mass intentions for the week - Our Lady of the Snows Church
mass intentions for the week - Our Lady of the Snows Church
MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 2016 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, August 7, 2016 8:00AM Beulah Mateyko Smith 9:30AM People of the Parish 11:00AM Collective Mass Offered For: Gustavito Ribeiro, M. K. Sebastian Mannooparambil, Tomasa Reyna Bazan, Regina Del Carpio Reyna, Thomas McElhinney, Tiffany Mobley Wright, Souls in Purgatory, Mary Agnes Gallagher, Rafael Morales, Catherine Gorman 12:30PM Natalina Rotondi 3:00PM Novena to St. Rocco 5:30PM BindhuThomas - Living - In Thanksgiving Monday, August 8, 2016 9:00AM 12Noon 7:30PM Francis Sales Koilparampil Francisco Alicea & Family Novena to St. Rocco Tuesday, August 9, 2016 9:00AM 12Noon 7:30PM Mauri Korpella Paul Gunderson Novena to St. Rocco Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:00AM 12Noon 7:30PM Deceased Members of the Kuziamplavil & Nettikadan Families Chacko Chekkappara Novena to St. Rocco Thursday, August 11, 2016 9:00AM 12Noon 12:30PM 7:30PM Brian Elsom Francis T. Poltorak 49th Year Remembrance Adoration until 4 PM Novena to St. Rocco Friday, August 12, 2016 9:00AM 12Noon 7:30PM Pat Sugrue Catherine & Gerard Boney Novena to St. Rocco Saturday, August 13, 2016 9:00AM 3:00PM 5:00PM Chacko Chekkappara Novena to St. Rocco Purgatorial Mass Sunday, August 14, 2016 8:00AM Catherine McBrien 9:30AM Cookie Torres 11:00AM Collective Mass Offered For: Suja George, Ben Gopez, Philip Power, Aleyamma Chacko, Paring Messina, Amanda Yap, Paul Plesnik, Mary Rosalia, Stephanie Payawal-Living, Jose Andrada, Sr. 12:30PM People of the Parish 1:30PM Respect Life/Rosary 3:00PM Feast of St. Rocco OLS Sunday Collection Report Sunday, July 31st…………………….$11,619.00 We all grow spiritually when we share! Thanks for participating in the mission of our parish! THIS WEEK AT OLS Sunday, August 7 3:00PM ..........Novena to St. Rocco ........................................ Church 3:30PM ..........Light Refreshments following Novena.................... GR Monday, August 8 7:30PM ..........Novena to St. Rocco ........................................ Church 8:00PM ..........Light Refreshments following Novena.................... GR Tuesday, August 9 7:30PM ..........Novena to St. Rocco ........................................ Church 8:00PM ..........Light Refreshments following Novena.................... GR Wednesday, August 10 7:30PM ..........Novena to St. Rocco ........................................ Church 7:45PM ..........Baptism Preparation Class .................................. PMR 8:00PM ..........Light Refreshments following Novena.................... GR Thursday, August 11 7:30PM ..........Novena to St. Rocco ........................................ Church 8:00PM ..........Light Refreshments following Novena.................... GR Friday, August 12 7:30PM ..........Novena to St. Rocco ........................................ Church 8:00PM ..........Light Refreshments following Novena.................... GR Saturday, August 13 3:00PM ..........Novena to St. Rocco ........................................ Church 3:30PM ..........Light Refreshments following Novena.................... GR SUMMER OFFICE HOURS. Throughout the month of August the Parish Office will close on weeknights at 7:30PM. The weekend hours are 9:00AM to 12:00PM on Saturdays and on Sundays from 9:00AM to 1:00PM. AIR CONDITIONING COLLECTION takes place today. The parish is fortunate to have a cool and comfortable church to worship in Sunday after Sunday and during the week. However, as you can guess, the expense for such air conditioning in a large church is very high. YELLOW air conditioning offering envelopes are available in the church. Thank you for your contribution. MISSION APPEAL. A sincere thanks to everyone’s support offered last Sunday following the Summer Mission Appeal. The collection total was $4,796.00 and will greatly assist the pastoral activity of the Love and Care Mission. Thank you for your generosity. SUMMER TRAVELERS. Free ministry to traveling Catholics. For nationwide Mass times and locations please call Mass Times 1-858-207-6277 or on the web at IN YOUR CHARITY PLEASE PRAY FOR The sick, homebound and hospitalized . . . Alicia Arneman, Fred Bedell, Ligia Calero, Pasquale Cortina, Rose DeMarco, Edward Diosomito, Diana Dunn, Eric Ern, Brianna Goehringer, Felicia Goehringer, Theresa Grant, Edward J. Holahan, Anthony Irace, Pat Kass, Carlito Lalicon, Barbara Lazaro, Peter London, Ismael Milan, Zoraida Nieves, Elizabeth Olwell, Victor Rivera, Angelina Rocha, Vita Sacino, Gene Schultz, John Varrone, Laura Velez All Our Faithful Departed Loved Ones . . . Dear Parishioners, I welcome you to celebrate in honor