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INSIDE JANUARY 06 Online courses often the way to go USMC corporal is one example of the growing trend of adults who go back to school. ........................................page 9 From the front lines A former Navy career officer offers insights for navigating transition. ..................page 7 Service is good for this family Mom takes her own advice and joins the Reserves with her son. ............page 12 Are you an entrepreneur? Many who dream of being their own boss get ambushed by the FUD factor. ........................................page 5 Mentoring As you begin your civilian career, one of your priorities should be finding a mentor. ........................................page 8 Federal online resumes Applying for federal jobs can be quite a daunting process. ......................................page 15 Real estate careers RE/MAX introduces a program for military spouses and retired military personnel. ......................................page 19 DEPARTMENTS C3: Career Coach’s Corner ......................................page 13 Classified Ads ................................page 16-18 Employer Profile ........................................page 3 Job Fairs ......................................page 18 Off the Market! ..............................page 5, 7, 12 Address correction requested Publisher’s Letter ........................................page 4 www.civilianjobnews.com NOVEMBER 06 The Essential Military-to-Civilian Transition Resource Transitioning military find new “family” ylan Raymond had been working for Noble Drilling Services, Inc., for about four months when he was promoted in the US Army Reserve and selected to attend Warrant Officer Candidate School. The advanced training meant 38 days out of the office. Most people would dread telling their boss they need more than one month off from a new job — not Raymond. “It’s an honor for Dylan to be promoted and chosen for the training, and we think of the training as a great asset for Noble,” said Raymond’s supervisor, Personnel Manager Joe Knight. The news reached Jim Day, CEO of Noble, who announced Raymond’s promotion and training opportunity at a staff meeting. Noble, a leading global offshore drilling services contractor based in Houston, Texas, employs many ex-military per- D sonnel worldwide. In fact, Raymond’s job at Noble is to recruit former and transitioning military personnel to entry-level positions as electricians, mechanics and electronic technicians for offshore rigs. His transition has been easy. “My learning curve is more about the industry and the equipment,” he said, “since I have recruiting experience.” Raymond has been in the military for almost 18 years as an optician, drill instructor, recruiter, and military personnel technician serving in the Reserve as well as six years fulltime active duty and one year in Iraq, where he trained senior Iraqi leaders. When he returned from Iraq in 2005, the native New Yorker relocated to the Houston area, and while reading the newspaper, noticed an advertisement for someone with military recruiting experience. COURTESY OF NOBLE DRILLING SERVICES, INC. Dylan Raymond draws on his own military background in his job of recruiting transitioning and former military personnel for Noble Drilling. “I once sat where they sit,” he says. “The recruiter thought I’d be a good fit and forwarded my resume to Noble,” he recalled. “I looked up Noble on the Web (www.noblecorp.com) and was blown away by the company and the industry. Noble is 85 years old, a very solid company.” It currently operates 63 mobile offshore drilling units around the world. Noble has a long history of continues page 16 Plan your career path, not just a job hunt by CAROLYN HEINZE Contributing Writer hile pounding the proverbial pavement is arguably the most time-consuming aspect of finding a job, career experts know that if you hit the sidewalk without doing your homework, you are bound to wear out the soles of your well-polished new shoes, and you will have little to show for your efforts. As with most projects in life, job hunting requires a well-constructed plan. And, since it is no longer the norm for employees to spend their entire lives working for just one company, you not only need to plan how you are going to land one position, but also how that position will shape your overall career path. W Doris Appelbaum, president of Appelbaum’s Resume Professionals, Inc., in Milwaukee, Wis., emphasizes the importance of soulsearching. “Take stock of yourself — your concerns, your core values, your salary requirements, relocation, and all of the things that are about you,” she said. “Before you can go out there to see what companies are hiring for, you have to find out who you are.” With this in mind, separating military personnel should also consider where they are professionally when they leave the service. “For instance,” explained Roger Carter of Carter Consulting Service in Oklahoma City, Okla., “I am retired from the Air Force. My needs and desires at the time I retired were a lot different from a young person who has only done one tour of duty and is thinking of getting out.” He suggests that candidates compose a list of what they liked and disliked about their military positions, along with what characteristics they would like to see in a potential employer. Carter also suggests that job seekers conduct an exercise that is common among many entrepreneurs — devise a five-year plan. “It is the same approach that is taken when people are considering enlisting in the military. The applicants are often asked where they see themselves five years from now,” he advised. “That is something you need to ask yourself when you leave the service.” Karen James Chopra, a career counselor based in Washington, D.C., favors a systematic approach that begins with a clear target statement — a succinct, one-sentence answer to the question, “So, what type of job are you looking for?” “It is often challenging to come up with a target statement,” she admitted, “but it is worth the effort, because it will drive the entire job search.” Once you have written your target statement, create a list of companies that you think can provide the position you want. “Far from narrowing this list, you want a list of 50 to 100 organizations. If you network into all of these organizations, the chances are high that you will be in the right place at the right time when a job comes open,” Chopra said. One of the biggest shocks to many of those in military-to-civilian transition is that, while they likely held positions with much responsibility in the military, they may not be given the same duties in their new position at first. “You will find that most companies — unless they state that they are specifically looking for someone to fill a supervisory position — are looking for someone to come in at the entry level,” said Carter. “You may have to make a sacrifice initially, but if your performance is good, and you can demonstrate that you can perform continues page 6 2 NOVEMBER 06 > Meet Noe Trevino. No detail too small. < Twenty years as a MP in the Air Force taught Noe a thing or two about details. So he appreciates the fact that his new outfit sweats the details, too. From keeping their modern fleet of trucks in top shape to giving him and his fellow drivers the service and support they need to do their best. Anything less would be…well, just another trucking company. 800.234.3748 | CFIDRIVE.COM NEVER SETTLE FOR LESS. $52,500 Average Per Year > Practical Miles > Health Insurance > Paid Vacations > Safety Bonuses > Modern Fleet CJN-9 NOVEMBER 06 3 Military candidates fill NSK’s need for flexible engineers: part tech expert, part sales rep by JANET FARLEY Contributing Editor for the company, and they influence the actual sales and marketing of our product,” said Miller. And dealing with customers can sometimes be a difficult and gray area requiring certain finesse. “It’s true that engineers aren’t really known as being flexible, but we like to find the ones who are,” he added. Finding that flexible someone who can genuinely do it all and do it well has not been easy. “I used to be a little naïve and wonder how former military personnel could possibly fit into the industrial world,” admitted Miller. His perception changed after he hired two candidates referred to him by a recruiter in the early 1990s. Miller and Lydia Price, an executive consultant with Bradley-Morris, Inc., have been filling application engineering positions at NSK for the past 12 years. SK Corporation is recognized as a leader in more ways than one. Established in 1916 and headquartered in Ann Arbor, Mich., it is one of the largest producers of ball- and roller bearings in the world, leading the United States industry in the marketing, designing and manufacturing of anti-friction bearings, precision machinery and parts, mechatronics and automotive products. NSK has also led the way in recognizing the value that transitioning military personnel can offer its organization. “Military personnel bring a combination of technical expertise and leadership experience to the table that the average college graduate cannot,” said Les Miller, director of industrial bearing technology. Candidates who have served in the military are generally able to “hit the ground running,” whereas others without such a background often require a much longer time to get up to speed. “Those candidates coming straight out of universities or academies offer great technical expertise. They just don’t always have the experience to handle the leadership side of COURTESY OF NSK CORP. Director of Industrial Bearing Technology Les Miller (right) apprethe house,” he said. “We recently had an ciates the leadership experience former military members like instance where an Richard Peterson (left), Director of Product Engineering for engineer had to fly to another NSK division, bring to the organization. Europe on only a couple of days notice,” recounted Miller. “As the years go by, I have been able to “Because he had been stationed there learn their industry, how they operate, while in the military, it was no problem at their products and the overall culture of all to get on a plane, go there and know their company,” explained Price. And “I am able to get the kind of what to expect. The job was able to be completed in a timely manner without people that I need quickly because Lydia dealing with any international chal- and I have worked together so long. She understands the skill set we seek and can lenges.” provide that from her end,” Miller said. “We’ve known each other for so long now, Multi-talented multi-taskers wanted we even ask about each other’s kids. We On a typical day, an application engihave developed a truly productive workneer might be involved calculating coming relationship, and I am confident in plex predictions involving the serviceable the capabilities of the people I am hirlife of a bearing. He might have to eduing.” cate a potential customer about the company’s products and recommend an appropriate bearing for his use. He could Growing a career Upward mobility on the NSK corporate find himself working closely with a cuslatter is a definite reality for prior militomer over the telephone to figure out tary service members. Eleven years ago, what is going awry with a particular bearRichard Peterson, a former brigade aviaing, or he might be standing in front of tion officer in the US Army, was one of the classroom providing on-site training those individuals initially hired to be an to fellow employees. applications engineer through BMI. The job clearly demands an ability to Today, he is the director of product engihandle many different types of tasks, neering at NSK Steering Systems America, oftentimes simultaneously. Inc., also based in Ann Arbor. “Our engineers have to possess a specif“I started as an application engineer ‘B’ ic skill set. We want them to be half with NSK in 1995 after leaving the Army, application engineer and half sales repreand was promoted to an ‘A’ position withsentative. They are the technical experts N in two years. One year after that, I was promoted to supervisor, and the next year I moved to another group within the company as a senior product manager,” explained Peterson. “After two more years, I moved to the procurement group as the manager of global procurement, and three-and-a-half years ago, I transferred to my current division as the product engineering manager and subsequently was promoted to my current director of product engineering position.” His own real concern during his transition was his lack of knowledge about the types of jobs available and the pay and benefit packages associated with those jobs. “The staff at Bradley-Morris did an excellent job of eliminating this concern,” said Peterson, who suggested that transitioning personnel take the time to research and develop their career goals before jumping into the process. “The combination of leadership/management skills and technical skills that I acquired in the Army, combined with my engineering degree, gave me a very marketable skill set. Knowing what you really enjoy doing and how your experience and training relate back to that will make the interviewing process easier and will give you the confidence to answer questions from your heart,” Peterson added. Others who have a military background have also fared well at NSK, or are positioned to do so. According to Miller, “We have a new engineer coming on board soon, and the plan is to have