Handbook for Associations - Studentenschaft der Universität St. Gallen
Handbook for Associations - Studentenschaft der Universität St. Gallen
Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen Handbook for Associations Version FS 15/16 University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 1|31 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Contents 1 Accreditation of Associations ................................................................................................. 5 1.1 Purpose of Accreditation ................................................................................................. 5 1.2 Requirements for Accreditation ..................................................................................... 5 1.3 Overview of Accreditation Process ................................................................................ 5 2 Duties of Associations ............................................................................................................. 7 3 Services of the Student Union and the University ................................................................ 9 4 3.1 Meetings of Association Presidents ................................................................................ 9 3.2 Workshops ....................................................................................................................... 9 3.3 Event Locations ...............................................................................................................10 3.4 Myunisg.ch as an Advertisement Platform for Associations ......................................12 3.4 Email Address .................................................................................................................13 3.5 Use of a Room at the HSG ..............................................................................................13 3.6 Reference to the HSG......................................................................................................13 3.7 Campus Credits ..............................................................................................................13 3.8 Post Box at the University ..............................................................................................14 3.9 Borrowing Equipment ....................................................................................................14 3.10 Financing Opportunities and Counseling in Financial Matters ..................................14 3.11 Media PC .........................................................................................................................15 3.12 Printing Quota ................................................................................................................15 3.13 Association Presentations in the Freshers’ Week .........................................................15 3.14 Association Information Fair .........................................................................................15 3.15 Consultation Hours for Associations ............................................................................16 Promoting Students’ Associations ........................................................................................17 4.1 Table Stands ....................................................................................................................17 4.2 Posters..............................................................................................................................18 4.3 Permanently Installed Notice Boards ............................................................................18 4.4 Video Audimax ...............................................................................................................19 4.5 Information Stands in Buildings A and B .....................................................................19 University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 2|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch 4.6 Aperitifs and Events .......................................................................................................19 4.7 prisma ..............................................................................................................................20 4.8 toxic.fm ............................................................................................................................20 4.9 Contributions via Media Team ......................................................................................21 4.10 Advertisement of Career Events on the HSG Career Platform ...................................21 4.11 Advertisement Guidelines .............................................................................................21 5 Contact and Feedback ............................................................................................................22 6 Appendix ................................................................................................................................23 6.1 Recognition criteria for associations of university affiliates ........................................24 6.2 Code of Conduct .............................................................................................................25 6.3 Checklist accreditation of associations ..........................................................................26 6.4 Manual to data entry using Joomla (www.myunisg.ch) .............................................27 6.5 Career Services Center sponsoring guide (CSC-HSG) .................................................28 6.6 Usage Guidelines for the Student Union notice boards ...............................................29 6.7 Regulations governing usage fees at the HSG (german) .............................................30 6.8 Rules governing events involving info stands at the HSG (german)..........................31 University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 3|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Foreword Dear Association Presidents or other interested parties Student associations have existed at the University of St.Gallen ever since it was founded. Over time, the number of associations has grown so considerably that their management now represents a major challenge. The Student Union of the University of St.Gallen (SHSG) therefore endeavours to represent the associations’ interests vis-à-vis the students and the University. It is the task of the Associations’ Cordinator to support and advise the associations on their causes, to strengthen cooperation with the Student Union and to offer a number of services to associations. This handbook is intended to demonstrate how the cooperation between associations and the Student Union functions. Its purpose is to explain your rights and obligations and to give you answers to the most important questions regarding association activities. In the name of the SHSG, the Board Member for Culture and the Associations’ Coordinator wish you a lot of fun and success in your associations’ activities. Contact data Main contact Associations‘ Coordinator: vereine@myunisg.ch Contact Board Member for Culture: kultur@myunisg.ch Kontakt IT Board: it@myunisg.ch University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 4|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen 1 1.1 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Accreditation of Associations Purpose of Accreditation Once an association has been accredited, it enjoys the following benefits: It may refer to the University of St.Gallen in its name or purpose It may use services and advertising opportunities offered by the Student Union and the University. 1.2 Requirements for Accreditation An association must comply with three basic requirements in order to be accredited: It must be useful to students/the University It must be necessary There must be a genuine reason for its creation The exact meaning of these three requirements can be checked in the recognition guidelines. 1.3 Overview of Accreditation Process The key factor in assuring fast accreditation is the applicant’s familiarity with the process. For this reason, it is recommended to read carefully the application form, guidelines and checklist for the accreditation of associations. The average process lasts between 1 and 3 months. The following section presents the exact procedure for accreditation: Step 1: Preliminary review with the Associations‘ Coordinator The first step for the founders of an association is to get in touch with the Associations’ Coordinator. This involves the following: Initial assessment of the situation Assessment of the chance of success of the accreditation application Ensuring that no other student body exists with the same objective Step 2: Founding of an Association The second step is the founding of an association in accordance with Art. 60ff CC by the founder/founders themselves. This includes the drafting of statutes. University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 5|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Step 3: Submitting the application for accreditation The third step in accreditation is the submission of the application for accreditation. The following needs to be done: The envisaged president of the association must fill in the accreditation application form and sign it In addition to the application form, signatures must be collected from at least 20 supporters (last page of the form). Application for admission of external people (if members may also be non-HSG students) Submission of the application and the statutes to the SHSG Chairman for Culture (Guisanstrasse 9, 9010 St.Gallen) Step 4: Review of accreditation application by the Student Union The fourth step is a preliminary review of the application by the Student Union. This is done in the following manner: Review of the application by the Chairman for Culture Signing of the application by the President of the Student Union with a positive or negative recommendation Forwarding of the application to the Legal Service of the HSG Step 5: Review of the accreditation application by the RWA Legal review of the application by the departmental assistant of the RWA If there are any questions or problems, the association will be contacted directly by email. Step 6: Decision on accreditation by the Senate Committee As soon as the RWA has checked the application and the statutes, the application will be dealt with as follows at the next Senate Committee meeting (held approx. every two weeks): The President of the Student Union will present the application at the Senate Committee meeting and will make a recommendation The association will be notified in writing by the Senate Committee of the decision taken Ideally, the association will then be officially accredited. All services of the University of St. Gallen and the Student Union at the University of St. Gallen can only be utilised starting at the time of official accreditation. The Associations’ Coordinator will contact the association and the Student Union IT Board will create a login for the administration of association data on Joomla. All relevant documents regarding the accreditation are available on http://myunisg.ch University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 6|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen 2 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Duties of Associations Every association is obliged to forward the following information to the Student Union of the University St. Gallen or