2016-2017 Memphremagog Travel Guide by clicking here
2016-2017 Memphremagog Travel Guide by clicking here
T R A V E L G U I D E MAY 2016 − APRIL 2017 Visit us at: tourisme-memphremagog.com T R A V E L G U I D E MAY 2016 − APRIL 2017 Visit us at: tourisme-memphremagog.com TABLE OF CONTENTS ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A WORD FROM THE PREFECT OF THE MRC DE MEMPHRÉMAGOG������������������������������ 2 RESTAURANTS������������������������������������������������������58 - Cafés/Bistros/Restaurants ������������������������������� 60 - Asian Cuisine ������������������������������������������������� 60 - French Cuisine������������������������������������������������ 60 - International Cuisine��������������������������������������� 61 - Italian Cuisine������������������������������������������������ 61 - Mexican Cuisine��������������������������������������������� 62 - Regional Cuisine��������������������������������������������� 62 - Fondue ��������������������������������������������������������� 63 - Steak House ������������������������������������������������� 63 - Microbrewery ������������������������������������������������ 63 - Pizzerias ������������������������������������������������������� 63 - Restaurants/Bars ������������������������������������������� 63 - Fast Food ������������������������������������������������������ 64 - Tea Room������������������������������������������������������ 64 - Country Style Cuisine��������������������������������������� 64 - Caterer ��������������������������������������������������������� 64 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNIG YOUR TRIP . . . . . . . . . . . . ��������� 3 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ EXPERIENCE SUMMER ACTIVITIES���������������������������� 4 - Cyclotourism����������������������������������������������������� 6 - Hiking�������������������������������������������������������������� 7 EXPERIENCE WINTER ACTIVITIES����������������������������10 - Downhill Skiing & Snowboarding . . . . . ������� 12 - Cross-Country Skiing & Snowshoeing . . . ������� 13 - Nordic Spas��������������������������������������������������� 14 EXPERIENCE LOCAL FLAVOURS . . . . . . . ���������16 - Local Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . ������� 18 - La Route des Vins de l’Estrie (Wine Route) ������� 19 EXPERIENCE UNIQUE DISCOVERIES ������������������������24 - Family Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . ������� 26 - Cultural Activities ������������������������������������������� 27 - Discovery Circuits ������������������������������������������� 28 EXPERIENCE EVENTS���������������������������������������������32 - Sporting Events���������������������������������������������� 34 - Themed Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . ������� 35 CHARMING VILLAGES & LIVELY CITY CENTRES ���������36 - Restaurants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ������� 38 - Shopping ������������������������������������������������������ 39 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ LODGING ������������������������������������������������������������42 - Inns/Hotels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ������� 48 - Other Accommodation ������������������������������������ 51 - Campgrounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ������� 51 - Hospitality Village ������������������������������������������ 51 - Bed & Breakfasts�������������������������������������������� 52 - Forest Residences������������������������������������������� 54 - Motels ���������������������������������������������������������� 54 - Tourist Homes (condos/cottages/houses) . . . . . . . ������� 55 - Real Estate Services���������������������������������������� 56 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTRACTIONS & ACTIVITIES������������������������������������66 - Winter Activities��������������������������������������������� 70 - Nautical Activities������������������������������������������� 70 - Recreational Activities������������������������������������� 71 - Agrotourism��������������������������������������������������� 72 - Arts and Crafts������������������������������������������������ 74 - Antiques and Boutiques ��������������������������������� 75 - Cruises���������������������������������������������������������� 76 - Art Galleries, Exhibitions and Museums ������������� 76 - Golf��������������������������������������������������������������� 76 - Pleasures of the Table������������������������������������� 77 - Health and Relaxation������������������������������������� 77 - Entertainment������������������������������������������������ 78 - Tourist Train��������������������������������������������������� 78 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ���������80 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ COUPONS���������������������������������������������������������� 85 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ MAP ���������������������������������������������������������������� 30 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Masculine pronouns are used for convenience only. ISBN 978-2-9812958-9-7 Legal Deposit – Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, 2016 Legal Deposit – Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, 2016 Graphic design : Lemieux Bédard Production : MRC de Memphrémagog 2 3 Planning your A WORD FROM THE Prefect Dear visitors, Did you know that the Memphremagog territory is one of the most beautiful in the Eastern Townships? It stands out thanks to its natural beauty and the high concentration of mountains and lakes nestled within its boundaries. These physical characteristics are at the root of the exceptional, and enviable, quality of life we have here. Memphremagog includes 17 municipalities, which we invite you to discover. During your stay with us, you will have the chance to see that each of these places has its own unique history and remarkable heritage. From the arrival of villagers in the 19 century right up until today, the tourism industry in Memphremagog has grown continually, and has become something of great importance. Over the years, many businesses have emerged, offering activities, lodging and food services that appeal to all tastes. While browsing this tourist guide, you will discover all of the diversity and richness our region has to offer. th We want to hear about the highlights of your stay in our region! Please take a few minutes to share memories and photos from your time in Memphremagog on our Facebook page: facebook.com/TourismeMemphre. Bon voyage! trip Memphremagog is an ideal tourist destination in the Eastern Townships, offering a variety of activities for everyone. Contact a tourist representative or visit one of our tourist information centres. Tourist Information Centres (see map, page 30): Ayer’s Cliff : Tourist Information Relay 15, rue Tyler (outdoor centre, no staff on-site) Eastman : Tourist Information Office (seasonal) 14, rue Lapointe 450 297-2911 Magog : Memphremagog Tourist Information Office 2911, chemin Milletta (Highway 10, Exit 115) (open daily, year-round) 819 843-2744 / 1 800 267-2744 North Hatley : Tourist Information Office (seasonal) 300, rue Mill 819 842-1018 Potton : Tourist Information Office (seasonal) 4, chemin des Pins, Mansonville 450 292-3313, ext. 335 SONIA BENEZRA Television Host « Thank you to Memphremagog for welcoming me as if I had landed in Hollywood. The star that is engraved on the “voie des célébrités” leading to the Vieux Clocher will remain etched in my heart forever. » Need more tourist information? Memphremagog Tourist Information Office 2911, chemin Milletta, Magog (QC) J1X 0R4 (Highway 10, Exit 115) 819 843-2744 / 1 800 267-2744 info@tourisme-memphremagog.com www.tourisme-memphremagog.com www.facebook.com/TourismeMemphre www.twitter.com/TourismeMemphre Jacques Demers Prefect, MRC de Memphrémagog Mobile version 4 5 An Irresistible Charm Thanks to great amenities and jaw-dropping landscapes, outdoor activities in the Memphremagog region are a sheer delight at any time of year! EXPERIENCE SUMMER activities Photo credit: Stéphane Lemire 6 Cyclotourism WHETHER YOU’RE INTO HIGH-SPEED BIKING OR THE LEISURELY ZIGZAG, YOU’RE SURE TO FIND THE PERFECT ITINERARY AMONG OUR MANY BICYCLE PATHS. With nearly 100 km of paths to discover, you’ll be able to bike to your heart’s content! Be sure not to miss the Route verte dubbed the world’s most beautiful bicycle path by no less than National Geographic! 7 Hiking Bicycle Heaven Each moment of hiking in this gorgeous area is filled with surprises, especially when you take the time to enjoy your surroundings. And there’s no shortage of trails to choose from, between the Parc national du Mont-Orford, the Sentiers de l’Estrie, the Réserve naturelle des Montagnes-Vertes, the Sentiers de la Missisquoi Nord, the Sentier Nature Tomifobia and the Marais de la Rivière aux Cerises (featuring the longest elevated walkway in Quebec)! The Perfect Path 2381, P rincipa le O ue st , Ma go g ca rre fo ursa nt e glo ba le .co m 819 843-7418 L a d es t i n a t i on p ou r fa i re l l p l ei i dd v i i FAI T ES LE PLEI N D ’ÉNERGI E E n t re p rise 100% q u é b é c o ise e t in d é p e n d an t e , A vril e st u n c o n c e p t u n iq u e e t u n e so lu t io n san t é n at u re lle . On y e n t re p o u r se ravit aille r, o n e n re sso rt in sp iré , vivii é , re sso u rc é . A vril, le su p e rmarc h é san t é o ù il e st p o ssib le d e p re n d re le t e mp s e t d ’ avo ir d u p laisir à s’ alime n t e r sain e me n t . avril. c a L e c o mp t o ir d e b o u lan g e rie art isan ale , p ât isse rie e t é p ic e rie n e Owl’ s B re ad e st u n e h alt e d e p u r p laisir g o u rman d . L e s c ro issan t s q u i so n t p ré p aré s p ar la B o u lan g e rie Owl’ sB re ad o n t la ré p u t at io n d ’ ê t re p armi le s me ille u rs au mo n d e , rie n d e mo in s ! ow lsb re ad . c om FAI T ES LE PLEI N D E VI TALI T É L’ é q u ip e d e k in é sio lo g u e s e n t rain e u rs d u g ym Kin I mp ac t , le s me ille u rs d an s le d o main e d e la mise e n f o rme , ac c o mp ag n e n t le u rs c lie n t s ve rs le u r o b je c t if d e p e rt e d e p o id s o u d e p e rf o rman c e sp o rt ive . L e u r t ravail e st d e vo u s t ran sf o rme r. kinimp ac t . c om Vivre à f o n d , la b o u t iq u e , vo u s o o re d e laisse r lib re c o u rs à vo s p assio n s le s p lu s f o lle s e n n at u re . Qu e c e so it p o u r la c o u rse à p ie d , le t riat h lo n , le c ro sss t , le yo g a, o u e n c o re le sk i, Vivre à Fo n d L a B o u t iq u e , e st L A p lac e d e s sp o rt if s q u i aime n t la vie ... à f o n d . afond . c a FAI T ES LE PLEI N D E S ÉRÉNI T É So rt ez d e l’ o rd in aire e t p lo n g ez d an s l’ ext rao rd in aire . Yo g a, e n t rain e me n t e t t e c h n iq u e s d ’ au t o - d é f e n se . OO rez- vo u s u n e exp é rie n c e e n c o mmu n au t é h o rs d u c o mmu n . No u s avo n s h ât e d e p re n d re so in d e vo u s ! st ud iob re at he . c om FAI T ES LE PLEI N D E S ANT É C l i ni que mé di cal e mul t i di s ci pl i nai re , l a C l i ni que C ho i x S ant é pro po s e une mé de ci ne f ami l i al e av e c e t s ans pr i s e e n char ge , de s chi r ur gi e s mi ne ure s , de l a po di at r i e , ne uro ps y cho l o gi e , ai ns i que de l a mé de ci ne e s t hé t i que ( i nj e ct i o ns de B o t ox e t Juv e de r m) e n pl us de s s e r v i ce s de v acci nat i o n v oy age e t prév e nt i v e . cl i n i qu ech o i x s an te.co m La C l i ni que e s t hé t i que M Ü pro po s e une ex pé r i e nce be aut é uni que dans un e nv i ro nne me nt s ant é o ù l a r i gue ur e t l ’ exce l l e nce de s s o i ns s o nt l a pr i o r i t é . À l a C l i ni que M Ü o n i nnov e co ns t amme nt e n ut i l i s ant l e s de r ni è re s av ancé e s mé di co -e s t hé t i que s po ur at t e i ndre l e s o bj e ct i f s e t ai de r l e s cl i e nt e s à s e ré co nci l i e r av e c l e ur co r ps , t o ut e n do uce ur … cl i n i qu em u .ca C o mpo s é e de hui t chi ro prat i ci e ns , d’ une ps y cho l o gue , d’ une o r t ho pho ni s t e , d’ un co ach d’ év o l ut i o n e t de t ro i s as s i s t ant e s , La Tr i ade s ant é e s t une cl i ni que qui t rai t e de l a s ant é dans s a gl o bal i t é . tr i ades an te.co m 10 11 Winter Wonders The snowy season has so much to offer. Make your way up your favourite slopes, only to cruise back down, embraced by the crisp winter air. EXPERIENCE WINTER activities 12 Downhill Skiing & Snowboarding Cross-Country Skiing & Snowshoeing THOUGH WE’RE ALWAYS RELUCTANT TO SAY GOODBYE TO THE SPECTACULAR FALL FOLIAGE THAT CAPTIVATES OUR HEARTS, THE SILVER MANTLE OF WINTER IS TRULY BREATHTAKING. NOT TO MENTION THE MANY OUTINGS TO ENJOY IN THE COLD SEASON. v slalom Season Photo credit: Stéphane Lemire Photo credit: Owl’s Head