St. Anselm Catholic Church - Saint Anselm Catholic Church
St. Anselm Catholic Church - Saint Anselm Catholic Church
St. Anselm Catholic Church St. Anselm Church New Year’s Schedule New Year’s Eve Mass Thurs, Dec. 31st, ‘15 5:30pm New Year’s Day Mass Friday, Jan. 1st, ‘16 8:00am & 11:00 am December 27th, 2015 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Joseph and Mary find the lost Jesus in the temple in the midst of the teachers, listening to them and asking questions (Luke 2:41-52) 97 Shady Lane, P.O. Box 1061, Ross, CA 94957-1061 Church Office: 415-453-2342 Fax: 415-453-8713 Clergy: Fr. Jose Shaji, Pastor ext. 15 email: Deacon Bernard O’Halloran Deacon Edward Cunningham Deacon Robert Meave Parish Coordinator ext. 11 Ann Carroll Roggenbuck Parish Secretary ext. 10 Sissy Ratto Religious Ed.: ext. 20 Nick Case, D.R.E. St. Anselm School: 415-454-8667 Fax: 415 454-4730 Kim Orendorff, Principal Email: Parish Website: School website: St. Vincent de Paul Help Desk: 415 454-3303 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 5:00 pm Weekday Mass: Mon.— Fri. 8:00 am Tues. 8am is a communion Service Tues. & Thurs. 5:30pm Holy Day Masses: 5:30 (eve. before), 8AM, 11:00 AM and 5:30 PM Centering Prayer Group Thursdays 9:30am Centennial Hall Sacrament of Reconciliation/ Confessions: Sat. 4-4:45 PM Penance Services at announced times. Sacrament of Baptism: Prep. Class required Call Parish Office Sacrament of the Sick: Anytime Upon Request Sacrament of Marriage: Six months notification prior to the desired date. Are you a registered parishioner? Call us today to check. St. Anselm’s Parish is a Catholic community formed by families, individuals and clergy that worship together, celebrate the sacramental life of the Church, and seek to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ everyday. We welcome, serve, and educate. Dear Parishioners, Christmas is about incarnation, God’s son taking on human nature in order to confer on us the dignity of the children of God. It is about Jesus, the Word made flesh. It is about God’s love for us. God did not come to us as a judge but as Savior, to reveal to us our eternal destiny as children of God. This is the good news. This is the message that gives us joy and hope as we celebrate Christmas! You have been very busy preparing yourself for Christmas. Now that all the preparations are done, I am sure you can celebrate Christmas and the holidays with your family and friends. May this season be a celebration of love, joy and hope! The Christmas Pageant on Sunday 20, at the 10.00 am Mass was very beautiful. I would like to thank Nick Case, the parents, the Catechists and the children who made it happen. Thank you for the inspiring pageant! The church looks very pretty! I would like to thank Deacon Bernie O’Halloran, Ann Roggenbuck, and her helpers from St. Anselm School who decorated the church. Thank you! Let me wish you all a Merry Christmas! Yours Sincerely, Fr. Jose Shaji, Pastor FAMILY LIFE Family life is sacred, but it is not without trial. Perhaps this is the most important message we can glean from today’s readings. If Jesus, Mary, and Joseph can trip up sometimes—can disconnect—then we shouldn’t find it surprising when such things happen to us as well. And parents everywhere (children, too) can probably relate to—and take some solace in—the Gospel’s account of Mary and Joseph after Jesus explained why he stayed behind in the temple. They heard his words, Luke tells us, “But they did not understand what he said to them” (Luke 2:50). Amen! Nevertheless, Jesus does go back home with them, and continues to thrive under their care. REST Dinners Thank you to all who have signed up for the Saturday night REST dinners. A special thanks to those who volunteered Dec. 26th. There were so many who responded to the plea that we had to ask some to participate in 2016! If you would like to host a dinner in 2016, email for a link to the online schedule. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year ! What Can You Do to Help End Human Trafficking? Sr. Judy Lu McDonnell O.P. and Ms. Lyn Kirkconnell, members of the “Stop Slavery Coalition” and veterans in the fight against human trafficking will be here in Centennial Hall on Weds., Jan. 13th, 7:30pm to help answer that question. They will share reflections on their fight against the broad issue of human trafficking which encompasses forced labor in restaurant operations, hotels, domestic help, sweatshops as well as sexual exploitation. The Super Bowl will be in Santa Clara in 2016. Large sporting events likely give rise to an increase in human trafficking for labor as well as for commercial sex. As of 2012, over 40% of California’s human trafficking occurs right here in the Bay Area. Their current efforts include working to help hotel managers and staffs in Bay Area cities learn to identify and report incidents of human trafficking. Join us to hear how you can help to end human trafficking in our community. Christmas Flowers were donated in Memory of: Joe Mc Garry, Connie O’Connor, Vincent Matteucci, Justine Matteucci, Justine Marie Matteucci, Ed Tarrant, Frank & Julia Caramucci, Patrick & Catherine Lehane, M/M B. Bondesen, Matt & Grace Adamowicz, Jack & Leona Chase, Anthony Cogliandro, Papoo, Grandpa Ted & Grandma Helen, Nilda & Carlo Pagano, Ruth Lamperti, M/M R. Matcham, Vicenta Miller, Mark Matcham, William Mc Givern Jr., Randy Pashilk, Catherine Perez, Clifford Perez, Nicholas Shea, Ray Whitehouse, Claude Wundrow, The Wundrow Family, The Phelan Family, Michael David Farnham, M/M W. J. Cunningham, Mr. Joseph Cunningham, Teresa Massavelli, Lucille Frohling, Clayton Conroy, Joan & Ted Penney, Agnes & Edward Frohling, Marshall Arnold, Fredrick Baumsteiger, Janice Baumsteiger, Leonard Gould, James Gould, Julia Gould, Garth & Ruth Olsen, Lars & Mike Hansen, Kathryn & Robin Kersh, Al Lorente, Jr., Lena Taoro, Alma Cordone, Sebastian Taoro, Leslie Cordone, Eddie & Phyllis Saranec, Ike & Dina Livermore, Hohn Livermore, Lad Wilsey, Elisabeth Petersen, Stephen, Mitzi & Helen Przybylski, Randy Pashilk, Matthew Hubal, Salvador & Matilde Olivares, Helen & Larry Hubal, James Ramirez, All Souls in Purgatory, Pete & Peggy Hansen And in Honor of: Margy Sheehy, The Muribus Family, M/M Jorge Marra, Elise Tarrant, Gabriel Greece, M/M Louis & Adrienne Berardi/Hale, M/Ms. Christine & Jim Heilmann Grant, M/M Scott Johnston, M/M Charles Mc Bride, Mrs. George Muller, M/M Xavier Perez, The Peters Family, M/ M Richard & Joan Madden, M/M Al Dallara, Joyce & Jack Kersh, Randy Pashilk, Samuel Livermore Family, Stephen Easley Family & Fr. Jose Shaji A Christmas Story: Many, many, years ago, St. Thomas Aquinas Church, was preparing to close its doors; volunteers climbed into the rafters to reach forgotten boxes of decorations and various church supplies, to see if there was anything that could be salvaged for other churches. They came across a "Baby Jesus" that hadn't been used for some time. Deacon Bernie O’Halloran asked another volunteer if she would take the 'baby Jesus' and inquire if any other church needed one for their Christmas Masses. Turns out, St. Anselm Church was in need of a beautiful 'Baby Jesus'. The volunteer, who was not a St. Anselm Parishioner, saw to it that 'baby Jesus' was repainted (by a family friend) and kept beautiful every Christmas, for a couple of years. St. Thomas Aquinas reopened its doors and the new pastor looked to recover the previously distributed Church items. The same volunteer, returned "baby Jesus" to its rightful home, but then purchased a similar one, for St. Anselm Church. Shortly after that, the volunteer's newly married daughter passed away. The volunteer came that year, as usual, to check up on the new "baby Jesus," but this time printed her daughter's name in gold pen on the back of 'baby Jesus’ with the dates (1964 – 1998) saying that she would return each year to: "say Hello", to her grandchild, that she never got to have. Marty returned again this year, with a tear in her eye, but so happy to see the babe swaddled in his manger. He truly seemed to have a twinkle in his eye, when she picked him up. So, this year, when you genuflect in front of The Holy Family of Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus at St. Anselm Church, please say a special prayer for my good friend, Pamela Daly (1964-1998) and her family (long time San Anselmo residents and friends of St. Anselm ~Ann Roggenbuck Church). St. Anselm Church Stewardship Registered Parishioner Families 2015= 1555 Last Sunday Collection (Envelope & Loose): $5,209 Average Envelope & Loose for Nov. 2014 $4,972/wk Average Envelope & Loose for Nov. 2015 $5,186/wk Credit Card Giving Parish Pay Nov. 2014: $7,738.94 / mo. Credit Card Giving Parish Pay Nov. 2015: $7,589/mo Parish Pay Credit Card Fees Oct. 2015 = ~5% *Please log on to Parish pay and update your CC expiration date! Second Collections: 1st Sunday of the month: School next 1/3/16 5th Sunday St. Vincent de Paul next 1/31/16 Centennial Building and Maintenance $1,604 Tithing, according to the Old Testament a guideline for giving was a “tithe” or tenth of total property or income. Tithing is a voluntary systematic contribution of support. Best way to be systematic is electronic monthly giving! MASS INTENTIONS Mon. Dec. 28 8:00 am Joe Valesquez Tues. Dec. 29 8:00 am 5:30 pm Communion Service Richard Ostrander (D) Wed. Dec. 30 8:00 am Joe Mc Garry (D) Thurs. Dec. 31 4:00 pm 5:30 pm All the Sick of the Parish Int. Maggie Maguire Fri. Jan. 1 8:00 am 11:00 am Special Intentions Parish People Sat. Jan. 2 5:00 pm Erin Thompson (D) Sun. Jan. 3 8:00 am 10:00 am 5:00 pm Nancy Eckert (D) Parish People Doris Legnitto (D) As a community we ask God’s blessing for the ill: Mark Gardner, Garth Stanton, Peter Johansing, Nancy JohansingHall, Eithne Kilty, Megan Pavelka, Quonnella Lee, Steve Leland, Luke Mennino, Michael Mason, Chanel Pommier, Marjorie Manko, Flora Thompson, Tina Hunerberg, Kevin Irvine, Jeanne Borden, Dylan Jewell, Kevin Lubinger, Caroline Eliot, Christopher Goward, Vincent Boyle, Margaret Formichi, Jared Lazor & Connie Sume. For the repose of the souls: Ole Christensen, Erin Thompson & Jenna Purl For those serving in the military: Adam Dear, Robert Ernest Gebhardt, Tyler Lopez, Alex Boatwright, Sean Courtz & Elizabeth Baumsteiger Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depths of our hearts. ~ Mother Teresa Everyone is welcome! Come Thursday mornings 9:30am –10:30am for a beautiful Centering Prayer. Wonderful, peaceful, contemplative. (Centennial Hall) READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Jn 1:5 — 2:2; Ps 124:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 2:13-18 Tues.:1Jn 2:3-11;Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 Wednesday: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40 Thursday: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Friday: Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 Saturday: 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 Sunday: Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 St. Anselm Church Calendar of Events SAVE THE DATE Dec. 27 Dec. 28 Dec. 31 Jan. 1 Jan. 3 Jan. 7 ear! ew Y No Religious Education appy N H No Adult Faith Class No RCIA/Rectory Office Closes at 12:30pm Rectory Office will be Closed Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God Masses: 8am & 11:00 am Baptismal Prep. Class 1 pm –3 pm Centennial Hall RCIA 6:30 pm –8:30 pm Centennial Hall Suicide Prevention and Community Counseling: Hotline volunteers are available. You matter. We love you! In Crisis? Call 415 499-1100, Grieving? Call 499-1195. Catholic Charities CYO offers housing and family support 9721301, child & youth enrichment 454-8596, aging support 334-5555, health support 972-1333, youth residential services 507-2000, counseling/refugee & immigrant help 507-4262. Events Near St. Anselm Parish 2015 San Francisco Engaged Encounter Marriage Preparation Programs for the Engaged Register at 415 269-8620 or or email: 1 day classes are held at the S.F. Archdiocese $200 lunch incl. 1/30, 3/19, 4/30 & 6/4. DISCERNMENT DAY: Have you ever wondered what life is like as a nun? Are you drawn to a life of prayer for the world, for our Mother Church and for souls? The Dominican Nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery located at 215 Oak Grove Avenue in Menlo Park, CA will host a Discernment Day for single Catholic women ages 18-40 on January 16th. RSVP by January 11th or for more information contact Sister Joseph Marie O.P. at or visit our website at: The day begins with Mass at 8:00 a.m. followed by Divine Office, Adoration, Rosary, Conferences, Vocation stories, and more given by our Dominican nuns and friars. Save the Date for 2016 Walk for Life: Saturday, January 23, 9:30 am Mass, 12:30 pm Rally Various Locations Reserve the date now for the 12th Annual Walk for Life West Coast. The day will start with Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral, 1111 Gough Street, San Francisco at 9:30 am. Archbishop Cordileone will be the principal celebrant. Following Mass the event continues with a Rally at Civic Center Plaza at 12:30 pm and the subsequent 1.3 mile Walk along Market Street to the waterfront near Justin Herman Plaza. Be one of the over 55,000 participants expected to converge on San Francisco this year to proclaim that "Abortion Hurts Women" and "Women Deserve Better the Abortion." For information, schedule of events, speakers, bus registration and more, visit the Walk for Life website above.. Please Pray for Vocations. News of St. Anselm Parish Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to enrich your spiritual life? The Spiritual Life Committee has planned a number of programs for 2016 which we invite you to attend to help fulfill this resolution. In January stop by the Rectory and pick up a copy of the Pope’s Encyclical Laudato Si. If you are interested in joining a group to discuss it, come to a meeting on January 4 at 7:00 pm at the Rectory. To help launch the extraordinary Year of Mercy, Deacon Bob Meave will be leading a group reading and discussing Pope France’s book “The Church of Mercy.” An initial meeting will be held on January 11 at 7:00 pm in the Rectory. On January 13 we will have two extraordinary speakers address the issue of “Human Trafficking.” The month concludes with a presentation by Fr. Joe Eagan, who will be speaking on developments during Pope Francis’ papacy, including what may be expected from the Synod on the Family. In February we have Laura Bertone, from the San Francisco Archdiocese, returning to do a training session for Eucharistic Ministers after the 10:00 am Mass. Lunch will be included as a thank you for those who serve in this important ministry. We also plan to launch two new groups. The first is a Mothers’ Group, which will meet once a month for a “retreat” day. The sisters at Marin Catholic will give the first retreat on February 13. The topic will be the “Year of Mercy” and cover how we incorporate mercy into our lives. Also starting in February will be a monthly luncheon meeting for senior members of the parish and their friends, and will feature a speaker on a timely topic, e.g., where to get help with transportation issues, what recreational resources are available, how to find a good handyman, or advice on legal matters. Watch for a date, and come share your ideas. In March Carrie Rehak will do a program March 12 on “Women as Anointers.” In preparation for Easter we will also have a Penance service during Lent. In April the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be given during the Sat. 5:00 pm Mass on April 16. In May (if not before) we will start a “storytelling” program. Envision an evening during which the storyteller transports the audience - child through adult - to the desert of Abraham, the friendship of David and Jonathan, and the later meeting of Jacob and Esau. These stories will enrich and help us better understand our faith and religion. Questions/comments/ideas: Please contact Maureen (Mo) Dear at Bulletin Number: 513520 Church Name and Address: St. Anselm 97 Shady Lane PO Box 1061 Ross, CA 94957-1061 Telephone: 415-453-2342 Contact Person: Ann Roggenbuck Email: Software MS Publisher 2007 Windows 7 Printer HP Laser Jet Professional CM 1410 Series PL6 Transmission Time: 9:30am Tuesday Number of Pages sent: 6 (including information page)