2014 national winners! - FBLA-PBL


2014 national winners! - FBLA-PBL
Summer 2014
National Board of Directors
National Staff
Ted Harshbarger, Chair
Kelly Wilkerson
Karen Heslep, Chair-elect
Lisa Weeks
Nebraska PBL State Adviser
Peru State College
Mountain Plains Region
PBL Adviser
Arkansas State University Mountain Home
Southern Region
Zulema Garcia
Business/Industry Representative
Lisa Hofstetter
FBLA Adviser
Warren Township High School
North Central Region
State Chair/Adviser
Alabama State Department of Education
Southern Region
FBLA-PBL Division Presidents
Sam Kessler
FBLA National President
Jean M. Buckley
President and CEO ceo@fbla.org
Elena Daly
Executive Assistant
Becky Grant, CMP
Programs Coordinator
Mary Ait
Staff Accountant
Epi Fagundo
Customer Service/Reception
FBLA Adviser
Linn County Area Career and Technical Center
North Central Region
Beau Cobb
PBL National President
Rhode Island
Jim Spence
Customer Service/Mail Associate
Lee C. Marcoux
David Jones
Troy D. White
Director, Marketing & Membership
Ex-Officio Members
Lisa Frye Smothers
Membership Director
FBLA State Director
Connecticut State Department of Education
Eastern Region
Shea Padilla
FBLA-PBL State Chair
Arizona Department of Education
Western Region
Chris Pendleton
FBLA Adviser
Hidden Valley High School
Western Region
Professional Division National President
Monty Rhodes, past chair
Georgia FBLA Executive Director
Southern Region
Jean M. Buckley
President & CEO
2014–15 FBLA National Officer Team
Tom Payne, CPA
Director, PBL College/University Relations
Ashley Witherspoon
Customer Service/Database Associate
Becky Grant, CMP
Programs Coordinator
Richard Bowen
Conference Director
Sam Kessler
Madisyn Harris
Annika Mulaney
Nick Crawford
Robert Smothers
Conference Manager
Ian Mullane
Carla Boulton
Education Director
FBLA National President
Wissahickon High School, Pennsylvania
FBLA National Secretary
Bartow High School, Florida
Ruben Torres
FBLA National Treasurer
Warren Township High School, Illinois
Hiral Patel
FBLA National Parliamentarian
Castle Rock High School, Washington
Sabrena Sabet
FBLA Eastern Region Vice President
Lakeland High School, New York
Sarah Niederee
FBLA Mountain Plains Region Vice President
Great Bend High School, Kansas
FBLA North Central Region Vice President
Clever High School, Missouri
FBLA Southern Region Vice President
Ringgold High School, Georgia
FBLA Western Region Vice President
Centennial High School, Arizona
Stephen Lock
Education Associate
Communications Manager
1912 Association Drive
Reston, VA 20191-1591
P 703.860.3334
F 866.500.5610
Tomorrow’s Business Leader Summer 2014 Volume 45, Issue 1 (ISSN 0279-9685). Published quarterly (summer, fall, winter, and spring) by Future Business Leaders
of America-Phi Beta Lambda. Periodicals postage paid at Herndon, VA and at additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.25 of the national dues pays for a one-year
subscription. Editorial and advertising sales offices at FBLA-PBL, Inc., 1912 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1591 703.860.3334. POSTMASTER: Send address
changes to: Tomorrow’s Business Leader, 1912 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1591. Materials may be reprinted with prior permission of the editor. Editorial
submissions are encouraged and should be addressed to the editor. All FBLA-PBL, Inc. publications use the Chicago Manual of Style. Publisher: Jean M. Buckley.
Table of
Calendar of
President’s Message.................................2
FBLA president Sam Kessler encourages you to get the
most from FBLA.
PBL Corner........................................... 3
PBL president Beau Cobb talks about Stepping Up to the
Officer Notes..............................................4
Tips and insights from your 2014–15 national officers.
Sept. 2
Fall Stock Market Game begins
Sept. 10
ACTE Outstanding Business Student
Award—postmark deadline
Sept. 10
Webinar: Welcome Back to FBLAPBL
Sept. 17
Google Hangout: FBLA National
President Address to the Nation
Oct. 8
Webinar: National Fall Leadership
Oct. 10
NFLC—Washington, D.C.: Early-bird
registration deadline
Oct. 17
Step Up to #NFLC2014.