of Saint Rocco next Sunday, August 14th beginning with recitation of the Novena of Saint Rocco at 3:00 PM in the church, followed by a street procession and at 5:00 PM, a solemn Mass with Archbishop Bernardito Auza as main celebrant. It is a privilege to extend hospitality to Archbishop Auza who is the Papal Nuncio and Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations and a close associate of our own Father Ray! Archbishop Auza was born in Balintawak, Talibon, Bohol, Philippines and comes from a large family of twelve children. He attended the Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Tagbilaran City as well as the University of Santo Tomas, Manila where he obtained degrees in Theology and Education. He was ordained on June 29, 1985. The Archbishop went to Rome for further studies in Canon Law and received his doctorate in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas (Angelicum) in 1990. Then he attended the Vatican Diplomatic School (Pontificia Accademia Ecclesiastica) and after finishing diplomatic and linguistic studies he began a distinguished career as diplomat for the Holy See. Archbishop Auza served as diplomat in Madagascar, Bulgaria, Albania as well as numerous other positions. In 2008 he was ordained bishop after being appointed Apostolic Nuncio in Haiti and on July 1, 2014 he was appointed by Pope Francis as Permanent Observer to the United Nations. Last winter I had the opportunity to meet Archbishop Auza during the Eucharistic Congress at Cebu City, the Philippines and when I mentioned Our Lady of the Snows, he immediately responded, “I am coming to your parish for the Saint Rocco celebration in August!” May we share in his enthusiasm next Sunday by being present in the church for this seventh annual observance in honor of Saint Rocco. Thank you to Ms. Luz Rebong and the Saint Roque Devotional Group for the hard work and dedication shared during the Novena, Mass celebration and social reception at the end of the day next Sunday. Please see more details on the attractive flyer in today’s bulletin. WELCOME TO OUR CATHOLIC FAMILY The following child was baptized here at Our Lady of the Snows Parish in July. We offer our sincere Congratulations and Best Wishes to the family of: Joseph Anthony Medina, IV THE TABLET. Any parishioner wishing to receive a copy of our diocesan newspaper each week is invited to contact the Parish Office. Just leave your name and address and you will be added to the mailing list. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. A NEW alumni sheet is in the Gathering Space for alumni to fill out and share with classmates. During the holidays, when visiting family and friends and recalling memories of the past, we encourage everyone to submit any new information and updates on themselves and fellow classmates. Please return your completed sheet to the School or Parish Offices or you may log onto CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL EXAM (TACHS). The exam will be given on Saturday, November 5th, offering a chance to attend one of nineteen different Catholic high schools in Brooklyn and Queens. All eighth grade students and their parents are asked to call 1-866-61TACHS or visit for registration and more information. OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS SCHOOL is a school of excellence which offers a quality Catholic education to its students. Recent New York State testing results showed our parish school far exceeding state, city and diocesan scores in Language Arts and Math for Grades 4, 6 and 8. Our Lady of the Snows School is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and follows the NYS and diocesan curriculum. The school has a morning and after school program for working parents, SMART Boards in the classrooms, Spanish and Art, full time nurse, Aquinas Honors Program, physical education, sacramental preparation and much more! Please feel free to contact the School Office at (718) 343-1346 or check out the attractive school website, which contains many other details about our school of excellence. See the colorful flyers on the tables in the Gathering Space today and feel free to distribute them to family members and friends. SCHOOL OFFICE will be open for school registration, tuition payments, school tours and other information from 9:00AM to 12Noon on the following days in Aug.: Tuesdays: Aug 9th, 16th, & 23rd, Wednesdays: Aug. 10th, 17th, & 24th and Thursdays: Aug. 11th & 18th. Also, school registration packets are available in the Parish Office. Take the opportunity to offer your child a quality Catholic education at Our Lady of the Snows School this Fall. SCRIP CARD PROGRAM. For every gift card purchased at face value the retailer will donate a percentage to our school. Gift cards are available for supermarkets, department stores, office supplies and much more. Gift cards can be ordered for different occasions including birthdays, anniversaries, etc. So before you shop or need a gift idea consider a gift card and help our school earn money while you shop! Scrip card flyers are located in the Gathering Space. PARISH/SCHOOL WEBSITES. Visit and see an abundance of information about our parish including its history, parish ministries and special events, the weekly bulletin and much more. Visit and find out important information about exciting upcoming school events. Happy surfing! 