June 2012 - Orange County Quilters Guild


June 2012 - Orange County Quilters Guild
Volume XXXII Number 2
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June 2012
Carolyn Erratt, Editor
Just in time for
Introducing Sandy Klop.
On Tuesday, June 12, 2012, Orange County Quilters Guild welcomes
Sandy Klop as our Lecturer with her "American Jane Trunk Show". Sandy
is the owner and founder of "American Jane Patterns", and she will be
sharing some of her beautiful designs with us as she tells us all about
On Wednesday, June 13th, Sandy will continue to inspire our creative sides when she leads our
workshop for the month. Participants will have a choice of working on one of two patterns in her
Sandy had her first exposure to the world of colorful patterns while watching Klompen dancers
perform. Every year in May her hometown of Holland, Michigan, celebrated tulip time with a vast
array of Dutch costumes.
She was first exposed to quilting in 1979 at her sister-in-law’s when she returned from teaching in
Iran. She went on to teach art in Saudi Arabia for the next four years. She loved the rich colors and
patterns in the tiles and carpets of the Middle East. Back in California, Sandy began to make pattern
samples for a local quilt store. From there she moved to machine quilting. She has worked at a local
quilt shop and taught many quilt classes. In 2000 she published a series of quilt books with Jan Patek
under the series title Folk Art Favorites before venturing out on her own as American Jane Patterns.
In 2003 at Quilt Market, Moda approached her to see if she would like to capture her look in fabric.
She has been designing for Moda ever since. “Now I have a new fabric range from Moda every six
months and I design quilt patterns to feature my new fabrics. I’m truly living my dream.” Her creative
designs have appeared in several catalogs and many magazines
American Jane Patterns 64 Sandy Lane Walnut Creek, CA 94597
June 2012
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Orange County Quilters Guild Workshops
Location: The Orange Quilt Bee
Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
OCQG workshops are a great value and an incredible way to try new techniques polish your skills
and learn from skilled teachers. Sign up for these
. workshops at the guild meeting. You can also email info@orangecountyquiltersguild.com or mail in your signup sheet & payment via USPS; please
note that reservation is not assured until payment is received.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012 – Flags with Sandy
June 13
and learn how to create her
FLAGS PATTERN! This would be a great pattern for that
Jelly Roll you couldn’t live without! This would also be a
great Stash Buster quilt. You can also select another one of
her patterns (“Ten Blocks, Ten Favorite Things” from her
book A Baker’s Dozen); check the website for more
Supplies…..You will need to purchase the pattern for
$9.00 and the fabric requirements are on the pattern.
Upcoming OCQG Workshops:
Judy Sisneros
Rose Hughes
Details to be Determined!
Batik Blast
What’s On Top? Embellishments!
Check the website (www.orangecountyquiltersguild.com ) for the latest
information on upcoming Programs & Workshops. Sign-up form for Workshops
is available on the website or guild meetings. Come join us for some fun!
Workshop prices will be going up June 1st, 2012, so register now to get the
current $25 member/$35 non-member prices.
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June 2012
Camp Watch-A-Patcher is coming July 7-11, 2013…Save the Dates
Camp has always been the most fun thing that I’ve gone to in our Guild. It’s four days of Friends, Fun,
Quilting, and more. And Vanguard University is a beautiful and flat venue to be at. You can stay all four
days, be a day camper, or just come to the evening programs. Start planning now to come. It’ll be here
before you know it.
Other dates to remember:
Tuesday December 11, 2012 = CWAP Kick-Off
January 2013 – Date TBD = CWAP Registration
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President’s Article
I truly enjoyed our April Meeting program given by Bev Remillard. I have been a big fan for years
of her wonderful, romantic designs and have taken many of Bev’s classes (for recreating her
designs!) and am now lucky to call her “Friend”! The workshop was a fun, relaxing time and I got
a few blocks done (OK, many of the attendees got more done than I did but I was enjoying
chatting and playing with Guide Dog Puppy Raiser Tina’s guide dog-in-training, Striker!)! I think I
finished more than Striker did!
Join us in June for a presentation by Sandy Klop entitled “American Jane Trunk Show” (she is, after
all, “American Jane”!). Her workshop will be on Wednesday, 6/13, and you will have a choice of
her “Flags” design or one design from her new book (A Baker’s Dozen) – see Workshops page for
information about the specifics. My nephew is graduating high school that day in the afternoon;
so, I’m going to take the morning off, too, and going to the workshop! Fun!
Here’s a chance to get involved and help promote your guild and our upcoming Camp Watch-APatcher 2013! OCQG will be having a booth at the Orange County Fair on Sunday, July 22 nd. I
need a coordinator for that event (to sign up volunteers and decorate the booth). Once I get the
coordinator, there will be the opportunity to volunteer to sit at the booth for a few hours (you get
free parking and entrance to the Fair for that day). So, give me a jingle if you can lead that effort!
If you were at the meeting on May 8th, you heard that Juanita Swarts had surgery in April
(successful for colon cancer) but that she was home before our May 8 th meeting. A couple
members let me know that she ended up back in the hospital last week. She is now back at home
and doing better (I just spoke to her and she sounded good). So, keep her in your prayers for a
complete recovery. I look forward to seeing her back at guild soon!
Thank you to all who are making our guild a wonderful place to be! Get involved in your guild and
let’s have a great year!
