicz 18 Chvna Lejb Slamowicz 60 Josek Ajzykowicz 24 Boruch Nuta 29 Abram Mordkowicz 19 Herszek Ickowicz Jutka Pinkwasiowicz 17 Herszek Zalowicz 22 Hil Naftulowicz 18 Chaim Nosymowicz 28 Abram 25 Jutka Pinkwasiowicz Chaim Szmul (w.) 25 Eyzyk Szvfra (wid.) 30 Herszek Szmul Pinkas (w.) 35 Berek Gdalowicz 24 Abram Slamowicz Ickow Ruchla Josek Eyzvk Perla Herszek Chana Lejbus Rvfka Slama Baila Izrael Hindla Rafal Fajga Ejzyk (wid.) Hudes Necha Icek Mala Izrael Minka Izrael Rajzla Szmul Dwoira Malka Bryna Judkow SzyfraAbusiow Laja Eta Abramow Laja Joskow Malka Ickow Frajda Joskow Jachwet Jonaszow Malka Froimow Serla Lejbusiow Maza Herszkow Malka Fajwelow Sura Janklow Chana Berkow Rychla Berkow Cvpra Graymow Nycha Peretzow Mindla Herszkow Marya Kelmanow Bajla Beniaminow Malka Raca Abramow Pesa Izraelow Ajdla Herszkow Perla Szarow Ryfka Wulfow Chaja Sura Gitla Szajndla Herszkow Sura Janklow Kajla Herszkow Nvcha Peretzow Serka Slamow chana Aronow Bina Lejbusiow Hudes Janklow Etla Ajzykow Male Szajerow Dwojra Siapsiow Ruchla Laja Fajwelow Hudes Zalow Ryfka Herszkow Cypra Gdalow Szjewa jakierow Ryfka Izraelow Ryfka Zelikow Rawa Szajow Marya Abow Mirla Chaimow Micha Nosymow Laja Izraelow Gitla Herszkow Chaim Hil Cevtla 19 Samson Szmulowicz (rabin) Chana Tauba Pinkwasiow 16 Jankel Hawa Bejnusiow Kelman Roiza Izrael Mindla Szmul Mandla Ruchla Izrael Szajdla Hil Esterka 30 18 21 17 19 18 18 Szaja Moskowicz Zajwel Abramowicz Mortka Szmul Herszkowicz Josek Lejbus Izraelowicz Lejbus Moskowicz Pinkwas Boruchowicz Mosiek 18 Oron Herszkowicz Prywa Rajzla Berkow cypa Fajga Abramow Gitla Chaia Ryfka Ruchla Slamow Estera Herszkow Szejwa Baila Herszkow Z Z Kozienice Z z z . Miedrzyc Z Gniewoszôw Z z z z z z z z z z z z Ciepelôw Kozienic Z z z Gizowic Z z z z z z z z z z z z Granica Sabkowic Z z z Janowic Z Przedborz Z Kozienic Z Krasnic Z z Miedrzvc Z Z Kazimierz Z Opatôw Z Z Z Kozienic Z 30 6 OBSTBAUM GOLDBERG 7 KORENBERG WILF 8 WOLFMAN SZTAJNWURZEL 9 GOLDBRAD BLUSZTAJN 10 SZNAJLSZER SERELA 11 LIMAN LECHTSZAJN 12 BLACHER KUPPERBERG 13 CYPELO KUPERBERG 14 KIERSZENBLAT GRYSZPAN 15 ZYLBERKNAP DYAMENT 16 GOLDSZTAJN TROPP 17 ZYLBERBERG ZYLBER 18 KUPER WAJNTRAUB 1841 1 LEYFER MANUSIOW 2 KUG1EL GOLDRAIT 3 JKSZUK? FLITZ 4 DYAMENT ZYLBERBLAUM 5 JUTKOWICZ BOUMGORD 6 FRYDMAN SZWAB 7 DABROCHIN NYZYNBAUM 8 ZYLBERBERG STRAUZ 9 ZALCMAN RYBS 10 AKIERMAN GURFINKIEL 11 WAXMAN CWYBEL 12 KIESMAN BERENBAUM 13 RAIS RAIS 1842 1 HONIGSZTOK ROZENCWAJG 2 GOLDAK TAYTEL 3 WOLDSZTAJN RUBINSON 4 EBUSZYC WAJNTRAUB 5 BICHMAN G1LDFARB 6 PERELMAN LEJZUR 7 MENDELZON FAJGENBAUM Kieke-Radom Izrael (wid) Jochwet Herszek Frajdla Lejzor Krusel Icek Dawid Dwoira Lejbus (wid.) Nysla Wigdor Rvflca Gdala Chana Lejbus (wid ) Hendla Ratal Malka Chaim Mindla Le|bus Roiza Szaja Chaia Kopel Man a 40 IS 22 21 20 23 19 17 SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 19 23 20 21 16 39 18 20 16 20 19 29 18 20 18 18 17 Kopel Nosymowicz Mailich Oronowicz Ankiel Herszek Zelman Leizorowicz Herszek Zelmanowicz Szlama Leizorowicz Chaim Peysak Szymonowicz Boruch Leibusiowicz Chaim Lejbus Moskowicz Herszek Lejb Dawid Nachman Gdalowicz Szlama Szmulowicz Berek Szalowicz Herszek Jakierowicz Zachary Lejbusiowicz Leibus Moskowicz Mosiek Mortkowicz Dawid Leibusiowicz Wulf Pinkwasiowicz Mortka Moskowicz Icek Moskowicz Abram Berkowicz Pinkwas Moskowicz Mosiek Chaimowicz Frajda Ickow Bina Zalow Golda Bravda Ickow Serla Lejbusiow Blima Basow Dyna Lejbusiow Sura Rvfka Oronow Sura Abusiow Raizla Herszkow Frymet Chaimow Chaja Leizorow Fajga Zelmanow Rvfka Wulfow Cypa Nachmanow Chaia chaja Mich low Faiga Abramow Mala Szmulow Jachwet Moskow Perla Moskow Malka Faiwelow Ita Herszkow Raca Herszkow Chaja Abramow Estera Leibusiow Icek Serba Ejzyk Chana Liba Oron Szaidla Izrael Sura Itta Icek Jankiel (w ) Faisa Chaim Hersz Gitla Abram Icek Chaia Ryfka Izrael Rajzla Symsia Mosiek Grvna Brandla Josek Perla Tamchen Izrael Sura Estera Ela Grandla Ickow Srul Jankel Pesla 27 20 20 20 26 22 30 25 35 18 22 18 19 18 18 16 18 16 24 18 20 17 20 16 22 17 Lejbus Manus Peysak Calowicz Abus Mendlowicz Mosiek Berek Boruch Abus Swela Jutka Herszek Ickow Boruch Abramowicz Zelik Abramowicz Mortka Zvsel Motkowicz Motka Lejbusiowicz Bemamin Fajwel Elowicz Leibus Abramowicz Mendel Judka Dawid Beniamin Moskowicz Szmul Icek Moskowicz Zelik Ickowicz Berek Abramowicz Fajga Malka Izraelow Moskow Laja Abramow Estera Maierow Jeysa Laia Beniaminow Chana Janklow Dwoira Arenszow Gitla Moskow Ryfka Herszkow Zysla Laja Lejbusiow Ryfka Rykla Berkow Ryfka Moskow Fama Slamow Nuchman Ita Godel Fraida Lipa Faica Alter Perca Raizla Lejbus Lai a Lejzor Sura Wulwow Szyja Herszek Frvmet 21 Herszek Nachem 17 Abus Herszek Jojnowicz 18 Berek Leibusiowicz 24 Motka 19 Leibus 18 Manus 16 Abram 21 Zelman Izraelowicz 16 Abram Slamowicz 32 Icek Rachmilowicz 26 Leibus 18 Kuna Mendlowicz 18 Motka Nusvmowicz 3D Estera Majerow Jenda Cypa Zelikow Pinkwasiow Sura Lejbusiow Ruchla Laia Mayza Mudzonizow Chaia Raizla Ickow Bajla Szmulow Chaia Hinda Berkow Perla Aidla Giella FUXMAN Bravdla Golda Naszymow Sura Leizorow Sura Tauba Szvmka Marya Wulfow Marvam Beniaminow Basa Zymuchow Laia Janklow WAJNSZTOK Chana Janklow Marvam Moskow Summer 2003 Z Z z z z Kazimierz Kazimierz Z Przytyk Z Kazimierz Z z z z z z z z z Zielonic Z z z Janzymc Z Lipsko Z Kazimierz Z Z zz z z z Wlodaszesza Z z z z z Ciepelôw Z Z Z z Ciepelôw Radom Z Wladowic Z Kazimierz Z Konskie Z Kurowic Z Z zz z Kozanic Z Kozanic Z Summer 2003 8 CYBEL TAYTELBAUM 9 AKIERMAN CUIŒR 10 SZERMAN SZAJNEPTJRA 11 GOTBEYITER HAZEN 12 DYAMENT WAJNTRAUB 13 WAJNZERMAN FAJGENBAUM 14 GRYNBAUM GROJSMAN 15 KIRSZENBLATT NAJCHOS 16 FRYDMAN KAPLON 17 GOLDCWEIG TAYTEL 18 MANDEL DYAMENT 19 FAJGENBAUM HABERMAN 20 BORENSZTAJN WILF 21 GRYN BOJMALGRYN 22 FOGIELMAN BLAT 23 ZYMAN GUTENBAUM 24 GOLDWASER ZAJDENBAUM 25 ROTENBAUM GURFINKIEL 26 DYAMENT BEJTMAN 1843 1 CUMER ERLICH 2 MITRAD WAJNTRAUB 3 KUPFERND MANDELMAN 4 GOLDFARB CYON 5 LUXEMBERG BERENBAUM 6 REJS WULFMAN 7 CYBEL BOJMAN 8 KAPLON KIERNENCHAUFT 9 SZWARCENBERG WAJCMAN 10 GROJSMAN FAJNTYCH 11 PRZYUSKI CIOLEK 12 WAJGENSZPORK FELDSZTAJN 13 KIESTENBERG KATZ 14 BERENMAN LEJTMAN Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Estera Wigdor Rvfka Malka Abram Cvina Kopel Lai a 19j*iOron Sznnonowicz - - * «; Blima Chaimow 19 Gdala Dwojra 18 Kuna Berkowicz Ruchla Gdalow Dwoira Leibusiow 16 Szubm Herszkowicz 22 Abram Szmulowicz Gitla Herszkow 18 Eizvk Golda 21 Bencyan Estera Nutow Gitla Motkow 18 Abram Moskowicz Gitla Herszkow 22 Abram Szmulowicz 18 Mosiek chaunowicz Estera Lejbusiow 24 Icek Ryfka 20 Mendel Ruchla Cyrla 23 Mosiek Sanerowicz 18 Szlama Szulimowicz Chaia Gitla Herszkow 22 Majer Szmulowicz Ruchla Ickow 18 Mosiek Kelmanowicz 20 Nafrula Boruchowicz Gitla Samsonow 20 Zala Zarkowicz 25 Izrael Berkowicz Hinda Izraelowicz 18 Abus Ickowicz Royza Manasow 30 Chaim Peysakowicz Ruchla Ravza Lejbusiow Herszek Boruchowicz 33 Kelman Ickowicz Mirla Moskow 21 Berek Abramowicz Chaia Jakierow 27 Mendel Nusymowicz LajaLejbusiow 23 Zelman Leizorowicz Brajdla Ickow 24 Berek Estera 18 Mailech Ita Lejbusiow Laja Wulfow 25 Abram Joskowicz 20 Jankel Blima Leibusiow 22 Gerszon Iska Abusiow 17 Zvskind Fiszlowicz Fraida Itta 27 Herszek Slamowicz Bhma fcraelow 19 Kuna Leib Szlamowicz Sura Hendlow 22 Berek 20 Judka Cvpra 37 Dawid Slamowicz Jachwet 25 Josek Ryflca Ruchla Abram Haskiel Etla Abram Lejb Chaia Sura Berek Szymcha Josek Ruchla Enuch Mmcia Majer Golda Haskel Jurla Mosiek Jachfet Izrael Chaia Ryfka Szulim Ita Szmul Sura Dwo|ra Szlama (wid ) Cypa Zelik (wid ) Cvpra Mosiek EsteiaBma 25 18 19 18 26 18 22 20 26 19 24 20 27 20 22 18 18 16 18 17 24 16 40 18 26 18 23 18 Ejzyk chaim Frajda Gdala Mmdla Haskel Mindzia Necha Szapsia Ruchla Haskel Fa]2a Chaim Izrael Raizla Icek Dreizla Izrael Chawa Abram Szeiwa Berek Fiszlowicz Rosia Ankiel Ita Mosiek Giela Uszer Aidla Jankel Rvfka Wulf Rvfka Laia Davvid Samson Szmulowicz Slama Lewkowicz Slama Mosiek Chaimowicz Slama Mosiek Abram Slamowicz ElaWulfowicz Motka Herszek Szol Herszek Mosiek Oronowicz Josek Ankel Zalowicz Zvsla Kelmanowicz Haskiel Andzel Szlama Szulimowicz Maier Wulf Pinkwas Berek Josek Jankel Abram Icek Abus Ickowicz Chana Pinkwasiow Jachfet Janaszow Gitla Estera Slamow Chana Brandla Marya Bemaminow Etla Chaja Itla Ickow Zlota Wulfow Ryfka Dawidow Blima Froimow Ryfka Jakobowicz Gitla Herszkow Raca Andzlow Cyrtla Bemaminow Dwojra Chaja Ickow Rvfka Janklow Certla Slamow Ita Herszkow Rychla Moskow Sura Ickow Sura Sura Rajzla Frvmet Abusiow 31 Z Janow Zeicskow Z Ilza Z Szudlowic Z z z Sienno, Dza Z Lipsko Z Z Z z z Dza Z z z z z Koriskie Z z z Kuzenowk Z Kazimierz z Koriskie Z Konszowol Z z Kozeniwol Z z Warce Z Janow Z z z Gniewoszôw Z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Kazimierz Z z z 32 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 15 RUBINSZTAJN GRYNCWAJG 16 CZWERMAN ROJZMAN 17 ZYLBERBERG SZWARCBERG 18 MANDELMAN WAJMAN 19 FRYMER DYAMENT 20 CUKIER LEBFELD 1844 1 GOLDMAN BOJMALGRYN 2 DYAMENT SZWARCTOB 3 FEDERMAN KUPERBERG 4 5 GOLDFARB APELBAUM ZALCMAN BURZTYN 6 EJDLERMAN BEJTMAN 7 BORENSZTAJN WAJCMAN ZYLBERBAUM LIBFELD BEJTMAN DYAMENT K3SZKA CHOLDZIŒR 8 9 10 11 FRYDBERG CYBEL 12 HABERMAN KATZ 13 CUKIER ZYLBERG 14 WEJNER BIRNBAUM 15 KIERZENWAJG KAPLON 16 HEKIER BOJMALGRYN 17 KUPERMAN WAJCMAN 18 FAJGENBAUM RECHTMAN 19 NOYSYNBAUM WIOZERMAN 20 EDENBAUM ZAJDENBAUM 21 ROTBERT WAXMAN 22 OCHMAN KIERNENBAUM 23 ZYLBERBERG FISZBEIN 24 KUPERBERG GOLDFARB 25 ZYNGIERMAN AKŒRMAN 26 PAPELBAUM DYAMENT 27 WAJSFELD KIESTENBAUM Motek Estera Ratal Malka Haske! Hinda Haskel Fraidla Ma|er Ruchla Herszek Faiaa 19 17 24 19 27 18 22 18 18 17 19 30 Lejbu:> Izrael Haskiel Abram Icek Jankel Ankel Zehk Lejbus Nachemia Szimonowicz Szmul Icek Laja Koplow SzvfraAbusiow Rafal Mindla Ita Herszkow Chaja Bajla Buimow' Gitla Szyfra Chaimow Hinda Dawidow Eta Abramow Ruchla Hil Chdiia Haskel Estera Mosiek Chap Sura Nuchvm Ruchla Hil (wid ) Ruchla (wid) Mosiek Ebteia Icek Fnma Mdjer Dwoira Haskel Chdiia Janus Abram Kdila Rslka Pinkwas (wid ) Chana Haskel Sura Lejbus Sura Eliasz Estera Pejsak Rvfka Mosiek Rvtka Laia Ddwid Rvila Mosiek Chaia Jankel (w id ) Michla Pinkwas Estera Eta Izrael Laia Mendel Baild Judka Fraidla Haskel Suid Szmul Leid Ejz\k Sura Cud%k Liba Bajja 25 18 26 20 19 16 18 17 46 40 18 18 24 27 19 ? Moskowicz Pinkwas Dawid Lejbusiowicz Szulim Leibusiowicz Szmul Szajowicz Wulf Szmulowicz Icek Abramowicz Mosiek Herszkowicz Nusym Janklowicz Froim Janklowicz Mosiek Herszek Herszek Zelmanowicz Mortka Zehkowicz Pinkwas Szimonowicz Leibus Leizor Berek Szmulowicz Herszek Boruchowicz Jojzep Leibus Dawidowicz Icek Herszek Berek Abramowicz Maier Abramowicz Sender Herszkowicz Abram Berkowicz Bendyt Szuhmowicz Szmul Szaiowicz Berek Kelmanowicz Zehk Zelkowicz Lejbus Faiwel Izrael Leibus Icek Chinow? Zysla Faiwel Szmerl Izraelowiz Leibus Izraelowicz Judka Berkowicz Dawid Tamchopowicz Herszek Moskowicz Zalka Chaim Herszkowicz Mendel Szmulowicz Szlama Szmulowicz Abram Szlamowicz Mosiek Judka Berkowicz Leibus Herszek Abram Cudyk Cudykowicz Wiador Chana Gdalow Itla Joskow Jachfet Moskow Baila Herszkow Jenta Moskow Raizla Estera Ita Lejbusiow Estera Berkow Chana Raizla Szmulow Rytka Cyrla Gitla Maierow Fajga Lejbusiow Cvmela Jakobow Estera Moskow Laia Chaimow Blima Motkow Raiza Gerszonow Blima Abramow Ruchla Zalkow Chana Herszkow 16 23 18 19 17 44 30 27 16 20 19 24 18 19 19 28 20 25 19 32 22 26 19 18 19 22 19 16 26 24 20 18 25 20 19 19 26 20 Chaja Jakobow Chaia Perla Szmelow Laja Lejbusiow Raza Herszkow Chaja Elow Serla Brandla Motkow Gitla Samsonow Blima Chana Szyfra Manow Udes Jakubow Peysa Baza Ruchla Moskow Ryflca Faiea Peysa Zelmanow Ryfka Szaimow Estera Sura Sura Ryfka Abusiow Necha Moskow Mindla Moskow Ryfka Wulfow Marya Kelmanow Dwojra Abramow Hudes Wulfow Liba Gitla Gitla Chaia Laia Zymanow Summer 2003 Z Z Kazanowic Z z z z Ciepelôw Z Jozefow Z Z z z z Gniewoszow Ciepelow Z Z Warcealv Z Z Bobrownik Z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Ciepelow Z Z z Ltpsko Z Z Z z Granica Z Lipsko Z Z Gniewoszow Z z z Kazimierz Z z z Kazanowic Z Lublin Z Lipsko Z Summer 2003 28 Abram Szaj Haskl 18* Kopel* Golda Haskel Malka Berek Giela Haskel Zlotd Mortka Judka Perla Berek Gitla Jakob Basia 24 20 19 19 19 27 19 21 20 27 19 19 17 Eizvk Berkowicz Ela Wulfowicz Abram Izraelowicz Chaim Herszkowicz Szlama Samulowicz Mosiek Beniaminowicz Fiszel Izraelowicz Mosiek Manus Szmierka Izrael Wullowicz ZUsla Szmul Sura Ryfka Lejbusiow Giela Szajdla Hasklow Itta Herszkow Sura Lejbusiow Ryfka Wulfow Gitla Tinlow? Ruchla Herszkow Estera Ruchla Gitla Berkow Sura Leibusiow Hudes Chaia Sura Sura Chaja Sura Szaidla Nutow Ryfka Zeimanow Faiga Jakubow Kajla Zalow Laia Lejbusiow Dwojra Estera Brajdla Gnandla Ryfka Estera Etta Raizla Borucha Laja Serka Gerszonow Chana Moskow Mindla Herszkow Kajla Hasklow Sura Lejbusiow Rajzla Faiea Malka Raizla Boruchow Chena Finkla Sura Gerszonow Gryndla Laja Koplow 22 22 22 17 18 16 18 17 19 26 40 27 18 20 27 20 27 27 27 18 22 18 19 19 18 20 26 22 19 20 18 20 26 25 29 Mosiek Mindla 18 Zelman Mendel 19 Ebteia Mdlka 19 Izraei Mortka 20 Charm 20 Icek (w id ) 40 17 Baila 27 Abram Sura 17 Zacharyarz Wulfowicz Oron Jankel Dawidowicz Leibus Herszkowicz Matka Benmiamin Ankel Zelikowicz Zelik Mosiek Abus Izrael Herszek Tobiasz Izrael Jakub Josek Pinkwas Icek Lejzor Hil Nusvmowicz Le|bus Szmulowicz Mosiek Abramowicz Szmul Herszek Nuchym Mendel Herszek Kelman Abel Dawidowicz Z\sla Josek Nusymowicz Mosiek Szmul Lejbus Izrael Wadia Szmerkowicz Ddwid Kelman Chaim Wult Leizor Herszek Chaim Abram Zelman Jakier Zavwel Bina Chaia Mirla Rykla Ruchla Sura Etta Marya Hudes Lewa Bajla Ryfka Laia Izrael Estera Ma|er FaicaBaila Szuhm Sura Abrtim Ruchoma Herszek Gdalowicz Mosiek Herszkowicz Kuna Szlamowicz Chemia Gdalowicz Abram Kelmanowicz Kelman Lejbusiowicz Dawrd Herszkowicz Szmerka Nutowicz Szyfra Dawidow Cywia Joskow Blima Izraelow Sura Lewkowicz Chana Herszkow Tauba Rayza Andzlow Maryam Moskow Sura Svmchow Lipsko Z Kozinic Z Granica Z Z Kazimierz Z zz z z z z z Kl SI 22 28 18 17 27 17 30 18 Z Kl SI Abram Fraida M a r a Dawid Sura Bajla Izrael Szmul Dwoira Ela Feik Abrdmow Wola Seika (wid ) Josek (wid ) Ruchla (wid ) Abram Cyrla Abram Mnika Szmul Mendel Rodioma Szmul Fraidla Fa|\\el Gitla Icek Dawid Mdlkd Lek Ruohla Sura Herszel Frdida Haskel Ruchla (wid ) Majer Rajzla (wid) Izrael Z Kazimierz Z Z Bialobrzegi KJ Kl OBSTBAUM DAWIDSON 29 CYON ENGEEL 30 BLACHER KUPERBERG 31 TENENBAUM BORN 32 LIBERMAN APELMAN 33 SZNAJDERMAN SZEPS 34 ZTALMAN HONIGZMAN 1845 1 FAJNTYCH PUKEEL 2 PALARZ ALBERT 3 LIBHABER STRAUZ 4 KAPLON ROZENBLAT 5 LEWIN WAJSFOGEEL 6 FELDSZTAJN DOBROSZKLAiNKA 7 WAJNGARTEN MANDELSON 8 FAJNZYLBER BRYFTREGEER 9 GLAT ZALCMAN 10 ELMAN RAJZMAN 11 AKIERMAN AKEERMAN 12 WINTER KEMEL 13 GOLDYN CHRABASZCAZ 14 FENKIELMAN NYSYNBAUM 15 ZALCMAN KAPLON 16 RUBINSZTAJN GOLDFARB 17 FRYDMAN LECHTSZAJN 18 FOGIELMAN BIRBAUM 19 SZTAJNSZNAJDER WAJNMAN 20 BRYTMAN ROZENFELD 21 GOLDFARB BORENSZTAJN 22 APTMAN PUTERMAN 1846 1 KATZ FINKELSZTAJN 2 ZAJDENBAUM BAJLA 3 BORENSZTAJN TIRANGIEL 4 NUDELMAN WASZERMAN 33 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 z z Annopol Z z z z Kozicin Mogielny Z . z z z z z Kozicn Z Z z z z z Granica Z z z z z Gmewoszow Z z z z Bialobrzegi Kazimierz Z Krawilow Z 34 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 5 KORMAN WTLF 6 NAJMAN ROZENBERG 7 KAPLON MALACH 8 CUKIERMAN KNOBEL 9 GOLDBERG SZADERMAN 10 GIELFARB BERMAN 11 FRID TENENBAUM 12 WAJNBERG DYAMENT 13 WOLFBERG JUDKOW 14 BEJGIELMAN LEFMAN 1847 1 DYAMENT REJSMAN 2 RABINOWICZ ERLICH 3 LUXENBERG ROZENBERG LEWIN 4 5 FLrrz GOLDMAN CUKffiR 6 KIESTENBERG FRYDMAN 7 WAJNTRAUB ZYLBERBERG FRUMER 8 CUKEER ZYLBERFARB 9 GOLDZBERG 10 LECHER ZYLBERBERG 11 WAJCMAN GRYNDLAS 12 EJZENSZTAJN WAJNTRAUB 13 KAPLON GROJSMAN 14 WULECH SACHERMAN 1848 1 GRYN KDERSZMAN RAJSMAN 2 APFELBAUM SOCHASZEWSKI 3 TENENBAUM 4 OBSTBAUM ZYLBERBERG 5 KLAJNER WAJCMAN MALACH 6 ZYLBERBERG 7 KAPLON GRYNCWAJG 8 RACHSZTAJN SZEPS PUKIEL 9 KNOBEL Nuchym Rajzla Chaim Szajdla Jankel Frymet Aron Liba Cyrla Abram Geler Jankel Wuka Josek Chana Kelman Jacheta Icek Frajda Marya