him work here in our office for six months and then EMPLOYER PROFILE move to Japan to work in a technical research center for a couple years.” Military-friendly employers such as NSK, offering diverse responsibilities, relocation opportunities, upward mobility and the chance to be a part of true worldwide industry leadership, do exist, and a seasoned military placement company like Bradley-Morris can help connect you with that ideal position. Janet Farley, EdM, has worked as a career consultant for over 12 years. She is the author of the Military-to-Civilian Career Transition Guide (Jist, Inc. 2004) and Jobs and the Military Spouse, 2nd Ed. (Impact Publications, 2004) and writes the “JobTalk” career column for Stars and Stripes newspaper. Email questions and comments to janetfarley@hotmail.com. G L O B A L MA R IT IME AND T R A N S P O RTAT IO N S C H O O L The United States Merchant Marine Academy A World Leader in Providing Professional Maritime Industry Training Training offered in the following disciplines: ENGINEERING NAUTICAL SCIENCE BUSINESS LOGISTICS MARITIME SECURITY TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT * The GMATS Security Training Program is certified by MARAD and the U.S. Coast Guard * Master’s Degree Programs offered in conjunction with American Military University (AMU) For Additional Information: Phone: 516-773-5165 ~ Fax: 516-773-5353 Website: www.gmats.usmma.edu Email: TLM@usmma.edu 4 NOVEMBER 06 Keep the press going D ear Readers, The end of the year is coming, football is in full swing, the holidays are upon us, and it’s probably the worst time of the year to be looking for a job — no one is hiring now, right? Wrong! If you’re in a career transition, this is not the time to take a holiday. Searching for a new job is a full-time job, regardless of the season. I’ve heard many job seekers who believe that late in the year, especially when factoring in the holidays, is probably the worst time to be looking for a new job. But that is an incorrect assumption. In fact, “Since 2000, PUBLISHER’S LETTER the fourth quarter of the year is the best time to look for a job,” says Shaun Bradley, CEO of Bradley-Morris, Inc., a military placement specialist company. “The fourth quarter has historically been our most productive quarter, and it’s the time of the year that we’ve made the most placements.” If you look at the job fair schedule on page 18, you’ll see that there is no drop-off in the number of fairs for the remainder of the year. One of the reasons hiring picks up during this time of the year is that companies can make hires or commitments for employment at the end of the year but not have to pay for them until the new year — they can hire in 2006 with 2007 dollars. Another reason is that companies are fully executing their remaining budget as the end of the fiscal year approaches, and prudent spending earlier now affords them the opportunity to add talent to their team. With all this in mind, if you are in a career transition during the fourth quarter of the year, do not take the holidays off. Keep the suit pressed and ready, and press on with your job search. To help you stay on task, you’ll notice that we’ve expanded Civilian Job News with four more pages to bring you practical information, strategies, advice and success stories. We’ve added a new regular contributor, whose first story for us appears on page 1, and a classified ad section, starting on page 16. As always, I want to keep hearing from you. Job seekers, bring us your questions and your stories about your own transition from the military to the civilian work force. Employers, please continue to let us know about the success stories concerning former military members making an impact on your organization. Career counselors and transition assistance professionals, we want to hear your opinions on our content, advice for our readers, and experiences with military members you have assisted, mentored and helped with the transition. Send your questions, comments, concerns, ideas, and anecdotes to info@civilianjobnews.com. Civilian Job News will successfully meet its mission if you are all involved with us. — GEORGE R. BERNLOEHR, JR. George Bernloehr is a former naval aviation maintenance duty officer who dedicated 20 years to the US Navy. He got his start as a military placement specialist when he joined BradleyMorris, Inc., in 1999 and has served as a candidate recruiter, branch manager and regional operations manager. In February 2005, he moved into the director of operations role at MilitaryResumes.com. Publisher George Bernloehr Managing Editor / Art Director Kate Siegel Senior Contributing Editor Tom Wolfe Contributing Editors Barbara Adams Janet Farley Evan Offstein Bill Williams Associate Editor Anthony Morris Director of Technology Don Nowak Director of Marketing Bill Scott Senior Account Executive Account Executives Shelley Conklin Jim Beer Marla Smith Todd Vande Zande Civilian Job News is published bi-monthly by: MilitaryResumes.com 1825 Barrett Lakes Blvd., Suite 300 Kennesaw, GA 30041 Reproduction or use without permission of any editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited. The inclusion of advertising is considered a service to our readers and is not an endorsement of products or advertising claims. Opinions expressed in articles are the opinions of the contributors and do not necessarily express the opinions of Civilian Job News or its staff. Subscription rate: $12 per year (6 issues). To subscribe, visit www.civilianjobnews.com, or call 866-266-5293. ©2006 Civilian Job News. All rights reserved. HVB AE Power Systems, Inc. Suwanee, Georgia FIELD SERVICE ENGINEER/TECHNICIAN Respectable high-voltage manufacturer looking for field service engineers and/or technicians with electrical and mechanical aptitude. You will be responsible for installation, maintenance and failure investigations of high-voltage equipment. Position requires 80% travel to customer sites, ability to write clear technical reports, and good communication skills to direct site activities. Candidates must have valid driver’s license. Fax Resumes to Product Services: (770) 623-9214 ClearanceJobs.com is the leading online job board for security-cleared military personnel who are transitioning to civilian employment. We list thousands of open security clearance jobs from top defense industry employers. And because cleared professionals manage the site with robust security systems, your privacy is protected. Registering is fast, easy, and FREE. Put your CDL TO WORK FOR YOU! CINCINNATI/NORTHERN KY S e c u r e y o u r f u t u r e — Vi s i t w w w. C l e a r a n c e J o b s . c o m / c j t o d a y ! We are looking for Qualified CDL-A drivers in the Tri-State Area. WE OFFER • Local/Regional runs • Avg. 3 runs per week • Full benefits package • Average 55 hours per week • Paid hourly • Pay Check every week • Average earnings $900+ week. • 40 hour pay is guaranteed every week! ©2006 Dice Inc. Call Today, and set up an interview. or apply online at www.castellinigroup.com WWW.CLEARANCEJOBS.COM/CJ 1-888-212-7664 Brad Zerkle | Recruiting Manager NOVEMBER 06 5 Are you an entrepreneur … despite FUD factor? by BILL WILLIAMS Contributing Editor ENTREPRENEURIAL TRAITS ver have any of those daydreams about being your own boss? About not having any schedule to meet, except your own? Perhaps you have some misgivings about corporate jobs — too structured. How about all that downsizing you have been reading about in the paper, is that what you want? Probably not. Now, if you had your own business, none of that would be an issue. If you owned a business, you would be the boss. If you owned a business … Your mind races. What do I know about business? What do I know about getting a loan? What does it cost to have a business? Do I start something from scratch? Do I buy into a franchise? What do I do next? Do I even know what I don’t know? E The Wall Street Journal has reported that 9 out of 10 Americans dream of being business owners, but only 3 of 10 take any action, and only 1 in 10 will actually accomplish that dream. Most people do not know their own strengths, skills and interests and how to best apply these when looking for a business — this “not knowing” is normal. Before falling asleep, I often think of new ideas concerning my future. When I start a task, I usually see it through to the end. Give me a problem and I will more often than not figure out a solution. I am able to handle many things at one time. I set and stick to long term goals. I am able to discuss wrong decisions in an analytical, rational manner. I like talking to people and helping them with their problems. I am a good judge of character. I have the courage to move ahead. I am NOT a good loser. Many people who go down this path allow themselves to be ambushed by the FUD factor: fear, uncertainty and doubt. What is the source of these obstacles? Spouses who think a corporate job is more secure. (Although that is not what the statistics show, we have been taught to think that way.) Well-meaning friends who do not want to see you fail when a OFF THE MARKET! anonymous, Army SFC: 88M40 Transportation (Truckmaster/Operation Center NCOIC), 92Y40 Supply What resources did you use in your job search? Internet — MilitaryResumes.com, Job Seekers, Monster, etc., and the local newspaper’s web site What resource led to the interview that got you the job? a local TV ad led me to apply at the company I work for today What factor led the company to make you an offer? my military career What advice would you give to other military members? Look outside of your talents; there may be a diamond in the rough just waiting for you to snatch up. I found that the civilian sector, in my area at least, is needing good strong leadership skills and good strong work ethics — use what you learned in the military. Also, I picked things up fast and was nosy and asked a lot of questions. I have been at this company for 30 days and I am already getting a raise and a promotion. corporate job seems a better choice. And those “friends” who are jealous of your drive and resolve who will discourage you because of their own FUD factor. It can be rather easy to get talked out of pursuing business ownership. So what to do? First, know thyself! Consider the entrepreneurial traits in the grey box. Do these sound like you? Starting from scratch You could start a business from scratch — “your” idea, with the potential for much personal fulfillment. There is high potential for financial gain, and the business can expand and be sold or be passed on to your heirs. Entry costs could be lower, but ongoing investment is required to sustain the business. With the greater chance of fame and fortune, though, comes a higher risk of disillusionment and loss. Only 37% of start-ups are viable after five years. The public could reject “your” idea. The concept might not be easily duplicated, so expansion is limited or not feasible. The business may simply not build value. And you must have sufficient cash reserves; undercapitalization is the most common reason for business failure. Buying a business If you buy an existing business, the owner may be willing to participate in financing and provide training and support. There may be an existing client base and an established revenue flow, and you can audit the books to determine what you are buying. You may even be able to take out compensation immediately. There is no organized buying market for businesses, but you can use a business broker. However, the business broker is not your friend, and the current owner is motivated to sell, so take any information with a grain of salt. Financial disclosure standards are not regulated — it takes a professional evaluation to get an accurate picture of the business’s health, and financing may be difficult. Securing a franchise In a franchise, the franchisor provides a proven business plan, systems, support and training. Franchise prices are fixed and regulated by government disclosure requirements. Cash requirements as low as $30,000 and a net worth of $100,000 are all that are needed for many business concepts. Plus, franchises have a higher success rate: more than 85% are still open with original owners after 5 years. On the down side, true entrepreneurs can be frustrated by having to follow the system, and start-up costs can be comparatively high. Significant effort to conduct due diligence is required before closing to be certain of all the business facts, good or bad. You should also consider that franchisors make their profits from continuing royalties. Resources Of course, money is vital to making your business dream come true. Savings and credit cards, home equity loans, cash value of life insurance policies, family and friends, Small Business Association (SBA) loans, grants, bank loans, venture capitalists, silent partners, and other business owners can all be sources of financing. Many franchisors offer special financing for military veterans as well. What really matters is self-education. Web sites like www.thefranchiseanswer inc.com, www.allbusiness.com, www. entrepreneur.com, www.eventuring.org, www.morebusiness.com, and www.sba.gov for a wealth of information on many aspects of starting and managing a business. The books The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What To Do About It by Michael Gerber, The Entrepreneurial Mindset by Rita McGrath, SelfEmployment from Dream to Reality by Linda Gilkerson and Theresia Paauwe, and Franchising for Dummies by Dave Thomas and Michael Seid are also