Whatever your favourite winter sport, the perfect peak is just around the corner—Mount Orford and Owl’s Head cater to all tastes and abilities. Gear up and get ready for a blast! Joy The 13 of Winter, One Step at a Time Winter sports don’t have to be a dizzying ordeal! Find that blissful sweet spot between effort and tranquility as you trek along in snowshoes or cross-country skis. Who knew you could get such a great workout while taking in the scenery? Nordic Spas 14 When It’s Time to Unwind A great vacation always includes a little rest and relaxation. And if you’ve ever been to a reputable spa, you know there’s no better way to disconnect and unwind. Just sit back, relax and let yourself be pampered! Photo credit: Spa des Chutes de Bolton 16 17 Gourmet Grandmasters Experience Local Flavours The Memphremagog region is home to a wide variety of talented gourmet artisans. Although it can be hard to choose where you’ll stop to eat next, rest assured that you’ll always be in for a pleasant surprise. Bon appétit! La Route des Vins de l’Estrie Local Products 19 (Wine Route) Photo credits : Québec Stock images/Antoine Petrecca 18 Wines to Dazzle Your Palate MEMPHREMAGOG IS WITHOUT QUESTION A RENOWNED GOURMET DESTINATION BOASTING A DIVERSITY OF MOUTH-WATERING MENUS AND REGIONAL DELICACIES. Photo credit : Chocolats Vanden Eynden Fresh from Our Artisans Food lovers are always thrilled to discover the area’s quality bistros, restaurants and other gourmet venues. You’ll find that some merchants and artisans carry products labelled “Créateurs de saveurs,” “Cafés de village” or “Chefs créateurs,” which roughly translate as “Creators of Flavours,” “Village Cafés” and “Creative Chefs.” These brand names, specific to our lovely region, certify the authenticity and originality of local agri-food products. The region’s offerings also include first-rate vineyards, whose red, white, rosé and sparkling wine or cider are not to be passed up! Enjoy a refreshing drink between outings, or embark on the complete Route des Vins de l’Estrie and raise your glass in celebration of your superb holiday. Cheers! PASSPORT 24 25 A Refreshing Experience A day or weekend trip to Memphremagog represents much more than a brief change of scenery. The lush landscapes, exceptional experiences and heart-warming meals that you’ll enjoy here will make for fond memories to last all year. EXPERIENCE UNIQUE Discoveries Family Activities 26 Cultural Activities WITH ITS COUNTLESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR FAMILY OUTINGS, MEMPHREMAGOG IS A WONDERFUL PLACE TO SPEND TIME WITH THOSE YOU CHERISH THE MOST. YOU’LL QUICKLY FIND THAT THERE ARE ACTIVITIES FOR ALL AGES AND INTERESTS HERE. YOU CAN BE SURE EVERYONE WILL LEAVE WITH A SMILE, AND YOU’LL BE TALKING ABOUT THE TRIP FOR A LONG TIME TO COME! Smiles and Laughter to Remember Photo credit: Savons des Cantons Looking to spend some quiet time in nature or try something new and exciting? Whether you need a lazy day or crave adventure, you’ll find plenty of great opportunities here— from sightseeing to boat cruises to sun tanning on the beach. The choices are endless! A Rich Cultural Experience While you’re on vacation, make sure to take advantage of the region’s outstanding cultural attractions. How about a play, vernissage or exhibit? There are plenty of attractions to choose from, and you won’t be disappointed. 27 Discovery Circuits 28 29 Austin Ayer’s Cliff www.municipalite.austin.qc.ca Bolton-Est www.boltonest.ca Hatley Township www.ayerscliff.ca Orford Township www.canton.orford.qc.ca/fr Potton Township www.cantondehatley.ca Stanstead Township www.potton.ca Eastman www.cantonstanstead.ca www.eastman.quebec Crédit photo : ACRNH Hatley “Turnkey” Outings Interested in exploring the area but don’t know where to start? Pick one of our four discovery circuits, and you’re ready to go! Enjoy a leisurely itinerary as you discover Chemin des Cantons, Chemin des Pères, Découvertes sans frontières and Incomparable Potton. Breathtaking views guaranteed! North Hatley www.municipalitehatley.com Magog www.northhatley.org Ogden www.ville.magog.qc.ca Saint-Benoît-du-Lac www.st-benoit-du-lac.com Saint-Étienne-de-Bolton www.sedb.qc.ca Stukely-Sud www.stukely-sud.com www.munogden.ca Sainte-Catherine-de-Hatley www.sainte-catherine-de-hatley.ca Stanstead www.stanstead.ca THAT IS 17 LOCALITIES! Memphremagog region MAGOG – ORFORD Magog and Orford Township BORDER REGION Stanstead Township (Georgeville and Fitch Bay), Ogden (Graniteville and Tomifobia) and Stanstead (Beebe and Rock Island) MASSAWIPPI VALLEY Ayer’s Cliff, Hatley Township, Hatley, North Hatley and Sainte-Catherine-de-Hatley MISSISQUOI VALLEY Austin, Bolton-Est, Potton Township (Mansonville, Vale Perkins, Highwater, Knowlton Landing and Dunkin), Eastman, Saint-Benoît-du-Lac, Stukely-Sud (Village) and Saint-Étienne-de-Bolton LEGEND BIKE PATHS: (Memphremagog) La Montagnarde Les Grandes Fourches Le Sentier Nature Tomifobia HIKING: (Memphremagog) Les Sentiers de l’Estrie Missisquoi Nord Marais de la Rivière aux Cerises Parc national du Mont-Orford Réserve naturelle des Montagnes-Vertes CIRCUIT: (Memphremagog) Le Chemin des Cantons La Route des Vins de l’Estrie TOURIST INFORMATION: Year-round Seasonal and stations 819 843-2744/1 800 267-2744 info@tourisme-memphremagog.com www.tourisme-memphremagog.com 32 33 The More the Merrier Big events are one of the best ways to enjoy your vacation and make lasting memories. You’ll be pleased to know that Memphremagog is steeped in a tradition of year-round festive events that bring people together—there’s something fun for everyone! EXPERIENCE Events Contest WIN A DINNER WITH SONIA BENEZRA! PARTICIPATING IS EASY: send us a photo of you with Sonia Benezra’s star, located in front of the Vieux Clocher de Magog. The person providing the most original photo will be the winner. TO WIN: • 1 dinner for 2 at La Table Alain Roger restaurant, accompanied by Sonia Benezra • 1 night accommodation for two people at the Auberge du Mont Orford, including the breakfast The contest is open from May 1st to September 10th, 2016. Photos should be emailed in jpeg format, at the following address: info@aubergedumontorford.com. Please also provide your contact information. The winning photo will be determined by a jury. Sporting Events 34 Jump into the Action Photo credits: Marco Bergeron FOR MANY PEOPLE, SPORTS ARE AN IMPORTANT PART OF THE VACATION EQUATION. WHY RESIST? A HOST OF EVENTS AND COMPETITIONS AWAIT. GO GET ‘EM, SPORT! Themed Events 35 Nothing captures the imagination quite like the warm smell of a bonfire or the scintillating explosion of fireworks. Getaways are simply a reason to celebrate! Fairs, Festivals and More Ready, set, go! Sporting events and celebrations are a great way to leave everything behind and enjoy your day. Get into the action and create wonderful memories! Photo credit: Robin Pineda Gould, YOA Orchestre des Amériques 36 37 At the Heart of the Community Whether you’re looking for a bite to eat, an inspiring workshop or that perfect gift, our friendly villages and city centres are a prime destination. Who’s ready for an outing on the town? CHARMING VILLAGES & LIVELY City Centres Photo credit: ACRNH 38 Restaurants Shopping Memphremagog’s boutiques offer a plethora of original and authentic items for all budgets. Our welcoming artisans and merchants are always happy to help you find that unique object that will get people talking! Let Yourself Be Enticed Photo credit: Florian Gavinaitis THE CITY CENTRES IN THE MEMPHREMAGOG AREA HAVE A WELL-ESTABLISHED EPICUREAN FLAIR, AS EVIDENCED BY THEIR BON VIVANT CULINARY CULTURE. 39 Joy The of Shopping Top off your outing with a tasty treat! The people of Memphremagog have an irrepressible passion for gourmet wining and dining. Don’t be shy about asking questions—it’s the best way to strike up a conversation and get great tips to recreate a delectable dining experience. Photo credit: ACRNH Photo credit: Marco Bergeron 42 Lodging 43 Lodging INNS/HOTELS INNS/HOTELS (CONTINUED) p. 48 Auberge Aux 4 Saisons d’Orford Auberge Restaurant McGowan Estrimont Suites & Spa p. 50 Le Château du Lac – Hôtel & Spa p. 49 p. 48 Hôtel Chéribourg p. 49 p. 49 Auberge du Mont Orford Hôtel et Spa Étoile-sur-le-Lac p. 52 Au Saut du Lit p. 53 Auberge Les Pignons Verts p. 53 p. 51 Camping du Lac Massawippi p. 53 Auberge Aux Deux Pères À l’Ancestrale Camping Domaine Parc-Estrie p. 50 Manoir Hovey – Relais & Châteaux Au Virage B&B BED & BREAKFASTS p. 51 p. 50 p. 53 p. 51 Parc national du Mont-Orford Spa Eastman Manoir des Sables – Hôtel, golf et spa Camping Magog-Orford p. 50 CAMPGOUNDS Auberge du Grand Lac p. 51 p. 50 Ripplecove – Hôtel sur le lac La Petite Auberge de Jouvence p. 49 p. 48 Auberge du Centre d’arts Orford p. 50 p. 49 p. 53 Gîte Ici et Maintenant 46 Lodging BED & BREAKFASTS TOURIST HOMES (CONTINUED) (CONDOS, COTTAGES, HOUSES) p. 53 L’oréade 47 Lodging p. 54 Le Vertendre (Zoobox) TOURIST HOMES p. 56 p. 56 p. 55 Parc national du Mont-Orford – Chalets Nature Aux Cottages du Lac Orford inc. REAL ESTATE SERVICE (CONDOS, COTTAGES, HOUSES) (CONTINUED) Spa des Chutes de Bolton p. 56 RE/MAX d’Abord MOTELS p. 54 p. 54 La Maison Verte Motel Le Fleur de Lys Club Azur p. 55 p. 54 Les Côteaux Missisquoi p. 55 Motel de l’Outlet p. 55 L’Auberge du Savoir = Accessible to people with reduced mobility 0 [ Accessible to people with reduced mobility with assistance AC Air conditioning A Beach F Bicycle (bike path) F Body of water p Camping with RV dump station <\ Camping with showers and toilets FOREST RESIDENCES p. 54 Entre Cîmes et Racines p. 55 Motel de la Pente Douce p. 56 Le Vertendre LEGEND - Camping with electric hookup N Canoe/kayak Y Cross-country skiing ~ Dining room R Downhill skiing x Farmstead f Fireplace g Golf h Gym S Hiking Horsemanship i Indoor swimming pool k Kitchenette A Licensed dining room p Non-smoking I Outdoor swimming pool z Pets allowed 1 Phone s Sauna l Shows P Skating Snowmobile paths O Snowshoeing w Spa/massotherapy y Tennis Theatre v TV e Washer/dryer < Whirlpool bath l Wireless Internet - Wi-Fi The information under the “Lodging” category is subject to change without notice. You should therefore contact the establishment where you wish to stay for confirmation. Prices are for double occupancy and generally do not include taxes. 48 Hébergement Lodging Hébergement Lodging INNS/HOTELS (CONTINUED) qqq AUBERGE DU MONT ORFORD 3159, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 0J6 819 868-0669 • 1 866 828-0669 info@aubergedumontorford.com www.aubergedumontorford.com A few minutes from Mount Orford and Magog. 22 condo suites with separate bedroom, kitchen, living room, fireplace and private balcony. Massage therapy, outdoor spa and fine dining. Groups are always welcome. Number of units: 22 • Rates: from $109 to 149 Starting at $ 99 $ / night (double occupancy) A lot of packages available AC hkfl pP A F SO~l THE CHARM OF A SMALL IN w1 vg F AUBERGE ORFORD 20, rue Merry Sud, Magog J1X 3K9 819 843-9361 • 1 877 843-9361 info@aubergeorford.com Located by the water in the heart of Magog. Possibility of renting a dock. With 2 restaurants, an outdoor terrace and shows. Comfortable rooms. Number of units: 7 • Rates: from $60 to 90 THE COMFORT OF A GRAND HOTEL Located next to the Mont Orford and only a few minutes away from downtown Magog [AC Nl pP A F SOA ~RY vg F qq AUBERGE RESTAURANT MCGOWAN 51, carré Copp, Georgeville J0B 1T0 819 843-2126 • 1 844 843-2126 ygaudreau@hotmail.com • www.aubergemcgowan.com Magnificent views. The only terrace directly on Lake Memphremagog. Accessible by boat. Only 12 minutes from Magog. 9 rooms available, some with lake views. Number of units: 9 • Rates: from $70 to 155 3159, Principal West St, Magog | 1 866 828-0669 qqqq AUBERGE AUX 4 SAISONS D’ORFORD 4940, chemin du Parc, Orford J1X 7N9 819 868-1110 • 1 877 768-1110 reservation@4saisonsorford.com • www.4saisonsorford.com Located at the base of Mount Orford. 5 minutes from Magog, the inn is an easy gateway to host sports, cultural activities and relaxation pursuits. Number of units: 28 • Rates: from $130 to 195 [= hk f l e pSO~ A R Y 1v g AC Fw 0 qq AUBERGE AYER’S CLIFF 1087, rue Main, Ayer’s Cliff J0B 1C0 819 838-4277 info@aubergeayerscliff.ca • www.aubergeayerscliff.ca Small ancestral inn located in the heart of 1 of Quebec’s most beautiful villages. 20 minutes from Magog. An invitation for relaxation in a romantic and cozy atmosphere. Number of units: 10 • Rates: from $75 to 110 = AC N l pP F SOA YF qqqq AUBERGE DU CENTRE D’ARTS ORFORD 3165, chemin du Parc, Orford J1X 7A2 819 843-3981 (poste 243) • 1 800 567-6155 auberge@arts-orford.org • www.arts-orford.org/auberge 89 guest rooms, 17 rustic cabins. A French bistro and bar. A restaurant that can serve up to 300 people. 