April 2007 - Quilter`s Guild of Dallas


April 2007 - Quilter`s Guild of Dallas
April 2007 NOTIONS . . .
Volume 15 No. 8
from our president Marie Zaczkowski
Quilt Celebration 2007, our annual quilt show, has come and gone. Each year the show
just gets better. The beautiful quilts, great vendors, and all the other activities make Quilt
Celebration my favorite event of the year. It’s a lot of work, but who ever had so much fun
working! Thanks to each and every one of you who volunteered your time to make this a
successful show. And a very special thanks to our show chair, Richard Larsen, and the fantastic show committee for all your hard work during the past year. It takes thousands of volunteer hours
to make a successful show and all of you who volunteered can take pride in a job well done.
On another note, have
tory, and machine piecing techniques.
Notions continued on Page 5
you looked at the great
I have never attended a workshop in
speakers and workshops we
which I did not learn something new
have coming up for the rest of 2007?
and I have been quilting and sewing
If not, I urge you to take a closer
for many years. Besides, it is a great
look. Judy Kriehn, Vice-President
way to meet new guild members or
Board of Directors................. 2
for Programs and Workshops, has
spend a relaxing day with a few of
Borrow and Return Library.......7
Committees........................... 2
planned a diverse line-up for you.
your friends.
Covers For Kids.................... 9
Our speakers are planning programs
The nominating committee is
Friendship Groups.................. 4
and workshops on a variety of techstarting work on the slate of officers
niques including hand appliqué, color for next year. If you are looking for
Miniature Quilt Auction............ 7
planning, fabric dyeing, machine
a new way to get involved with the
My Quilt Shop Journey...........6
appliqué, machine quilting, quilt his- guild and would like to be considered
This Month’s Warp and Weft
April 05, 2007
April 27, 2007
General Meeting
Congregation Shearith Israel
9401 Douglas
Dallas, TX
SE corner Walnut Hill & Tollway
Doors open 6:30 p.m. Meeting at 7:15 p.m.
NE parking lot remains closed due to construction
April 7, 2007 No Housework Day
If the shelves are dusty and the pots don’t shine,
it’s because I have better things to do with
my time.
~Author Unknown
April 26, 2007
Executive Committee Meeting
will be called to order at 7 p.m.
Quiltmakers; 9658 Plano Rd., Dallas, TX
New Positions Formed........... 11
Officers Needed.................... 11
Our Previous Meeting.............3
Programs and Workshops.......10
Sew Many Quilting Events....... 8
Sunshine and Shadows........... 4
Your Board at Work.............. 3
Patronage Appreciated
Bluebonnet Patchwork Trail Shop
Happiness Is ... Quilting!....... 5
A Sewing Basket..................7
QGoA Festival of Quilts..........9
Deborah Lane Quilting...........12
2007 executive Board and Committees
Board of Directors
PRESIDENT ² Marie Zackowski
h 972-495-7596
1st VP COMMUNITY SERVICE ² Rhonda Anderson
h 972-680-3582
2nd VP WAYS & MEANS ² Carol Dickschat
h 214-328-7762
h (h) 972-272-7567 (w) 972-287-3257................. jkriehn@comcast.net
4th VP MEMBERSHIP ² Valerie Hubbard
h (c) 214-808-5733 (w) 214-855-8106...........vhubbard@fulbright.com
5th VP FINANCE ² Concetta Boscardin
h (h) 817-358-0493 (w) 817-390-2948..........cboscardin@sbcglobal.net
6th VP SHOW ² Richard Larson
h (h) 972-492-8046 (w) 972-422-0768................qdstudio@verizon.net
SECRETARY ² Valerie Salter
h 214-341-2203
April 13 - 15, 2007
Central Texas
9th Annual Bluebonnet Patchwork Trail Shop Hop
in Kerrville
Las Colchas
in San Antonio
Honey Bee Quilt Store, Inc.
