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here - GRI
10. jährliche The 10th Annual DEUTSCHE GRI2014 FRANKFURT 7-8 MAY The Westin Grand Frankfurt Wie nachhaltig ist der deutsche Immobilienmarkt? How sustainable is German real estate? DEUTSCHLANDS WICHTIGSTE IMMOBILIENVERANSTALTUNG GERMANY’S PREMIER REAL ESTATE EVENT TIMETABLE 7 MAY • WEDNESDAY MITTWOCH 8 MAY • THURSDAY DONNERSTAG Appointment Time & Check-in 08H00 Check In 14H00 - 17H15 Deutsche GRI Program 09H00 - 15H30 Keynote & Deutsche GRI Program 17H15 - 18H15 Cocktail Reception 13H15 - 14H15 Lunch 15H30 - 17H00 Farewell Drinks 11H00 - 14H00 19H00 onwards Private Board Dinner ~ Invitation Only (reserved for GRI Members,Sponsors and Deutsche GRI Discussion (co-)Chairs) Dress Code: Business casual THE WESTIN GRAND FRANKFURT | Konrad-Adenauer-Strasse 7 | 60313 Frankfurt, Germany H ERE ARE A FEW TI PS TH AT M AY B E H E L PF UL IN G ETTING THE M O S T O UT O F TH E G R I. Dies sind alles Diskussionen, keine Panels! Vergleichbar einem Gespräch unter Freunden. Dies macht vor allem Sinn, wenn Sie sich aktiv einbringen. GRI discussions are NOT panels. They are like after-dinner conversations in one’s own living room with good friends, under the guidance of a moderating Chair. Jeder kann an der Diskussion teilnehmen, egal ob co-chairs oder als Teilnehmer. Chair und co-chairs sitzen über den Raum verteilt, stossen die Diskussion an, beziehen alle Teilnehmer mit ein und befördern die Diskussion. Genau wie alle anderen. Everyone participates equally, not just the Discussion Chair & CoChairs. The job of the moderating Chair is to make EVERYBODY talk and engage. Discussion Co-Chairs sit scattered about the room and participate no more and no less than anyone else in the room. Geben Sie anderen die Gelegenheit Sie kennenzulernen. Bringen Sie sich aktiv ein, so aktiv wie Sie können und möchten. Auf diese Weise ermöglichen Sie es sich und anderen den richtigen Kontakt zu knüpfen. If connecting with new partners is useful, we encourage you to ENGAGE as vocally and actively as you might enjoy. This will enable others to get to know you and vice versa. Die Chairs addressieren Fragen gezielt an einzelne Teilnehmer um Debatte zu stimulieren. Unabhängig davon sind Sie angehalten zu kommentieren, zu hinterfragen und sich einzumischen, wann immer Ihnen dies wichtig ist. Finden Sie sich rechtzeitig in der Diskussionsrunde Ihrer Wahl ein. Die Runden starten prompt, egal wie viele Teilnehmer und füllen sich zumeist zügig. Sprechen Sie laut und deutlich, damit alle Sie hören können. Erinnern Sie gegebenenfalls andere, falls diese schwer zu verstehen sind. The Moderating Chair will address questions DIRECTLY to participants by name or by gesturing towards them, not just to anyone in the room at-large, as that is usually greeted with pregnant silence. Even so, you are encouraged to comment, question, dissent or otherwise interject. As no one will prompt you, please join the discussion room of your choice in good time. Rooms tend to fill up AFTER a discussion starts and you need not be concerned by a near empty room. This will quickly change. Some participants speak so softly as to be unheard by most. SPEAK UP and remind others to do so if you can’t hear them. Versuchen Sie, die Diskussion nicht zu vereinnahmen und Ihre Beiträge pointiert zu halten. Chairs sind dazu angehalten, längere Beiträge zu unterbinden. AVOID monopolizing conversation, self-promotion or commercial pitches, as the Moderating Chair has been urged to cut them off. Das GRI Format war kreiert, damit Sie sich aktiv austauschen und einbringen können, in entspannter und spontaner Athmosphäre. Wir freuen uns über jeden Ihrer Hinweise, wie wir dies noch besser befördern können. The GRI format was designed to enable senior industry leaders to share, learn and make friends in as natural, spontaneous and collegial a setting as possible. We welcome your suggestions as to how we can do better. MEDIA PRESENCE Anwesende Journalisten haben die “Chatham House Rules” hinsichtlich der Vertraulichkeit von Informationen unterzeichnet. Darunter ist zu verstehen, das jedwedes zitieren nur mit ausdrücklicher Zustimmung der zitierten Person erfolgen darf. Darüberhinaus werden möglicherweise Zusammenfassungen der Diskussionen angefertigt und unter den Teilnehmern verbreitet. While journalists may sometimes take notes during discussions, they only ever do so after signing a “Chatham House” confidentiality agreement under which they commit not to quote for attribution to a person or to a company, except with specific consent from the respective parties. In addition, students or other reporters may summarize most of the discussions and take notes that are subsequently distributed to all participants. WELCOME WILLKOMMEN Keine Vorträge. Keine Präsentationen. Keine Sprecher. Kein Publikum. Bei der Deutschen GRI ist jeder ein Sprecher. Sie. Alle. Herzlich Willkommen bei der Deutsche GRI 2014. Hohe Liquidität, geringe Volatilität - die Nachfrage von Investoren im deutschen Immobilienmarkt ist ungebrochen. Und das gestiegene Vertrauen manifestiert sich mittlerweile in Aktivitäten in peripheren Sektoren - Industrieimmobilien, Studentenwohnraum, Senioren - und Immobilien in B-Standorten oder mit Re positionierungsbedarf. Sorge vor Überhitzung spielt dabei dank niedrigen Finanzierungniveaus und intensiverer Due Diligence kaum kaum eine Rolle. Zu recht? All material throughout this program is subject to change without notice. Wie kaum eine andere Veranstaltung, die Deutsche GRI 2014 ist Ihr Fenster zum Markt und seinen wichtigsten Akteuren. Mitdiskutieren, hinterfragen, kommentieren - dies ist Ihre Veranstaltung! Welcome to the Deutsche GRI 2014. This GRI was created by many present here today who have contributed front-line expertise, intellectual brilliance and financial resources to reach out to fellow leading lights and create a programme to discuss today’s issues. We can’t thank them enough. If chairing a discussion at a future GRI event can be useful to you, we welcome hearing from you. In the meantime, please join the fray and engage in the discussions as if this was about you, your business, your opportunities. Because it is. We wish you a great GRI. Thanks for being with us. Wir freuen uns, Sie dabei zu haben und wünschen Ihnen eine spannende Deutsche GRI 2014. Ronny Gotthardt Managing Director GRI – Global Real Estate Institute Henri Alster Chairman GRI – Global Real Estate Institute ENQUIRIES AND FURTHER INFORMATION UK Tel: +44 20 7121 5070 UK Fax: +44 20 7388 8740 e se at NOT ch tim FI ec e o NA kh f L an pre do ss ut up da t Pl ea MITTWOCH WEDNESDAY 7 MAY 2014 I II III BALLSALL I PARIS 14H00-15H15 Nonperforming real estate portfolios Aktuelle Anforderungen bei Finanzierungen Till Schmiedeknecht David Abrams Adam Golebiowski Hans Hammer Andreas Bahners Andreas Gladisch Volker Loewer Peter Miller Oliver Reiss Markus Schürmann Reinhard Wilhelm Handelsimmobilien CMBS, Covered Bonds, Unsecured Bonds Ludwig Vogel Sebastian Greinacher Daniel Herrmann Björn Isenhöfer Susanne Klaußner Johannes Köth Henrie Kötter John Quinn Stuart Reid Karl Reinitzhuber Matthias Schmitz Christian Schröder Maya Miteva Raimund Frühmorgen Georg Griesemann Guillaume Gruchet Jürgen Helm Anil Jhangiani Gustav Kirschner Michael Piontek Lars Schnidrig Effizienz durch Standardisierung der Transaktionsabwicklung Sustainable boom, is it going to last? Wie weit der Weg zur Normalisierung? Sebastian Kaufmann Max Boeser Maria-Teresa Dreo Peter Finkbeiner Barkha Mehmedagic Alexander Saur Simone Schmidt Oliver Sill Sebastian Vetter Redeveloping Assets What concepts are boosting alpha in prime locations? MÜNCHEN II Private Equity Finding opportunistic returns in Germany or better off elsewhere? Ali Otmar Michael Abel Tim Breitenstein Georg Frhr. V. Hammerstein Michael Gerlich Saul Goldstein Kean Hird Matthias Neuling Stefan Walldorf Markus Wehnelt Manfred Wiesner Hotel Deals Which contract structure works best for investors & operators? Martin Eberhardt Philipp Braschel Holger Hagge Jörg-Oliver Nellen Daniel Schulenburg Brigitte van der Jagt-Buitink Martin Bowen Christian Giraud Berlin Residential German Light Industrial Skyrocket? Freefall? Return to business? MÜNCHEN I Frank Zabel Bjoern Gottschling Alexandre Grellier Thomas Herr Karsten Jungk Victor Stoltenburg Cornelia Thaler Ignaz Trombello Sascha Nöske Stephan Allner Martin Hellweger Jürgen Leibfried Mark Münzing Christian Rokosch Fabian Klingler Goesta Ritschewald Investieren in Core oder was sind die bankgeeigneten Alternativen im aktuellen Marktumfeld Gerhard Meitinger Gero Bergmann Hermann Dambach Gerald Klinck Klaus-Jürgen Sontowski Rainer Thaler Thomas Wiegand All material throughout this program is subject to change without notice. Andrew Hunter Sven Renz The hidden champion? Andreas Hardt Ingo-Hans Holz Ian Watson Financing Landscape Ways of getting more liquidity in the Market? Markus Beran Axel Brinkmann Ciarán Burns Roland Fuchs Jakub Hejl Norbert Kellner Thomas Köntgen Thorsten Schmidt Thorsten Schönenberger Andreas Wuermeling COCKTAIL RECEPTION 17H15–18H15 Immobilienfinanzierung im aktuellen Umfeld Wertschöpfung durch Transparenz? NETWORKING BREAK 15H15–16H00 BERLIN APPOINTMENT TIME & CHECK-IN 11H00 BALLSAAL III Thomas Rücker Assem El Alami Jocelyn Laudet Rainer Pillmayer Michael Ramm Patrick Reich Peter Schreppel Frank Teupe Richard Wartenberg Jörg Widhalm GRI2014 Which financing mix is optimal for property companies? German Real Estate BALLSAAL I I ATHEN Gerechtfertigt oder unnötiges Handicap für Projektentwickler? Was ist der beste Mietermix der Zukunft? BALLSAAL I BERLIN 16H00-17H15 What’s between total loss and value driven revitalization? ATHEN II MUNCHEN DEUTSCHE ROM AL ss pd IN re t u T F f p ou NO me o and h ti at heck c se at KEYNOTE ea Pl 8 MAY 2014 THURSDAY DONNERSTAG e 09H00 - 10H00 Europa Vertrauenskrise gelöst, Schuldenkrise vertagt? BALLSAAL STEFAN BIELMEIER Chefvolkswirt DZ BANK Germany 10H30-11H30 12H15-13H15 Core|Core+|Value Add|Opportunistic Mezzanine Finanzierung Piotr Bienkowski Bernd Haggenmüller Tim Hennes Tobias Huzarski Rolf Mensing Nicolas Simon Johannes von Mutius Berthold von Thermann Joachim Wieland Matthias Hubert Michael Berger Bankers, Investors, Developers Residential Transactions Insolvenz Michael Alberts Frank Lamby Andreas Schillhofer Annekay Groebbels-Janka Sébastian Cavé Mark Ennis Daniel Frey Ulrich Graebner Ingo Kronenberg Florian Mundt Daniel Riedl Vivian Strosek Michel Vauclair Claudia Hard Michael Amann Andreas Beckmann Annette Benner Jens Christophers Christian Köhler-Ma Asset Manager & Portfolio Workout Langfristig nachhaltige Erträge Charles Whittle Douglas Edwards Sebastian-Dominik Jais Niclas Karoff Ross MacDiarmid Daniel Werth Logistics Ae warehouses replacing shopping centres in times of e-retail? Malte-Maria Münchow Christopher Garbe Stephanie Habacker-Arndt Thomas Karmann Paul Rodger Ingo Steves PARIS Klaus Krägel Marcus Pollmann Vincent Screene Gerrit Sperling Alternative Assetklasse Seniorenresidenzen Welche Risiken gehen Investoren ein? Stefan Klingsöhr Jan-Hendrik Jessen Dirk Hasselbring Michael Ziegler Jan Peter Annecke Siegfried Eschen Steffen Günther Bernd Mayer Fritz Muller Sven Schuessler Aren Wegner Peter Wendlinger Christoph Schumacher Dominik Brambring Hauke Brede David Ironside Boris Schran Insourcing/Outsourcing Property Management Student housing in Germany Robert Döring-Strohscheer Stefan Ehrlich Stephan Friedrich Stefan Korthals Ben Lehrecke Johann-Georg zu Ysenburg Horst Lieder Thomas Landschreiber Jan Giessler Interessante Immobilieninvestitionen jenseits Core+? Marc-Philipp Martins Kuenzel Zinsdilemma What does add up? ROM Tim Brückner Wilhelm Hammel Michael Schwöbel Axel Froese Ingo Hartlief Erik Marienfeldt Uwe Rempis Endstation oder Neuanfang? Hero or Villain? Immobilienfinanzierung Kreative Alternativen oder Dominanz des Bewährten? Markus Bell Gunther Deutsch Michael Hermes Ingo Schierhorn LUNCH 13H15–14H15 MÜNCHEN II KEYNOTE 09H00–10H00 MÜNCHEN I Markus Wiedenmann Hans Peter Hähnlein Christian Schede Anne Braun Michael Jung Michael Siefert Dirk Hasselbring Kreditfonds und Banken Konkurrenz, Koexistenz, Symbiose? Patrick Züchner Hubertus Baumer Jan Bettink Ingo Bofinger Heribert Eisenburger Benedikt Kiesl Martin Knof Dieter Koch Christian Niggl Joerg Oestreich Sind 4% Rendite rational und welche Alternativen fuer Core Investoren? Jens Cremer Is it an asset class and investment target for institutional investors? James Metcalf THE WESTIN GRAND FRANKFURT Konrad-Adenauer-Strasse 7, 60313, Frankfurt - Germany All material throughout this program is subject to change without notice. FAREWELL DRINKS 15H30–17H00 Creating value with secondary assets in absence of finding value? NETWORKING BREAK 11H30–12H15 Office Investments Wunschdenken oder Wahrheit? Markus Koch At its height or more dynamic growth? Nothing safer than the Change? BERLIN Auswahl des Asset Managers wichtiger als Auswahl des Assets Innovative Konzepte für Projektentwickler? Which offers adequate return? ATHEN 14H15-15H30 DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN DISCUSSIONS 7 MAY 14H00-15H15 ATTENDEE LIST Access the up-to-date list of participants by visiting: Global Real Estate Institute Alternatively, please scan with your smartphone QR APP to view list. @realestateGRI #DeutscheGRI Handelsimmobilien Was ist der beste Mietermix der Zukunft? BALLSAAL I LUDWIG VOGEL Managing Director CEV HANDELSIMMOBILIEN Germany HENRIE KÖTTER Managing Director - Center Management ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT Germany SEBASTIAN GREINACHER CEO SIGNA HOLDING AG Germany JOHN QUINN Director of Germany VALUE RETAIL Germany DANIEL HERRMANN Head of Portfolio Management Berlin PATRIZIA Germany STUART REID Partner ROCKSPRING PROPERTY ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany BJÖRN ISENHÖFER Managing Partner CONCEPTA PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG Germany KARL REINITZHUBER Co-CEO & CFO MFI MANAGEMENT FÜR IMMOBILIEN Germany SUSANNE KLAUSSNER CEO GRR Germany MATTHIAS SCHMITZ Managing Partner ACREST PROPERTY GROUP Germany JOHANNES KÖTH Head of Asset Management SES SPAR EUROPEAN SHOPPING CENTERS Austria CHRISTIAN SCHRÖDER Managing Director MEC METRO Germany Ludwig Vogel Sebastian Greinacher Daniel Herrmann Björn Isenhöfer Susanne Klaußner Johannes Köth Henrie Kötter John Quinn Stuart Reid Karl Reinitzhuber Matthias Schmitz Christian Schröder Thomas Rücker Assem El Alami Jocelyn Laudet Rainer Pillmayer Michael Ramm Patrick Reich Peter Schreppel Frank Teupe Richard Wartenberg Jörg Widhalm German Real Estate Sustainable boom, is it going to last? BALLSAAL II THOMAS RÜCKER Managing Partner RÜCKERCONSULT GMBH Germany PATRICK REICH Managing Partner CALEUS CAPITAL INVESTORS Germany ASSEM EL ALAMI Head of RE Finance BERLIN HYP Germany PETER SCHREPPEL CEO CBRE Germany JOCELYN LAUDET Head of Investor Relations AMUNDI REAL ESTATE France FRANK TEUPE Executive Director, Head of Investment Acquisition REAL I.S. Germany RAINER PILLMAYER Member of the Board, Coo DIC ASSET Germany RICHARD WARTENBERG Managing Director ACTIVUM SG Germany MICHAEL RAMM MD, Co-Head Acquisitions, Global Real Assets JP MORGAN ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany JÖRG WIDHALM Head of Central Commercial Customers BERLINER VOLKSBANK Germany Immobilienfinanzierung im aktuellen Umfeld Wie weit der Weg zur Normalisierung? photo pending BALLSAAL III DR SEBASTIAN KAUFMANN Partner KING & SPALDING Germany ALEXANDER SAUR General Manager NATIXIS Germany MAX BOESER Executive Director, European Co-Head Finance MORGAN STANLEY REAL ESTATE Germany SIMONE SCHMIDT Head of Portfolio Management ING BANK Germany MARIA-TERESA DREO Head of Real Estate, Germany UNICREDIT BANK Germany OLIVER SILL Director BAYERNLB Germany PETER FINKBEINER CFO TLG IMMOBILIEN Germany SEBASTIAN VETTER Director - Origination, Real Estate Finance, International Clients Germany PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany BARKHA MEHMEDAGIC Executive Director / Head of Group Finance and Treasury COMMERZ REAL Germany All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. Dr Sebastian Kaufmann Max Boeser Maria-Teresa Dreo Peter Finkbeiner Barkha Mehmedagic Alexander Saur Simone Schmidt Oliver Sill Sebastian Vetter DISCUSSIONS DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN 14H00-15H15 7 MAY Berlin Residential Skyrocket? Freefall? Return to business? MÜNCHEN I SASCHA NÖSKE Chief Executive officer STRATEGIS Germany JÜRGEN LEIBFRIED Managing Partner BAUWERT Germany STEPHAN ALLNER Managing Director DIE WOHNKOMPANIE Germany MARK MÜNZING Board Member ZBI Germany MARTIN HELLWEGER CEO and Founder KRONBERG INTERNATIONAL Italy GOESTA RITSCHEWALD Managing Partner DEUTSCHE INVESTMENT KAG Germany FABIAN KLINGLER Member of the Board ABERDEEN ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany CHRISTIAN ROKOSCH Head of Sales & Acquisitions GAGFAH GROUP Germany Sascha Nöske Stephan Allner Martin Hellweger Fabian Klingler Jürgen Leibfried Mark Münzing Goesta Ritschewald Christian Rokosch Gerhard Meitinger Gero Bergmann Hermann Dambach Gerald Klinck Klaus-Jürgen Sontowski Rainer Thaler Thomas Wiegand Martin Eberhardt Philipp Braschel Holger Hagge Daniel Schulenburg Brigitte van der Jagt-Buitink Investieren in Core oder was sind die bankgeeigneten Alternativen im aktuellen Marktumfeld MÜNCHEN II GERHARD MEITINGER Md, Head of Real Estate Finance Germany PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany KLAUS-JÜRGEN SONTOWSKI Chairman SONTOWSKI & PARTNER Germany GERO BERGMANN Member of the Board of Management BERLIN HYP Germany RAINER THALER Managing Director INVESTA Germany HERMANN DAMBACH Managing Director OAKTREE Germany THOMAS WIEGAND Managing Director CERBERUS Germany GERALD KLINCK CFO GAGFAH Germany Redeveloping Assets What concepts are boosting alpha in prime locations? BERLIN MARTIN EBERHARDT Frics, Managing Director and Country Manager BOUWFONDS IM Germany PHILIPP BRASCHEL Principal BENSON ELLIOT UK HOLGER HAGGE Managing Director OVG BISCHOFF Germany JÖRG-OLIVER NELLEN Head of Assetmanagement/Letting AIK IMMOBILIEN-KAPITALANLAGEGESELLSCHAFT Germany DANIEL SCHULENBURG Managing Partner JARGONNANT PARTNERS Germany BRIGITTE VAN DER JAGT-BUITINK Managing Director CHARTERHAUS REAL ESTATE Germany photo pending Jörg-Oliver Nellen Nonperforming real estate portfolios What’s between total loss and value driven revitalization? photo pending ATHEN TILL SCHMIEDEKNECHT Managing Director BGP Germany DAVID ABRAMS CEO, Apollo European Principal Finance Funds APOLLO GLOBAL REAL ESTATE UK ADAM GOLEBIOWSKI Adam Golebiowski, Acquisitions Director, UK and European Investments UK & EUROPEAN UK Till Schmiedeknecht David Abrams Adam Golebiowski All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN DISCUSSIONS 7 MAY 16H00-17H15 CMBS, Covered Bonds, Unsecured Bonds Which financing mix is optimal for property companies? BALLSAAL I MAYA MITEVA Head of Corporate Finance GAGFAH GROUP Germany RAIMUND FRÜHMORGEN Managing Director, Head of RE Large Clients/Fpi1 UNICREDIT BANK Germany GEORG GRIESEMANN CFO ACREST PROPERTY GROUP Germany GUILLAUME GRUCHET Director – Real Estate Structured Finance BANK OF AMERICA MERRILL LYNCH UK JÜRGEN HELM Head of Structured Real Estate Finance Germany SEB Germany ANIL JHANGIANI Senior Director, Head of Construction, Property & Building Materials FITCH RATINGS UK Maya Miteva GUSTAV KIRSCHNER Senior Director BAYERNLB Germany Raimund Frühmorgen Georg Griesemann Guillaume Gruchet Jürgen Helm Anil Jhangiani Gustav Kirschner Michael Piontek Lars Schnidrig Frank Zabel Bjoern Gottschling Alexandre Grellier Thomas Herr Karsten Jungk Victor Stoltenburg Cornelia Thaler Ignaz Trombello photo pending MICHAEL PIONTEK CFO POLIS Germany LARS SCHNIDRIG Managing Director and Head of Finance and Treasury DEUTSCHE ANNINGTON IMMOBILIEN SE Germany Effizienz durch Standardisierung der Transaktionsabwicklung Wertschöpfung durch Transparenz? BALLSAAL II FRANK ZABEL Managing Director CENTRUM HOLDING Germany KARSTEN JUNGK Managing Director WÜEST & PARTNER Germany BJOERN GOTTSCHLING Managing Director COMFORT BERLIN Germany VICTOR STOLTENBURG Head of Acquisitions and Sales - Germany DEKA IMMOBILIEN Germany ALEXANDRE GRELLIER CEO DATA ROOM SERVICES Germany CORNELIA THALER Head of Real Estate CLIFFORD CHANCE Germany THOMAS HERR Managing Director VALTEQ Germany IGNAZ TROMBELLO Managing Partner, Head of Investment Germany COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL Germany Private Equity Finding opportunistic returns in Germany or better off elsewhere? BALLSAAL III ALI OTMAR Managing Director, Investments TRISTAN CAPITAL PARTNERS UK KEAN HIRD Partner CATALYST CAPITAL UK MICHAEL ABEL Principal TPG CAPITAL UK MATTHIAS NEULING Vice President MEYER BERGMAN UK TIM BREITENSTEIN Managing Director MORGAN STANLEY Germany STEFAN WALLDORF Senior Vice President CERBERUS Germany GEORG FRHR. V. HAMMERSTEIN Chairman German Investment PATRON CAPITAL PARTNERS UK MARKUS WEHNELT Head of Real Estate Finance Germany, Institutional & Private Equity Clients PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany MICHAEL GERLICH Managing Partner FIDUCIARY CAPITAL Germany SAUL GOLDSTEIN Founder ACTIVUM UK Ali Otmar Michael Abel Tim Breitenstein Georg Frhr. v. Hammerstein Michael Gerlich Saul Goldstein Kean Hird Matthias Neuling Stefan Walldorf Markus Wehnelt Manfred Wiesner MANFRED WIESNER Managing Director PERELLA WEINBERG REAL ESTATE UK All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. DISCUSSIONS DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN 16H00-17H15 7 MAY German Light Industrial The hidden champion? MÜNCHEN I ANDREAS HARDT CEO Germany VALAD EUROPE Germany IAN WATSON Joint CEO HANSTEEN UK Andreas Hardt Ingo-Hans Holz Ian Watson Axel Brinkmann Ciarán Burns Roland Fuchs INGO-HANS HOLZ Board of Management BEOS Germany Financing Landscape Ways of getting more liquidity in the Market? MÜNCHEN II MARKUS BERAN Head of RE Origination International