2013 Newsletter: Issue 6 - Tri
2013 Newsletter: Issue 6 - Tri
Official Publication of the Tri-City Quilters’ Guild P.O. Box 215 • Richland, Washington 99352 Mark Your Calendar! • Holiday Brunch & Meeting See page 3 • Nov. Dec. Featured Quilter See page 6 • 2014 Local Artist See page 7 • Allied Arts Show is coming See page 8 • New 2014 Officers See page 9 INSIDE THIS ISSUE President’s Message................... 1 Officers/Committees.................. 2 Board Briefs ......................... 2-3 Holiday Brunch & Meeting.......... 3 Doris Brower’s Blocks................ 4 Raffle Tickets for Sale................ 4 White Bluffs Update.................. 4 Project Linus............................ 5 Birthdays................................. 5 Nov.-Dec. Featured Quilter......... 6 Allied Arts Show in January........ 8 2014 Quilt ShowLocal Artist...... 8 Workshops............................. 8 Congratulations New Officers..... 9 Friendship Groups..................... 9 Quiltaholics Tips...................... 10 2014 Membership Registation... 11 Community Service Update.........12 Community Service Quilt Block....13 What’s Happening Calendar........14 Local Shops............................15 Printing & Advertising Info.......15 Nov.-Dec. Meeting Calendar........16 Quilter’s Press November-December 2013 Vol. 33 No. 6 President’s Message I thought being President of the TCQG would be scary. But it wasn’t bad at all. I was just one of the team. The board members are great; a team of dedicated, talented, skilled individuals who are willing to step up and handle the details involved in keeping the Guild running smoothly. Not a few matters are taken care of before they become a problem. And Ethel Ferger the comradery is wonderful. Sometimes we meet for lunch 2013 TC Quilt Guild President before the meeting. I got to know some people better working together than I would have just at meetings. There are some very individual people on the board. And some are so funny. But all are very respectful of each other. I highly recommend a position on the board....or just come to participate. The Ricky Tims Seminar was absolutely fantastic. I bought his ‘Convergence’ book and immediately started playing. We gave the White Bluffs Museum a $3000 check from Ricky Tims at the seminar. We were allowed to sell our quilt raffle tickets there and did super great. Ricky bought $50 worth. He said he would really like to win the quilt. Go, Sue. See you at the annual business meeting December 14, at Bethel. Potluck 10 - 12. Cathedral of Joy, our regular meeting place, is booked the month of December. Ethel T hanksgiving Comes But Once a Year by Thornton W. Burgess 1 Thanksgiving comes but once a year, But when it comes it brings good cheer. For in my storehouse on this day Are piles of good things hid away. Each day I've worked from early morn To gather acorns, nuts, and corn, Till now I've plenty and to spare Without a worry or a care. So light of heart the whole day long, I'll sing a glad Thanksgiving song. November-December 2013 EXECUTIVE BOARD 2013 OFFICERS Each officer has 1 vote; President only votes to break a tie. President VP AM VP PM Guild Sec. Treasurer Sec. AM Sec. PM Ethel Ferger 628-2751 Darlene Smith 545=5534 Laura Sawyer 545-8434 Patty Morehouse 366-0848 Maggie Bevers 509-830-8553 Carol Capelle 628-2825 Chris Washam 308-5353 COMMITTEE CHAIRS BOARD BRIEFS September, 2013. The meeting was called to order by President Ethel Ferger. Board Secretary Patty Morehouse took the minutes. TREASURER’S REPORT: Maggie Bevers, Treasurer, reported the ending balances for the month of July are: Checking 2,573.15; Savings 7,400.32; Money Market 15,001.82 Maggie is beginning work on the 2014 budget. All committee chairs are requested to provide their input as soon as possible. MEMBERSHIP: Diane Dolan reported the Guild currently has 348 members. One vote per committee. Community Service Toni Jones Membership Diane Dolan Newsletter Judy Leahy Programs AM Jo Matthias Programs PM VACANT Publicity Laurel Sutton Quilt Show 2014 Jean Keaveney Co-chair VACANT Workshops Andrea Melius 547-7677 543-7911 366-6778 547-0677 420-4322 947-5353 783-7521 OTHER CHAIRPERSONS 2013 Non-Voting Guild Closet Kathy Kaser-Nichols 586-7335 Friendship Tina Foley 554-2588 Historian Jo Matthias 547-0677 Retreats Maggie Bevers (509) 830-8553 AM Hospitality Laverne Johnson PM Hospitality Terra Watkins 375-8368 Member Hospitality AM Carole Jensen 371-9374 AM Library Velva Harris 586-0766 PM Library Karen Brun 628-0826 Properties Andrea Melius 783-7521 Sunshine Tina Foley 554-2588 Webmaster Andrea Melius 783-7521 Website Email Michelle Boston 531-4511 White Bluffs Liaison Jo Matthias 547-0677 Webmaster Andrea Melius andime@clear.net WORKSHOPS: Andrea has contacted Eddie Walker regarding teaching her pickle dish quilt—possibily in January. There has been interest expressed in having Colleen Blackwood teach