NFLC—Minneapolis: Early-bird
registration deadline
Oct. 20
Middle Level Recognition........................16
Super Sweeps ends
LifeSmarts competition
Oct. 20 Virtual Business Finance Fall
Oct. 20 Virtual Business Management Fall
Oct. 24
NFLC—New Orleans: Early-bird
registration deadline
2014 National Winners..............................6
Top 10 #NLC2014 competitive event winners.
2014–15 Conferences...............................11
ML competitive event winners are listed.
A preview of your 2014–15 fundraising resources.
Sponsors & Partners................................19
Check Us Out...
Summer 2014 1
President’s Welcome!
Getting the most from FBLA
By Sam Kessler
Hello everyone, I’m Sam Kessler, your
national president; and on behalf of
the entire FBLA national officer team,
I’m excited to welcome you to the new
membership year.
In order to get the most out of FBLA,
or out of anything for that matter, we
need to actively seek out challenges.
With FBLA specifically, the benefits of
an active membership in this organization reach far beyond what you’d
traditionally expect from a schoolsponsored activity.
In addition to the exciting competition highlighted by the recent National
Leadership Conference, we have the
unique opportunity at FBLA meetings,
activities, and upcoming conferences
such as the NFLCs to learn from the
firsthand experiences of business
The mission of FBLA is two-fold: It
teaches us business and professional
skills for our future—giving us presentday opportunities to travel and to meet
new people—while helping our communities and developing skills that will
benefit us now and for our future.
When I first joined FBLA, I had no way
of predicting the impact it would have
on my life. Not only have I gained leadership and business skills, but I’ve also
made some of my best friends who I’ll
keep in contact with long after I leave
Ice Breaker Activities
I encourage all of you to Step Up to the
Challenge this year by taking advantage of the many opportunities to meet
new people, participate in national
programs, gain new leadership skills,
and, of course, have some fun!
Sam Kessler
Sam Kessler, a senior at Wissahickon High
School, has held several positions in his local
and state chapters.
Below you will find creative activities you can use to
energize members and help establish new relationships with
one another.
At the conclusion, each participant should introduce his or her
partner to the group, mentioning something interesting he or
she learned during the interview.
Autograph: In this networking activity, the leader creates a
sheet that contains fifteen to twenty different items, such as
“plays the violin” or “has traveled internationally”. Each person
receives a worksheet and finds people who fill the criteria to
sign the paper. A good rule to go by is that no one can sign
each sheet more than once. By doing this, people will have to
move around and meet a bigger group of individuals.
M&M Game: Pass a bowl of M&Ms around the group and
instruct everyone to take as many as they like. After everyone
has gotten a chance to reach into the bowl, tell them that for
each M&M they took, they need to tell the group something
interesting that pertains to them. One variation of this game is
to color code specific questions. For instance, for every red
M&M, have them state one event they have competed in for
FBLA, and for every blue M&M, one FBLA conference they’ve
attended, and so on.
Interviews: Participants partner up with one other person
and conduct interviews with each other. The leader facilitating
should suggest questions such as “how long have you been
involved with FBLA?” or “what events you are competing in?”
high school. I know many of you have
had a similar experience with FBLA,
and that is what makes it so special.
The opportunities offered by this organization are universal in that each and
every one of us has the opportunity to
take advantage of them.
Using these icebreakers, you’ll not only bring your members
together, you’ll Step Up to the Challenge this upcoming year.
Up to the Challenge
FBLA-PBL is a lifetime journey
By Beau Cobb
My name is Beau Cobb, and I am
currently serving as the Phi Beta
Lambda (PBL) national president. PBL
is the college division of FBLA. For
those of you that attended the NLC in
Nashville, make sure to take that passion and enthusiasm back to your local
chapters! Last year was a recordbreaking year, and I am confident that
we will see many more successes during the 2014–15 year.
I hope that you are ready to Step Up to
the Challenge this year. Just like you,
I was a member of FBLA. I grew up in
a small rural town, and FBLA gave me
the opportunity to network and compete with the best students across the
My connection to FBLA started when I
joined FBLA-Middle Level. I continued
my journey with FBLA in high school
and then joined the Professional
Division while working in my first job.
And then I joined PBL after enrolling in
PBL gives FBLA members the opportunity to continue your journey in our
association while you’re enrolled in a
postsecondary institution. During my
PBL journey, I have had the opportunity
to take what I’ve learned in the
classroom and apply it in real life.