Investors BERLIN HYP Germany NORBERT KELLNER Head Dept Capital Markets - Real Estate HELABA UK AXEL BRINKMANN Director LASALLE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT UK THOMAS KÖNTGEN Germany CIARÁN BURNS Director ARDSTONE Ireland ROLAND FUCHS Head of European Real Estate Finance ALLIANZ REAL ESTATE Germany JAKUB HEJL Associate WESTBROOK PARTNERS UK Markus Beran photo pending THORSTEN SCHMIDT Director ING BANK Germany THORSTEN SCHÖNENBERGER Global Head of Real Estate LBBW Germany Jakub Hejl Norbert Kellner Thomas Köntgen Thorsten Schmidt Thorsten Schönenberger Andreas Wuermeling Christian Giraud Andrew Hunter Sven Renz Hans Hammer Andreas Bahners Andreas Gladisch ANDREAS WUERMELING Head of Loan Markets Real Estate & Public Finance PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany Hotel Deals Which contract structure works best for investors & operators? BERLIN MARTIN BOWEN Associate Vp Development Continental Europe INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS Germany ANDREW HUNTER Director Europe ADINA APARTMENT HOTELS UK CHRISTIAN GIRAUD VP Dev. Germany, Central Europe & Scandinavia ACCOR HOSPITALITY GERMANY Germany SVEN RENZ Managing Partner BAYERN PROJEKT Germany Martin Bowen Aktuelle Anforderungen bei Finanzierungen Gerechtfertigt oder unnötiges Handicap für Projektentwickler? ATHEN HANS HAMMER Chairman & CEO HAMMER Germany PETER MILLER Leiter Re Finance Germany Region Mitte PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany ANDREAS BAHNERS Leiter Gb Immobilien- Und Institutionelle Kunden STADTSPARKASSE DÜSSELDORF Germany OLIVER REISS Managing Director REISS Germany ANDREAS GLADISCH Managing Director MOMENI GRUPPE Germany MARKUS SCHÜRMANN Deputy CFO MFI MANAGEMENT FÜR IMMOBILIEN Germany VOLKER LOEWER Member of the Board PB FIRMENKUNDEN Germany REINHARD WILHELM Managing Director, Re Structured Finance UNICREDIT BANK Germany photo pending Volker Loewer Peter Miller Oliver Reiss Markus Schürmann Reinhard Wilhelm All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. KEYNOTE 8 MAY 09H00-10H00 Europa Vertrauenskrise gelöst, Schuldenkrise vertagt? BALLSAAL STEFAN BIELMEIER Chefvolkswirt DZ BANK Germany DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN DISCUSSIONS 8 MAY 10H30-11H30 Office Investments Creating value with secondary assets in absence of finding value? MÜNCHEN I DOUGLAS EDWARDS Managing Director CORPUS SIREO Luxembourg ROSS MACDIARMID Managing Director DP GLOBAL PROPERTIES Germany SEBASTIAN-DOMINIK JAIS Principal APOLLO GLOBAL MANAGEMENT UK DANIEL WERTH Director Strategy Development & International Asset Management Clients HIH Germany NICLAS KAROFF Managing Director TLG IMMOBILIEN Germany Douglas Edwards Sebastian-Dominik Jais Niclas Karoff Ross MacDiarmid Daniel Werth Christopher Garbe Stephanie Habacker-Arndt Logistics Are warehouses replacing shopping centres in times of e-retail? MÜNCHEN II MALTE-MARIA MÜNCHOW Head of Acquisitions and Sales - Retail, Hotel, Logistics DEKA IMMOBILIEN Germany CHRISTOPHER GARBE CEO GARBE LOGISTIC Germany STEPHANIE HABACKER-ARNDT Member of the Board HABACKER HOLDING Germany THOMAS KARMANN Senior Vice President, Regional Director Northern Europe PROLOGIS Germany Malte-Maria Münchow PAUL RODGER Director HANSTEEN UK photo pending INGO STEVES Managing Director GAZELEY Germany Thomas Karmann Paul Rodger Ingo Steves Frank Lamby Andreas Schillhofer Charles Whittle Bankers, Investors, Developers Nothing safer than the Change? BERLIN MICHAEL ALBERTS Partner HEUKING Germany ANDREAS SCHILLHOFER Mitglied Der Geschäftsleitung Deutschland MEDIOBANCA Germany FRANK LAMBY Managing Director REFTA Germany CHARLES WHITTLE CEO MCCAFFERTY ASSET MANAGEMENT UK All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. Michael Alberts DISCUSSIONS DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN 10H30-11H30 8 MAY Core|Core+|Value Add|Opportunistic Which offers adequate return? photo pending ATHEN PIOTR BIENKOWSKI CEO BNP PARIBAS REAL ESTATE Germany NICOLAS SIMON CEO/CIO AMUNDI REAL ESTATE France BERND HAGGENMÜLLER Managing Director SHAFTESBURY ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany JOHANNES VON MUTIUS COO DIC Germany TIM HENNES Head of Asset Management Germany and Central Europe AEW EUROPE Germany BERTHOLD VON THERMANN Managing Director Emea Investment & Underwriting ARCHON GROUP DEUTSCHLAND GMBH Germany TOBIAS HUZARSKI Principal KKR UK JOACHIM WIELAND CEO AURELIS REAL ESTATE GMBH & CO. KG. Germany Piotr Bienkowski Bernd Haggenmüller Tim Hennes Tobias Huzarski Rolf Mensing Nicolas Simon Johannes von Mutius Berthold von Thermann Joachim Wieland Michael Ziegler Jan Peter Annecke Siegfried Eschen Steffen Günther Bernd Mayer Fritz Muller Aren Wegner Peter Wendlinger Stefan Ehrlich Stephan Friedrich Jan Giessler Stefan Korthals Ben Lehrecke Johann-Georg zu Ysenburg ROLF MENSING Managing Director CLS GERMANY Germany Immobilienfinanzierung Kreative Alternativen oder Dominanz des Bewährten? PARIS MICHAEL ZIEGLER Head of Finance-Attorney BEITEN BURKHARDT Germany FRITZ MULLER Head of Real Estate Finance Germany North-West HELABA Germany JAN PETER ANNECKE Director, Head of Commercial RE Finance MÜNCHENER HYPOTHEKENBANK Germany SVEN SCHUESSLER Managing Director, RE Structured Finance UNICREDIT BANK Germany SIEGFRIED ESCHEN Head of Central Region Germany/Int. Clients HYPOTHEKENBANK FRANKFURT Germany AREN WEGNER Head of Real Estate Lending Europe DEKABANK Germany STEFFEN GÜNTHER Head of Cre Finance International and Institutional Investors/ Syndication DG HYP Germany PETER WENDLINGER Head of Real Estate Finance HYPO NOE GRUPPE BANK Austria photo pending BERND MAYER Managing Director BAYERNLB Germany Sven Schuessler Insourcing/Outsourcing Property Management What does add up? photo pending ROM ROBERT DÖRING-STROHSCHEER CEO HERMES HAUSVERWALTUNG Germany STEFAN EHRLICH Bereichsleiter Immobilienmanagement Wohnen BERLINOVO Germany STEPHAN FRIEDRICH Managing Director ELB GRUNDSTÜCKSVERWALTUNGSGES. (LÜRSSEN-GRUPPE) Germany STEFAN KORTHALS Managing Director CORPUS SIREO ASSET MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL Germany Robert Döring-Strohscheer BEN LEHRECKE CEO VITUS Germany JOHANN-GEORG ZU YSENBURG Leiter Akquisition In Deutschland BUWOG-GRUPPE Germany JAN GIESSLER Managing Partner CONLEAD PERFORMANCE MANAGER Germany All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN DISCUSSIONS 8 MAY 12H15-13H15 Asset Manager & Portfolio Workout Hero or Villain? MÜNCHEN I TIM BRÜCKNER Executive Director, Client Group Leader Financial Institutions CORPUS SIREO Germany WILHELM HAMMEL Director Special Servicing and Business Development-Germany HATFIELD PHILIPS UK KLAUS KRÄGEL Managing Director ARCHON GROUP DEUTSCHLAND Germany MICHAEL SCHWÖBEL Director DUNDEE INTERNATIONAL REIT Germany Tim Brückner Wilhelm Hammel Klaus Krägel Marcus Pollmann Michael Schwöbel Vincent Screene Gerrit Sperling Stefan Klingsöhr Jan-Hendrik Jessen Marc-Philipp Martins Kuenzel Dirk Hasselbring VINCENT SCREENE Managing Director ESTAMA Germany GERRIT SPERLING Managing Director WVB CENTURIA Germany MARCUS POLLMANN Marcus Pollmann, MD, Head of RCR Real ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND Germany Alternative Assetklasse Seniorenresidenzen Welche Risiken gehen Investoren ein? MÜNCHEN II STEFAN KLINGSÖHR Geschäftsführer KLINGSÖHR PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG Germany JAN-HENDRIK JESSEN Senior Fund Manager PATRIZIA Germany MARC-PHILIPP MARTINS KUENZEL Executive Director CORPUS SIREO Luxembourg DIRK HASSELBRING CEO HAMBURG TRUST REIM Germany Residential Transactions At its height or more dynamic growth? BERLIN ANNEKAY GROEBBELS-JANKA Member of The Board ENGEL & VÖLKERS Germany INGO KRONENBERG Managing Director DREI Germany SÉBASTIAN CAVÉ Managing Director GRAINGER DEUTSCHLAND Germany FLORIAN MUNDT Managing Partner DEUTSCHE INVESTMENT KAG Germany MARK ENNIS Head of Acquisitions DEUTSCHE ANNINGTON IMMOBILIEN SE Germany DANIEL RIEDL CEO BUWOG GRUPPE Austria DANIEL FREY CFO IMMEO WOHNEN Germany VIVIAN STROSEK Managing Director FEONDOR ASSET MANAGEMENT Switzerland ULRICH GRAEBNER Managing Director LEONARDO & CO. Germany MICHEL VAUCLAIR Senior Vice President OXFORD PROPERTIES UK All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. Annekay Groebbels-Janka Sébastian Cavé Mark Ennis Daniel Frey Ulrich Graebner Ingo Kronenberg Florian Mundt Daniel Riedl Vivian Strosek Michel Vauclair DISCUSSIONS DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN 12H15-13H15 8 MAY Mezzanine Finanzierung Innovative Konzepte für Projektentwickler? ATHEN MATTHIAS HUBERT Managing Director SONTOWSKI & PARTNER Germany Matthias Hubert Michael Berger Markus Koch Markus Wiedenmann Dominik Brambring Hauke Brede Jens Cremer David Ironside Boris Schran Horst Lieder Thomas Landschreiber James Metcalf MICHAEL BERGER Head of Re Finance Germany, Executive Md HELABA Germany MARKUS KOCH Managing Director & CFO AURELIS REAL ESTATE GMBH & CO. KG. Germany MARKUS WIEDENMANN Managing Partner ART INVEST REAL ESTATE FUNDS Germany Zinsdilemma Sind 4% Rendite rational und welche Alternativen fuer Core Investoren? PARIS CHRISTOPH SCHUMACHER Member of the Management Board UNION INVESTMENT INSTITUTIONAL PROPERTY Germany JENS CREMER Vice President STARWOOD UK DOMINIK BRAMBRING Managing Director PRAMERICA REAL ESTATE INVESTORS Germany DAVID IRONSIDE International Director, Head of Acquisition Continental Europe LASALLE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Germany HAUKE BREDE Chief Risk officer ALLIANZ REAL ESTATE Germany BORIS SCHRAN Founding Partner PEAKSIDE CAPITAL ADVISORS Switzerland Christoph Schumacher photo pending Student housing in Germany Is it an asset class and investment target for institutional investors? ROM HORST LIEDER CEO IC INTERNATIONAL CAMPUS Germany THOMAS LANDSCHREIBER Chief Operating officer CORESTATE Switzerland JAMES METCALF Founder CROSSLANE UK All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN DISCUSSIONS 8 MAY 14H15-15H30 Langfristig nachhaltige Erträge Interessante Immobilieninvestitionen jenseits Core+? MÜNCHEN I HANS PETER HÄHNLEIN Managing Director INOVALIS ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany Hans Peter Hähnlein Christian Schede Anne Braun Dirk Hasselbring Michael Jung Michael Siefert Patrick Züchner Hubertus Baumer Jan Bettink Ingo Bofinger Heribert Eisenburger Benedikt Kiesl Martin Knof Dieter Koch Christian Niggl CHRISTIAN SCHEDE Managing Partner, Germany OLSWANG Germany ANNE BRAUN Executive Director Asset Management DUNDEE INTERNATIONAL REIT Germany DIRK HASSELBRING CEO HAMBURG TRUST REIM Germany MICHAEL JUNG Managing Partner CONTINUUM CAPITAL Germany MICHAEL SIEFERT Managing Director MADISON REAL ESTATE Germany Kreditfonds und Banken Konkurrenz, Koexistenz, Symbiose? MÜNCHEN II PATRICK ZÜCHNER CIO CAERUS DEBT INVESTMENTS Germany HUBERTUS BAUMER Co-Head Institutional Property Solutions UNION INVESTMENT INSTITUTIONAL PROPERTY Germany JAN BETTINK Chairman of the Board of Management BERLIN HYP Germany INGO BOFINGER Head of Real Estate GOTHAER ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany HERIBERT EISENBURGER Managing Director WESTDEUTSCHE IMMOBILIENBANK Germany BENEDIKT KIESL Managing Director Central Region + Multinational Clients HYPOTHEKENBANK FRANKFURT Germany MARTIN KNOF Head Ing Real Estate Finance Germany ING BANK Germany DIETER KOCH Managing Director & Head of REIB DEUTSCHE HYPOTHEKENBANK Germany CHRISTIAN NIGGL Head of Real Estate Structured Finance UNICREDIT BANK Germany JOERG OESTREICH Director, Commercial Real Estate Germany DEUTSCHE BANK UK All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. Joerg Oestreich 14H15-15H30 8 MAY DISCUSSIONS DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN Insolvenz Endstation oder Neuanfang? BERLIN CLAUDIA HARD Partner OLSWANG Germany Claudia Hard Michael Amann Andreas Beckmann Annette Benner Jens Christophers Christian Köhler-Ma Markus Bell Gunther Deutsch Axel Froese Ingo Hartlief Michael Hermes Erik Marienfeldt Uwe Rempis Ingo Schierhorn MICHAEL AMANN CEO POLARES REAL ESTATE ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany ANDREAS BECKMANN Managing Director ACTIVUM SG Germany ANNETTE BENNER Deputy General Counsel Europe HATFIELD PHILIPS Germany JENS CHRISTOPHERS CEO TASKFORCE AG Germany CHRISTIAN KÖHLER-MA Insolvency Lawyer OLSWANG RESTRUCTURING SOLUTIONS Germany Auswahl des Asset Managers wichtiger als Auswahl des Assets Wunschdenken oder Wahrheit? ATHEN MARKUS BELL Geschaftsführer BELL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Germany GUNTHER DEUTSCH Managing Director PAMERA ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany AXEL FROESE Head of Asset Management, Germany CORDEA SAVILLS Germany INGO HARTLIEF CEO CORPUS SIREO Germany MICHAEL HERMES Managing Director Real Estate ATOS ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany ERIK MARIENFELDT CEO HIH Germany UWE REMPIS National Director LASALLE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Germany INGO SCHIERHORN Managing Director CR INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Germany All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. SENIOR SPONSOR Sascha Nöske Sascha Nöske CEO +49(30) 44353-112 Office +49(172) 3910339 Mobil Torstraße 49 10119 Berlin STRATEGIS AG has been successful in the real estate market for about 15 Years. With comprehensive solutions in Management and sales, STRATEGIS AG is able to effectively handle complex issues. With its three units: RE Invest, RE Management & RE Sales. STRATEGIS AG is flexible and able to offer a full house service of managing, letting and selling unit- or blockwise. Die STRATEGIS AG ist seit 15 Jahren Experte für integriertes Immobilien-Management, individuelle Investment- und Vertriebslösungen. Mit den Geschäftsbereichen RE Invest, RE Management und RE Sales wird für unsere Kunden je nach Bedarf die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette abgedeckt, vom Ankauf über die Objektverwaltung bis hin zur Vermietung und zum Verkauf. GOLD SPONSOR A COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE RANGE TO ENHANCE VALUE BNP Paribas Real Estate, one of the leading international real estate providers, offers its clients a comprehensive range of services that cover the entire real estate lifecycle: property development, transaction, consulting, valuation, property management and investment management. Piotr Bienkowski Marcus Zorn CLIENT-FOCUSED COMMITMENTS We develop our expertise to match with our client’s needs. Choosing to work with BNP Paribas Real Estate means gaining the benefit of across-the-board property expertise under one roof. Whether you are an investor, occupier or property developer, public sector or private stakeholder, we are at your side for all your property-related needs. Andreas Völker Sven Stricker AN INTERNATIONAL NETWORK, A LOCAL PRESENCE BNP Paribas Real Estate makes use of an international network in 38 countries worldwide, with 17 direct offices and a network of alliances in 21 countries. Whether you are based in Europe, in Asia, in the Middle East, or North America, our property professionals are present offering you on-the-ground service. Piotr Bienkowski CEO BNP Paribas Real Estate Germany Marcus Zorn Managing Director Head of Transaction Andreas Völker Managing Director Head of Investment Consulting Sven Stricker Managing Director Head of Investment BNP Paribas Real Estate Goetheplatz 4, 60311 Frankfurt am Main +49 (0)69-298 99-0 For more information: THE STRENGTH OF A RECOGNISED GROUP BNP Paribas Real Estate is a subsidiary of BNP Paribas Group, a European leader in world class banking and financial services. For our clients, this gives the assurance of a trusted partner, offering stability over the long term. OUR CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY At BNP Paribas Real Estate, we consider that sustainable development and corporate social responsibility are platforms of innovation and creation. We have to be actively involved in these to shape the future of the real estate world. KEY FIGURES BNP Paribas Real Estate: € 716 million of turnover and €164 million of operating profit in 2013. Transaction: 4.7 million m² of commercial real estate transacted for our occupier clients in 2013 (all asset types combined) and € 10.3 billion of investment in commercial real estate. Property Development: 103,500 m² completed in 2013 in France and 425,000 m² will be started in 2014 in Europe. Valuation: €233 billion of assets valued in 2013. Property Management: more than 35.8 million m² of property under management in Europe. Investment Management: close to €18 billion of assets under management in 2013 in Europe. GOLD SPONSOR Ulrich Höller Sonja Wärntges Rainer Pillmayer Thomas Gerstmann Rainer Mutschler Christian Bock Ulrich Höller CEO DIC Asset AG Sonja Wärntges CFO DIC Asset AG Rainer Pillmayer COO DIC Asset AG Thomas Gerstmann Head of Investment DIC Asset AG Rainer Mutschler Deputy Head of Investment DIC Asset AG Christian Bock Head of Business Development DIC Fund Balance DIC Deutsche Immobilien Chancen Gruppe Neue Mainzer Straße 20 • MainTor 60311 Frankfurt am Main + 49 (0) 69 274033 0 For more information: Deutsche Immobilien Chancen Group, active throughout Germany and based in Frankfurt, was founded in 1998 and, with its innovative investment philosophy and its focus on the German market, is one of the most prominent and successful firms in Germany specialising in commercial real estate transactions. The Group´s business activities include portfolio and asset management, which are handled by its SDAX-listed company, DIC Asset AG, as well as project development and joint venture investments. The Group´s managed property investments currently amount to approximately EUR 3.9 billion. Its shareholders are investment companies, several insurance companies, international investors and family offices. The Group´s member companies generate current cash flows in the form of secure long-term rent revenues from their portfolio properties. The properties are managed and optimised by the in-house property management, developed and redeveloped with an eye to appreciation, and resold with the value-added achieved whenever market conditions are favourable. The expert know-how of the Group´s business line is also used to realise major project developments. The Group employs a total workforce of more than 200 staff. To maintain a nationwide presence on the German real estate market, the in-house property management operates six branch offices. GOLD SPONSOR Thomas Rücker Thomas Rücker CEO Tel. +49 30.28 44 987 48 RUECKERCONSULT is a consultancy for communication tasks in the real estate industry. Our employees are specialized in professional marketing and the entire public relations for real estate companies, real estate, property-related real estate investments and services, with over ten years of experience. We build communication with the eyes of a real estate investor and our work is focused directly on the economic targets of our clients. SILVER SPONSOR Colliers International is a leading commercial real estate services company. In their offices in Berlin, Duesseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich and Stuttgart they provide a full range of services to real estate occupiers and owners, developers and investors on a local, national and international basis under a strong brand. Ignaz Trombello Ignaz Trombello (MRICS) Managing Partner/Head of Investment Germany Tel. +49 211 / 86 20 62-50 Mob. +49 172 / 26 54 776 Steinstraße 1 – 3, 40212 Düsseldorf SILVER SPONSOR HPI is Europe’s premier CRE loan servicing and advisory firm, offering an extensive suite of services including Primary & Special Servicing, Portfolio Management, Asset Management, Real Estate Advisory & Underwriting, and Co-Investment. Blair Lewis Blair Lewis CEO Tel. 0207 071 6000 HPI’s European CRE debt capabilities are unparalleled with over £15 billion of AUM across 16 jurisdictions including the UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy and the Nordics. 100+ associates operate from Europe’s CRE Finance hubs, London and Frankfurt, bringing 125 years of experience to our institutional clients. SILVER SPONSOR Robert Döring-Strohscheer Robert Döring-Strohscheer ceo Tel. +49 (0)30 26007 105 HERMES HAUSVERWALTUNG AG is a highly professional and experienced partner when it comes to the administration and development of your real estate and property. Founded in 1970, our company is focused exclusively on property management and in this field is one of the leading service providers in Germany. Our specialisation puts us in a position to meet the whole range of our clients’ different requirements - from private owners to institutional investors - whilst also offering all the advantages that only a major property management company can provide. Our management inventory is continuously expanding and to date covers some 30,000 residential units as well as approx. 