Number 2, Spring 2001 - JRI
Number 2, Spring 2001 - JRI
/A/ THIS ISSUE... BUSKO ZDRÔJ: WHERE MY FATHER VACATIONED IN THE 1920s bySeligA. Taubenblatl 3 STOPNICA: From Pinkas HaKehilloi translated by Manuel Silver 6 MEMORIAL ANNIVERSARY FOR A JEWISH TOWN IN POLAND, from Der Onheib by Alek Silver translated by Mark Froimowitz 9 Special interest Qrouf ajournât 5, *3%m6cr 2 2001 pi&fisftaf quarter^ cohering tfie (5u6e™ia§ of and Q^a as they existed 1867-1917 THE LAST DAYS OF STOPNICA from Kartki z przeszlosci ruchu ludowego w bylym powiecie stopnickim by Franciszek Faliszewski translated by Halina Brown 11 STOPNICA -1929 BUSINESS DIRECTORY transcribed by Warren Blatt 13 RADOM ARCHIVES CATALOGS EXCERPTS: • Archiwum Panstwowe w Radomiu (Kisiel) • Akta dotyczace Zydôw w radomskim Archiwum Panstwowym (Penkalla) translated by Gordon McDaniel 15 FROM THE WIERZBNIK YIZKOR BOOK: Sefer Wierzbnik-Starachowice The Last Impressions of My Home Town by Abe Zukerman translated by Vivian Glass Felsen EXTRACT DATA IN THIS ISSUE • PRZEDBÔRZ MARRIAGES 1855-1886 by Dolores Lee Ring • RADOM BIRTHS 1842-1844 26 29 30 by Florence Weingram 63 GLOSSARY, PRONUNCIATION GUIDE 68 ...but first a word from your editor 2 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Spring 2001 ... but first a word from our editor In this issue, we have another selection of varied articles relating to Jewish life in the former Kielce and Radom Gubernias. 3peciof interest Qroup ISSN No. 1092-8006 is published 4 times a yea* by the KIELCE-RADOM Special Interest Group (SIG) c/o Mark Froiihowitz . 90 Eastbourne Road Newton Centre, MA 02459-1206 email: Annual subscription rates (U.S. funds): U.S.A.: $26.00 ' Canada: $30.00 Elsewhere: $38.00 • Subscriptions and changes of address should-be sent to the above. Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Rates is Pending at Boston, MA. The KIELCE-RADOM SIG is a non-profit, informal world-wide body of individuals interested in Jewish genealogical research from Kielce and Radom, two gubernias in the Kingdom of Poland as defined by the boundaries as they existed from 1867-1917. ADVISORY GROUP: Warren Blatt, Editor Mark Froimowitz, Coordinator VISIT OUR WEB PAGE All matters relating to research and editorial articles should be directed to: Warren Blatt, Editor 8 Bishops Forest Drive Waltham,MA 02452-8801 e-mail: The focus of several pieces in this issue is the town of Stopnica ("Stabnitz", in Yiddish), in southeastern Kielce gubernia. There has been no Yizkor Book published for Stopnica, and no extant vital records before 1875. But we have pulled together several diverse articles, translated from Hebrew, Yiddish, and Polish. The first is a translation of the Stopnica entry from Yad Vashem's Hebrew-language Pinkas HaKehillot, "Encyclopaedia of Jewish Communities". We again thank Yad Vashem for granting permission to translate and publish these excerpts, which began with the entry for Piriczôw in our last issue. Other items about Stopnica are Alek Silver's "Memorial Anniversary for a Jewish Town in Poland", translated from the Yiddish magazine Der Onheib by our coordinator Mark Froimowitz; a recollection of the extermination of the Jews of Stopnica as told by a Polish witness; and a transcription of the 1929 Business Directory entries for Stopnica. We also continue our translated excerpts from two guides to the holdings of the Polish State Archives branch in Radom. In this issue, we provide translations of the descriptions of two Radom gubernia administration collections - the records of the provincial-level government. These inventories reference specific documents concerning the Jews in towns throughout the region including some in towns for which there are no vital records. Also in this issue is an excerpt from the WierzbnikStarachowice Yizkor Book, published in Tel Aviv in 1973. Abe Zuckerman gives us "The Last Impressions of My Home Town", translated from the Yiddish by Vivian Glass Felsen. And to lead off the issue, Sy Taubenblatt describes his recent visit to BuskoZdrôj, 10 miles west of Stopnica. The extracts of Jewish vital records from LDS microfilms in this issue include the largest set of marriages we've published to date: over 1,000 marriages from Przedbôrz, covering 1855-1886, extracted by Dolores Lee Ring, thus completing our extracts of all the Jewish marriage records of Przedbôrz microfilmed by the LDS. We also welcome a new extractor, Florence Weingram, who presents the births in the city of Radom for 1842-1844. There are still no extracts for "new" towns in this issue; both are for towns where we have previously published extracts. This is the second consecutive issue in which we have had to do this, and this trend is likely to continue, until someone comes forward to do extracts for other towns. There are still nearly 40 towns in the Kielce-Radom region for which we have not published any extracts. I sincerely hope that records from those towns, as well as other material, will appear in future pages of our Journal... but only you can make that happen. ©2001. all material this issue — Warren Blatt Spring 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Busko Zdrôj: Where My Father Vacationed in the 1920's by Selig A. (Sy) Taubenblatt In October/November 2000, following my retirement, after a long career with the US Government and the private sector, I visited Poland for the first time. The purpose of my visit to Poland was to see where my parents and grandparents lived pre World War II and during the war. I also gathered information about the history of my family to be included in a book that I am writing on the subject. My father, Jacob Herz Taubenblatt (known as Jack) was born in Staszow where he and his family lived for many years. My dad came to the United States in 1932, but most of his immediate family perished in the Holocaust. My mother, Mollie Flaum Taubenblatt, was born in Szczucin, which for many years was part of Galicia, a province in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. My mother came to the United States in 1916, but traveled back and forth to Poland a number of times. In addition to these two cities, my ancestors born in the 19th century came from other cities which today is south-central Poland, including Nowy Korczyn, Piriczôw, Chmielnik, Stopnica, and Polaniec. These cities at different times in Polish history were located in the Kielce, Sandomierz, Pinczôw and Stopnica districts. In preparing for my trip to south-central Poland it was necessary to find a central point—a city and hotel—in the area where I could stay, and from there visit the various cities mentioned above. I recalled that in my many discussions with my dad through the years, he mentioned Busko Zdrôj, a resort city close to Staszow. I consulted a map and found that Busko Zdrôj was very central to the various cities where my ancestors came from—no more than 15-25 miles radius. I called ORBIS, the Polish travel agency in New York, and asked that they recommend a hotel where I could stay during my travels through south-central Poland. I asked ORBIS to find a hotel where some of its guests are likely to speak English and where I could find transportation to visit the various shtetls in that area. A few days later, ORBIS called and recommended the Marconi Resort. ORBIS said it was the best of its kind in Busko Zdrôj. I asked that ORBIS fax a flyer on the resort and so they did. As I looked at the picture of the Marconi, it seemed very familiar. I immediately went to a box of photos that my dad had left which were taken when he was a young man. I found numerous pictures of my dad in Busko Zdrôj at the Marconi Resort. The photos were dated 1928 and 1929. It was an awesome feeling to know that I would be traveling to Busko Zdrôj and would be staying at the Marconi, the same resort where my dad stayed in the late 1920s. In preparing for my trip to Poland, I did some reading about Busko Zdrôj and its history.1 The city is located very central to Pinczôw, Chmielnik, Stopnica, and Staszow, which are accessible by a short automobile drive from Busko Zdrôj. The Marconi borders the Swietokrzyskie Mountains and the Miechowska Upland in the Valley of the Nida River. It is located in a resort park within these boundaries. The history of Busko Zdrôj dates back to the middle of the 12th century and its establishment is connected with 1 See <>, and Pamiqtki i Zabytki Kultuty Zydowskiej w Polsce [Monuments of Remembrance and Relics of the Jewish Culture in Poland] by Przemyslaw Burchard (Warszawa: Reprint Publishing House, 1990), page 136. Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Knight Derslaw and his brother Bishop Witus who brought a female Norbertine Convent to a shepherd's settlement in 1180-1185. The convent was given a land property and was established in 1287 as the property of the Catholic Church. In that year, Prince Leszek Czarny granted Busko Zdrôj civil rights. Marconi Resort, 1928 During the entire 18th century, Jews were permitted to establish their households in nearby villages, and after 1840, the Russian authorities displaced the Jewish population from the areas around Busko Zdrôj. It was only after 1880 that a Jewish community was openly established in the town. The Jewish population of Busko Zdrôj in 1880 was 384 persons (24.2% of total); 1887, 895 (41%); and 1931, 1,464 (37%). During World War II, approximately 2,000 Jews from Busko Zdrôj and neighboring villages were held in the local Busko ghetto, and on October 1, 1942, the ghetto was dismantled and the Jews were transported to the extermination camp at Treblinka. I embarked on my trip to Poland on October 24,2000, arriving in Warsaw where I spent a few days visiting the city and gathering information about south-central Poland at the Jewish Historical Institute and at Our Roots-the Jewish Information and Tourist Bureau at 6 Twarda Street, Warsaw. From Warsaw, I traveled via express train to Krakôw—about a 2/4 hour trip and after a few days in Krakôw, traveled to Busko Zdrôj, where I made my base of operations over a 6-day period as I visited the various villages where my ancestors were born and lived. The drive from Krakôw to Busko Zdrôj via Nowy Korczyn was a distance of Spring 2001 about 60 miles. The roads were reasonably good, not much traffic and most of the countryside was populated with forestland and farms, mostly private ownership, many farms growing potatoes used in the production of vodka. It was a sunny, mild fall day when I arrived in Busko Zdrôj at the Marconi Resort. We drove through the City of Busko Zdrôj and were able to observe both old and new buildings and commercial enterprises. For many centuries Busko Zdrôj was known for the medicinal qualities of its mineral water. In the 19th century, General Rezwuski tried to win support from the authorities to establish a company for exploitation of Busko waters. To achieve his goal, he met the Russian governor, Prince Paskiewicz. A company was established and the construction of the resort was started. Henryk Marconi, a professor at the Warsaw School of Fine Arts, was asked to design the facility. Marconi was one of the most famous architects of his time, having designed the Bristol Hotel in Warsaw. The Marconi Resort/Spa, named after Henryk Marconi, was completed in 1836. Located in a magnificent landscaped park designed by horticulturist Ignacy Hanuse, the park includes some 4,500 rare varieties of trees and bushes. The Marconi has various exercise and health facilities such as sulfur, iodine and bromide baths, can accommodate about 170 persons, and provides treatment for various disorders such as Marconi Resort, 2000. Sy Taubenblat. osteoporosis and other bone or muscle disorders. Though I did not have a need to use the medical facilities, I found that the Marconi was an ideal location, which included good sleep facilities and three meals per day should one wish to avail himself of the Marconi dining room. Most of the Spring 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 people staying at the Marconi were in an age range of 50 - 80 years old, both singles and couples. Some came for medical treatment while others stayed for rest and relaxation. The Marconi was located in a large park area fenced with an iron gate and traffic was prohibited in the park area, thus permitting one to take long walks in a quiet, scenic setting. 1 was most fortunate to find a young man, a student at the University in Kielce who majored in journalism. He worked at the Marconi and spoke English well. He was willing to drive me to the various villages where my ancestors had lived and act as my interpreter. Each day we would set out to visit one or two villages, drive around the village, ask questions, and search for the Jewish synagogue or cemetery that may have survived the Nazi occupation. We drove through Busko Zdrôj on numerous occasions. Farms surround the city and the city itself has many small businesses and some very light manufacture. The population is about 26,000 and many of its residents work in and around Busko Zdrôj, including distances as far as Kielce and Tarnôw. I visited the synagogue, or its remains, which is located at 6 Partyzantow Street. It is a concrete Busko Zdrôj Synagogue, built 1929 structure, which was built in 1929 to replace a wooden house of prayer. Next door to the synagogue a kosher butcher was formerly located. After 1945, the entire interior of the synagogue was dismantled and adjusted for commercial use. Today, the former synagogue is a retail garment shop that sells outdoor clothing such as jackets and sweaters. In looking around the interior, one could see some discernable Hebrew markings. What remains of the synagogue is the old architecture and its exterior. I spent much time trying to locate the Jewish cemetery which I was advised was located on Widuchowska Street. I was told that the cemetery covered about a 0.5hectare area, was unfenced, and was covered with grass and weeds, with few traces of what was once a cemetery. We drove up and down Widuchowska Street, and while we found a number of open areas, we could not find the cemetery. My stay at the Marconi was an awesome experience, knowing that my dad, who passed away in 1999 at the age of 98, had visited and vacationed at this resort. Having seen a number of my dad's early photos taken in Busko Zdrôj, I was able to identify a number of landmarks, particularly at the Marconi and its environs. As I walked through the halls of the Marconi, slept in my hotel room, walked through the park area and sat on the benches that surrounded the Marconi, thoughts ran through my mind which placed me at some of the same locations where my dad spent happy days with friends in the late 1920s. On November 5, 2000, following visits to Nowy Korczyn, Stopnica, Chmielnik, Pinczôw, Polaniec, Szczucin and Kielce, I departed Busko Zdrôj for Staszôw, where my dad and his family lived pre-World War II. The distance between the two cities is about 20 miles. This was my first visit to Staszôw. The visit was a very emotional experience for me, since my stay in Staszôw coincided with the November 8 date, when on that fatal day in 1942 (58 years ago), the Jewish Ghetto was dismantled and about 5,000 Jews were transported to the extermination camps at Belzec and Treblinka. My grandmother, four aunts, an uncle and their families were among those from Staszôw that perished. My visit to south-central Poland, particularly my stay in Busko Zdrôj and Staszôw left many deep emotional memories, which I will never forget. Never! Kielce-Radom SJG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Spring 2001 Stopnica from Pmkas HaKehillot, Polen, Volume VII (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1999), pages 343-344 By Daniel Blatman, Translated from the Hebrew by Manuel Silver controlled their right to live only in specific neighborhoods. Stopnica In Yiddish: ^mNVJD (Stabnitz) Stopnica district, Kielce province Year 1766 1827 1857 1897 1908 1921 Total Population • 2,061 2,187 4,420 5,569 4,402 Jewish Population 363 1,014 1,461 3,134 3,692 3,328 Stopnica was founded in the 12th century. Originally it was a private village, but by the end of that century it was taken over by the monarchy. In 1362 King Casimir the Great conferred the status of a city on Stopnica, and this new stature contributed to its further development. A short time later, the population numbered 870. According to privileges of the 14th and 15th centuries, the villagers were permitted three market days a week and one annual fair. In 1579 there were 64 craftsmen and two merchants. During the Swedish Wars, Stopnica was destroyed, and reconstruction began only at the beginning of the 18th century. It never returned to its previous stature, and finally in 1869 its status as a city was rescinded. Jewish residents of Stopnica were first mentioned in the middle of the 17th century. In 1663, a few years after the Swedish Wars, the Jews received special communal privileges, including the right to build a synagogue and to establish a cemetery, and a partial exemption from royal taxation. These privileges drew many additional Jews to the town, and in the course of time they played a central role in its business and industrial affairs. The 1663 privileges were renewed in 1752, but the community had to sign a contract with the Christian merchants. A similar contract was signed in 1773 which restricted Jews to working in their existing trades and occupations, and The importance of the Stopnica Jewish community in the 18th century is attested to by the fact that in 1754 the delegates of the SandomierzKrakôw galil (province) of the "Council of the Four Lands" convened there. Some of the community rabbis of the 17th and 18th centuries known to us by name are: Rabbi Aryeh Leib, author of "Shaagat Aryeh" and "Kol Shahal" (who served 1679-1682 and then moved to Zamosc); Rabbi Aryeh Leib HaKohen (died 1721 in Rzeszôw); Rabbi Yitzhak HaKohen Rappaport (1767, who moved to Pinczôw); and his more famous brother, Rabbi Yitzhak Avraham HaKohen Rappaport (died 1809). In the 19th century, as the Hasidic population of Stopnica began to grow, Rabbi Mordechai HaLevi Pardes was appointed as Rav of the community. He was the brother of Rabbi Meir of Apt (Opatow), and the student of Rabbi Elimelech of Lezajzk and "HaHozeh MiLublin" [the "Seer of Lublin", R.YaakovYitzchak, 1745-1815]. As he grew old, R. Mordechai HaLevi Pardes moved to Staszôw. In 1877, Rabbi Menachem Mendel, author of "Nefesh Haya" served as Rav in the city. Others who served the community in the rabbinate included Rabbi Hayim Yitzhak HaKohen, in 1906; Rabbi Shmuel HaKohen, 1920, signator of the call to join "Agudat Israel"; and in 1924-1937 Rabbi Shaul HaKohen Schwartz. The Jewish community of Stopnica grew rapidly in the 19th century, and by the beginning of the 20th century they comprised 70% of the total population. Most were petty traders and craftsman. Germany conquered the area at the beginning of World War I, but in 1915 the Russian army returned to take control for a short while. The Russian soldiers accused the Jews of cooperating with the enemy, persecuted them, confiscated their possessions, and exiled many to Russia. Spring 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Again in 1919, soon after the war ended, Polish anti-Semites attacked the Jews. The Jewish representatives in the Polish Sejm (parliament) reported to the prime minister on the riots in Stopnica where property was confiscated and Jews beaten. Some were injured severely. After the local Polish government was formed, the Jews began to rebuild their community. The Joint Distribution Committee helped to create a People's Bank and a Business Bank, which helped with loans to assist new businesses. In the beginning of 1928, a branch of Bank Handlovi of "Agudat Israel" was also established. In the 1920s and 1930s, many residents, especially the young, joined Zionist parties and movements. The first and most important of these was "Mizrachi", whose district council was located in Stopnica during the 1930s. There was also a branch of General Zionists in the city. The Left Labor Zionists was the most active of the Zionist-socialist parties. Its members founded the Union of Jewish Workers in Stopnica. In 1931 a branch of "HaChalutz" was created with 60 members; and in 1935, 20 of them started a Hachsharah in a nearby village farm for agricultural training. One member died in a work accident. Youth movements were also active, including "Young Mizrachi" and "The Zionist Youth". The Zionist movements organized cultural and educational activities and founded a library, opened clubs, and started Hebrew classes. From time to time Zionist leaders from Eretz Yisrael and Poland visited. On the eve of the 1930 elections to the Sejm, Yitzhak Greenboim visited the city and received an enthusiastic welcome, and delegates from the communities in the area convened in Stopnica. Also in that year Rabbi Moshe Yakobson from Tel Aviv lectured on the work of the Jewish National Fund. The results of the 1939 elections to the 21st Zionist Congress were: Mizrachi - 133 votes, Al HaMishmar - 44 votes, Left Labor Zionists - 31 votes, General Zionists - 18 votes, and Eretz Yisrael HaOvedet - 15 votes. Alongside the Zionist movements, the "Bund" and "Agudat Yisrael", with its youth movement "Tsierei Agudat Yisrael", also operated in Stopnica. An orthodox school, financed by Bank Handlovi, "Bait Jakob", opened in 1932 with 150 students. Some boys studied in the traditional cheder, but many children of the community, boys and girls, studied in the general public school. For many years the Orthodox controlled the administration of the community and its institutions. In 1931, for the first time, Zionists participated in the elections for the community council. A combined list of General Zionists and Mizrachi received 209 votes and three seats on the council, Agudat Yisrael received 217 votes and four seats, and the independent Hassidic List 62 votes and one seat. In the absence of effective government at the outbreak of World War II, local Christians residents took advantage of the opportunity to persecute Jews in the city, plundering shops and houses. The Germans conquered the area on September 8, 1939, and immediately burned the Jewish quarter, killing four Jews. Acts of terror and official persecution occurred continuously from then on. At the beginning of 1940, the local German commander, Niederman, ordered the wearing of white Magen David armbands. At the same time a Judenrat [Jewish council] was created. Their first task was to collect 50,000 zloty as a "contribution" to the Germans. In April 1940 the Germans took 13 Jews from their Pesach seder table, tortured them in the street, and then shot them to death. In summer of 1940 the Judenrat was required to supply forced labor for farm work and digging drainage ditches in nearby villages for the token sum of 4 zloty per week. Early in the year 1941 a ghetto was established. Even though the ghetto was not fenced in, Jews were not allowed to leave except in order to go to work. The Judenrat established workshops for about 200 craftsmen, mostly working in textiles. In the same year hundreds of refugees were brought from Lôdz, Krakôw, Radom, and Plock. By May 1941 the ghetto population reached 4,600. Due to the crowded living conditions and the prevalent hunger there was an outbreak of typhus. With the help of the ISS organization of Krakow, the Judenrat opened a soup kitchen and a dispensary. In February 1942 there were 4,700 Jews in the ghetto of Stopnica, but by April that 8 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 number had increased to 5,300. The mortality rate was quite high among the refugees and by June, 400 had died of hunger and and various diseases. On September 5, 1942. SS troops aided by Polish police and units of Ukrainians surrounded the ghetto The following day, September 6th, all Jews were ordered to assemble in the central square near the entrance to Stopnica. Then the Germans and Ukrainians searched the houses for those who might be hiding. 400 Jews, mostly invalids and elderly who had trouble leaving their houses were captured and promptly shot on the spot. A selection took place at the central square and fifteen hundred able and younger Jews, who were able to work, were deported in trucks belonging to the munitions company Hasag to a work camp in Skarzysko-Kamienna [See KielceRadom SIG Journal, IV:3]. The rest, about 3,000 men, women, and children, were marched to nearby Szczucin [11 miles southeast] and from Spring 2001 there taken by train to the death camp at Treblinka. About 70 Jews remained in Stopnica, and these were forced by the Germans to bury the dead and to collect and sort the possessions of the exiled. After seven weeks, these workers were taken to the Sandomierz ghetto, and together with the remainder of the Jews in the area, were sent from there to various labor camps. Only a few of the Jews of Stopnica survived the Shoah and lived to once again experience freedom. Today there are no Jews in Stopnica. Bibliography Yad Vashem Archives, Jerusalem 02/515, 03/1353, 2885,M1/E/5112, 1634, 1709, 1836,2655 Das Yiddishe Tagblat, 1.2 1932 Hemt, 1 2 1930, 31.7 1930. 16 9 1930, 3 5.1931, 20.3.1935, 16.7.1938. Gazeta Zydowska, 18.4.1941 Spring 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Memorial Anniversary for a Jewish Town in Poland by Alek Silver (Toronto) from Der Onheib, number 21, pages 48-49, 1992. Translated from Yiddish by Mark Froimowitz translator's comments are indicated by [ ] Lord of the Universe! Here people lived and worked, danced and sang! Here they used to curse, here they used to bless... Here people cried and laughed and screamed, Here they rocked their children in cradles, Here children to their mothers clung. Here at weddings, they made merry... Lord of the Universe! Was it here that Jews pulled the golden thread for generations? Was it here that Jews forged the golden chain? The above mentioned lines are from the poem "Shadows from the Warsaw Ghetto", written by the martyred Jewish-Soviet poet Itzik Feffer seeing the destruction in Poland. Although the words were written for the city of Warsaw, Jewish Warsaw, these lines apply to every Jewish city, town, and village in Poland from before the Second World War. Not only Warsaw, the Jewish Warsaw, was destroyed in the Nazi devastation. Also wiped out were hundreds of cities and towns, Jewish cities and towns, from the Polish landscape. The same can be said for other countries in Europe. I purposely did not give above the name of my town that I want to lament. The reason is that hundreds of Jewish readers of this journal, seeing the heading above the article, will themselves know the heading. Although, I will specifically write about my town, the same can be written about many, many Jewish places in Poland. Life in these communities, with certain small differences, was essentially the same. The same Jewish people, the same way of life, almost the same institutions and organizations, and certainly the same Jewish hearts and souls. For these Jewish cities and towns, it is now 50 years since they were destroyed. For a few, perhaps 49 years, but for all, the last fateful decree was given in the fall of 1942. The name of my town is Stopnitz. Where is this town to be found? In joking words, one can say in "the estates of the king of poverty". How large was Stopnitz? As large as "the small print in a small prayer book". The true answer to the first question is in central Poland, the province of Kielce, the county of Busko. How large was it? As large as the world, since many residents of Stopnitz lived their entire lives there and this was the only world they knew. According to the official archives, there were already Jewish inhabitants in Stopnitz in the year 1663, about 12-15 families. In 1827, there were already 1,014 Jews there. That means an estimated 49% of the general population. And this is how the Jewish population grew from year to year and from generation to generation. Until, at the beginning of the Second World War, Stopnitz had 2,600 Jewish souls. In the first years of the war, the number of Jewish inhabitants increased when Jews from larger cities in the surrounding area came here to seek a more "secure refuge". According to official numbers, there were 5,300 Jews there in April 1942. I left Stopnitz in October 1942. "Left" is certainly not the correct expression for my parting with the town. One could use "dragged from", "chased out", "driven away", and other such similar expressions. Nevertheless, I, together with a multitude of 1,500 young Jewish men and women, went "voluntarily" to a work camp Skarzysko. The pretext was that, by our going away, the Jews left behind would remain alive in a ghetto in the town. This was an enormous lie. Not long after, the remaining Jews were driven out of the town so that by January 1943, Stopnitz was uJudenrein" [free of Jews]. No matter how small Stopnitz was, it possessed so much that it is simply difficult to relate. The town had Chassidim, Misnaggdim [the 10 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 opponents of Chassidism], and the non-religious, dignified old men with long, gray beards and lively, beautiful young people. We had our share of scholars, fools, and crazy people, our share of those who worked with their hands, rich merchants, and poor people. There was a Zionist Organization, a "Betar", "Agudah", "Mizrachi", and even an illegal Communist movement, ashul [synagogue], a house of study, shtiblech [small Chassidic synagogues], a mikveh [ritual bathhouse], a slaughterhouse, meeting places, and libraries. Jewish newspapers such as "Haint" [Today], "Haintike Nayes" [Today's News], "Moment", Jewish youth journals and other publications that used to come from Warsaw, as well as Jewish books, were grabbed by Jewish readers, large and small. More than one Shabbos [Sabbath/Saturday] afternoon did young girls spend reading weekly romance novels and fantasize about a world that they only knew from the written word. I am reminded of the market days when the market was packed with horses and wagons from the surrounding villages. Male and female peasants used to bring their products to sell and to buy the things they needed from Jewish small businesses and artisans. And who can forget the Shabbos afternoon walks in the market when boys and girls would eye each other from a distance. The family walks, when father, mother, and children, dressed in their Shabbos clothing would, on nice summer days, go for a walk to the "PniokeP' [brook], around the "Toomeleh" [small Catholic chapel], and around other parts of the town or to drop in on relatives for a glass of tea with sugar, listening to the stories that they would tell there. Children use to go to grandpa and grandma or uncle and aunt to receive a Shabbos fruit. An apple from the aunt and a pinch on the cheek from uncle and out to play behind the butcher shops. Shabbos after prayers when the youth of the town carried the choient [Shabbos stew that cooks very slowly on low heat] from the bakery. We observed the size of the pots in order to rate the "wealth" of the "balebuste" [housewife]. Spring 2001 I remember the rainy autumn days when the gutters overflowed and the surrounding earth was covered in mud where more than one left a boot or galosh. The winter frost that "painted" flowers on the frozen window panes. The high piles of snow that often covered the "khatas" [dwellings] up to their chimneys. If one had a few pieces of dry wood and heated the tile oven, it was truly a pleasure for large and small. And not to mention having a few "zshemekes" (potatoes) to bake in the hot embers, that was a taste of the Garden of Eden. Understandably, the main language was Yiddish with a sprinkling a Polish from the socalled "intelligentsia" and a little Hebrew from the lovers of Zion. We did not have movies or a theater in Stopnitz and also very few radios except for those that we put together ourselves. From time to time,"itinerant" actors, Jewish and nonJewish, would come and there was a performance. This usually took place in the hall of the firefighters with hastily nailed together wings and decorations. The entire town would at that time go to the "Theater". It is now a half century since my town shared the same fate as hundreds of other cities and towns in Poland. When I, on the day of my departure, sitting on a truck, threw my last glance at the town, at the high cross of the church, the picture of the town was etched in my memory forever. There it will remain together with the memories, good and bad, that reminds that "There Once Was". In 1942, there was an end to Jewish life in Poland as we knew it. In his poem, Itzik Feffer continues. ... no longer are Jews here. Here others now live, who brought Hell on earth. ... They sit at our tables and guzzle, They lie in our beds and sleep... ...In our boots to churches they run... Spring 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 And we all know how true these lines are about my birth town. Every year our society comes together, like many other town landsmanshaften to say a public Kaddish [Jewish prayer for the dead] for the Jewish holy martyrs of the town, for our nearest and