in Austin
Creative Sewing Center
in San Antonio
Pocketful of Poseys
in Fredericksburg
Ginger’s Needlearts & Framing
in Austin
The Quilt Haus
in New Braunfels
Memories By The Yard
in San Antonio
Seventh Heaven Quilt Shop
in San Antonio
Fabric ‘N Friends
in Castroville
Sew Special Quilts
in San Antonio
Ready to Sew Bernina
in Cedar Park
Fat quarter given to each shopper from each store
Each hopper will receive a total of 12 fat quarters
Grand Prize Basket for 1 Finished Participant = $1,800 value
12 Prize Baskets for 12 Finished Participants = $500 value
Fri & Sat 9 - 9 Sun Noon - 6
Contact: Ronna Hammel 512-260-4100
readytosew @ yahoo.com
Quilting Lines - April
Standing Committees
h (h) 972-393-0285 (c) 214-642-4474........... becker.chris@verizon.net
h (h) 972-899-6696 (w) 972-796-7624...marcia_hampton@yahoo.com
PUBLICITY ² Doloris LaJoie
h 972-618-2383
ENDOWMENT ² Jay Conrad
h 972-396-9561
......................................... jconrad29@comcast.com
GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT ² Barbara Oliver-Hartman
..................................... barbaraohartman@aol.com
GUILD STORE ² Theresa A-Cunningham
h 214-341-1395
DONATION QUILT 2007 ² Shelly Goodwyn
h 972-842-3405
h 972-530-0197
LIBRARY ² Peggy Keirstead
h 972-699-3959 ............................................... pkeirstead@mac.com
NEWSLETTER ² Theresa A-Cunningham
h 214-341-1395 .......................................SewCuteStuff@yahoo.com
NEW MEMBER CONTACT ² Marianne Gildea
h 972-271-3472
........................................... magildea@hotmail.com
NOMINATING ² Peggy Keirstead
h 972-699-3959 ............................................... pkeirstead@mac.com
h (h) 972-272-7567 (w)972-287-3257.................. jkriehn@comcast.net
Special Committees
KEEPER QUILT 2006 ² Richard Larson
h (h) 972-492-8046 (w) 972-422-0768..................qdstudio@verizon.net
COVERS FOR KIDS ² Rhonda Anderson
h 972-680-3582
h 972-661-0336
h (h)214-342-9184 (w) 214-631-7354........... kcox@rmhdallas.com
h (h)214-750-0493 (w)214-443-1404.............phanson@rslins.com
h 972-517-7238
Concetta Boscardinh 817-358-0493.............cboscardin@sbcglobal.net
Anne Beecherh 214-503-7398..........................gabeecher@sbcglobal.net
QUILT CURATOR ² Marcia Hampton
h (h) 972-899-6696 (w)372-796-7624 .... marcia_hampton@yahoo.com
h 972-530-0197
RETREAT ² Val Hubbard
h (c) 214-808-5733 ...................................vhubbard@fulbright.com
h 214-341-2203
h 972-530-0197
Marie Zaczkowski h 972-495-7596....... marie.zaczkowski@verizon.net
General MeetingMinutes
Our Previous Meeting
Valerie Salter 214-341-2203
General Meeting
February 22, 2007
The meeting was held at
Congregation Shearith Israel.
President Marie Zaczkowski brought
the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
Opening Remarks
Marie welcomed everyone and asked new members introduced themselves. She then presented the
Silver Thimble awards to Valerie Hubbard and Concetta
Boscardin. She also asked the membership for nominations for the Yellow Rose award. She would like to
start giving the Yellow Rose award on a monthly basis if
possible. She noted that qualifications for the award are
written in the directory along with past recipients.
General Announcements
Mary Howard thanked the Goin’ to Pieces and
Pieceful Friends friendship groups for helping with the
Committee Announcements
Mary Howard announced the Sunshine and Shadows
for the month.
Judy Kriehn mentioned that the workshops were filling up and that if a member wished to go to a particular
workshop to sign up now. She mentioned next month’s
speaker, Linda Jenkins and upcoming scheduled speakers.
Peggy Keirstead announced that the some nominations were still in need to fill Executive Committee
positions on the Board. The 2nd VP Ways and Means, 4th
VP Membership, 5th VP Finance and 7th VP Education
positions still needed to be filled and not to be shy about
nominating yourself.
Rhonda Anderson suggested that if you were not at
the last meeting to check the newsletter for your name to
see if you received an outstanding volunteer award and to
see her for your pin.