260,000 sq.m. of commercial floor space. On top of this HERMES VERMÖGENSVERWALTUNG also serves a total of 30 investment companies. The size of our management inventory means that we are able to maintain an organisational structure where all the individual sections and divisions are staffed by superbly qualified specialists. A staff of more than 150, mainly longterm employees stand warranty for the good name of HERMES HAUSVERWALTUNG AG. Our property sales representatives, building engineers and accountants are synonymous with continuity, reliability and dedication. BRONZE SPONSORS Dr. Joachim Wieland CEO aurelis Real Estate GmbH & Co. KG Germany aurelis’ properties are mostly located in German metropolitan areas. As an asset manager, aurelis enhances the value of rental properties through revitalization concepts or construction. As a developer, the company transforms derelict land into development land – with infrastructure and planning permission. An owner-run company with the focus on sustainable management of real estate and real estate investment trusts (INO.UN). Mr. Hans Peter Hähnlein INVESTMENT – ASSET & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT – DEVELOPMENT – DEBT & ARRANGEMENT SERVICE – Paris, Frankfurt, Dubai, Singapore, Toronto, Miami Managing Director Tel: +49 69 71 40 19 5 10 BRONZE SPONSOR Jan Giessler Managing Partner Tel. +49 (0) 221 29 29 93-0 Fax +49 (0) 221 29 29 93-29 Mob. +49 (0) 163 5068811 ConLead Performance Manager is a global consulting firm, focusing on transformational change. We work analytically in every stage, combining diverse consulting knowledge, spanning multiple industries, with deep operational, financial and leadership experience. ConLead’s focused approach has achieved investor returns > 4.5 times invested capital. CREATORS MICHAEL ALBERTS MICHAEL AMANN Partner CEO GERMANY GERMANY HEUKING Dr. Michael Alberts is attorney and partner of Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek, one of the major independent German law firms with approximately 270 lawyers in Germany. Michael’s core practice area is Commercial Real Estate and the respective financing. He is strategic advisor with legal focus on complex Real Estate projects and transactions. Michael advises, inter alia, the British Stadium Group for the project CentrO. Oberhausen, Value Retail, the Anglo-American premium outlet developer and McCafferty/Numisma, the Manchester based investors. ASSET & PROPERTY MGMT LAW FIRM Acquisition, development, management and financing of Real Estate Projects POLARES REAL ESTATE ASSET MANAGEMENT Leading German Asset and Property Management platform ▪ pan German network ▪ great capital market experience ▪ high-yield portfolios Michael has been MD of POLARES Real Estate Asset Management GmbH (Ltd) and its predecessor Colonia Real Estate Solutions since May 2010. In October 2012, he was responsible for a management buy-out of Polares REAM from TAG Immobilien AG (plc). As a real estate professional and economist (EBS) he can look back on over 21 years experience in the property sector where he has enjoyed various management roles. Amongst others, he built up the business of property and asset management in Germany as partner and head of real estate management at Cushman & Wakefield. Michael Amann studied property economics at the EBS in Oestrich-Winkel. JAN PETER ANNECKE ANDREAS BAHNERS Director, Head of Commercial Real Estate Finance Leiter GB Immobilien- und Institutionelle Kunden GERMANY GERMANY MÜNCHENER HYPOTHEKENBANK Jan Peter Annecke joined Münchener Hypothekenbank eG in 2005 and is today responsible for the Commercial Real Estate Finance Division (Origination) of the bank. He has more than 10 years of professional experience in commercial real estate banking and worked in different responsibilities like credit risk management, workout management, syndication business, portfolio finance and acquisition and MBS investments. Prior to joining Münchener Hypothekenbank eG he worked for HypoVereinsbank AG, Hypo Real Estate Bank AG and Hypo Real Estate Holding AG. Jan Peter Annecke studied Economics at the Universities of Freiburg and Münster. BANK MORTGAGE BANK, PFANDBRIEF ISSUER Commercial and residential real estate financing in Germany, Western Europe and USA STADTSPARKASSE DÜSSELDORF Universal Bank - market leader in numerous growing and profitable market segments mortgage bond issuer Andreas Bahners is the Head of the Real Estate Finance Sales Division of Stadtsparkasse Duesseldorf. Within the Real Estate Financing Business Division, Stadtsparkasse Duesseldorf provide financing for medium and large-scale building projects. Andreas Bahners is responsible for the acquisition and sales of real estate finance in the region Duesseldorf and Cologne. Under his lead staff finance medium and large-volume investor projects of their professional customers. Andreas Bahners studied economics and has more than 15 years of experience in the real estate sector. ANDREAS BECKMANN MARKUS G. BELL Managing Director Geschaftsführer GERMANY GERMANY ACTIVUM SG Andreas Beckmann is a Partner at Activum SG, focusing on Structuring, Controls & Finance. Before joining Activum SG, he was a Senior Manager at Ernst & Young AG in Berlin until May 2007. He led a team in the Transaction Support Group focused on diligence and audit for large corporate real estate transactions. He was responsible for the financial due diligence for several projects with the Cerberus European Real Estate Group over a three year period. His experience encompasses valuation and running financial audits including IAS/ IFRS/HGB reconciliations. He was appointed as a CPA in 2005 and as a Certified Tax Advisor in 2003. He graduated from Humboldt University in Berlin with a degree in business, focusing on finance and accounting. TOP MANAGEMENT CONSULTING REAL ESTATE. REPOSITIONED. To identify niche opportunities in real estate related sectors BELL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Corporate reorganization - Mergers & Acquisitions - Market research Dr. Bell (40) has 15 years of professional experience as a top management consultant. His clients are companies within the real estate and the financial services sector. Bell Management Consultants (BMC) focuses on optimization and reorganisation of structures and processes. Furthermore, BMC accompanies clients in M&A processes and provides primary market research. Prior to founding BMC, Dr. Markus G. Bell was a partner in international top management consulting firms. Originally, Dr. Bell started his career in banking, working for financial institutions in Cologne, London and New York with a focus on corporate finance. DEUTSCHE GRI 2014 ANNETTE BENNER MARKUS BERAN Deputy General Counsel Europe Head of Real Estate Origination International Investors GERMANY GERMANY HATFIELD PHILIPS Annette serves as the Deputy General Counsel Europe in Frankfurt and is part of the senior management of Hatfield Philips. In her role, she is overseeing all legal aspects of HPI’s loan servicing, asset management and investment activities. Annette joined the company in 2006 and built the NPL and CMBS practice in Germany. Annette has over 12 years real estate and finance experience. She is a licensed Officer of justice (Dipl. Rechtspflegerin). She holds a degree in law and a LL.M. (Real Estate). REAL ESTATE LENDER SERVICER Hatfield Philips is part of the Starwood Property Trust and Europe´s largest Independent Commercial Real Estate Servicer with over 100 professionals. BERLIN HYP Specialised Real Estate Finance Bank - National and European presence in selected markets - Mortgage bond issuer Markus Beran is the Head of Origination International Investor Department of Berlin Hyp AG supervising the origination of real estate finance transactions for international investors in the bank’s European core markets. Berlin Hyp, provides financing for large scale property projects and real estate investments. Markus has got over 20 years’ experience in the European real estate business and he is holding a master in business administration and postgraduate certificate in real estate economy. MICHAEL BERGER GERO BERGMANN Head of RE Finance Germany, Executive MD Member of the Board of Management GERMANY GERMANY HELABA Mr Berger has been with Helaba for well in excess of thirty years. After qualifying as a bank officer, followed by a trainee programme and further professional training in business administration at the German Savings Banks Academy, he joined Helaba’s commercial real estate lending business. From the early 1990s he held a variety of responsible leadership and management functions in the bank’s real estate finance business, before taking the role of General Manager in the Real Estate Lending division in 2005. In November 2012 he was appointed an Executive Managing Director. BANK Financing: Offices, Shopping Centers and Logistics. Minimum loan amount 100 Million € BERLIN HYP Specialised Real Estate Finance Bank - National and European presence in metropolitan areas mortgage bond issuer. Gero Bergmann is an ordinary member of the Board of Management of Berlin Hyp. The law graduate and trained banker assumes responsibility for Real Estate Finance, Treasury and Business Development. Berlin Hyp provides financing for large-scale building projects and real estate investments. Bergmann is an internationally experienced and versatile real estate expert. Since 1999 he has worked for Berlin Hyp/Landesbank Berlin AG. After various management roles in the Loan Division, his most recent position was Divisional Head of Real Estate Sales responsible for international and special business. JAN BETTINK STEFAN BIELMEIER Chairman of the Board of Management Chefvolkswirt GERMANY GERMANY BERLIN HYP Jan Bettink has extensive banking experience in loan, construction financing and business customer spheres. Since 1st January 2014, Jan Bettink has been Chairman of the Board of Management of Berlin Hyp AG, one of the leading German real estate finance providers, and also a reliable partner on the capital market. Jan Bettink is President of the Association of German Mortgage Banks. He also has been nominated to join the KFW and FMS Board of Supervisory Directors. BANKING BANK One of the leading real estate finance providers in Germany DZ BANK DZ BANK AG is the central institution in the German cooperative financial network. After obtaining his degree in economics, Stefan Bielmeier worked at Deutsche Bank AG in 1996. He was responsible for Economic Research within Global Markets in Germany and his responsibilities included Asset Allocation and Equity Strategy. In June 2010 he joined DZ BANK as Global Head of Research and Economics and Chief Economist. He is thus responsible for the Division’s strategic orientation. Besides his responsibilities at DZ Bank, Stefan Bielmeier is also Chairman of the Executive Board of the German Association for Financial Analysis and Asset Management (DVFA), the society of investment professionals in Germany. CREATORS PIOTR BIENKOWSKI MARTIN BOWEN CEO Associate VP Development Continental Europe GERMANY GERMANY BNP PARIBAS REAL ESTATE Piotr Bienkowski started his real estate career at BNP Paribas Real Estate in 1990. In 1997 he became Regional Director in Frankfurt and was responsible for office letting, investment, industrial and retail services. In 2000 he was appointed a member of the management board where he was also responsible for the office letting departments of the eight branch offices in Germany. In January 2003 he became managing director, and since 2007 he has also been a member of the International Board of the company. Since January 2012 Piotr Bienkowski is CEO of BNP Paribas Real Estate Germany and part of the International Executive Committee. HOTEL COMPANY PROPERTY SERVICES PROVIDER BNP Paribas Real Estate is a leading property services provider offering its clients comprehensive advice in all phases of the property cycle. INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS Franchiser and manager Martin Bowen joined the InterContinental Hotels Group development team in January 1998. He held numerous positions in the development team with developing responsibilites in Germany, Spain, Italy , Turkey and Russia.From 1992-1997 he worked as a Development Director for the Accor Hotels Group in Germany. Today he is working as an Asc.VP Development Continental Europe responsible for the development of the Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Hotel Indigo and Staybridge Suites brands in Germany and surrounding countries. DOMINIK BRAMBRING PHILIPP BRASCHEL Managing Director Principal GERMANY UK PRAMERICA REAL ESTATE INVESTORS BENSON ELLIOT INVESTOR Pramerica Real Estate International is a global commercial real estate investor At Pramerica Real Estate Dominik Brambring is responsible for Fundand Portfolio Management of all European Funds of the German platform and is a member of the German management board. Before joining Pramerica in 2013 Mr. Brambring was at the Blackstone Group for eight years co-heading the German team with a focus on Asset Management. Before that Mr. Brambring worked for Europa Capital Partners, responsible for acquisitions in Germany and Central Europe. Mr. Brambring holds a German law degree and a Master of Real Estate and Finance from Cass Business School. Pan-european private equity real estate Philipp has 12 years’ experience in real estate principal investing. He is Principal and Head of Investment in Germany. Before joining Benson Elliot in 2009 Philipp was an Executive Director in Goldman Sachs’ RE Principal Investment Area, managers of the c. $26 billion Whitehall Funds. Philipp joined Goldman Sachs in 2000 and, during his tenure, managed transactions across Europe, including retail, office and residential investments, development fundings and the acquisition of non-performing loan portfolios. From 2004 Philipp’s activities were focused primarily on the German, Austrian and Swiss markets, during which time he played a leading role in the acquisition of over €4.2 billion of property assets. ANNE BRAUN HAUKE BREDE Executive Director Asset Management Chief Risk Officer GERMANY GERMANY DUNDEE INTERNATIONAL REIT ALLIANZ REAL ESTATE INVESTOR Dundee International REIT invests in commercial real estate exclusively outside of Canada Anne Braun joined Dundee International 2 years ago as head of asset management. She started her career with GE Real Estate. Prior to joining Dundee, she was a Partner at Cushman & Wakefield where she concentrated the first 4 years on Corporate Finance and was then responsible for property and asset management Germany. Anne holds an MBA from the European Business School where she graduated in 2001. Dr. Hauke Brede is Chief Risk Officer and Member of the Executive and Investment Committee of Allianz Real Estate. Dr. Brede left the University of Bamberg as Diplom-Kaufmann and received his Ph.D. from the University of Berne (CH). Before he joined ARE he was Director at the US consultancy Gen3 Partners (Boston), Project Leader at Boston Consulting Group (Munich) and Chief Operating Officer Risk Management at Hypo Group (Munich). Allianz Real Estate is the strategic centre of competence for real estate investments at Allianz Group and an internationally leading real estate investment and asset manager with about 450 real estate experts and about €20 bn assets under management. Dr. Hauke is Chairman of INREV’s Public Affairs Committee. DEUTSCHE GRI 2014 TIM BREITENSTEIN AXEL BRINKMANN Managing Director Director GERMANY UK MORGAN STANLEY LASALLE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LaSalle manages $47.7 billion of real estate and is one of the world’s leading real estate investment managers Having joined Morgan Stanley in 2000, Tim is heading the Morgan Stanley real estate investing team in Germany and is also responsible for European hotel acquisitions. He holds key relationships with many European institutions and market participants. He has gained experience through numerous transactions across different asset classes including office, retail, residential, hotels, NPLs, forward and development deals. He has also been involved in several restructurings and disposals from Morgan Stanley’s real estate portfolio. Before joining the real estate investing team in 2005, Tim worked in Morgan Stanley’s Mergers & Acquisitions and Structured Finance teams in London and Frankfurt for 5 years. Axel Brinkmann joined LaSalle Investment Managements Debt Investment & Special Situations Team in September 2010. He is responsible for structured debt and equity investments across Europe. On behalf of its debt funds and clients, the Debt Investment & Special Situations Team at LaSalle has invested more than €300 Millionen over the past eighteen months. Before joining LaSalle, he worked in Wells Fargo‘s Real Estate Capital Markets und Structured Finance Group. Axel Brinkmann holds a MSc in Engineering from the RWTH Aachen, Germany and an Immobilienökonom (EBS). He is member of IMMOEBS und der Association of Property Lenders in the United Kingdom. TIM BRÜCKNER CIARÁN BURNS Executive Director, Client Group Leader Financial Institutions Director GERMANY IRELAND CORPUS SIREO Executive Director of CORPUS SIREO Asset Management Commercial GmbH, a specialist for holistic real estate asset management services for international and domestic clients. As Client Group Leader, Tim supports banks and financial investors in the areas of acquisition, asset management, letting and selling of real estate portfolios. On behalf of investors, banks and credit servicers as well as corporate bodies, Tim and his fellow workforce of several hundred employees manage several large to medium-sized commercial and residential portfolios throughout Germany. Prior to this Tim held leading roles at Rothschild GmbH and HSBC Bank plc. He holds a degree in Banking and Finance. PRIVATE EQUITY ASSET MANAGEMENT Leading German Asset Manager for commercial and residential real estate with +16BN EUR AuM in Germany; residential developer and broker ARDSTONE Private Equity Fund & Asset Manager - Office assets across risk spectrum - UK, Germany, Ireland, France, Benelux Ciaran is a shareholder in Ardstone Capital and member of the investment committee. In addition he has overall responsibility for portfolio management, fund structuring and sourcing debt facilities. Prior to joining Ardstone he worked in senior management positions with multinational organisations, including GE Capital. SÉBASTIAN CAVÉ JENS CHRISTOPHERS Managing Director CEO GERMANY GERMANY GRAINGER DEUTSCHLAND Verantwortlich für Asset Management und Strategie bei Grainger Deutschland (seit März 2013 als Geschäftsführer). Von 2005 bis Anfang 2013 bei Grainger plc in London beschäftigt, zuletzt als Leiter Unternehmensentwicklung. Davor bei der Deutschen Bank im Bereich des Investment Banking tätig. INTERIMMANAGEMENT PROJECTMANAGEMENT ASSET MANAGEMENT Grainger Deutschland GmbH ist die deutsche Asset Management Gesellschaft von Grainger plc. TASKFORCE AG Implementation of strategic projects and management on demand in 1st/2nd Level. Being one of the taskforce founding partners, Jens is an expert in business development, innovation, change, and program management. As an interim CEO, CRO or supervisory board member, he drives lasting change in corporations and mid-sized enterprises. CREATORS HERMANN T DAMBACH GUNTHER R DEUTSCH Managing Director Managing Director GERMANY GERMANY OAKTREE Hermann T. Dambach ist seit 2004 Geschäftsführer der Oaktree GmbH und hat verschiedene Investments im Distressed, Private Equity und Real Estate-Bereich geleitet. Vor seinem Eintritt bei Oaktree war er Executive Director für den Bereich Financial Sponsors bei Morgan Stanley in Frankfurt. Davor arbeitete er vier Jahre bei Credit Suisse First Boston in der Global Energy Group in New York. Erfahrungen konnte er ebenfalls in neun Jahren bei der Chase Manhattan Bank AG und während seiner vierjährigen Tätigkeit bei der Süddeutschen Landesbank sammeln. Hermann T. Dambach hat einen Abschluss als Diplom-Bankbetriebswirt der Bankakademie Frankfurt e.V. und einen Abschluss als Diplom-Sparkassenbetriebswirt der Sparkassenakademie in Rastatt. INVESTMENT MGMT/ ASSET MGMT ASSET MANAGER Oaktree deals with $83.6 billion in AUM with an opportunistic, value-oriented and risk-controlled approach to investments. PAMERA ASSET MANAGEMENT Investment Solutions, Asset Management, Letting, Sales for German and international clients mainly in the area core+ and value add/opportunistic. Gunther R. Deutsch is Co-Founder and Managing Director of PAMERA Asset Management GmbH. He is responsible for German wide acquisitions, transaction and leasing management and also head of the company’s Southern Region based in Munich. Gunther R. Deutsch spent 17 years with various major companies, including as director of a holding company owned by Deutsche Bank and in senior management positions at Jones Lang LaSalle in the USA and Germany. He founded his own Asset Management business Metis Asset management in 2004 which was subsequently the seed business for the newly founded PAMERA Asset Management in 2010. ROBERT DÖRING-STROHSCHEER MARIA-TERESA DREO CEO Head of Real Estate, Germany GERMANY GERMANY HERMES HAUSVERWALTUNG UNICREDIT BANK FINANCIAL INSTITUTION Rechtsanwalt Robert Döring-Strohscheer, Jahrgang 1975, absolvierte seine juristische Ausbildung in Berlin und den USA. Nach erfolgreichem Bestehen der Fachanwaltsprüfung für Steuerrecht schloss er den Post Graduate Studiengang an der EBS als Immobilienökonom (ebs) ab. Von 2005-2007 leitete er das Assetmanagement der HERMES HAUSVERWALTUNG AG. Hier lagen seine Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte in der Betreuung, Strukturierung und dem Verkauf diverser Immobilienportfolien. Seit dem 1. Januar 2007 ist er Finanzvorstand der HERMES HAUSVERWALTUNG AG. EUR 14 bn loans committed - full service provider for Commercial Real Estate Clients throughout Germany&CEE Since 2009 SVP of UniCredit Bank AG responsible for Commercial Real Estate Clients & Business in Germany; 1.600 client-groups, 150 employees; 18 years experience in real estate financing business (Austria, Germany and international). MARTIN EBERHARDT DOUGLAS EDWARDS FRICS, Managing Director and Country Manager Managing Director GERMANY LUXEMBOURG BOUWFONDS IM Martin Eberhardt has been active in the real-estate business for more than 20 years. He is currently Managing Director and Country Manager of Bouwfonds Investment Management Deutschland, which is a part of the Dutch-based cooperative Rabobank. Before Eberhardt worked in the real-estate segment of Union Investment mostly as the managing director of the capital-investment company Union Investment Institutional Property. He is also a member of the supervisory board of the stock-exchange-quoted Polis Immobilien AG and chairman of the board of directors of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) in Germany. INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT FUNDS Bouwfonds IM offers innovative investment opportunities in the fields of real estate, infrastructure and natural resources. CORPUS SIREO Investment and Asset Manager for commercial and residential real estate in Germany with 15.4bn EUR AuM; residential developer; broker Operating out of Luxemburg, Douglas is responsible for CORPUS SIREO’S business with international clients wishing to invest in Germany and those requiring asset management or advisory solutions to their existing German investments. On behalf of international and institutional investors, banks and companies with large real estate holdings, Douglas and his colleagues manage several large and medium-sized commercial and residential portfolios throughout Germany with a staff of around 560 professionals. In his most recent position, Douglas was a Principal at NAI Apollo in Düsseldorf, where he was responsible for the development of the firm’s international client base. DEUTSCHE GRI 2014 ASSEM EL ALAMI MARK ENNIS Head of RE Finance Head of Acquisitions GERMANY GERMANY BERLIN HYP Assem El Alami is the Head of the Real Estate Finance Sales Division of Berlin Hyp AG. He is supervising the origination of real estate finance in Germany and the bank’s European core markets. Berlin Hyp provides financing for large scale property projects and real estate investments. Being a law graduate, Assem has more than 15 years of experience in the real estate sector of which he has spent almost 10 years in France. GERMAN RESIDENTIAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTION Specialised Real Estate Finance Bank - National and European presence in metropolitan areas Mortgage bond issuer DEUTSCHE ANNINGTON IMMOBILIEN SE Residential real estate – over 200.000 owned and managed units - Long-term investor with growth strategy Mark Ennis is Director responsible for acquisitions at Deutsche Annington. He has been with the business for over 10 years and previously held senior finance functions inside and outside the company. Mark is a qualified Chartered Accountant and an economics graduate and is fluent in English and German. SIEGFRIED ESCHEN PETER FINKBEINER Head of Central Region Germany/Int. Clients CFO GERMANY GERMANY HYPOTHEKENBANK FRANKFURT TLG IMMOBILIEN REAL ESTATE FINANCIER Active portfolio manager, focussed on the asset classes office and retail, in Berlin and the growth regions of Eastern Germany. Commercial Real Estate Financing for Investors and Developer Siegfried Eschen is heading the Central Region & Multinational Clients Department in the Corporate Banking Germany Business of Hypothekenbank Frankfurt (formerly named Eurohypo). He has been with Eurohypo since 2002. Before taking over this responsibility he was Head of the Stuttgart Branch of Eurohypo. Previously he worked in the Berlin Branch as Head of Real Estate Financing Team. He has more than 20 years experience in the Real Estate Financing Industrie. Peter Finkbeiner has been Managing Director of TLG IMMOBILIEN GmbH since 2013. In his previous role as Managing Director at Hudson Advisors in Europe, he was in charge of asset management. Prior to that, he gained several years’ experience in banking, corporate finance, and private equity, i.a. for the accounting and consulting firm KPMG and DZ Equity Partner. DANIEL FREY GEORG FRHR. V. HAMMERSTEIN CFO Chairman German Investment GERMANY UK IMMEO WOHNEN PRIVATE EQUITY INVESTOR & PROPERTY MANAGER Nach Studium und Promotion in Wirtschaftswissenschaften hat Dr. Daniel Frey zunächst vier Jahre bei den Beratungsgesellschaften von KPMG und Arthur Andersen gearbeitet. Danach war er sieben Jahre bei der LBBW Immobilien im Bereich Konzernentwicklung, Controlling, Beteiligungen und als kaufmännischer Leiter einer Dienstleistungstochter tätig. Seit April 2006 ist er Geschäftsführer der Immeo Wohnen, die zum französischen REIT Foncière Développement Logements gehört. Als Vice CEO verantwortet er dabei die Bereiche Finanzen und Asset Management in Deutschland mit inzwischen 40.000 eigenen und 8.000 fremden Wohnungen, 7 Logistik- und über 20 Hotel-Immobilien. PATRON CAPITAL PARTNERS Paneuropaeischer, diskretionaerer Opportunity Fund mit €2,5 Mrd. Equity under management. Fund IV mit knapp €1 Mrd. Seit 25 Jahren in der Industrie. Nach Studium an der WHU Koblenz/Vallendar gestartet in einem Joint Venture zwischen ECE Projektmanagement und der Deutschen Bank, danach 2 Jahre bei einer Immobilientochter der Commerzbank. Eigene Projektentwickungserfahrung mit Alterum GmbH in Berlin. Dann 5 Jahre Beteilungsmanagement der Immobilientoechter bei der Helaba und danach 14 Jahre vorrangig im Transaktionsbereich der TMW Immobilien, spaeter Pramerica Real Estate, in Muenchen und London, taetig, die letzten 6 Jahre als Chief Investment Officer Europe. Seit Beginn 2013 vorrangig als Senior Adviser fuer Patron Capital Partners in London unterwegs. CREATORS STEPHAN M. FRIEDRICH AXEL FROESE Managing Director Head of Asset Management, Germany ELB GRUNDSTÜCKSVERWALTUNGSGES. (LÜRSSEN-GRUPPE) GERMANY Stephan M. Friedrich is Managing Director of the industry holding within the Lürssen Group (, including real estate activities with ELB: He is responsible for business development including mergers and acquisitions, asset and property management etc. ELB manages a large amount of retail property for international investors and also offers client-specific reporting, consulting etc. Mr. Friedrich has got more than 10 years of experience in the real estate business. Prior to joining the Lürssen Group, he worked for Arthur Andersen Transaction Service. He studied law in Germany and Switzerland, followed by a legal traineeship in Germany and the USA. GERMANY FONDSMANAGEMENT, RE ASSET MGMT PROPERTY MGMT -RETAIL Asset and property management of retail property - developer of retail property throughout Germany CORDEA SAVILLS Weltweit aktives ImmobilienberatungsUnternehmen mit Hauptsitz in London und Büros in Europa und Asien. 2012- lfd: Head of Asset Management Cordea Savills GmbH 2005 – 2011: Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter IPAM GmbH 2003- 2005: Head of European Real Estate Group Germany, HBoS plc 2000 – 2002: Head of RE Finance Germany/Cross Border Business, Württemberger Hypo AG 1993 – 1999: Diverse Funktionen, u.a.: Filialbereichsleiter Düsseldorf, HVB AG Ausbildung: Aufbaustudium: Restructuring Management, IfUS Heidelberg, 2013 MRICS seit 2004 Kontaktstudium: Immobilienwirtschaft, ADI, Stuttgart, 2002 Studium & Promotion: Agrarwissenschaften RAIMUND FRÜHMORGEN ROLAND FUCHS Managing Director, Head of RE Large Clients/FPI1 Head of European Real Estate Finance GERMANY GERMANY UNICREDIT BANK Diplom-Volkswirt Raimund Frühmorgen hat als Vertreter der HypoVereinsbank im Kernteam G-REIT der Initiative Finanzplatz Deutschland mitgearbeitet. Er ist seit 1998 im Commercial Real Estate der UniCredit Bank AG (HypoVereinsbank), wo er derzeit als Managing Director die Niederlassung Real Estate Large Clients leitet. Schwerpunkt der Tätigkeit ist die Begleitung von Private Equity Sponsors, börsennotierten Immobilien AGs und KAG - Fonds mit der gesamten Produktpalette einer Universalbank. Worldwide tailored portfolio and investment strategies on behalf of Allianz Group considering direct/indirect investments and real estate loans. BANK BANK Commercial Bank mit allen Produkten für Immobilienkunden, insb. Finanzierung, ECM, DCM. ALLIANZ REAL ESTATE In September 2013 Roland Fuchs joined Allianz Real Estate GmbH as Head of European Real Estate Finance. Roland Fuchs has over 20 years experience in European real estate finance, both in origination and portfolio management. Before joining Allianz Real Estate GmbH, he held senior executive positions in DSL Bank and Westimmo, responsible for the built-up, expansion and management of international real estate finance. In his prior position as Managing Director of Helaba France, he repositioned Helaba as a major bank in the French market. Roland Fuchs strengthens the position of Allianz Real Estate within France, Germany, Italy and other European target markets and is a member of the Allianz Real Estate Executive Committee. CHRISTOPHER GARBE JAN GIESSLER CEO Managing Director GERMANY GERMANY GARBE LOGISTIC BA - in Economics and Business Administration 2001 MBA - in International Management & International Marketing in 2003 Management Executive - Westfield Australia - 2003 to 2006 Garbe Group UK from 2006 to present CEO Garbe Logistic AG à April 2010 to present CEO Garbe Group from September 2010 to present. OPERATING PARTNER Developer Asset Manager Fund Manager Logistics / Residentials Germany / Europe €1bn under Asset Management. CONLEAD PERFORMANCE MANAGER Wir unterstützen Management und Investoren bei der signifikanten Steigerung des Unternehmens- und Portfoliowertes Herr Giessler verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Berufserfahrung mit Tätigkeiten in Frankfurt, London, Tokio und Düsseldorf als Investor, Unternehmensberater oder Rechtsanwalt. Seit 10 Jahren betreut er mit seiner eigenen Gesellschaft als Operating Partner, Interimsmanager oder Unternehmensberater nationale und internationale Investoren und Eigentümer bei der Optimierung ihrer Unternehmen. Seine Kompetenzen liegen im Bereich Unternehmensmobilisierung und –restrukturierung sowie im Bereich Strategie/ Neuausrichtung. Herr Giessler studierte Wirtschaft und Recht an der Universität Köln. DEUTSCHE GRI 2014 CHRISTIAN GIRAUD ANDREAS GLADISCH VP Development Germany, Central Europe & Scandinavia Managing Director GERMANY GERMANY ACCOR HOSPITALITY GERMANY MOMENI GRUPPE HOTEL LEADER Hospitality 3600 hotels worldwide Management Development Franchise 6 billion € - Sofitel Pullman Mgallery Novotel Mercure Adagio ibis family. From 1993 to 1998, he operated in the corporate banking division in Germany and France for Deutsche Bank and Dresdner Bank. In 1998 he started his career in investment banking at the Paribas Bank Group in Frankfurt as Head of the French-German office. As of 2000 Christian could get a deep experience in consulting as the Cofounder of the German subsidiary of the British Group bfinance (shareholders: GE Capital and Carlyle). In 2005 Christian joined the Accor Group in Germany. He started as Director of Treasury, Asset Management and Insurance and was in charge of the restructuration of about 100 hotels. Christian joined the German Managing Board and is now in charge of the Hotel development in Germany, Central Europe & Scandinavia. Investor/Developer/ Asset Manager, Germany Office, Retail, Residential Andreas Gladisch started his career with the American real estate developer/investor Hines in Berlin and Düsseldorf, before Gladisch worked for Aareal Bank AG, Real Estate Principal Investments, where he was responsible for the repositioning and development of the investment projects „Main Triangel” comprising approx. 31.000 m² GFA in Frankfurt am Main as well as for the “Highlight Munich Business Towers” comprising approx. 82.000 m² GFA. Gladisch joined MOMENI in 2006 and in his role as Managing Director is responsible for project management, business development and acquisitions. SAUL GOLDSTEIN LEON GOLDWATER Founder Chairman UK NL ACTIVUM EUROPE REAL ESTATE INVESTOR Websites: / Annual books: Europe Real Estate, Retail Space Europe, Debt * equity * turn-around * value-add * direct * indirect * public * private equity Mr Goldstein founded Activum SG, a fund management platform focused on repositioning under-valued real estate in Europe. Activum’s current discretionary funds target single buildings and small portfolios in Germany. Before this, Mr. Goldstein was responsible for advising Cerberus Capital Management on investing in European real estate. At Cerberus he advised on global real estate investments of more than $7 billion. Prior to Cerberus, Mr Goldstein worked at Cargill Financial Services buying debt and real estate in Asia. He holds a BA from Cornell University, an MBA from the Wharton School, and an MA from the University of Pennsylvania. Leon Goldwater is the Founder of Goldwater International (GWI), which functions as an investment vehicle within media, advertising and commercial real estate. He has over 19 years of hands-on experience in building, turning around and managing companies and brands within the media and marketing space. The Chairman of Europe Real Estate (REP), Europe’s leading real estate media publishing and marketing company, Leon also serves on the board of BrandSpots – An innovative vacancy solution provider which creates Pop-Up shops, Giant building wraps and shop-front advertising and is the co-founder of ICYMEDIA, Europe’s leading Alpine media specialist. ADAM GOLEBIOWSKI ULRICH GRAEBNER Adam Golebiowski, Acquisitions Director, UK & European Investments Managing Director UK & EUROPEAN UK Adam Golebiowski is an Acquisitions Director with UK & European Investments responsible for the group’s activities in continental Europe. Prior to joining UK & European, Adam held various roles in the real estate investment teams at Citigroup, JER Partners and JPMorgan. GERMANY INVESTMENT BANK Private investment / family office with over EUR1 billion AUM. Opportunistic and value add investments in the UK, Germany, Benelux, Scandinavia, CEE LEONARDO & CO. Corporate Finance, Mergers & Acquisitions, Debt Advisory, Restructuring, Real Estate, Capital Markets Advisory, Ulrich Graebner is Managing Director and Co-Head of the German advisory business of Leonardo & Co., Frankfurt. He holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of Frankfurt/Main and received his M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. At Leonardo & Co. he has been developing the firm’s real estate advisory practice. He has completed numerous M&A and corporate finance advisory assignments in real estate as well as in several other industrial sectors. Leonardo & Co. is focused on independent investment banking advice and executes transactions as well as domestic and crossborder situations from clients in a diverse array of industry sectors. CREATORS SEBASTIAN GREINACHER GEORG GRIESEMANN CEO CFO GERMANY GERMANY SIGNA HOLDING AG ACREST PROPERTY GROUP ASSET MANAGER Mr. Greinacher, mba, University of Munich, evolved to the role of partner and managing director within Munich based investor and developer Domberger Group. In 1998 he joined Doughty Hanson as founding member of a European private equity real estate team that raised the largest dedicated European opportunistic fund of it’s time with top quartile performance in its vintage year. Mr. Greinacher was responsible for the investments in German speaking Europe including landmark developments in Maximilianhöfe in Munich or the IZD Tower in Vienna. In late 2007 Mr. Greinacher joined SIGNA RECAP as CEO. In it’s 10 year history SIGNA RECAP has managed transactions (acquisitions and dispositions) in a volume exceeding EUR 6 billion. Retail / Value-add / Opportunistic / NPL / Germany / One Stop Shop Georg Griesemann is the CFO of Acrest Property Group. STEFFEN GÜNTHER STEPHANIE HABACKER-ARNDT Head of CRE Finance International and Institutional Investors/ Syndication Member of the Board DG HYP HABACKER HOLDING GERMANY GERMANY Steffen Guenther is Head of Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Finance International and Institutional Investors / Syndication at DG HYP. He has 20 years of experience in international corporate banking (Asia-Pacific region) and commercial real estate finance (US, Europe) with international clients. He started at OAV Hamburg, worked in various senior positions in the International Business of Berliner Bank and Bankgesellschaft Berlin AG. Before joining DG HYP in 2008 Steffen was Head of Business Development at Berlin-Hannoversche Hypothekenbank AG/Landesbank Berlin AG. DEVELOPER & ASSET MANAGER CRE FINANCE One of the leading German commercial real estate finance banks: debt solutions for CRE Investments, issuer of mortgage covered bonds Development and asset management of logistics and industrial properties. 3 mn sqm AUM Since 2006 Managing Director of Habacker Holding GmbH & Co. KG. She worked before as Project Manager at the Business Development Division of Private & Business Clients, Deutsche Bank AG. Prior to being responsible for investment analysis and portfolio management, Stephanie started her career as Senior Analyst at Hansberger Global Investors (HGI), where she was responsible for fundamental analysis and value investments. HOLGER HAGGE BERND HAGGENMÜLLER Managing Director Managing Director GERMANY GERMANY OVG BISCHOFF SHAFTESBURY ASSET MANAGEMENT ASSET MANAGEMENT Prof. Holger Hagge, ist Geschäftsführer der OVG Bischoff GmbH. Zuvor war er von September 2006 bis August 2012 bei der Deutschen Bank AG in Frankfurt tätig. Als „Global Head of Building & Workplace Development“ verantwortete er weltweiten Projekten u.a. in Hong Kong, Indien, Singapur, USA und Europa, wie auch verschiedene Projekte in Deutschland. Vor seiner Tätigkeit bei der Deutschen Bank AG, war er 6 Jahre für den holländischen Investor MAB, später MAB Bouwfonds (Rabobank-Gruppe) als Managing Director für Deutschland beschäftigt. Seit Mai 2004 ist er an der „Universität für Angewandte Kunst“, Wien als Professor anerkannt. The SAM Group provides investment, fund and asset management services in France, Germany, Switzerland, The Netherlands and Spain. Bernd joined the Shaftesbury Asset Management Group in 2007 and is in charge of Acquisitions and Asset Management in Germany. Prior to this he spent two years as MD of Multi Asset Management bv, a subsidiary of Dutch Shopping Centre Developer Multi Corporation, after 8 years with Commerz Grundbesitz Group as Head of Acquisitions for the open ended funds and subsequently as Managing Director of the newly founded Spezialfonds business. Bernd started his career with ECE Projektmanagement in Hamburg and holds a Master in Business Administration from WHU, Vallendar. He speaks German, English, French and Dutch. DEUTSCHE GRI 2014 HANS PETER HÄHNLEIN WILHELM HAMMEL Managing Director Director Special Servicing & Business Development-Germany GERMANY UK INOVALIS ASSET MANAGEMENT Hans Peter Hähnlein has been leading INOVALIS Asset Management GmbH since 2007. He has 15 years’ experience in the real estate field, such as non-performing loans and project developments for a German bank and in the construction industry. IAM is a 100% subsidiary of INOVALIS S.A. Paris/France an owner-run company with the focus on sustainable management of real estate and real estate investment trusts (INO.UN at TSX). With offices on three continents, INOVALIS provides unique services for their clients that range from creating tailor made Investments Portfolios, Asset & Property Management, and Development to Debt & Arrangement Services. SPECIAL SERVICING & BD INVESTOR / ASSET MANAGEMENT Asset and Fund Manager specialized in services tailored to the needs of customers and their real estate in Germany and France and the US HATFIELD PHILIPS Commercial Real Estate Workouts Wilhelm Hammel joined Hatfield Philips in January 2012. He is a director in the Frankfurt office responsible for loan workouts and business development activities. Prior to HPI he held senior positions at Elystan Capital and Lehman Brothers’ Real Estate Fund. Before that Wilhelm worked at Eurohypo’s London office and was a Manager at KPMG’s Corporate Finance Team in Frankfurt. Wilhelm holds an MBA from INSEAD and postgraduate degrees in Civil Engineering from SUNY Buffalo and University of Technology Darmstadt. HANS HAMMER CLAUDIA HARD Chairman & CEO Partner GERMANY GERMANY HAMMER OLSWANG DEVELOPER, INVESTOR-DEVELOPER International law firm; leading RE practice-comprehensive industry focus; domestic/cross-border investments/financings; structuring/transactions Project development & related services, property management - focus on southern Germany - for investors & own projects or as partner The Munich Hammer Group led by Hammer AG has been a successful property service provider for more than sixty years. Its range of activities includes the development, implementation and marketing of mainly commercial property projects. These are complemented by the business fields of property management, renewable energies and environmental technology. The group manages its own property portfolio in Germany. Hans Hammer studied civil engineering at Munich’s Technical University and gained his MBA at INSEAD. In 1998 he took over the management of the Hammer Group and has been CEO of Hammer AG since 2002. Claudia is a Partner in the Finance Group and heads the German Finance team. She represents major banks and investors in connection with the financing of acquisitions and development projects and the re-financings of large property portfolios, both in Germany and cross-border. She also has significant experience in advising on loan portfolio sales and real estate restructurings. Chambers & Partners recognizes her as a leading real estate finance lawyer. She is also admitted to the New York bar. ANDREAS HARDT INGO HARTLIEF CEO Germany CEO GERMANY GERMANY VALAD EUROPE Andreas joined Valad in 2012 and is responsible for driving the German business. He has over 20 years of experience in the German real estate investment market. Before joining Valad Andreas has been Director Central Region at Goldman Sachs RMD in Frankfurt, where he was responsible for a substantial mixed asset portfolio. Prior to this Andreas was Fund Director at Alpha Real Capital in London in charge for the German retail and industrial fund. He started his career as Investment Manager at Deka Immobilien Investment and as Director at Deutsche Bank in Germany. Andreas holds an MSc from Nottingham Trent University and a degree in Real Estate Economics from the Akademie der Immobilienwirtschaft in Stuttgart. He is a Fellow of the RICS. ASSET MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT MANAGER Valad is a leading European value-add investment manager, specialised in multi-let commercial real estate. CORPUS SIREO Leading German Asset Manager for commercial and residential real estate with +16BN EUR AuM in Germany; residential developer and broker CEO of CORPUS SIREO Asset Management GmbH, a specialist for finding real estate investment opportunities and designing asset vehicles for international and domestic investors. Ingo is responsible for the CORPUS SIREO group’s asset management and funds division based in Frankfurt and Luxemburg. On behalf of international and domestic institutional investors, banks and credit servicers as well as corporate bodies, Ingo and his workforce of several hundred employees manage several large and medium-sized commercial and residential portfolios throughout Germany. Prior to this Ingo was Managing Director at Union Investment Real Estate and CEO at Union Investment Institutional Property. Ingo holds a business degree from Cologne University. CREATORS DIRK HASSELBRING MARTIN HELLWEGER CEO CEO and Founder GERMANY ITALY HAMBURG TRUST REIM KRONBERG INTERNATIONAL INVESTOR DEVELOPER PROPERTY FUND & ASSET MANAGER Investments in residential, prime shopping centers & trophy office assets in Germany, US & Australia. More than U$1.3bn assets. Residential investor with over 5100 units Transaction advisor and co-investor - Asset Management - Development Since 2011 Dirk Hasselbring is Chairman of the Management Board (CEO) of Hamburg Trust property assets and investment Ltd. From 2001 he worked as Head of Investor Relations of the German Deutsche EuroShop, Hamburg, before being appointed to the Board of the company in 2003. In 2005 he moved to the GPT Group, Sydney, where he worked as Capital Transaction Executive until 2009. In this role, Hasselbring was also a Member of the Board of the Hamburg Trust. From 2009 until 2011 he was Managing Director of the Cornerstone Group, Sydney. Dr. Martin Hellweger is the CEO and Founder of the Kronberg International Group, which has several co-investments with, among others, conwert Immobilien Invest SE (Vienna) und Prelios S.p.A. (Milan). He has successfully concluded property and finance businesses with a transaction volume of 2.2 Billion Euros. In 2002 he established together with CONWERT a Joint Venture for purchase of property portfolios in Germany. In 2005 he established through a joint venture with PRELIOS S.p.A. a cooperate management platform. 