dearest, for those who haven't even left a memory of themselves. It is understandable that the name of the town, Stopnitz, or the names of hundreds of other settlements are thereby remembered. However, we don't sufficiently mourn the living place but only its Jewish inhabitants. Today, I will lament the town, the 11 physical place, on the 50th memorial anniversary. You will still presumably find today a small dot on the Polish map, a dot as big as the head of a pin and, near it, the inscription "Stopnica". However, it is not the Jewish Stopnitz, where I was born, where I lived my first young years, the place of my learning in cheder [religious school] and my education in school, where I and many of my town once lived. Jewish Stopnitz no longer exists. The one that I still remember so well and that will remain in my memories until the day of my death. Yisgadal v 'yiskadash ... [the first words of the Kaddish], my Jewish town of Stopnitz. From Kartki zprzeszlosci ruchu ludowego w bylympowiecie stopnickim [Pages on the History of the Peasant Movement in the former Stopnica county] (Warszawa: Ludowa Spoldzielnia Wydawnicza, 1965), pages 43-46. by Franciszek Faliszewski Translated from Polish by Halina Brown The policy of extermination was directed with full brutality against the Jewish population. There were approximately 25,000 Jews in the Stopnica powiat during the occupation. Like in other areas, it all started with separating the Jewish population through identification marks. Each Jew over the age of 10 was required to wear on their arm a six-cornered star. This was followed in quick succession with public orders forcing Jews to carry out various types of labor, initially in the vicinity of their residences. Germans took every opportunity to demean and humiliate these people, including physical torture. The instances of outright thievery became more frequent. German dignitaries of various types within the country's government, Gestapo officials, and policemen supplied themselves with the best merchandise in Jewish shops without paying. Jews were systematically forced to pay ransoms. A Jew Taubenblatt was in charge of bringing Jewish contributions and ransoms to the county authorities in Busko-Zdroj. One of the ways to harm the Jewish population was by depriving it of food rations and putting restrictions on food purchases. For the poor, these actions were equivalent to a sentence of death by starvation. Shooting unarmed people for insignificant transgressions was a common form of persecution. In 1941,1 became friendly with Henryk Nozyc, a young Jewish intellectual in Stopnica. Having access to the underground press "Rocha", I shared each issue with him. I hoped to spark in this way his interest in the existence and activities of the underground organization. Regretfully, our contacts never went beyond this sharing of the publications, and over time, they died out. The final act of the Jewish tragedy arrived. In October of 1942, Germans started the transport of Stopnica county Jews to extermination camps. One sunny Sunday afternoon in October, a gang of drunk German soldiers herded into Stopnica a large group of Jews from Staszow, on the border of the Sandomierz 12 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Spring 2001 powiat. From here, these extraordinarily exhausted and run down people were taken further on to a train in Szczucin. The 23 kilometer road between Staszôw and Stopnica was a ghastly sight, strewn with the corpses of men, women, and children. During one momentary rest break in Stopnica, a Jewish woman went into labor, howling in pain. She was mercilessly shot. The extermination of Stopnica's Jewish population commenced on October 5. My Jewish neighbors spent the preceding night away from their homes. However, they returned the following evening. My neighbors, like other Stopnica Jews, were victims of a deadly hoax. On that day, the community representative supplied Germans with a large bribe, receiving in return the assurance that the liquidation orders would be suspended for the time being. So pacified, the population returned to their homes at night, only to be rounded up the next morning on the town's main square. Streets and alleys of the town were covered with the bodies of innocent people. The German executioners showed no mercy. An occasional child ran into the street from one of the abandoned houses - left there purposely or forgotten - dressed in a meager shirt and crying out for the mother. Such children were shot on the spot. Hipolit Zieknica and I witnessed an episode when two German soldiers led into a path toward the cemetery a young Jewish woman with a small child, both discovered in a hideaway in a bale of hay. At some moment, the soldier stopped, letting her go ahead, and shot her dead, with a helpless child standing by. The soldier then walked up to the child, lifted it and placed it on top of the dead mother, and then shot it. When the murder was completed, the soldier walked away calmly with a self-satisfied expression on his face. One Jewish woman left her little daughter at a Catholic cemetery. The crying child was discovered by a casual visitor and taken to the nearby hospital. The nuns working at the hospital took the girl under their wings, and shortly, she was taken in by a childless married couple in Busko-Zdrôj. A few Jews managed to hide with peasant families in the nearby villages. A few people, such as the sisters Cukier [Amazingly, this seems to be referring to our Coordinator's mother and aunt. However, they were not in Starachowice but at the Skarzysko slave labor camp. See Kielce-Radom SIG Journal, IV:3] and Miss Redlich from Stopnica, survived by working as forced laborers at Starachowice Works. Several slave workers, including the brothers Redlich from Stopnica, escaped from the Starachowice Works. They survived the German occupation by joining the partisans. Stopnica peasants lent the Jews a helping hand by providing food and, during the tragic days of extermination, by hiding them. Such acts were punishable with death on the helper or even their whole family. Despite such terrifying punishments, many Poles were willing to risk their lives to help persecuted Jews. According to (Magister) Smazynski, there were 26,136 Jews in residence in the Stopnica county during the occupation. Only a few dozen survived. The rest were murdered. Spring 2001 13 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Stopnica - 1929 Business Directory Entries Transcribed by Warren Blatt Transcribed below are the entries for Stopnica from the 1929 Polish business j• TS • , i n ; 7 • /ri/ /-. 7 - 7• i ;7 it 77 osada m«js. <wfada> itwa atopnickieso w m.Busk),, sio- directory Ksiega Adresowa Polski (Wraz z w.m. Gdanskiem) ala Handlu, .dziba «du, pok.. ™A ote. KMICO, J ro / \440B xnloszk. {9 (20 km) Szczucm, J*"***,£. from pages «w » . stnrcow Karola,^ Przytulek Przemyshi -, industry, Rzemiosli handicraft Rolnictwa and agriculture], [Directory of (Warszawa, Poland (including 1929), Gdansk) for !«««!«•_ f f ct dla l i k aJ lok. Zwinzok kupcdw, okr^cpw» Towarzystwo Rolnicso, T*»o Rso300-301. For more information about this directory, see Kielce-Radom SIG micslniezc. T a r f f i : co wtorak na bydio, komc,trzod$chlownn.,zfoaiioJournal IV: 1 (Winter 2000), pages 27-29. plody i wyroby rzemieStnlcxo. . We thank JRI-Poland for making these pages available to us. JRI-Poland is currently engaged in a project to transcribe this entire 3,000 page directory, and create a searchable online database. If you would like to help, please see their web pages at <>. The directory is organized by province, then by town, and then by occupation within each town. The occupations are listed alphabetically in Polish (except for the first few medical/legal professions), with French translation following. I have added the English translation of each occupation. Each town listing starts with information about the town - the larger the town, the more comprehensive the description. Bourç (administr.' du district do Stopnica b. Busk), eiogo do lit just, do paix, trib. d'arr-t KJOICO, 4402 habit. t5 (20 km} Szczucin, ligno do Siczucin—Taméw %> "Û1 Oïr. communal. 1 Jft cath., i synag., t. Gymni . Hipital St. Char!cs, asilo vioiUardî et i'aSiaae».\ ilo Us uovii I Assoc. dos commerçants, socict» aorlcolo, société des artisans. H t r c h é s: mardi, pour bostiMX, chovaux, porcs, produits du BOI et marchandises do toute cspêc«. Lcharze (m/decini): Mflrktc. I. dr. - ai. (wj • Piotrowski stu): NachtmaT» Bslla. A&ieotatci (avocats): Majowslci Loon (obr. sad.) — Roiastom Wacl. (obr. sud.). A'otorjumo (notaires): Colonna \VaIOWHIU Stan. Aleuszarkl (tants-femma)'. StoranskaA.— Siedkcka H. ApUstxna titilady (dmaumes): Sa' Apteld ip'harmteùa): Majowsld, T. itanM [bannvts): xBanU Sptftflnolczv, Si>. z o. o. ., .. BUVIzna — jn-ncoumfo (lingerie): | Baruchowicz Ch. — Boruchowici Stopnica. Town (administration of the district of Stopnica is located in Busk), justice court of peace, district court of Kielce. Population 4,402. Train 20 km. away at Szczucin, on the Szczuczin-Tarnôw line. 1 Catholic church, 1 synagogue, cloister, Gymnasium, Hospital St. Charles (Sw. Karol), Shelter for the Old and Sick, Association of Merchants, Agriculture Society, Society of Craftsmen. Markets: Tuesday, for animals, horses, hogs, agricultural products, and products of all kinds. Lekarze (médecins) [Doctors]: Markisz I. dr. Piotrowski Wac. dr. (wewn.). Lekarze dentysci (médecins dentistes) [Dentists]: Nachtman Bella. Adwokaci (avocats) [Lawyers]: Majewski Leon (obr. s^d.) - Reinstein Wad. (obr. s^d.). Notarjusze (notaries) [Notaries]: Colonna Walewski Stan. Akuszerki (sages-femmes) [Midwives]: Stefanska A. Siedlecka H. Aptecznesklady (drogueries) [Pharmacy]: SJawiriski H. Apteki (pharmacies) [Chemists]: Majewski T. Banki (banques) [Banks]: Bank Spôldzielczy, Sp. z o. o. Bielizna - pracownie (lingerie) [Linen work]: Boruchowicz Ch. - Boruchowicz J. - Ziotowski J. - Zylberberg S. Blacharze (ferblantiers) [Braziers]: Laskowski T. Rozenberg Ch. - Rozenberg I. Blaszane wyroby (ferblanterie) [Sheet metal goods dealers]: Koner J. - Klajner S. Blawaty (tissus) [Fabrics]: CukiermanCh.-Cukierman J. - Goldbaum H. - Kowalski J. i Lapkiewicz F. Kupczyk Sz. - Maur G. - Moeznik B. Pomerancblum E. - Rozencwajg A. - Sobel M. Szwarcman L. - Szwor J. - Szyl M. - Wagner Ch. - Wajnberg M. Bydlo - handel (march, de bestiaux) [Cattle dealers]: Redlich A. Czapnicy (fabr. de casquettes) [Cap makers]: Gôrska Ch. - Lederman Z. Deski (planches) [Lumber]: FormalskiM. -Oster A. Sztajnfeld A. - Turkeiltaub A. Drôb (volailles) [Poultry]: Zylberberg S. Drukarnie (imprimeries) [Printing]: Najman Sz. Topioi I. Drzewo (bois) [Wood]: Turkieltaub A. Felczerzy (barbiers-chirurgiens) [Barber-surgeons]: Blusztajn M. - Nozyce J. - Zieliriski W. Fotograficzne zaklady (photographes) [Photography studio]: Krakowiak W. - Miller F. 14 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Fryzjerzy (coiffeurs) [Hairdressers] Blusztajn A Blusztajn B - Rokicki K Galanterja (merceries) [Dry goods] FahgelS -Henig S - Klajnplac M - Solarz A - Wajsblum T Wdowinska S - Zylbersztajn A - Zyngier S Geometrzy (géomètres) [Surveyors] Osmialowski B Gilzy do papierosôw - fabryki (fabr de lubes a cigarettes) [Cigarette holder factory] Solarz A Herbaciarnie (debits de the) [Tea] Miller Sz - Sztajn M Jadlodojnie (restaurants) [Restaurants] KoszyckiE Kurkowski W Jaja (oeufs) [Eggs] Dyksztajn H - Taubenblat J Kamasznicy (tiges p chaussures) [Shoe pegs] Listgarten Szm - Warga M Koiodzieje (charrons) [Wheelwrights] Zemta J Kooperatywy (coopératives) [Cooperatives] "Lacznosc", Stow Spoz - "Rolmk", Spoldz Bud Handl Kowale (forgerons) [Blacksmiths] Kolasinski J Ptasznik A - Ptasznik H - Zylberberg I Krawcy (tailleurs) [Tailors] Benski M - Betel A J Betel J - Herszkowicz B - Herszkowicz Ch JakubowiczT -Knobell - Lewandowski Ch M - Lewkowicz S W - Lewkowicz J - Weksler A - Zylberbogen M - Zylberbogen N Ksiçgamie (libraries) [Book stores] Krajewski F Topiol I - Zyngier I Kuchenne naczynia (articles de cuisine) [Kitchenware] Boruchowicz Ch - Kener J Klajner Sz Ludowy przemysl (industrie populaire) Wajnryb G Manufaktura (tissus) [Manufactured goods] Buchman B Maszyny do szycia (machines â coudre) [Sewmg machines] BronerH Mechaniczne warsztaty (méchamciens) [Mechanical workshops] Chmielewski P Mlyny (moulins) [Mills] Blank Ch l Rajter A , dzierz Bernacki A I Chmielewski J Nabial (crimieis) [Dairymen] Dyksztajn L Wajchman A Nici -fabryki (fabr de fils a coudre) [Twisted yam factories] Zîotowrki B Nierogacizna - handel (march de porcs) [Cattle trade] GadowskiR Obuwie (chaussures) [Shoes] Tarkieltaub Ch Zylbersztajn A - Zyngier Sz Olejarnie (huileries) [Oil factories] Cukier E Piekarnie (boulangers) [Bakers] Hamer A - Hamer R. - Kamiemarz J - Nudel Sz - Pakosmski S Smolacz A - Szal J - Sztulberg J - Sztulberg L - Szwer Sz - Szydlowski Sz - Wajc - Zalcberg Ch -Zyngier J. Spring 2001 Pierze (plumes et duvets) [Feathers and Down] Radzynski L - Topiol Ch - Topiol M - Zyngier Z Piwiamie (brasseries-débit) [Retail breweries] Bekier B - Gertler Sz - Mirtenbaum Ch - Weksler R Porady prawne (consultations juridiques) [Legal consultants] Mandeltnan Sz Restauracje (restaurants) [Restaurants] Dizenhaus B - Kaczmarczyk A - Piotrowicz J - Rozencwajg Ch - Wajswol H Rolnicze narzçdzia (instruments agricoles) [Agricultural implements] "Rolmk Polski", wl GrabadaJ -GrosbergCh Rymarskie przybory {fournit p bourreliers) [Leather cutters requisites] Zelazno M Rzeznicy (bouchers) [Butchers] Grosberg I - Kafel I - Kafel J - Kirszner Z - Redhch N - Zylberberg M D Skôry (cuirs) [Leather] Listgarten H - Strosberg Ab - Strosberg Alter - Zrycki E Smary (graisses) [Lubricants] Munysz M Rozenberg L Sol (sel) [Sa\X] GzylA Spirutualja (spiritueux) [Liquor] Cukierman M Djament K - Lipszyc C - "Starwm", wi Znamirowski E - Weksler Ch Spozywcze artykuly (comestibles) [Food articles] Aurbach L - Baum B - Cukier E - Dalesman M - Frenkiel - Godowscy Bcia - Grynbaum Nisenbaum F - Pinczowska L - Rozenman L Rozner L - Szmukler Ch - Topiol A - Zyngier A - Zelazo Ch - Leszczynski S - Rozenberg L Stolarze (menuisiers) [Carpenters] Joskowicz A Joskowicz Ch - Joskowicz Ojzerowicz M Rozenberg D - Zajfman B - Zajfman Sz Szewcy (cordonniers) [Shoemakers] Pawlak J Pawlak M - Wytes B Élusarze (serruriers) [Locksmiths] Dzieniewicz W Klajnhendler H M Ubezpieczeniowe agentury (agents d'assurances) [Insurance agencies] Cukierman Ch, Tow Ubezp "Piast", S A Ubrania gotowe (vitements confectionnés) [Readymade suits] Boruchowicz Ch - Ickowicz Sz Wassercyer P Wody gazowe -fabryki (fabr d'eauz gazeuses) [Seltzer factories] KupferB Zboze (grains) [Grains] Czeresma Ch - Lapa Ch Szwer J - Zelewicz A - Sula W - Najman M Zegarntistrze (horlogers) [Clock and watchmakers] Sztajnfeld A - Sztajnfeld B Zlotnicy (bijoutiers) [Goldsmiths] Hamer D Zelazo (fers) [Iron] Grynberg S - Klajner M Rozenberg L - Tajtelbaum H - Wajnsztajn N Spring 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 'Vi •* IS . . . Excerpts from Radom Archives Catalogs Translated from the Polish by Gordon McDaniel Edited by Warren Blatt Editor's Introduction: In this issue, we present translated excerpts from two different guides to the holdings of the Polish State Archives in Radom. The first guide in the official catalog, published by the Archives: Archiwum Paristwowe w Radomiu: przewodnikpo zasobie archiwalnym [State Archives in Radom: Guide to Archival Materials], compiled under the editorship of Helena Kisiel, (Warszawa: Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwôw Paristwowych, 1996). We previously published a translation of the introductory sections of this guide in Kielce-Radom SIG JournalIV:4 (Autumn 2000), pages 9-20. The second guide is Adam Penkalla's survey of the specifically Jewish holdings of the Radom Archives: Akta dotyczqce Zydôw w radomskim Archiwum Paristwowym (1815-1950) [Records relating to Jews in the Radom State Archives (1815-1950)], (Warszawa: Zydowski Instytut Historyczny, 1998), which we introduced in the last issue of the K-R SIG Journal, V:l (Winter 2001), pages 11-15. In this article, we present the descriptions of two major collections, the "Radom Gubernia Administration" fonds, from each catalog. First, the overview from the official archives catalog, and then the survey of Jewish-specific holdings in these two collections from the Penkalla guide. - WB. From Archiwum Paristwowe w Radomiu, edited by Helena Kisiel, pages 45-50: Section II: General Administrative Acts A. Acts of state administrative organs at the Wojewodztwo or Gubernia level before 1918 Introductory information After the third Partition of Poland [1795], the Wojewodztwo (province) of Sandomierz was within the boundaries of [Austrian] Western Galicia. Initially, the territory of this wojewodztwo was in two circuits [cyrkuf] within the Austrian administration, Sandomierz and Radom; after 1803 there was one circuit (Radom) with the seat of administration in Radom. The head of the circuit was the starost, to whom the administrative personnel were subordinated. The smallest administrative units of the circuit were districts [okrçg] (Radom had five districts). The representative of the starost in each district was the commissar [komisarz]. In the earliest period of Austrian rule, the circuit office for the territory that interests us was subordinate to the governor in Krakôw, later in Lwôw. The administrative changes of 1803 and 1804 lasted until the end of Austrian rule in 1809. After the creation of the Duchy of Warsaw [in 1807], the territory of [West] Galicia was added to it [in 1809]. On the basis of a decree dated 17 April 1810, that territory was divided into four departments. The area that interests us became the Department of Radom, at whose head was a prefect officially subordinate to the Minister of Internal Affairs. Within his purview were all administrative organs except judicial and military. In addition to the prefect was the prefect's council. Each district [powiat] was administered by a subprefect and a district council. Department and district councils fulfilled an advisory and oversight function. The Department of Radom consisted of the districts of Kielce, Koiiskie, Kozienice, Opatow, Opoczno, Radom, Sandomierz, Solec, Staszôw and Szydlow. After the liquidation of the Duchy of Warsaw in 1815, and the formation of the Kingdom of Poland, the old administrative divisions were occasionally observed. On the basis of an edict by the viceregent dated 16 January 1816, the Kingdom was divided into provinces [wojewodztwo] and districts [obwôd]. By separating off the district of Kielce from the Department of Radom, the Wojewodztwo of Sandomierz was created. It consisted of four districts: Sandomierz (powiaty of Sandomierz and Staszôw), Opatôw (powiaty of Opatow and Solec), Radom (powiaty of Radom and Kozienice) and Opoczno (powiaty of Konskie, Opoczno and Szydlow). The administrative seat of the Wojewodztwo of Sandomierz was Radom. [See map in K-R SIG Journal IV:4 (Autumn 2000), page 12]. Within the wojewodztwo government, general administration was carried out in a collégial manner by the Wojewodztwo Commission [komisja], headed by the President of the Commission [prezes komisji]. Among the responsibilities of the Commission were the offering of recommendations to state commissions, 16 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Spring 2001 maintenance of public order, security of the bourgeouis, oversight of public and private property, oversight of public education, etc. Wojewôdztwo commissions were divided into divisions of religion and public education, administration, military, fiscal and police. In 1818 a division of public lands and forests was added. The next change occurred in 1821, when the administration division was joined with that of religion and public education; the military and police divisions were combined; and the divisions of fiscal and public lands and forests became one. The districts [obwôd] were administered by Commisars, who were advisors to the wojewôdztwo commission. The wojewôdztwo commissions were active until 1837, when by an edict dated 7 March their name was changed to Gubernia, following the example of the Russian Empire. Commission Presidents were replaced by civil governors. In 1842, the districts changed name from obwôd to powiat, and commisars took on the functions of head of the district. On the basis of the edict of 21 August 1844 which went into force on 1 January 1845, the Kingdom was divided into five Gubernias instead of the previous eight. Among other changes, the Gubernia of Sandomierz was joined with Kielce and the new gubernia took the name of Gubernia of Radom with adminstrative center in Radom. It included the territory of the following districts: Kielce, Opatôw, Opoczno, Olkusz, Miechow, Radom, Sandomierz and Stopnica. [See Map 2 in K-R SIG Journal IV:4, page 13]. At the time of the Uprising of 1830, the administration of Polish lands was connected to the traditions of the time of the First Republic. During the November Insurrection [1830] there was a return to a division into wojewôdztwo, but committees of citizens, consisting of a president and two citizens, were appointed to the wojewôdztwo commissions (decision of the Administrative Council dated 2 December 1830). The committees were responsible for the organization and oversight of public security. The organization of wojewôdztwo underwent a significant modification during the January Insurrection [1863]. By regulations established by the civil administration in the former Congress Poland, dated 28 March 1863, there was a return to the territorial divisions of 1816, creating the wojewôdztwo of Sandomierz and Krakôw out of the Gubernia of Radom, among other changes. Administration of the wojewôdztwo was carried out by a civil manager [naczelnikcywilny] appointed by the National Council, and in the districts [powiat] by heads [naczelnik]. After the repression of the Insurrection, the ruling authorities, by a decree dated 31 December 1866, increased the number of gubernia to ten. The Gubernia of Radom was divided into two gubernias: Radom and Kielce. Radom Gubernia consisted of the districts [powiat] of: Itza, Koriskie, Kozienice, Opatôw, Opoczno, Radom and Sandomierz. Kielce Gubernia consisted of: Jedrzejôw, Kielce, Miechow, Olkusz, Piiiczôw, Stopnica and Wtoszczowa. [See Map 3 in K-R SIG Journal IV:4, page 13]. The head of the gubernia was the governor [gubernator] who administered with the assistance of a gubernia council. He carried out general oversight of the state apparatus on the territory of the gubernia. Within his competence lie matters of politics, the police, oversight of personnel responsible to him, Catholic clergy and monasteries, and community governance, as well as personnel and disciplinary matters of public security. Over the course of time, the governor's authority was expanded with regard to police (statutes of 1870 and 1881). Some aspects of his administration the governor carried out personally, others with the assistance of the gubernia council, presiding over a council [kolegium] of department heads. The bifurcated competence of the governor caused there to be two chancelleries, one for the governor and another for the gubernia cabinet. During the First World War, the territory of the gubernias of Radom and Kielce was occupied by Austrian forces. In May 1915 two governorships [gubernatorstwo] were created: Kielce and Piotrkôw. The districts [obwod] of Konskie, Kozienice, Opoczno, Piotrkôw, Radom, Sandomierz and Wierzbnica were in the governorship of Piotrkôw, while the governorship of Kielce contained the districts of Dabrow, Jedrzejôw, Kielce, Olkusz, Pinczôw, Stopnica (Busko-Zdroj) and Wloszczowa. From September 1915, these two governorships were united, with its administrative seat in Kielce, with the seat in Lublin from October of that year. The Governor General was the highest official with regard to administration and the judiciary and had oversight over military units on his territory. The top official of the district [powiat] was the Commandant [komendant], who was responsible for the military, administrative, economic and judicial affairs of the district. As auxiliary organs of the commandant were commands at stage stations [on highways] or police stations. The commands contained political functionaries, an engineer, doctor, veterinarian, school inspector, financial functionaries and officials dealing with problems of agriculture and forests. In 1918 the Regency Council divided the territory which had been under Austrian control into districts [powiat] governed by district offices. Spring 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 17 H ft Gubernia Council of Radom [Rzad Gubernialny Radomski (RGR)] 1845-1866 (with some documents as early as 1800, some as late as 1898) 2,370 archival units, 89.81 linear meters On the basis of the edict of 1837, the wojewodztwo was renamed a gubernia. The Wojewodztwo of Sandomierz was renamed the Gubernia of Sandomierz. In 1845 a new administrative reorganization divided the Kingdom of Poland into five gubernias. As a result of joining the Gubernia of Sandomierz with the Gubernia of Kielce, the Gubernia of Radom was formed, which was administered by the Gubernia Council of Radom located in Radom. Within its territory, the Council carried out the orders of the central government, maintained public order and provided personal security for citizens and exercised oversight over public and private property. At the head of the Council was the Civil Governor. The Council administered its territory with the aid of various divisions: general services, administration, fiscal and military/police. The collection of acts of the RGR consists primarily of generalia (about 80%) created by the RGR itself, which came into being in 1845, or special acts relating to the southern part of Radom Gubernia. This collection also contains acts of the administrative offices of the territory prior to the creation of the RGR. Some of the acts relating to the southern part of Radom Gubernia for 1845-1866 have been transferred to the State Archives in Kielce. The incompleteness of the RGR collection is a result of, among other things, reorganization of the governmental administration. In 1867 the RGR began to use the archival materials of its predecessor; as a matter of course they were appended to the current collection of the creator of the new records. Another reason for the incompleteness was the change in competence of the governing authority, causing the records to be moved, i.e., the Schools Directorate, the fiscal offices, the Council of State Property. Various historical cataclysms had their effect on the size of the collection. The record collection of the RGR is now maintained in the archives on the basis of permanent deposit of the State Archives of Kielce. It contains: Administrative Section, 1800-1870, 1784 archival units: adminstrative divisions, organization of offices and their location, permanent billets [jobs], pension provisions, personal affairs of employees, administration of municipal forests, disbursement of municipal payments, amortization of loans, funds for maintaining hospitals, regulation of weights and measures for villages, income from state buildings, fire protection, issuance of tariffs for traffic on the Wisla; communal affairs in villages, historical descriptions of villages; regulation of land registry for estates, the accession of estates to the Land Credit Company [Towarzystwo Kredytowe Ziemskie], establishment, funding and repair of churches, organization of secular clergy, functioning of monasteries, oversight of synagogues, legates. Fiscal Section, 1821-1866 (1898), 388 archival units: compensation of fiscal contributions, shares of the Warsaw-Vienna Railroad Company, inquiries into fiscal debts, rents and regulations, payments from owners of mills and sawmills, statutory work required from estate homesteads, holders of profits, payment of percentages, inspection of funds. Military/Police Section, 1822-1864, 198 archival units: maintenance of night patrols in towns, surveillance, reward of good deed with medals, foreigners, lists of names of persons allowed to return from abroad, questions regarding offices and stations for transportation, regulations with regard to: servants, daylaborers, rural workers, hospitals and houses of refuge, guard houses; jailhouses and other places of imprisonment, appointment of doctors, delivery of medicine. The record collection of the RGR (Radom-Kielce) is microfilmed from signatures 1 -3268, microfilm numbers G 90267-903546. Radom Gubernia Council (RRG) [Radomski Rz^d Gubernialy] (Radomskoe Gubernskoe Pravlenie) 1867-1917 10,085 archival units, 90 linear meters The Radom Gubernia Council began on 1 January 1867 with the administration of a newly formed Gubernia of Radom (with reduced territory). The adminstrative changes were made for political reasons, since the occupation government could thus keep closer oversight over the social life of the territory. Personnel changes in the chancelleries of various offices created a further stage of Russification. The broad and numerous competencies of the Council were organized into eight sections: the chairman's chancellery, and sections for administration, military/police, finance, public lands, judiciary, medicine and security. 