35 rehearsal studios and rooms concert hall, which seats 550. Number of units: 89 • Rates: from $68 to 78 = AC l p A F SOA~lRYgF qqq AUBERGE DU GRAND LAC 40, rue Merry Sud, Magog J1X 3L1 819 847-4039 • 1 800 267-4039 info@grandlac.com • www.grandlac.com Located in downtown Magog, the hotel is very close to Lake Memphremagog and a few steps from Main Street where boutiques and restaurants abound. Number of units: 24 • Rates: from $99 to 199 = AC l pP A F A~ RY1v g qq 0 aubergedumontorford.com | info@aubergedumontorford.com INNS/HOTELS sRY F [= zNl p A Ay g 0 qqq AUBERGE STE-CATHERINE-DE-HATLEY 2, de la Grand-Rue, Ste-Catherine-de-Hatley J0B 1W0 819 868-1212 • 1 877 868-1515 info@restaurantgagnon.ca • www.restaurantgagnon.ca Enjoy a delicious meal in a cozy atmosphere offering a spectacular panoramic view. An ideal setting for gathering with colleagues, friends and family. We have 6 bedrooms. Number of units: 6 • Rates: from $95 to 128 0 [ AC lp A ~ Yv g qqqq ESTRIMONT SUITES & SPA 44, avenue de l’Auberge, Orford J1X 6J3 819 843-1616 • 1 800 567-7320 info@estrimont.ca • www.estrimont.ca Only 5 minutes from Mount Orford. Come discover our new suites with fireplace and kitchenette, as well as our new hot stone cooking restaurant. Terrace, Scandinavian baths, Amerispa and more. Number of units: 95 • Rates: starting at $149 AC < hkfl pIiSO~s RY w1 vy F 49 qqqq HÔTEL CHÉRIBOURG 2603, chemin du Parc, Orford J1X 8C8 819 843-3308 • 1 877 845-5344 info@cheribourg.com • www.hotelsvillegia.com Resort hotel near Mount Orford. Renowned dining room. Swimming pools, tennis court, gym and spa. New indoor playground, indoor waterslide, cinema, frog pond and farmhouse (summer only). Number of units: 118 • Rates: from $126 to 225 = z AC < hkfl pIi ~s RYw 1vy gF qq HÔTEL DU PARC ORFORD 1259, chemin de la Montagne, Orford J1X 6X9 819 843-8887 • 1 800 567-3475 info@hotelorford.com • www.hotelorford.com Next to the entrance to the Parc national du Mont-Orford. Packages available for golfing and hiking. Group packages available for 35 persons +. Shows and dinner-shows available. Number of units: 53 • Rates: from $89 to 129 AC z lpISOl RY1vgF qqqq HÔTEL ET SPA ÉTOILE-SUR-LE-LAC 1200, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2B8 819 843-6521 • 1 800 567-2727 info@etoile-sur-le-lac.com • www.etoilesurlelac.ca Enjoy your stay on the shores of Lake Memphremagog. Fine French and regional cuisine. 51 renovated rooms. Internet. Health centre: massage, therapy, esthetics and body treatments. Number of units: 51 • Rates: starting at $135 [AC < flpPI ASA~sw1v F 0 q HÔTEL UNION 259, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2A8 819 843-3363 Centennial hotel built circa 1888. Discover this Magog heritage hotel. Play pool, try your luck at video lottery or relax at the bar or on the terrace. Number of units: 32 • Rates: from $42 to 60 l qqq LA DESTINÉE 1495, chemin de la Rivière, Magog J1X 3W5 819 612-5510 auberge@ladestinee.ca • www.ladestinee.ca Private and cozy atmosphere. Overlooking Lake Magog, proximity to golf courses and vineyard. Ideal for meetings, training, business, celebrations and wellness. Indoor skating rink. Number of units: 12 • Rates: from $100 to 115 = AC l e pP F O1vg 50 Lodging Lodging 51 qqqq CAMPING DU LAC MASSAWIPPI 435, rue Main, Ayer’s Cliff J0B 1C0 819 838-4988 Number of sites: 315 • Shaded sites: 186 • Rates: from $28 to 54 AC-z <\ p N eA F l~1 qq CAMPING LEROUX 1050, chemin des Diligences, Eastman J0E 1P0 450 297-3219 camping_leroux@hotmail.com • www.campingleroux.ca Number of sites: 38 • Shaded sites: 38 • Rates: from $32 to 43,50 z-<\ Nfl A F F INNS/HOTELS (CONTINUED) qqq LA PETITE AUBERGE DE JOUVENCE 131, chemin de Jouvence, Orford J1X 6R2 450 532-3134 • 1 800 567-3134 jouvence@jouvence.com • www.jouvence.com In the Parc national du Mont-Orford, near Lake Stukely. Located in a relaxing setting by a creek, our gourmet meals and outdoor recreational activities make this a unique inn. Meals included. Number of units: 24 • Rates: from $108 to 149 [N fl e pP A SOAsYw1F 0 qqq LE CHÂTEAU DU LAC – HÔTEL & SPA 85, rue Merry Sud, Magog J1X 3L2 819 868-1666 • 1 888 948-1666 reception@lechateaudulac.com • www.lechateaudulac.com Located just steps away from downtown Magog, the marinas and Lake Memphremagog. 1850s construction. Beautiful rooms, Internet, terrace, breakfast available and a unique spa on the terrace. Number of units: 8 • Rates: from $129 to 250 AC < Nf lpP A FSOs Rvg F MANOIR DES SABLES – HÔTEL, GOLF ET SPA qqqq 90, avenue des Jardins, Orford J1X 6M6 819 847-4747 • 1 877 845-5344 info@manoirdessables.com • www.hotelsvillegia.com Resort hotel facing Mount Orford. Private lake, 18-hole golf course, regional fine cuisine, spa and many onsite activities. Outdoor Finnish sauna and Nordic baths. Number of units: 140 • Rates: from $155 to 314 = AC < Nh k f lpPI i F SOA s R Y w v y gF qqqqq MANOIR HOVEY - RELAIS & CHÂTEAUX 575, rue Hovey, North Hatley J0B 2C0 819 842-2421 • 1 800 661-2421 info@manoirhovey.com • www.manoirhovey.com A secluded summer estate since 1900, Manoir Hovey is nestled on the shores of Lake Massawippi and creatively combines tradition and modern luxury, along with many onsite activities and renowned world-class gastronomy. Number of units: 37 • Rates: from $190 to 1020 AC z < Nh f lpP I A F OA w vyF qqqq CAMPING MAGOG-ORFORD 611, chemin Alfred-Desrochers, Orford J1X 6J4 819 843-2500 info@campingmagogorford.com www.campingmagogorford.com Number of sites: 371 • Shaded sites: 200 • Rates: from $25,21 to 36,53 =z- <\ p xfl e I F l1 qq OWL’S HEAD AUBERGE 40, chemin du Mont-Owl’s Head, Mansonville J0E 1X0 450 292-3342 • 1 800 363-3342 info@owlshead.com • www.owlshead.com 20 rooms, 6 mini lofts in the main ski chalet with access to the cafeteria, dining room, bar and lockers. Ski in/ski out, direct access to main lift, snowshoeing and hiking trails. Number of units: 20 • Rates: from $80 to 120 qqq CAMPING NATURE PLEIN AIR 2733, chemin de la Vallée-Missisquoi, Mansonville J0E 1X0 450 292-3737 • 1 888 746-4140 info@naturepleinair.com • www.naturepleinair.com Number of sites: 142 • Shaded sites: 60 • Rates: from $31 to 39 z- <\ p Nfl eAF 1Sg l SO~ A R Y wg qqqqq RIPPLECOVE – HÔTEL SUR LE LAC 700, rue Ripplecove, Ayer’s Cliff J0B 1C0 819 838-4296 • 1 800 668-4296 info@ripplecove.com • www.ripplecove.com Weaving tradition and modernity, the Ripplecove lakefront hotel offers 31 luxurious rooms and suites, 2 cottages, 3 private halls, numerous on-site activities, a spa and a 4-diamond restaurant. Number of units: 33 • Rates: from $181 to 555 [ AC < N f lpI FS~RY w1v y gF 0 qq RUSTICK – BRASSERIE ET AUBERGE 3219, rue Principale Ouest (route 112), Magog J1X 0J6 819 843-5308 • 1 800 401-2444 info@rustick.co • www.rustick.co Cozy and comfortable inn at the foot of Mount Orford. Bar and restaurant. Outdoor swimming pool. Open 7 days. Number of units: 12 • Rates: from $75 to 130 =0[AC z l p IAv qqqq SPA EASTMAN 895, chemin des Diligences, Eastman J0E 1P0 450 297-3009 • 1 800 665-5272 courrier@spa-eastman.com • www.spa-eastman.com The greatest spa experience. Fitness, healthy cuisine, exceptional spa treatments, life-enhancing programs and relaxation. Packages from 1 to 14 nights. Number of units: 45 • Rates: from $175 to 318 [AC z < hf l pIi A FSO~sY wF 0 qqq CAMPING NORMAND 14, chemin du Cèdre, Eastman J0E 1P0 450 297-2014 campingnormand@hotmail.com • www.campingnormand.ca Number of sites: 172 • Shaded sites: 155 • Rates: from $40 to 45 0 [=z-<\ p N e l F S1F OTHER ACCOMMODATION À LA MAISON HATLEY 48, rue de Hatley, Magog J1X 3G4 1 888 995-6606 info@lamaisonhatley.com • www.lamaisonhatley.com Short-term lodging in a cozy ancestral home with air conditioning and access to our whirlpool bath in the summer! Open year-round. Number of units: 4 • Rates: from $79 to 130 • Private bathrooms: 4 AC fl p Fw CAMPGOUNDS qqqqq CAMPING DOMAINE PARC-ESTRIE 19, rue du Domaine, Magog J1X 5Z3 819 868-6944 • 1 888 968-6944 parcestrie@parkbridge.com www.domaineparc-estrie.qc.ca Number of sites: 445 • Shaded sites: 30 • Rates: from $34 to 46 0 [z-<\ p hfl e pIA~1yF qqqqq LE DOMAINE DES CANTONS 315, route 112, St-Étienne-de-Bolton J0E 2E0 450 297-2444 • 1 866 770-2444 info@domainedescantons.com • www.domainedescantons.com Number of sites: 145 • Shaded sites: 120 • Rates: from $46 to 48 0 [=z-<\ p xfl e IS1vyF qqqq PARC NATIONAL DU MONT-ORFORD 200, chemin du Camping, Orford J1X 7A2 819 843-9855 • 1 800 665-6527 parc.mont-orford@sepaq.com www.parcsquebec.com/montorford Number of sites: 450 • Shaded sites: 477 • Rates: from $29,75 to 43 =-<\ p Nl e A F SO R YgF HOSPITALITY VILLAGE qqqqq CENTRE DE VILLÉGIATURE JOUVENCE 131, chemin de Jouvence, Orford J1X 6R2 450 532-3134 • 1 800 567-3134 jouvence@jouvence.com • www.jouvence.com Jouvence is renowned for its great food, friendly staff, fun group activity programs and recreational equipment. Nestled on the shores of Lake Stukely, in the Parc national du Mont-Orford. Meals included. Number of units: 81 • Rates: from $99 to 157 [Nfl e pP A SOAs YwF 0 52 Lodging BED & BREAKFASTS ssss À L’ANCESTRALE B&B 200, rue Abbott, Magog J1X 2H5 819 847-5555 info@ancestrale.com • www.ancestrale.com Magnificent ancestral house in the heart of Magog. Award-winning bed and breakfast or complete rental house. Excellent massotherapy services, spa, fireplace, healthy breakfast. Elysa welcomes you. Number of units: 5 • Private bathrooms: 5 • Rates: from $95 to 155 = AC fl p~w1v ssss À L’AUBERGE DE LA TOUR ET SPA 1837, chemin Alfred-Desrochers, Orford J1X 6J4 819 868-2881 • 1 877 668-0763 info@auberge-de-la-tour.com • www.auberge-de-la-tour.com This magnificent, all-wood ancestral B&B built in 1887 located between Parc national du Mont-Orford and Magog (near Route verte) welcomes you. Swimming pool, outdoor spa and sauna. Number of units: 5 • Private bathrooms: 5 • Rates: from $105 to 140 AC flpI OsR Y w g F ssss À LA MAISON CAMPBELL 68, rue Bellevue, Magog J1X 3H2 819 843-9000 • 1 888 843-7707 maisoncampbell@qc.aira.com • www.maisoncampbell.com Beautiful, sunny, century-old home with large garden and veranda on quiet street. Walking distance to services and beach. Fabulous breakfast served until 11 am. Number of units: 5 • Private bathrooms: 5 • Rates: from $110 to 160 AC z f l pP I A F R Y y F ssss À TOUT VENANT B&B ET MASSOTHÉRAPIE 20, rue Bellevue, Magog J1X 3H2 819 868-0419 • 1 888 611-5577 info@atoutvenant.com • www.atoutvenant.com Located on a quiet street in downtown Magog. Century-old home with a youthful spirit and welcoming atmosphere. Massage therapy, spa, hearty breakfast, kitchen, pool table, swimming pool, quiet garden. Packages available. Number of units: 5 • Private bathrooms: 5 • Rates: from $90 to 120 klp PI 1R Y w l v y F ssss AU CAFÉ CRÈME & SPA 235, rue des Pins, Magog J1X 2H8 819 868-7222 • 1 877 631-7222 info@bbcafecreme.com • www.bbcafecreme.com Lodging and breakfast near entertainment and cultural sites. Golf, bicycle path, pedestrian trail, water sports, beaches, Lake Memphremagog, Parc national du Mont-Orford, alpine and cross-country skiing. Number of units: 4 • Private bathrooms: 4 • Rates: starting at $130 AC flp F w ssss AU CHANT DU COQ 2387, chemin du Parc, Orford J1X 7A2 819 843-2247 infochantducoq@gmail.com • www.chantducoq.com Come and stay in a beautiful ancestral house located 5 minutes from Magog and 2 minutes from Parc national du Mont-Orford. Hearty and healthy breakfasts. Number of units: 4 • Private bathrooms: 4 • Rates: from $99 to 115 l p SOR Y w g F ssss AU COEUR DE MAGOG 120, rue Merry Nord, Magog J1X 2E8 819 868-2511 • 1 877 668-2511 info@aucoeurdemagog.com • www.aucoeurdemagog.com Centennial home, 2 minutes from Vieux Clocher, beach and downtown. Each room includes a refrigerator, television, balcony and private entrance from outside. Parking, garage. Private unit (2 bedrooms): up to 5 persons, $170. Number of units: 5 • Private bathrooms: 4 • Rates: from $85 to 105 AC l p v ssss AU COQ DU BONHEUR 79, rue Bellevue, Magog J1X 3H3 819 843-7203 • 1 866 643-6745 aucoqdubonheur@cgocable.ca • www.aucoqdubonheur.com «At our place, we take care of everything but, most importantly, you!» Unique-style house, close to everything. Incomparable welcome, 6-course breakfast served with humour. See you soon! Number of units: 4 • Private bathrooms: 4 • Rates: from $115 to 140 AC f l pP I A SO~l RY w y Lodging BED & BREAKFASTS (CONTINUED) AU REFRAIN DES TEMPS 365, chemin des Pères, Magog J1X 5R9 819 847-1116 yannick.beyssac@hotmail.com www.gitescanada.com/aurefraindestemps Hundred-year-old home, simple, convivial and cozy. A true pleasure! sss Number of units: 3 • Private bathrooms: 2 • Rates: from $70 to 90 AC z N hk fl e pP A FSO~l s RY w1yg F ssss AU SAUT DU LIT 224, rue Merry Nord, Magog J1X 2E8 819 847-3074 • 1 888 833-3074 info@bbausautdulit.com • www.ausautdulit.ca Ancestral home in Provence-style colours. Healthy breakfast. Storage for bikes. Packages: spa, massage, restaurant, Vieux Clocher. Discover without moderation. Number of units: 5 • Private bathrooms: 5 • Rates: from $87 to 135 AC N fl pP A SOl R vgF ssss AU VIRAGE B&B 172, rue Merry Nord, Magog J1X 2E8 819 868-5828 • 1 866 868-5828 info@auvirage.com • www.auvirage.ca Welcome to Au Virage! A warm welcome in a comfortable house built in the 1930s. Located in the heart of Magog. g F Number of units: 5 • Private bathrooms: 3 • Rates: from $79 to 135 AC l pI1 v F ssss AU GÎTE DU CERF ARGENTÉ 2984, chemin Georgeville, Magog J1X 0M8 819 847-4264 info@cerfargente.com • www.cerfargente.com 19th century farmhouse in an idyllic setting near Magog and Georgeville. 