Jankel Chaja Liba 19 IS 27 18 25 17 18 18 16 17 19 18 19 18 17 16 23 19 18 17 Boruch Pessa (wid.) Mordka Chaia Zelik Rvfka Nettula Fryda Blima Kelman Nena Nusyn Icek Frajdla Majer Golda Mosiek Rvfka IcekFiszel (w.) Ajdla (wid.) Mosiek Lejb Golda Mosiek Laja Da wid Rvika Haskel Chana Necha Chaja Dwojra 19 24 18 17 23 18 20 18 20 26 19 22 19 20 18 16 40 48 19 20 19 Gimpel Boruchowicz Berek Herszkowicz Uszer Zelik Motka Horymowicz Mosiek Mortka Berek Mosiek Herszkowicz Icek Zelik Dawidowicz Naftul Chaim Moskowicz Szlama Lejbus Abramowicz Chaim Herszkowicz Haskiel Herszkowicz Haskiel Berek Judka Lejbus Leib 19 Mosiek 19 Jankiel 24 Herszek 19 Szlama 24 Wulf 22 Mosiek Ryfka Laja Finklerow Hudes Anklow Marya Szajndla Golda Szejwa Chaja Ickow Fajga Ickow Chaia Chaim Szymcha Chana Jojne Pinkwas Rajzla Mosiek Baila Majer Rvfka Majer Rvika Machla Izrael (wid.) Sura Haskel Sura Majer Gitlajwid.) Cherszik Chaia 18 16 18 17 20 16 21 19 18 19 25 24 20 20 20 22 21 17 Ruchla Lejbusiow Bajla Jojlow Chaja Ruchla Leizorow Estera Koplow Chaja Sura Majerow Ryfka Laja Kunow Basa Herszkow Szajndla Abramow Sura Szlamow Golda Moszkow Raca Herszkow Gela Chaimow Brajndla Rajzla Herszkow Jura Sura Chaja Jakierow Jankel Andzlowicz Zelman Lejzorowicz Jakub Kopel Naftul Izraelowicz Nuta Chaimowicz Jankel Herszkowicz Lejzor Majlech Herszek Moskowicz Zelman Izrael Izrael Lejbus Szlama Berek Pinkwas Izrael Ickowicz Judka Szimon Gerszon Mendel Chaim Moskowicz Berek Hersz Herszek Kopel Josek Chaim Nusymowicz Abram Berkowicz Chaim Towigowicz Beniamin Lejbusiowicz Gerszon Herszkowicz Abram Berkowicz Jankiel Zelkowicz Fajwel Judkowicz Moszek Majerowicz Lejzor Wulfowicz Oron Herszkowicz Icek Andzlowicz Brajdla Chaimow Brajdla Ickow Dyna Jakubow Ryfka Iserow Szejwa Herszkow Hinda Laja Finkla Sura Nycha Raizla Tyla Raizla Szajndla Mindla Tauba Laja Estera Lejzorow Chaja Fajga Ryfka Brajndla Chaja Hinda Laja Laj a Chaja Cvmla Laja Szlamow Lai a Laja Laja Blima Izraelow Sora Chaimow Sora Laja Lejzorow Szyfra Chaimow Czarna Moskow Gitla Summer 2003 Z Z Z zz z Koiiskie zSzmielôw Z z z z z Przedbôrz Z z z z z z z z z z z Rawa Z z z z z z z z z z z z Szydlowiec Z Z Nowy Alexandria z z z z z Kazimierz Z z z Kxykowic Z Z Z Kazanowic Z Z zz z z z Kazimierz Kazanowic Summer 2003 10 KRAJSBERG GOLDBERG 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Majer Netha Szyncha (wid) RAJZMAN Brandla GOLDMAN KIERSZMAN Mosiek Ma)er Man a ROZENBLAT CUKIER Hil Herszek ManaBrandld WAJNGORT I/rael (wid ) ZYLBERBERG Diai7la FAJNTYCH KIERSZTENBAUM Abram R\lka ALBIERT Lejbus (wid) ALBIERT Golda KUPERBERG Pinkwas (w id ) FIX Elka (wid ) WAJSMAN Dawid (wid ) ROTBERG Szvfia BOMGART KIERSZENCWAJG Pejsach (wid ) Rajzla AJDELSZTAJN CUKIER Abram Jakob Esteika WAJNBERG HELCMAN Iser Abram MORGENSZTAJN Mala 1849 1 MANDELMAN FINKELSZTAJN 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 35 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 19 17 37 18 19 21 19 18 20 23 22 50 38 45 38 34 23 24 19 18 21 17 . Moszek Lipowicz Herszek Moskow Herszek Abram Chaimowicz Icek Nutowicz Icek Szulim Herszkow Joel Herszkowicz Hil Naltulowicz Moszek Moszkow ICZ Nuta Leibus Nachman Icek Josek Szlama Dawid Herszek Berek Unn Chaim Herszkowicz Jankel Herszkowicz Aron Iserowicz Mosiek 23 Ankel 24 Heiszek SPAZMAN 18 Jojne Abus ROZENCWAJG BOLDBART Abram Jankel (w ) 35 Berek BEJTMAN 22 Herszek SZNAJDERMAN D\d\a 38 Zelman Szaindla PERELMAN 19 Rachmii Lejbus MALACH 19 Gerszon Dwoira PUTERMAN 22 Herszek KUPERBERG Wult 62 Szmul Jakierowicz Chdid Sura (w ) 33 Dawid Josek GRYNGLAS S/niul Lejb PELTZMAN 18 Abram Rui-hld GOLDBERG 16 Herszek Szmul (wid ) 23 Kelman TYRANGIEL 20 Mosiek Herszkowicz FINKELSZTAJN Szeika Josek (wid ) 25 Motek FLUMENMER Man a GRYNSZPAN 19 Leibus KIESZTENBAUM Haskiel 22 Z\ skant Nutowicz WULFMAN Rvfka 18 Leibus Chaim Hersz Lejb (w ) 65 Szlama SZAJDENWAR Malka (wid ) WAJCMAN 50 Icek NUDELMAN Leizor (wid ) 63 Jojne BAJCZMAN 45 Iser Cunla Jankel MANDELMAN 30 Dawid Sin a NUDELMAN 17 Herszek GIELDFARB Hil 28 Chaim RdLd 17 Leizor LIPFELD Sz\ mdia Bine 20 Herszek WULFMAN 20 Daw id Chdsia (wid ) HUROWICZ Abram (w id ) FAJNZYLBER 23 Pinkwas Chana 20 Ela CYON Abram 33 Naftula FRYDMAN Rvtka ALMAN 20 Leibus Daw id GOLDBERG 19 Wigdor Nutowicz CIOLEK Esteika 21 Abram KUPERBERG Chaim Jakier 26 Her&zek RxlLa STENKEER 25 Chaim 19 Chaim HOFFMAN SuMR\fl<a WAJSBAND 20 Nuta WAJNTRAUB Josek 19 Pinkwas Abramowicz 20 Mordka TENENBAUM Chcina (wid) Motek Perla Machla Moszek Szaindla Esterka Michlow Moszkow Nvcha Szmulow Bhma Herszkow Baila Herszkow Abramow Malka Ickow Chaia Drajzla Lejbusiow Baila Gitla Ryfka Izraelow Dwoira Abramow Fajga Janklow Szaindla Sura Laia Abramow Chana Laia Baca Ryfka Brajndla Baila Herszkow Abramow Czarna Moszkow LifaV Dwojra Gitla Moskow Z Krawec Bajla Szaindla Ryfka Aidla Szajndla Gitla Perla Malka Golda Gitla Manya Herszkow Ruchla Szajdla Necha Golda Rvfka Estera Hendla Faiea Mindla Chaia Rojza Prejwa Sura Sura Wigderow Szajndla Esterka Z Laia Rykla Szvfra Ryfka Szaindla Sura Chana Chaja Sura Pesa Chaja Laia Sura Lejbusiow Bina Chaimow Ruchla Ruchla Gniewoszow Z z z z Jozefôw Z Z z z z z z z Bobrownik Z z z Kramarz Z Kurowic Z zZelechow Z Gniewoszow Z z z z Sienno Z Z Gniewoszow Z Gniewoszow Z Zagroda Laski Z Z z z Kozinic Z z z z z z z Gniewoszow Z z z z z z z Tarlow Z z Nowy Alexandria 36 22 LIBCHABER KMELMAN 23 BRYFTREGIER WAJCMAN 24 WAJNSZTOK WAJNSZTOK 25 SPIRA ROZENFAJN 26 ALBEJMAN LEPUBA 27 FINKELSZTAJN KAPLON 28 TENENBAUM TEJTELBAUM 29 OBSTBAUM HELCMAN 30 WULFMAN BOJMALGRYN 31 ROTBLAD BICHMAN 32 GRYNBAUM HOLDSZTAJN / FELDSZTAJN 33 BRAJNTYCH KOCHEN 34 LEDERMAN FLUMEN 35 ZYLBERBERG AKIERMAN 36 RUBINSZTAJN ERLICH 1850 1 KAPLON KUPERSZMIT 2 SZMERGA GROJSMAN 3 GRYNBERG HAZEN 4 LUBAWSKI WULFMAN 5 KIERSZENCWAJG LIBERMAN 6 SZEJERMAN ROCHSZTAJN 7 HIRSZ WAJCMAN 8 NAJMAN FELDSZTAJN 9 FLUMEN WAJSFELD 1851 1 KAPLON KRAJZBERG 2 GURFINKIEL KUPFERMAN 3 BORENSZTAJN GUTMAN 4 FINKIELSZTAJN WINNER 5 AKIERMAN KESTENBERG 6 WAJSMAN HERSZKOW 7 ERDEPEL BAJTMAN 8 WAJMAN FAJFERMAN Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Mosiek 18 Kiijla 19 Mosiek Lej bus 22 Szajndla 20 Jankel Szlama 21 ? 20 Zajnwel Lejb 18 Cvwia 17 Nusym 18 Necha 18 Chaim Dawid (w.]1 48 Kaila Lej bus 32 Estera Blima Mordka 20 Mala 17 Jankel 21 Estera Malka 20 Chaim Jankel 25 Estera 22 Berek Tauba Icek (wid.) Szprvnca Jankel Fraida Icek Gitla Herszek (wid.) Sura Rvlka 36 20 18 20 20 20 36 16 Majer Laja (wid.) Dawid Raizla (wid.) Josek Jochet Dwojra Lejbus Frvmet Rachmil Eidla Chaim Hil (w.) Frajda Mosiek (wid.) Ita Boruch (wid.) Hudesa Wulf (wid.) Chana Liba 18 21 22 32 23 18 36 24 18 20 21 24 28 18 45 18 Zurek (wid.) Marva Mosiek Sura Mosiek Rajzla Szymon Zlota Rywcn S ura Mosiek Malka Jozef Malka Dwojra Motek Evdla (wid.) 35 18 19 18 21 18 18 Mosiek Mendel Icek Boruch Lejbus Icek Izrael Mosiek Herszkowicz Berek Icek Mortka Ela Izrael Szlama Josek Lejzor? Kopel Icek Lejbus Fajwel Mendel Zelman Izrael Joel Icek Sura Lejbusiow Chana Chaja Chana Marya Abusiow Marya Wulfow Dwojra Pesa Berek Jankel Szvmcha Berek Hil Leibus Szmelka Motek Szlamowicz Hinda Ruchla Chaja Ruchla Ryfka Hudes Chana Fraida Zaywel Zelik Lewil Mendel Boruch Lipa Jonas Abram Moskowicz Pinkwas Herszek Berek Mosiek Motek Mosiek Samson Chaim Lejbus Josek Cala 40 Zurka 19 20 18 18 20 18 45 48 Zelik Lipa Szlama Fiszel Herszek Gerszon Izrael Majer Szmul Zelik Motek Herszek Icek Herszek Wulf Icek Marya Brajndla Herszkow Faiea Ruchla Ickow Laja Chaja Sura Baca Rajza Chana Herszkow Fajda Janklow Pessa lejbusiow Rajzla Chaimow Zlota Dychylar? 7 Szejwa Sejba Ryfka Perla Chana Tauba Herszkow Chaja Raizla Brajndla cyrla Mirla Marya Blima Baila Toba Brajndla Pesa Ruchla Cyrla Gitla Idesa ' Frajda Gerszonow Laia Zelmanow Fajga Lejbusiow Zlota Pesla Brandla Dawidow Kajla Szulilmow Blima Zelda Faisa Bericow Jenta Ita Nosymow Rajzla Chana Ickow Summer 2003 Z Z z z Lipsko Z Madzib Lublin Kosichemol zz z Przytyk Z Z Kuzowic Kozenic Z Gazrki? Z Kazimierz Z z z Gniewoszôw Z Barycza Z z z z Ciepelôw Szydlowiec Z Z Z Przyscisz Z Z Lipsko Kozinic Z Gniewoszôw Z Radom Nowv Alexandria Gniewoszôw Z z z z z z z Nowy Alexandria zz z z Kozinic Koriskowola Z z Kazimierz 9 CYBEL SZNAJDERMAN 10 GOLDFARB KUPERBERG 11 RUBESSZTAJN ROZENBAUM 12 KESTENBAUM CUKIER 13 RYBE DYNERMAN 14 WILF KIRSZENBLAT 15 CUKIER ZALCMAN 16 CWEBELMAN IŒRSZMAN 17 LIBCHABER MANDELMAN 18 BOJMALGRYN BOJMALGRYN 19 WULUCH KISZKA 20 OBSTBAUM SZWAJGER 21 KIESTENBAUM STAESBERGER 22 BEGENBOGEN WAJCMAN 23 KISZKA BRAJNTYCH 24 MENDELBAUM GRYNSZPAN 25 CYBEL GLAT 1852 1 SZMETERLING KNOBEL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LIBCHABER FRENKIEL WAJNGLAS WULF LECHTSZAJN MANDEL WAJNTRAUB BOJMALGRYN SZEJERMAN KBRSZENBLAT LOBEL SZWARCBART FRIEDLENDER KEENIGSBERG PERLA BEJTMAN POMERANTZ BOJMALGRYN LEBERMAN HONIGSMAN ZYGIELMAN GOLDBERG ROTENBERG TAJTELBAUM ZUSMAN TENENBAUM CUKIER CYTRYNBAUM FINKIELSZTAJN KLAJNER 37 Kielce-Rudom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Izrael (wid ) Pessa Le|b Jakier (w) Necha Herszek (wid ) 36 Oion 27 Leibus 35 Chaim 33 Pessa Szlama 36 Szmelka 24 Lewa Hil (wid ) 32 7JS skant 30 Berek Esteia (wid) Abram Manes Lejbus Krllld 17 Mosiek 21 Lejzor Josek Berek Chawa 18 Leibus Herszek 21 Sender Chaia 19 Mosiek Hil Judka 23 Abram Ita 18 Icek Motka SzMnchd Binen R\sa 20 Josek Herszek (wid ) 21 Wigdor Sura 17 Mailech Mosiek 22 Wuli Maohld 17 Jozeph Izrael Icek Necha 18 Mosiek Haskiel (wid ) 20 Zvsld R\fka 18 Leizor Mosiek 18 Isser Ruchla 18 Mendel Haskel 20 Zavnwel Roi7d 22 Mosiek Hilel 18 Jojne 17 Leibus Laia Josek Abram 19 Svmon Mdlka 18 Jdnkel Urvm Teka Szd|d Raizla Abracham Icek Lewcid Du oira Haskel Malka Icek Laia Davvid (wid) Hinda Hil Malka Aron Hersz Tauba Ndchman Pei la T inchdii (wid ) Ruchla Dwoira Judka Abram Chdid Josek Szvli a Dwoira Chdim Hil Csw Szmul Brdindla Hil Frvmeta Herszek Suid 29 18 22 18 18 17 18 19 22 16 26 20 21 17 19 11 18 20 30 19 22 18 20 20 18 16 18 Wull Motka Mosiek Leibus Izrael Herszek Herszek Hil Pinkwas Herszek Mosiek Abram Lek Gabryel Berek Mosiek Herszek Lejbus Leibus Iser Szmul Berek Herszek Jozef Izrael Ela Szajd Tosek 18 Szmul Cald 21 Mosiek 17 Chdim Bhma Perla Chana Bajla Ryfka Chana Freida Mindla Sura Estera Rvfka Ldja Estera Blima Laja Estera Itta Malka Ryfka Estera Laia Blima Ita Laja Blima Sura Pessa Ita Dwoira Rvfka Rajzla Faiea Sura Faidza Chaja Bluma Sura Ruchla Etla Chaja Cvrla Ryfka Zelda Ruchla Chaia Golda Gitla Rajza Chaia Malka Hinda Gitla Czarna Pessa Malka Bajla Chaia Hudessa Serla Perla Ruchla Laja Chaia Sura Fajga Raizla Cywa Szaindla NI NI Summer 2003 Z Z z Szvdlowiec Z Z Z zz z z z Ciepelow Z Z Z Z zz z z Kozinic Z Lipsko Lubhn Z Z zz z z z Ranskow Z Kazimierz Z Przvtyk Z Z Koziemia Z Z Z zz z Lechow zZ zLipsko Z Z Z Z zKucichowol Z Z z z Kucichowol Z Z 38 17 SZEJERMAN LOBEL 18 HONIGSMAN KAPLON 19 CYPELE ARBEITMAN 20 PEREL BOJMALGRYN 21 LIBFELD GOLDFARB 22 HANOWER WAXMAN 23 CHIMELSZAJN DYAMENT 24 KIERSZENBAUM CUKIER 25 ZYGIELMAN WAJCMAN 26 SZLAFERMAN ROJZENBAUM 1853 1 FAJNTYCH AJLMAN 2 KUPEREJERD BOJMALGRYN 3 ZYLBERMAN FLUMEN 4 MORDER ENGDEL 5 ROZENCWAJG GOLDFARB 1854 1 ZAJDENBAUM ZAJDENBAUM 2 HIRSZ FINKIELSZTAJN 3 CUKIER RYBS 4 KORMAN KIESTENBERG 5 MENDELMAN GOLDFARB 6 WAJSFELD CYPELE 7 LERMAN ALTMAN 8 ZAJDENBAUM KUPERBERG 9 EJZENBERG WAJNTRAUB 10 GOLDHORN CYMERMAN 1855 1 WAJCMAN WASERZEJG 2 ROJZMAN EJL1NBLIM 3 FLUMEN KORMAN 4 CYTRONENBAUM CUKIER 5 LEJBUSIOWICZ NYSYNBAUM 6 ALTMAN LOTERSZPIL 1856 1 FROCHTMAN KIERSZMAN Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Iziael rivmeta Haskel R\1ka Lejbus (wid ) Chana (wid ) Mosiek (w id ) Pessa (wid ) Haskei Dwoira Ides Herszek Chdia Ita Leizor Abiam Szmul Icek Berek Herszek Szuhm Chaim Lejzor kek losek Leibus Meohel Abram kek Rosid 20 IS 21 IS 40 30 43 30 18 17 19 IS 38 19 18 18 19 IS 19 19 Abiacham (w ) Hindd Izrael Ber (w ) Pei la Nuelnm Czarna Gnedla Chaim Peisak Chana Faica Abram Iza ik Pei la Haskel Maid Izrael Samson Chaid Mosiek Lejb Gitla Faiea Dawid DwoiraZssla Ma|er Rudila Chaia Jankel Josek Sdiiibon Wadva Clidim Sura Raza Chaja Dwoira Cvpa Marva Tauba Dwoira Laja Eta Marya Gitla Hinda Gitla C>mla Chana Tauba Szejwa Basa Mosiek Icek Machla 28 17 28 18 20 19 19 20 22 20 Schdrl Jdkob Szlama Andzel Abram Beiek Mosiek Nachman Abrdin Majer '\bram Sura Tauba Chana Chaia Sura Rela Ruchla Sura Sura Blima Cvria 18 17 26 16 18 18 21 19 19 22 20 18 18 19 19 19 18 17 21 19 Aion Iziael Benc\on Chaim Izrael Leibus Majer Rubin Jankel Szulim Herszek Berek Morda Lek Leib Kuna Mosiek Lejzor Boruch Jankel Motka Abram Chana Hinda Golda Chana Estera Estera Ruchla Laia Bajla Dvna Chana Liba Hinda Tauba Roiza Blima Tvla Ruchla Golda Malka Chana Andzel Leizor Michel Szlama Wuli Leizor Szlama Josek Laia Ruchla 20 IS 18 17 18 17 19 17 18 18 19 17 Dwojra Herszkow Sura Szlamow Chaja Szajow Jachfes Herszkow Szyfra Czarna Cywa Faiaa Fajga Rsfka Fraida Abramow Rajza Hinda Joel Rvika 21 Judka 18 Chdini Dawid Z\sla Hil Abram Geld Le|bus Sz\ tra Jankel Bdila Abram Sza|a Golda Szaindla Herszek ltd Daw id Mordka Cvpla Judka Jeta Mosiek ChdiaPeila Abus Suia Herszek Gitld Herszek FdlSId Mdlkd Mosiek Mdtld Josef Szmul Josek Abut, Icek Lejb Hersz Wulf 9 Mindla Baila Summer 2003 Z Z Z Z z z z z z z z z Garwohn Z Radom Z z z z z z z z z z z Kazanow Z z z Nowa Alexandria z Gniewoszow Z z z z z z Lisow Z zKurowic Z z z Kozierzia Z Kazimierz Z Z Z z z z z Bobrownik Z Koziewic Z z Zelechow Kazimierz Z Summer 2003 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 GOLDGLAS CUKIER WAJNTRAUB ROZENFELD SZNAJDERMAN AKIERMAN DYNERMAN SZTERENLECHT KIERSZENBAUM URTRAGER GLAT GOLDFARB FIX Ruchla Motek Man'a Gitla Mortka Udes Gitla Szmul Ai«a Hil Chaja Cvwia Josek FIX Marva WIZENBERG KANAREK CYBEL CUKIER KAPLON MALACH GROSFERSZTAJN DYAMENT AJDELSZTAJN KUPERBERG FAJGENBAUM WULECH HERSZENFISZ FINKIELSZTAJN Mendel FaJ2a Izrael Mosiek Hinda Icek Fajsa Bajla leek Jankel Jachweta Herszek Jerla Abus Gerszon Sura (wid.) Izrael Serka JankelNysyn Sura Ruchla Chaim Rachmil (w.) 19 18 19 16 22 20 "19 17 18 17 23 16 23 19 20 20 20 16 18 23 36 28 20 18 30 29 20 16 Majer Lejzor Chaim Jakob Hil Szmerla Berek Mosiek Chaim Szlama Rafal Herszek Lejbus Jakier Pinkwas Josek Mosiek Mosiek Symon Sender Samson Jankel Zelman Pinkwas Urys Mosiek Mendel Mosiek Icek Chaim Dawid Zlpta Rajzla Symuchow Czarna Moskow Golda Chana Laja Golda Mindla Ryfka Chaia Estera Ryfka Fajga Estera Rvfka Laja Estera Gitla Ryfka Chaja Ruchla Laja Mala Hudes Dyna Estera Szejna Bajla Tvla Sura Szlamow Rvfka Ryfka Fajga 19 18 19 20 29 18 19 19 20 20 18 18 20 20 26 27 18 18 20 20 22 18 18 18 20 18 38 17 21 17 25 26 21 24 Izrael Icek Josek Berek Dawid Zacharyasz Jojzep Icek Szlama Chaim Ejzyk Chaim Abus Majlich Icek Herszek Szlama Pinkwas Szlama Joel Icek Elman Aron Szmul Mendel Urvs Izrael Berek Szmerka Abus Lejbus Jakier Jankel Mosiek Ruchla Dobra Fajga Hinda Finkla Eta Bajla Ruchla Rajzla Chana Czarna 39 Luburtôw Z Z Opole Kozieric Z . Kazimierz Z Z zRadom Z Z zSienno Z Z zz z z z z z z z z z 1857 1 DOBRASZKLANKA Icek FELDSZTAJN 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ROJZMAN FRAJBERG HIRSZ KLSZKA BERNEMAN AKIERMAN CUKIER GOLDNER KOCHEN ROZENCWAJG ZYNGMAN PUKIELMAN WOLMAN BLACHER DYAMENT FORENGIER MALACH BICHMAN GOLDBERG ZAJDENBAUM ZAJDE GOLDFARB NYSYNBAUM LORE AJDENBAUM ROZENCWAJG KACZKI ALBIRT RACHSZTAJN AILMAN WAJSWELD CZAPNIK WIERNIK ERDEPEL/ BEJTMOW HONIGMAN KRAJZBERG Blima Abram Elka Ruchla (w.) Hil Rvfka Nachman Rvtka Izrael Icek Szaindla Gitla JantefBenia Perla Kelman Chaia Kelman (wid.) Giela (wid.) Chaim Rajza Raclimil Baila Wulf Mala Jakob Kajla Szlama Estera Malka Izrael (wid.) Hinda Jojzef Estera Beniamin (w.) Hinda Icek Sura Kalma Malka Dwora(w.) .Tanas Bajla Fajaa Jankel (AizykOXENLEBER?) Szvfra Rajzla Szyfra Aidla Malka LaiaKNOBEL Liba Rvfka Estera Blima Ita Marya Chaja Necha Szvfra Ruchla Mindla MANDELMAN Fajga Gitla Perla Aidla Laja Chana Rajzla Chaia Herszek Abram Mejlich 24 Herszek Chana Chana Manda SALCBERG? Etta 19 Symcha 17 Mosiek Ryfka Estera Piotrkow Z Z Gniewoszôw Gniewoszôw Z Z z z Kazimierz Koziernic Z Kazanôw Z Z z z Kurôw Z Z Kozienic Z Z zz z z z Koriskowola Z Z Jozefôw