Show Announcements
Marie Zaczkowski mentioned that the Preview Party
would be on Thursday, March 15, 2007 at 7:00pm. All
members and their family are invited.
Terry Reese announced that a free lunch was available, in the staff lounge, for individuals volunteering two
hours or more. Volunteers for the Staff Lounge are still
Executive Board
Your Board at Work
Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Marie Zaczkowski opened the
meeting at 7:10pm Valerie Hubbard,
Carol Dickschat, Peggy Keirstead,
Rhonda Anderson, Chris Becker and
Valerie Salter in attendance.
Minutes from the last meeting were approved and
corrected via email.
Committee Updates
Rhonda Anderson said that 13 people have volunteered for the Cover for Kids workshop for Saturday,
February 24th. Volunteer awards have been given and
she mentioned that show hours do not count toward the
volunteer pins. Members should be aware of the criteria
for earning and receiving the awards.
The NBC 5 Expo went well and the donation quilt
was displayed with tickets to purchase and bookmarks for
the quilt show. If the guild is invited again, a resource list
needs to be brought.
Carol Dickschat said that the show t-shirts were
about to be ordered for the guild store. The bags, koozies,
and small zipper purses have already arrived.
Marie said that Judy Kriehn was out of town but had
nothing new to report. The January and February workshops had filled and the April workshop was filling well.
Valerie Hubbard mentioned that 82 new member
packets had just been sent out, which would put membership to just over approximately 600 total member. The
wrap-up for the retreat was going well and refund checks
have been sent. She has received quite a few “Thank you”
note from the retreat participants. Valerie and Kay Cox
are working on next year’s retreat and plans are going
Marie mentioned that Concetta Boscardin had nothing to announce. The show looks like everything is also
going well.
May your sorrows
be patched and your
joys be quilted,
General Meeting minutes continued on page 10
April - Quilting Lines
Quilting Chain
Sunshine and Shadows
Mary E. Howard
Joyce Curtiss’ husband was hospitalized in late January.
Katina Hronas’ mother, Georgia, was diagnosed with breast cancer in January.
Joan Wilson has been diagnosed with scleroderma.
Concetta Boscardin’s mother in law passed away February 12 while recovering from heart bypass surgery.
Concetta was hospitalized for 3 days to receive fluids, blood, and nutrition in an effort to build up her blood count
before continuing her chemo therapy..
Rhonda Anderson’s grandfather died February 12.
Marla Jacobs is getting married on April 28.
Debbie Tribble had disk surgery on her neck and is recovering at home.
Please keep these fellow quilters in your prayers and well wishes.
Remember that a simple card with your note may make a world of difference!
Friendship Groups
Executive Board Meeting
The next meeting of the Executive Committee,
which includes all standing
committee chairs, will be held on Thursday,
March 22nd, at Quiltmakers on Plano Rd.
The meeting will be called to order at 7:00 p.m.
If you have an item for the agenda,
please contact Marie Zaczkowski.
Quilting Lines - April
911 Quilt - Annette Hagele or Mae Luigs
Meetings are every Thursday 10:00 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m.
Bluebonnet Patches of Ennis – Pat Coleson
They meet the 1st Wednesday and 3rd Thursday at 9:00 a.m.
Cotton Club – Ruth Hollis
Meetings are every Thursday 10:00 a.m.-3 p.m. in Carrollton.
Goin’ to Pieces – Sue Holland,
Meetings at 7 p.m. the 2nd Thursday.
Lone Star Quilters –Kathy Thibodeau,
Meetings are 2nd and 4th Thursdays 7 – 9 p.m..
Loose Threads Friendship Group Vicki Isenhour and Marti Stricklin
Meets the 2nd Monday of each month
Nimble Thimbles – Marie Head and Joy Elam
Meetings are the 4th Thursday of the month, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Piececorps – Donna Miglin
meets 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Pieceful Friends - Marie Zaczkowski.
Meetings are the 2 nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
in the Richardson, North Dallas and Northeast Dallas area.
Quilters Unique – Alice McElroy and Joanna Shampine
Currently at capacity.”
Scrap Bee - Ann Brooks.
3rd Thursday of alternate months .