5 beautiful rooms with Queen-size beds, television, refrigerator, fireplace, Wi-Fi and private bathroom with whirlpool bath. ssss AUBERGE AUX DEUX PÈRES 680, chemin des Pères, Magog J1X 5R9 819 769-3115 • (514 616-3114) info@auxdeuxperes.com • www.auxdeuxperes.com Relax and enjoy a wonderful view of Lake Memphremagog from our 4 rooms. French patio doors and private bath. Savour our hearty homemade breakfasts. Heated saltwater swimming pool. Number of units: 5 • Private bathrooms: 5 • Rates: from $110 to 123 0 [AC < f l p wv fl e pI A F SO~sRY w1 vy g F sss AU GÎTE LAUZIER 3119, chemin Audet, Ayer’s Cliff (Kingscroft) J0B 1C0 819 838-4433 www.gitelauzier.com This hundred-year-old country home offers a panoramic view amid peaceful surroundings. Ideal for hiking, cycling and snowmobiling. Hearty homemade breakfast. Certified Gîte du passant. Welcome! Number of units: 5 • Rates: from $80 to 100 z N f p P ASO~vg F Number of units: 4 • Private bathrooms: 3 • Rates: from $90 to 135 ssss AUBERGE LES PIGNONS VERTS 2158, chemin Nicholas-Austin, Austin J0B 1B0 819 847-1272 info@aubergepignonsverts.com www.aubergepignonsverts.com Enjoy a relaxing getaway in a country-style area with an outstanding view of the Saint-Benoît-du-Lac Abbey. English-style inn with spacious rooms and refined decor. Local products at breakfast. Number of units: 5 • Private bathrooms: 5 • Rates: from $115 to 160 0 [AC flp A FSO~RY w1vg F 53 ssss AUX JARDINS CHAMPÊTRES 1575, chemin des Pères, Magog J1X 5R9 819 868-0665 • 1 877 868-0665 auxjardinschampetres@qc.aira.com www.auxjardinschampetres.com Charming country-style lodge located on the panoramic route of the Chemin des Pères. Air conditioned rooms. Spa. 5-course breakfast and 6-course dinner with local products. Bring your wine. Number of units: 5 • Private bathrooms: 5 • Rates: from $100 to 150 AC xlS~ ssss GÎTE AMOUR ET AMITIÉ B&B 30, rue de Hatley, Magog J1X 3G4 819 868-1945 • 1 888 244-1945 info@bbamouretamitie.com • www.bbamouretamitie.com Lovers and friends can take a step back in time... Cozy rooms and suites, whirlpool bath. Choice of tasty breakfasts. Nearby activities. Seasonal packages. Fun all year-round! Number of units: 5 • Private bathrooms: 5 • Rates: from $83 to 155 AC < fpl e ~1 A F vFRY ssss GÎTE ICI ET MAINTENANT 121, rue Abbott, Magog J1X 2H4 819 847-2744 info@ici-maintenant.net • www.ici-maintenant.net Close to downtown Magog, Lake Memphremagog, Mount Orford and bicycle paths, we welcome you into our warm century-old home in the heart of the Eastern Townships. Number of units: 3 • Private bathrooms: 3 • Rates: from $89 to 109 AC z fl v ssss L’ORÉADE 2125, chemin Nicholas-Austin, Austin J0B 1B0 819 843-4281 info@loreade.qc.ca • www.loreade.qc.ca Family B&B, warm and inviting. Century-old home with view of St-Benoît-du-Lac Abbey. Very calm location, great food and comfortable rooms with private bathroom. Number of units: 3 • Private bathrooms: 3 • Rates: $85 [l pORg 0 ssss LA MAISON DE VILLE 353, rue St-Patrice Ouest, Magog J1X 1W7 819 868-2417 info@lamaisondeville.ca • www.lamaisondeville.ca A Victorian house that distinguishes itself by its unique and updated setting. A bed and bistro where personalized service mix with comfort food to make your visit unforgettable. Number of units: 4 • Private bathrooms: 4 • Rates: from $128 to 137 AC lpPlg F 54 Lodging BED & BREAKFASTS (CONTINUED) ssss LA MAISON DREW B&B 206, rue des Pins, Magog J1X 2H9 819 843-8480 info@maisondrew.com • www.maisondrew.com Join us in our charming Queen Anne-style heritage home, nestled on a peaceful street in the heart of Magog. See our seasonal specials. Number of units: 4 • Private bathrooms: 4 • Rates: from $110 to 130 0 [AC zN k f l p ASO l R Y ssss Ô BOIS DORMANT 205, rue Abbott, Magog J1X 2H4 819 843-0450 dormant@oboisdormant.com • www.oboisdormant.com An island of tranquility. Century-old home, veranda, huge shaded yard, hearty breakfast, double therapeutic bath, air conditioning and electric fireplace in each room, swimming pool, sauna and seasonal spa. Number of units: 4 • Private bathrooms: 4 • Rates: from $90 to 145 AC < f l pI s wv vgF FOREST RESIDENCES sss LA MAISON VERTE 106, rue Merry Nord, Magog J1X 2E8 819 868-6868 lamaisonverte@sympatico.ca • www.bbcanada.com/1351.html Victorian home. Rooms with television, wireless Internet, refrigerator and sink. A selection of breakfasts. Living room with fireplace. A few steps from downtown and Lake Memphremagog. qq ENTRE CÎMES ET RACINES 80, chemin Simard, Bolton-Est J0E 1G0 450 297-0770 • 1 866 297-0770 info@entrecimesetracines.com • www.entrecimesetracines.com Ecoshelters in the forest offering relaxation and contact with nature. Outdoor activities in all seasons on a 175-acre property. Number of units: 12 • Rates: from $90 to 140 Number of units: 5 • Rates: from $67 to 82 AC flp ~1v ssss LE GÎTE DU BERGER 30, chemin des Pères, Magog J1X 5R9 819 843-8756 auberge@giteduberger.com • www.giteduberger.com Our home offers a warm welcome, cozy bedrooms, generous breakfasts and evening meals that will delight the most demanding gourmet. Number of units: 3 • Private bathrooms: 3 • Rates: from $85 to 105 AC flI 1vSOR Yg LE ZEN 975, rue Merry Nord, Magog J1X 2G9 819 452-2500 lezenmagog@hotmail.com • www.le-zen.ca Be Zen! Come relax in a serene setting, near many activites. Green space, swimming pool, rooms or suites. Mediterranean tasting menu on Saturday evenings upon request. Homemade breakfast. Number of units: 5 • Private bathrooms: 3 • Rates: from $90 to 150 AC flp IAS~RY wvg F LES CÔTEAUX MISSISQUOI 573, chemin Bolton Centre, St-Étienne-de-Bolton J0E 2E0 514 944-6139 info@coteauxmissisquoi.com • www.coteauxmissisquoi.com In the heart of Missisquoi valley, our outdoor recreation site offers eco-lodge accomodations in a preserved natural setting. It is distinguished by the diversity of its flora, fauna and landscapes. Number of units: 4 • Rates: from $110 to 125 kfpPFSOl s R Y w F l SO LE VERTENDRE (ZOOBOX) 7, chemin de la Chute, Eastman J0E 1P0 450 297-2007 • 1 855 383-2007 info@levertendre.com • www.levertendre.com Le Vertendre is an exclusive sustainable real estate development that features visionary thinking behind its accomodations. The result? Eco-chic chalets on a mountainside surrounded by spectacular nature: a new kind of ecotourism. Number of units: 3 • Rates: from $184 to 286 f l e p A F SOv F MOTELS q DOMAINE DES PINS 3005, chemin Milletta, Magog J1X 0R4 819 847-4091 • 1 888 447-4091 denisrenaud@live.ca • www.ranchspaghetti.com Facing Mount Orford, 5 minutes from Lake Memphremagog. Completely renovated rooms, all air conditioned. Television, refrigerator, telephone. Wooded property. Restaurant on-site. Number of units: 12 • Rates: from $59 to 89 AC p1v qq MOTEL CHAMPÊTRE LE FLEUR DE LYS 2074, chemin François-Hertel, Magog J1X 0M1 819 843-5508 • 1 800 635-5508 reservations@motellefleurdelys.net www.motellefleurdelys.net Country-style rooms. Bicycle path and cross-country ski trails. Private beach on Lake Memphremagog. Number of units: 20 • Rates: from $99 to 149 0 [AC z < k f l p A~F 55 Lodging MOTELS (CONTINUED) qq MOTEL DE L’OUTLET 82, rue de Hatley, Magog J1X 3G4 819 847-2609 • 1 877 847-2606 info@moteloutlet.ca • www.moteloutlet.ca Motel de l’Outlet is near the lake and downtown. We promise you a warm welcome, comfortable rooms and reasonable prices. Packages available. qqq CHALETS HAVRE SOUTHIÈRE 373, avenue de la Chapelle, Magog J1X 5V5 514 944-7799 micheline.cote@videotron.ca • www.chalets-magog.com Entirely furnished, equipped cottages located in the private domain of Southière-sur-le-Lac, on the shores of Lake Memphremagog. 3 minutes from downtown and 7 minutes from Mount Orford. Number of units: 4 • Fees upon request Number of units: 16 • Rates: from $60 to 120 0 [AC Fl RYgSpP v Nk f e pP ASOl F qq MOTEL DE LA PENTE DOUCE 1787, chemin de la Rivière-aux-Cerises, Magog J1X 3W3 819 843-1234 • 1 800 567-3530 info@motellpd.com • www.motellpd.com Spectacular view of Mount Orford. 5 kilometres from Lake Memphremagog. Comfortable rooms with complimentary breakfast. Wi-Fi, heated swimming pool, BBQ. Picnic area, close to bicycle path, pedestrian trails and ski resorts. qqqq CLUB AZUR 82, rue Desjardins, condo 128, Magog J1X 5X8 450 632-2876 information@clubazur.com • www.clubazur.com 40 magnificent condos fully equipped with fireplace, patio and BBQ; 300 metres from Lake Memphremagog and 2 kilometres from Mount Orford. Group packages available. Starting at $200 for 2 nights. Number of units: 28 • Rates: from $59 to 140 AC zk lp I~1v TOURIST HOMES (CONDOS, COTTAGES, HOUSES) qqq À L’AZUR CHALETS - CONDOS 74, rue Desjardins, Magog J1X 5X8 514 927-7640 annicktanguay@videotron.ca • www.magogcondo.ca Cottages, 2 or 3 bedrooms, up to 9 people, well-equipped, BBQ, fireplace, indoor/outdoor pool access ($). Close to Lake Memphremagog (300 metres), downtown Magog (1 kilometre) and Mount Orford (5 kilometres). Rates: from $75 to 235 [=Nh kfl e pP I i A FS O RY wvyg F 0 qqq ANCRE DORÉE 201-219, avenue des Scouts, Magog J1X 5W8 819 847-2241 • Cell. : 450 779-8017 info@ancredoree.ca • www.ancredoree.ca Fully-equipped. Boat dock with kayaks, pedal boats and canoes. Near the lake, Mount Orford and downtown. Number of units: 8 AC NkflpP A FSO RYvygF qqq AUX COTTAGES DU LAC ORFORD INC. 44, chemin d’Orford-sur-le-Lac, Eastman J0E 1P0 819 678-2688 info@cottagesdulacorford.com • www.cottagesdulacorford.com Cozy and comfortable cottages with a wonderful view of the mountain and Lake Orford. Incredible sunsets. Access to the lake, fireplace, spa. Open year-round. Welcome! Number of units: 4 • Rates: from $128 to 375 zNkf lP A FSO vyg F RY w RYvyg Number of units: 40 • Rates: from $75 to 225 AC Nhk fl e pI i A vy F qqq CONDOS MEMPHRÉMAGOG 261, rue Merry Sud, Magog J1X 3L2 450 513-3545 • 1 866 630-1234 info@magogcondo.com • www.magogcondo.com Rent a condo with private access to Lake Memphremagog and let yourself be charmed for a weekend, a week or more by the Magog-Orford region’s splendors. Number of units: 5 • Rates: from $95 to 250 0 [= AC < Nhk fl e pPI i A F SOl s RYwvgF qqq L’AUBERGE DU SAVOIR 96, chemin de Mont-Bon-Plaisir, Eastman J0E 1P0 514 953-3881 (for reservation) • 450 297-1271 pcervantes@aubergedusavoir.com • www.aubergedusavoir.com Offering unique views of Mount Orford, this 26-bedroom inn can welcome groups of up to 70 guests, who can enjoy it as their exclusive country house. Rates: from $525 to 2835 z < kfl e pPI FSO~RY1v yF LE VERTENDRE 7, chemin de la Chute, Eastman J0E 1P0 450 297-2007 • 1 855 383-2007 info@levertendre.com • www.levertendre.com Located on the southwest slope of Mount Orford, le Vertendre is a sustainable private area of modern cottages where contemporary design meets the simplicity of the forest. Number of units: 12 • Rates: $99 fl e p AFSOvF 56 Lodging TOURIST HOMES (CONDOS, COTTAGES, HOUSES) (CONTINUED) qqq LES COPAINS D’ABORD 650, chemin Robert, Compton J0B 1L0 819 849-4449 infos@dabordlescopains.com • www.dabordlescopains.com Charming country house located close to bicycle path, snowmobile trails and recreational activities. Large property where kids can play and have fun! Rates: from $25 to 70 zk x l e pSO1v qqq LOCATION TOURISME ESTRIE INC. 2283, chemin du Parc, Orford J1X 7A2 819 843-9404 • 1 888 843-9404 info@tourisme-estrie.com • www.tourisme-estrie.com Rent a fully-equipped condo or cottage in Magog-Orford (Jardin des Sables, O’Berge du Village or others). Close to all summer and winter activities. Number of units: 60 • Rates: from $130 to 250 AC hkf l e p I i AF SOs1 PARC NATIONAL DU MONT-ORFORD – NATURE CABINS qqq 3321, chemin du Parc, Orford J1X 7A2 819 843-9855 • 1 800 665-6527 parc.mont-orford@sepaq.com www.parcsquebec.com/montorford Nature cabins... comfort in the heart of the forest! They can easily accommodate your family of 4 while giving you access to many activities: hiking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, beaches and bicycle paths. Number of units: 5 • Rates: $155 N k fp A FSORYgF qq SPA DES CHUTES DE BOLTON 883, route 245 Sud, Bolton-Est J0E 1G0 450 292-4SPA (4772) • 1 888 944-4772 info@spabolton.com • www.spabolton.com Country house with 4 bedrooms sharing common areas. Affordable packages available. Access to the baths, massage therapy, aesthetics treatments. Number of units: 4 • Rates: from $75 to 180 AC < N k f lp A F ISOs~ w 1v gy F RY gvFRY REAL ESTATE SERVICES LODGE HORS PISTE - JOUVENCE 131, chemin de Jouvence, Orford J1X 6R2 450 532-3134 • 1 800 567-3134 jouvence@jouvence.com • www.jouvence.com Located in the Parc national du Mont-Orford, on the shores of Lake Stukely. For the pleasure of being together to live an authentic experience. 