1. - St. Paul Catholic Church
1. - St. Paul Catholic Church
Divine Mercy April 3, 2016 The Week Ahead Mon – Fri: Morning Prayer 7:30 a.m.; Daily Mass 8:00 am Sunday S3 Our Parish Dinner and Auction was fantastic. It was so good seeing so many people Dear brothers enjoying themselvesand andsisters, meeting new people. I thought there was a lot of energy and people were incredibly One highlight was during the Christ isgenerous. Risen! Alleluia! This Easter week Paddle Raiser it was announced that someone is a time ofwhatever great joywas andgiven. hopeIncredible! in the lifeIof would match felt theproud Church parish so to beand partour of local this great parish. I want to especially thank forhave his great community! WeChris are soFleshman pleased to leadership and hard work as well as so many of the welcomed Ronda and Emma at the Easter Knights of Columbus and too many people to Vigil. Bringing newsolife intoI our is mention who worked hard. needparish to mention always a moment gracea and Annie Schaefer whoofspent greatgrowth deal offor time receiving auction items and doing mailings. Thanks all involved. to all of you who helped make this a very successful evening, both in raising money and for My deepest thanks and gratitude go out to all to have a great time. all those gave of their talentthe On who Sunday Emma Rothtime wentand through Rite of Acceptance the Order of Catechumens. to make our Holyinto Week celebrations a Part of this rite is signing of the cross beautiful and wonderful experience for which all. includes signing all the senses. I always love that Our parish is truly blessed to be process, so much more powerful thanable justto making praise God with hearts and minds renewed the sing of the cross on the forehead. Emma then signed bookof of this the Catechumens thenthe went by thethe grace season. Mayand Christ to the Cathedral in the evening to join others to be Lord grant you all the joy of His accepted and blessed by the Archbishop. Please resurrection! keep Emma in your prayers during this Lenten season as she continues her journey-Fr. to theBasil Easter Sacraments. This past weekend 100 men (14 from our parish) made a retreat with the Juan Diego program at the Fr. Bernard Youth Center. Our men report that this retreat was truly life changing for them. If you are not receiving Weekend Update emails from Thanks God!and would like to, please send an the Parishto Office M4 T5 W6 Th 7 F8 S9 S 10 8 & 10:30 am 9:15 pm 10:30 am 12 pm 4:30 pm 7 pm 6:30 pm 4 pm 7 pm 7 pm Reconciliation Mass Spanish Mass Mass Family Faith Formation Hispanic Faith Formation Spanish Mass 4 pm 5 pm 6:30 pm 8 & 10:30 am 9:15 pm 10:30 am 12 pm Mass Intentions M4 T5 W6 Th 7 F8 S9 S 10 ------+ Steve Nieland from Ethel & Tom Unger + J & J Manz from Rosina Lethe + Lois Schaefer (anniv) from Annie Schaefer No morning Mass + Lois Schaefer from Bob & Jan Schaefer ------St. Paul Parishioners Second Sunday for SACA, April 10. Please bring non-perishable foods to fill our barrels in church, that we may feed the hungry in our community. Change for Birthright: Total amount brought in so far from Baby Bottles that went out in November is: B email to StPaulSilverton@frontier.com and asked to be placed on the email list. $ 2,110.84 If you still have a bottle, please bring it in! It does not need to be full. You may bring it to the office or add to the collection. Thank you for your generous support! Financial Stewardship Altar Servers needed at the 8 am Mass the 1 st, 2nd, and 3 Sundays. Anyone who has received their 1st Communion is eligible to serve. Needed Weekly: $ 7,313 / Monthly: $ 29,250 Collections March 6 13 20 March Parish Pay 27 Total Mass Family Faith Formation Hispanic Faith Formation Spanish Mass Confirmation Class Hispanic Charismatic Group RCIA SPY2 SPY / Youth Group Knights of Columbus rd Amount $ 6,977 4,719 5,665 3,708 6,309 $ 27,378 Pastoral Council Marilyn Terhaar Victor & Ana Nava Betty Jean Cordill Mary Dunbar Mindy Doeden Katie Edmonds* Laura Salgado Mary Fogarty