Concordia Nachrichten 2014-01


Concordia Nachrichten 2014-01
Nr. 524 September 2014
3 - 2011
ISSN 0384-952X
Concordia Club, 429 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2M 3P6 / Tel. (519) 745-5617, Fax 745-5141
Internet: or for e-mail:
20. September 2014 - 5:30 pm - Halle
10.-18. Oktober 2014
R.K. by Joujou /
Winzerfest der Chöre
Klub Vorschau/Club Events
6th Schenke - Edelweiss Duo
13th Schenke - Edelweiss Duo
13th Farm - Halloween Party
20th Schenke - Black Forest Band
20th Main Hall - Choir Winzerfest
27th Schenke - Graham & Bowie
1.00–5.00 Ballroom Dancing
Jaegerstube 8.00–10.00
Jaegerstube 3.00–5.30
Jaegerstube 7.00 pm
Jaegerstube 7.30–10.00
Concordia in October
4th Schenke - Graham & Bowie
10th-18th Oktoberfest
with the Black Forest Band,
TC Alpine Echos
and the Edelweiss Trio
19th-22nd Club closed for general clean up
25th Schenke - Edelweiss Duo
Office Telephone
Extensions & Info Line
Front Office
Banquet Inquiries
Group Events
Weinstube 7.00 pm
Jaegerstube 7.00–1.00
Victoria Bowl 6.45
Jaegerstube 8.00
Gemischter Chor
Kinder & Junior Garde
Enzian Group
Senioren Gruppe (1st Wed. of month)
Ladies Group (1. Wednesday of month)
Horticultural Group
(2nd Wed. of month)
Bowlers (3rd Wednesday of month)
(Jeden 2. Mittwoch im Monat)
Tennisgruppe (2nd Wed. of month)
Senioren Garde
Table Tennis Group
“Treffpunkt” (2nd Friday of month)
General Inquiries
Ticket Sales
You can call the extensions or
announcements by using any
touch tone telephone.
Bericht des Präsidenten
Wie die Zeit vergeht!
Ich hoffe jeder hat den
denn jetzt geht es schon
in den Herbst, fuer den
Concordia Klub eine
arbeitsreiche Zeit!
Danke an die Helfer
fuer die Blumenpracht
an unserem Patio.
Die Renovierung am
zum Oktoberfest fertig sein.
Danke an das Sales- und Marketing-Komitee, welches die Planung fuer die Uebertragungen der Fussball-Weltmeisterschaft in
der Schenke organisiert hat.
Ein grosses Dankeschoen an Ruth Rajna,
Arne Michalski, Rolf Malthaner, sowie dem
gesamten Personal, die fuer das Wohl unserer Gaeste bestens gesorgt haben.
Vor der Tuer standen ueber 1000 Leute, die
gerne die Uebertragung der Weltmeisterschaft am TV miterleben wollten. Leider
konnten nicht alle in die Schenke!
Wir werden uns ueberlegen, wie das besser
gemacht werden kann in 4 Jahren!!!!
Das 2. “Pig Roast” in unserem Patio war gut
besucht, mit Musik, Bierproben und guter
Unterhaltung. Wir hoffen, mit solchen
Veranstaltungen die Jugend, Mitglieder und
Gaeste zu ermutigen in unseren Klub zu
Das Zelt fuer Oktoberfest wird auch bald
aufgestellt sein und der Vorstand ist schon
mit Vorbereitungen beschaeftigt.
Das “Long Range Planning” Komitee hat
acht Ideen aufgenommen und wird daran
arbeiten, um fuer den Klub die beste Entscheidung zu treffen.
Eine Bitte an alle die zu diesem Komitee gehoeren, nehmen Sie Teil an den Sitzungen,
denn Ihre Ideen sind Gespraechsthema und
sehr wichtig!
Notieren Sie folgende Klubveranstaltungen:
20. September Chor Winzerfest in der Halle
Oktoberfest vom 10. bis 18. Oktober 2014
1. November Stiftungsfest in der Halle
Weitere Veranstaltungen erfahren Sie im
Ich hoffe, Sie beim Oktoberfest. sowie den
Veranstaltungen zu sehen.
Euer President Rob Kerr
President’s Report
Where has the time gone, it seems like only
yesterday that I wrote about everyone enjoying their summer, and now I am talking
about summer having passed us by and we
are getting ready for our busy fall season
here at the Concordia Club.
This summer has been a very mixed bag of
weather but all the rain has been appreciated as the gardens and the property have
maintained their beauty with the help of a
few gentlemen.
needs to go out to Ruth Rajna, Arne
Michalski, Rolf Malthaner as well as all the
staff of the restaurant as the World Cup celebrations grew from a concept to a huge success. To all the members and their guests
that attended any of the games I say thank
you for your patronage. To anyone who did
not get in to the final game, my apologies,
Who would have thought that we could
have potentially had over 1000 people
wanting to watch this at our club!!