recommended. Bill Williams is the owner and president of The Franchise Answer, Inc., offering no-cost consulting to those motivated to be business owners. Bill is a certified business coach, a professional career consultant, and a former Army officer with over 25 years as a corporate executive. Contact him at bw@thefranchise answerinc.com, or 866-407-7775. SATELLITE INSTALLATION TECHNICIANS North America’s largest DirecTV Home Service Provider, a growth-oriented satellite installation and servicing company, has immediate openings in: TX, NM, NC, SC, GA, MD, VA, CO & AZ We are looking for applicants with: • industry-related experience • valid driver’s license • ability to lift 50 lbs., climb a ladder, work at heights above 10 ft., and work in attics and crawl spaces Applicants with satellite, cable, telephone, home security, or alarm installation experience are encouraged to apply. Billingual a plus. Routes made available via internet. Excellent pay and benefits, including health, dental, vision, 401k, stock option. Company trucks provided. All applicants must undergo drug and criminal background screening. FAX RESUMES TO 214-483-5127 OR E-MAIL ATJOBS@MASTEC.COM For additional information, call 800-532-4991, Mon–Fri, 9am–5pm CST 6 NOVEMBER 06 Plan your career path, not just a job hunt continued from page 1 those tasks, you are a prime candidate to be moved up into a supervisory position.” Continuing education can be a crucial element in career advancement, and should be worked into one’s career path. Before signing up for a course, research your chosen field and become familiar with current educational and training requirements. Some positions demand specific certifications, while others may ask for a certain period of hands-on experience. Once you have determined your weak points, add either certification training or formal education into your career plan, and target positions that will give you the experience you need in order to advance. Sometimes — especially when a candidate remains uncertain about working in a certain field — landing a part-time position can help to develop the “big picture” career path. “In my opinion, there is no better test of whether or not a working environment or business is right for you than working there as a temporary,” Appelbaum emphasized. “Sign up with temporary employment agencies and test out different places. It is a wonderful way to find out where you fit. You may discover that the job you thought was going to be great would not be a comfortable fit after all.” In today’s fickle job market, where each listing on a resume can serve as “advertising” for the next position, candidates must learn to maintain a level of flexibility in obtaining their ultimate goals. “Today, it is not unusual to have only five or 10 years with a specific employer, or even a career field. In many cases, people move on,” Carter observed, citing as an example the recent restructuring at the Ford Motor Company. “Workers who were planning to work for Ford for life are facing some very serious decisions. You need to maintain flexibility, and that is part of your career path planning. You have to continue your education if you are going to succeed today.” For more information, visit Appelbaum’s Resume Professionals, Inc., on the web at www.appel baumresumes.com, and Chopra Careers at www.chopracareers.com. Carolyn Heinze is a freelance writer/editor with over 12 years of editorial experience. She writes about everything from politics, culture and current events to business, travel, entertainment, technology, even horses. Read her blog at carolynheinze.blogspot.com. THINK OF IT AS AN OWNER’S MANUAL FOR YOUR MONEY. ' BOC Gases, the U.S. division of The Linde Group, is a world leader in the manufacture and supply of industrial gases and gas handling technology. Our primary products include cryogenic and non-cryogenic nitrogen and oxygen, carbon dioxide, helium and hydrogen. BOC is eager to meet veterans and separating service members who are interested in a driving career. We currently have positions available throughout the U.S. transporting bulk industrial gas to multiple sites. As a driver you are the face of BOC to the customer. You have the opportunity to mentor your co-workers, as well as take on additional roles within safety and training. The free Consumer Action Handbook. In print and online at ConsumerAction.gov, it’s the everyday guide to getting the most for your hardearned money. For your free copy, order online at ConsumerAction.gov; write to Handbook, Pueblo, CO 81009; or call toll-free 1 (888) 8 PUEBLO. A BOC driver is required to hold a CDL (commercial driver's license) with a hazmat and tankers endorsement. We can offer an extensive training program to help you obtain your CDL and a new hire 3-week orientation process. BOC offers a comprehensive benefits package, including a 401K with multiple investment options. Stop by our display booth at the Military2Civilian Job Fair in Columbus, GA on November 9. EOE MFDV NOVEMBER 06 7 From the front lines by FRANK PEARSON Guest Writer In addition to answering our standard “Off the Market” questions (see box at right), Frank Pearson provided some excellent insight with valuable lessons learned during his career transition. We hope that you find his advice beneficial and instructive. y transition took about three months, and it seemed like feast or famine. I ended up accepting a position as a reliability engineer with Chevron Energy Technology Company in Houston, Texas, at a salary in excess of what I ever made as a Navy commander. The offer included a great relocation package including home buyout, 4-to-1 matching 401(k), four weeks of paid vacation and other benefits such as a company retirement plan. There was a lot of rejection along the way though, and it is my belief that, unless you can translate your military experience in a resume and in conversation into business terms, you will get the “so what?” look from most companies, and in most cases will not even get a call back. I found the Military Officers Association of America web site (www.moaa.org) and its list of networking contacts to be invaluable as a source of informational meetings. The MOAA site led me to the person who eventually got my foot in the door at Chevron, and it happened fast. From the initial phone conversation until the offer was extended was less than three weeks. In this same time period, I interviewed with GE Nuclear Services to be a regional services director, the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations in Atlanta as an evaluator, and City Public Services in San Antonio as their nuclear oversight manager, and I received an offer from Customs and Border Protection as their national recruiting program manag- M er (GS-15) in San Antonio. In the same period, I got calls from Florida Power and Light, Progressive Energy, and Exelon requesting interviews, but by this time I had two solid job offers, one of which I eventually took. Although ultimately successful, my transition was difficult. I worked 8:00AM to 5:00PM each day, Monday through Friday, during my 90 days of terminal leave networking, writing letters, sending resumes and facing rejection. We wanted to retire and stay in San Antonio, but my assessment was that the business market is saturated with guys like me due to the number of military bases in the San Antonio area. I never could get a local opportunity other than the Customs job, so we opened up our search to most areas of the country. Because of the vast amount of leadership and scope of responsibility military retirees have had, you are too senior for companies to consider you as entry-level engineering, and the fact that you lack direct industry experience is hard to overcome — the only way to get it done is to become a good salesman. As part of the Chevron hiring process, in addition to about four hours of interviewing with various people, they had a two-hour, four-person panel interview during which I had to give a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation on my background. Although initially I thought the PowerPoint was going to be a pain, I found that it was most useful in organizing my experience and creating a great sales pitch to the hiring organization. I would do this again and provide it to organizations along with my resume. I think company research through the Internet and through networking to find out exactly what makes successful people in that organization goes a long way in selling yourself. Finding out the reasons the organization is hiring and the skill set that matters to them are critical elements of a successful search. My final thought is the rejection issue. GEORGIA TRANE SERVICE COMPANY IS CURRENTLY HIRING COMMERCIAL SERVICE TECHNICIANS WITH 3 YEARS OF FIELD EXPERIENCE • • • • • • • • • • Competitve Pay Minimum of 3 Weeks Paid Time Off Paid Holidays Health and Dental Insurance Factory Training College Accredited Career Development Programs 401K Stock Purchase Plan Employee Credit Union Many Other Employee Assisted Programs OFF THE MARKET! Frank Pearson, USN CDR/0-5, Nuclear Trained Submarine Career Officer What resources did you use to prepare your resume and plan your job search? I attended the Reuhlin Course and used the handbook to create my resume. I passed my resume around to other professionals to solicit advice. During networking informational meetings, I solicited advice on my resume and objectives and incorporated the advice in my resume. What resources did you use to get interviews? Writing letters and getting informational meetings, networking, internet job boards, company job boards, newspaper job internet boards. What factor led the company to make you an offer? My military experience in the nuclear power program with respect to equipment reliability engineering. What advice would you give to other military members? Job hunting is a full-time job. Work hard to translate your military experience into civilian-understood language, otherwise you will never even get in the door. Mentally prepare yourself for the numerous rejections and the emotional peaks and valleys that will come your way. Be prepared for rejection — don’t give up. The right opportunity may require you to move somewhere you didn’t initially want to. Keep all doors open. You only have an opportunity to say “no” to an offer when it is in your hand. Get your family involved in the decision of which offer to accept. Despite past military accomplishments and finishing a very successful tour as the commanding officer of the Navy Recruiting District in San Antonio, my job didn’t fall into my lap. Every transition is going to have a significant amount of rejection. Creating a support system with friends and family to help you get through it and not take the rejection personally is critical to your mental stability throughout the process. Material Handlers – Houston, TX Compressor Mechanics – all 19 field locations Machinists – Louisiana & Kansas Project Engineers – Louisiana Project Managers – Louisiana & Texas … and many, many more Universal Compression is the leading provider of natural gas compression services and products to the industry with over 50 years in the industry. Our common stock trades on the NYSE under the symbol UCO. We maintain 19 field service locations throughout the United States from which we operate, service and repair compression equipment, and we operate internationally in 14 countries as well. Our Corporate offices are located in Houston, Texas. We support our employees through training and safety initiatives, competitive compensation packages and a company culture that rewards teamwork, integrity and success. CONTACT Lynn Evans levans3@trane.com Fax (404) 836-2786 If you want to join a company that offers tremendous opportunities and benefits and to become one of the best employees in the industry, contact us by sending your resume to vramirez@universalcompression.com. Please reference this ad and the area of the country you are interested in working. 