From Donnie`s Desk... - First Baptist Church Inverness
From Donnie`s Desk... - First Baptist Church Inverness
First Baptist Church of Inverness Donnie Seagle Sr. Pastor Scott Connelly, Minister to Students Brian York, Music Director Debbie Jolly, Church Secretary 550 Pleasant Grove Road Inverness, FL 34452 A Publication of First Baptist Church of Inverness Phone (352) 726-1252 Fax (352) 726-0227 From Donnie’s Desk... Happy Father’s Day Donnie Seagle Sr. Pastor Scott Connelly, Minister to Students Brian York, Music Director Debbie Jolly, Church Secretary June 2012 New Website: IN THIS ISSUE: • From Donnie’s Desk • Fuse Student Ministry • Prayer List for Camp • Thank You • Worshiper’s Corner • Children’s Ministry • VBS • In the Library • Mobile Dental Clinic • FBC Ministries • Insert ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Recycle Program June Birthdays Memorials and Honors June is here! Summer has arrived! We made it through another incredibly busy May with all the graduations, awards ceremonies, concerts, and more graduations! And June brings with it the beginnings of a busy and exciting summer here at FBC. You can’t talk summer at a Baptist church without talking about VBS! Our VBS this year will be June 4-8. It promises to be the best week of VBS ever! Great leaders and great workers and amazing kids from all over the county will make for an amazing week. Here is how you can help...sign up to work! I’m sure DeAnna will find a place for you! If you can't work that week...then pray!! Bathe the week in prayer...that God will be honored and kids will come to know Christ. And sign up your kids, grandkids, neighbor kids...any kids you can find! The Dental Bus will be here again the week of June 18-22. Pray for the dentists and workers and the volunteers that help with sign in and talking with those who come for help. By tangibly, physically helping those in need we often have the door opened to share the gospel! By the way...the Dental Bus is just one of the many ways your Cooperative Program dollars are used to meet needs and share Christ! Sunday, June 24 will be another incredible day of worship and challenge for us. We are privileged to have Matt and Anita Staver back with us. Matt is the Dean of the School of Law at Liberty University and Founder/President of the Liberty Council. If you heard him speak last summer then you know what a treat we are in for. If you didn’t hear him last year...then do not miss this opportunity! Pray for our Students and their leaders< particularly Scott as they head to Ridgecrest for a week of life changing camp. Centrifuge is the name of the camp and this promises to be a week that will change their lives forever! Throughout the summer we will enjoy Sunday night events and fellowship opportunities. For June, here is the line up. Sunday Night, June 37 VBS Final Preparations and Pizza for the workers! June 10...Ice Cream Fellowship sponsored by the Deacons. June 17...Youth led worship in the newly redone youth room. June 24-Singspiration hymn sing led by the Deacons July’s schedule will be posted in next month’s newsletter Sharon and I love ya’ll more than you know! We are looking forward to a great summer together! Blessings, Donnie 550 Pleasant Grove Road Inverness, FL 34452 First Baptist Church of Inverness Non Profit Org. U S POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #5 First Baptist Church Inverness, FL 34452 PAGE 2 PAGE 7 CALLING ALL WOMEN TO LUNCH How to Make the Women of First Baptist Church and Friends are invited to lunch Thursday, June 14th at 11:30 a.m. at Joe’s Restaurant in Inverness. Lunch is "Dutch Treat”. A sign up sheet is in the foyer. Call Eileen Butzer for more information at 270-9187. MOST Out Of Your Summer “Make the most of every opportunity you have.” Ephesians 5:16 M EET NEW PEOPLE Summer is a GREAT time to reach out of your comfort zone and meet someone new in our youth ministry! There are lots of new 6th graders coming in who are nervous about whether they’ll be accepted. Make it a goal to meet as many new 6th graders as you can. THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATIONS DURING THE MONTH OF MAY. FOR JUNE: FLIP FLOPS, SOCKS, SUNGLASSES AND CAPS THERE IS A CHRISTMAS BOX IN THE FOYER ON THE COUNTER. PLEASE PUT YOUR ITEMS IN THE BOX AND GET A BROCHURE. Take advantage of our day trips, camps and events to expand your circle of friends….meet someone new! O PEN YOUR EYES Please return the baby bottles on Father’s Day, June 17th. Most people tend to “get lazy” in the summer. I want to encourage you to make the most of the summer by opening your eyes to the needs around you. Look for opportunities to represent Christ everywhere you go. Each year we honor Mother’s Day & Father’s Day by supporting Life Choice Care Center by sponsoring Baby Bottle Boomerang. Each family is given an opportunity to take a baby bottle bank on Mother’s Day and