15 to 35 guests, optional meals included. LES BOISÉS STUKELY INC. Chemin Meunier, Eastman J0E 1P0 450 531-4302 • 450 531-4881 info@boisesstukely.ca • www.boisesstukely.ca Beautiful land for sale. 1.5-acre + mountainside property in Eastman. Near Lake Stukely, the Parc national du Mont-Orford and adjacent to the bicycle path. Number of units: 35 • Rates: from $65 to 179 RE/MAX D’ABORD 848, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2B6 819 868-6666 info@remaxdabord.qc.ca • www.remax-dabord.com Buying or selling property is one of the most important transactions in your life. For maximum benefit from your real estate operations, there is only one name to trust: RE/MAX. Nkf p FP SOY F ~s qqq OWL’S HEAD APARTMENT – HOTEL 323, chemin du Panorama, Mansonville J0E 1X0 450 292-3342 • 1 800 363-3342 info@owlshead.com • www.owlshead.com Condo-style with 1, 2 or 3 bedrooms, full kitchen, living room, dining room, fireplace and balcony. Direct access to hiking, showshoeing and skiing trails. Number of units: 38 • Rates: from $165 to 225 0 [AC Nk f l e p ASORY v yg ROYAL LEPAGE AU SOMMET 250, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2A5 819 868-5000 • 1 800 382-1802 christianlongpre@royallepage.ca • www.longprelamirande.com Interested in buying or selling? The Longpré Lamirande network is the address in real estate! La région la plus plein air au Québec Première place au palmarès des municipalités Radio-Canada/GeoPleinAir 2015. 58 ITALIAN CUISINE ASIAN CUISINE p. 60 Lan Cuisine Orientale STEAK HOUSE TEA ROOM p. 63 p. 61 L’Expresso 59 Restaurants Restaurants Le Côte – Cuisine et Bar COUNTRY STYLE CUISINE p. 64 T d’Asie CATERER p. 64 Au Gré du vent p. 64 Roland Michon, chef traiteur PIZZERIAS FRENCH CUISINE p. 60 p. 61 Pizzeria Johnny La Piazzetta Auberge Restaurant McGowan p. 63 REGIONAL CUISINE LEGEND RESTAURANTS/BARS Terrace ^ Bring your wine r Music The information under the “Restaurants” category is subject to change without notice. You should therefore contact the establishment where you wish to eat for confirmation. Prices do not include taxes generally. p. 61 Bistro 4 Saisons p. 62 p. 61 L’Ancrage (Hôtel et Spa Étoile-sur-le-Lac) p. 62 Spa Eastman p. 64 Café St-Michel Bar – Resto Restaurant Le Hatley p. 64 Pierre de feu (Estrimont Suites & Spa) 60 Restaurants Restaurants 61 CAFÉS/BISTROS/RESTAURANTS ASIAN CUISINE FRENCH CUISINE (CONTINUED) ITALIAN CUISINE BOUFFE ET GOLF CHEZ PAPIE 2223, chemin du Parc, Orford J1X 7A2 819 868-8866 grantlewis57@yahoo.com • www.chezpapie.com Number of seats: 40 • Table d’hôte price: From $10 to 30 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days LAN CUISINE ORIENTALE 40, rue Merry Sud, Magog J1X 3L1 819 847-4039 • 1 800 267-4039 info@grandlac.com • www.grandlac.com Number of seats: 35 • Table d’hôte price: From $15 to 25 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days BISTRO 4 SAISONS 4940, chemin du Parc, Orford J1X 7N9 819 847-2555 • 1 877 768-1110 info@bistro4saisons.com • www.bistro4saisons.com Number of seats: 80 • Table d’hôte price: From $30 to 40 In season: 6 days (closed on Monday) Low season: 6 days (closed on Monday) CHEZ BENITO 20, rue Merry Sud, Magog J1X 3K9 819 843-9361 • 1 877 843-9361 info@aubergeorford.com Number of seats: 80 • Table d’hôte price: More than $20 In season: 7 evenings Low season: 7 evenings COOP DU GRAND-BOIS 12, rue Principale, St-Étienne-de-Bolton J0E 2E0 450 297-3787 info@coopdugrandbois.com • www.coopdugrandbois.com Number of seats: 30 • Table d’hôte price: From $10 to 20 In season: From Thursday to Sunday Low season: From Thursday to Sunday RESTO AU BONSAÏ 620, rue Sherbrooke, Magog J1X 2S6 819 847-0001 www.mrc411.com/compagnie/details/1609 Number of seats: 60 • Table d’hôte price: From $10 to 20 In season: From Wednesday to Sunday Low season: From Wednesday to Sunday COMME CHEZ SOI 3159, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 0J6 819 868-2233 www.commechezsoi.ca Number of seats: 110 • Table d’hôte price: More than $20 In season: 7 evenings Low season: 7 evenings LA PIAZZETTA 399, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2B2 819 843-4044 piazmagog@lapiazzetta.ca • www.lapiazzetta.ca Number of seats: 100 • Table d’hôte price: From $10 to 30 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days, open at 11 am LE MAM’ZELLE PUB 382, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2A9 819 769-8665 mamzellepub@gmail.com Number of seats: 48 • Table d’hôte price: More than $11 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days SUSHI SHOP 333, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2B1 819 843-8805 sushishopmagog@bellnet.ca • www.sushishop.com Number of seats: 35 • Table d’hôte price: From $10 to 20 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days LA TABLE ALAIN ROGER 341, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2B1 819 843-3182 latablealainroger@hotmail.com • www.latablealainroger.com Number of seats: 60 • Table d’hôte price: More than $10 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days LE FOUR À BOIS D’ORFORD 2197, chemin du Parc, Orford J1X 7A2 819 868-0858 • 1 866 503-4555 info@lefouraboisdorford.com • www.lefouraboisdorford.com Number of seats: 60 • Table d’hôte price: More than $20 In season: 7 days Low season: Please phone RESTAURANT LE FARANDOL 428, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2A9 819 769-0314 boulangerieowlsbread@qc.aira.com • www.lefarandol.com Number of seats: 45 • Table d’hôte price: More than $20 In season: From Wednesday to Monday Low season: From Wednesday to Monday FRENCH CUISINE L’ANCRAGE (HÔTEL ET SPA ÉTOILE-SUR-LE-LAC) 1150, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2B8 819 843-6521 • 1 800 567-2727 info@etoile-sur-le-lac.com • www.etoilesurlelac.ca Number of seats: 90 • Table d’hôte price: More than $20 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days L’EXPRESSO 1691, chemin de la Rivière-aux-Cerises, (sortie 118, autoroute 10), Magog J1X 3W3 819 843-7320 www.restaurantlexpresso.com Number of seats: 85 • Table d’hôte price: From $25 to 35 In season: From Wednesday to Sunday Low season: Variable AUBERGE RESTAURANT MCGOWAN 51, carré Copp, Georgeville J0B 1T0 819 843-2126 • 1 844 843-2126 ygaudreau@hotmail.com • www.aubergemcgowan.com Number of seats: 125 • Table d’hôte price: More than $30 In season: 7 days Low season: From Thursday to Sunday RESTO LA CAUSERIE 2261, chemin du Parc, Orford (Cherry River) J1X 7A2 819 847-5018 restolacauserie@gmail.com • www.restolacauserie.com Number of seats: 40 • Table d’hôte price: More than $30 In season: 6 days (closed on Monday) Low season: By reservation only INTERNATIONAL CUISINE OWL’S HEAD DINING ROOM 40, chemin du Mont-Owl’s Head, Mansonville J0E 1X0 450 292-3342 • 1 800 363-3342 info@owlshead.com • www.owlshead.com Number of seats: 140 • Table d’hôte price: From $20 to 30 In season: 7 days, by reservation during golf season Low season: 7 days, by reservation during ski season RANCH DU SPAGHETTI 3005, chemin Milletta, Magog J1X 0R4 819 847-4091 • 1 888 447-4091 denisrenaud@live.ca • www.ranchspaghetti.com Number of seats: 120 • Table d’hôte price: From $20 to 30 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days RESTAURANT JACK-O 481, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2B2 819 843-4448 www.restaurantjacko.ca Number of seats: 150 • Table d’hôte price: From $20 to 30 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days 62 Restaurants Restaurants REGIONAL CUISINE (CONTINUED) MICROBREWERY SUCRERIE HAUT BOIS NORMAND – REPAS CABANE À SUCRE 426, chemin George-Bonnallie, Eastman J0E 1P0 450 297-2659 • 1 866 297-2659 info@hautboisnormand.ca • www.hautboisnormand.ca Number of seats: 140 • Table d’hôte price: From $20 to 30 In season: By reservation only Low season: By reservation only LA MEMPHRÉ MICROBREWERY 12, rue Merry Sud, Magog J1X 3K9 819 843-3405 info@lamic.ca • www.lamic.ca Number of seats: 90 • Table d’hôte price: From $20 to 30 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days FONDUE MEXICAN CUISINE GUACAMOLE Y TEQUILA 112, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2A5 819 868-0088 info@guacamoleytequila.com • www.guacamoleytequila.com Number of seats: 70 • Table d’hôte price: From $20 to 30 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days REGIONAL CUISINE AUBERGE STE-CATHERINE-DE-HATLEY 2, de la Grand-Rue, Ste-Catherine-de-Hatley J0B 1W0 819 868-1212 • 1 877 868-1515 info@restaurantgagnon.ca • www.restaurantgagnon.ca Number of seats: 100 • Table d’hôte price: More than $15 In season: From Wednesday to Sunday, by reservation Low season: From Wednesday to Sunday LE HATLEY RESTAURANT (MANOIR HOVEY) 575, rue Hovey, North Hatley J0C 2C0 819 842-2421 • 1 800 661-2421 info@manoirhovey.com • www.manoirhovey.com Number of seats: 85 • Table d’hôte price: $75 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days PLAISIR GOURMAND HATLEY 2225, route 143, Hatley J0B 4B0 819 838-1061 info@plaisirgourmand.com • www.plaisirgourmand.com Number of seats: 32 • Table d’hôte price: From $52 to 65 In season: From Wednesday to Saturday Low season: From Thursday to Saturday SPA EASTMAN 895, chemin des Diligences, Eastman J0E 1P0 450 297-3009 • 1 800 665-5272 courrier@spa-eastman.com • www.spa-eastman.com Number of seats: 80 • Table d’hôte price: More than $30 In season: 7 days, by reservation Low season: 7 days, by reservation 63 FONDISSIMO 276, rue Principale Est, Magog J1X 4X5 819 843-8999 info@fondissimo.ca • www.fondissimo.ca Number of seats: 100 • Table d’hôte price: More than $30 In season: 7 days Low season: From Thursday to Sunday, from 5 pm to midnight MANOIR AUX MYSTÈRES 30, de la Grand-Rue, Ste-Catherine-de-Hatley J0B 1W0 819 843-9171 • 1 888 267-6647 info@mysteres.biz • www.mysteres.biz Number of seats: 70 • Table d’hôte price: More than $46 In season: by reservation only Low season: 7 days, by reservation STEAK HOUSE LE CÔTE - CUISINE ET BAR 4, chemin George-Bonnallie, Eastman J0E 1P0 450 297-3737 info@lecote.ca • www.lecote.ca Number of seats: 150 • Table d’hôte price: More than $20 In season: 7 days Low season: From Wednesday to Sunday PIZZERIAS PIZZERIA JOHNNY 66, rue St-Patrice Est, Magog J1X 1T4 819 843-3551 www.pizzeriajohnny.com Number of seats: 140 • Table d’hôte price: From $10 to 20 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days PIZZERIA ORFORD 176, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2A5 819 843-6554 www.pizzeriaorford.com Number of seats: 150 • Table d’hôte price: From $10 to 20 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days RESTAURANTS/BARS AUBERGE AYER’S CLIFF 1087, rue Main, Ayer’s Cliff J0B 1C0 819 838-4277 info@aubergeayerscliff.ca • www.aubergeayerscliff.ca Number of seats: 85 • Table d’hôte price: More than $20 In season: 7 days Low season: From Wednesday to Sunday, January to April 64 Restauration Restaurants RESTAURANTS/BARS (SUITE) FAST FOOD BURGER PUB 4940, chemin du Parc, Orford J1X 7N9 819 847-4936 burger-pub@hotmail.com • www.burger-pub.com Number of seats: 50 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days SUSHI SHOP 333, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2B1 819 843-8805 sushishopmagog@bellnet.ca • www.sushishop.com Number of seats: 35 • Table d’hôte price: From $10 to 20 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days CAFÉ ST-MICHEL BAR – RESTO 503, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2B2 819 868-1062 promotions@cafestmichel.com • www.cafestmichel.com Number of seats: 150 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days PIERRE DE FEU (ESTRIMONT SUITES & SPA) 44, avenue de l’Auberge, Orford J1X 6J3 819 843-1616 • 1 800 567-7320 info@estrimont.ca • www.estrimont.ca Number of seats: 120 • Table d’hôte price: More than $30 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days PUB DU PONT 20, rue Merry Sud, Magog J1X 3K9 819 843-9361 • 1 877 843-9361 info@aubergeorford.com Number of seats: 150 • Table d’hôte price: From $10 to 30 In season: 7 evenings Low season: from Thursday to Sunday RUSTICK – BRASSERIE ET AUBERGE 3219, rue Principale Ouest (route 112), Magog J1X 0J6 819 843-5308 • 1 800 401-2444 info@rustick.co • www.rustick.co Number of seats: 155 • Table d’hôte price: More than $20 In season: 7 evenings Low season: 7 evenings SAVOUR THE ORIGINALITY TEA ROOM T D’ASIE 464, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2A9 819 868-8887 info@tdasie.com • www.tdasie.com Number of seats: 40 In season: 7 days Low season: 7 days COUNTRY STYLE CUISINE Buffalo mozzarella pizza Alpine roll AU GRÉ DU VENT 225, chemin Roy, Magog J1X 0N4 819 843-9207 info@augreduvent.ca • www.augreduvent.ca