Z Z Z z Gniewoszôw Z 40 20 21 22 23 24 25 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 CWERMAN SZUSTERMAN LONDENBAUM WAJGENSZPORK CUKIER MORGENSZTERN SZABASSUN FINKIELSZTAJN WAJNTRAUB GOLDZBERG GOLDMAN WAJNTRAUB 1858 1 WAJNTRAUB DYAMENT 2 WINER RAJNSZTAJN 3 FINKIELSZTAJN WAJCMAN 4 BERNCMAN ALTMAN 5 DYAMENT DYAMENT 6 ZYSMAN GUTTMAN 7 FRAJMAN GRYNBAUM 8 WAJCMAN AJZEMBERGIER 9 TYRANGIEL KUPERBERG 10 ROZENBAUM KAPLON 11 GOLDFARB WAJCMAN 12 GLAT 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Chdim Josek Ld]a Lejbus Svmcha Dawid Lejb Baila Herszek Dwoira Mosiek Aron Bdsia Dwoira Motek (wid) Chaia 21 18 19 18 18 18 18 17 19 20 21 17 19 17 19 21 22 17 19 17 19 18 19 20 18 17 Mosiek (vwd ) 21 Sura 23 Jtinkel 26 17 Dwo|ia Izidel 20 16 Csrla 23 Icek Ejzvk 16 R\fka Haskel Mosiek 22 19 KIESTENBAUM Szylra 18 Herszek HELCMER 16 Gitla Dwoira WAJNTRAUB 19 KANAREK Rdchmil 20 ZYLBERMAN Malka 19 BOJMALGRYN Janas 17 MORGENSZTERN Chawa Beniamin (vv ) 60 STRAUS Golda Hinda (w ) 36 WAJNTRAUB Izrael (wid ) 32 GUTT 20 SZLUFMAN FdiEd 18 Ddwid Lejbus KORNGOLD 21 Raizla LIPFELD 25 GUTRENMAN Mosiek 23 KENIGSBERG Fai°a Berkow 20 HANOWER Abram Ejzyk 18 Baila TENENBAUM Kelman (wid ) 27 WOLFMAN 19 SZLAFERMAN Roiza WAJGENSZPORK Herszek 20 Ita 18 TAJTELBAUM KUPERBERG Szlama (wid ) 27 30 ROZENBLAT Malka fwid ) 18 WIZENBERG / Herszek SZWARCBART 18 BdSld BIER Fa|\\ el 18 WIZENBERG 17 SZWARTZBURT ltd kkow 22 MALACH Izraelowicz WIZENBERG Cvwia 19 20 ZYNGMAN Abram 25 RUBEVSZTAJN Esterka Leizor Mosiek S7dmdla Mendel Rdizla Rvfka Mosiek Sura Szmul Chaia Chaim Izrael Golda Szmul Chaia Mosiek Perec Necha Hersz Jankel Hela Szlama Josek Icek Mosiek Srul Wulf Jojne Pinkwas Judka Haskiel Jankel Pinkwas Mdier losek Lejzor Chaim Icek Jankel Jankel Chaim Lejbus Gerszon Lejbus Abram Lejbus Abram Kelman Herszek Szmul Tdkaer Abram matka Josek Munvs Icek Mendel Icek Sender Malich Moszek Jankel Szlama Fiszel Mosiek Leib Mendel Sender Josek Berek Josek Leibus Hersz Abram Hil Icek Szmul Leizor Lejbus Zelman Abram Icek Izrael Mosiek Majlech Jeremiasz Marya Ciepielôw Faiea Ryflca Maita Ruchla Ruchla Gitla toba Faiga Cweta Aidla Z Fajga Cypa Golda Estera Brandla Marya Dwojra Faiga Tauba Rajzla • Summer 2003 Tauba Tauba Ruchla Perla Finkla Ryfka Gitla Hudes Brucha Golda Sura Marya Szajndla Zelda Blima Dreizla Malka Rajzla Raizla Ryfka Hinda Ita Gitla Zelew Ides Chaja Estera Estera Laia Sura Hinda Marya Malka Sura Liba Ruchla Bajla Serka Braindla Marya Rosa Chaja Chawa TROPPE Cyrla Jardzie? Chaja Gitla Ryflca Pesla Granica zGranica Z KoAskowola Z Konskowola Z z z z z z Solen Janôw Z z z z z z z z z z z Gniewoszow Z Kazanôw Z Ciepielow Z Z Z Z z z Kazanôw Z Z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Nowa TarlôwAlexandria Z Sienno Z z Sienno Kazanow Z Summer 2003 28 LIPAN PRZYSNSKI 29 FINKIELSZTAJN BERENCHOLTZ 30 DYAMENT BOJMALGRYN 31 GORYEZANSKI TAUB 32 MACHLOWICZ ROTSZTAJN 33 ZYLBERMAN FTSZMAN 34 WAJSBAUD HEMBLM 35 CUKIER KDMEL 36 MALACH FRYDLENDER 37 HOCZWALB GURFINKIEL 1859 1 WAJNTRAUB KNOBEL 2 KAPLON AJDELSZTAJN 3 LEDERMAN WAJNTYCH 4 DYAMENT ROTBLAT 5 LIPFELD PERELMITER 6 TAUB KOLENBLIT 7 TAUB TABAK 8 BERKMAN KUPERBERG 9 CYPELE KEERSZMAN 10 LAJFER NYSYNBAUM 11 CUKIER WAJSFELD 12 CUKIER HANYSMAN 13 WAJMAN ZYLBERBERG 14 GROJSMAN KIESTENBAUM 15 FLUMENBAUM KIERSZMAN 16 HIRSZ SZEPS 17 BRYCH DYAMENT 18 WAJCMAN SZWARCBERG 19 POTAZNIK TAJTELBAUM 20 ZYLBERBERG CUKIERMAN 21 HEMBLIM WASERMAN 22 NUDELMAN BIRENBAUM 23 MENDELBAUM ZYLBERFARB Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 MosiekAron Certla Rachmil Ruchla Abus GoldaHinda Majlich Rvfka Szmul Rvflca Izrael Sura Etla Lejbus Ides Hil Hinda Rachmil Esterka Mosiek Ruchla Izrael Nvcha Zelik Serka Frajda Jankel Rvfta Sane Rajla Sender Chawa Hela (wid.) Chaia Sura Mosiek Aron Sura Marva Wulf Go Ida Abram Pmva Jankel Dwoira Mordka Ruchla Szulim (wid.) Rvflca (wid.) Izrael Selka Jankel Hinda Laja Lejbus Hinda Hcrszek Wulf Szera Szymeha Chana Fajca Izrael Szvfra Jankel Chana Judka Jochwet (wid.) -Sumer (wid.) Chana Mortka Serka Chaim Fajsa 18 1 17 21 19 19 20 20 17 20 20 23 22 19 18 ? 17 19 20 19 17 Szlama Mosiek Wolowa Zelman Izrael Nachman Szmul Eliasz RABIN Judka Wulf Sender Josek Nuta Judka Berek Mendel Gerszon Szoel Hil Matus 27 18 19 21 20 18 23 18 20 22 40 17 21 17 19 18 21 18 18 20 26 18 50 30 22 19 19 18 19 19 19 20 18 17 20 18 19 18 19 30 Herszek Icek Moszek Urvs Szpucha? Mosiek Izrael Ejzvk Icek Haskiel Haskiel Matvs Szmul Eliasz RABIN Abram Hersz Izrael Berek Jankel Chaim Josek Ayndla Icek Herszek Szmul Szaja Sender Dawid Munvs Berek Chaim Abram Ber Lejzor Abus Izrael Szlama Mosiek Icek Dawid Lejzor Majer Szaja Judka 20 Jankel 22 Herszek 18 Icek 18 Janas 18 Icek Fiszel Rvfka Cywia Szejwa Marya Finkla Chana Matka Gitla Czama Hinda Tauba 7 Faiea Malka Marya Braindla Golda Hinda Ajdla Minka Braindla Ryfka Laja Ruchla Sejwa Bajla Chaja Dwojra Chana Pesla Fajga Ruchla Szajow Perla Malka Rajza Malka Alta Gitla Szajow Braindla Hinda Cyma Malka Chaja Hinda Laia Ruchla Hina Malka Chana Zelda Chaja Ruchla Dreizla Ruchla Bajla Fajga Sura Matla Raca Ryfka Ruchla Laja Fajga Ruchla Ita Cypa Jenta Fajga Pessa Rvwa TENENBAUM? Gitla Nycha Laja Majla Ita 41 Z Z z z z z z . z z z z z z z Ozarôw zz z z z Lipsko Z z z z z Piotrkôw Z z z z Warszawa Z Racazin Z Z z z z z z z z Krakôw Z Z z z z z Genzasa? Z KraSnik Z Gniewoszôw Z Radom Z z z z Kazanowic Z Z Gniewoszôw Z 42 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 24 FAJNTYCH ZYLBERBERG 25 SZEJERMAN APELBAUM 1860 1 BEJTMAN ROTBERG Wuli ltd Pei la Chaim Baila Herszek Szvfra (wid ) 2 WAJSFELD Chaim Hil CYPELE Rvl\a Laia 3 WAJNTRAUB Izrael KNOBEL Fraida Bkma 4 MORGENSZTERN Mosiek WAJNBERG Estera (w id ) 5 MANDELBAUM Joine Chaim ZYLBERFARB Fiszlow Faisa 6 NUSYNBAUM Berek Chcina KAPLON 7 KNOBEL Ratal Ita Laia TYRANGIEL 8 WAJNBERG Herszek KIRSZENBLATT Chaw a Rachinil 9 WAJCMAN WAJCMAN Ruchla 10 ROZENBLUM Berek CUKEER Rvfkd 11 MENDELMAN Szmul Rvila WAGMAN 12 KIERSZENBAUM Daw id DORFMAN Szaindla 13 BOJMAN Moisiek BERENBAUM Jenta Jankel 14 HANOWER FEVKIELSZTAJN Perld Herszek 15 WAJMAN Jerla TAYTELBAUM 16 AKIERMAN Pejsak Estera Tema FELMAN 17 ROZENBERG Daw id Majer Rslka ALTMAN 18 FIX Ela NUDELMAN Cyuia 19 WAJNTRAUB Lejzor (\\ id ) GOLDFARB Eta Rachmil 20 GLAT Frdida FEFERMAN 21 KUPERBERG Szmul WOLFMAN Stika Nuta 22 WAJCHMAN SUKMAN Malkd 23 GOLDZBERG Szmul Rosa AJZENMAN 24 SZWAB Haskel ALTMAN Liba 25 ZALCMAN Fiszel PeikiDwoira BRYFTRYGIER 1861 Wulf Berek 1 MAJEROWICZ Rajzla AILMAN 2 KLAJNMAN Szmul (wid ) FEDERMAN / Chdia Sum (w ) KUPERBERG 3 ZYSMAN Rachmil DYAMENT IMkd Abiam Icek 4 HIRSZ Chdia lia CIOLEK Mosiek Iser (v\ ) 5 BOJMALGRYN ChdliaFa|£;a (w ) MARDER 19 18 iy 22 65 45 19 18 22 17 Mosiek Izrael Herszek Mendel Dwojra Raizla Golda Zlota Summer 2003 Z Z z z z z z z 19 18 19 20 18 20 19 17 19 17 38 17 19 21 19 17 25 18 18 18 21 17 19 17 Matka Herszek Herszek Berek Herszek Icek Judka Lek Jojne Fiszel Abus Hdskiel Mailidi Kelman Manela Rdfal Andzel Leibus Lejzor Hersz Haskiel Jankel Zeli2 Zehk Simsa Boruch Lek Maier Josek Dawid Mosiek Mdier Lejbus Dawid Joel Icek Josek Nuchvm ! Orama7 Jankel Iziael Izrael Jankel Jankel Leibus Herszek Orama9 Abram Gerszon Mosiek Icek Mindla Blima Sura Brajndla Baila Laja Serka Necha Szaindla Echel? Fruk Estera Raizla zz z z z 18 17 40 31 Ma]er Dawid Jdnkel kek Wuli Berek Chana Laja Berkow Tauba Szajndla Rajzla Glowaczow Z Tarlow Z 18 17 21 17 30 24 Mosiek Kopel Bencsan Abram Andzel Abrdm Chaja Laia Golda Pessa Chaja Sura Jenta z z 36 19 18 18 17 18 18 20 17 19 18 19 16 20 19 18 17 18 Dwojra Ryfka Chana Liba Hinda Ryflca Laia Mala Chawa Zlota Ruchla Laja Ita Frajndla Szvfra Sura Bajla Tauba Bina Margules Malka Dwojra Hudes Hudes SYLBERBERG Estera EtlaERLICH Bajla Perla WAJCMAN Ryfka Mendlow Chana CUKER Eta Zyslow Kkha? Szlamow Marva Faiga Zelda Gnendla Hudes Wolkow Braindla Mechla Tauba Bina Raiza Eta Faiga 9 Lipsko Z Granica Kramarslawa Z Z z z z z z z z z z z z Ciepelow Z zz z z z z z z z Markaszow Z z z Nowa Alexandrya Solen Z z z z z z z Gniewoszow Z z z Summer 2003 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Abram Cvrla Majer (wid.) Dwojra Chaim Chawa Abram Szvfra Chana Izrael Tauba Izrael Szaja Bajla BICHMAN Ejzyk 12 SZEBSMAN Ita (wid.) CWEBERMAN Izrael 13 WAJCMAN Fajsa CUKEER Abraam Abus 14 ANKIER Raizla Hudes WAJNTRAUB 15 MENDELBAUM Nusyn Perla Ryfka GOLDFARB 16 ZYMAN Samson (wid.) NEJCHAUS Minka Haskel 17 KIERSZMAN Hinda ROZENBAUM 18 SZMERMACHER Szvmucha Perla OBSTBAUM Kopel (wid.) 19 OBSTBAUM Minka MENDELMAN Motek 20 ZYLBERG Esterka WAJCMAN Chaim 21 HERSZ RYPS Jochfet 1862 1 FRUCHTGARTEN Jankel Josek GOLDMAN Brandla Icek 2 WURMAN Marva KUPERBERG Jankel 3 LAJFERMAN Ita GIELIBTER Judke 4 GUTMAN Ruchla Laja FKZFELD Mosiek 5 KIESTENBAUM Ruchla ZAJDENBAUM Abus 6 BERNCMAN Estera FRYDMAN Sztnul 7 CYPELE Sura (wid.) WURCMAN 8 RACHENBAUM Pinkwas Chawa RUBINSZTAJN 9 CYMERMAN Nilfa Estera Laja NYSYNBAUM Berek 10 ZALCMAN Trana ROJZMAN Haskel 11 LECHSZTAJN LIBCHABER Dvna Szulim Herszek 12 ZYLBERBERG Chaja Hinda HAZEN Jakob 13 KIMEL Mechla TAUB Boruch Josek 14 FRENKIEL Estera KIMEL Mosiek (wid.) 15 GURFINKIEL Ruchla KUPERMAN Nuchym 16 WAJNTRAUB Gitla WOLFMAN 17 ZYLBERBERG Icek KIERSZMAN Prvwa 6 SZWARCBERG HABERMAN 7 GRYNBLAT NUDELMAN 8 FRAJMAN BERENHOLTZ 9 FELDMAN FIX 10 BIER OBSTBAUM 11 AZYMBERGIER 32 24 24 18 18 18 26 20 18 17 18 19 24 26 18 19 18 17 18 18 45 26 19 16 18 18 87 50 20 20 20 18 Berek Abus Josek Herszek Abram Lejbus Jankel Symon Josek Lejbus Nusvn Wulwa Zelman Jankel Icek Abus Lejzor Izrael Jankel Josek Icek Herszek Moka? Chaim Icek Nusyn Haskiel Nusyn Chaim Majer Szlama Ichel Mordka Lejbus Ryfka Juna? Gitla Estera Ryfka Siejwa ROZENBERG Rojza Estera Laja Sura Laja Jenta Marya Rojza Malka Estera ZYLBERBERG Sura Golda Estera Laja Baila Malka Szyfra OBSTBAUM Bajla Machla Ruchla Fajga Ryfka Malka OBSTBAUM Sura Ryfka Estera Estera 18 17 40 60 20 18 19 18 19 20 18 17 20 30 18 18 27 22 18 18 21 18 20 20 24 23 20 18 36 22 26 20 18 18 Mosiek Judka Herszek Zendlowicz Haskiel Chaim Mordka Gerszon Berek Zyskand Izrael Mosiek Mordka Lejbus Jankel Abram Herszek Abram Mordka Eliasz Jankel Ma|er Icek Judka Abram Icek Dawid Eliasz Jankel Mendel Szlama Fiszel Pinkwas Chaim Lejbus Szaja Nuta SzajdlaZYLBERMAN FaieaGRYNCWAJG Szyfra Sura Chaja Grendla Frukla Cyma Ruchla Hinda Estera Gitla Hinda Chana Sura Mirla Ruchla Bina Chana WAJCMAN Pessa Frajnla Pessa Liba Mindla Perla Zlota Malka Etta Brajndla Frajda Laja Ruchla Chaja Laja Chaja Mar/a 43 Z Z z z z Wolanôw Z Z z z z z Jodlinski Z z z Opole Z Z Z z z z z Gniewoszôw Z z , Janôw Janôw Z Gniewoszôw Z Z Z z z z z z z z z z z z Gniewoszôw Z Z Z zCiepelôw Z Grajman Z Z Z Klimontôw Z Z zz z Korïskowola Z Z z 44 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 GOTOWENA WAJNTRAUB TAJSZYDLER ZAJDENBAUM ZAMBERG WASERZEIG CUKIER CWIBERMAN KIESTENBERG SZNAJDERMAN SZEJERMAN ROZENBAUM LEJDERCHANDLER GRYNSZPAN SZAJN SZTERENLICHT GOLDSZTAJN GOLDFARB LEJBERMAN WAJGENSZPORK KUSZERMAN Mosiek Mindla Frajndla Jankel Hersz Rvtka Herszek Fa]2a Zelman Marva Pejsak Malka Mosiek Brandla Izrael Ruchla Motel Malka Szmul Dwoira Iser Pessa Wolf Chaia Sura PERELMUTER Jankel WAJCMAN WAJGENSZPORK Sura Laja WAJSFELD Jankel Josek (w ) SZWARCBERG Marva Izrael Kelman KASMAN GROJSMAN Fmida Szmul ALMAN KERSZENBLATT Esteia CYTRYN Fa|\\el KUPERBERG Chdia SZEJERMAN Samson KIERSZMAN Chaia 1863 1 GOLDBERG KOPELMAN 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BIRMAN DOBRUCKI ZALCMAN SZEJERMAN ZYSMAN GUTMAN FRYDMAN GRINGER ROZENFELD CYBEL GRYN TENENBAUM CUKIERMAN ZAJDENBAUM SZNAJDER CIOLEK CYPELE ZYLBERBERG WAJNBERG GOLDFARB PERELMUTER KTSZKA HERSZENFISZ GRYNSZPAN CUKIER ZAJDENBAUM GUT KUPEREJET ZYSMAN EJDLA Pe]sak Raizla Gitla Beniamm Fdisa Szeiwa Rachmil SuiaLaia Abram Fai»a Sura Le|bus China A bra m Bluma Dwoira Hil Szaja Szvfra Lejbub Sura Abram Ruchla Ides Abram Rxtka Ruchla Izrdel R\lka Ides Berek R\lka Mosiek Hena Raizla Mosiek Mendel Ldia Berek Hmda Chaim Gerszon Sura 18 16 20 20 22 19 23 21 23 21 23 43 19 18 18 17 24 18 17 32 17 18 17 19 18 21 IS 18 18 19 17 19 20 30 17 24 18 18 18 17 22 17 24 18 24 20 19 17 19 19 19 18 18 21 16 18 16 Beiek Mendel Lejbus Izrael Ela Izrael Lipa Gerszon Zehk Szoel Izrael Leibus Berek Hil Sz\ mrza Cliaim Szaja Leibus Jankel Szlama Mosiek Hersz Andzel Szlama Josek Herszek Mosiek Dawid Szuhm Icek Lejb Pinkwas Herszek Herszek Herszek Chaim Chana Raizla Chana Hinda Gitla Mindla Rajza Chana Ruchla Sura Blima Sura Chaja Sura Chaia Sura SZYCH Gitla Malka Hinda RUBDSfSZTAJN Estera ELEMBLIN CymaALTMAN Rvfka Cyma Cvpa Szyfra Koplow Hena Dwojra Maila Ruchla Chana Liba Ruchla Czarna Ita Cyma Gitla Dwojra Zlota Golda Golda Baila Abiam Sirna Mosiek Abiam Hil Josek Heiszek Geld Gerszon Izrael Leibus Zelman Aiz\k Chaim Jankel Josek Ajdla Szumla Boruch Abram Berek Gutkind Josek Hela Mosiek Aaron Szaia Icek Leibus Hil Izrael Izrael Szlama Szmul Dawid Abram Szaja Gitla Baila Rechla Chaja Rvfka Ruchla Golda Chana Finkla Zysla Sura Chaja Fraida Ryfka Sura Sura Laja Chaia Perla Pessa Hinda Cyna Szaindla Laja Kaila Zlota Laia Ryfka Faiea Ruchla Hinda Zlota Chana Estera Laja Szymcha Summer 2003 Warszawa Z Bobrownik z Kozinic Z Ciepelôw Solna Z Z z Sane Ichiemeal Z Glowaczow Z z z z z z z z z z z Kazanôw Z z z z z z z Kozinika Z z z z z Ozarôw Z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Kazimierz Summer 2003 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Szlama Lejb CUMER Marva KOPER 1864 1 GOLDBEJTE Bencyan KDESTENBAUM Mindla Jankei 2 HAZEN Minka OBSTBAUM 3 ZYLBERBERG Icek Failli WASERMAN 4 MANDELBAUM Jakob Mendel CUKDER Eta Majer 5 TAYTELBAUM MESSER Chaja Haskel 6 HONIGSMAN Sura Liba CYBEL Judka 7 WAJNGORT ENGLENDER Rvflca Beniamin 8 CUKIERMAN Chaja LEBCHABER Mendel 9 ZIGIERMAN Dwojra Mindla FRENKIEL Herszek (wid.) 10 NOJEMNIK Chaja HABERMAN 11 TENENBAUM Binem BRANDSPIGEL Fajaa 12 LUXENBERG Ejnoch (wid.) Frajda BIRENBAUM Jankei 13 KOLTON FTKS Malka Abus 14 HERSZENFISZ Liba (wid.) GUTMAN 15 HALBERSBERG Josia MORGENSZTERN Laja Perla Mosek leek 16 ROJZMAN Sura WINER Jankei 17 ZALCBERG BOJMALGRYN Rvfka Mosek 18 HOLCMAN GOLDFARB Fajaa Laja Berek 19 ZALCMAN Dwojra FRYDMAN Jankei 20 WAJNBERG Idesa FRYDMAN 21 TAPICER Lejbus AELMAN Hinda Perla Mosek 22 LIBCHABER Elka GOLDMAN 23 MAJZEL Chaun Lejb Chaja Perla GOLDFARB Nuchyin 24 GOTLYB Malka CUMER Szmul 25 GLIZKOWICZ Rajzla KORMAN Judka 26 MILGRAM Chaja PEREL Herszek 27 BLACHER FELDMAN Rvtla Mo ta 28 ZELMAN Mindla SZLAFERMAN 1865 Izrael 1 LANGERMAN Estera Malka WAJNSZTOK Golowezna 2 GUTMAN Rajzla Zysla DYAMENT Jozepf (wid.) 3 TENENBAUM Gitla ROZENFELD Mosek 4 SZTEINROT Idesa HENBLM 17 45 19 Chaim Pinkwas Czama Chaha Z Tarczynic 20 17 19 20 19 17 29 16 19 17 30 18 19 20 22 21 18 17 33 17 27 27 42 18 23 18 24 20 19 17 32 18 19 17 19 17 18 17 19 17 23 17 34 20 19 17 19 18 18 Necha Szapsa Hil Abram Icek Mosiek Haskiel Abram Eyzyk Lejzor Icek Mosiek Szmul Zanwel ? Szlama Icek Lejbus Mosiek Izrael Lejbus Lejbus Abus Lejbus Wulf Mortka Icek Abram Josek Icek Gerszon Szymon Izrael Berek Majer Dydya Lipa Joel Icek Hil Josek Wadva Izrael Abram Izrael Fiszel Icek Lejbus Mosiek Izrael Wulf Sanel Nuchym Eyzyk Herszek Aron Leizor 20 Dydya 19 Kelman 19 Gdala 17 Hercvk 21 Berek 22 Abram Ruchla Gitla Mindla Grajga? Hinda Jachwet Mala Marya Brajndla Serka Marya Chaja Etla Laja Hinda Ruchla Rochima Fajga Eta Sura Sura Chaja Ryfka Sura Necha Chana Ryfka Estera Ryfka Finkla Rojza Frajda Hinda Braindla Cypa Chaja Blima Bajla Ruchla Chaja Fajga Mindla Machla Chaja Cyna Brajndla PessaBORENSZTAJN Chaja Fajga Zlota Ruchla Sura Fajga Ruchla Sura Czama Chana Rajza Chana Frajda Maryanka Ruchla Z Z 18 18 18 17 45 30 25 17 Ryfka Ickow Çyrla GRYSZPON Mindla FLIDERBAUM FaiaaWAJNTRAUB Mindla Necha Sura SZTAYN Jacheta DYAMENT Szlama Haskiel Jankei Haskiel Szlama Sanek Fiszel Nachman z z . z z Glowoszôw Z z Ooole Z Z z z Lipsko Z Radom Z Przedborz Z z z Glowoszôw Z Mogielna Z z z Lublin Z z z Kozimir Z Lublin Z z z Magnuczan Z Kazimierz Z z z Jozefbw Z Kazanowic Z Przytyk Z Glowoszôw Z z z Wrirybach? Z Sienno Z Warszawa Z z Koriskowola Kozicnica Z 46 6 BETERWASER FAJGENBAUM MALACH RYNGER 7 WAJNTRAUB LIBCHABER 