Sew What’s – Sally Ashbacher and Judy Hurd
Meetings are the 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. in Sunnyvale.
Quilt Assembly
Notions, continued from front page
for offices that are open, please contact Peggy Kierstead,
Nominating Committee Chair and let her know you are
interested. Remember that the guild officer positions
have term limits and so we are looking for new officers
for some of the guild positions.
May 2007
Newsletter Deadline is
* March 23, 2007 *
Quilting Lines is published monthly as the newsletter of The Quilter’s Guild
of Dallas, Inc., a not-for-profit volunteer organization founded in 1979.
Entire contents are copyright ©1999 - 2007 by Quilter’s Guild of Dallas, Inc.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, including
photocopy and web links without prior written permission of the editor.
Direct Inquiries regarding Display Ad information to:
Theresa A-Cunningham
11056 Carissa Drive
Dallas, TX 75218-1366
Size: W" x H"
1 month
3 month
6 month
1 year
Business Card
Horizontal Only
3½" x 2"‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ $15.00‒‒‒‒‒‒ $42.75‒‒‒‒‒ $81.00‒‒‒‒‒‒ $153.00
Quarter Page
Vertical Only
3½" x 4½"‒ ‒‒‒‒‒ $30.00‒‒‒‒‒‒ $85.80‒‒‒‒ $162.00‒ ‒‒‒‒ ‒$306.00
Half Page
Vertical 3½" x 9½" or
Horizontal 7¼" x 4½"
Vertical or Horizontal
$60.00‒‒‒‒‒ $171.00‒‒‒‒ $324.00‒‒‒‒‒‒ $612.00
Full Page 7¼" x 9½"‒ ‒‒‒‒ $115.00‒‒‒‒‒ $327.75‒‒‒‒ $621.00‒‒‒‒‒$1,173.00
Stocking Project
Valerie Salter
Thanks to all who continue to work on
the Stocking Project. I would also like to
thank Bonita Porter, Peggy Lee, and Marcia
Shurtleff for continued work cutting out
stockings. Please be sure to pick up stockings at the meetings to be sewn. What a great honor
and surprise at the many stockings that Helena Hibbs
brought sewn for this wonderful project to the March
meeting. I would again like to thank the many members
who continue to bring finished stockings.
I really appreciate the donations I am receiving of
toothbrushes and small tubes of toothpaste. I have quite
a collection going and will try to give you a count next
month. Just a reminder, when you go to your dentist,
ask for extras. Also, I have seen at the Dollar Store there
is a set of a child’s toothbrush and toothpaste combo for
a dollar.
Thanks again to the membership for their support.
Questions about our Guild?
Call the Guild Voice Exchange at
or check our website
A messy
house is the
sign of a happy
April - Quilting Lines
My Quilt Shop Journey
I had the rare opportunity to work with
Valerie Hubbard, on the Guild Retreat this
year. I visited several Quilt shops in Texas,
soliciting donations to be given out at the Retreat in
I want to thank all the Shops who graciously and
generously gave to enhance out retreat experience. I don’t
know about everyone else, but I really was excited when
my name was called on the third day (only asking twice
if my name was really in the box). I received several
wonderful patterns that are already in my top 50 projects
to complete this year. I will be show casing one shop a
month that gave to the retreat and those who also give
regularly to the Guild for the monthly door prizes.
Our Retreat store this year was TEXAS QUILT
WORKS, located in beautiful downtown Rockwall. Judy
and her husband, were unbelievably generous providing
several door prizes not only for the general door prizes
that everyone received but also giving for the award prizes
on Saturday night. Their shop is located about 25 miles
East of Downtown Dallas. From Garland take Hwy 66,
traveling through Rowlett and crossing over the haunting
Lake Ray Hubbard, with bare bark trees protruding from
the dark depths like skeletons of the water. Wild birds
build their nests in the tops of the seeminly dead trees far
from the dangers of predators. Save your appetites if you
plan to arrive early. The first thing you will be aware of is
the deliciously wonderful smells wafting from the donut
shop right next door. If you arrive early enough you can
enjoy breakfast, building your strength before starting
your shopping journey into the Quilt Shop.