Number of seats: 40 • Table d’hôte price: More than $42 In season: From Wednesday to Saturday, by reservation only Low season: From Wednesday to Saturday, by reservation only AUX JARDINS CHAMPÊTRES 1575, chemin des Pères, Magog J1X 5R9 819 868-0665 • 1 877 868-0665 auxjardinschampetres@qc.aira.com www.auxjardinschampetres.com Number of seats: 80 • Table d’hôte price: More than $30 In season: By reservation only Low season: By reservation only Tomato confit and goat cheese bruschetta Vegetarian deluxe pizza CATERER ROLAND MICHON, CHEF TRAITEUR 349, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2B1 819 340-1959 info@chefpourvous.com • www.chefpourvous.com Warm apple and camembert salad Fettucine carbonara Tiramisù AVAILABLE FOR TAKE-OUT 399, rue Principale Ouest | Magog | 819.843.4044 lapiazzetta.ca SAVOUREZ L’ORIGINALITÉ Attractions & Activities Attractions & Activities 66 WINTER ACTIVITIES 67 AGROTOURISM p. 70 p. 70 Station de ski du Mont Orford Mont Hatley Park Marina Le Merry Club NAUTICAL ACTIVITIES p. 70 Pêche blanche – Les Excursions l’AIR du Lac p. 70 Spa des Chutes de Bolton p. 71 L’Épopée de Capelton p. 79 71 Équitation Orford Fromagerie La Station p. 72 Parc national du Mont-Orford p. 74 Poterie Christine Audet p. 73 p. 72 p. 71 p. 71 p. 72 Chocolats Vanden Eynden Marais de la Rivière aux Cerises École de Vie et Survie Manitou Lomechuse fishing guide for salmonids Jardin du Grand Ben ARTS & CRAFTS p. 71 p. 79 70 Location des Quatre Lacs inc. p. 73 p. 72 Bleu Lavande Karting Orford Arbre Aventure – Haut Bois Normand Guide le Pêcheur p. 71 RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES p. 79 70 p. 70 Parc national du Mont-Orford p. 79 71 p. 73 GBL Highland inc. p. 74 Poterie Hatley p. 74 Savonnerie des Diligences Attractions & Activities Attractions & Activities 68 ANTIQUES AND BOUTIQUES PLEASURE OF THE TABLE p. 75 Beau et Fou Croisière commentée – l’AIR du Lac Musée international d’art naïf de Magog ENTERTAINMENT p. 77 p. 76 p. 76 Bar laitier la Lichette 69 p. 78 p. 77 Spa des Chutes de Bolton Cabaret Eastman TOURIST TRAIN p. 76 p. 75 Croisière en Pirogue – Lac Memphrémagog Boutique Newport GOLF p. 75 p. 76 Escapades Memphrémagog Nature Autochtone Keet-Baird Smoked fish p. 78 p. 77 p. 77 p. 76 Stanstead historical society – Colby-Curtis museum Spa Eastman L’Orford Express HEALTH & RELAXATION p. 77 p. 76 Golf du Manoir des Sables Bleu Lavande p. 77 Spa Villegia ART GALLERIES, EXHIBITIONS AND MUSEUMS CRUISES The information under the “Attractions & Activities” category is subject to change without notice. You should therefore contact the establishment for confirmation. p. 76 Aquilo voile croisière p. 76 Mosaïques D’Arcy p. 76 Golf Mont Orford 70 Attractions & Activities Attractions & Activities WINTER ACTIVITIES NAUTICAL ACTIVITIES NAUTICAL ACTIVITIES (CONTINUED) MONT HATLEY PARK 4785, chemin Capelton, Canton de Hatley J0B 2C0 819 842-2447 info@monthatley.com • www.monthatley.com Located 5 minutes from the picturesque village of North Hatley, this snow tubing park is the only alternative sliding centre in Quebec with novelties like Zipfy luge and snowracer. CLUB DE VOILE MEMPHRÉMAGOG 155, chemin de la Plage-des-Cantons, C.P. 473, Magog J1X 4W3 819 847-3181 info@voilememphremagog.com www.voilememphremagog.com Sailing and windsurfing lessons. Kayak, canoe, paddleboards, sailboat and windsurf rentals. Discover the Rivière aux Cerises by kayak, canoe or paddleboard. LOMECHUSE FISHING GUIDE FOR SALMONIDS 2195, rue Marcotte, Magog J1X 5T8 819 209-5633 info@lomechuse.com • www.lomechuse.com Come spend an exceptional day fishing for salmonids on beautiful Lake Memphremagog with a professional and passionate fisherman who has more than 20 years of experience. ÉCOLE DE VOILE YVANHOË INC. 2230, rue Galipeau, Magog J1X 5V1 819 437-5645 crajotte@cgocable.ca • www.voile-yvanhoe.com Sailing courses (in French only) on a 26-foot yacht leading to the Sail Canada elementary cruising certificate. Sailing school recognized by the Fédération de voile du Québec. From May to October. MARINA FITCH BAY 220, chemin Narrows (route 247), Fitch Bay J1X 3W4 819 876-7991 • 1 866 318-7991 marinafitchbay@bellnet.ca • www.marinafitchbay.ca Dock, rowboat and pontoon rentals. Towing, maintenance and boat storage. Open daily from 8 am to 6 pm. OWL’S HEAD 40, chemin du Mont-Owl’s Head, Mansonville J0E 1X0 450 292-3342 • 1 800 363-3342 info@owlshead.com • www.owlshead.com On the western shores of Lake Memphremagog, Owl’s Head offers skiers 4 quad chairlifts (3 of which are high-speed detachable), 3 double chairlifts and 1 surface lift. X-country skiing and showshoeing. PARC NATIONAL DU MONT-ORFORD 3321, chemin du Parc, Orford J1X 7A2 819 843-9855 • 1 800 665-6527 parc.mont-orford@sepaq.com www.parcsquebec.com/montorford Winter in the park offers more than 50 kilometres of cross-country ski trails and more than 45 kilometres of snowshoeing trails. PÊCHE BLANCHE - LES EXCURSIONS L’AIR DU LAC Magog, Plage des Cantons, lac Memphrémagog 819 345-7450 capitainejean@hotmail.com • www.lairdulac.com Charming cabins for 2-12-people rentals. Fishing gear supplied. Customized packages for groups. Weekday discount. January to March. SPA DES CHUTES DE BOLTON 883, route Missisquoi (route 245 Sud), Bolton-Est J0E 1G0 450 292-4SPA (4772) • 1 888 944-4772 info@spabolton.com • www.spabolton.com Massage near the falls, Finnish sauna, Savusauna, steam bath, polar bath, spas, outdoor heated pool, relaxation yurts, beauty treatments and body treatments. Packages with lodging available. STATION DE SKI DU MONT ORFORD 4380, chemin du Parc, Orford J1X 7N9 819 843-6548 • 1 866 673-6731 info@orford.com • www.orford.com Fourth-highest skiable summit in Quebec, framed by a breathtaking panorama, Mount Orford consists of 3 mountains, 4 hillsides, 61 trails and glades and is equipped with an ultra-fast gondola. FLYBOARD MEMPHRÉMAGOG 675, rue L’Archevêque, Magog J1X 3E9 819 432-7722 flyboardmemphre@gmail.com www.facebook.com/flyboardmemphremagog The flyboard is a cross between a wakeboard and a kite surf. This new extreme sport allows you to fly above water, dive, and perform the wildest acrobatics. GUIDE DE PÊCHE PATRICK THERRIEN Lac Memphrémagog, Magog 450 515-6371 guide-pat.therrien@hotmail.com www.guidepatricktherrien.com Come fishing with a professional guide for salmon (landlocked), brown, rainbow and lake trout. GUIDE LE PÊCHEUR Lac Memphrémagog, Magog 819 239-1534 • 819 889-1101 lepecheur@axion.ca • guidelepecheur.ca Salmonid fishing guide on Lake Memphremagog. Approved and inspected by Transport Canada. Bring your cooler with drinks and food. The equipment is provided. $99/person (4 per group). LOCATION DE PÉDALO - LAC MEMPHRÉMAGOG Quai MacPherson, Magog 819 574-0039 info@alternativepleinair.com • www.alternativepleinair.com Rent a 2-4-places pedal boat, directly at the Pointe Merry (near the observation tower). From morning to sunset. See pedal boat/pirogue cruise promotion and discount on Website. LOCATION DES QUATRE LACS INC. 819 620-8655 • 819 212-8081 info@locationdesquatrelacs.com www.locationdesquatrelacs.com LDQL gives you the opportunity to sail on the Eastern Townships’ great lakes. Family celebrations, with friends, for business opportunities or relaxation. Enjoy a unique experience with us! MARINA LE MERRY CLUB 201, rue Merry Sud, Magog J1X 3L2 819 843-2728 marina@lemerryclub.com • www.lemerryclub.com The biggest rental fleet on the lake: powerboats, personal watercraft (Sea-Doos), pontoons, sailboats. New and used boats for sale (Stingray, Berkshire, Cobalt). Dock rental, storage, nautical boutique and gift shop, convenience store. STATION O’KATAVENTURES 2733, chemin de la Vallée-Missisquoi, Mansonville J0E 1X0 450 292-3737 • 1 888 746-4140 info@okataventures.com • www.okataventures.com In the beautiful region of Mansonville (Potton), on the Missisquoi River and surrounded by nature, kayak excursions for all. Kayak rentals. Shuttle service and packages available. RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES ARBRE AVENTURE – HAUT BOIS NORMAND 426, chemin George-Bonnallie, Eastman J0E 1P0 450 297-2659 • 1 866 297-2659 info@arbreaventure.ca • www.arbreaventure.ca Experience adrenaline nature’s way! An activity for the entire family (3 years and up). Enjoy our wonderful courses and zip lines. Supervised environment. In winter: tubing (artificial snow). CLUB DE TENNIS ET MULTI-FORME MAGOG 50, chemin de la Plage-des-Cantons, Magog J1X 0M4 819 868-0444 info@clubsportifmagog.com • www.clubsportifmagog.com 4-season family sports centre, indoor/outdoor clay tennis courts, indoor/outdoor swimming pools, fitness centre, Zumba, aerobics, aquafitness, sun tanning and lots more. ÉCOLE DE VIE ET SURVIE MANITOU 225, chemin Lefebvre, Stukely-Sud J0E 2J0 819 829-8105 francois.filion@hotmail.com • www.ecolemanitou.com Using the earth’s resources, learn how to make ropes, snares, shelter and bowls. Learn friction fire. Basic course for families. 71 ÉCURIE LES CHEVAUX DU ROY 4291, chemin de Brown’s Hill, Canton de Stanstead J0B 3E0 819 876-2940 ecurieleschevauxduroy@videotron.ca www.ecurieleschevauxduroy.com Equestrian center offering riding in forest, western riding lessons for all levels. Our services are offered in all seasons, in a friendly atmosphere. ÉQUITATION ORFORD 1188, chemin de la Montagne, Orford J1X 6X9 819 843-2989 www.equitationorford.ca Horseback riding, daily between 8 am and 8 pm. Duration: approximately 1 hour, $30 per person (taxes included). For reservations: 819 843-2989. KARTING ORFORD 4150, rue Sherbrooke, Magog J1X 3W5 819 868-9996 • 1 877 377-6376 info@kartingorford.com • www.kartingorford.com Karting or go-karting for children and adults. Can reach 100 km/h. Open 7 days, from 10 am to 10 pm. L’ÉPOPÉE DE CAPELTON 800, chemin Capelton, North Hatley J0B 2C0 819 346-9545 • 1 888 346-9545 visites@capelton.ca • www.capelton.ca An astonishing mining adventure! Explore the mine, tour with a prospector, enjoy our nature trails. You are in for an exciting and unique adventure! LES SENTIERS DE L’ESTRIE 5182, boulevard Bourque, Sherbrooke J1N 1H4 819 864-6314 marche@lessentiersdelestrie.qc.ca www.lessentiersdelestrie.qc.ca You will be enchanted by the splendour of the 200-kilometre paths furrowing the Appalachian Mountains. For an excursion of a few hours or a short walk, accompanied or not. Lodging: shelter or camping. THE TREASURES OF THE 118 1745, chemin de la Rivière-aux-Cerises, Magog J1X 3W3 819 843-1706 Exit 118 at Magog-Orford lets you discover The Treasures of the 118. Culinary delights, personal care services, local products, food, lodging and so much more! Go ahead, indulge! THE WORLD OF TIKITO 185, rue de Hatley, Magog J1X 3G2 819 847-4224 info@tikito.ca • www.tikito.ca Indoor family playground. Structure and giant playground, ball pool, slides and trampoline. Playground suitable for children under 3 years old. Reservations for birthday parties, private parties, etc. Attractions & Activities Attractions & Activities 72 73 PARC NATIONAL DU Photo: Mathieu Dupuis MONT-ORFORD FUN, NATURE AND DISCOVERY • Hiking • Discovery Activities • Boat Rentals • 2 Beaches • Camping, Huttopia Tent and Nature Cabin The essential of well-being... parkquebec.com | 819 843-9855 RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES (CONTINUED) MARAIS DE LA RIVIÈRE AUX CERISES 69, chemin Roy, Magog J1X 0N4 819 843-8118 info@maraisauxcerises.com • www.maraisauxcerises.com Located near downtown Magog, an exceptional natural environment. Interpretation centre, educational program, natural history and art exhibits. Kilometres or trails open all year-round, picnic area and showshoeing. PARC NATIONAL DU MONT-ORFORD 3321, chemin du Parc, Orford J1X 7A2 819 843-9855 • 1 800 665-6527 parc.mont-orford@sepaq.com www.parcsquebec.com/montorford At the Parc national du Mont-Orford, hiking, swimming, canoeing, cycling, camping and cabins await you! Don’t forget our discovery activities animated by a park ranger! Boutique Guided and free tours Outdoor massages AGROTOURISM AU VIGNOBLE D’ORFORD 318, chemin Bice, Orford J1X 6X4 819 212-1211 info@auvignobledorford.com • www.auvignobledorford.com Discover viticulture on an exceptional site. Shop, vista tours, tastings. Easy access, 3 kilometres from Highway 10. Visit our Website to learn more about our activities and schedules. BLEU LAVANDE 891, chemin Narrow (route 247), Canton de Stanstead (Fitch Bay) J0B 3E0 819 876-5851 • 1 888 876-5851 info@bleulavande.ca • www.bleulavande.ca Scenery that dreams are made of. Beautiful lavender fields as far as the eye can see. We welcome you as of May 7. Boutique, guided tours, massages, bistro and more. CHOCOLATS VANDEN EYNDEN 1745, chemin de la Rivière-aux-Cerises (route 141 Nord), Magog J1X 3W3 819 843-1706 • 1 855 999-1706 info@chocolatvde.com • www.chocolatsvandeneynden.com Top-of-the-line homemade Belgian chocolate. A special experience: come smell, see and taste the