her 2 by 2 (2 fabrics; 2 jellyrolls) class. WEBSITE: Andrea reported the Guild’s Facebook page has been getting lots of hits. This should help with quilt show publicity. Nominating Committee for Officers – Laurel Sutton reported the candidate for AM Secretary has developed a conflict and will be unable to serve. It was decided the election will proceed with the current ballot. The candidate can then resign and the Board can appoint a replacement. Guild Meetings – Motion was made to poll the membership in October as to whether to change the meeting dates. Seconded and approved. Laurel will prepare the poll form with pros and cons on each option. Motion was made, seconded and approved to discontinue door prizes at Guild meetings. Allied Arts – Elaine Brouillard reported she will be chairing the Allied Arts show. The contract will not be sent out until November. Date for the show has yet to be set. Next Newsletter Deadline is December 15 2015 Raffle Quilt – A group of quilters has proposed making Judy Neimeyer’s Bali Wedding Star quilt for the 2015 Raffle Quilt. The quilt will be queen size and will include an appliqued border to be designed and sewn by Nancy Knowlton. Motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the group’s proposal. Our Web Address: President Ethel Ferger adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m. www.tcquilters.com Quilter’s Press NEXT BOARD MEETING: MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 2 October, 2013. The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by President Ethel Ferger. Board Secretary Patty Morehouse took the minutes. TREASURER’S REPORT: Maggie Bevers, Treasurer, reported the ending balances for the month of September are: Checking 6,134.47; Savings 7,400.45; Money Market 15,002.07 Maggie reported 10 vendors have signed up for the 2014 Quilt Show. The Budget Committee will meet after the retreat. Discussion was held as to the amount of donation to give the Cathedral of Joy for our monthly meetings. A motion was made to donate $25 per meeting or $50 per month. Motion was seconded and approved. COMMUNITY SERVICE: Toni Jones reported October will be a Community Service month. 251 quilts have been donated to date; 260 quilts have been distributed. GOAL ACHIEVED. Congratulations, Toni, for achieving the increased yearly goal three months early!!! MEMBERSHIP: Diane Dolan reported the Guild currently has over 400 members. Diane will be having new membership cards printed with the new logo and website. Diane will be continuing as Membership Chair. AM/PM PROGRAMS: Jo Matthias (AM Program Chair) reported the following programs are planned: November – Karen Brun: Revisit of Tacoma Quilt Show & Chihuly Glass Art December – Annual Business Meeting/Christmas Party - December 14 from 10-12:00 at Bethel Church in the Desert View Room (same room as last year). PUBLICITY: Laurel Sutton reported the postcards are being prepared to announce the 2014 Quilt Show. WORKSHOPS: Andrea Melius reported Carol Cole’s Spicy Spiral Table Runner workshop may not be held. Andrea is in the process of negotiating a January date for Eddie Walker’s Pickle Dish Quilt workshop. Ricky Tims’ Super Seminar – Ethel reported she presented a $3,000 check to White Bluffs President Marcia Keefer from the Ricky Tims Seminar. (continued on page 3) November-December 2013 BOARD BRIEFS (continued from page 2) Fall Retreat – Maggie Bevers reported 18 people have signed up. Maggie will be stepping down as Retreat Chair in 2014. Benton Franklin County Fair – A request was made for the Guild to provide a judge for their quilts. Maggie’s sister Judy Main volunteered. Member Featured Artist – Faye Notch was selected as the 2014 Member Featured Artist. Congratulations, Faye. 2013 Guild Election – Laurel Sutton, Andrea Melius and Darlene Smith will count ballots at the AM Meeting and announce the results. “Christmas… that magic ‘quilt’ that wraps itself about us, that something so intangible that it is like a fragrance. It may weave a spell of nostalgia. Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer, but always it will be a day of remembrance -- a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved.” Augusta E. Rundel Community Service – Nan Enneking has requested an application for an agency that sponsors a camp for foster kids 13-18 years of age. They need 20 quilts. Royal Quilters Friendship Group has agreed they will be willing to add these quilts to the 40 they make for Royal Family Kids’ Camp. Andrea Melius has spent a considerable amount of money out of pocket for fabric and batting for the Royal Family Kids’ Camp quilts. A motion was made to increase the Community Service budget by $300 to cover the cost of these expenses. Nominee for Ricky Tims’ Quilt Retreat – Floreine Turlington has requested she be nominated for the Ponnie Brinkman Scholarship for the Ricky Tims’ Quilt Retreat. Nominees must