to the General Counsel of the University of St. Gallen: Contact form, confirmation of the Code of Conduct and confirmation of the continuing existence of the association together with an application for/cancellation of participation in the presentations of associations/info platform for associations during Freshman Week (the latter of which is to be submitted before the start of the Fall semester on the Associations’ Coordinator’s request) If no confirmation of the continuing existence of an association is submitted by November 1 at the latest, the association is deemed inactive. The Student Union informs the Senate Committee thereof. Subsequently, a de-accreditation procedure will take place. The yearly verification of the activities of the association takes place at the beginning of the calendar year. Any subsequent changes to the board, the contact data (e-mail, website or postal address) as well as dissolution of the association shall be made unsolicited to the Associations’ Coordinator (vereine@myunisg.ch) Information about the association (short description, statutes, board, website, email and postal address) must be regularly updated on the association platform Joomla on www.myunisg.ch. A guidebook to the administration of association data can be found in the appendices. Any amendments to statutes under Art. 6 of the “Guidelines for recognition of associations of University members“ that are issued by the Senate Committee have to be handed in to the General Counsel and the Associations’ Coordinator in the following manner: - in writing (thomas.jordan@unisg.ch | vereine@myunisg.ch) - containing clearly discernible changes - and containing a letter explaining the changes The General Counsel will consequently decide whether the changes are to be treated as minor amendments (such as a change in the membership fees) or as major amendments (such as a change of name) and will inform all involved parties (association, RWA (Law Department), SHSG (Student Union)) University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 7|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch In the case of minor amendments, the association has to upload the revised statutes without prompt to Joomla via login and send an e-mail to all of the following parties involved in the process: - RWA (lawschool@unisg.ch) - General Counsel (thomas.jordan@unisg.ch) as well as the - Student Union (vereine@myunisg.ch and kultur@myunisg.ch) In the case of major amendments, the statutes have to be re-verified by the Senate Committee and will be put on the agenda by the General Counsel. The Senate Committee will inform the association and the Student Union of their decision in writing. If the revised statutes are accepted, the association has to upload them to Joomla without prompt and send an e-mail to all of the following involved parties: - RWA (lawschool@unisg.ch) - General Counsel (thomas.jordan@unisg.ch) as well as the - Student Union (vereine@myunisg.ch and kultur@myunisg.ch). In case of dissolution of an association the following steps need to be followed: - the Associations’ Coordinator and Chairman for Culture need to be informed in writing immediately. - HSG mailboxes have to be dissolved where applicable (buero.sz@unisg.ch) - All related contents on myunisg.ch will be deleted by the Student Union’s IT Board - Funds provided by the Student Union need to be payed back where applicable. The Student Union Finance Board needs to be contacted for this in any event: finanz@myunisg.ch Upon dissolution of the association, the association’s accreditation dissolves automatically. (A formal de-accreditation by the senate committee is not necessary, because the association has ceased to exist.) An association’s accreditation can be revoked by the Senate Committee in the case of noncompliance with the associational obligations or abuse of the rights associated with accreditation. University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 8|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen 3 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Services of the Student Union and the University The following services are offered to accredited associations by the University and the Student Union: Meetings of Association Presidents Workshops Event Locations An email address Association platform on www.myunisg.ch Use of a room at the HSG Reference to the HSG in an association’s name Campus Credits Post box at the University Borrowing equipment Fiancing Opportunities & Counseling Media PC Printing quota Association presentation during Fresher's Week Association Information Fair Consultation hours for associations 3.1 Meetings of Association Presidents Meetings between the association presidents are foreseen biannually and serve to facilitate the overarching exchange of ideas between associations and to communicate important issues that may have arisen from the SHSG. The Association Coordinator will provide the invitations to these meetings. 3.2 Workshops The SHSG and the HSG Career Service Center offer the following workshops for associations: University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 9|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch The Student Leaders Workshop takes place annually on four occasions and is open to all board members of the associations. The content of Jessica Aschari-Lincoln, Int’l.Mag.BA’s workshops include reflection on and development of one’s personal leadership role. The participation fee is CHF 150.-. More information can be found at: http://myunisg.ch. The Client and Sponsor Acquisition workshop takes place annually, following the 1. meeting of the association presidents. This workshop is provided by the CSC-HSG, the goal being to offer information on the successful acquisition of sponsors. Attached is a small handbook on the subject. NEW: the CSC-HSG will provide an annual workshop on event management. The Association Coordinator will provide invitations to the workshop, albeit with a limited number of participants. Additionally, regular office hours are available at the CSC-HSG for any questions regarding event organization, sponsoring and corporate partnerships. Details and sign up sheets can be found at: http://www.hsgcareer.ch/eventwerkstatt NEW: Upon request, the CSC-HSG will organize career counseling workshops, meaning that the CSC’s services will be available to offer in the context of association events. The number of workshops is limited to 5-6 times yearly and requests will be determined according to first come, first serve. Address requests to: nadja.fleisch@unisg.ch 3.3 Event Locations The campus bars [ad]hoc and MeetingPoint at Blumenbergplatz provide you with on- and off-campus bar possibilities. Both bars offer a large variety of drinks at student friendly prices. The Bereich G is structured as a non-profit, meaning that all revenue is reinvested into increasing value for students. A brief overview of the advantages and possibilities for your association: Table reservations for regulars -> Email: gastro@myunisg.ch Organization of open events for free during regular opening hours Cheap rental conditions for association exclusive events outside of regular opening hours (see conditions below) Advance Sale of ‘Switch Tickets’ for SHSG parties in [ad]hoc and MeetingPoint (valid in both clubs for the entire night) University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 10|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Attractive ticket-bundles for SHSG parties: 1 Switch ticket= 15.-, 10 Switch Ticket= 100.- (à 10.-), 25 Switch Tickets= 200.-(à 8.-) Billed consumption after exceeding CHF 150.- (it is necessary to register the association as a debitor in advance Mail to gastro@myunisg.ch) Attractive offering of drinks for the cheapest prices in town! *Conditions for an exclusive rental outside of regular opening hours: Base Fare Standard (Sunday through Thursday): 300 CHF Includes: 4 hours of opening time (ex: 8-12 PM) with 1 barkeeper and cleaning services Base Fare Weekend (Friday through Saturday, only MeetingPoint): 400 CHF Includes: 4 hours of opening time (ex: 8-12 PM) with 1 barkeeper and 1 bouncer, as well as cleaning services The base fare is intended to cover basic costs and will be deducted regardless of turnover. Reductions start after CHF 800 turnover: CHF 800 - CHF 100 CHF 900 - CHF 200 CHF 1000 - CHF 300 CHF 1100 - CHF 400 CHF 1200 - CHF 500 (Base Fare falls away with a standard rental) etc. Per additional labor hour (ex: open longer then the four included hours, or additional barkeeper), the base fare rises by CHF 35. OPENING TIMES: [ad]hoc: Monday to Thursday 12-24 PM Friday University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 10-20 PM (during lecture times, after 10 o’clock: sausage breakfast) 11|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch MeetingPoint: Wednesday | Thursday | Friday: 20-24 PM (If Fridays have sufficient activity, opening times may be extended to 01:00 AM) 3.4 Myunisg.ch as an Advertisement Platform for Associations Event Calendar on www.myunisg.ch Association events can be published in the event calendar on the SHSG’s website. In order to do justice to the bilingualism at the HSG, please write your entries, if at all possible, both in English and German. Additionally, only your own events may be advertised. A detailed instruction guide on how to proceed can be found in the attached manual regarding the Joomla platform. Information about Associations on myunisg.ch Every association is obligated to list a short description of the club’s purpose and their activities. In addition, a short description, the current statutes, the association’s logo as well as contact dates (short description, statutes, mail, web, post address and logo) have to be provided. Associations are again asked to write their entries both in English and German if possible. Information can be provided using the association’s myunisg.ch account according to the attached manual. Text and Banners on myunisg.ch Every association has the possibility to display a banner and accompanying text on http://myunisg.ch for the maximum duration of one week (per event). However, space is not guaranteed. Reservation requests should be directed ahead of time to the IT-Board: it@myunisg.ch. The following possibilities exist: Text with banner Required documents: text in German and English (unlimited character tally) Additionally, if desired: links, pictures and attachments Pictures must be in the compressed png format of 450x 128 pixels Subtitles (max. 40 characters, including spaces, for the 1 cm high title bar at the lower edge of the banner) Banner with hyperlink Required documents: link to be hyperlinked Pictures must be in the compressed png format of 450x 128 pixels University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 12|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Subtitles (max. 40 characters including spaces for the 1 cm high title bar at the lower edge of the banner) The necessary documents must have been submitted to the IT-board (it@myunsig.ch) at least 3 working days in advance. The banners and accompanying texts should bear relevance to university life and be directed at multitude of students. The SHSG reserves the right to deny requests as they see fit. 3.4 Email Address Accredited associations can obtain an <association>@myunisg.ch email address. The name of the association (<association>) must have at least 5 characters. For this matter, get in touch with the IT department directly: it@myunisg.ch 3.5 Use of a Room at the HSG Associations are entitled to use rooms at the University for association events free of charge. Reservations, including details concerning the date, time, number of people, should be sent by email directly to the room allocation office (raumdispo@unisg.ch). University room rental requests should be addressed to the director of property administration: kathrin.boeni@unisg.ch. 3.6 Reference to the HSG Accredited associations at the University of St.Gallen may refer to the HSG in their names. They are allowed to add "at the University of St.Gallen" or "at the HSG". They may not, however, include the reference "of the University of St.Gallen" or "of the HSG". The abbreviation "UniSG” is not permitted. 