difference. Visit us to learn how we make chocolate at our boutique. FERME PÉRIGNON 1540, route 143, Hatley J0B 4B0 819 993-4278 cperrin@cassisperignon.com • www.cassisperignon.com Pick your own blueberries and blackcurrants. Production of blackcurrant wine and liqueur. Daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. May to October 891, Narrow Road, Canton de Stanstead (Fitch Bay) J0B 3E0 • 1 888 876-5851 • bleulavande.com AGROTOURISM (CONTINUED) FERME POTAGÈRE 1523, chemin d’Ayer’s Cliff (route 141 Sud), Magog J1X 3W2 819 843-2884 A tempting array of fresh garden produce grown without chemicals. Pick your own or buy them at the garden stand. Farm animals. FROMAGERIE LA STATION 440, chemin Hatley, Compton J0B 1L0 819 835-5301 info@fromagerielastation.com www.fromagerielastation.com Our family farm offers cheeses made from organic cow’s milk. They are free from chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides or genetically modified organisms. Our production respects sustainable agriculture. All organic cheese. GBL HIGHLAND INC. 2974, chemin Milletta, Magog J1X 0R4 450 297-0353 • 1 855 997-3777 guylaine.gbl@gmail.com • www.gblhighland.com Highland cow breeder. Natural meat without hormones or antibiotics. Low in fat and high in protein. A gourmet pleasure. Point of sale. JARDIN DU GRAND BEN 1617, rue Merry Nord, Magog J1X 0L3 819 843-2322 grandben@b2b2c.ca • www.jardindugrandben.com Come visit us at least once in your lifetime. Sod house, Indian village, Cinderella carriage, Eiffel Tower, giant chair, antique farm equipment, rest area, waterfalls and more. JARDINS GOURMANDS D’ORFORD 1700, 13e Rang, Orford J1X 7L9 819 212-3253 info@citrouillesettournesols.com www.lesjardinsgourmands.com 2 unique concepts at the same location: Chic Rustique Sugar Shack and Citrouilles et Tournesols. According to the season: maple sugar, carriage, guided tours, sunflowers, pumpkins, mini-farm, vegetables, gourmet tasting. LA ROUTE DES VINS DE L’ESTRIE 819 864-4441 • 1 877 864-4441 info@cepdargent.com • www.routedesvinsdelestrie.com Discover the new Route des Vins in the Eastern Townships leading to the vineyards of our beautiful region. Enjoy this journey of flavours, surrounded by mountains, rivers, lakes and valleys. Cheers! 74 Attractions & Activities Attractions & Activities AGROTOURISM (CONTINUED) ARTS & CRAFTS VERGER FAMILIAL CR 60, chemin de Fitch Bay, Magog J1X 3W2 819 868-0600 info@vergerfamilialcr.com • www.vergerfamilialcr.com Apple growing in harmony with nature. Pick your own apples. Derived products (juice, sauce, ice cream, etc.). Beginning early August (check the schedule). Cash only. LA CHOUETTE POTERIE 2170, chemin Fortin, Magog J1X 0M7 819 769-0698 renee.larochelle@gmail.com • www.reneelarochelle.com Renée Larochelle creates decorative vases and other unique stoneware pieces, as well as functional pottery. Studio visits by appointment. VIGNOBLE DU CHEMIN DE LA RIVIÈRE 1087, chemin de la Rivière, Magog J1X 3W5 819 847-1485 vignoblechemindelariviere@gmail.com www.vignoblechdelariviere.com Discover a new vineyard, 6 kilometres from Magog. 2 generations, 1 passion, offering a range of wines. Visit our Website for more information. POTERIE CHRISTINE AUDET 2657, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 0J5 819 868-4218 christineraku@hotmail.com • www.circuitdesarts.com Inspired by archaeology, architecture and her trips, Christine Audet invites you to see her decorative and functional pieces. Her pottery is gas or raku-fired, an ancient Japanese technique. Also, garden sculptures. VIGNOBLE LE CEP D’ARGENT 1257, chemin de la Rivière, Magog J1X 3W5 819 864-4441 • 1 877 864-4441 info@cepdargent.com • www.cepdargent.com Our Champagne universe offers guided tours, wine tasting, wine cellar, boutique, viticultural trails, scenic lookout. Free admission to our «Méthode champenoise» interpretation centre. Open year-round. Check our schedules for guided tours. POTERIE HATLEY 12, chemin Meigs, Canton de Hatley J0B 2C0 819 432-5065 rcotes@abacom.com • www.poteriehatley.com Pottery studio. Showroom, shop and pottery classes. Introduction to pottery workshops for families. SAVON DES CANTONS 1540, chemin des Pères, Magog J1X 5R9 819 868-0161 • 1 877 868-0161 info@savondescantons.com • www.savondescantons.com Discover the world of soap. Make your soaps, smell and relax in our gardens. Discover our soaps and therapeutic care for sensitive skin. SAVONNERIE DES DILIGENCES 1158, chemin des Diligences, Eastman J0E 1P0 450 297-3979 info@savonneriediligences.ca www.savonneriediligences.ca Follow the scent of legends to Eastman! Discover all 30 mythical characters and the olive oil soaps they inspired, and see our team at work in the fabrication shop. Open every day. ANTIQUES AND BOUTIQUES BEAU ET FOU 319, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2B1 819 847-3392 beauetfou@hotmail.ca Discover unique treasures from around the world! Gifts, jewelry, clothing and specialty items to awaken the senses! BOUTIQUE NEWPORT 370, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2A9 819 843-2822 www.facebook.com/boutiquesnewport Conveniently located in the heart of Magog, discover an exceptional men’s and women’s shoe store (Clarks, Desigual, Lacoste, Mephisto, Sperry, Merrell, Pajar, Anfibio, Rieker, Ecco, Josef Siebel, etc.). BOUTIQUE TRIBU 468, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2A9 819 847-4011 boutiquetribu@hotmail.com • www.boutiquetribu.com Carries many Quebec-made clothes and imports, accessories and jewelry. Original and unique styles. 75 LES GALERIES ORFORD 1700, rue Sherbrooke, Magog J1X 5B4 819 843-8844 www.galeriesorford.com Find the major retail chains: Ardène, Bell, Bentley, Bizou, Boutik Electrik, Bureau en Gros, Centre Hi-Fi, Chaussures Pop, La Source, SAQ, Subway, Tutti Frutti and many speciality shops. NATURE AUTOCHTONE 1195, route 112, Austin J0B 1B0 450 297-4773 natureautochtone@gmail.com • www.natureautochtone.com Aboriginal crafts for sale: incense, dreamcatchers, tomahawks, pipes, moccasins, clothing, jewelry, sculptures. Additional service: urban trapper for unwanted animals. For opening hours, please call. New: soapstone. 76 Attractions & Activities Attractions & Activities CRUISES AQUILO VOILE CROISIÈRE Magog 819 868-4410 info@aquilovoile.com • www.aquilovoile.com A 36-foot catamaran, with captain and crew. Departures daily from MacPherson’s wharf, Magog. Maximum 12 passengers. From May 15 to September 30. CROISIÈRE COMMENTÉE – L’AIR DU LAC Quai MacPherson, lac Memphrémagog, Magog 819 345-7450 capitainejean@hotmail.com • www.lairdulac.com Take a discovery tour of Lake Memphremagog aboard a 30-foot pontoon boat which accommodates 12 people in total comfort. CROISIÈRE EN PIROGUE – LAC MEMPHRÉMAGOG Quai MacPherson, lac Memphrémagog, Magog 819 574-0039 info@alternativepleinair.com • www.croisierepirogue.com Unique in Quebec, exotic cruise with our captain-entertainers. Duration: 30 minutes (ideal with children), 1 hr or 1 hr 30 minutes for sunset cruise (maximum 10 passengers). Private cruise by reservation. ESCAPADES MEMPHRÉMAGOG Bateau et billetterie, Quai MacPherson, pointe Merry, Magog 819 843-7000 • 1 888 422-8328 info@escapadesmemphremagog.com www.escapadesmemphremagog.com Enjoy an unforgettable trip characterized by refinement and elegance aboard Escapades Memphrémagog’s magnificent cruise boat. You will indulge in pure pleasure thanks to an impressive and delicious menu. ART GALLERIES, EXHIBITIONS AND MUSEUMS EXPOSITIONS AU CENTRE D’ARTS VISUELS DE MAGOG 61, rue Merry Nord, Magog J1X 2E7 819 868-0222 info@cacmagog.org • www.cacmagog.org Exhibits by artists of the Comité d’action culturelle de Magog. From February 16 to May 21 and August 9 to December 18, 2016. MOSAÏQUES D’ARCY 2160, chemin d’Ayer’s Cliff, Magog J1X 3W2 819 847-3779 dreamartt@hotmail.com • www.lesmosaiquesdarcy.com «Unimaginable, impressive, magnificent and original pieces of art.» Mosaic masters will greet you in the comfort of their workshop and gallery. Visits for individuals or groups, by reservation only. MUSÉE INTERNATIONAL D’ART NAÏF DE MAGOG 61, rue Merry Nord, Magog J1X 2E7 819 843-2099 info@artnaifmagog.com • www.artnaifmagog.com The only museum entirely devoted to naïve art in Canada. Free admission. Open Wednesday to Sunday from 1 pm to 5 pm. July and August: every day from 11 am to 5 pm. STANSTEAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY COLBY-CURTIS MUSEUM 535, rue Dufferin, Stanstead J0B 3E0 819 876-7322 info@colbycurtis.ca • www.colbycurtis.ca Guided tour of Carrollcroft, a heritage house (1859) with its original furnishings, archives and a rich collection from the Stanstead Historical Society. Temporary exhibitions, tea room and museum boutique. STUDIO R.C./GALERIE D’ART COURTEMANCHE 820, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2B5 819 843-2834 www.galeriecourtemanche.com From Studio R.C. to Courtemanche Art Gallery: 65 years of passion for visual arts in Magog! VISA-ART 61, rue Merry Nord, Magog J1X 2E7 819 843-2099 info@visa-art.qc.ca • www.visa-art.qc.ca Exhibition of works by visual artists and authors. This year’s theme: «Empreintes». Richard Bélanger, painter, will be the guest of honour. Open daily from 11 am to 5 pm. Free admission. GOLF CLUB DE GOLF VENISE 1519, chemin de la Rivière, Magog J1X 3W5 819 864-9891 golfvenise@videotron.ca • www.clubdegolfvenise.ca Club de golf Venise, next to Lake Magog, is a 36-hole complex with practice facilities and a clubhouse, which can accommodate 500 guests. GOLF DU MANOIR DES SABLES 90, avenue des Jardins, Orford J1X 6M6 819 847-4299 • 1 800 567-3514 info@manoirdessables.com • www.hotelsvillegia.com 18-hole professional golf course. Panoramic views. Bar Albatros with terrace. GOLF MONT ORFORD 3074, chemin du Parc, Orford J1X 7N9 819 843-5688 • 1 866 673-6731 golf@orford.com • www.orford.com A par 72, 18-hole golf course, located in the heart of a national park and showcasing a spectacular panoramic view, Golf Mont Orford is an absolute must! Special packages available. GOLF (CONTINUED) GOLF OWL’S HEAD 181, chemin du Mont-Owl’s Head, Mansonville J0E 1X0 450 292-3666 • 1 800 363-3342 info@owlshead.com • www.owlshead.com A championship course that will surprise you with its above-average quality. In a natural setting, designed by the architect Graham Cooke. PLEASURE OF THE TABLE BAR LAITIER LA LICHETTE 25, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2A4 819 919-0972 lalichettemagog@hotmail.ca • www.barlaitierlalichette.com Homemade Italian ice cream, GELATO, SOY-SORBET. Products without lactose. Traditional ice cream made with real fruit. Frozen yogurt and tofu. Terrace, children’s corner and interior space. DUCS DE MONTRICHARD 388, chemin Alfred-Desrochers, Orford J1X 6J4 819 868-4217 info@ducsdemontrichard.com • www.ducsdemontrichard.com Quebec duck meat products and game. Foie gras and fresh products. Tasting on site from May to October. Products prepared without gluten, pork or preservation agents. KEET - BAIRD SMOKED FISH 260, chemin Bissell, Stanstead (Fitch Bay) J0B 3E0 819 876-5942 akeetbaird@gmail.com • www.poissonfumekeetbaird.com Discover our sensational fish products, smoked the old-fashioned way! Our family-run business produces homemade smoked salmon and trout. Unrivaled in quality and flavour. One bite and you’ll be hooked. HEALTH & RELAXATION AUBERGE DU MONT ORFORD – EAUX PETITS SOINS MASSOTHÉRAPIE 3159, rue Principale Ouest (route 112), Magog J1X 0J6 819 868-0669 • 1 866 828-0669 info@aubergedumontorford.com www.aubergedumontorford.com Time stops here : take a well-deserved break! Massage therapy, body and esthetic care. Personalized, quality treatments. Tandem or solo. Outdoor covered spa. Receipt for insurance. BLEU LAVANDE 891, chemin Narrow (route 247), Canton de Stanstead (Fitch Bay) J0B 3E0 819 876-5851 • 1 888 876-5851 info@bleulavande.ca • www.bleulavande.ca Scenery that dreams are made of : a unique experience in the heart of our lavender fields! Experience a professional massage given by a qualified massage therapist using our finest quality products. 