8 NOVEMBER 06 Mentoring provides many benefits by EVAN H. OFFSTEIN Contributing Editor Contract Professionals Experts in Technical Staffing Seeking Employment? CPI specializes in the Defense, Automotive & Industrial industries. We currently have positions available throughout the United States and overseas. For immediate consideration, send your resume to: cpi@cpijobs.com -orFax to 248-673-5992 Corporate Headquarters: 4141 W. Walton Blvd. Waterford, MI 48329 www.cpijobs.com 877-4-CPIJOBS (877-427-4562) Select Option 2 ccording to Greek mythology, Odysseus left his son with a close friend, Mentor, when he departed for the Trojan War. And the notion of a trusted protector — a mentor — can be just as important today. Unlike the military, where officers and NCOs will often seek out and develop subordinates, in the civilian world the onus is on the protégé. Mentoring at Work by Kathy Kram, an associate professor at Boston University School of Management, is considered the seminal treatise on this workplace relationship. As you transition out of the military and begin your civilian career, one of your priorities should be finding a mentor. There is much research to support that a protégé with an effective mentor will have many competitive advantages in the workplace including higher promotion rates, lower turnover, better pay, and enhanced job and career satisfaction. Among other things, an effective mentor secures the best projects and opportunities for his or her protégé. He or she will also take the time to make sure that the protégé receives a high level of exposure within the organization and that the protégé’s successes and contributions receive exposure and recognition. Conversely, should something go wrong, the mentor A can often offer a level of protection; for example, reducing the odds that his or her protégé would be adversely affected by a layoff or budget cuts. The true value in a mentoring relationship is something you might already know from your time in the military — mentors benefit us psychologically and personally. They are often role models and can offer acceptance, affirmation, and confirmation. Mentors can also counsel and serve as a sounding board. While it is clearly important to find, court and engage a mentor, take your time in doing so. The worst possible scenario is to rush into a relationship with an inadequate mentor. Ideally, your mentor would be someone who has a track record of respect, character and competence in his or her career with the organization. Be choosy about your mentor, and expect that same level of selectivity from the other side of the table. As you progress through your career, remember to return the favor when you get the chance. Consider being a mentor s o m e d a y. Doing so just might turn out to be one of the more rewarding experiences of your life. Dr. Evan H. Offstein is the author of Stand Your Ground: Building Honorable Leaders the West Point Way. Learn more about Dr. Offstein and Stand Your Ground at www.honorable leaders.com. CUSTOMIZED FOODSERVICE DISTRIBUTION Short WorkweekLong on Pay & Benefits! MBM, a leading custom food distributor, is now hiring CLASS A CDL DRIVER Plus, we offer: Excellent Benefits • • • • • $55K plus per year potential Paid Vacation Health/Dental/Vision Insurance Company Paid Life Insurance 401K Plan And Much More!!! 1 yr. T/T exp. required, Clean MVR, Pass DOT physical w/ drug test. We are located in: AL, CA, CO, FL, GA, IA, IL, KY, MD, NC, OH, OK, PA, TX, WA & WI Apply online at: EOE www.drive4mbm.com NOVEMBER 06 9 Online courses big with part-time students Study confirms desire for, difficulties of continuing education SMC Cpl. Wesam Mahmoud began pursuing his MBA online after being wounded on a tour of duty in Iraq. He is one example of the growing trend of adults choosing to go back to school. A recently released national study conducted by independent research firm TNS NFO, the world’s largest custom research group, reveals that more than 70 million — over half — of American adults would like to return to school. Ginger Hope, communications manager at Capella University, the sponsor of the survey, cited the top reasons most adults decide to pursue education: 1) the personal sense of accomplishment; 2) developing talents, pursuing interests; 3) the opportunity to improve income potential; and 4) access to new career opportunities. The “Degrees of Opportunity” study, which looked at the motivations, influences and obstacles for adult students, found that, despite the value adults placed on higher education, only a third of those who said they wanted more education said they were likely to pursue it. More than 40% of today’s higher education students are over age 25, and the typical college student is often 35 to 40, juggling family, life and career while studying for a degree. Online courses are particularly popular with students who need flexibility in where and when they study. Job transfers, relocations, and temporary assignments will not negatively impact one’s online academic progress in a way that frequently occurs when transferring from one traditional school to another, and pursing an education via an online resource often allows the student to access their courses and material when it is convenient for their U schedule. “The servers at Capella University are busiest between 11:00pm and midnight,” Hope said. As a result, enrollment in online education is growing 10 times faster than enrollment in brick-and-mortar schools. Hope noted that 89% of adults enrolled at Capella are studying parttime and 15% are affiliated with the military. Mahmoud is an excellent case in point. He began his studies at the University of Oklahoma and then transferred to Boston University, but neither of those schools met his needs or expectations. A fellow Marine encouraged him to enroll at Capella. “I was reluctant at first, but now I love it. Every few minutes there is an e-mail coming in, or there is a discussion posted where somebody has a new idea. So I’m thinking all the time,” he says. “I actually use everything I have learned in my work as a Marine.” About Capella University Founded in 1993, Capella University is an accredited online university that offers graduate degree programs in business, information technology, education, human services, and psychology, and bachelor’s degree programs in business and information technology. Within those areas, Capella offers 77 graduate and undergraduate specializations and 16 certificate specializations. The online university currently has more than 15,700 students from all 50 states and 63 countries. It is a national leader in online education, committed to providing high-caliber academic excellence and pursuing balanced business growth. Capella University is a whollyowned subsidiary of Capella Education Company, headquartered in Minneapolis. For more information, please visit www.capella.edu or call 1-888CAPELLA. More details about the “Degrees of Opportunity” study and copies of the report are available at www. degreesofopportunity.org. 10 NOVEMBER 06 NOVEMBER 06 11 12 NOVEMBER 06 Service is good for this family ammi Johnson’s son, Derrick, was 18, about to graduate, and struggling with the question of how to pay for college. He thought of the military and turned to his mother, who had joined the Air Force when she was also 18. She advised him to consider the Air Force Reserve. His duty would be part-time, and he would get tuition assistance since reservists get educational benefits under the Montgomery “G.I.” Bill. “I told him to go to the Air Force Reserve. I know that when I was on active duty, I could never find the time to study for my degree,” said Johnson. “Joining the Reserve would give him the benefits and the time to complete his education.” She went with Derrick to meet Air Force Reserve Recruiter Tech. Sgt. Michael Comfort. “I covered the benefits of joining, and it seemed Tammi was more enthused than her son. I asked if she would be interested, but she thought she was too old and probably disqualified. I convinced her to let me look into the matter,” he said. “It had been 12 years since I left the Air Force, but the benefits sounded good. The pay would come in handy, and I would have tuition assistance again. I already had nine years of service, and I thought it was a good idea to work toward retirement. The more I thought about it, the better the idea sounded. So, I decided to join, and so did my son,” said Johnson. There was still a question to answer, however — what would she do? Staff Sgt. Johnson had last served at Seymour-Johnson Air Force Base, N.C., in personnel systems, and she now works as a programmer for an Oklahoma school district. “I’ve been pushing papers since I was 18, and I wanted to do something different — something that would make the weekends interesting,” said Johnson. “My son always knew he wanted to get into security forces, and he was slated to be stationed at Ft. Worth. He kept asking if I had thought about working in the security forces, and it was starting to sound appealing. Then Tech. Sgt. Comfort told me of an opening for a cop at Tinker AFB, very close to my home. That would certainly be different than sitting Staff Sgt. Tammi Johnson (center) wanted a change from in front of a computer, so I took it.” “pushing papers.” Derrick started basic military training in June and then went on to technical school. “I will probably start duty weekends before then, but I’ve decided to delay tech school until he’s finished. Serving with your mother is one thing,” she explained, “but going to the same tech school as your mom when she outranks you … well, I just wouldn’t do that to him.” Would Johnson volunteer to be deployed? “Yes. I initially joined the service to do what was right for the counNoble Drilling is a major domestic and international offshore drilling contractor try. I didn’t have the opportunity to go operating Semisubmersibles, Drillships and Jackup rigs. If you are interested to Desert Storm, but I would go now,“ she in a challenging and rewarding career working on offshore rigs, we are said. currently seeking qualified individuals with prior experience to fill the following “My son is actually fine with me joining positions: the Reserve,” said Johnson. “My coworkers think I’m crazy, but I just keep Crane Operator Materials Coordinator listing all the positives. It’s good for me Electrician Mechanic and my son.” T Electronic Technician OFF THE MARKET! Michelle Crouch, USMC 1stSgt/E8: Legal/Sr. Enlisted Advisor What resources did you use in your job search? career fairs, Monster.com, Clearedjobs.net, militarystars.com, military.com, referrals from other military personnel What resource led to the interview that got you the job? Military Stars Career Fair What factor led the company to make you an offer? My security clearance, willingness to relocate, and referral from the job fair. What advice would you give to other military members? Have a security clearance and list it toward the top of your resume. Be patient and don't give up. Constantly update and refine your resume. Ryan, USAF Staff Sgt., Aircraft Mechanic What resources did you use to prepare your resume and plan your job search? USAF TAP and various online sources. Google is great for finding other reference sources. What resources did you use to get interviews? about 15 different online sources, including CareerBuilder and Monster What factor led the company to make you an offer? My military background, coupled with my degree and proven ability to learn quickly. What advice would you give to other military members? Get as much education as possible before transitioning to the civilian world. I would recommend a bachelor’s degree, especially if changing careers or specialties. I would not have this job if I did not obtain my degree before I separated. Subsea Engineer Overseas opportunities working a 28/28 rotation and Gulf of Mexico opportunities working a 14/14 rotation are available. A high school diploma or GED is required. Noble Drilling is an S&P 500 Company offering a competitive salary and benefits package and the opportunity to be part of a great company. If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities, please submit your resume to: E-mail: jobs@noblecorp.com Noble Drilling 13135 S. Dairy Ashford, Ste 800 Sugar Land, TX 77478 ATTN: Personnel Department Fax: 281-276-6464 www.noblecorp.com An Equal Opportunity Employer The Building Blocks of Exceptional Leadership "In today's society, ethics in leadership is a daily topic. Stand Your Ground consists of real-life examples of how ethics and honor in decision making and communication have lead to leadership success. I encourage anyone in a leadership position to read this book." Frank Beamer Head Football Coach, Virginia Tech Stand Your Ground: Building Leaders the Honorable West Point Way (ISBN 0-275-99143-1, 145 pages) is available at www.honorableleaders.com, www.amazon.com or www.barnesandnoble.com. NOVEMBER 06 13 Good faith is essential to salary negotiation by TOM WOLFE Senior Contributing Editor man asks a woman to marry him. She says yes. They pick the date, send out the invitations, choose their attendants, and sort out all the other details. But what if he had never proposed, or what if she had declined? Then no need to worry about those wedding arrangements. Receiving and accepting a job offer is like a marriage. Resolve the big issue first and worry about the details later. Are you and the company right for each other, and is this opportunity a great way to start what both parties hope is a long term relationship? If not, then the salary doesn’t really matter. Once there is a job offer on the table, asking for more money may or may not be a good idea, depending on your reasons for doing so. We all want more, but that is simply not enough. Asking a company for more money means that you believe A you can add value in excess of what they believe you can. How do you know that? How do they know that? Where is your proof? You need leverage. Do you have higher offers from other companies to do similar work? Have you made appropriate costof-living adjustments? Is there something in your background that they have failed to take into consideration (“No, my degree is not complete, but it will be by they time I start work.”)