Plans are being looked at if this happens
again in 4 years.
The second annual Pig Roast took place in
July and was well attended. The people that
attended were treated to some light music to
dance to as well as a new beer sampling.
Many of the attendees were the people who
frequent many of the events. In order for us
to maintain a sustainable future for the club
we need to try and get the youth, new members and campers involved in as many
events as possible.
The arrival of the tent is a sure sign that
summer is coming to a close and fall is soon
going to be upon us. The board has already
started organizing for this very important
event for our Club.
The long range planning committee has narrowed all suggestions down to 8 items and
we are getting facts and figures collected by
The Club building is getting the renovation
that has been needed for a few years. The
rain has hampered the company performing
this and the entire project will be done by
Oktoberfest so that we can show our guests
the freshly restored exterior of the club.
I would like to thank the sales and marketing committee for their suggestion of buying
the TV for the Schenke. A big thank you
the volunteers to make the right decisions
for the Concordia Club. The only problem
that we are encountering is that some of the
persons who stated that they would help
with this concept have not participated to
date and this is drawing the process out
longer than we wanted to have it. In the best
interest of the Club and the membership I
ask all involved in this committee to please
support your club by attending the meetings
and being part of the process so that we can
stay within the time constraints that are
before us.
Please keep the following dates in mind so
that you can attend some of the Club events.
On September the 20th the choir will host
their annual Winzerfest celebration in the
main hall.
Our Oktoberfest celebrations start on
October 10th this year and continue until
October 18th.
The Concordia Club’s birthday (Stiftungsfest) will take place on Saturday, November
1st in the main hall.
There are many other events coming up in
late November and December and I ask that
you look at the calendar of events so that
you can come out and support our groups
and club.
May we have a prolonged summer as this
one has been very cool and damp. I also
hope to see many of you in the days leading
up to our Oktoberfest here at the Club.
Your President,
Rob Kerr
Mailing Address: 483 Ottawa Street S., Kitchener, Ontario N2M 5H1
Tel. (519) 745-1200 • Fax (519) 745-0467
in gewohnter
Call the office for
From the Manager’s Desk
World Cup 2014
This summer was
indeed full of some
very exciting moments at the Concordia Club thanks
to the outstanding
performance of the
German team in the
World Cup 2014!
Every game brought out so many fans to
cheer them on. The Schenke was full to
capacity for every game in the preliminary
rounds. The most exciting game of all, of
course, was the final game in the Main Hall
when we opened our doors to fill the room
to its capacity of 450 people. I have so many
people to thank for their support during the
planning of the final match! A big thank you
to Steve Zimmer and Bruce Emmerson for
their work in running the cabling from the
Schenke to the Main Hall and setting up the
projectors! Joe Liebel was generous enough
to donate a game jersey for EACH Germany
game for our raffle prizes! They were a big
hit! The Outdoor Group and Peter Bergen
were kind enough to bring additional TVs
for the games to ensure that all could see the
action. Our President Rob Kerr and Board of
Directors were also key players in ensuring
that everything ran smoothly for the final
game... thank you all! The energy provided
by Andrew Saur and “the band”, as well as
Rolf Malthaner on accordion, got the whole
crowd excited from before we opened the
doors for the people waiting in line right up
until the end of the game! Thank you all.
Last, but certainly not least, I would like to
thank our staff for all the extra hours and
care put in during the World Cup to ensure
that our guests were well taken care of!
Patio Pig Roast
The patio pig roast was held in July again
this year with a bit of a different set up. I
hope that everyone enjoyed the meal provided by our kitchen staff as well as the two
piglets provided by Pig Out. Based on all the
smiling faces, everyone enjoyed the evening. The TC Alpine Echos came out and
provided a wonderful selection of songs for
all to enjoy.
As the summer winds down, we start all the
set up work and planning that goes into
what we hope will be another successful
As you may recall, last year we were required by government regulation to provide
training to all staff, volunteers and supervisors under the Accessibility of Ontarians
with Disabilities Act (A.O.D.A.). These
training sessions were done for everyone
involved in the week of Oktoberfest. If you
did the training last year you do not have to
repeat it again. However, if you are a NEW
volunteer or staff member we will be providing training dates to the group Presidents
Also required this year is a training session
for all staff under the Ontario Workplace
Health and Safety.
The dates of the training will be set as we
get closer to Oktoberfest for all who have
not completed it as of yet.
Oktoberfest begins this year on Friday,
October 10th with the Schenke opening at
12:00 noon, the Main Hall at 4:00 p.m. and
the tent at 6:00pm. Our ticket sales have
been very good again this year with tickets
still available for the family days, Sunday
and Monday of Thanksgiving weekend as
well as Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
Our annual club birthday celebration will
be on Saturday, November 1st, 2014.