return the filled bottle on Father’s Day. The funds collected are used by Life Choice Care Center (pregnancy center) to fund programs that help women in crisis pregnancies. The funds also provide baby and maternity needs and parenting classes. Most of these young women do not have the support of family and friends during this time of need. Please continue to keep the bottle in a prominent place, pray daily for the needs of these young women, and drop in an offering each day. Return the bottles on Father’s Day, June 17th. The Women’s Ministry sponsors this home mission project. Mow the lawn for your neighbor, go shopping for an elderly person in the church, organize a neighborhood water balloon fight for the little children, etc. There are lots of ways to make a difference this summer…just open your eyes! S HOW UP Often, our “laziness” in summer affects our attitude toward church. It’s easy to go to the beach or lake on a hot Sunday morning or skip Ignite because there’s so much to do and so little time! (Formerly Blessings in a Backpack) Christ wants to be first in our lives all year long! It’s during summer that this gets put to the test the most. Several women of our church have volunteered to participate in this worthwhile project to pack backpacks to feed Inverness Primary School and Pleasant Grove Elementary students each weekend. There will be a container in the foyer to place peanut butter and/or jelly (plastic containers please). Your donations will be greatly appreciated by the less fortunate children in those two schools. Besides, who wants to sit around watching Nickelodeon re-runs when you can be hangin’ out with us! T ELL A FRIEND For information about Zumba contact the Church office Showing up is great….showing up with a friend is even better! We’ve got tons of stuff planned this summer, and almost everything is geared to be “friend friendly”. Take a chance, go out on a limb and invite a friend to join you at church or an event this summer. Chances are they won’t fall down laughing! Heck, they may even say Yes! FIRST BAPTIST NEWS Summer Schedule Beginners Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30 pm Intermediate Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30 pm. Video Led Latin Style Dancing Workout! Smooth soles on your shoes are recommended. Come let the rhythm move you! FIRST BAPTIST NEWS PAGE 6 PAGE 3 Please pray for our students and adults who are going to camp this month. CSM– Help those in our community that are in need... Caleb Nolf Derrick Frazer Jake Rife Justin Sobol Michael Wilder Nate Griffis Jerry Lafond Sal Bianco Alyshia Dengler Sarah Pappas Taylor Harrison Ben Gormsen Cameron Bailey Savion Pacheco Taylor Frisbee Thank you for your contributions! Please continue to donate to CSM! Volunteers are needed to help keep our doors open!! Volunteer 3 hours a month and share Jesus to those in need! Also any men who can help once a month on Wednesday or Thursday Mornings to help pick up and unload the food delivery please contact Jackie Dracy for info! HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Those interested in bringing joy to the homebound are welcome to come join this ministry. The next Homebound Committee meeting will be Monday, June 25th at 3 p.m. in the Conference Room. If you know of a homebound person in need of visitation, please contact the church office. Homebound Ministries Monday Night Outreach at 6:30pm. Contact Jo Woody and get involved! Help bring in the Harvest of Souls for the Kingdom of God! Our Military Service Men and Women – FBCI is sending cards and care packages to those currently serving in the Armed Forces. Jo Woody has asked that you please forward up to date military names and addresses to the office or by email at The Bread Basket Café ~ Closed for the Summer. Reopening in August. Trevor Cernich Tyler Cernich Bryan York Scott Connelly Amy Abramowich Kelly Abramowich Taylor Cernich Ashley Tiseth Lexie Mails Sydney Frisbee Tiffany O'Briski Barbara Holloway Kathryn Blonkenfield Brianna Campbell Sharon Seagle Jame Norris Hallie Hooper Denise Connelly Raegan Stauffer Dana Nolf Ashley Griffis Amy Hogan Lily Thompson Katie Cusack Lakota Steed Brittany Brown Cathryn Abbey Jessy Ballard Mallory Jones Chelsea Usher Debbie Mails Thank you so much for allowing us to have our fifth grade celebration at your beautiful church. Your staff always go out of their way to make us feel welcome and make the evening very special. We are very appreciative of your hospitality. Bread Basket Café needs a few more good chefs! TO VOLUNTEER: #352 464~0501 or Pleasant Grove Elementary 5th Grade Ministry of Warmth Meets Every Thursday We meet at 6pm on Thursdays for Crochet/Knitting. Ministry Leader Sue Coolman and some of our ladies make hats, blankets, lap robes and other items that are sent with our missionaries and also distributed locally. The Worshiper’s Corner Women on