IT`S SHOW TIME! - Quilter`s Guild of Dallas
IT`S SHOW TIME! - Quilter`s Guild of Dallas
Next Meeting: March 1, 2012 Joan Wilson, VP Programs & Workshops ( Our March 1st guild meeting will be fun-filled as Barb McCraw and Teresa Sherling present a program on Baltimore Album Quilts. With everyone thinking about the show theme, “In Full Bloom”, I’m sure we’ll have a truly amazing visual treat during their presentation. This is a great opportunity to learn about the history of and the techniques used in one of the most beautiful and revered quilt styles to ever have been created. Coming in April: Teresa Sherling & Barbara McCraw March Program Duo What to bring to meeting: • M embership Card • Completed Block Contest Entries • Raffle Ticket stubs & money • Mini Quilt Donations for Auction • Items for “Bring ‘n Brag” • Money - to sign up for an upcoming workshop • Guild Library books • Sign up to volunteer at the show!! Don’t forget about the wonderfully exciting program and workshops scheduled for April. Judith Baker Montano will be coming to share her knowledge of hand embroidery stitches and techniques. This is definitely a DON’T MISS EVENT! Judith single handedly started the resurgence and excitement about crazy quilts and all that the techniques have to offer quilters in the 21st century. Opportunities exist all over to use this type of stitching. You can view some of her projects at I will say, however, that there is nothing like seeing it up-close and personal. Judith’s Friday workshop is already full, however, don’t hesitate to get on a waiting list as sometimes we have a last minute cancellation. There are still a few slots in her Saturday class where we will be making an over-the-shoulder evening bag. You’ll learn lots of beautiful stitches and have a wonderful bag to wear to those special occasion events. Who knows, you may even want to carry them over to a denim bag. Don’t forget to check out our website for a listing of all the classes and lectures scheduled for 2012. I’m sure you’ll find something of interest. IT’S SHOW TIME! Dates to remember: • Wednesday, February 22 - Last day to withdraw an entry without penalty • Wednesday, March 7 - Deliver entries to Market Hall between 9 am and 1 pm (Shelly Guibert, Entries Chairman, plans to be there at 8 am, if you need to come a little earlier.) • Thursday, March 8 - QGD “Preview Night” festivities from 7-9 pm at Market Hall. • Friday, March 9 - Show opens to public at 10 am • Sunday, March 11 - Show closes at 5 pm. Pickup entries from 6-7 pm in North Hall Join us for the Dallas Quilt Celebration 2012 PREVIEW PARTY Quilter’s Guild of Dallas members, show entrants, vendors and their guests are invited to the Quilt Celebration Preview Party at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday night, March 8th. We will introduce the judges, and you will be among the first to find out whose quilt will take top honors as “Best of Show”. The Judge’s Choice and Pride of Dallas award winners will also be announced. Refreshments will be served starting at 6:30 p.m. Following the preview party, the doors to the exhibit hall will open and you will have an opportunity to view and photograph your favorite show quilts without the crowds. Please use the Market Center Blvd. entrance. Guild Board Meeting Schedule All members are welcome to attend Board Meetings. Beginning with the January meeting, we will meet in the Barnett Room at Temple Shearith Israel (same location as regular Guild meetings) at 6:30 pm. Please use the north entrance (facing Walnut Hill) • Thursday, Feb 23rd • Thursday, March 22nd • Thursday, April 26th • Thursday, May 24th • Thursday, June 28th • Thursday, July 26th • Wednesday, August 22nd Friday, March 9-Sunday, March 11, 2012 at Dallas Market Hall Terry Reese, 2012 Show Chairman Our Favorite Time of Year is Finally Here!! From the 62 members of the 2012 Show Committee, Welcome to “In Full Bloom!!” We’ve worked for months to bring all those big and little details together to make a great show. Be sure to visit the Miniature Quilt Auction, both online and in person. These little quilts are fabulous!! This year the auction proceeds benefit the Hobby Crafters Foundation. Stop by the Auction area during the show to see the adorable toys made in their workshop for underprivileged children. And…in addition to our spectacular judged show, we’ll have dozens of quilts to see in the Special Exhibits area. Take part in Personal Quilt Tours by Dr. Marian Ann Montgomery, free Lectures and Demonstrations, and check out the array of quilt goodies in each of the 150 vendor booths. Watch for Sponsor signs, and help us thank each of the show Sponsors! As a member of the guild you received a one-day admission pass, but you must have both your current guild membership card and the pass that was included in your membership packet last fall. But, if you can’t find your pass, just plan to volunteer for a couple of hours to earn your free admission! Thanks to our