saint isaac jogues parish
saint isaac jogues parish
SAINT ISAAC JOGUES PARISH 8149 Golf Road ~ Niles, IL 60714 847/967-1060 ~ Fax # 847/967-1070 Website: Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2010 Page Two Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time From the Pastor FIESTA CUBANA : September 5, 2010 Suddenly the storm abated. All was calm. In the distance, the three saw an object floating toward them. It was a small statue fastened to a board. The image was of the Virgin Mary. She held the Child Jesus on her right arm and a golden cross in her left hand. On the board was an inscription: “Yo soy la Virgen de la Caridad” or “I am the Virgin of Charity.” The statue had real hair, was dressed in white, and looked like a Mestiza— a woman of mixed ancestry. It was a marvel that the image had survived the storm at sea and was completely dry! Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre Recent celebrations of the feasts of Our Lady of Knock and Our Lady of Czestochowa have brought back memories of still another important Marian feast. For more than ten years, St. Lambert's Cuban community shared the story, devotion, and traditions of Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre with non-Cuban friends and neighbors. It was a heartfelt exchange of the gifts of faith and culture -- a “Catholic” experience! St. Augustine once said: "God loves each of us as if he or she were an only child.” That is a powerful and beautiful insight into the mystery of God's love for each and all of us! In the various apparitions or manifestations of the Blessed Virgin, God' s "specific” love is also revealed. That is what makes the Catholic Church universal and not "generic.” The story of Our Lady of Charity begins in 1608. At that time Cuba was part of Spain's colonial empire for more than 100 years. Slavery and the exploitation of indigenous tribes were among the worst evils of colonial rule. In the town of EI Cobre, there was a copper mine worked by African slaves and Indians. One day, two brothers of Indian ancestry, Rodrigo and Juan de Hoyos, accompanied by their slave, Juan Moreno, went in search of salt in the Bay of Nipe. They needed salt for the preservation of meat for the workers of El Cobre. While, at, sea, a great storm arose. The three prayed for protection and safety. Juan, the slave boy, wore a medal with an image of the Virgin Mary. The three were so overjoyed by their discovery that they collected only one third of the salt they intended to bring back to the town. Showing the statue to a Spanish official, Don Francisco Sanchez de Moya, it was decided to enshrine it in a small thatched hut. Mysteriously the statue disappeared three times from the hut. It was discovered on a hilltop overlooking El Cobre. From then until 1630, the Virgin of Charity was honored in several small shrines in El Cobre. In that year, the copper mine was closed and the slaves freed. Our Lady's image was moved to the high altar of the great Church of St. James. Many miracles were credited to her. She was especially loved by former slaves and Indians. In 1731, there was an attempt to restore slavery. During the insurrection that followed, Our Lady of Charity became a symbol of universal emancipation. Eventually emancipation did come for all. In 1916, Pope Benedict XV declared Our Lady of Charity patroness of Cuba. The image was solemnly crowned at the Santiago Eucharistic Congress in 1936. In 1998, Pope John Paul II crowned the image again on his landmark visit to Communist Cuba. Our Lady of Charity of EI Cobre has inspired many -Catholics and non-Catholics, the humble and the famous. Votive offerings to her include one from Ernest Hemingway - - his Nobel Prize for Literature for The Old Man and the Sea. Even the mother of Fidel and Raul Castro left a small statue of a guerilla fighter at the shrine during the revolution that overthrew the government of dictator Fulgencio Bastista in the 1950s. As I look upon the image of Our Lady of Charity, it reminds me most of Our Lady’s love for all people. In most representations, the “three” in the rowboat Page Three Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time depict the three races of Cuba -- Caucasian, Indian, Black. Like the Magi of old, the "three" symbolize different ages as well- -young, middle-aged, and old. I have many happy memories of Cubans I have known. Their culture is a “fiesta” of rhythms and flavors. It has a magnetic appeal. But what I admire most about Cubans are the