2016 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL continues to succeed at Our Lady of the Snows. Thank you to all who already have made a pledge to this year’s diocesan Appeal. As you can see in the box below great strides have already been made to this year’s Appeal. Everyone is encouraged to take part in this year’s Appeal by making a generous donation so that we can reach our assigned goal of $105,179.00. Feel free to view this Year’s Appeal video at Extra pledge envelopes are in the church today and at the Parish Office. You may return your pledge commitment in the collection and we will deliver it directly to the Appeal Office. Thank you very much for heeding the words: “Share the Joy of the Gospel.” CELEBRATING SAINT ROQUE( SAINT ROCCO) On Sunday, August 14th a special day will take place honoring Saint Roque beginning at 3:00PM with the recitation of the Novena to Saint Roque, an outdoor street procession and Mass in the church. We are honored to welcome Archbishop Bernardito Auza, Papal Nuncio and Permanent Observer to the United Nations, who will be the main celebrant. All are invited to pray through the intercession of Saint Roque, a holy and humble saint of God who endured much suffering with sickness and imprisonment. The San Roque Devotional Group in the parish also welcomes everyone to join in the Novena to San Roque began on Saturday, August 6th at 3PM in the church and continues each day until Sunday, August 14th. Please see the flyer on the bulletin board in the church for the Novena schedule. To be a sponsor/leader please call Luz Rebong at (718) 217-9424/(718) 598-1795 or Lina Posecion (718) 510-0264/(646) 831-0622. ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL APPEAL Here is the latest report as of August 1, 2016: Amount of Goal: $105,179.00 Amount Pledged: $ 90,542.00 Amount Received: $ 77,422.00 Number of Donors: 420 RECITATION OF THE ROSARY takes place each morning in the church before the 9AM Mass. All are invited to pray the Mysteries of the Rosary each day before Mass. FAITH FORMATION OFFICE. Give your child the gift of faith! (It’s the most important gift you will ever give!) We invite all catholic children attending public schools to register for religious instruction for the 2016/2017 year at our parish. Grades Pre-K through 8 meet on Sunday mornings from 10:30AM to 12Noon. High School students meet approximately 13 times over the course of the year on Wednesday evenings. Classes begin: Sunday Sept 18, 2016 for K-8, Sunday, Sept. 25, 2016 for Pre-K, and Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016 for High School. Registration fees are as follows: One child $90.00 Three or more $160.00 Two children $130.00 HS Program $50.00 per student Registration Forms can be found in the Church gathering space or on-line at (click on Sacraments, then Faith Formation, scroll to bottom of page for registration form). If you are registering your child for the first time please include a copy of the child’s baptismal certificate. Mail your registration form to Our Lady of the Snows Faith Formation Office 258-15 80th Avenue, Floral Park, NY 11004. We look forward to hearing from you. STREET PROCESSION ROUTE for Saint Rocco celebration next Sunday will be: 259 Street South to 81st Avenue. Right onto 81st Avenue. Right onto 258 Street and proceed north to OLS church parking lot. Exit parking lot onto 259 Street and return to front of the church. CHURCH ETIQUETTE. A reminder to everyone to please turn off cell phones before entering the church. We ask that before and after Mass greetings to each other should be extended in the Gathering Space as some parishioners may be praying privately in the church. Lastly, please be mindful of wheel chair seating in the church for the disabled and their caregivers. Thank you for your consideration. SAVE THE DATES SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th “ARISE: TOGETHER IN CHRIST” SIGN-UP SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th CLOTHING DRIVE ST. VINCENT DE PAUL TRUCK SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th 9:30AM BLESSING OF SCHOOL BACK PACKS TD BANK PARISH FUNDRAISER. If you