be submitted by a quilt guild. Floreine has met the qualifications for the scholarship and has completed the necessary paperwork. Floreine’s nomination was approved. President Ethel Ferger adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m. NEXT BOARD MEETING: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Holiday Brunch Annual Meeting Our December meeting where both AM and PM groups come together for our annual business meeting, installation of new officers, and Christmas Brunch will be Saturday, December 14th • 10 am to Noon at Bethel Church The festivities will be in the Desert View Room (same place as last year)— second floor over the Children’s Wing (there’s a sign above the door). This is a potluck (usually with way too much food), so bring a good brunch item to share and an empty stomach. The annual business meeting is a legal requirement of the state for all corporations. You will be asked to vote on the 2014 budget. There will also be committee reports. This year, President Ethel Ferger has decided that you can contribute to organizations of your choice and that we will not be collecting gifts for an organization. Bethel Church is located at 600 Shockley in Richland, just off Keene Road. Christmas Tree Quilt pattern: www.craftsy.com/blog/2013/07/christmas-in-july-quiltpatterns/ Quilter’s Press 3 November-December 2013 2014 Doris Brower’s blocks 9-patch blocks to have 9 lives +1 Ra ffle Qu ilt The Quiltmaniacs threw a surprise party for Doris Brower on Tuesday, October 8. Her friend Pat Merkel picked her up for an ostensible lunch date; there were three quilts hidden in a bag in her back seat. At Quiltmania, those three joined seven other pink and blue quilts and were presented, to Doris’ astonishment. Pat told the story: at one time, Doris’ daughter fostered children, and Doris set out to make two twin bedspreads – a girl one and a boy one; she created a raft of 9-patch blocks in pinks and blues. All had yellow centers, dark squares in the corners, light squares in the middles. She did not immediately state her intention to her daughter. When she did, she was ordered “No pink or blue.” Deflation. Disappointed, she passed the blocks, with yards of yellow print backing, on to Pat. They sat. Then, when fellow Quiltmaniac Laurel Sutton was community service chair (several years ago), Pat passed them on to her. They sat. Last spring, the Quiltmaniacs sprang into action and scheduled a sewing day in the clubhouse in Pat’s community. Linda Morrison and Judy Gelhaus suggested the simple 40x60 design: alternate 9-patches with yellow; use up the blocks, then individuals can provide borders and backs from their stashes or the guild’s or buy new. Doris protested “I don’t remember that” at first, but then, as the pieces piled up, she said, “I remember that fabric” and “I still have some of that fabric!” All ten quilts will be presented to community service at the December meeting. “Oh my,” Doris laughed, flattered, “I’ll be famous!” “Christmas is just plain weird. What other time of year do you sit in front of a dead tree in the living room and eat candy out of your socks?” Quilter’s Press Maxine 4 UPDATE from Jo Matthias, Raffle Ticket Chairman Raffle Tickets will be available at these locations November 9th - Wine Festival at Three Rivers Convention Center November 30th - Kiona Winery December 7th - Badger Mt. Bazaar December 14th - Guild Annual Christmas Party WHITE BLUFFS from new White Bluffs Liaison Jo Matthias November is Native American Month Upcoming events include: Lecture Nov. 8th at 7:00p.m. “Columbia River Native Heritage” by Pat Courtney Gold, Wasco Nation Fiber Artist and Scholar. She will also be giving two Workshops on Wasco Sally Bag twined Basket and a Flat Twined Wallet. November 16 Bus Trip with three stops, Tamastslikt Cultural Institute, Pendleton Center for the Arts and Pendleton Mill Store for $35.00. There will be three exhibits open to the public: the Collection of Mohawk Baskets at the Richland Public Library, WSU, and White Bluffs Quilt Museum. More information at White Bluffs Quilt Museum or at the Web Site Thank You to all who took my Fabric Dye Classes this year! More to come next year........Jo Matthias November-December 2013 Join Us for Project Linus! Nov. 2nd 10am-3pm Project Linus Workshop ETB/Columbia River Room 3230 Q Ave., Richland, WA (509)460-7120 Nov.14th 9:30am-4pm Quilting in the Library 955 Northgate Drive, Richland, WA 99352 (509)942-7454 Nov. 16th 1-4pm Project Linus Workshop Quiltmania 1442 Jadwin Ave. #C, Richland, WA (509)946-7467 Dec. 7th 10-3pm Team Battelle Project Linus Workshop ETB/Columbia River Room 3230 Q Ave., Richland, WA (509)460-7120 Dec. 12th 9:30am-4pm Quilting in the Library 955 Northgate Drive, Richland, WA "It came without ribbons! It came without tags! It came without packages, boxes or bags!"... Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before! "Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more!" ~Dr. Seuss, applepatchdesigns.com Quilter’s Press NOVEMBER Amelia Beadle Judy Gelhaus Diane Tittle-Fleener Cheryl Booth Margaret Dukes Sharon Schmidheiser Eula Dewitz Pamela Dempewolf Rickie Nichol Janelle Stegman DeeAnna Galbraith Judy Main Florence O’Leary Mike Atwell Debbie Bone-Harris Eleanor Weston Tina Foley Candace Green Linda Brackenbury Peggy Larson Linda Lettau Donna Wildman Karen Hatfield Beth Schafer Jenny Treadway Carolyn Day Donna Smith Kelly Cram Cyndy Underwood Pam Pelly Kathy Petty Kathy Lucas DECEMBER See an Error in this newsletter? 1 1 1 4 4 5 6 8 11 11 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 17 17 17 19 19 21 22 22 25 25 27 27 28 Contact me at: leahyj@charter.net or 509-366-6778 Thank you! Your newsletter editor, Judy Leahy 5 Charlotte Scott Cynthia Ewer Doris Lathrop Linda Sue Rowell Laura Sawyer Val Alderson Sherry Patridge Patti Headland Ellen Sly Dorothy McGhan Marilyn Buck Janie Levanger Cheryl Romano Nansi Bainard Carol Chartrand Tara Didier Joan Merz Joan Lund Sandra Ferland Marty Jackel Pamela Russell Barb Sherrill 5 7 7 7 7 9 9 11 11 15 18 18 20 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 30 30 DON’T FORGET! If it is your Birthday Month, please bring treats to share at the meetings November-December 2013 NOVEMBER-DECEMBER Featured Quilter - Ethel Ferger to the trash and made a pattern from it so it wouldn’t be lost. A grandmother’s fan. A year after Bob and I were married in 1966, we moved to Richland. Bob taught Industrial Arts at Columbia High School. I went to CBC for two years. Then got a job at Battelle where I worked for 32 years as a Clerk. We have two children: a daughter, Deena, and a son, Douglas, both living in Kennewick; and 8 grandchildren, and expecting 5 more next year. Started on their quilts already. “I now have a long-arm business thanks to a fateful Guild bus trip to Seattle when I came home with the honor of ‘spent the most’...” This issue we feature a quilter who has been our fantastic President for the last 2 years! Here Ethel shares information about her life... “When I was about 7, I lived with my mother, my sister, two brothers, and my great grandmother in Roberts, Idaho. When great grandmother died, my mother went to Sigurd, Idaho, to handle the estate. Among other things, she brought home of box of fabric scraps which she said was for making quilts. I wanted to make doll clothes. Quilt making has always been a part of our lives. We moved to Hermiston, Oregon, where I started junior high, and grew up. After graduating from High School, I joined the Army. After basic training in Alabama, I was stationed in Colorado Springs for two years, then Hawaii for two more years. I never learned to swim very well, but I did learn to body surf. After the military, I came home to Irrigon, Oregon, where my mother and step-father ran a café and service Quilter’s Press My hobbies were tennis and archery. I played tennis every Thursday for many years until my elbow gave out. And Bob and I hunted deer with bows and arrows, never got a deer but shot many trees. Now we are building a house in Badger Canyon and are looking forward to our new home there.” Quilting with my granddaughters. station. I met Bob, who was living and teaching in Umatilla. Between courting Bob, and looking for a job, I made a quilt from my step-father’s (deceased wife’s) box of scraps. Then I discovered one of my great grandmothers old quilts in the trash. Not knowing there were quilt patterns and quilt books, I took a piece of paper and a pencil out 6 November-December 2013 Quilt Show Will Feature Faye Notch as 2014 Local Artist BUS TRIP TO THE PUYALLUP SEWING EXPO Feb 28-March 1, 2014 The Benton-Franklin County WSU Clothing and Textile Advisers are sponsoring a 50 passenger bus to the Puyallup Sewing Expo. A chartered bus will leave from the Federal Building north parking lot on Feb. 28, 2014 at 6 A.M., returning about 10:45 P.M. on Saturday, March 1. The $120 fee includes the bus trip with double non-smoking room accommodations at a Comfort Inn hotel in Tacoma, which provides a buffet breakfast. A light snack will be provided on the trip over. We should arrive approximately 10:45, weather depending. The date for last sign-up will be January 30, 2014. Seats will be reserved in the order that the registrations are received. Information will be available the late part of December in local quilt shops or call the Franklin County WSU office at 545-3511. You may also call Pauline Sheldon at 5474379 . I’m honored to have been chosen as the MFA for the 2014 quilt show. I have always sewed and enjoyed making clothes for myself and our daughters. I knew I wanted to learn to quilt so the Tri-City Quilters was the first organization I joined when I retired. I immersed myself in the guild and have served as friendship group chair, vendor mall chair, quilt