Clarissa Bay Finance Council: Parishioners are encouraged to donate one hour’s pay per week to the parish, or 3% of income. The motive for this generosity is thankfulness for God’s goodness to us. Bill Wolfard Patrick Fogarty 1 Phil Appleton Jon Edmonds Judy Lowery Kathy Beutler* *Council Chair April 3, 2016 Scripture Readings for the Week M T W Th F S S We Pray… For those who are ill in body and spirit, may they feel God’s healing in their lives. We pray especially for: Isaiah 7:10-14, 8:10 Hebrews 10:4-10 Luke 1:26-38 Acts 4:32-37 John 3:16-21 Acts 5:17-26 John 3:16-21 Acts 5:27-33 John 3:31-36 Acts 5:34-42 John 6:1-15 Acts 6:1-7 John 6:16-21 Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41 Rev. 5:11-14 John 21:1-14 Mary Corsetti, Rock Sander, Karen (Boehmer) Brown, Rosina Lethe, Andy & Marilyn Schemmel, Jim Hupp, Zach Power, Claudia Cunningham, Howie Wurdinger, and all who have asked for our prayers. Names will be removed after 45 days unless otherwise updated. For those receiving care or are homebound: Elmira Boehmer, Shirley Cavanaugh, Pauline Beals, Joyce Manahan, Howard Wurdinger Sr., Claudia Cunningham, and Carolyn Ilg. Our entire existence, our whole being, must shout the Gospel from the rooftops. Our entire person must breathe Jesus, all our actions. Our whole life must cry out that we belong to Jesus, reflect a Gospel way of living. Our whole being must be a living proclamation, a reflection of Jesus. Pray as if all depended on God; work as if all depended on self. ~St. Ignatius of Loyola ~Blessed Charles de Foucauld Parish News & Events Looking Forward / Upcoming: KC Breakfast to benefit the Narthex Project on Sunday April 24. Free will offering accepted. No FFF / RE MERCY NIGHTS on Thursday April 14, 6:30 pm. Join us for Soup Supper at 6 pm in the Hall. Senior Spirit Luncheon on Tuesday April 19, 11:30 am Bake Sale on April 16-17 to support our Youth who plan to attend the Steubenville Conference this summer. Plant Sale, May 13 – 15. Proceeds to benefit Youth attending Steubenville Conference. Parish Camp-out at Fishermen’s Bend is scheduled for June 10 – 12 Car Wash Sunday June 12, with proceeds to benefit Parish Youth attending Steubenville Conference. Confirmation, Tuesday April 26 at Sacred Heart Parish in Gervais. SAVE THE DATE: June 26, Farewell reception for Fr. William Parish Auction: February 4, 2017 (You may bring in donations any time! We have a place to store them!) We Celebrate… Edward Michael Briggs, son of David and Melissa (Seifer) Briggs, who was baptized on April 2. 12th Annual St. Joseph Shelter Dinner, Sunday, May 1, St. Mary Parish Center, Mt. Angel, 5 p.m. Social, 6 p.m. Dinner. $50 per person. Table Sponsorships start at $500. For tickets, call 503 845-2556. Thank you for all your support in this work of mercy. Adoration Chapel: There are many open times available throughout the day for prayer and worship in our Adoration Chapel. Please contact the Parish Office to find hours open for adoption. Parish Pay For those who would like an easier and automated way of tithing to our parish, we have contracted with ParishPay. On a day you select each month they will electronically take the monthly amount you sign up for out of your checking or savings account, or credit card. If this is something in which you would like to participate, or if you have any questions, please contact the Parish Office. You may look them up online at www.ParishPay.com. Payments for the Narthex, Religious Education, & Building Fund may also be added. 