18 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Spring 2001 With the creation in 1869 of fiscal offices, the sections for finance and public lands were liquidated. The security section ceased functioning in 1893. The Gubernia Council made decisions in a collégial manner, at sessions in which not only the governor and his representatives took part, but also employees of the various sections, judges, medical inspectors, and civil engineers or construction personnel. The RGR also had archives, a printing house and editorial board of the Gubernia official gazette. The records of the RGR were partly removed deep into Russia during the evacuation of occupation government offices in 1915. They were returned in 1923 and 1926 and deposited in the municipal archives in Radom, and after World War II ended up in the State Archives in Radom. Chairman's Chancellery [Kancelaria Prezydialna] (records of the editor of the offical gubernia gazette "Gubernia Vedomosti", reports of accountants, fire department and executions) 1867-1917: protocols of sessions of the Gubernia Council, materials of the "Radomskie Gubernialnie Wiadomosci", materials concerning fines for the illegal teaching of children in private homes (signatures 1-1034). Administrative Section [Wydzial Administracyjny] (general reports, and reports on inspections, construction, roads, munipalities, spiritual affairs, requisitions and bookkeeping) 1867-1917: statistics on the material well-being of workers, data on the numbers of farm vehicles, cases of taking Russian citizenship, lists of foreigners; appointments of deans and rabbis, lists of clergy, confirmations of the register of members of church custodianship, information on the opening of cheders, financial reports of synagogue treasuries, data on church income, reports on the division of religious property, materials regarding legal meetings and various sects; information on the opening of schools, organization of clubs, publication of newpapers and other publicatons; technical drawings for the construction of industrial, residential and sacral buildings, fortification of towns, electrification; construction of roads and bridges, hospitals, cemeteries, public buildings; statistical data relating to factories, quarries, artisan's workshops; organization of markets and fairs, information on prices of various articles and transportation fees; matters of administrative divisions, data on the organization of the gubernia, government positions, awards, punishments, complaints against officials, inspection of municipal adminstrations; information about the committess for statistics, health, fire protection, trade and community organizations (signatures 1035-7716). Military/Police Section [Wydzial Wojenno-Policyjny] (reports on conscription, prisoners, local guards [straza ziemska] and police) 1867-1917: information on the number, relocation and drilling of soldiers, matters regarding housing of residents; maintenance of prisoners, arrests and prosecution of crimes (signatures 7717-8980). Finance Section [Wydzial Finansowy] (general, bookkeeping, and tax reports) 1867-1869: tax books, books of district treasuries, registers of income from taprooms, inspections, and balances of economic funds (signatures 8981-9091). Section of Public Lands [Wydzial Dobr Paristwowych] (economic reports, forests) 1867-1873: adminstration of public lands and forests; statistical data about plantings and harvests, animal livestock, fisheries, financial holdings, markets, income from lands and forests; information about fires, epidemics, floods, harvest failures (signatures 9092-9117). Legal Section [Wydzial Prawny] 1867-1909: border disputes, legal aid (signatures 9118-9251). Medical Section [Wydzial Lekarski] (general, pharmacy and veterinary reports) 1867-1916: data on the number of doctors, pharmacists, surgeons, midwives, pharmacies, out-patient clinics, hospitals, institutions (for old, poor) and epidemics (signatures 9252-9886 and 9887-9899). Insurance Section [Wydzial Ubezpieczeii] 1867-1893: insurance of waterways in Sandomierz, compensation for the loss of livestock because of epidemic, compilation of lists of horned livestock and the collection of insurance premiums for them, removals and appointments to the position of insurance officials in the districts of Opatow and Sandomierz, information for the Department of the Economy on the insuring of livestock, the fire in Jedlinsk in 1890, control of private construction in the towns of Radom and Kowala and the district of Sandomierz, compilation of statistics on buildings that were insured, fires in Radom Gubernia in 1892, and receipts and expenditures of moneys with regard to insurance (signatures 9900-9919). Records complementing various sections (signatures 9920-10085). Spring 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 19 Fromy4£ta dotyczqce Zydôw w radomskim Archiwum Panstwowym (1815-1950), by Adam Penkalla. pages 21-31: 2. General administration records Administration of Gubernia of Radom I [Rzad Gubernialny Radomski I] (1815-1866) The collection contains archivalia resulting from the activity of the above-named level of the central state administration, functioning on the territory of the Gubernia of Radom. The archivalia in the Radom fond relate only to the former Wojewôdztwo of Sandomierz between the years 1807-1845, and the Gubernia of Radom, but within the administrative boundaries of that gubernia after 1866. The records of the remaining part of the gubernia, part of the former Wojewôdztwo of Krakôw, are in the Kielce Archives. Jewish issues are found in some of the volumes and in principle relate mostly to the affairs and events mentioned below. The records of 1807-1866 are primarily in Polish, with a smaller amount in Russian and Yiddish The changes in the organization of Jewish religious communities, in the groups responsible for the care of synagogues, whose functions were carried out solely with regard to religious and charitable matters, form the correspondence of those interested in these matters within the structure of state administration (vol. 4338). Also treated within the records is the question of finance of care of synagogues, with lists of rabbis and cheder teachers (melamedim) supported by the community, as well as matters of construction and care of community buildings (vol. 4339-4340). A characteristic professional group connected with supervision but also having a great social significance were rabbis. Archival materials provide information on 62 persons engaged in the profession of rabbi in 21 communities (vol.: 4349,4344,4347-4350, 4353, 4355-4356, 4358-4360, 4362-4365, 43684369, 4371-4375, 4380-4381, 4385). In one of the volumes (vol. 4339) we find a list of rabbis from the districts of Radom, Stopnica and Opoczno. As permanent full-time rabbis, they worked primarily in towns in which there was a synagogue supervisory committee. On the other hand there were volunteer rabbis in some towns, unpaid assistants of the permanent rabbi. That category of rabbi also was responsible for the religious life of Jewish agricultural colonies that existed in the Gubernia of Radom. A significant portion of the archivalia arose in connection with the synagogal supervisory committees in individual localities. These were primarily documents connected with the economic bases of the supervisory committes themselves: distribution of synagogue funds to individual families, depending on the funds available; community accounts, budget and inventory. Some archivalia relate to localities in which no supervisory committee existed; other records relate to matters connected with the appointment of rabbis and synagogue supervisors; construction and restoration of synagogue buildings and holdings of income from mikvah and kosher meat butchers; reading of the Torah roll, places in synagogue. In some volumes one finds correspondence of supervisory committees with state administrative structures and records of investigations in cases of financial improprieties. The above records relate, at various times, to the synagogue supervisory committees in the following places: Ciepielôw (vol. 4341); Drzewica (vol. 4342-4343); Ilza (vol. 4344); Iwaniska (vol. 4345-4346); Janowiec (vol. 4347); Kazanôw (vol. 4348); Klwow (vol. 4349); Kohskie (vol. 4350-4351); Kozienice (vol. 4352-4353); Lipsko (vol. 4354); Magnuszew (vol. 4355); Opatôw (vol. 4356-4358); Opoczno (vol. 43594360); Ostrowiec (vol. 4361); Ozarow (vol. 4362); Polaniec (vol. 4363); Przedborz (vol. 4364); Przysucha (vol. 4365); Przytyk (vol. 4366-4367); Radom (vol. 4368-4371); Radoszyce (vol. 4372-4373); Rakôw (vol. 4374.4375); Ryczywôl (vol. 4376); Sandomierz (vol. 4377-4379); Sienno (vol. 4380); Staszôw (vol. 43814383); Szydiowiec (vol. 4384); and Widoma Przedborska (vol. 4385). A group of records contain historical descriptions of towns in the gubernia, in which one finds information about the number of Jews in individual places and notes about their role in the local economy. Such records are: Bialobrzegi (vol. 2131); Ciepielôw (vol. 2227); Cmielôw (vol. 2232); Denkôw (vol. 2244); Drzewica (vol. 2239); Gielniôw (vol. 2265); Gliniany (vol. 2266); Gïowaczôw (vol. 2268); Gniewoszôw and Granica (vol.2270); Gowarczow (vol. 2272); Kazanôw (vol. 2308); Klimontôw (vol. 2364); Koriskie (vol. 2370); Kozienice (vol. 2398); Lipsk (vol. 2445); Ostrowiec (vol. 2540); Ozarow (vol. 2545); Poianiec (vol. 2615); Przedborz (vol. 2643); Przysucha (vol. 2648); Przytyk (vol. 2649); Radom (vol. 2698); Ryczywôl (vol. 2719); Sandomierz (vol. 2728); Sienno (vol. 2746); Solec (vol. 2825); Staszôw (vol. 2826); Szydiowiec (vol. 20 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Spring 2001 2904); Wachock (vol. 2913); Wierzbica (vol. 2915); Wierzbnik (vol. 2916); Zawichost (vol. 2962); and Zwoleri (vol. 2972); Among the archivalia we can find information about matters connected with Jewish leases of places of consumption in various towns. These are primarily lease agreements, protocols of auctions and correspondence concerning the realization of the leases, as well as records of investigations in cases of various types of fraud. Several records relate to the following places: Denkôw (vol. 9530); Drzewica (vol. 9531 ); Grabowiec (vol. 9533); Jedlirisk (vol. 9534); Kazanôw (vol. 9536); Klimontow (vol. 9540); Klwôw (vol. 9541); Koprzywica (vol. 9542); Ostrowiec (vol. 9552); Polaniec (vol. 9556); Przysucha (vol. 9559); Przytyk (vol. 9560); Szydtowiec (vol. 9572); Tarlôw (vol. 9573); Wasniôw (vol. 9574), Zwoleri (vol. 9578). Some of the volumes relate to Jewish leases of taprooms in individual towns or villages belonging to them. There are general contracts, protocols on establishment, sometimes disputes resulting in investigations or court cases. In addition to general matters (vol. 9676-9678), the issue of taprooms relates to various places: Gielniôw (vol. 9778); Gowarczôw (vol. 9779); Itza (vol. 9780-9781 ); Jastrzab (vol. 9784); Kozienice (vol. 9791); Kunôw (vol. 9792); Lagôw (vol. 9802); Opatôw (vol. 9803); Opoczno (vol. 9801, 9804); Radom (vol. 9812-9817); Radoszyce (vol. 9818-9819); Ryczywôl (vol. 9821 ); Sandomierz (vol. 98329834); Skaryszew (vol. 9837); Solec (vol. 9838); Wasniôw (vol. 9859-9860); and Wierzbica (vol. 9861). Records have survived of investigations of local financial offices in connection with accusations of fraud in the case of various consumption goods. These are letters of the financial office to the gubernia administration concerning abuses (with documentation), losses sustained by the state treasury and court decisions. The following volumes contain localities in which a Jew was a party to the matter: Gowarczôw (vol. 10278); Klimontow (vol. 10284); Kozienice (vol. 10287); Lipsko (vol. 10295); Lagôw (vol. 10296); Opatôw (vol. 10308); Osiek (vol. 10309); Ostrowiec (vol. 10310); Przedbôrz (vol. 10332); Przysucha (vol. 10324); Staszow (voi. 10330); and Tariôw (vol. 10339). The next group of records relate to Jews in various localities accused of committing economic crimes. These were often illegal operation of a taproom or engaging in a profession without official approval. The archivalia are in general correspondence of various levels of state administration, the courts, police or other governmental structures that were interested in the case. These records are grouped in volumes: 10364, 10368, 10370, 10376, 10387,10389,10392-10395, 10411,10414, 10416, 10428, 10430, 10436, 10439, 10447, 10451-10452, 10458, 10461, 10465, 10467-10468, 10482-10486. Records also tell us about Jews who converted to Catholicism (vol. 43 87) or Russian Orthodoxy (vol. 4336); they bring us closer to the complex problems of changing the traditional Jewish structures into more common usage (vol. 4388-4389). There are records about the introduction of hearses as a result of regulations about burying the dead (vol. 4390); registration in the records of USC [Urzad Stanu Cywilnego Office of Civil Registration] (vol. 4290); concerning Jewish owners of bookstores or reading rooms (vol. 4310-4311). In the case of Staszôw, archivalia relate to the construction and restoration of buildings of the religious community and Jewish residents in the town (vol. 2827). In one of the volumes are kept records about Catholic institutions that, during the period prior to the Partitions [1795], invested their funds with local Jewish elders (vol. 4396). Radom Gubernia Administration II [In Polish: Radomski Rza.d Gubernialny. In Russian: Radomskoe Gubernskoe Pravlenia] (1867-1917) Created in 1867, Radom Gubernia existed until the outbreak of the First World War, consisting of the following districts: Itza, Koriskie, Kozienice, Opatôw, Opoczno, Radom and Sandomierz. The office was the central administrative organ of the state in the above territory, and from which came records for the territory and a variety of other preserved documents. An important group of documents were connected with the functioning of Jewish religious communities. The gubernia authorities had control over the realization of their budgets, accepted them for confirmation, approved the hiring of state workers for the community and legalized selected members of the organizations carrying out general supervision of synagogues. The use of community buildings was to a significant degree decided with the agreement of the supervisory committee, by right of ownership and use. These archivalia are in Russian. The largest group of these records are connected with the financial bases of the supervisory committees of the synagogues, whose function here remained auxiliary to their religious role. The archivalia Spring 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 I,-. ' *• * " . , • • 21 *• arose as a result of the oversight by state administrative authorities over budgets in the localities listed below. In addition to the proposed and confirmed budget, a list of names of those paying community taxes who belonged to the supervisory committee. They were classified into five groups depending on the property whose value determined the size of the tax. There was also an indication of movable and immovable property of the community. Other sources of income of the community was also taken into account, including leases for reading of the Torah, occupying places of honor in the synagogue and leases of community buildings (mikvah and kosher meat butchers). Also included was correspondence with regard to these matters. The relevant archivalia in all volumes, which have survived in various degrees, relate to the following localities: Bialobrzegi (vol.: 4247,4272,4350,4384,4441,4634,4955, 5049, 5103. 5620. 5649, 5946, 6025-6027, 6049. 62456246. 6323, 6677-6679, 7024, 7029, 7270); Bogoria (vol.: 4291,4334,4382,4457,5052,5166,5234,5236.5297,5434,5889,6066,6290-6292,6617-6619,7421, 7554); Ciepielôw (vol.: 4270, 4316, 4337, 5163, 5302-5303, 5337, 5564, 5566, 5621, 5762, 5776, 5934, 6098, 6317-6319, 6467-6468, 6615, 6665. 7046, 7054, 7120, 7244, 7298. 7318); Cmielôw (vol.: 4409, 7320); Drzewica (vol.: 4275, 4296, 4932, 4998, 4990, 5122, 5311, 5335, 5544, 5601, 5806- 5807, 5842, 5942, 6084, 6113, 6119, 6381, 6411, 7042-7043, 7104, 7117, 7263, 7346.7449); Glowaczôw (vol.: 4930, 5079, 5285, 5437, 5490, 5534, 5672, 5846, 5851, 6481, 6645, 6681, 7188, 7240); Gniewoszôw (vol.: 4283,4357,4421.4957, 5213,5771,5799). From 1897 the records relate to both Gniewoszow and Granica (vol.: 5856, 5903, 6132, 6363, 6488-6491, 6494,6623, 7084, 7187, 7228, 7277, 7425, 7472, 7553); Gowarczôw (vol.: 4281, 4321,4375,4433, 5009, 5111,5475-5478,5542, 6002, 6059,6189,6190, 6250,6362, 6457, 6686, 7011, 7081, 7303, 7353, 7388, 7437, 7473); Granica (vol.: 4308,4422, 4956,4966, 5123, 5228, 5614, 5800); Hza (vol.:4262, 4326, 4349, 4395, 4450, 4962, 5053, 5159, 5124, 5254, 5751, 6079, 6201-6203, 6220, 6258, 6475, 7019, 7034, 7041, 7219, 7453-7454); Iwaniska (vol.: 4303, 4344, 4378, 4453, 4538, 4923, 4952, 4993, 5128, 5275, 5619, 5351, 5541, 5653, 5682, 5817, 5848, 5906, 5900, 6046, 6061, 6139, 6231, 6346, 6351, 6417, 6404, 7100, 7205, 7231, 7243, 7292, 7343, 7485, 7540); Janowiec (vol.: 4309, 4427, 4483, 4937, 5151, 5789, 6208, 6358, 6367, 6404-6407, 6641. 7091, 7189, 7228, 7288, 7404, 7440, 7449, 7549); Kazanôw (vol.: 4135, 4324, 4345, 4400, 5164, 5492-5496, 5595, 5698, 5847, 5871, 6069, 6432, 6561, 7131, 7202, 7224,7315,7433); Klimontow (vol.: 4096,4351,4383, 5008, 5059, 5077, 5137, 5354-5356, 5861, 6099, 6177, 6419, 7015, 7175-7177, 7179,7272-7275,7468); Klwow (vol.: 4271,4285,4958,5018-5019,5441,5610,5540,5557,6082.6386,6442,6609,7031-7032,7093,7146, 7212, 7238, 7302, 7348, 7396, 7495); Koriskie (vol.: 4279,4381,4448,4704,4706,4812,4942,4976,5078,5094,5131,5178,5221,5284,5324,5413-5515, 5533,5580,5703,5754,5835,5843,5935,-5936,6029,6184,6215-6216,6229,6388-6389,6598,7002-7003, 7098, 7241, 7322-7323, 7350, 7483, 7513, 7528, 10074); Koprzywnica (vol.: 4503,5073,5158,5225,5289,5277,5346,5462,5585,5790,6064,6420,6567-6570,7264,73707373, 7390-7392, 7559-7560); Kozienice (vol.: 4071, 4295,4360, 4417, 4484, 4582, 4599, 4690,4699, 4769, 4811, 4949, 5041-5042, 5088, 5200, 5214,5350,5419,5519,5609,5780-5781,5913-5914,6060,6263,6306,6354,6455,6658,7102,7199,7215, 7257, 7287, 7344, 7405, 7498, 7555); Kunôw (vol.: 6378, 7050, 7135, 7139, 7140-7142, 7254, 7293, 7444, 7478, 7537); Lipsko (vol.: 4274,4340,4342,4389,4426,4455,5039,5161,5570,5573,5592, 5596,5674-5675,6003,6062,6080, 6447, 7122, 7314, 7397, 7558); Lagôw (vol.: 4944, 5212, 5175, 5286, 5552, 5677, 5684, 5860, 6307-6308, 6315, 7016, 7049, 7232, 7283, 7341); Magnuszew (vol.: 4224,4284,4355,4406,4936, 5071,5076,5207,5432, 5616. 5667-5668, 5937, 5971, 6359, 66596660, 6662, 7062, 7074, 7109, 7206, 7246, 7316, 7422, 7439); Opatôw (vol.: 4268,4323,4363,4374,4440,4778,4815,4543,4587,4641,4686,4696,4705,4921,4965,5109,5244, 5323,5333,5474,5510,5538,5635,5665,5745,5764,5777-5778,5879,5948,5954-5955,6125-6126,6130, 6213,6247,6279,6394,6585,6601,6682,6684-85,7007,7025,7138,7161,7214,7301,7398-7399,7489); Opoczno (vol.: 4120,4294,4347,4452,4707,4762, 5226,5599,5679,5680,5574-75, 5933,6018, 6120,6140,6183, 6276,6283,6384,6398,6522,6629,6661,7137,7208,7213,7378,7331,7411,7462,7464,7496,7515-17); Osiek (vol.: 4959,5002, 5074, 5172, 5805, 5278, 5403,5531, 5543,5558, 5840, 5873,6089,6117, 6332-6335, 6436, 6493, 6563-6566, 6576, 7070); 22 Kielce-Radom S1G Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Spring 2001 Ostrowiec (vol.:4289, 4377, 4454, 4656, 4703. 4713, 4767, 4920, 4979, 5117-5118, 5189, 5224, 5276. 5308, 5794, 5318,5426,5483,5525,5527,5603,5686-5687,5858-5859,5865,6011,6074,6078,6127-6129,6243,6274, 6344, 6482. 6560. 6648. 6680, 7005. 7136. 7210, 7300, 7345, 7438, 7475, 7534); Ozarôw (vol.: 4267,4288.4353,4439,4478.4534,4640,4964,4997,5216,5259,5553,5815,5850,5876,5984,63476350, 6382, 6649-6650, 7048, 7064, 7225, 7271, 7285, 7340, 7387, 7450, 7541); Polaniec (vol.: 4397-4398, 4445, 5029, 5067, 5152, 5358, 5366, 6073, 6239 -6241, 6683. 7252, 7328, 7426); Przedbôrz (vol.: 4297. 4356, 4404, 4449. 4545, 4665. 4729,4960, 5003, 5135, 5240, 5325, 5457, 5526, 5550. 5768, 5803, 5855, 5904-5905, 5916, 5986, 5988, 6075. 6103. 6057, 6070, 6115, 6166, 6195, 6251, 6280, 6320, 6361,6373,6379,6387,6400,6534-6535,6656,6670,6688,7069,7086,7190,7269,7294,7428-7429,7469, 7527, 10073): Przysucha (vol.: 4263, 4329, 4480, 5266-5267, 5410, 5600. 6595, 6666, 7251, 7295- 7297, 7448, 7455); Przytyk (vol.: 4331,4340, 4380, 4443,4635,4995, 5066, 5365, 5981, 6093, 6188, 7085, 7451, 7506); Radom (vol.: 4026.4076.4298.4352,4366,4402,4633,4637,4717,4735,4926,5197,5201,5253,5342,5357,5401 5402, 5306, 5310, 5398. 5404, 5418, 5485, 5512-5513, 5567, 5578, 5683, 5693, 5709, 5809, 5870, 5929, 5930-5931,5940,6017,6058,6088,6095,6131,6135,6206-6207,6221,6236,6289,6376,6412,6421.6434, 6482, 6538, 6540, 6549, 6647, 7028, 7036-7037, 7058, 7082, 7101, 7147, 7220, 7284, 7307, 7324, 7332, 7339, 7353, 7375, 7394, 7457-7458, 7463,7514,7530,7533, 7547, 7564, 10018); Radoszyce (vol.: 4266, 4314, 4420, 4476, 5630. 5647, 5654, 5862, 6329, 6364. 7304, 6502-6503, 6519-6520, 7073, 7222, 7349, 7480); Rakôw (vol.: 4292,4354,4951.4991,4460,5188,5279,5615,5788,5852,6020.6366,6375,6410,6463-6464,7230, 7245, 7247, 7280. 7451, 7479, 7532); Ryczywôl (vol.: 4287, 4328,4425,4482, 5035, 5327, 5550, 5618, 5182, 5664, 6053, 6668-6669, 7103, 7265, 7447); Sandomierz (vol.: 4282,4335,4388.4462,4692,4736,4796,4810,4974, 5058, 5091,5106, 5249, 5320, 5397, 5577, 5746, 5759, 5845, 6015, 6038. 6176, 6337 -6340, 6341, 6402, 6531, 7310, 7319, 7366-7369, 7420); Sienno (vol.: 4315, 4390,4401, 4470, 4961, 4963, 5047, 5149, 5160, 5280, 5444, 6097, 7223, 7456, 7504); Skaryszew (vol. 10055); Solec (vol.:5028, 5040, 5104, 5125, 5165, 5298, 5581, 5655, 5773, 6101, 6408, 6587-6592, 7061-7062, 7111, 72487249, 7470, 7536); Staszow (vol.: 4336,4393,4468,4662,4685,4726.4738.4929,4973,5098,5257- 5358,5167,5307,5480,5691 -5692, 5785, 5887, 5961, 6065, 6149, 6209, 6219, 6345, 6574-6575, 6584, 6644, 7095, 7124, 7236, 7262, 7308, 7487,7538,10032,10050); Stromiec(vol.:7312, 7477); Szydlowiec (vol.: 4322,4373,4434,4928,4975,4636,4814,4954, 5156, 5489, 5498, 5801, 5212. 5238-5239, 5399, 5522, 5549, 5854, 5872, 5880, 5910, 6042, 6056, 6143, 6214, 6355. 6368, 6433, 6460, 6486, 6697, 7006, 7216-7217, 7233, 7432, 7481.7535); Tartôw (vol.: 4314,4327, 4343,4394, 5031, 5033, 5154, 5627, 5782, 6000, 6454, 7055, 7121, 7221, 7452, 7534); Wierzbnik (now Starachowice) (vol.: 7268, 7500); Widoma Przedborska (now Przedbôrz) (vol.: 4300, 4358, 4407,4442,4666, 4967); Wolanôw (vol.: 4273, 4330, 4372, 4438,4953, 5187, 5199, 5314, 5560, 5853, 5897, 6158, 6200, 6298-6299, 6405, 7279, 7286); Zawichost (vol.: 4338,4304, 4396,4474,4668,4670,4782, 5072, 5157, 5520 -5521, 5252, 5288, 5389, 5793, 5841, 6054, 6237, 6395, 6451, 6543-6547, 7044, 7267, 7414-7417, 7419, 7484, 7550-7552); Zwoleri (vol.: 4583,4649,4697,4764,4935,4940,5016,5233,5347,5349,5500,5511,5574,5756,5849,5857,5952, 6081, 6148, 6168, 6238, 6353, 6403, 6470, 7170, 7256); Zamow (vol.: 4293, 4403, 4939,4943,5336, 5337, 5556, 5602, 6091, 6375, 7017); Radom Gubernia. General matters, mostly settlement of synagogue accounts on the gubernia level (vol.: 4024, 4539, 4590, 5763, 5867, 5926, 5956, 5970, 5979, 5982, 6086, 6193 6293, 6259, 6286, 6505, 7094, 7196, 7359, 7383, 7403); The next group of archivalia connected with the functioning of the supervisory committees of synagogues relates to rabbis and cantors. I define these as personal records. Beside the group of records pertaining to cantors (vol.: 5321,5584, 5727, 6032,9995,10019,10038) the greatest number provide information about rabbis working in the territory of the gubernia, about individuals fulfilling the duties of state or volunteer rabbis in 43 localities which were seats of synagogue supervisory committees (vol.: 4099,4127,4130,4185,4218,4243,4306,4341, 4346, 4359, 4365, 4456, 4459, 4472, 4486, 4515. 4523, 4531, 4533, 4566, 4572. 4585, 4729, 4734, 4775, 4795,4924,5030,5050-5051,5083,5116,5138,5145-5146,5148,5207,5217,5229-5230,5270.5291,5326, 5352, 5367, 5412, 5468, 5629, 5944, 5976, 6033, 6043, 6083, 6106, 6149, 6328, 6403, 6542, 6653, 7125, 7235, 7321, 7374, 7402, 7453, 7461, 7465, 7490, 7507, 10008, 10010, 10016-10017, 10027-10029, 1003110032, 10040, 10044, 10053, 10061). In some of these volumes there is a list of names of rabbis working in the territory of the gubemia in 1910 (vol. 7313) and rules for the selection of arabbi in the Kingdom of Poland (vol.4612). Spring 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 23 The form and content of the above records were dictated by regulations. The records are primarily correspondence between a religious community and various state adminstrative structures. Among the archivalia are general communications from the supervisory committees of synagogues about the need to hire a rabbi together with justification, or communications from those interested in the position with the necessaryaccompanying documents. Among these are certificates of nonpunishability and loyalty, biography of the candidate, certification of professional ability from other rabbis, certification about knowledge of Polish before 1867 and Russian after that date provided by an elementary school teacher. There was a filled-out declaration of work for a specified remuneration and a protocol of selection of the candidate by his fellow Jews. The file was completed by a resolution by the civil governor naming the rabbi and a report on the solemn initiation of the candidate to the synagogue. There are also documents connected with a change in place of work, as well as breaks in work caused by sickness or removal to a sanatorium. In some volumes, these documents have not survived in their entirety. The next group of records relate to candidates for rabbi (vol.: 5023, 5030, 5043, 5208, 5211, 5237, 5370-5371,5378-5379,5382-5384,5388,5435,5438-5439,5442.5445,5447-5449,5466,5656,5811,5814, 5816, 5827-5828, 5830-5831, 5892-5893, 6069, 6226, 7396). To be sure, in some cases the candidates named in the records did not take up work on the territory of the gubernia, but depending on the type of work I name them in that place. The genesis of the records was connected with the existence in the office of the civil governor of an examination commission for candidates residing not only in Radom Gubernia but also in neighboring gubernias. Among the archivalia is correspondence from those who were interested in taking the examinations, certifications from the administration of the candidate's place of residence about his political and moral standing and examination work in Russian (some candidates wrote autobiographies in this form), and protocols from the examination commission evaluating the language knowledge of the candidate and his basic knowledge of administrative law. These were requirements for taking up the position as rabbi. When the candidate passed the examination he had a certificate of qualification forthe office of rabbi, accompanied by a photograph, giving him the right to engage in that profession throughout the Empire. There are copies of these certificates in the records. [For more information, see Kielce-Radom SIG Journal, V: 1 (Winter 2001 ), pages 16-23]. Archivalia relating to the localities named below, in which there were synagogue supervisory committees, tell us also about the members of the committees, and about matters connected with their selection and performance. Bialobrzegi (vol. 6249); Bogoria(vol. 4305, 5598,6321,6646); Ciepielôw (vol. 4414, 5959,6690); Drzewica (vol. 5822, 7080); Gniewoszow-Granica (vol. 6452, 6515); Gowarczôw (vol. 5945, 6639); Giowaczow (vol. 7143); Hza (vol. 5170, 5228, 5422, 5589, 7153); Iwaniska (vol. 5024, 6109, 6657); Janowiec (vol. 5262, 5551, 6557); Kazanôw (vol. 4391, 5385, 5718, 6472, 7160, 10030); Klimontôw (vol. 5443, 6664); Klwôw (vol. 5377, 5733, 5918, 6019, 6401); Konskie (vol. 5034, 5597, 5712, 5947, 6577); Koprzwnica (vol. 5958, 6185, 6692); Kozienice (vol. 4260, 5060, 5964, 6674, 7144); Lipsko (vol. 5586, 7149, 10021, 10028); Lagôw (vol. 5820, 7053); Magnuszew (vol. 5219); Opatôw (vol. 5176, 5735, 5973, 6606-6607); Opoczno (vol. 53 80,5739,6194); Ostrowiec (vol. 5017,5248,6174,6608); Ozarôw (vol. 4788, 5013,5716,5797,6309); Polaniec(vol. 6022,6573); Przedb6rz(vol. 5251,6187,6372,6553,7039); Przytyk (vol. 4700); Radom (vol. 4220, 5506, 5661, 5972,6152,6253,9980); Radoszyce (vol. 5204, 6542); Rakôw (vol. 5210,5617,6596,7045); Ryczyw61(vol. 5008,5220,5826,6496,6498,7157); Sandomierz(vol. 5180, 5305,6036,6178,6426,7012); Sienno (vol. 6164,6446,7152); Solec (vol.5281,5582,5898,6445); Staszôw (vol. 5356. 5563, 6675); Szydlowiec (vol. 5174, 5832); Tartow(vol. 5032, 5415, 5714, 5968, 6440, 7169); Wolanôw (vol. 6295); Zawichost (vol. 5136, 5517, 6155, 7018); Zwoleri (vol. 5001, 5124, 6423, 7033); Zaraow (vol. 5753, 7051); Radom Gubernia: records relating to confirmation of members of supervisory committees (vol. 7336, 7379, 7462, 7521). The next group of records connected with the functioning of the synagogue supervisory committees provides information on the use of community buildings of various types. They also relate to use of buildings by Jews in localities where they resided but where there was no synagogue supervisory committee. These buildings were synagogues, baths [mikvah], kosher butcheries, prayer houses, cheders and cemeteries. The archivalia provide information about the construction, reconstruction, or closure of buildings, about the appropriation of funds for their use; about the opening of permanent prayer houses in private buildings or of temporary ones during Jewish holidays. In the case of construction work, the record is created according to rules on building estimates and architectural drawings. 24 Kieke-Radom S1G Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Spring 2001 Records are available for the following localities (numbers are for volumes): Bialobrzegi (4549, 5107 mikvah; 4040 synagogue and mikvah; 10035 prayer house); Blizyn (9949 prayerhouse);CiepieI6w(4749 cheder); Cmielôw (6151 prayer house); Dwikozy (5568 prayer house); Firlej, now part of Radom (6137 prayer house); Gielniow (6415 prayer house); Glowaczôw (5007 prayer house; 5631 mikvah); Ilza (6281 synagogue; 6360 prayer house); Iwaniska (5340,6254 mikvah; 5725 prayer house); Jedlirisk (5222 mikvah; 9923 prayer house); Klimontôw (4079, 5908, 6343 mikvah; 6330 cheder); Koriskie (4280 prayer house, cheder; 4741 synagogue; 4244.. 4781, 5177, 5731 mikvah; 5465, 6102, 9945 prayer house; 6427 mikvah, kosher butcher; 6671 cemetery); Koprzywnica (5643 synagogue; 9948, 9951 prayer house; 5928 cheder; 4675 cemetery); Kozienice (5231, 5562 mikvah; 6631 cheder); Lipsko (5571, 5669 synagogue; 5962 mikvah); Magnuszew (5329,6167 synagogue; 4785 synagogue and mikvah; 5724 mikvah); Odrowaz (9950 prayer house); Opatôw (2690,4561,4793,5105,5726 mikvah; 4725 synagogue; 4446,4770 cemetery; 5728 mikvah, kosher butcher; 9952 poorhouse); Opoczno (4593 synagogue; 6044 prayer house; 7110 synagogue, prayer house, mikvah; 6602, 9941 cheder; 8187 poorhouse); Osiek (4734 prayer house; 4740,6578 cheder); Ostrowiec (5502,5705 mikvah, kosher butcher; 9943 prayer house; 7056 reconstruction of community buildings after a fire); Przedborz (9944 prayer house; 4299 prayer house, cheder; 9983 mikvah, kosher butcher); Przysucha (6480 synagogue; 5283 mikvah, kosher butcher, cheder; 2260 kosher butcher; 9937 cheder); Przytyk (5721 prayer house); Radom (4405,4430,4712 mikvah; 4128,4555 kosher butcher: 5960 mikvah, kosher butcher; 4715 synagogue; 4141, 5943, 9921, 10056, 10064 prayer house; 4650, 6197 cemetery; 4230 kosher meat butcher); Radoszyce (4743 cemetery); Sandomierz (4376, 4498 prayer house, cheder; 5068 prayer house; 6224 mikvah; 9947 cheder; 9982 cemetery); Skaryszew (4399 prayer house; 5092 mikvah; 6023 synagogue, mikvah); SiupiaNowa(9992 collection of funds for construction of prayer house); Staszôw (4254, 5155 mikvah; 5247 cheder; 4719 mikvah, kosher butcher; 6311 prayer house; 5949 synagogue); Szydiowiec (4783, 5998 synagogue; 6007 synagogue, cheder; 7155 mikvah, kosher butcher); Tarlow (5572 mikvah); Zwoleii (4311, 4488, 5613, 5863, 6353 mikvah; 7401 prayer house; 6223 cheder; 5063 poorhouse); Radom Gubernia (2835 cheder construction; 4187 approvals for prayer houses in private residences; 5939 mikvah). As a result of carrying out the decree on equal rights for the Jews (5 June 1862), the limits on migration were eliminated, thus in many localities, with the settlement of Jews, there could be new synagogue supervisory committees. The documentation collected, after the establishment of a supervisory committee, served to justify the financial bases of new religious organizations in: Glowaczôw (vol. 4467, 4592); Gniewoszôw (vol. 7090); Gowarczôw (vol. 4550); Jedlinsk (vol. 5256); Lagôw (vol. 4511); Magnuszew (vol. 7181); Odrzywôl (vol. 6686); Osiek (vol. 4748); Solec (vol. 4681); Wacheck (vol. 7130); Wierzbnik, presently Starachowice (vol. 6495). In some localities, the Jewish populace required the shift from a former supervisory committee to a different one by the easiest means possible. This happened in: Bialaczôw (vol. 7412): Borkowice (vol. 5757); Koloniec (vol. 7306); Kostrzyh (vol. 7282, 7542); Mniszew (vol. 4608); Siupia Nowa (vol. 4807); Sulislawice (vol. 6437, 6625); Szwagrôw (vol. 6687); Widoma Przedborska, now Przedborz (vol. 4787); Wysmierzyce (vol. 6031) and Tczôw (vol. 4447). There are records about change of religious faith, both on the move from Judaism to one of the Christian faiths, usually Roman Catholicism, and on the return to Judaism. This happened most often with individuals who had to change in childhood when their parents changed. The relevant group of records includes protocols of investigation, during which the proselyte, in the presence of clergy and representatives of administrative authorities, gave information about the motives for changing religion. There is also correspondence of various levels of the Catholic Church with state authorities (vol.: 4512,4548,4999,5011, 5056, 5184, 5202, 5227, 5232, 5387, 5392, 5425, 5604. 5673, 5696, 6583, 9922-9931, 9933-9936, 99389940). A rather large group of records relates to fines for illegal teaching in private homes, in which cheders were generally organized. After a description of the facts, the amount of fine was also given, usually in monetary terms (vol.: 842-844,847,850-852,854,856-858,861-864, 867-868,871-888, 890-891, 893,900, 902-904, 906-907, 909, 911-913, 915, 918-920, 923-925, 927-932, 935, 937-941, 943-944, 946, 950, 952, 954-955,959-963,968,970-971,973-977,981,987,992,994,997). One can add to this category complaints against mayors who closed cheders (vol. 5304) or awards given to Jewish teachers for instructing children in Polish, Russian or German (vol. 4364). Spring 2001 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 25 A group of records deal with the construction, reconstruction or repair of residences and commercial buildings, or their modernization, in various localities in the gubernia, mostly in Radom. The owners were Jews. In addition to correspondence, there are also building estimates and architectural plans in the following volumes in various areas: 2086, 2379, 2389, 2392-2393, 2405, 2409, 2411, 2415, 2430, 2437, 2536,2539-2540,2553-2554,2558-2559,2574-2575.2581.2587,2592,2596-2597,2599,2608.2613,26602661,2672,2720,2722.2733-2736,2747,2751 -2752,2758-2761,2764-2766,2774,2780-2782,2784,2884, 2804, 2806, 2822, 3056. Records tell us about the collection of funds to finance the material needs of poor Jews, among others: fuel for winter (vol. 7362, 7566); funds for Jews living in Palestine (vol. 4183, 4203); as part of charities, medical care for poor Jews (vol. 4819); the burial of destitute victims of cholera in Radom after the epidemic of 1894 (vol. 5752). Also included were records on taxes on ploughing (vol. 4481, 5592). There are records on the finances ofthe Jewish hospital in Radom (vol. 2830,6016) and retirement payments to its workers (vol. 7582). After the outbreak of World War I, the Russian administration removed the facilities of personally owned factories, including those owned by Jews (vol. 7655-7659, 7662-7664, 7668-7675). Some records tell us of fines for the illegal selling of produce (vol. 993), including vodka (vol. 7634) and of illegal taprooms (vol. 7635-7636); about Jewish doctors (vol. 9469,9485,9506), including the female nurses ofthe Jewish hospital (vol. 9519). Some volumes relate to the guild of undertakers in Zwoleri (vol. 4547), the appointment of kosher butchers (vol. 4317), the lodging of Hasidic Jews in Radom (vol. 4218); the excommunication of a Jewish baker in Zwoleri (vol. 4236); breaking of state laws during Jewish burials (vol. 10030, 10052); suspicions lodged against the rabbi and members ofthe synagogue supervisory committee in Staszow that they collected funds to buy Jewish recruits out ofthe military (vol. 9979); material about various business enterprises in towns (vol. 1271, 2064, 2089, 2105). Postal Rates Zwoleri Indexes Available We have suffered a financial blow from the January 2001 increase in U.S. postal rates. While the rate for mailing issues to our U.S. subscribers only went from $1.13 to $1.30, those for our foreign subscribers have soared. For example, it used to cost $1.37 to mail an issue to Canada by surface mail whereas the new rate is $2.70. It is now actually cheaper to send the issues by airmail at $2.35 which is what we have been doing. For our European subscribers, surface rates have gone from $1.87 to $3.80 for most countries. The airmail rate for most European countries has gone from $3.84 to $6.40. We won't even talk about how much it now costs to mail to Australia. For that reason, we have dropped the foreign surface mail rate and increased the rates for new Canadian subscribers, as you can see from page 2. To deal with this problem, we are attempting to qualify as a Publishers' Periodical. If we qualify, and we should, our postage rates will go down considerably and we will be using a better postal class (second class versus fourth class) which should improve delivery of our issues. Eventually, this should allow us to reduce our foreign rates considerably though the cost to apply for this is a one time fee of $350. K-R SIG member David Price reports that he has in his possession photocopies ofthe indexes of Jewish births, marriages and deaths for the 6 LDS microfilms of Zwoleri (Kozienice district, Radom gubernia), covering 1826-1877. Another person had previously paid for the photocopies and David was supposed to transliterate the lists and type them up for the KR-SIG Journal and eventually JRI-Poland. The FHL microfilm numbers are #716,373-376 and #1,201,357-358. There are 310 pages of 11" by 17" in size. David having other genealogical projects to work on, if anyone is willing to transliterate and type up the Zwoleri index lists (1826-1867 are in Polish, 1868-1877 are in Russian), he would snail mail the photocopies to you free of charge. Contact: David Price, email: <>. 