faith and strong ideals that helped them to survive tyranny and exile. Uprooted, they have made a new home among us. I September 5, 2010 have found that sharing with them has helped many to value their faith and freedom more! Viva la Virgen de al Caridad! - Fr. Luczak The feast of Our Lady of Charity is observed by Cubans on September 8. Financial Update Sunday Collections for the month of August were $1,523 less than our budget. On a year to date basis we are currently trailing the budget by $2,041. We wish to express our thanks to all parishioners who have given of their time, talent and treasure to support the Parish. Financial Snapshot Fifth Sunday of August 2010 Sunday Collection Month to Date Year to Date Actual Budget Difference Actual Last Yr Difference $9,862 $10,200 ($338) $9,862 $9,360 $502 $53,277 $54,800 ($1,523) $53,277 $53,566 ($289) $94,059 $96,100 ($2,041) $94,059 $93,749 $310 Coming Soon!!! The St. Isaac Jogues Parish Raffle is on its way! Here is your chance to support the Parish and put some extra cash in your pocket. Watch for details in the coming weeks! Page Four Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time SPIRITUAL LIFE To all who assisted with the Mass in honor of Our Lady of Czestochowa and the reception which followed we extend our warm thanks for your generosity and support. It was a beautiful time of prayer, music, and friendship for all who participated! RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process of prayer, reflection, study and discussion for individuals who have never been baptized; who are baptized Christians but who seek to learn more about the Catholic Church; or who are baptized Catholics but have not received First Communion and Confirmation. Sessions begin Sunday, September 12th, at 9:00 a.m. in the Religious Education Office. Please pass this invitation along to people you think might be interested. Sometimes all a person needs is to be asked! Please call Dee Stanton or Joyce Mills at 847/966-1180 with inquiries or questions. SPIRITUAL LIFE COMMISSION The Spiritual Life Commission will meet on Tuesday, September 14th, at 7:30 p.m. in the RE Office. Agenda items include the Parish Lent Mission and evangelization activities for the coming year. Please call Dee Stanton if you cannot attend,, 847/9661180. September 5, 2010 fasting, peaceful vigil and community outreach. During the 40 days individuals pray and fast for an end to abortion and continue to call upon local, state, and national leaders to protect all human life. Parishes and individuals across Chicago maintain a prayerful presence 24 hours a day every day of the 40 days in front of an abortion facility to change hearts and save lives by creating a strong Culture of Life through the Gospel of Life. For a fourth year the Archdiocese of Chicago will keep a peaceful, prayerful vigil at Albany MedicalSurgical Center (a late - term abortion facility) at 5086 N. Elston Avenue (Elston west of Cicero) in Chicago. In support of this 40 day effort, St. Isaac Jogues and St. John Brebeuf Parishes are working together to provide prayer coverage on the Feast of the North American Martyrs, Tuesday, October 19, from Midnight to Midnight. This is a special opportunity for us to give witness to our faith in Christ and to our belief that human life is sacred and is to be respected and protected from the moment of conception. Both pastors, Fr. Luczak and Fr. May, have given their approval of this holy work. Sign up will take place at both parishes beginning the middle of September. Please give serious and prayerful consideration of this invitation to be a peaceful, prayerful voice for life. Talk with your family, friends and neighbors and plan on an hour to pray at the facility on October 19th. We will especially need volunteers for those early morning hours beginning at midnight. For more information please call St. Isaac Jogues Parish contacts Dee Stanton or Julie Higgins, 847/966-1180. READINGS FOR THE TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Exodus 32:7-11, 13-14 Join us in the Archdiocesan wide --40 DAYS FOR LIFE CAMPAIGN From September 22 through October 31 parishes, organizations, and the faithful of the Archdiocese of Chicago will participate in “40 Days For Life”, a national campaign of prayer, Psalm 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19 I Timothy 1:12-17 Luke 15:1-32 Page Five Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2010 EDUCATION RE NEWS *The Religious Education Office will be closed