2 April 3, 2016 Confirmation: Final Confirmation Classes are April 3 and 17. Confirmation will be held at Sacred Heart Church in Gervais on April 26, with rehearsal (at Sacred Heart) on Sunday April 24. Pilgrimage Walk: If you didn't make it to the Rise Up Rally, or are just looking for another fun retreat experience, the Archdiocese is having their bi-annual Pilgrimage Walk from the Grotto to the Cathedral on April 23. This day includes 2 youth rallies, closing Mass with Archbishop Sample and a 6 mile walk through Portland (with breaks in between). As it is the Year of Mercy, we have the opportunity to both attend a pilgrimage and go through 2 "Holy Doors" all in the same day. You can learn more about the Holy Doors and the Year of Mercy at www.pdxmercy.org . Forms are due Thursday March 31. Steubenville: Save the date for Steubenville Fundraisers: April 16/17--Bake Sale, May 13-15-Plant Sale, June 12-Car Wash. Please register for the conference if you have not already done so! In the Area Sacred Heart Catholic School will be having their 26th Annual Spring Fling Dinner & Auction on April 9, 2016. Come and enjoy a delicious dinner, dessert and drinks. The evening includes both a silent and oral auction. Items in the oral auction include beach getaway, Duck football tickets, Yamaha scooter, Lime and much more. Tickets are $50 each. Contact the school at 503-792-4541 or shssecretary@shstl.org to reserve your tickets. MARRIED COUPLES Alleluia, Alleluia, Jesus Christ is risen! Jesus is our Lord and Savior; all glory, honor and praise be to our Lord God Almighty. Let Jesus truly be Lord of your life and your Marriage. Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends on April 29th - May 1st at Powell Butte Retreat Center near Bend, Oregon, or May 27th - 29th at Our Lady of Peace Retreat Center in Beaverton, Oregon. For more information call 503-853-2758 or apply on-line at www.rediscoverthespark.org. Additional dates and locations are listed on-line. Marriage Enrichment Series; Queen of Peace Church, Salem Oregon, Monday, April 11, 2016, 7 – 8:30pm The Passionate Marriage: a respectful, fun guide for growing love and intimacy in your relationship. This presentation is for couples or individuals, unmarried, engaged, married, or remarried any number of years; and individuals separated, or divorced; who would like to invest an evening in learning how to sustain and strengthen their relationships. Presented by Martin Gay, marriage and family therapist. More Information and Register online at www.martingay.com or by leaving a message (name and number) at 503-375-6362. No fee for this presentation series. Don’t settle for a “good enough” marriage... make it an exceptional marriage! 3 April 3, 2016 II DOMINGO de PASCUA 3 de ABRIL 2016 CUARESMA Oficina de la parroquia orario de Lunes a viernes 9:00am – 2:30 pm Teléfono: 503-873-2044 Coordinadora de Eucaristía, Coordinadora de Lectores, Ministerio Hispano, Clases Pre-Bautismales: Sr Rocio Información sobre Matrimonio: llamar al padre William 6 meses de anticipación o con Sister Rocío Moreno OSB Sábados Misa: a las 6:30pm en Español Confesiones: durante la misa del sábado y Domingo Misas los Domingos 8:00am10:30am (Ingles) 12:00pm (Español) Misa diaria: De Lunes a Viernes a las 8:00am ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DOMINGO DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA H “ PAZ ESTE CON USTEDES.” ORACION CARISMÁTICA SABADO 9 de ABRIL 2016 Aquí en la Parroquia San Pablo. Todos los lunes de las 7:00pm hasta las 9:00 pm +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tenemos música, cantos, alabanza y oración para alabar a nuestro Padre Dios. Tenemos también predicadores especiales que vienen de lejos a proclamarnos la Palabra de Dios, y a guiarnos en la oración y nos motivan todo el tiempo en la Oración. Cada lunes venimos aquí seguros de que hay alguien que nos espera y va a escuchar nuestros problemas y necesidades que tenemos. Sabemos que Dios está presente escuchando y atendiendo las suplicas de todos los que se acercan y lo buscan. VEN, Búscale y pídele!* Ministros de Eucaristía: 1.- Sandra Cruz/Leslie Gutiérrez Primera Lectura: Gabriela Gutiérrez Segunda Lectura: Martín Gutiérrez Acólitos: LA NIÑOS, de los que asistan a Misa DOMINGO 10 de ABRIL 2016 Ministros de Eucaristía: 1.- Francisca y Pablo Gaspar 2.- Irma y Ricardo Rodríguez Primera Lectura: Ana Nava Segunda Lectura: Victor Nava Acólitos: 1.- Christopher Gutierrez 2.-Catherine Ortiz 3.