This quaint shop seems to have a room for every type
of fabric, I was first aware of the BERNINA room,
with an endless supply of Bernina tools and accessories
and of course the ever elusive dream, the “BERNINA
tell what I asked Santa for and did not get. Yet!, then the
hallway showcases a long arm quilting machine, which I
am sure the staff would be glad to demonstrate for you, if
you are in the market, and have a room large enough in
your house to set one up. (Another Dream of Mine)
My eye was immediatly drawn to my right, the BABY/
JUVENILE material. I have to admit I had already
bought a bundle of soft yellow 5” squares at the retreat,
to make a baby quilt for the grandchild that is not even
Quilting Lines - April
Valerie Hubbard
as submitted by Paula Hoiser
a twinkle in an eye yet. From the BABY ROOM, in a
trance, I glided into a room with bright colors all over,
it took me a minute to realise I had wandered into the
world of BATIK’s. Every imaginable color and pattern
confronted me. I was in awe, wandering around letting
my fingers glide over the material, trying to find the one
that screamed out BUY ME! Luckily I was rescued by a
friendly voice from the next room asking for an opinion,
That is something I always have with me, and am glad to
I noticed another room with more material, lots of
notions and two registers that was very crowded and busy.
I turned back, continuing down the hallway. To my
right was a class room with a class in process so I quietly
turned to my left, AND WOW! What did I find in the
back, that is in just about every quilt shop I have ever
visited and what I am really looking for:
I had hit the mother load. Frantically, I began to
look thru everything, not wanting to draw attention to
myself, so no one else would become aware of the treasures I had discovered.
I came out with three bolts of fabric (material that
I remember from about three years ago that I thought
was long gone but was just my luck to find on this day. I
could see the envy in the other shoppers eyes as I gleefully carried my bolts around, knowing I had found this
treasure and it was going to be mine. Needless to say my
trip was a success, I easily spent and enjoyed over an hour
in Texas Quilt Works.
While there I did hear about the wonderful, highly
coveted, new first Saturday Quilt that is in the works.
They are taking orders now, I believe it begins in a week
or so. I can’t say which quilt it is but I can tell you it is a
beauty. To find out more about it you can take your own
journey, it is a trip, well worth taking, they stock more
than 3,000 fabrics I am sure you can find your treasure
Texas Quilt Works
212 East Rusk Rockwall, TX 75087
Tel: 972-771-9952
Visit us at the guild website:
Quilting Charms
Borrow and
Return Library
Miniature Quilt Auction
Concetta Boscardin 217-358-0493 cboscardin@sbcglobal.net
Anne Beecher 214-503-7398 Gabeecher@sbcglobal.net
This is just a quick thank you to all who partyicipated
in the Miniature Quilt Auction. We will have the results
for you next month. Once again, Thanks!!!!!...Everyone.
Anne and Concetta
Easy on and off IH-35
SB, Exit 286 ● NB, Exit 285
Execute Committee Meeting minutes continued from page 3
Old Business
Valerie Salter motioned that the Stocking project be
continued for 2007-2008. Carol Dickschat seconded.
The motion was voted on and carried unanimously.
New Business
Marie announced that Barbara Hartman has written
and article that will be in the next (April) newsletter asking for volunteers for the Education Committees.
Peggy Keirstead has been getting volunteers for
nominations but need suggestions to fill remaining positions. She will get an article in the next newsletter, to get
volunteers or suggestions for nominations.
Marie suggested that there was a need for a committee for a written policy for guidelines for awards such as
the founders award, silver thimble, red rose and yellow
rose, along with outstanding volunteers. She will ask past
presidents to participate.
The next board meeting will be March 22nd at
The meeting was adjourned at 8pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Keirstead 972-699-3959 pkeirstead@mac.com
I found some bargains at Half-Price Books which I
hope our members will enjoy. First is Folk Art Friends:
Hooked Rugs and Coordinating Quilts by Polly Minick and
Laurie Simpson. It presents patterns and directions for
eight matching rugs and quilts, plus two additional rug
patterns. There is extensive information on how to hook
Three titles are published by House of White Birches
and are in the Master Quilter’s Workshop series. The
Illustrated Guide to Panel Magic, by Sandra L. Hatch and
Sue Harvey, focuses on using preprinted squares and panels (or “cheaters”) to make quilts and home décor items.