3.7 Campus Credits The University awards campus credits for outstanding achievements in student projects. The Student Union has no influence on the awarding of campus credits. For more detailed information, see: Studentweb: http://studentweb.unisg.ch/en/bachelorstufe/leistungswesenbachelor/campuscredits http://studentweb.unisg.ch/en/masterstufe/leistungswesenmaster/campuscredits University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 13|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen 3.8 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Post Box at the University Associations are entitled to have a post box at the University. In order to obtain one, it is necessary to contact the Office Service Center (in the basement of the Main Building) (buero.sz@unisg.ch) and to borrow a key in exchange for a CHF 100 deposit. After that, the associations’ post can be sent to the address Dufourstrasse 50, <Association Name>. It is important to note that: The post counter is open from 08:00-11:45 to 13:30-16:30 The offer is only valid as long as enough boxes are available 3.9 Borrowing Equipment Alle Vereine können gegen eine Kaution einen Grossteil der Mobilien der SHSG ausleihen (z.B. Festmobiliar, Beamer, Kameras etc). borrowing equipment: http://myunisg.ch | contact: studentenschaft@myunisg.ch 3.10 Financing Opportunities and Counseling in Financial Matters In order to finance the activities of associations or to get newly founded associations started, it is possible to apply for support from the fund that promotes student involvement, the social and cultural fund or via the online funding exchange "HSG inSite». The prerequisite is that the projects create added value for all students and are accessible to them. The corresponding rules and regulations can be found via the link given below. Applications and questions should be addressed to the ‘SHSG Funds Contact Point’, or to the respective contact person at “HSG-inSite”. Outright subsidies, loans or deficit guarantees Social and Cultural Fund Fund to support student involvement Crowdfunding platform "HSG inSite» http://myunisg.ch/de/foerdermoeglichkeiten.html SHSG Funds Contact Point: fonds@myunisg.ch HSG inSite: susan.schellknecht@unisg.ch University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 14|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch The SHSG’s Finance Board is glad to counsel associations regarding all matters of financial questions. Direct requests to: finanz@myunisg.ch . 3.11 Media PC If they need one, associations have access to a media computer for the creation of flyers or other creative projects. The PC is located in the SHSG Building, Room 40-202. The software provided is"Adobe Creative Suite 6" (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop) as well as the Adobe Video Software “Creative Cloud for Premiere Pro”. If you want to use it, an appointment must be made via: studentenschaft@myunisg.ch 3.12 Printing Quota Every association is provided with a printing quota free of charge per semester. Every association additionally receives 200 credits per semester, which can be used in the following manner: 1 Credit = 1 black/white print (A4/A3) 6 Credits = 1 colour print (A4/A3) Prior registration via studentenschaft@myunisg.ch 3.13 Association Presentations in the Freshers’ Week In the Freshers’ Week, the associations have the opportunity to present themselves to the freshmen students during an evening full of presentations. The Associations’ Coordinator will provide detailed information on how to apply in June/July. Please be aware that late applications cannot be considered. General framework: When: Thursday evening in the Freshers’ Week Where: Audimax Presentation duration: precisely 40 seconds Type of presentation: video trailer, PowerPoint presentation or live presentation. Detailed agenda: Will be published by the Student Union. Upcoming association events can be announced in the leaflet that is made available at the presentation 3.14 Association Information Fair In the first week of the academic semester, students’ associations can present themselves at a stand at the association information fair. University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 15|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch General framework: When: Tuesday in the first week of the fall semester Where: foyer in the B-building 1 stand (table + partition wall) per association The Associations’ Coordinator will provide detailed information and application instructions in June/July. There are more associations than stands available, so whoever comes first is served first. The places are allocated by the Student Union. 3.15 Consultation Hours for Associations Once a week, the Associations’ Coordinator offers consultation hours for associations. He will answer questions concerning accreditation and support for associations. If you are interested please send an e-mail containing your topic of interest to vereine@myunisg.ch to sign up. University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 16|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen 4 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Promoting Students’ Associations Any accredited student association at the University of St.Gallen has the following possibilities to promote their club: Posters/ 4.1 Table stands Permanently installed notice boards Video Audimax Stands Apéros & Events prisma toxic.fm Contributions via Media Team Advertisement of Career Events on the HSg Career Platform Table Stands The associations can reserve table stands in the A-canteen and the B-cafeteria to promote their events. There are four sets available in total with 15 pieces each: two in the A-canteen and two in the B-cafeteria. Each time, one set can be reserved for one week. The reservations are fixed two weeks before the event. The Student Union is entitled to restrict the use of the table stands in times of great demand. Otherwise the principle “first come, first serve” is applied. To make a reservation for table stands, follow these steps: 1. Write an e-mail to studentenschaft@myunisg.ch with the association’s name, reservation date and, if applicable, your preferred table stand set. 2. The reservation will be confirmed by the Student Union. 3. At the beginning of the reservation: Check the quantity. Take out the old flyers and discard them. Put in your own flyers. IMPORTANT: Please make sure you use the correct table stand set, otherwise the Student Union will remove your flyers. The table stand sets are marked with two different colours. University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 17|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch The format is A5 (on both sides). The advertising guidelines as set out in chapter 4.11 must be adhered to. 4.2 Posters Associations have the possibility to use designated notice boards within the University for promotion purposes: B-Building (Building 09): - Lower entrance ground floor (lower half) - Upper entrance at Guisanstrasse Sports Hall (Building 10): With ‘students’ associations’ designated area on the upper floor. Posters can be submitted to Unisport at Bodanstrasse 3. A-Building (Building 01): In the right passageway to the canteen (basement) in the areas that are designated with ‘students’ associations’. The most important rules: The posters have to target the students at the University of St.Gallen, comply with the current legal requirements and must not pursue a commercial purpose. The advertising guidelines as set out in chapter 4.11 must be adhered to. It has to be clear to which accredited association the posters belong. The posters must not exceed DIN A2 format. General students’ association advertisements can be hung up for a maximum of 14 days (checked by the Student Union on a regular basis). 4.3 Permanently Installed Notice Boards There are seven permanently installed notice boards on the ground floor of the B-building; each one has the size of 1m2. Students’ associations have the possibility to apply for one of them. Each semester, the boards are redistributed. The application has to be sent in written form to vereine@myunisg.ch three weeks before the academic semester starts. Detailed rules on using the permanently installed notice boards can be found in the appendix as well as on http://myunisg.ch University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 18|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen 4.4 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Video Audimax Accredited students’ associations at the University of St.Gallen have the possibility to play videos in the Audimax. During one week, a maximum of four students’ associations can show their videos in three breaks: The clip cannot be longer than 30 seconds. Per lecture break, a maximum of two playbacks are possible. The videos are played in the order of their submission to the Student Union. The videos have to be submitted to the Associations’ Coordinator (vereine@myunisg.ch) until Thursday 12am before the respective week. It is recommended to hand in the videos in AVI-format. Otherwise, playback problems may occur and in that case, the Student Union takes no responsibility. It is forbidden to show racist, political or other content that does not comply with the current legal requirements. It is forbidden to promote commercial events. The University has the right to refuse to show a video without explanation. The video clips are preferably played in freshers’ lectures. 4.5 Information Stands in Buildings A and B The university’s facility service and room management is responsible for the coordination of the information stands in the foyers. Reservations have to be made at least 5 business days ahead of time at the room management (raumdispo@unisg.ch) The stands can be reserved for a maximum of three days (at one location). A maximum of one partition wall, two chairs and one table can be provided for free. The maximum total width of the stand may be 1.5 m. Roll-Ups are allowed, but may not exceed 2 m in height. The organiser is responsible for rubbish disposal. It is prohibited to play music during the booth campaign. It is prohibited to prepare or reheat food in the university’s facilities. Flyers may be laid out on the table but it is not allowed to actively distribute them. The advertising guidelines as set out in chapter 4.11 must be adhered to. 4.6 Aperitifs and Events When it comes to aperitifs, the following guidelines apply: University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 19|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch The aperitif location has to be reserved at least five working days ahead at the room management (raumdispo@unisg.ch) Migros Catering has the exclusive right for doing aperitifs at the University of St.Gallen. If you wish to use another catering service, Migros Catering has to be asked for permission. Migros Catering offers can be found under: http://www.unisg.ch/de/hsgservices/tagungsorthsg/gastronomie/mensa Associations will be invoiced for the use of furniture.