I’ve demonstrated marketing,
accounting, and management skills
during my time in PBL. I’ve also had a
ton of fun and made even more connections.
Whether this is your first year in FBLA
or your senior year, remember you are
a part of something that lasts a lifetime. If you have any questions about
PBL or just want to talk, please feel
free to reach out to me at pblpres@
Beau Cobb
Beau, a senior at Johnson & Wales University,
serves as PBL national president. Beau has
been a member of all four divisions and is in
his tenth year as a FBLA-PBL member.
Help Shape the Future of FBLA-PBL!
The FBLA-PBL National Center wants to hear from you! Have a great idea you want to share? Members
and advisers can now submit, vote, and promote their ideas at The Innovation Center, and then check
back to monitor the progress of their ideas.
Summer 2014 3
Preparing a Local Chapter
Progam of Work & Plan of Action
By Annika Mulaney
A program of work is a written layout of the goals a chapter
plans to accomplish during the year. Developing a program
of work may initially seem like a daunting task, but it is actually a very effective way to carry out your chapter goals.
Begin a local chapter plan of action with a meeting of your
chapter officers. As a team, look over the FBLA-PBL goals,
mission, and creed. Brainstorm activities your chapter can
undertake that align with the FBLA-PBL goals. Think about
goals that cover community service, fundraising, public
relations, professional development, and membership
recruitment. Make a list of about three to six broad goals,
depending on the size of your chapter, and write down subpoints under each broad goal. These subpoints should have
specific programs you can implement or activities you can
do that relate to the main goal. For example, under the goal
“fundraising,” your specific tasks could be to contact local
businesses, host a school bake sale, and participate in a
car wash. Beside each task, write down a completion date.
This schedule will help you get your goals done on time and
determine whether they are realistic or not.
When you have completed your program of work, evaluate it
with your chapter adviser to ensure your plan is feasible and
achievable by your chapter’s members. Delegate responsibilities in the program to each chapter officer and review
the program of work every month to keep track of your
chapter’s accomplishments. Remember, it’s better to have
attainable, simple goals than unrealistic ones. That being
said, don’t be afraid to be ambitious! Check out the sample
project activities and links below if you need ideas. Best of
luck in the upcoming year as we Step Up to the Challenge.
4 Tomorrow’s Business Leader
• July: Create a schedule for the upcoming year (see http://
• August: Plan a membership recruitment schedule to use
when school starts (see http://tinyurl.com/8mazpqs)
• September: Host a chapter ice cream social to invite
students to join FBLA
• October: Compile competitive event study materials and
distribute them to members (see http://tinyurl.com/kpbrojc)
• November: Participate in the Non Stop November
program by completing five March of Dimes and American
Enterprise Day tasks (see http://tinyurl.com/nyn5paj)
• December: Contact at least five local businesses for
• January: Target a local community service project and
ask FBLA members to be volunteers (could apply to Community Service Awards, see http://tinyurl.com/n8bevg3)
• February: Contact a successful local businessperson and
ask him or her to speak at the next chapter meeting
• March: Host a Middle Level day and meet with a middle
school chapter to share ideas and opportunities
• April: Sponsor a walk-a-thon to raise money for the March
of Dimes (see http://tinyurl.com/l8q9z9f)
• May: Aim for 100% student participation in the Business
Achievement Awards (see http://tinyurl.com/mqjnc6u)
• June: Hold a chapter officer training to help newly elected
officers begin their terms
Annika Mulaney
Annika is a three-term state officer and currently serves as the Florida
State Secretary. She has held five district and chapter offices, and
placed nationally in competitive events.
Planning the First
Local Chapter Meeting
By Hiral Patel
Local chapter meetings are a time when members can get
together to discuss ideas, plan events, and make decisions.
As the new school year inches closer it is time for chapters
across the nation to start planning their first meeting. At
the first meeting new members come to learn more about
our organization and returning members look for ways to
increase their involvement.
The first local chapter meeting is very important to get
everyone excited for what the year has in store. Well-planned
meetings are the base of every successful chapter because
they spur interest and participation. Here are a few tips to
facilitate your planning:
• Welcome from local chapter officers
• Icebreaker
• Discuss the benefits of joining FBLA-PBL (use one of the
many slideshows or videos found at the E-Learning Center to
enhance your presentation: http://tinyurl.com/p9ugy9g)
• Brainstorm ideas and events that the chapter can take on
during the school year and appoint committees to work on
planning and implementing the ideas
• Membership sign-up & collect dues
• Set and announce a future meeting place and time
Good luck and start planning for your first local chapter
meeting today!