Tickets will be on sale starting Tuesday,
September 9th at 9:00 a.m. in the Club office. The tickets for members are $23.00
each. This includes the wine bar during the
cocktail hour, appetizers, dinner and entertainment provided by the Golden Keys! I am
sure it will be a wonderful evening so please
get your tickets early. We will not be selling
tickets during Oktoberfest but will start
again once the office re-opens on Thursday,
October 23rd. A great evening for our members to come together and celebrate the
clubs birthday as well as recognize members
for their years of membership!
I hope to see many of you during Oktoberfest!
With best regards, Ruth Rajna, Manager
1425 Bishop St. UNIT 15
Contact Mike Doersam
4169 King St. E, Kitchener, ON, N2P 2E8
Bus: (519) 570-4663
Cell: (519) 590-3056
Wichtige Veranstaltungen
Important Events
1. Sept.
Labour Day - Club Closed
Halloween Party at the Farm
20. Sept.
Choir Winzerfest
10.-18. Okt. Oktoberfest
15. Okt.
Pioneers Day im Rathaus
13. Sept.
19.-22. Oct.
Club Closed for general
1. Nov.
Stiftungsfest Halle
Bitte reservieren Sie ihren Tisch und besorgen Sie die Eintrittskarten zu den Veranstaltungen rechtzeitig.
Summer was off to a great start with an
evening of bowling at Town Bowl in
Kitchener. Our members including those
who have children all came together for
some friendly competition.
On July 19th we had our annual Fahrt ins
Blaue. This year Andrew, Diane and Corey
organized a fun filled day with friends.
There was lots of laughter and good times
had by all from morning till late in the
Throughout the summer we have been planning for Oktoberfest. It’s always a busy time
getting the dunk tank ready for this exciting
festival that brings so many people together
at our club. As our dunk tank ages, we continue to invest in some necessary repairs.
In addition to our summer fun, we continue
our tradition of donating to the Children’s
Wish Foundation.
Congratulations to Dietmar on his 25th
blood donation! I was so glad to share that
moment with him since we donated together that Saturday morning. Our next member
to reach his 25th donation will be Tim in
August. Congratulations Tim! If you can,
please donate. Our partners in life number
is CONC010846.
Till next time,
Andrea Schilha
Concordia Chöre
Die Choere haben in diesem Sommer noch
nicht viel gemacht, aber der Vorstand ist
immer fleißig am arbeiten!
Wir haben ein Angebot an Martin Anderle
gemacht, unser Chorleiter zu sein. Er war
wirklich froh, unser Angebot anzunehmen!
Er wird uns bei allen Chorproben und Konzerten leiten.
Seine Qualifikation ist grossartig. Er ist
Klavierspieler, Orgelspieler, Komponist und
Chorleiter. Er hat an der “Universität für
Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien” studiert und hat schon an den groessten und
aeltesten Orgeln der Welt gespielt.
Der Männerchor hat für August Popp am 19.
Juni 2014 in der Senioren Villa gesungen.
Seine Frau und seine Tochter und viele andere Gäste kamen um uns singen zu hoeren.
Danach feierten wir alle im Klub mit einen
Getraenk, mit freundlicher Einladung der
Familie Popp.
Die Fahrt ins Blaue des Chores ist am 13.
September 2014. Wir wissen noch nicht, wohin wir gehen, aber ich weiß, dass die Planer etwas Gutes geplant haben. Es gibt mehr
Leute als Sitze im Bus, und wir muessen
uns noch entscheiden, wie wir das machen.
Der Männerchor hat an der Mother of the
Universe Statue in Mannheim gesungen, ein
Ereignis der Deutsch-Kanadischen Gedaechtnis Stiftung.
Wir hatten unseren Goulaschabend am 9.
Juni und unser Picknick am 16. August
2014. Beide waren tolle Veranstaltungen.
Bis naechstes Mal!
Lied Hoch, Andre Schilha
The summer has been slow for the choir
singing, but the Choir Board is always busy
working on something!
One item was an offer to Martin Anderle to
be our choir conductor. He was really excited to accept our offer! He will be with us for
practices and concerts.
His musical background is immense, being
a pianist, organist, conductor and composer.
He studied at the “University of Music and
Performing Arts, Vienna” and has played on
some of the world’s oldest and biggest
The male choir sang for August Popp on
June 19, 2014 at the Seniorenhaus Villa. His
wife and daughter and many other guests
were there to hear us sing. Afterwards we all
had a drink at the Club to celebrate, courtesy of the Popp family.