-Azucena Ortiz PEDIR A DIOS POR LAS PERSONAS QUE SE NOS ENCOMIENDAN EN NUESTRA ORACION. Oremos unidos por los ENFERMOS, Por la Paz del Mundo y en especial por lasnecesidades de nuestras familias. Boletín: Niños (supervisados por mayores ) Café: Arturo & Cristina Romualdo y familia IMAGEN DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA “El alma que venere esta Imagen no perecerá” (Diario, 48) “También prometo, ya aquí en la tierra, la victoria sobre el enemigo” (Diario, 48) “Yo Mismo la defenderé como a mi gloria, en la hora de la muerte” (Diario, 48) “Mi Mirada en esa Imagen es igual a la Mirada desde la Cruz”. (Diario, 326) “Ofrezco a TODOS un recipiente con el que han de venir a la Fuente de la Misericordia para recoger gracias. Ese recipiente es esta Imagen con la firma: JESÚS, EN TI CONFÍO”. (Diario, 327) “Por medio de esta Imagen estaré concediendo muchas gracias, por eso, que cada alma tenga acceso a Ella”. 4 April 3, 2016 HECHOS de los APOSTOLES: 5,12-16 Y por la mano de los apóstoles se hacían muchas señales y prodigios entre el pueblo; -- Esto no indica que de repente los apóstoles tuviesen más poder, sino que el pueblo tenía más fe y ánimo para llevar a sus enfermos a los apóstoles para que los sanaran. Dios sigue contestando su oración. Los milagros eran las credenciales de los apóstoles La iglesia de aquel tiempo no tenía toda la revelación escrita; por eso, la inspiración estaba en los hombres, pero ahora está en las Escrituras. De los demás, -- tal vez algunos hubieran disputado con los apóstoles. Pero ninguno se atrevía a juntarse con ellos; más el pueblo los alababa grandemente. Y los que creían en el Señor aumentaban más, gran número así de hombres como de mujeres; ahora había más ánimo, más fe, más confianza, más deseo de acercarse a los apóstoles.-- que sacaban los enfermos a las calles, y los ponían en camas y lechos, para que al pasar Pedro, a lo menos su sombra cayese sobre alguno de ellos. APOCALIPSIS: 1, 9 –11. 12-13. 17-19 Son fragmentos entresacados de la introducción del libro. Éste se presenta como una revelación hecha por el propio Cristo al autor. No es de este lugar una explicación de la intención, género y contenido de todo el libro. Indicaremos solamente que este fragmento ha sido elegido para lectura litúrgica de hoy por el último párrafo, en el que se hace una profesión de fe en Jesús como Hijo de Dios exaltado definitivamente a la derecha de Dios. Por tanto, que toda la Casa de Israel reconozca que a este Jesús que habéis crucificado, Dios le ha nombrado Señor y Mesías". Todo el conjunto de los escritos llamados "joanneos" (cuarto evangelio, cartas y Apocalipsis) desarrollan la última parte del mensaje: Jesús exaltado, Jesús Señor. Y crean la Teología de "La Palabra hecha carne". Este es el tema que se representa en brillantes imágenes en el texto que hemos leído: Jesús exaltado, Jesús Señor por todos los siglos. SAN JUAN: 20, 19-31 Tomas no estaba presente cuando Jesús se apareció en esta ocasión, no cree definitivamente lo que sus compañeros de misión le cuentan. Ellos le hablan del resucitado. Pero él no entendía y no creía. Pasaron unos días y Jesús se volvió a aparecer. Y esta vez se dirigió personalmente a él y le pidió que lo tocara, que metiera sus dedos en las llagas fruto de la crucifixión. Inmediatamente Tomás reconoció al Señor y le expresó su fe en él. Pero el Señor reconoció que creer por haber visto es fácil. Es más, creer así, más que fe es un conocimiento. La verdadera fe es la que se mantiene viva sin haber visto. Esa es la fe que nosotros tenemos: creemos de verdad y firmemente sin haber visto a Cristo resucitado, sin haber vivido con él cuando caminaba los polvorientos caminos de Israel. Esa, la nuestra, es una auténtica y verdadera fe. Demos gracias a Dios por ese hermoso don y tratemos de conservarlo lo más puro posible. Y cualquier debilidad nos será perdonada. No olvidemos que hoy, segundo Domingo de pascua celebramos a la Divina Misericordia REFLEXION Siempre debemos mirar hacia aquella primera comunidad cristiana. Seguramente, al igual que la