26 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Spring 2001 The Last Impressions of My Home Town by Abe Zukerman Translated from the Yiddish by Vivian Glass Felsen from Sefer Wierzbnik-Starachowice [Wierzbnik-Starachowitz; a memorial book] Edited by Mark Schutzman. (Tel Aviv: Wierzbnik-Starachowitz Societies, 1973), pages 363 ff. When I decided to leave the tainted land of Poland forever, I was tormented by the thought as to whether I would ever forgive myself, if I did not return to my home town Vierzbnik just to see what it looked like. I knew very well that unfortunately, of my immediate family, relatives and friends, whom I left behind when I was inducted into the Polish army before the war, no one remained alive. I had already given up all hope that any of my dear ones would be found there. Yet instinctively 1 felt drawn to have a last look at the place where I was born and raised. Perhaps it was an inner longing or a call from my subconscious, to at least bid farewell to the earth and stones on which we walked for years, day after day, now soaked with innocent blood which would never dry, permeated with the indescribable pain and torment which the Vierzbenik martyrs had suffered before their terrible deaths. Is it not normal for a human being to long for the dry, silent stones, and the wood used to build the house and home to which he was attached his entire life? This very normal longing at a certain point won over. Nor did I heed the advice and logical arguments of my landslayt to forget about Vierzbnik, because the town was no longer the same as it was. Besides, they told me, it was simply dangerous to go there. Even after the war was over, Polish fascists had killed the few surviving Jews who, just as a bird comes back to its nest which has been destroyed, found their way home. Despite this, I could not change my mind to go to Vierzbnik and take one last look. One evening, while I was in Lodz (where I was living), I went to the train station and bought a ticket. The train was already full when it arrived, and immediately became even more crowded with Polish faces, which frightened me. From the time I stepped into the railway car, no one spoke. I soon saw that I could not expect a comfortable journey, but not for one minute did I waver, or let the discomfort stop me from reaching my goal. I went up the steps with all the non-Jewish passengers and took a standing position. At a sign from the conductor, the train began to move and 1 became an ordinary passenger. After a short time standing pressed against the car, I became cold because the wind was continuously blowing in my face, and my hands began to feel frozen to the iron handrail. This was only a part of the liberties that nature takes with a passenger who chooses to travel in the last and lowest class of the train. The feeling of discomfort subsided as 1 thought for a moment about the insignificance of my present discomfort in comparison to how my dear ones were dragged away in railway cars on their final journey... The locomotive huffed and puffed as it raced along, letting out loud noises every few minutes as if to remind me not to fall asleep on my feet. My eyes strained in the deep darkness, broken only by the flying sparks ejected by the locomotive. After a whole night of traveling, the train neared Starachovitch. the town next to Vierzbnik. The district was very familiar to me and everything looked exactly as before. Nothing had changed, just as though during my entire absence nothing frightening or terrible had happened. We stopped in Starakhovitch [Starachowice] for a short time, as usual, at the station, and soon the wheels began to move again. The thought that in about another 5 or 10 minutes I would be in Vierzbnik, caused my whole body to sweat and tremble. My mood became darker, and my doubt greater. I thought of how different was my present arrival in Vierzbnik: I was coming to the graves of my forefathers, or rather, to the graves of my family, although I did not expect to see even a sign of a grave, because the Nazi murderers had also taken care of that. They did everything to wipe out any trace of their horrible murders. The soldiers carried out their barbarism with such thoroughness, that only the devil disguised as a human being could have Spring 2001 Kiolce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 conceived it. Two minutes later the train suddenly stopped in an open field. I broke out in a cold sweat from head to toe. What did this mean? We knew that very often Polish fascists would stop trains to drag off Jewish passengers and kill them. What could I do but resign myself to my fate and ask God that if anything were to happen, to give me the courage of Samson. Every second seemed an eternity. I strained in every direction to hear from my fellow passengers the reason for the abrupt stop. But my ears were blocked, as if I had lost the ability to hear. I simply could not catch a word. Suddenly, the eternal waiting was over, and the train began to move. This short interlude left a stamp on my heart and it was a miracle that it did not stop beating, It was as though the train itself was infected with poisonous antisemitism and had just wanted to scare me . . . Miraculous escape from the Kielce pogrom We Jews now live as though only with miracles. How else is it that I only escaped the Kielce Pogrom by chance? I was living in the very building where the slaughter took place. A day before the terrible event, I left the city of Kielce with my friend Yehiel-David Speigel from Lagôw for no reason and went to Lodz for a couple of days to see if we could find any of our acquaintances. The journey was not planned in advance. As soon as we had decided to go, we took the first train to Lodz, leaving behind our few "valuables" because we thought that we would be back soon. Thus, completely by chance, we escaped being among the 100 or so who were shot in broad daylight by Polish antisemitic murderers, under the nose of the Stalinist overseers, whose quarters were a five-minute walk from the building where the victims struggled with the murderous attackers for several hours. There is no doubt, that the mere presence of even one of the so-called saviours, would have stopped the dark plan of the murderers. Therefore, their absence and silence indicates their complicity in this horrible pogrom. A Peculiar Strangeness After a few minutes the train stopped and the conductor called out the well-known words 27 "Vierzbnik Station". Trembling and with longing 1 descended the steps of the train and I was home! -- Yes, 1 say "home" because how else can someone refer to the place where he was born and raised, where my whole family lived for as long as I can remember? Once off the train, 1 went through the station with the rest of the Polish passengers. For a moment I thought about how different it was now from before the war when 1 still had a home! As soon as we would leave the station, we would experience a pleasant atmosphere. Today, it is not there. The sweet feeling disappeared with all the Vierzbnik martyrs and you did not need a special sense to feel this. I felt a peculiar strangeness and very uncomfortable, more than before... Where was I going and to whom would 1 speak? I go to our home, 13 Rynek. I take the same road, which I always took. I go through the butchers' street to the market. I can feel my heart beating louder and faster. I am shaking. I am afraid to discover the sad reality with my own eyes, that everything is empty and deserted, that no trace remains of Jewish Vierzbnik which once throbbed with colour and life. Although I know well from several witnesses that Vierzbnik is completely without Jews, although I can more or less imagine how our town now looks and have no illusions that I would find any of my dear ones, I have no inkling of what my emotional response will be when I see it with my own eyes. I reach the market and remain standing at the corner at Yashtal's house near the tavern. Standing here I found myself opposite Shelong's house where my sister Rokhche lived with her husband and their dear children. The Shelong building already had a murderous history, already from before the war. There a Polish anti-Semite, a murderer, came to Yerachmiel Rabinovitch in his shoe shop and shot my friend Moishele Rabinovich, whose young life was cut off by the murderous bullet. When his brother Yaakov Yitzhak chased the anti-Semite, he was also hit by a bullet and suffered for a long time from his wounds. I turn my eyes in the direction of that building and cannot tear them away, as though I am expecting to see someone from my sister's house, or the previous Jewish residents. I do not, however, dare to approach in case one of the new bandit owners were to recognize me. 28 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Drinking from the well of tears From there I went in the direction of our house. I stopped and looked at my house from the outside, and was afraid to go in, in case the new owners found out who I was. What I could not see with my own eyes, I saw with my memory and imagination, including each nook and cranny. But standing in the market at the doorstep of my own house, a strange thing happened to me. I had been tortured the whole time by the fear that when I would actually confront the naked and terrible truth, I would certainly break down and cry a river a tears. The reality, however, was very different. The fear, that something would happen to me in these emotional moments, which would have certainly been absolutely normal, proved to be false. Mow, as I stand face to face with the sad and gruesome reality, now when my understandable shock had reached its height, now as I look at my house and see every detail with my own eyes, it seems as though it wants to speak to me, or perhaps the opposite, that I want to cry out to it. Now, when the reality of my terrible tragedy cannot be greater, when the blister is about to burst, in this painful and anxious moment, I cannot even find the trace of a tear in my eyes. Before the stark facts I stand petrified and have stopped reacting like a normal person, and as a result, my well of tears has been frozen. Thus I go around my home town, feeling like I am at a cemetery. My steps are weak and unsure, as if I were trying to avoid stepping on some Jewish grave. Although I have no one to exchange a word with, everything I approach is like a dumb witness, trying to recount all it has seen. Every house, every place reminds me of something. Although I am in a daze, spiritually and physically broken, and above all not able to think about the recent past, some memories sneak into my mind, as I go by all the former Jewish homes. As I prowl around, I stop for a while at the home of the deceased Chaim Brodbeker, and a shiver goes through my bones. Here, in this house, the Polish anti-Semites, the former Hitler helpers and now the loyal heirs of the Nazis slaughtered those few Vierzbnik Jews who had miraculously saved themselves. The war was already over, but Jewish lives were still worthless and the spilling of Jewish blood disturbed no one. Spring 2001 It did not help that the few exhausted and weak Jewish survivors tried to conceal their hiding place. The murderous scoundrels burst into their quarters and with axes and weapons attacked the helpless martyrs. Many times they eluded death, but now the "miracle" (of survival) no longer worked and they almost all died a terrible death. Here their sad lives came to an end. This time they no longer succeeded in escaping the claws of the angel of death. Not wanting to spend the night in Vierzbnik, I began to make my way back to the train station, to take the train to Ostrovstse [Ostrowiec] where I thought my life would be in less danger. Once in the station, I thought about everything I had seen in Vierzbnik and this time I truly understood the meaning of the saying "Seeing is believing". The noise of the fast approaching train interrupted my thoughts. This time I was luckier. The cars were not as full and I boarded the train easily. Once inside, I sat down by the window to get a last look at my home town Vierzbnik, which I was leaving forever. Without moving my lips, but with my weeping heart, I quietly murmured "Yiskadal, yiskadash" to honour the holy memory of all our near ones and the entire Vierzbnik community. The train was soon far from the station and past the large rock which is found at the corner of the Mikhalev Forest, the rock which all knew and on which so many Jewish names from Vierzbnik were engraved. We had already traveled a fair distance but my eyes were still turned in the direction of Vierzbnik. When I could no longer see our town through the train window, the picture of my home town Vierzbnik and my feelings that day were imprinted on my heart and my memory, where they will remain for the rest of my life. Vivian Glass Felsen is a visual artist and translator living in Toronto. Her father, the late Prof. Irvine Glass, was born in Slupia-Nowa, a small village located between Radom andKielce, who left in 1930. She has translated from the Yiddish the book "Montreal of Yesterday" by her maternal grandfather, journalist I. Medres (born in Liachovichi, Belarus) Abe Zukerman has long been a family friend, and asked her to translate his article for use during a Yom HaShoah service several years ago. Spring 2001 Kielce-Radom S1G Journal Volume 5, Number 2 29 Extract Data in this Issue Przedbérz Radom Marriages 1855-1886 Births 1842-1844 The vital record extracts for this issue are 1855-1886 marriages for Przedbôrz, prepared by Dolores Lee Ring; and the 1842-1844 Radom births, prepared by Florence Weingram. This data has been extracted from the civil registration books in possession of the Polish State Archives, and microfilmed by the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints (LDS). These extractions include information derived directly from the original registrations on the following LDS microfilms: #0,719,015 #0,719,016 #1,192,427 #1,192,428 #1,713,984 #1,713,985 #1,713,986 #0,716,127 Przedbôrz 1847-1856 Przedbôrz 1857-1865 Przedbôrz 1866 Przedbôrz 1867-1871 Przedbôrz 1872 Przedbôrz 1873-1882 Przedbôrz 1882-1886 Radom 1842-1844 There are additional microfilmed records available for both towns. Przedbôrz This issue contains a very large set of extracts of Jewish marriages recorded in Przedbôrz, from 1855 to 1886, once again thanks to Dolores Lee Ring. The earlier Przedbôrz Jewish marriages, 1810-1846, appeared in 111:2 (Spring 1999), pages 31-49; and 1847-1854 inIV:2 (Spring 2000), pages 63-71. This set completes all of the Przedbôrz Jewish marriages microfilmed by the LDS. Przedbôrz had a large Jewish community (1897 Jewish population: 4,089). Before WWI, Przedbôrz was located in Koriskie/joww/ (district) of Radom gubernia, near the border with Piotrkôw gubernia. As with all marriage extracts, these will be of interest to researchers from many towns, because the majority of the marriages include a bride or groom from another town in the region. Marriage partners from Koriskie, Radoszyce, Wtoszczowa, Gowarczôw, Opoczno, Zamôw, and other Radom and Kielce gubernia towns appear frequently. Przedbôrz was on the border with Piotrkôw gubernia, so there are also partners from many Piotrkôw gubernia towns, such as Radomsko (Nowo-Radomsk), Sulejôw, and Piotrkôw. Dolores Lee Ring Florence Weingram Several abbreviations are used in the Przedbôrz marriage extracts. A blank space or hyphen indicates that information is missing in the original document. A question mark denotes illegible information. A "P" in the "Place Born/Living" column indicates Przedbôrz; "wies" means village; "(w)" is widow(er); "(mn)" is maiden name of the bride, if it is not her first marriage; "(d)" is deceased. Items in square brackets are the extractor's conjectures, based upon other records; they do not appear in the original documents. Radom We' re please to welcome a new contributor, Florence Weingram, who presents extracts of the 1842-1844 Jewish births for the city of Radom. Extracts of earlier Radom births, 1810-1825, appeared in Kielce-Radom SJG JournalllU (Winter 1999), pages 15-20; with the 18271841 births and marriages in 1:3 (Summer 1997), pages 39-49. The Radom Jewish civil registers for this period apparently also include registrations from the nearby towns of Skaryszew and Jedlirisk, as well as many small surrounding villages and settlements. Also note the footnotes on the last page, describing a few anomolies in some individual registrations. Caution These extracts are intended to assist the researcher in selecting records that may be of use for further study. There may be errors in interpretation in these extracts, due to the uneven quality of legibility of the handwriting, the microfilming, and the condition of the microfilm itself, in addition to errors in the original record books. As always, it is prudent for the researcher, when using secondary source data such as these extracts, to examine the primary source data for final verification. It is always best for the genealogist to view the actual records pertaining to his/her family to verify the interpretation, and glean additional facts. -WB 30 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Spring 2001 Przedborz Marriages 1855 -1886 Given Name Age Father Izrael Rywka Ravzla Szlama Dwoira Szmul Nacha Faygla Aron Brandla Aron Hawa Szaia Mosiek Sora Rywka Herszlik Marya Mortka (wid.) Ruchla 19 20 20 19 18 22 18 28 25 24 20 23 19 21 36 28 Szaia Lejbusia Tauba Dawid Rachmiel Mirla Icyk Sora Izrael Leib Hana Joachim Rachmiel Ester Liba Haim Szymon (w) Itla [wid'.] 18 17 18 17 18 16 23 21 19 17 42 30 Kalman Nacha Rochla 26 Berek 24 Wigdor Tauba Rochla WELDFRAID P Laja Manelow? (d) P Abram Faygla (wid.) 22 Mosiek 30 Nochem MalaMOKEZAYNSKI? Bayla Dawidowicz (d) Kolonia Porzeniwice?, Piotrkôw P, Widoma Dawid (wid.) Golda Jankiel Nacha Lejbusz Marva Icyk (wid.) Sura Mosiek (wid.) Faygla (wid.) 22 17 21 20 19 18 38 30 43 45 Hana Gela Lewkowicz (d) Blima Woskowicz Malka Jakobowicz Frayda Zysiow HanaPALARSKA Rochla Kiwow Ester Herszlikowicz (d) Ester Ickowicz Frymet Jakobow Koiiskie P. Widoma P P P, Widoma P P P P P Nojech (wid.) 37 Maier HanaBayla (wid.) 33 Szmul (d) Dwojra Moskowicz (d) Malka Wulfowicz P P Rachmiel 19 Daniel? (d) 22 Dawid Josek Ita Josek (wid.) 37 Herszlik Sora Ester (wid.) 33 Wulf Mindla WEINMAN Royza Ickowicz Ester Dawidowicz (d) Telca Herszlow P P P, Widoma P, Widoma Gela Herszlikowicz Matla Zendowska Rywka Nachemowicz (d) Ester Dawidowicz (d) Sora Laja Laia Lewkowicz Haia Izraelowicz (d) Cvrla SKORNICKA Sora Boruchow Tuma Aronowicz Hana Dwojra Hana Haimowicz Kolonia Mojzeszôw, Gôry Mokre P P P Plawno?, Piotrkôw wies Gôry Mokre P P Radoszyce P. Widoma Opoczno P 21 Szaia Sora 21 Maier 19 22 Nacha Berek 20 Malka 19 Josek 28 Hana 24 Froim 19 24 Cvwia Laia Mosiek Mortka (w) 24 Dwoira Laia 21 Mother Place Born / Living Szymon Hairo Fiszel Jakob Levzor (d) Mosiek Izrael Abram (d) Abram Herszlik Mosiek (d) Wigdor Wulf Dawid Szlama (d) Szyman Mosiek (d) Hana Litman HanaRvkla WIERNIK Jerla Abramowicz Hinda Sievwa ZYLBERBERG (d) Rywka Lewkowicz (d) Mindla Ida Abramowicz (d) Rasza Zelmanow Hana Zysla Gitla Abramowicz Gitla Lewkowicz Favela Sandelow (d) Frajdla Zysziow Sora Aronow Hana Gitla Markowicz Przedborz. Widoma P Mortka Abram (d) Hazkel Szaul Mortka Josek (d) Mojzesz? Aron Hersz Major Berek Nusen (d) Szaul Jentla Zelmanowicz Hudesa Wulfowicz Faygla ZYTNER[d] Ester Manelow Szyfra WAJSKOPF Hana Wulfowicz Brucha Markowicz (d) Pesla Moiszezow Hana Rvwka Jakobow Perla Szaiowicz (d) Rywka Berkowicz (d) Mosiek Haim Szymon Lewek (d) Abram (d) Dawid Herszlik (d) Zajnwel Marek Lewek Mosiek (d) Anzel Jakob (d) Jankiel Pinkus Mortka (d) Lewek (d) Mosiek Icvk (d) Icyk Icvk Fiszel (d) Mortka (d) eu eu # Surname Ï85S 1 WIERSZTAL CHRZANOWSKA 2 LASOCKI BIMKA ô JAKUBOWICZ WEISER 4 FINKIELSTEIN KRUMELOWSKA D PENCZAK WEINBERG 6 WEICENBLIT MICHALEC 7 DYKIERMAN DOBRONICKA 8 MIODECKI GROSFERSZTAND MIODECKA (mn) 9 KAUFMAN TUROWSKA 10 LICHTENSZTEIN ROZENBLATT 11 RYNALDO GLIKSMAN 12 BINENTHAL GLIKSON 13 PERELMAN BORKOWSKA 14 SZEINTHAL AYDELSBERG GOTESMAN (mn) 15 WEINBERG ROTSZYLD SILBERSZTEIN (mn) 16 PITOWSKI FISZAUF DONSKI (mn) 17 ZLOTOGORSKI SZEINTHAL 18 EYZYKOWICZ NAJMAN 19 DYKIERMAN MIEDZINSKA 20 FAJERWERK ICKOWICZ 21 FAJERMAN PRZEDBORZ GOLDBACH (mn) 22 EJZENBERG KUPERBERG GOLDBERG (mn)? 23 SILBERSZTEIN APELOWICZ 24 CIECIORA SZWARTZ WOLINSKA (mn) 25 GRIENBAUM/BERG KOPRUSKA 26 LIBGOT PRANTZ 27 TACHMAN? JURKIEWICZ 28 NETLOWICZ ZEJDEMAN 29 NUDEL FAYTAK 30 BINENSZTOK? ROZENBLIT P P P P. Widoma Wtoszczowa P. Widoma P P P, Widoma P. Widoma Radoszyce P, Widoma P P P P P P wies Gôry Mokre P Piriczôw P P P Spring 2001 Leyzor GOLINSKI RAYZ Hana Bavla 1856 1 MAGNES Dawid Szaja Marva SZMULOWICZ 2 LIBERMAN Eliasz Uryn BAUM Bluma 3 LIBESKIND Abram Zelik Ester PANTELOWICZ 4 SILBERSZTEIN Dawid Hersz BLUMENZON Chawa 5 FRYDENBERG Kielman Szaia ZACHARIASZ Minka 6 TOLUB Wolf Hersz MIEDZINSKA Ravza 7 PASMANTYR Beniamin Szaja Marva SZWARTZ 8 BULWA Wulf Ester TANSKA 9 TENENBAUM Abram BOROWIECKA Ravzla 10 SZEER Major ZOLONDZ Temerla 11 LISOPRAWSK1 Major LIBERMAN Fravdla Udela 12 DYMANTSZTEIN Abram Hersz Rvwka WIERNIK 13 BIMKA Jakob GANCARSKA Malka 14 STARY v MAJEROWICZ Abram (wid.) STERA Ester 15 KRAKOWSKI Alter Bencyon Raca PROSKI 16 BINENTAL Mojzesz (wid.) ERLICH Jachet (wid.) HERSZBERG (mn> Abram 17 STRAUSMAN Sora Rywka ZIEMNIAKOWSKA 18 WEINBERG Boruch Eliasz ROZENBLAT Baila 19 BIRENFELD? Abram Berek ZYLBERSZTEIN Giela Chil 20 WEJGENSBERG KUPFERMINTZ Haia Ester Alter Abram 21 KRYBUS ROZENBLUM Hana Nacha Berek 22 BRANDES Ravzla WIERNIK 23 KOCZANSKI Leybusz Brandla DOMBEK Dawid 24 SZWARTZ Laia DZIALOWSKA 25 FINKIELSZTEIN Aron (wid.) Malka Gitla FRYSZ Hil Zelman 26 KAUFER FISZHAUF Chawa Szaja Dawid 27 BARANSKI Rochla Laia WIDOWSKA Icyk Dawid 28 RABER BUCHSREIBER Szaindla Szmul Fiszel 29 FABISIAK? Hawa Ita FRENKIEL 1857 Dawid 1 FISZMAN Gitla KAMINSKI Abram Cyna 2 MIEDZINSKI Pesla DYKMAN 3 BLUMENZON Abram Jachet WEJGENSBERG Berek [Josek] 4 BORUCH FREJSZTAT Haia Raizla 5 MILECHMAN Szymon Isser Ester Hana ARMAT 31 31 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 21 Faywel (d) 18 Levzor Mosek Brandla Lewkow Sora Rvwka 19 18 23 22 20 23 19 19 23 17 22 18 19 17 23 18 21 18 19 19 19 18 18 25 19 17 38 25 19 20 63 42 Leybusia Haim Hersz Lejb KoDel (d) Dawid Szmul (d) Favwel (d) Icyk [Moszek] Jankel Szmul Boruch Herszlik Icyk Lejb Izrael Icyk (d) Jankiel (d) Lewek (d) Favwel Hersz Wulf Michal Berek Izrael (d) Icyk Rubin Izrael Szmul Beer (d) Izrael Haim Aron (d) Zelman (d) Mosiek Abram Aron Judka Hawa CIECIOR P, Widoma RuchlaKOTLER P. Widoma Brandla ZYSER P, Widoma P Hana Moskowicz Rayzla? [Sora] Rywka NutowiczP Pesla Herszlikowicz P. Widoma Ester [Malka] ZELICKA P Lava WYSINSKA P. Widoma Sora Ester ROZENBAUM Rakôw Sora Favsla Manelow P. Widoma P Racia Lewkowicz Idesa Haimowiccz P Laja Rochla PIECZONTKA P Sora FRvwkal Mortkowicz P Gitla Herszlikow P, Widoma Rvwka Herszlikow P. Widoma Laia Blima Koriskie Nacha WIRSZTEL P. Widoma Sora Lemlow? Radoszyce P Rywka RuchlaNutowicz Rojza Radoszyce P Hendla Lewkowicz Chawa FRAJSTADT P P Haia Herszlikowicz? Malka Ickowicz P Perla LIBERMAN? wies Nosalewice Rywka Lewkowicz P Frymet Zalow P P Hawa BIMKA (d) Kavla P Hanna Izraelowicz Gôry Mokre Zysla (d) G6ry Mokre 25 20 21 18 18 25 19 17 19 19 20 21 28 19 23 21 23 22 18 17 24 22 20 20 19 18 Lewek (d) Lewek (d) Naftula Aron Icyk (d) Jakob Mosiek Izrael Szaia Abram Mosiek Abram Abram Icvk Fajwel Herszlik (d) Abram (d) Levbusia Icyk Icvk Sender KoDel (d) Haim Szmul Abram Mortka Hilel Etla Gutmanow Liba Szmulowicz Reyzla SIEFELD JochwetLIPSZYCE Haia Zacharaiaszow Rvwka BRESLER?(d) Hindla Mendlowicz Rvwka Hazklowicz Bluma ROZENBLUM Dyna fRyflal Lewkowicz Faygla WARSAWSKA (d) Udla Abramowicz Marya HaiaBerkowicz Jochet Herszlikowicz Malka Eyzykow Rosza Ickowicz Favela Hana PALARSKA Rochma (d) Malka Jakobowicz (d) Ester Wulfowicz (d) Hendla Wiedorowiccz Jochwet ZILBERSZSTEIN Haia MATERMICKA? Cypra LASMAN Sora Tobiaszow (d?) Kolonia Mojzeszôw. Gôry Mokre P Warszawa P P, Widoma Druzba?. Belchatôw P P Kolonia Mojzeszôw, Gôry Mokre P Plawno? P wies Naleczôw wies Skape P P. Widoma P P Opoczno? P P P P P Brzeziny? P. Widoma 18 18 20 18 20 21 18 18 26 22 Lewek Moizesz (d) Izrael Dawid Jakob Izrael Leybusia Hersz Dawid Pinkus Wiedor Mosiek Judes Izraelowicz Sora BIRMAN Faygla KADZIDLO Fravda GOLDSZTEIN Laja WYSYNSKA Revla Abowicz (d) Brucha Boruchow Pesla Ruchla Abramow Dwojra MAIERFELD (d) Edla BIMKA (d) wies Tusin?, Plawno P. Widoma P P. Widoma P, Widoma P Przyrow? P P Wloszczowa P, Widoma Checinv 32 6 7 8 y 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 STERA SZYMCHOWICZ FELENSZTEIN? MIEDZIANOGORA SZYNKLOWSKI? ROZENBERG KADZIDLO MIEDZmSKA JUDKOWICZ MOSKOWICZ TUCHMAJER KOPEL EJCHELBAUM BLAUSTEIN WELDFRAID LANDA SZWARTZ WIDOWSKA CHECINSKI BLUMENZON WYSINSKI RACHMIELOWICZ ROTSZTEIN RAFALOWICZ GRUSZCZYNSKI ZEJDMAN vZYCINSKA BIDERMAN SREBRNAGORA vZYLBERBERG ROZENTHAL LEWKOWICZ RONDAL SKNERA ROZENBERG (mn)? BAUM? ABRAMOWICZ MICHALEC GOLDBERG FAJANS? KASZTAN BINENTAL fmn) MIEDZINSKI RYNALDO WEISKOPF fmn) LIZBAND TRAIMAN MIEDZINSKI GNAT WEIGENSBERG WIRSZTAL GOLDSZTEIN MALKOWSKA JURKIEWICZ CHRZANOWSKA ZYLBERMINTZ FRYSZ WIELGOWOLSKI? TRZENIOWSKA POLICKER GOLDBERG PISAREK SLUZINSKA SPIRITUS MALTZ TAJECH MILLER ? JAKOBOWICZ fmn) WEINBERG PARZENCKA LONCZKOWSKI WEINRIT ELENBERG fmn) Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Mosiek Mirla Uryn Marva Szaja Dwojra Mirla Szaja Chana Zvsla Herszlik (wid.) Roiza Mortka Wulf Haia Lejzor Szeindla Laia Mosiek Abram Laia Boruch Malka Rochla Elkonen? Sora Favela Icyk Szvfra Pesla Fajwel Icyk Ita Laia Szaja Sora Rywka 19 24 20 18 20 21 22 19 36 20 23 17 19 20 18 16 20 24 18 16 22 23 19 18 20 18 Gdala Rywka Rochla Zelman Leyzor (d) Icyk (d) Herszlik Leybusia Jakob Icyk Pinkus Anzel Mortka Zolta Dawid Szulem Berek Emanuel Gierszon fd) Szmul Lewek fd) Josek Leiwa Icek Szmul Faywel Nachemia fRafall Icvk Bendet Herszlik Spring 2001 Frymet Szymchowicz Curtla Mortkowicz Faygla Esterka Koplow Malka Szaiowicz HannaROZENCWEIG Ester Abowicz (d) Sora Ickowicz fd) Gela Lewkowicz Chana Rochla BORENSZTEJN Sora Ickowicz Rayzla (d) Szvfra Wulfowicz Cywia SZTERENFELD (d) Hana Sora Abramowicz Gitla Moskowicz Laja Naftolowicz Perla Machlowicz Hawa Fiszlowicz (d) Ester fd) Jachet TATARSKA Ester Fravdla KORENFELD LibaGOLMAN Brauna Mary a DEBSKA P P. Widoma Kurzelôw, Wtoszczowa wies Raczki P P. Widoma P P P Koriskie Konicepol P Wtoszczowa P P Kaminsk? P P Wtoszczowa P. Widoma P Radoszvce Pilica wies Gôrv Mokre P P 23 Mosiek (d) 18 Lejbusia Rywa Sora SZWARTZ Koriskie P Izrael Szaja Hana Bluma Szaja Icyk Rywka (wid.) 23 20 19 24 Beniamin (d) Mosiek Mosiek Herszlik (d) Faygla KALESKA? Kreidla? Jakobowicz Sora Leyzorowicz (d) Gitla Szmulowicz (d) P P. Widoma P P, Widoma Leib Mosiek Brandla Szaja Kelman Hana Masia Abram (wid.) Faygla v Filipina 24 22 20 24 61 32 Mendel Leib Mosiek Wulf Mortka Izrael (d) Mojzesz Klura Wolfowicz Cyjia Szmulowicz (d) Faygla Szlamowicz (d) Bayla Jakobowicz fd) Sora (d) Brucha BINENTAL (d) P P P P. Widoma Sieradz P Pinkus (wid.) Szyfra (wid.) 43 Szlama (d) 48 Icyk Rachla Berkowicz Sora Joskowicz (d) P Gôry Mokre Mosiek Lewek Tauba Rachla Szaja Sora Aron Revzla Izrael Haskiel Rywka Rochla Lewek (wid.) Faiela Ojzer Rachla Bayla Berek Pesla Alukim v Izrael Sora Szaja Cvrla Mosiek Hinda Laia Abram Machela (wid.) 19 20 23 22 19 18 18 18 33 24 23 20 21 21 19 20 21 20 18 24 19 32 Jankiel (d) Herszlik fd) Grojne Wiador Izrael Abram Eliasz Berek Icyk(d) Mortka Mosiek Izrael Abram Herszlik Jakob Jankiel Judka Icvk f d) Beniamin Icvk fd) Leyzor Szolem Ruda Joskowicz Gitla fPakal Ickowicz Rywka Lewkowicz Marva Jachimowicz fd) Reyla Abowicz (d) Sora Janklowicz Esterka Herszkow Faiea Faygla Lewkowicz Jochwet fd) Rywka Ojzerowicz Malka Lewkowicz Malka Rywka Szmulowicz Hinda Majorowicz Ela FAJTAK fd) Nacha SADKOWSKA (d) Revla Lewkowicz Pawa? Joskowicz Rochla Abramowicz fd) Bluma [Fajgla] BRANICKA (d) Faygla Leyzorow (d) P P P P P P. Widoma P Koriskie P P P, Widoma P. Widoma Zarnôw P. Widoma P P. Widoma P P P P P P Szaja Haskiel Fravdla Izrael (wid.) Brandla (wid.) 24 24 47 32 Mosiek (d) Abram Jakob (d) Zymel Gitla Abramow Sora Szmulowicz fd) Fraygla Izraelow (d) MaryaJakobow (d) P, Widoma P P P, Widoma •4' Spring 2001 33 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 f- 39 KRAUSKOPF Manela 19 GLUCHOWSKA Rovza 22 40 FRUCHT WulfBerek (wid.) 34 PACHCIERSKA Fraydla 23 41 WYSINSKI Jonas Fiszel 25 EYZENBERG Jenta 21 21 42 WIGDOROWICZ Szaja Hawa CIECIORA 19 43 ROZENZOHN Major Izrael (w.) 31 Haia Sora NIRENBERG 20 Izrael Lejb 44 LIBESKIND 19 Nena (wid.) SUMAR1A 27 OKRENT ( ran) Manela 45 BERLINER 18 SILBERSZTEIN Nacha Ester 20 46 SZEJER Pinkus 18 FREJLICH Chawa 19 47 SZEJNTHAL Hajm Szymon (w.) 45 PANSKA Rywka (wid.) 44 GRUSZENZYNSKA? (mn) 48 ROZENCWEIG Szaja Mosiek 18 Haia Ester FRYSZ 19 25 49 ROTSZTEIN Lejbus GOLDBERG Dwoira 20 Kielman 27 50 ALTMAN Szeindla ROZENCWEIG 16 51 MESIENBERG Icyk Mosiek 18 vBUCHWALD Brandla Dwoira 21 WEINBERG Abba 52 PIECZONTKI 20 21 ROZENBERG Nacha Szymon 53 KRAKOWSKI 18 Faygla 19 ZUSMAN Lejzor Szaja 54 BIDERMAN 23 LEYWA Gitla Laia 23 55 PIECZONTKI Dawid 19 Ruchla 18 WEISLITZ Izaak 56 ROTBERG 21 Itla FOLITANSKA 23 Eliakim Nuta (w.) 26 57 LIBESKIND TROKMAN Favela 22 Pinkus 23 58 WAKS Szaindla 22 ROZENCWEIG Fiszel 59 GOLDBERG 28 LAUBERSZTEIN Hawa 23 Mosiek Lejzor 19 60 NAJMAN SILBERSZTEIN Ester Masza 19 Szaja 61 KROMOLOWSKI 19 Rochla Laia NISEL 20 Lejbus 19 62 WEJSFUS Nacha Hana SANDOMIERSKA 20 Szaja Chemia 63 LICZBAND 20 Matla PERELGUT 22 Efroim Nusen 23 64 BRENER TRZESNIOWSKA Nacha 20 Efroim Hersz (w.) 24 65 SZWELGREBER Machela 21 DAJTZ? 1858 1 ZYSKIND Josek 18 BORENSZTEIN Marva 17 2 KUPERMINTZ Fajwel (wid.) 30 Chawa 23 LEYWA 24 3 LICHTENSZTEIN Dawid Icyk Mirla 21 MARKOWICZ? Herszel 18 4 GOLDBERG Nacha 19 RYNG 5 KORENBERG Abram Jankiel 18 ROZENBERG Fraidla 18 6 ROZENFARB Haskiel 18 Pesla MICHELEC 21 Mosiek 7 GANCARSKI 19 Sura 19 ROZENBLUM -^ Izrael [Icyk] Eyzyk Josek (d) Lewek Szmul Lejb Szmul Josek Dawid Beniamin Icvk Mortka Szlama (d) Rajla Beniaminowicz Hinda (d) Sora Abramow Hinda Zalowicz (d) Chawa Fiszlowicz (d) Ester MONDRA (d) Chana Rvwka LAUBERSZTAJN RajzaltaGLIKSMAN Ratzla Aronow (d) Laja Joskowicz (d) Mirla Wulfowicz Mosiek Aron Izrael Abram Szmul Nusen Herszlik (d) Basza FRAJSZTAT Bavla Litmanow Szeindla Blima Perla Sziaowicz (d) Rayzla Majorowicz P P Radosyzce wies Gorv Mokre P P Dawid (d) Lewek Berek Jankiel Jochym Dawid Izrael [Szmul] Rywka Naftulowicz Rovza Evzikowicz Haja Ickowicz (d) Ela Szlamowicz (d) Kayla Rvwka Naftulowicz Serla Moskowicz P P. Widoma P Widoma? Przyrow P P Maior Fiszel Herszlik Faywel Manasa Leybusia Jakob TJonasl Beniamin Zelman (d) Szlama (d) Lewek (d) Icyk [d] Aron (dl Aron (d) Haim Mortka Jonas Josek Groine Abram (d) Jankiel (d) Abram (d) Jermia? Szlama Chemia Izrael Herszlik Mosiek Salomon Frvmet Berkowicz Gitla Michalowicz Gitla Szmulowicz (d) Frymet Szymonowicz Laia ALTMAN (d) Feyga Abramowicz Perla Nutow TARMUT?1 Bajla Judkowicz Rvwka WEINMAN Gieresa? Leyzorowicz Sora Rvwka Herszlikow Rochla Abramow Favela Berkowicz Krandla Malka Tobiszow Bayla Jakobowicz (d) Fai d a Perla TENER?