The choir Fahrt ins Blaue is Sep 13, 2014. It
hasn’t been revealed yet where we are
going, but I know that the planners have
planned something good. There are more
people signed up than the bus can hold.
Still figuring that one out.
The male choir sang at the Mother of the
Universe statue at Mannheim, an event from
the German Canadian Remembrance Society.
We had our Goulaschabend on Jun 9. and
our Choir Picnic on
August 16, 2014. They
were both fun events.
Until next time!
Lied Hoch,
Andre Schilha
European Vision
of Fashion
Master Dressmaker
80 Wellington St. N.
Kitchener, Ontario
Bus: (519) 571-9169
(Corner of Waterloo Street
& Wellington Street)
Saturday, September 20th, 2014
Doors open 5:30 pm - Dinner at 6 pm
Special Guests:
M.C. Harfentöne, Toronto
Germania Choir, Hamilton
Wahl der Weinkönigin
Dance to the music from Edelweiss Trio
Tracht oder Dirndl erwünscht
Tickets $35 available at the Club office.
Vor fünfzehn Jahren hat die Regierung von Ontario den Tag der deutschen Pioniere eingeführt, um
die Leistungen von deutschen Pionieren bei der Entwicklung von Ontario zu würdigen. Der Tag
der deutschen Pioniere findet am 14. Oktober 2014 in der Empfangshalle des Kitchener Rathauses
statt. Das offizielle Programm beginnt um 17:00 Uhr. Jedoch können Sie schon ab 12:00 Uhr mittags kulturelle Ausstellungen der Stadtbücherei und der regionalen Museen und verschiedener
deutscher Klubs geniessen und ab 15:30 Uhr ein Blaskonzert der Transylvania Kapelle.
Seit über 200 Jahren haben deutsche Einwanderer ihren Weg nach Waterloo County gefunden. In
Kitchener und den umgebenden Gemeinden sind zwischen 10 und 25 Prozent der Bevölkerung
deutscher Abstammung.
Sie haben schwierige Umstande hinter sich gelassen, um für sich und ihre Kinder in Kanada ein
neues Leben aufzubauen. Sie wurden dabei geleitet von ihren Prinzipien des Glaubens, sie fanden
Stärke und Trost in der Ausübung von kulturellen Traditionen, und wandten ihr Arbeitsethos, ihre
Fertigkeiten und ihren Unternehmungsgeist dazu an, Waterloo County und Ontario aufzubauen.
Auf diese Art trugen sie dazu bei, den Charakter unserer Region als eine selbstbewusste, tolerante
und multikulturelle Gemeinde zu prägen.
Dieses Jahr ehrt das Komitee des Tags der deutschen Pioniere eine Einwanderungsfamilie und einen
Die Familie des Schweizer Mennoniten Peter (1769-1831) und Anna Martin prägt weiterhin das Leben in Waterloo Region. Über die Bauerngüter nördlich von Waterloo und den
Landkreis Woolwich hinaus, wird ihr Einfluss deutlich in einer Vielfalt von Unternehmen,
sowie einem bekannten Chor und im Erziehungswesen.
Der Concordia Club, gegründet 1873 von einem Männerchor, hat die Entwicklung von
Berlin / Kitchener massgeblich mitbestimmt durch die Errungenschaften seiner führenden
Persönlichkeiten in der Wirtschaft, im öffentlichen Leben, und im Erhalt der deutschen
Sprache und deutscher Sitten und Gebräuche.
Mit dieser Feier erinnern wir uns an unser Kulturerbe und blicken mit Selbstbewusstsein in unsere
gemeinsame Zukunft.
German Pioneers Day Komitee,
Gerhard Griebenow, Vorsitzender
German Pioneers Day Act, Bill 28-1999
The Bill proclaims the day after Thanksgiving Day in each year as German Pioneers Day.
Fifteen years ago, the Ontario government instituted German Pioneers Day to recognize the
achievements of German pioneers in shaping Ontario’s development. This year, the German
Pioneers Day event will take place on October 14, 2014 in the rotunda of the Kitchener City Hall,
200 King St. W., Kitchener. The formal program begins at 5:00 pm.
However, starting at 12 noon you can enjoy cultural displays by the Kitchener Public Library, the
Regional Museums, and various German Clubs, and from 3:30 pm a concert by the Transylvania
Hofbrau Band.
For over 200 years German immigrants found their way to Waterloo County. A big portion in
Kitchener and the surrounding municipalities are of German descent.
They left difficult circumstances behind to build a new life in Canada for themselves and their children. They were guided by principles of faith, found strength and comfort in the practice of their
cultural traditions, and applied their work ethic, skills, and enterprise to develop Waterloo County
and Ontario. Thus they helped shape the character of our region as a confident, tolerant, and multicultural community with all its wonderful diversity and agricultural resources and riches.