* Please contact the facility management for events if something is unclear (events@unisg.ch) Please contact the Associations’ Coordinator in case you plan a very large event: vereine@myunisg.ch *Rules on the costs for usage and detailed regulations on events involving information stands can be found in the appendix. 4.7 prisma Associations can also promote their club in prisma, the HSG’s official student newspaper: Post your own content using an association’s account at: http://www.prisma-hsg.ch/ Request a login at: online@prisma-hsg.ch Entry in the Prisma Calender: e-mail to aktuell@prisma-hsg.ch including the name of the association, location, date, time of the event and a short description of the association 4.8 For longer articles, approach: redaktion@prisma-hsg.ch toxic.fm Students’ associations at the University of St.Gallen have the possibility to promote their club and events free of charge on the toxic.fm radio channel (www.toxic.fm). The advertisements can be broadcasted up to three times a day (in the morning, at noon and in the evening) during a period of two weeks. If an association would like to broadcast their contribution more often, there will be a 50%-discount on the list price. The advertisement has to be sent to toxic.fm electronically in mp3-format at least two days ahead of time. Please contact the Chairman for Culture at kultur@myunisg.ch University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 20|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen 4.9 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Contributions via Media Team On request, every association has the possibility to have the SHSG Media Team create a contribution about their event. Due to restricted capacities and the large number of events, it is up to the Media Team to decide whether a contribution is possible or not. Please direct your request to the Chairman for Culture: kultur@myunisg.ch 4.10 Advertisement of Career Events on the HSG Career Platform Following Spring Semester 16, associations will have the possibility to advertise their own career events on hsgcareer.ch. The Association Coordinator will provide more information shortly. 4.11 Advertisement Guidelines Tutoring Services The university does not allow advertising for companies that offer tutoring services (Uniseminar, youknow.ch, etc.) The same applies to these companies in the case of sponsoring, meaning that using their logos in any way, including mentioning them as sponsors, is forbidden. In the case of such a breach, all relevant material will be repossessed, and in the case of a repeated breach, measures will be taken by the university. Sponsors The advertisement of commercial or external companies is forbidden, and therefore, in the case of sponsoring, the association’s logo must be clearly in the foreground. This means that the association logo must appear bigger then that of the sponsoring partner’s. The general secretariat will enforce this guideline with appropriate and proportionate judgment. Clubs This guideline must be exercised with particular caution with regard to events in clubs. According to university regulations, clubs may only be mentioned in small type as event locales. University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 21|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen 5 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Contact and Feedback The Associations’ Coordinator is the point of contact for all kinds of general problems or questions a student association may have. The Coordinator can be reached via email or via his own letter box in the Student Union House on Guisanstrasse 9 opposite the B-building. The Chairman for IT is the point of contact for specific technical questions. Kontaktdaten: Hauptkontakt Vereinskoordinator: vereine@myunisg.ch Kontakt Vorstand Kultur: kultur@myunisg.ch Kontakt IT-Vorstand: it@myunisg.ch The German version is legally binding. Translations into the English language are only for information purposes. - Rechtlich verbindlich ist im Zweifelsfall das deutschsprachige Dokument. Englische Übersetzungen dienen lediglich zur Information. University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 22|31 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen 6 Appendix University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 23|31 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen 6.1 Recognition criteria for associations of university affiliates University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 24|31 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Based on Art. 36 of the University Statutes of 25 October 2010, the Senate Committee of the University of St. Gallen issues regulations governing: Recognition criteria for associations of university members 1. Scope Associations of university members which reference the University of St. Gallen (HSG) in their name or through their purpose need to be recognized by the Senate Committee. 2. Requirements for initial recognition and its continuation In order to gain initial recognition and have it continue into the future, an association needs to fulfill all of the following prerequisites: a) The statues must conform to the legal requirements of the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB). b) There has to exist a connection to the University in terms of the members involved as well as possibliy a thematic connection. The association statutes have to specify that the board of the association must consist of members of the University of St. Gallen. The association has to benefit University members. c) The association must not be controlled or influenced by committees or corporations outside of the HSG in a way that contradicts the interests or the reputation of the HSG. d) While a diverse set of opinions is explicitly desired at the University, the names and purposes of an association may not contradict the goals and interests of the University nor be likely to damage its reputation. e) The trademarks of the University as well as its regulations concerning trademarks have to be observed. Particularly, use of the figurative mark and the word/figurative mark of the University of St. Gallen (HSG) is not permitted. f) Associations with purposes that contradict the applicable legal order will not be recognized. Political parties will not be recognized as a rule. g) Associations recognized at the HSG are in principle allowed to be sponsored with the goal of funding association activities so long as financial advantages to the members are neither aspired nor achieved. General conditions on this topic are based on the code of conduct for associations (appendix 1). By requesting recognition, the associations agree to comply with this code of conduct. Violations of the code of conduct will be treated as non-compliance with these regulations. h) Seriousness is a necessary requirement. This includes in particular: • The association’s continued existence must be permanently secured to a high degree; • The number of association members may only briefly dip under the minimum number of 10 members. 3. Effects of the recognition Recognition allows the association to benefit from a range of privileges that the Student Union and the University award to associations, among them: • • Referencing the University of St. Gallen (HSG) while presenting your association, with the appendixes "an der Universität St.Gallen" or "at the University of St.Gallen", as well as "an der HSG" or "at the HSG" being allowed parts of an association’s name. (The appendixes "der Universität St.Gallen" or "of the University of St.Gallen", as well as "der HSG" or "of the HSG", as well as "@HSG" are not allowed.); Temporary use of rooms at the University for association events (based on availability and a previously made reservation at the room reservation office); -2- • • 4. Free setup of a temporary info booth (after a reservation has been made with the University Administration; distribution depends on the specific set-up materials available at that time); A variety of offers by the Student Union (details can be found on the Student Union website www.myunisg.ch). Obligations resulting from the recognition With their recognition the associations commit to abide by the following regulations: a) Regulations, directives and instructions of the University and the University Management have to be observed and followed. The tenets of these regulations have to be followed during the entire time period for which the recognition is valid. b) The statutes and the composition of the board have to be kept up to date on the Student Union’s homepage. c) The board of the Student Union needs to be informed annually about the continued existence of the association as well as about possible changes to the association’s board members and to the statutes until 1 November of each year at the latest. In order to ensure a correct flow of information to the board, this information may only be passed from the beginning of the Autumn Semester. If no information is passed on — even after a one-time reminder was sent — the association will be regarded as inactive without further ado. The Student Union will inform the Senate Committee about this. d) If the obligations resulting from literae a to c are not complied with or if the rights related with recognition are abused, the Senate Committee can withdraw recognition from the association based on Art. 7 of these regulations. 5. Process The process of recognition takes place through the following steps: • Association analyzes the situation; • Recognition request: - Formation of an association based on Arts. 60 ff. ZGB; - Completion of the recognition request formula with the association statutes attached; - Dialogue with the board member of the Student Union which is responsible for culture; - The next step is a legal preliminary examination of the statutes. If the association is to be open to non-members of the University, a one-time justification for this needs to be submitted to the Senate Committee. A possible membership of non-members must not endanger the independence of the association; - The Senate Committee decides on recognition of an association, based on the Student Union’s President’s recommendation; - A complete entry is made for the association on the Student Union homepage (www.myunisg.ch); only then the recognition takes effect; • Annual confirmation of the association’s continued active status to the Student Union (Art. 4 litera c). 6. Amendments of statutes Minor amendments to the statutes such as a modification of the member fees do not need to be presented to the Senate Committee once again for approval. Major amendments on the other hand, especially those which affect the principles listed in Art. 2, must be approved by the Senate Committee. -3- 7. Termination of recognition The recognition as an association of the HSG is terminated: a) If the association itself is dissolved (Art. 76 - 79 ZGB); b) If the Senate Committee decides to withdraw recognition: 1. Due to an association’s lack of activity (Art. 4 litera c) 2. Because of grave violations of regulations, directives or instructions of the University and the University Management; especially also in cases of violations of these regulations 3. Due to violations of the interests of the University or damage done to its reputation (according to Art. 2 literae c and d of these regulations). In case of first-time or less grave violations according to Art. 7 litera b number 2 and 3, the Senate Committee has the right to stop or to restrict the privileges awarded to an association by the University of St. Gallen for a limited time period. However, withdrawal of the recognition through the Senate Committee is even possible in the case of a grave first-time violation according to Art. 7 litera b number 2 and 3. Before the withdrawal according to litera b number 3, the President’s Board as well as the association in question may both ask for a mediation procedure by the Ombudsman’s Office at the University of St. Gallen. With the termination the effects of the recognition according to Art. 3 expire starting from that moment. 