It contains creative setting ideas for 24 projects.
The Illustrated Guide to Half-Square Triangles, by Jodi
Warner, is a treasury of information on quilt construction techniques. Warner describes efficient ways to make
feathered stars, flying geese, a mock delectable mountain
block, and even ways to use leftover triangles. Projects
include patterns for nine quilts, a pincushion, a pillow, a
tote bag, and a jumper.
Christine Carlson, the author of Illustrated Guide to
Scrap Miniature Magic, offers advice on planning and
drafting patterns, choosing fabric, construction techniques, finishing quilts, and special techniques for making 22 miniature quilts
Change of Address
QGD Member Number:____________________
New Address_ ____________________________
New Phone Number:_______________________
New E-mail Address:______________________
Send changes to: Valerie Hubbard
Quilter’s Guild of Dallas, Inc.
305 Spring Creek Village
Suite 508, Box 521
Dallas, TX 75248-5711
April - Quilting Lines
Miles of Stitches
Quilter’s Guild of Dallas
Meeting Policies & Procedures
Member Check-in: When you come to a general guild meeting, please
remember to stop at the membership table and get your door prize
ticket. These tickets are used to keep a tally of our attendance numbers
and to select the door prize winners.
Membership Cards: Membership cards must be shown (and preferably
worn) at each meeting. If you forget your card, a $.50 fee is charged and
donated to the library fund. If you have lost your card or your name tag
sleeve and wish to purchase a new one, they are available for $1.00 each
at the general guild meetings. You can find your membership number in
the upper right corner of your mailing label. Please write your number
on your membership card.
On behalf of
the Quilter’s Guild
of Dallas, Inc. I
would like to extend
my thanks to Steve
Hurley and Ennis
Graphics for printing
this full color edition
of Quilting Lines.
Guest Policy: We encourage and welcome guests and visitors at our
general meetings. There is a $5.00 guest fee for non-members attending any meeting hosting an out-of-town speaker.
Sew Many Quilting Events
More Information available at:
February 3 - April 15, 2007
Art of the Needle.............. from the Shelburne Museum of Vermont at San Antonio Museum of Art......................... (210)978-8100
March 23 - April 28, 2007
Needle Arts in the 21 Century.....................................in Minneapolis, MN................www.textilecenter.mn.org/gallery.asp
April 13 - 15, 2007
Bluebonnet Patchwork Trail Shop Hop......................Central Texas...........................................................readytosew@yahoo.com
April 13 - 14, 2007
Follow Your Star...............................................................................in Humble, TX..............................www.kingwoodareaquiltguild.com
April 25 - 28, 2007
23 AQS Quilt Show and Contest.........................................Paducah, KY.....................................................www.americanquilter.com
May 4 - 5, 2007
Airing of the Quilts.....................................................................in Huntsville, TX..............................................www.tallpinesquiltguild.org
June 2 - 3, 2007
Stars Over Abilene Quilt Show...............................................Abilene, TX........................................................www.qbilenequiltguild.org
June 13 - 17, 2007
Minnesota Quilter’s Show and Conference...........in St. Paul, MN...........................................................................www.mnquilt.org
July 15 - 19, 2008
Quilter Guild of Greater Houston Show....................at Houston Baptist University......................................... www.qggh.org
July 21, 2007
Quilter sGuild of Greater Houston - Annual Auction at Houston Baptist University............................ www.qggh.org
Quilting Lines - April
Community Service
Covers For Kids
Rhonda Anderson abusyquilter@rr.com
Even though the weather is getting warmer, we still
need quilts being made and donated. They are used year
round, due to the air conditioning used in these facilities.
This way, as well, your efforts are spread out throughout
the year, and not just during the busy time of the holiday
Please continue to donate any of your orphan blocks,
quilt tops, partially finished tops that we can finish, quilts,
large fabric pieces, etc. We work on these projects at our
monthly workshops. Those that have been donated so far
are making great tops!
