For teachers: Instructions and answers sheet


For teachers: Instructions and answers sheet
Février / Mars: Carnaval et Mardi gras
For teachers: Instructions and answers sheet
This document is made to help teachers with all the instructions and answers of the
different activities.
The activities can be adapted or selected depending on the age and level of the class.
Some activities can be done as Cross-curricular project with Geography, Arts and
Experiences and Outcomes (2nd level)
MLAN 2-09a
MLAN 2-05a
MLAN 2-11a
MLAN 2-07a
MLAN 2-11b
In February, celebrations start with “L’épiphanie” in January and end with
Carnival after “Mardi gras” (fat Tuesday) - usually End February/March.
After the “mercredi des cendres” (Wednesday of the ashes) begins
according to the Christian tradition a long periode of fasting before
“Pâques” (Easter).
In France, children dress up as princesses, pirates, animals ... in whatever
they want for Mardi gras. In school, they do masks by themselves. After
school, they enjoy backing “beignets” and “gaufres” (waffles) within their
In some towns like Dunkerque in Northern France and in Nice in the South of France, people
celebrate Carnival with colourful street parades. This tradition is also well known in Binche (Belgium),
Bâle (Switzerland), Cologne (Germany), Venise (Italy), but even in la Nouvelle Orleans (America),
Québec (Canada) and Rio de Janeiro in Brasil.
Un peu de géographie
Activité 1: Ecris le nom
le Carnaval
(Write down
en français des villes européennes où on célèbre
the French name of the European
where Carnival is celebrated.)
See power point which you can dowload on the website of the Institut francais d´Écosse
( rubrique Education)
Draw the attention of your pupils that the name of some towns can change …
Venise (in French)/ Venice (in English)/ Venizia (in Italian) / Venedig (in German)
Bâle (in French)/ Basel (in German) / and in English?
Cologne (in French) / Köln (in German) / and in English?
La nouvelle Orléans (in French – tradition of the French speaking acadiens living there)/ New
Orleans (in English)
Activité 2 : Do you know the Carnival tradition ?
You can let pupils do this exercise on their own as a reading comprehension activity or
together at the end of the session about carnival as quiz (slides 10-20 on the power point).
Read the text (introduction about carnival) above and find out the answers
1. Carnival is celebrated
 throughout the world
 only in catholic regions
2. Carnival starts…
 at Easter
 after fat Tuesday
3. Mardi gras (fat Tuesday) happens every year
 in February
 in March
 in protestant regions only
 at Epiphany in January
 40 days before Easter
4. What does “mardi gras “ mean?
 fat Thursday  fat Sunday  fat Tuesday
5. On « mardi gras », French people
 dress up
 have fun (sing, dance, …)
 don’t eat anything
6. The speciality of « mardi gras » is
 la bûche de Noël
 la galette des rois (King’s cake)
 les beignets (donuts)
Activité 2 : Regarde. (Look) !
Arlequin is a typical character of Carnival in France. He beras a blask mask, a black hat and
a colouful costume. He has put little pieces of material and sewed them together for his costume.
De quelle couleur est son costume ? (What colour has his costume ?)
Pablo Picasso was a famous Spanish painter. He was living in France for a very long time.
He has drawn his son Paul. As what did he dressed up? “arlequin”
La palette de couleurs.
 Connais-tu les 3 couleurs primaires ? bleu, jaune et rouge
 Tu peux combiner 2 couleurs pour avoir une autre couleur.
Violet, vert et orange sont les couleurs secondaires.
Bleu + rouge = VIOLET
Bleu + jaune = VERT
Rouge + jaune = ORANGE
C´est à toi maintenant ! Colorie ton Arlequin.
Pupils can choose complementary or contrast colours. They can work with a colour wheel.
Pin up the results of the arlequins in the classroom!
source :
Activité 3 : Fais ton arlequin.
Découpe les parties du corps et relie-les avec une attache parisienne.
(Cut out the parts of the body and link them with a pin)
Activité 4 : Comptines de Carnaval (Nursery rhymes about the Carnival)
Mime la comptine! (Mime the nursery rhymes loudly !)
Let the children say either OUI or OUI et OUI (twice) or non or non et non (twice)
The other children must follow the instructions:
If the child says OUI, the other children laugh (in French) and say : HI HI HI (be careful with the
pronunciation: : “I” like “un lit, joli, Elodie”
If the child says OUI et OUI the other children have to sit down “tu t´assis”
If the child NON, the other children have to dance: Dansons!
If the child says NON et NON the other children have to turn and turn : Tu tournes en rond.
If the child says OUI, OUI et OUI (three times), the other children have to say : Confettis (and mime as if they
would throw confettis in the air).
Si tu dis oui
Tu ris : hi! hi! hi!
Si tu dis non
Tu dis : « dansons »
Si tu dis oui oui
Tu t´assis
Si tu dis non non !
Tu tournes en rond
Si tu dis oui oui et oui
Tu dis : Confettis !
Activité 5 : Demain, c´est mardi gras ! On fait la fête !
Lis la comptine. (read the poem aloud).