This year the German Pioneers Day committee honours one pioneering family and one social club.
The Swiss Mennonite family of Peter (1769-1831) and Anna Martin has clearly made an
impact on Waterloo Region. With farms north of Waterloo and in Woolwich Township,
their impact extends into numerous businesses, the arts, and education.
The Concordia Club, founded in 1873 by a men’s choir, has significantly shaped the development of Berlin / Kitchener through the achievements of its leading personalities in
industry and public life and in the preservation of the German language, German customs
and traditions.
In this ceremony, we will remember our heritage and look with confidence to our shared future.
German Pioneers Day Committee
Gerhard Griebenow, Chairman
German Pioneers Day Act, Bill 28-1999
The Bill proclaims the day after Thanksgiving Day in each year as German Pioneers Day.
For information, contact: Tom Mennill, Partner KPMG LLP
115 King Street South, 2nd Floor Waterloo, ON N2J 5A3
Tel: 519-747-8800 Fax: 519-747-8830
Join us at our annual
Pre-Oktoberfest Sale
at the Concordia Club Weinstube.
Saturday, September 27
from 10 – 4
Check out the latest dirndls, lederhosen,
Trachten shirts, blouses, jewellery and
jackets. Stock up on socks.
Try on a new Trachten vest!
Great selection at great prices!
For more information, contact
Neil Hoffman @ 519-578-9348 or see our
new online store:
Concordia Bowlers
The bowlers’ year end trip has yet to take
place as I write this report. We are heading
to Penatanguishine on Saturday, June 28th.
We will be visiting Discovery Harbour followed by lunch at Captain Roberts Table
Restaurant and then the Drayton show “Run
For Your Wife.”
I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing summer. Please be reminded that our
new season begins Friday, September 5th.
New bowlers are always welcome.
Best wishes go out to our bowlers who are
celebrating a birthday during the summer
Ich hoffe, daß ihr alle die Sommerpause genießt. Vergeßt nicht, daß unsere Saison am
Freitag, den 5. September wieder anfängt.
Wir heißen neue Kegler immer herzlich
Bis zum nächsten Mal,
Habt einen wunderschönen Sommer!
Monica Kauck
Hello Everyone!
I hope you all had a nice, relaxing summer.
A bunch of us had a great day up in Penatanguishine for our year end trip on June
28th. The weather was wonderful, Discovery Harbour was interesting, the food was
delicious and we couldn’t stop laughing
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag:
4.Peter Engel
5.Richard Montag
24.Sharon Clarke
26.Rita Allmendinger
28.Monica Kauck
8.Ingrid Stoiber
19.Alfred Kuers
21.Alfred Herzing
26.Frank Kauck
28.Gerald Gottvald
6. Katharina Braun
12. Veronica Wallner
13. Anne Schmidt
20. Ted Hennebry
21. Stan Gaysek
27. Mike Matich
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Weekend and Evening Appointments Available
English and German Spoken
throughout the “Run For Your Wife” performance. This show is a must see.
I am certain all of us are ready to start a
brand new season of bowling fun, so don’t
forget bowling begins Friday, September
5th. Please take note of the important dates
listed below for the 2014-2015 bowling season. New bowlers are always welcome.
September 5th
First Day of Bowling
October 10th- 18th
December 12th Turkey Roll/Cosmic Bowling
December 21st
Christmas Party
*this is a Sunday - noon
January 16th
February 13th
April 24th
May 8th
Annual Meeting
Cosmic Bowling
Bowling Tournament
Last Day of Bowling
Closing Banquet
*this is a Friday - 5:30p.m.
Until next time, Monica Kauck
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1. KG Narrenzunft Concordia
We hope all of you have had a good Summer
with family and friends.
The Narrenzunft members had the opportunity to travel to Milwaukee Wisconsin the
weekend of July 25-27 to attend Milwaukee’s Germanfest. The German community
is large in the area with attendance reaching
60,000 for the weekend. Our members participated in the annual parade, walking beside Prince Manfred and Princess Karin
who were riding in an old Volkswagen
Beetle. The sites, sounds and tastes were
fantastic. We hope to return next year and
would love for you to join us!!!!
On November 15th the 2014/2015 Karneval
Season opens. After all the hustle bustle of
Oktoberfest is over come out and celebrate
with us the start of our new Season. We will
have The Euro Connection Band entertaining us for the evening with performances by
the Narrenzunft Garde Dancers. Tickets will
be available in October through the Concordia Club office.
We thank all those who have supported us
in the past and hope to see new faces at our
events this season :)
Until next time... Helau und Alaaf
Joan Trautrim
Tischtennis Gruppe
Liebe Tischtennis Freunde,
geben. Es heisst, dass Wilma in Zukunft mit
geschlossenen Augen antreten muss.