on Labor Day. *Religious Education classes for Grs. 1- Confirmation Year II will not meet on Monday, September 6, because of the holiday. We will resume at 6:45 p.m. on September 13th. Families who have not yet registered should do so this week. For information please contact the RE Office, 847/966-1180. *Kindergarten Religious Education class begins next Sunday, September 12th. Open House will be at 10 a.m. in the classroom, followed by the session at 10:30 a.m. There is still time to register, 847/966-1180. SPRED Our SPRED Community gathers together for a new season of sharing faith and friendship this Wednesday, September 8th, at 7:00 p.m. Please pray for our friends – Katie, Judith, Bobby, Christopher, Jack, Joseph, and Patrick as we walk together in Christ. HIGH SCHOOL DISCUSSION GROUP We are exploring the possibility of a monthly high school gathering (open to all students in high school) to discuss issues of faith and life. Our thought is that it would start out meeting once a month (for an hour to an hour and a half) on a Sunday morning so that students could attend Mass before or after it. All High School students who are interested in participating in the monthly gathering are invited to come to a planning meeting on Sunday, September 12, at 11:30 a.m. in the Holy Family Room. Please pass this invitation on to your friends who might not see this article and please bring your ideas. Parents/guardians are welcome. Nothing is set in stone so you can help shape the experience. If you have questions, please call Mrs. Stanton at 847/966-1180 or email her at BIBLE STUDY Bible study resumes this Wednesday, September 8th, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 6 of the school (enter through Holy Family Room). We begin with the Book of Psalms. This is a time of study and faith sharing. No prior Bible Study experience is required. The cost for materials is $10, however, if finances are tight, come anyway! All are welcome. To register or ask questions, please call the RE Office, 847/966-1180. ****************************************************************** HUMAN CONCERNS of Care Training Offered Resurrection Medical Center & Lutheran General Hospital will co-sponsor a six-session course that prepares parish adults to bring Communion to the homebound, sick & hospitalized. Classes meet 7-9PM Thurs. Sept. 16, 23 & 30 at Resurrection & Oct. 7, 14 & 21 at Lutheran General. Candidates must be approved to attend training, complete a screening interview & attend all sessions. Our Ministry greatly needs candidates to serve the Catholics of Glen Bridge & Niles Nursing Centres & who are available 1st & 3rd Monday mornings. For inquiries or to schedule an interview, please contact Pat Kellen at 967-1094. Given class size limits & Sept. 10 registration deadline, interviews must be done no later than Sept. 9. Page Six Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2010 Safety & Health Board to Meet Next Week If you have an interest in safety & health, please join us at our meeting, Tues. Sept. 14 7PM in the Holy Family Room. The agenda includes emergency signage, AED research, Blood Drive, health literacy, & other reports. Contact Pat at 967-1094 for information. September – National Preparedness Month Part 1 – Get a Kit This national observance reminds us that an emergency or disaster can strike anytime/ anywhere. The key is to be “ready.” The series focuses on three aspects of preparedness – supplies, planning and being informed. If you were to be without electricity, water, gas, etc. for an indefinite period of time, how would you “survive?” The American Red Cross says keep these basics on hand & ready: + Water – a gallon per person, per day [2-week supply for home; 3-day for evacuation] + Food – non-perishable/ easy-to-fix [2-week supply for home; 3-day for evacuation] + Flashlight/ battery-powered radio/ batteries + First aid kit/ medications [7day supply] & medical supplies + Multi-purpose tool [a.k.a. Swiss Army knife] + Hygiene/ sanitation items + Copies of important papers [medication list/ medical info, proof of address, deed/ lease to property, birth certificates, passports, insurance] + Cell phone & charger + Emergency contact & family info + Extra cash + Emergency blanket + Maps. Depending on your situation, other things to have ready include: hearing aids/ batteries; glasses or contacts; syringes; canes; diapers, formula, baby food, bottles; games/ activities for kids; pet supplies – food, collar, leash, ID, bowl, carrier; two-way