? How about your current salary — is that leverage? Maybe, but be careful. Let’s say you are a helicopter pilot and the Army pays you an additional $600 per month for that skill. If you are interviewing to be the Channel 9 Traffic “Eye in the Sky,” you have leverage. On the other hand, the plant manager at the chemical processing plant couldn’t care less about your stick skills. How much room is there? A good rule of thumb: If there is more than a 10% difference in the offer they have made and the offer that you would accept, then you probably should not have interviewed for the job in the first place. Normally this issue gets resolved much earlier in the process, back when the resume and application form were screened and/or the subject of salary was broached at the initial interview. Positions usually have assigned ranges for the starting salaries. This allows companies to take into account a candidate’s level of experience and years of education, among other things, plus it allows them some flexibility when it comes time to review performance. Most companies attempt to bring you on board near the midpoint of the range. Why? The person they want in the job is probably too good to land at the bottom of the range, but bringing someone in at the top of the range means that there is no way to increase salary until they are promoted and your salary is, in effect, frozen until then. “John, you have been doing outstanding work for the past 12 months, but since you are not ready for promotion, we cannot give you any more money.” Although you are within your rights to attempt to negotiate an offer, there is no requirement for your potential employer to do so. You can ask, but they can refuse. Some companies fully expect to negotiate, and the first offer they make is not necessarily the last. This is often the case when the job itself requires effective negotiation skills, such as sales, development, or marketing. Other companies are like a Saturn dealership: you get the first, last, and best price up front — take it or leave it. It would be helpful for you to understand the company’s culture on this issue. Setting the stage When a company makes an offer they are telling you in no uncertain terms that they want you for the job. Asking for more money tells them that all is not well, so be careful how you ask. It is important to let them know that you are close to joining the team. You are enthusiastic about the opportunity, however, there is one area in which you need their help. Words to that effect are critical. When you let them know that you are ready to commit if they can up the ante, they will want to help you solve this problem. Using whatever leverage you have, explain to them why you believe their initial offer undervalues your worth to the company and ask if there is any room for negotiation. You should be prepared to propose a counter-offer, one which you are prepared to accept. Although having an offer means you have impressed many people and created several advocates in the company, if negotiating your offer is appropriate, your best bet is to do so with your future boss. He or she wants you on the team and has either strongly recommended and/or approved your offer. Hopefully, your boss will go to bat for you again. As a matter of courtesy, you should also keep your contact in the HR department in the loop. One of the biggest mistakes job seekers make during salary negotiation is to put their counter-offer on the table too close to the end of the decision timeline. If you and the company have agreed that you will respond to the offer by May 1, it is bad form to call on May 1 and ask for more money. Assuming they are of a mind to negotiate, the process required to modify and approve the offer may take several days, and you are more likely to be successful if you respect and allow for that fact. Be reasonable If this is really the right opportunity for you, then you should be prepared to ultimately accept the offer, regardless of their response. Think about it. One case is a no-brainer: they offered, you countered, they agreed, negotiation complete — go to work! With any other answer, do the math. Let’s assume they offer $60K, and you counter at $66K. If they come back with $63K, that $3,000 (divided by 12 paychecks, less federal, state, and local taxes) works out to about $180 per month. If the difference between “yes” and “no” is $180 per month, then this likely wasn’t a match anyway. Even if the company does not budge from $60K and the difference becomes $360 per month, factor in one 10% salary increase and the spread evaporates. C3 CAREER COACH’S CORNER Negotiating in good faith is essential. Not doing so is both dishonest and unethical. They believe you are the right person for the job, and you have sent very strong signals of interest. Both parties very much want the deal to go through and both parties are working toward that goal. Do not ask for more money until and unless all other issues are resolved and you are ready to accept the offer. Tom Wolfe is a senior partner at a militaryto-civilian transition company. He served for six years as a surface warfare officer in the Navy and has been providing career guidance to military personnel since 1978. For more coaching, visit www.tomwolfe-careeroach.com. Used with the author’s permission. job seekers A free online recruiting network that offers a simple, effective way to present your knowledge and skills to potential employers. We also provide extensive resources for transition assistance when exiting the military as well as for veterans seeking a career change. employers The tools you need to fill open positions with qualified talent – quickly, easily, and cost-effectively. Our skill-based pre-screening process is designed to reduce the time you spend at every step of the recruiting cycle and improve your results. Enter the coupon code CJNJAN06A to receive a 10% discount off your first online purchase. The leading career resource for the military community. MilitaryResumes.com 866.801.4418 Founded by military veterans with years of experience in placing military candidates in new careers. 14 NOVEMBER 06 Bradley-Morris, Inc., successfully helps numbers of military candidates land new careers. Below is a partial listing of actual placements from Q2 2006 Bradley-Morris Hiring Conferences. Job Description Technician Project Engineer Production Supervisor Electronics Technician Project Engineer Operations Superintendent Power Production Technician District Manager Field Service Technician Aircraft Technician Field Service Representative Industrial Engineer Sales Engineer Shipping Manager Operations Manager Service Engineer Project Engineer Application Specialist Project Manager Purchasing Manager Analyzer Technician Mechanical Engineer A&P Mechanic Safety Manager Construction Mechanic Instrumentation Technician Junior Project Manager Electrical Technician Manufacturing Manager Chemical Engineer Aircraft Mechanic Power Production Technician Generator Technician Six Sigma Manager Maintenance Technician Maintenance Supervisor Technical Support Engineer Manager Engineering Technician Location Seattle, WA Madison, WI Chicago, IL Newton, IL Bethesda, MD Boston, MA Oklahoma City, OK San Diego, CA Atlanta, GA Columbus, MS Philadelphia, PA Beggs, OK Little Rock, AR Panama City, FL Lexington, KY Tampa, FL Bristol, CT Washington, DC Dallas, TX Denver, CO Austin, TX Savannah, GA Bridgeport, WV Richmond, VA Baltimore, MD New York City, NY San Antonio, TX St. Louis, MO Mesa, AZ Ann Arbor, MI Norfolk, VA Los Angeles, CA Orlando, FL San Francisco, CA Morrison, TN Peoria, IL Charlotte, NC Las Vegas, NV Columbia, SC Salary 40K 68K 65K 68K 73K 95K 38K 82K 45K 40K 42K 74K 45K 55K 80K 37K 82K 46K 78K 80K 51K 55K 35K 45K 37K 69K 39K 40K 68K 62K 36K 41K 36K 75K 43K 85K 50K 65K 38K Job Description Maintenance Planner Area Manager Field Service Technician Production Engineer Project Manager Maintenance Mechanic Technical Instructor Logistics Technician Test Director Quality Manager Field Service Technician Field Engineer Project Manager Field Service Representative Operations Leader Project Engineer SatCom Technician Area Manager Calibration Technician Project Engineer Team Leader Field Service Technician Mechanic Field Service Coordinator Operating Supervisor Commercial Technical Assistant Manager Operations Manager Field Service Technician Valve Technician Maintenance Supervisor Facility Manager Applications Engineer Branch Operations Specialist Project Leader Maintenance Technician Shift Supervisor Area Manager Shop Mechanic Location Augusta, GA New Castle, DE Orange County, CA Atlanta, GA Ft. Myers, FL Sacramento, CA Manassas, VA Decatur, IL Yuma, AZ Danbury, CT Jacksonville, FL Portland, OR Cheyenne, WY Houston, TX Modesto, CA Virginia Beach, VA Iraq Kansas City, KS Baltimore, MD Seattle, WA Raleigh, NC Fishkill, NY St. Louis, MO Phoenix, AZ New York City, NY Norfolk, VA San Jose, CA Reno, NV Chattanooga, TN Denver, CO Beaumont, TX Atlanta, GA Chesapeake, VA Orlando, FL Dallas, TX Abeline, TX Minneapolis, MN Carlsbad, NM Davis, OK Salary 55K 60K 48K 61K 52K 45K 70K 58K 65K 75K 39K 49K 68K 50K 60K 60K 125K 60K 49K 75K 62K 56K 38K 45K 78K 52K 80K 63K 45K 45K 85K 45K 65K 55K 64K 41K 50K 68K 42K NOVEMBER 06 15 Not all federal online resume formats same by BARBARA ADAMS Contributing Editor pplying for federal jobs can be quite a daunting process, and, like many employers, the government has adapted the application process to include submitting resumes online. With more than 1.8 million federal employees, one would think there would be a standardized format. On the contrary, each of the over 250 agencies has its own online system. A Army Resumix The Army Resumix format allows 12,000 characters to describe your work experience, with no limit on the number of positions you can list. There are additional fields for your education, training, licenses, certifications, skills, awards and other information. You must include answers to all KSAs (knowledge, skills and abilities essay questions) in the resume in this format. You can only have one Army Resumix on file for all applications you make for Army positions. This can be limiting, depending on your background and achievements. This format is used for most, but not all, Army postings. Navy Resumix The Navy Resumix format allows up to six positions to describe your work experience, with up to 7,500 characters per position. Like the Army Resumix, there are additional fields for your education, training, licenses, certifications, skills, awards and other information, and you must include answers to all KSAs. The maximum length for the entire resume is five pages. You can only have one Navy Resumix on file for all applications you make for Navy positions as well. This format is used for most Navy postings. Air Force Resumix The Air Force Resumix format allows up to six positions to describe your work experience, with a limit of only 1,500 characters per position, and additional fields for your education, training, licenses, certifications, skills, awards and other information. In general, you must include answers to all KSAs in the resume. Again, you can only have one Air Force Resumix on file. Due to the short length allowed for job descriptions, this format is very limiting, but fortunately, it is not used for all positions. Many Air Force positions use a paper-based regular federal resume along with separate KSAs. Job boards and online resume builders Other agencies have online resume builders, too, with differences in character limits and in the formatting of information. Read each job board posting carefully to determine what is required. Select specific career categories, your best skill sets, your experience, and relocation preferences. QuickHire The QuickHire format is used by many agencies, and the list has been growing. This format is limited to 16,000 total characters for the entire resume to describe your contact information, employment background, education, training, licenses, certifications, skills, awards, etc. In order to find the KSAs for an announcement in QuickHire, you should first register on the QuickHire web site for the agency you are interested in, enter your contact information and load a preliminary resume (you can update the resume when you actually apply for the job). Then log into QuickHire, view the vacancy announcement and scroll to the bottom of it. By clicking “view vacancy questions,” you can find both the multiple choice questions and the essay KSAs. The KSA answers will be limited in length, usually 4,000 characters each. answer both multiple choice questions and possibly KSAs. Unfortunately, you may not see the questions until after you start the application process. You will need to register on the system, upload and submit a resume, then read and answer the application essay questions. Generally, there is no limit on the length of the KSA answers in this format. Remember, follow each specific step for online resume posting. Professional resume writers can assist you in this process if you do not want to go it alone. Do not let the importance of properly posting your resume eliminate you from interviewing for your dream job. Barbara A. Adams is the President & CEO of CareerPro Global, Inc. the parent company of www.careerproplus.com. Barbara has been a member of the careers community for 16 years and serves as an industry expert for military transition and federal government resumes. She holds three certifications: Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW); Certified Employment Interview Professional (CEIP), and Certified Federal Resume Writer and Coach (CFRWC). NOV 9: COLUMBUS, GA Pre-registered job seekers’ geographical and career preferences are matched with available positions of participating employers in advance! Register at www.militaryresumes.com or call 866-801-4418 USAJobs USAJobs also has an online resume format. Even though you can post most of the information you have on a regular paper federal resume, although it is not formatted as nicely. Since this format has been endorsed by the Office of Professional Management (OPM), it has become more popular with a variety of agencies. If an announcement requires a USAJobs resume, it also requires you to WHAT’S NEXT FOR YOU? 