Auch in diesem Jahr wurde die Siegerehrung fuer unser Tournament wieder an
unserem Picknick durchgefuehrt.
Wie ich bereits in meinem letzten Bericht
schrieb, steht nach unserem Tournament
der Spass am Spiel nun wieder im Vordergrund. An den zurueckliegenden Trainingsabenden wurde bei hoher Beteiligung fleissig und ehrgeizig gespielt.
Die Gewinner unseres diesjaehrigen Tischtennis-Turniers sind:
Das gab Anlass, unsere Spielregeln fuer die
Trainingsabende zu ueberarbeiten und teilweise zu ergaenzen. Wichtigster Hinweis an
alle Spieler ist die Begrenzung der maximalen Spieldauer auf 30 Minuten an jedem
Tisch, sodass wartende Gruppenmitglieder
ebenfalls am Training teilnehmen koennen.
Eine weitere neue Regelung betrifft das Einzelspiel. So soll an jedem Spielabend ein
Tisch fuer Einzelspiele bereitgehalten werden. Sollte an diesem Tisch nicht gespielt
werden, koennen auch dort Doppelspiele
durchgefuehrt werden. Diese Massnahme
soll unter anderem dazu dienen, dass juengere Spieler im individuellen Training mit
unseren „Spitzenspielern“ ihre Spielstaerke
schneller verbessern koennen.
Anstelle der ueblichen Pokalverleihung
entschlossen sich die drei Gewinner, eine
Spende in Hoehe von $ 200.00 an die
„Canadian Cancer Society“ zu ueberweisen.
Der Erstplatzierte erhaelt zusaetzlich eine
freie Mitgliedschaft in der Tischtennisgruppe fuer das naechste Jahr.
Am 19. Juli fand unser jaehrliches GruppenPicknick auf der Farm statt. Alles war von
unserem Praesidenten und seinen Helfern
gut vorbereitet. Nur fuer das Wetter fuehlte
sich wohl niemand richtig zustaendig. Aber
das tat dem Spass auf der Home on the
Range keinen Abbruch, zumal das von
Klaus Basler und Bruce Emmerson zubereitete Essen wieder einmal vorzueglich
schmeckte. Vielen Dank an die beiden
Bei dem „bean-bag“- Wettkampf, so wird
gemunkelt, wird es wohl eine Aenderung
1. Platz: Stefan Babic,
2. Platz: John Mayer,
3. Platz: Ivo Babic.
Noch ein kleiner Hinweis: Wenn ihr diesen
Bericht lest, sind es nur noch 40 Tage bis
zum naechsten Oktoberfest!! Es gibt noch
viel zu tun, packen wie es an.
Hello Friends,
As I mentioned in the previous Bulletin,
now that our annual tournament is behind
us, the „fun factor“ has reclaimed pride-ofplace at our weekly table tennis practice
sessions. Over the past few weeks, we have
seen a solid turn-out on Thursday night.
Please be advised that the rules governing
practice sessions have been slightly augmented or otherwise revised. Most importantly, the maximum time that the same set
of players should play at the same table
should be approx. 30 minutes. This is to
ensure that waiting players will get an
opportunity to join in. Another rule change
concerns singles games. From now on, one
table shall be „reserved“ for singles games
in order to accelerate the learning curve of
some of our less experienced players who
would like to test their mettle against our
more seasoned players. Of course, this table
can also be used for doubles play if nobody
is using it for singles.
Our annual Table Tennis Group picnic took
place on July 19 at the Home-on-the-Range.
Our president and his helpers did everything they could to make the event a success. The weather, however, had other
ideas. But we are The Table Tennis Group
and decided not to let a soggy situation get
our spirits down. Speaking of spirits, those
and some good beer helped, too. Once
again, the food supplied by Klaus Basler
and Bruce Emmerson was a success. Our
sincere thanks to the „Chefs“.
With respect to the bean-bag toss, there are
rumours going around that next year, Wilma
Schmidt will be required to play wearing
Finally, our traditional trophy presentation
for our tournament winners was held during our picnic.
The winners of the 2014 Concordia Club
Table Tennis Tournament are:
1st place: Stefan Babic
2nd place: John Mayer
3rd place: Ivo Babic
This year, instead of receiving trophies, a
donation was made to The Canadian Cancer
Society on behalf of the winners of this
year’s tournament. In addition, the 1st place
winner also receives a free one-year membership in the Concordia Table Tennis
Until next time,
Eckhard Michalski
Tennis Group
Summer went by so fast as most of us spent
time with our families enjoying the summer
months and relaxing.
I had gone too Bud Park a couple of times to
play tennis but the park was once so busy
with a soccer event that there was no place
to park my car. I had however seen that the
courts were used by others on Sunday
mornings and hoped for some more participation from our group.
Our next social will be September 10, 2014
and Oktoberfest is just around the corner
with preparations getting under way at the
club, our group will also need to put its plan
in place to ensure a successful year for the
I would like to thank Heinz Schilha and
Manfred Pastrik who had gone to Toronto to
pick up prizes for the group.
To all I hope your summer was enjoyable
and memorable.
Yours Martin Patzold
President Outdoor Tennis Group
Bitte vormerken!!
1. November
in der Halle
Greetings from the Farm!
After a very hot June, the weather this summer has been very nice for sitting around a
campfire in the chilly evenings, and enough
rain that we haven’t had to worry about
campfire bans!
The Canada Day picnic was blessed with
ideal weather for the volleyball tournament,
and the fireworks. (the wind was the right
direction to keep the debris out of the pool)
We have just had our Summer Picnic, and
bocce tournament, and congratulate Rob
Krauskopf, and Sigfrid Barta on being the
2014 bocce champions!
Our annual meeting, and elections was held
on Sunday August 10, and your Campers
Committee is as follows:
Reiner Schulz – President
Alex Thoene
Andrew Saur,
Bruce Emmerson
Gil Beupre,
Hannah Trautrim
Jesse Turner,
Kyla Pfister-Saur
Michelle Zimmer
Rob Krauskopf
Steve Zimmer,
Tim Bews
Our final event of the season, held in conjunction with the Outdoor Group, is the
Halloween Party on September 13th.
If you’ve never attended, you’ve missed a
lot of fun, and this year promises to be as
good as ever!!
There is trick or treating at the campsites,
games for kids of all ages, great food and
beverages, and awesome entertainment.
Plan to attend!
As always, we’re looking for volunteers to
man the Oktoberfest booth. If you haven’t
already signed up, and would like to do
your part, please contact Jesse Turner at
Bis zum nächsten Monat.
Bruce Emmerson,
on behalf of the Campers Committee
Concordia Garden Group
Gardens this year had enough rain and our
lawns were never this green. We hope
everyone enjoyed their flowers and outdoor
corners this summer.
Bei unsern Treffen am 4. Juni teilte uns
Ursula mit, dass sie als Schriftführer das
Amt aus privaten Gründen aufgibt. Die
Gruppe sagte danke Ursula für deine gute
Arbeit über die Jahre. Auch war unser
Picnic am 25. Juni auf der Farm. Ein
Schöner Tag. Das Essen war vorzüglich, die
Bratwürste ausgezeichnet. Der schöne Tag
ging mit Gesang und froher Stimmung zu
Ende. Ich hoffe es hat euch allen gefallen.
Am 2. Juli waren wir in der Jaegerstube
wieder zusammen. Wir sangen ein Geburtstagslied für Jacco Heix (2. Juli) und Gitta
Kelp (12. Juli). Nochmals herzlichen Glückwunsch ihr beiden und alles Gute.
Rotrud Schar übernahm das Amt als Schriftführerin.
Bei Kaffee und Kuchen trafen wir uns dann
wieder am 6. August in der Jaegerstube. Ein
treues Mitglied unserer Gruppe ist von uns
gegangen, Wolfgang Mispel-Beyer verstarb
im Alter von 92 Jahren. Herzliches Beileid
den Hinterbliebenen.
September Geburtstage
13.9. Ursula Hartmann, 14.9. Rotrud
Schaar, 20.9. Heidi Feest. Herzlichen
Auch hatte Sofie Seidel am 5. August Geburtstag, alles Gute Sofie, nachträglich.
Ein Gesundheitstipp! Hätten Sie’s gedacht?
Das gute alte Kaffee-Kränzchen ist wie ein
Kurzurlaub, denn kleine Verwöhn-Rituale
streicheln die Seele. Der Plausch mit Freunden macht wieder locker und schweißt zusammen. Man kennt sich schließlich gut
und getieltes Leid ist halbes Leid.
Bis zum nächsten Mal alles Gute R. Schaar
Wenn im September die Spinnen
Sie einen harten Winter riechen.
As fall approaches, we hope to take a visit to
local nurseries in order to plan some new
treasures for the spring and to enhance our
fall gardens as well. Edith will let us know
by phone.
Enjoy your garden time.
Mary Stammwitz
Ladies Group
Well the summer is almost over and I am
still waiting for the really hot weather.
Every weekend we would look forward to
going camping or elsewhere and the weatherman was always off. Rain, rain and cooool
Our Ladies Group meetings are starting
once again and the first one is on Wednesday, September 3 at 7:00 pm. This is also
the evening to sign up for Oktoberfest, so if
you wish the same spots as last year please
make sure you are at the meeting.