(d) Bayla Dwojra Perla Moskowicz Hana Wulfowicz HanaZYSER Pesla Herszlikow Mindla Jakobowicz (d) Rywka Szymchowicz Haia Hana WEINBLUM? (d) Haja Boruchowicz Rvwka Szmulowicz Rayzla SZMIDER Czerna (d) P P P. Widoma P P P P P P Sulejow P P P. Widoma Radoszyce P P P Piotrkôw P P, Widoma P. Widoma P, Widoma P. Widoma P P P, Widoma P. Widoma P, Widoma Plawno Eliasz Wulf Gdala (d) Herszlik Lejbusia (d) Eliasz Jankiel Dawid (d) Simsia Lewek Wulf Michal Icyk Szmul Chana Ickowicz DobaERLICH Basza Lewkowicz (d) Ester CIECIORA (d) Bajla Szmulowicz Rochla Abramowicz Sora Handla GLIKSZTEIN Teresa9 P Bialv P P. Widoma P P Zarnow P P, Widoma P, Widoma Radoszyce P Radoszyce P Ester Jakobowicz Fajgla GOLDBERG Haia RING (d) Rywka GWIAZDOWSKI Hana Dadow? P Wloszczowa P, Widoma Gory Mokre P P Koriskie P P P P P 34 8 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 ROZENBLATT Mosiek LASOCKA Cvooria 9 FISZHAUFF Szaja Jakobowicz LICHTENSZTEIN Hena 10 ROZENBLITT Rachmiel PRZEDBORZ Ravzla Jerla 11 GUTENBERG Josek (wid.) KUPERBERG Favela Rywka 12 SYLMAN Mosiek KRASSOWSKA Sora 13 WEICENBLIT Szaja Mosiek (w.) GOLDBERG Bina 14 ROZENCWEIG Bunem FAYTAK? Laia 15 FRENKIEL Tobiasz Nochem NIRENBERGSKA Dobra 16 WITMAN? Abram BESSER Blima TRZESNIOWSKA (mn) 17 ZYLBERSZTEIN Szaja Dawid MAGNES Ravzla 18 MOJZESZ Herszlik (wid.) PISAREK Cvna 19 NABOZNY Jakob OKRENT Alta 20 RABER v Moskowicz Szaja LIPKA Marva 21 ZUMERFELD Szaja SADKOWICZ Ruchla 22 MOSKOWICZ Abram SMOLINSKA Malka 23 MYDLARSKI Mechel MIEDZINSKA Malka Perla 24 KLEJNMAN Lejbus ROZENBLUM Bajla Szaindla 25 RYNALDO Dawid Siamsia FERDER Fraydla 26 SZWARTZ Chil Abram JAKOBOWICZ Chana 27 MIEDZINSKA Ejzyk LASOCKA Szvfra 28 JOSKOWICZ Szaja Rachmiel ROZENCWEIG Favala Frvmet 1859 1 MIEDZINSKA Ejzyk BASZAM? Sievwa 2 ZILBERSZTEIN Szlama Dawid Golda WEINMAN 3 GOLDBERG Josek Major GRAICIER Nicha 4 DOMBEK Icyk (wid.) ZALTZMAN Laia (wid.) 5 KALISKI Mosiek Nosen PISAREK Sora Dvna 6 PELCOWICZ Zelik Mortka PALARSKA Sora Marya 7 GOLDMAN Szaja SZTEINHAR Cywia Becyna 8 PARZENCKI Dawid Szmul GREVAUM Sievwa Zachariasz 9 BERENFELD PAZMANTYER Marya (wid.) SZWARTZ (mn) 10 KUPFERMINTZ Szaja SECEMSKA Marva Chana 11 JAKOBOWICZ Mosiek DONSKA Favela Nacha 12 LEBENBERG Eliasz KOPLOWICZ Marva 13 BURSZTYN Joel Rochoma FRYSZ 14 ROZENKRANTZ Mosiek BERLINER Ester Rvwa Spring 2001 18 17 18 19 20 23 30 17 18 26 23 21 22 22 19 18 19 22 Dawid Icyk Hersz Herszlik Aron Mortka (d) Dawid (di Dawid Jakob Hendel [Wigdor] Szmul (d) Szlama Wigdor (d) Efroim (d) Haim Szlama Hillel Mandel Siapsia Mortka (d) Tauba Chana Rvkla Aronow Curtla Ickowicz Cerka Wulfowicz Hana WAULBERG Haia Faiga Moskowicz Liba (d) Ester Szmulowicz Marya Senderow Bavla Moskowicz (d) Gitla Lewkowicz Golda Izraelowicz Malka Tobiszow Bayla Moskowicz Sora Tobiaszow (d) Ruchla BRANNER?fd) Gitia Abramow Ruchla FLAUM Lôdz? P. Widoma P P P P Kurzelow, Wloszczowa P P P P P P P P, Widoma P P, Widoma P, Widoma 19 18 40 22 19 20 19 18 18 20 20 24 20 21 23 21 19 21 19 28 18 24 21 24 Josek Lewek Mosiek Izrael Icyk Lewek Jankel (d) Haim (Szmul] Mosiek Wulf Beniamin Icyk Lewek Herzslik Siabsia Izrael(d) Pinkus Szaja Nachman? (d) Mortka (d) Szmul (d) Mortka (d) Zachariasz Herszlik (d) Mendel Josek(d) Aron (d) Sora Joachimowicz Chawa Lewkowicz Tauba Boruchow (d) Laja Rochla Abramow (d) Fajgla Szajowicz (d) Fraidla Abramow (di Jochwet Herszlikow Liba Joskowicz Machela Jakobowicz FravdlaSTERA? Laja Abramow (d) P P P P P P P P P P P, Widoma Rochla Sora Ickowiczld) Hindla (d) Ravla? Majorowicz Szyfra Ickowicz Faycia ERLICH Marya Moskowicz (d) Sora Jenta Berkowicz Chana Nuchemow Chwala Moskowicz (d) Ruchla Sora Jakobowicz? Zarnôw P Rozprza P P Pilica P P P P Zarnôw P 18 17 19 19 19 19 66 50 21 21 22 22 21 21 18 21 19 22 Izrael Dawid (d) Izrael Joel Zysman (d) Nochem (d) Lewek Berek Pinkus (d) Mortka Tobiasz Perentz Berek Pinkusz Abram Aron [Zelik 1 Icvk Jakob (d) Ides Haimow Sora Joelowicz Bayla Litmanow Mata? Moskowicz HendlaNEJMAN Dobra Maierow Malka Jakubowicz? (d) Malka Joskowicz Relia [Hinda] Manelow Frvmet Szaiowicz Rywka Izraelowicz (d) Faiela Ickowicz Sora Dawidowicz (d) Chawa Berkowicz Mindla Szmulowicz Perla Wulfowicz Hawa Zachariasz Sora Ryfka Morkowicz P P 18 16 19 16 22 23 19 21 19 21 Wigdor Hersz Michal Abram Jankiel Danek Efroim (d) Szmul (d) Noiech Ruchla Aronowicz P, Widoma Tauba fJochwetl Szlamowicz Widoma? Rachla Jurkiewicz P Laia Jakobowicz P. Widoma Chaja Eliaszowicz (d) P P Fravdla Golda Jonasow P Ester Izraelowicz (d) P. Widoma Tomaszôw, Sura Ita Cvrla MALENIKA P Medisia Ickowicz fWARSZAWSKAl P. W i d o m a P P wies Gidle, Plawno P wies wies Babic? Gora. Skape P P P P P P P P. Widoma P P o Lewek Josek Abram Warszaw? Spring 2001 15 GLIKSOHN ERLICH 16 LICHTENSZTEJN PRZEDBORZ 17 GOLDHAMER FAJTEK 18 FRAJLECH GOLDBERG 19 RAFALOWICZ ROZENCWEIG 20 PARZENCKI SLIWINSKA 21 SZWARTZ MALTZ 22 SMOLINSKI LEWKOWICZ 23 WEJNSZTEJN FAJNER SZMELCER fain)? 24 GINGIER ZYNGBAND 25 PERELGUT FRYSZ 26 LEWKOWICZ SKOCZYLAS 27 WASERMAN STERA 28 FAJNER ITALIEN 29 LIBERMAN WEICENBLIT 30 ULMAN KROJN 31 BUKOWSKI RAPORT 32 KRAUSKOPF LASOCKA 33 LIPSKI KATZ 34 TROKMAN LEWKOWICZ 35 FRYSZ BESSER 36 RUBINOWICZ ROZENCWEIG 37 PAIENCZKI? LIPER? 38 GANCARSKI BLUMENZON 39 ULMAN? SZYLBER 40 ZACHARIASZ MIODOWICZ 41 DYMANTSZTEJN ZAJDEMAN 42 BUCHWALD KLEJNMAN 43 FISZAUF GOLDBERG/1MAN1 44 TENENBAUM MORTKOWICZ 45 ABRAMOWICZ BLUM/BAUM? 46 ROZENBLATT PISAREK 47 BUKOWSKI SILBERSZTEIN 48 WEJNMAN LEYWA Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Szaja Josek Roza Herszlik Szaja Etla Aba Szvfra Jenta Mosiek Fraidla Michal Rayzla Dawid Rochla Lejb Hersz Haia Fajgla Simsia Sora Frymet Beniamin (wid.) Brandla (wid.) 21 20 2b 18 18 19 18 22 18 22 18 20 19 19 21 22 49 43 Aron PeslaBINENTHAL Lewek (d) Jochet HIRSZBERG Haskel Faygla Beniamin Hersz fd) Sura Ickowicz Icyk Lejb Rochla Szlamowicz Levbusia Rvfka PISAREK Herszlik Ruchla Leybusia Laia Moskowicz [Rafal] Icyk Ester Fraydla KORENFELD Chaim Malka Tobiaszow Jankel Gitla PASMANTYR(d) Icvk fd) Reyzla Lewkowicz Jankiel (d) Sora Rywka Mortkowicz Icvk (d) Rochla Abramowicz fd) Siapsia Medysza Ickow [WARSAWSKA] Leybusia Laia Joskowicz fd) Zelik Anna (d) Mortka Fajgla (d) Boruch Chaia Sura Abram Szaja Hinda Rayzla Szaja Lewek Nacha Rochla Abram Szaja Rala Haskiel Haia Sura Szaja Aidla Chwala Aron Chawa Gitla Izrael Hersz Aidla Szolem Zvsla Manela Anna Mosiek Chawa Mosiek Cemach Sora Dwoira Icyk Dawid Malka Berek Machela Mendel Haskiel Blima Mosiek Mortka Chawa Hana Szaja Szaindla Mosiek Aron Szvfra Lejzor Laj a Jakob Dawid Matla Mosiek Maier Szejwa Raizla Szmul Bluma Laia Mosiek Bluma Golda Izrael Rubin Chawa Marya Jakob Hana Gitla 18 18 20 22 19 23 24 24 18 21 18 19 19 22 20 18 19 23 23 19 18 19 20 20 32 18 18 16 19 18 19 18 18 22 19 25 24 21 19 19 18 18 25 20 21 20 18 18 18 16 Josek Jakob ricvkl (d) Chemia Lewek Mosiek Wulf Major Zelman fd) Jankel (d) Abram Melich Leyzor [Michal] Lejbusia Icvk Mosiek Kopel Izrael Icyk Jakob fd) Jakob Beniamin Aron (d) Dawid Icyk Jankiel Herszlik Zelman Leibusia Icyk Chemia Nuta Lewek (d) Jankiel Lejbusia Iser Herszlik Icyk Izrael Rubin Lewek Boruch Mortka Mendel fd) Pinkus Aba Mosiek Mendel Leib Szmul Judka Abram Lejb Josek Josek Abram Icvk 35 wies Gôry Mokre Pilica P P Zarnôw P wies Maleniec?, Radoszyce wies Gory Mokre Kolonia Czese, Gôry Mokre P P P P P P, Widoma Wloszczowa Wodzislaw P P Tauba Dawidowicz Ester [Perlai Lewkowicz P Hana [Haja] WEJNBLUM (d) P P Fajgla Hana Dankowicz Frajdla Jakubowicz P, Widoma Aidla Herszlikowicz fd) P P Hudesa Izraelowicz (d) Frymet Zalowicz P Hinda LIBESKIND P P Itla Abowicz Royza Sura SKNERA (d) P Haia Sura LACHOW P Matla Lewkowicz P SuraLAUBERSZTAJN P Sura KUPERMINTZ Mindla Laia Jakubowicz P P Reila Beniaminowicz Jerla Abramowicz P Piotrkôw Dwojra Dawidow P Evdla Lava LIBESKIND Idesa Berkowicz P, Widoma Rywka Ruchla Judkowicz P Dwojra Lewkowicz (d) P Rachla Wola Rozkowa. Radomsko Sura Lewkowicz P Fravdla fd) Wloszczowa P Mariem Lewkowicz Ester Sendrowicz fd) P LajaMirla Radoszyce Lava WYSINSKA P. Widoma P Matla Lejbusiowicz Raizla Ickowicz fd) P Sora Faygla Manelowicz? P, Widoma Fravdla Pik? fd) Koriskie P Chawa Ickowicz Gitla Masza WOLBERG P Marya Henochowicz P Sieywa Moskowicz P Mindla Berkowicz (d) P Marva Tobiaszow P Piotrkôw Chana Maiorowicz (d) Ita LaiaJSzlamowicz fd) P Cyna Szmulowicz (d) P P Klaura Wulfowicz Rojza Moskowicz (d) P P Nacha Judkowicz fd) Sora Rywka UCHTENSZTEJN (d) P P Sora Dwerla Nuchemow Laja Mirla Naftolowicz (d) P Bluma Litmanow fd) P 36 1860 1 DAWNY SZYNKLOWSKA 2 JOCHEMOWICZ DYKIERMAN 3 GRINBAUM WOLINSKA 4 PISAREK SZWARTZ 5 FUKS WIERNIK 6 TENENBAUM GLIKSMAN 7 NAJEMNIK JAKOBOWICZ 8 DANKOWICZ OKRENT 9 ZAJDEMAN SPIRA LIBERMAN f mn) 10 ALTMAN GRODNAPEL 11 TUCHMAIOR BIMKA 12 SZWINKIELSZTEIN LICZBAND 13 FISZEL? DONSKA 14 ROZENBLATT WOLBROM 15 WAJGMAN GLIKSMAN 16 WIERNIK TROKMAN 17 LEWKOWICZ CIECIORA 18 LUXEMBERG BINENTHAL 19 FAJERMAN MIEDZINSKA 20 GOLDBERG MIEDZIANAGORA? 21 FAIGENBAUM RODAL 22 SZTEDS CHECINSKA 23 ROZENCWEIG ROZENBERG 24 APELOWICZ SKOCYLAS 25 FRENKIEL WEIGENSBERG 26 WEINMAN WOSKOWICZ? 27 KRYBUS PALUCH 28 WEISBLUM WEINBLUM 29 FRAJMAN BERLINER 30 GOLDBERG CIECIORA 31 MIEDZINSKI GLIKSMAN 32 BIRMAN LIPER 33 SZTEINHAR FRYSZ 34 WIERNIK NUDEL FAJTKOW fmn)? Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Spring 2001 Szmul Nusen Itla Sora Godel Fajgla Boruch Tolca Szaja Rajzla Motel Chana Rvkla Berek Marva Cvpa Herszlik Dvna Ester Szaja Szvfra Szaja Mosiek Gela 18 22 18 16? 20 19 22 21 26 18 18 18 32 20 20 20 22 29 Szaja Leibusia Herszlik (d) Icvk Aron [Zelik ] Szaul? Wulf Szmul Iszer (d) Abram Abram Fiszel Lewek Izrael Lewek [d] Herck fd) Lejzor Hersz Hersz Leib Jentla Jakubowicz Malka Szaiowicz Bajla Zlota Beniaminowicz Chaja Baila Majorowicz Perla Wulfowicz Fajgla Szajowicz Masza Judkowicz Sora Abowicz Szejwa Jakubowicz Udla Abramowicz Pesa Tobiaszow Sora Lewkowicz Sora Szmulowicz Chana Szaiowicz fd) Brandla Szaiowicz (d) Perla HECHT? LajaRochlaPERELGUT Brandla Zyserow P P P, Widoma P. Widoma P, Widoma P. Widoma P P Kohskie P Radoszyce P P P. Widoma P P P P, Widoma Uszer Chaia Sora Mendel Lejzor Chaia Ester Szaja Chaia Boruch Nacha Manela Hana Jonas Hersz Dwoira Szmul Jentla Mortka Chana Ester Aron Mordka Chawa Ruchla v Rozalia Hajm Pantyl Hendla Roiza Rachmiel Baila Mosiek Leib Haja Nacha Boruch Ester Szaindla Major Dawid Sora Leib Hersz Ester Reywa Joychem Fiszel Nacha Ita Calel Joachem Mari em Chaia Chil Sora Malka Judka Chaia Rachmiel Sura Dvna Abram Ruchla Icyk Mosiek Hena Leib Szlama Haia Cvwia Calel Rvwa Szaja CywiaLaja 18 19 25 20 18 23 20 17 18 21 18 18 31 18 31 18 24 20 Icyk Mosiek Szaul Zelman Izrael Mendel Icyk Nuta Sender Dawid Szaul Leibusia Icyk Icyk Abram Aron fdl Lewek (d?) Josek Abraham Mojzesz (d) Perla Rvfka Berkowicz Rochla Malka Ickowicz Perla Aronowicz (d) Sieiwa SZPRINGWALD Gitla Fajgla Hajmow Ruchla Eizvk Ester Manelowicz Raizla CYTER? fd) Szajndla Brauna SWIENTARSKA Chana Mendlowicz (d) Idesa Berkowicz Tauba Lejwa? Frajdla Lewkowicz (d) Hana (d) Sora Gitla SPIRA (d) Radomsko P Nowy Korczyn P P P wies Parzniewice, Rozprza P. Widoma P Lelôw P P. Widoma P P P P. Widoma Warszawa wies Gory Mokre 18 19 21 21 21 19 19 19 22 21 20 25 22 21 23 18 21 19 19 24 18 18 19 20 23 26 19 19 20 17 22 26 Dawid Grojne Efroim (d) Herszlik Haim Szlama (d) Izrael Josek Mosiek (d) Herszlik Leib Motel Icvk Mosiek (d) Mosiek Mortka Jakob fd) Szaja Icyk Abram Chemia Manela Mosiek Aron Lejb Rubin (d) Izrael Evzvk Wulf Hernia fNutal Pinkus Lewek Abram Icyk Ester Maria Rvwka Lewkow Golda Izraelowicz Ester Koplow Rywka WAULBERG (d) BaszaKUPFERMINC SoraKORENFELD LaiaMaiorowicz Haja Abramow Gitla Szmulowicz fd) Szyfra Lewkowicz Malka Herszlikowicz Dwojra Hinda Mendlowicz Golda MANDELBAUM Zvsla BERLINER Bluma Judkowicz Brandla LANDAU Elka GOTESMAN Sura Herszlikowicz Haja Basza Ickowicz Ewa Moskowicz Chaia Rvwka Dawidow Fajgla KADZIDLO Gitla Abramowicz (d) Frymet Szmulowicz Ester Sendrowicz fd) Chawa Rochla Boruchowicz Roiza Evzvkow Udla DYMENTSZTEIN Tuna Aronow wies Klizin? Kaminsk? Kolonia Mojzeszôw wies Raczki._gm. P P P Wtoszczowa P, Widoma P. Widoma P P Koriskie P P P wies Gory Mokre P P P Przyrôw P wies Borowa, Gôry Mokre wies Gôry Mokre P P. Widoma P, Widoma P P P. Widoma P P, Widoma ' • ' ^ S r s *\ Spring 2001 35 GROBSZTEIN LIBESKDVD 36 ZELMAN CHUDA 37 KIRSZNAPOLSKI KOPLOWICZ 38 WOHLBERG SWIENTARSKA 39 FEDERMAN WEISER 40 KATZ PANSKA 41 BRANICKI WEISKOPF 42 LIBESKIND PARZENCKA 1861 1 DANKOWICZ SZTRAUSMAN 2 JAKOBOWICZ MOJZESZ SZWARTZ (mn)"? 3 GOLDBERG WATYNSKA 4 BERGIER LIPNICKA 5 WEINBLUM GRINBAUM 6 BLUMENZOHN KOSS 7 ROZENBLATT RADZAN 8 ZYSKIND SALTZBERG 9 JAKOBOWICZ AJCHENBAUM 10 DZIALOSKI KRASSOWSKA 11 BULWAN LEJWA 12 WOLINSKI GUTMANOWICZ 13 MOSKOWICZ GOLDSZTEIN 14 WINER RUSZCZYNSKA ROZENMERCmni? 15 MIEDZINSKI ROZENCWEIG 16 MINTZ PRUSKA 17 SZYNKLOWSKI SZWARTZ 18 LIBERMAN LICZBAND 19 ALEXANDROWICZ LICHTENSZTEJN 20 GOLDSZTEIN FINKIEL 21 MIEDZINSKI PRZEDBORZ 22 SWIATLOWSKA OCAL 23 DREZLER BERENFELD 24 SILBERSZTEIN DZIALOWSKA GOLDBRACH? fmn)? 25 FOGIEL SREBRNAGORA 26 CYMERMAN JAKOBOWICZ TUTOWSKA fmn)? Kielce-Radom S1G Journal Volume 5, Number 2 37 Lejzor Rachmiel Dwoira Liba Dawid Fiszel Tauba Ruchla Szmul Dawid Blvma Leib Hersz Sora Rvwka Mosiek (wid.) Marva Fiszel Chaia Szeindla Aron Szyfra Jentla Mosiek Leib Dobra 18 17 18 17 18 20 19 23 29 23 19 18 22 22 21 22 Manela ChajaANZIELCZYK Koriskie Abram Zelik Hena PEK P Wulf Fajgela Zelmanow Radomsko Sora Kielmanow P Izrael Dan Haim P Frajdla Szmulowicz SoraMajerow P Nochem (d) Icyk P Dyna Iserowicz P Lejbusia Dwoira Beniaminowicz Szaja (d) Sora Zelikowicz P Nuta P Ester Zelikowicz (d) Wulf Chana Piotrkôw Maier (d) Rywka fPeslalHerszlikowiczP Dawid P Hendla Dawidowicz (d) Berek Mirla Chilow P P Dawid [Szmul (d)] Sora Nutowicz (d) P Abram Sora Szmulowicz (d) Daniel Marya Szmul Temalta (wid.) 21 19 38 28 Mortka Lewek (d) Szaja Lewek Faygla Wulfowicz Etla Gutman Hinda Szmulowicz Sura Jakobow P wies Gôrv Mokre wies Leki Szlachecki?, Ciesle? P Michal Rayzla Lewek Ester Abram Zajnwel Rochla Laia Szaja Henda Bayla Dawid Hendel Rochla Mosiek Mortka Roiza Szolem Hana Dawid Joel Ruchla Izrael Szaja Haia Sora Lewek Ita Frvmet Fajwel Gimpel Rajzla Dawid (wid.) Chaia Marya (w.) 18 18 19 20 20 16 21 20 18 20 18 18 22 20 21 22 21 20 22 24 28 31 33 37 Abram Leywa Hersz Boruch Dawid Icyk Chil Leywa Iczk Lejb Hersz Abram Maier Hersz (d) Eliasz Lewek Josek Haim (d) Szolem Abram Szlama Nachman (d) Jakob Jonas Szmul Chil Jakob Todres Jankel Lewek Kajla Perla Matla Beniaminowicz Mindla? KRAWCOW? • Laia Herszlikowicz (d) Rywka Zajnwel Haja Malka Majorowicz Perla LEJWA? Radoszyce P. Widoma Lôdz? P P P P, Widoma MatlaKRAKAUR Dwoira Rakow? Hanna Ickowicz Perla KUPERWASER (d) Rojza Raizla Leizorowicz (d) Malka Eyzyk Mariem Ickowicz (d) Rywka Herszlikowicz Perla Nutowicz? TARMUT?! Fajgla Szajowicz Tauba Mortkowicz (d) Dwoira (d) Baila Herszlikowicz (d) Ginendla (d) Rywka WILHELM (d) P, Widoma Lôdz? P Konstantvnôw? Plaskowice, Zarnôw?? P P. Widoma P P P P. Widoma P. Widoma Belchatôw P. Widoma Piotrkôw P Judka Hersz Sura Rvwka Abram Nacha Alter Nacha Rachmiel Hawa Hinda Gdala Hana Marva Wulf Ita Chawa Szmul Hinda Szlama Marva Hudes Mosiek Ester Herszlik (wid.) Ewa (wid.) 20 20 19 19 18 18 21 21 22 21 18 19 19 21 21 23 28 20 60 51 Pinkus Mosiek (d) Icyk Dawid Mortka Icvk Cd) Lewek Hersz Lewek Icyk Lewek (d) Eliasz Lewek (d) Dawid Josek Maier Herszlik fd) Berek Icvk (d) Dawid Lewek Sura Ickowicz (d) Haia Abramowicz Sura (d) Chana Perentzow Rojza Abramowicz (d) Sura Ester Wulfowicz Brandla Szaiowicz Rvwka Svmchowicz Marya Lejzorowicz Baila Szmulowicz Ester Hazklowicz Tauba LAUBERSZTAJN Maria FIGLARSKA Malka Bairechow (d) Haia WEJNSZTOK Faela FNenal Moskowicz Ruchla Laja (d) Chawa Zachariasz Rywka Izraelowicz (d) Fajgla (d) P P. Widoma Wtoszczowa P P P. Widoma P, Widoma P Radoszyce P P P. Widoma P Zarki? P P Przyrôw P. Widoma P Lôdz? Icyk Kroina Zysman Faygla 18 20 25 24 Wulf Lei bus Lejzor Abram (d) Faygla WEJSKOPF (d) Sora Ickowicz Gitla KOSCIWSKA (d) Hudesa Wolfowicz? P P P P -- • Sievwa Dwojra BUCHSZREJBER 38 27 28 29 30 31 32 LIGMAN SZWARTZ PODLENZKI? ZALTZMAN SOBOWINSKI BERENCWEIG KOTLEWSKI GOTFRID LICHTENSZTEJN HENOCHOWICZ BLUMENSZTEIN WILCZKOWICZ Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Spring 2001 Major (wid.) Tema Nuta Nacha Abram Rvwka Szvfra S2ymcha Wulf Szaindla Favela Berek Ester Henda Dawid Cypra 42 25 20 19 20 18 21 23 18 18 20 20 Zemel Mortka Zelman Lewek (d) Lewek (d) Faiwel Berek Boruch Aron Boruch Berek Szyja Lejb Marya Mortkowicz Maria Moskowicz (d) Chana (d) Lava? Nachman Matla Roiza Dawidow Bajla (d) Ela Dawidow (d) Cerka Wulfowicz Haia Sora Groimenow Szyfra Wulfowicz (d) Zysla Ickowicz P p Skape, P P wies Mniszkôw?, Opoczno P Kaminsk P P P P P Mqjzesz Herszk Fajga Lewek Gitla Masza Icyk Cvrla Zelman Berek Rajzla Mosiek (wid.) Ruchla Laja Berek Dwoira Gitla Mordka Hersz (w.) Szaindla Szmul ChanaBaila Herszlik Dvna Kayla Beniamin Szaia Marya Fiszel Manes GoldaRvcla Aba Gitla Rvwka Szmul Leib Bai la Jakob Fiszel Sura (wid.) 19 19 19 17 22 22 20 22 28 21 18 21 22 20 19 20 24 24 20 22 20 16 18 20 18 19 20 24 Eliasz Leib fd) Natan Mortka Abram Zelman Nuta (d) Lewek Szlama Icyk Iczk Jakob Mosiek Izrael Lewek Szlama Abram Mosiek (d) Szaja Mortka Sanel Abram Abram (d) Icvk Hersz Dawid Wulf Icvk Dawid Icyk Dawid (d) Szmul Kalman Josek (d) Perla Gnendla Janklowicz Gitla Lewkowicz (d) Ruchla Lewkowicz (d) Faygla Eyzykowicz Frvmet Zalow Sora Zelmanow Rvwka Szmulow Sora Sora Jakobowicz (d) Frajga Rvfka LICHTENSZTEJN Laya Szmulowicz Rasza Herszlikow (d) Dwojra Szlamowicz (d) Laia Herszlikow Hendla Szmulowicz (d) Ester Leizerowicz (d) Ester Sora Fiszlowicz Dvna Rvwka Lewkowicz Liba IdesaZOLONDZ Haja Perla Joskowicz Rochla Szajowicz Faygla Boruchowicz Hinda Ickowicz Liba Zlota Lemlow Hana Wulfowicz Zarnôw P. Widoma Bedzyn? P P P P P Radoszcye P. Widoma Radoszcye P P P. Widoma Kurzelôw, Wloszczowa wies Gôrv Mokre. em. P P P P Pabiance P P P P P Wloszczowa P Siabsia Wigdor Chana Tauba Abram Josek Szorinca Lai a Szlama Rvfka Becalel Chajka Hana Hudes Szaja Zelik Ruchla Szymcha Fraidla Witla Berek Chajm Gitla Manela Fravdla Laia Josek (wid.) Frvmet Berek Ita Cypra Icyk Haia Hersz Leib Faiela Icyk Tauba Izrael Berman Itla Aron Bina 23 22 20 22 19 18 22 24 18 26 21 20 18 20 20 25 24 21 18 20 20 20 21 22 23 20 18 21 22 24 Mosiek [Hersz] Jukiel Abram Ankiel Mendel Lewek (d) Mendel (d) Szlama Major rWulfl Mendel Lewek (d) Herszlik (d) ricvkl Mosiek (d)i Chuna Dawid Mosiek Wulf Jakob Lejb Lejbus Judka(d) Beniamin Abram Szaja Mosiek (d) Wulf Jukel Izrael Faywel Wigdor Lewek Rubin Abram Abram Jankel Bayla GNAT Ruchla Wulfowicz Bayla Rywka Moskowicz (d) Brandla Dankowicz (d) Rvckla? Szmulowicz Matla Dawidow Szvfra SILBERSZTEIN Hendla Lejzorowicz Sura fRvwkal Herszlikow Fajgla Nena Moskowicz Laya Ruchla Oizerowicz Chaia ZIENTOWICZ? (d) Liba Joskowicz Gitla Lewkowicz Faygla ROZENTHAL Mirla Rachla (d) Rachla Sura KUPFERMINC Ester Ickowicz Hinda Maierowicz Malka Lewkowicz Rvwka Herszlikow Laia Mirla? Favela Hendla Lewkowicz Jenta Aronowicz Dwojra RADKOWSKA (d) Hana Zalow (d) P P. Widoma wies Machory?, Zarnôw P P P P P P P P P Piotrkow P P P Kurzelôw Wloszczowa Opatôw P P P P, Widoma P. Widoma Radomsko? P P P Zarnôw P. Widoma 1862 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 GOWARCZOWSKI BAUM GROSDORF LENCKA SZTEJN STERA TENCER CHRZANOWSKA NUDEL ZYSER ZYLBERYNG KUPERMINTZ ROZENMER BORENSZTEIN MIEDZIANOGORA? JURKIEWICZ KLEJNMAN CYMBER MICHELEC ROZENBLUM KALISKI CIECIORA ABRAMOWICZ BORENSZTEIN ERMUNT MIODOWA? BERKOWICZ RYNALDO GLIKSMAN (mn) ORENBACH ROZENBERG PRZEDNOWEK KORENFELD DANKOWICZ GROS AJBESZYTZ WEINBERG KOZLOWSKI POLITANSKA OCAL PASMANTYR CEDERBAUM LIPKA BERLINER BIDERMAN HERCBERG? PROPINATOR BLUMENFELD BUKOWSKA SZWARTZ POLICKA FRYSZ TAJNSKA OFFMAN FRYSZ LIBERMAN ZAJDEMAN MIDLARSKI LEWKOWICZ Spring 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 •>*•% 30 OFFMAN KATZ 31 PIECZONTKI SZTEIN 32 LAZOWSKI USZEROWICZ 33 EKSTAJN GLIKSMAN 34 ZOLONDZ ORBACH 35 GUTERMAN LEJBENBERG 36 FISZAUF PANSKA 37 NAJMARK GLUCHOWSKA 38 GOLDSZMEDT BESSER 39 RUBEVSZTEIN v SZULIMOWICZ TARKO 40 TARKO DYWAN 41 DZIALECKI KACZKA 42 KALISKI PRZEDBORSKA? 43 PACH1ARSKI BERKOWICZ 44 TARNOWSKI BERENFELD SZWARTZ (mn)? 45 LIPLING APELOWICZ 46 PISAREK WEINRIHT 47 SILBERSZTEIN WIERNIK 48 BLUMSZTEIN SZOSTAK 49 SILBERSZTEIN LEJBENBERG 50 RYNALDO GROS 51 RAFALOWICZ WIRSZTAL 52 KRAUSKOPF LIBESKIND 53 ZYSKIND KOCHAN/KOHAN 54 SECEMSKI ZAJDEMAN 55 GOTLIB OBST 56 FISZMAN KRZENTOWSKA 57 LIBERMAN GOLDBERG 58 KOSS MELICHOWICZ 59 LEJZOROWICZ KADZmLO 1863 1 WIGDOROWICZ KUPFERMINTZ 2 WEJSKOPF ROZENBERG 3 SILBERSZTEIN WEJSMAN 4 LIPKA ZYSKIND 5 LIBESKIND SZWARTZ Mendel Ester Aba (wid.) Zlata Szaja Brucha Szmul Rvfka Nuta Hana Ester Zajnwel Tauba Josek Berek Elka Szaja Berek Henda Wigdor Liba Haim Tobiasz 39 • 20 17 25 20 22 20 21 18 23 18 20 20 18 16 18 18 no 18 21 Dawid Berek Fiszel (d) Zainwel (d) Herszlik Mosiek Marek Icvk Izrael Dan (d) Zainwel Abram Danek Mendel Maier (d) Jankiel Maier Szaja (d) Herszlik Giecel Chawa Leja 20 Mosiek Chil Izrael (wid.) 22 Mosiek Rywka 23 Szmul Jonas (wid.) 30 Lewek Blima Sura 21 Abram (d) Mosiek Nusen (w) 26 Pinkus (d) Laia 20 Josiek Mosiek Zelik 26 Lewek Cvrla 22 Zelman (d) Haim Leib 21 Herszlik Marya (wid.) 25 Jakub (d) Mirla Gitla Chilow Gitla Michalow Ester Ickowicz Ruchla Moskowicz Gitla Naftulowicz Rajzla Branna? SWIENTARSKA Ryfka Nutowicz Fala Joskowicz ' Ryfka LajaROZJEKA? HayjaEliaszow(d) Laja Janklowicz Radomsko? P P P P, Widoma Widoma Przyrow? P. Widoma P P. Widoma Kaminsk? P P, Widoma Rvfka TPeslal GURCZYNSKA P ChanaLEJBENSZTEJN P Dvna WILCZKOWSKA P. Widoma Ita Rayzla Szaulow P Ruchla Babczow?. Radomsko Marya Rayzla [Gdalowicz] (d) P Fravdla Herszlikow Hana Hana Manelow Giela Dawidow (d) Rvfka Rela Hinda Manelow Malka Bairechow (d) Hinda (d) Malka Tauba (d) Sora Ryfka Mortkowicz Jakob Berek Ryfka Nacha Szaja Judka Favela Brandla Leib Josek Mindla Rachmiel Fajgla Szaja Nuchem Hana Izrael Wulf Zvsla Jakob Hersz Hendla Kielman Haskiel Tolca Ruchla Izrael Jakob HaiaDworia Zyskind Rvfka Icyk Faigla Malka Icyk Dawid Sora Fayela Icyk Laia Calel Cvwia Mariem Icyk Luzer? Hana Dwerla 19 26 22 23 18 20 20 20 23 21 22 19 18 19 19 20 18 20 26 23 25 20 18 17 20 20 20 17 20 20 Izrael Wisdor (d?) Mortka Jochim [Wolf] Zainwel Szmul Berek (d) Berek Lewek (d) Mortka Dawid Daniel (d) Berek (d) Mendel (d) Rafal Icyk Abram Zajnwel [Hersz] Dawid Szmul (d) Szlamka Abram Michal (d) Mendel Rubin Herszlik Hajm Simsia Josiek IMosiek] Hersz Lejb Rubin (d) Lewek Hersz Michal Izrael Icvk Dwojra Laja LEWENBERG Esterka LEWENBERG (d) Frymet Szajowicz (d) SoraMaiorowicz(d) Gnancia WEICENBLIT Haja Herszlikow Szyfra Wulfowicz (d) Laia Ruda Zelikowicz (d) Mindla WEINMAN Parla? Ickowicz Rvwka Szmulowicz Ester Frajdla KORENFELD SuraZELICKA Fraydla Mortkowicz Sora Rvfka Nutowicz (d) Szyfra Abramowicz Itla Manelow Brandla GROSENKOPF Masza Hajmowicz Marya GARBAYCH? (d) Ma GUTERMAN (d) Liba Bayla Perla Nicha WATYNSKA Brandla ZYSER Haia Rvfka Dawidow Szaia Dawid Tauba Baj la Icyk Hersz Zlata Berek Nochem Ruchla Faigla Michal Sura Szaia Tema 19 23 19 20 18 22 18 16 18 20 Lejzor Aron Berek Jukiel Josek Maier Szlama Mosiek Wulf Szlamka Icyk (d) Icvk (d) Eydla Ickowicz Marya SZKLARZ Mirla Chilowicz Hana Lewkowicz Sora Dwerla Nuchemowicz P Zarnôw P P, Widoma wies Gôrv Mokre P P Kolonia Majdanow?, Gôry Mokre Zarnôw P P Opoczno P P P P P P 2arnôw P P P P wies Gôry Mokre P, Widoma P P P P Radosyzce P P Radomsko Plawno? P P, Widoma wies Gôrv Mokre Sieywa Dwojra BUCHSZREJBER P Bavla Szolemow P Gitla Sura ROZENCWEJG wies Leki?, Rozprza Drezla Judkowicz P. Widoma P, Widoma Wloszczowa P, Widoma P, Widoma P Chana Temerla Gierszonowicz P Liba ZEYDEMAN P Szvfra Abramowicz P Ruchla Majerowicz P Sura Ester WOLINSKA P. Widoma 40 6 7 8 y 1U il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 SWIENTARSKI ROZENBERG DOMBEK GOLDBERG MENDLOWICZ PALARSKA KUPERMINTZ KOPLOWICZ v SUZYNSKA LEWKOWICZ GLIKSMAN IRLICHT BLUMENZOHN KUPERMINTZ KAMINSKA DYZENHAUS LICHTENSZTEIN ZACHARYASZ BERENFELD PELCOWICZ KALISKA LITMANOWICZ MORTKOWICZ FISZHAUF SZWINKELSZTEIN? BERGIER CHECINSKA JANASOWICZ SKOCYLAS SILBERSZTEIN PRUSKA DYKIERMAN HERSZLIKOWICZ WEJNTROB? SZPIRA FREILECH MARKOWICZ JAKOBOWICZ DOBRONICKA CIECIERA RAFALOWICZ ROZENBLAT MENDLOWICZ KRAUSKOPF LEJWA HERSZ JAKOBOWICZ WEINMAN ZYLBERSZTEIN MIEDZINSKI KAMINSKA SKORNICKI FAJERWARG BLUMENZOHN NALEWKA TvZILBERGl WIGDOROWICZ ROZENBLAT LEWKOWICZ HERSZLIKOWICZ WEJSER TAJECH HENOCHOWICZ JAKOBOWICZ WEINMAN BIMKA GLUCHOWSKI ZELMANOWICZ ZNAMEROWSKI ABRAMSOHN USZEROWICZ LICHTENSZTEIN Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume S, Number 2 Herszlik Dwoira Man'a Zelman Bai la Josek Haia Rvwka Nachman Dawid Haja 21 17 18 19 20 22 19 20 Zelik 20 Fravdla 24 Hersz Dawid 18 Liba 18 Szaia Dawid 20 22 Hawa Sura Mosiek 19 Sura Dvna 18 Wulf 23 Minka 20 Szyman 32 Ita 20 Mendel 26 SuraFaiela 20 Jerech? Jakobowicz20 Nacha 24 Jankiel Lejbus 21 Pesla Dwoira 20 Zysman Wulf 27 Haia 23 Major Litman 20 Nacha 20 Rachmiel 22 Cywia 20 Herszlik 23 Fravda 18 Abram 21 Rvwka Lai a 19 Iser?/Juer? 20 Raizla 20 Zendel 32 Golda Laia 19 Dawid 25 Ester 25 Szaia Berek 19 Dwoira Ruchla 18 Jakob 23 Sura Ita 20 Izrael Jakob 23 Rvfka 26 Alter 19 Hendla 19 Szaia Josek (wid.) 22 Ester Laia 20 Berek Melich Majer 18 Ruchla 17 Lewek (wid.) Sura Kaila Jankiel Alta Brucha Szaia Dawid Fraidla Wulf Faiela Berek Mosiek Hana Ester Dawid Hanna Izrael Jakob Chana Raizla Mortka Zlata 40 21 22 21 22 19 20 22 18 18 23 21 18 16 Spring 2001 Mandel (d) Wulf Lewek Lewek Icyk Perentz Aron Nuchem Rata Wulfowicz Mindla Lewkowicz (d) Frymet Mortkowicz Laia Moskowicz Ruchla Szajow Favsla Ickowicz Marya SZKLARZ SuraMajerow(d) P P wies Skape wies G6ry Mokre Wtoszczowa P Wtoszczowa P Mosiek Eyzyk Manasza Izrael Lejzor Izrael Majer Jakob Josek Wigdor Icvkfdï Mortka Icvk (d) Abram (d) Maier Herszlik Mendel flcvkl Josek Josek Herszlik Icvk Jakub Izrael Icvk (û) Dawid Faitak (d) Mordka Zvsza Szmul Icvk Fajwel (d) Wulf Icyk Faiwel Mandza Nbjech Izrael Icyk Abram Icvk Mosiek Joel Eyzyk(d) Mortka Dawid Jakob [Juda] Icyk Izrael Icyk (d) Icyk flzraell Jankel Izrael Krajndla Jakubowicz Gitla Abramowicz (d) Hena Fajtak Rochla SZWENTARSKA Laja Szajowicz Ruchla Wulfowicz Frayda Rykla Urysow Ester Hana ZYNGER Sora Wulfowicz Chawa Zachariaszow Blyma Moskowicz Ryfka Mortkowicz Hana MatlaZvlow Curtla Ickowicz (d) Perla SZPRINGWALD (d) Marya LaiaMaierowicz Rywka (d) Malka Herckowicz BaylaWOLERT Havka Herszkowicz Fraydla Dawidowicz Gnendla Hazklowicz Malka BROKMAN Sora Szmulowicz Blyma Ickowicz (d) Hana Berkowicz SzajndlaDONSKA Rvwka KoDlowicz Ruchla Zyndlow (d) Hana Ickowicz (d) Rywka Koplowicz Hemia? (d) Rela Beniaminowicz Bluma ORBACH (d) Haja LaiaFRYDMAN Hinda Moskowicz Ruda Zelikowicz (d) Zysla Dawidowicz Gitla Naftolowicz Nena Joskowicz Sora Rvfka Szaiowicz (d?1 Layja Abramowicz Hinda Herszlikowicz P, Widoma P. Widoma Warszawa P P P Chmielnik P. Widoma P, Widoma P. Widoma P P Parzniewice. Rozprza P. Widoma P P P P. Widoma P, Widoma P. Widoma Wloszczowa P. Widoma Kolonia Gôry Mokre wies Gôrv Mokre P, Widoma Widoma wies Bobrowniki wies Bobrowniki P, Widoma P P P Przerab?. Rozprza P P P P P P P P, Widoma Ksiaz? Wielki Tauba Herszlikow Nacha? Lewkowicz Anna Lewkowicz Malka Gronemowicz (di Ester GLIKSMAN (d) Bluma rFaielal BRANICKA fd) Gitla Joelow Lavia Szmulowicz Tauba Moskowicz Cvma Abramowicz Basza GLUCHOWSKA DrezlaLeizorow Ryfka BIMKA Nechoma Jakobow? Sura Jakobowicz Roiza Szmulowicz P, Widoma P. Widoma Radoszyce P P P P P P P. Widoma Wloszczowa P. Widoma Wtoszczowa P P, Widoma P Wulf(d) Abram Aron Dawid Nuta Leyzor Wulf(d) Mortka (d) Hazkel Wulf Dawid (d) Feiwel (d) Ichel? Dawid Szlama 19 Haim (d) Kolonia Wincentow, Skierniewice P Piotrkôw P Spring 2001 41 BUCHSZREIBER RYSZPAN 42 FUKS JAKOBOWICZ 43 SZPIRA FAJGENBAUM? ROZENBERG (mn)? 44 ZYSKIND MAGNES 45 MOSKOWICZ LEWENBERG 46 FUNT GLUCHOWSKA 47 SZWARTZ PALTYLOWICZ 48 LUBELSKI SZWARTZ 49 ROZENBERG BLAUSZTEIN 50 RESZKA WYROBEK 51 ICKOWICZ SMIDER? v BESSER 52 MIEDZINSKI PALARSKA 53 ROZENBLUM ORBACH 54 BORENSZTEIN RYNALDO 55 MARKOWICZ GOLDBERG 56 ROZENBERG POLITANSKA 1864 1 ROZENBERG PAIENCZKA 2 ROZENBLATT PRUSKA 3 LIPOWICZ SPIRITUS 4 DOBROSZYSKI ROHTSZTEIN 5 SZLAMOWICZ JAKOBOWICZ 6 JAKOBOWICZ JURKIEWICZ 7 CHECINSKI SZOSTAK 8 GUTERMAN MERMERSZTEIN 9 KUPFERMINTZ SWINKIELSZTEIN LIZBAND fmni? 10 GOLDSZTEIN GLIKSMAN 11 ELBINGIER WEJNMAN 12 SPIRITUS OWIECKA 13 WOSKOWICZ LICHTENSZTEIN 14 CHECINSKI IZRAELOWICZ 15 DEMBSKI FAJNER 16 WIEWIOR BRAUN 17 PETERZYL SLIWINSKA 18 ROZENBERG GOLDBERG 19 GOLDMAN KAMINSKA 41 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Wigdor Hersz Haia Faiela Mosiek Aron (w.) Haia Sura Zysia? (wid.) Bajla (wid.) 18 16 25 17 48 46 Dawid [Sandel] Dawid Gutman Lewek (d) Jakob (d) Gawryl Szmul Laja GNAT Sora Ryfka Moskowicz Hana Szlamowicz (d) Chana BARON Ratzi Moskowicz (d) Szajndla Moskowicz (d) P P P Radoszyce P, Widoma P Wigdor Hersz Hendla Herszel Dawid Rochla Lewek Marva Dwoira Szmul Hana Haim Ester Nusen Gitla Dawid Blyma Mosiek Jenta Dawid Nacha Izrael Mariem Rochla Jankiel Bayla Majer Ruchla Josek Wulf Nacha 19 20 20 26 18 16 19 19 19 18 22 19 24 33 24 20 19 18 18 17 23 18 18 18 18 18 Berek Lewek (d) Lejbusia Dana?/Danek? Abram Icyk Maier Lewek Feiwel (d) Lejzor Jankiel (d) Herszlik Kielman Aron Hajm Szmul Mendel Icvk Herszlik (d?) Perentz Szmul Mosiek Hersz Szmul (d) Berek (d) Lejb (d) Lewek Mendel Herszlik Sora Ryfka MALENICKA Chawa Lewkowicz MatkaROZENFELD(d) Haia? (d) Liba SIERADZKA (d) Dvna WILCZKOWSKA? SoraMIEDZINSKA Pesla Herszlikow Marya SZWARTZ rSoralRvfkaLIBESKIND Gitla Szmulowicz (d) Ester Pinkusow Rykla Szlamowicz Laya? LANG (d) Marya (d) Sura Jakobow (d) Hana Dankowicz FavelaPAJTER Nacha BORYCKA (d) Bayla GNAT Tauba Poryia Ickowicz Marya Ickowicz Laia? Moskowicz Rajzla Koplow (d) Malka Zelikow P P. Widoma Zarnôw P Brzeziny? P. Widoma P P. Widoma P P P, Widoma P P, Widoma P. Widoma wies Klutna?, Kamiensk P, Widoma P P Odrzywôl? P wies Lopuszno, gm. P wies Skape wies Borowa Chmielnik P Andziel Ester Frajdla Aron Sura Mosiek Boruch Rywka Berek Haia Dawid Nacha Mosiek Rvwka Naftula Liba Gabryel Nacha Laia Szaja Berek Haia 19 17 18 18 18 17 19 20 21 20 18 19 18 17 19 19 20 26 Josek Major (d) Icyk Szaul Dawid Chemia Judka Zajnwel Eyzyk Szmul Mortka (d) Judka Josek Josek Kalman Josek Wiedor Berek Izrael(d) Nuta Hendla Szlamow Marya Lewkowicz Ester Manelow Hanna KAMINSKA Ester Senderow (d) Etla Herszlikow Mindla Rojza ELENBERG Bavla Szmulowicz (d) Gitla Szmulowicz Layja Szmulowicz Hinda Lewkow Szyfra Efroimowicz Lazja Majerowicz Faygla Woskowicz Ester GOLDBERG Ester Abramowicz Rywka LICHTENSYTEJN Sieywa Aronow Checiny P P P P P P P. Widoma wies Gôry Mokre P Koriskie wies Ruda Pilczvcka? P P, Widoma Radomsko P P P Jankiel Haia Mosiek Mordka Laia Rachmiel Rywka Wigdor Haia Sora Abram Dawid Faiela Haim Faiela Szaja Malka Berek Wolf Kaila Jankiel Fraindla Mendel Haia Brucha 26 18 21 17 29 19 50 20 18 20 23 17 24 21 18 22 21 24 21 27 Todres Maier Herszlik (d) Icyk Hajm Pinkus fd) Mosiek Lewek f d) Josek Szyia (d) Aron Abram (d) Szmul Judka Abram Mosiek Fajtel (d) Faywel? Berek Mosiek Szlama (d) Bayla Hazklowicz Rochla Szlamowicz (d) Sora Malka LINDENMAN? Szeindla Mira ROZENBLUM Brocha Jakobowicz Rochla Zelikowicz Rojza WEJSER Szeindla Ickowicz Giela Ruchla FALBART? Rochla Jakobow BelkaMALENER Braindla SZMELCER Brandla FaialaWOLK? Cywia Ickowicz Rywka Boruchowicz Gnendla Herszlikowicz Gitla Lewkow Sora Dawidowicz (d) LaiaNIRENBERG P, Widoma P. Widoma Tomaszow P Sulborowice wies Piliczyca. gm P wies Zocherzow?, Opoczno wies Reczkow Jedrzejôw P P, Widoma Lelôw Huby? Gorski P, Widoma P, Widoma P. Widoma P P 42 20 MITLER FERDER 21 CHARCZEWSKI WASSERMAN Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Abram Sora Icyk Reyla (wid.) 21 20 18 24 Berek Szaul(d) Lejbusz Zelman Nuta (d) Rojza Joskowicz (d) Fai2a?ERLICH Esterka (d?) Frymet Radoszyce P wies Lopuszno, Checiny P Abram Dawid Cvwia Lejbus Ita Masza Lejzor Sora Wolf Brucha Dawid Raizla Berek Golda Mosiek Laia Hana Anzielm (wid.) Brauna Hana Berek Rajzla Mordka Wigdor Sora Alter Fraydla Mordka Faiala Judka Liba Berek (wid.) Malka Izrael Perla Rachmiel Rywka 18 19 19 17 19 21 22 22 19 18 20 22 24 23 40 24 18 16 19 Kopel (d) Icvk Hajm (d) Icvk Mosiek (d) Icyk Jankel Berek (d) Mandzia Herszlik Abram Abram Mosiek (d) Abram Dawid Abram Szaia Ml Icyk Rubin Leyzor (Haiml Mortka Wigdor Hersz Herszlik Icyk Herck(d) Szaja Szaja Chajm (d) Leybusia Lewek Faiwel (d) Perentz (d) Nochem Mindla Laja Jakobow Cerla Naftolowicz Ester BARYCKA? Laia Ruchla BRANICKA Ryfka Zajnwelow Gela Jenta Moskowicz Faygla Jakobow RvfkaKoDlow(d) Paulina Sora Ickowicz Szajndla SOKOWSKA (d) Hinda Joskowicz Frajdla Sora Abramowicz (d) Mindla (d) Sora Zelikowicz? Marya BARON Rochla Anszelow Layja Szymonowicz Mindla Dwoira GOLDMAN Ruchla ROZENBLAT Sora Favela LIBERMAN Ratzla Aronow (d) Perla HECHT Blima Judkowicz Rvwka Abramowicz Fayga RavlaLEWENBERG Laja Moskowicz Szaindla DUNSKA Perla Herszlikow Sura Majerowicz (d) P P wies Falkôw, Zarnôw P P P Parzniewice, Kolonia, gm. P. Widoma wies Dobrenice, Rozpza? P. Widoma Radoszyce P Koriskie P Kurzelow, Wloszczowa P Radoszyce P P P P, Widoma P. Widoma P P Kolonia Gorski, Gôry Mokre P Laski? P wies Borowa P. Widoma P P Szlama (d) Mosiek Icyk Mordka Aryja(d) Eliasz Markus 30 Zacharavasz BasiaKUPFERMINC Rochla Jakobowicz Drezla Judkowicz Bavla Jakobowicz (d) Zlata Chana CHELEMSKA Brandla (d) Sura Jenta Berkowicz P P. Widoma P. Widoma P. Widoma Piotrkôw P Radomsko P 19 Rubin Hayja Hendla GRINKRANT Pilica Liba Herszlikowicz P Warszawa Brocha ? Szvfra SILBERSZTEIN P P, Widoma Haj a Abramowicz P Malka Maiorowicz P Zelda Herszlikowicz P Rvwka Szmulowicz Kohskie Hendla SADKOWICZ? P Sura Ickowicz fd) Ruchla Szajow wies Krasocin, gm Widoma Sora Jakobowicz (d) P Malka Herckowicz P TolcaDOMSKA Marya Laja (d) P P. Widoma Malka Joskowicz Cyperka Zalkow P Frandla WEINSZTAL (d) Wodzislaw P Hana BRANICKA Zvsla ROZENTHAL Kolonia Moizeszôw. Gôrv Mokre Rywka Eliaszow P P Havia? Lewkowicz fd) P, Widoma Dyna Dawidowicz (d) P. Widoma Ruchla Bunemow P Mindla Szmulowicz Kurzelôw Rochla Naftolowfdï STERA tan)? 