Guild members and their friends, Quilt Celebration is one of the largest all-volunteer staffed shows in the country. Every day you volunteer for just two hours, you get free admission to the show (without standing in line!) and are invited to lunch in the Staff Lounge. Spend the day with quilts and quilters – earn a gift for 4 or 8 hours volunteer time. Invite your friends to come and help – you are not required to be a member of the Guild to volunteer at the show. Contact info to sign up is located elsewhere in this newsletter. Visit the Guild website and our Show Facebook Page for more Show information. Don’t miss it!! Join us for Dallas Quilt Celebration at Market Hall, March 9-11! QGD Online - March 2012 page 2 Some Very SPECIAL Exhibits Cathy Bryan and Rachel Bryan Special Exhibits Co-Chairs Special Exhibits is going to be a very cool place to hang out this year at the Show! We are thrilled to announce 4 very exciting and very special exhibits that each has a special connection to our Guild! To start with, we have the traveling exhibit from the Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative titled Alzheimer’s Illustrated: From Heartbreak to Hope. These are the quilts, made under the direction of Ami Simms, which many of us signed when she was a guest lecturer to the guild back in 2010. This large, impressive, and emotional exhibit, includes 182 “Name Quilts” that incorporate the names of more than 10,000 individuals affected by Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. Hanging among the Name Quilts are 53 small format art quilts (9” x 12”) that each interpret the disease in a unique and creative way. The exhibit is on tour in the United States through 2015. We are especially honored to have Dallas be one of the stops on its journey. For more information about AAQI and this exhibit visit: As a companion exhibit to Alzheimer’s Illustrated: From Heartbreak to Hope, we are also proud to present a collection of approximately 40 challenge quilts created by members of the Dallas Area Fiber Artists. The quilts from the exhibit, entitled Pathways, will eventually be donated to the Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative as part of the fundraising program, Priority: Alzheimer’s Quilt Project after the Fiber Artists have raised local awareness through our show and their own show later this year. The Priority project is so named for the urgent need for research dollars and the hope that quilters across the country would make participation in this project a priority. Come see the ever amazing work of the Dallas Area Fiber Artists. Perhaps you will be inspired to create a miniature quilt to donate as well! Please visit the website for more information about AAQI. We are equally proud to also be hosting the 2010 American Quilt Study Group exhibit 19th Century Star Quilts. One of our very own members, Rägi Marino, has a quilt in this exhibit! AQSG members were challenged to replicate, either exactly, or as an interpretation, a star quilt from the 19th century. For more information about this exhibit, visit the AQSG website: The American Quilt Study Group is a national association open to all quilters who would like to enjoy association with and access to a network of knowledgeable people who are passionate about quilts; their past, present and future. We will have information about AQSG available at the exhibit, along with several QGD members of AQSG to answer your questions about the exhibit and AQSG in general. In addition to the Star quilt exhibit, there is a catalog titled: Stars: a Study of 19th Century Quilts which we hope to have available for purchase at the show. We hope to be taking pre-orders for the catalog at the March meeting for members as well. Our fourth exhibit is another one that we are especially proud and honored to host this year! Flowers + Photos + Fabrics = Quilts is an exhibit by local teacher, pattern designer, quiltmaker, and photographer, Carol Morrissey. This exhibit will feature floral quilts that she curated to complement this year’s Show theme, “In Full Bloom.” Those of you familiar with Carol’s work, know we are in for a joyful treat to see the beautiful, “blooming” quilts she creates! Carol will also host a lively lecture during the show about her quilts and how flowers inspire her to paint and quilt, and how you too can also be inspired by nature’s color palette. She will share information about the tools and methods she uses to make her quilts, such as paints, inks, dyes, digital imagery and her favorite tool—her camera! Visit Carol’s website ( for sneak peeks! (see Special Exhibits, continued on page 4) QGD Online - March 2012 page 3 How YOU can help with Special Exhibits: Special Exhibits (continued from page 3) • Plan now to visit the exhibits and bring your friends! The guild has a special connection to each of the four exhibits this year. Let’s support and encourage the work of our fellow quilters and friends. • Sign up to be a Special