show chair, quilt show registrar, newsletter editor, raffle quilt chair, guild secretary and guild web master over the past 15 years. I’ve learned so much from the guild meetings and classes and have found members always willing to help me improve my skills. I began quilting leaning to the traditional side but my quilting journey has lead me more and more toward the contemporary style of quilting. I have much more to learn and look forward to many more years of quilting and guild activities! Congratulations Faye!! Faye Notch was selected by the TCQG membership to be the Member Featured Artist (MFA) for the 2014 TCQG quilt show. We had three talented ladies nominated for MFA this year. We want to thank them all for agreeing to be candidates for MFA and displaying samples of their beautiful quilts at the October TCQG meetings. Faye Notch Quilter’s Press 7 November-December 2013 Allied Arts Quilt Show in January 2014 Remember that TCQG will be the guest group at Allied Arts in January of 2014. More details soon, but this is a time for sales of your artwork. Think about what you may want to sell or what you may want to make for the Show. Contact: Elaine Brouillard, 509-551-2355. “Never under estimate a woman with a sewing machine!” EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES TCQG WORKSHOPS We have 2 classes coming up in 2014: January 23 will be “Pickle Dish” (aka “Gypsy Kisses”) taught by Eddie Walker and April 15 will be “Hand Quilting” taught by Jaimie Davis This is a sample of a Pickle dish quilt but not a photo of Eddie’s work. TCQG WORKSHOP REGISTRATION Name ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phone No __________________________ Email Address ___________________________________________ • • January 23 (Thursday) – “Pickle Dish” (aka “Gypsy Kisses”) – Eddie Walker ($60 for members / $80 for nonmember) April 15 (Tuesday) – “Hand Quilting” – Jaimie Davis ($60 for members / $80 for nonmembers) Supply lists will be provided to those registering prior to the class. Registration and fee should be received by TCQG not later than one week prior to the class. Questions to Andrea Melius (andime@clear.net). Mail checks (PAYABLE TO “TCQG”) to Treasurer, Maggie Bevers, PO Box 1572, Mattawa, WA 99349. Quilter’s Press 8 November-December 2013 TCQG VOLUNTEER POSITIONS AVAILABLE for 2014! PM Librarian Contact Karen Brun 628-0826 PM Programs Chair Contact Jo Matthias 547-0677 Retreat Chair Contact Maggie Bevers 509-830-8553 Properties Chair Contact Andrea 783-7521 - There are possibly more positions available, but these are the only ones I knew of at press time. - CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR ELECTED NEW OFFICERS FOR 2014 New officers have been elected and will be installed at the annual business meeting on December 14. The new officers for 2014 are … President - Elaine Brouillard AM Vice President - Candy Crandall PM Vice President - Tanya Bunch Treasurer - Maggie Bevers Board Secretary - Cathy Jackson AM Secretary - Marion Dowell PM Secretary - Nan Seidel Thanks to the Nomination Committee, Laurel Sutton, Andrea Melius, and Virginia Colby for their efforts. FRIENDSHIP GROUPS RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY! TCQG All, Please let me know if you have recently added new members to your respective friendship groups. Also, please forward current pictures of your groups to Andrea Melius for inclusion on our great new website along with our friendship group membership lists. Thanks so much! Happy quilting, Tina, Friendship Groups Chair New Friendship Group Forming TCQG memberships are now being accepted for 2014. Please fill out the membership form on page 11 and send it along with your $20 check made payable to TCQG, to membership chairman Patty Minton. 279 Mata Rd., Kennewick WA 99338 or bring it to a meeting. Quilter’s Press I would like to start a friendship group of quilters who enjoy traditional and historical quilts more than modern ones. If you are a fan of Cheryl Wall, Betsy Chutchian, Kim Diehl, Thimbleberries, reproduction prints and wool applique and miss Pieceable Dry Goods because it carried the best fabric in town, then I'm looking for you. If you are interested in joining a friendship group of traditionalists, please contact Linda Morrison at linjomo@q.com or 543-2001. 