Sandy Milo
Volume XXXII Number 2
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June 2012
July 10, 2012 = “Forgotten Treasures”
What is “Forgotten Treasures”? In essence, it is an indoor yard sale,
basket raffle, and silent auction of sorts all rolled into our July guild
meeting. There will be quilt books, patterns, tools, fat quarters, and
fabric for sale at super discounted prices. Baskets of fat quarters
quilt blocks, and other good stuff will be also up for raffle. We will
even have a few quilts and quilt tops in the mix. It should be a lot of
Because this is a mini fund raiser of sorts, we depend very much on
the generosity of YOU, our members for donations. This is a good
time to clean out your sewing room of those odd fat quarters,
fabrics, quilt kits, quilt tops, and quilt blocks that you’re not quite
sure what to do with. Bring your donations to the June meeting and
also plan to attend in July. Pam Gayle
Pam Gayle
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Join or Renew Your Membership to OCQG!
The OCQG 2012-13 year is already underway (it started in March!). If you
haven’t already, join or renew your membership so you don’t miss any of
the fabulous year we have planned! We are accepting applications/
renewals by mail or you may joining/renew at the meeting. Membership
is still a bargain at $30. Thank You to those of you who have already
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Block of the month
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Volume XXXII Number 2
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June 2012
May 2012 Door Prizes
April showers bring May flowers! This month of May was a “shower” of wonderful door prizes from our
great Quilt Stores and donations from our members.
This month our members were able to take home:
Sewing Party
$20.00 gift certificate
Quilt Cupboard
$10.00 gift card
Quilt Cupboard
$10.00 gift card
Quilt Bee
$10.00 gift card
Quilt Bee
$10.00 gift card
Moore’s M.V.
Fabric Pack
Moore’s M.V.
Fabric Pack
Moore’s M.V.
Fabric Pack
Moore’s M.V.
Fabric Pack
Quilter’s Garden
Gift Card & Fabric
Quilter’s Garden
Gift Card & Fabric
Bears Quilt Shop
2 ½” strip pack
Bears Quilt Shop
Dyed Fabric Pack
Bears Quilt Shop
Dyed Fabric Pack
Flying Geese
$10.00 gift card
Flying Geese
$10.00 gift card
Green Fat Quarter Pack
Rainbow Fat Quarter Pack
Floral Fat Quarter Pack
Mary Engelbreit purse pincushion
Debbie Mumm’s Quilts from a Gardener’s Journal
Mini Iron
Dolly Kaiser
Tammy Rooke
Judy Moore
Rita Suthers
Marcia Poulin
Ginger Thorpe
Mary Mulcahey
Mary Lou Ripper
Carol Harter
Linda Almany
Debbie Tanner
Suzette Rooker
Susan Crocker
Carol Rodeback
Linda Kramer
Carole Blanscet
Peggie Wormington
Pat Adair
Thayone Jones
Deborah Robinson
Dell Childs
Barbara Sharp
Pattern (Sand Castle from Patch
Edna Betker
Book – Summertime Quilts
Jean Ebert
Snapsack Quilt Kit
Jane Herron
American Spirit Quilt Kit
Susi McLane
Book Super Simple Squares
Lori Ferrari-McCoy
Thank you again to all of our
~ Kat Benne
June 2012
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OrangeCountyQuilters GuIld
For the next 10 months we will be treated to a QUILTING MOTIF that you are free to use compliments of
Victoriana Quilters and Benita Skinner
Victoriana Quilt Designs
You can use these designs as quilting motifs or a redwork/embroidery project!
If you haven’t found this wonderful site then you are in for a treat. There are hints to
make quilting easier, references you can print, blocks and more in the FREE section. Go
to this portion of her site and learn how to enlarge the motif to the desired size.
noftheWeek.htm These are for your personal use only.
Volume XXXII Number 2
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June 2012
Gallavantin’ 2012
June 2: Beach Cities Quilters Guild presents the FantaSea of Quilts Show: Soka University, 1
University Dr. in Aliso Viejo, California; Saturday, June 2nd, 10am-5pm and Sunday, June 3rd,
June 12: Valley of the Mist Quilt Guild annual June brown bag raffle is coming. Doors open at
6:30. Community Recreation Center at 30875 Rancho Vista Rd. Temecula
June 30: The Pine Needles Quilt Guild of Wrightwood will hold their annual fundraising Wall Quilt
Auction on Saturday, June 30, 2012. The auction will take place in the beautiful village of Wrightwood,
in conjunction with the Mountaineer Days events. Much of the auction proceeds are donated to
charities. For further information contact Joy Agnew at 760 954-8177. Pine Needles Quilt Guild
Note: This section has previously come from the Southern California Council of Quilt Guilds’ website
Event Calendar: http://www.sccqg.org/events/ . They have recently changed the formatting so the
above list does not contain all of the details. Please see the SCCQG website for more information.
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Volume XXXII Number 2
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June 2012
A special thanks to
the Orange Quilt
Bee for providing
space for our
Advertising opportunities available now in the OCQG newsletter & Yearbook! Advertise in both and save
$$$! For more information and rates, contact Fran McGuinn at f_mcguinn@cox.net or 949-553-5259
June 2012
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OrangeCountyQuilters GuIld
PO Box 3108
Orange, CA 92857
A Friend
Name Tag
Show & Tell
“Arrow” Block of the Month
Goodie to Share if your last name
begins with U, V, W, X, Y, Z!
 OCQG Renewal Form & $30
 Donations for Forgotten
Dates to Remember
June 5 — Board Meeting 7 p.m.
at Anaheim First Christian
June 12 — General Meeting at
Anaheim First Christian Church,
520 W. South Street, Anaheim,
CA (corner of Harbor &South St.)
at the following times:
6:00 pm –Pre-Meeting
7:00 pm – General Meeting
June 13 –Sandy Klop (“American
Jane”) Workshop at Orange Quilt