22 RAPPORT LIPNICKA 23 FINKIELSZTEIN PASMANTYR 24 WEINBLUM BRANICKA 25 LIBGOT ROZENBLATT 26 JAKOBOWICZ PROMNICKA 27 SZEJER WEIGENSBERG 28 MIEDZIAGORSKI ELENBERG 29 NAJMAN FEDERMAN 30 FINKLER GOC1ALK 31 KUPFERMINTZ FISZAUF 32 KUPFERMINTZ ZACHARYASZ 33 NIRENBERG OKRENT 34 KRYBUS BANKIER 35 KALMAS WEESBERG 36 GOLDBERG JAKOBOWICZ 37 POLICZKOWSKI KOPLOWICZ v SUZYNSKA 38 RODAL ROZENBERG 39 KADZIDLO GOLDBERG 40 EJBESZYTZ ZYSKIND 41 LEJZOROWICZ JAKOBOWICZ 1865 1 GINSBERG NIEMIETZ 2 ZYLBERZOHN WEINBERG 3 ROZENCWEIG JUDKOWICZ 4 BORENSZTEIN CHRZANOWSKA 5 ARONOWICZ PROMNICKA 6 MENDLOWICZ ZYSER 7 SKOCYLAS WEINBLUM 8 GEDULT ALTMAN 9 TOBIASZ WEINMAN 10 FUTER BRANICKA 11 MICHALEC MICHALEC 12 TENENBAUM TENENBAUM 13 PARZENCKI PROPINATOR Spring 2001 Josek Berek Baila Mareules Herszlik Cyna Nacha Pesla Izrael Szlarna Sura Lejzor Cvwia Rafal Tauba Frvmet Icyk Nacha Hena Jakob Golda Szmul Leib Haia Hana Jankiel Mendel Laia Berek Marva Pesla Hersz Wolf Tabla Icyk Lejzor Haia Josek Hersz Ester Cvna Dawid Hilel Raizla Eliasz Hudesa Jankiel Gitla Mordka Szaindla 18 18 17 24 20 22 20 25 23 22 17 22 18 18 20 19 20 18 17 27 21 18 17 21 17 19 18 23 20 19 20 22 16 22 24 18 17 18 19 19 20 36 18 19 17 Eliakim Abram Mosiek Jakob Major Wulf Mosiek (d) Hil Icyk Szlama Zelman Abram Icyk Icvk Jakob Jakob Icyk Icvk Jochym Haim Lejzor Evzvk Aron Dawid Abram Michal Mosiek Abram Icvk Abram Berek Spring 2001 14 TAJTELBAUM ALTMAN GRODENAPEL tan)? 15 GOLDBERG WEICENBLIT 16 SZMULOWICZ FAJTAK 17 KLEJNMAN EJZER 18 BORENSZTEIN LEWKOWICZ 19 KRYBUS FAJGENBAUM 20 MIEDZINSKI SZWARTZ 21 JANIEKI ITALIAN 22 ALEKSAMDEROWICZ PARZENCZKA 23 SZTARKBAUM KANTEROWICZ 24 JAKOBOWICZ WOLBERG 25 WEINTROB APELOWICZ 26 KANTEROWICZ LICHTENSZTEIN 27 TROKMAN CHARENDZOWSKA 28 SZTAEVHAR FIGLARSKA 29 OWIECKI MORTKOWICZ 30 KAMINSKI ALTMAN 31 GINGIER PISAREK 32 PACHCIARSKI ZYLBERMINTZ 33 BIRENCWEIG MARKOWIECKA 34 GOLDBERG ROHTSZTEJN 35 KEMPNER ROZENBLAT 36 BARANKEWICZ WEINMAN 37 FURMAN WEISKOPF 38 ALTMAN RUBIN 1866 1 GOLDSZTEIN DZIARA? 2 POLICHOWSKI KALISKI 3 BORZYKOWSKI CEDERBAUM LIPKA tan) 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 43 Szlama Haia Sura 18 Mordka Mosek (d) Ella ' Rywka ORBACH 21? Mosiek Szaul Michal Leibus Zlota Hinda Berek Sura Wolf Szaindla Izrael Berek Liba Lejbus Tauba Szaja Mariem Faygla Mordka Hinda Rojza Zajnwel Chawa Boruch Wulf Temerla Mordka Szeindla Rywka Eliasz Mordka Rywka Szlama FaielaLaia Izrael Fraydla Szaja Lewek Haia Dwoira Mosiek Lai a Aron Lewek Frymet Ester Dawid Kopel Dina Mendel Hana Kreindla Dawid Chawa Szmul Gitla Mosiek Lejb Frvmet Mosiek Ruchla Zyndel Gitla Josek Hersz Ma 20 23 21 22 24 20 20 20 23 20 19 19 22 17 18 20 19 22 18 19 21 19 18 17 20 20 20 20 26 19 19 20 22 18 26 20 19 18 23 22 23 22 18 23 26 22 18 19 Dawid Leizor Hajm Icvk Szyman Lewek (d) Icyk Dawid Icyk Mandel Wulf Izrael Wulf Icyk Lejb (d) Aba Mendel (d) Abram Juda Hersz Szvmon Jakob Icvk Boruch? Dawid Dawid Jakob Josek Aron [d] Abram Szaul Berek WulfHerzfd) Tewel Majer Herszlik Szlama Lejb Josek Wulf Lewek Mosiek Judka (d) Eliasz [J]Ankel Joel Icyk Szmul Josek Eizvkfd) Lejbusia Nisen Jakob Grojnem Dawid Marya Hayja Sura Joskowicz Rochla Fajwelowicz Tuma Aronow Czarna Dawidow (d) Raizla Moskowicz Mirla Szlamowicz Rvwka Rochla Judkowicz Marya Jakobow (d) Nacha Tobiaszow (d) FajglaKADZIDLO Ester Ickowicz Rojza Gitla Beniaminow Lai a Szlamowicz Hana? Wulfowicz Mindla Szmulowicz Rochla Laia Aronowicz Roiza Hawa Majerow Dyna Iserow Hana? Eliaszow Roiza Ickowicz GoldaFISZER Ester Hana ZYNGIER Idesa Moskowicz (d) Szeindla Bajla GOTHEIM (d) Laia Dobra PAZMANTYR SzosaWAJSFELD Matla Zvlow Hendla Lewkowicz Golda Hana Rubinowicz Tauba Dawidowicz Perla Judkowicz Hinda Zalow Rvwka BRANICKA Dwojra Wolkow Ruchla Abramow Ela Faytak (d) Hinda (à) Rywka KADZIDLO Roiza Moskowicz (d) Laia Lewkowicz (d) Hinda Zusman Rywka Esterka Michalow (d) Mariem BIRMAN Sora Rvwka CHMIELNIK Icyk Nacha Szaja Michal Sora Rywka Szlama Jozef Gitla 20 23 19 21 20 23 Jakob Maier Jankiel (d) Mosiek Lejb Mendel Abram Mosiek Wulf Hinda (d) Rozprza Tauba Rayzla Keizerow fd) Chmielnik Zarnôw Malka POLITANSKA P Ruchla Zvmlow Koniecpol Rywka LEJWA? Liba Joskowicz P Mortka Haim Tobiasz Hercek Rajzla Herckow Ruchla Fajwlow Blyma Danielow Chawa Joskowicz wies Bobrowniki P. Widoma P P Szmul [Hersz] Mosiek Josek Haim (a) Lewek Wulf Szaia fMosiekl Zali? Szaindla RABER Alta Hasa WELDFRAID Sora STUDNIBERG Bavla Moskowicz Gitla CHELEMSKA Jachwet BILANBERG? Rywka Abramowicz Tana SZMAJER? Wioszczowa P Checiny P P CIECIORA Mendel 19 SZMULOWICZ Haia Ester 29 EIZENKOPF Dawid v Tobiasz (w ) 70 PRUSKA Haja (wid.) 45 SZMULOWICZ tan) SILBERSZTEIN Aron 18 UNGIER Perla Cywia 16 Judka 18 HERLANG 19 FAJGENBAUM Szaindla WEINMAN Dawid Icyk 18 GOTESMAN Roiza Pesa 17 BANKIER Dawid Jakob 19 LEWKOWICZ Bavla Malka 20 Wioszczowa P Gowarczôw P P, Widoma P. Widoma Kolonia Czesie, Gory Mokre P P P P, Widoma P. Widoma P P P, Widoma P P P Kolonia Nosalewice? Oooczno Radoszyce P wies Oleszno, Wioszczowa? P wies Hucie?, Dlutowski? P. Widoma P, Widoma wies Lopuszno. Checiny Radomsko Maslowice?, Radomsko P. Widoma Kolonia Mojzeszow, Gôry Mokre wies Gory Mokre P P wies G6ry Mokre P. Widoma Zarnôw P P, Widoma Widoma P P Radoszyce P Wioszczowa P P Gowarczôw P P P. Widoma 44 10 SKOCYLAS TRAJMAN? 11 JAKOBOWICZ STERA 12 LERMAN ROHTBERG 13 POMERANTZ KORENFELD 14 LEWENBERG GOTFRID 15 SZOSTAK MOJZESZ SZWARTZfmnï 16 LAUBERSZTAIN AMSTANOWA? 17 WEJCMAN ROZENBLUM 18 SZMULOWICZ v NOPARSZTEK? BOROWIECKA 19 LANDSBERG ABRAMSOHN 20 HERSZLIKOWICZ LICHTER 21 WOLINSKI SZYBER GRINBERG ( mn) 22 TARKO LEJZOROWICZ 23 KONIECEPOL KONIECEPOL 24 NERENBERG RONDEL 25 ROZENCWAIG HERSZLIKOWICZ 26 KUPFERMINTZ LIBESKIND 27 KRAUSKOPF KUPERMINTZ 1867 1 JAKOBOWICZ DUNSKI 2 BORENSZTEIN JAKOBOWICZ 3 NOWICKI ZACHARAYASZ 4 BOROWIECKI WATYNSKA 5 WAJSER GNAT 6 ARBAT SZWARTZ 7 ROZENBERG FRYSZ 8 CINCIARZ? ROHTBERG 9 JANIEKI WIEWIOR 10 ROZENBLUM LIBESKIND 11 CHUCZYNSKI BIRMAN 12 ROZENBLAT SECEMSKA 13 WOLSKI KAMINSKA 14 JANIEKI MORDKOWICZ 15 ARONOWICZ BIDERMAN 16 MIEDSZIGORSKI PRUSKA Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Spring 2001 P P Mosiek Berek Hana Sora Dawid Hersz Dwoira Eliasz Mordka Ruchla Laia Jankiel Malka Hana Berek Chawa Szlama Temalta (wid.) 20 22 22 22 21 21 22 24 26 22 32 34 Icyk Jakob Herszlik (d) Szlama Abram Lejbusz Mordka Abus Mendel Danek Boruch Lewek Lewek (d) Malka PALUCH Gitla Paka Ickowicz Sora Maierowicz (d) Ruchla Moskowicz (d) RyfkaKOPROW ZlataNAJEMNIK Dwojra TAUCHENOW? (d) Rvwka Moskowicz (d) Haja Eliaszow (d) Etla WEINMAN (A) Laja Moskowicz (d) Sora Jakobow P, Widoma P Koriskie P Sienno? P P P P P Sanel Mendel Sura Mosiek Haim Tauba Michal Dawid 19 19 19 22 18 lzrael Szmul Mordka Abram Mosiek Major Dwojra WIERNIK Frvmet RachlaROTHAJER? Dvna Rvwka Lewkowicz Ruchla Laia WEINTROP P P. Widoma Szczekociny P Belchatôw? Haia Tauba Lipa Jakob Malka Major Hana Herszlik (wid.) Mindla (wid.) 20 18 18 38 16 42 35 Michal Eyzyk Dawid Fajwel [d] Helma? Wulf(d) Lejbusz Nacha Haimow Frajda Nuchemow Nechema Janklow? Gnendla Hazklow Dwoira (d) Curtla Mendlow Margules Jakobow (d) P. Widoma Warszawa P P, Widoma Przyrôw P, Widoma P 22 28 34 19 53 20 21 19 Nachman Dawid (w) 24 BailaHendla 22 Mordka Szyman 21 Malka 24 Major Uszer Herszek lzrael Herszlik Mosiek Lewek Favtak (d) Aron Dawid Szmul fdl Zajnwel Hersz Icvk Szajndla Lewkowicz (d) Favela Tobiaszow (d) Fraydla LERNER(d) BinaTENENBAUM Brucha Lewkowicz (d) Sora Leizorowicz (d) Gitla ROZENFELD Gnendla Herszlowicz Mariem Lewkowicz (d) Sora Rvwka Nutowicz fd) Brandla Mordkowicz Liba (d) Kolonia Czese, Gôry Mokre P Opoczno Kolonia Czese, G6rv Mokre P P wies Bartodzieje, Kaminsk? P. Widoma P P P Wloszczowa Mosiek (wid.) Hanna Zysman Leib Laia Fraydla Lewek Aidla Hersz Berek Rvwka Ruchla Abram Icyk Dyna Kajla lzrael Bayla Marva Szmul Jakob Rvwka Ruchla Abram Lewek Sura Rvwka Lejzor Malka Lejbus Liba Rochla Mosiek Kiwa Alta Ruchla Berek FaislaBaila Mordka Bojc? Sura Rywka Mordka Sora Szeindla Szymcha Rvwka Hana Berek Hudesa Abram Jankel (d) Icyk Szlama Herszlik Wiador Icic? Mortka Lewi Hersz Nuta Herszlik (d) Szlama Mosiek Lewek Lewek Simsia Rubin Mordka Icyk Lejb (d) Szmul Josek lzrael Jankel Wulf Szaul Michal Hil Dawid (d) Icvk Icyk Lejb (d) Abram Abram Icyk (d) Lewek Abram Icvk(d) Ruchla Ickowicz LaiaJakobowicz Mirla Szlamowicz Rayzla Lewkowicz Ryfka Judkowicz Jenta Wulfowicz EwaROZENBLUM Perla Beniaminowicz Ester GLIKSMAN (d) Bavla Rvwka PETERSZYL Tauba Moskowicz HanaPISAREK Ester Jakobowicz Roiza Eizvkow Chaja ZELINSKA Zlota Lewkowicz Rojza Gitla [Beniaminow] Brandla Svmchow Ester (d) Chaia Tauba Mordkowicz Jenta Frymet Szmulowicz Ester Manelow Tauba FJochwetl Szlamow Ester BORCKA? Gitla WEINSZTOK (d) Rojza Gitla Beniaminow Malia Szmulowicz (di Hana Szymchowicz Faiela Abramowicz Laja Berkowicz (d) Haia Herckow P, Widoma P. Widoma P P. Widoma wies Parzniewice?, Rozprza P. Widoma wies Faliszôw P. Widoma P P P P P, Widoma P. Widoma wies Parzniewice?, Rozprza P P, Widoma P. Widoma Petrokôw? P wies Blizyn? gm., Szydlowiec P. Widoma P P. Widoma wies Falkôw P P. Widoma P P, Widoma P Kohskie P Aron Lewek Roiza (wid.) Josek Sura Rvwka Abram Mosek (w.) Laia Eyzyk Hawa 27 19 20 20 19 20 20 22 22 18 19 17 22 19 22 19 25 20 21 17 19 17 18 21 19 17 23 18 19 24 23 21 Y' Y'1 Spring 2001 17 LIPCZYC KRZENTOWSKA 18 BERKOWICZ DAWNA 19 ROZENBERG FAJGENBAUM 20 FAJGENBAUM BLUMENSZOHN 21 MIEDZINSKI OKRENT 22 ROHTSZYLD ZYLBERBERG 23 MIGDALOWICZ FISZHAUF 24 MARKOWICZ CHARENDZOWSKA 25 LIPOWICZ FAJERMAN 26 DUNSKI DOBRONIEKA 27 LEWKOWICZ BERENFELD 1868 1 MOSZKOWICZ GRINBAUM 2 KRYBUS DUTKIEWICZ 3 ZYSER TANSKA 4 NAJMAN LEWKOWICZ 5 ZOLONDZ MESENBERG 6 WYSINSKI RYSZPAN 7 WERNIK SREBRNAGORA 8 WEJSKOPF MIODOWA 9 BIRENBAUM LIBESKIND 10 NAJBERG NAJMARK 11 ZAJDEMAN DYMANDSZTEIN 12 FRENKIEL KUPFERMINTZ 13 USZEROWICZ SZTAJN 14 ROZENBLAT PRUSKA 15 SWINKELSZTEJN LEJBUSZOF ? 16 KURC PISAREK 17 STASZEWSKI BOZYKOWSKA 18 ZILBERSZTEJN FAJGENMAN 19 KEMPNER OWIECZKA 20 NIRENBERG NIEPAMIENTNY 21 GLIKSMAN HANDELSMAN 22 MERMERSZTEJN SZWINKIELSZTAJN 23 LANDSZTEIN EJBUSZYC ZYSKIND (mn) 24 WAKSBERG WEINSZTOK Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Aron 18 Ester Kendla 19 57 Berek (wid.) Chaia Sura 22 Szmul 20 Raizla 16 Alter Berek 19 Hana Perla 17 Mosiek Aron 19 Mariem Fajela 18 Szlama Icyk 19 Frymet 18 42 Josek (wid.) Hendla Fravdla 20 Jankiel 19 Chana 20 Abram Litman 20 Perla Dwoira 18 Abram Mosiek (w) 27 Ruchla Laia 20 Widgor Mosiek (w) 28 Hinda 22 Lejzor Litman Mosiek (d) Mosiek Mosiek Haim (d) Naftula Hersz Jankel Jakob? Juda? Abram Aryja? (d) Szyman Gierszon Herszlik Joel (d) Abram Dawid Mosiek Lewek Wulf Lewek Icvk (d) Ruchla LajaGINGIER Rywka Litmanow Chwala Dawid (d) Tauba Ickowicz Ruchla FAJEMAN Bayla Szmulowicz RajzlaZILBERBERG LaiaWYSINSKA(d) Zysla Dawidowicz (d) Sora Zvzerow Szaindla Haia Tauba MAGNES Sora Jakubowicz (d) Curtla Ickowicz (d) Rywka Jakobow Szaindla Eizvkow Sora Moskowicz Fraydla Berkowicz (d) Hendla BOROWIECKA Dawid Gutman Ester Berek Sura Naftula Gitla Dobra Eliasz Baila Szaja Kailalta Szaja Berek Golda Fajgla Szaja Dawid Ester Mendel Dwoira Aron Rubin Gitla Hendla Icyk Hersz Dwoira Berek Kaila Izrael Icyk Ester Berek Cywia Zysla Berek Fraidla Jakob Hersz Malka Hana Herszlik Haia Sura? Izrael Icyk Frymet Froim Haia Mosiek Lejb (w.) Tauba Dawid Berek Atla Sora Szaja Zelik Irleia? Josek Giela Izrael Mordka (w) SuraMarya (wid.) Zelman Aron Zelik Szaja Aron (d) Iser Fajwel (d) Szolem Mosiek Izrael Dan (d) Izrael Szmul Nuta Dawid Gutman Mosiek Leibus Maier Szmul Lejzor Abram Zelik Michal Jankiel [Rubin?] (d) Izrael Hilel Mosiek Szlama (d) Graine (d) Lewek (d) Dawid Lejbus Herszlik Lejbus Mosiek Jakob Alter Maior Dawid Maier (d) Maier (d) Icyk Faiwel Jukel (d) Hil Jakob? Szmul? Lejb Hersz Wigdor Berek Mendel Icyk Maier Eliasz Ruchla Lewkowicz Perla Wulfowicz Blyma Jukowicz Laia Wulfowicz Sora Bajla Zysmanow Rywka Herszlikow Gitla FRAKMAN Kraindla Jakobow Rywka Ruchla Nutow Séria Moszkowicz Hana Rywka LBERMAN Sora Rywka GOLDBACH Fajgla Markowicz Sora SZWARC 20 23 20 18 19 23 19 21 22 18 18 17 19 20 18 17 18 17 19 19 24 18 18 19 26 17 18 21 19 19 18 18 19 16 20 20 26 24 18 20 19 18 20 18 20 18 Majer [Mortka] (w.) 34 Izrael Hil Bavla Marva 19 Haim (d) Rywka KODIOW Ruchla (d) Chana? Zacharvasz Zlota Liba JABLONSKOWICZ (d) Cipra Ickowicz SuraZLOTOGURSKA Hana Moszkowicz Mindla WAGMAN HanaLEWENSZTAJN Gitla Malka WAULBERG Hawa FREISZTAT Maria Rywka KRAKOWSKA BatszaROZENFELD Sora Lewkowicz Haia Lewkowicz Malka Idla Hana Perenc? Ester POZNANSKA Ester Mindla BUKOWSKA Ester RUDZINIE? Baila LIBESKIND Sora Lewkowicz Faigla Aronow Ester WILSKOWSKA? Sura Jakubowicz RiwkaKADZIDLO Szola? Lewkowicz Matla HECHT HanaLERNER Hana Roza ZABOWSKA Faiela? Szmulowicz Ester GUTERMAN Matla Koplowicz Brandla Froman? Haia CHELEMSKA Sora Laj a NAJBERG Zvsla GOTESMAN 45 Gowarczôw P P P P, Widoma P Lelôw P. Widoma P P Petrokôw? P. Widoma Zarnôw P P wies Loouszno, Checinv P P P, Widoma P. Widoma Kurzelôw, Wloszczowa P. Widoma P P. Widoma Kolonia Gorski, Gôry Mokre Gôrv Mokre P P. Widoma Gidle, Plawno P. Widoma P P P P P wies Plawno?, Opoczno? P Radoszyce P Skomika, Konska?, Gowarczek? P P P P, Widoma P P Bedzyn? P Koiiskie? P P P P Radoszyce P. Widoma P P P P Kolonia Mojzeszôw, Gôry Mokre P. Widoma P P P P P P 46 25 GOCIALK PANSKA 26 NIRENBERG GOCIALK 27 ROZENFARB GOLDCHAMER 28 PRUSKI DUNSKA FAIERMAN? fmn) 29 HENOCHOWICZ JAKOBOWICZ 30 MESZENBERG ELENBERG 31 WIERZCHOWSKI IT ALUN 32 DRZYMALKOWSKI NIRENBERG 33 SILMAN ROZENBLAT 34 ROZENBLAT JOCHEMOWICZ 35 PRZEDBORZ ROZENBERG 36 GUTERMAN TANSKA 37 ZILBER HANDELSMAN 38 DYKIERMAN ROZENBLAT 1869 1 KRAUSKOPF BANKIER 2 AIZENSZTEJN KRAKOWSKA 3 LIBERMAN KUPFERMINTZ 4 ROZENBLUM LICHTENSZTEIN 5 ULMAN DANKOWICZ 6 GOLDSZPINER WLOSZCZOWSKA? 7 SZEJER KATZ 8 WEJGENSZBERG ROZENBLUM 9 TENDLER KOPEL 10 EZOR FAJGEL 11 ZELISKI OCAL 12 GIERLICKI TRAJMAN 13 CUKIER WEINMAN 14 WAULBERG LEWENBERG 15 DAJCH WEJCENBLIT 16 WEJNGORD DUNSKA 17 ROZENBLUM ALTMAN 18 GRINBLAT WIRSZTAL 19 ROZENZON FAJTEK 20 KOKUTEK RYGIER 21 WIERNIK FOGIEL Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Hil Michal Rvwka SzaulJudka Laja Hajm Chawa Dawid (wid.) Laia (wid.) 20 20 18 19 18 18 54 46 Wulf Maier (d) Mendel (d) Rubin Wulf Icvk Zelman Jakob? Wolf (wid.) Matla Haim Josek Szosa Raizla Joel Haskiel Chawa Sura Josek Alta Cvwia Wigdor Szmul Ruda Icyk Ester Manela Ester Dawid Chawa Manela Sura Gitla Judka Chana Ester 57 20 18 18 22 18 20 19 26 20 21 19 22 18 19 21 22 21 20 19 Wulf(d) Szlama Mortka Maier (d) Dawid Iszer Aba Gitla Joel Raizla Lewkowicz Rajzla GOLDBERG Idesa GLIKSMAN Riwka Rubin? Haia Sora Szlamowicz Malka Lewkowicz Izrael Wiedor FNusenl (d) Ruchla Hinda PAIENCKA? Maria Sender Gersz(d) Abram (d) Haia Ruchla [Noichowl Szmul Rojza KREZANTOWSKA? Gerszlik? (d) Baila Zlota Beniamin Abram Icyk Szaindla Aronowicz Ruchla Sendrow Hernia (d) LibaRUDEMER? Josek Hersz Faiwel (d) Riwka Gerszlik Mosiek Rela Gitla Moskowicz (d) Izrael Haim Maria Ickow (d) Blima? Jakobow Szmul Szmul Raizla ÏKIHRZANOWSKA Beniamin Hersz? Chawa Szymcha? Faiela Ester Berek Sura Baila Mosiek Hinda Szaindla Aron (wid.) Frada Witla Izrael Ber Perla Pinkus Aidla Josek Aba Haja Faiela Szmul Perla Golda Alter Boruch Hinda Szlama Berek Ester Dvna Berek Tobiasz Chaia Jakob Mosiek Hana Mosiek Haim Chaia Sora Szlama Mosiek Klara Szaindla Abram? Zelik Faiela Szaja Mosiek Hendla Ida Izrael Lejbus Baila Liba Hil Dawid Brucha Herszlik Baila Ruchla Dawid Gitla 18 18 18 16 18 21 18 17 30 24 27 22 22 21 18 21 20 18 20 26 19 20 19 23 19 27 20 18 18 18 18 20 19 18 18 19 19 18 23 19 22 21 Izrael Icyk Mendel Wiedor Hil Faiwel (d) Wolf Leizor (d) Lejbus Jakob Josek [Lejbus] Lewek Izrael Icyk Mosiek Berek Berek Judka Abram Wolf Michal Dawid Kopel Mendel Hil Szimon Icyk (d) Gerszlik (à) Haim Lejbus Icvk (d) Icyk Maier Haim Dawid Leizor Michal Danel Dawid Abram Jakob Groine Manela? Abram Maier Izrael (d) Leibusz Henoch Lewek Abram Wulf Spring 2001 P Sora Hana WEJNMAN Rywka fPesla] GURCZINSKA P Tabla GOTESMAN Ruchla APELOWICZ Fajgla GOLDBERG Ruchla FAJTEK Gela? Chejzerow?? Riwka Szmulowicz P P Radoszyce P P P. Widoma P P. Widoma Klwow? [Opoczno] P wies Leki, Szlacheckie. Petrowska? P P. Widoma P P P. Widoma P P. Widoma P P. Widoma Nowo Radomsko? P. Widoma Opoczno P P, Widoma P P Rela PRZEDBORZ P Gitla FaiglaORBACH Nowo Aleksandrow? Riwka CUKIERMAN Frvmet Moskowicz P Sura WAKS Radoszyce Laia Szimonow? P Laski? Bajla ROZENBLUM? Ester Hana ZINGER P. Widoma Machela LAUBERSZTEJN P HanaMirlaBRANICKA P Parzniewice?, Piotrkow? Ester GRINBERG?? Hana GROSMAN Wloszczowa? Riwka Lemlow? Radoszyce P Gitla KRYBUS Rajzla Szmulowicz P, Widoma Dvna Riwka KUPFERMINC P Bajla FRYBERG? Wolbrom SoraRISZPAN? P P RelaKADZIDLO Sora Zainwel Opoczno Ginda Szlamowicz P Baila Moskowicz P P Liba SZTAJNTOR? P Gitla Paka Ickowicz Nacha Riwka WAKSBERG Opoczno Szaindla Mirla ROZENBLUM? P P Dyna APELOWICZ DwoiraPECZONTKA P Gowarczow Haia SZANK? Haia Sura LACHOW? P Hana wies Lidno?, Radoszyce Ruchla Eizvk P. Widoma Dyna Riwka KUPFERMINC P P Maria BIRMAN Haja Laja Mortkowicz Wloszczowa SoraZELICKA P Sura Ruchla NIRENBERG P Riwka PISAREK P Laia SANDEL Wloszczowa Maria Sandrowicz P Udla Abramowicz P P FaiglaWEJSKOPFfdl Spring 2001 22 ROZENCWEJG HENOCHOWICZ 23 NIRENBERG ZILBERSZTEIN 24 EDELSZTEIN BELZYCZKA? GOLDSZTEJN fain) 1870 1 SZMID SZPIRA 2 SOBOL PISAREK 3 ZYLBERG [v NALEWKA] MAGNES 4 ROLNICKI CIECIORA 5 JURKIEWICZ BRANICKA 6 ROZENBLUM EISZENKOPF 7 BUCHSREJBER BERLINSKA 8 LEJTMAN EDELSZTEIN 9 ZEMEL BOROWIECKA 10 GOLDBERG ROZENCWEJG 11 CHÇCINSKI NABOZNY 12 KSIONZE LIPOWICZ 13 BEER WELDFRAID 14 PALUCH CUKIER 15 TAJCH KRYBUS 16 BACZINSKI BERLINER 17 PISAREK KUPFERMINTZ 18 PIOTRKOWSKI RAFALOWICZ 19 WILCZKOWICZ BANKIER 20 SZTEJN KUPFERMINTZ 21 RUBIN GRUNDMAN 22 ELENCWAIG LEWA 23 GOTESMAN KAMINSKA 24 WAJNMAN WARGON 25 SZWARC BANKIER 26 KRAKOWSKI TENENBAUM 27 AIZEN JAKOBOWICZ 28 MERMERSZTEJN EJZENKOPF 29 ZALCBERG SECEMSKA 30 ALEKSANDROWICZ GRINBAUM 31 WEJNCENBLIT TRZESZNEWSKA 32 FAJERWERK? MELOCHOWICZ Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 47 Haskiel Nacha Perla Josek Juda Ester Fraydla Rubin (wid.) Haia (wid.) 23 18 30 20 40 25 Mosiek (d) Henoch Boruch Perenc Mortka Dawid Lejbus Dawid Hana Abramow Haia Sura Gronem? Hana Ruchla GUTERMAN Perla BINENTHAL Frajdla Borkowicz (d) Masza Abramowiczc P, Widoma P Kurzelik? P P Piotrkôw? Mortka Kina? Icyk Jentla Mosiek 29 23 21 20 19 Haim (d) Zvsa Mendel Mortka Izrael Sura Riwka WEJZNER? SoraROZENBERGM SoraKURZELEWSKA? Frimet Szaiowicz (d) Hinda Opoczno P Radoszyce P KsigzWielki 19 19 21 20 24 22 18 18 18 21 21 18 20 33 21 18 16 18 16 18 16 18 18 20 22 18 18 28 20 19 17 18 19 20 24 18 16 19 24 18 16 18 19 20 22 18 18 20 18 22 17 20 18 23 20 18 24 18 Lewek (d) Berek Josek Rubin Jankel Izrael Daniel Dawid Samul? Fiszel Wolf Herszlik Lewek Josek Mortka Mosiek Noiech Josek Aba Mosiek (d) Jakob Hernia Nuta Mosiek Aba Emanuel Lewek Josef? Leyzor Icyk Wolf Mosiek Aron Wolf Aron Icyk [Rafall Icyk Szaja Lejb Mosiek Szemech? (d) Izrael (d) Szmul Maier Mendel Aba Jakob Jonasz Wolf Szaia Berek Mortka Berek (d) Jakob (d) Szaia Lejbus Szaia Lewek Abram Wigdor Berek Daniel Abram Michal Szlama Aron Zelik Szlama Mortka (d) Icyk [Izrael] rJakobl Hawa Lewkowicz Fajgla Haimowicz Fraidla Lewkowicz (d) Ruchla Laja SZWARC Entla Moskowicz Golda Zisla Moskowicz Laia GNAT BailaEJSZTEJN?fd) Maria ROTGERBER RvwkaGLIKSMAN Bina SRADZKA? Ewa ROZENBLUM Riwka SoraLAZOWSKA? Laja Maierowicz Brucha Joklowicz Ruchla BRAJNER? PeslaWEJNBLUM HanaKAPINSKA?(d) Jochwet Moskowicz Hana Mortkowicz Ruchla (d) Gitla BRANICKA Maria BRANICKA Frajdla BailaFRAJSZTAT Perla Judkowicz Maria Lewkowicz (d) Szaina? Lewkowicz? Ester rFravdlal KORENFELD? Zisla WEJSKOPF Fraidla Raizla FISZAUF [Fraydla] Elka SZTERBAUM Riwka LICHTENSZTEJN DwojraROZENTAL Riwka WEJNMAN Ruchla Ickowicz Perla fNutowicz ARMUT?1 Jochwet BILANDER? Riwka [Nacha?l Joskowicz Golda MENDELBAUM (d) Ester GOLDBERG Sura Riwka LIBESKIND Riwka Abramowicz Hana Szaiowicz Haia THawal MONDRA? Rajzla Moskowicz Rvchla Jorkowicz? Ester GUTERMAN Zisla BRANDYS Maria Rajzla REJ7GERC?? Tauba Jochwet FISZAUF Cwetla EDUSZ? Perla WOLINSKA Frimet Ickowicz Ruchla Ickowicz Sura Riwka TOLUB (d) Bai la Szolem? P Zarnôw P Koriskie P Piotrkôw P. Widoma P Koriskie wies Kamocka Wola, Opoczno? P Gorzkowice, Piotrkôw? Suleiôw?. Piotrkôw? wies Dmenin?, Noworadomsk P P P wies Wielka, Stobnicka? P Nowo Korczyn? P P P P P Koriskie P P P P wies Gôrv Mokre wies Turowice P. Widoma P P Opoczno P Checiny P P P P Koniecpol P P Koniecpol P P P P P Janôw P Radoszyce P P P P P Frvmet Szaja Chaia Rachma Zelik Faiela Zajnwel Cywia Mosiek Haim Raizla Mortka Sora Mosiek Blima Golda Herszlik (wid.) Itla Mosiek Jakob Kaila Faiela Szaul Fraidla Kalman Haia Maria Rochla Icyk Nuta Drejna Fiszel Sora Ester Mosiek Rywka Pantyl Malka Lewek Chaia Haim Josek Marya Rywa Haim Wolf 1 Tauba Mosiek Sender Sora Izrael Icyk Malka Icyk Szaindla Icyk Moszek Frymet Icyk Mirla Mosiek Maior Bavla Ruchla Berek Tabla Josek Blima Jonasz Chaia Zajnwel Ruchla Aba Rela Jakob Sucher Sura Masza 48 33 RABER FRAJSZTAT 1871 1 SPIRITUS WOLSKA 2 NAJMAN SZYMCHOWICZ 3 ELFERT KIESELMAN 4 JURKOWICZ ZYLBERSZTEJN 5 BURSZTEJN LONCZKOWSKA 6 AJZEN KRAUSKOPF 7 ZELICKI MALTZ 8 WEJNRYB CYMERMAN 9 BIMKA BIMKA 10 NIEPAMIENTNY SAJDMAN 11 WIERNIK PRZEDNIOWSKA 12 FEFER LASOCKA 13 BIRMAN ROZENBERG 14 DAWNY PARZENCKA 15 MIEDZINSKI FOGIEL 16 ROZENCWEIG SZTARKBAUM 17 FAJNER RAJCHMAN 18 BLAUSTEJN MARKOWICZ 19 ZILBERSZTEJN LAUBERSZTEIN 20 RESZKA DUNSKA 21 ZYGBAND OWIECKA 22 GROJS SZWINKIELSZTEIN 23 OPATOWSKI GUTERMAN 24 ROLDSZEJN FAJGENMAN 25 WEJSKOPF NIRENBERG 26 WIERZCHOWSKI? TULOP 27 GOLDSZMIT HANDELSMAN 28 KIPER KEMPNER 29 ROZENBAUM KOS 30 GIERLICKI GOLDMAN 31 KAMINSKI PERLOWICZ? 1872 1 BERKOWICZ LEWI 2 BANKIER GLIKSMAN 3 PALUCH ROZENCWEIG Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Berek Tobiasz Rywka 18 Haim Szmul 17 Gersz Dawid Jochwet ZILBERSZTEJN Pesla Ruchla Abramowicz Spring 2001 P P Icyk 18 Rachmiel Ruchla Laia KURZE?SKA P Raizla 20 Hil Dawid (d) Ester BORCKA? wies Falkôw Szmerel 20 Maier (d) CyrlaFAJGENBLAT Wloszczowa Hana Szaindla 20 Jakob Faigla Szaiowicz P. Widoma Josek Chenoch 20 Zalma Kurzelôw, Wloszczowa Ruchla WEJNRIB (d) BlumaLaia 18 Zelma Ruchla Liba ZAJDEMAN P Mosiek 20 Icyk Fajgla MIEDZIAGURA wies Gory Mokre Jentla 18 Leibus (d) Ruchla wies Gôrv Mokre Szaja (wid.) 30 Szlama (d) Ester Moskowicz (d) P, Widoma 23 Mosiek Jentla Liba Szmulowicz (dj P. Widoma Zelman Hersz (w.) 37 Lejbus Rajzla Moskowicz P, Widoma Alta Cvwia 20 Mosiek Leib P Sura Rywka Lewkowicz Herszlik 19 Hil? P HindaKAC Nacha 18 Jakob Lewek Ester Tauba WEJCENBLIT P Mortka Dawid 18 Hil Sura Mosiekow Radom / P Perla Dwoira P 17 Szaia Szmul Itka HELEMSKA Mosiek 20 Lejb Hersz (d) P Ruchla Jakowicz (d) Sora Sieiwa 20 Wulf CvmaLASOCKA P. Widoma Icyk Jakob 19 Lejzor Hersz Laia Ruchla Hilowicz Itla P Laia Ruchla Perenc? 23 Hersz BeniaminHersz?(w)27 Mosiek P SuraRyklaRODAL(d) Mirla 19 Izrael Gowarczôw? Ester ROZENFARB 24 Wolf Kielman EjdlaKAC Drzewica? Mindla 20 Mosiek (d) P. Widoma Ester AJZENBERG Josek Hersz 18 Wulf Frimet Szmulowicz P, Widoma 17 Izrael Mosiek Minka P ZvslaZACHARIASZ Mosiek 18 Szaia Entla STERA P Sora Mindla Szmulowicz 22 Abram Josek 21 Jakob Juda Zysla LICHTENSZTEJN (d)iP Ruchla 20 Wulf Faigla WAJSKOPFfdï Lewek Szlama 20 Berek HanaDYKMAN wies Trzepnica, Rozprza? P Machela 16 Juda Hersz Ruchla Laia Aronow Szaja Nuchem 22 Szmul HanaPALARSKA? P P Faiala 22 Nuchem (d) Mendia Haimowiczjd) Ester Pinkuszow Mosiek 18 Kalman Dwoira [161 flcvk Markowicz? 1 fHana?l wies Gôrv Mokre Mosiek Gnancia Wigdorow 18 Wulf Zajnwel wies Gôry Mokre Rywka Raizla wies Gory Mokre Dwoira WIERNIK 21 Izrael Herszlik (wid.) 24 Aron Haim Rywka Slamowicz P, Widoma Faigla Ruchla Ejzykow P. Widoma 19 Dawid P Haim Leib 21 Jakob? Icyk (d) Ester Perla LIBESKIND SoraFaiela Rvwka Szmulowicz P 22 Jankel 18 Zelman Rywka Bajla KRZENOWSKA Piriczow Hersz Lejb Giela Matla Kotjel 21 Mendel Icyk Haim Moszek 20 Aba Szajndla Korlskie Hana Faigla 22 Abram Berek P Gitla ZILBERSZTAJN Zyndel Liba Ester MAIEROWICZ Wloszczowa 19 Rubin Sura Jakobowicz P. Widoma Dwojra Nacha 25 Maier (d) Piotrkôw Izrael Nusen 19 Jakob? Bajla GLOCZOWSKA P Gitla Tabla GOTESMAN 17 Mendel (d) Mosiek 20 Iszer (d) Rywka Szmulowicz wies Leki?, Szlacheckie? Nacha 21 Szmul Fraidla ILaial Lewkowicz P 24 Simsa (d) Lublin Lejbus Ita MINCMAN? P MalkaLaia 18 Izrael Haim Ester FRAJSZTAT Tomaszôw 27 Josek(d) Szmul Frayda Bina 20 Icvk Rvwka KADZIDLO P Wtoszczowa Mosiek Haia Joskowicz 20 Hil Aron (d) P Mindla Chudes 22 Lewek Hersz CeiwaBUCHSZREIBER Boruch Maier 19 Icyk Liba SZTEJNCHORN? (d) P Nacha Chana 18 Boruch Tobiasz (d) fMatlal CMaierowl P Icyk Naftula 20 Berek Rywka Ickowicz (d) P Malka Liba 19 Szlama Rvwka Ruchla Nuta (d) Szmul Rywka Abram Litman Faiela Hercek Lejbus Sura Laia 18 Joachim Herszlik 18 Rubin 19 Mendel Wulf? Icvk (d) 20 Icyk 24 Abram DobraDANKOWICZ Faiela Tobiaszow Gitla Frajdla ORBUCH Branna? SWENTARSKA Brandla Szaiowicz? Seiwa Maierowicz Czestochowa? P P P P P " Spring 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 49 * ~? * * 4 BIRENCWAJG ROZENCWAJG 5 GUTERMAN KRAKOWSKA 6 TARKO ROZENBERG 7 ROZENBLUM LIBESKIND 8 DYKIERMAN WEJNBLUM 9 FRAJLECH KLUCZKOWSKA 10 DOBROCZICKI? LIBESKIND 11 DANKOWICZ KADZIDLO 12 SZKLARCZYK LEWKOWICZ 13 MALC WEJNMAN 14 BRODER ZYSKIND 15 GARNCARSKI MOSIENBERG 16 PISAREK ALEKSANDROWICZ 17 KOPEL ZILBERSZTAJN 18 MAGNES ZYLBERBERG 19 LAUBERSZTEIN EJZENKOPF 20 TAJL? LEWKOWICZ BIRENFELD (mn?) 21 EZER PISAREK 22 WAKSBERG BUCHSZREJBER 23 LIBERMAN ROZENCWEIG 24 FINKIELSZTAJN KLEJNMAN 25 KUZMA SYMCHOWICZ 26 LUBELSKI KRAKOWSKA 27 MLYNARSKI SUMARIA 28 MOJZESZ MOSKOWICZ 29 FAIERWARK SIAPSIOWICZ 30 WIERNIK DYKMAN 31 SZTEJN LEWKOWICZ 32 LICHTENSZTEJN ROZENBLAT 33 WOJDOWSKI ROZENBERG 34 JAKOBOWICZ JAKOBOWICZ? 1873 1 GOLDSZTAJN FIGLARZ 2 FELDSZTAJN LIBESKIND 3 BRANICKI LIBESKIND 4 SZLAMOWICZ ZAJBERG Abram Jojne 19 Szaindla 21 18 Icyk Hersz Ruchla Hana 16 Alter Efroim 21 Nacha 22 18 Abram Szaja 19 Nacha 21 Kopel 2o Hana Hudes 22 Jankel 23 Ester 21 Mosiek Rvwka 18 Wigdor Moszek 20 Laia 20 29 Jakob Cvrla 21 Zelik 18 Baila 20 Symcha Bunem 18 19 Idesa Maier Mortka 19 Fraida Dobra 19 22 Michal Roiza Laja 19 Szaja Moszek 19 19 Rvwka Laia 20 Eliasz Moszek 20 Ester Mendel Sandel (w.)[26J 18 Hana 30 Abram (wid.) 25 Hinda (wid.) Michal Mosiek Abram Berek Fajwel (d) Hersz Wulf Icvk Semai? Abram Zelik Szmul Icvk Litman Szaia Zajnwel (d) Izrael Mosiek Dawid Icvk Herszlik Icvk Jakub Lejb Lewek Zajnwel Eliasz Eliasz Izrael fSzmull Mortka Mendel Dawid Abram Giesel? Eizyk Zelman [Izrael] Daniel (d) Mosiek Icyk (d?) Sura Dwojra ZALICKA Koriskie Ruchla Jaîcubow? P Gitla ZILBERSZTAJN P Frimet Moskowicz P Hana WAJSMAN? Manka Jakobow Piotrkôw Liba Frajdla MALESZTEIN?Radoszyce Hana Moszkow P Entla/Etla Jakubowicz P, Widoma P Tolca Moskowicz? Laia Dawidow DANCIGIER wies Gôry Mokre Ruchla Laia PELCOWICZ? P Mindla Rojzla LEWENBERG7P Haja Tauba Herszlikowicz P P Fajgla Wulfowicz (d) P Drzela Judkowicz Cyrla Huta Drewnicia?, Nowo Radomsko P Ruchla Judkowicz P [Ester] Tauba Hil Gitla HELEMSKA P Laja Alter Gorzkowice? Hana HELEMSKA? P Ruchla wies Nosalewice P Séria Moskowicz Frimet Szaiowicz? (d) P P Hana Wulfowicz SuraRYSZPAN P Ruchla THanal ZAJDSMAN?P Laia Temerla? LIBERMAN P, Widoma Tauba MAGNES P. Widoma [Dwojra?] P Zysla Moskowicz P, Widoma Hendla? ROZENFELD Nowo Radomsko P, Widoma Hawa Zachariasz 21 Simsia Icyk 18 Jentla Szmul? [Szaul] Jakob 20 MalkaIdes?rHudesll8 Szaja Lejbus (w.) 41 FaielaHana 18 20 Icyk ElaKavla 20 30? Berek (wid.) 20 Hana 18 Menachem 18 Laia Marva 19 Pinkus Ester Pesla 20 21 Szaja Berek 21 Szaindla 19 Mosiek Eliasz 19 Szaindla Haim Berek 19 19 Tauba Ruchla Mosiek Lejb 19 Wita 20 18 Mortka Jonas Mariem Jochwet 19 Mosiek 20 19 Baila Mareules Lewek 23 22 Fraidla Kopel Wulf Mortka Maier Maier Gersz Rubin Abram Zelman Semen (d) Aron (d) Abram Lejzor (d) Alter Herszlik (d) Aron (d) Mosiek (d) Zelman (d) Icyk [Izrael] Berek Mosiek Szmul Jakob (d) Lewek Jakob Josek Abram Abram Lewek Szlama Rubin fd) P Râla Moskowicz Perla Judkowicz P Rytsza SPIRA P Sura Masza FISZAUF P P Hinda GIERLICKA Haia Sura LIBERMAN P P Liba STERA Czarna Dawidow Kolonia Czesie. Gôrv Mokre Zisla Manelow1? [Moskowicz] (d)P, Widoma Malka Lewkowicz P. Widoma P Mindla MALC P Racla Abramow RywkaKALISKA P P Nena OKRENT P Haia Ruchla Szmulowicz P Ruchla Lewkowicz [Sora] Rywka Szaiewicz (d) P Ruda Herzlikowicz P P Frajda Markowicz? Blima Jakow P. Widoma P Frajdla STARKBAUM Laia Judkowicz Wloszczowa P, Widoma Ester ZYNGIER? Matla KRAKOWSKA (d) P. Widoma Mirla WRUBLEWSKA wies Stobnica, Rozprza Hana Jakobowicz P. Widoma P, Widoma Rajzla Lewkowicz P. Widoma Rvwka SZMIDER Szaja Moszek Cvwia Cyna Hana Liba Dawid Liba Tojwia Haia Mariem Izrael Anzel? Wolf Hersz (d) Mosiek Eliakim Nuta Szaja Szmul Gdala Fiszel Dawid Mosiek Fiszel Dwojra FIGLARZ Laia Dobra PUSMANTYR Entla TROKMAN (d) Rvwka Juklowicz (d) BajlaPerenc Mindla Masza? Kalmanow Rajzla Ickowicz Ester Hana HRZANOWSKA? 21 22 18 19 18 17 21 17 P P wies Promnik P P P wies Rozprza P 50 5 MAGNES KUPFERMINC 6 ZAJDNER MORTKOWICZ 7 FAJNSZTAT GLIKSMAN 8 BUTKOWSKI WEJSFUS 9 LEJZOROWICZ GINGER PISAREK (mri) 10 ZOLONDZ ORBACH 11 JUDENCHERC BLUMENZON 12 WESOLA ROZENBERG 13 TROKMAN LIBESKIND 14 GOLDHAMER GOTESMAN 15 LICHTENSZTAJN KAMINSKA 16 HENOCHOWICZ FRAYTAK? 17 LEWKOWICZ PAJTER 18 APELOWICZ WOLBERG 19 NEZNANOWSKI? ROZENBERG 20 LEJWA LEWJA 21 RAJZMAN LEJZOROWICZ 22 UNGER ZYSKIND 23 GOCIALK MARGULES 24 BOCHT PANTELOWICZ 25 KAMELGARN ZILBERSZTAJN 26 BARTKOWSKI LEWKOWICZ 27 EDELSZTAJN PIECZONTKA 28 ROZENFARB NABOZNY NDRENBERG (ran) 29 HELLER v LERER WAJSLIC 30 SOSNOWSKI ROZENBLAT 31 KLAJNMAN LAUBERSZTAJN 32 ROZENBAUM ZILBERSZTAJN 33 DAWNY MOJZSESZ 34 ROMER? CYMERMAN 1874 1 KEMPNER BUKOWSKA 2 BLAUSZTAJN SZPIRA 3 KRAKOWSKI TANSKA 4 DUNSKI PITOWSKA 5 ZILBERSZTAJN BRANICA Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Abram Malech Cerla Beniamin Tema Rajzla Alter Ber FraielaLaia Mosiek Ruchla Gitla Lejbus (wid.) Dyna (wid.) 19 22 23 18 19 21 20 23 [Ejzyk] Mosiek Mosiek Herszlik Hersz Leib Herszlik Jakob Szmul (d) Jankel Abram (d) H1J Herszlik 23 Wulf Nuta (wid.) 33 22 Gitla Hana Joachim Eliasz 18 20 Haia Sura SzajaDawid (w.) 22 20 Hana Mosiek (wid.) 33 20 Gitla 19 Abram 18 Faiela Hana Berek (wid.) 29 20 Tobla 21 Aron Raizla Laia 25? 19 SzlamaNuta 23 Haia Raizla Litman (wid.) 38 20 Dwojra Ester Lewek Riwen 20 Gitla Rvwa 19 Abram Icyk (wid.) 53 DwoiraErlia? 19 Fajwel (wid.) 35 Ruchla 18 Zelman Josek 18 20 Dwoira Maria Mosiek 18 18 Hudesa 20 Lejzor Berek Ruchla Cvrla 19 Berek Abram (w.) 29 20 HaiaHvsaia? 22 SzajaDawid 20 Nacha 20 Abram Moszek 22 Laia? Perla Izrael Wulf (wid.) 35 42 Brucha (wid.) LaiaTamarLIBERMAN Ratsza ROZENFARB Branna DEMBSKA Hinda Faiwelowicz Ester BlimaBIRENBAUM Hana Joinow (d) CywiaFUTERMAN Ester Pesla Peslowicz? Hana [Tauba] Boruchowicz Perla Judkowicz Spring 2001 ? P P P Sulejow? Kol. Moizeszow?. Gory Mokre? wies Lochin/Losien? P. Widoma P, Widoma P Izrael Dan Zainwel Lejzor Szmul Izrael Haim Wulf(d) Aron (d) Izrael Abram Fiszel Wulf Aron Herszlik (d) Mosiek (d) Icvk (d) Lejbusz (d) Herszlik Wigdor(d) Icvk Urisz? Ruben Lejzor (d) Maier Wulf Herszlik Boruch (d) Natan Szlama Rubin Naftula Mortka Josek Lewek Szaia Perenc Izrael (d) FMosiekl Zala Herszlik Lewek Beniamin Icyk Lejzor Hersz Jokel (d) Rywka Ruchla Nutowicz P, Widoma Fala? APELOWICZ (dï P. Widoma RozaliaGOLDSZTEJN Chulew? [Chlewo] P Ruchla SWIENTARSKA Gitla GUTERMAN P P Haia?POLITANSKA P, Widoma Idesa Berkowicz (d) Blima Wigdorowicz P Zarnôw Racla EDELSZTEJN (d) Jochwet BILANBERG? P P CerkaKRZENTOWSKA P Hendla SZUSTAK (d) Dwojra Lewkowicz P, Widoma Nacha Szaindla Jakobowicz? (d)?. Widoma Bina STERA P, Widoma P. Widoma Sura Wulfowicz Ester MmdlaLEWENBERG [d)P Dwoira APELOWICZ P Wloszczowa RojzaKONECPOLSKA Czarna Dawid P P Haia Frajdla Rubin (d) P Ester Rajzla Lewkowicz Sura Icyk Wloszczowa Widoma Sura WILK? Haia Sura Lewek P P Szifra WYSZINSKA Ruchla Anzel P Haia Sura LACHMER? P P Ester Berkowicz Gnendla Hudesa Herszlik Widoma wies Kobiele?, Nowo Radomsk Perla Przedborz P Nacha LEWENBERG Hinda Rojza Herszlikow P Widoma Tana? SZMAJER? P Rywka GLIKSMAN P Baila GLIKSMAN? Hudesa Lejbus P MatlaHECHT P Lejbus Czarna Kalman Laia Erlia Mosiek Lejb Ester Racka Abram Icyk Rvwka Raizla Haim Tauba Aron Noech Hana Perla 18 16 19 22 18 19 19 21 18 17 18 17 Jankel Szaia Mosiek (d) Szmul Dawid Mortka Hersz Herszlik Szaia Berek Szaja Mortka Judka Dawid Icvk Rajzla Laja BIDERMAN Ruchla GLIKSMAN Ruchla SNOWSKA Raizla Iser Haja Josef SuraHANDELSMAN Ita [Ruda] SZTAJN HawaROZENZON Entla STERA Entla Lewkowicz FajglaHanaZILBER Baila Leibus Checiny Widoma P P wies G6ry Mokre P wies Stara, Skotniki P P P Opoczno P Abram Hana Faifda Mosiek (wid.) Szaindla Raizla Berek Zajwel Cejwa Nuchem Fiszel Baila Pesla Abram Icyk Nacha 25 18 20 20 22 23 18 17 19 18 Icyk Mosiek (d) Kelman Zvsa Izrael Faiwel (d) Szaja Zelik Abram Lejbus (d) Dawid Rywka Moskowicz? SuraKUPERMINC Ester [Pinkusow] Sura ROZENBERG Gitla PERCHA? Rvwka Herszlikowicz Dwojra Fiszlowicz FaielaDUNSKA Ruchla Szmulowicz Zisla ROZENTAL P P P P P Widoma Widoma Widoma wies Szukowice?, Kielce wies Gôrv Mokre.. Koriskie Spring 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 *«&•*- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 BRANDES ORBACH ITALIEN JURKEWICZ KUPFERMINC FESKELSZTAJN BARZKOWSKI KRZENTOWSKA RYSZPAN APELOWICZ GUTMAN LICHTENSZTAJN GOLDFARB CYMERMAN ROZENBERG BLUMENZON SZPIRA HLOPSKA ROZENBLAT WAJSMAN WAGOWSKI WAJSMAN GITA ROZENCWAJG ELFERT ZYGBAND KAPELUSZ JAKUBOWICZ ERLICH LIPKA GUTERMAN KOPEL ROZENBLUM KAMINSKA PERELGUT KAMINSKA GOCIALK GOLDBERG PISAREK LEWA WAJNRIT ROZENCWAJG ALTMAN KALISKA MILSZTAJN? ZACHARIASZ MIEDZINSKI DYKERMAN GOLDBERG FRISZ SZWARC LICHTENSZTAJN SZAJNFELD NIEPAMIENTNY MALC SZAULOWICZ CYMERMAN ZYSKIND GISER ZILBERSZTAJN KAMINSKI LEWI GLIKSMAN LEWKOWICZ MARKOWICZ LAUBERSZTEJN WAJGENSBERG BLUMENZON ROZENBERG WAJSKOPF Hemia (wid.) Entla Mosiek Pesla Mortka Ruchla Mosiek Hil Hindla Gitla MaierHil Ruchla " Hendel Josef Tauba Rachla Gerszon HaiaDvna Alter Hasza? Fiszel Malka Mosiek Hawa Pesla Pinkus Maier Erlia Maria Mosiek (wid.) Rvwka Laia Nuszen Szimon EtlaHendla Berek Faisla Gerszlik Laia Szmul Szaja Hana Sejwa Haim Szimon Ruchla Laia Mosiek Riwka Berek Hinda Tauba Jankel Fraindla Nuta Gersz Malka Szaindla Maier Dawid Elka Malka Hil Gersz Lejb Malka Blima Szaja Raizla Boruch Ester Dwojra Mortka Szaul Ester Ejzyk Mendel Hana Gitla Hil Mendel Frajndla Wyta Haskel Riwa Lejbus Hana Michal Sura Rywka Mosiek Lejb Fraindla Aron Lejb Sura Matla Sucher Rela Blima Mosiek Dwoira -. 