nuestra, no era perfecta, pero supieron aceptar y compartir su fe con personas de distintas culturas, enriqueciéndose mutuamente. Jesús murió y ellos cayeron en la apatía, el abatimiento, también a nosotros nos sigue pasando hoy porque seguimos sin creer que Cristo Vive. El evangelio de hoy tiene una fuerza impactante. El evangelista no explica como entra Jesús en la habitación, pero es el protagonista de la acción, lo pone en el centro y Él saluda a todos con el saludo: «Paz a vosotros». En este momento la iglesia resurge con fuerza, la fuerza que da descubrir que Cristo no está muerto. La resurrección es energía, revitalización, para dejar atrás el miedo y la sinrazón, es el pilar donde todo cristiano debe poner su fe porque a partir de este momento todos vivimos con Él. Otra idea que nos deja el evangelista es que la fe hay que vivirla en comunidad, fijémonos en Tomás. Tiene fe, pero prescinde del grupo, quizás por ello le cueste creer que Cristo ha resucitado. La comunidad es pilar fundamental para compartir y vivir la fe. Cuando Jesús vuelve a aparecer Tomás está con la comunidad. Jesús le invita a tocarle, no lo echa ni le regaña por no creer, Tomás lo toca y a partir de ese momento cree. Ya no vive en la oscuridad, ha descubierto que la resurrección es verdad y a partir de ese momento se compromete a celebrar la fe y practicar la Palabra de Dios. Todos tenemos dudas e interrogantes y eso es bueno, es un indicador de que no tenemos una fe rutinaria, sino que tenemos el deseo de crecer en la fe, de crecer en el amor y la confianza en el Maestro. Tener dudas nos motiva para buscar la verdad. Nuestra fe crece cuando nos sentimos amados, cuando conocemos en profundidad que Cristo es el Hijo de Dios que habita entre nosotros.¡ dichosos todos los que crean sin haber visto! 5 April 3, 2016 Prayers for Our Military: Please pray for our parishioners, relatives, and friends of our parish family who are serving their country in the Armed Forces. M T SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY 1 Maccabees 1:10-15, 41-43, 54-57, 62-63 Luke 18:35-43 2 Maccabees 6:18-31 Luke 19:1-10 2 Maccabees 7:1, 20-31 Luke 19:11-28 1 Maccabees 2:15-29 Luke 19:41-44 1 Maccabees 4:36-37, 52-59 Luke 19:45-48 1 Maccabees 6:1-13 Luke 20:27-40 Daniel 7:13-14 Revelation 1:5-8 John 18:33b-37 W Spiritual Works of Mercy have long been a part of the Christian tradition, appearing in The Th the F works of theologians and spiritual writers throughout history. Just as Jesus attended S toS the spiritual well-being of those he ministered to, these Spiritual Works of Mercy guide usPrayers to “help our neighbor in their spiritual needs.” for Our Military Please pray for our parishioners, relatives, and friends of our parish family who are serving their country in the Armed Forces. COUSELING THE DOUBTFUL Everyone has moments of doubt in their faith journey. We are on the journey together and we can be a huge source of strength for those who are struggling. PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS: Work at being optimistic and avoiding cynicism Respond to skepticism and doubt with hope Be articulate about you own hopes Accompany a friend or co-worker who is struggling with believing by sharing a book or sharing our website with the FORMED programs. Support Birthright The most powerful counsel any Christian can give is to bear witness to the joy of the Gospel PRAYER INTENTIONS OF THE HOLY FATHER Universal: Families in Difficulty That families in need may receive the necessary support, and that children may grow up in healthy and peaceful environments. Evangelization: Persecuted Christians That those Christians who, on account of their faith, are discriminated against or are being persecuted, may remain strong and faithful to the Gospel, thanks to the incessant prayer of the Church. We thank the advertisers shown on the back page for their generosity in allowing our bulletin to be printed weekly at no cost to our parish. Because of them we are able to enjoy this new expanded bulletin . 6