8 MARGULES WAJNTRAUB 9 HOCHMAN ZYLBERBERG 10 BAJMAN CYBERMAN 11 KUCZER KDRSZENBLAT 12 CWYTLICH SZULLER 13 ALTMAN NTJDELMAN 14 PRZYSUSKI PERELMAN 15 LEWIN AJZEMBERGER 16 Fajwel (wid) Sura (wid ) Hil Jakob Cvrla Mosek Estera DMia Lejbus Ruchla Laia Gabryel Noma Hersz Icek Perla Abram Raizla Mendel (wid ) lahfet Berek Szaindla Wulf Fraida Szmul Faisa Laia Herszek (wid ) Serla Sz> mon (wid ) Hena (wid ) NYSENBAUM WOLF 17 CYBEL GLOSMAN (widow of Szlama) Josek Wulf 18 FRENKIEL Ldia GOLDMAN Md]er 19 NUMBERG D wo ira DYAMENT Oron 20 FUTERMAN GOLDFARB Elka 1866 1 WAJSFELD WAJSFELD 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Lejzor Ita Herszek Lejbus WAJCMAN GRYNBERG Machla Fraida Si ul BAGNOWSKI Chdia MALACH FRAJDENRAJCH Lei bus Chaia FRYDMAN Zoruch LIPFELD Liba Szaindla NISENBAUM Icek Jankel WAJSFELD Faiua WULECH KRAJZBERG Mordka Pei la Ita ROZENBLAT KLOCHENDLER Jankel (wid ) Prvwa KIERSZMAN Jojzep REJMAN Machla KEMEL Le|zor Abram HOFMAN ALTMAN Ruchla Mendel SZEJERMAN Mdlka WEGMAN/ WASSERMAN Mosiek RAPAPORT Chana Liwcia SZLAFERMAN Gddla Wulf TYRANGIEL Kdila FRYDMAN Dawid DYAMENT Sura Rylka ZYLBER Haskel WAJNRYB WASZRZEJG Ruchla Estera ROZENBLAT Izrael Szaja Chaia Kaila CYPELE Summer 2003 44 18 55 50 Szaja Mosiek Izrael Dawid Chaim Szachna Wadya Mendel Hil Mosiek Josek Gerszon Moszek Ratal Icek Mo.siek Lc|bus Dawid S lama Iziael Moszek Janas Izrael Leibus Naftula Maier Aron Herszek Mendel Baila FEFERMAN Chaja Bryndla Sura Ryfka Ruchla Sura Raizla Chaja KUPERBERG Baila TENENBAUM Ryfka Ruchla Chana Ruchla Laja Malka Pessa Mindla Sura Ickow Sura Baila Ryfka Heima Sura Kaila Ruchla Raiza Blima NechaBIERMAN Nl NJ 5 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 18 18 21 22 19 21 Szmul ludka Fiszel Pmkwas Nachman Josek Ruchla Cywia Marya Laja Estera Fajga Gitla Ruchla Radom Z Pietrkôw Z Z 20 17 20 20 21 18 17 44 21 17 23 17 20 17 23 24 18 20 20 19 34 19 Dawid Cudvk Gerszon Abram Zelik Tdnkel Dvdya Herszek Chaim Srul Szlama Nuta Moszek Judka Abram Icek Moszek Szmul Ehasz Mendel Icek Herszek Zehk Sura Liba Baila Malka? Gitla Marya Hinda Fraydla Gitla CypaHORNGOLD Faiga Basa Chana Chaja Dwoira Estera Trymcha? Chaja Laja Malka Ruchla Malka TAUB BajlaMICSZELBAUM Roiza AJDENBAUM Estera LIBERMAN Perla Lipsko Z 19 16 18 18 18 19 18 15 21 20 Izrael Abram Szlama Perla Idessa Pasa? Jankel Sender Le|b Leizor Icek Berek Tauba 50 32 19 21 21 22 19 17 18 17 34 19 18 17 17 21 17 18 22 19 Sura Sura Prywa Hinda Z Kazimierz Z Gniewoszôw Rochmi zSienno Z z Salen Kazimierz Z Grenic Z z z z GmicDrza Z Z Janôw Z z Gwosz z z Latvzvn? Gniewoszôw Zuteisevm? Z Z Nowa Alexandria Z z z z z z z Kazimierz Z Wlaclaw Z z Ciepelôw Z Z Z zz z z z z z Summer 2003 17 GLASMAW KJSZKA 18 ROJZENBAUM WAJNTRAUB kek Ita Zelik Necha Basia Szlama 18 Méndel 18 Icek 20 Herszek Hena. Chana Nacha Rvfka 1867 1 KtSZKA RACHSZTAJN 2 DYAMENT BORON 3 OBSTBAUM OBSTBAUM 4 GOLDMAN CUKIER 5 NUDELMAN KIESTENBAUM 6 HIMELSZAJN DYAMENT 7 KATZ WAJNTRAUB 8 AJDENBAUM DEMBINSKI 9 NOGIEL WAJNTRAUB 10 LOBEL KDPER 11 12 13 14 15 16 SZEJERMAN KEERSZMAN KIESTENBERG FAJNTYCH TAJTELBAUM WAJNRYB KRYNCHAND GOLDFARB KIEJZMAN WAJNGORTEN KUPERBERG ROJTFARB Wulf Lejbus Necha Jura Dawid Josek Brajndla Ejzyk Chaja Abram Cywia Szmul (wid.) Mindla Chaim Mosiek Dobra Brajndla Abram Icek Gitla Pinkwas (wid.) SuraHinda (w.) Herszek Lejbus Golda Cvrla Hil Ita (wid.) Szlama Marya Hil Frajda Mosiek Chana Frajdla Motek Majer Estera Malka Lejbus Rvtka Aron Perec Fajsa 18 17 18 18 18 18 42 32 30 21 20 18 18 21 45 38 19 20 30 36 18 18 18 18 19 19 18 18 20 18 18 16 Ajzyk Majer Nysla Lejbus Abram Moszek Abram Lejbus Moszek Munvs Dawid Moszek Majer Lejbus Jankel Moszek Boruch Hil Lejbus Chaskla Abram Jankel Dawid Nuta Manera Moszek Icek Moszek Guta Kind Lejbus Jakierow Eliasz Aron Hersz WulfBerek Icek Berek Kajla Ryfka Gitla Laja Szvfra GOLDFARB Golda Fajga Chana Estera Giela KUPERBERG Drajzla Dwojra Malka FRYDMAN Nycha Moskow Golda Lejzorow Perla Chaja Pessa Marvanka Rojza Laja Marya Chaja Dwojra Perla Dwojra Brajndla Rvfka Rajzla Rvfka Gnadla Rajza Chaja Sura Chaja Haskiel Michela Icek Nachman Herszek Moszek Sumer (dec.) Szmul Josek (late) Moszek Pinkwas Judka Izrael Maier (dec.) izrael Majer Icek Fiszel Elasz Lewek Boruch Moszek Cala Hanina Moszek Dawid Izrael Chaim Ela Abram Majer Nusyn Rate] Chaimow Sura Fajga Fajga Ruchla Tauba Cyrla Sura Gitla BRAJNTYCH Laia BIRMAN Czarna Raizla Ryfka Rojza (dec.) Ajdla Hasklow Chaja Rvfka Chaja Ita Pessa Estera (dec.) SZAJCHMAN LibaKAPLON Dwojra Ruchla Chaimow Golda Liba Hasklow Chaja (dec.) Kajla Ickow Chana TENENBAUM Chaja ZINGER Malka Moskow Ryfka Estera Szulimow 1868 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 TAUB KORNBLIT MANDELBAUM FUTERMAN CUKIER SZWARCBUNT RUBINFAER 47 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Szmul Eliasz Ides Laja Hil Jankel Ruchla Laia Gitla Abram Chaim Chaja Judka Lejbus WAJNGENSZPORG Szajndla Perla Rachmil KIRSZENBLAT Marva Czama SITKOWSKI GRUNWENCEL Abram Chaim RUBINSZTAJN Rywka Hudes Szlama ENGLENDER Mirla Laja WILF Herszek ZYLBERBERG Roiza CZAPLA Mordka Dawid ZYSMAN Chana DYAMENT Chaim Gerszon KRAJZBERG Cvrla Siejwa FLUMEN FAJNTYCH Wola Mala GROJSMAN Berek WAJSFELD SZTERENLICHT Frajda Marva Szulim Icek GOLDFARB Hinda WASERMAN Icek Mosiek KRIMCHAND CWERMAN Machla Nuta AJDENBAUM Sura Mar\'a DYAMENT 16 18 18 17 19 17 23 28 27 18 18 19 21 20 23 18 16 19 17 27 16 21 21 20 18 18 17 20 iser 19 Gamal Dawidowicz Z Z z z z z .z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Ostrowiec zz z z Krawiec Lipsko Z Z Konskowola Gniewoszôw Z z z z z z z z Sapoznik Z Z z z z z Warszawa Z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z 48 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 19 18 22 21 17 24 20 19 18 18 18 18 ON ON Szmul Rwvka Icek Hena Dobra Mdjer Cirld Jankel Josek Raida Josek Perla Izrael Rvwka ON OO BLICHENDLER LEWAN 6 KIESTENBERG GUTMAN 7 GRUNWENCEL RUBINSZTAJN 8 ABRAJTMAN CYTRYN 9 TENENBAUM CAJGFINGER 10 ZYLBERMAN OBSTBAUM 11 ROZENFISZ KON 12 GOLDFARB GOLDFARB 13 CHEPNER BLUSZTAJN 14 WAJNTRAUB WAJNTRAUB 15 FRYD FELDMAN 16 KUPERSZMIT WAJCMAN 17 RUTMAN NKSEMBERG 18 CYBEL BORENSZTAJN 19 SZTRAJCHER CYBEL 20 AJZENSZTAT WAJNTRAUB 1870 1 MANDELMAN CUKIER 2 BIRENBAUM FELDMAN 3 ZALCMAN KAC 4 HIRSZ DYAMENT 5 FISZLEWICZ DOBRUCKA 6 BLUMEL WAJNTRAUB 7 GRYNBERG GRYNBAUM 8 ELEMBLUM TAJSZDDLER 39 17 20 20 21 21 33 18 22 20 20 18 19 31 18 18 18 20 17 20 20 25 19 18 19 Josek Ch Gerszon 24 Estera 18 Moszek Szumf> 41 Hinda 20 Chana Herszkow Simucha Moskow (dec ) Ruchla Hinda Ickow Estera Sura (dec ) Laia Mindla Szlamow Marvanka (dec ) GOLDFARB Marya Sura Frajdla Hvnka ALTMAN CzarnaKRAMOW Raizla STRAUS GnnaWORTZMAN Gitla Estera Lejzorow Ruchla (dec ) Hinda Herszkow Rvfka Abramow Dwojra Sura WAJNTRAUB Mindla Akelow'' Zlota Moskow Chaja Dwoira ZYLBERBERG Chaja Hinda STRAUS Chana TENENBAUM Chana Dawidow Ruchla Berkow Rvfka Blima FRYDMAN Rvfka Chaja Ruchla Joskow Frvmeta Moskow SzifRyfka Mirla Chaja Henda GOLD Jankel Lipa (decj Berek Herszek Ela Leib Bencvan Kopel Berek Abram Josek Bemamin Mendel (dec ) Abram Icek (dec ) Bajla Raizla Tauba Liba Chorzkow FraidaNYSENBAUM Hena Menkow Mindla Janklow Chana Sura ADLER Laia Joskow Rosa Abusiow Rvflca Szajndla Raizla Estera (dec ) DreizlaGROSMAN? 9 Mordka Chana Komican Z z Z Z z z z z z z z z Warszawa Z z z z z z z z z z z N BLUMENFELD 5 Herszek Faiaa Jochweta Chaim Mordka Sluwa Hejnoch Laid Zehk Dvna Abrdm Faïaa Josek Estera Herszek Mdlka Zehk Ita Srul Sucher Baila Chessa Bemamin Chaim Sura Eta Chaim Majer Laia Riwon Ides Abus Ruchla Chaim Zehk Roiza Wulf Chaia Sura Oron Sz>mo\\icz Ruchla Szmul Mordka Bhma Mordka Dawid Chesa? Chana Pinkwas Izrael Szlamowicz Hilel (dec ) Izrael Andzel Dawid (dec ) Izrael (dec ) Leizor Abram (dec ) Josek Icek Gerszon (dec ) Izrael Maier Wult Herszek Le|bus Szlamowicz Szlama Sender Maier Szapsa Abram Urys Chuchim Zelman Hil Chaim Maier (dec ) Josek Leibus Rywon (dec ) Anzel Abram Zehk Fiszel Icek Herszkowicz Chaim (dec ) Haskiel Aron Josek Lejzorowicz Maier Chaimowicz z z z z z N 4 WELTMAN GRYNSZPAN FRYDMAN 19 22 23 20 51 23 20 19 24 19 Z Z N 3 Haskiel Kaila Mosiek Fajga UdesaKORMAN RajzlaAJDELSZTAJN Sura Ickow (dec ) Chaja Sura Roiza Abramow Rajza Sema Malanow Mala GelaROZENFELD N 1869 1 FRYDBARK KUPERSET 2 CUKIER ZAJDENBAUM OO OO Rachmil 30 Lejbus (dec ) Perla 18 Jankel(dec ) Chaim Herszek Pejsak Faisa Berek 18 BOJAYLGRYN Mosiek Icek 36 Ajdla Raizla WAJNTRAUB 20 Judka 19 KLAJMAN Mosiek 18 Dawid LUKSEMBERG Cvrla Sieiwa 18 Leizor (dec ) 20 MORGERSZTERN Mosiek 57 Lejbus WAJNBERG Etla Jankel Hersz (dec ) Nowa Alexandria Z z z z z z z N N 16 RUBINSZTAJN MALACH 17 KERSZENCWEJG KIERSZENBAUM Summer 2003 Kazimierz Z Radom Z Z Z Kozenic Z z z Gniewoszôw Z Starszew Z Lublin Z Opoczno Z Gniewoszow Z -I &, ii Summer 2003 9 10 WIZENBERG KANAREK SZWARCERFITER KERSZMAN 11 ZALCMAN DYAMENT 12 GELINTER KUPERESET? 13 BERSZTEL HOFMAN 14 KIRSZENBERG ZYLBERBERG 15 WILFMAN OBSTBAUM 16 TARANGEL CUMER 17 FRYDMAN DOMBINSKI 18 MANDELBAUM MALACH 19 HABERMAN HIRSZ 1871 1 PRZISUSKI GOLDMAN 2 SZLAFERMAN TROPPE 3 GURFINKEL PEREL 4 KRAUZ GOLDFARB 5 CWAJGENBAUM TAJTELBAUM 6 FUKSMAN ROZENBLAT 7 OBSTBAUM KIERSZMAN/ F1NKELSZTAJN 8 GRYNSZPAN BICHMAN 9 GRYNBLAT ZALCMAN 10 FRYDMAN KIERSZMAN/ FINKELSZTAJN 11 GOLDBERG SZWARCBERG 12 GOLDFARB PIUS 13 WAJCMAN WAJNSZTAJN 14 AJZEMAN OBSTBAUM 15 APELBAUM GRYNCWAJG 16 KAPLON WRUBLEWSKI 17 SZEIERMAN NYSYNBAUM 18 WAJNTRAUB NAJMAN 19 LANDENBAUM NYSENBAUM 20 BRAJNTYCH ZYLBERBERG 21 KUPER ERDEPEL 49 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Berek Chaja Sura Herszek Lejzor Taba Haskiel Perla Laja Herszek Lejb Chaja Marva Herszek Chaim Hinda Wolk Rajzla Zvsla Herszek Sura Raial Pejsach Marva Boruch Szajndla Moszek Chaja Ruchla Jakob Blima 20 20 25 20 19 18 24 Izrael Chaim Ruchla Izrael Chaim Basia Icek Chaim EKvojra Josek Ruchla Lejzor Icek Dwojra Lejbus Necha Abram Rajzla 20 21 19 16 20 16 18 18 20 19 33 22 43 36 Szmul Izrael Abram (dec.) Moszek Izrael Nachman Hil Lejbus Jakier Icek Szloma Icek Kopel Herszek Lejbus Sura Dwojra Pinkwasiow Pessa Idessa HELAF Marya Dyna Minka Brajndla KAPLON Perla BEJTMAN Sura Abramow Necha KUPERBERG ? SerkaDAWITSON Tauba Frimeta Sura ZYLBER Malka WAJCMAN Abram Fajwel Marya Majer Ruchla Laja Naftula Hersz Szyfra 19 17 19 17 21 21 Szmul Lejbus Hema Haskiel Izrael Izrael Hudes Laia GOLDFARB GoldaFLUMENBAUM Perla Zysla GOLDSZTAJN Dwojra Herszkow Izrael Dobra Chaim Mordka Malka Lejzor Rvtka Laja Moszek Icek Perla Rvtka Munys Dobra Sercu Moszek Laja Chaim Moszek Sura Izrael Ides Hil Simicha Pejsak Frajda Majer Ruchla Laia 19 18 20 21 18 22 18 19 24 19 24 20 18 19 32 24 18 16 18 17 20 17 Icek Moszek Ela (dec.) Szmul Izrael Haskiel Izrael Lejbus Haskiel Mendel Fajwel Majer Moszek Dydya Abus Josek (dec.) Herszek (dec.) Abram Szaja Majer Icek Nuchvm Dawid Josek (dec.1 Rajzla KON Ruchla GOLDFARB KajlaROZENBERG Golda Ruchla Cirla Symucha Estera Zlota Estera Dwojra Laja Chana Ita Chaimow Chana Moskow Ryfka Brucha Chaja Sura (dec.) WAJCMAN Chana Moskow Marya Czarna FLUMENBAUM Ryfka WAJCMAN Dwojra Gorszkow 19 16 18 18 19 18 18 19 21 20 18 16 20 19 LMoszek Moszek Icek Huna (dec.) Moszek Majer Lejbus Szulim(dec) Mordka Izrael Berek Liba Rvwon Jankel Majer Jakob Szlama Icek Kelman Aron Izrael Icek Icek Lejbus Abus Josek (dec.) Moszek •? Gitla Janklow Ryfka Ickow Bina Marya Brocha Laja Herszkow Symcha Ryfka Janklow Genendla Simcha (dec.) Chaja Dwojra (dec.) Sura Rvwa WAJSBAND Marya (dec.) Dwojra Bajla(dec.)FAJNTYCH Nucha Moskow Tauba Andzlow (dec.) Cirla Mejlow Ruchla Szmulow Sura Chana Marya Dwojra Izraelow Perla Munasow Ita WAJCMAN Sienno Z Szydlowiec Z Z Z Z . zz z z z z z z z Ciepelôw Z Z Z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Grabôw Z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Strachowic Kozenic Z Z Radom Z Z Z Z z z 50 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 ZYLBER 18 Andzel lid Moszek Judka Raizla Moszek Chana Toba Rachmil Suid Ma|er Ruohld Szmul Pei la Icck Majer Chaia Ruchla Lek Dawid Chana Sura Moszek Aron Chdia Moisu Ela Szaindla Pessa ClidimNuchvm Chdia Sura Maier Lejb Estera Malka Chaim Hil Fd|2d S unson Suid Rwka Htis7ek Bidindla Moszek Perec R w ka Ruchla Mordka Mosze Estera Bemamin Kdila Itek Zelik Ruchla Dobra Samson Chdia Jankel Hersz CUKIER INGBIER 19 GOLDBERG Rd|Zld CUKIERMAN 20 JUDENCHERC Ela M ijer C\pa RUBINSZTAJN Lejbus 21 HANOWER Chana GOLDBERG 22 ZAJDENBERGER Manes Sura DAWIDSON 23 ROZENCWAJG Bemamin BOJMAYLGRYN Chaia Ita 1873 1 MORGENSZTERN Chaim Szlama JANOWSKI Rxtka Abram 2 DYAMENT Esteia BLUMENFELD Lqbus Pe|sak 3 AKERMAN PERELSZTAJN Idesa Perla kek 4 BORENSZTAJN Chdwa TRAJMAN 5 GOLDFARB Samson Sura EKvoira GOLDMAN 6 MANDELBAUM Icek KEMEL/ Szpnnca TENENBAUM Abram Kelman 7 SZILDURET Raca PAPERBLAT 16 40 20 16 Lek Zdnwel Aron Majer (dec ) Herszek Pruwa (dec ) OBSTBAUM Perla GROSBERG Bajla Frajdla APELBAUM Gitla Leizorow 19 17 37 30 23 18 19 22 20 20 21 20 19 19 21 20 19 18 23 18 20 19 18 17 32 25 30 19 Jankel Sender Syria Abram Icek Berek Samson (dec ) Moszek Judka Fiszel Prnkwas Gitla (dec ) GROZDZYNOK Laia Ryfka Liba Brocha (dec ) AJZENBERG Golda Cypa Ruchla Mala Etla Liba (dec )H0WMAN Frandla DwoiraAJZMAN Cyrla Malka GRYNSZPAN Frajda GOLDFARB Zlota Maierow Szajndla Tauba Joskow Estera Rvfka Farwelow Perla Chana Liba Perla Ruchla Herszkow Kaila Janklow Mindla Janklow Hudesa (dec ) Tauba (dec ) Rvfka (dec ) Dyna Meilichow Perla Gitla Moskow (dec ) Rajzla Michlarow Ruchla Chaja Tema FMow Malka Dawidow Ryfka PAJZMAN Dwoira Leizorow Eta Szlamow Gitla Leibusiow Estera KORENAN Rvfka Ciwa Ryfka CUKIER Sura Cvpa Ryfka (dec ) Lipa 18 19 Ratal Abram Samson Jankel Beiek Izrael Moszek Mendel (dec ) Cala Moszek Geld lins Szmul Ktlman Izrael Lejbus (dec ) Abram Mendel Moszek (dec ) Nuta Siapsa Simon Moszek Maier Pinkwas Maier Haskiel Josek (dec ) Josek(dec ) Maier Moszek Szimcha Heusz Sielka Abram Majer Zelik Abram Ratal 18 20 19 22 21 16 52 36 18 18 32 36 Izrael IziaelMeihch Chaim Pejsak Leizor losek Fajwel Lejbus Herszek Jankel leek (dec ) Jlldkd Szaia Icek KJMEL (dec ) OS OO WAJCMAN GLISMAN 23 GIMAN FLUMEN 1872 1 NUDELFUDEM LIBFELD 2 ROZENSZTARK WAJCMAN 3 CYPELE KAPLON 4 RUBINSZTAJN ZYLBERBERG 5 PAJKUS DANCIGER 6 SZLUKER KBRSZENBLAT 7 ZYLBERGELD FINKELSZTAJN 8 RUBINFAER GRYNBAUM 9 KERSZBERG AKERMAN 10 LICHTENSZTAD FLUMEN 11 MANDELMAN GOLDFARB 12 GOLDFARB GRYNSZPAN 13 TARANGEL SZRUTMAN 14 TRAJMAN GRYNBAUM 15 CHAZEN BENCAN 16 FEFER DYAMENT 17 WAJNTRAUB 19 16 19 20 18 22 22 18 18 16 19 19 to to o to 22 20 Moszek 16 Szldina Gitla Ita(dec)ZYLBERSZTAJN Perla Ita (dec) Szaindla Dvna Chaunow (dec ) Frajdla Pinkwasiow CvrlaKAC Ruchla Wulfow Marva (dec ) GOLDFARB Gitla Herszkow Nvcha Fajga (dec ) Seiwa (dec ) ROZENBERG Bajla Zelmanow CvpaTOJWAL Ruchla (dec ) Tauba TENENBAUM Mindla Chaia Abramow Summer 2003 Z Konenowol Kozenic Z Z zKozenic Z Z z z Kozenic Tarlow Z Kozenic Z Ciepelow Z Nowa Alexandria Z Magnuszow Z Pinsk Z z z z Grabow Z Z z z Skarysza Z Ostrowiec Z Glowaczow Z z Zawichost Glowaczow Z Szydlowiec Z Z Z Kazimierz Z Szydlowiec Z Z Jozefôw Z Z z z z z z z z z z z Summer 2003 8 9 10 11 12 WAJNTRAUB ZYLBERBERG GRYNSZPAN LIBERMAN WAKSMAN GRINWURCEL GRINBERG GRADOWIC MANDELBAUM KIERSZENCWAJG 13 51 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Josek Malka Fiszel Chaia Perla Lipa Faiiia Sana Mviicha Abram Moszek Dwoira Sura Jankel Kopel Baila OBSTBAUM DYAMENT 1874 1 BUCHNER Zelik Enta Ryfka WAJSFELD 2 SKURA Josek Chana Rapla ZALCMAN Izrael Chaim 3 ZALCMAN FELDMAN Zvsld Rafal Abram 4 MANDELMAN Estera Malka FAJNTYCH Lejbus 5 GUT PIUS Ruchla 6 BIEZANSKI Hil Laja KUPERSET Chama Gerszon 7 SZRAJBMAN ZYLBERBERG Chaia Rvfka 8 HABERBERG Abram Fraida Machela ALMAN 9 NUDELMAN Moszek ALTMAN Rvfka Baila 10 CUKIER Zelman Raizla CWERMAN 11 WAJMAN Lejbus FUVKELSZTAJN Szaindla 12 FRYDMAN/FRYD Icek Szvfia Man'a OBSTBAUM Majer 13 GOLDBERG Chaia Gitla AJDENBAUM 14 SZNAJDERMAN Lejbus Chana Liba FRYDMAN 15 LIS Berek Cirla GRYNBAUM Szoel Boruch 16 ASKENAZ Chana CUKIER Izrael 17 WASERMAN Raizla KISZKA Urys 18 GOLDFARB OBSTBAUM/ Rajzld FINKELSZTAJN 19 LAKS Abram GOLDFARB Rvfka Ides 20 ROJTFARB Samson ZAJDENBAUM Cyma Szmul Abram 