77 DÔME DE MORPHÉE 4940, chemin du Parc, Orford J1X 7N9 819 847-0505 dome_de_morphee@hotmail.com www.domedemorphee.com A team of estheticians and massage therapists offer several treatments at the same time. Different kinds of massages, facials, pedicures, manicures, waxing, laser, IPL, eyelash extensions, Botox and more. SPA DES CHUTES DE BOLTON 883, route Missisquoi (route 245 Sud), Bolton-Est J0E 1G0 450 292-4SPA (4772) • 1 888 944-4772 info@spabolton.com • www.spabolton.com Massage near the falls, Finnish sauna, Savusauna, steam bath, polar bath, spas, outdoor heated pool, relaxation yurts, beauty treatments and body treatments. Packages with lodging available. SPA EASTMAN 895, chemin des Diligences, Eastman J0E 1P0 450 297-3009 • 1 800 665-5272 courrier@spa-eastman.com • www.spa-eastman.com Experience truly exceptional treatments at 1 of the 100 best spas in the world! Massage therapy, body and esthetic treatments, watsu, hair spa. SPA ÉTOILE-SUR-LE-LAC 1200, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2B8 819 843-6521 • 1 800 567-2727 info@etoile-sur-le-lac.com • www.etoilesurlelac.ca A spa dedicated to health and well-being. Massage, esthetic and body treatments. New tribal care and cocktail care. «À la carte,» with or without lodging. SPA NORDIC STATION 285, chemin des Pères, Magog J1X 5R9 819 843-5200 • 1 866 414-5200 info@spanordicstation.com • www.spanordicstation.com Nestled in the heart of nature, only 5 minutes from downtown Magog, Spa Nordic Station invites you to live its Nordic tradition. Thermotherapy, massages and body treatments. SPA VILLEGIA 90, avenue des Jardins, Orford J1X 6M6 819 847-3838 • 1 877 845-5344 spavillegia@manoirdessables.com • www.spavillegia.com Chic urban spa in a natural setting. Nordic baths and health cares. STONE CIRCLE OF STANSTEAD Boulevard Notre-Dame, Stanstead 819 876-7181 info@stanstead.ca The Stone Circle park is a peaceful place with giant local granite stones. Open to the public every day. 78 Attractions & Activities 79 ENTERTAINMENT CABARET EASTMAN 4, chemin George-Bonnallie, Eastman J0E 1P0 450 297-1200 info@cabareteastman.com • www.cabareteastman.com Cabaret Eastman is an intimate show hall with terrific audio and a 215-person capacity. Visit us and enjoy the many features offered by the Cabaret: restaurant, terrace and reception hall. CINÉMA MAGOG 12, rue Principale Est, Magog J1X 1Y3 819 868-1374 info@cinemamagog.com • www.cinemamagog.com With 3 screens, Cinéma Magog offers you a varied selection of films to suit every taste. Most films are shown dubbed in French with no subtitles, but some are shown in English. AFTERNOON AND EVENING SHOWS EVERYDAY www.cinemamagog.com Film info: 819-868-1092 LE VIEUX CLOCHER DE MAGOG 64, rue Merry Nord, Magog J1X 2E6 819 847-0470 (box office) info@vieuxclocher.com • www.vieuxclocher.com Performance venue recognized throughout Quebec for its choice of artists and cozy atmosphere. Shows: comedy, songs, variety. MANOIR AUX MYSTÈRES – RESTAURANT 30, de la Grand-Rue, Ste-Catherine-de-Hatley J0B 1W0 819 868-6647 • 1 888 262-6647 info@mysteres.biz • www.mysteres.biz Dine in a mysterious setting and atmosphere… become a spectator of life behind the walls of the manor. Discover the people who live there and their stories. By reservation only. Booking for birthday parties, private screenings, corporate or multi-medias events: info@cinemamagog.com ST-MATTHEW CENTRE 424, chemin de la Diligence, Stukely-Sud J0E 2J0 450 297-3407 info@stukely-sud.com • www.centrestmatthew.com Small shows and activities, well-known artists, in an intimate and beautifully restored historic building with extraordinary acoustics! Enjoy a quiet and beautiful walk on our trails. TOURIST TRAIN L’ORFORD EXPRESS Quai MacPherson, pointe Merry, Magog J1X 3L2 819 575-8081 • 1 866 575-8081 info@orfordexpress.com • www.orfordexpress.com The Orford Express tourist train is one of the nicest trains in Canada. It offers trips, with meals, through the Eastern Townships’ loveliest landscapes. Reservations required. Photo credit: ROY 80 Attractions Events & Activities Events PARC DES BRAVES May 14 to October 10, 2016 rue Principale, Magog 819 868-0222 info@cacmagog.org • www.cacmagog.org Outdoor exhibition of works by visual artists from 10 am to 5 pm. Fête des vendanges Magog – Orford EstivArts 14th edition p. 82 p. 82 p. 82 Les Correspondances d’Eastman p. 81 Exposition Visa-Art The information under the “Attractions & Activities” category is subject to change without notice. You should therefore contact the establishment for confirmation. EXPOSITION VISA-ART May 25 to July 17, 2016 61, rue Merry Nord, Magog J1X 2E7 819 843-2099 info@visa-art.qc.ca • www.visa-art.qc.ca Exhibition of works by visual artists and authors. This year’s theme: «Empreintes». Richard Bélanger, painter, will be the guest of honour. Open daily from 11 am to 5 pm. Free admission. CIRQUE DES ÉTOILES MEMPHRÉMAGOG June 9-11, 2016 and during the summer 375, rue Principale Ouest, Magog J1X 2B1 819 868-2222 info@cirquedesetoiles.com • www.cirquedesetoiles.com Shows by youth at Parc des Braves. Summer entertainment downtown Magog. Accro-Parc from June 24 to August 21. Open 7 days, closed on rainy days. VOLTA FESTIVAL June 18-19, 2016 55, rue du Théâtre, Eastman J0E 1P0 819 806-6558 www.voltafestival.ca The Volta Festival is a celebration of the imagination in the heart of nature. An arts festival for the whole family. 81 LES LUNDIS BLEU PASTEL June 22 to August 31, 2016 891, chemin Narrow (route 247), Fitch Bay J0B 3E0 819 868-0222 info@cacmagog.org • www.cacmagog.org Outdoor exhibition of works by visual artists at Bleu Lavande in Fitch Bay. From 11 am to 4 pm. GUIDED TOUR IN STANSTEAD June 22 to September 5, 2016 14, boulevard Notre-Dame Ouest, Stanstead J0B 3E2 819 876-7181 info@stanstead.ca • www.stanstead.ca Guided tour. Visit the historic town of Stanstead. Depart from the Central Granite Museum. See the Stone Circle and the Haskell Opera House located on the border. Wednesday to Sunday, 9:30 am to 4 pm. ORFORD FESTIVAL June 25 to August 13, 2016 3165, chemin du Parc, Orford J1X 7A2 819 843-3981 (ext. 258) • 1 800 567-6155 info@arts-orford.org • www.arts-orford.org The Orford Festival presents indoor and outdoor concerts throughout the summer season. Some activities are free. Program available in May. Dinner-concert packages available. Attractions Events & Activities THE MEMPHREMAGOG ARTS CIRCUIT July 23-31, 2016 61, rue Merry Nord, Magog J1X 2E7 819 769-0663 info@circuitdesarts.com • www.circuitdesarts.com Tour artists’ workshops and visit a visual arts exhibit. Collective exhibit from July 23-31, 2016. LES CORRESPONDANCES D’EASTMAN August 4-7, 2016 Eastman 450 297-2265 • 1 888 297-3449 info@lescorrespondances.ca • www.lescorrespondances.ca The unique literary summer festival. Meet authors and enjoy shows, readings, exhibitions, gardens and interior settings. A new youth space offering free activities for the whole family. Paper and stamps supplied. ESTIVARTS 14TH EDITION August 6-7, 2016 95, rue Merry Nord, Magog J1X 2E7 819 868-0222 info@cacmagog.org • www.cacmagog.org Outdoor visuals arts exhibition: Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm. Collective exhibit in the Visual Art Center: 61, rue Merry Nord, Magog. From August 4-31, 2016. FÊTE DES VENDANGES MAGOG - ORFORD September 3-4-5-10 and 11, 2016 Magog 819 847-2022 • 1 888 847-2050 info@fetedesvendanges.com • www.fetedesvendanges.com The Fête des vendanges Magog - Orford is a gourmet wine experience for anyone wishing to discover the richness and diversity of the Quebec terroir in a festive atmosphere. EASTMAN COULEURS EN 82 LA FLAMBÉE DES COULEURS, MAGOG - ORFORD September 17-18-24-25 and October 1-2 and 8-9-10, 2016 Magog, Orford 819 843-6548 • 1 866 673-6731 www.laflambeedescouleurs.com Celebrate fall in Magog and Orford over 4 weekends! OWL’S HEAD AUTUMN FEST September 24-25 and October 1-2 and 8-9-10, 2016 40, chemin du Mont-Owl’s Head, Mansonville J0E 1X0 450 292-3342 • 1 800 363-3342 info@owlshead.com • www.owlshead.com Celebrate fall at Owl’s Head over 3 weekends. Various activities await you. Hiking, golf, live music, children’s activities and more. COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS AYER’S CLIFF August 25-28, 2016 977, rue Main, Ayer’s Cliff J0B 1C0 819 838-5388 bowenjm@hotmail.com • www.expoayerscliff.com Come celebrate our 171th birthday. The County Fair Grounds’ annual exposition in Ayer’s Cliff is one of Canada’s oldest country fairs with approx. 25,000 visitors every year. Facebook: Exposition Ayer’s Cliff Fair. l’ art de prendre une pause VISITEZEASTMAN.COM PROMOTIONAL OFFER Coupons 10 % OFF PROMOTIONAL OFFER 10% rebate on access to baths and saunas Valid from May 1st, 2016 to April 30, 2017. Valid on prices before 5 p.m. Not valid on student or evening prices. Cannot be combined with any other promotion or package. Does not apply on the purchase of a gift certificate. No money value, no photocopy accepted. 1 coupon per person, per visit. Spa des Chutes de Bolton ACCESS TO BATHS AND SAUNAS PROMOTIONAL OFFER 85 20 % OFF 883, route 245 Sud Bolton-Est (QC) J0E 1G0 1 888 944-4772 www.spabolton.com Boat and pontoon rental - 20% off (except on watercraft) Valid from May 1 to September 6, 2016. Limit one coupon per customer. Not redeemable for cash. Cannot be combined with any other offer or reproduced. Marina le Merry Club BOAT AND PONTOON RENTAL 201, rue Merry Sud Magog (QC) J1X 3L2 819 843-2728 www.lemerryclub.com Valid for the 2016 season. Limit of one coupon per race. Not redeemable for cash. Cannot be combined with any other offer. No reproductions accepted. 5 $ OFF Karting Orford 4150, rue Sherbrooke Magog (Qc) J1X 3W5 1 819 868-9996 www.kartingorford.com 86 Coupons PROMOTIONAL OFFER PROMOTIONAL OFFER ACCESS TO BATHS AND SAUNAS 20 % OFF 883, route 245 Sud Bolton-Est (QC) J0E 1G0 1 888 944-4772 www.spabolton.com Boat and pontoon rental - 20% off (except on watercraft) Valid from May 1 to September 6, 2016. Limit one coupon per customer. Not redeemable for cash. Cannot be combined with any other offer or reproduced. Marina le Merry Club BOAT AND PONTOON RENTAL 201, rue Merry Sud Magog (QC) J1X 3L2 819 843-2728 www.lemerryclub.com Valid for the 2016 season. Limit of one coupon per race. Not redeemable for cash. Cannot be combined with any other offer. No reproductions accepted. 5 $ OFF Karting Orford 4150, rue Sherbrooke Magog (Qc) J1X 3W5 1 819 868-9996 www.kartingorford.com 87 Purchase one adult admission and get the second one free. Available on the regular rate only. This promotional offer is valid only if presented upon arrival. Not redeemable for cash and not exchangeable. Limit one coupon per customer. PROMOTIONAL OFFER Spa des Chutes de Bolton PROMOTIONAL OFFER 10 % OFF 10% rebate on access to baths and saunas Valid from May 1st, 2016 to April 30, 2017. Valid on prices before 5 p.m. Not valid on student or evening prices. Cannot be combined with any other promotion or package. Does not apply on the purchase of a gift certificate. No money value, no photocopy accepted. 1 coupon per person, per visit. PROMOTIONAL OFFER PROMOTIONAL OFFER Coupons 2 for1 ADMISSION Bleu Lavande 891, chemin Narrow (route 247) Fitch Bay (QC) J0B 3E0 888 876-5851 bleulavande.ca Cantine chez Paul, an Eastern Townships tradition. Valid on presentation of this coupon. Valid from May 2016 to April 2017. MEDIUM POUTINE 5 $ BEVERAGE OFF 6 $ ,99 CANTINE Chez Paul 283, rue Principale Ouest Magog (QC) J1X 2A8 819 843-4000 On any purchase of $50 or more. Limit one coupon per customer. Not redeemable for cash. Cannot be combined with any other offer or reproduced. GBL Highland 2974, Chemin Milletta Magog (QC) J1X 0R4 450 297-0353 www.highlandgbl.com Coupons 88 PROMOTIONAL OFFER PROMOTIONAL OFFER PROMOTIONAL OFFER Purchase one adult admission and get the second one free. Available on the regular rate only. This promotional offer is valid only if presented upon arrival. Not redeemable for cash and not exchangeable. Limit one coupon per customer. 2 for1 ADMISSION Bleu Lavande 891, chemin Narrow (route 247) Fitch Bay (QC) J0B 3E0 888 876-5851 bleulavande.ca Cantine chez Paul, an Eastern Townships tradition. Valid on presentation of this coupon. Valid from May 2016 to April 2017. MEDIUM POUTINE 5 $ BEVERAGE OFF 6 $ ,99 CANTINE Chez Paul 283, rue Principale Ouest Magog (QC) J1X 2A8 819 843-4000 On any purchase of $50 or more. Limit one coupon per customer. Not redeemable for cash. Cannot be combined with any other offer or reproduced. GBL Highland 2974, Chemin Milletta Magog (QC) J1X 0R4 450 297-0353 www.highlandgbl.com CMYK ONLY 25 minutes 0 / 20 / 100 / 0 AWAY FROM MAGOG... AMAZING VIEWS! ANS YEARS 2016 1992 • • • • • • • • The GREENS are always GREENER. ORF_pub_MRC_anglais_20150911.indd 1 HIKING Trails 12 km ROUND TRIP OUTDOOR AUTUMNFEST Festival September 24, 25 and October 1, 2, 8, 9 & 10, 2016 Owl’s Head SPARTAN Race Races will be held starting July 16, 17 and 30, 31, 2016 Follow us on 1 800 363-3342 | info@owlshead.com owlshead.com Agrotourism Biketrails Golfcourses Nationalpark Skiresort Sportingevents Vacationcenters Wateractivities 2015-09-11 3:09:53 P CMYK ONLY 25 minutes 0 / 20 / 100 / 0 AWAY FROM MAGOG... AMAZING VIEWS! ANS YEARS 2016 1992 • • • • • • • • The GREENS are always GREENER. ORF_pub_MRC_anglais_20150911.indd 1 HIKING Trails 12 km ROUND TRIP OUTDOOR AUTUMNFEST Festival September 24, 25 and October 1, 2, 8, 9 & 10, 2016 Owl’s Head SPARTAN Race Races will be held starting July 16, 17 and 30, 31, 2016 Follow us on 1 800 363-3342 | info@owlshead.com owlshead.com Agrotourism Biketrails Golfcourses Nationalpark Skiresort Sportingevents Vacationcenters Wateractivities 2015-09-11 3:09:53 P
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