22 17 19 18 18 19 19 21 20 23 19 16 18 18 18 20 18 17 18 18 19 21 42 23 21 21 22 18 18 18 18 17 20 20 20 26 21 23 19 16 21 22 18 18 18 19 23 19 21 21 22 20 20 19 18 22 18 19 23 20 23 19 22 20 21 18 19 16 21 22 it*** ' 51 * Zelman Rywka Berkowicz P P Mosiek [Herszl (d'IBailaGNAT P Aba Laja Szlamowicz Josek (dï Hana Eliasz wies Gôrv Mokre Aron Maria GOLDBERG (d) Wloszczowa P Wiedor HerszM Sura Herszlik Rywka Frajndla NABOSNY7P Berek Perla Nicha WATYNSKA? P Josek Mosiek Haia SREBRNAGURA P Mosiek P Dawid (d) RoizaMEZENBERG Blima OPENCHAJM? Bedin? [Bedzin] Hersz (d) Ester Hana ZYNGIER Widoma Jakob Josek Warszaw Abram Jakow Michla Szmul Sura Szmulowicz P Herszlik Ruchla Icyk Widoma Jakub Perla Lewi Widoma Lewi Blima GOZDZIN? Strykôw Mosiek Aron Rvwka EICHENCLD? P Abram (d) Matla KRAKOWSKA? (d) P Abram SoraKUPFERMINC P Rubin Fajgla Machela BLUMENZONfP Ejzyk SuraKUPFERMINC P Rubin Fajgla wies Lipowice?, Noworadomsk Dawid Sura Lewkowicz Widoma Noich Ruchla WAJNTROB (d) Kurzelôw Zalman Ester Perla LIBESKIND Jakob? Icvk P Gitla HIMELFARB Radoszyce Haskel Ruchla Ickowicz P Abram (d) Rywka ROZENBERG Zelman (d) Opoczno P Liba (d) Mosiek Wulf Gita ZILBERSZTAJN P Abram [Berek] P Sura Ickowicz Dawid Tomaszôw Hana Mosiek Gitla WAJNSZTOK? P Icvk (d) Laia Gerszlikowicz P Hemia (d) Ruchla GOCIALK P Izrael(d) Bayla ROZENBLAT P Izrael (d) Ester Aronowicz Michal P P Baila LIBESKIND Mosiek P Zvsla BERLINER Abram [Icvkl Brandla Ickowicz P Nuta Gersz (d) FrimetFISZAUF Bonem (d) Widoma Golda Rubin Szlama Hendla Zvndel wies Gôrv Mokre Hendel (d) Gitla GELLER? (d) Dawid Opoczno P Raizla KALISKA Mortka Maria FIGLARSKA P Dawid (d) Haia Maierowicz Icvk Widoma Witla Gerszlikowicz Noech (d) Widoma Malka Lewkowicz Izrael (d) Hana PISAREK P Mosiek P Cerka Wulfowicz Aron Rojza TENENBAUM Checiny Izrael Wolf HanaLERNER?(d) P Hil [Ester] Tauba WAJCENBLIT P Jakob? Lewi (d) Hudesa DIAMENT Zamôw? Izrael Idka Moszkowicz Szaja Szmul P Szmul? rSzlamal Szifra WISINSKA? Frajndla KINEGSZTAJN wies Gôry Mokre Dawid Gnancia WAJCENBLIT WulfFZainwell wies Gôrv Mokre Ruchla GOCIALK P Izrael (d) Hana SZTRAUSMAN Szaia Josek wies Gôrv Mokre Pesla Lewkowicz Szlama P Riwka SZPILFOGIEL? Dawid Hana PAENCKA Icyk wies Gôry Mokre Dwoira Abramowicz P Izrael (d) Maria Joskowicz Izrael P Jochet Izraelowicz Abram Wulf Hana POLICKER P Nison (d) Ester Michalowicz 52 1875 1 WOLINSKI KALISKA 2 MARKOWICZ PELCOWICZ 3 BINENTAL WAJNBERG 4 GANCARSKI IRLICHT BLUMENZON fauri 5 MOSZKOWICZ WAJNBLUM 6 WIERZCHOWSKI? BARANKEWICZ 7 NIRENBERG SZPIRA 8 LEWKOWICZ ZELMAN HUDYS? fmn) 9 ZILBERBERG BOROWECKA 10 BELZICKI PANSKA 11 LIBESKIND LIBESKIND 12 SZMULEWICZ PANSKA 13 BARTKOWSKI SZWARC 14 MACHLEWICZ KLUCZKOWSKA 15 CHE.CINSKI WAJNTROB 16 GLIKSMAN LANCBERG 17 WAJCENBLIT GOCIALK 18 KALISKI WYSZINSKA 19 WAJNBERG ROZENBERG 20 WAKS WIERSZTAL 21 BLACHAROWICZ POSMANTYR 22 ZILBERBERG HOCH 23 ROZENBERG EJZENKOPF 24 DAWNY MIEDZINSKA 25 KALISKI WAJNSZTOK 26 LACHMIL? LONCZKOWSKA 27 WAJSFUS WAJGENSBERG 28 LEWI MONDRY 29 KUPERMINC EJZOR 30 SZTAJN MOJZESZ 31 BANKER DYKMAN 32 GOLDSZMIT GLIKSMAN 33 JAKUBOWICZ BAUM Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Wigdor (wid.) Szaindla Abram Hinda? Tauba Manela Icyk Laia Alter (wid.) Liba 41 18 19 20 19 19 39 28 Abram 19 RaizlaLaja 21 Mosiek 19 Haia 17 Haim 18 Rywka 20 Mosiek 28 Tauba Ruchla (w•.)30 Nachman Blima Frimet Mosiek Hil Ita Fraida Abram Gersz Ruchla Pinkus Szmul Laia Eliakim Zelik Golda Haim Hana Mata NaftulaMaier(w.) BailaZlata Mosiek Szimon Fraindla Baila Szaja Moszek Hana Fajgla Haim Golda fwid.) Haim (wid.) Noima Aron Gersz Malka Frimet Mejlich (wid.) Dina? Szajndla Gerszlik Liba Zajwel (wid.) Faiela Maria Szmul (wid.) Aidla Ejzek Drezla Gerszlik Roiza Lejbus (wid.) Mareula Tobiasz RvwkaLaia Lejbus Blima Abram Lejzor Haia? Nacha Icyk Mendel Frimet Icyk Maier Dwoira Szimon Wulf Sura Hawa Spring 2001 Wolf(d) Szaia Abram? Mendel Dawid Kalman Lewek (d) Izrael Tolca Gerszlikowicz Zvsla BLAUSZTEJN Pasa Haia Raizla Szlamowicz Dwojra BINENTAL Nacha TZILBERSZTAJNl [Laja] Mirla Ruchla Widoma P P P Nowo ? P Dawid Icvk (d) Nuchem Szaul Mendel Gerszlik? Maier Izrael Jochwet Rywka Dyna Ester [Moskowiczl Tabla [GOTESMAN] Gela Dwojra Sora Wloszczowa P Zarnôw wies Faliszôw. Skotniki 19 Mortka Frajdla 19 Michal Nacha 18 Dawid Pesla 18 Beniamen [Herszl Nacha ILIPKA1 19 Mortka Laja Hana 17 Izrael Ester 19 Szaja 17 Leibus Gnendla 29 Izrael [Hindla] Rajza Sura 23 Jakob 23 Jokel? Hana 21 Szvia Ruchla ILaial [MoskowiczL 30 Joel? Laia 24 Sender Sura 23 Fiszel SuraMALC 18 Hernia Laia 21 Lejzor Haja Hana 23 Wulf 19 Izrael Laia [241 Dawid Sura 30? Gerszlik Gnendla 18 Mosiek Frimet 18 Jankel Frajndla 19 Izrael Rvwka rCHRZANOWSKAl 33 18 Beniamen [Szaial Maria TSZWARTZ1 21 Szymon Haja [Tauba] [MAGNES] Maria 19 Jakob? 26 Izrael Golda 16 Daniel Zvsla IBRANDES1 39 Szaja Entla [STERA] Ruchla 21 Fiszel 20 Gendel? Hendla 24 Haim Zvsla 20 Nuchem Szajndla Pesla 18 Haskel 41 Abram Ester Raizla 20 Icvk Fajgla [Tobiaszow] 20 Rubin Raizla 22 Mortka Maria 23 Aron 20 Kopel Reila TMOSKOWICZl Ester 22 Zajwel Tema 17 Nuta Frajdla [FISZAUF] 19 Mosiek 19 Szmul Blima 20 Abram Brandla 20 Zelik Haia 18 Icyk (d) Fajgla (d) 21 Abram Szaindla P P Gowarczôw? P Opoczno Widoma Opoczno Widoma P Piotrkôw Czermno? P P P P Wloszczowa wies Dobromierz P P P Chmielnik Radoszyce Widoma P Widoma P Widoma P wies Gôrv Mokre wies G6ry Mokre P Drzewica? P Widoma Widoma P P P P Widoma Sulejôw? P Chçciny P Spring 2001 1876 1 BORENSZTAJN BORENSZTAJN 2 KRAKOWSKI PRZEDNOWSKA 3 STRAUSBERG BRANICKA 4 FISZLEWICZ DUNSKA 5 ABRAMSON ZYSKIND 6 ZILBERSZAC FAJBISZ? 7 RUS ALTMAN 8 BANKIER PIECZONTKA 9 STERA STERA 10 WAGMAN BLINDER 11 PISAREK POLICKER? 12 SWIENTARSKI HANDELSMAN 13 CHÇCINSKI KOSS 14 ROTSZTAJN PRAWER 15 ROZENCWAIG BIMKA 16 MARKOWECKI KESELMAN 17 JAKUBOWICZ FUKS 18 GERSZONOWICZ KRZENTOWSKA 19 WORTSMAN? ZYSKIND 20 KLEINMAN WAJNBLUM 21 RESZKI JAKUBOWICZ 22 GUTERMAN TUCHMAIER 23 KROCHMAL KUPFERMINC 1877 1 MILSZTAJN CYMERMAN 2 JUDKOWICZ? BANKIER 3 ROZENBLAT MARGULES 4 BAUM WAJNRIT 5 GILBART ZISER 6 SKURNICKI SREBRNAGURA 7 DOBRONICKI? FAJTAK 8 ROZENBERG DUNSKA 9 ROZENBERG ALTMAN 10 GERC GEPNER 11 EDELSZTAJN GOTESMAN 12 ALTMAN DRZIMALKOWSKA 53 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Ejzyk 19 Krojna 18 Abram Maier 18 Mindla Ajdla 17 Jonas 30 Rachla 27 24 Jochem 21 Hana Michal 18 Ruchla Laja 20 22 Icyk Gersz Maria Ruchla 17 Ojzer? 22 Hendla 16 Mortka 22 SzDrinca Zvsla 20 Mosiek (wid.) 38 Bina Maria 16 Mosiek Berek (w.)32 Ester Blima 20 Icyk 18 Ewa Rifka 18 Szlama Gaskel 18 Haja 17 Gaskel Izrael 18 Roiza Brandla? 19 Haskel Haim? 18 Gita Erlia 17 Icyk Dawid 19 Seiwa (wid.) 23 22 Lejbus Ester 18 Mosiek Fajwel 22 17 Haja Sura Haim Pinkus 19 Rifka Hana 20 Sucher 19 Hana Ruchla 18 Szaja Nuchem 18 Sura Frandla 22 Beniamin 25 Brandla 18 Szimon 19 Frandla Udla 18 Jankel 18 Faiea Cvoora 22 Icyk Icvk Alter Szaul Gerszon? Jankel Fiszel Dawid Dawid Eliasz Zalma? Limnan Berek Josef Szmul Zajwel Mosiek Zelman Abram? Awram? Zelman Szaja Izrael Szaja Lewek Gersz Josek Lewek Gersz Fajwel Josek Abram Wulf Haim (d) Zelman Fajwel (d) Josek Izrael (d) Izrael(d) Kopel Szlama Jankel Dawid Lejb Aron Haim (d) Rubin Gerszlik Mortka Wulf Berek Faiwel Maier Jakob Malka Aron Jojna? Priwa Ruchla Szaja Aron Baila Frvmet WulfJakub Rasza Malka Gersz Mendel Ruchla Mosiek Haim Fraidla Szlama Tauba Szaja Baila Gersz Lejb Haja Szimon Rochma Icyk Jojna Maria Ritsza Dawid Tauba Ruchla Abram Isser HaiaKERSZCWEJG? Baila GROSKOF? Icvk Hil Hena Malka Maiorow Mendel Wiedor Gitla FFaielal Litman Szimon Wolf Bena LIBERMAN Awner? Zelda? Golda? WAJNRIB Szajndla Jakubowicz Abram Baila Maszaz Aron Maier Szlama Jochim Blima CYMMERMAN JSoral Baila Zismanow Iser Eliasz Hana Lewek Sura SZWARC Wolf Riwka Kopel Leibusz Rvwka PISAREK Mosiek Ruchla z Jakob Jankel fdl Laia z Jakub Rubin Czarna z Dawid Maria BIRMAN Groine Lewek Idla Maierowicz Abram Gitla BZNER/BEGER? Dawid Haia SZOBEL Wulf JochetBILANBERG? Rywka WADOWSKA Jakob Szmul Malka Lewkowicz flzrael?! Alter 18 18 18 21 19 17 20 22 19 23 19 23 24 23 20 18 20 21 20 19 18 18 20 20 Mirla Zelda Racla [Abram] Hawa Rajzla Gela Eitla Frimet GLIKSMAN Ruchla Eizvk NechumaBAUMGOLD HanaHELEMSKA Tauba TRAWGINSKA? DwoiraFISZAUF MargulaDRATWA? Golda Haia Joskowicz SuraGRANEKA? THanalZlotaMALC Frimet Maierowicz Ester STERA Sura Szajndla Lewkowicz Brandla Ickowicz Cyrla Ickowicz Sura Jankelowicz Sura Hana KUPFERMINC Faigla Laja Maierowicz Siaiwa? Zvsiow? Ita Laja Rafalowicz Sura Hawa Aronow Haja Sura LIBERMAN? CvwiaLASOCKA? Mindla GOLDWASER Liba Ruchla ZAJDEMAN Szajndla DUNSKA Ruchla DUTKOWICZ Hinda z Fajwel Kendla? Szlamowicz Tauba GRICENDLER? Szifra WYSZYNSKA CynaOKRENT Szifra Nacha? Wulfowicz Rykla Szlamowicz Malka Ickowicz Frimet ROZENKRANC Haja Hawa Kopel? Zysla Ickowicz Maria OKRENT? P P P wies Orzeczow?, Nowo Radomsko Widoma Widoma P Wloszczowa Widoma Piotrkôw wies Gôrv Mokre P P P P Konskie? P P P P P Widoma P P P P P wies Zelenka?, Opozno? P P wies Skotniki P P P P P P P P wies Belago??, Kielce gub. P P P Wielka Wola, Opoczno? P P P Kolonia wsi. Ruda Malenicka P P Plawno, Nowo Radomsko P ws. Mnin?, Pianow, Radoszyce P P P P P P wies G6rv Mokre Zarnôw P P 54 13 GUTMAN ZAJDEMAN 14 MIEDZINSKI JAKUBOWICZ 15 MIEDZINSKI LICHTENSZTAJN 16 ROZENBAUM SZEER Kielce-RadomSIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Abram Michal Hana Szaja Hil Rvwka Mortka Gersz Nacha Szimon Josek Ajdla 19 20 18 20 21 21 20 26 Rubin (wid.) Ruchla (wid.) Spring 2001 Ruchla Elka Michalowicz Maria Mortkowicz Perla z Dawid Nacha Faiela WAJSER Zysla Dawidow Cerka Wulfowicz ItaRudaSZAJN Gitla KRYBUS Piotrkôw P P P 65 Gecel 65 Aron Rajzla z Gecel Rajzla z Dawid P P, Widoma Mosiek Aron Sura Cypra Haim Sandel Mindla Rubin Ita Lejzor Ester Maier Gersz Dvna Hena Aron Szmul Pesla Izrael Icyk Seiwa Szija Mendel Hana Szimsza? Wulf BailaRywa Mortka Lejb Tolca Beniamin Lejzor Hawa 21 23 19 18 21 17 20 29 21 19 19 16 19 20 18 17 19 20 20 21 25 26 Icyk Wulf Wulf Szaja Lewek Icyk Wulf Zelman Berek Aron Maier Mosiek Icvk Wulf Daniel Maier Hersz Haim Szmul Josek Szaia Mosiek Mosiek Wulf? Izrael Hersz Izrael Jankiel Ita Moskowicz Faiela Ickowicz Frajdla z Sandel Nacha IHanal Ermiow? Haia Hinda Lewkowicz Raizla Szlamowicz Malka Gitla FRISZ Sura z Jankel Rywka Lewkowicz Szaindla z Lejbusz Fajgla z Boruch Zysla BRANDES Sura Masza Icykow Hana Moskowicz CywiaHELEMSKA Ruchla GLIKSMAN MirlaBOGUWALD? Faiela Markowicz Kajla GOLDBERG? HaiaBRENDLER Hana Mirla z Ojzer EntlaFRIDMAN P, Widoma P Cemach Cywa Dawid Haskel ItlaLiba Zuken Zurech Hendla Alter Icyk Gitla Hendla Mosiek 20 20 19 19 20 21 25 71 20 20 22 20 21 16 18 17 20 19 22 18 19 17 18 19 19 19 48 19 20 22 19 25 19 16 18 18 18 20 Laia Dobra z Cemach Judka HanaPOLICKA Wolf Nacha Ester ZILBERSZTAJN Manela FaislaBerkowicz Haim Mortka Berek Lejb Hinda z Fajwel Szaia BailazPerenc Mosiek Rajzla ROZENBERG Izrael Szaia Sura FRAJMAN Rywka Ruchla Berkowicz Izrael Haskel Rywka Berkowicz Zelman Gerszlik HanaURSZTAJN? Lewek Maria z Gerszlik Lejbus Hana Mortkowicz Pesla WAJNBLUM Hernia Nuta Abram DwojraMARMUR(d) Beniamin Gersz Nacha LiDkowicz Szaja Abram Hawa Aronowicz Eizik Hana Berkowicz Maier Mortka Racla SPIRA (d) Haia Faiela FRAJTMAN Josek (d) Zelman Perla Haja Abram Lewek Maria Dawid (d) Frimet WASERSZTAJN Dawid Zisla z Jakow Haim Rojzla Izrael Maria Jakubowicz Ruda Laia Berek Mosiek Ester HRZANOWSKA? Rachmil Haia z Beniamin Boruch Tobiasz (d) Mindla Matla Maierowicz LajaROZENTAL Szaja Jakub Zisla WAJSHAR? Ruchla FISZMAN Mosiek Dawid Gersz (d) Hawa Matla BLUMENZON Rywka Rabinowicz Hil Maria Wulfowicz Josek Josek Major Nycha GRAICER Dawid (d) Mirla ROZENBLAT Dawid Berek Abram Cyna Szmul Jakob? Juda? Aron Gerszlik Berek P Stara wsi, Skotniki P KAC tan) 17 GOCIALK KUPFERMINC ROZENBLAT (mn) 18 WIGDOROWICZ FOGEL 19 WILHELM WAJSFUS 20 DAWNY TENCER? 21 FINKEELSZTAJN FAJGENMAN 22 BINSZTOK PIOTRKOWSKA 23 FOGEL EJZENKOPF 24 BUCHSRAJBER GNAT 25 LIPKA WAJSLIC 26 ZALCBERG WIERNIK 27 WULFOWICZ SZTAJNHORN? 28 DANKOWICZ BRANICKA 1878 1 BLAUSZTAJN ROZENBERG 2 BERLINER FISZAUF 3 MORTKOWICZ BRANICKA 4 BOJGEL? SKURKA 5 GOLDSZTAJN BRANDES 6 JAKUBOWICZ DYKMAN 7 PALUCH LIPOWICZ 8 KOPEL PANSKA 9 RYNALDO SANDOMIERSKA 10 WAKSBERG WOSKOWICZ? 11 DOMBEK DOMBEK 12 GINTER BRANICKA 13 HERCIGER WAJGENSBERG 14 MOJZESZ ZAJBERG 15 WATYNSKI GOLDMAN 16 MILLER FUKS 17 ZISKIND ZILBERSZTAJN 18 LANDAU ZISKIND 19 GOLDBERG LICHTENSZTEJN SuraFaisla Szlama Ester Hana Szaja Faiela Wulf Zisla Mosiek Hil Mindla Frimet Bunem Gersz Perla Hana Lewek H ai a Szmul Manela Sura Mosiek Berek Bai la Gitla Zelman (wid.) Hana Mosiek Szmul Itla Lewek Gitla Jakub Berek Dwoira Abram Gerszon Mareula Zisman Faiela P. Widoma P P P P P. Widoma P P Opoczno P wies Przerab?, Nowo Radomsk P P P P P wies Skotniki P P wies Bobrowniki, Dobromierz? P P P wies Dobrenica?, Piotrkôw? P P P Kielce P P P P P wies Gory Mokre wies Skaoe, Koriskie Koriskie? wies Gory Mokre Radoszyce P P P P P Kaminsk, Piotrkôw? P Lelôw, Wloszczowska P Nowo Radomsko P Plawno, Nowo Radomsko P Spring 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 *A - . 20 WAJNMAN FISZAUF 21 RAFALOWICZ GOLDSZTAJN 22 DAWNY DAWNY 23 HRZANOWSKI TROKMAN 24 KUS? OWECKA 25 GOLDBERG MALC 26 HLOPSKI? FAJNER 27 ZYLGELBAUM LEJWA/LEWI 28 GDALEWICZ FEVKELSZTAJN 29 TAJTELBAUM HRZANOWSKA 30 ERLICH FUKS 1879 1 GANCARSKI GOCIALK 2 ZAND PRZEDBORZ 3 BBRENCWAJG URSZTAJN 4 ROZENBLUM STRAUSMAN 5 KUNOWSKI WAJCENBLIT 6 BORUCHOWICZ PACHCIARSKA 7 ROZENCWAJG DYKERMAN 8 ICKOW1CZ SZWARC 9 RACHMIELEWICZ KAMINSKA 10 MIEDZINSKI LIPOWICZ 11 WELDFRAJD WELDFRAJD 12 SZKLARCZIK WITMAN 13 JAKUBOWICZ BORENSZTAJN 14 BUKOWSK1 KAUFMAN 15 GRAJCER WAJNMAN? 16 WOLBERG BRANDES 17 WITMAN MOJZESZ 18 LEJBENBERG LIBERMAN 19 ZAND SZWINKELSZTAJN? 20 PETERZAIL BOT 21 MYDLARSKI? MIEDZINSKA 22 BRANDWAJN? PISAREK 23 LUBINSKI WATYNSKA 24 KOLOSZINSKI? SPnilTUS 25 SKURNICKI KOEN Mortka Sipora Perla Szaja Liba Machela Jakub Erlia Wulf Idesa Elia Hersz Raizla Hil Rywen Szprinca Fajwel Szajndla Rachla Gersz Lejb Sura Rvwka Mendel Hana Szmul Idka Jankel Icyk Ester Mirla 18 16 18 19 18 19 18 18 20 21 18 16 19 18 23 16 18 21 18 18 19 24 Abram 23 24 Rvfka Abram Aron Szmul 19 Faiela 23 Izrael 18 Tauba Gitla 19 34 Icyk Ruchla Laia 20 Szimsia 19 Hana Ita 22 Mosiek 21 Ruchla Laia 19 Dawid 21 Cirla Pesla 20 21 Gerszek Rochma 18 Rachmil 20 Riwka Ruchla 24 Kopel 21 21 Fraidla Haskel Hil 20 Roiza Dwoira 17 Zajnwel 28 Cerla 22 Fajwel 20 Hawa Ruchla 22 Icyk 18 Faiela Temerla 20 20 Gerszlik 24 Ester Nusen Dawid 23 Itla Liba 19 Janasz (wid.) 36 Tauba Ruchla 20 Beniamin Szlama 22 Sura Laia 21 Sucher (wid.) 33 Laia 23 Judka 18 Ruchla Laia 21 Izrael Gersz 19 Ester Serla 16 Izrael 19 Hendla Pesla 16 32 Berek Sura Bai la? 23 Abram 20 Mindla Laja 23 Aron 19 Hana 20 ; • . » * 55 • Lewek Mendel (d) Michal Izrael Haskel Mosiek (d) Icvk Wolf Abram Mosiek Icyk Jankel Lewek Jakub Leib (dl_ Abram (d) Ejzik Abram (d?) Abram Icvk Gerszel Gerszlik (d) Berek Izrael Mosiek Pinkus p Idka Ickowicz Laia Jakubowicz Rajzla ROZENCWAJG wies Gôry Mokre Rywka Ruchla Berkowicz P Tauba Ickowicz P Hana Hinda Lewkowicz Rywka Radoszyce P Hana Dawidowicz? CyrlaSIERADSKA wies Gorzkowice, Kaminsk? Rywka Szmulowicz Bentkow?? Dwojra LIBERMAN [Esterl Tauba WAJCENBLIT P Rywka EJCHENBAUM P Gitla Masza CYMMERMANDwojra z Gutman Jan6w, Czestochowa P Zisla BERLINER wies Kamocka Wola, Opoczno? HaiaMARKOWECKA P Sora Gerszlikowicz Ester MACHROWSKA Radoszyce Ester RYSZPAN P Szczercôw Cypra CZCHANOWSKA P Sura BIRMAN Eliasz Wulf(d) Szaja Abram Icvk Tobiasz Szulem (d) Zondel Abram Wulf Lejzor Michal Boruch Nusen Zale Berek Icvk Maier Mosiek? Fajwel (d) Gerszlik (d) Izrael Dawid Emanuel (d) Mosiek Rubin Siabsia Szlama (d) Icvk (d) Izrael Gersz SzaiaLeibusz Icyk Enzel Icyk Zelman Berek (d) Gerszlik (d) Maier Szaia Leibusz Mendel (d) Mendel [Icvkl Abram Mortka Gersz (d) Michal Judka Gersz Joel Mosiek Fajwel (d) Leib Gersz Izrael Szaja FRachmiell Wulf Szulem Eliasz (d) Ruchla Werzkla? Hana Sura WAJNMAN? P Bajla Hendla POSNANSKA?Konskie Szaindla Aronowicz P wies Lipa, Ruda? Malenicka? Hana Temerla Joskowicz wies LiDa Radoszyce Zisla KATROWICZ? Sura Rvwka Lewkowicz wies Mnicheszow. Gôrv Mokre Ruchla Esteranow? Gowarczôw P HaiaSuraLACHOW? Hana Golda Lejzorow P Mirla Janusow wies G6rv Mokre Ester WITMAN wies Dorszyn?, Rozprza Haia Baila Maierowicz P Koiiskie Frimet SADKOWICZ P Hana Mortkowicz Cweta Radoszyce P Hindla Haimowicz? P Fajgla KADZIDLO Sura Riwka Moskowicz P Jochwet Moszkowicz SuraElkaABRAMZON Riwka BESER P Gitla Abramowicz P Rojzla Lewkowicz Maria Szlamowicz Eidla z Kopel P Tauba Abramowicz wies Silniczka, Koniecpol? Hana Lewkowicz P Ryjfka Joskowicz Dyna Iserow P Riwka GOLDMAN P Rasza Cvna PISAREK Dwojra [Gnendla] Fiszlow P HaiaPRZEDBORSKA Sulejôw?, Piotrkôw? Gitla ZAND P Matla? KODIOW wies Gory Mokre Cywia SKNERA P Itla Gerszkowicz Malka Perla? z Pinkus P Sura Rvwka Moszkowicz Piotrkôw? Ruchla RITOWSKA P Baila LIBESKIND Hana Szajdlow? wies Klucko, Radoszyce P Perla ROZENZON Stara wsi Cyna? ZILBERING P Raizla ZAJDEMAN LaiaCUKER wies Plaskowice? Faiela wies Plakowice? 56 26 DAWNY GRAUSMAN 27 RODAL LBBERMAN 28 RUBINSZTAJN FRIDMAN 29 ADLER DOMBEK 30 BORENSZTAJN KLUCZKOWSKA 31 KUPFERMINC PISAREK 32 HANDELSMAN TOLUB 33 SPIRA FRUCHT 34 ROZENCWAJG RINALDO 35 WIERNIK MLYNARSKA 36 ZISKIND MAJZELES 37 KRZENTOWSKI TENENBAUM 38 BACZINSKI BERLINER 39 CWAJGENCHAFT? KRYBUS 40 LAUBERSZTAJN BRANICKA 41 GRINBERG MIEDZINSKA 42 PERELGUT FAJNER 43 WAJNBERG ZILBERSZTAJN 1880 1 WITMAN LIPKA 2 GERSZLIKOWICZ BARTKOWSKA 3 KUPERMINC LICHTENSZTEJN 4 BORYS GLIKSMAN 5 GRINBAUM MILECHMAN 6 GOLDBERG GOLDBERG 7 ZISER KROMALOWSKI 8 ROLNICKI PARZENCKA 9 GOLDSZTEJN LEWI 10 FAJNER PELCOWICZ? 11 APELOWICZ ZELICKA 12 ROZENBLAT BIRMAN 13 CIGLER BIRMAN 14 GERSZKOWICZ? KAMINSKA 15 ZARNOWSKI LICHTENBERG 16 NAJSZTATER? TENENBAUM 17 KRZENTOWSKI PELCOWICZ 18 CECOWSKI? WEJNBLUM Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Wigdor Gersz Idesa Haskel Hil Haialtka Lejzor (wid.) Maria Bai la Mosiek Gitla Szmul Szajndla Gdala Gersz Nacha Mosiek Ruchla Nachman Haia Hinda Dawid Berek SuraNetla Szmul Lejb Bai la Ester Mendel Ruchla Faigla Haim Mortka Ita Lai a Aron Szmul Dyna Rvwka Dawid Szandla Hana Mosiek Lejb Ester Icyk Wulf Maria Hernia Mosiek? Hana Ita Szaja Wigdor Tauba Cvrla 28 18 19 18 22 18 21 18 24 23 19 19 20 22 28 18 18 18 18 18 18 20 18 17 22 18 18 17 20 20 20 20 19 19 22 22 Mosiek (d) Jankelfd) Maier Icyk Josek Eliasz Mendel Hil Haim Zelman Lejbus Szyja? Fajwel Gitman Szaja Izrael Haim Szmul fd) Zysa (d) Wulf Szaja Moszek (d) Dawid Szamel? Szaja Berek Mosiek Mortka Jakub Izrael (d) Mosiek Maier Wolf Manela Icyk Majer Alter Abram Izrael(d) Szlama Aron Szaia fd) Abram Szaja (d) Hazkiel Kelman Kalman Tauba HRZANOWSKA BlimaTROKMAN Nacha Szmulowicz? Alta WARGON Ester Laia RUBINSZTEJN Faiela LUSTIEGER? Tema BLUMSZTAT? Hana Perla FRIDMAN Sura Ruchla Laia Moszkowicz Hawa Gerszlikowicz Cirla Ickowicz Ester Ickowicz Faiela ILaial Lewkowicz SuraROZENBERG? Fraidla Lewkowicz Haia Ester FRISZ Fraidla z Szaul Cywia Laja? Fajtkow? Maria ROZENBLUM Rojza ZALCBERG SuraWAJNRIB Kendla Szlamowicz? Sejwa Raizla z Abow FrandlaGRUNDMAN Nacha Ester ZILBERSZTAJN Ester KSENOK? Szprinca Izraelowicz? Dwojra Abramow Baila z Perenc Hawa Lewkowicz Sura Wiedorowicz Hinda Laja Lewkowicz Haia Sura ITALIEN Nacha ZILBERSZTAJN Sura Mordka Rywka Izyk Moszek Brandla Izrael Hana Simsa Kopel Bai la Mosiek Sura Gitla Rubin Beniamin Golda Hana Dawid Raizla Rachmil Gitla Hazkel Hana Sura Berek Hinda Juda? Szaindla Haim Lejb Raizla Abram Joel Ester Faiela Jakub Haia Rochla Szmul Lejbusz Ruchla Simsia Berek Hinda Raizla Hazkel Pesla Lejzor Haia Faiela 20 22 25 24 21 21 25 18 28 20 21 18 20 20 23 17 18 27 24 24 22 21 24 21 20 17 20 22 18 21 18 23 22 22 21 22 Abram (d) Dawid fd) Lewek Izrael fd) Aron Aron Mosiek Eizvk fd) Aron Zelik Jankiel Mortka Abram Janas Iser Szaia Berek Dawid Jankel Maier Wulf Szmul Szlama fd) Dawid (d) Hil Mortka Wolf Lejbus Leib Szlama Mosiek Szaia Berek Icyk Leib Cyna Haim Abram Icyk Szaja Mendel fd) Lejbus Dawid Lejb Blima Mortkowicz Gitla BIRMAN Haia Sora Ickowicz fHindlal Roiza Maria Cerka Wolfowicz Rochla Joskowicz (d) Szaindla Nuchemowiczc Perla Wolfowicz Masza? Gerszlikowicz Baila? RESZKA? Ruchla Rubinow Sura Bajla Zysmanôw Ruchla Laia Nisei FajglaWILNELSKA? Rochla Ickowicz? Dwojra FIGLARSKA Ester Raizla ROZENMER Hana z Perenc Rifka fRuchla?l Natowicz? fdl FajglaAJBERSZIC? Hinda Haia Szlamowicz Sura Frvmet Szmulowicz fd) Zlota Radziewska Haja Cywia Lipowicz fd) Gitla HERBST? Riwka Nacha? Joskowicz FejglaZILBERBERG Ester ROZENCWEJG MindlaKANAREK Ruchla z Bunem Laja z Jankel? Sura Riwka Nutowicz Ruchla WitlaWOLSZTEJN Szifra Nacha Wolfowicz Spring 2001 P wies Gôrv Mokre P Koniecpol Koniecpol wies Bobrowniki Pabjanice? wies Mojzeszow Lopuszno P P P P P P P wies Mlotkowice P P Koriskie? P Bedin? [Bedzin] P P wies Gôry Mokre P P wies Gôrv Mokre P P Szczekociny P Petrokôw P P P wies Gôrv Mokre P wies Wierzowski?, Zarnôw P P P Wloszczowa P Nowo Radomsko P Nowe Miasto? P wies Gôry Mokre P wies Lopuszno, Kielce P Nowo Radomsk? P P P wies Ruda Maleniecka P Spring 2001 19 RADOSZICKI PAIENCZKA 20 ALBIRT? PRZEDNOWSKA 21 KON/KON? FAJGENMAN 22 OCAL GLIKSMAN 23 AMSTOWSKI DANKOWICZ 24 ZISKIND CYMERMAN 25 WASSERMAN WmOMSKA 26 GLIKSMAN WITMAN 27 ZILBERMINC DUNSKA 28 FINKELSZTEJN LICHTENSZTEJN 29 ALTMAN BOROWECKA 30 ROZENBLUM LICHTENSZTEJN 31 RAFALOWICZ MIEDZINSKA 32 JUDENHERC? SZTAJN 33 GROSMAN LIBESKIND 1881 1 BARON JAKUBOWICZ 2 WIEWIOR? RIGER 3 ZALCBERG? SZMULOWICZ 4 DLUGONOGA JUDKOWICZ 5 SPIRTUS ALTMAN 6 FISZOW? FAJBUSZ 7 MALC FAJNER 8 RABER WAJNMAN 9 PAIENCZKI ZILBERSZTAJN 10 SZLENZKI KALISKA 11 KRZENTOWSKI NABOZNY 12 GOLDBERG BANKIER 13 JOSKOWICZ OWECZKA 14 TUREK MLYNARSKA 15 BRANICKI TOLUB 16 RYSZPAN MESZENBERG 17 LONCZKOWSKI H1MELFARB 18 MASZLACH KUZMA 19 FINKELSZTEJN SZWARC 20 BORCZCKI? DAJTSZER 21 CUKERMAN LIPKA Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 * ! tl Izrael Naftula Sura Haim Maier Golda Icyk Maier Baila Szaja Jakub Matla Haia Abram Alter Alta Rachla Icyk Szaindla Maier Hana Szaja? Wolf Serla Szimon Mareules Szmul Ester Simcha Maria Berek Nacha Rocha Rafal Ester Malka Izrael Icyk Raizla Hana Urin Baila 20 22 19 18 24 29 28 22 29 20 18 18 19 23 19 19 22 18 18 22 19 18 22 16 29 21 20 19 28 20 Natan Icvk Izrael Szaul (d) Jozef Maier (d) Simsa Fiszel Mosiek (d) Nachem Icyk Mosiek Mordka Szaia Szmul Abram Szaja (d) Gerszlik Szimon (d) Abram (d) Ojzer Szaia Zelik Aron Dawid Simsa Mordka Zondel Berek Maier Icvk Rachmil Boruch Jankel? (d) Eliakim Nuta MirlaGELBAUM? Maria PREKINATOR? Zisla (d) HawaWEJNMAN RiwkaKUPERMAN(d) Sura z Jakob? Bajla Moskowicz Sora z Lejbus Tauba z Haskel Sura Faiela Moszkowicz Rojza ZALCBERG ItkaHELEMSKA Rala? STERA? Raizla Woskowicz Ruchla Blima Mortkowicz Rachla Bajla Izrael Dwoira Fiszlowicz Malka z Lejbus HendlaPRESMAN? Fajgla Dawidowicz Clowa z Hil Zisla Ester Hinda Henochowicz Malka Rafalowicz Sura Ruchla z Iser HenaEJZENBERG Szaindla CHECINSKA Witla Faiela TROKMAN Jakob Dawid Maria Hinda Jakob v Simcha Nacha Laia Wulf Sura Hana Szlama Melech Gela Josek Malka Perla Maier Kraindla Dawid Haim Frimet Mosiek Aron Faiela Simsa? Cypoira Nacha Izrael Moszek Malka Abram Lewek Frimet Mosiek Berek Hana Abram Gersz Kaila Haskel Josek Tauba Laia Maier Dawid RochlaLaia Mosiek Ester Malka Szlama Temerla Szaja Malka Szmul? Gersz Haia Cyna Izrael Icyk Ruchla Laia Mendel Sura 22 20 30 21 18 19 18 19 22 21 19 18 18 18 20 26 26 22 22 22 19 19 21 22 20 23 25 23 19 21 18 26 22 24 21 23 19 21 21 26? 22 17 Simsia [Majer] (d) Wulftdï Szmul? (d) Lewek (d) Manela Tobiasz Josek Hil [Rachmiel] Wulf Kelman Szimcha? Litman Berek Lejzor Rubin Eizvk Dawid Szaia Josek Icyk Abram Gecel Jakub Izrael Icvk (à) Litman Aba Mosiek (d) Michal Szaia (d) Mosiek Jankel Gersz Wigdor Gerszlik? Aron Wulf Szaja Szlama Izrael Szmul (d) Mosiek Gdala Mortka Lewek (d) Mosiek (d) Zelman Dawid Abram Jakub Abela? (d) Josek (à) Ester ZACHARIASZ Rywka Mortkowicz Brandla? Maria Dawidowicz NenaLASKER Bina Laia POZNANSKA SuraNAJMAN Malka Maierow RajzlaZAIDMAN? Szaindla Dawidowicz Bajla GOLDBERG Dwoira Szlamowicz Haja Szymcha? Gitla Masza CYMERMAN Dwojra [Rocha] RODAL Nacha Baila Dawidowicz Maria? Lewkowicz Ruchla Hana ZAJDEMAN Tauba ZYLBERBERG? Laia Lewkowicz Rywka Mendlowicz Brucha Janklowicz? Ester TANUR? Rywka Speren? Hena FAJNER Rywka Szmulowicz Hawa Mortkowicz Rvwka KALISKA Entla Berkow Roiza Izraelowicz Szejwa Perla GOCIALK Cerla Moszkowicz Hawa Mindla Abramowicz Laia Jodkowicz Gitla Joskowicz Haia Sora Hazklowicz Liba STERA? Laia z Eizvk Ester GOLDBERG (d) Gitla Sendrowicz Cywia ZAJDMAN Cvwia HELEMCKA 57 Stara wsi, Skotniki P wies Lopuszno P Praszki? P P P P P wies Kleszew?, Nowo Radomsk P P P wies Skotniki? wies Faliszow. Skotniki? Radoszyce P wies Wyrebow?, Radoszyce P wies Falkôw, Ruda Maleniecka P wies Kludzice?, Rozprza? P P wies Dobromysl? Janow, Czestochowa? wies Faliszow. Skotniki Wtoszczowa P P Wloszczowa P Piotrkôw P P P wies Gôry Mokre P P P P Wloszczowa P P P P P Policza? P P wies Machory? P Kielce? P 58 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 22 SYNA? Mendel GUTERMAN Tauba Riwa 23 GELBLUM Szulem? Lejb? Perla Rvwa ZYSKIND 24 SPIRITUS Judka (wid.) SZAJN Fajgla (wid.) WYNNIKAMEN? (mn) 25 GOLDBERG Simen? TUCHMAIER Hana 26 GRUNDMAN Mendel Hil BLUMENZON Faisla 27 RAND Joelerol? Lejbus MIEDZINSKA Malka Sura 28 JAKUBOWICZ Jankel v ZAREK DYKMAN Sura Rvwka 29 ROZENBLAT Lewek MOZESZ Dwoira 30 ZILBERBERG Berek Mortka BARTKOWSKA Haia Gerszek? 31 CYTRONOWSKI? KRAKOWSKA Dwoira Hana 32 ZILBERSZTEJN Wigdor WAJCENBLIT FaielaZvsla 33 KORENBERG Szaja Moszek ABRAMOWICZ Rochla 34 BRANICKI Izrael BRANICKA Haia Perla Icyk Maier 35 FAKTOR BUCHSZRAJBER Frimet 36 ZISER Wigdor BOROWECKA Laia 37 BERKOWICZ Lejbusz MIODOWA? Sura 38 HOROWICZ Manela LJPOWICZ Laia 1882 1 PELCOWICZ Nuchem Tobiasz KRZENTOWSKA? Brucha 2 TUCHMAIER Izrael Abram TENENBAUM Alta Maria 3 LASOCKI Ejzyk FRAJLICH Dwoira Hinda 4 CUKER Aron LAUBERSZTAJN Hycela 5 GRAJCAR Szmul GOCIALK Laia 6 KRAKOWSKI Izrael Icyk FISZAUF Malka Raizla Icyk Lejb 7 SZWARC SZWARC Dwoira 8 POPOWSKI? Icyk (wid.) ROTBERG Ester Izrael Lejb 9 BLINDER? WOLBERG Hendla Raizla WulfJosek? 10 LITWOK? JAKUBOWICZ Malka 11 BERKENSZTAT? Izrael Haia DUNSKA Jankel 12 HLOPSKI? Cirla BUCHSZRAJBER Mosiek Aba 13 PRZEDNOWSKI? GOTESMAN Rvwka Nacha 14 LICHTENSZTAJN Lejzor Gersz Rvwka LIPKA Izrael 15 ROLNIKI? LISBAND Hawa Hendla 16 ORZCHOWSKI? Berek EJZENKOPF Dwoira Icyk 17 KOPEL CUKER Szaindla 18 LEWKOWICZ Jonas? LIBESKIND Gitla Spring 2001 21 18 19 17 30 36 Lewek Strykôw? Maria GOZDZIK? P Abram Berek • GitaZILBERSZTEJN Josek Fajgla Laja RUBENMECHLE? Szalas? Mosiek Mordkai fRoiza?l ZALCBERG P P Rachmiel (d) Gitla (d) P Ejzyk Rajsza 19 20 20 19 20 18 25 Rachmil Mortka Wulf Malech? Izrael Szaja Szmul Litman Bela? Malka Ejchow? Haia Hawa Kooel Laia Ruchla SWENTARSKA Fajgla Haimowicz? Hinda z Lei bus Ester Hana Lejzorowicz 22 20 23 22 20 18 18 22 22 22 26 18 24 18 17 18 18 26 20 19 16 Lewek Mosiek Mortka Dawid Naftula Pinkus Alter Wulf Zajnwel (d) Szaia Mosiek Abram Jankiel Joel? Szaia Szlama Jankel (d) Josek Kalma Wisdor Gersz Maier Aron Michal Abram Szmul Huna Ber Hernia Nuta Maria Gerszlikowicz BlimaGoldaPISAREK Entla Lewkowicz Laia CYTIGER? Perla WARGON Jochwet CYTRONOWSKA Racla z Abram Gnancia WEICENBLIT Bina GOLDBERG Frajdla Lewkowicz Entla Izraelowicz Bajla? PALARSKA Gela Entla Moszkowicz Ryfka Ruchla KLUCZOW? HaiaFaielaRYSZPAN RywkaMARMENT? Nacha WIERSZTAL(d) Ester Gerszcowicz? CvDra? Ickowicz Pawa ROZENSZTEJN PeslaWAJNBLUM 18 23 18 17 22 18 20 24 20 22 18 16 24 23 24 23 22 24 20 21 23 20 18 18 18 20 18 18 19 21 24 19 26? 19 24 20 Mortka Zelik Sura z Perenc? Izrael (d) Kendla Szlamowicz Mortka Wulf Haia Hawa z Kopel? Szaia Haia Hawa MONDRA? Mosiek (d) Ester EJZENBERG Mosiek Fraindla GOLDBERG Kajla Hajm Mortka Gersz SuraHANDELSMAN Haia Lewkowicz Icyk (d?) Wulfjd) Hana Sura Michalow Szaja Ester ROZEN? Josek Berek ElkaPANSKA Boruch Malka Racla? Lewkowicz Ester Ickowicz Wulf Nuchem Dawid (d) Dyna (d) Zlata Lewkowicz Mortka Zelman Hudes Moszek (d) Icvk Dvna Iserow Dawid Liba Rajzla SZWARCBAUM Szmul Nacha FFaislal WASZER? Berek Frimet? GRINBAUM Jankel (d) Laia Jakubowicz Abram (d) Ryfka EJCHENTAL? Laia GNAT Dawid Sandel Hawa WEJNMAN? Szaul(d) Jochet Janklow Wulf Mosiek Lejb Haja EPSZTEJN? SuraZISKIND? Michal Berek Pesla? EIZINMAN? Mosiek Leib Tauba Ruchla FRAJMAN Aba (d) Gitla Zisla Moszkowicz Daniel (d) Abram Dwojra MARMUR? (d) Josek Ruchla (d) Szisman? (d) Gitla Wendorowicz? Szaia FBerekl Tema SZWARC P P Radoszyce P wies Gory Mokre P P P Nowo Radomsko P Lôdz? P wies Gory Mokre P P P Belchatôw P Chçciny P Wloszczowa P Pelzkow? P P P P wies Czermno Radoszyce P wies Silniczka, Koniecpol? P Kaminsk? P P 9 P P Meconow? P Brezinki? P P P P Majdan, Gôry Mokre P Chçciny P P P Spring 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Zelik? 19 CHODA Fajgla Hawa RAPOPORT LICHTANSTAJN? dim) 20 SZTAJNBACH Beniamin BERKOWICZ Faiela 21 HIRSZ Abram Icyk Blima ROZENBERG 22 WLOSZCZOWSKI Icyk Wulf SKURKA Rvwka 23 GOLDMAN Berek Alta ZAJDMAN 24 SZULKLAPER Icyk BORUCHOWICZ Haia Hinda Jankel 25 PLUCENNIK WIRSZTEL Mindla 26 GOLDFABER? Rachmiel Moszek: RABER Sura Ruchla 1883 Szlama 1 MELECHMAN WOLBVSKA Rvwa Faiela 2 BUKOWSKI Mosyes Aron BLUMENZON Sura Hvsza? 3 LEWEV? Mendel Mortka ZACHARIASZ Margules 4 MIEDZIANOGURA Judka DEMBSKA Mirla Alter? Izrael 5 KAC Maria JUDKOWICZ Gersz 6 FAJNER Sura Raizla BERLINER 7 RAJCHMAN Josek? ZISKIND Perla Szaindla Haim Manela? 8 MLYNARSKI WIERNIK Tauba Berek 9 ROZENTAL Cvwia FUKS 10 GRINBERG Szolem Dydzie LaiaRiwa WAJNMAN 11 WAJNGARTEN Szlama ORBACH Haia Malka Mosiek Aron 12 BUKOWSKI Mirla BLUMENZON 13 ROZENBLAT Dawid Lejb LICHTENSZTEJN Szaindla Abram 14 KAUFER BORUCH Ester Rywka Josek 15 FRAJLICH GNAT Sura 16 LAZOWSKI Mendel SZPERA Szaindla 17 ALEKSANDER Izrael SZWARC Ruchla Laia Alter Hil (wid.) 18 LINKER Cvna WAJNMAN Wulf 19 SPIRITUS LICHTENSZTEJN Ela Fajwel 20 BARAN Faiela Hana GLIKSMAN 21 PINKUSZEWICZ Szimon Kopel KAMINSKA Cilka Szlama 22 LUBINSKI? WAJNBLUM Pesla 23 GOTLIB Berek Gersz PACHIARSKA Hinda 24 LEDERMAN Gersz (wid.) EJGER Pesla v Paulina FRID fmn) 25 BARAN Berek Gersz GUTERMAN Mindla Hana? Mosiek 26 DOMBEK Hendla JAKUBOWICZ 27 FAIERWARK Manela MORTKOWICZ Hawa Ruchla 59 w35 Aron Benem? w23 Mosiek Lejb Laia? HajaEPSZTAJN 23 20 18 25 20 24 20 25 27 21 21 27 19 19 Szmul Leibusz Mortka Wulf Towia Zisman (d) Izrael Szaia Szaja Leizor Gersz Lewek Boruch fNusen?l Perenc Izrael Icyk Szaia Tomaszôw LaiaFRIDEN? Hana Haimowska? wies Szarbsko? Sura Fajgla Radoszyce P HanaZislaJokel? Sura Gitla Radoszyce Haia Sura z Leibusz P Ciwa SZTAJNCHORN P Laia Ruchla Perens? Fajgla ?, Kamienski? P Haia [Goldal Leizorow? Liba GOLEMBIOWSKA wies Lopuszno Rvwka Raizla HRZANOWSKA?Sura Laia RAPOPORT P Maria LIPKA 22 20 19 17 18 17 20 16 28 19 20 19 22 21 18 17 18 20 20 19 23 19 16 22 22 19 21 19 20 22 20 18 22 30 18 18 19 23 23 19 17 18 17 22 20 51 42 Jankiel Szaia Izrael Rubin Szaia Szlama Jankel Mosiek Josek Haim Berek Uszer Hil Icyk Manela Wulf Mosiek Jonas Danel? Mosiek (d) Lejbus Moise??(d) Hil Lewek Izrael Szabsia Wigdor Izrael Rubin Maier Manela Dawid (d) HilZelman Boruch Josek Ziskind Haim Szmul Szaia Szmul Gawrich? Lejb(d) Lewek Hersz Icyk(d) Enzel Josek Dawid (d) Simsia [Majer] (d) Fiszel? Kelman(d) Szaia Berek IcykFroim Icvkfd) Dawid Zelman Szmul (d) Maier P Masza ROZENBERG Hana z Szaul Hawa Maria ZILBERSZTEJN P HendaBailaKAC Pelca? z Lajbel Maleniec?, Machow? P Jochwet z Dawid Sura Rajzla Judkowicz wies Raczki P Faiela FAJNER P Gitla z Hil P Malka z Maier Hana Goldow Opoczno? Nacha Ester ZILBERSZTEJN P ItlaMINC Plawno P Cilka Szaiowicz wies Sulborowice, Machory? Hana P Faiela zGerszlik Radoszyce HaiaEICHENBERG? P Rvwka WIERNIK P DwojraHELEMSKA GitaHELEMSKA P CerklaFAJGENBLAT Wloszczowa P Hana Tauba Joklew? Hawa Maria ZILBERSZTEJN P Ruchla ZILBERBERG Hana WOLBREM? P Mirla ROZENBLAT HawaFISZOF Opoczno? HaiaRaizalFRAJTSZTAT? P Rywka RAJT? P Hana ROZENCWEJG Brucha Uszerowicz P Malka Fiszlowicz RajzaLUBELSKA? Lopuszno P HaiaFraielaMANC? Haia P Rvwka WAJSBLUM Sura Rywka SZEER Jakimowice?, Radoszyce P Mirla ROZENBLAT Ester Haranow? Zarki?, Bedzin? P Sura? Lewkowicz Laia DOMBOWSKA (d) Paradys?, Zelikowice?, Opoczno Rvwka Nacha ZILBERSZTEJN7P Kajla Abramowicz P Rywka Zaynwlowicz? P Hana Hinda Abram Faiela URSZREJN wies Gory Mokre Bajla TURKELTAUB? Lublin? P Rajzla BINENTAL? 19 19 27 22 19 22 Rachmil Gersz Zainwel Icyk (d) Szmul Icyk [Izrael] (d) Gersz Leib Jochwet Rabinowicz Tauba LEWENBERG Fajgla Abramowicz Tema Itla SZWARC Sora MANELA Hinda SZWARC Dzymn?