radio; extra car & house keys; manual can opener. Also recommend are: whistle; matches; rain gear & extra clothes/ shoes; blankets/ sleeping bags; towels; work gloves; items for securing your home – plastic sheeting, duct tape, scissors; household bleach. Keep these supplies in a single location in waterproof, easily transported containers. Next week: Make a Plan Pat Kellen, Parish Nurse Advocate Health Care & St. Isaac Jogues PARISH LIFE Anna Polpiboon and Eric Velasquez In recognition of the Labor Day holiday, all parish offices will be closed. St. Isaac Jogues parish staff members wish you all a happy and safe weekend. HOSPITALITY WEEKEND The Parish Life Commission invites everyone to plan now to stop in the Holy Family Room after any of the Masses the weekend of September 18-19 for refreshments, to reconnect with friends (old and new) after summer, and to see what’s happening in some of our parish organizations. We look forward to being together. A hospitality weekend is scheduled every month through May. Help us to renew this event with your presence! Lia Isabel Klaser, daughter of Jonathon Klaser and Zulma Sanchez Page Seven Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2010 ST. ISAAC JOGUES MEN’S CLUB We need YOU, new members, as well as current members, to renew your membership! This year, St. Isaac Jogues Men’s Club will celebrate our Fifty-first year. Our membership is dwindling, and we need some young men to be interested and join us. The first meeting, our yearly celebrated “Kick Off Dinner” will be on Thursday evening, September 16th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Church Hall. Steak, corn on the cob, baked potato, salad, dessert and liquid refreshments will be served. The annual dues, the cost for the Kick off Dinner and the next seven monthly meetings are $35.00. Our monthly Men’s Club Meeting is the third Thursday of each month. We have wonderful group conversations, some men participate in games of darts and poker. The Men’s Club also has trips to Cubs and Sox baseball games and Wolves hockey games. So all men, come and join us each month for a relaxing evening out! ST. ISAAC JOGUES MEN'S CLUB IS NOW SELLING THE 2011 "ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS" This year the books feature several" Gift Cards" E.G. Edwardo's Pizzeria Medieval Times SIx Flags Hancock Center Obs. Monkey Joe's Classic Cinemas $ 10.00 Disc. from any purchase $ 20.00 Disc. from an adult admin. $ 15.00 Disc. from each ticket (max.4) $ 5.00 Disc. from each ticket (max. 2) $ 5.00 Disc. from purchase $ 5.00 Free popcorn The cost for the books is only $ 25.00 The books can be purchased in the HOLY FAMILY ROOM after all Masses OR at the RECTORY OR from any S.I.J. Men's Club Member Any Questions? Call Chuck Napravnik 8476997445 PLEASE NOTE!! ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT SAINT ISAAC JOGUES PARISH PARISH LIFE COMMISSION MEETING The Parish Life Commission meets this Thursday, September 9th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Holy Family Room. Among the agenda items will be organization reports, the Hospitality Weekend on Sept.1819 and a look ahead to our parish Feast Day weekend in October. If you have items for the agenda, please call Dee Stanton at 847-966-1180. Page Eight Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2010 ST. ISAAC JOGUES WOMEN'S CLUB ANN MARIE SINGS AND THE WORLD LISTENS Ann Marie will be appearing at St. Isaac Jogues on October 3rd at 3P.M. in our Holy Family Room. She is one of the most attractive and captivating vocalists. Whether exuding her rendition of “New York,” “Chicago,” or gliding through “You made me Love you,” Ann Marie delivers with a punch that is still ringing true long after the number has concluded. Ann Marie began her career at a fledgling 13 years of age singing with Chicago land Big Bands. In the early sixties she began following, and sometimes typifying Barbara Streisand and still shocks patrons in some dimly lit supper clubs when she moves into 'People'. Her versatility also includes making commercials. Recent engagements have included Nordic Hills Resort, Hyatt Regency in Schaumburg, Sullivan's in Niles, Noodles in Chicago, Sharko's in Lisle, The Rib Exchange in Hoffman Estates, Hangar 21, and Phillys G's. Ann Marie is often the star attraction at Weddings, Sales Meetings, Fashion Shows, Product Introductions, Fund Raisers, Trades Shows and Parties of all kinds. Admission Tickets for her performance will be $10.00 Human