Exhibit Quilt Angel – We are required to have 3 volunteers staffing the AAQI exhibit during show hours. We also need members that are knowledgeable about AQSG and their exhibit. We can accommodate 1 “seated” volunteer per shift. • Use the wider appeal of the Alzheimer’s Quilt exhibits to get your “non quilter” friends to the show this year! There are few people who have not either lost a family member to Alzheimer’s related diseases or have a close friend who has watched a loved one slipping away. Viewing the AAQI exhibit and the Fiber Artists exhibit may inspire them to join the AAQI fundraising efforts by purchasing one of the quilts for sale online or simply make a donation. And who doesn’t love looking at the pretty quilts in the show? Everyone wins! • Help us get the word out about the exhibits to Alzheimer’s units in local facilities! We are also in contact with the Alzheimer’s Association locally to let them know about the AAQI and DAFA exhibits in the hopes they will want to spread the word among the local Alzheimer’s support community. We hope to have flyers at the March meeting for you to distribute to any facilities you may visit. If you need information to pass on regarding any of these outstanding exhibits before the March meeting, contact Cathy Bryan at or 214-564-5672. Quilt Appraisals Joan Wilson To schedule an Appraisal Appointment: • Simply fill out the appraisal form (available on our website or in your 2011-12 Directory) • Mail with appropriate fees to address on form. Did any of you experience BROKEN WATER PIPES during last year’s ice or snow storms? There were several folks in my neighborhood who either had improperly installed water softeners or pipes to their attic water heaters burst, causing major damage. What a great reason to have had an appraisal completed. When it comes to your precious quilts, damage like this is never adequately covered by insurance unless you have furnished your insurance company with an appraisal by a certified appraiser. What better time to get one done than during our quilt show? If you will have a quilt hanging in the show, or if you or someone you know has quilts you’ve collected over the years, antique or not, be sure to take this opportunity to get a clear understanding of their true value by having an appraisal done. There are three types of appraisals, including Insurance Appraisal, Fair Market Appraisal, and Tax Donation Appraisal. At Dallas Quilt Celebration, our appraisers conduct appraisals for Insurance Replacement value unless otherwise specified. AQS (American Quilter’s Society) Certified Appraisers will be available by appointment during the show to give written appraisals of quilts and quilted garments. Appraisals are scheduled every half hour during show hours. Online Portion of Mini Quilt Auction Begins Tuesday, February 28th! QGD Online - March 2012 page 4 We LOVE Show Volunteers! Perks include free admission and free lunch. Email Valerie Salter at for detailS! Sunshine & Shadow Cindy Matthews or cell 214-766-2212 ovy Gro for Gift eers!* nt Volu Sunshine: • Christina Dodd’s daughter, Paula, married Robert Gallagher on Dec 21 in Florida • Patty Kopeck welcomed a new granddaughter on Dec 19 • Melissa Sobotka’s art quilt Venetian Menagerie won Outstanding Art Quilt in the Road to California Quilters’ Showcase. We will get to admire it at the Dallas show! • Martha Lindberg’s quilt Mrs. Lindberg’s Neighborhood was selected to be in a Special Exhibit called “Text on Textiles” in the International Quilt Festival in Houston last fall. It is now touring with the IQF shows for the next three years. It will come home to her in 2014. The quilt was also featured in an article about IQF in the January/February 2012 issue of Quilt Mania on page 16. Shadow: • Joan McGee’s father-in-law passed away in December. Her mother-in-law passed away in January. • Linda Piper’s husband passed away in December. 2nd Annual Statewide Shop Hop September 1-30, 2012 Over 90 quilt shops in 10 different regions Get your passport at any participating shop Visit for complete details and prize descriptions A great way to see a great state and win both Statewide and Regional prizes! For information call 800 841-3901 or email March-August QGD Online - March 2012 page 5 Minutes for the General Meeting held on February 2, 2012 LaDonna Holtzclaw Guild Secretary • Marla Kelsey, President, called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm. New members and guests were welcomed. Announcements: • Marla Kelsey, President, announced the monthly board meeting will be held February 23rd at the Congregation Shearith Israel, The meeting starts at 6:30pm. All members are welcome to attend the meeting. • The board has approved the Helena Hibbs Memorial Scholarship Fund to honor Helena Hibbs. It will be appointed to the 7th VP, Education, which will be set up in the future. (see page 8 of newsletter for details.) • Rachel Bryan, Special Exhibit Team, is asking everyone to consider signing up as a Special Exhibits Quilt Angel volunteer. • Peggy Cord, Quilt Angels representative, stated the need for more Quilt Angels. • Sue Holland and Carol Dickschat, committee for On-Site Admissions at the Quilt Show, are also asking for volunteers. They have a little gift for anyone that volunteers in their area. • Bonnie McElearney and Mary Lord, co-chairs of the Miniature Quilt Auction, announced they have received 95 miniature quilts as of tonight. 