Panhandle Patches


Panhandle Patches
Panhandle Patches
Panhandle Quilt Guild
May 2012
May 19, 2012
at 9:30 AM
First Presbyterian Church
515 Emerson Avenue
Alliance, Nebraska
Bonnie Kucera
What to Do with Scraps
Head Hostess:
Scrapaholic with Bonnie Kucera
Lari Herman
Carol Gerk
Elaine Moore
Carol Leonard
Colleen Garner
Anita Allen
Donna Roby
Tina Graham
Linda Schneider
Greetings Quilters,
Once again we had a
great trunk show/lecture
at our last meeting. Peggy’s
work was true eye candy,
such creativity and technique ideas!
Our other excitement this month
was the news about Judy Woodworth.
She won Best Longarm Quilting at the
Paducah Show! Her quilt, Avatar Revisited,
will be added to the National Quilt
Museum collection. This is terrific news.
Congratulations, Judy!!!
On a more mundane level, some of us
are starting spring cleaning. If you are one
of those and want to thin out the fabric
scraps, Bonnie Kucera might help. So, get
ready with your scraps if you are taking
her class. If not, come with pencil, paper,
and curiosity to her trunk show, “What to
Do with Scraps.” I don’t know about you,
but it sounds like something I need.
I hope to see you in May.
Your Pres.,
Sharon Cripps
Trails West Retreat
November 9-11, 2012
Reserve your spot for $35.00
This year the price will remain $75.00.
Includes two nights and six meals.
Panhandle Quilt Guild
Meeting Minutes
Scottsbluff, NE
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Sharon Cripps at 9:30 am. All were welcomed. Two guests were introduced.
The minutes from the March 2012 meeting as printed in the March 2012 Panhandle Patches Newsletter were offered for
approval or correction. The minutes were approved.
The secretary read a thank you note to the Guild for the Quilt Tour & door prizes from Diane Renander.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report as printed in the March 2012 Panhandle Patches Newsletter page 2 was filed for audit. The
following bills were presented: Building rent, trunk show & lecture for April $757.76. Jacci Irwin made the motion to allow
bills to be paid. Motion carried.
Reports of Officers
President Sharon Cripps asked Guild members to stand for a round of applause. Guild members were thanked for their
contributions this year: Quilt Tour Committee; All who worked on the Tour or bought tickets; All who contributed food or
rent costs for the March meeting; All who worked on a committee this year including hostess; All who have taken a class
this year; All who have participated in Show & Tell this year; All who have shared a smile or laugh with another attendee
this year. The point was made that everyone who belongs to the Guild is important and contributes something. Active
involvement by everyone makes it more fun for all!
Reports of Standing Committees
Block of the Month
Committee members Marlene Huston, Diane Downer, Lou Etta McHenry & Connie Meyer presented a demonstration of
the May BOM, the “Tea for Four blocks”. Pre - cut kits were won by Jane Parks & Elaine Moore. The twenty nine Shoo Fly
blocks were won by Stella Strauch.
Community Service Project
Carolyn Nuss Warren gave a report on the “Pillowcase Project. The Guild has collected 84 pillowcases and 5 small quilts
for the Foster Care Project.
Challenge Project
Barb Engebretsen and Deb Mack reported on the Challenge Project. They shared ideas and a sample project.
Door Prize
Donna Riesen and Kathy McCool distributed this month’s door prizes to:
Sandy Daniels - Fabric & pattern donated by Wal-Mart
Lynda Parson – Sewing machine needles donated by Prairie Creations Anita Allen
Elaine Moore – Felt Kit donated by Prairie Pines Quilt Shop
Deb Mack – Fat quarter bundle table runner kit donated by Platte Valley Vac & Sew
Vickie Wiens – Snap Sack kit by Pat’s Creative Shop
Carol Rogers, Barb Katen & Dorothy Todd – Fat quarter & thread donated by The Quilt Stop
Virginia Cook – Table runner kit donated by Christy Anderson
Membership Committee
Ramona Einfalt reported that meeting attendance was 64 members and 3 guests. A reminder was given that Guild dues
for next year need to be paid by July 31st. This will start at the May meeting.
Program Coordinator
Jan Sears informed the group that the May meeting will be held at the Presbyterian Church in Alliance. The May class with
Bonnie Kuchera has 20 members signed up with a waiting list. There are 5 members who still need to pay for this class.