9 November-December 2013 Quiltaholics Tips These tips came from this website: www.quiltaholics.com/tips.htm I have not tested any of these tips but they sound like good ideas. Fabric To restore old blocks/quilts, try the following recipe: 1 Gallon Water 1 Quart Buttermilk 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice Soak quilt in mixture then wash in mild detergent. Your colors will return to their original brillance. To remove pencil marks...according to the August issue of Lady's Circle Patchwork Quilts, "Quilt Patch Queries" by Sue Nickels and Pat Holly, suggests the following: "Make a solution that is one part water, three parts rubbing alcohol, and one or two drops of Palmolive or Joy dishwashing liquid. Do not use Dawn -- it may bleach out the fabric. Use a cotton swab to apply and gently scrub with a soft toothbrush. Wipe dry with a cloth. Again, test this before applying to your whole quilt . . . We hope this helps and remember to TEST, TEST, TEST! We also want to let you know that many a priceless, beloved antique quilt still has pencil marks on it." Left over fabric strips...Roll left over fabric strips on an empty toilet tissue roll. Gently not to stretch, and you won't have to re-iron or search for that certain strip. Line them up in a shoe box, mark box as to color. Prevent Ravelling...Before washing your fabric, trim the corners off the selvage edges at a diagonal. This prevents the cut edge from ravelling in the wash, and is a great way to tell at a glance if you've prewashed that fabric! Washing Flannel...A good tip when washing flannel so that all those loose ends don't tangle is put it in a pillowcase first. I wash "like" colors together and dry them the same way. No more tangled mess when done! Baby Quilt Tip from a reader...I know at least 10 people who are having babies, and of course they all want quilts. My husband just lost his job and we don't have a lot of extra money right now for material, so I started cutting up old receiving blankets to make scrap quilts! They have all turned out beautiful! It's amazing what you can come up with in a pinch! Now I have people bringing me their old blankets too! Cool, huh? Quilter’s Press 10 Did You Know? Sewing Machine Accessories, like the machines themselves, had their successes and failures. One gadget that never quite caught on was a musical sewing machine cover, patented in 1882, that held a player-piano roll and was run by treadle power. One pair of scissors, invented in France, boasted 18 different uses! It supposedly served, among other things, as a straight edge and ruler, a nail file, screw driver, a pen knife, a glass cutter, a wire cutter, an ink eraser, a pattern perforator, and a cigar clipper. November-December 2013 2014 Tri-City Quilters’ Guild Membership Registration Membership Year: January 1st – December 31st NEW / RENEWAL New Rates for 2014: $20 a year Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Birthday _____________________________________ (Month and Day Only) Street Address _________________________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________________________State ______________ Zip ________________ Phone ( ) __________________ Email (used to disburse important Guild information only) ___________________________________ Snowbird Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ Start and End Dates _____________________________________________________ q New Member q Membership Renewal q Newsletter only Newsletter Options (Choose one): q Electronic copy q Regular Mail Copy Signature ____________________________________________________________ Date __________________ Dues are payable to: TCQG. This form can be mailed with payment to: TCQG, c/o Diane Dolan, 4620 W. Octave, Pasco, WA 99301 The Tri-City Quilter’s Guild is a nonprofit organization organized exclusively for educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501c(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Members are encouraged to serve actively on at least one committee each year and to participate in the annual quilt raffle and quilt show. Below, please check any activity in which you are willing to participate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I would like to: _________1. _________2. _________3. _________4. _________5. _________6. _________7. _________8. _________9. Help in any way I can. Please let me know what is needed. Chair or co-chair a TCQG committee. (Examples: Raffle Quilt, Workshops, Spring Retreat, Publicity, Membership, etc.) Chair or co-chair a Quilt Show committee. (Examples: Door Prizes, Hoffman Challenge, Vendor/Merchant Mall, etc.) Work during the Quilt Show. Sell raffle quilt tickets. Serve as a TCQG officer. Teach a half or full day class (please specify) ________________________________________________ Give a program at a TCQG meeting (please specify) ____________________________________________ Make phone calls. FOR GUILD USE ONLY Dues Received $ ____________ Receipt # _____________ Check # ____________ Card Delivered ______________ Quilter’s Press New Member Packet _______________ 11 Received by ___________ November-December 2013 COMMUNITY SERVICE - NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2013 Community Service Update from Toni Jones, Community Service Chair Our 2013 CS Goal of 250 quilts has been met! What is more amazing is we met our goal two months early!!! I still think that we are going to be close to 300 quilts after the annual guild business meeting in