Concerns “A Filipino Perspective on the Holy Longing” will be presented by Fr. John Era on September 11, 2010 at the Holy Family Room from 8:30 to noon. All are welcome. Please contact Jelly Carandang (847-679-7058, msjellybeans for more information or to register. Mass will follow after the session. Free refreshments/light lunch are provided by the FilAm Group of SIJ. Thank you. THE DIFFERENCE It is labour indeed that puts the difference on everything. You needn’t struggle through a problem pregnancy alone. Call HOPELINE (847) 823—HOPE ALTAR FLOWERS CAN BE A BEAUTIFUL TRIBUTE From now through Thanksgiving Day, November 25th, 2010, parishioners are invited to decorate the altar with flowers in honor or memory of a loved one. There will be two arrangements each week. Your name and intention will be listed in the Bulletin. The cost of a flower arrangement is $50.00. Dates fill up quickly, so please book well in advance. Please call the Rectory at 847-9671060 to arrange the date to make your remembrance special! Page Nine Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2010 St. Isaac Jogues Women's Club PASTA AND MEATBALL DINNER Guild Number Seven will be Hosting a Pasta and Meatball Dinner On Saturday, September 25th after the 5PM MASS. The Dinner will be in The Holy Family Room. Dinner will consist of Pasta, two Meatballs, salad, bread, dessert and a soft drink. Donation for the dinner will be $7.00 WHAT DID JESUS SAY ABOUT ADORATION? “If My people … humble themselves and pray, and seek My presence … I will revive their land.” 2 Ch 7:14 For peace and renewal in our country. HOLY HOUR THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:00—8:00 P.M. Runaway Slave Onesimus, our brother One of us, yet like no other Slave though you were in the past We now embrace you as God’s beloved As brothers and sisters in Christ We’re partners and heirs to the Kingdom All have been redeemed by the Savior Servant or free, there’s no need to flee If you were a thief, it doesn’t matter Guilty as charged, we all have fallen Now is the time to start over Now is the time to dare and be free For years we could not see The full value of your human dignity Using people like a sold property Is worse than stealing or robbery In the United States Patriot Day occurs on September 11 of each year, designated in memory of the 2,993 killed in the September 11, 2001 attacks.. Most Americans refer to the day as 9/11 Shame on us to have condoned slavery Shame on us that even to this day Human trafficking is an evil That exploits the vulnerable and needy - Deacon Rod Page Ten Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, September 5 7:30 am For the Living & Deceased Members of St. Isaac Jogues & their Families; Anthony J. Angello 9:00 am Lucille & Michael Toreno 10:30 am Obdulia Ranola 12:00 pm Marion Sawicki Monday, September 6 — Labor Day 9:00 am Purgatorial Society; LaVerne Dunn Tuesday, September 7 8:00 am Franco Agostinelli Liturgies next weekend September 11—12 Presider 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm 9:00 am 10:30 am Thursday, September 9 8:00 am Stephen Puisis 12:00 pm Friday, September 10 8:00 am Richard MacDonald Saturday, September 11 8:00 am Communion Service– No Intentions 5:00 pm Sr. Mary Ellen Luczak Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr Fr. Stagaman Kennedy Janas Luczak/Deacon Paul Kalas Altar Servers 7:30 am Wednesday, September 8 8:00 am Ann Ray September 5, 2010 9:00 am Matthew Kniazuk, Mercedez Gallegos, Jasmine Herrera Carlo Lasco, Athena Lasco, Adam Ratner Elizabeth Stanton, Geleen Reyes, Nelson Perumpel Colin Austria, Jacob Austria, Paul Jaroslawski Aisha Fernando, Christina Jimmychan, Marco Lambo Labor Day, September 6th Kiran Jose, Edrienne Yap, Althea Yap Sacristy Committee Mary Ann Scanlon, Arlene Turek Sunday, September 12 7:30 am Godlewski Family 9:00 am For the Living & Deceased Members of St. Isaac Jogues & their Families; Vincent & Catherine Batavich 10:30 am Russ & Marge DiPrima 12:00 pm Ed Smith Reconciliation Fr. McGlynn Fill us at daybreak with your kindness, that we may shout for joy and gladness for all our days. - Psalm 90:14 Relatives & Friends Please remember the sick and hospitalized: Bob Arns, Shirley Arns, John Arns, Jr., Linda Bennett, Shawn Bong, Nona Kennedy Cooper, Genevieve Conway, Mary Cornwell, Ed D’Souza, Norbert Florek, Edward Gaske, Ann Gorz, Janis Kelly, Patricia King, Shirley Klein, Maria Ladd, Gailmarie Mattison, Laura Maya, Lillian McCloud, Marilyn Michaels, Efren