8. Transitional provision The associations that have already been recognized before these regulations enter into force have the opportunity to change their statutes to comply with the regulation until 31 July 2012. Associations with statutes that do not comply with these regulations after that date may have their recognition withdrawn based on Art. 7 litera b number 2. 9. Implementation These regulations enter into force with the Senate Committee’s resolution of 29 March 2011, and will be applied from then on. They replace the Senate Committee’s resolution of 10 January 2006, on the formation of associations at the University of St. Gallen. For the Senate Committee: The president Prof. Dr. Thomas Bieger The secretary: Hildegard Kölliker-Eberle, lic. iur. HSG Appendix: 1. Code of conduct for associations The German version is legally binding. Translations into the English language are only for information purposes. Rechtlich verbindlich ist im Zweifelsfall das deutschsprachige Dokument. Englische Übersetzungen dienen lediglich zur Information. Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen 6.2 Code of Conduct University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 25|31 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Code of conduct for associations on the topic of sponsorship Preamble The accredited associations at the University of St. Gallen create added value for University members by providing a lot of services to the student body and the entire University community. The rights awarded to them by the University are justified by these association activities that are of value for the University as a whole. Furthermore, the associations respect and preserve a constructive relationship with the University and all University stakeholder groups throughout all of their activities. At the same time, they are in a state of healthy competition with other associations that is to be welcomed, so long as it does not get out of hand and starts jeopardizing the added value for the University community. In this spirit and in order to prevent any damaging excesses with regards to the funding of association activities through sponsoring, the accredited associations at the University of St. Gallen enact the following code of conduct and commit themselves to complying with its provisions as provided by Art. 2 litera g of the recognition criteria for associations of University members. 1) Sponsoring is an appropriate means to secure the funding of association activities. However, sponsoring activities need to have a direct relation to the activities of the association or to the association itself. A commercialization of the rights awarded by the University (according to the recognition criteria for associations of University members) without sufficient relation to the association activities in order to acquire sponsorship funds is therefore out of the question. 2) The funds gained through sponsoring have to contribute to the association activities that create added value for the University community. Privatizing the funds is strictly prohibited. 3) In their sponsoring activities as well as in their other activities, the associations respect all house regulations and user regulations at the University. There will be no attempts to circumvent any of these regulations with regards to their purpose or intention. 4) Sponsoring activities are focused on the association itself. The association is the main actor and the sole direct profiteer for the goal of promoting its activities. 5) The associations aim – as far as this is possible and proportionate – to conduct all sponsoring activities themselves without being forced to resort to commercial third parties. 6) Sponsoring may not be at odds with the goals and the reputation of the University of St. Gallen as a whole. This code of conduct is to be presented once every year at the meeting of association presidents and to be changed if necessary. The German version is legally binding. Translations into the English language are only for information purposes. - Rechtlich verbindlich ist im Zweifelsfall das deutschsprachige Dokument. Englische Übersetzungen dienen lediglich zur Information. Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen 6.3 Checklist accreditation of associations University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 26|31 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Check list accreditation of associations 1. The following documents have to be signed by the association president: - Accreditation request - Association statutes - Request for the admission of external members (if applicable) 2. The association statutes have to note explicitly that all board members need necessarily be students at the University of St. Gallen. 3. If the association wants to admit external members (= people who are not students at HSG) a request for the admission of external members needs to be submitted. 4. The association name may contain the suffix “at the University of St. Gallen” or “at the HSG”. The suffixes “of the University of St. Gallen” or “of the HSG” on the other hand are not permitted. The abbreviation “UniSG” is not valid. Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen 6.4 Manual to data entry using Joomla (www.myunisg.ch) University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 27|31 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch 1. Login Via this link http://myunisg.ch/administrator you can log in with the username and password that was sent to you by studentenschaft@myunisg.ch (is displayed as "SHSG" in your mailbox) by means of an automatically generated email. In case you have lost your username and password, please write an email to it@myunisg.ch, NOT to studentenschaft@myunisg.ch. username password select language After you have successfully logged in, you have access to the administration page: (1) (2) (3) Here you can find the three most important features: • Edit your profile (1) • Students‘ associations (2) • Events (3) Don’t worry in case you can’t see these widgets: you can also access „students’ associations“ and „events“ in the menu under „components“. 2. Profile In the pofile editor, you can only change the information of the administrator’s account, i.e. login information etc. (but not the information visible on myunisg.ch). Here you can change your password. The data visible on this page does not appear in the associations list. The information in the association list can be changed in the association system (chapter 3). Please do not change the username and password! 3. Association System In the association system (click on the field “associations” on the main page or look for the field “associations” in the menu under "components") you can change or update the information that appears in the association list or on http://myunisg.ch/studentenschaft/vereine.html. Associations Select your association and then change the corresponding data in the detail view. Please click on the name directly instead of checking the box on the left and clicking “edit” because you might get an error message. edit your association In the "logo" or "statutes" menu you can upload your logo or your statutes. If a logo / the statutes already exist, they are replaced by the new entry. If you have questions, suggestions or problems, you can contact the students’ associations’ coordinator (vereine@myunisg.ch) Please do not change anything in the categories! 4. Event System In the event system you can enter events regularly. They will appear on http://myunisg.ch/events.html, on the main page http://myunisg.ch and on the info screens at the University. With the button „Neu +“ you can add a new event. Please fill all fields carefully. Especially "Begin" and "End" are tricky: When you click on the field, a calendar pops up where you can chose the date; however, you have to insert the time manually (HH: MM, eg 12:30.). Here is an example of how a completed event looks like: If you have any questions, suggestions or problems, please write an email to the Chairman for IT and Campus (it@myunisg.ch). Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen 6.5 Career Services Center sponsoring guide (CSC-HSG) University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 28|31 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Customer interactions made easy Guidelines for a successful company sponsorship Wednesday, November 19, 2014 The Career Services Center (CSC-HSG) Point of contact between your studies and the job market The competence centre - Job and career counselling for students - University marketing and student recruitment Official contact at the HSG for company matters 1. Differentiating donations and sponsorship* Donation Sponsorship A donation denotes a voluntary service or payment with nothing received in return, in form of money, objects, services or time (volunteer work). Sponsorship denotes assistance provided to individuals, a group of people, organizations or events, etc. in form of money, objects or services with the expectation to receive something in return that will support your own communications and marketing goals. Differentiating donations and sponsorship: Unlike patrons of the arts who do not expect any economic benefit from their activity, sponsors expect a number of defined services and user rights in return. Unlike a real exchange of services, however in which both sides contribute an equal amount, there is a certain intent of lending support that is inherent in sponsorship. Think about what factors are important to you and adjust your process accordingly * Definitions according to Wikipedia 2. Three steps to a successful sponsoring concept 1. Work out an interesting offer 2. Create documentation that is brief and easily understandable 3. Come up with a smart acquisition strategy and a good plan of implementation Interesting offer Clear documentation Smart strategy and implementation 3. Key questions to keep in mind while creating the offer Interesting offer 1. What makes our association one-of-a-kind at HSG? 2. What kind of event do we need support for? 3. Are we looking for support for a one-time event or something recurring/permanent? 4. Should emotional or rational reasons be at the forefront in the decision to support our organization? 5. Which companies/sectors/organizations fit our association? 6. What should be the central point of concern for the company: transfer of knowledge, exchange, branding (recruiting) or product presentation? 7. What can we offer the company in return? 8. Who is the right contact person at the company for our issue? HR, Business, HSG alumni, others? 9. How do we reach the right contact person? 10. Are there cooperation partners at the HSG that it makes sense to reach out to (e.g. CSC-HSG, HSG Institutes, HSG Alumni)? 