21 CIGELMAN Estera SZEERMAN Mortka 22 FLUMENKER DRYZNER Hinda 1875 1 HIRSZ Abram Icek KIESTENBERG Chana Mindla 2 NAJSZTAJN Chaim FINKELSZTAJN Chawa 3 OBSTBAUM Szulim GURTENBAUM Chaia Rvfka Izrael 4 ROZENBLAT Chana Tauba ZAJDENBAUM .Pinkwas (dec ) Szuhm Szmul Abram Pinkwas Maier (dec ) Icek (dec ) Icek Lejbus (dec ) 19 Rachmil 20 Nusyn (dec ) 16 Haskiel Ruchla MORGENSZTERN Draizla CUKIER Hudessa (dec ) ItaHONKSMAN Chana Liba BLIMAN ?RUBINSZTAJN Drejzla GRAJGMAN Chana Liba Chawa TAJSZIDLER Aidla Sura Ickow Estera Szulimow 32 22 20 17 18 18 20 16 28 23 20 18 25 27 26 21 22 18 30 18 29 19 19 18 21 23 21 20 24 24 21 19 18 59 40 Kaufman Dvdva Moszek Berek HilHdskiel Icek (dec ) Hercvk To|bd Abram Izmel Szmul Abram Lejb Izrael Berek Kiwa Najtla Mosiek Moszek Rywon Szmul Abram Abram Lipa Rafal Moszek Wulf Josek Haskiel (dec) Haskiel Izrael Josel Abram Abram Icek (dec ) Szlama Zelman Chaim Abram Haskiel Abram (dec ) Abram (dec.) Perla LibaKESTENBAUM Golda CHMIELNICKI Sura Rvfka KERSZENBLAT Gica Golda Fraida NYSENBAUM Bina Dawidow Hinda Janklow Estera PUTERMAN Golda FELC FrandlaUSZER Perla BOJAYLGRYN Sluwa Dwoira LIBFELD Ryfka Abramow Fraidla Rajzla Sura PUTERMAN Rajzla Malka (dec ) Sura Faiea GOLDFARB Ryfka Chana TENENBAUM Estera LENCMAN? Mala Rvfka ROZENBAUM Chana Estera Wulfow Dvna Leibusiow Szajndla (dec ) Dreizla GROJSMAN Chaja Dwojra Czarna ZYLBERBERG Jochwet GOLDSZMIT Raizla BRAJNTYCH Marya ' KERSZMAN 20 18 18 18 40 18 18 20 Hil Moszek Nuchvm Icek Herszek Symcha Dawid Josek Dawid Ruchla (dec )CZYZIK ZlotaAPELBAUM Chaja GOLDBERG ItaKUPERBERG Chaja Dwojra FUNKMAN Hinda KIRSZENBLAT Maryam Lejbusiow Dwoira RUTMAN 21 21 22 20 19 17 28 20 Moszek Hersz Leizor (dec ) Ma|er Szlama Abram Szaima (dec ) Icek Jzuiel Ita(dec.)WAJCMAN Perla ZALCMAN Ruchla WAJNBERG Zlota WINER Golda DAWIDSON Mindla WAJSFELD Fnmeta Hinda CUKIER 40 38 23 18 24 22 21 18 45 19 Z Z z z z z z z z z z z Kozinic Z Chmielnik Z Kozinic Z z z z z Warszawa Z Gniewoszow Z Przytyk Z Z Gniewoszow Z Z Kazanôw Z z z z z z z Lipsko Z Kazimierz Z z z z z Konenowol Z z z Kazanôw Z Kaganôw Z Z Z z z z z z z 52 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Lejzor Chana Ruchla Herszek Tauba ZANDSZTAJN Judka BRAJNTYCH Dobra Aron KAPLON Kaila LEDERMAN SANEK Icek Dobra DYAMENT Izrael Noech EJZENBERGER MORGENSZTERN Hilda BRAUM Moszek Binem CUKER Sura Jochwet Abram SZABASON PRZKUSKI Dwojra BOJMAYLGRYN Jankel WAKSMAN Sura Rvfka Szoel Lejb WAJNBERG GOLDFARB Dvvojra Chana SZEERMAJSTER Beniamin Estera PEREL 1876 1 ZIGELMAN KIESTENBERG 2 DYAMENT FINKELSZTAJN 3 WILF LIBFELD 4 GOLDFARB MANDELMAN 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Zelik Lejbus (dec.) Mortka Mendel Szmul Icek Haskiel Wulf Lejbus Haskiel Josek Moszek Szmul Dawid Herszek Moszek Szlama Szmul Pinkwas Aron Icek (dec.) Chaim Joel Rachmil(dec) Perla Abramow FraidaCYBELMAN Hendla GOLDFARB Ryfka WAJCMAN Fajga Szprynca Chana GROJSMAN Liba Dobra Ryfka LANDAU Faiaa WAJNTRAUB Dyna Chaja LEDERMAN Gitla (dec.) LECHTSZTAJN GoldaKLAJN Marva Braindla WAJNGURT BrajndlaBRAUN Rvfka (dec.) WAJNGARTEN Chana GOTLYB Chana BONDMAN HindaWOLMAN Baila BORENSZTAJN Frajda Moskow Perla BEJTMAN 22 18 18 20 Lejbus Herszek Szulim Wulf Lejzor Sender Urys Maier Herszek Icek Lejbus Nusen Judka Mendel Lejbus Szyfra WAJCMAN Rvfka SZTAJNRYC Ryfka Faiea GOLDFARB Krusa SZTAJNWORCEL LaiaKRIGER Mindla MANDELMAN Chaia Sura AJZENBERG Sura Malka WAKS Ryfka Chaimow BERMAN Estera KIRSZENBLAT Cywia ROTENBERG Rajzla Ryfka GLAJMAN Izrael Szulim Izrael Lejbus Moszek Berek Icek Majer Simon Moszek Aron Zachariasz Josek Moszek Herszek Chaim (dec.) Binka Aron Moszek ? SuraBERNBAUM ItaFAJNTYCH Pesa BORENSZTAJN Chana HERSZHORN KajlaKILEL? Chana ElkaZLOT Drejzla GROJSMAN Raizia AJZENBERG Enta Fraida KIRSZENBLAT Sura Dwojra Fiszlow Hila SZAC Cywia Ryfka CUKIER/WAJSBORT Sura Ita MANDELMAN Necha Chaia Blima Faiea FAJNTYCH 7 Lejb (dec.) Herszek Majer Haskiel Moszek Moszek Majer Kelman Lejbus Jakier Rajza Chaia Sura Laja KUPERSZMLT Estera LENSMAN Perla DEMBINSKI Marva ROZENBLAT Fajga Mindla RACHMAN Necha KUPERBERG 19 16 18 19 20 18 19 17 20 20 23 OO ON 10 Icek Sura Dobra Hil Chaim Machla Gitla Chaim Noech Chaja Marva Zelik Dvna BOJMAYLGRYN Wigdor Chaja BORENSZTAJN Haskiel Majer BERKMAN Hiiida ZILBER Abram Jankel GOLDMAN Chawa WAJNTRAUB Herszek NYSENBAUM SERKA Siewa Jowan Moszek FAJNGOLD Rvfka Fajaa GROJSMAN Haskiel GOLDMAN Laj a FELDMAN Herszek Mortka LIBCHABER CUKEER Liba Kaila GRYNBLUM Szlama TENENBAUM Chaia Aidla GOLDBERG Mortka FLUMEN Czama ROZENCWAJG Sucher Berek Chana Brucha LACHTIGER JUDENCHARC Eliasz Majer Cvpa RUBINSZTAJN SZTULMAN Boruch Sura Chana WULFMAN Izrael Ejzyk CYBEL Rojza KISZKA PEREL Beniamin Man'a Dwojra ERLICH Icek BENKIEL Sz\fra Chana FINKELSZTAJN Samson KAPLON Malka Chana OBSTBAUM MANDELMAN Abram Sura Laja KERSZMAN Josek MANDELBAUM Perla GOLDFARB 30 16 21 19 21 18 18 19 18 16 18 22 20 20 18 18 20 18 19 18 30 19 18 19 21 22 18 22 18 18 18 19 20 20 54 46 26 19 18 18 20 17 20 19 Summer 2003 Z Z z z z z z Ozarôw Radom Z Szydlowiec Z Brulie Z Nowa Alexandria zz z Opole Z Z z z z z z NN 6 WEGMAN PERELMTTER FLUMENBAUM ZYGELMAN OO OO 5 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 z z z Konskowasi Ciepelow Z Z Z z z z z Granica Z z Szvdlowiec Z Z Skarszew Z z Szydlowiec Szydlowiec Z Kaczanôw Z z z z z Lipsko Z Z Z z z Kazimierz Z Summer 2003 23 WAJNTRAUB TAUB 24 LERNER AJZENMAN 25 PIUS DEMBINSKI 26 ZYNGMAN FRYDMAN 27 APPEL KAPLON 28 ILEMBLUM LIBFELD 29 DERDYK RACHENBAUM 30 HANOWER KIPERMAN 31 DANCYGER KAC 32 FARBMAN AKERMAN 1877 1 KERSZMAN BERLINSKI 2 WIZENBERG DYAMENT 3 SZUSTERMAN WEGMAN 4 ROZENBLAT GOLDSZTAJN 5 WASERZAJG WAJCMAN 6 ROTBLAT ZOLOND 7 SZWARCBERG FELDSZTAJN 8 BORENSZTAJN RUB1NSZTAJN 9 HERMELIN BERKMAN 10 ROZENBLAT ZIGELMAN 11 MANDELMAN BICHMAN 12 MALACH WELTMAN 13 DYAMENT PRZYSUSKI 14 WULFMAN IŒSTENBERG 15 16 17 18 19 KISZKA NUDELMAN FLUMENBAUM DYAMENT ZYSMAN DYAMENT KUPERBERG WAJNTRAUB SZMETERLING SZEERMAN 53 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Haskiel 19. Jankel Baila 19 Cliaim Nusyn 20 Hil 19 Izrael Lejbus Laja Mechel Wigdor 22 Szmul Perla Machla 19 Icek (dec.) Icek 18 Kelman (dec.) 18 Josek Szvlra Szulim Hema 18 Hil Sura 17 Haskiel 18 Sumer Abram Judka 17 Josek Ruchla Ela Icek 19 Chaim Ruchla C\rla 16 Abram Szmul 19 Sauma Chana 19 Josek Cliaim Pejsak 18 Icek Certla 16 Lejb Icek Majer 19 Kelman Sura 16 Josek Fajwel Golda Chana Perla (late) OSZBERG Chaja OBSTBAUM Estera Golda FLIC Chana BOJNGART Chaja KNOBEL Chana TENENBAUM Malka Estera AJDELSZTAJN Chana GROJSMAN Laja Abramow (dec.) Sura GRADOWCZIK Tauba Hinda KERSZBERG CvnaGARFINKIEL RyfkaBERMAN Rvfka WAJCMAN Rosa SLIWKOW Mindla Janklow Marya Gitla Samson Cyrla Josek Jachweta Szulim Sura Chaim Majer Perla Szaja Rvfka Liba Samson Estera Gtla Mendel Marva Brajndla Haskiel Chaja Perla Eliasz Sura Dobra Abram Marva Majer Marva Szulim Chaja Abram Fajsa Haskiel Moszek Tema Haskiel Rvtka Icek Jochweta Mortka Nuchama Rajzla Szmul Chaim Jochwet Majer Hii Sura Rajza Marya Hudes Chaja (dec.) HANDELSMAN Golda Frajda Marya Perla Abramow Frimeta Marya WAJCMAN Mendia Kelmanow Pesa Estera BICHMAN Fraidla Laja (dec.) Ruchla Fajwelow Malka Etla Izraelow Rajzla Elow Golda Izraelow Frimeta Abramow Szvlra Nolow? Bajla Laia KIRSZENBLAT Estera FREDLENDER Suxa Chaimow Laja (dec.) TAJTELBAUM Rvfka (dec.) WAJNGARTEN Chaja Berkow Cvpa KAC Kajla Gela (dec.) KUPERBERG Frajda KIRSZENBLAT Laia TAJTELBAUM Ita Chaja Pesa RAJZMAN Malka HONJXSMAN Fraida (dec.) KNOBEL Sima Telca KNOBEL Frimeta ROZENBERG 20 18 18 18 19 21 25 18 19 19 21 20 18 18 18 22 18 16 19 20 46 18 18 18 22 19 18 22 19 20 19 19 25 18 18 16 20 18 Moszek Majer Jakob Icek Danel Chaim Izrael Jankel Zelik Icek Szmul Izrael Moszek Chaim Jankel Joel Bina Josek Herszek Moszek Izrael Wulf Icek Lejbus Jankel (dec.) Abus Rachmil Moszek Kopel Moszek Szimuch Binem Zelik Andzel Hersz Moszek Kopel Lejb Icek Boruch Szlama (dec.) Izrael Uryna (dec.) Izrael (dec.) Z Z Sandomierz Z z z z z z z z z Radom Z Radom Z Jedlinsk Z Kazanôw Z Z Radom Radom Z z z z z Suskowol Z z Sienno Z Z Lipsko Z Ostrowiec Z z z z z z Granica Z Z z z z z z z Kazimierz Z z z z z 54 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Summer 2003 Radoszyce Births 1826-1850 Akt: Surname Given Name Father Age Mother Age Residence Szymcha Haim Zavwel Berek Berek Jankiel Berek Mortka Moszek Gdayla Wolf Abram Josek Mosiek Abram Izrael Maier Mortka 43 48 30 34 28 20 24 35 37 28 34 24 40 40 25 52 19 38 Hana Etla Ryfka Sora Bayla Ryfka Faygla [ORZECHOWSKA] Bayla [FROJMOWICZ] Hanka Raza TENENBAUM Fryma Kaila[FAYWELOWICZ] Laia [BARON] Ester Joelow [NETLA] BailaMOSZKOWICZ SzayndlaJAKUBOWICZ Malka [LIBERSZTAJN] Ester Szymchow 42 39 23 28 23 19 19 30 30 24 30 24 36 26 26 40 19 34 Mosiek Abram Abram Zyskiel Faiwel Abram Szyia Izrael Kiwa Mosiek Berek Berek Jankiel Szmul [Zanwel?] Izrael? Mosiek Zelman Berek Maier Szmul Ankiel Herszel Tobiasz Zelman 39 48 26 28 30 25 23 42 20 26 25 30 52 23 20 24 36 32 35 42 20 21 48 46 RywkaSZMULOWICZ? Anna Icykow Ruda AnnaBRANDLOWICZ Fraidla Luzerow Jenta? Ryfka [DZIALOSZYNSKA] Hawa Ryfka [ORACZ] Marya Jochfet [HERSKOWICZ?] Ryfka [MTTLER] Hana Rochla[FROIMOWICZ?] Peysa [SZWARZOG?] Gitla Krandla Bayla Perla Bayla Ruchla [TENENBAUM] Ruda Gitla Hana 32 48 24 20 24 24 19 36 19 24 30 20 40 18 20 24 34 24 35 36 Szlama Mosiek Szmul Izrael Izrael Szmul Icyk Izrael Zaywel Ankiel Berek Szmul Aron Leyzor Zaywel Berek Dawid Favwel 54 21 44 20 23 54 30 34 36 38 28 32 28 45 38 35 26 18' l O i CO Haskiel Pinkus 1 MIODECKI Rochma 2 ZINGBAND 3 FROMOWSKI Josek Jakob 4 SZCZUPAK 5 JACENTOWSKI Szandla 6 WAXZTAK Reyza Maria? Mortka 7 HERSZ 8 ALEKSANDROWICZ Zendel Szlama Abram 9 SAKTAK? Haja 10 CHENCINSKA Haim 11 WEYSKI Leyb 12 GOLDBERG 13 CZARNOBRODA Abram Icyk Leyb 14 KAPELUSZ Frayda 15 FINKOWICZ Cywia Dobra 16 ZYLBERYNG Hawa 17 TENENBAUM 18 NEBACHOWICZ Bluma 1827 Chaim 1 TENENBAUM 2 KRZENTOWSKA? Haia? Herszel 3 MLYNARSKI 4 WLOSZCZOWSKI Raiza Wolf 5 KRAWCZYK Szmul 6 ORACZ Fisiel 7 CIELIENKI Rayza 8 AIZENSMTT Hana Ruchla 9 SYGAL Faiwel Mosiek 10 ZADWARK Herszel Zendel 11 KAPELUZ Izrael 12 NUDEL Cypa 13 SZEER 14 TENENBAUM Icyk Hana 15 BIRBAUM Laia 16 MIODECKI 17 LBOPRAWSKA? Temelle? 18 JACENTOWSKI Dawid Rachmiel? Josek 19 BARON 20 MACHEROWSKI Abram Peysa 21 ROZENBLUM 22 STRASZOWSKI? Dawid Tauba Bayla 23 RABINOWICZ 24 BIRNBAUM Chaim 1828 1 BOROWSKA Fraim Anna 2 TENENBAUM Faygla 3 WAJNFAS Icyk Eyzyk 4 DZIECIMSKI Szymon 5 ROZENBLUM Major Icyk 6 WLOSZOWSKI Majer Mortka 7 GANCARSKI Gela 8 SKOCZYLAS Ankiel 9 FRAYMOWSKI Hana 10 TENENBAUM Zendel 11 HIRSZ Rayza 12 SYLBERBERG Szyfra 13 BLINDER Faygla 14 TENENBAUM 15 ALEKSANDROWICZ Mendel Marya 16 NUDEL Herszel 17 FRAYMOWICZ Mosiek Abraham 18 KRAWCZYK Hendla Haia Fryma Faygla Hudes Bayla Ryfka Judes [Eliaszow] Rufka EtlaJMODECKA] Faygla [ORZECHOWSKA] Faygla Golda Dyna Rayza Ryfka [MULER] Ruchla [WLOSZCZOWA] 35 Fraydla Radoszyce R R wies" Jakimowice R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R wieé Sokolôw R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R [15?]R 24 R 39 R 36 R 42 22 36 20 20 34 24 28 23 32 22 30 22 36 34 24 20 20 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Summer 2003 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Ruchla 19 ROZENBLUM Hana Tauba 20 WAX 21 WLOSZCZOWSKA Hinda Haskiel Rubin 22 TARKA 1829 1 WAX Leyb 2 CZARNOBRODSKA Ruchla Royza 3 TENENBAUM Mosiek 4 WEYMAN 5 EYSEMBERG Haia Gitla 6 FURMAN 7 NEBUCHOWICZ Reyla Pawa 8 GOLBERG Pesla? 9 TENENBAUM Rachmil 10 SILBERING 11 SILBERING Haim 12 SIGAL Ruchla 13 SZPIEGIELMAN Fraydla 14 GWIAZDOWICZ Izrael 15 BIRBAUM Aron Dawid Nosom 16 CIELENCKI 17 ALEKSANDROWICZ Fayga Ankiel Szymon 18 ROZENBLUM Pesela? 19 TENENBAUM 20 TENENBAUM Froim Fiszel 1830 1 ROZENBLUM Rayza Jakob 2 WIEYSKI 3 MACHEROWSKA Ruchla 4 EYZENSZMTT Icyk 5 KRZENTOWSKA? Zysia Laia 6 SZEER 7 MTTLER Mosiek Jude Szandla 8 SZCZUPAK? Maniel Szmul 9 GANCARSK3 No son Aron Zyskiel Izrael 30 26 26 30 Zysla Krandla[ZYLBERYNG] Hana [BRANDLOWICZ] Ryfka 25 22 24 26 R R R R [J]Ankiel Josek Mosiek Wolf Szmul Luzer Mortka Abram Szmul [Zanwel] Mosiek Eyzyk Kiwa Izrael Herszel Izrael Szyia Mortka Boruch Maier Mosiek 24 38 38 40 36 40 36 30 25 30 24 25 26 46 24 24 38 40 20 23 Ryfka [KURZYDLOWSKA] Laia [BARON] Ryfka Gitla Ester [Zondlow] MeDRY? Sora Ester [Szymchow] Kaila [FAYWELOWICZ] Ruchla [FROMOWICZ?] Keyla Hudes Ryfka [ORACZ] Gitla Haia Peysa [SZWARZOG?] Ryfka [DZIALOSZYNSKA] Bayla [FROMOWICZ?] Rayza Matla? Haia 24 36 35 38 32 36 36 30 19 24 20 24 24 42 24 20 28 26 22 24 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Ankiel Wolf Szmul Izrael Hil? Ankiel Berek Berek Lewek 24 36 44 46 25 50 23 38 34 Ruchla [TENENBAUM] Frymet Bayla Hana Faygla Hana Royza [JANENBACH?] Sora Mirfla] Laia 20 30 40 26 30 40 21 26 26 R R R R R R R Eyzyk Berek Eyzyk Berek Josek Zelman Berek Ankiel Mosiek Zyskiel Alexander Icyk Zaywel Herszel Dawid Aron Maier Izrael Izrael Dawid 22 30 29 46 48 46 54 46 46 30 47 39 27 30 32 42 28 28 24 Matela? Fayga [NETLAK?] Hudela Rifka [MITLER] Laia [BARON] Krandla Faygla Etla[MIODECKA] Ester Hana [BRANDLOWICZ] Sora[MALINIECKA?] Ryfka Ruda Ruchla [WLOSZCZOWA] Gela Pesla Gitla Gitla Fajga 21 21 22 20 50? 30 44 31 32 27 20 30 25 24 27 41 24 24 22 Boruch Gerszon Layb Zaywel Izrael Szyia Ankiel Abram Izrael Nachman Mortka 52 30? 46 32 25? 26 51 30 22 35 41 Rayza Marya Herszlow? Ruchla Rayza Pesla [SZWARZOG?] Ryfka [DZIALOSZYNSKA] Anna Kayla [FAYWELOWICZ] Cyrla Rywka Bayla [FROMOWICZ] 38 21 30 38 '1 loJ • 1 Izrael WEINBERG? SZNAYDROWICZ Eliasz Szymcha SILBERING Hena Ha NUDEL Gentla CZARNOBRODA Haskiel Izrael LESOPRAWSKI DZIALOCZYNIKA Ester TENENBAUM Royza Gida KAPULUSZ WLOSZCZOWISKA? Ryfka NUDEL Izrael FRAYMOWSKI Fraim Fiszel Mortka SILBERAT FRAYMOWSKI Ruchel Tauba Faygla BLINDER Szandla BARON SZPIGIELMAN Abram* SZPIGIELMAN Leyzor* WROCLAWSKI Abram 1832 1 ROZENBLUM Abram Haja Hana 2 ZAYDWEREK 3 SZNAYDROWICZ Laya 4 ALEKSANDROWICZ Ruchla Szyia 5 BIRBAUM Sora Laia 6 CIELENSKI Maier 7 SZER Rayza 8 GOLDBERG Leyzor 9 BARON Alter 10 ABUSZYE 11 ALEKSANDROWICZ Fraym 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 55 wieë Klucko R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R [23] R 25 R 46 R 30 R 24 R . R 47 R 50 Kielcti-Radom SIG Joumal Volume 7, Number 3 12 KRAWCZYK 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 TENENBAUM GANCARSKI ROZENBLUM TENENBAUM SILBERING GANCARSKI MIODECKI FMKLER MTTLER 22 ZRODLO Summer 2003 R Izrael Faywel Aron Mortka Maier Cyperla Terza? Lewek Szymon Ankiel Szaia Szmul [Zanwel] Mortka Mosiek Icyk Recla? Hernia Rayza Icyk Mindla Berek Maneka? Eyzyk 32 26 35 25 28 22 32 20 51 23 37 Frayda Malka [LIBERSZTAJN] Laia Ruchla [TENENBAUM] Ruchla [FROIMOWICZ?] Kayla Ryflca Leka? Marya [BARON] Royza[JANENBACH?] Szymcha 23 R 24 R 24 R 23 R 25 R 21 R 24 R 29 R [23] R 40 R Mosiek Mortka Szyfra Ruchla Mindla C\pra 47 30 38 40 25 42 28 29 25 46 46 20 R R R R R R 25 R 22 R 20 R 30 R 20 R 36 R 18 R 23 R 21 R 23 R 24 R 29 R 36 R 22 R 24 R 21 R 25 R 25 R 42 R 34 R 26 R 25 22 22 43 25 48 30 26 30 28 [22] 30 32 28 30 20 20 30 30 40 32 29 24 25 28 30 1833 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 NUDEL HIRSZ RACHMILOWICZ GOLDBERG SZAL BARON KRZENLOWSKI ROZENBLUM ROZBERG SZNAYDROWICZ NUDEL TENENBAUM SZAYN FRYDMAN SZNAYDROWICZ SILBERING KOSCINSZKO? ORACZ ROZENBLUM TENENBAUM FALK BARON TENENBAUM ROZENBLUM ROZENSZTAYN KAPELUSZNIK ZYNGBANG [Jochwa?] Margal? Haia Rwya Simcha? Moszek Szyia Rywka Laia? Hendla Sura [J]Ankiel Szlamka Poltych? Nosen? Icek Maior? Rachirtiel Mosiek Pechia? Faygla Hana Laia Bayla Pesla Icyk Berek Faiwel Izrael [Abba?] Kiwa Maier Mosiek Izrael Icek Le)* Berek Mosiek Abram Szmul Berek Berek Josek Abram Noson (d) Maior Abram Mendel Maior Izrael Tobiasz Mosiek Hernia 26 25 34 25 22 20 28 28 47 48 24 Sora [MALINIECKA?] Faigla [ORZECHOWSKA] Ester Chawa Nauma[GWIARDECKA] Perla Faygla [WAYMAN?] Chudes Faygla Ruchla Ryfka [MITLER] Ryika Sura Ruchla [KURYDLOWSKA] Faygla [NETLAK?] Ester ItlafBIRNBAUM] Faygla Zysla Ruchla Hana Mirla[ROTMAN] Malka [MORTKOWICZ] Perla Gitla Ester Rywka [LEWKOWICZ] Leyzor Izrael [Jakob] Haim Ankiel Izrael Szmul Dawid Cyna? Eyzyk Aron Zainwel Ankiel Aron Herszlik Szaia Izrael Leyb Haskiel Gerszon Icvk Wulf Abram Zaywel Josek Berek Szmul [Zanwel?] 