December. After the PM meeting in October, 257 had been turned in and 260 quilts had been given to the 18 approved agencies. There were several quilts that carried over from 2012 to 2013, which is why there are more quilts going out than being received. All fabric donations are welcome! At the next meetings in November, I will announce when and where we will be holding one or two mini-SEWcials to start using all those 2 ½” strips that have been collected at the October meetings. Thank you to everyone who donated, and a special thanks to those of you that went above and beyond the number of strips that need to be turned in to play QUILTO. Plans will be in the works to have a SEWcial in January, hopefully two days. In the meantime, one of our younger guild members, Morgen Hildreth, is planning another Blankets of Love SEWin on Saturday, November 2nd. The Quilt Fabric Closet Location young and young at heart are welcome. Blankets of Love has contributed just over 50 quilts to the guild since last December. Several agencies have expressed how much they love receiving these snuggly blankets that are given to children who need a blanket to cuddle and feel safe again. For more information, please email me at coug. stitcher@gmail.com. If you know of friends or family who have quilting cottons, that they don’t know what to do with. Please let them know that the guild accepts donations and is a non-profit organization. Keep up the extraordinary work & Happy Quilting, Toni (Email: coug.stitcher@gmail.com) (Kathy Kaser-Nichols’ office) 229 N. Fruitland, Kennewick (Between Bennett Rentals and Pallis Pool & Patio) 586-7335 Community Service as of October 14, 2013 Quilts Donated at Meetings.......257 Callaway................................ 11 Cancer Center......................... 10 Child Protective Services.......... 13 Veterans Coalition................... 10 Domestic Violence.................... 14 Eagle Rehab............................ 9 Habitat.................................. 7 Hospice................................. 13 Individuals.............................. 2 Life Care – Kennewick............... 8 Life Care – Richland................. 8 Red Cross................................ 6 Royal Family Kids Camp............ 39 Safe Harbor ........................... 16 Sexual Assault Response........... 31 TC Comm. Health..................... 16 TC Pregnancy Network.............. 33 TC Union Gospel Mission..............6 Quilts Distributed to Agencies...260 Quilter’s Press 12 November-December 2013 COMMUNITY SERVICE BLOCK - NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2013 SILHOUETTE TREES 9 sq” UNfinished This block is scrappy and whimsical, using a child’s version of simple tree silhouettes. Cut or tear a sheet of paper in half. Draw the outline of a tree on it, ANY KIND of tree. Leave about a 1” margin on the top; BUT, draw the trunk to the bottom edge. STABILIZING: "Use a piece of tissue paper behind this machine applique of the trees since there is a lot of bias. Tissue paper is cheap and readily available." In the last pattern, 5" sq on a 10" sq, the edges were straight and on-grain, so they did not need stabilizing. CUTTING INSTRUCTIONS: Cut out the paper tree with PAPER SCISSORS. Place the tree onto a (large enough) scrap of green fabric and cut it out with fabric scissors. Place the cutout tree on a 9” square of tan or gold fabric. Pin and stitch down, using the zigzag stitch. Optional idea: Start with two 9” squares, one tan/gold and one green; plus a tree-sized scrap. Cut the tree carefully out of one of the squares. Pin a contrasting fabric BEHIND the silhouette part and do a machine-stitched reverse appliqué. Of course, use the cutout tree on the remaining 9” square. For more information: Kathy Kaser-Nichols • 229 N. Fruitland • Kennewick Work days phone: 586-7335 • kkaserco@dwwireless.net Quilter’s Press 13 November-December 2013 WHAT’S HAPPENING In the Pacific Northwest? Dates Event Location Hours Cost Nov 8-10 Color Expressions Block Party Quilters Quilt Show Issaquah Comm. Center 301 Rainier Blvd. So. Issaquah, WA 10-5 Fri & Sat 10-4 Sun $5 Nov 21-23 Portland Quilt, Craft, Sewing Festival Portland Expo Center Portland Thurs-Sat 10-5 50% off Parking $8 per car ticket price $7 carpool (2 or more) Nov 14-16 Quilt, Craft & Sew Festival Western WA Fairgrounds 110 - 9th Ave., Puyallup, WA www.quiltcraftsew.com Nov 8-18 Lewis & Clark Shop Hop Astoria, Cannon Beach, Wheeler, Long Beach Clatskanie, St Helens, Longview, Castle Rock, Kelso www.homespunquilt.com Jan. 24-26 Stitches In Bloom Quilt Show 879 W. Main St., Silverton, OR www.oregongarden.org/ 10-4 More Details www.bpquilters.org White Bluffs Quilt Museum Open Tuesday through Saturday • 10:00 am - 5:00 pm The White Bluffs Quilt Museum is a Regional Textile Arts Center, serving the Tri Cities and the Mid Columbia Basin. The Center serves as both a museum and a support organization for the quilting, weaving, spinning and basketry guilds in Eastern Washington State. These groups have been a part of our community for over 40 years and until now -- had no place to call home. We currently represent over 1,000 fiber artists in Eastern Washington and we are growing. 