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Perform maintenance repair and upkeep on mechanical power generation, fluid, and auxiliary support systems on offshore mobile drilling units (Jack-ups, Semis, and Drill ships) including but not limited to: diesel engines, lube oil and cooling systems, high & low pressure air systems, hydraulic systems, drilling systems, potable water systems, fuel oil systems, ballast systems, HVAC systems, cranes, damage control systems, etc. Great benefits. For more information see Noble Drilling display ad in CJN and other jobs posted at www.militaryresumes.com BORDER PATROL AGENTS Your Career Protecting America – U.S. Customs and Border Patrol. ALL POSITIONS ARE LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST BORDER. Birmingham. Border Patrol is currently recruiting men and women to protect America’s southwest borders as Border Patrol Agents. To learn more and apply, go to www.cbp.gov, click on Careers. AZ • Arizona CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SERVICE TECHNICIAN Ingersoll Rand is a leading diversified industrial company providing products, services and integrated solutions to industries ranging from transportation and manufacturing to food retailing, construction, and agriculture. For more information, visit www.ingersollrand.com. Responsibilities include: Perform mechanical repairs and service on full line of road construction. Opportunities in AZ and CA. To apply, go to www. militaryresumes.com BORDER PATROL AGENTS Your Career Protecting America – U.S. Customs and Border Patrol. ALL POSITIONS ARE LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST BORDER. Phoenix. Border Patrol is currently recruiting men and women to protect America’s southwest borders as Border Patrol Agents. If you want to work in an exciting environment of high public trust, with wide-open spaces and opportunities to match, consider the role of a Border Patrol Agent with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. To learn more and apply, go to www.cbp.gov,click on Careers. CA • California DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Effectively communicate information regarding Caymus Vineyards and its affiliated brands to the appropriate party. Reports to: Vice-President of Sales and Marketing. Main duties: Develop copy for back labels and tasting notes for each vintage and varietal of wine produced. Press liaison for the wineries – to include coordinating the shipment of wine samples to writers, receive and update press news/ratings on each brands’ wine. There is significant responsibility by keeping written marketing materials up to date and all pertinent parties – distributors, trade and consumers properly informed. To apply, go to www. militaryresumes.com GROCERY RETAIL BUSINESS OWNER Do you want to work hard for yourself or someone else? Did the military leave you with a passion to lead? Are you ready to take charge of your destiny? Do you want to build a business for your family and continue to serve the citizens of this great country? If you’re ambitious, love retailing, and believe in supporting your community, the rewards of operating a Grocery Outlet retail store can help you build the future that you’ve been dreaming about. For over 30 years, we’ve entrusted our stores to family management teams who have proven leadership and retail skills. Send your resume and cover letter – Mail: Grocery Outlet 2000 Fifth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 Attn: Bruno Amedore. Phone: (510) 704-2895. Visit our website: GroceryOutlets.com BORDER PATROL AGENTS Your Career Protecting America – U.S. Customs and Border Patrol. ALL POSITIONS family orientation and a very strong safety orientation that are similar to what we recruiting ex-military personnel — whom have in the military.” While in Norfolk, Va., site of the largest they respect for their discipline, work ethic and attention to safety — and has US Navy base in the country, he talked to stepped up its recruiting efforts recently an individual who was apprehensive about transito meet the demand of “When I talk to them about the tioning. “He the booming offshore was not used oil and gas industry. camaraderie and safety culture to completing Their workforce has grown significantly in at Noble, they understand that.” applications and resumes,” recent years, and the company expects the growth to continue said Raymond. “I directed him to the Noble home page, and he was very for the foreseeable future. Noble’s fleet count includes three impressed. We started him on the applienhanced premium newbuild jackups cation process.” In addition to visiting transition locaunder construction, with scheduled delivery of the first unit in the third quarter of tions, Raymond posts ads for Noble jobs 2007, the second unit in first quarter of on www.TAOnline.com, www.military 2008, and the third unit in the first quar- resumes.com, www.defenselink.mil (the ter of 2009. A new rig can cost nearly Department of Defense web site), and $200 million to build, and each rig www.acap.army.mil. “I enjoyed the service to my country,” requires a staff of 30 to 90 workers, depending on its size, to operate and Raymond said. “After 20 years in the milmaintain the equipment and the rig itself. itary, I welcomed a new challenge with Raymond has been spreading the word Noble in the offshore drilling industry. about Noble, mainly to transitioning mil- Depending on the schedule, you work itary personnel. “I once sat where they hard for 14 days or 28 days, and then you sit. It can be somewhat frightening to go have equal time off. It’s a great job.” from the military to the private sector. But when I talk to them about the camaVisit Noble Drilling’s web site at raderie and safety culture at Noble, they www.noblecorp.com to find out about employunderstand that,” he said. “Noble has a ment opportunities. ARE LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST BORDER. San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, San Diego, Bakersfield. Border Patrol is currently recruiting men and women to protect America’s southwest borders as Border Patrol Agents. If you want to work in an exciting environment of high public trust, with wide-open spaces and opportunities to match, consider the role of a Border Patrol Agent with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. To learn more and apply, go to www.cbp.gov,click on Careers. CBP strives to have a workforce that reflects our nation’s diversity. Work under the direction of the Crane Operator as necessary to support on-going rig operations. Assist in handling freight to or from helicopters and boats. Perform general housekeeping duties and material preservation activities under the supervision of the Crane Operator. Assist other personnel as directed. Safely and efficiently perform all duties assigned by the Crane Operator during deck/maintenance operations Ensure all operations are proceeding in a safe manner. Great Benefits package: Medical, Dental, Vision, 401K. For more information see Noble Drilling display ad in CJN and other jobs posted at www.militaryresumes.com FL• Florida TRUCK & TRAILER MECHANIC Full-time truck and trailer mechanic located in TAMPA for a multi-state transportation company. Knowledge of DOT inspections, preventive maintenance and basic repairs required. Exp with Peterbilt, Cummins and Cat a plus. Benefits includes 401K, medical, vision, dental. Competitive salary. For consideration please email resume or contact pcrofts@dillontransport.com or fax to 630-281-7097. SATELLITE INSTALLATION TECHNICIAN: Ft. Lauderdale, Sarasota/Ft. Myers, Kendall/Hialeah, Miami/West Palm Beach, Orlando, Ft. Pierce, Tampa, Jacksonville. MasTec/Advanced Technologies, North America’s largest DirecTV home service provider, has openings for Satellite Installation Technicians. Position requires a combination of skills including customer service, technical, and telecommunications. Individuals with professional cable, satellite, electrical, telephone, home theater or home security installation experience encouraged to apply. Excellent pay and benefits, including Health, Vision, Dental, Life, Long Term and Short Term Disability insurance coverage. Paid vacation, 401(k), discounted stock purchase plan and paid holidays also part of standard benefits package. Go to www.militaryresumes.com to apply. OFFSHORE GULF COAST DRILLING RIG ROUSTABOUT FIELD SERVICE OPERATIONS Does sitting behind a desk all day sound appealing to you? How would you like a job that lets you work out in the field? Consider a career in cable. We offer competitive salary and benefits including medical and matching 401(k). Cable companies are broadening their services from digital television, telephony and fast access cable modem. We need Field Service Technicians who perform digital cable, high speed Internet (HSI), and telephony installations and reconnects. In addition to installing the cable from the tap to the device you must provide comprehensive customer education so that the customer understands and can use their new service immediately. To learn more about this and other opportunities with Vozzcom, go to www.military resumes.com OPERATIONS MANAGER Vozzcom is the leading provider of broadband fulfillment. We are based across the U.S. and we’re looking for motivated employees interested in joining our team. Operations Manager will oversee Field Service Technicians. We offer competitive salary and benefits including medical and matching 401(k). To learn more about this and other opportunities with Vozzcom, go to www.military resumes.com GA • Georgia SUPERVISOR – ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION The NOVEMBER 06 17 City of Marietta, GA, is accepting applications. Meets with Superintendent and Engineering department staff to review and discuss job order details and possible design, location or other technical problems. Works with Utility Network and Applications Manager and the Utility Protection Center to locate utilities prior to underground construction. Schedules and requisitions materials from the electrical warehouse to ensure materials are available. Discusses anticipated material requirements and arranges special orders with Warehouse Manager, more. Grade 515 Salary Range: Entry level $48,547 annually; Market level $51,667 annually. Compensation may be adjusted to $64,355.20 in order to provide supervisory differential. To apply: visit www. marietta.gov, Job Number: 06-71 SATELLITE INSTALLATION TECHNICIAN: Stockbridge, Austell, Duluth, Lavonia, Savannah. MasTec/Advanced Technologies, North America’s largest DirecTV home service provider, has openings for Satellite Installation Technicians. Position requires a combination of skills including customer service, technical, and telecommunications. Individuals with professional cable, satellite, electrical, telephone, home theater or home security installation experience encouraged to apply. Excellent pay and benefits, including Health, Vision, Dental, Life, Long Term and Short Term Disability insurance coverage. Paid vacation, 401(k), discounted stock purchase plan and paid holidays also part of standard benefits package. To apply, go to www.militaryresumes.com ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Sell MilitaryResumes.com services over the phone to businesses throughout the US. Services include job postings, resume access and advertising at MilitaryResumes.com and CivilianJobNews.com, print advertising in our newspaper Civilian Job News, and job fair booths. Inside B-2-B sales. Salary plus commission plus benefits. First year compensation projected to be $40,000 to $50,000+ To apply, go to www.militaryresumes.com IL • Illinois CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Outside B-2-B Sales to Home Depot. Location varies based on Territory. Under the general supervision of the Home Depot Corporate Account Manager, act as primary Biewer Lumber contact for Home Depot stores within your territory. Maintain contact with the Home Depot within your established territory on a regular basis by utilizing a consistent store rotation calendar allowing stores to be aware of upcoming visits. More. To apply, go to www.militaryresumes.com BRANCH SERVICE MANAGER Oversee Penske fleet maintenance operations. Must have overseen a maintenance program before (strong preference for vehicle maintenance management background, followed by aircraft maintenance management background). Chicago metro area. Visit www.bradley-morris.com to apply. MANUFACTURING ENGINEER Weber Stephen Products, a leading manufacturer of Bar-B-Q Grills, is seeking an entry level Manufacturing Engineer for our Palatine location. Requirements include: BS in Industrial Engineering; Experience with Solidworks, CAD systems; Greenbelt certification a plus; Excellent teamwork and communication skills. To apply please forward your resume with salary requirements to: hr@weberstephen.com. EOE To review more job postings by Weber Stephen Products, visit www.militaryresumes.com WASHER TECHNICIAN Responsible for the operation, cleaning and maintenance of control washer equipment. Metal is being cleaned for use in production. One position each for first and second shift. To apply please forward your resume with salary requirements to: hr@weberstephen.com. EOE controls, pneudraulic, fuel, electrical/electronic systems. To apply for this position, please visit our website www.urscorp.jobs, requisition number EGG11861. Visit www.militaryresumes.com to review more job postings by Lear Siegler Services, Inc. AH-64D LONGBOW MECHANIC Fort Riliey, KS Inspect, train others and perform organizational, intermediate