/Dmenin? P Zarnôw P wies Oleszno?, Wloszczowa P P 60 28 SZWARC RYNALDO 29 MESZENBERG WAJNGARTEN 30 RYBOWSKI? HARENZOWSKA 31 KOZLOWSKI BUCHSZREJBER 32 KUPERMESC CYMERMAN 33 HOROWICZ WELTFRAJD 1884 1 LIBESKIND LIBESKIND 2 MANELA GLUCHOWSKA 3 WAJSKOPF WAJGENSBERG 4 GEDULD ALEKSANDER 5 MARKSON DUNSKA 6 ROZENBERG WITMAN 7 GUTMAN WAJSFUS 8 BRYK? ZBLBERBERG 9 WAJSLIC WAJNMAN 10 KON/KOP? WINER 11 TRAN? GOLDMAN 12 MOSZKOWICZ BERGER 13 GROZMAN EJZIKOWICZ 14 KRYBUS BLUMENZON 15 TANSKI DUNSKA 16 RAPAPORT FISZAUF 17 ORMUT WOLBERG 18 ZUMERFELD GOLDHAMER 19 GOTLIB Wloszczowa LIPOWICZ 20 GANCARSKI BIMKA 21 TUCHMAIER SPIRITUS 22 SZWARC KRZENTOWSKA 23 DYKMAN ROZENCWAJG 24 CZARYSKI? MIODOWA 25 LEWKOWICZ MAGNES 26 WYSZINSKA ZILBERSZTEJN 27 POLICKI HIMELFARB 1885 1 TENENBAUM PANSKA 2 GROSKOPF CYMERMAN Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Spring 2001 P Elemelech? Malka Ruchla Abram Berek HaiaNacha Zyndel Szifra Mosiek Rojza Brandla Aron Zachariasz Sura Masza Kelman Hana Ciwia 20 24 22 20 22 18 18 22 18 19 21 19 Icyk Abram Icyk Mosiek Michal Gersz Abram Icyk Jankel Lejbus Dawid Sandech? Alter Szaja Szmul Izrael Abram Mosiek Izrael Icyk Ester Rana? Mendel Ester Icyk Berek Hana Emanuel Josek Ester Frai dla Uszer Bai la Gersz Lejbus Hana Szejwa Gerszlik Lai a Lejzor Frandla Zelman HaiaDyna Mosiek Gnendla Abram Gersz Faiela Abram (wid.) Hana Raizla Boruch Perenc Haia? Haskel Szmul Sura Hisza Haim Rvwka Lejzor Malka Icyk Nuta Liba Fraidla Abram Ruchla Hernia Lejbusz 19 20 23 25 22 22 18 17 19 21 19 18 22 23 20 20 19 17 23 21 19 20 28 16 19 20 22 18 23 19 19 20 19 20 23 19 19 P Szaja [Berek] Tema SZWARC Mosiek Leib Dobra z Abram Zelik Hudesa Kielce Maier Dvna Abramow P Dawid LaiaSZKLARA? Nowo Radomsko Judka Raizla Szmulowicz P Icyk HajaALTMAN P Zainwel HawaPARZENCKA Abram wies Lopuszno, gm., Kielce Golda P Dawid Ruchla z Eizyk Maier Dawid Sura ROZENBERG P Abram (d) Bluma Mortkowicz Szaja Tobiasz HanaKRASKOWSKA Nowo Radomsko? P Lejbusz Hana SANDOMIERSKA Sana Mindla DynaORENBACH Jastrzab, Rogôw, Radomsko Szmul wies Falkow. Ruda Maleniecka Ester BORYCKA? Szaja RochlaLaiaGLIKSMAN P Jakub Gitla Hena z Leib Icyk Nowo Radomsko Dwojra KORENBERG Dawid Hana Maria ROZENMER P Zelman Josek Maleniec?, wsi Machory, 2am6w Ruchla Jachmowicz? P Boruch ITobiaszl Matla z Maier Mosiek Nowo Radomsko RajzlaROZENFELD P Mosiek Dawid (d) Malka Moskowicz Izrael Haim P Hesa? WIZENBERG P Jakob Josef Nacha Dankowicz Hil P Sura Malka Ickowicz Szaia Szlama HendlaBailaKOSS Fajwel (d) Rywka P Abram Moszek (d) FHanal Laia Gerszlik Icyk Wloszczowa MirlaWAJNTROB P Jakob Gitla Szmulowicz Alter Bajla MIODOWA P Lejb Gersz Sura Rvwka SWENTARSKAP Szaja Ruchla Sadkowicz P Aba Szifra Entla Dawid Ilosa / Szisa? ROZENBERG HaiaPOLICKA Hawa z Aron Brajndla Dwojra Maierow Raizla ZOLONDZ EntlaRYBOWSKA? Rala Hinda Dwojra KOTLEWSKA Laia GNAT Frajdla ZACHARIASZ ItkaHELEMSKA Haia SuraElkaABRAMZON? Alta Frajgla 16 Haim Dawid 21 21 fSural Tema Nusym Kelman 18 Mindla 23 Icyk Jakub 20 21 Frimet Izrael Szlama 22 Sura Matla 20 Abram 23 Ruchla Laia 18 Gerszlik Berek (w.)22 Idesa 22 Aron 20 Fraidla 23 Josek Haim 20 Malka Dobra 25 Mosiek Eliasz Jakub? Hananel Mortka Wulf Mosiek Aba Izraelfd) Gerszlik Bunem Kopel Szmul Ejzyk Mortka Nuta Abram Giecel Izrael Mortka (d) Rvwka SPIRITUS Ruchla Matla Laia GANCARSKA Haia Hawa z Kopel? Hinda Laia MALC Ester z Jojna Kendla Szlamowicz Maria Szlamowicz Laia Szlamowicz Hana Jakubowicz Cipra WAJSKOPF Laia MELLER Sura z Dawid Ita z Aron Ruchla Hana ZAJDMAN Sura GOLDBERG Laia Judkowicz? Abram Gersz Blima Riwa Pacel Sura Naftula Beniamen FHerszl Zysa Icvk Ruchla ZILBERSZPIR? Nacha LIPKA Bina SZMERA Baila GROSKOPF 19 22 23 18 P P P P P P P P P P P wies Kluczko, Wloszczowa P Wtoszczowa P P P Kielce P Koriskie P » Spring 2001 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 •%.%• 3 GUTMAN DOBROSZICKA? 4 KESELMAN FOGEL 5 SZMULEWICZ BROMBERG 6 OWECZKI? ULMAN 7 GRUSZCZINSKI PIECZONTKA 8 BARAN KRYBUS 9 CYMERMAN CYMERMAN 10 FELCENSZTEJN GOLDBERG 11 GANCARSKI WATYNSKA 12 CYMERMAN KUPFERMINC 13 LUFT? LIPOWICZ 14 SZTAJER? SZMULOWICZ 15 WEJNRIB ROZENBLAT 16 FINKEWICZ SZWARC 17 GOLDBERG MALC 18 AJCHENBAUM KAUFMAN 19 KINDLER KLUCZKOWSKA 20 FRANKFORT? ROZENCWEJG 21 OPATOWSKI DYZENGAUS 22 HORN SZTEJN 23 SKURKA FENKELMAN 24 LIWER KUPERMINC 25 ORNER ZISKIND 26 GRUBSZTEJN GINSBERG 27 MIODOWNIK LEJWA 28 JURKEWICZ ZILBERSZTEJN 29 WADOWSKI SZWARC 30 DORENBLAT USZEROWICZ 1886 1 LIZBAND GUTERMAN 2 RITERBAND ROZENBLAT 3 BUKOWSKI RAPOPORT 4 LAUBERSZTEJN LEWKOWICZ 5 FAIERMAN LICHT? 6 LEWKOWICZ DAWNA 7 TARNOWSKI OCAL 8 RAPOPORT KUPERMINC *• ' 61 it! * Dawid (wid.) Baila Josek Aron Ester Faiela Abram Rvwka Fraida Szmul Sura Izrael Moszek Frimet Berek Ester Sura Dawid Sura Masza Icyk Malka Berek Raizla Laia Zachariasz Raizla Minka Jakow? Eliasz Erlia Mendel Iksyslem? Gitla Josef Boruch Dwoira Matla Icyk Niwa? Entla Mendel Rywka Szulem Berek Etla Pinkus Baila Lewek Malka Josek? Boruch Mirla Hersz Mendel Hasza Pesla Izrael Szaja (wid.) Roiza Liba Kelman Erlia Jankel FaialaHasa Icyk Maier Haia? Ruchla Jankel Jochwet Haim Cerka Liba Szaja Tema Josek? Hana 36 19 18 21 21 19 19 18 19 27 18 21 18 17 23 20 23 20 19 18 20 16 20 19 18 17 20 22 22 19 21 21 20 23 25 19 18 18 22 19 48 28 20 17 19 18 19 18 18 23 23 21 28 23 22 23 Szmul (d) FajglaROTSZTEJN Nowo Radomsko Berek P HaiaRAPSZTEJN? Zelman Liba Ruchla ZAJDEMAN P Icvk Kroina SREBNAGURA P Tobiasz Bina Joskowicz? P Juda HanaFRENKEL wies Skotniki? Mosiek Boruch P NachaROZENBERG Fiszel Haia wies Ruda Maleniecka Szaja Sura Rywka ZAJDEMAN P Beniamen Icyk Bajla Judkowicz P Pinkus Frajdla Malka Lejwa P / Tomaszôw Alter Abram P Szprinca Izraelowicz Szaja [Szmul] P ItkaHELEMSKA Haim P Matla ROTBERG Aron Maria MIEDZIANAGURA wies Stanowiska, Dobromirz Rachmil (d) Baila MIEDZIANAGURA Raczki?. Dobromierz Alter Faigla Lejbus Radoszyce Lewi Gersz P Perla ROZENZON Haim P Matla ROTBERG Alter P Fraidla ZACHARIASZ Aleksander P Rwyka GUTGOLD Hernia Nuta (d) P Pesla WEJNBLUM Litman Dawid Ryka Maria ZAJANCKOWSKA Wloszczowa Michal Dawid Tauba [Haial BOROWECKA P WulfLejb Laia Rajzla PASTERNAK? Chmielnik Berek Gendel? Ruchla RADZINOWSKA? P Mendel IdlaCZERCHOWSKA P Fiszel P Bai la z Abram Dawid Mariam? BELKER? Gowarczôw Jakob? Leib (d) HEsterl Tauba WEJCENBLITP Lejzor (d) Szajndla Laja Berkowicz P Szaja Leibus Tauba Abramowicz P Izrael(d) Malka Radoszyce Szaia? P Ruchla [Laial Moskowicz Eliasz Haia Rywka MOSZTEK? Tomaszôw Abram (d) P Haia Sura Finkel Lejzor Ajdla SZPIRA? P Mosiek Icvk Sura Dyna LICHTENSZTEJN Widoma Kopel Nacha Koriskie Boruch Ester Szaindla Joskowicz? P Szmul Sura Gitla LIBESKIND P Abram Hana SZWARCENBERG P Rubin P ItlaRUS Fraidla ZACHARIASZ P Alter Wulf Rywka LIPSZIC Lôdz? Josek? P Maria? Wolfowicz Lejzer Rachmil Dwojra Liba LIBESKIND P Kaila P Pinkus Leib? Sura z Hersz wies Lopuszno, Kielce? Maier fWulfl Ester Raizla z Leibusz P Josek Sulsow? FrajndlaEDELMAN Szaia? fDawidl (d) Raizla MAGNES Widoma Boruch (d) wies Skorkowicz, Machory? Frimet GOLDBERG Wulf Ester Ickowicz P Gowarczôw Pinkus Haia Bajla Koplowicz Berek Hinda Szaiowicz? Widoma Jakow Gersz Rywka Haim Fajwel Malka Jakob Kopel Mindla Laia Szaja Szlama HaiaFraidla Bencion Liba Szlama Hana Jakow Emanuel Faisla Hana Jankel Frimet 18 18 19 18 19 18 18 24 18 18 18 19 20? 25 19 20 Mosiek Lejb Gersz Zainwel Szmul Abram Izrael Gersz? Abram Dawid Mortka Hersz Lewek Icyk Leibus Lewek Szmul Nusen [Haim] Judka Simsa Josek Szaia Tauba Ruchla TRAJMAN Tauba LEWENBERG Dwojra ZAKS Dwoira GERSZNDCHIT? Ajdla RAPOPORT CiwiaLIPNIKA Sura HANDELSMAN Hana LEYWA Szprinca LICHT? Ester ERLICH? Hana FELDZENSZTEJN Ita Sura SZINKLEWSKA Maria SZWARC Baila Moskowicz Entla GOLDBERG Maria Hana SECEMSKA P P Piotrkôw P P P Ozorkôw? Zalkôw?, Krasnostaw? P wies Kluczewsko?, Wioszczowa P P Pilica, Olkusz? P 62 9 10 11 12 \i 14 b 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 RUBINOWICZ ZNAMEROWSKA FELDZENSZTEJN WIERNIK ROZENZON ROZENZON OCAL ZILBERBERG SWIENTARSKI ZYSKIND ROZENZON BLINDER KRAKOWSK1 LIBESKIND BLUMENZON ZAMECZKOWSKA? KONSKER? DANKOWICZ LEWKOWICZ JURKEWICZ GUTENBERG FELDZENSZTEJN ZILBERBERG WEJNBLUM JACENTOWSKI? PARZENCKA ZILBERBERG MERMERSZTEJN BUCHSZRAJBER GWAZDOWSKA WAKS (mnY? PRUSZKER ELECHNOWICZ STAL NAJBERG BEBELSKI ORBUCH HALPORT WEJNMAN MANELA ZACHARIASZ FRIDLENBERG ZAJDEMAN v ZAJDNER WARGON GUTERMAN SUCHECKI? WEJSLIC PANSKI CYMERMAN BORKOWSKI BORENSZTEJN WEJNMAN WOSKOWICZ BRENER GOLDBERG ROTSZTEJN BANKIER KAMINSKI LEJWENBERG BUCHSZRAJBER BUCHSZRAJBER GOLDFARB ZELICKA PACHCIARSKI MOJZES LEDERMAN? MIODOWA MENDELBAUM FAJGENBAUM Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Maier Nechemia 18 Malka 18 Josek (wid.) 38 Malka 22 Melech 26 Raiza Sura 29 Rachmil 21 Blima 18 Izrael Icyk 19 Dwoira Frimet 23 Hil Dawid 36 Laja Maria 20 Mortka 24 Fraindla 22 32 Josek Malka 22 Aron 26 Hana 19 Szmul 20 Ester Ruchla 20 Alter Dawid 21 Ruchla Laia 20 Mosiek Aron 20 Alta Nacha 25 Mosiek Boruch 19 Haia Ruchla 26 Amniel 18 Malka 19 Maier Gersz (wid •)54 Cerka Ruchla (w. )31 Spring 2001 Nusen Lejb Izrael Lejbus (d) Haim Abram Icyk Szaia Simon? Szmul (d) Szaja Ezrael Maier Izrael Aron Rubin Iser Gdalka Fiszel Izrael Rubin Icyk Dane] Wolf Jankel (d) Judka Josek Aron Josek (d) Jakob Litman Herszel Dawid Szmul Mosiek Mosiek Zysa (d) Gerszek? Sura Blima Jakubowicz Bialy? P RaizlaABRAMZON Pesla Wloszczowa? BailaPRESMAN? P Maria Ruchla CHECHENSKA Wloszczowa? P DobraBLUM? P Bajla Moskowicz Ester BORICKA? wies Falkôw. Ruda Maleniecka Sura Hana [KUPFERMINC] P P Hana Maria Icvkow Sura Ruchla NIRENBERG P Haia Rvwka MANDELKER?Bodzentyn?. Kielce Dwojra wies Gory Mokre Mindla z Kalman P P Ruchla SWENTARSKA Ita P Sura Szajndla GOLDBERG Radom? Maria Lewkowicz P Hawa P wies Gory Mokre Haia Szaiowicz? P Fajgla KUPERBERG Maria MIEDZIANAGURA wies Stanowiska. Dobromirz Ester Cirla BLUM Plawno P Sura Cvna Wulfowicz Perla P P Szeiwa GRINBAUM Rifka GROS Opoczno P Laia z Izrael P Rojza Bajla P Rywka Spnnca HALPRIN Tauba ZYSKIND Malka KLEJNBART Rwvka WEJNMAN Laja Joskowicz Fala? Joskowicz Laia Herman Nacha Baila Dawidowicz Sura Perla GOLDBERG SzaindlaMIODOWICZ Ruchla BA7MAN Brauna P P P P wies Oleszno, gm. P Radom P Wloszczowa? P Bedzyn? P Malka GitaZILBERSZTAJN Riwka GERTLER Ruchla GLIKSMAN Nacha? LIPKA Itka HELEMSKA Ester z Herszlik Fraidla Laia Szlamowicz Szajndla Hana Faiela FRAJTSZTAT? Hana Dwojra GLUZOWSKA? Ester Laia Pesla z Gerszek? SuraNAIMAN? Rifka Ickowicz Maria z Efroim HaiaFajgaRISZPAN RaizlaBERLINSKA Szyfra Balsamowicz? Hinda Szlamowicz Faigla Szlamowicz Entla Moiszesow Ruchla ROZENCWEJG Cypra? Ickowicz? Rywka Lejbus Hana Perla BLUMENZON Kohskie P Chçciny P Widoma P P P P P Gorzkowice? P P P P P Mendel Maier Hana Mosiek Szmul Laja Icyk Blima Rachla? Lejzor Malka Josek Michal Frajndla Gendla Lewek Alta 18 16 21 19 28 24 23 28 20 21 25 24 Abram Icyk Kiwa Abram Aron Josek Josek Zainwel Izrael Szaia Josek Icyk Szaia Jakob Gerszlik (d) Mortka Mniel? Dwoira Brandla Zysman Faisla Szlama Maier Riwka Icyk Faigla Maria Szlama Wigdor Sura Kaila Haim Gersz Hana Szlama Malka Rajzla Izrael Michal Tauba Chysza Mosiek Haim Maria Basza? Ira Laia Mendel Itla Szlama Rvwka Szlama Jachwet 18 21 22 18 18 17 22 17 19 20 22 19 24 23 23 20 18 16 28 23 21 20 19 18 18 16 Mendel Abram Berek Lejbus Szaia Beniamin Gersz Szaia Szmul Abram Zysman Perenc Josek (d) Szlama Michal Dawid (d) Zainwel Berek (d) Eliasz Wigdor [Gersz] Mosiek Haim Icyk Hil (à) Zelman Mortka Haim Hil (d) Szmul Dawid (d) Alter Berek P Reczno, Piotrkôw? P P P P P Bedin? [Bedzin] P Spring 2001 63 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Radom Births 1842 -1844 Akl: Surname Given Name Father (occupation) Age 1842 1 EIFER Mendia Abraham (krawiec) 28 44 2 ROZENCZWEIG Aron (podszkolnik) Szmul Berek Usier (dzierzawca) 3 GROSFELD Chaje Sure 20 Haim Izrael Abraham (kolonista) 4 POTASNIK 28 5 ELPERT Izrael Here (wyrobnik) 28 Haim Icek Ezry Zelik Maier (krawiec) 6 FRID 38 7 KIRSZENBLAT (C)haim Berek (krawiec) 45 37 8 BIRNBAUM Nicha Laja Abus (wyrobnik) 9 EYZENBERG *1 Haj[m] Mordka Leyzur (krawiec) 36 10 GOLDSZLIGIER *2 Abraham Zeynwel1 Jakuba Gutmann 38 11 GI(F)SER 37 Mosiek (krawiec) Pinkus(was) 12 HAFTARCZYK Marya Hil (krawiec) 31 28 13 SCHLEHTER? Abraham Yakub (garbarz) 14 NEYMAN Herszek Boruch (wlasciciel domu) 34 Haskiel 15 GOLDBERG Jan as 36 35 16 ZETZMANN Gitla Herz (krawiec) 17 BEYTLER Szapsia (krawiec) 28 Berek Syna 47 18 ROZENSZTARK Hana Nifse 19 GOLDSZLEGIER Jakub Szaja/Seyia (zlotnik) 29 Mosiek Herz (krawiec) 20 ROYSENBAIM 55 21 LEBENDYKIER Brandla Symon (krawiec) 22 WEYNBERG Jankiel Hil 36 Szmul Moysie Gdala 23 WEYSBORT 38 24 WERBER 37 Ryfka Abraham 40 25 ROYSENBLIT Abram Szyia Hesiel Aron 34 Nucha Laja 26 BIRNBAUM Abus (piekarz) 27 ROTTENBERG (Aron) Icek (handlarz) 40 Haim Judka Leyzor 38 28 GOLDMAN Moysie Aron 22 29 HOROWICZ Saga Srol 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 KOPLOWICZ BLICHER FRIDMANN KAYLER EYSENSZTADT GROSFELD WISENBERG ROSENBERG/ *3 AYZENBERG FIXMAN? ROSENSZTARK SURMA(N) KORMAN HOROWICZ NEYMANN ROTTENBERG WEYNBERGIER ROSENBAUM SYLBERSZTEIN ROYSENBERG BLAYWAS KIRSZENBAUM GIERSZTEJN HERSZFELD BRESLAU KOPPMANN EYBYSZE Szmul Haim Sru(e)l Szyfra Etla Hajm Izaak Symon Majer Herszek Daniel Haim Mortka Eli (przekupnik) Josek (krawiec) Jakob Boruch Aron Josek (rzezak) Haim (wyrobnik) Szmul Josek Leyzur (grzebienlarz) 40 39 28 21 33 42 28 35 Haja Sora Hana Nessye Schym Nechuma Haskiel Junes Szulim Haim Szmul Fiszel Haim Josek Josek Mariem Lewek Berek Brucha Haja Sura Bacia Ester Sura Cypra Herszek Hil (czapnik) Syna Dawid (krawiec) Gierman (kramarz) Berek (kramarz) Boruch Mortku (faktor) Icek (kramarz) Wigdor (tlomacz?) Mosiek (chandlarz) Izrael (czapnik) Beniamin (s[z]pekulant) Izrael (wyrobnik) Mortku (rzeznik) Herszek Elku(o)n (tokarz) Cala (krawiec) Judka (sluzbia) Izrael Jakub (kramarz) 29 47 26 59 34 34 30 35 28 30 30 26 31 28 30 29 28 FHL microfilm #716,127 Mother Age Town Ruchla Laia ItaMichlaWASERMAN Marya Bene RayzazBERNBAUM Laia Ruchla 21 27 20 20 27 38 24 27 28 25 34 - Gitla Dwoira Faiga Szayndla Marianna Haja Ryfka FELDMAN Gitla zCWERNER? Etla Gitla zELBAUM Rayza z GOLDMAN Jochwitka SKOPLOWICZ 26 Hawa z CWERNER? 34 Hanna Sura 24 Ryfka 32 Chaia Ita 28 Gitla 32 Laja Bayla 30 Hana 32 Gitla 30 Perla 30 Dwoyra 29 Ruchla 30 Eta Ryfka 30 Szymeta 24 Hana 36 Estera 38 Ryfka 27 Frimeta 21 Haja Mayta ZECAROWICZ 26 Laia z domu Abraham Fiszla GoldazROYSENBAUM 27 Szayndla RUBINSZTAYN 26 Ryfka Gitla WAYNSZTAYN 30 Ryfka Liba MindlazAYLENDER Szayndla KADYCIWICZ Liba z KORMAN FajgazERLICH Ruchla z EYDLER Tauba Gitla WEYSMAN Etla 40 20 42 28 28 28 30 27 Breyndla SZNEYDERMAN 27 Rayzla z GROYSFELD 19 22 LaiazSZMULEWICZ Sora Matka 30 Sora z FLAUMENBAUM Ryfka z OSTROWSKA 20 Haia Sura z EPELBAUM Gitla Jankla GLAZMAN MalkazMARGULES Radom R Skaryszew Bad Babrawskie R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R (Jezowa? Wola) R R R R R R 04 56 57 58 59 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Spring 2001 Icek (kramarz) Peysak (handlarz zboza) Boruch (krawiec) Dawid (wyrobnik) Szroel Abrahama Abraham (wyrobnik) Josek Dawid (piekarz) Abraham (kapelus[z]nik) Abraham Mendel Mosiek (krawiec) Hilel Szlama (furman) Brancha Lemek (miekanik) Wadje(ie) Majer (handlarz) Wulf Peysak (stolarz) Mordka Dawid Jakob Peja Cypra Szyia (kramarz) Aron Abraham Mendlawicz Ichok Rywan (wyrobnik) Ruchla Josek 49 30 27 28 23 33 30 45 38 24 38 38 30 30 50 44 36 50 26 49 27 25 28 22 30 27 40 30 18 30 Payreke? MARKOWICZK 34 Etla 30 Ruchla 26 42 Tauba Brancha 40 Laia 30 Cymel 36 DwoyrazEIZENSZTIEN 24 Janica? Rachmil Leybus (szynkarz) Bencian Tobiasz Wulf (piekarz) Izrael Szulim (handlarz) Szaja Motek (stolarz) Chana Ryfka Szmula (bakalarz) Inta Kadys (macarz) Sura Mendia Mosiek Layb (krawiec) Mala Nuta (krawiec) Rayza Brandla Ayzyk (furman) Jankiel (kramarz) Nachuma Szmul Moysie Herszek ( krawiec) LeyzurKofman (handl.) Jakob Icek Hawa Mendia Aron (pod szkolnik) Siapsia Peysak Izrael (pisarz) Towia Hil Zacharyasz (szpekulant) Izrael (szpekulant) Izrael Jankiel (krawiec) Haja Jokob Beniamin (kramarz) Fiszel (kupczyk) Chaja Zelik Szlama (forman) Abram Icek Jankiel (krawiec) Mosiek Berek (krawiec) Ruchla Laja Icek (pisarz) Chaim Abram Hil (kramarz) Szayndla Wolf (piekarz) Icek (waciarz) Cyrla Josek (zRolnistwa) Herszek Kopel (kamminant?) Szaja Leybus Ignacy (ksiagarz?) Henrejeta Szlama Leyb Zelik (fonduszow wlasn.) Icek (wyrobnik) Jonas 31 SADKOWSKI Jakob (macarz) Hawa Sura 32 MILWEYGIER Zelman Wulf Szaja (krawiec) 33 GOLDSZTAYN Szmul (macarz) 34 BANKIER Wulf Ruchla Sik (mlynarz) 35 SZTAYBUK Ryfka Ruchla Josek (wyrobnik) 36 KORMAN Izrael (czapnik) Szaja Jankiel 37 SZWARCMAN Mosiek (mydklarz) 38 CYMBERKIEWICZ Eta Berek Szymcha (macarz) 39 ZAYWLOWICZ Siabsia Mortka (bakalarz) 40 SZPAYZMAN 29 32 40 35 45 27 30 24 27 36 36 42 45 28 24 Perla Mindla Esterka KORMAN TENE(N)BAUM BER RUTMAN 60 FRENKIEL 61 HUTMAN(N) 62 RUBINSZTEYN 63 GOLDBERG 64 SZERMAN *4 65 MILWE(O)RGIER 66 KUN 67 JELONKIEWICZ 68 EYZENSZTADT 69 FINKIELSZTEJN 70 RUBINSZTEJN 71 KORMAN 72 SZERMAN *4 73 FRIDMAN 74 SWIRSZIZAK 1S43 1 ZYLBERING 2 GRUSZKIEWICZ 3 ROZENBAUM 4 FLAMENBAUM 5 BUNGRAT 6 MILSUKJUR 7 EPELBAUM 8 KORMAN 9 FRYDMAN 10 EYZENBERG 11 GLAT 12 FILSZTAYN 13 ROZENSWEIG 14 LIPSZYTZ 15 KI(E)RSZENBAUM 16 CHAPSZTAYN 17 KORMAN 18 LANDE 19 FRIDMAN 20 KURCZ 21 FRIDMAN 22 ZAYDENWEBER 23 KUNSKIER 24 MARGULES 25 ABERMANT 26 AYZENBERG 27 ROZENBOYM 28 GROSZFERSZTANT 29 ROZENTHAL 30 WOLMAN Szeywa Laja Josek Izrael Icek Icek Bayla Rayle Beniamin Hersz Berek Zelik Josek Aron dec. 43 45 31 40 31 36 28 30 42 26 38 34 25 33 23 24 24 24 26 34 25 20 60 26 ElkazMAJERKIEWICZ ItaTaubaz KORMAN Estera z BER Perla Ruchla z GLICKIHAN? Perra ? Riwa LaiazBEKERMAN FaygaJOSK? LaiazPAYSAKOWICZ SurazAKERMAN Jena? z LEYZUROWICZ R R wies Huta Skaryszewska R wies Huta Skaryszewska R R miasta Skaryszew R R R R R R R R wies Gabarzowa miescie Jedlirisk 27 wies Parznice 29 R 31 wies Kozinki Eta 29 40 18 25 22 22 Eta 35 Estejbanowej? 24 Cyma Dobra 19 Ita 27 24 Etka Zelda 22 Etla 28 Rayzla 38 Mendia 36 24 Mary anna Tera 30 Szyfra Rayza 21 25 Ryfka Sura Szayndla 24 Sura Laia 31 Sora 40 Laia 23 Fraydla 30 Haia Ryfka LEYBUSOWICZ 30 Ruchla Chaja Ryfka Cerla Chawa Sara Franciszka GIWARTOWSK1 25 HaynazKIRSZENBLAT Hudesaz JONAS Perla Rayza CymaLEYBUSIOWICZ Haia Gitla Sura Hana z SZULIM Go Ida Rayzla zTERNBAUM? Gitla zJOSKOWICZ Fraydla zBERKOWICZ Bayla zWAYNRAB R 32 25 24 22 22 23 26 27 19 R R R R R R R R R R R Skaryszew (works in R) R R R wies Kaptur R R R R R miescie Skaryszew R wies Kozinki R R Skaryszew wies Kossow Wiakszy R wies Wojustawice R wies Mysliszewice R R R 35 R 24 R Spring 2001 41 KORMAN 42 RUTMAN 43 EYCHENBOYM 44 KURSZENBAUM 45 ROZENCWEIG 46 ROZENCWEIG 47 CWAYGENBOYM 48 KORMAN 49 BIRNBAUM 50 GOLDSZTAYN 51 AYFER 52 HANDELMAN 53 ALDMAN 54 BRYSEL 55 HAFTARCZYK 56 ROZENBERG 57 ROTMAN 58 MILER 59 FLAMENBAUM 60 SZMINDER 61 ARTMAN 62 FILKENSZTE(A)JN 63 GISER 64 BAUMGARTEN 65 SZNAJDERMAN 66 ZEJDENWEBER 67 KADYSIEWICZ 68 WAJSBORD 69 FINKELSZTAJN 70 GRINCF(W)EJG 71 SZTEJNMAN 72 SZNAJDERMAN 73 KORMAN 1844 1 FISZLOWICZ 2 FRENKIEL 3 SZWIERSZIZAK 4 GUTSZTAT 5 NAYMAN 6 HANOWER 7 HAMERSZTAYN 8 WEYNTRAUB 9 FRENKIEL 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 KORMAN KIERSZENBERG INTERSZTAIN DYNERMAN GOLDBARG GUTMAN ROZENBLIT GOLDFARB GOLDSZLEG1ER WAYSBORT RUBINSZTAYN GOLDBERG INTERSZTAYN MICHLOWICZ KADYSIEWICZ KORMAN NABOZNY Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Sura LaJa Szyia Szyia Szaja (szynkarz) Abus (macarz) Jankiel (pak[ch]ciarz) Bencyen Tobiasz Mendel (kupiec) Herszek Leyzur Ayzyk (macarz) Haja Ryfka Mosiek (sztycharz) Szmul Mendel Pinkwas (czapnik) Ruchla Perla Haim Srul Mosiek Maylich (kupiec) Mosiek Motek (mlynarz) Berek Leybus Izrael (krawiec) Jankiel Sura Malka Szmul Abram (faktur) Berek Lejbus Dawid (krawiec) Ruchla Zelda Hil (krawiec) Hana Szlama (ta...?) Berek Josek (krawiec) Haja Mendia Dawid (Lubickt handlu) Berek Lejbus (rzeznik) Nachman Mosiek (krawiec) Ryfka Ruchla Izrael (krawiec) Mosiek Gierman (stolarz) Eta Hawa Haim (krawiec) Izrael Icek (krawiec) Rachmil Bejer Izrael Dawid (krawiec) Andzel (krawiec) Ruchla Kadys (furman) Lipa Huta (macarz) Frymeta Tobe Perla Motek (stolarz) Icek Izrael (malarz) Josek (introligator) Szmul Abus Lejzor (krawiec) Abus Szmerka (krawiec) Dyna Icek Mendia Hindla Tancha Rywa Ita Szyia Szlama Josek Major Hawa Ryfka Rayzla Sura Mosiek Iser Dawid Mosiek Ruchla Aron Ber Minka Hana Priwa Abram Jankiel Josek Haim Chaim Rayza Golda Eta Mosiek Simon Szymcha Binen Mendel Chemie Sura Mindla Berek (dozarca konsum.) Leybus (kramarz) Josek Abram (kramarz) Boruch (szynkarz) Siotek? (mlynarz) Borucha Leybus (macarz) Izrael (kramarz) Mortka (handlarz zboza) Morta Izrael (macarz) Aron (wyrobnik) Berek (gospodarstwo) Jankiel Szmul (forman) Aron (kramarz) Izrael Icek (furman) Szmul (tand...arz?) Abram (furman) Berek Haskiel (macarz) Joyna? (szewc) Herszek (garbarz) Chaim (piekarz) Soskie? (kramarz) Hemie (czapnik) 40 44 36 33 38 34 26 20 23 23 25 25 46 32 30 50 36 33 26 28 28 44 36 31 36 32 41 28 28 25 23 30 33 20 30 21 28 40 30 24 30 30 25 33 36 23 27 22 40 26 33 29 24 39 25 46 38 25 30 65 Brucha z LANG 40 Gitla 33 FreydlaMENDELEWICZ 34 Hudesa 28 Haia Ruchla z ZUZK 21 BlimazABRAMOWICZ 25 Mindla LEYBUSIOWICZ 20 SzymetazROYZENBLIT 20 Malka zZYBELBLUM 24 Sura 20 SurazDAWIDOWICZ 25 Mindla zWUDK 21 Faygaz SZMUL? 38 Inta zLENDZ 20 Gitla z CWERN 28 37 Trana z LEWKOWICZ Ryfka Laia 30 IdesazEPELBAUM 26 22 LaiazBERKOWICZ HaikazKAPELWICZK 28 22 Idy z INDKOWICZ BasazGOSFINGEL 27 Haia z SZNAJDERMAN 33 Icta? z PUL 24 Faiga 26 Etlaz GOLDBERG 26 Lywca? z LIP 34 R ws. Zyla, gm.Klwatka Szlachuka wies Dzierzkow R wies Dzierzkow wies Dzierzkow R R R wies Modrzejewice R R wies Dzierzkow R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Hana Sejwa? ARONOWICZ 23 R Ryfka z AI? 24 R Gnedla z DAWIDMAN 18 wies Zamlyn Hana z KADYSIEWICZ 23 R 24 R RajzlazLANG Faiga z DA WIDOWICZ 25 R Rosa z ABUSAWICZ Hudesa z WAYNTRAUB Dwoyra Rayzla Rayza z GOLDMAN Ayndla Etla Rayzla Laja Laja Hinda Perla Hana Ruchla Blima Liwa? Sura Hana Perla Maryla Cypra Dwoyra Laja Jochweta Jochweta Ita Nucha Perla Leyba 19 25 24 24 36 miescie Skaryszow 30 21 30 31 22 24 24 20 22 24 36 18 wies Piotrowice R miescie Jedlihsk R R R R R R R wies Wulka Lesiowska wies Leyze? / Wola Golebiowska miescie Skaryszow R R Kochanôw 30 R 22 23 27 22 wies Mlodzianôw mln Paiak, gm. Kossow Wiakszy Zamlynia Wulka Lesiowska 45 miescie Skaryszow 33 R 21 R 22 R 66 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 AYFERT BLAT GRINGIER SZERMAN *5 RUTMAN FRTOMAN SZMELKOWICZ FAYNTUCH SZTEJERNKICKIER ALDMAN FLAMENBAUM TENENBAUM GREYMANOW KORMAN GOLDRATH KORMAN ZYLBERSZTAYN LEPSZYTZ WAYZBORT AIDE(N)SZTAIN GUTBEYTER BAYTEL BOBER NEYCHAUS? GLAT SZLACHTER WALTMAN WILGRANOWIC(Z) PREMYSLE(O)W GOLDBERG WAYNTRAUB BLUFARB WODKA SZODLANT WAYNTROB EPY(E)LBAUM WAYCMAN *6 WAYCMAN BIRMAN PERELMIT BLIT GOLDMAN GLAT HAMERSZTAYN HOCHGIELERT RUTMAN HABERMAN ZYMER SZTAINBOK KUPERSZMIDT ARENSZTADT BERLINSKI ROYZEN RUTMAN GOLDFLIS BAYMGARTEN JARMULEWICZ? RUTMAN KOPLOWICZ WAJNOWAKOW GROSMAN Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Hinda Abram (krawiec) 29 Hana Ruchla Mosiek (czapnik) 25 Herszek Leybus (handlarz koni?) 24 Haja Sura Abram (kapelus[z]nik) 36 Judka Dawid Izrael (macarz) 26 Maryanka Jakob (szynkarz soli) 30 Sura Gitla Abus (handlarz skor) 22 Berek Josek (szewc) 28 24 Mortka Szlama (wyrobnik) Berek Leybus (krawiec) 46 Jankiel (macarz) Leybus 46 Sura Szyfra Peysak (handlarz zboza) 22 Ruchla Este Izrael Inkla (kramarz) 27 Szyia Leybus Nuta (krawiec) 24 Sioel? Leyzur (kramarz) 33 34 Chaim Berek (piekarz) Ryfka Dwoyra Josek (czapnik) 48 Trana Dwoyra Szlama (bakalarz) 46 Dwoyra Icek (rzeznik) 28 Izrael Kopel (kramarz) 39 Hil Mendel Kiwa (wyrobnik) 26 Chaim Wawel Siabsia Leyzur (krawiec) 28 43 Toba Abram (felczer) 40 Perec Herszek (mlynarz) Hana Herszek (krawiec) 36 Jakob (handlarz skor) Mortka 34 44 Szulim Elia (wyrobnik) 50 Mortka / Mosiek Leybus (wyrobnik) Josek (poslugacz konsum.) 40 Rayzla Mosiek / Rachrail Abram (handlarz krup) 42 Andzel (mlynarz) 58 Bencyan Ryfka Berek (smolarz) 40 Estera Szmul (kupiec) 50 Borucha Ides Izrael (kramarz) 33 Icek (pak[ch]ciarz) 33 Mosiek Basia Bayla Mosiek (krawiec) 28 Hemie? Szlosman (wyr.) 42 Szmul Layb Herszek (macarz) Jankiel 36 Abram (wyrobnik) 39 Beniamin 25 Hana Bayla Mosiek (ziotnik) 44 Haskiel Mosiek (slifarz?) Izrael (dzierzawca konsum.) 30 Kiwa Mendel Izrael (wyrobnik) 30 Abram 37 Dawid Gierman Szlama (forman) Lipa (kramarz) 40 Nechuma 45 Nachman Abus (mlynarz) 40 Berek Icek (wyrobnik) Sura Rayzla / Hinda Urys (krawiec) 28 27 Josek Icek (mlynarz) 50 Josek 44 Maryen Szandl Aron Josek (rzezak) 40 Jakob (wyrobnik) Hana Berek (forman) 40 Noj(e)ch 19 Leyzur Ela (dzierzawka) 40 Endla Herszek (waciarz) 22 Lewek (wyrobnik) Kapel 24 Ruchla Szmul *8 (pisarz) 38 Szeiwech Jakob (krawiec) Ela (czeladnik garbarski) 40 Liba Leibus / Siia *9 Mosiek Mendel (krawiec) 30 Abram (handlarz skor) 60 Szyia Spring 2001 Ruchla Laia 23 Chaia 23 Sura 20 Laia 30 Ryfka zBEKIERMAN 22 Ryfka z MARCH 30 DynazRUBINOWICZ 23 RochazBORENSZTEJN 24 Jochweta 19 SorazICKOWICZ 40 Ryfka zHERSZKOWICZ 46 ItaTobazICKOWICZ 23 Pasa Szeywa? 24 Hawa 24 Ruchla zWAYMAN 32 27 Matka Ruchla SZMELKOWICZ SurazICKOWICZ 46 CyrlazICKOWICZ 26 BinazKIERSZENBAUM 36 CymlaKIERSZENBOYM 25 Hana Sura BERKOWICZ 24 Priwa Matla GROSFELD 24 Haia z parents not known 38 Esta Bayla MORTKOWICZ Eta Gitla z ABRAM Siewa? SZULIMOWICZ Gitla zSZMAJOWICZ Chana z GLAT ChawazZORANC? Liba z parents not known Szaydla HERSZKOWICZ SzyfrazBERBAM ElkazPREMYSL Chaia zBORENSZTEIN CyrlazDAWIDOWICZ 26 30 26 38 36 34 36 44 33 27 22 Ryfka z GUTMAN Waycman 24 EsterkazJANKLOWICZ Raca? Ruchla BRESLER Sura Ryfka z BLAT Cypra Marya FINKELSZTEYN Cypra zAYZYK? RayzazDAWIDOWICZ FaygazBIRNBAUM Gela z BEKIER HaiazLEYBUSIOWICZ Cyrla Sura Hana? H/MYFMAN BrandlaLEYBUSIOWICZ Chaia Mayta? Hudesaz ROYZEN Szayndla Hinda z WALTMAN Rywa z PER FaygazSZTREYMAN Ewa z ANSZTAYN Gitla zROIZENBLIT Ena? z GOLDBERG NyshaLaiaGOLDSZTEYN Ryfka z MILER Dzierzkow R miescie Skaryszow miescie Skaryszow wies Dzierzkow R R R wies Janiszôw wies Grzmucina? R R R R R R R R R R R R R wies Siczki? R R wies Golebiow miescie Skaryszow R R Mlyn Janiszowski wies Pacyna R R R R wies Klwatka Szlachuka 30 Zyla Mlyna 44 R 20 R 42 wies Dzierzkow 31 R 30 37 30 40 30 26 25 40 26 20 24 19 31 20 22 26 26 24 33 wies Dzierzkow wies Zamlyn R mlyn Waytowski/Janiszewski *7 wies Golebiow R Nowy Mlyn, gm. Mysliszowice wies Dzierzkow R R R ws. Leyze? / ws. Wymysly R wies Malozow R R wies Zamlyn R R Spring 2001 88 89 90 91 92 BIRNBAUM GLAT SZPAYZMAN BUTKOWSKI MILMAN 93 SZAYNBERK 94 GOLDBERG 95 ROTMAN 96 ROSENBERG 97 BRYCMAN? 98 WAYSBORT 99 MATZ 100 MATZ 101 ERLICH 102 ALPERT 103 KORMAN 104 GROSFELD 105 MILWEJGER 106 GOLDMAN 107 NYSENBOIM 108 WAYNERAJTER 109 NAYCHAUS? 110 GISER 111 WAYNSZTAYN 112 GIERSZTAYN 113 GLAYMAN 114 GRYNSBERG 115 SZMAJER 116 GUTMAN 117 GOLDBERG 118 HOPMAN 119 TENENBAUM 120 DYMANT 121 KUPERSZMIDT 122 SZTAYNBERG 123 SZTAYMAN 124 HUBERMAN 125 GOLDSZTAYN 126 KOHEN 127 KOLENDER 128 DYNERMAN 129 WAYNTRAUB Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 5, Number 2 Estera Ruchla Jakob Izrael Wulf Cortla Abram Icek Ayndla Ides Laybus Matka Bayla Ryfka Szlama Boruch Esterka Etla Ita Ruchla Rayza Cypra Bryndla Dawid Nojech Matys Majorek Jochweta Matka Leybus Perla Ryfka Ruchla Leybus Szmul Mosiek & Haybrucha Kayla Ryfka Hana Gierszon Hana Maryem Haja Inda Abram Mosiek Bayla Fayga Zelmanowa Zlota Syma Brayndla Chaja Chaim Leybus Dawid 67 Abus (z wypieku? chleba) 39 IcekMaylich (gospod.) 40 Judka (szewc) 23 Majer (wyrobnik) 45 Berek (wyrobnik) 34 Mosiek (krawiec) 24 Josek (wyrobnik) 30 Mosiek (wyrobnik) 26 Chaim (handlarz szklo) 30 Markus (pL.nikarz?) 37 Fraym (wyrobnik) 35 Boruch (brukarz) 24 Icek (szewc) 34 Jankiel (czapnik) 27 Izrael Ere (kramarz) 24 Icek Gierszon (kramarz) 47 Szlama (faktor) 37 Mosiek (krawiec) 25 Izrael (dzierzawca kons.) 30 Josek (krawiec) 28 Izrael (tokarz) 23 Pinkus (ga[rn]carz) 21 Mosiek (krawiec) 46 Chaim (krawiec) 25 Herszek (szmuklerz) 34 Nisen (furman) 33 Abram (forman) 36 Fata Perla LibazRAYCH? HaiazBOYNGROT 33 Haia Sura SILBERBERG 20 24 Hana z GOLDBERG Liba Gitla 23 Ruchla LaiaCWERNER 22 Fayga z DYMANT 42 BlimazABUSIOWICZ 30 SurazAKERMAN 22 MaryaFINKELSZTEYN 31 GoldazFRID? 21 FraydazHERSZENFELD 20 Hudesa MECHELZYMIER? 24 Haia Ryfka zFELMAN 42 Frymeta z ZELMAN 22 SurazFLAMENBAUM 30 Maryem Hudesa KIELMAN 27 DynazMORTKOWICZ 32 Chaim (szynkarz soli) Izrael Szyia (gospodarz) Izrael (wyrobnik) Judka (czeladnik piek.) Eliasz Josek (piekarz) Haskiel (wyrobnik) Szmul (pak[ch]ciarz) Joyna (ga[rn]carz) Josek (introligator) Chaim (krawiec) WolfChaimowicz (pak.) Herszek (czapnik) Jankiel (furman) Izrael (rolnik) Ela (kramarz) Szayndl RAYNBERGIER 40 Ita z MARKOWICZ 25 GrendlazZYLBERBERG 24 24 Gitla zZYGMAN Matka zAKIERMAN 20 ElkazGOLDSZLEGIER 22 Dwoyra z GIECK/GICEK 30 RyfkizWAYCMAN 30 HanazKADYSZIEWICZ 21 HaynaraGOLDSZLEGIER 18 BlimazICKOWICZ 39 Fayga Hudes z BLAT 28 Hana 24 Toba z DEN? 32 HaiazDAWIDOWICZ 24 38 22 25 37 22 23 28 27 23 26 41 32 24 21 24 Dwoyra Sura Dyna GitlazERSZENFIZ Dwoyra z WAYNTRAUB Rayzla z GLAT MindlaFINKELSZTEJN LaiazSZLITMAN EtaMaryaHERSZKOWICZ 26 32 20 36 30 21 wies Zamlyn Mlodzianow, gm. Zakowia wies Piotrowice Mlodzianow Mlodzianow R 28 Golebiôw 23 Huta Skaryszewska 20 R 20 R mlyn Paiak, gm. Jezowa? Wola miescie Skaryszow miescie Skaryszow R R R R R R wies Dzierzkow R wies Lesiow R R R wies Golebiow wies Zakowice miescie Skaryszow wies Janiszpole wies Kochanow wies Zamlyn R R wies Suliszka wies Pacyna R wies Konczyce wies Modrzejowice R wies Mlodzianow wola Golebiowska miescie Jedlirisk Footnotes: * 1 Given name Haja as written in the text is inconsistent with his identification as a male child, his other name Mort/dka and name appearing as Haim in index with identification as a male child, his other name Mort/dka, and name given as Haim in index. *2 Zeynwel was cited as the child's surname in both the Akt margin and index, yet his father's surname was Goldszligier. The text indicates that the child received the given name Abraham Zeynwel. Zeynwel was often used as a given name. Its use as the surname here may have been a clerical error. *3 It is not clear that child's surname Rosenberg as presented in the Akt margin and the index is correct. In the text, the child's surname, his father's surname, and his mother's married name were presented as Ayzenberg. See Akt 9 - Eyzenberg for a possible link.. *4 Akts 64 & 72 above appear to be repetitions of the same birth record, except for additional name information in the later record and different residence locations, birthdates and ages of father. *5 In the margin and index, the child's name appears as Haja Sura Szerman Mendlowiiczowa. In the text, the declarant's surname, mother's married name and child's surname are Szerman. See Szerman, Akt 72 -1842 above, for a possible explanation. *6 Child's surname and mother's married name "Waycman" differ from declarant's surname "Szlosman". See this Akt margin for a possible explanation. *7 Residence is mlyn Wytowski in margin and mlyn Janiszewski in text. *8 Declarant's given name is Szmul in text; his Latin alphabet signature accompaniment given name is Wulf. *9 Given name is Szyia in index Glossary akta Polish vital records, often seen as a column heading in vital record indices and extracts, to denote the record numbers document of intent to marry alphabet used for the Russian language: bann Cyrillic FHC FHL gubernia HIAS Hilfs Farein JRI-Poland landsman LDS matronymic monogenetic obwod palatinate patronymic polygenetic powiat USC wojewodztwa LDS (Mormon) Family History Center, branch library LDS (Mormon) Family History Library, in Salt Lake City, Utah geographic/political subdivision of the Russian Empire, similar to a province, which applied to the Kingdom of Poland from 1844 until World War I Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society help union or aid society Jewish Records Indexing - Poland, a database on JewishGen someone who originated in the same village prior to immigration (pi.: landsleit) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly used to denote the Mormon Family History Library, identification by mother's given name surname from a single progenitor; all bearers of the surname are related district, subdivision of gubernia geographical/political subdivision of pre-partition Poland, similar to a province identification by father's given name surname originating from multiple progenitors; all bearers of the surname are not related 0 district, subdivision of gubernia Urzad Stanu Cywilnego = Civil Records Office, where vital records less than 100 years old are usually stored in each town geographical/political subdivision of the Kingdom of Poland until its inclusion in Russia's gubemia system in 1844, and again following World War I through the present Polish Pronunciation Guide Polish Alphabet: a ^ b c c d e ç f g h i j k l l m n n o ô p r s s t u w y z z z c ch, h c, cz, ci s, sz, si z, zi, rz = = = = = ts kh ch sh zh 3 Ç = om, on = em, en J = y dz = j 1 = w w = V
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getto, które w roku następnym zam...
Number 3, Summer 2001 - JRI
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Number 2, Spring 2003 - JRI
From the Partitions to the January Uprising (1796-1863)
The archives of the Radom Gubernia Government [Rz^d Gubernialny Radomski] (1815-1866)
contain the richest sources for the history of Jews. Th...