22 25 23 48 28 50 23 30 36 40 28 26 29 30 40 30 30 40 30 40 40 44 25 34 28 HaiafKOSZINSKA] Laia [KURZYDLOWSKA] Perla ItIa[MIODECKA] Pesla? [SZWARZOG?] Faygla Rywka [KURZYDLOWSKA] Hudes Kraindla [ZYLBERYNG] Reyza Ruchla [TENENBAUM] Golda Ruda Ryflca [DZIALOSZYNSKA] Cerla Hinda Sora Marya Rywka Frymet Kayla [FAYWELOWICZ] Cyrla [DZIALOSZYNSKA] Gitla [BJENBAUM] Faygla [ORZECHOWSKA] Rocha [FROIMOWICZ?] 51 20 24 . 28 35 21 22 41 1834 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Hana Golda CYMERMAN Marya KRZYKA Eliasz GANCARSKI Froim TENENBAUM Malka BIRBAUM HaskielNuta SILBERBERG PRZEDNOWSKI Maier Herszlik SILBERYNG Cyna Pinkas WAX ALEKSANDROWICZ Rywa ROZENBLUM Haia BLINDER Szayndla SILBERENT Mosiek Chaim CEELENSKI Efroim BARON Izrael SZAJOWICZ Haia KLEPPER Herszlik ZAYNBEREK Szeywa GANCARSKI Le)* WAYSKI Jankiel? GOLDBERG WLOSZCZOWSKI Chana? Golda KOSIENSZKI Malka HIRSZOWICZ ? TENENBAUM R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R wie$ Radoska R Summer 2003 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 1835 1 FINKLER Ester 2 RACHMILOWICZ Nachon 3 4 LKAPROWSKI Zelik TENENBAUM Szyia ALEKSANDROWICZ Rayza ROZENBERG Izrael FRAYMANSKI Simia Maika MTTLER ZYGBANT Hana MIODECKI Szymcha Nochen EYZENBERG GANCARSKI Alter Zurek? BOGACKA? Ester Laia GOLDBERT Abram Ankiel KRZYK KAPELUSZ Reyla Leybele? WLOSLOWSKI Cywia BIRBAUM ZYLBERYNG Faywel WAYSZLYC Alter Chiel HAYNA? Zelik KRZENTOWSKI Bina Matla BERKOWICZ Sprynca KRAWCZYK Mendel ROZENBLUM Sunel? 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1836 1 KIWAK [SKAL] 2 SKAL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Josek Siewa? ALEKSANDROWICZ ZYLBERAT Ruchla Marya KLAPPER BAKALARZ Sara? [ORASZ] Hawa Cypra SECEMSKI? WAX Rachmiel BARON Fayga ZAYDWERK Mindla SECEMSKI Zyskint ZYLBERYNG LEYBOWICZ Perla SZNAYDNOWICZ Brandla Mosiek Dawid SZEER GANCARSKI Malka Cyvva EYZENBERG Jenta JACENTOWSKI FRYDMAN Hinda TENENBAUM Szulem TENENBAUM Hudes Faywel HIRSZ SZPIGIELMAN Haia FINKLER Rayza WLOSZCZOWSKI Laia CYMMERMAN Zyzman Icek Faywel Zelman Maior Mortka Icek Zaywel Berek Hernia Hernia Szmul Leyb Szlama Izrael [Jakob] Mosiek Szmul Izrael Berek Abram Mosiek Mosiek Josek Faywel Boruch Herszel Kiwa Zaywel Herszel Haskiel Abram Nusen Hil Maier Gerszon Mendel Izrael Maier Mosiek Berek Leyb Lewek Szmul Berek Szmul Maier Szmul [Zanwel] Berek Izrael Icyk Zyskiel Leyzor 57 44 Krandla 24 Ruchla 36 Bayla [FROMOWICZ] 26 Fayga 34 Ryfka 30 Royza [JANENBACH?] 25 Ryfka [LEWKOWICZ] 26 Sylka? 38 Ester [Zondlow] MeDRY? 40 Merela? Laia d? Bayla 20 Pessa [TENENBAUM] 26 Laia [KURZYDLOWSKA] 54 Ester 58 Sora 35 Pesla[SZWARZOG?] 25 Ester 26 Mechela? 30 Hendla 26 FayglafWAYMAN?] 26 Rywka 36 Frayda 55 Royza 22 R 28 R 44 R 24 R 35 R 26 R 33 R 28 R 23 R 25 R 36 R 40 R 36 R 20 R 26 R 38 R 34 R 34 R 30 R 26 R 26 R 26? R 25 R 36 R 42 R 30 24 30 Marya [BARON] 30 Ester Bluma 30 Nauma [GWIARDECKA] 46 Rayza 34 Ruda 27 Sora 36 Faglia? 24 29 38 40 36 26 30 36 28 39 40 38 34 28 29 37? 33 30 33 26 Malka SECEMSKA Perla Perla Marya MOSKOWICZ Brandla GROSKAPF? Prasa?TANIECKA? Laia SECEMSKA Fayga NETLAK? Hinda EYZENBERG Laia JUDKOWICZ Ester [Zondlow] MeDRY? Bayla ICKOWICZ Rywka MAIOROWICZ Matla SZULKOWICZ? Ruchla Faygla ORZECHOWSKA GitlaGRUBSZTAlN? Marya BARON HanaBRANDLOWICZ [Chana] Gitla KOSCINSKA? 26 42 32 26 35 23 30 36 36 29 . 32 25 25 37 30 40 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 30 28 R 28 R 27 R 27 R 24 34 24 R R R 181 19 J 1 Malka BIRBAUM GROSBERG Maier Rachmiel BARON Szlama Zelman ROZENBLUM KOSCIENSZKI? Layzer EYZENSZMIT 7 ALEKSANDROWICZ Froim 8 NUDEL Szaia Haskiel 9 WAINBERG 10 GANCARSKA Chwala Marya 11 BIRBAUM Josek Pantyel 12 NUDEL Sora 1 2 3 4 5 6 Leyzor Icyk Izrael Jankiel Josek Izrael Zaywel Icyk Eyzyk Icyk Izrael Berek 27 33 29 30 57 39 [Sura] Perla LENTAI? [LITKAY?] Faiga? ICKOWICZ CyrlaHOROWICZ? Ruchla TENENBAUM ItaBIRNBAUM Hawa Kiwakow? 47 Rayza WAYNFAS 42 SoraBARAN? 28 Ester [Malka] WAJNRACH? 34 Rywka GWIARDECKA 34 PesaSZWARCAK? 45 Rywka MTTLER 24 26 28 24 25 45 38 30 25 30 32 32 R R R R R R R R R R R R 3» Kielce •-RadomSIG.tournai Volume 7, Number 3 13 SZEER Mendel 14 CHENC1NSKI IzraelLeyb 15 WLOSZOWSKI Sura Ester 16 SKAL 17 WAYSLIC Czarna 18 KAPELUSZ Froim Rayza 19 GOLDBERG 20 ALEKSANDROWICZ Ester 21 LISOPROWSKA Cywia 22 LUBINSKI 23 KRAWCZYK Ester Gitla Nacha Tauba 24 BARON Szlama Szymcha 25 KOSIENSZKI 26 BARANMEWICZ Chaim 27 DANCYGIER 28 KAPELUSZ Haim 1838 1 PORZUCZKO Haskiel GANCARSKA Blyma 2 Jozek 3 KLAPPER 4 W1LCZKOWSKA Laia 5 GRUSZCZYNSKT? Szyia ZYLBERBERG Szmul 6 Jankiel 7 BORENSZTAJN Abram TENENBAUM 8 Izrael 9 SECUMSKI Malka 10 ROZENBLUM Calel 11 WIEYSKI Sora 12 GOLDBERG Janka? (f) 13 RAFALOWICZ 14 LISOPROWSKI Maier 15 FRAJMOWICZ? 16 SZNAYDROWICZ? 17 PACIORKOWSKI Eliasz Mendel 18 GRYNBAUM 19 JACENTOWSKA Haia Bayla 20 AYZENSZMIT Sura 21 MITLER Sieywa 22 SOBOL 23 WLOSZOWSKI? Dawid Brandla 24 KAPELUSZ Marek? 25 FALK Kochan? 26 BLINDER Matla? 27 SKAL Benim? 28 MIODAKA Alter Here 29 WAX Cyna 30 ZYLBERYNG WolfBeniamin 31 WEINCBERG Rayza? 32 SZENCER? Szlama 33 ROZENBLUM Eliasz 34 LEWKOWICZ Calal 35 TENENBAUM Rafal 36 CYMMERMAN Szandla 37 TENENBAUM Paltyier 38 KOSCIEUSZKO Cypra 39 BIRBAUM 40 ALEKSANDROWICZ Abram Ryflca 41 DANKOWICZ Chinda 42 SKZYPULAK Pinkus Efroim 43 TENENBAUM Mosiek 44 LUBINSKI Maier? Haim 45 FINKLER 1839 Jenta 1 HIRSZ KULKIEWICZ Sz>mcka 2 KMDERLER Malka 3 Ruchla 4 TENENBAUM Berek Gdala Zaywel Kiwa Abram Abraham Szlama Mortka Zelman Faywel Faywel Mendel Bendyt Josek Abella Icyk 24 45 27 30 24 21 30 41 40 40 40 24 24 26 45 24 Sora Lemlow? Rayza TENENBAUM CyrlaDZIALOSZYNSKA NaumaGWIARDECKA Maytla CZARNOBRODSKA Gitla BORENSZTAIN Pesa? TENENBAUM Bayla FRAYMOWICZ Krandla TEMBLOWSKA? HanaMASZKOWICZ? Fraydla Luczerow MirlaROTSKA? Faygla SZNAYDROWICZ Sora Laia Rayza [Zelmanow MOSKOWICZ?] Icyk Levb Haskiel Nuchen Szmul Leyb Leyzer Maier Abram Izrael Wulf Abram Maier Icyk Zamel? Leyb Szmul Szmul Berek Izrael Berek Mendel Szmul Mosiek Abram Aron Kiwa Izrael Hil Berek Eyzyk Nusan? Hil Abram Mosiek Leyzer Maier Bendet Izrael Zaiwel Mosiek Mosiek Maior Fajwel Icyk 24 42 28 31 24 28 48 24 31 32 40 34 25 21 45 42 23 36 46 50 35 22 56 36 29 31 30 24 26 28 30 30 23 23 30 26 32 29 30 42 30 40 25 48 36 Toba Mirla Judkow Sora? Malka [ARONOWICZ] Ester Ruchla Szymcha Marya Ryflca Hudes Fryma Kaila[FAYWELOWICZ] Hana Rayza Cyma? Ruchla FRAYMOWICZ FraidlaJAKOBOWICZ Mirla? Matla Hana Roza [JANENBACH?] SoraKURZYDLOWSKA LaiafLEYBOWICZ] Brandla NETLA Hana Golda Nayma[GWIARDECKA] Baila[ZAMER?] Perla Ester Matla Matla SECEMSKA HanaGANCARSKA Matla [CHRZANOWSKA] Laia SECEMSKA [Chana] Gitla KOSUINSKA? Matla? Faigla SZNAYDROWICZ PejsaSZWARCAK? Rayza Hinda? Haia Ruchla Hana Marya BARON Berek Josek Izrael Jankiel 28 Faygla [ORZECHOWSKA] 40 Brandla KURZYDLOWSKA 45 [Malka] Brandla ABRAMOWICZ 22 Mindla? TENENBAUM Summer 2003 21 36 22 24 24 19 22 36 48 20 30 25 20 24 26 23 R R R R R R R R R wieé Paglodow? R R R wieS Serbinôw? R 22 R R R 40 24 24 24 30 25 22? 29 28 36 34 24 20 24 40 20 28 21 42 32 21 32 wies" Jacentow wiee Jacentow wieé Mniôw wieé Mniôw R R R R R wieé Slomanisko R R R wieé Klucko R R R R R R 40 R 30 30 26 22 27 26 28 23 20 20 32 28 30 20 30 36 26 34 25 20 24 28 20 22 19 Wolbrom (gub. Krakôw) R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R wieé Mniôw R R R - Summer 2003 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 59 Kieke-Radom SIG Jot, ZYLBERYNG Cywia Fraydl Dwora PRZEDNOWEK Aron KOSCEESKO? Mosiek DZIALOSZYSIKI Leyzor GANCARSKI Mosiek? ZYLBERAT Jachwet FRYDMAN Sieywa SZPIGIELMAN Noech TENENBAUM Jenta GANCARSKI Maytla ROZBERG Mordka WAX Boruch ALEKSANDROWICZ Gdala BARAN Udes Calel? Bach? GOLDBERG ROZENBLUM Calel Haim? KANTOROWSKI? Becale? BARONKEEWICZ Haia KRZYK Haim Jonas NUDEL Alter Herszel ALEKSANDROWICZ Ela? RAPFERGIER Ester Cywia ROZENBLUM Hercek Leybus GLAS Rachmiel Pinkus Moszek Dawid Josek? Hernia Icyk Herszel Szmul Izrael Maier Icek Haim Icek Aron Icek Maier Szlama Ankiel Haim Josek Izrael [Jakob] Berek Mortka Mosiek Zyndel Szlama 36 36 30 24 36 36 29 34 26 26 27 40 26 44 24 32 44 28 30 47 41 24 22 24 Kaila? Ruchla HaiaBIRNBAUM Cyrla LEYZOROWICZ? Ryfka GWIARDECKA Ruchla WLOSZKA? Ruchla KURYDLOWSKA? Marya ABRAMOWICZ Marya ABRAMOWICZ Perla LIBERMAN FaygaWAJNFAS? Krandla [ZYLBERYNG] Marya LEYZOROWICZ? Perla ABUSCYN? Rywa? [Pesa?] TENENBAUM Ruchla TENENBAUM Haia[Tauba]SZAMBERG? HanaPZESZNIK? Laia[KURZYDLOWSKA] Ryfka MTTLER BaylaFROMOWICZ Cyrla WAJNFAS? ZysklaKANTOROWICZ Saiywa? [Sora] GANCARSKA 32 30 30 24 34 28 28 30 20 21 27 40 24 42 22 26 38 24 30 32 30 24 20 20 R R R R R R R R R R R R R - Moszek Mendel Alexander Zyskiel Izrael Lewek Wolf Abram Szmul [Zanwel] Bendet Kiwa Jankiel Szmul Moszek [Aron] Leyb Leyzor Herszel Icek Icek Abram Majer Leyb Mortka Zaywel Abram Berek Icek Jozef Berek 30 40 41 34 42 30 34 36 26 33 33 27 34 33 30 34 34 30 30 25 32 22 32 22 34 36 22 36 24 25 31 47 30 24 33 37 21 24 45 26 ChaiaKunow? Brandla GETZ? Chana BRANDLOWICZ Cyrla RECHTER? MirlaLaia ABRAMOWICZ Ryfka Ryfka Ruchla Frayla [SZNAYDROWICZ] Nauma [GWIARDECKA] Mindla LEYZOROWICZ Sura Dwoyra MOSKOWICZ SuraZLOTOGORSKA SoraZLOTOGORSKA Rayza ToubaFESLOWICZ? Rayza Zelmanow Matla CZARNOBRODSKA Ester Haia ZWAG? SuraPJJETROWCOW? SuraWOLOWSKA Cyrla DZIALOSZYNSKA SzandlaSAKOWSKA? Ester JANKLOWICZ FaygaWAJNFAS? Ryfka WILCZKOWSKA Fayga Eliasow Chana GWIAZDOWSKA? Rayza KURZYDLOWSKA? Ruchla TENENBAUM/ Malka [Brandla] ICKOWICZ Ester [Malka] WAYRASTER? Zysla CHAIMOWICZ? RozaJUDKOWICZ Peysa? SWARCEK? Rayza WAJNFAS Sura Ryfka LEYBOWICZ? Gitla STOLEWICZ? FravdaJAKUBOWICZ 30 R 27 R 36 R 32 R 38 R 30 R 33 R 33? R 22 R 26 R 22 R 30 R 27? R 19 R 19 R 25 R 22 R 23 R 25 R wieé Klucko 25 R 20 R 27 R 20 R 30 R 32 R 20 R 28 R 24 R 24 R 30 R 24 R 29 R 19 R 29 R 34 R 20 R 25 R 25 R 1840 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 POLAKTEWICZ SECYMSKA WLOSZCZEWSKI BARON GANCARSKA KALISKI SECYMCSKA? TENENBAUM KOSENCSZKO SKAL TENENBAUM LISOPROWSKA WILCZKOWSKA SZEER BIRBAUM MICHLOWICZ POSYCZKO KAPELUSZ Cale? Chemia Faywel Mosiek Hersz? Pinkus Mindla Groyne Brandla Chana? Cyna Haskiel Chaskiel Dwoyra Ryfka Sura Ryfka Cales ' Mindla Mordka Pinkus Cales Chayka? Sura Basia Pinkus Eliasz WEYSLrrZ RAFALOWICZ Nachman Maza KLAPA TENENBAUM Cywia WLOSZCZEWSKA Cywia SZEJER Pinkus ZYLBERYNG Hendla ROZBERG Aydel ZYLBERSZTAIN Cyrla SZNAYDROWICZ Pantyl ROZENBLUM Chaim Dawid LISOPROWSKA Temla? TENENBAUM Faywel Michel KMDELERER Icek Hersz WAYNBERG Dwoyra ALEKSANDROWICZ Cieywa Ankiel MTTLER BIRBAUM Chaim/Chaja LIBERMAN Matla BARANKIEWICZ Chaja Gitla? JACENTOWSKA Marya [Haia?] PACIORKOWSKA Rayza Hil Icek Major Leyb Izrael Eyzvk Icek Berek Izrael Wolf Chaim Berek Szmul 22 wies" Klucko Kielce -Kaclom SIV Joui•nal Volume 7, Number 3 ou Summer 2003 1841 1 2 FINKLER C\pra Dwoyra BARON Marya GDANSKI Abram Rachmiel BORENSZTA1N BORENSZTAIN Rubin Fraydla TENENBAUM Pinkus TENENBAUM RUTKOWSKA Hana BLINDER Szmul GANCARSKI Brandla GR1NBAUM Dyna KRAWCZYK Malka Cyrla DANKOWICZ HIRSZ Szymcha Bendet KOZCENSKI? Hinda WAX Perla Bina ELENBOGEN Dydye Manachem ROZENBLUM Mosiek FREYLICH LEWKOWICZ Pinkus Chaim Chil? BARON Szvia WOLFOWICZ C)wia Budais? ASPIS Wadia? BEVQCA ALEKSANDROWICZ Kaila? Ryflca Mo|se Leyb CYMERMAN Chemia * BARAN Nuchem Lejbus* BARAN DZIALOCZYNSKA Hudes? CHRZAMOWICZ? Szmul Nusyn Ester GRYNBERG GLAS Ir>chem Haskiel ROZENFARB EYZENSZMID Ela Jankiel SPIGIELMAN Dawid WAX Jams? PORZYCZKA? KLIPPER Rywen JACENTOWSKI Ester Tauba SDLBERYNG 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1842 1 ROZENBLUM 2 KINDERLERER 3 GOLDBERG 4 GWARZYLKA? Icek Szyja Herszel Perla Rajzla Hinda 5 MIODECKI 6 WAJSLIC Cypra Sora? C>mach Dawid? 7 WAX 8 KLASZCZEWSKI Herszel 9 BARONMEWICZ Perent Eliasz Sztein? 10 ZYLBERING Abram 11 KLAPER 12 DZIALOSZYNSKI Haim Simsia? 13 ZYLBERING Major Icek 14 MASLOWSKI Masia 15 RAFALOWICZ Ruchla 16 SZTEINFELD 17 PROMNICKI Haja Wolf 18 STALMASKP Zeinwel 19 NAJFELD Szmul Mosiek 20 ABUSZYE 21 ORASZ Nachem Mosek 22 PRZEDNOWEK? Szandla ? Ryfka 23 KUPERBERG Bajla 24 TENENBAUM Cortyla? 25 GARFINKIEL Icek Boruch Maier Leyzor Wolf Abram Moszek Leybus Abram7 Icyk Szmul Feywel Moszek Berek Icvk Hil [Dawid] Nachman Izrael Herszel Abram Maier Moszek Jakob [Dawid] Szlama Szlama Levzor Izrael Izrael Hemia Abram Jankiel Szlama Wolf Izrael Izrael Szmul Izrael Dawid Berek Icek Jankiel Izrael Szlama Haim Izrael Abram Aion Haskiel Josek Hil Haskiel Mosiek/Mortka? Mosiek Dawid Majer ICalma Mosiek Eliasz Icek Nachman Abram Dawid Josek Izrael Izrael 36 21 36 42 41 21 36 40 36 41 38 37 34 40 30 26 21 38 39 29 43 49 22 23 21 34 31 31 23 30 40 26 20 59? 36 24 34 26 40 23 36 52 24 20 24 32 37 22 36 20 35 20 37 42 29 28 30 22 32 45 40 32 40 38 45 Marya BARON Ester BERKOWICZ FayglalCKOWICZ Hinda Hana [Cywa] FaygaLELOWSKA? LaiaSYCEMSKA Hinda LEYBUSOWICZ Lacia? Golda RACHMIELOWICZ Ryfka MinaNETLA Fraydla LEYZOROWICZ Hinda DZIALOSZYNSKA Fraydla ORZECHKSKA [Haia?] BIRNBAUM Perla Hana Fewelow? IdesRACHWERGIER? Ruchla MatlaKRZANOWICZ? Perla ABUSCYN? CyrlaFEYGLOWICZ Rachma CZARNOBRODSKA Ryfka SZEYN? Cwetla GROZBERG HaiaKUCZENEK? Cyrla Cyrla C>Tla Ryfka WIGDOROWICZ Ruda SYLBERANT? SuraGANCARSKA Faygla GOLDBERG Hana Gitla Ryfka Hermanow Gitla Malka Hana Witta? Marya Ruchla TENENBAUM Malka [Brandla] Pejsa? TENENBAUM Krandla ZELMANOWICZ Hana WOLFOWICZ Gitla CZARNOBRODA Krandla ZYLBERYNG Jochwet HERSZKOWICZ HanaHAJMOWICZ Ryfka Eliaszow Sora BERKOWICZ FajglalZRAELOWICZ KajlaLIBERMAN Gitla ICKOWICZ HanaSUBROWICZ? HaiaDAWBDOWICZ RojzaABRAMOWICZ HanaPACIORKOWSKA Golda BORKOWICZ GnendlaSMUKLOWICZ? FajglaMORTKOWICZ Ryfka KURZYDLOWICZ? Szeidla HERSZKOWICZ? Hana KUPERBERG SoraSZLAMOWICZ 28 20 36 24 18 20 36 33 30 36 32 30 26 32 27 25 21 34 37 29 40? R R wies" Mniôw wieé Mniôw wieé Mniôw R R wieé Pepice R R R R R R R R R R wé Wolka DziebaKowska? R R 40 wieé Miyny 20? 23 18 32 33 33 22? 24 30 19 19 49 34 20 28 20? 22 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R wé Zielona?, gm Cheîmce R R 18? R 30 24 24 18 21 26 31 20 30 22 27 20 36 40 26 20 25 23 28 18 28 40 30 25 35 R R R R R R R R R R R R R wS Micigôzd, g Brynica wieà Klucko wieé Strawczynek? wieé Gryzmalkôw wieS Lank?, W61ka Hucka Aronôw, Klucko R R R w$ Grobh?, gm Podzamoze vit Grobli?, gm Podzamcze wS Grobli', gm Podzamoze Summer 2003 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Szmul Herszel Perla Sora RyfkaMajdla? Szaja Beniamin Matla Cywia Mosiek Sura Ryfka Rachmiel Michel Litman Abram Abram Haskiel Sura [Ester] Ester Lejbus Icek Mosiek Nawtula? Lejb Haskiel Ratal Icek , „ Szymcha Leyzor Jakub Major Zendel Icyk Major Herszel Lejb Bendet Herszel Szmul Berek Zyskel WLOSZCZOWSKI? ZYLBERSZTEIN Szmelka Herszel BLUMENSZTEIN SZWARC Lewek SKAL Kiwa ORZECHOWSKI Herszel Kiwak Lejb GANCARSKI BOGACZ Nochera Nachman Lejzor Perla? PIWKA Mosiek GR1NBERG Izrael Szulim SZNAJDROWICZ Abram Haskiel Berek Jukiel Abram STOPNICKA Szaja KAPELUSZ Ester Fajga Abram Berek WOCELOWSKT? Pesla Abram Mortka Wolf HEROWICZ OBLENGORSKA Hawa? Herszel LIBERMAN Etla Wolf HindaMirla SKZYPULAK Mosiek Hernia MIODECKI Abram FERSZTENBERG Marya Perla Szyman [Wolf] Piches? Szemsia? Nachem LBOPRAWSKI WILCZKOWSKI Ryflca Nachem WILCZKOWSKI Icek Abram Rachmiel GARBARSKI Mosiek Froim Jaskiel CYMERMAN Mosiek ALEKSANDROWICZ Fajwel Nochem Icek SZEJER Icek Major Abram ROZENCWAIG Icek Pinkus 1843 Szyja Berek 1 SZER Hernia Berek 2 NUDEL Icek Zalmam Fraydla Laja 3 FINK1EWICZ Perla Ryfka Icek 4 KAPELUSZ Fiszel Uryn 5 RUTKOWSKI Icek Beniamin 6 RUCHEMAN Mortka 7 ALEKSANDROWICZ Majlich Abram Berek 8 MTTLER Mosiek Dawid Pinkus Froim 9 ZYLBERSZPIC Mosiek 10 ROCHTERGIER Bajla Icek Majer Mortka 11 TENENBAUM Jojne 12 ZYLBERSZTAJN Mortka Aron Moszek? 13 MENDLOWICZ? Estera Mosiek 14 ZYLBERSZTAJN Mendel? Michel Abram 15 GOLDBERG Tobiasz Zysman Wulf 16 FROJMAN Michel Icek 17 FINKLER Mosiek 18 ZYLBERSZTAJN Mortka Efroim Moszes? Icek 19 GANCARSKI Micha Nawtol Abram 20 SECEMSKI Abram Zendel 21 AYZYNSMIT Jachym Abram Major 22 TENENBAUM Szmul Zaywel Josek Michal 23 TENENBAUM Haim Szymsia Herszel 24 GRYNKORN Zavwel 25 WLOSZCZOWSKI Irychem SZMULOWICZ BRANDLOWICZ MORA GOLDRING TENENBAUM ROZENBLUM TENENBAUM LEIBFROSZ SZER KOSCIESZKO MICHALOWICZ PACIORKOWSKI SZNAJDROWICZ 61 36 CyrlaHERSZLOWICZ 28 Ryfka JOSKOWICZ 47 Gitla Fajgla HERSZKOWICZ 24 Laja LIBERMAN 32? Matla ZYLBERSZTEIN 24 ZyslaKANTOROWICZ 31 MaryaABRAMOWICZ 19 LaiaMTTLER 34 HindaEIZENBERG 29 Fajga SZNAYDROWICZ 30 RojzaMORTKOWICZ? 