Miranda, Mariel Mentink, Susan Nowak, Tammy Heffernan Propst, Tony Romito, Gerry Sanariz, Linda Bong Sanchez, Paul Sitkowski, Clariza St. George, John Terzakis, Pat Terzakis, Alec Upshaw, Megan Zimniewicz Upshaw, Chuck Watson, Mary Zimniewicz, Elaine Zourkas Page Eleven Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time PASTOR: Rev. Andrew Luczak ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Rev. Camillus Janas, O.F.M PASTORAL STAFF: Deacon Bob Kerls, Parish Business Administrator Mrs. Dolores Stanton, Director of Religious Education Mrs. Patricia Kellen, Parish Nurse Ms. Lisa Hall, Music Director DEACON COMMUNITY: Deacon & Mrs. Robert C. O’Keefe Deacon Rod Ranola Deacon & Mrs. Paul M. Stanton WEEKEND LITURGY PRESIDERS: Rev. Ron Kalas Rev. Bernard Kennedy, O.F.M. Rev. Philip McGlynn, O.S.M. Rev. David Stagaman, S.J. Eucharistic Celebrations: Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, & 12:00 Noon Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM Saturday: 8:00 AM & 5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday, 11:00 - 12:00 Noon or anytime by request. September 5, 2010 Sacrament of Matrimony: Must be registered for six months prior to setting the wedding date with an additional six months for necessary preparation. Note: The following wedding times can be scheduled: Friday at 5:00 p.m.; Saturday at 1:00 and 3:00 p.m.; Sunday at 3:00 p.m. (Ceremony only) Sacrament of Baptism: Second and fourth Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM. Baptism Preparation Session must be completed before Baptism. Contact the Parish Office as soon as possible for details. Parish Office Website: E-mail: 8149 Golf Road, Niles, IL. 60714. . . . . . . 967-1060 Mrs. Janet Piovosi (Parish Secretary) Mrs. Emilie Casacchia (Data Processor) Mrs. Marlene Garber (Data Processor) Mrs. Jane Piper (Bulletin Editor) Religious Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966-1180 Staff Secretary Parish Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967-1094 Music Ministry. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967-1091 Parish Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-1091 Ministry Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-6911 Parish School: St. John Brebeuf School. . . . . . . . . 966-3266 Principal: Mrs. Margaret Whitman ADDING NAMES TO THE PARISH SICK LIST It has always been the policy of St. Isaac Jogues to offer our parish community an opportunity to pray for those parishioners who are ill and in need of our prayers. We have tried to keep close track of these names for our Bulletin as they are made available to us. However, now we face an important privacy issue, very much like the issues faced by hospitals, health institutions, and certainly by other parishes. We cannot (by law) publicly let our parish community know the health status of any of our members without their permission. We appreciate the fact that often friends, neighbors, and acquaintances wish to do something special for a person who is ill, and ask to place their name on the list to be prayed for. While their intentions are surely good, we simply can no longer accept names in this manner. We will institute a new process regarding calling in names for the Bulletin list. Names for the sick list placed in the Bulletin have to be called in by the person who is ill, or by a member of their family. At the time they call in the name, they will be asked whether they are the sick person him/ herself, or a member of their family, and if they give permission for the name to be placed on the list. They will be asked for the correct spelling of the sick person's name. If a family member, they will be required to give their name for our records. Thank you for your patience regarding this new process. We wish to do all we can to offer our parish community the opportunity to offer prayers for those who are ill — but we must also be cognizant of the fact that all members of our congregation are entitled to their privacy in this regard. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS ST. ISAAC JOGUES #512032 8149 Golf Road Niles, IL 60714 TELEPHONE 847 967-1060 CONTACT PERSON Jane/Janet SOFTWARE MS Publisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER Canon IR 3035 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 12 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION September 5, 2010 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS THANK YOU!
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