are currently banking with TD Bank (checking, savings, money market, etc.) TD Bank will make an annual contribution to Our Lady of the Snows. This is how it works: During your next visit to TD Bank, mention to a representative the “Affinity Membership Program” and our parish’s affinity code number AG498. Any existing accounts at any TD Bank branch and newly open accounts will earn credit whereby TD Bank will base its annual contribution to Our Lady of the Snows Parish. The more who bank with TD Bank the more money TD Bank will contribute to the parish annually. There are no costs involved and everyone’s privacy is guaranteed. Thank you for your participation in this parish fundraiser! GENERATIONS OF FAITH. Reminder statements, with return envelopes, are sent out at the end of each month. To ensure your payment is processed promptly and properly, please use the special envelope provided with your reminder and mail your payment directly to the P.O. Box address provided. Please DO NOT place your payment in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office. All payments should be sent directly to the P.O. Box address in the special envelope provided. DIOCESAN MARIAN PILGRIMAGE to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception to Washington, DC takes place on Sat., Oct. 29th. During the Year of Mercy all are welcomed to join in a diocesan Mass celebrated by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio at the shrine with many of the faithful. For more information about departure sites, transportation costs, etc. please call the Pilgrimage Office at (718) 965-7313. MASS IN MALAYALAM is celebrated in the church on Sunday evenings at 5:30PM. Those interested in attending the Malayalam Mass are encouraged to be present. CHRISTIAN INITIATION. Do you know a family member or friend who is interested in becoming a Catholic? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a wonderful process in our parish available to those who feel called to the Catholic Faith. The RCIA is also available for those Catholics who have not yet received First Communion or Confirmation. Please call the Faith Formation Office (718-347-3511) for more information. If you have questions or need further clarification please feel free to contact the GENERATIONS OF FAITH Campaign Office at 718-965-7375, extension 2210. ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU FOR MAKING THE GENERATIONS OF FAITH A WONDERFUL SUCCESS IN THE DIOCESE AND FOR OUR PARISH. GOD BLESS YOU! FIRST COMMUNION VIDEOS. Parents are reminded to stop at the Parish Office and take home their children’s First Communion video from last Spring. MEN’S CURSILLO WEEKEND takes place Thursday night, September 29th to Sunday afternoon, October 2nd. Experience the joy, peace and perspective that come from living a life of friendship with God! For more information please call Mike McGovern at 718-343-4691 or email HUMAN CONCERNS CENTER TRIP. The next trip to Yonkers, Empire City Casino will be Mon., August 29, 2016. Cost $25. The bus will leave promptly at 9:00AM from Our Lady of the Snows. Please make payments at least 10 days before the trip. For more info or to reserve a seat call Sophia at (718) 347-0512. WELCOME HOME to Father Jeremy and the seventeen World Youth Day pilgrims from the parish who spent an extraordinary time in Poland with Pope Francis and thousands of young people from all over the world. Thank you for your prayers in Poland and we look forward to hearing from you and seeing all that you did during this special time of spiritual encounter with others and with the Lord! Beginning in October there will be an opportunity for parishioners to participate in something that will have a positive effect on the renewal of the Church and individual parishes. Some of the goals of ARISE are new friendships, stronger faith and a deeper friendship with God through prayer and the Scriptures in a small group setting. Stay tuned for more details towards the end of the summer on how to sign up and check out the parish website with attractive banner announcements, updates, invitations to participate and much more. ARISE: TOGETHER IN CHRIST is on its way to Our Lady of the Snows Parish! COMMUNITY NEWS ST. GREGORY’S THEATRE GROUP performs “LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS” in the Oak Room (church basement), Bellerose Aug. 10th to 14th. Tickets begin at $18.00 (adults) $15.00 (seniors) and children ($7.00.) Call 718-989-2451 or go to ITALIAN FESTIVAL sponsored by the Cellini Lodge, New Hyde Park takes place Aug. 24th to 28th. Featuring amusement rides, food court, games of chance and live entertainment. The location is Martin J. Tully Park, Denton & Evergreen Aves. In New Hyde Park. For more info. Call 516-747-1680.