700 Million euros were invested in apartment complexes, especially in Berlin. In the course of these Joint Ventures, KRONBERG have gained 450 Million Euros with Prelios, Conwert and Eco Business Property AG (Vienna). JÜRGEN HELM TIM HENNES Head of Structured Real Estate Finance Germany Head of Asset Management Germany and Central Europe GERMANY GERMANY SEB Jürgen is heading the Structured Real Estate Finance team of SEB AG in Germany since October 2008 and is responsible for the financing of complex real estate transactions in the German market. He is working for more than 20 years in the German banking industry and more than 10 years in the commercial real estate lending business. photo pending REAL ESTATE SEB AG is the 100 per cent German subsidiary of SEB AB, one of the leading Nordic banks AEW EUROPE European real estate investment manager with 9 offices throughout Europe, over €18 billion of AUM. Tim Hennes is Head of Asset Management Germany and Central Europe based in Düsseldorf. Tim is responsible for creating and overseeing asset management and particularly to further expand the asset management platform in both Germany and Central Europe. Prior to joining AEW Europe, Tim worked at PointPark Properties GmbH in Frankfurt as Head of Asset Management Western Europe. He previously worked in the Asset Management and legal team at Heitman as a Vice President and responsible for Western Europe and Joint Ventures in Central Europe. Tim is an attorney at law and holds a legal degree from the University of Marburg, Germany. He is member of the Bar association of Frankfurt am Main, Germany THOMAS HERR KEAN HIRD Managing Director Partner GERMANY UK VALTEQ FUND MANAGER TECHNICAL & COMMERC. CONSULTING After holding positions with national and international architecture practices, such as Becker, Gewers Kühn & Kühn Architekten BDA (Berlin), von Gerkan, Marg und Partner Architekten BDA (Berlin) and Murphy/Jahn Architects (Chicago), he began working independently in Berlin in 1993. In 2002, he founded THProjektmanagement GmbH (THP), an independent advisory company specialising in the cost and technical risks of real estate commitments, of which he is Principal Director. Dr. Herr has been a Managing Partner of VALTEQ GmbH since 2012, when it was founded by a merger of THProjektmanagement GmbH, makon GmbH & Co. KG and Global Assessment GmbH. CATALYST CAPITAL Pan-European re investment and asset management group; focussed on retail, office and industrial assets< Kean Hird oversees Catalyst Capital’s activities in Germany and Central and Eastern Europe. Kean began his career at Townsend Thoresen Properties and then subsequently spent 13 years with Imry Group Plc, becoming CEO of a principal subsidiary and overseeing the Group’s activities in both the UK and France. Catalyst Capital purchases, develops and manages a significant portfolio of retail, office and industrial assets in Europe. We are also the exclusive advisor to our own portfolio of discretionary real estate funds, the Catalyst European Property Fund and the Catalyst Samsara India Opportunity Fund, which is also advised by our joint venture partner, Samsara Capital. DEUTSCHE GRI 2014 INGO-HANS HOLZ ANDREW HUNTER Board of Management Director Europe GERMANY UK BEOS Jahrgang 1964. BWL-Studium und Promotion an der Universität Mannheim. Nach einer zweijährigen Tätigkeit als Consultant fünf Jahre für den Deutsche Bank Konzern in den Bereichen Immobilienanlage und Projektentwicklung im In-und Ausland tätig. In 1997 dann Gründung der BEOS Projektentwicklung GmbH in Berlin, heute BEOS AG. Dr. Holz hat einen Lehrauftrag an der Technischen Universität Berlin und ist Dozent an der NYU New York University, Schack Institute of Real Estate. Dr. Holz wurde Finalist bei dem bundesweiten Wettbewerb „Entrepreneur des Jahres 2007“. APARTMENT HOTELS REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT Die BEOS AG ist ein unabhängiger Investor, Projektentwickler und Asset Manager mit Hauptsitz in Berlin ADINA APARTMENT HOTELS Adina is an owner and operator of apart-hotels in Europe und Australia. Andrew Hunter established the European business for Australian hotel chain Adina and serves as its European Director. He is responsible for the growth of Adina in Europe, including all finance, development and asset management activities, which now comprises 7 hotels in 3 countries. He started his career in Australia in 1988 with the Lend Lease Corporation before moving into property finance with Macquarie Bank. Andrew subsequently worked as a Director at Gardiner & Theobald in New York and London. Andrew holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree with First Class Honours from the University of Western Australia. TOBIAS HUZARSKI DAVID A IRONSIDE Principal International Director, Head of Acquisition Continental Europe UK GERMANY KKR LASALLE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT INVESTOR Tobias Huzarski (London) joined KKR in 2012 and is a member of the European real estate team. Prior to KKR, he worked for Orion Capital Managers on real estate investments across Europe, and for Lehman Brothers’ real estate investment banking team in London. Mr Huzarski holds a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Oxford. Investment Management LaSalle Investment Management, Inc.,is a leading global real estate investment manager, with approximately $43 billion of assets under management of private and public property equity investments. LaSalle is active across a range of real estate capital and operating markets including private and public, debt and equity and our clients include public and private pension funds, insurance companies, governments, endowments and private individuals from across the globe David Ironside is responsible for Acquisitions Continental Europe. He joins the company in 2001 after four years with Bayernfonds/Real I.S. AG., responsible for Real Estate Investments. He has been working in the property industry since 1983. BJÖRN ISENHÖFER MICHAEL JUNG Managing Partner Managing Partner GERMANY GERMANY CONCEPTA PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG Dr Björn Isenhöfer has 20 years of experience in the German real estate industry. He is Managing Partner of CONCEPTA Projektentwicklung GmbH, which he founded in 2003 with two partners. His primary responsibilities include acquisitions, financing and transactions. CONCEPTA is a Düsseldorf based developer of inner-city retail property particularly shopping centers. The company is also increasingly active in the refurbishment of distressed retail property across Germany. Developments and refurbishments are implemented in joint venture structures with institutional investors or family offices. GROUND-RENT INVESTOR DEVELOPER Development of inner-city retail property and refurbishment of distressed retail property across Germany CONTINUUM CAPITAL Investments in European and US ground rent properties Michael Jung is a co-founder and Managing Partner of Continuum Capital, Frankfurt, a real estate private equity firm focused on investments in ground rent properties in Germany, key Eurozone markets and the US. Between 2004 and 2008 Michael was initially CFO and subsequently CEO of Vivacon AG. In that position Michael was instrumental to the introduction of commercial ground rent investments in the German real estate market and devised the first three ground rent securitisations in the German market. Between 1996 and 2004 Michael worked in the investment banking divisions of Deutsche Bank and Rothschild, where he held director positions and focused on M&A and equity capital market transactions. CREATORS KARSTEN JUNGK THOMAS KARMANN Managing Director Senior Vice President, Regional Director Northern Europe GERMANY GERMANY WÜEST & PARTNER Karsten Jungk MRICS, MD and is head the Berlin office. Prior to joining Wüest & Partner he worked for international consulting companies and a Japanese investor in distressed loans. Since its foundation in 1985, Wüest & Partner as a Swiss based international real estate consulting company has - not least by virtue of its independence established an impeccable reputation for quality. Staffed with over 90 specialists from a variety of fields - including architecture, economics, IT, engineering, natural and social sciences - the company has an excellent multidisciplinary knowledge base on which its services, as market data research and analysis, development consulting, strategy and transaction advice, and valuation are built. LOGISTIKIMMOBILIEN Independent consulting company with focus on market data, development, strategy and transaction advice, and valuation PROLOGIS Prologis, Inc. ist der führende globaler Eigentümer, Betreiber und Entwickler von Logistikimmobilien. Thomas Karmann ist Senior Vice President, Regional Director Northern Europe bei Prologis. Er ist verantwortlich für alle Geschäftsaktivitäten in Deutschland, Österreich, Benelux und Skandinavien. Zuvor war er bei dem internationalen Logistikimmobilienentwickler Gazeley tätig. Er verantwortete als Senior Vice President, European Operations die Geschäftsaktivitäten in Europa. Davor war er stellvertretender Leiter im französischen Ingenieurunternehmen GSE. Zudem war er bei Bouygues und Steelcase.Thomas Karmann besitzt einen Master‐Titel in Business Administration der Ecole de Management in Lyon, ist Diplom‐Kaufmann (Universität des Saarlandes) und Alumni der Harvard Business School. NICLAS KAROFF NORBERT KELLNER Managing Director Head Dept Capital Markets - Real Estate GERMANY UK TLG IMMOBILIEN Niclas Karoff is Managing Director and responsible for its real estate related activities. Before joining TLG IMMOBILIEN in 2010, Mr. Karoff worked as CFO for HSH Real Estate in Hamburg. Prior to this task he was active for nine years in the M&A advisory business, during which he was responsibly involved in various transactions (corporate and portfolio / domestic and cross-border). BANK - LENDER Active portfolio manager, focussed on the asset classes office and retail, in Berlin and the growth regions of Eastern Germany HELABA Real Estate Financing Norbert Kellner joined Helaba in June 2013. He is responsible for the Debt Capital Market Real Estate desk covering all Real Estate syndication activities of Helaba with banks and other investors in Europe and the development of alternative loan investment products. Prior to his current position he was Head of Global Loan Syndication for HSH Nordbank for four years covering Syndication of Aviation, Corporate, Real Estate, Infrastructure and Shipping loans. Prior to this he was responsible for Real Estate Syndication for the same bank for more than 5 years. Mr. Kellner studied at the University of Hamburg and holds a degree (Diplom Kaufmann) in Business Administration. He is located in London. BENEDIKT KIESL GUSTAV KIRSCHNER Managing Director Central Region + Multinational Clients Senior Director GERMANY GERMANY HYPOTHEKENBANK FRANKFURT Benedikt Kiesl is Managing Director Multinational Clients at Hypothekenbank Frankfurt (formerly named Eurohypo). He has more than 20 years of experience in international and structured real estate finance and focuses on multinational and institutional clients and structured financing transactions in commercial and residential real estate. He started his professional career as a trainee in the mortgage banking division of Bayerische Vereinsbank in 1993 and was a Managing Director (Direktor der Zentrale) of HVB’s Real Estate Investment Banking Division before he joined Hypothekenbank Frankfurt (formerly named Eurohypo) as Managing Director Real Estate Investment Banking Germany in 2004. BANK Commercial real estate financing BAYERNLB Commercial and residential real estate finance in Germany and Europe Gustav Kirschner, being Head of Residential Property Companies and Portfolio Finance since 2009, is responsible for financing residential and commercial real estate assets in complex acquisition and portfolio transactions. In approximately 20 years of business experience Gustav Kirschner has held various specialist and management positions and was responsible for both national and international investors. He holds a degree in Business Administration and teaches at Technische Universität München (TUM). DEUTSCHE GRI 2014 SUSANNE KLAUSSNER STEFAN KLINGSÖHR CEO Geschäftsführer GERMANY GERMANY GRR KLINGSÖHR PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG ASSET MANAGER Value add and project development focus office - retail, residential - senior living real estate - asset & property management Germany - Berlin Investment & Asset Manager specialised Basic Retail Segment in Germany Susanne Klaußner, MRICS. More than 25 years experience in the real estate industry, with a focus on project development and asset management. Before moving to GRR Real Estate Management GmbH, Ms. Klaussner headed the national and international Asset Management business at Sireo Real Estate GmbH. As board chairperson of GRR, she also takes particular responsibility for the Asset and Property Management divisions. She is also Deputy-CEO of GRR AG. Stefan Klingsöhr is Managing Partner of Klingsöhr Group, Berlin. He has more than 20 years of experience in real estate management and business administration services for institutional and private investors, covering the asset classes “residential”, “commercial”, and “healthcare.” Prior to the formation of Klingsöhr Group, Stefan Klingsöhr headed the fund concepts division at Dr. Böckmann & Partner. Afterwards, he was head of the project development division at Rentaco AG. MARTIN KNOF DIETER KOCH Head ING Real Estate Finance Germany Managing Director & Head of REIB GERMANY GERMANY ING BANK DEUTSCHE HYPOTHEKENBANK Real Estate Finance in Germany and Europe Since October 2012 Martin Knof is heading ING’s Real Estate Finance team in Germany. He is responsible for growing ING Real Estate Finance’s loan portfolio in Germany and building relationships with leading national and international real estate players investing in Germany. Prior to ING, Martin worked for JPMorgan and a variety of mortgage platforms including Deutsche Bank London. He has held various management positions in the fields of product development, relationship management, structured finance, distribution (syndications, CMBS), and also advisory mandates for debt and equity investments. Martin is a qualified attorney and holds a PhD. Dieter Koch joined the NORD/LB in 2001 as Head of Real Estate Investment Banking (REIB). He took over the same function at Deutsche Hypo after it was acquired by the NORD/LB in October 2008. The focus of the department is on the support of large international customers, arranging structured finance, portfolio and acquisition finance as well as structured alternatives and financial advice. Dieter Koch and his team can present higher business volumes by integrating Structured Financing Alternatives. Combining regional expertise with high structuring know-how and linking objectives of clients with those of potential investors, REIB provides an optimized use of available resources. MARKUS KOCH CHRISTIAN KÖHLER-MA Managing Director & CFO Insolvency lawyer GERMANY GERMANY AURELIS REAL ESTATE GMBH & CO. KG. Markus Koch has been CFO at aurelis since October 2013. In his previous position, the business graduate and accountant was a member of the board of management for ten years at DIC Asset AG in Frankfurt/Main; from 2008 as vice-chair man of the board of management. At DIC Asset AG, he was responsible for finance as well as for transactions of acquisitions and disposals. He supported the company in its IPO and was significantly involved in structuring and placement of the first special fund and the first bond issue. INSOLVENCY, RESTRUCTURING AM & DEVELOPMENT Renting, refurbishing, building construction, land development, sale of properties and the acquisition of properties with value-add potential OLSWANG Olswang Restructuring Solutions offers legal advice with regard to insolvency administration, restructuring and trusteeship. Christian Köhler-Ma is lawyer and insolvency administrator. He heads “Olswang Restructuring Solutions”, an Olswang business aimed at providing comprehensive advice to companies, managers, shareholders and creditors during crises and near-critical situations. In addition to working as both insolvency administrator and trustee, he advises national and international clients as Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO). Christian Köhler-Ma is part of Olswang’s international Finance and Restructuring team. He has 25 years of experience in the field of restructuring, beginning with bankruptcy proceedings and including insolvency proceedings. CREATORS THOMAS KÖNTGEN STEFAN KORTHALS GERMANY Managing Director CORPUS SIREO ASSET MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL GERMANY ASSET MANAGEMENT Thomas Köntgen was Member of the Board of Managing Directors of Eurohypo/Hypothekenbank Frankfurt for 6 years, thereof 2 1/2 years as CEO, until end of 2013. In addition to this, his expertise includes more than 10 years of Risk Management in banks. Leading German Asset Manager for commercial and residential real estate with +16BN EUR AuM in Germany; residential developer and broker Managing Director of CORPUS SIREO Asset Management Residential GmbH, a holistic asset management services provider for international and domestic portfolio holders and investors with residential real estate holdings. On behalf of international and domestic investors, banks and credit servicers, Stefan and his workforce manage several large and medium-sized residential portfolios throughout Germany. Prior to this, Stefan held leading roles at DeTeImmoblilien GmbH and Deutsche Telekom AG. Stefan holds degrees in Business and Corporate Real Estate Management. JOHANNES KÖTH HENRIE W. KÖTTER Head of Asset Management Managing Director - Center Management AUSTRIA GERMANY SES SPAR EUROPEAN SHOPPING CENTERS Dr. Johannes Köth is the Head of Asset Management for SES Spar European Shopping Centers GmbH. His professional career began in 2004 when he joined SPAR Austria as leasing manager. In 2007 he assumed extended leasing and project development responsibilities for the shopping center division. Johannes Köth has over 10 years of experience and proven know-how in the field of leasing, development and real estate financing. Since 2011, he has been the Head of Asset Management for SES. In this position, he focuses on the constant further development of the SES portfolio and manages the acquisitions and disposals. He successfully sets up long-term crossnational strategic partnerships with renowned financial investors. Hamburg based European market leader of shopping centers, currently 187 centers in management, 15 under construction. Longterm investor. SHOPPING CENTERS RETAIL RE & SHOPPING CENTERS SES develops, builds and operates shopping centers in 5 European countries and is market leader in Austria and Slovenia. ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT After joining ECE in 2004 Henrie commenced his real estate career as development manager for shopping center projects in Eastern Europe. In 2006 he became managing director of ECE’s Bulgarian operations. As of January 2011 Henrie forms part of ECE’s management board where he is responsible for the center management operations throughout ECE’s entire portfolio. Prior to ECE, Henrie worked for Roland Berger Strategy Consultants as well as for Deutsche Bank. He graduated from European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel. In 2008 he received the Young Leader Award from the Urban Land Institute, a global organisation for real estate business. KLAUS KRÄGEL INGO KRONENBERG Managing Director Managing Director GERMANY GERMANY ARCHON GROUP DEUTSCHLAND DUTCH REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT RESIDENTIAL INV. / ASSET MGMT Klaus Krägel (51) is the person in charge of the sector Commercial Real Estate at Archon Group Deutschland GmbH. He started his career at Jones Lang Wootton in Frankfurt/Main, where he was constituted national director in 1999. After his change in 2002 to the AGIV Real Estate AG, he took on the responsibility for the sector Transactions. In October 2004, he was appointed to be board of directors of Deutsche Real Estate AG, where he retired on December 31, 2007, at his own request. Investments 5 Mio. € - 50 Mio. € - NRW, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Berlin und Nebenlagen Residential Real Estate Herr Ingo Kronenberg ist als Managing Director für die Dutch Real Estate Investments (DREI) GmbH seit 2007 tätig. Die Hauptaufgabe ist der Aufbau eines Residential Portofolios in Deutschland mit eigenem Equity. Zusätzlich übernimmt die DREI Asset Management Aufgaben und berät Verkäufer niederländischer Portfolien auf dem deutschen Markt. DEUTSCHE GRI 2014 FRANK LAMBY THOMAS LANDSCHREIBER Managing Director Chief Operating Officer GERMANY SWITZERLAND REFTA CORESTATE INVESTOR, FUND MANAGER FINANCE ADVISORY Advisory on Financing&RE Transactions, Restructuring of Companies&Portfolios, Advisory on Private Equity and Strategic Partnerships, Sourcing of NPLs Frank Lamby can look back to a 20 year career in banking. In particular, he worked for 10 years in Commercial RE Finance in Germany and in international Markets. After long term experience in Corporate Finance for Bayerische Vereinsbank, he has been responsible since 1998 for the Risk Management of Commercial Real Estate of HypoVereinsbank, since 2001 as Senior Director. In 2003, he changed to Directors Board of Hypo Real Estate Holding and has been responsible since early 2007 for Origination Commercial Real Estate. 2005-2008, he was member of the board of German Pfandbrief Association (VdP). 2006-2008, he was member of the board of German Banking Association (BdB). Since 09/2010 he is Managing Director at REFTA. Special Situations, Student Homes, Asset / Portfolio Management, Residential, Commercial, Germany, Switzerland, Austria Thomas Landschreiber is Chief Operating Officer of CORESTATE Capital AG. 20 years of real estate experience in closed-ended funds, structuring acquisitions and disposals of commercial and residential assets. He was previously Vice President of a leading US Private Equity firm in Germany and responsible for real estate financing at HVB AG for 9 years. CORESTATE is a specialist private equity investor and asset management company headquartered in Zug, Switzerland and has invested more than €3 billion in German real estate. Through CORESTATE Capital’s fund and asset management platform, the firm offers investment products in real estate funds, co-investments and club deals. JOCELYN LAUDET BEN LEHRECKE Head of Investor Relations CEO FRANCE GERMANY AMUNDI REAL ESTATE VITUS RESIDENTIAL MANAGEMENT ASSET MANAGEMENT Active management and financial engineering applied to real estate for Institutional, Corporate and private Investors Jocelyn gathered a 14-year experience, including 10 years in Real Estate Fund Management and capital raising from institutional investors across Europe. Before joining Amundi, he launched “Evidence Capital”, a capital advisory boutique. Before that, he worked 3 years at “Quilvest” and was responsible for identifying and executing real estate investments across Europe and Asia. Prior to that experience, he served for 5 years at a Hedge Fund sponsored by “Prudential Financial”. He began his career with “Roland Berger” as a strategy consultant for 4 years. Jocelyn holds an MSc in Aeronautical Engineering from ENSAE/SUPAERO. Fully integrated residential management over 35,000 owned and managed units with regionally concentrated efficient operations Ben Lehrecke is acting CEO of Vitus group, one of the leading housing companies in North and West Germany looking to expand its operations and integrated efficient management services to investors. Throughout his twenty years of real estate industry experience, Ben Lehrecke has held numerous senior positions in acquisition, business development and management for the Pears Family Trust, KanAm Group and Tishman Speyer. Ben holds a joined master in business management and engineering from Technical University Berlin and a master of real estate development from University of Southern California, Los Angeles. JÜRGEN LEIBFRIED HORST LIEDER Managing Partner CEO GERMANY GERMANY BAUWERT IC INTERNATIONAL CAMPUS INVESTOR, DEVELOPER Development of first class office, residential and high street retail project all over Germany (residential focus Berlin) - existing and new buildings Dr.Leibfried founded BAUWERT in 1983. Over 30 years, he pursued the maxim of building exclusive projects in best locations. Until today, 270 projects with a total volume of 3,8 billion Euro were realized by BAUWERT. International Campus AG is a developer, coinvestor, operator and funds issuer of innovative student houses in Germany. Horst Lieder has more than 25 years of experience in the real estate branch, including experience as a managing partner of TERCON / IVG AG. Before founding International Campus AG together with MMI Munich Medical International GmbH, he developed and headed asset management and investment departments in community undertakings with international investors and private-equity partners (e.g. AXA, JER, Halverton). In the past years, Lieder has prepared the basis of the new class of investment “Student Houses” in Germany. International Campu s CREATORS ROSS MACDIARMID ERIK MARIENFELDT Managing Director CEO GERMANY GERMANY DP GLOBAL PROPERTIES Ross MacDiarmid has over twenty-five years of International real estate experience of which 20 years have been in the USA, China, Central Europe (Romania) and Switzerland. Responsibilities included acquisitions, financing and cross-border structuring at Jones Lang LaSalle, ING Barings, Dawnay Day Carpathian and CityCapital. In 2009, he acquired 3 listed companies on the London Stock exchange, including Rutley capital, and took them private and has since restructured the debt and portfolio. Mr. MacDiarmid has a B.Sc. in Land Management from Reading University, is a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS) and a Barrister-at-Law of The Inner Temple. REAL ESTATE ASSET MANAGEMENT INVESTOR DEVELOPER Corporate portfolio acquisitions, Public to Private M & A and repositioning and selling individual assets HIH Commercial Real Estate in Germany and selected European Countries, € 4,3 billion AuM, Project Development, Asset Management and Property Management, Dipl. Volkswirt und Immobilienökonom (ebs) Erik Marienfeldt (43) verantwortet als Geschäftsführer der HIH Hamburgische Immobilien Handlung GmbH den Bereich des Real Estate Asset Management. Herr Marienfeldt ist seit 1997 für die HIH tätig und übernahm 2005 die Geschäftsführung. Schwerpunkte seiner Tätigkeit sind der Investmentbereich, das laufende Asset- und Property-Management sowie der Vermietungsbereich. Er ist Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates der Warburg-Henderson Kapitalanlagegesellschaft für Immobilien mbH. BERND MAYER BARKHA MEHMEDAGIC Managing Director Executive Director / Head of Group Finance and Treasury GERMANY GERMANY BAYERNLB COMMERZ REAL International Investor Bernd Mayer is Managing Director and responsible for BayernLB’s real estate division. He assumed his current role in April 2013. Bernd Mayer joined BayernLB in 1993 and has held a variety of specialist and management positions in commercial real estate. His previous experience includes German and international real estate lending. Most recently, he served as a Head of the Savings Banks & Association Division from 2009 until 2013. Bernd Mayer holds a degree in Business Administration. Barkha Mehmedagic is Head of Group Finance and Treasury of Commerz Real AG. Her division is responsible for all matters relating to the debt and equity finance requirements as well of derivatives products of Commerz Real Group. Mrs. Mehmedagic has joined Commerzbank Group since March 2006, in different roles and business locations, hereof recently in Asia and has a strong and long track record of working within the international Real Estate Business. Prior to joining Commerz Real AG, Barkha Mehmedagic held several different positions at the Deutsche Bank Group. GERHARD MEITINGER ROLF MENSING MD, Head of Real Estate Finance Germany Managing Director GERMANY GERMANY PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Gerhard Meitinger is Managing Director at pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank and is responsible for the Real Estate Finance Business Germany. He has many years of experience in the German Real Estate and Lending business both with real estate professionals as well as international and institutional clients. The focus of his activities is the financing of real estate investments with single properties and portfolios. He also focuses on the financing of development projects in appropriate locations and adequate financing models. INVESTOR & AM BANK - LENDER International commercial real estate financing, public sector finance CLS GERMANY CLS has a property portfolio in Europe valued at ca. €1.2bn and invests mainly in office buildings in B-locations, delivering stable cash flows. Rolf has 19 years’ experience in real estate management. He is a Chartered Surveyor, joined the Group in 2006 and holds a degree in Business Administration. He spent several years in a German stock listed company as Senior Manager. In 2004, he graduated at European Business School as Immobilien-Portfolio Manager. He is responsible for the Asset and Investment Management of the German Property Portfolio. DEUTSCHE GRI 2014 PETER MILLER MAYA MITEVA Leiter RE Finance Germany Region Mitte Head of Corporate Finance GERMANY GERMANY PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK GAGFAH GROUP BÖRSENNOTIERTE WOHNIMMOBILIENGES. BANK - LENDER International Commercial Real Estate Financing - Public Sector Finance Peter Miller verantwortet als Leiter Real Estate Finance Deutschland Mitte das Immobilienfinanzierungsgeschäft der pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank für Kunden mit Sitz in den Bundesländern Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Thüringen. Mit Stationen bei der HypoVereinsbank AG und der Westdeutsche ImmobilienBank AG, u.a. in leitenden Positionen im Vertrieb, kann er auf eine über 20-jährige Erfahrung in diesem Bereich zurückgreifen. Besitz und Bewirtschaftung eines Wohnungsportfolios in ganz Deutschland. etwa 145.000 Mietwohnungen. Frau Miteva ist seit 14 Jahren in der Finanz- und Immobilienbranche tätig. In der Zeit, verantwortete sie einen Transaktions- und Finanzierungsvolumen von über €14Mrd. im Rahmen von Akquisitionen, Verkäufen und Finanzierungen von Immobilienunternehmen und Immobilienportfolien. Ihre Laufbahn begann sie nach ihrem Studium in den USA in 2000 bei der Investment Bank, Lazard & Co. GmbH in Frankfurt. Im Anschluss, wirkte sie bei dem Aufbau von Kuna & Co. KG mit. Bevor Frau Miteva zur GAGFAH GROUP wechselte, war sie zwei Jahre Head of Transactions bei der Immobilien Private Equity Gesellschaft Arminius Kapitalgesellschaft mbH FRITZ MULLER FLORIAN MUNDT Head of Real Estate Finance Germany North-West Managing Partner GERMANY GERMANY HELABA DEUTSCHE INVESTMENT KAG INVESTMENT FUNDS Financing: Offices, Shopping Centers and Logistics. Minimum loan amount 100 Million € Real-estate partnership between investors and manager as well as non-blind-pool investments. Florian Mundt gathered experience in senior positions in internationally active enterprises with a real estate business alignment. Before the foundation of Deutsche Investment, he was engaged at HSH Real Estate AG and KPMG. MARK MÜNZING JÖRG-OLIVER NELLEN Board Member Head of Assetmanagement/Letting GERMANY GERMANY ZBI INVESTOR/ BESTANDSHALTER Wohnimmobilien/Geschlossene Immobilienfonds, Zielgr. private/institutionelle Anleger, 14.000 Bestandswohnungen, 180 Mitarbeiter/7 Niederlassungen. Mark Münzing, 52 Jahre alt, geboren in Stuttgart, Volljurist und Immobilienökonom (ebs). Nach Studium und Anwaltstätigkeit 1990 Eintritt in die Daimler Benz AG. Er begleitete das Daimler Benz Projekt Potsdamer Platz vom Grundstückserwerb 1990 bis zur Vollvermietung 1999, übernahm die Projektleitung für den Bau des Bahnhofs Potsdamer Platz und baute ab 1997 die DaimlerNachtragstruppe auf. Ab 2003 bis 2007 Direktor mit Zuständigkeit für alle Stabsangelegenheiten, Recht und Asset Management fder DaimlerChrysler Immobilien-Gruppe. 2007 bis 2008 Einkaufsvorstand bei der Wontra AG, Berlin. Seit 2009 Vorstand für Einkauf und Finanzierung bei der ZBI AG. AIK IMMOBILIEN-KAPITALANLAGEGESELLSCHAFT photo pending Joerg-Oliver has been responsible for letting and restructuring of aik’s office premises with significant vacancy. Before, he worked as head of real estate for Citigroup where he managed the bank owned and rented premises, office and retail locations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland including Citibank’s branch expansion in Germany. After his studies of business administration (academic degree DiplomKaufmann) , he started at WestLB-banking group, where he was in charge of controlling the real estate related participations of the group and setting up new participations, and as head of commercial real estate management, he managed the bank’s worldwide real estate property. CREATORS MATTHIAS NEULING CHRISTIAN NIGGL Vice President Head of Real Estate Structured Finance UK GERMANY MEYER BERGMAN Matthias joined Meyer Bergman in 2008 and currently heads up Meyer Bergman’s acquisition efforts in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Previously, Matthias worked as an Analyst in the Real Estate Debt Financing team at Goldman Sachs for two years and in the Real Estate Investment Management team at UBS for one year. Matthias is a member of the CAIA Association. He obtained his M.Sc. and PG-Dip. from the London School of Economics and Political Science and his B.Sc. from Henley Business School, University of Reading. GERMAN COMMERCIAL BANK RE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Pan-European private equity investor in predominantly retail/retail-linked real estate UNICREDIT BANK Acquisition & development financing as well as coordination / underwriting of syndicated loans Since 2010 Christian Niggl has been Head of Real Estate Structured Finance at UniCredit Bank AG and responsible for origination & execution of structured real estate transactions in Germany. Before 2010, he was Managing Director of the Acquisition and Leveraged Finance business unit, responsible for coverage, origination and execution of German buyouts. In 1999, he started in the corporate banking division Large Cap at Bayerische Vereinsbank AG. He holds a Diploma in Business Administration. SASCHA NÖSKE ALI OTMAR Chief Executive Officer Managing Director, Investments GERMANY UK STRATEGIS Sascha Nöske has two decades of professional experience in the real estate industry. His engagements include commercial project development and marketing of the 15 hectare “Am Borsigturm” (Berlin-Tegel) site for RSE Projektmanagement AG with an investment volume of approximately 0.5 billion EURO, followed by development of the residential property portfolio for WCM Beteiligungs- und Grundbesitz AG / vitus comprising of 31,000 housing units which was sold in 2004 for a gross transaction volume of around 1.4 billion EURO. He holds a master degree, both in business administration and real estate. Today he is leading STRATEGIS AG, which he has founded 15 years ago. INVESTOR & MANAGER IMMOBILIEN MGMT / VERTRIEB Immobilienvermarktung Verkauf Vermietung Investment / Beratung Asset Management Property Management TRISTAN CAPITAL PARTNERS Opportunistic private equity real estate investor EMEA Mr. Otmar is a Managing Director of Investments at Tristan Capital Partners. He is responsible for origination and execution of investments in Europe with a particular focus on Germany and Austria. Prior to joining Tristan, Ali worked for five years at Merrill Lynch’s Real Estate Principal Investments group and its successor, Peakside Capital. Since joining Tristan in March 2011, he has been responsible for the origination and execution of new investments in excess of €600 Million on behalf of Curzon Capital Partners III and EPISO 3 funds which invest in core plus and value-add investment opportunities on a pan-European basis. RAINER PILLMAYER MARCUS POLLMANN Member of the Board, COO Managing Director, Head of RCR Real GERMANY GERMANY DIC ASSET Rainer Pillmayer is Member of the Board (COO) of DIC Asset AG. He is with DIC since more than 6 years and is responsible for DICs Asset and Property Management Division as well as for the Fund Business. Rainer holds a degree in Business administration and completed an Executive Course as Real Estate M&A-Advisor at the European Business School. DIC Asset AG is a real estate company with dedicated investment focus on commercial real estate in Germany. Real estate assets under management currently amount to approx. EUR 3.4bn. BANK / OWNER DIC Asset AG is a real estate company with a dedicated investment focus on investing in commercial real estate in Germany. ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND Marcus Pollmann has been Head of RBS German real estate portfolio since 2009 and is responsible for owned assets and loan restructuring. Prior to that, he was Head of Real Estate Origination Frankfurt at RBS and, before that, he was Head of International Investors Germany at Eurohypo AG in Frankfurt. He was born in Gummersbach and holds a degree in Business Administration from Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. DEUTSCHE GRI 2014 JOHN T QUINN MICHAEL RAMM Director of Germany Managing Director, Co-Head Acquisitions, Global Real Assets GERMANY GERMANY VALUE RETAIL John Quinn has been the Director of Germany at Value Retail since 1999. Apart from Germany, he is also responsible for the Europeanwide planning and political interests of the company. Under his management, Value Retail opened Wertheim Village (Frankfurt) in 2003 and Ingolstadt Village (Munich) in 2005. Bispingen Village (Hamburg) is also in the planning. INVESTOR LUXURY RETAILING Value Retail is the only company to specialise exclusively in the development and operation of luxury outlet shopping villages JP MORGAN ASSET MANAGEMENT Global real estate investment management business, with over US$ 44.0 billion of real estate assets under management Michael Ramm is Managing Director and co-head of Acquisitions in Europe at J.P. Morgan Asset Management Global Real Assets. Prior to joining J.P. Morgan in 2005, Mr. Ramm was a Senior Investment Officer at AIG Global Real Estate, where he was responsible for the sourcing and underwriting of investment opportunities in Germany, CEE and Russia. Prior to that, he held various positions at Jones Lang LaSalle in Warsaw, Moscow and London. PATRICK REICH STUART REID Managing Partner Partner GERMANY GERMANY CALEUS CAPITAL INVESTORS Patrick founded Caleus Capital Partners together with his partner Dr. Ulrich Weber in 2010. He started his career in 1993 at the Berlin based BAUWERT Property Group where he became partner in 1994. In 2000, Pramerica bought the majority of his company that later merged with the Apellas Group founded by Ulrich Weber together with Soros Real Estate Investors in 2003. INVESTOR Real estate investment management company, focusing on residential and office value-add investments ROCKSPRING PROPERTY ASSET MANAGEMENT Retail warehouses . shopping centres . supermarkets . offices . Germany . Austria . Switzerland . existing or development Stuart has been working in real estate for 25 years. He joined Rockspring Berlin in June 2001 and is responsible for all transactions and asset management throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Stuart was instrumental in setting up the German Retail Box Fund for which some EUR 550 million has been invested over the last 5 years. In total, he oversees EUR 1 billion AUM for Rockspring focused mainly on retail assets. Following the stabilisation of the markets, Rockspring is again purchasing assets with focus on retail big boxes. KARL REINITZHUBER SVEN RENZ Co-CEO & CFO Managing Partner GERMANY GERMANY MFI MANAGEMENT FÜR IMMOBILIEN Dr. Karl Reinitzhuber serves as Co-CEO and CFO of the mfi AG in Essen, Germany. mfi offers development, management and refurbishment services for shopping centres. In his current position, Karl is responsible for Third Party Asset Management, Investment, Service and Corporate Functions. Prior to this, Karl held various general management and finance positions in HOCHTIEF and MAN Group. Most notably, he served as a Board Member of Leighton Holdings, Sydney/Australia. He is a graduate of WHV Koblenz. Karl is married and has two children. IMMOUNTERNEHMEN SHOPPING CENTER mfi AG is the second largest shopping centre company in Germany. Since 2012, mfi partnerswith Unibail-Rodamco, BAYERN PROJEKT Professionelle Entwicklung, Durchführung und Management von ausgewählten Immobilieninvestitionen mit dem regionalen Schwerpunkt in Bayern. Sven Renz, verfügt über ca. 