Look for me at the April meeting with Covers for
Kids Challenge packets! These are always fun to make
and great to see displayed at the show! It’s amazing to
see what you all do with the fabrics given. If you are unable to attend the meeting, and wish to reserve a packet,
please contact me. They will be $5 each, and you will get
your money returned to you upon receipt of your finished
Thanks so much to all of you who stopped by Linda’s
Electric Quilters and Pfaff/ Fabric Affair’s booths at the
show to help us with our Community Service Projects.
We got lots of great things finished there! I appreciate these vendors donating their time and talents to our
May.................................... Ann Johnston
June............................. Charlotte Angotti
July............................... Trash to Treasure
August............................... Shelly Zegart
September.......................... Sue Nickels
October............................ Barbara Olson
November..................... Covers for Kids
December................. Anita Shackelford
Quilters’ Guild of Arlington
Presents its
Festival of Quilts
“The New West”
MAY 4 ~ 5, 2007
Friday & Saturday 10 am ~ 5 pm
Bob Duncan Community Center
2800 S Center Street, Arlington, TX
The Guild extends their heartfelt
appreciation to the Goin’ to Pieces and
Pieceful Friends friendship group for their help
at the March General lMeeting.
Please bring your Box Tops for Education™ and
Campbell’s Labels for Education™ to
Rhonda Anderson
Reminder - we need the entire soup label.
April - Quilting Lines
Sew Interesting
Programs and Workshops
Judy Kriehn
April 5 – Linda Jenkins
You all may know Becky Goldsmith, who has been
active with the Dallas Guild in the past. Our speaker this
month, Linda Jenkins, is the other half of the Piece O’
Cake design team with Becky. You can always recognize a
Piece O’ Cake creation due in part to their cheerful color
selections and the rest for their intricate yet “doable” appliqué designs. Come hear how the other half stitches!
Linda’s lecture on Thursday night will be Coloring a
Beautiful Quilt.” With a simplified approach to color and
scale, Linda will share with the simple way that she and
Becky choose the fabrics that define their quilts. During
the presentation, she will utilize a variety of quilts, fabric,
and power point presentation to illustrate the way she
chooses color. You will also get to see her first quilts,
and witness the growth she has made along the way. The
Friday workshop will be “Birds and Berries,” and focus on
needleturn appliqué techniques. On Saturday, Linda will
teach “Simply Color,” giving you tips for easy color selection and placement for your quilt designs.
Looking Ahead:
In May, we’ll be welcoming Ann Johnston – an expert
in the art of hand-dyeing breathtaking fabric for your
quilts and garments. If you’ve wanted to spend some intensive time in a hand-dyeing workshop, you won’t want
to miss the two-day “Color by Accident” workshop she
will be teaching.
June will be a month to remember. I know how you
guys LOVE a good laugh. Charlotte Angotti, easily the
best standup comedienne in the quilting world, is coming to ask that question: Why aren’t you making more
quilts?? You won’t want to miss her lecture. The workshops this month are a little more expensive than usual,
but she’ll be bringing the “stuff ” precut and ready to start
sewing. If you need a testimonial about the fun of spending a day with Charlotte, talk to Val Hubbard at the
membership table during the next meeting or during the
General Meeting Minutes continued from page
Anne Beecher said that 100 mini’s were turned in at
this time, but please still donate, the guild could always
use more.
Joan Wilson mentioned that about half the blocks
were turned in at this time. The completed Keeper Quilt
with last year’s blocks was shown.
Carol Dickshcat announced that show t-shirts were
available for sale in a variety of colors and sizes. There is
still a need for volunteers for Greeters for the show on
Katina Hronas needs volunteers for the Quilter’s
Appreintence and special prizes would be awarded daily.
For every 2 hours volunteered, the name would be put in
for the daily drawing.
Richard Larson announced that he would be the
Show Chairman for the 2008 Show. The theme for next
year’s show will be Timeless Traditions. He then presented the Show Committee with their bars and charms.
Completed quilts, from last month’s workshop, were
shown and a special drawing, for Carol Doak’s book as
the prize, was held.
Bring and Brag
Helena Hibbs brought completed stockings, for the
Stocking Project, to show the Guild that she was still
Completed quilts were presented by other members.