Mission will not meet June, July or August. However, the prayer and support for local missions will continue throughout the Summer. The next meeting will be September 18, 2012 at 10:00 am in the Youth Room. If you would like to join the Worship Choir, we have practice Sunday Evenings at 4pm. Praise Band and Praise Team Vocalist Meet Wednesdays at 7:30pm. You do not have to read music to join choir. Come join us as we “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!” If you play an instrument and want to dust it off and play for Jesus see Brian York for information on joining our Praise Band. Childcare is provided during practice times for Worship Ministry participants with children! Brian’s email: FIRST BAPTIST NEWS FIRST BAPTIST NEWS PAGE 4 PAGE 5 From the Children’s Director… DeAnna Davis Be careful little ears what you hear, Be careful little eyes what you see… One particular Wednesday night you may have noticed our FBI Kids walking through the church with their detective faces on and their magnifying “spy glassses” in hand. They were searching for leaders and I have to say we spied many of God’s leaders in action! As a matter of fact, we were surrounded by examples of God’s word being followed. John 20: 21 As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” The FBI reporters made notes of what they saw and here are some of the children’s comments: “ He is preaching from the Bible. He is taking notes. I see Mommy and Daddy! She’s teaching about keeping your body healthy for God. He’s leading the music. He’s typing to make the words go on the screen, that’s called technology! He’s preaching and they’re listening, they are teenagers. They’re praying!” The list goes on, just know that these little ones are watching and taking notes of everything around them! How blessed we are to be surrounded by such dedicated, strong, Godly examples of those appointed to lead our church! A great big THANKS to all of you! NEW DVDs: Lassie: The Painted Hills—This DVD also includes River’s End and The Proud Rebel. Great entertainment for the whole family. The Board (F) - This Short film fantasy will reveal the reality of how God speaks to our own soul. Secretariat (F) - Witness the spectacular journey of an incredible horse and the moving story of his unlikely owner. The Story of Paul the Apostle (225.92) - Paul was determined to stop the spread of Christ’s message. His dramatic conversion changed the course of history. NEW BOOKS; Mitt Romney in His Own Words by Philip Hines (B) - A primer that crystallizes his stance on domestic and social issues, national security, the economy, and more. The Indivisible by James Robison and Jay W. Richards (261.709) - The authors explore how to restore faith, family, and freedom before it’s too late. To Love and Cherish by Leslie Gould (F) - Join grandmother Charlotte Stevenson, as she helps plan a wedding and struggles to remember to love and cherish the things that matter most. REMEMBER: Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eye can see. Love and God Bless, DeAnna Davis on Behalf of our Children’s Dept. MOBILE DENTAL CLINIC June 18th—22nd **Needed 2 Pre-K Sunday School Teachers. Ms. Flo and Ms. Faye will soon be retiring.** Nature Coast Baptist Association is hosting its annual Mobile Dental Clinic at First Baptist Church of Inverness. Free dental services and a Christian witness are provided to qualifying individuals. The Florida Baptist Convention provides the mobile unit and unit staff, and local dentists and their assistants volunteer their time. Patient Care (witnessing/greeting) and registration volunteers are needed for half day or full day shifts. This year there will be an evening shift on Tuesday, June 19th and Thursday, June 21st Vacation Bible School June 4th – 8th 5:30 to 8:30 PM Volunteers will want to take advantage of the association witnessing training that will take place on Saturday, June 2 from 1:00-2:30 pm at First Baptist Church of Inverness. Marc Johnston of the Florida Baptist Convention will conduct the training session. This training seminar prepares each of us for interaction with unbelievers as we go about our daily routine and is the same strategy we should use while serving in ministry opportunities. Nature Coast Baptist Association is hosting this for all churches in the Nature Coast Baptist Association. Contact Joyce Sukut at 726-7267 or the association office at 726-7799 for further information. Earn Your Wings at Amazing Wonders Aviation™ Encounter God’s awesome power as we fly to some of the world's greatest natural wonders. Along the way kids will hear Bible stories about God’s awesome power and learn how God wants to give us everything we need through His power and to His glory! In this one-week adventure kids encounter God’s awesome power through Bible stories, crafts, motivating music, and games. Giving... Through April 2012 April. YTD Revenue $60,323. $225,705. Expenditures $61,172. $211,500. -$ (849.) +$ 14,205. ♦ Rounded to nearest dollar For children age 4 to 5th Grade! Bible Study, music, games, crafts and snack! Sign up today! Register on-line at FBCINVERNESS.COM Go to the Home Page and click on the VBS Banner. FIRST BAPTIST NEWS FIRST BAPTIST NEWS First Baptist Church will be starting a new single stream recycle program on June 5, 2012. Recyclable items can be placed in the container and do not have to be separated. The recycle bin will be located in back of the church. Below is a list of acceptable materials and materials that are not acceptable. The money earned goes to the Youth program. Materials ACCEPTABLE: (Please Rinse-out All Your Containers) ■Aluminum beverage containers, clean aluminum pie pans, and aluminum roasting pans. ■Glass bottles of any type. ■Steel and Tin Food Cans (large & small). ■PET / Plastic containers with the symbol #1 (water bottles, clear plastic bottles). Remove Caps! ■HDPE / Natural plastic containers with the symbol # 2 (milk jugs). Remove Caps! ■HDPE / Colored plastic containers with the symbol # 2 (detergent, shampoo, bleach. coffee containers). Remove Caps! ■Plastics with the symbol #3, #4, #5, #6, and #7 (butter tubs, rigid plastic pastry / plastic fruit packaging, medicine bottles, vitamin bottles, dish soap, flower pots, yogurt / cottage cheese / sour cream containers). Remove Caps! ■Newsprint (newspapers) and advertising inserts / flyers. ■Cardboard containers (including pizza boxes). Large boxes must be cut down to dimensions no larger than 3ft.X 3ft. ■Chipboard boxes (cereal, cracker, laundry detergent, paper towel / toilet paper tubes). NO food or waxed paper. ■Magazines and Catalogs. ■Telephone books / paperback books (NO hardbound books). ■Printer / copy paper and office paper. ■Mixed paper and “junk” mail. ■Shredded paper (Must be bagged). ■Aseptic packaging (milk & juice cartons). ■Microwave trays & frozen food boxes. ■Plastic Film (“Bag-your-Bags”), unnumbered plastics, grocery bags, visqueen, trash bags, newspaper bags, shrink wrap, water/soda bottle plastic wrapping, bubble wrap and blue recycling bags. Materials NOT ACCEPTABLE: Hazardous Materials containers of any type: includes empty oil containers, pesticide containers, and paint containers. ■Bio-Hazardous Items: Hypodermic Needles, Diapers, Blood Contaminated Items. ■Hazardous Materials: explosive, acidic, caustic, volatile, or chemically reactive material. ■Compressed gas cylinders, pesticide containers or aerosol containers. ■Food waste and liquids. ■Window glass, auto glass and mirrors. ■Light bulbs. ■Ceramics and Porcelain. ■Auto parts, lawn mower blades and bed frames. ■Styrofoam and PVC piping. ■Glass cookware/ bake ware. ■Household items such as cooking pots, toasters, and electrical appliances. ■Garden hoses. ■Electric cords or Christmas lights. ■Wire, rope, string, ribbon, video tapes and audio tapes. ■Plastic coat hangers. ■Any other household items. Place, Mr. Ronald Prohl, Mrs. Laura Short, Barbara J. Bass, Mandy Kirksey, Mrs. Nellie Purvis, Mrs. Helen Hughes, Mrs. Katie Lindsey, Mrs. Clara Diaz, Mr. Bert Jordan, Mrs. Marilyn Lassiter, Miss Sheila Englund, Ann Hoyt, Eleanor Smith, Donna Thorn, Floyd Young, Mr. James 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/2 6/3 6/3 6/4 6/4 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/9 6/9 6/10 6/10 6/10 Minyard, Mrs. Marian 6/11 Desmond, Kennedie 6/12 Fights, Nicholas 6/12 Jackson, David 6/12 Robinson, Rich 6/12 Spafford, Mason 6/12 Toney, Gene 6/12 Diaz, Steven 6/13 Campbell, Brianna 6/14 Cihlar, Daryl 6/14 Ruttman, Terri 6/14 Taylor, Mr. Jim 6/14 Hooper, Mr. Dwight 6/15 Woodfin, Patricia 6/15 Cignoni, Paul 6/16 Rowland, Mr. Charles 6/16 Rowland, Shawn 6/18 Silver, Kim 6/20 Martin, Dawn 6/21 Adams, Junior 6/23 Seagle, Peggie 6/23 Corriveau, Mrs. Alice 6/24 Kreider, Matthew 6/25 Allwood, Ashley 6/26 Hall, Dr. Ken 6/26 Johnson, Mr. Rufus 6/26 Winkle, Hunter 6/26 Wilyoung, Mrs. Eddie 6/27 Bianco, Mr. Sal 6/28 Burney, Mrs. Peggy 6/28 Puzino, Catherine 6/28 Meer, Dr. Henry 6/29 Ware, Brandon 6/29 In Memory of Kathryn Miles In Honor of Martha Boyles’ Birthday For: General Fund From: Marian Minyard From: James & Eleanor Hoyt From: Robin Moffatt For: CSM Food Pantry From: James & Mary Ellen Abram For: Debt Retirement From: Sam & Mary Curtis For: Florida Baptist Children’s Homes From: Joe & Beverly Capo For: Florida Baptist Children’s Homes Mother’s Day Offering From: Women on Mission For: Operation Christmas Child From: Ruth Hooper For: Regular Offering From: Carl & Sally Taylor In Memory of Margie Heath For: Florida Baptist Children’s Homes From: Dan & Donna Tvenstrup In Memory of Lois Dodd For: General Fund From: Marian Minyard In Memory of Rita Bianco For: Regular Offering From: Dan & Donna Tvenstrup From: Carl & Sally Taylor For: Operation Christmas Child From: Ruth Hooper From: Delores Kelly