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der Immobilienbranche. Er hat Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Uni Augsburg sowie anschließend Immobilienökonomie an der European Business School studiert. In 1996 qualifizierte er sich zum Chartered Surveyor (MRICS). Er wurde in 2006 von der Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors zum Fellow (FRICS) akkreditiert. Von 1992 bis 1996 war er für zwei mittelständische Immobilien und Bauträgerunternehmen tätig. Ab 1996 bis 2002 hatte er leitende Positionen im Bereich der Projektentwicklung sowie dem Investmentmanagement für nationale und internationale Immobilienunternehmen inne. Als Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter leitet er seit 2002 die Bayern Projekt Unternehmensgruppe. CREATORS DANIEL RIEDL GOESTA RITSCHEWALD CEO Managing Partner AUSTRIA GERMANY BUWOG GROUP Daniel Riedl is a graduate in business administration and Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. At the beginning of 2014, Riedl has been appointed CEO of BUWOG Group, the leading Austrian full-service provider in the residential property sector. The company can look back on wide-ranging experience that covers nearly 60 years and became one of the most important players on the German market with a major acquisition in Germany that was announced in February 2014. The BUWOG Group has a high-quality portfolio with approx. 54,000 apartments (roughly one-half each in Austria and Germany). Goesta Ritschewald is a founding partner of Deutsche Investment KAG. He has about 20 years of experience in national and internationally active companies in a variety of senior positions with real estate in a business orientation. Mr. Ritschewald was last managing director and a member of the management board of HSH Real Estate AG, and before this, was a director in the field of corporate finance in the real-estate section of KPMG. PAUL RODGER CHRISTIAN ROKOSCH Director Head of Sales & Acquisitions UK GERMANY HANSTEEN INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT photo pending DIKAG issues special investment funds for institutional investors which specialty is a real-estate partnership between investors and stockholders. INVESTMENT FUNDS INVESTOR / DEVELOPER Asset classes: Residential / Core markets: Austria, Germany DEUTSCHE INVESTMENT KAG GAGFAH GROUP Real Estate Investment Trust investing in predominantly light industrial properties across Europe and the UK. Paul has worked with Hansteen since March 2006 and is a Director of the company. He is responsible for the asset management and business plan delivery for our German and French portfolios. In the past four years Paul has been directly involved in the delivery of over €400m of new acquisitions to the business, along with over 700,000 sq m of new lettings and lease renewals. Prior to joining Hansteen, Paul was an Associate Director at DTZ and has over 14 years experience in the industrial occupier and investment market. Bewirtschaftung/ An-und Verkauf Wohnimmobilien Christian Rokosch (40) leitet bei der GAGFAH GROUP seit Januar 2013 das Transaktionsgeschäft (Immobilienverkauf und Akquisitionen). Er begann im Jahr 1992 seine Ausbildung bei der GAGFAH. Im Anschluss, studierte er an der European Business School (ebs) in Oestrich-Winkel und schloss sein Studium als Immobilienökonom ab. Rokosch war seit 1994 in unterschiedlichen Führungspositionen bei der GAGFAH tätig. Im Jahr 2006, wechselte er als Geschäftsführer zur DKB Immobilien AG und war zuletzt Leiter An- und Verkauf der TAG Immobilien AG. THOMAS RÜCKER ALEXANDER SAUR Managing Partner General Manager GERMANY GERMANY RÜCKERCONSULT GMBH Thomas Rücker is the managing partner of RUECKERCONSULT GmbH. He studied Business Administration at the University of Paderborn and subsequently worked for the firm of auditors and accountants, KPMG. Before founding the consulting company RUECKERCONSULT in the year 2009 he was Head of Business Communications at IVG Immobilien AG until the year 2006 and Chief of Communications at GSW Immobilien AG from 2006 until 2009. NATIXIS PFANDBRIEFBANK AG COMMUNICATION ADVICE RUECKERCONSULT is a leading consulting company for communication tasks in the real-estate business. NATIXIS Commercial real estate financing in Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland Alexander is General Manager at Natixis Pfandbriefbank AG a newly established Pfandbriefbank belonging to Natixis SA (Paris) a member of BPCE Group. Since 2006 he was Managing Director/ Head of Real Estate Finance at Natixis SA and has established the real estate platform in the German speaking countries from the scratch being responsible for the origination & execution of structured real estate transactions. He started his professional career as a board member assistant at Westdeutsche Immobilienbank AG, later on as Executive Director and was responsible for institutional investors being active in Europe, UK & North America. He has over 15 years professional experience in real estate and holds a degree of Real Estate Economics (ebs). DEUTSCHE GRI 2014 CHRISTIAN SCHEDE INGO SCHIERHORN Managing Partner, Germany Managing Director GERMANY GERMANY OLSWANG CR INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT/ FINANCE International full service law firm leading RE practice-industry focused - domestic/ cross-border investments/financings structuring/transactions Christian is head of OLSWANG’s German real estate sector group and managing partner of the German offices. He specialises in real estate M&A transactions, real estate financing and project development covering all asset classes. His practice also includes joint ventures, asset and property management as well as restructuring of property investments. Christian is recognized as a leading real estate lawyer in Germany in various legal directories. He advises domestic and international property companies and funds, institutional investors, financial institutions, developers and management companies. Before joining OLSWANG in 2009, he was a partner with Freshfields for many years and practiced in Cologne, London and Berlin. Asset management, corporate finance, investment management, financial services, letting, transaction services Ingo Schierhorn FRICS, managing director, is responsible for the German asset management services of CR Investment Management Group. Ingo is an Immobilienökonom (ebs) and a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. He has been working in the German real estate business for more than 20 years. Before joining CR, Ingo worked for companies like Catella, HIH Hamburgische Immobilien Handlung and Arthur Andersen Real Estate. Furthermore, Ingo is active as a teacher for several real estate education and training courses and member of the board of RICS Deutschland Ltd. ANDREAS SCHILLHOFER THORSTEN SCHMIDT Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung Deutschland Director GERMANY GERMANY MEDIOBANCA Andreas Schillhofer joined Mediobanca’s Frankfurt branch in 2008. Since joining Mediobanca, he completed a large number of M&A as well as capital market transactions for a variety of clients, with a particular focus on Real Estate, Infrastructure and Services. Prior to joining Mediobanca, he worked in various positions at Credit Suisse, Greenhill and Bank of America (both Frankfurt and London). Andreas Schillhofer has a PhD from the Otto Beisheim Graduate School of Management (WHU), Vallendar, Germany. In addition, he holds a Diploma in Business Administration from the EBS University, OestrichWinkel, Germany. photo pending REAL ESTATE FINANCE MERCHANT BANK Mediobanca Germany delivers superior M&A and corporate finance advice for mid/large caps and medium sized businesses. ING BANK Tailored financial solutions for Investors Long-term relationships, significant client commitments Local insights, extensive re knowledge Thorsten is responsible for originations within Real Estate Finance Germany since 2007. Over the past years he has covered a broad range of bilateral and structured financings with German assets for national and international investors. Prior to joining ING, Thorsten gained 10 years of experience with real estate investors and financial institutions. Thorsten holds a diploma in business economics. SIMONE SCHMIDT TILL SCHMIEDEKNECHT Head of Portfolio Management Managing Director GERMANY GERMANY ING BANK 17 years experience in European real estate financing incl. restructuring/ work-out of real estate loans and structured credit products; former employers comprise balance-sheet lenders as well as CMBS lenders ie Deutsche Bank, RBS and Morgan Stanley; Responsible for the underwriting and portfolio management team of ING-Diba’s commercial real estate finance business. ASSET MANAGEMENT RE FINANCING Real estate advisory servicer; Advisory services comprise transaction services, equity and debt advisory, research and valuation, letting. BGP BGP AM is a full service asset management firm. It focuses on value enhancement strategies with the perspective of a landlord. Till Schmiedeknecht is a shareholder and managing partner of BGP Asset Management. He is responsible for the operational activities. Before his current role he became a transaction manager at Babcock and Brown in 2008. Previously, he worked for the Cerberus Group as an asset and investment manager in the Netherlands and was also a fund manager for IVG Immobilien AG. He holds an architecture degree level from Karlsruhe, Barcelona and London, as well as an MBA, and is a chartered surveyor (MRICS). CREATORS MATTHIAS SCHMITZ LARS SCHNIDRIG Managing Partner Managing Director and Head of Finance and Treasury GERMANY GERMANY ACREST PROPERTY GROUP DEUTSCHE ANNINGTON IMMOBILIEN SE ASSET MANAGER Retail / Value-add / Opportunistic / NPL / Germany / One Stop Shop Matthias Schmitz joined ACREST in 2009. He is responsible for asset management including center and property management, leasing and consulting. He holds an architectural degree. He is a member of the German Council of Shopping Center and speaker on numerous events. Lars Schnidrig is a Managing Director and Head of Finance / Treasury of Deutsche Annington SE. Since joining DAIG in 2008, he has executed multi-billion of portfolio and acquisition financings, took major responsibilities in restructuring and subsequent refinancing of Europe’s largest CMBS (GRAND plc.) and DAIG’s subsequent IPO and further equity placements. Most recently, he successfully positioned DAIG into the top two of European real estate debt capital market issuer. Before joining DAIG, he held various executive positions within the international banking industry, focused on real estate financing and investing into capital market products. He graduated as a ‘Diplom Volkswirt’ (Freiburg), received an MBA (UK) and an LL.M. (Münster). THORSTEN SCHÖNENBERGER BORIS SCHRAN Global Head of Real Estate Founding Partner GERMANY SWITZERLAND LBBW Thorsten Schönenberger is the Global Head of Real Estate at Landesbank Baden-Württemberg („LBBW”). In addition, he is on the Supervisory Board of several real estate companies. Prior to joining LBBW he worked at HELABA in Frankfurt a.M. as department head.He started his career at Hamburigsche Landesbank focussing on Real Estate Lending in North America until 2008.During this time, he spent two years in the U.S. – San Francisco and New York – in order to strengthen HSH Nordbank´s Real Estate Lending business. Thorsten Schönenberger studied at the Free University Berlin and the University Carlos III in Madrid and graduated in Business Administration. FUND MANAGER LANDESBANK We offer innovative financing concepts to private and institutional investors, real estate firms, housing companies. PEAKSIDE CAPITAL ADVISORS Opportunistic and value add investments in Europe, particular Germany, France, Turkey, CEE. NPL/Commercial/Residential Mr. Schran, is a founding partner at Peakside Capital and responsible for origination and execution. Peakside Capital is a newly created fund and investment manager established by the former senior managers of the European team of the Real Estate Principal Investments group within Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Before that Mr. Schran was working as an Executive Director at Morgan Stanley and Managing Director at Archon Group. Since 2004, he sourced and executed c. €2.2 billion in German real estate transactions across various asset classes and has been working on numerous transactions involving multiple jurisdictions across Europe. PETER SCHREPPEL CHRISTIAN SCHRÖDER CEO Managing Director GERMANY GERMANY CBRE Peter Schreppel has been active in the real estate business since 1998 and has special knowledge in the capital markets sector, especially in the cross-border investors’ relationship management as well as international transactional business. He joined CBRE in 2002 and took over the lead of the international investment department in 2005. Since March 2011, Peter manages CBRE GmbH as CEO Germany. CENTRE MANAGEMENT REAL ESTATE CONSULTANCY CBRE is the world’s largest commercial real estate service firm in terms of 2013 revenue. MEC METRO Integrated management (property management, leasing, centre management, development) of retail parks and hybrid malls. Christian Schröder is the Managing Director of MEC METRO. DEUTSCHE GRI 2014 DANIEL SCHULENBURG CHRISTOPH SCHUMACHER Managing Partner Member of the Management Board GERMANY GERMANY JARGONNANT PARTNERS UNION INVESTMENT INSTITUTIONAL PROPERTY INVESTMENT MANAGER Daniel Schulenburg is a Managing Partner at Jargonnant Partners S.a.r.l. a European real estate investment company for private and institutional investors. Degree in business administration from LMU University in Munich; Investment banker with Morgan Grenfell in London and Frankfurt; Director of Reemtsma International, a leading German cigarette producer, responsible for business development in central and Eastern Europe; Founder and Managing Partner of ATLAS Projektentwicklung, a real estate developing company investing primarily in residential property in Northern Germany; 10 years of real estate experience. Specialist manager of real estate funds for institutional investors since 1977 with assets under Management of 3.2 bn Dr. Christoph Schumacher is Managing Director of Union Investment Institutional Property GmbH. He is responsible for the institutional real estate business of Union Investment. Previously, Dr. Christoph Schumacher was Head of Indirect (international) Investments of Generali Deutschland Immobilien GmbH. Before joining the Generali group in 2005, Christoph was a lawyer with Linklaters and KPMG in Berlin and London specialized in asset finance/projects. In the early 2000 he took an active role in Berlin politics as personal advisor / head of the office of the minister for finance in Berlin. Dr. Christoph Schumacher holds a Ph.D. of the University of Münster, Institute for International Business Law. He studied law in Freiburg, Geneva and Bonn. MARKUS SCHÜRMANN MICHAEL SCHWÖBEL Deputy CFO Director GERMANY GERMANY MFI MANAGEMENT FÜR IMMOBILIEN DUNDEE INTERNATIONAL REIT SHOPPING-CENTER DEV. MANAGER & OWNER mfi management für immobilien AG is Germany’s first and only fully integrated shopping center company. Markus Schürmann has been Deputy CFO of mfi AG since March 2013. He has joined mfi AG in April 2011 as Head of Finance. Until march 2011 he was Head of Group Finance of Commerz Real AG in Düsseldorf and Wiesbaden. He has more than 15 years experience in the real estate sector. Dundee International Advisors is the German Asset Management platform of Dundee International REIT. Michael Schwöbel is a Director of Dundee International REIT and is running together with Anne Braun the REIT’s German Asset Management platform. He’s responsible for Leasing, Redevelopment and Dispositions for the REIT’s 1.45 million sqm portfolio in Germany. Before joining Dundee International, he was the german Head of Leasing at Fortress Investment Group. Michael started his career at Deutsche Bank. MICHAEL SIEFERT OLIVER SILL Managing Director Director GERMANY GERMANY MADISON REAL ESTATE Mr. Siefert is a Managing Director and head of Madison’s European business platform, based in Frankfurt am Main. His primary responsibility is sourcing investment opportunities in the European market. He has 15 years of experience in investment related fields focusing on indirect investments in Real Estate and Venture Capital. He maintains an extensive network of real estate professionals. Prior to joining Madison in 2003 he served at GUB, a German venture capital firm. Mr. Siefert earned a BA degree in European Business from University Trier (Germany) and a BS degree in Marketing from GalwayMayo Institute of Technology (Ireland). BANKING Real Estate Private Equity Firm – secondary equity capital – Class A properties – USA & Western Europe – recapitalizations BAYERNLB Commercial and residential real estate finance in Germany and Europe Oliver Sill is Director of BayernLB and serves national and international real estate clients such as funds, listed real estate companies and developers. Oliver Sill joined BayernLB in 1989 and has held a variety of specialist and sales positions in commercial real estate. During his career, he was responsible for all kinds of real estate clients including companies with assets in residential, office, retail and also managed properties such as hotels and hospitals. For the last 15 years, he focussed on international transactions including countries like the US, UK, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Poland. Oliver Sill is also in charge of institutional international clients that focus on investing in German real estate assets. CREATORS NICOLAS SIMON KLAUS-JÜRGEN SONTOWSKI CEO/CIO Chairman FRANCE GERMANY AMUNDI REAL ESTATE Nicolas Simon is currently Chief Executive Officer of Amundi Real Estate. Amundi Real Estate was created in 2010 and brings together the real estate investment management expertise of two large French banking groups, Crédit Agricole and Société Générale. Nicolas Simon is very much involved and committed to the launch of OPCI vehicles and to the development of innovative products and solutions for institutional clients, corporates and real estate professionals in France and international markets. DEVELOPER AND INVESTOR FUND MANAGER Active management and financial engineering applied to real estate for Institutionals, Corporates and private Investors SONTOWSKI & PARTNER Basic Retail, Office, Focus on Germany Born 1956 in Erlangen. Educated in economics and business administration. Chairman and founder of Sontowski & Partner Group - Germany. Foundation partner of DIC Group - Germany. Function: Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Foundation partner of GRR Group - Germany. Function: Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Sponsor of national and international closed ended funds. Investor in opportunistic and strategic JV’s. GERRIT M. SPERLING VICTOR STOLTENBURG Managing Director Head of Acquisitions and Sales - Germany GERMANY GERMANY WVB CENTURIA Gerrit M. Sperling is Managing Director of WVB Centuria GmbH with responsibility for all of the company’s real estate asset and property management and special focus on problematic residential property. He specialises in profitable cash-flow management of distressed properties. For one foreign investor, for example, he turned a property in an outer surburb of Berlin with 5,000 residential units that had been stigmatised as a slab building into a cash cow in less than 3 years. Previously, Sperling held the position of Head of Asset Management at arsago Real Estate Management GmbH and was also in charge of BauBeCon Treuhand GmbH. OPEN-ENDED FUNDS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT WVB Centuria GmbH, Berlin, is an asset and property management provider for institutional investors. DEKA IMMOBILIEN Worldwide direct investments in real estate. Victor Stoltenburg is the Head of Acquisitions and Sales for Germany at Deka Immobilien. VIVIAN STROSEK CORNELIA THALER Managing Director Head of Real Estate SWITZERLAND GERMANY FEONDOR ASSET MANAGEMENT Vivian is MD of Feondor. He has extensive experience in real estate management of residential and commercial real estate. He previously worked for UBS Wealth Management and UBS Real Estate Investment Management in various positions for many years. He holds a Bachelor degree in Economics from University College London (UCL) and received an MBA from Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona. Feondor is a strategic real estate asset manager advising and managing third party assets and customized fund structures in German speaking countries. The company is headquartered in Switzerland and currently holds more than EUR 500mn assets under management. LAW FIRM Asset Management - Investment Management - Owner managed - Office - Retail - Residential Germany - Austria - Switzerland CLIFFORD CHANCE As a single, fully integrated, global partnership, we pride ourselves on our approachable, collegiate and team based way of working. Cornelia is Head of the German Real Estate Practice and partner at Clifford Chance Frankfurt. She provides advice to banks, investment funds, private equity companies and other real estate investors, developers and financers on (inter)national and complex real estate transactions, including non-performing loans, portfolio transactions, joint ventures, debt financings and real estate securitisation, asset and share deals, property developments and leasing, often focusing on retail, housing, hotels or data centers. Cornelia is recognized in national and international legal directories as one of the leading real estate lawyers in Germany, speaks English, French and Italian and lectures on real estate finance and non-performing loan topics. DEUTSCHE GRI 2014 RAINER THALER IGNAZ TROMBELLO Managing Director Managing Partner, Head of Investment Germany GERMANY GERMANY INVESTA Rainer was appointed Managing Director of Investa Holding GmbH in 2012. He is responsible for its Investment/Asset Management in Germany. Prior to this, he was the CEO of GE Real Estate Germany since 2006 and former CEO of Investment Management platform Sireo, which he built up. Before this, he was member of the Management Committee of Sireo Real Estate Asset Management and Head of Sales and Placements. Past positions also include Head of Asset Management of DeTeImmobilien and the corporate M&A group in the headquarters of Deutsche Telekom AG. Rainer holds degrees in Law from Bonn, Berlin University and WHU Koblenz. CONSULTANCY DEVELOPER, INVE./ ASSET MANAGER Mainly office and hotel, but also healthcare and residential, spread over Germany COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL Leading commercial real estate service company with offices in Berlin, Duesseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich and Stuttgart. 