294 Torbett, Richland www.whitebluffscenter.org/ One Great Tip Quilter’s Press November is Native American Heritage Celebration Pat Courtney Gold Basketry lecture, classes, bus tour, & 3 exhibits! For quilters who like to keep the bobbin and thread spool together when storing, I have an idea that works and costs you nothing. I have purchased many gizmos for keeping the correct bobbin with the top thread spool. One day I found myself in need of one of those gizmos and all of mine were in use. Instead I took a twist tie which 14 came with my garbage bags and ran it up the hole in the thread spool and then through the bobbin center hole and gave a twist. Now I use nothing but this method and save myself a lot of money. Any quilter who has had to dig through their stash of bobbins to match the top spool will appreciate this as well. November-December 2013 LOCAL SHOPS AMELIA’S QUILT SHOP 130 Vista Way, Kennewick, WA 99336 509-572-2550 email: ameliasquiltshop@yahoo.com AUNTIE IDA’S QUILT SHOP 435 W. Hermiston Ave., Hermiston, OR 97838 541-567-2726 Monday - Saturday 10 am - 5:30 pm Website: http://.auntyida.com 10% Discount to TCQG members on regularly priced fabric and notions QUILTMANIA 1442 Jadwin Ave., Suite C, Richland, WA 99352 509-946-7467 (PINS) Email: quiltmania@verizon.net 15% Discount to TCQG members on fabric and notions SANDY’S FABRICS AND MACHINES 7411 W. Canal Drive, Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-9663 10% Discount on one item per visit - show your card 24 N. Benton, Kennewick, WA 99336 509-585-4739 (ISEW) Sandy has retired and the new owners are Ed and Karen Jarrett. Every month they will donate a $40 gift certificate to be given away to a lucky Guild member. DISCOUNT VAC, SEW & FABRICS THE MATERIAL GIRL CRAFT WAREHOUSE 119 W. 1st Ave., Kennewick, WA 99336 509-586-1680 10 % Discount on regularly priced fabric to TCQG members Website: http://www.discountvacandsew.com/ JANEAN’S BERNINA 6303 Burden Blvd., Suite C, Pasco, WA 99301 509-544-7888 Website: http://www.janeansbernina.com 10% off regularly priced merchandise to TCQG members 1565 N. 1st St.. Suite 7, Hermiston, OR 97838 (541) 289-2555 THE SEWING BASKET & GIFTS 1108 Wine Country Road, Prosser, WA 99350 509-786-7367 10% Discount to TCQG members FABRIC 108 JOANN FABRICS 751 N. Columbia Center Blvd., Kennewick, WA 99336 509-736-0970 10% Discount with VIP card. 509-586-1741 email: fabric108@yahoo.com http://www.fabric108.com 108”, 45”, & pre-cuts. Everything on the website is in my home. PRINTING & ADVERTISING INFORMATION FOR QUILTER’S PRESS QUILTER’S PRESS: published six times per year by the Tri-City Quilter’s Guild, P.O. Box 215, Richland, WA 99352 SUBSCRIPTION: (6 issues/year) $10.50 per calendar year, or included in the annual membership dues. SEND TO EDITOR (in writing): your comments, information, articles, announcements. Future events for all quilt groups published free of charge. Items will be used as space permits. ADVERTISEMENTS: TCQG members receive one free personal advertisement per year. Business Advertisements: quilt-related shops, fabric shops, and persons who operate a home-based quilt related business. Rates are as listed in box at right. DEADLINE FOR NEWSLETTER INPUT: 15th of February, April, June, August, October and December. Quilter’s Press QUILTER’S PRESS PER ISSUE ADVERTISING RATES ** All ads quarter page and larger, must be camera ready. Business Card $5.00 Classified $1 per line - $5 minimum Quarter Page** $10.00 Half Page** $20.00 Full Page** $40.00 Non-member rates are double the above rates. TCQG members may place one free business card size ad per year. 15 November-December 2013 Tri-City Quilter’s Press P.O. Box 215, Dept. QP Richland, WA 99352 PLEASE WEAR NAME TAGS TO MEETINGS If you need a pattern contact Patty Minton or online at www.tcquilters.com NOVEMBER First Monday Board Meeting First Monday Board Meeting Second Monday PM Meeting Annual Combined Meeting & Holiday Brunch (potluck) 6:30 pm - Room 204 - White Bluff’s Center 294 Torbett, Richland. (All members are welcome.) 6:30 pm - Social Time Cathedral of Joy, 1153 Gage Blvd., Richland Program: Karen Brun’s Quilts and Glass show. DECEMBER 6:30 pm - Room 204 - White Bluff’s Center 294 Torbett, Richland (All members are welcome.) December 14 • 10 am - Noon Bethal Church Desert View Room You’ll want to see this! Third Monday AM Meeting 10:30 am - 2 pm (10 am Social Time & Refreshments) Cathedral of Joy, 1153 Gage Blvd., Richland Bring a sack lunch (optional) Program: Karen Brun’s Quilts and Glass Show... “Quiltihully.” You’ll want to see this! Quilter’s Press 16 November-December 2013