Anne Colvin Mosher introduced the speakers,
Sharon Sawatzky and Marilyn Klaus, past co-recipients
of the Guild’s Endowment Grant. They gave a very
informative presentation onThe Mennonite Central
Committee Relief Sale Quilt Project.
More information on this Project can be
found at www.mcc.org.
Attendance and Door Prizes
Door prizes were donated by Texas Quiltworks and
Reserve your space by completing the Registration Form,
on the back cover, and send it in with your check. You may
also take a chance on space availability and sign up at the
general meetings.
10 Quilting Lines - April
Growth and Development Committee
New Positions Formed Help Needed
Barbara Oliver Hartman 972-724-1181 barbaraohartman@aol.com
During the past term, our Board of Directors established a new Vice President position for Education that
will oversee five of our committees. The Endowment and
Quilt Curator are established committees and those positions have been continuously filled each year.
The Education Committee has been under the
Community Service VP for a number of years but the
Board wishes that the position and responsibility be
increased so it was placed in this newly created area.
The plans are for this committee to have an established
group working under a chairman that can take a proactive
approach in our communities so that instead of filling requests for programs and/or demonstrations from schools,
nursing homes, and civic organizations we can solicit
these opportunities and expand their scope.
At one time our organization had an Exhibits
Committee that actively looked for opportunities and
venues to place exhibits or displays of quilts. It is the
intention of our Board to establish a committee that will
work to have quilts continuously shown and places identified that may be appropriate for such showings.
In our original organization we did have a Cultural
Affairs Committee and that Committee has now been
reestablished. The committee’s function will be to establish ties with the Arts Community in our area and raise
the profile of our wonderful organization.
All three of these new committees will help us in our
mission that in part is to “exist for the purpose of performing charitable, educational, literary, and artistic ac-
tivities”. Also, “to preserve the heritage of quilting, to be
the source of information and inspiration, to perpetuate a
high quality of excellence in quilting and related arts” and
these new positions will be highly useful along with our
other activities to achieve our goals.
We need your help to get these new positions up and
running. I would like to form an ad hoc committee to
help establish the initial guidelines and plans to make
these new Committees work well. Please contact me if
you are interested in helping us set this into motion. We
had anticipated it would take some time to become fully
operative and this is the first step. Our members do so
many good works throughout the community and now
it is time to broaden our scope somewhat and share with
the public that is not aware of us that information and
give us new ways to educate and inform.
After the announcement was made at a previous meeting, some members did express interest and I would like
to hear from more of you that may want to participate. I
also would like to remind anyone interested in being part
of one of these committees that all of these areas would
work best with several people involved. Please do not be
reluctant to volunteer to participate in any way. The word
“committee” is plural. With good committee members
and a willing leader, committees should be set up to not
overwhelm any one person. It does take a village and we
need help in ours.
Officers Needed
Peggy Keirstead 972-699-3959 pkeirstead@mac.com
Thanks for your support,
Now is the time for all good quilters to come to the aid of their guild …
I know many of you would make good officers of the Quilters Guild of Dallas; perhaps you just haven’t been asked.
As head of the Nominating Committee, I’ll ask you when I know who you are! The positions I need to fill for the
upcoming term are:
Second Vice President—Ways and Means
Fifth Vice President—Finance
Seventh Vice President—Education
Job descriptions for these positions can be found in your directory starting on page 18.
Perhaps someone has whispered to you her desire to serve the Guild; perhaps the whisperer is you! Pass the name
along to me and I’ll take it from there.
Remember, no one works alone in this Guild. There are always past and present Board members who are happy to
give assistance.
April - Quilting Lines 11
Quilter’s Guild of Dallas
Workshop Registration Form
Member #
Daytime Phone
Evening Phone
April -- Linda Jenkins
Workshops are held from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Friday, April 6th Saturday, April 7th
Birds and Berries needleturn applique
Simply Color selection & placement
Copy this form, circle your selections,
make out a check to Quilter’s Guild of Dallas
send , along with a SASE to:
Judy Kriehn
Quilter’s Guild of Dallas, Inc.
305 Spring Creek Parkway
Box 521 Suite 508
Dallas, TX 75248-5711
Thank you for visiting our website!
Not yet a Guild member? Considering joining?
Please see our Membership Information for details
Already a member? Thank you for your continued support