29 FrajdaJAKOBOWICZ 40 Faigla Eliaszow 34 Hana BRANDLOWICZ 38 MaryaSZMUOWICZ 50 DobraMORTKOWICZ 38 SuraMADZINSKA? 35 Noma GWIARDOWSKA? 30 BlimaPAIENTNA? 45 Mindla? MOSKOWICZ? 32 SuraZLOTOGORSKA 38 Ester Zysmanow 30 Haja?/Hajsuzy? KAS? 40 Faigla Eliaszow 27 CywaKRUTOWSKA? 29 Gitla Szalow? 23 Czama SZTRAZWISKA? 21 Ruchla Dyna WOLOWSKA 21 Marya ZYLBERSZTEIN 22 RajzlaWAJNFAS 40 Pesla HERSZKOWICZ 30? Hana Fajga EJZYKOWICZ 20 Jenta SZEIN 31 Sora ZWIEZ? 38 MalkafARONOWICZ] 36 RudaGLUCHOWSKA 34 CywaRUTKOWSKA 35 Marya BERKOWICZ 25 ZyslaJANKLOWICZ? 23 SzaindlaSOKOWSKA? 49 Ruchla BERKOWICZ? 25 20 44 21 32 24 30 21 30 27 36 23 30 34 30 40 28 25 29 43 24 36 24 30 25 28 20 19 22 24 30 35 20 30 27 30 24 30 23 22 38 26 37 23 31 40 20 40 36 21 26 24 25 25 27 42 28 37 26 40 36 24 31 37? 22 36 25 37 20 20 30 18 36 34 21 25 24 22 18 24 42 23 30 24 36 36 23 20 36 22 30 Ryflca Linnow? Ryfka MTTLER? Ester Szapsiow RayzaZELMANOWICZ Laja Haimow PakalZRAELOWICZ BaylaFRAMOWSKA? Rayza JOSKOWICZ RayzaGANCARSKA CyrlaWAJNFAS Sura WOLOWSKA SuraBUSYGOSKT? Haja DZIALOSZYNSKA? DynaMACHTYGER KaylaFAYWELOWICZ Cymla Marya BARON DynaMACHTYGER Ryfka GWARDOWSKA Ryfka Lajow? Ruchla PACIORKOWSKA HawaHERSZENBERG Ruchla Rayza WIEYSKA? Cyrla DZIALOSZYNSKA vie Grobli?, gm. Podzamcze R wê Porzecze?, Chelmce? R R R R R R R R R R R R R wé Wyrçbôw?, gm. Khicko R R R R v/è Janôw, gm. Podzamcze wS Grobli?, gm. Podzamcze R R R wieé Mniôw, Krasna R wies" Gryzmalkôw R R R R R wieé Jacentôw wieé Mllotkowice wieS Oblegorek? R R R v/ieé Niedzwiedz R R R R wé Pepice, gm. Chelmce wieS Sztukowice? R R R R R R R wieS Chelmce R R R wieé Cheimce R R R R R R R 62 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 ZYLBERYNG Sora LKOPRAWSKI Haim Kadys? WILCZKOWSKI Jankiel RACHMILOWICZ Mortka 30 KRZYK Rajza Szprvnca CywiaHena 31 ELENBOGUN 32 ELIASZE[OWICZ] Berek Berek 33 LEWKOWICZ 34 WAJNBERG Hana Laja Sora 35 TENENBAUM 36 KOSCIENSZKA? Laja Dwojra 37 FALK 38 KRZENTOWSKI Berek 39 BOGACZ Majer Tauba Marya 40 LISOPRAWSKI Bajla Sura 41 ROZENBLUM Leizor 42 LEWKOWICZ 43 GANCARSKI Berek 44 DYMENSZTAJN Haja 45 WffiYSKI? Berek 46 ROZBERG Szulem 47 ZYLBERBERG Major 48 SZTAJFELD Ruchla 49 GOLDRYNG Ehasz Berek 50 CHRZANOWSKI Izrael 51 TENENBAUM Berek 52 BORKOWSKI Herszel 53 MICHALOWICZ Sura Hana Favga 54 KRAWSZYK 55 ALEKSANDROWICZ Rvwa 56 DANKffiWICZ Ic>k 57 FROSZ Man'a 58 GARNFINKIEL Szeswa 59 SZMULOWICZ Hana? 60 BARON Sora 61 LUBINSKI Horyn? 62 SKIBOWSKI Ryfka 63 KINDLERER Fajga Rvfka Pesel Bajla 64 ZYGBAND 1844 1 PACIORKOWSKI Levbus 2 Laja KUPERBERG Malka 3 SOSNOWSKA 4 PACIORKOWSKI Icek Mortka Abracham 5 BLINDER 6 DZIALOSZYNSKI Berek 7 FRYDMAN Ra>2la Szmcha Hernia9 8 ZLOTOWICZ Sura Dyna 9 SECEMSKA Man a 10 BRONICKA? Ha] a Rvfka 11 MLYNARSKI Woll 12 PORZYCZKI Ha)a Rylla 13 BARON Bendyt? 14 SZAJN Dwovra C\Tia 15 KINDLERER 16 KALEKI Berek 17 TENENBAUM 18 BARONKIEWICZ Malka 19 MICHLOWICZ 20 GRUSZCZYNSKA Frayda Tauba 21 WEINTROB Icvk 22 ROZENBLUM Basz\wa 23 WAX Daw id Rachmiel 24 WAX Dwoyra 25 ZYLBERBERG 26 GROZFATER? Cale 27 ZYLBERYNG Szymcha 26 27 28 29 Summer 2003 Berek Mendel Icek Faywel Izrael [Jakob] Dawid Nuchem Abrachem Abrachem Eyzyk Mosiek Josek Abrachem Mosiek Icek Icek Hil Berek Haim Leyb Wolf Icek Smirel? Icek Jankiel Abrachem Abracham Ic>k Dawid Faywel Szlama Mosiek Le\b Izrael Icek Boruch Hojna Szyja Josek Jochel? 35 20 30 34 33 26 28 29 36 32 35 33 37 20 29 28 48 26 24 42 38 31 45 27? 28 24 42 27 40 24 48 26 45 29 24 24 36 24 23 Ester JAKUBOWICZ [Tauba] Rachla CHENCINSKA LibaPUANOWSKA Ester BLINDER LaJaKURZYDLOWSKA HanaFESfKLER MatlaCHRZANAWSKA MatlaCHRZANAWSKA KrandlaLIPCZYK LajaSZAMSKA? HaiaBIRENBAUM Hana WAJNBERG RyfkaABRAMOWICZ Tauba Fajglow? RayzaKURZYDLOWSKA HanaGWIAZDOWSKA? PeslalCKOWICZ KrandlaJOSKOWICZ RajzaBEBELSKA FraymaHAJMOWICZ Rajza? [Fajgla?] WAJNFAS Frymet GitlaTARKO? LajaLIBERMAN RywkaWigdorow PeslaPRZEDBORSKA LibaHERSZKOWICZ MatlaMOSKOWICZ FraychaABRAMOWICZ Cyrla?LEJZOROWICZ HindaHERSZLIKOWICZ LajaMTTLER? SoraSZLAMOWICZ CyrlaBoruchow Ester HERCYŒER LibaLEYBUSOWICZ HanaBADNA? Sura Marya ABRACHAMOWICZ TymerlaMIEZCZYLA? 27 45 27 25 24 28 23 36 20 33 23 36 27 22 20 28 20 20 wieS Strawczyn Promnik? R R R wieé Hucisko, Pijanow R R R R R wé DobromyS, Podzamcze ws DobromySl, Podzamcze R wé Porzecze?, Chelmce? w£ Grobh?, gm Podzamcze R R Boruch Josek Todrys Szmul Aron Hernia Szmul German Mendel Mosiek Herszel Izrael Izrael Szlama Izrael Ankiel Mortka Josek Herszbk Lemel Mosiek Zendel Herszhk Szmul Herszbk Szmul Ha]m Mosiek Hil 30 23 52 29 38 30 33 43 42 28 25 40 35 22 44 27 24 24 30 64 45 32 32 32 45 31 24 [Rajzla]DynaMACHTYGIER? DobraGARNFMKIEL Dwoyra JAKUBOWICZ Frayda JAKUBOWICZ Ganda?MIECHOW? CerlaSZMUKLERZ Ruchla Malka WAX BrandlaGOTZOW? RayzaMOSKOWISKA NachaFELKSZTAJN GitlaSTOPNICKA? Dwoyra ZYNGBER Sura ZYLBERBERG? MatlaBRATKOWICZ Hana BARON SuraWOLYNSKA? HanaFEYGLOWICZ HanaMORTKOWICZ Ruchla SZANDLOWICZ Dwojra ZYLBERBERG ZyskaKANTOROWICZ RyfkaSZTERMAN Ryfka SZTERMAN Krandla TENENBAUM MajtaTULOWICZ? RyfkaTOBLOWICZ? 32 23 36 25 36 28 28 30 30 25 20 32 22 20 24 20 30 25 28 35 40 30 28 28 43 29 24 wieS Oblpgorek? wieS Grobli? wieé Janôw wie£ Strawczyn R R R wieé Losieii? R wieà Strawczyn Miedzierza wé Zielona?, gm Chelmce R R R R R R R R R R wies" Pijanow wieé Pijanow wieS Zagnansk? wies" Zagnansk? R 20 20 30 R R Lipa, Ruda Maleniecka 34 R 33 R 22 R 27 R 29 R 24 R 36 R 35 R 33 R 28? R 20 R 29 R 28 R 34 wies" Cierchy? 25 R 21 R 42 R 30 R Summer 2003 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 MACHEROWSKA ZYLBERYNG WAX RUTKOWSKI DZIALOSZYNSKI MIODECKA GLUCHOWSKA ZYLBERSZTAIN CISOWSKA ROZENFARB MIODECKA FERSZTENBERG JACENTOSKA SZER ALPERT TENENBAUM SZLAMOWICZ BIRENCWAJG BIRENCWAJG BRANDLOWICZ ROZENFELD'' [ROZENWALD] ZYLBERSZTAYN KALMON? v LITMAN WILCZKOWSKI FINKIEWICZ HERSZKOWICZ OBLENGORSKA GARBARSKA RUTKOWSKA BORENSZTAIN CYMERMAN KLUCZKOWSKI CYRTYN CYRTYN NUDEL SKAL GLAS KUPFERBER TENENBAUM PIWKA SOSNOWSKA JURBERG GOLDBERG TENENBAUM PILCZYCKI PILCZYCKI PILCZYCKI KAPELUSZ KLAPER SZER SZER SZEJER ZYLBERSZTAYN LIPCZYC ROZENFARB ifid c IS'lO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 R R R Estera Berek Berek Szlama Abram? Cyrla Hinda Mendel Malka Berek Hinda Boruch Laja Berek Mortka Ruchla Faygla Szlama Berek Mortka Wigdor Sza]dla Mosiek Naftula Szymcha Izrael Mosiek 24 36 37 40 26 30 27 27 34 24 24 23 50 24 22 30 27 25 28 31 26 Hawa Revla Ha|a Hawa Dawid Josek 27 Golda FISZLOWICZ? 54 Szaja?LEYBERG? 21 wieéMniôw 36 R Hajm Hersz Abram Szmul Malka Udela Golda Ruchla Berek Abram Hajm Haja Sura* Ryfka* Malka Haja Sura Ra^za Icek Abram Hand Ravzla Hawa Dwojra Hajm Mosiek Zelman Herszel Mosiek Layzor Ma) or Ganda? Ruchla Laja Dawid Berek Mosiek Berek Mosiek Aron Icvk Zelman Tosep Herszel Mosiek Leyb Layzor Leyzor Haskiel Mendel Mendel Berek Kiwa Szlama Josek Szulem Mosiek Todrys Gawryl Szlama Major Peres? Peres? Peres? Abram Dawit? Berek Berek Leyb Herszel Tobiasz Rudma? 30 27 33 22 37 38 50 36 28 36 36 49 Dwoira ROZBERG Ester Szapsiow SoralCZKOWICZ Marya Abramow Cywa RUTKOWSKA Hinda BOSOWSKA? Hinda ROZENBLUM HajaKUSZCZUK? JachetZWŒRZNYSKA? ItaDOMBKA? ItaDOMBKA? Ryfka MLTLER Noma GWIARZDOWSKA Sura GANCARSKA Szandla HERSZKOWICZ HanaKUPFERBERG Ester ZYSMANOWICZ Dwoyra Mekchow Dwoyra [Rywka] ZYOTLO? Pesla? TENENBAUM HawaHERSZBERG Rayza Herszlikow Rayza Herszlikow Rayza Herszlikow Gitla Szulemow HanaAndzelow Ryfka GRUSZCZYNSKA Ryfka GRUSZCZYNSKA Hinda EYZENBERG Elia?MOSKOWICZ Mindla? BARON Laja Anzelow 25 26 18 25 29 32 30 30 27 30 30 40 30 25 32 30 36 40 22 28 21 40 40 40 25 26 30 30 30 37 20 20 SoraMIEDZINSKA SoraZLOTOGORSKA Faygla SZNAYDROWICZ Ruchla Nusonow? Liba Herszlikow [Tauba] Rachla CHENCINSKA Ruchla WOLOWSKA Chana Szapsiow Gitla Icykow 29 24 29 24 26 21 22 28 40 Szmul Ester Laia Mosiek Chil FavwelNusen AYZENSZMir Rayza GWIAZDOSKA? Rywka LISOPRAWSKA HOROWICZ Hinda Bayla RACHFELOWICZ Tymerla Rayza HORENSZLUP SZWARTZ BIRBAUM KOSCIENSZKO 63 Izrael Mosiek Hil Izrael Mortka Izrael Major Josep Abram Wulf Mortka Szymon Berek Abram Szmul Major Icyk Major Iqk Lewek Leyzor Bendyt Abram Jakob Mendel Wulf Major Josek 40? 25 40 39 38 50 31 32 38 50 50 50 29 32 31 31 36 41 22 25 43 35 31 25 26 22 25 22 41 Jochwet Judkow [JANENBACH] Fayga Abramow Perla ABRAMOWICZ? HanaBLACHOWICZ PeslaSAPOLSKA? NanaGORLICKA? DynaWILCZKOWKSA Ruchla WJLCZKOWSKA Gitla MARKOWICZ Faygla GOLDBERG Ruchla TENENBAUM SzandlaLASOWSKA? MitlaHilow SzandlaSAKOWSKA? Haja TENENBAUM Marya Hasklow Marya SZMULOWICZ NuchaKRYSTAL BlimaDOMBKA Ryfka Abramow HankaHERSZLOWICZ 28 36 30 30 28 28 20 24 30 20 22 23 24 20 22 28 23 19 20 28 21 wies Pepice R R wies Mllotkowice R wsSkoki,W61kaKlucka R R R R R R R R wies Rudzi wies Rudzi R wie$ Romanôw wies Jacentôw R wieé Strawczynek? wies Promruk9 wieé Oblegorek? wies Gryzmalkôw wies" Mniôw R R wies Strawczyn wies Strawczyn R R R wé Grobh', gm Podzamcze ws Grobli?, gm Podzamcze ws Janow, Szczukowice ws Janow, Szczukowice R R R wies Jakunowice wieS Jakimowice wies Jakimowice R R R R R wies Podzamcze R wies Piekoszôw wieé Straszôw R R R R R R wieé Klucko v/ieé Miedzierza 04 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Kielct i-KadomSIUJoutnal Volume 7, Number 3 WAKS Berek TENENBAUM Icyk Maior WAKS Sora ROZENBLUM Marya KLAPER Berek ZYLBERSZTAJN Simon PACIORKOWSKI Berek Liba SZANDOLK DYAMENT Icyk Maior TURKO Rayza Marya DZIEWSKA Ruchla Sora Zysla STOPN1CKA SCISZLOWSKI Haim ZYLBERSZTAYN Jaiikiel Sawel? BARON BARON Basicywa? GRYNBERG WAJNBERG Hajm? Hana Laia LKOPRAWSKA ROZENCWAIG Abram GOLDENRYNG? Hana Temar Pesla KRZYK Anselm GURZERKEER? ZYLBERYNG Maior Icyk Alter MICHLOWICZ ALEKSANDROWICZ Dawid Ester Ruchla MIODECKA WLOSZCZOSKI Mortka Etla HIRSZ SZNAYDROWICZ Icyk Abram Jakob MICHLOWICZ Mendel Berek FINKffiWICZ Szlama Zelma GANCARSKI JAKUBOWICZ Szlama Lewek SZMULOWICZ Izrael Abram ZYLBERBERG Szyia ZYLBERBERG Beniamin ZYLBERBERG GOLDBERG Wolf GOLDBERG Haim Szmul GOLDBERG Razel ELENBERG? Rayla Temerla LIBERMAN Boruch Aron LEWKOWICZ Mendel MIODECKI Abram Maior PORZUCHA? KIGLER Faygla FRAYLICH Ruchla ZUCHOWSKA Chanka FELTSZTA1N Mosiek KAPELUSZ Eile BIMKA SZAJN Chawa Cyna ALEKSANDROWICZ Dawid Ester SZEJER Berek ROZENBLUM Zaywel KLAYNER? Rayzla Maria JOZEFOWICZ ALEKSANDROWICZ Szlama BARONKEEWICZ Berek TENENBAUM Hudes ICKOWICZ WLOSZCZOSKI Blima Haia Sora JAKUBOWICZ BARON Berek Szmul Wulf[Lejb] Jankiel Aron Izrael Haskiel Mosiek Szmul Cheynech [Abraham] Zelik Izrael Izrael Szyia Berek Dawid Mendel Mendel Jankiel Eyzyk Szmul Pinkus Jankiel Izrael [Jakob] Izrael Berek Dawid Zaywel Hernia Zvskiel Berek Berek Herselik Mendel Icek Mosiek Icyk Haim Haim Haim Abram Abram Abram [Dawid] Nachman Wulf Aron Haskiel Izrael Szeja? Herszel Ankiel Zelik [Fajwel] Zendel Szlama Szlama Szlama Dawid Hil Ankiel Eliasz Icyk Josek Mosiek Rachmiel Zaywel Jakub Izrael 28 32 45 40 35 28 33 26 22 40 36 37 26 28 28 28 40 38 33 50 29 38 47 39 27 50 32 40 48 46 31 30 48 30 49 50 50 50 46 46 46 25 26 35 19 36 30 42 28 23 26 33 20 26 38 30 22 24 28 39 40 27 37 27 40 [Frazla] Rayzla ROZENBLUM Mindla v Sara? Krandla ZYLBERBERG Chudes SoraBERKOWICZ? DynaABRAMOWICZ Frayda JAKUBOWICZ HanaWKINSKA Pesla ROZENBLUM RyfkaWULFOWICZ Faygla LIPOWICZ CywiaKRZENTOWSKA CzamaTRZESNEWICZ? GoldaHORN? MirlaROTMAN MirlaROTMAN Ruchla JASKOWICZ Krandla LIPSZYCE Sora Ruchla Laja [LIBERMAN] LaiaMARKOWICZ Sora Szlamow Ester JAKUBOWICZ MatlaMACHOROSKA? Zysla MARKOWICZ Gelia?WAJNFAS HanaBRANDLOWICZ Fayga Faywlow Faygla EBasow Rayzla Hana Rvwka GWARDOWZKA HaiaDZIALOSZYNSKA Cyrla Siapsiow Kraydla [TENENBAUM] Kraydla [TENENBAUM] Kraydla [TENENBAUM] Hana Hana Hana HanaFINKLER Rayza? LIBERMAN Hanka Rayza GitlaABRAMOWICZ Zlota Ruchla ZYLBERBERG? Bajla Dawidow HindaKRAMIERSKA? NuchaKURCBARD? Rvwka SZEJN Sora ZYLBERYNG Cwetla Haia Rywka GLUZCZKOWSKA Hana GNENDLOWSKA? Ruchla FRAJMOWSKA? Ruchla GLAYD Zysla Hanka ZYSKIND Laia SZECEMSKA HajaSoraNutow Cyrla DZIALOSZYNSKA Chawa? BARON Dwojra ZYNGŒR Summer 2003 25 30 37 32 28 25 25 24 19 37 36 24 25 21 30 30 35 38 32 40 22 34 38 30 26 30 33 40 36 36 30 32 42 22 36 46 48 50" 48 50 50 24 26 25 19 30 27 32 wieë Pijanôw R R R R wieé Cheimce R wé Zielona?, g. Cheimce R R R R wieSMniow wies" Mniôw R R R R R wieS Strawczyn R R wies1 Szemskowice? R R R R R R R R R R R wies" Szcszukowice wieé Zagnansk? wieS Zagnansk? wieS Zagnansk? R R R R R R R R R wé. Wôlka Dziebaltowska? [18] wieë Micigôzd, Brynica 20 Promnik? 20 28 20 25 R R R R [36] R 30 R 21 R [20] R 26 R 37 R 37 R 24 R 27 R 20 R 20 R Summer 2003 1846 1 KWAZNICOWSKP 2 ZYSMANOWICZ 3 BL1MENSTOK 4 NUSBAM 5 TENENBAUM 6 CZERCHOSKA'' 7 CYTRON 7 CYTRON RZESZNIKI CUKER 8 9 10 MTTLER 11 GRZUCZYNSKA 12 GRZUCZYNSKA 13 BARON 14 FRAYMAN 15 FROS 16 KARPOSZ3NSKP 17 HOROWICZ 18 STRAUCH 19 LUBINSKI 20 ROZENBLUM 21 GRYNBERG 22 CHRZASOWICZ'' 23 GANCARSKI 24 ZYLBERSPITZ 25 ROZENBLUM 26 TENENBAUM 27 DANKEEWICZ 28 RUDKOWSKI 29 GROSMAN 30 LKOPRAWSKI 31 HERSZENFIGIER1» 32 KAPELUSZ 33 TENENBAUM 34 SZEJER 35 KRZENTOWSKI 36 SZEJER 37 GOLDBERYNG 38 ASZPK 39 JACENTOWSKI 40 SZTAJNFELD 41 SZAJN 42 SECEMSKA 43 ROZBERG 44 LUBINSKI 45 TENENBAUM 46 MLYNARSKI 47 RUDKOWSKI 48 DZIALOSZYNSKA 49 ZELIKI 50 DYMERSZTAYN 51 KINDERLER 52 OREMNICKF 53 FINKLER 54 ELIASZOWICZ 55 DZIALOSZYNSKA 56 TENENBAUM 57 TENENBAUM 58 MACHEROWSKI 59 BORENSZTAIN 1847 1 SECEMSKI 2 SKIBOSKA 3 KUPERBERG 4 MINTZ 5 BARONKIEWICZ Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Zehk Ruchla Mendel Mosiek Judka Fa>ga Bayla* Mosiek* Herszel Izrael Rayzla Leyzer Lewi Siefra? Rywka Zelman Sora Golda Dwojra Le> bus Ruchla Hana Mosiek Haim Mortka Bajla Malka Hudes Jozek Berek Perk Haja Rucha? Haja Sora Nuchem Mortka Aron Mosiek Bajla Pinkus Hune Szmul Szaja Perla Dyna Zehk Icek Froim7 Estera Alta Szaidla Laja Berek Gitla Leybus Chajm Szlama Ester Haja Izrael Berek Berek? Jukiel Lewek Perla Sura Icyk Boruch Herszhk Hil Abram Josek Mendel Mendel Peretz Abram Berek Szmul Szmul Rwven Wolf Levbus Jot>ei Sender Herszel Herszel Oyzer Joyne Maior Szuhm Eliasz Abram Haim Mosiek Dawid Ankiel Major Mosiek Fiszel Josek Icyk Josek Icyk Major Berek Mosiek Levb Icjk Jakob Jakob Dawid Ma)er Kalma Szlama Abram Icek Faywal Ic>k Herszel Le\bus Hernia Abram Dawid Haim Izrael Mendel Ic>k Abram Mortka Szulem? Szulem? Izrael Levzor Haim Wolf Haid Ruchla Abram Szmul Berek Mosiek Mendel Szvia Izrael Mosiek Josek - 42 23 50 28 27 24 35 35 36 22 36 32 32 19 35 26 35 20 19 27 33 36 29 35 23 40 39 50 42 21 32 20 34 41 31 38 40 36 24 22 28 28 34 40 50 22 27 44 30 21 38 65 Rywka FayglalCKOWICZ Hana Szaydlow Frayda Szymonow Nocha Henochow Hinda Leybusow CyrlaZAYDWERG Brajdla?Le>kow? Marya BIRNENCYG? 24 20 36 19 24 25 30 30 35 20 38 26 26 20 30 24 20 18 18 23 22 30 24 34 20 35 23 36 40 20 30 19 22 39 28 30 36 25 22 17 25 20 36 26 38 21 26 42 30 20 34 48 35 25 40 40 27 45 R R R [Malka] Brandla MORENSZTAJN? [33?] R FayglaBERKOWICZ 22 wies" Slupia Marya BARON 36 R Matla KRZANOWSKA? 34 R Perla 20 R Hana KUPERBERG 36 wieë Grobli? Hana KUPERBERG 36 wieé Grobli? Jachwet Judkow [JANENBACH] 27 R Hmda 30 wieà Mniow 45 29 27 20 38 Brajdla Marya Machila Hudes NEBUCHOWICZ LaiaLEWKOWICZ 40 26 23 26 24 56? 26 Bajla LUBINSKA SoraSZNAYDROWICZ Dobra Dawidow Ruchla CZARNOBRODA PeslaWERNIK Czama? Berkow Ita Ita Bina Dawidow Ester [CUKIER] Rayza Judkow Dwoyra WILCZKOWSKA Dwoyra WILCZKOWSKA CyporaCHOROWICZ Genta? Laia SoraGARKLEWICZ? CertlaLEWKOWICZ Pesla TENENBAUM Liba Rywka HaiaSura Rywka Wigdorow Perla Royza [GANCARSKA] Rochla [TENENBAUM] HawaHERSZBERG Hinda DZIALOSZYNSKA Laia? Tobla? Rayza Hawa? TENENBAUM Rayza DYMERSZTAIN MatlaMORTKOWICZ Rywka Lewkow Rywka [PFEFERMAN?] Hinda [EIZENBERG] LajaLIBERMAN Ruchla GOLDSZTAT Chwala DZIALOSZYNSKA ChajaDAWIDOWICZ SuraZYLBERYNG wieé Zielona? vaeé Szcszukowice wieé Niedzwiedz R R R wiee Strawczyn wieé Strawczyn wieà Miedziana wieé Strawczyn R R R R R R wies"WolkaKiucka wieé Brynica R wieé Porzecze? R wieé Grobh? R R R R R R wieé Pepice wies" Klucko R R R R R R R R R R wieë Strawczyn R R R wieé Bugaj? R wieé Miedzierza wieà Gryzmalkôw R wies" Grobli? wie^ Grobli? R R 00 6 Kielct>.