Panhandle Patches
May 2012
Panhandle Quilt Guild
Quilt Show
Sharon Armstrong outlined the changes that were made to the Quilt Registration form on the website. The Two or More
Person Quilt has been changed to 2 sizes only. The large quilt sum of all sides should read: 201-428 inches. Everyone
was reminded to add their name to the sign-up sheet for assisting at the OTD Quilt Show. Check in for quilts will start on
Wednesday evening & again Thursday AM. Set up will start after 1:00 pm on Thursday.
Vickie Wiens, Quilt Show Treasurer, asked for everyone to turn in a record of everything spent for the quilt show, even
donated items. The amount may not seem large enough to record, but all donations decrease the amount the Guild has
to pay OTD.
Liz Ossian has received over 30 silent Auction items. She asked members to stand if they have donated to the Silent
Auction. She showed a homemade lanyard or name tag holder as an example of a simple project.
Cindy Scheinost gave a detailed explanation of why we partner with Oregon Trail Days for our Quilt show. Read her
explanation attached to the minutes.
Quilt Tour
Cindy Scheinost gave a report on the Quilt Tour. All the tickets were sold. Carol Rogers & those who helped were thanked.
The expense report from the Tour totaled $475.00. All expenses were donated by the Committee. $1200.00 was given to
the treasurer for deposit.
Fat Quarter Basket Raffle
Sharon Carrell presented the last “fat quarter basket” and a small basket of fat quarters. The large basket was won by
Lori Sanders. The small basket was won by Tina Graham.
Special Order: Election of officers
Machelle Sterkel introduced the Nominating Committee: Lari Herman, Pat Dobry, Irene Howard, Carol Gerk, Ramona
Einfalt and Sharon Carrell. The slate of officers was presented as follows: President: Dianna Hatch; Vice President:
Ramona Einfalt; Secretary: Janice Casey; Treasurer: Anita Allen. The President called for any nominations from the floor.
A nomination was offered for Cindy Scheinost for Vice President. Ballots were distributed. All names of the nominees
were repeated prior to voting. Votes were collected and given to the ballot counters. The election results were given to
the President who announced the PQG officers for the year 2012-2013. President: Dianna Hatch; Vice President: Cindy
Scheinost; Secretary: Janice Casey; Treasurer: Anita Allen. Installation of next year’s officers will be at the June meeting.
New Business
The Advisory Board made a recommendation that the Guild move their banking business to Western Heritage Credit
Union. Discussion of benefits, check charges, etc. followed. The recommendation was voted on & approved. The majority
voted to change to Western Heritage Credit Union. This change will take place as soon as possible.
The Advisory Board recommendation of increasing the annual Guild dues to $25.00 for the Guild year 2012-2013 was
presented. The requirement of an additional purchase of $10.00 in Serendipity Quilt Raffle tickets would continue as in
the past. Discussion followed. The recommendation was voted on. The majority voted to increase the annual Guild dues
to $25.00.
The next order of business was the adoption of changes in the Guild bylaws as printed in the Panhandle Patches
Newsletter pages 7 & 8. The publishing in the newsletter is considered the first reading. Jacci Irwin introduced the
members of the bylaws committee & thanked them for their work: Ramona Einfalt, Diana Hatch, Irene Howard, Vickie
Wiens and Sharon Cripps. The bylaw changes for each Article were read. This constitutes the second reading. According
to the current bylaws, adoption of changes will be based on the approval of the majority of those members present.
Article I - Name & Article II - Purpose was recommended for adoption. Discussion followed. The
recommendation was adopted.
Article III - Membership was recommended for adoption. Discussion followed. The recommendation was
adopted. It was noted that the fiscal year for our Guild runs from September through August.
Article IV – Elected Officers was recommended for adoption. Discussion followed. Other suggestions will be
addressed in standing rules. The recommendation was adopted.
Article V – Advisory Board was recommended for adoption. Discussion & clarification followed. The
recommendation was adopted.
Article VI – Committees and Chairmen was recommended for adoption. Discussion & clarification followed.
The recommendation was adopted.
Panhandle Patches
May 2012
Panhandle Quilt Guild
Article VII – Procedure for Bylaw Amendment was re-numbered to conform to the new bylaws & no
changes were made.
Jacci Irwin made a motion to allow bylaws committee to edit the bylaws for errors in spelling, punctuation &
use of capital letters. Motion seconded & was carried. The changed bylaws will be added to the website and also will be
printed in next year’s year book.
1. Louisa Smith will be giving a trunk show on “ Strips & Curves @ EWC I Torrington on Thursday 4/26/2012. All are
encouraged to attend.
2. A Women’s Symposium will be held the last weekend in April at the Gering Civic Center. Prarie Pines Quilt Shop will be
a vendor. They are going to show our 2012 Serendipity Quilt. Volunteers are needed to sell quilt raffle tickets on Friday &
Saturday. Call Carol Rogers or Anita Allen if you wish to volunteer.
3. Sandy Hansen invited the guild to attend the Black Hills Quilt Show in Rapid City on June 8th-10th. It will be held in
the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center. Entry deadline is May 1st. Website:
Thank You
The meeting was adjourned @ 11:10am.
Janice Casey, Secretary
for the donations of all the wonderful door prizes!
Show & Tell
Ramona Einfalt – Twister table runner & a Spinning Stars table runner
Sharon Armstrong – “Where’s Herbie?” Husker quilt made for the Silent Auction
Jane Parks – March & April Calendar quilts
Irene Howard – Tumbler quilt made for the silent auction, Dresden Charms quilt made for the Silent Auction, English
paper pieced Star quilt, Midnight Star quilt & a button quilt
Liz Ossian – Mug rug made for Silent Auction & a blue/green/brown/white baby quilt or play mat. Liz shared that by
doing the 2 projects this month, she learned how to sew on binding by machine with a special foot.
Linda Acuff – Fall wall hanging & Fan quilt made for the 2011 State challenge
Kathy McCool - 2 pillowcases
Alice McCall – Winter lap quilt using Pearl Kush’s pattern of snowmen & penguins in outer snowball blocks made for a
gift for her sister
Tina Graham – UFO – Rabbit table runner, 2 “dolly bags” which include a blanket & pillow made for the Silent Auction &
a doll quilt for the Silent Auction
Ann Dudden – UFO – pink & green “Give & Take” quilt made for the Silent Auction
Ruth Pfenning – Small quilt made from a book she won - “ Five in One”
Marlene Huston – Yellow scrappy baby quilt
Cindy Scheinost – Told about the Denver Quilt Festival May 3rd-6th. The registration form will be put on the website.
Carolyn Nuss Warren – Three sets of potholders – 2 of them were made from “old kitchen curtains from the Free table.
One set made for Silent Auction. One 10 minute tablerunner embellished with yarn
Sydney Roosa – 1930’s Reproduction Churn Dash quilt, & Batik quilt “ Constellation
Trisha Schmunk –“Roman Coins” batik quilt
Jan Sears – She told about the Chadron Quilt Show which had 200+ quilts and 3 vendors. She gave a lecture on quilt
appraising and played quilt Bingo. Jan encouraged members to take a bus tour to the Houston Quilt Show October 28November 5th.
Elaine Moore – “Pinwheels & Four Patches” quilt – third one she has made
Panhandle Patches
May 2012
Panhandle Quilt Guild
Why OTD?
Why do we partner with Oregon Trail Days for our annual Quilt Show?
1. Attendance
30,000-45,00 attend the Saturday parade
Other events are related:
The Art Show draws people who like art quilts.
The historical aspect draws people who enjoy antique quilts.
The craft show is related to quilting as a craft & the Silent Auction benefits.
It is a family event with many things for the rest of the family to do while the quilt lover enjoys the show.
(kiddie parade, car show, etc.)
2. Publicity
Three newspapers cover the Oregon Trail Days events.
A whole section of the Newspaper is dedicated to the times & locations of activities
OTD prints (and pays for) flyers that advertise the events & delivers them to many of the tourist locations in
the Panhandle area & along I-80.
3. Insurance
OTD carries insurance of over 2 million dollars in liability.
In comparison, a three hundred thousand dollar insurance policy would be a five hundred dollar a year
expense for the Guild.
4. 501-C Non-Profit Status
PQG Quilt Show is one of the OTD committees.
We present our cash flow statement to OTD & they file it with the IRS.
Being an OTD committee allows us to sell raffle tickets for our Serendipity quilt.
Non-profit status allows up to $5000.00 a year on raffle sales.
Cheyenne Heritage Quilters Show
August 23-25, 2012
Threads through Time
First United Methodist Church
108 E. 18th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming
Thursday evening, 4 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Non-guild members are welcome to enter quilts in the show.
Entry forms are available at Quilters can
chose to have their entries judged by judges certified by the
Colorado Quilting Council or offered for sale. Entry forms
must be received by August 6 and quilts by the evening of
August 20.
August 24 - September 3, 2012
For more information:
Tina Wilcox, 307-214-0740,
or Carole Gardner, 307-634-9346,
Panhandle Patches
Nebraska State Fair
Grand Island
May 2012
Panhandle Quilt Guild
4-hour class: (Plan to stay that long) $25/members $35/non-members
“This is how I found my way from needing everything to match to the freedom of using scraps. This is a scrap block project,
beginning with trading fabric between the class participants. It is a fun lesson in value and a less time consuming way to make
half-square triangles of all sizes. The original class was taught by Sharon Craig who has retired and has given me written
permission. I changed it from templates to rotary cutting. And with simple planning, all seams lock together.
Supply list for Scrapaholic Class:
requirements are:
4 one-yard pieces: 2 light to medium value and 2 dark value
Prewash and press: Cut 10 – 9” squares from each before class
A pile of 20 lights 9” square
A pile of 20 darks 9” square
The minimum variety you need are 6 different lights and 6 different darks The more variety, the better, having all fabrics
different is best.
It is a good idea to bring extra just in case you decide to trade.
(NOTE: 90% of those who did not plan to trade – decided to after seeing the quilt).
Sewing machine – check for good needle
Neutral thread
Scissors, pins, Ripper (unless you are brave), Masking tape, Iron and board Rotary Cutter and Mat Rotary Cutter Ruler at least
14” long
6-8 inch square-up ruler – can be bigger, but the smaller is easier to use.
Wooden iron if you have one
Triangle ruler – must have one right angle (a square-up ruler can also be used).
I have 2 openings for the May class. I will need to have money in hand to hold the position by May 5. Jan
Sears, P. O. Box 428, Kimball, NE. 69145
Cook Book Corrections
Thank you
Ham Loaf on p.42 was correct as printed in the book.
Judy Woodworth
Professional Machine Quilter
Quilting Memories and Creations
1655 19th St.
Gering, Ne. 69341
Book: Freemotion Quilting
Phone: 308 436 2728
Panhandle Patches
I want to thank you for the wonderful
opportunity you gave me to share my work.
I had a wonderful time, and I appreciated
everyone’s willingness to stay and listen after a
long morning. They (PQG) really were a great
audience, and I felt very special and honored
to be there. I had a nice evening with Janice on
Friday and a beautiful relaxed drive home on
Saturday - so, a great weekend in every way.
Thank you so much. Peggy
May 2012
Panhandle Quilt Guild
From the President-Elect:
I am sorry I did not get a chance to have any
of you sign-up for committees at the April meeting.
Since I did not have time to allow you to sign-up for
committees, I did not get a chance to visit with each
of you and I am going to have to leave as soon
as the May meeting is over. So, I would like to try
something different this year.
If you have any questions about a committee
job description, if you would like to sign up for a
committee or both, would you please let me know
by mail, phone or e-mail (numbers listed at the
bottom of the page). I am usually home every
morning except Friday. If you call in the afternoon
you have to catch me on the cell phone.
I would like to have 3-4 members on each
committee (a newer member, a member with some
guild history and a member who has been with us
for a longer time). This is a wonderful way to get to
know new people. If you have forgotten the title of
some of our committees, I can help with that also.
I look forward to visiting with each of you in
this way. Please give me a call and let’s talk about
where you would like to help PQG this next quilting
Want to know who made a quilt or
can’t remember exactly what
a quilt pattern looked like?
On the Website>Photo Gallery
Here you will find a long history of quilts
that have been shown at
Panhandle Quilt Guild meetings.
Looking for quilts shown at
PQG Quilt Show?
On the Website>Quilt Show
Phone #: 308/635-1397
Cell phone #: 308/641-9955
E-mail address:
Again, a long history of quilts and awards.
Yours in quilting
Dianna Hatch, President Elect
Panhandle Patches
May 2012
Panhandle Quilt Guild
Quilt Magick – Quilt Nebraska 2012
Every Quilt Nebraska is fun and filled with interesting classes, lectures, outstanding teachers, great food and lots of visiting with
other quilters. This summer’s event is sounding like it will be one of the memorable ones that will be talked about for years to come.
Pat Varner, the conference chairman (headmistress) has been planning this for at least 3 years.
The upcoming Quilt Nebraska convention, scheduled for July 26, 27, 28, and 29th at the Embassy Suite Hotels/La Vista
Conference Center in La Vista, Nebraska is open to any one who wishes to attend. For those quilters who may not currently be a
member of the Nebraska State Quilt Guild, you can still attend by registering as a non-member (which includes an additional $25 cost
that basically is your membership fee.)