78 were photographed for the online auction. Pins for donors are available tonight. If you are working on a miniature quilt, please bring by the March meeting. • Marcia Wood, Publicity Chairman for the show, encouraged everyone to put the Quilt Guild Show Bumper Sticker on their vehicle to advertise. • Juanita Johnson, Lecture Chairman for the show, was unable to be here, but Terry Reese announced the lectures at the show are FREE and there are three (3) good lectures this year. • Rhonda Anderson, Covers for Kids, announced the Block Contest 2004 “Keeper Quilt” is finished and will be on display at the Show. It was completed by Rhonda Anderson, Chris Becker, Marie Zaczkowski, Judy Kriehn, and Lu Peters. • Farmersville Quilt Guild members were selling tickets for their Raffle Quilt. Committee Reports: • Joan Wilson, 3rd VP Programs/Workshops, announced the upcoming speakers. • Cindy Matthews, 4th VP Membership, announced we have 580 members so far this year with a total of 39 new members and 63 members that have rejoined the guild after one or more years. She also announced sunshine this month. • Terry Reese, 6th VP Show, announced it is 36 days away from opening the doors of the “In Full Bloom” Quilt Celebration Show. Some of you may not know but we are one of the largest volunteer shows in the United States. • Marla Kelsey, President, announced if anyone is interested in volunteering for the nominating committee, she needs two (2) more people to complete the committee, please contact her. • Shirley Lam, 1st VP Community Service, assisted by committee members, presented 2010-11 Outstanding Volunteer pins. • Various members brought Bring and Brag. • Joan Wilson, 3rd VP Programs/Workshop welcomed the speaker, Wendy Butler Berns. • Door prizes were drawn and presented. • Meeting adjourned QGD Online - March 2012 page 6 Quilt Shows and Events Calendar For additional information on any of these events, visit the website at: and click on the link to “events and links.” March 23-35, 2012 From the USA to Asia-Quilts Around the World Quilter’s Guild of East Texas Details: Over 200 quilts on display, vendors, demonstrations, an old-fashioned bed-turning, door prizes, scissor sharpening, silent auction, and raffle quilt. Hours: 9 AM – 7 PM Saturday 11 AM – 4 PM Sunday Admission: $6 Adults; $5 seniors and children Where: Harvey Convention Center 2000 W Front St (Hwy 31 W) Tyler, TX Information: March 30-31, 2012 “Shades of Texas Quilt Show” – Crossroads to Texas Quilt Guild Details: Judged show, vendors, Hoffman Challenge, scissor sharpening, silent auction Hours: 9 AM – 5 PM Daily Where: Killeen Civic and Conference Center 3601 South W. S. Young Dr. Killeen, TX Information: April 21-22, 2012 Terrell Heritage Jubilee Quilt Show presented by the Terrell Chamber of Commerce & Kaufman Quilt Guild Hours: 9 AM – 7 PM Saturday 11 AM – 4 PM Sunday Where: Details: Judged show, cash prizes, vendors, door prizes Information: Herman Furlough Middle School 1351 Colquitt Road Terrell, TX 75160 2012 Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales Marcia Hampton, Chairman If you will be unable to sell the raffle tickets received in your member packet, please return them to me ASAP. Whatever you don’t sell, I hope to sell at the Raffle Quilt booth at the show! Advertising in QGD Online Sizes and pricing are posted on the Guild website in a PDF file on the newsletter index page. Note to Other Quilt Guilds: We will happily trade you complimentary advertising space for your quilt show or special event in QGD Online in exchange for same-size advertising space in YOUR newsletter for Dallas Quilt Celebration! QGD Online - March 2012 page 7 Helena Hibbs Memorial Scholarship Established Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! To honor the memory of our Guild founder, the late Helena Hibbs, the Quilters Guild of Dallas has established the Helena Hibbs Memorial Scholarship. A maximum of three scholarships will be available annually, and provide up to $1000 per recipient. Helena was passionate about teaching others to quilt, and encouraging professionalism. Therefore, after exploring a number of suggestions, the idea of providing funding for Guild members who wanted to pursue professional development in the field of quiltmaking seemed to be the most appropriate. Scholarship recipients may use the funds to cover application/enrollment fees, study materials, and/or travel expense in the pursuit of certification as a quilt teacher, appraiser, or judge. An individual