4. Creating documentation Clear documentation Important content: - Brief description of your association (including size and goals) - Brief description of the sponsoring/donation project - Information concerning the key elements (time period, costs, participants, reach) - Costs to the company - List of benefits to the company - Contact information It does not have to be an expensive, glossy brochure, but rather a short, clear and clean documentation of information 5. Written acquisition Words are a powerful acquisition tool when they are being used effectively There are many forms of written acquisition strategies, such as: 1. Acquisition through the internet (own website) 2. Promotional leaflets, brochures, company presentations, etc. 3. Mailings, newsletter, etc. (be careful to weigh legal consequences!) 4. Advertisements, PR and publicity, press releases, etc. 5. Active advertisement through e-mail Smart strategy and implementation 5. Written acquisition Smart strategy and implementation Things to consider when using e-mail: 1. Address the correct contact person (don’t use «info@»-addresses) 2. Choose an expressive subject line 3. Be specific: introduce yourself, clearly and unambiguously state your offer 4. Formulate clearly and expressively, include all relevant information 5. Send e-mails as text (not everyone wants to or is able to receive HTML e-mails) 6. Don’t send unnecessary attachments (all important details should be obvious from the e-mail body) 7. Make sure that attached documents are brief and formulated clearly 8. Documents should be formatted in such a way that the recipient can print them cleanly and without any problems 9. Files should have reasonable sizes, excessive load times are a cause for annoyance 6. Customer visits Smart strategy and implementation The success of customer visits does not just hinge on your speaking talents. An individual and appropriate preparation for each customer or each meeting is the key to success. «There is no second chance to make a first impression!» Both during your first and any successive visits: It is vital to your success that you make a good (first impression) and present yourself as the ideal discussion partner. Furthermore, please always make sure to follow the expected behaviours, which are briefly described in the following. 6. Customer visits Smart strategy and implementation Things to watch out for during customer visits: 1. Choosing an appropriate business wardrobe (who am I meeting?) 2. Making sure that hairstyle and make-up are consistent and appropriate 3. Fitting accessories to the rest (watch, cuff links, necklaces and bracelets, etc.) 4. Appropriately choosing words for a business setting Smalltalk «Do’s» - Job, education and studies, hobbies and sports, movies and theatre, your residence, music and books, vacations and traveling, food and drinks, etc. Smalltalk «Don’ts» - Criticism, religion and church, politics, relationship and family problems, sex, money and finances, illness, death, tasteless and/or discriminatory jokes, etc. 7. Acquisition by telephone Smart strategy and implementation The basics to start with «The very first point of contact counts!» 1. Make use of the advantages of long-standing relationships with customers. 2. Make use of the personal relationships with customers of your student association. 3. Make use of the reputable brand „University of St. Gallen (HSG)“. 4. Make use of your student association‘s excellent reputation. 5. Make use of the advantages of being a student. 7. Acquisition by telephone Smart strategy and implementation Step 1 «Know your product» For a representative it is vital to know the product for sale perfectly (concept, possibilities, benefits to the customer, prices, conditions, dates, sign-up process, etc.). You should be satisfied with the product and its benefits yourself. Only then will you be able to convince the customer completely to buy a product. Step 2 «Please smile» Always smile while you are on the phone. The listener will automatically perceive your voice as much friendlier. Step 3 «Correct greeting» It is very important to speak especially clearly and not too fast. At the beginning, state your own name, the name of your company (student association) and the purpose of your call. The dialogue should be fluent and not seem like you are reading from a script. 7. Acquisition by telephone Smart strategy and implementation Step 4 «I don’t have time» The customer needs to be integrated into the discussion. If he does not have time, politely ask for another time to speak so that you can contact him again. Please do not seem pushy or force the person to do anything. Step 5 «Avoid conflict» If the customer becomes curt or rude, politely apologize to him, thank him for his time and then hang up. A good representative must never forget his manners even on the phone, and always remains polite and respectful. Step 6 «Make a list of calls» All calls should be added to a list at the end: 1. How many customers have been contacted by phone? How many could be reached? 2. What did the customers tell us, what are they interested in? 3. How many sales could be completed? This way you create a perfect overview that can be used as the basis for future work. 8. Following up Smart strategy and implementation Following up correctly is important too! Many companies make a big mistake: they invest a lot of time and money into a first-rate acquisition by telephone that generates interest and animates a response. What they then fail to consider is this: in order to successfully «button up» a deal, you need to follow up using the same amount of care. That is why, if your customer is not reacting to e-mails or letters, do not hesitate to politely follow up once again by telephone. Never forget to apply a healthy dose of persistence. And finally: Don’t forget to request that your customer make a purchase. After all, that is what you are trying to achieve with your call. Summarize all the advantages once more and try to remove any possible hesitation they might have about buying in that manner. 9. Important guidelines for dealing with companies 1. Smart strategy and implementation Even when you are not officially representing HSG, you are always being perceived as a representative of HSG. It’s not just your reputation that is being judged, but also the reputation of your association and HSG. 2. Adhere to the internal guidelines, such as the usage of the HSG logo, guidelines on sponsorship and the Student Union Code of Conduct. 3. Emphasize your strengths – and not the weaknesses of other associations/institutions. 4. Always be fair – both towards internal and external contact people. 10. Legal notice Copyright by: Career Services Center (CSC-HSG) Universität St.Gallen (HSG) Guisanstrasse 3 CH-9010 St. Gallen Corporate Services Tel. +41 (0)71 224 39 00 Email: corporate-services@unisg.ch Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen 6.6 Usage Guidelines for the Student Union notice boards University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 29|31 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Student Union University St. Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St. Gallen +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Usage Guidelines for the Notice Boards of the Student Union (SHSG) at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) 1. Purpose These guidelines regulate the usage of the notice boards that the Student Union of the University of St. Gallen is permitted to use. 2. Notice Boards The notice boards can be used at the following locations: • B-Building (09), lower entrance (ground floor) • B-Building (09), upper entrance at Guisanstrasse • A-Building (01), passageway (basement) • A-Building (01), entrance hall (ground floor) • Sports Hall (10), upper floor 3. Authorized Users The following groups are authorized to use the notice boards: • SHSG (Managing board, Students’ Parliament (StuPa), Teams, Initiatives) • Accredited students‘ associations af the University of St. Gallen • Career-Services-Center (CSC-HSG) • In individual cases, the managing board of the SHSG can authorize further people and institutions to use the notice boards. Authorized users are permitted to attach their posters according to the table in the appendix. 4. Content The posters have to target the students at the University of St.Gallen and comply with the current legal requirements. Discriminating content is prohibited. The placards show upcoming events, contain information about studies, career and free time. They can also be used to promote the association. Offers and requests that are primarily used for commercial purposes are not permitted. 5. Formats Placards must generally not exceed the format DIN A2 (42.0 x 59.4 cm), placards on the notice board must not exceed DIN A4 (21.0 x 29.7 cm). University of St. Gallen School of Economics, Law and social sciences and International Relations (HSG) 1/5 Student Union University St. Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St. Gallen +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch 6. Categories 6.1 Placards of the SHSG and the Students‘ Parliament (StuPa) This includes every placard of the SHSG, its teams and initiatives as well as the StuPa. Official information and documents such as protocols, orders, and position papers are attached to the designated area. 6.2 Associations‘ Placards - General association promotion does not point to a specific date. - Event promotion points to a specific event and thus has an expiration date. - Party promotion is only permitted with a clearly recognizable association logo. 6.3 Supply and Demand of Services, Housing and Properties Attaching this sort of placard on the notice board is only allowed for 14 days and only if the content does not have a commercial purpose. 6.4 Placards of the CSC-HSG All placards of the CSC are clearly marked with its logo and show specific events (workshops, corporate tours, etc.). Pure corporate advertising is not permitted. The CSC is responsible for the proper management of its placards. 6.5 Culture This category includes all announcements of cultural events (theatre, concerts, etc.), regardless of the relationship between the event organizer and the university and its associations. The Head of In-House Management is responsible for the advertising column "culture" in the lobby of the main building. He decides about acceptance or rejection. 7. Duration General association promotion is removed after 14 days. Event and party promotion may not be put up earlier than 3 weeks prior to the advertised event. Eligibility for display expires the day after the event. Placards on the notice board will be removed 14 days after posting. 8. Permanently Installed Notice Boards There are seven permanently installed notice boards on the ground floor of the B-Building; each one has the size of 1m2. Students’ associations have the possibility to apply for one of them. Each semester, the boards are redistributed. There is no right for automatic renewal. An application is required in every case. The request should be sent to studentenschaft@myunisg.ch in written form at least 3 weeks prior to the new semester (spring semester: until Sunday in calendar week 4 / autumn semester: until Sunday in calendar week 34). Requests received after that will not be considered. In case there are more than seven applications, the lot decides; however, new applicants are prioritized. In case there University of St. Gallen School of Economics, Law and social sciences and International Relations (HSG) 2/5 Student Union University St. Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St. Gallen +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch are fewer applications than locating surfaces, an extension period will be applied. If there are fewer applications than locating surfaces after the expiry of the expansion period, the allocation of the remaining will be determined by lot among the 7 associations who were entitled to use a locating surface during the previous semester. Students’ associations that have a permanent space on a notice board are not allowed to put more placards outside of their own space. Associations are responsible for the production and management of their placards. If the notice boards have not been utilized by the end of the second lecture week, the relevant boards will be reallocated in the third lecture week. The same procedure as described above will be used. In the process of allocation, those associations who received a notice board in the first round but failed to make use of it will be treated at a disadvantage (the same applies for associations who made use of a permanent notice board in the previous semester). The document must meet the following the criteria: - Mass: 90x90 cm - Material: install with tacks (laminated paper, cardboard etc.) 9. Supervision The Board of the Student checks the notice boards twice a week and provides the placards with dates on a regular basis. Illegal posters will be removed without further notice. The judgment on the admissibility of posters is in doubt at the discretion of the Board of the SHSG. Expired posters will be removed and given to the library to be archived. 10. Violation If the associations violate these regulations, their right to use the placards may be withdrawn after the first warning for a period of one semester. In case individuals or institutions violate the regulations for the placards on the notice boards, the SHSG reserves its rights to impose sanctions. 11. Validity These guidelines are issued by the Board of the Student Union 2013/2014 with the permission of the Infrastructure Management of the HSG. They are valid since the start of the spring semester 2014. St.Gallen, 17. Februar 2014 Copy to: - All initiatives of the SHSG - Associations‘ Coordinator of the SHSG University of St. Gallen School of Economics, Law and social sciences and International Relations (HSG) 3/5 Student Union University St. Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St. Gallen - Every accredited association at the HSG (last updated 17.02.14) - CSC-HSG - Unisport - Infrastructure Management of the HSG - House Service Management of the HSG University of St. Gallen School of Economics, Law and social sciences and International Relations (HSG) 4/5 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Student Union University St. Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St. Gallen +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Appendix Authorized users are permitted to use the placards according to the following table: A-Building 01 Authorized users Category Duration Supervised by B-Building 09 B-Building 09 Passageway A-Building 01 lower entrance upper entrance at (basement) Entrance hall ground floor Guisanstrasse (please pay atten- ground floor Sports hall 10 upper floor tion to the labels!) SHSG Various placards Various providers CSC-HSG Cultural events University of St. Gallen School of Economics, Law and social sciences and International Relations (HSG) board Off. announcem. Subject to the SHSG/StuPa Board Students‘ associa- General association tions Subject to the promotion 14 days Board of the SHSG Board of the SHSG/ Unisport Event promotion 3 weeks prior to Board of the SHSG/ associations the event Unisport Party promotion 3 weeks prior to with logo the event Services, housing, properties CSC placards with the CSC logo Culture Advertisement Board of the SHSG column „SHSG“ „Off. announcem. SHSG/StuPa“ “Associations“ „associations“ „Associations“ „associations“ Board of the SHSG „Parties“ 14 days Board of the SHSG „Notice boards“ Subject to the CSC CSC „CSC“ Subject to the HD Subject to the HD Advertisement col- management management umn „culture“ 5/5 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen 6.7 Regulations governing usage fees at the HSG (german) University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 30|31 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Nutzungsgebührenreglement vom Universitätsrat der Universität St.Gallen gestützt auf Art. 2 Abs. 1 und Art. 3 Abs. 2 Gebührenordnung der Universität St.Gallen (sGS 217.43) erlassen am 10. Dezember 2012, gültig ab 1. Dezember 2012. 1. Räume 1 Tag *) ½ Tag *) Hellraumprojektor Whiteboard Beamer 02-001 Aula 264 735,5 var. Bemerkung: Seminarbestuhlung, Übertragung möglich 01-U201 Seminarraum 2. UG 30 58 var. Bemerkung: 01-U201 und 01-U202 können zusammengelegt werden 01-U202 Seminarraum 2. UG 30 59,6 var. 01-U203 Seminarraum 2. UG 30 61 var. Bemerkung: 01-U203 und 01-U204 können zusammengelegt werden 01-U204 Seminarraum 2. UG 30 59,1 var. 01-U102 PC-Labor 1. UG 30 100,4 fest. Bemerkung: PC-Labor (mit Programm MATLAB) 01-U121 Seminarraum 1. UG 30 56 var. Bemerkung: 01-U121 und 01-U122 können zusammengelegt werden 01-U122 Seminarraum 1. UG 30 56 var. 01-U123 Seminarraum 1. UG 30 62 var. Bemerkung: 01-U123 und 01-U124 können zusammengelegt werden 01-U124 Seminarraum 1. UG 30 56,7 var. 01-U126 Seminarraum 1. UG 35 75,76 var. Bemerkung: ohne Fenster / ohne Tageslicht 01-U127 Seminarraum 1. UG 29 58,04 var. 01-U179 PC-Labor 1. UG 30 109,05 fest. Bemerkung: PC-Labor 01-010 Seminarraum EG 25 76,4 fest. Bemerkung: Sitzungszimmer Rektorat 01-011 Hörsaal EG 204 194,9 fest. 01-012 Hörsaal EG 204 196,5 fest. Bemerkung: Übertragung möglich 01-013 Hörsaal EG 204 196,1 fest. Bemerkung: Übertragung möglich 01-014 Hörsaal EG 160 196,2 fest. 01-102 Seminarraum 1. OG 30 64,7 var. 01-103 Seminarraum 1. OG 20 51,1 var. 01-104 Seminarraum 1. OG 30 64,7 var. 01-107 Seminarraum 1. OG 30 63,8 var. 01-110 Seminarraum 1. OG 40 77,5 var. 01-111 Seminarraum 1. OG 30 63,5 var. 01-112 Seminarraum 1. OG 30 62.7 var. 01-113 Seminarraum 1. OG 30 64,7 var. 01-114 Seminarraum 1. OG 30 63,8 var. 01-206 Seminarraum 2. OG 16 35 var. 01-207 Seminarraum 2. OG 48 86 var. 01-208 Seminarraum 2. OG 30 61,9 var. 01-307 Seminarraum 3. OG 48 91,8 var. LAN Bestuhlung m2 Plätze Etage Typ Raumbezeichnung Gebäude 01, 02, 07 1440 2400 180 300 180 180 300 300 180 360 300 600 180 300 180 180 300 300 180 180 300 300 180 360 300 600 120 200 720 720 1200 1200 720 1200 720 180 90 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 90 220 180 220 1200 300 150 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 150 360 300 360 Bemerkung: nicht ganz verdunkelbar, Oblicht 01-308 Seminarraum 3. OG 30 66,6 var. 180 300 Bemerkung: nicht ganz verdunkelbar, Oblicht 01-FOY Foyer EG 606,5 180 300 Bemerkung: Nutzung für Apéro, Essen usw. 01-FOY Foyer EG 606,5 750 1200 Bemerkung: Nutzung für Ausstellungen 07-001 Seminarraum EG 30 59,8 var. 180 300 Bemerkung: oberhalb Mensa, mit Fenster 07-002 Seminarraum EG 30 65,55 var. 180 300 Bemerkung: oberhalb Mensa, mit Tageslicht (Aquarium) 07-003 Seminarraum EG 30 57,93 var. 180 300 Bemerkung: oberhalb Mensa, mit Tageslicht (Aquarium) *) inkl. einem Beamer/Hellraumprojektor, exkl. Personal und weitere Zusatzleistungen, ½ Tag entspricht bis zu 6 Stunden Nutzung 1 Tag *) ½ Tag *) Tafel / Wboard Hellraumprojektor Beamer LAN Bestuhlung m2 Plätze Etage Typ Raumbezeichnung Gebäude 09 09-010 Auditorium EG/OG 642 534 fest T 1440 2400 Bemerkung: Audimax. Übertragung möglich 09-011 Seminarraum EG 96 255 fest T 580 960 Bemerkung: Übertragung möglich 09-012 Seminarraum EG 54 172 var. T 300 500 09-110 Seminarraum OG 30 60,1 var. T 180 300 Bemerkung: 09-110 und 09-111 können zusammengelegt werden 09-111 Seminarraum OG 30 60,8 var. T 180 300 09-112 Seminarraum OG 30 60,8 var. T 180 300 Bemerkung: 09-112 und 09-113 können zusammengelegt werden 09-113 Seminarraum OG 30 60,8 var. T 180 300 09-114 Seminarraum OG 30 60,8 var. T 180 300 Bemerkung: 09-114 und 09-115 können zusammengelegt werden 09-115 Seminarraum OG 30 64,7 var. T 180 300 09-FOY Foyer EG 231,7 180 300 Bemerkung: Nutzung für Apéros, Essen usw. 09-FOY Foyer EG 231,7 750 1200 Bemerkung: Nutzung für Ausstellungen 09-FOY Foyer OG 195 180 300 Bemerkung: Nutzung für Apéros, Essen usw. 09-FOY Foyer OG 195 750 1200 Bemerkung: Nutzung für Ausstellungen *) inkl. einem Beamer/Hellraumprojektor, exkl. Personal und weitere Zusatzleistungen, ½ Tag entspricht bis zu 6 Stunden Nutzung Gebührenreglement.docx 2 von 10 1 Tag *) ½ Tag *) Whiteboard Hellraumprojektor Beamer LAN Bestuhlung m2 Plätze Etage Typ Raumbezeichnung Gebäude 06, 10, 22, 24, 36 06-004 Lounge EG 10 23 90 150 Bemerkung: Clubraum (keine Technik) 06-005 Sitzungsraum EG 10 16,5 90 150 Bemerkung: Kirchhoferhaus (keine Technik) 06-003 Sitzungsraum EG 10 16,2 90 150 Bemerkung: Kirchhoferhaus (keine Technik) 10-101 Seminarraum 1. OG 60 147 var. 360 600 10-104 Seminarraum 1. OG 60 147 var. 360 600 22-001 Seminarraum EG 30 55 var. 180 300 Bemerkung: Container 22-004 Seminarraum EG 30 55 var. 180 300 Bemerkung: Container 22-007 Seminarraum EG 30 55 var. 180 300 Bemerkung: Container 22-101 Seminarraum 1. OG 30 55 var. 180 300 Bemerkung: Container 22-104 Seminarraum 1. OG 30 55 var. 180 300 Bemerkung: Container 22-107 Seminarraum 1. OG 30 55 var. 180 300 Bemerkung: Container 22-201 Seminarraum 2. OG 30 55 var. 180 300 Bemerkung: Container 22-204 Seminarraum 2. OG 30 55 var. 180 300 Bemerkung: Container 22-207 Seminarraum 2. OG 30 55 var. 180 300 Bemerkung: Container 24-0130 Seminarraum EG 25 58,5 var. 180 300 Bemerkung: TV-Video und zusätzl. Technik auf Anfrage beim Hausdienst 24-0131 Seminarraum EG 25 64,5 var. 180 300 Bemerkung: TV-Video und zusätzl. Technik auf Anfrage beim Hausdienst 36-108 Sprachlabor OG 30 75,3 fest 360 600 Bemerkung: Sprachlabor 36-U108 Seminarraum UG 40 75,3 var. 220 360 Bemerkung: Gatterstrasse 3 *) inkl. einem Beamer/Hellraumprojektor, exkl. Personal und weitere Zusatzleistungen, ½ Tag entspricht bis zu 6 Stunden Nutzung Gebührenreglement.docx 3 von 10 2. Technik, Mobiliar, Dienstleistungen Diese Preise gelten für Geräte, Mobiliar und Dienstleistungen der Universität St.Gallen, die nicht in der Pauschalmiete enthalten sind. In den Preisen inbegriffen sind nebst der Nutzung auch die Personalkosten für das Auf- und Abbauen, jedoch nicht für die Bedienung während des Anlasses. ½ Tag entspricht einer Nutzung von bis zu 6 Stunden. Ab der 7. Stunde wird der Preis für einen Tag berechnet. Beschreibung Preise in CHF ½ Tag 1 Tag Audio-Technik (nur für Audimax und Aula möglich) im Audimax und in der Aula ist die Grundausrüstung je ein Headset und ein Handmikrofon • • • • zusätzliches Handmikrofon zusätzliches Headset Mikrofon 2 HD Videokameras (unbedient) mit Live-Übertragung* Simultan Übersetzungsanlage 30.00 50.00 200.00 auf Anfrage 50.00 80.00 300.00 auf Anfrage *Aus dem Audimax ist eine Live-Übertragung in folgende Räume der Universität St.Gallen möglich: 09-011 / 01012 / 01-013 und in die Aula Aus der Aula ist eine Live-Übertragung in folgende Räume der Universität St.Gallen möglich: 09-011 / 01-012 / 01-013 Licht • Ambientebeleuchtung PAR 64 LED Scheinwerfer RGBW auf Anfrage Licht (nur für Audimax möglich) • Lichttraverse mit Oberlicht, 4 Movinglights und 6 Profilscheinwerfer inkl. Lichtregiepult und Ausleuchtung gemäss Veranstalter (Lichttechniker max. 3 Std. inkl.) Pauschalpreis 1‘200.00 Einzelpreise • • • • • Eurotruss FD34 12m inkl. Motorenzug+ 4 x Oberlicht Selecon Acclaim Scheinwerfer 6 x Profilscheinwerfer Selecon SPX 4 x Martin MAC401 LED Scheinwerfer motorisiert Lichtmischpult* +wird in jedem Fall für die Profilscheinwerfer sowie die LED Scheinwerfer gebraucht *wird bei Nutzung jeder Art von Scheinwerfer gebraucht Gebührenreglement.docx 4 von 10 200.00 100.00 180.00 720.00 80.00 Bühnentechnik • • • • Bütec Bühnenelement 1 x 2 m (max. 12 Stück) Bütec Bühnenelement 1 x 1 m (max. 8 Stück) Bütec Bühnenelement 1 x 0,5 m (max. 4 Stück) Spezial Konferenzbühne/Podiumsbühne inkl. grauem Teppich* (Spezialbühnenelemente schwarz gekennzeichnet - siehe Bild) *Diese Spezial-Bühne ist nur im Audimax möglich! (Bild) Gebührenreglement.docx 5 von 10 25.00 15.00 10.00 Preis auf Anfrage Audio, Video & Kongress Technik • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PA-Anlage mit Mischpult max. 8 Kanäle (Grundpauschale) 120.00 200.00 Anlage bestehend aus: Mischer, Verstärker, 2 Boxen inkl. Speakonkabel, Antennenverstärker und Sendeempfänger Headset für PA-Anlage (inkl. Bodypack) 50.00 80.00 Handmikrofon (max. 3) 30.00 50.00 Videokonferenzanlage inkl. Betreuung auf Anfrage auf Anfrage Videokamera HDD 35.00 Diaprojektor 25.00 Zusätzlicher Hellraumprojektor 30.00 Leinwand klein 180x180 cm 20.00 Leinwand Portascreen 300x300 cm 60.00 Beamer tragbar 100.00 150.00 Laptop 50.00 80.00 Presenter 10.00 15.00 Zusätzlicher Flipchart inkl. 1 Block Papier 15.00 Moderationstasche UNI 20.00 Pinnwand rollbar 3.50 Pinnwand mit Standfuss 4.50 Stehtafeln (DIN A3 Hochformat) 2.00 Tischrednerpult 15.00 Rednerpult 25.00 Langzeitmiete Miettage Mietfaktor 1 1 2 1.5 3 2 4 2.5 5 3 Beispiel Miete Laptop für 2 Tage Miete 1 Tag = 80.00 x Mietfaktor 1.5 = 120.00 CHF Miete für 2 Tage Personalkosten • • • • • • Tontechniker Videooperateur Hausdienst Lichttechniker Informatiker Reinigung (inkl. Toilettenreinigung) pro Stunde pro Stunde pro Stunde pro Stunde pro Stunde pro Stunde 150.00 150.00 60.00 150.00 150.00 60.00 Elektroanschlüsse für Messeveranstaltungen (exkl. Stromverbrauch) • • Grundpauschale Installation und Abbau Pro Messestand inkl. 2 Anschlüsse Gebührenreglement.docx 120.00 8.00 6 von 10 Mobiliar für Events • • • • • • • Tische 200x70 cm Tische 140x70 cm Tische 130x70 cm Tische 140x100 cm Stuhl Lounge (bestehend aus 6 Polsterstühlen und 3 Beistelltischen) Stehtisch 6.50 5.50 5.00 5.80 1.50 10.00 5.00 Besucherinformation • Infoscreen (pro Screen) 120.00 200.00 Telefon Grundpauschale Telefon Gebühren werden pro Telefon separat verrechnet Drucker s/w inkl. 500 Blatt weiss Grundpauschale Netzwerk inkl. Switch/Kabel Grundpauschale PC Grundpauschale spezieller WLAN-Zugang (nicht Uni Zugang) Grundpauschale 50.00 Informatik • • • • • • 50.00 50.00 150.00 250.00 Transport, Auf- und Abbau • • • Rollgerüst klein (Selbstaufbau durch Veranstalter) Handstapler (Elektro) inkl. Fahrer fürs Ab- bzw. Aufladen Hebebühne inkl. Fahrer (max. 8 Meter Höhe) ½ Tag ¼ Std. ¼ Std. 40.00 25.00 35.00 50 Kg 1 Kg 1 Kg 20.00 10.00 10.00 Entsorgungskosten • • • Abfallentsorgung Karton Mischpapier, Kataloge etc. Gebührenreglement.docx 7 von 10 3. Sport Beschreibung Preise in CHF pro Platz/Stunde Tennis • • 1 Tennismarke Wittenbach 1 Tennismarke Schiltacker 20.00 20.00 Preise in CHF Busvermietung • • • Tagespauschale inkl. Benzin pro Kilometer Kaution 30.00 00.80 100.00 Preise in CHF Sportanlagen* • • • • Benutzerkategorien o Studentische Vereine und Gruppierungen der HSG o Vereine und Gruppierungen aus dem Kanton St. Gallen o Ausserkantonalte Vereine und Gruppierungen sowie J+S o Städtische und private Schulen o Kommerzielle Anbieter o Veranstalter kommerzieller Anlässe Sporthalle (Einfachhalle), Fitness 3, Kraft- und Ausdauer, Beachvolleyballfeld o Einmalige Benützung bis 2 Stunden o Jede weitere Stunde o Halbjährige Benutzung 1x pro Woche o Ganzjährige Benutzung 1x pro Woche Sporthalle (Doppel- bzw. Dreifachhalle) Gebühr wird verdoppelt bzw verdreifacht Kunstrasenplatz o Einmalige Benützung bis 2 Stunden o Jede weitere Stunde o Halber Platz, halbjährige Benutzung 1x pro Woche o Halber Platz, ganzjährige Benutzung 1x pro Woche o Ganzer Platz, halbjährige Benutzung 1x pro Woche o Ganzer Platz, ganzjährige Benutzung 1x pro Woche * Je nach Benutzerkategorie vervielfacht sich der Basispreis um den entsprechenden Faktor. Gebührenreglement.docx 8 von 10 gratis Faktor 1 Faktor 2 Faktor 4 Faktor 6 Faktor 6 30.00 10.00 150.00 240.00 30.00 10.00 150.00 240.00 250.00 340.00 Beschreibung Preise in CHF Sportgebühren Studierende/Assistierende • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Aikido Schnupperkurs Paragliding Golf 1 Gonten Golf 2 Gonten Judo / Jiu Jitsu Kendo Massage Rudern Schneesport o 44. Engadin Skimarathon o Oberengadin, Snowkiten o Snowboard Einführung in der Halfpipe o Snowboard Freestyle Tag o Technik und Taktik Freeride o Telemark Schnuppertag Arosa o Telemark Schnuppertag in Arosa inkl. Material o Telemark Weekend in Arosa o Telemark Weekend in Arosa mit Material Schwimmen Segeln - Einstiegskurs Sportklettern Squash Tennis 1 Tennis 2-6 Ehemalige/Angestellte 160.00 70.00 180.00 210.00 70.00 120.00 35.00 70.00 200.00 90.00 210.00 250.00 90.00 160.00 40.00 105.00 30.00 350.00 20.00 20.00 230.00 20.00 50.00 390.00 480.00 50.00 95.00 200.00 130.00 120.00 160.00 85.00 400.00 30.00 30.00 280.00 30.00 60.00 465.00 555.00 70.00 110.00 300.00 170.00 150.00 200.00 Allgemein • • • • • • • • • • • • • Akademiker Fechten Fussball - Ehemalige Kanu Kung Fu Mountainbike Outrigger-Kanu / Drachenboot Reiten Rennvelo Salsa-Merengue Schneesport o Säntisabfahrt o Schneeschuh Scheinwerfertour o Schneeschuh Vollmondtour o Skilanglauf Einführung o Skilanglauf Schulung o Skitour 120.00) Segeln o Freizeit Segeln o Intensivwoche zum D-Schein o D-Schein Surfen - Windsurf Camp Gebührenreglement.docx Mitgliederbeitrag ASV 300.00 + Materialnutzungsgebühr 60.00 Mitgliederbeitrag ASV 250.00 Mitgliederbeitrag CWI Jahresbeitrag VC St. Gallen 20.00 (5-er Abo: 70.00) 150.00 Jahresbeitrag VC St.Gallen 50% der Gebühren der Wingling Tanzschule 80.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 60.00 (mit Material: 15.00 als Mitglied des Vereins 760.00 880.00 600.00 9 von 10 NUR FÜR DEN INTERNEN GEBRAUCH Anhang zur Mietpreisliste Sonderpreise für Verwaltung, Institute und studentische Vereine Auf alle Nutzungspreise unter dem Abschnitt "Technik, Mobiliar, Dienstleistungen" (ausgenommen davon sind Personalkosten, Parkplatzkosten & allfällige Gebühren) erhalten sämtliche Universitätsangehörige, Institute und studentische Vereine eine Reduktion von 20%. Gebührenreglement.docx 10 von 10 Student Union University of St.Gallen Guisanstrasse 9 CH-9010 St.Gallen 6.8 +41 (0)71 224 25 10 studentenschaft@myunisg.ch www.myunisg.ch Rules governing events involving info stands at the HSG (german) University of St.Gallen School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) 31|31 Standaktionen REGELN INFORMATIONS- UND WERBEMEDIEN erlassen vom Verwaltungsdirektor am 23. Oktober 2012, in Kraft ab 1. Dezember 2012 Medium Nutzungsberechtig Inhalt & Zweck Zuständigkeit Standaktionen -Verwaltung -Institute -Studentenschaft -Akkreditierte Vereine 1 Tisch und/oder 1 Pinnwand, Roll-Ups etc. sind erlaubt. Gesamtbreite: max. 1.50m Reservation: Raumdispo Operativer Betrieb: Hausdienst Beilage Standaktion Seite 1 von 3 Frist, Form & Bewilligung Frist: 5 Tage im Voraus Form: ausschliesslich EMail an Raumdispo Nutzungsdauer 3 Tage pro Woche ggi / 19.12.2012 Hausordnung vom Verwaltungsdirektor erlassen am 23. Oktober 2012, in Kraft ab 1. Dezember 2012 Geltungsbereich Die vorliegende Hausordnung der Universität St. Gallen gilt für sämtliche Räumlichkeiten, Anlagen und Einrichtungen der Universität bzw. das gesamte Universitätsareal einschliesslich gemieteter Liegenschaften (im Einzelnen "Bereich", "Bereiche"). Im Weiteren ist die aktuelle Benutzungsordnung zu beachten. Für die einzelnen Bereiche können zudem weitere Bestimmungen erlassen werden. Benutzung Die Bereiche der Universität dienen dem wissenschaftlichen Lehren, Forschen und Lernen sowie der Universitätsverwaltung. Die Nutzung der Universitätsräumlichkeiten für private Zwecke ist grundsätzlich nicht gestattet. Geltende Öffnungszeiten sind zu beachten. Sie werden vom Verwaltungsdirektor oder in seinem Auftrag von den zuständigen Stellen bestimmt und in geeigneter Weise bekannt gegeben. Sie werden zudem auf der Website der Universität St. Gallen publiziert. Allgemeine Verhaltensregeln a. Die allgemein gebräuchlichen Regeln der gegenseitigen Achtung und des Anstandes sind einzuhalten. b. Lärm und sonstige Störungen sind zu unterlassen. c. Essen ist in sämtlichen Schulungs- und Computerräumen verboten. Getränke dürfen nur in verschliessbaren Flaschen in die Räume mitgenommen werden. d. Plakate sind nur auf zugeteilten Anschlagflächen bzw. mit den vorgesehenen Aufhängehilfsmitteln und mit Genehmigung zulässig. Auf dem Plakat ist eine Identifikation der Verantwortlichen erforderlich. e. Es ist verboten Leim, Haftkleber, Nägel, Klebeband oder Ähnliches zu verwenden. f. Die Benutzung der Installationen und Einrichtungen hat sorgfältig zu erfolgen. Sie müssen zudem am vorgesehenen Platz respektive im zugewiesenen Raum und Ort belassen werden. g. Eingriffe an Gebäuden, an Installationen und am Inventar sowie unbefugtes Manipulieren technischer Einrichtungen ist verboten. h. Ebenso sind eigene Dekorationen, Spruchbänder, Fahnen und dergleichen nicht gestattet. i. Schäden, Mängel und Auffälligkeiten sind dem Hausdienst zu melden. Sicherheit / Aus- und Zugänge a. Die Sicherheits- und Betriebsvorschriften sind einzuhalten. b. Ein- und Ausgänge, Notausgänge und Fluchtwege, Korridore, Treppenhäuser, sowie Lift- und Kellerzugänge sind jederzeit freizuhalten. Rauchen / Feuer a. In allen Gebäuden gilt Rauchverbot. b. Offenes Feuer ist in sämtlichen Bereichen der Universität verboten. Das Grillieren ist nur mit einer Genehmigung erlaubt. Ordnung / Abfall In allen Bereichen ist Ordnung zu wahren. Der Abfall ist getrennt in die dafür vorgesehenen Abfallstationen zu entsorgen. Energieverbrauch Strom, Wärme, Wasser und anderen Ressourcen sind sparsam zu verwenden. Hunde Hunde sind in sämtlichen Bereichen der Universität an der Leine zu führen. Mit Ausnahme für Hunde von Personen mit Behinderung dürfen sie nicht in die Vorlesungsräume mitgebracht werden. Unangemessenes Verhalten kann zum Verweis vom Universitätsareal führen. Werbe- und andere Aktionen, Sammlungen Auf dem gesamten Universitätsareal, d.h. in allen Bereichen besteht grundsätzlich ein Akquisitions-, Hausier- und Bettelverbot. Ebenso ist das Verteilen oder Auflegen von Mustern, Flyern oder anderen Drucksachen nur mit einer Ausnahmebewilligung erlaubt. Im Rahmen von Standaktionen ist das Auslegen von Flyern und Ähnlichem (Zuordnung zu konkreter Standaktion muss möglich sein) direkt am Stand zulässig. Die Durchführung von Spenden- und Unterschriftensammlungen ist gleichermassen nur mit einer Ausnahmebewilligung erlaubt. Fundsachen Fundsachen sind beim Hausdienst abzugeben. Sie werden für maximal drei Monate aufbewahrt. Mobilität a. b. c. Das Parkieren (Kraftfahrzeuge, motorisierte Zweiräder, Fahrräder) ist nur an den dafür gekennzeichneten Stellen und mit der dafür erforderlichen Bewilligung erlaubt. Das Benutzen von Fortbewegungsmitteln mit Rädern ist in sämtlichen Bereichen der Universität mit Ausnahme von Hilfsmitteln für Personen mit Mobilitätsbehinderung verboten. Es ist verboten, Fahrräder innerhalb der Gebäude mitzuführen oder abzustellen. Sanktionen Bei Zuwiderhandlungen kann ein Hausverbot erteilt werden.