and depot level maintenance/modification on units, subsystems and support equipment. Advise team members and solve unusual maintenance problems by analysis and test on airframes, engines, flight. To apply for this position, please visit our website www.urscorp.jobs, requisition number EGG12877. Visit www.militaryresumes.com to review more job postings by Lear Siegler Services, Inc. LA • Louisiana OFFSHORE GULF COAST DRILLING RIG ROUSTABOUT Work under the direction of the Crane Operator as necessary to support on-going rig operations. Assist in handling freight to or from helicopters and boats. Perform general house-keeping duties and material preservation activities under the supervision of the Crane Operator. Assist other personnel as directed. Safely and efficiently perform all duties assigned by the Crane Operator during deck/maintenance operations Ensure all operations are proceeding in a safe manner. Great Benefits package: Medical, Dental, Vision, 401K. For more information see Noble Drilling display ad in CJN and other jobs posted at www.militaryresumes.com MI • Michigan COMM TECHNICIAN 2 Comcast Cable, Detroit. Perform requested and non-pay disconnects, and changes of service, while adhering to Comcast procedures and safe work practices, NEC and NESC requirements, and local ordinances in order to provide (or remove) services to the customer. Prewire single dwelling units and multiple dwelling units (MDUs) in order to provide “ready hook-up” capabilities at the time of moving in. Perform service calls. More. To apply – www.comcast.com MECHANIC (TRACKED AND WHEELED VEHICLES) Assist with planning and development of transmission system test programs in military tracked and wheeled vehicles. Setup and instrument vehicle systems as test programs require. Perform engineering development and validation tests, collect and analyze data and effectively communicate results to engineering personnel. More. Contract Professionals, located in Milford, MI. Visit www.militaryresumes.com to apply and review more job postings. MN • Minnesota MACHINIST/MILLWRIGHT – Universal Compression. Responsible for repair of gas & steam turbines, rotary vane & screw compressors, oil & water pumps, turbochargers, blowers and gearboxes. Essential Functions: Disassemble, clean, repair and reassemble components; Operate machinery in compliance with the company operating procedure; Produce a variety of parts from shop drawings to conform to specifications in a safe and efficient manner; Troubleshoots, debugs and modifies to achieve expected performance; more. To apply, go to www.militaryresumes.com MACHINE TECH / PROJECT ASSURANCE TECH If you are a career minded individual seeking a highly technical position and you are the best at what you do then we have something for you. Available LAI International, Inc., positions are: Waterjet Technicians 2nd and 3rd Shift. Position duties include setting up and operating waterjet CNC machines. We will introduce you to high-technology waterjet cutting including three dimensional work. Project Assurance Technician 3rd Shift and Floater between 2nd and 3rd Shift. Visit www. militaryresumes.com to apply. Aircraft Mechanic Must have a CURRENT DoD SECURITY CLEARANCE, along with the ability to gain access to US Government Proprietary Programs. Candidates must have extensive experience in heavy Structural, Electrical or Systems Integration. Experience on large wide-body aircraft is also a plus. Pay is commensurate with experience. A comprehensive benefit package is offered beginning the date of hire. Apply at www.militaryresumes.com Greenville, Texas www.L-3Com.com MD • Maryland MS • Mississippi MTS MOTOR REPAIR & TEST TECHNICIAN Chalk Point Generating Station, Aquasco, MD 20608. Performs activities involving inspection of equipment, basic machining, and mechanical tasks. Performs troubleshooting activities, complete motor overhauls, rebuilds and major repairs to a wide variety of small and large electric motors and generators. Interprets data and/or makes recommendations or develops corrective action plans in support of the Mirant Technical Services Team at both field and shop locations. Please visit www.mirant.com to apply. PLANT TECHNICIAN – INSTRUMENT Chalk Point Generating Station, Aquasco, MD 20608. Morgantown Generating Station, Newburg, MD 20664. Inspect, maintain and troubleshoot generating plant instrumentation and control systems. Demonstrates knowledge of plant system functions including maintenance work practices and divisional safe work practices. Operate company vehicles and equipment. Please visit www.mirant.com to apply. CONTRACT SPECIALIST Signature Special Event Services, LLC, a national company, is seeking a Contract Specialist to join our government and military sales team. Candidate must have 5 years of government procurement and sales experience with the ability to administrate and negotiate complex government contracts. Limited travel is required. Compensation commensurate with experience includes competitive salary, health, 401(k) and profit sharing benefits. To apply, go to www.militaryresumes.com KS • Kansas INFO SYSTEM SECURITY ANALYST – Honeywell MECHANICS CH-47 Fort Sill, KS Inspect, train others and perform organizational, intermediate and depot level maintenance/modification on units, subsystems, support equipment. Advise team members and solve unusual maintenance problems by analysis and test on airframes, engines, flight ing a security program. Participates in independent and objective evaluations and audits of the security policy implementation. Establishes procedures and processes to monitor progress toward customer organizational objectives. Participates in developing of sales and marketing strategies, winning of new business and proposal development. Learn more and apply at www. militaryresumes.com Technology Solutions. Positions available in MD, SC & VA. Secret clearance required with the ability to obtain a Top Secret clearance or higher. Provides analysis, evaluation, and recommendations designed to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the customer’s security program. Assists external customers in developing, implementing, and assess- MATERIALS COORDINATOR Offshore Gulf Coast (TX, LA, AL, MS, FL). Request, receive, and inventory, maintain, control and distribute the equipment and supplies needed for the operation of the drilling rig. This employee is also responsible for ensuring that unused supplies, equipment and equipment needing repairs which were ordered by Noble Drilling are properly marked, labeled and shipped to their proper destination. More. Work 14 day on/14 day off schedule in the Gulf of Mexico, or 28 day on/28 day off schedule international. For more information see our display ad in CJN and other jobs posted at www.militaryresumes.com NC • North Carolina SERVICE TECHNICIAN Barloworld Industrial Distribution is the US Corporate headquarters for Barloworld Handling, the southeast’s largest distributor of material handling equipment and Barloworld Truck Center, a leading distributor of heavy and medium-duty trucks. We currently have openings for Road and Shop Forklift Mechanics all throughout the Southeast United States. Visit www.militaryresumes.com SATELLITE INSTALLATION TECHNICIAN: Greensboro, Fayetteville, Raleigh, Wake Forest, New Burn, Charlotte, Ashville, Piedmont. MasTec/Advanced Technologies, North America’s largest DirecTV home service provider, has openings for Satellite Installation Technicians. Position requires a combination of skills including customer service, technical, and telecommunications. Company vehicles (including gas card), basic uniform (except pants and work boots), and cell phone provided. Visit www.militaryresumes.com to apply. DRIVER REPRESENTATIVE Columbus, OH, North Carolina and Georgia. Professional Representatives are ultimately responsible for delivering all products on their routes in a safe, efficient, and timely manner. Our transportation equipment is Same audience. Bigger ad. About a third of the cost. Our readership includes over 200,000 service men and women annually departing from Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard active duty. Our ad rates are structured to make it easy for businesses both small and large to use Civilian Job News to reach the talent-rich, diverse, continuously renewed labor pool which has the leadership skills, technical expertise, communication abilities and teamwork you need. Download a press kit from CIVILIANJOBNEWS.COM or call 866.266.5292 The affordable choice to reach transitioning military personnel. 18 NOVEMBER 06 the latest “state-of-the-art” equipment on the road. Our average driver makes $55,000 + per year, Extra Pay for picking up backhauls, etc. Paid every two weeks, $1000 referral bonus program, Safety bonus plus great benefits. Visit our website to apply on line at www.Drive4MBM.com for one of our 31 locations across the country. NJ • New Jersey SOFTWARE ENGINEER Horiba Jobin Yvon, Inc. a scientific Instrumentation Company located in Edison, New Jersey seeks full time Senior Software Engineer. Successful candidate must have exp. working with new hardware product development, specifically with instrument control & data acquisition. Minimum BS degree in Computer. We offer a comprehensive beneifts package which includes medical, dental, vision, life, 401K and education assistance for eligible full time employees. Fax resume with salary requirements to: JM/SSoftware Eng. 732 549-1185 or e-mail resume to: resume@jobinyvon.com EOE A/A NM • New Mexico SATELLITE INSTALLATION TECHNICIAN: Albuquerque/ Santa Fe/Amarillo/Las Vegas, NM and surrounding areas. MasTec/Advanced Technologies, North America’s largest DirecTV home service provider, has openings for Satellite Installation Technicians. Position requires a combination of skills including customer service, technical, and telecommunications. Company vehicles (including gas card), basic uniform (except pants and work boots), and cell phone provided. Visit www.militaryresumes.com to apply. NY • New York INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE – New York, NY. As an Inside Sales Representative, you will be responsible for generating leads (calling prospects and setting up appointments) and assisting Senior Sales Representatives and the North American Sales Director with presentations and administrative activities. The position will have a formal training program coupled with on the job training. Please reply to: info@bwise.com with resume. AV TECHNICIAN Join the award winning IP communications technology company Applied Global Technologies. You could be the next AV Technician in White Plains, NY. The AV Technician is responsible for installing, maintaining, basic troubleshooting, and repairing the VTC network on a daily basis. Visit www.militaryresumes.com to apply SC • South Carolina INFO SYSTEM SECURITY ANALYST – Honeywell Technology Solutions. Positions available in MD, SC & VA. Secret clearance required with the ability to obtain a Top Secret clearance or higher. Provides analysis, evaluation, and recommendations designed to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the customer’s security program. Assists external customers in developing, implementing, and assessing a security program. Participates in independent and objective evaluations and audits of the security policy implementation. Establishes procedures and processes to monitor progress toward customer organizational objectives. Participates in developing of sales and marketing strategies, winning of new business and proposal development. Learn more and apply at www. militaryresumes.com TX • Texas L-3 COMMUNICATIONS Integrated Systems, Greenville, Texas. Individuals must have a CURRENT DoD SECURITY CLEARANCE, along with the ability to gain access to U.S. Government Proprietary Programs. Candidates must have extensive experience in heavy Structural, Electrical, or Systems Integration. Experience on large wide body aircraft is also a plus. Pay is commensurate with experience. A comprehensive benefit package is offered beginning the date of hire. See www.militaryresumes.com to apply MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Our program offers a solid career path for individuals who learn our business from the ground floor and experience success at each level of their career development. The initial responsibilities are at ConWay Freight-Southern general office in Fort Worth, Texas as a Business Development Manager responsible for telephone sales to our customers. Management Trainees can expect to be in this position a minimum of 6 months. To learn more, to go www.con-way.com M1 ABRAMS TANK MECHANICS needed to fill Contract Professionals slots throughout the United States. Prior military experience is preferred, but not necessary. M1 experience is required. These positions are full time project positions, which may require some overtime. Current Locations: Ft. Hood, TX and Ft. Bliss, TX. Visit www.military resumes.com to apply. MACHINIST – Texarkana, Lear Siegler Services, Inc. Manufactures parts and complete items of equipment from raw stock of different kinds of metals and metal alloys and other materials, and performs machining work required in the manufacture of casting, forging, weld and other fabrications. To apply for this position, please visit our website www.urscorp.jobs and apply to requisition number EGG14540 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Development Program Trainee. Rotate through various offshore drilling, maintenance, and support job functions to gain operational knowledge and experience. Gain working knowledge and experience in all facets of offshore drilling operations from the rig operations perspective. For more information see Noble Drilling display ad in CJN and other jobs posted at www. militaryresumes.com AREA FLEET MANAGER, Houston, TX. Aggreko is the world’s largest specialist rental company offering temporary utility services that include: portable generators, temperature control, dehumidification and oil-free compressors. Area Fleet Manager oversees the Logistics Coordinator whose job it is to work in the office and shop and is responsible for the sourcing, and transportation of equipment and parts; assisting with inventory control and coordinating service; responding to customer concerns; and supporting all office operations. Go to www.bradley-morris.com to learn more. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for Logging Engineers! Pinnacle Technologies is seeking oilfield Logging Engineers. This job entails the deployment and operation of Microseismic equipment. The ideal candidates will have a minimum of 3 years experience as a Logging Engineer, Wireline Operator or Seismic Observer. Requirements include, but are not limited to, experience running and maintaining a wireline unit, working with fiber optics, and pressure operations. Extensive travel will be required. Please submit resumes A.S.A.P. To apply, go to www.militaryresumes.com FIELD MECHANICS Busy Komatsu distributor looking for heavy equipment field mechanics in El Paso, TX. Diagnose and repair failures for heavy equipment in the field at a level that does not need instruction or supervisory input to diagnose, quote, and repair failures. Competitive wages and excellent benefits package. Apply with Road Machinery LLC at www.militaryresumes.com OPERATIONS MANAGER – Loomis Fargo. Responsible for all aspects of branch management, including staff management, operations planning, customer satisfaction, hiring, safety and profitability expectations. Ideally, someone with 3-5 yrs experience in transportation or related background. Must have management/supervisory experience. Location: San Antonio. Go to www.bradley-morris.com to learn more. WELDER/RAILCAR REPAIRMAN (B & C positions also available.) With minimal supervision, lays out, fits, and welds aluminum, steel and stainless surfaces in vertical, horizontal and overhead positions in the repair of railcars. Removes, measures, fabricates and fits parts to comply with operational and safety guidelines. Occasionally provides work direction to others regarding railcar repair projects. Conducts Safety Meetings and trains others. Safety Railway Service, L.P. To apply, go to www.militaryresumes.com BORDER PATROL AGENTS Your Career Protecting America – U.S. Customs and Border Patrol. ALL POSITIONS ARE LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST BORDER San Antonio, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Austin, San Marcos, McAllen, Edinburg, Mission. Border Patrol is currently recruiting men and women to protect America’s southwest borders as Border Patrol Agents. Your job will be to help prevent the entry of terrorists and terrorist weapons into the United States. To learn more and apply, go to www.cbp.gov, click on Careers. DECKHAND Nation-Wide or World-Wide, multiple locations available. The Deckhand prepares barges assigned to the towboat for safe and timely transport. Performs tasks associated with building and breaking tow, as well as towboat and barge maintenance. Work is performed on rotating shifts, with a six hour on and six hour off schedule of approximately 28 days. Visit the American Commercial Barge Lines Rep at the Military2Civilian Job Fair, Fort Benning, GA on Nov 9. 2ND ASSISTANT ENGINEER – Military Sealift Command Vessels Worldwide. The Second Assistant Engineer is responsible for the proper operation, maintenance, upkeep and con- ditions of the fire room, boilers and auxiliary equipment and machinery, which may include UNREP cargo systems. If you have any questions, please email us at civmar@marinersupport.com or call our toll free Recruitment hotline at 877JOBS-MSC (1-877-562-7672). Please visit our website at www.sealiftcommand.com VA • Virginia INFO SYSTEM SECURITY ANALYST – Honeywell Technology Solutions. Positions available in MD, SC & VA. Secret clearance required with the ability to obtain a Top Secret clearance or higher. Provides analysis, evaluation, and recommendations designed to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the customer’s security program. Assists external customers in developing, implementing, and assessing a security program. Participates in independent and objective evaluations and audits of the security policy implementation. Establishes procedures and processes to monitor progress toward customer organizational objectives. Participates in developing of sales and marketing strategies, winning of new business and proposal development. Learn more and apply at www. militaryresumes.com Job fair schedule NOTE: Events are listed chronologically, then alphabetically by state within the same day. Date Oct 12 Oct 13 Oct 17 Oct 18 Oct 19 Oct 20 Oct 20 Oct 24 Oct 25 Oct 26 Oct 27 Nov 03 Nov 07 Nov 09 Nov 14 Nov 15 Nov 17 Nov 30 Dec 01 Dec 08 Dec 11 Dec 15 Location ..................................................Sponsor Pensacola, FL ......................................................FFSC Camp Lejeune, NC ............................................FSC Ft. Bragg, NC ........................................................ACAP & ACS Ft. Leavenworth..................................................ACAP Wilmington, DE ..................................................JobZone 866-775-JOBS (5627) Ft. Stewart, GA ....................................................ACAP & ACS Ft. Bliss, TX ............................................................ACAP & AUSA Ft Bliss, TX ............................................................ACAP Job Fair Ft. Carson, CO ......................................................ACAP Job Fair Offutt AFB, NE ....................................................Offutt Family Support Center Virginia Beach Convention Center, VA ......Career Connection's Fall Career Day Ft. Sill, OK ..............................................................M.O.R.E Ft. McPherson, GA..............................................ACAP & ACS Danville, VA ..........................................................JobZone 866-775-JOBS (5627) Hampton Roads Convention Center, VA....Armed Forces Job Fair – Peninsula www.vpcc.org Dover AFB, DE ....................................................FSC more info 302-677-6930 Ft. Riley, KS............................................................ACAP & ACS Ft. Belvoir, VA ......................................................Jets Job Fair MCAS Miramar....................................................Marine and Family Services Wright Patterson AFB, OH ..............................FSC Columbus, GA ....................................................Military-2-Civilian Job Fair by MilitaryResumes.com San Antonio, TX ..................................................SACC Charlottesville, VA ..............................................Job Zone 866-775-JOBS (5627) Virginia Beach Convention Center, VA ......Defense Technology Security Clearance Recruiting Event Hampton, VA........................................................JobZone 866-775-JOBS (5627) Washington DC Convention Center ..........MOAA/TOPS Ft. Carson, CO ......................................................ACAP Job Fair Offutt AFB, NE ....................................................Offutt Family Support Center Charleston AFB, SC............................................Joint Air Force and Navy Job Fair Ft. Leonard Wood, MO......................................ACAP & ACS King George, VA..................................................JobZone 866-775-JOBS (5627) Ft. Carson, CO ......................................................ACAP Job Fair Dahlgren, VA ........................................................JobZone 866-775-JOBS (5627) MCAS Miramar, CA ............................................MCCS Offutt AFB, NE ....................................................Offutt Family Support Center NOVEMBER 06 19 New real estate program enlists military spouses, retirees eal estate franchisor RE/MAX International recently announced “Operation RE/MAX,” a new program offering career opportunities for military spouses and retired military personnel. “A career in real estate is ideal for many military spouses,” said Dave Liniger, chairman and co-founder of RE/MAX, and a Vietnam veteran. “It’s a line of work that an individual can easily transfer to a new location and become very productive, very quickly. This program gives us another opportunity to show support for those who serve our country and help them establish a foundation on which to build a rewarding and productive career.” RE/MAX regions and registered offices affiliated with RE/MAX will gain access to potential recruits and clients through career fairs at military complexes, the www. military.com web site, spouse employment offices and family centers on base, and a variety of other recruiting tools and events. “Military people bring a lot to the table, and sometimes it’s just a matter of letting them know how valuable they are,” said Operation RE/MAX participant Walt Scott, a sales associate and office manager with RE/MAX Select Properties in Ashburn, Va. Scott joined the RE/MAX network in 2005 after retiring from the military and has an insider’s appreciation of the program’s potential. “I think many people tied to the military are afraid of civilian life,” he said. “They’re worried that nobody’s in charge when they get out. I tell them that if nobody’s in charge, they have to take charge. That’s why I think Operation RE/MAX is a wonderful program. It will help them take charge of their lives. I think everyone on both sides of this program will win, and I’m proud to be involved.” R A good deal of research went into the program’s development. RE/MAX found that 37% of the military population moves to a new residence every three years, compared to 15% of civilians. Military home buyers and sellers like to keep transactions “within the family,” and would refer friends to their fellow spouses. A significant percentage of military personnel are also bilingual, which is beneficial when dealing with the diverse range of people who need help with real estate. Several years ago, the American National Standards Institute completed a study for the Department of Defense which ranked real estate (along with nursing, education, dental assisting and paralegal work) among the five top potential careers for military spouses. “We began discussions with the Department of Defense in the summer of 2005,” said LaVerne Bintner, RE/MAX International vice president of training. “With more than 220 bases around the country, we feel that potentially 3,000 offices could be affected by Operation RE/MAX in just the first year. And with about 330,000 military personnel relocating every year, virtually every US office could be included in years to come.” During several pilot career fairs held around the country, Operation RE/MAX showed promising results, and it was received enthusiastically by the company’s franchisees at a recent conference in Washington, D.C. In order to register as participating in Operation RE/MAX, offices affiliated with RE/MAX must commit to helping provide training and mentoring, participate in career fairs, and report statistics on recruiting and employment to RE/MAX International. To date, more than 200 offices have signed up. COURTESY OF RE/MAX RE/MAX representatives Chuck Strasburg, LaVerne Bintner and Molly Wayreit (left to right) with an interested attendee at a career fair in San Antonio. “We’re excited about the initial response,” Bintner said. “The breakout sessions on the program were almost completely filled in Washington and we could barely keep up with offices registering at our booth. To date, we’ve received more than 1,000 inquiries about the program via telephone calls or e-mail. People are telling us that Operation RE/MAX will change the face of their business.” Anyone with a military connection can participate in Operation RE/MAX, including past and present military spouses, career military retirees, exiting personnel and injured service members. Careers available within the RE/MAX network include real estate agents and brokers, licensed and unlicensed agents, administrative personnel, relocation specialists, referral specialists, office recruiters and franchise owners. For more information about Operation RE/MAX, e-mail operationremax@remax.net. NOVEMBER 06 20 )BWF GBJUI JO ZPVS DBSFFS "T B OVSTF ZPV DIPTF B DBSFFS UIBUT CPUI DIBMMFOHJOH BOE SFXBSEJOH o JUT B EFDJTJPO UIBU TIPVME CF TVQQPSUFE CZ B TZTUFN UIBU VOEFSTUBOET CPUI UIF UIJOHT ZPV XBOU UPEBZ BOE UIF UIJOHT ZPV NBZ OFFE JO UIF GVUVSF "U #PO 4FDPVST XF QSPWJEF PVS DBSFHJWFST XJUI B TVQQPSUJWF CBMBODF PG XPSL MJGF BOE FEVDBUJPO 5IBUT IPX PVS OPOQSPmU GBJUICBTFE TZTUFN IBT NBJOUBJOFE BO PVUTUBOEJOH SFQVUBUJPO PG QSPWJEJOH DPNQBTTJPOBUF DBSF GPS QBUJFOUT *G ZPVSF JO OVSTJOH TDIPPM PS BMSFBEZ QSBDUJDJOH BOE ZPVSF MPPLJOH UP XPSL GPS B QMBDF XIFSF ZPVS PQJOJPOT BSF BU UIF IFBSU PG B HSPXJOH TZTUFN HFU UP LOPX NPSF BCPVU UIF PQQPSUVOJUJFT BU #PO 4FDPVST CZ WJTJUJOH CPOTFDPVSTDPN PS DBMMJOH 3/4 8FSF BMXBZT SFDSVJUJOH HSFBU QFPQMF :; 4(9@»: 4,4690(3 9,.065(3 90*/465+ *644<50;@ :; -9(5*0: