Concordia Nachrichten 2015-01 for web
Concordia Nachrichten 2015-01 for web
Nr. 528 Januar 2015 87 1 Nachrichten 141 JAHRE 141 YEARS 3 - 2014 ISSN 0384-952X Concordia Club, 429 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2M 3P6 / Tel. (519) 745-5617, Fax 745-5141 Internet: or for e-mail: Ein gutes und erfolgreiches 2015 Emanuel CONCORDIA IM JANUAR / FEBRUAR 2015 Klub Vorschau/Club Events Concordia in January 1st 3rd 10th 17th 17th 18th New Year's Day – Club Closed Schenke – D.J. Novak Schenke – Edelweiss Duo Schenke – Black Forest Band Kameradschaftsabend - Hubertushaus Main Hall – Concordia Club Bridal Open House 1:00-3:00p.m. 24th Schenke – TC Alpine Echos 31st Schenke – D.J. Novak Concordia in February 7th Schenke – Edelweiss Duo 10th Weinstube – Advanced Polls for Annual Meeting 5:00p.m. - 8:00p.m. 14th Schenke – Valentine's Dinner w. Dancing to the TC Alpine Echos 14th Main Hall – Mardi Gras Costume Ball 16th Family Day – Club Closed 21st Schenke – D.J. Novak 22nd Main Hall – Annual Membership Meeting 2:00p.m. 28th Schenke – TC Alpine Echos Office Telephone Extensions & Info Line Front Office Membership Banquet Inquiries Manager Payroll Accounting 101 101 101 102 103 104 Group Events SUNDAY Halle MONDAY Halle Jaegerstube 1.00–5.00 Ballroom Dancing 7.00–8.30 8.30–10.00 6.00–7.00 7.00–8.00 TUESDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 Jaegerstube 8.00–10.00 Schenke 7.30–10.00 WEDNESDAY Halle 6.00–10.00 Jaegerstube 3.00–5.30 Jaegerstube 7.00 pm Jaegerstube 7.30–10.00 Weinstube 7.30 19.00 Weinstube 7.00 pm THURSDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 8.00–10.00 Jaegerstube 7.00–1.00 Eisstock 7.00–10.00 Schenke 9.00 FRIDAY Victoria Bowl 6.45 Jaegerstube 8.00 Gemischter Chor Männerchor Kinderchor Jugendchor Kinder & Junior Garde Narrenzunft Skat-Gruppe Enzian Group Senioren Gruppe (1st Wed. of month) Ladies Group (1. Wednesday of month) Horticultural Group (2nd Wed. of month) Bowlers (3rd Wednesday of month) Tennisgruppe (Jeden 2. Mittwoch im Monat) Tennisgruppe (2nd Wed. of month) Senioren Garde Table Tennis Group Schach/Chess Eisstock-Gruppe Fussball/Soccer Bowlers “Treffpunkt” (2nd Friday of month) Reservations 105 General Inquiries 105 Ticket Sales 105 Portier/Doorman 106 You can call the extensions or announcements by using any touch tone telephone. 2 Bericht des Präsidenten PROST NEUJAHR! Allen unseren Klubmitgliedern sowie Concordia Gruppen wuenschen meine Gattin Janice und ich, ein glueckliches, gesundes Jahr 2015! Fuer die Einladungen, die wir von den Gruppen bekamen, bedanken Janice und ich uns ganz herzlich, wir hatten eine gute Zeit und konnten viele Erfahrungen sammeln! Mit Einladungen, Sitzungen und Klubveranstaltungen, waren wir im Dezember sehr 3 beschaeftigt, denn es war mir und auch Janice nicht bewusst, was uns in dieser Zeit erwartete! Doch fuer mich war es eine wichtige Erfahrung und habe daraus viel gelernt! Nochmals unseren herzlichsten Dank! Ich hoffe, Sie hatten ein friedvolles Weihnachtsfest mit Familie und Freunden. Eine weitere, wichtige Veranstaltung ist der Kameradschaftsabend am 17. Januar 2015, im Hubertushaus. Die Narrenzunft verabschiedet den Fasching am 14. Februar 2015! Ganz wichtig ist unsere Jahresversammlung, mit Wahlen fuer den Haupt-Vorstand am 22. Februar 2015 - 14:00 Uhr in der Halle! Alle Vorstandsmitglieder haben sich als Kandidaten zur Wiederwahl aufstellen lassen. Wenn ein Klubmitglied fuer die Wahl kanditieren moechte, fuellen Sie einen Antrag aus [im Klubbuero erhaeltlich] und geben diesen beim Nominations- und BylawKomitee bis zum 18. Januar 2015 - 12:00 Uhr ab!!!! Das vergangene Oktoberfest war erfolgreich und war mit dem Erloes fast gleich mit dem Vorjahr. Noch haben wir nicht die endgueltige Abrechnung, denn wir haben noch nicht alle Rechnungen, um die Kosten und den Erloes zu berechnen. Ihr Praesident Rob Kerr President’s Report Happy New Year to each and everyone and may the year 2015 bring you health, happiness and good fortune! On behalf of Janice and I, we would like to thank all the groups that asked us to join them for their Christmas celebrations. We enjoyed all the functions that we attended and it gave both of us time to meet and get better acquainted with the members of the Concordia Club and the sub groups. This was a very busy season for us as this was my first year as president and we did not realize how many events we would be asked to attend. We are very grateful to be able to represent so many great people. We hope that all of you had a wonderful YOUR COMFORT IN RETIREMENT 483 and 507 OTTAWA STREET SOUTH, KITCHENER, ONTARIO Mailing Address: 483 Ottawa Street S., Kitchener, Ontario N2M 5H1 Tel. (519) 745-1200 • Fax (519) 745-0467 Attraktive 1-SchlafzimmerWohnungen in gewohnter heimischer Atmosphäre Call the office for information 4 Christmas with your family and friends and created some memories for years to come. In looking at another event to celebrate our time with friends, do not forget Kameradschaftsabend at the Hubertushaus on January 17, 2015. The Mardi Gras group will close their season with their costume ball on February 14. 2015. Please join them this evening for a night of laughter, fun and dress up. The main reminder for this bulletin is for the annual Membership meeting, which will take place on Sunday, February 22, 2015 in the main hall. All the board members that are up for re-election have expressed their desire to serve you on the board again and I will be running for the presidency of the Club to represent you for 5 another year. If there are any members who would like to join the board I ask that you submit your application to the nominations and bylaw committee by 12 noon on Sunday, January 18, 2015. This past Oktoberfest was another success and we were very much even with last years profit. We still do not have the bottom line as there are still some European Vision invoices that are outof Fashion standing. Your president, Rob Kerr • CUSTOM MADE DRESSES • WEDDING GOWNS CASUAL WEAR • ALTERATIONS Marzanna Calujek Master Dressmaker Designer 80 Wellington St. N. Kitchener, Ontario Bus: (519) 571-9169 (Corner of Waterloo Street & Wellington Street) From the Manager’s Desk tracts along with payment for the sites is March 31, 2015. Membership Renewals The annual membership fees are due at the beginning of each calendar year! As I mentioned in the December bulletin, there has been a slight increase in the fees for 2015 since we now have the addition of HST. Concordia Membership Renewal Fees for 2015 $ 144.00 per Family $ 99.00 per Single Person $ 40.00 per Senior $ 25.00 per Student Farm Gate Card Renewal - $20.00 per year Senior Membership fees apply to anyone who has been a full member for 5 consecutive years and have reached the age of 65. If you have held a family membership and one of the spouses turns 65, the senior rate will then apply for both....a payment of $40.00 each. I do encourage you to have your membership payment in before April 30th. Beginning May 1st there will be a late fee of $20.00 applied to each membership. Annual Campground Contracts & Lot Fees The seasonal campground contracts will be mailed out at the beginning of January for all renewals for 2015. The seasonal lot fees for 2015 have increased slightly. The fee will be $750.00 plus HST for a total of $847.50. The last increase in the lot fees was in 2013. Once we receive the final December hydro billing we will be able to determine what the hydro fees for 2015 will be. The deadline for having the camping con- Schenke Restaurant Membership Discounts Paying your membership early gives you the benefit of receiving the 15% membership discount in the Schenke on meals! If you do not have your new 2015 membership card the discount can not be applied. There is a grace period of 15 days until January 15th where the old 2014 card will still be honoured but after January 15th you will need the new 2015 card. Please show your new cards to the Schenke staff since this is the only proof of payment that is accepted. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated! Please remember... the staff are only doing their job in requesting to see your membership card. Bridal Open House I am very excited that we will be hosting our first Bridal Open House on Sunday, January 18th! The best way for us to showcase our hall is to have couples come and take a tour and see for themselves how beautiful their wedding reception can be! Couples are booking their weddings into 2016 already and this will be a great opportunity for us to ensure that they see what we have to offer. Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day will be on a Saturday this year so please make your reservations early! Chef Andreas will be preparing a wonderful Prime Rib Dinner Feature but the regular menu will be available as well. As we do every Saturday, there will be a band for your dancing pleasure. The TC Alpine Echos will start at 8:00p.m. Come out and enjoy a wonderful evening with your sweetheart!! Best Wishes for 2015! Ruth Rajna, Manager 6 Concordia Kegler ALLES GUTE IM NEUEN JAHR! Ich hoffe, daß ein jeder die Festtage gut überstanden hat. Im Dezember hatten wir unsere Weihnachtsfeier. Es war ein wunderschöner Nachmittag. Die Ergebnisse von unserem Turkey Roll stehen noch nicht fest, so werde ich die Gewinner im nächsten Bericht mitteilen. Am 16. Januar haben wir unsere Jahreshauptversammlung. Bitte vermerken Sie das Datum in ihrem Kalender. Vorschau/Upcoming Events: Annual Meeting – January 16th Cosmic Bowl – February 13th Last Day of Bowling – April 24th Closing Banquet – May 8th *this is a Friday - 5:30p.m. Finally, best wishes go out to our bowlers who are celebrating a birthday this month: Januar/January 8. 12. 14. 14. 24. Henry Lorenz Angie Zimmerriemer Helen Majunke Janis Pfister Vlasta Vacik Bis zum nächsten Mal, Monica Kauck CONCORDIA BOWLERS HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone had a great holiday season. We had a wonderful time at our Christmas Party in December. The results from our Turkey Roll are not known yet, so I will post them in the next bulletin. Don’t forget our Annual Meeting will take place on January 16th. Please mark this date on your calendar. Until next time, Monica Kauck Outdoor Group We held our annual Christmas Dinner on Sunday, November 30 with over 60 members and guests in attendance, a wonderful meal was served and good memories of times past were shared and also many thanks were given to everyone who volunteered their time at Oktoberfest in our booths and throughout the rest of the year. We wish everyone a joyous holiday season and a prosperous New Year! Our Committee is always working hard to organize events, please see the list below of tentative dates for some of the things coming up in 2015 - stay tuned for more details in future issues of the Nachrichten, on our Facebook page: or call Andrew at 519-594-2112 Sunday, March 1, 2015 Winter Karneval Sunday, June 21, 2015 Father’s Day Saturday, July 25, 2015 Grand River Cruise Saturday, August 22, 2015 Horseback Riding Sunday, August 23, 2015 Annual Meeting & Corn Roast Saturday, September 19, 2015 Halloween Party Sunday, November 29, 2015 Christmas Dinner Andrew Saur 8 In stiller Trauer gedenken wir den Verstorbenen August Popp Albert Schubert August Popp war ein langjähriges Mitglied und Ehrenmitglied sowie Präsident des Concordia Klub’s. August war noch bis kurz vor seinem Tode Mitglied des Nominations- und Bylaw-Komitees. Wir danken August für die vielen Dienste, die er dem Concordia Klub gebracht hat. ________________ Albert Schubert war ein langjähriges Mitglied und Ehrenmitglied der Skatgruppe. Auch ihm danken wir für seine Unterstützung. Den Familien und Angehörigen unsere stille Anteilnahme! Präsident Rob Kerr mit dem Hauptvorstand und alle Klubmitglieder 9 Tennis Group Zur Zeit meines Schreibens sieht es wirklich nicht sehr weihnachtlich aus. Es ist nicht zu kalt und der Schnee, den wir hatten, ist wieder geschmolzen. Aber es sind ja noch zwei Wochen bis Weihnachten, vielleicht wird es doch noch eine Weisse geben. Was das Thema Weihnachten betrifft, hatte unsere Gruppe am 29. November eine wunderschöne Weihnachtsfeier in der Weinstube. Alle Mitglieder waren anwesend. Wir genossen ein ausgezeichnetes Essen und einen gemütlichen Abend. Ein grosses Dankeschön an Chef Andeas und die Küche für das ausgezeichnete Essen sowie auch an Victoria, die uns den ganzen Abend so prima versorgte. Unsere Jahreshauptversammlung mit Wahlen fand am 12. November in der Weinstube statt. Wir haben diese mit unserem geselligen Mittwochabend Zusammensein verbunden. Zuerst hatten wir unser Abendessen mit etwas Zeit zur Unterhaltung dann fing die Versammlung an. Zwei Positionen mussten neu gewählt werden - Präsident und Direktor. Martin Patzold bleibt Präsident durch Akklamation. Gertrud Frim hatte den Posten als Direktor abgegeben. Wir danken dir Gertrud für alle deine Arbeit und freuten uns, dass du an unserer Weihnachtsfeier teilnehmen konntest. Unsere Gruppe hatte sich entschlossen, den Posten Direktor aufzugeben und den des Vize-Präsident wieder einzuzetzen. Heidi Haas hat diesen angenommen. Unser neuer Vorstand: Präsident: Martin Patzold Vize-Präsident: Heidi Haas Finanzverwalter: Stephen Sherwood Sekretärin: Maria Grupp Bis ihr dieses liest, hat ein neues Jahr angefangen. Ich hoffe, dass jeder die Weihnachten schön und gemütlich feierte und sich jetzt auf das Jahr 2015 freut. Manche unserer Mitglieder verlassen uns im Januar für wärmere Temperaturen im Süden. Wir wünschen ihnen eine gute Reise, einen ausgezeichneten Aufenthalt und freuen uns dann auch wieder auf ihre Rückkehr. Maria Grupp TENNIS GROUP As I am writing this, it surely does not look like Christmas. It is not overly cold and the snow that we had is long gone. But since it 10 tion, that of president and director. Martin Patzold remains as president through acclamation. Gertrud Frim stepped down as director. Gertrud, we would like to thank you for all your work and we’re so pleased that you were able to come to the Christmas dinner. is still a couple of weeks till Christmas, we might yet have a white one after all. On the topic of Christmas, our group had a wonderful Christmas party on November 29th in the Weinstube. Our entire group was present. We enjoyed an excellent meal and a great evening of socializing. Thanks to Chef Andreas and his staff for a delicious meal and to Victoria for looking after us so superbly all evening. Our annual meeting with elections took place on November 12th. We combined it with our bi-monthly social. The evening started off on a very relaxed note with supper, time to socialize then we got down to business. Two positions were open for elec- 11 Our group decided to eliminate the position of Director and replace it with the position of vice-president. Heidi Haas accepted the latter. Our new executive committee: President: Martin Patzold Vice President: Heidi Haas Treasurer: Stephen Sherwood Secretary: Maria Grupp By the time you read this, we will have started a new year. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and is now looking forward to what the year 2015 might bring. For our snowbirds that will be leaving the country this January for a warmer climate, have a safe trip, enjoy your stay and we look forward to seeing you when you get back. Maria Grupp Skat-Gruppe Liebe Freunde Am Sonntag, den 7. Dezember hatten wir unsere alljaehrliche Weihnachtsfeier. Unser Praesidnet und seine liebe Frau Janice waren auch dabei, wir hatten gute Unterhaltungen, viel Spass, und wir wollen uns alle ganz herzlich bei allen Beteiligten in der Kueche und in der Schenke bedanken das sie unseren Abend so schoen gemacht haben. An diesem Abend haben wir gehoert das unser langjaehriger Skatbruder und Ehrenmitglied Albert Schuster gestorben ist. Unser herzlichstes Beileid an alle Angehoerigen. Wir geben unsere diesjaehrigen Jahresgewinner bekannt: At this time we heard the sad news that our long time player and Honorery Member Alber Schuster past away. Our condolences to his family. We are announcing our winners for the year: 1. Guenther Bauer 1097 Durchschnittspunkte 2. Siegfried Barta 1032 Durchschnittspunkte 3. Oswald Radtke 1025 Durchschnittspunkte 1. Guenther Bauer 2. Siegfried Barta 3. Oswald Radtke Wir wuenschen allen einen guten Rusch ins Neue Jahr 2015. Our Anual Meeting will be January 17th Unsere Jahres-Hauptversammlung ist am 17. Januar 1097 Average Points 1032 Average Points 1025 Average Points We would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2015 Gut Blatt, Marcus Kallweit Secretary Gut Blatt, Marcus Kallweit, Schriftfuehrer SKAT GROUP Dear friends Sunday December 7th we had our annual Christmas party. Our President Rob Kerr and his lovely wife Janice joined us, we had a lot of fun and very nice conversations. Thank you very much to the staff from the Kitchen and the Schenke to make this such a nice evening for us. 12 CONCORDIA COIRS Concordia Chöre Ich möchte unseren neuen Sänger, Helga Springer und Greg Will vorstellen. Einige Hintergrundinformationen über Helga, die Alt singt. Helga wurde in Lüneburg (von der Lüneburger Heide), Deutschland, geboren. Sie kam nach Kanada mit ihren Eltern, ihrer Schwester und ihrem Bruder. Sie sang viel als Kind und im Kirchenchor für ein paar Jahre. Helga liebt es, mit ihrem Mann Joe zu reisen. Im Bassbereich haben wir den enthusiastischer Greg Will. Er ist in Kalifornien geboren und ist in Mosinee, Wisconsin aufgewachsen. Er sang von der 6. bis zur 12. Klasse. Er spielte Ambrose Kemper in der Mosinee Gemeinschafts-Aufführung des Musicals Hello Dolly. Im Jahre 1994 zog er nach Kanada und war bis jetzt in keinem Chor. Er wohnt in Arthur, Ontario. Wir haben am Christkindlmarkt gesungen. Es war eine nette Darbietung mit unserem Kinderchor, der zwei schöne Lieder gesungen hat. Zum Zeitpunkt des Schreibens dieses Artikels, würden wir unser Weihnachtskonzert durchgeführt haben und wir hatten unser Weihnachtsessen. Ich bin sicher, sie waren großartig! Ich wuensche euch allen ein gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! Lied hoch, Andre Schilha 13 I’d like to introduce our new singers, Helga Springer and Greg Will. Some background on Helga who sings Alto. Helga was born in Lueneburg of the Lüneburger Heide, Germany. She came to Canada with parents, sister and brother. She sang a lot as child and also in a church choir for a couple of years. Helga loves to travel with her husband Joe. In the Bass section we have the enthusiastic Greg Will. He was born in California and was raised in Mosinee, Wisconsin. He sang from Grade 6 - 12. He performed in the Mosinee Community performance of the musical Hello Dolly, playing Ambrose Kemper. He moved to Canada in 1994 and hasn’t sung in a choir until now and is really excited to be singing again. He drives in from Arthur, Ontario. We sang at the Christkindlmarkt. It was a fun performance with our children’s choir also performing two beautiful songs including solos. At the time of this writing, we would have performed our Christmas concert and had our Christmas Dinner. I’m sure they were great! Unitl the New Year! Yours in song, Andre Schilha Tischtennis Gruppe Liebe Tischtennis Freunde, Am 20. November fand unsere Jahreshauptversammlung im Weinzimmer der Schenke statt. Wie bereits im letzten Jahr war sie auch diesmal mit 22 Mitgliedern gut besucht. Damit war ein Quorum fuer die folgenden Vorstandswahlen gegeben. Entsprechend der Agenda, die vorab per email verschickt worden war, wurde das Protokoll von der Jahreshauptversammlung 2013 vom Schriftfuehrer verlesen und ohne Aenderungen angenommen. Danach erfolgte eine angeregte Diskussion ueber das zurueckliegende Oktoberfest. Dabei wurden erste Vorschlaege zur Verbesserung bzw. Aenderung unserer „Bude“ gemacht. Aufgrund der Erkenntnis, dass unser „PingPong“-Spiel lediglich an dem Familienwochenende gut angenommen wurde, an den uebrigen Tagen jedoch kaum Zuspruch fand, werden wir dies im naechsten Jahr wieder auf diese beiden Tage beschraenken. Nach den Berichten des Praesidenten, des Kassierers und des Schriftfuehres fanden die turnusmaessigen Wahlen statt. Da die 2jaehrigen Amtszeiten des Praesidenten, des Kassierers und des Schriftfuehrers abgelaufen waren, galt es diese Posten neu zu besetzen. Unser neuer Vorstand sieht wie folgt aus: Praesident Scott Sinclair (neu, 2 Jahre) Kassierer Hans Malthaner (neu, 2 Jahre) Schriftfuehrer Eckhard Michalski (neu, 2 Jahre) Vice-Praesident Arne Michalski verbleibt fuer 1 weiteres Jahr im Amt. Scott Sinclair dankte Stefan Babic fuer seine gute Arbeit als Vice- und als Praesident in den zurueckliegenden Jahren. Weihnachtsfeier Am 6. Dezember 2014 fand unsere Weihnachtsfeier in der Jaegerstube statt. Scott Sinclair, unser neuer Gruppen-Praesident, begruesste unseren Klub-Praesidenten Rob Kerr und seine Gattin Janice als unsere Ehrengaeste sowie unsere zahlreich erschienenen Gruppenmitglieder. Danach bedankte sich Scott noch einmal bei Stefan Babic fuer dessen gute Vorstandsarbeit als Vice- und Gruppenpraesident mit einer Flasche Jaegermeister. Nach einem kurzen Rueckblick auf das abgelaufene Jahr und ein paar Worte des Bedauerns, dass unsere Freunde Eddy Filipitsch, John Mayer und Ferdel Staab mit ihren Frauen aus gesundheitlichen Gruenden nicht dabei sein konnten, sprach Nina Furnis das Tischgebet. Das Essen schmeckte wie immer ausgezeichnet. Ein herzliches Dankeschoen geht an unser Kuechen- und Servicepersonal. Traditionsgemaess wurden von allen Anwesenden einige Weihnachtslieder gesungen. Hier geht unser Dank an Nina und Paul fuer die bereitgestellten Liedertexte. Spaeter leitete unser Maennerchor mit der „Gruppenhymne“ in den gemuetlichen Teil des Abends ueber. Unseren „Freunden des Suedens“, sei es in Florida oder in der Karibik, wuenschen wir einen erholsamen Urlaub und eine puenktliche Heimkehr zur kommenden Spielsaison. 16 TABLE TENNIS GROUP Christmas party Dear Friends, On December 06, 2014 our Christmas party took place in the Jaegerstube. Scott sinclair, our new group president, welcomed our Club president Rob Kerr and his wife Janice as our guests of honour and all other group members. Our group’s Annual General Meeting took place on November 20 and was well attended by 22 group members. That number verified a quorum for the following election of committee officers . The minutes of our 2013 AGM were read to the membership and were accepted without amendments. This was followed by a lively discussion of the Oktoberfest review with suggestions of how to improve our booth for next year’s event. Based on the result of this year the membership decided to offer the „Ping-Pong“ game only on the two family days as we did the year before. According to the agenda the president, treasurer and the secretary read their annual reports. All motions were carried and the resigning board officers were discharged by the members. Elections: Since the current 2-year terms of our president, treasurer and secretary had come to an end, new officers for these positions needed to be elected. Our Group Executive for the next two years will be comprised as follows: President Scott Sinclair (2-year term) Treasurer Hans Malthaner (2-year term) Secretary Eckhard Michalski (2-year term) Vice-presidentArne Michalski will stay on the executive board serving his 2. year. 17 In a brief speech Scott thanked Stefan Babic with a bottle of Jaegermeister for his excellent service as Vice- and as group president during the past years. After a few words about the table tennis season 2014 he expressed his regrets that our longtime members Eddy Filipitsch, John Mayer and Ferdel Staab with their wives are unable to attend due to health reasons. After Nina had said grace we enjoyed the Christmas dinner which was delicious as always. A heartful „thank you“ goes to our kitchen and service staff. Following the tradition of singing some Christmas songs our „TT-mens choir“ lead over to the fun part of the evening. We hope everybody had a safe and enjoyable New Years Eve and we wish our Snowbirds a relaxed vacation. But don’t be late for the upcoming season. „Tschuess“ and until next time, Eckhard Michalski 1425 Bishop St. UNIT 15 519-622-7777 Contact Mike Doersam Ladies Group I would like to welcome everyone into the New Year 2015. It seems like it was just yesterday that we celebrated the beginning of a new millennium. I hope that all of you celebrated Christmas, the birth of Jesus, surrounded by your loving families. That is what Christmas is all about. Now, I must go back to the month of October. Before and after Oktoberfest we have three of our gentlemen that help us to build up our booth and also take it down. Without their help we would certainly be in a pickle. We the ladies of our group would like to thank Nick Osbelt, Otto Mensch and Bill Rowsell. In November we were very busy with our bazaar which turned out very well considering that we only have a few women at the moment. Everyone pulled their weight. The Children’s Christmas Party was also a success even though we were short staffed. Thank you to Maria Grupp, Lilli-Ann Wessel and Ursula Dressler with the help of her 4 year old grandson. They ran the party all on their own. Of course Santa stole the show as he was the big hit of the day. Our ladies had a wonderful Christmas Party. We started our dinner with a glass of champagne, donated by the Concordia Club to toast our 80 anniversary. Thank you, Concordia Club. Our Christmas dinner was very good and so, we the ladies would like to thank Andreas and his staff for a delicious meal. The ladies were all rewarded with each and every one of us receiving a different beautiful present. We ended the evening singing songs and happily chatting with each other. One of our long time members, Hilde Illing is moving to Vancouver in order to be near her son and his family. We wish Hilde all the best in her new venture. If there are any ladies in the club that would like to join us, we would gladly welcome you into our group. Attention Ladies: Don’t forget that our meetings will be in the afternoon for the next three months. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 2:00 pm. Hope to see you all there. Future Meeting Dates: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 2:00 pm Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 2:00 pm Elisabeth Rowsell IMMOBILIEN UND FINANZIERUNG SIND VERTRAUENSSACHE WHEN IT’S A MATTER OF TRUST HOME REALTY INC 4169 King St. E, Kitchener, ON, N2P 2E8 MARCUS KALLWEIT Bus: (519) 570-4663 Cell: (519) 590-3056 Email 18 Campers Fishing in the pond (catch and release please) Shaded picnic areas Happy New Year from the Camper's Committee! As we head into the deepest part of winter, I’d like to point out that the hours of daylight are getting longer, which means spring is on the way (not soon enough for some of us)! The committee has already been making plans for the summer of 2015, and we have the dates set for our events at the Farm. Farm Clean up – April 26 Spring Picnic – June 6 Campers Semi Annual Meeting – June 7 Canada Day Picnic – June 27 Farm Olympics – June 27 Summer Picnic – August 8 Campers Annual Meeting – August 9 Halloween Party – September 19 For those who may be new to the Club, or if you haven’t been to the farm lately, keep in mind that the Farm is more than just a Seasonal Campground! The facilities are open to all Club members (gate card required to enter), and we have: A large solar heated pool Sheltered Pavilion Home on the Range available for private picnics (Club Groups only) Overnight and short term campsites available to Club members If you have any questions, feel free to email Bruce Emmerson on behalf of the Camper’s Committee Concordia Garden Group The Garden Group would like to wish all Concordia Club members a Happy New Year- 2015. Hopefully , your Christmas was joyful. Our December Christmas Social was held on Wedneday, December 10th at 7:00pm in the Club. Edith has done a wonderful job once again providing Christmas cheer. Thank you. Spring is around the corner (we hope) and many of us are already dreaming up new plans for the garden. Some of us are visiting gardens in sunnier climates this winter. Soon the garden shows will be popping up to inspire us. Wading pool All the best for you and your gardens in 2015. Kinderparadise (Children's play area) Mary Stammwitz Horse Shoe pits Beach Volleyball Court Soccer Field 19 The Garden Group will have their 2015 general meeting on Wed. January 14th, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Concordia Club. 1. KG Narrenzunft Concordia We hope you shared special memories during Christmas 2014 with family and friends. On November 15th The Narrenzunft celebrated the opening of its 48th Karneval Season in the main hall of the Concordia Club. We are happy to announce that Prince Manfred Kruse and Princess Karin Kruse will once again be reigning over this Karneval Season. Throughout the evening the Concordia Club’s Schuhplattlers and the Narrenzunft Garde gave wonderful enthusiastic performances while Euro Connection played for everyone‘s dancing pleasure. Thank you also to one of our Mardi Gras members Armin Hellmann for performing Jake the Fake. The event would not have been as well attended if it wasn’t for Narrenzunft members and dancers families and friends, fellow Mardi Gras Groups from out of town and Concordia Members. Maskenball Keep February 14th open to attend The Narrenzunft’s Maskenball (Costume ball)! This will also be the closing ceremonies of our Karneval Season. Music for the evening will be provided by the “Variation Band” with Heinz Lindlau. Also for your entertainment the Narrenzunft’s Senior Dance Garde and New Kinder Garde will perform their new showdances. Doors open at 7pm, and the evening begins at 8:11pm. Tickets are $12 and may be purchased at the door or at the Concordia Club Office 519-745-5617. Next month’s report will include our Christmas Party which was held after this report was due. See you at the Club Until next time Helau und Alaaf Joan Trautrim German Heritage Letters Part 2 E. Michalski After Schleswig-Holstein, the most northerly “Bundesland”, we are visiting Hamburg and Bremen on our journey through Germany. Leaving the medieval city of Luebeck, hometown of authors Thomas and Heinrich Mann (“The Buddenbrooks”/“Der Untertan”), we visit the cities of Hamburg and Bremen, two other prominent members of the powerful Hanseatic League. The League’s domination of long-distance trade on the North and the Baltic Sea, and with countries around the Mediterranean Sea, continued well into the seventeenth century. Eventually, the League lost its power to the south German Fugger and Welser merchant families, and subsequently to English and Dutch trading companies. However, the Hanseatic League left its mark on the cityscapes with marvelous Town Halls and on the confidence of the new merchant class. Hamburg, the second largest city in Germany, with its 825 year old harbour, is still one of the most important commercial and trade centers on the continent. Bearing witness to Hamburg’s commercial past are the immense brick warehouses of the Speicherstadt (harbour warehouse district). The most beautiful panorama in the city can be had from the top of St. Micheal’s Church. The church, locally referred to as “Michel”, has become emblematic of the city itself. The annual Hafenparade (harbour parade) pays homage to the time when sailing ships dominated the oceans. Despite the fact that the grand old sailing vessels of the past have been long replaced by huge cargo ships, memories of the powerful Hanseatic League are still alive. 20 This is evidenced by the large number of myths around Klaus Stoertebeker, the leader of a companionship of privateers, the Victual Brothers. The Victual Brothers captured merchant vessels and subsequently came into conflict with the Hanseatic League. They were ultimately overcome and brought to Hamburg, where they were tried for piracy and executed. Stoertebeker is said to have asked the mayor of Hamburg to release as many of his companions as he could walk past after being beheaded. Following the granting of this request and the subsequent beheading, Stoertebeker’s body walked past eleven of his men before he finally tripped. Nevertheless, the eleven men were executed along with the others. Leaving Hamburg we will say “Tschuess” instead of “Auf Wiedersehen”, meaning: “good bye”. It is only a short way to Bremen, known for the “Town Musicians of Bremen”, a folktale recorded by the Brothers Grimm. As Labskaus (meat stew) is a typical meal for Hamburg’s harbour workers, so is Gruenkohl mit Pinkel (kale and sausage) a famous winter dish of the people of Bremen. Both cities have many similarities in history. Hamburg and Bremen’s port Bremerhaven played an important role, not only as members of the Hanseatic League, but later as the gateway for many German emigrants of their voyage to the New World. However, Hamburg and Bremen’s close proximity to each other and a history of competition within the Hanseatic League, has resulted in a relationship marked by an intense rivalry. This rivalry is on clear display every year when the cities’ soccer teams-, Werder Bremen and the Hamburger SV- play each other in what is called the “Nordderby”. The Ballinstadt in Hamburg, an award-winning emigration museum, is called the “Port 21 of Dreams”. This museum bridges the gap between past and present, and takes visitors on a journey of living memories and grasping history of more than a century. From here and from Bremerhaven many emigrants in the 19th and 20th century started their new life in Canada, and especially in our Kitchener / Waterloo Region. If you experience a Heritage Tour and follow the cultural trail through Wellesley and Wilmot Township and other small towns in the vicinity of Kitchener (formerly Berlin), you will find names like: Baden, Mannheim, Heidelberg, Bamberg, New Hamburg, or Rostock and Wartburg near Stratford. If you look into the history of those landmarks you will find German immigrants or ethnic Germans from Alsace-Lorraine and Switzerland (Mennonites) as first settlers. The cemeteries with its old gravestones could be used as a guide for footprints of German heritage, the impact of German settlers in terms of culture and economic development in our Region. City Hall of Bremen Hamburg: Emigration museum BallinStadt. View of typical living quarters (19th century) Erreichen Sie Ihre Immobilien Träume! - Achieve Your Real Estate Dreams! Ihre Quelle für Immobilien in der Region Waterloo - “Your Source” for Real Estate in Waterloo Region Denis Pellerin Sales Representative Phone: 519-742-5800 ext. 2334 Not intended to cause or induce the breach of an existing representation agreement Service disponible en Français Old or New Residential - Commercial Industrial PLUMBING AND HEATING Serving Southern Ontario Water Softeners Water Purifiers Water Heaters Heating & Air Conditioning 1-38 McBrine Place, Kitchener ON N2R 1G8 Phone 519-748-4588 - Fax 519-748-4584 Email: For information, contact: Tom Mennill, Partner KPMG LLP 115 King Street South, 2nd Floor Waterloo, ON N2J 5A3 Tel: 519-747-8800 Fax: 519-747-8830 AUDIT • TAX • ADVISORY Barristers & Solicitors, Notaries Public Suite 604, 30 Duke Street, W. Kitchener, Ontario N2H 3W5 Tel: 578-8010 Fax: 578-9395 e-mail: M.M.President’s Walters, Q.C. (1921-1997) Report Adolf Gubler, M.A., LL.B. A r e a s o f Pra c t i c e I n c l u d e : Powers of Attorney Wills and Trusts Estate Planning and Administration Real Estate and Mortgages Corporate Law Business and Commercial Law Weekend and Evening Appointments Available English and German Spoken Wichtige Veranstaltungen Important Events PREVIEW - JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 17. Jan. Kameradschaftsabend Jagd- und Fischverein (Hubertushaus) 18. Jan. Concordia Bridal Open House 1:00-3:00 p.m 10. Feb. Vorwahlen zum Hauptvorstand Weinstube 17-20 Uhr (5-8 pm) 14. Feb. Valentines Day Dinner Schenke ab 17:30 Uhr 16. Feb. Family Day (Club closed) 22. Feb. Jahreshauptversammlung 14.00 Uhr, Halle Bitte reservieren Sie ihren Tisch und besorgen Sie die Eintrittskarten zu den Veranstaltungen rechtzeitig. 24 Welcome to. . . The Schenke Open 6 days a week CONCORDIA DAILY FEATURES TUESDAY through FRIDAY THURSDAY EVENING: WEEKLY LUNCHEON SPECIALS CHEF’S NIGHT SPECIAL or SOUP SANDWICH COMBO TUESDAYS: BUY ONE, GET ONE FOR 1/2 PRICE purchase one entree and get the second of equal or lesser value at half price!! 2 Wiener Schnitzel Dinners with Potatoes and Vegetables only $18.99 FRIDAY EVENING: FRIDAY NIGHT BUFFET all your favorites and much more only $16.45 WEDNESDAY: SATURDAY EVENING: BAVARIAN BUFFET Lunch: $11.95 Dinner: $14.95 DINE & DANCE Live Entertainment All prices plus applicable taxes Gratuity not included Certain exclusions/conditions exist as of August 2008 Regular Menu & reasonable prices SUNDAY: 11:00am - 2pm BRUNCH $18.99 Reservations are recommended 25 Concordia Club Board of Directors 2014/2015 President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Rob Kerr Michael Brasch Alex Thoene Entertainment Sarah Fretz Michelle Zimmer Alexandria Thoene 1st Secretary: 2nd Secretary: Sarah Fretz Elaine Keller Farm Committee 1st Treasurer: 2nd Treasurer: Ali Nowak Peter Bergen Peter Bergen Michelle Zimmer Ronny Horvath Finance Committee Directors: Ronny Horvath Rolf Malthaner Helmut Kruschat Michelle Zimmer Marcus Kallweit Martin Patzold Ali Nowak Peter Bergen Rob Kerr Sarah Fretz Float Committee Ronny Horvath German Culture Marcus Kallweit Honorary Member Martin Patzold Ali Nowak Rob Kerr Long Range Planning Ali Nowak Marcus Kallweit Rolf Malthaner Rob Kerr Membership Michelle Zimmer Miss Concordia Alexandria Thoene Nominations and Bylaws Karl Braun Rob Kerr Sarah Fretz Oktoberfest Chair Mike Brasch Rolf Malthaner Oktoberfest Inc. Ali Nowak Michelle Zimmer Rolf Malthaner Sales and Marketing Ronny Horvath Rolf Malthaner Marcus Kallweit Security Rob Kerr Alex Thoene Manager Committee Members Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ruth Rajna Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Archives Alexandria Thoene Bulletin Martin Patzold Sarah Fretz Christkindlmarket Peter Bergen Ronny Horvath Elaine Keller Martin Patzold Club Buildings Mike Brasch Helmut Kruschat Club Historian Leo Tukums Club Ombudsman Harald Schwegel Club Rental Properties Ronny Horvath Helmut Kruschat Concordia Seniorenhaus Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Economic Affairs Ali Novak Rob Kerr Peter Bergen Employee Liaison Ali Nowak 27