The theme of “Quilt Magick” is based on the ThimbleThread Academy School of Quilting and Creativity (think Harry Potter and
Hogwarts). All attendees will be divided into four founder houses based on four Nebraska Quilt Hall of Fame quilters – Sara Dillow,
Ernest B. Haight, Louise Howey, and Grace Snyder. Houses will be competing for points, with the winners getting a Golden Thread
There will be a Quilters Alley with 25 vendors, and classes and lectures featuring six national professors, and 18 of our talented
state/regional professors. Participate in the Magic Wands Exchange block, or the Childs Play Challenge for even more fun.
Meals will be served boarding school style, and founders’ crests will be on the walls like in a castle banquet hall. Wearing
costumes are not mandatory but encouraged for the full boarding school experience. There will be special speakers at both lunches and
evening banquets on both Friday and Saturday – four speakers in all.
Quilt History Day on Thursday will feature Dr. Carolyn Ducey of the International Quilt Study Center & Musuem speaking on the
four Nebraska Hall of Fame quilters and their quilts. Lunch will be followed by a cruise down the Missouri River on the River City
Star with dessert served aboard along with a historical reinactor Meriweather Lewis who will speak on the history of the river and of
There will be many special events available during the next two days – such as a tour of Boys Town and their Mothers Guild,
Midnight Mischief (tour after hours of four quilt stores in the Omaha area), The Chamber of Sewing Secrets, Show and Tell Pajama
Party, Hoffman Challenge quilts, Nebraska Hall of Fame quilts, Professor Quilts, Challenge Quilts, and Special Doll Exhibit. The
Quilts of Valor and Home of the Brave Projects will be exhibited at Cabelas, right across the parking lot.
You can sign up for one day of classes (two units), or two full days of classes, or add the Quilt History Day, order special boarding
school book bag, sleep shirt, add extra banquet tickets, etc. The registration fee for a NSQG member full package (four units of
classes/lectures and 4 meals), or $275 for a non-member for four units and four meals. You can also participate in just one day if you
wish, or just the Quilt History Day. If you are staying at the Embassy Suite Hotel , your full breakfast is included each day as part of
your hotel fee.
You can print out the full registration booklet with full schedule and more details on all of the activities, and events by going to
either or to
To be included in the first drawing for classes, your form including payment must be postmarked by or on May 15, 2012. You
should receive your class notifications no later than June 15, 2012.
If you have any questions, feel free to phone either Sandy Hanson at 308-632-3309 or Cindy Scheinost at 308-632-5696.
You won’t want to miss this!!
Panhandle Patches
May 2012
Panhandle Quilt Guild
Want to know what fun or quilt-related
activities might be going on near you?
We appreciate so much all those who are
donating items for the Silent Auction. We need
a record of those donated expenses for our
OTD Report! The amount need not be exact just an approximation! In past years we’ve not
gathered donated expenses for supplies used
to make/obtain items for Silent Auction, but our
income from Silent Auction has increased, so
we really NEED those expense amounts!
Get on the Website> Events>Select Bus
Trips, Raffle Quilts, Retreats, or
Other Events.
Then have fun going to or participating
in one or more of those activities.
Officers Elect
Dianna Hatch - President
Cindy Scheinost - Vice-President
Janice Casey - Secretary
Anita Allen - Treasurer
‘A penny saved is a penny earned!’
We only pay OTD a percentage of our NET
income! Any expense we can report, actual
or donated, will lower our payment amount
to them. We can’t deduct donated labor costs but we can deduct supplies!
If you have or will be donating supplies,
printing costs or other expenses for the quilt
show, PLEASE email, text or call me with the
information just as soon as you can, or get it
to me at a meeting! If you are donating Silent
Auction items, you may give Liz Ossian, Silent
Auction Chairman, that dollar amount.
Yarn Skeins: 50 cents (3.5 oz skeins)
75 cents (for 8 oz skeins)
$1 (for 16 oz skeins)
Brands: Sayelle, Red Heart, Odyssey,
Malmo Sayelle, Caron, Carousel Softelle,
Colors: pastels of peach, yellow,
lavendar, purples, aqua, rose, blues,
turquoise and some variegated
Thanks so much for your donation(s)!
Vickie Wiens
2012 Quilt Show Treasurer
Just for you
Denim from jeans - Free
Clean, cut apart, different shades and
some different colors. Especially good
for quilts for boys.
love to sew
Panhandle Patches
Sandy Hanson 308-632-3309
May 2012
Judy Woodwort
Best Longarm Quilting
at the
AQS Quilt Show
Paducah, Kentucky
Avatar Revisited
will be added to the
collection of the National Quilt Museum
Panhandle Patches
Kim Cantrell, Editor
3025 Primrose Drive
Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69361
May 2012