1987 Ignaz Trombello, MRICS started his career with Jones Lang Wootton worked first in the Letting Department and moved into the Investment Department. 1993 he became a Local Partner and was one of the youngest Partners. From 1996 to 1998, he was Head of Investment. 1998 he left the company and installed his own firm Trombello Kölbel Immobilienconsulting GmbH. Ignaz has worked for many domestic and international investors on the buy and sale side and was involved in large transactions. He is now heading the Investment Team of Colliers Germany and is also a Member of the EMEA Investment Services. BRIGITTE VAN DER JAGT-BUITINK MICHEL VAUCLAIR Managing Director Senior Vice President GERMANY UK CHARTERHAUS REAL ESTATE CharterHaus was founded in 2008 by Brigitte van der Jagt-Buitink. She counts more than 25 years of experience within the fields of property development and investment, where she worked for firms as ING Real Estate, CBRE Investors or HSBC. CharterHaus is specialized in the redevelopment of retail properties and shopping centers. The company develops projects in central locations of cities between 50.000 and 100.000 inhabitants with a high spending power, where it has the advantage of being the single shopping mall in town. Currently, the company develops 3 projects within Germany, namely Rastatt, Moers and Bergkamen. Furthermore, CharterHaus markets and develops the iQwoning concept of prefabricated houses in Germany. REAL ESTATE PROPERTY REDEVELOPMENT Development of shopping malls, currently 3 projects under development in Germany, investment range btw. 40m – 60m EUR OXFORD PROPERTIES Real estate arm of OMERS, one of Canada’s largest public pension funds, with C$65+ billion in assets. Michel Vauclair is responsible for actively managing Oxfords’s Continental European assets. Michel has four decades of experience in the financial and real estate industries, focusing on the banking and hotel sectors, private equity, venture capital and debt restructuring. His career includes senior positions with some of the industry’s most successful organizations, such as BNP Paribas, UBS and the Swissotel Group, now part of the Fairmont Raffles Hotels Holding. Michel holds his MBA from HEC Lausanne, completed in NYU, IMD and Cornell. SEBASTIAN VETTER LUDWIG VOGEL Director - Origination, Real Estate Finance, International Clients Germany Managing Director PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK GERMANY Sebastian Vetter has been working within the property financing sector for the last ten years. In his current role, he is covering International Clients with a pan European investment strategy. Sebastian is working on structured finance transactions in Germany across all major asset classes and geographical locations. Sebastian has previously worked directly for the group’s CEO on strategic and regulatory projects. Before that, he was part of the German origination team also working on financing transactions for international clients. GERMANY HANDELSIMMOBILIEN MANAGER BANK - LENDER International Commercial Real Estate Financing - Public Sector Finance CEV HANDELSIMMOBILIEN Centermanagement, Vermietung, Objektmanagement, Transaktionen und Revitalisierungen von Handelsimmobilien. Dr. Ludwig Vogel MRICS, war nach seinem Studium bei namhaften Institutionen aus der Immobilien-/ Immobilienfinanzierungsbranche tätig u.a. auch in der Projektentwicklung und dem Management von Shopping Centern/ Fachmarktzentren, die letzten 7 Jahre als Direktor Transaktionsmanagement bei der ECE. Anfang des Jahres 2013 ist er zum Geschäftsführer der CEV Handelsimmobilien GmbH berufen worden. Hier ist er für Transaktionen, Centermanagement, Vermietung, Projektentwicklung und nachhaltiges Bauen zuständig. Herr Dr. Vogel studierte Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität in Marburg. Er ist Diplom-Kaufmann, Immobilienökonom (EBS) und promovierte berufsbegleitend an der European Business School Schloss Reichartshausen. CREATORS STEFAN WALLDORF RICHARD WARTENBERG Senior Vice President Managing Director GERMANY GERMANY CERBERUS Stefan Walldorf is a Senior Vice President in Cerberus’ European Real Estate Group responsible for the firm’s acquisitions in Germany. Since joining Cerberus’ Frankfurt office in 2006, Mr. Walldorf has been involved in a wide range of transactions in Europe, with a specific focus on Germany. He has sourced and advised on a number of real estate opportunities, including acquisitions of commercial properties, restructurings and loan portfolios. Prior to joining Cerberus, Mr. Walldorf worked in Eurohypo’s structured real estate finance division focusing on multinational and institutional clients and structuring financing transactions in commercial and residential real estate. REAL ESTATE. REPOSITIONED. INVESTOR Investor, Real Estate, NPLs, Distressed, Retail, Residential, Office, Hotel, Industrial, Germany ACTIVUM SG To identify niche opportunities in real estate related sectors Richard joined Activum SG Advisory GmbH in January 2011 as a managing director with a specific focus on acquisitions and dispositions. Activum SG, is a fund management platform focused on repositioning under-valued real estate in Europe. Activum’s current discretionary funds target single buildings and small portfolios in Germany. Previously Richard worked at Apellas Asset Management where he had a wide range of responsibilities including acquisitions, asset management, leasing and dispositions. Richard has been working in the real estate industry since 1991 and is a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS). IAN WATSON AREN WEGNER Joint CEO Head of Real Estate Lending Europe UK GERMANY HANSTEEN DEKABANK INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT Real Estate Investment Trust investing in predominantly light industrial properties across Europe and the UK. Ian qualified as a Solicitor with Gouldens in 1984 and has since been a Co-Founder Director and Joint Chief Executive of Ashtenne PLC (1989 to 2005). Ian is currently Joint Chief Executive of Hansteen Holdings Plc, a pan European Property Investment Company, quoted on the London Stock Exchange and member of the FTSE 250; a company which he co-founded in 2005. Ian is married to Jacqueline and has 3 children. Aren Wegner, Volljurist und seit fast 25 Jahren in der nationalen und internationalen Immobilienfinanzierung tätig. Davon seit rd. 10 Jahren bei der DekaBank, wo er die Einheit Real Estate Lending Europa mit dem Fokus auf Deutschland, UK, Frankreich und Italien leitet. Die DekaBank ist der zentrale Assetmanager der Sparkassenorganisation. Die Einheit Real Estate Lending mit Hauptsitz in Frankfurt verfügt mit ihren Büros in London, Paris, Mailand, New York und Tokyo über umfassende Expertise im weltweiten Immobilienfinanzierungsgeschäft. Das Real Estate Lending ist Teil des Konzern-Geschäftsfelds Asset Management Immobilien. MARKUS WEHNELT DANIEL WERTH Head of Real Estate Finance Germany, Institutional & Private Equity Clients Director Strategy Development & International Asset Management Clients GERMANY GERMANY PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Since September 2012, Markus Wehnelt is responsible for institutional and private equity clients within German Real Estate Finance Department at pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank. He has several years of business experience in financing complex real estate transactions and successfully completed a large number of transactions in recent years. COMMERCIAL BANK - LENDER International Commercial Real Estate Financing - Public Sector Finance HIH Investment-/Asset-/Property Management and Development, German commercial real estate, 220 staff, 6 offices throughout Germany Daniel Werth is a Director and is based in Hamburg. He is responsible for strategy development and all asset management activities on behalf of international clients. He is a business graduate from the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg and also received an MSc in Real Estate Investment and Finance with Distinction from Henley Business School at the University of Reading. He also completed an Executive Finance Programme in Private Equity at London Business School. HIH operates as the real estate investment and management company within the network of 1798 established M.M. Warburg & CO bank and its group of companies. DEUTSCHE GRI 2014 CHARLES WHITTLE JÖRG WIDHALM CEO Head of Central Commercial Customers UK GERMANY MCCAFFERTY ASSET MANAGEMENT BERLINER VOLKSBANK ASSET MANAGEMENT Acquisitions, Asset Management, Corporate Structure Management, Financial Management, Property Management, Asset Health Checks McCafferty CEO, Charles Whittle holds extensive major level property experience covering some 30 plus years in the business across a diverse international business portfolio. Dedicated to providing exceptional levels of service to all McCafferty clients, Charles heads a winning team totalling over 100 years combined sector experience, servicing some of Europe’s largest real estate funds. McCafferty also advises on UK investments totalling some £150 million. From Corporate Finance, Tax Structuring, Corporate Governance and having financed in excess £1.3bn of property both UK and Internationally; Charles is a much sought after industry expert regularly contributing into major financial events and for esteemed publications globally. Mr. Widhalm is Head of the central sales department since 2008 in the Berliner Volksbank. The Berliner Volksbank is a privately organized and the largest regional co-operative bank in Germany. He is responsible for all corporate clients with over € 12,5 Mio revenue, professional RE market. He is also Head of the bank owned re brokerage company, Berliner Volksbank Immobilien. Before Berliner Volksbank he worked for Commerzbank for the Noris Verbraucherbank. He is board member of BBT which consults many Berlin based companies owning residential properties. MARKUS WIEDENMANN THOMAS WIEGAND Managing Partner Managing Director GERMANY GERMANY ART INVEST REAL ESTATE FUNDS Dr. Wiedenmann, ist geschäftsführender Gesellschafter bei Art-Invest Real Estate und verantwortlich für Projektentwicklung, An- und Verkauf sowie das Asset Management. Er war zuvor Deutschland-Ge schäftsführer und Managing Director von Tishman Speyer Deutsch land. Die Art-Invest Real Estate ist eine Immobilien Investment-, Projektentwicklungs- und Asset Managementgesellschaft. Das Unternehmen investiert gemeinsam mit einem Kreis von institutionellen Investoren und Family Offices. CERBERUS Thomas Wiegand is a Managing Director and Head of European Asset Management for Cerberus with responsibility for its real estate assets, NPL portfolios and property company investments. In addition, he is the senior relationship manager to German banks. Thomas is a member of the supervisory board for GSW Immobilien, a Cerberus portfolio company. Prior to joining Cerberus in 2005, Mr. Wiegand was a Director in the Institutional Restructuring Unit of Dresdner Bank, where he was responsible for the sale of non-core assets and loan portfolios of Dresdner Bank. Before that, Thomas has held various positions in Private Equity and Structured Finance at Dresdner Kleinwort with a focus on restructuring cases. MANFRED WIESNER REINHARD WILHELM Managing Director Managing Director, RE Structured Finance UK GERMANY PERELLA WEINBERG REAL ESTATE Manfred Wiesner is a Managing Director at Perella Weinberg Real Estate LLP. He is responsible for the Firm’s investments in Germany, Austria and CEE. Prior to joining Perella Weinberg, Mr. Wiesner was a Vice President in Credit Suisse’s European Real Estate Investment Banking Group in London. GERMAN COMMERCIAL BANK PRIVATE EQUITY Pan-European real estate private equity fund UNICREDIT Acquisition & development financing as well as coordination / underwriting of syndicated loans Reinhard Wilhelm arbeitet als Managing Director in leitender Stellung im Bereich Real Estate Structured Finance der UniCredit Bank AG (HypoVereinsbank). Nach dem juristischen Studium in Köln, war er ab 1987 in der Immobilien-Rechtsabteilung der damaligen Bayerischen Hypotheken- und Wechsel-Bank tätig und betreute dort die rechtliche Komponente von Finanzierungen bei Großprojekten im Inland sowie im europäischen Ausland. Er übernahm 1996 die Leitung der Abteilung für Konsortialkredite/ Syndizierungen im Immobilienfinanzierungsgeschäft. Seit 1998 ist er für die Strukturierung großvolumiger Immobilienfinanzierungen u.a. mit den Schwerpunkten Projektentwicklung und Handelsimmobilien und deren Ausplatzierung verantwortlich. CREATORS ANDREAS A WUERMELING FRANK ZABEL Head of Loan Markets Real Estate & Public Finance Managing Director GERMANY GERMANY PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Andreas Wuermeling is Head of the business area Loan Markets Real Estate and Public Finance and has worked for HRE Group since 2006. The Group is looking after large loan arrangement, loan trades (club and post, in and out) and structured solutions (incl. Mezz and Equity) for all global pbb exposures. Andreas has worked in this and similar roles, but also on the securitization side for 12 years. He is a qualified lawyer for German Law DEVELOPER BANK - LENDER International Commercial Real Estate Financing - Public Sector Finance CENTRUM HOLDING Specialized of retail properties, market leader, strong expertise, highstreets all over EU, all volumes, excellent network (connections) Frank Zabel, born 1963 in Mannheim, graduate engineer (architecture), is managing director of Centrum Holding Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, based in Düsseldorf. Centrum is leading entrepreneur in Germany in the field of highstreet retail development with a track record from over € 3bln. Frank’s responsibilities include developing and financing property projects, structuring business units, establishing and managing joint venture structures, as well as identifying and retaining capital partners. Up until 2009, Frank’s included Transaction/Asset Manager at Babcock & Brown and Managing Director of JSK-SIAT holding architects + engineers GmbH. MICHAEL ZIEGLER JOHANN-GEORG ZU YSENBURG Head of Finance-Attorney Leiter Akquisition in Deutschland GERMANY GERMANY BEITEN BURKHARDT Michael Ziegler is an attorney and partner of Beiten Burkhardt, a leading independent international commercial law firm. He is trained as a banker. Michael heads the firm’s finance practice and specialises in banking and financing transactions - in particular real estate finance, project finance and restructurings. He advises German and international lenders as well as sponsors on complex cross-border financing transactions. In addition, he has extensive experience with real estate acquisitions and project developments. PATRICK ZÜCHNER CIO CAERUS DEBT INVESTMENTS GERMANY INVESTMENT ADVISOR Investment Advisor Real Estate Debt Fund - all property types - DACH and BENELUX Since April 2012 Dr. Patrick Züchner has been member of the board - CIO and he also became shareholder of CAERUS Debt Investments AG (formerly known as SIGNA Real Estate Advisory AG). Before joining CAERUS, he was Head of Real Estate at Gothaer Asset Management AG and responsible for the indirect real estate portfolio of Gothaer with a volume of 2.7 billion Euro. Prior to this, he was with Collineo Asset Management, a leading European CDO of MBS manager. He has more than 15 years experience in real estate, banking and private equity. During this time, he invested more than 3.5 billion Euro in mezzanine European CMBS as well as 200 million Euro in real estate mezzanine loans. WOHNUNGSBAUGES. LAW FIRM Real Estate Finance BUWOG-GRUPPE Die BUWOG Gruppe ist ein Komplettanbieter im Wohnimmobilienbereich mit einem Portfolio von rund 54.000 Wohnungen Nach dem Ökonomiestudium in Schottland und den USA war Herr zu Ysenburg als Real Estate Manager bei Cerberus in Frankfurt/Main für die Akquisition und Prüfung verschiedenster Ankaufsportfolien verantwortlich. Für das Great German Real Estate Advisory Team war zu Ysenburg unter anderem zuständig für Due Diligence und Investitionsberatung sowie für die Beschaffung, Verhandlung und Strukturierung von Immobilieninvestitionen für CORESTATE Capital. Nach seiner Position als Vice President bei Hudson Advisory Germany, wechselt er zur BUWOG Gruppe für den Bereich Portfolio Akquisition in Deutschland. GRI EUROPE The 17th annual PA R I S 17-18 SEPTEMBER incorporating SUMMIT FRANCE GRI 2014 2014 Engage directly with real estate leaders in Europe Adam Metz MD & Head of International Real Estate CARLYLE GROUP Bernd Knobloch Board Member CITYCON Cristina Garcia-Peri Managing Director AZORA David Gillerman Managing Director OCH-ZIFF Gianluca Muzzi MD, Head of Real Estate DEUTSCHE ASSET & WEALTH MANAGEMENT Jonathan M Lurie Managing Director BLACKSTONE Nadra Moussalem Europe co-Head COLONY CAPITAL Omar Koleilat CEO CRESTYL Paul A. Brundage EVP, Senior MD Europe OXFORD PROPERTIES Robert Balick Senior MD CARVAL INVESTORS Van J. Stults MD & Founding Partner ORION CAPITAL MANAGERS Wolfgang G. Behrendt Managing Director DEKA IMMOBILIEN and many more... CONNECT • GAIN INSIGHT • STAY AHEAD REGISTER NOW Ronny Gotthardt, Managing Director +44 20 7121 5081 | The Inaugural GRI Deutsche RESIDENTIAL 2014 BERLIN 24-25 SEPTEMBER Germany’s premier meeting for residential investors, lenders, developers and planners CONNECT • GAIN INSIGHT • STAY AHEAD CONTACT Ronny Gotthardt, Managing Director +44 20 7121 5081 | EXCLUSIVE LOYALTY OFFER DEUTSCHE GRI 2015 Please fax to: +44 20 7388 8740 or email to: – EXCLUSIVE LOYALTY OFFER – DEUTSCHE GRI2015 Thank you for joining us at the Deutsche GRI 2014. We look forward to seeing you again next year! For a limited time only we are offering returning attendees an exclusive loyalty offer of €1,775 for the Deutsche GRI 2015. Register now for some great benefits: Save €900 off the standard event price Transfer your registration to a colleague at any time In the event of cancellation, receive a full refund up to one month before the event This offer is valid until 16th May 2014 STANDARD PRICE € 2,675 EXCLUSIVE ADVANCE PRICE € 1,775 Fee for payment methods other than credit card: € 75 SAVE €900 REGISTRATION FORM GLOBAL REAL ESTATE INSTITUTE EUROPE/ASIA: 10 Melton Street, London NW1 2EB, UK tel +44 20 7121 5060 USA: 511 Avenue of the Americas - suite 4100, New York, NY 10011, USA tel +1.866 399 1210 MR/MRS/DR FIRST INITIALS (III/JR/...) NICKNAME BADGE NAME INVESTOR PENSION (Investor) PROPERTY COMPANY (Developer) INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY LENDER HOTEL (Company) INVESTMENT BANK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACADEMIC (Think Tank) MEDIA TRADE (Group/Exhibit/ Conference Organiser) OTHER_________________ CORPORATE (User) AGENT (Surveyor) ADVISOR (Accountant/Tax) LAWYER A&E (Architect/Engineer) TITLE (COMPANY) GOVERNMENT (Officials) LAST GROUP RATE: applies to 3 or more registrations. Need not be from same company. PAYMENT DETAILS A receipt will be returned. POSITION/JOB TITLE PLEASE TICK TRANSFER (+€ 75) CHEQUE (+€ 75) CREDIT/DEBIT CARD (mandatory fields*) *CARD NUMBER COMPANY NAME *NAME ON CARD EMAIL *EXPIRY DIRECT TEL *(1)CSC/CVV FAX *SIGNATURE PA EMAIL TEL CREDIT CARD BILLING ADDRESS, if different from above (important, please provide) ADDRESS CITY STREET ADDRESS STATE POSTCODE DIVISION’S WEB ADDRESS (EX: WWW.COMPANY.EXT/DIVISION...) 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ESPAÑA GRI2014 ESPAÑA GRI 2014 Madrid, 20-21 May GRI EUROPE SUMMIT 2014 GRI EUROPE SUMMIT 2014 Paris, 17-18 September MENA GRI2014 GRI LOTEAMENTOS & COMUNIDADES PLANEJADAS 2014 BRAZIL GATED & PLANNED COMMUNITIES 2014 São Paulo, 20-21 May RUSSIA GRI2014 RUSSIA GRI 2014 Moscow, 23-24 September AFRICA GRI2014 AFRICA GRI 2014 Nairobi, 18-19 June GRI Deutsche Residential 2014 GRI DEUTSCHE RESIDENTIAL 2014 Berlin, 24-25 September 2014 GRI REAL ESTATE MARKETING 2014 São Paulo, 5-6 August INDIA GRI2014 INDIA GRI 2014 Mumbai, 7-8 October GRI2014 2015 CHAIRMEN’S RETREAT THE GRI BRAZIL GRI2014 BRAZIL GRI 2014 Sao Paulo, 15-16 October ITALIA GRI 2014 Milan, 26-27 November ASIA GRI2015 New Europe GRI2014 NEW EUROPE GRI 2014 Warsaw, 26-27 November BRITISH RESIDENTIAL GRI 2014 London, 10-11 December LATIN AMERICA GRI2015 BRITISH GRI2015 TÜRKİYE TURKEY GRI2015 TURKEY GRI 2015 Istanbul, 13-14 January CHINA GRI 2014 Shanghai, 10-11 September GRI2014 ITALIA MEXICO GRI 2014 12-13 November CHINA GRI2014 BRitish Residential MEXICO GRI 2014 MENA GRI 2014 Dubai, 4-5 November GRI REAL ESTATE MARKETING GRI CHAIRMEN’S RETREAT 2015 St Moritz, 15-18 January ASIA GRI 2015 HK, coming soon GRI meetings provide a forum for the world’s leading real estate players to develop valuable relationships, find new business partners, and strengthen their global networks. At GRI meetings there are no speakers or panellists, just informal discussions in small groups, where everyone participates equally. If building close relationships with the driving elite of the real estate industry at the most senior levels is useful, we welcome you to join us. LATAM GRI 2015 coming soon BRITISH GRI 2015 coming soon Global Real Estate Institute @realestateGRI Tel: +44 20 7121 5060 Fax: +44 20 7388 8740 SENIOR SPONSOR GOLD SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSORS DER IMMOBILIEN Brief FAKTEN MEINUNGEN TENDENZEN alternative assets. intelligent data. INDUSTRY & MEDIA PARTNERS WWW.GLOBALREALESTATE.ORG/DEUTSCHE2014