Que font les enfants pour le carnaval ? (What do children do for Carnival ?)
Ils dansent, ils se maquillent, ils se déguisent (present tense)
Demain, ils iront danser, ils iront au bal, ils se déguiseront. Ils se maquilleront (future tense).
You can also use the futur proche : Demain, ils vont danser, se déguiser, se maquiller.
(Child 1) Voici carnaval
(child 2) Nous irons tous danser
Voici le carnaval
(child 3) Nous irons tous au bal
(child 4) Et nous nous déguiserons.
(child 5 & 6) Ensemble nous danserons.
(child 7) Et nous nous maquillerons
(child 1) Voici carnaval
(child 2) Nous irons tous danser
(child 1) Voici le carnaval
(all children) Nous irons tous au bal !
On chante et on danse avec « Jean Petit qui danse »!
Dessine les parties du corps. (Draw the body parts)
Le bras (the arm)
La main (the hand)
Le doigt (the finger)
Le pied (the foot)
Le ventre (the belly)
La jambe (the leg)
L´épaule (the shoulder)
Les fesses (the bottom)
La tête (the head)
Le cœur (the heart)
Maintenant, écoute et mime la chanson ! (version moderne chantée et dansée avec texte karaoké) (version only with the text as karaoké) (medieval version) (version instrumentale avec
texte karaoké)
Texte de la chanson :
Oyez oyez bonnes gens, je vais vous compter l'histoire de Petit Jean
Jean Petit qui danse (bis)
de son bras il danse (bis)
de son bras bras bras
et de sa main main main
et de son doigt doigt doigt
Hey ! Ainsi danse Jean Petit
Jean Petit qui danse (bis)
de son pied il danse (bis)
de son pied pied pied
et de son bras bras bras
et de sa main main main
et de son doigt doigt doigt,
Hey ! Ainsi danse Jean Petit
Jean Petit qui danse (bis)
de sa jambe il danse (bis)
de sa jambe jambe jambe,
de son pied pied pied,
de son bras bras bras,
et de sa main main main,
et de son doigt doigt doigt,
Hey ! Ainsi danse Jean Petit
Jean Petit qui danse (bis)
de son ventre il danse (bis)
de son ventre ventre ventre,
de sa jambe jambe jambe,
de son pied pied pied
et de son bras bras bras
et de sa main main main
et de son doigt doigt doigt,
Hey ! Ainsi danse Jean Petit
Jean Petit qui danse (bis)
de son épaule il danse (bis)
de son épaule, paule, paule
de ses fesses fesses fesses
et de son ventre ventre ventre
et de sa jambe jambe jambe
et de son pied pied pied
et de son bras bras bras
et de sa main main main
et de son doigt doigt doigt
Hey ! Ainsi danse Jean Petit
Source :
8. C´est mardi gras : On se déguise !
a. Trouve le nom du personnage et écris son nom en français à côté de l´image :
Arlequin – la fée - le clown – la danseuse – Zoro.
b. Trouve l´ombre de chaque personnage.
Le clown
La fée
La danseuse
9. Les poètes du Carnaval
Les poètes du
Travaillez par deux. Attention à la prononciation ! Work in pairs. Be careful with your pronunciation!
 Lis à voix haute chaque phrase.
Read aloud each sentence.
 Fais trouver à ton camarade le nom de fille qui
Make your partner find the name of the girl
which rimes
 Ecris le prénom ; Si tu ne sais pas comment,
demande à ton camarade de l’épeler – en
français !
Write the name ; if you don’t know how to write
it, ask your partner to spell it – in French!
 Lis à voix haute chaque phrase.
Read aloud each sentence
 Fais trouver à ton camarade le nom de garçon
qui rime.
Make your partner find the name of the boy
which rimes
 Ecris le prénom ; Si tu ne sais pas comment,
demande à ton camarade de l’épeler – en
français !
Write the name ; if you don’t know how to write
it, ask your partner to spell it – in French!
 J'ai vu une reine, c'était Hélène
 J'ai vu un lapin, c'était Romain.
 J'ai vu une souris, c'était Elodie.
 J'ai vu un chat, c'était Thomas.
 J'ai vu un panda, c'était Vanessa
 J'ai vu un éléphant, c'était Florian
Une reine : a queen
Un lapin : a rabbit
10. A chacun son déguisement – To each person his own outfit !
a. Relie le mot et sa photo. (Match the French word with its picture).
Un pantalon
Un chapeau :
Des bottes
Un manteau :
b. Lis le texte et retrouve le déguisement (COW BOY, CLOWN, MAGICIEN(ne), PÈRE NOEL.) qui va
avec l’accessoire. (Read the text and find out which outfit matches with the accessory). Please note
there is NO article before the name of “professions”: Je suis professeur (I am a teacher)
Si j'avais un chapeau comme ça,
je serais un magicien (ne)
Si j'avais un manteau comme ça,
Si j'avais un pantalon comme ça,
je serais clown …
Si j'avais des bottes comme ça,
je serais cowboy.
je serais Père Noël.
Avec un costume comme ça, je peux tout imaginer !