-Radom S1U Jo< urnal Volume 7, Number 3 TENENBAUM Sora Rywka BERBAUM Berek Herszel ZYLBERING Berek 9 ZYLBERING AnzeP 10 ZYLBERSZTAYN Roim 11 ALEKSANDROWICZ Zanwel 12 SZLAMOWICZ Jukiel Szlaina 13 CZARNECKI Abram 14 GANCARSK3 Dawid 15 SKCZUPAK Faygla Dwo)ra 16 ROZENFARB Bajla 17 CHIRSZ 18 KLAPPER Szmul Laja Roiza 19 SZEJER 20 ROTKOP Frayda 21 SLENCKI Szajdla Itka 22 KOCINSKI Haskiel 23 MIODECKI 24 ZYGBAND Malka Ester 25 KLUCSKOSWKA Hand 26 BORENSZTA1N Le^or 27 LITMAN Hana Man'a Dwojra 28 GLUCHOWSKA 29 ROZENFARB Haja Rojza Hajm 30 SANDAL Cjria Fa]gla 31 GRABOSKP 32 WAJSZLK 33 RADOSKI _ 34 FEVKIWICZ 35 GLAS Ic\kLe\vek 36 GOLDBERG Bd|la Jakob Mendel 37 MICHLOWICZ Ruchla Laja 38 SENDROWICZ 39 ZLOTOWICZ Aron 40 PROMNICKI 41 GOLDBERG Hana Leyb 42 TENENBAUM 43 HACHT 44 PINKIEWICZ 45 JURBERG Cywia 46 WAX Ester Bajla 47 ZYLBERSZTAJN Rayzla C\Tla 48 EYZMBERG Herszel Zendel 49 CERCHOWSKI Leja 50 CYTRYN Sora Gitla 51 CUKIER Ruchla 52 ZYLBERBERG Izrael 53 ZYLBERING 54 ROZENCWAIG Dawid Boruth 55 GOLDBERG 56 GARFINKIEL Zelman 57 WAJNBERG Faygla Abram 58 ZELCER Marya 59 KARPOSINSKA Symcha Icek 60 MIODECKI 1848 Herszel 1 JACENTOWSKI 2 ALEKSANDROWICZ Zaywel TENENBAUM Abram Szaja 3 4 ALEKSANDROWICZ Jankiel Moitka 5 JAKUBOWICZ ZYLBERSZTAYN Mendel 6 Jakob Hil 7 CUKIER Hdia 8 CUKIER OBLENGORSKI Melech 9 Daniel 10 SKORNICKI 11 MTTLER Leyb 7 8 Major Icvk Hil Berek Majer Mendel Ick Janbel Major Hendlik Jakob Wolf Josek Dawid Abram Haskiel Szlama Wolf Haskiel Hi Haskiel Szlama Kalma Major Hune Lewek Herszel Abram Herszel Zelman Szlama Le\b Dawid Izrael Major Jannek9 Mendel Szlama Major Herszel Mendel Gabryel WolfLejb Dawid Mosiek Josek Mendel Abram Szmul Mosiek Josek Szlama Berek Abram Josek Evzyk Szlama Jozef Mortka Majer Szlama Jankiel Icek Jakob Levbus Modes'? Mortka Herszel EIMSZ Berek 33 28 26 38 43 19 29 27 21 22 27 24 32 29 30 42 24 24 25 27 49 50 29 20 29 33 36 39 29 26 20 33 40 36 27 32 37 22 28 30 26 23 24 22 30 25 25 40 20 50 28 40 35 36 27 26 32 33 35 25 25 22 25? 26 28 45 Tauba Sora Rywka Ester BIMKA Ester BERKOWICZ Hana Marya Szmulow SoraSZAJN Hana ZYLBERSZTAYN Hana Faygla GOLDBERG Chana Chimia9 Hana Szajdla Rywka [MOSKOWICZ] Ester SZLAMOWICZ Rayzla Gitla Tymerla Jachet Basia Laja Dyna Laja Rywka Hana HajafMENDLOWICZ] Gitla Hana Ester Sora Rywka Matla Jochet Matla' Faygla Pesla [TENENBAUM] HawaHERSZBERG Sora Gila [TURKO] Laja Dwora Rywka [GOTELF9] Framella9 [ROZENBLUM] Golda [HORN] Hana C[z]ama[KAPELUSZ9] Ita Ester [CUKIER] Frymet Kajla Ester Rywka Hana Dobra [CZARNOWSKA] Krajdla[LIPSZYC] Hendla Sora Ruchla Hwala [DZIALOSZEMSKA] Cwetla Mindla Zysla Hawa [BARON] Rucha SZMULOWTCZ Ryfka [GRYNBERG] BlumaROZENCWAJG Marya ZYLBERSZTAJN Cyra9BORENSZTAJN RayzaJUDKOWICZ Summer 2003 32 R 26 R 24 R 32 R 43 ? 20 R 25 wieS Sielpi9 25 wieé Kolonia9 [19] R 20 wiee Czerwona Wola 28 R 20 R 24 R 28 R 20 wieé Klucko 36 wieé Pepice 19 wieé Jakunowice 20 R 20 R 20 R 39 wieS Klucko 48 R 24 wieé Mllotkowice 23 wieé Piekoszow 27 Bobrza 30 R 31 R 36 R 22 R 25 R 18 R 30 R 38 wieë Miedzierza? 30 wieé Losieii9 20 wieé Radwanôw 30 R 25 R 20 R 23 R 20 R 25 R 24 wieë Mniôw 23 R 21 R 27 wieé Strawczyn 24 wies" Strawczyn 23 wies" Strawczyn 36 R 21? wiesSWôlkaKlucka 38 wieé Zagnansk? 25 wies" Grobli? 36 R 29 wieé Grobli? 20 wieéWôlkaKhicka 24 R 28 24 30 32 R R R R 20 R 20 wiee Sztukowice? 23 Promruk? [22] wieS Strawczyn9 25 wies" Promruk9 26 wieé Klucko 42 R Summer 2003 12 EYZENSZMTT 13 BMKA 14 FERSZTENBERG 15 CHM1ELNTSKA 16 ROZENBLUM 17 CHENC1NSKI 18 HERSZFINGIER? 19 BRANDLOWICZ 20 WINOGRON 21 SZAJN 22 ASZPK 23 RUDKOWSKI 24 ZYLBERYNG 25 SKAL 26 PONYCZKA 27 BARON 28 SZMULOWICZ 28 SZMULOWICZ 29 GRINBERG 30 GOLDBERG 31 LEOPRAWSKA 32 HERSZKOWICZ 33 WAX 1849 1 TENEBAUM 2 KAPELUSZ 3 ROTENBERG 4 WAJSLIC 5 SESLOWICZ 6 CHOROWICZ 7 ROZENWALD 8 ROZENBLUM 9 GOLDRYNG 10 GANCARSKI 11 FRIDMAN 12 SZEJER 13 RUDKOWSKA 14 ROZENBLUM 15 GWIARDOWICZ 16 F1NKIEWICZ 17 CHOROWICZ 18 SOBOL 19 DYMERSZTE1N 20 KLAPER 21 K1NDERLER 21 KESDERLER 22 KLAPPER 23 KLAJNER 24 FELDSTEJN 25 SZEJER 26 FELDSTEJN 27 LKOPRAWSKI 28 ROZBERG 29 SZKLOWSKI? 30 BORENSZTAYN 31 SOBOL 32 KAPELUSZ 33 CHRZANOWICZ 34 HIRSZ 35 TENENBAUM 36 FAJSZNAJDER? 37 MACHEROWSKA 38 JOZEFOWICZ 39 ROZENCWEJG 40 JAKOBOWICZ Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Rayzla Frymet Cywia Boruch Hana Bajla Sora WolfLeyb Ryvvka Josek Izrael Kalman Mnil? Bajla Ita Radonie? Aiikiel Izrael Rywka Dawid Berek Hersz Boruch Abram* Laja* Brandla Elemalka? Hana Hersz Berek Sora Hinda Cywia Rywka Herszel Herszel Haim Major Elka Liba Haim Symsie? Icek Lejbus Ester Hinda Haskiel Daniel? Jakob Hil Bajla Cypra Brandla Haja Ester Ester Szapsia Major Lejzer Bajla Matla Bajla* Marya* Mendel Haim Nusen Malka? Pinkus Hawa Haim Mendel Jochwet Herszel Boruch Icek Haja Rywka Lejbus Ejla? Major Haim Ryfka Golda Bajla Hana Laja [SZNAJDROWICZ] 41 DZIALOSZYNSKA Fajgla Abram Szlama Szyman [Wolf] Szyia Winerow? Zendel Josek Szymcha Szmul Szlama [Jakob] Dawid Levb Hil Kiwa Izrael Rywen Icek Icek Szulim Abram Mendel Icek WolfLeyb Abram Haskiel Pinkus Abram Abram Wolf Izrael Abram Jankiel Icek Szmul Berek Fiszel Hil Jakob Icek Herszel Josek Lejb Dawid Izrael Izrael Haskiel Jankiel Pawel? Lejb IcekLeyb Icek Icek Icek Lejzor Mendel [Fajwel] Zondel Abram Moziek Major Pejsak Izrael Eliasz Nawtal Berek Mordka 67 28 35 26 33 27 26 23 35 43 22 28 48 27 40 40 20 32 32 40 45 25 33 30 28 30 25 32 21 18 Hawa [TENENBAUM] 25 Rywka 28 Hana 40 Sora [ZYLBERYNG] 20 Rachma [CZARNOBRODA] 26? Hinda 33 Rywka 26 Nauma[GWIARDECKA] 36 Gitla 38 Cypra 20 Cyrla 28 Cyrla 28 Sora 38 Kajla [FAYWELOWICZ] 40 [Tauba] Rachla [CHENCINSKA] 24 Hana 30 Frimet [ROZENBLUM] 26 31 26 33 42 21 28 30 20 32 50 48 30 36 33 30 31 24 24 33 35 61 61 45 27 22 42 53 38 40 Pesa [EEENKOPF] Gitla Dwojra Gitla Ruchla Fajgla Hana Hawa? [ROZENBLUM] Laia [DOBERMAN] Ruchla Ruchla [KURYDLOWSKA] Ryfka [GRUSZCYNSKA] Laia Hana Liba Ester CerlafLEWKOWICZ] Grana? Sora Brandla [SOBOLOWSKA] Hana Malka [Brandla] Malka [Brandla] Sora Ruchla Majerow? Malka Hinda [EIZENBERG] Gitla [Dawidow] Rajza Fajga Cerla Hinda Sura [KURZYDLOWSKA] Nucha [KURCBARD] Ryfka [Wigdorow] Sura Hawa [HERSZBERG] Elsbieta Jochfa[JANENBACH] Ruchla [GLAJD] Blima Hanka? 25 30? 39 28 31 23 38 40 30 36 32 22 RochelaJAKUBOWICZ Rywa [SZEJN] Jenta [SZEJN] Cywia Myrla Tauba [MLYNARSKA] 37 Perla 29 27 32 38 22 24 24 20 26 42 40 28 32 33 29 31 22 24 23 25 36? 36? 30 28 20 40 45 32 32 18 33 37 24 30 20 36? 33 20 23 24 20 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R wé Grobli?, g. Podzamcze vie Grobli?, g. Podzamcze wieS Grobli? R R wies" Chehnce R R R wies" Mniôw? R wieé Mniôw R wies Piekoszow R R R R R wies" Pepice R R R v/ieé Brynica wies Klucko wies" Wisowa? R R R R R wies" Promnik? R Promnik? R R wie£ Mniôw wieé Mniôw R R R R R R R R R wies" Wyrebôw? 20 R OS Aie let i-Kadom bid Jou rnal Volume 7, Number 3 42 BORENSZTA1N 43 BIRNBAUM 44 BOGACZ 45 ZYLBERSZTAJN 46 GOLDBERG 47 MORA 48 LUBIENSKA 49 ROZENCWEJG 50 GRABARSH 51 MTTNER? 1850 1 DANKffiWICZ 2 KOSZEVSKT? 3 KLUCZKOWSKI 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Anna? Aron Rubin Hana? Bajla Marva Zelda Pesla Zyser Abram Lejbus Mordka Szmul Szymon Lejb ALEKSANDROWICZ Lejzer OSMTEL Frymet ZYLBERSZTAIN Sora SZEJER Herszel SZEJER Haiin Szmul Sora Basia GOLDBERG Pajna? TENEBAUM PIORKO? Eyzyk Major Lejbus ZELCER Pesla LUBINSKA WLOSZCZOWSKI Berek FRAJZMOWSKA? Brandla Cywia RAFALOWICZ Haim GANCARSKI ZYLBERSZTAIN Abrain ZYGBAND Pinkus Eliasz DZIALOSZYSKA Fajgla Ruchla FELSZTAIN Berek GARBARSKI HERSZKOWICZ Mosiek Herszel SYLBERBERG Haim Icyk ZELICK3 F1RSZTENBERG Haim Lejb ZYLBERYNG Bajla Bajla WAJNBERG Etla JURBERG Berek SECEMSKI Szmul DYMERSZTAIN Berek RADOSZYCKI? Ruchla DYMERSZTAIN Jojne LACHOWSKI Major ZYLBERYNG Bajla TENEBAUM SZNAYDROWICZ Laja Rywka Malka GLAS CENDROWICZ Sora Ester JACENTOWSKA? Bajla KARPOSZINSKI Fajwel H1RSZ Berek CHMffiLNICKI Berek Ryfka POZYCZKA Kalma CUKDER Icek WINOGRON BARANIŒWICZ Rajza ALEKSANDROWICZ Zajwel KARPOSZINSKI Haim Herszel CUKIER Ruchla KAPELUSZ Zondel ZYLBERAT Rojza ROZBERG ELIASZOWICZ Haim Dvvojra TENEBAUM Lejb' HORENSLUP Szlama Leyzor Icek Mordka Lejb Zajwel Haim Szlama [Berek?] Herszel Abram 51 Raska? 40 Sara 35 Tauba Mosiek Dawid Haskiel Szlama Abram Dawid Abram Lejb Mordka Szulem Haim Mosiek Szlama Wolf Zajwel Herszel Major Major Kielman Jochel Hernia Zelig Mosiek Icek Szlama Abram Szyman [Wolf] Berek Eyzyk Gabryel Mendel Hernia Lejbus Lejb Szlama 40 38 30 36 30 20 28 38 26 30 30 30 32 40 25 38 24 Hil Major Berek Szlama Major Major Jozef Zondel Szyja Hernia Kiwa Szmul Josek Icyk Mosiek? Mosiek Icek Dawid Icek Abram Abram Mosiek 40 Maia? 26 Ruchla 32 Golda 32 Liba 29 Ester Rywka 28 Marya? [MENDLOWICZ] 36 Rajza 40 21 28 40 37 40 35 26 27 33 45 45 48 42 38 39 38 29 38 46 30 36 27 26 38 38 30 36? 40 42 36 46 30 29 36 46 40 36 39 Hinda Ryfka Jocha CwetJa Ester Hana Szandla Sajow? Fajgla Ruchla Hana[KUPFERBERG] Ester Hana Frymet Hawa? Ryfka [CZARCHOWICZ] Malka Hana Sora Tymerla Cyrla Hinda Cejla? [RUTKOWSKA] Hana Ryfka Frajdla Jenta [SZE1N] Ester Krandla [LIPSZYC] [Dwojra] Ryfka [GOTELF?] Brandla Marya Haia Ciwa Sima/Siwa? [WAYNTRAUB] Ryfka Marya Fajgla [NETLAK?] Siaysa? Jenta Hanka? DZIALOSZYNSKA Sora Ruchla [FRAJMOWICZ] Cyna Fajgla Ryfka [WINOGRON] Laia Bina Zysla Laia Ryfka [GRYNBERG] Rojza [Zelmanow MOSKOWICZ?] Hana [Nacha ZYBERAT] Fajga Malka [CHRZANOWSKA] Pesla [EIZENKOPF] Rywa Summer 2003 32 wies" Klucko 27 R 27 R 24 R 23 wies" Sztukowice? 24 wieé Bartkowice? 25 wies" Porzecze? 29 wieé Zagnansk? 26 Promnik? 30 wieé Czerwona Wola 35 R 36? 28 30 19 26 36 24 28 28 28 29 38 23 30 R R R R wieé Mniôw R R R wieé Grobli? wies" Janôw wieé Grobli? wieé Porzecze? R R wieé Wyrebôw? 22 R 38 Jacentôw? 25 R 26 R 30 Promnik? 35 wieé Cmiiisk 38 wies" Chelmce 33 wieé Klucko 24 R 25 R 31 R 36 R 39 R 40 R 38 R - R 28 R 36 v/ê Hucisko, gm. Pijanôw 28 R 36 R 42 R 26 R 34 wieé Miedzierza? 25 R 24 wieé Strawczyn 36 R 36 R 28 R 34 38 26 34 42 28 Promnik? wieé Wystepy R R wieé Janôw Promnik? 26 R 33 R 44 R 38 R 34 R 37 vneé Miedzierza 69 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Summer 2003 Ogrodzieniec Births 18084825 Akt Surname Given Name 1808 Szayndl P7 KEMPA 1809 None reported 1810 P3 (PACHTER) Jochym Sara P4 KAUFMAN 1811-1816 Nonereported Father Age Mother Age Michal z Szlomo (szynkarz) 40 Blumaz Szmul 30 Herszl z Aron (szynkarz) Jochym z Salomon (arendarz) 46 Krayndl z Dawid 38 38 Josek Ester Izrael Herszl (rzezak) Abram z Izrael (karczmarz) Michal z Josek (kramarz) 54 Krandl z Dawid 24 Rochl FKZER 40 Roza z Mosiek 40 24 36 Herszl Faygl Josek Szaia z Abram (karczmarz) Herszl (rzezak) Herszl z Jakob (karczmarz) 50 Faygl z Aron 55 Kraygl z Dawid 24 Gitlz Josek 40 25 Hana WolfBerek Herszl Abram z Zelig 37 Ryfka 40 Pesl z Jakob 26 38 Mosiek Herszl (wyrobnik) 37 Ryfka PACHTER 30 Aron Mosiek (rzeznik) 27 Sora z Kalman 24 Jakob Herszl (rzezak) 56 Krendl z Dawid 44 Hanka Marek (czapnik) 50 Perla BANAS 30 Gitl Kayla Herszl Abram Haja Abram Herszl Mosiek (mydlarz) Herszl (handlarz) Aron Szmul Herszl (rzeznik) Berek (rzeznik) Josef 50 54 57 32 38 40 40 30 40 22 28 30 30 38 Izak Szmul z Lewek 30 Ana z Mosiek Ester z Abram 1817 3 PACHTER 16 36 1818 Nonereported 1819 45 57 PACHTER 69 1820 39 HOLENDER 72 1821 5 HOLENDER 1822 67 PACHTER 1823 16 PACHTER 1824 65 WAYSBLUM 1825 12 ROTFELD 52 KRANSKOPF 75 HERMAN 88 ROTENSZTEIN 90 HOLENDER 91 MROWKA 92 WAYSER Outlying Areas: 1815 6 - Brandi DYTMAN Epecha z Dawid Sara z Kalman Hanka z Josek Ryfka PACHTER Rozazlcyk Kayla WEIT 28 70 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Summer 2003 Ogrodzieniec Marriages 1808-1825 Akt Surname 1808-1812 None reported 1813 P4 HOLENDER PACHTER 1814-1815 None reported 1816 P6 FESZER 1817 None reported 1818 4 (PACHTER) Given Name Aae Parents Notes Herszl Rywka 25 22 Szymon, Ana z Marek Aron. Faygl z Marek brother Herszl Abram Ruchl 24 21 Izrael z Jakob Berek from Dasiena Mosiek Sara 24 19 Aron Kalman brother Herszl fromBedzin Herszl Doba Dawid Hana 26 21 32 24 Abram Kopel z Dawid, Sara z Salomon Aron Daniel from Dambrowa Lewek Ruchl 24 21 Mosiek, Nicha z Szmul Herszl. Kravndl z Dawid from Janowiec Szmul Ana 30 25 Lewek Herszl, Gifl from Ryczowsi from Lelôw 1819 None reported 1820 5 SZULZYNGER 11 PACHTER GRYNER 1821-1822 None reported 1823 9 LICHTENFELD PACHTER 1824-1825 None reported Outlying areas: 1811 8 REICHSZTEIN KOZAKA Ogrodzieniec Deaths 1808-1825 Akt Surname 1808-1809 None reported 1810 P5 (KEMPA) 1811 None reported 1812 P7 1813-1815 None reported 1816 P2 WAYNSZTAYN 1817-1819 None reported 1820 13 KOPLOWICZ 1821 None reported 1822 12 PACHTER 1823 None reported 1824 27 30 35 1825 1 LIBERFRAIND 21 - Given Name Aae Parents, others Hersz 6 Michal z Szmul, Bluma z Szmul Laia 85 Jakob, Ester, husband Salomon, from Abram 2 Jochym Ruchl 30 husband Dawid Herszl 'A Dawid, Hana GRYNER Jochym Eliasz Marek 8 4 14 Jochym z Mosiek, Aydl z Mosiek Jochym z Szymon, Brayndl z Mosiek Mosiek, Konda z jleyzer Gitl Kopel 4 3 Mosiek, Czarna Aron, Kayla z Kopel widow, brother Herszl Summer 2003 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 7, Number 3 Contributors for 2003 We are most grateful and would like to thank the following members for their monetary contributions to the Kielce-Radom SIG in 2003. These contributions help fund our ongoing translation projects. Baranoux, Daniel Bisel, Leah Jordan Borensztajn, Joey Cohen, David P. Cohen, Dr. Elliot S. Davis, Shelley Drzymalski, Cezary Eylat, Martin Faintich, Phyllis Finkel, Barry Gold, Morris Gould, Gladys Glaser Harawitz, Sheryl Heyman, Robert Hollander, Ellen Joyrich, Richard N. Kay, Debra J. Laufer, David Lazega, Max Lefkowitz, Martin Liebowitz, Roni Seibel Manson, Marc D. Mermelstein, Gail Polter, Stephen Ring, Dolores and Morey Rosenblatt, Stuart Rosenman, Julian Russler, Nicki Sadowski, Lucy Shiftman Saperstein, David M. Shaffer, Leonard A. Spiritas, Alexis Suwalk-Lomza SIG Tepperman, Jerry B. Wacholder, Sholom Waxman, Suzanne S. Weitzman, Stewart 71 Glossary akta Polish vital records, often seen as a column heading in vital record indices and extracts, to denote the record numbers document of intent to marry alphabet used for the Russian language: bann Cyrillic FHC FHL gubernia HIAS Hilfs Farein JRI-Poland landsman LDS matronymic monogenetic obwôd palatinate p atronymic polygenetic powiat uezd USC wojewodztwa LDS (Mormon) Family History Center, branch library LDS (Mormon) Family History Library, in Salt Lake City, Utah geographic/political subdivision of the Russian Empire, similar to a province, which applied to the Kingdom of Poland from 1844 until World War I (Russian: ry6epHM) Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society help union or aid society Jewish Records Indexing - Poland, a database project hosted on JewishGen someone who originated in the same village prior to immigration (plural: landsleit) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly used to denote the Mormon Family History Library identification by mother s given name surname from a single progenitor: all bearers of the surname are related district, subdivision of gubernia geographical/political subdivision of pre-partition Poland, similar to a province identification by father ' s given name surname originating from multiple progenitors; all bearers of the surname are not related district, subdivision of gubernia (Polish) district, subdivision of gubernia (Russian ye3jrj> = Polish powiat) Urz^d Stanu Cywilnego = Civil Records Office, where vital records less than 100 years old are usually stored in each town geographical/political subdivision of the Kingdom of Poland until its inclusion in Russia's gubernia system in 1844. and again following World War I through the present Polish Pronunciation Guide Polish Alphabet: a ^ b c é d e ç f g h i j k l t m n n o ô p r s s t u w y z z i c ch, h c, cz, ci s, sz, si z, zi, rz = = = = = ts kh ch sh zh = om, on Ç = em, en j = y dz = j 1 = w w = V q Kingdom of Poland 1867-1917 J
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