Also, November may seem like a long way
off, but the weeks fly away faster than we
think and the bazaar is just around the corner. So take out your cook books and recipes
to see what you wish to bake. Crafts are also
always welcome.
By the time you read this report our group
will have had our wonderful trip along the
St. Lawrence. I will report on our adventure
in the next bulletin.
Elisabeth Rowsell
Honorary Members Committee
Our Committee meets several times each
year to come up with suggestions of eligible
members to be considered by the Main
Board as Honorary member. In most cases
we use a point system which credits length
of membership, activities involved in etc. In
certain situations a member can also qualify
with fewer points but is chosen for the special abilities or service given to the Club
which put it in the best light for our members and the outside world.
Damit das Komitee zu einem Entschluß
kommen kann, muß das Klubmitglied ein
Antragsformular ausfüllen und im Klubbüro
abgeben. Die Formulare sind dort erhältlich.
Am Sonntag, den 27. Juli 2014, spielten wir
um den Sommerpokal, anschliessend mit
Partner Brunch, ein nettes Zusammensein.
Vielen Dank unserer netten Bedienung. Wir
freuten uns, dass unser Ehrenmitglied,
Maria Huschka dabei war.
Unseren Gewinnern gratulieren wir herzlichst.
Active members accumulate their points
much faster then other members BUT nothing happens in any situation unless a proper application is completed and handed in
to the Club Office. Forms are available at the
Club and I encourage you to make use of
Unser Komitee trifft sich einige male im
Jahr um ein annehmbahres Ehrenmitglied
zu finden, welches dann dem Hauptvorstand zur Wahl empfohlen wird. In den
meisten Fällen wird ein Punkte System
benützt, jedoch kann ein Mitglied auch
vorgeschlagen werden welches weniger
Punkte hat, aber wegen hervorragenden
Fähigkeiten oder Anerkennung besonderer
Aktivitäten für diese Ehrung qualifiziert ist.
Ein Ehrenmitglied sollte immer ein Vorbild
sein im Klubleben so wie in der Aussenwelt.
Sunday, July 27 2014 our Group played for
the Summertrophy. At noon we had Brunch
with our Partners. It was a nice Day spend
together. We where happy to see our honorary Member, Maria Huschka in our
Middle. A thank you, to our friendly
Am schnellsten erhält man natürlich die
Punkte, wenn man sich im Klub activ in
verschiedenen Gruppen oder im Vorstand
Sigfrid Barta
Maria Huschka
Heinz Wolf
Eddy Appelt
Oswald Radtke
Wie Immer, Gut Blatt.
Congratulations to our Winners of the
Sigfrid Barta
Maria Huschka
Heinz Wolf
Eddy Appelt
Oswald Radtke
As always, Good Blatt,
Concordia Club Board of Directors 2014/2015
1st Vice President:
2nd Vice President:
Rob Kerr
Michael Brasch
Alex Thoene
Sarah Fretz
Michelle Zimmer
Alexandria Thoene
1st Secretary:
2nd Secretary:
Sarah Fretz
Elaine Keller
Farm Committee
1st Treasurer:
2nd Treasurer:
Ali Nowak
Peter Bergen
Peter Bergen
Michelle Zimmer
Ronny Horvath
Finance Committee
Ronny Horvath
Rolf Malthaner
Helmut Kruschat
Michelle Zimmer
Marcus Kallweit
Martin Patzold
Ali Nowak
Peter Bergen
Rob Kerr
Sarah Fretz
Float Committee
Ronny Horvath
German Culture
Marcus Kallweit
Honorary Member
Martin Patzold
Ali Nowak
Rob Kerr
Long Range Planning
Ali Nowak
Marcus Kallweit
Rolf Malthaner
Rob Kerr
Michelle Zimmer
Miss Concordia
Alexandria Thoene
Nominations and
Karl Braun
Rob Kerr
Sarah Fretz
Oktoberfest Chair
Mike Brasch
Rolf Malthaner
Oktoberfest Inc.
Ali Nowak
Michelle Zimmer
Rolf Malthaner
Sales and Marketing
Ronny Horvath
Rolf Malthaner
Marcus Kallweit
Rob Kerr
Alex Thoene
Committee Members
Ruth Rajna
Rob Kerr
Mike Brasch
Alexandria Thoene
Martin Patzold
Sarah Fretz
Peter Bergen
Ronny Horvath
Elaine Keller
Martin Patzold
Club Buildings
Mike Brasch
Helmut Kruschat
Club Historian
Leo Tukums
Club Ombudsman
Harald Schwegel
Club Rental Properties
Ronny Horvath
Helmut Kruschat
Concordia Seniorenhaus
Rob Kerr
Mike Brasch
Economic Affairs
Ali Novak
Rob Kerr
Peter Bergen
Employee Liaison
Ali Nowak