shall be eligible to receive the scholarship only once. At the time he/she applies for the scholarship, an applicant must: • Have been accepted as a candidate for certification by a recognized organization, for example: National Quilters Association (NQA) or the American Quilters Society (AQS) in one of the fields of study - teaching, appraisal, or judging. • Be a current member in good standing of the Quilters Guild of Dallas and have been a member for the past three consecutive years. We are in great shape for the 2012 Miniature Quilt Auction! At last count, we had 92 minis. That is a record this far ahead of the show – and we haven’t even had to activate our ulcers this year. YOU are amazing! Mary Lord & Bonnie McElearney Miniature Quilt Auction Co-Chairs The photos for the online portion of the auction have been taken and the auctioneers are working on the site. The online portion will go live on Monday, February 27th. Please go to and look at all the miniature quilts that you and your friends have created. Encourage your family and friends to look and bid on the 79 miniature works of art that are on display there. Please volunteer to work Friday and/or Saturday in the Miniature Quilt Auction area. It is really fun to work the auction, and we can always use the help either day. As you know, the proceeds from the auction will go to the Hobby Crafters Foundation. This foundation depends entirely on donations and everyone is a volunteer. There are no paid employees. Hobby Crafters will use the funds we raise to purchase materials for the thousands of handmade toys that they make and distribute to children that would otherwise not receive a present during the holiday season, as well as provide some needed maintenance on their workshop and woodworking tools. As an extra bonus this year, the Hobby Crafters will provide a display of some of the toys they make. It will be in the Miniature Quilt Auction area. Please come by and enjoy looking at them. We are still accepting miniatures for the auction. The deadline is Tuesday, February 28th. Please mail or personally deliver your miniature to Bonnie McElearney, 10129 Mapleridge Drive, Dallas, Texas 75238. The miniatures can be dropped through the mail slot in the front door, if no one is at home. QGD Online - March 2012 Thank you for helping us help the Hobby Crafters Foundation! page 8 Happy Reading! Are you looking to expand your horizons and add color, texture and pizzazz to your quilts? Take a look at some of the books we have in the Library on surface design and embellishments. You’ll find most of these books in the “Technique” genre (grey label). Two books provide a good place to start: Marte Keller and Martha Smith, • Beading Basics: 30 Embellishing Techniques for Quilters by Mary Stori offers tips and techniques for adding beads and Guild Librarians sparkle to your quilts. • Creative Embellishments by Rodale Books is an encyclopedia of embellishments, using everything from trims, rubber stamps, buttons and charms to funky fringe. Books that approach embellishing with a specific theme include: • Everyday Angels in Extraordinary Quilts by Mary Lou Weidman: integrating angels into quilts to tell a story. These whimsical and very personal angels are appliquéd and embellished . • Everyday Embellishments - Eight Fun Quilts to Stitch and Embellish by M’Liss Rae Hawley - 8 different wall quilts, each highlighting different techniques. • Laurel Burch Legends by Laurel Burch - In the colorful and fanciful style of Laurel Burch, 9 detailed projects are presented that include applique, painting, thread and bead embellishing. • Quilted Havens: City Houses, Country Homes by Susan Purney-Mark - From igloos to Victorian manors, the 12 projects in this book have something for everyone. Quiltmaking tips include embellishments. Seven other books provide a more in depth approach to embellishment and surface design: • Quilt Toppings, Fun and Fanciful Embellishments by Melody Crust - for both the hand and machine quilter. Includes paint, bead, trim and stitch embellishments. Emphasis on creativity. • Fabric Collage Quilts: Using Creative Applique and Embellishments by Joanne Goldstein - from fusible applique to embellishments with ribbon, thread, beads and charms. • Complex Cloth: A Comprehensive Guide to Surface Design by Jane Dunnewold - includes dyeing, bleaching, painting and more. • On the Surface: Thread Embellishment & Fabric Manipulation by Wendy Hill - surface stitching to achieve textured fabric. • Luminous landscapes: Quilted Visions in Paint & Thread by Gloria Loughman - turning photos into landscape quilts including painting and embellishing fabrics. • Art Quilt Workbook by Jane Davila & Elin Waterston - follows a 10 week course about making art quilts from design to embellishments. • Fiberarts Design Book 7 Edited by Susan Mowery Kieffer - 550 amazing pieces from around the world. QGD Online - March 2012 page 9
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