Source :
Activité 11 : Activité bricolage (EXPRESSIVE ARTS) - A chacun son masque!
(To each person his/her own mask!)
Let the pupils choose what animal they want to be. Reduce if necessary the choice in the
number of animals. Make sure they learn the French name of the animal they have chosen
(and perhaps remember the name of other animals chosen by their classmate).
Choisis un animal à imprimer, découper et colorier : un renard, un cochon, un tigre, un
papillon, un oiseau, un ours ou un lion ?
Click on the picture to be linked directly to the Internet webpage.
Sources :
autres animaux à imprimer et colorier (here are links to get the patterns to print and color in)
une vache (a cow) :
un lapin (a rabbit) :
un ours (a bear) :
Choisis un animal à faire: Your pupils will need more time for doing the masks by
themselves. Plan more time for it. Click on the link to download the instructions (in
French) :
un chat
un loup
un âne
une girafe
un singe
un zèbre
un lion
un mouton
To print the masks, please click on the following links:
un singe (a monkey) :
La tête de la girafe (head of the giraffe):
Les oreilles de la girafe (ears of the giraffe):
un zèbre (a zebra):
Les oreilles du chat (ears of the cat) :
La tête du chat (head of the cat):
un lion (a lion) :
un mouton (a sheep) :
un âne (a donkey):
un corbeau:
un loup (a wolf):
un renard (a fox):
une grenouille (a frog):
source :
Activité 12 : EXPRESSIVE ARTS (music) Le carnaval des animaux
Camille Saint-Saëns was a famous composer and
pianist. He was born in 1835 in Paris. He first played
the piano when he was 2 years old; composed his
first piece of music aged 3 and was still giving
concerts when he was 85
Camille Saint-Saëns also liked to write poetry and
scientific papers. One of Saint-Saëns' most well
known compositions, The Carnival of the Animals,
was originally written to make fun of some of his
friends. Now, it is enjoyed by children all over the
world for the pictures it paints of animals.
a. Regarde la couverture du CD: Quels animaux est-ce que tu vois?
(Look at the CD cover. Which animals do you see ?)
un éléphant, un lion, un âne, un oiseau sur la tête de l´éléphant.
b. Ecoute maintenant ces extraits. Quel animal est-ce que la musique décrit ?
Now listen to the music. Which animal is depicted by the music?
Here some background information about the “Carnaval des animaux”
Le Carnaval des animaux (The Carnival of the Animals) is a musical suite of fourteen
movements by the French romantic composer Caimme Saint Saën. The orchestral work has a
duration between 22 and 30 minutes.
(Le carnaval des animaux en entier)
Note : The order of the recognition exercise does NOT follow the original order of the
musical suite. The roman number before the description give you an indication of the real
order. For example, you will here first “Le coucou au fond des bois” (although it appears in
9th position in the suite ).
IX Le coucou au fond des bois (The Cuckoo in the Depths of the Woods)
Two pianos and clarinet: The pianos play large, soft chords while the clarinet plays a single
two-note ostinato, over and over; a C and an A flat, mimicking the call of a cuckoo bird.
Saint-Saens states in the original score that the clarinetist should be offstage.
II Poules et coqs (Hens and Roosters)
Strings without cello and double-bass, two pianos, with clarinet: This movement is centered
around a pecking theme played in the pianos and strings, which is quite reminiscent of
chickens pecking at grain. The clarinet plays small solos above the rest of the players at
intervals. The piano plays a theme based on the crowing of a rooster's Cock a Doodle Doo.
V L'éléphant (The Elephant)
Double-bass and piano: This section is marked Allegro pomposo, the perfect caricature for an
elephant. The piano plays a waltz-like triplet figure while the bass hums the melody beneath
VII Aquarium
Strings without double-bass, two pianos, flute, and glass harmonica: This is one of the more
musically rich movements. The melody is played by the flute, backed by the strings, on top of
tumultuous, glissando-like runs in the piano. The first piano plays a descending ten-on-one
ostinato, in the style of the second of Chopin's études, while the second plays a six-on-one.
These figures, plus the occasional glissando from the glass harmonica — often played on
celesta or glockenspiel—are evocative of a peaceful, dimly-lit aquarium.
Extrait 1 : Ecoute. Quel animal est-ce que tu entends?
Click on the link to listen to the music (you need to be connected to Internet!)
 un poisson / des poissons
 un lion/des lions
 un coucou / des coucous
Quel instrument de musique est-ce que tu entends ? La clarinette
Extrait 2 : Ecoute. Quel animal est-ce que c´est ?
 un lion /des lions
 une poule/des poules  un éléphant/des éléphants
Quel instrument de musique est-ce que tu entends ?
 le piano
 la contrebasse
 la flûte
Extrait 3 : Ecoute. Quel animal est-ce que tu entends ?
 un kangourou / des kangourous
Tu entends le
 un poisson/des poissons
: le xylophone
 un lion/ des lions
Extrait 4 : Ecoute. Quel animal est-ce tu entends ?!
 une poule/ des poules
 un coucou / des coucous  un éléphant / des éléphants
Quel instrument de musique est-ce que tu entends ? la contrebasse