• Hold an officer meeting before the general meeting for
preparation purposes
Hiral Patel
Hiral has held offices at the state and regional levels and is looking
• Post flyers and make announcements around the school
forward to making an impact at the national level.
to create a buzz around the upcoming
• Make available a sign-in sheet where
Four Divisions. One Goal. Your Career Success.
members can provide their name and
contact information
• Ensure that all members receive
equal speaking and participation time
Your Lifelong
during the meeting
• Be sure to supply adequate time for
the meeting
Connect with the Professional Division today!
One of the most crucial factors of
a meeting is an agenda. An agenda
provides guidance and helps keep the
meeting in order so that
business is conducted in an organized
manner. Some items that can be
included in the agenda of the first local
chapter meeting are as follows:
FBLA-Middle Level
Summer 2014 5
Congratulations to our Top 10, 2014
NLC Competitive Event Winners!
Nearly 7,100 students competed in over 60 events at the 2014 National Leadership
Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. Congratulations to all who participated!
Accounting I
Sponsored by KMPG LLP
1. Vivian Li, Mira Loma High School, California
2. Patricia Lu, Blue Valley North High School, Kansas
3. Nathan Linklater, Okanogan High School, Washington
4. Jack Zhang, Wissahickon High School, Pennsylvania
5. Hannah Kruse, New Haven High School, Missouri
6. Neil Sharma, Homestead High School, California
7. Daniel Barracato, Old Bridge High School, New Jersey
8. Gabriel Argush, Marlboro High School, New Jersey
9. Daniel Weiland, Coral Reef Senior High School, Florida
10. Yuchen Liu, South Fayette High School, Pennsylvania
Accounting II
Sponsored by American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
1. Holly Williams, West Bend-East/West High School, Wisconsin
2. Ben Pike, Waunakee High School, Wisconsin
3. Grayham Lohrey, Simsbury High School, Connecticut
4. Mark Toda, Tualatin High School, Oregon
5. Jesse Fitch, Chattahoochee High School, Georgia
6. Andres Garcia, Mission High School, Texas
7. Arielle Perez, Chattahoochee High School, Georgia
8. Sawyer Bressler, Montoursville Area High School, Pennsylvania
9. Ryan Kurohara, Westlake High School, California
10. Calli Luikart, Tualatin High School, Oregon
7. Zoe Clark, Brad Johnston, Molly Schafer,
Odessa High School, Washington
8. Johnny Kohlbeck, Jason Leurquin, Diane Xue,
Germantown High School, Wisconsin
9. Megan Gerk, Allison Schaefer, Seth Thompson,
Haxtun High School, Colorado
10. William (Will) Britt, Cory Staton, Robinson Secondary School, Virginia
Banking and Financial Systems
Sponsored by Visa Inc.
1. David Fan, Zachary Richheimer, Williamsville East High School, New York
2. Scott McGehee, Kiley Varney, Hesston High School, Kansas
3. Hunter Lankford, Visar Mehmeti,
Riverwood International Charter School, Georgia
4. Ji Eun Lee, Cedric Nixon, Hanphenie Zhou,
Homestead High School, California
5. Katharine Garrett, Kaitlyn Oppliger, Blair High School, Nebraska
6. Jenna Plotzky, George Solane, Christian Sottosanti,
Westhill High School, Connecticut
7. Coleman Forst, Kaleb Koerperich, David Luebcke,
Marysville High School, Kansas
8. Harsimran Gill, Saavan Patel, Rancocas Valley Regional, New Jersey
9. Austin Greenwood, Alex Johnson, Stephanie Schmidt,
Two Rivers High School, Wisconsin
10. Brandon Daly, Ryan Huff, Kaizad Parekh,
Campbell County High School, Wyoming
Business Calculations
Sponsored by Junior Tours
Sponsored by Tom-Wat Fundraising
1. Eric Wolf, Stroudsburg High School, Pennsylvania
2. Zachary Crum, Troy High School, California
3. Payton Rhodes, Troy Buchannan High School, Missouri
4. Jenna Sattazahn, Conrad Weiser Area High School, Pennsylvania
5. Austin Jarrett, Sky View High School, Utah
6. Noah Hunter, Ridley High School, Pennsylvania
7. Collin Smith, Pinckneyville High School, Illinois
8. Jacob Carsten, Kimball High School, South Dakota
9. Claire Kim, Williamsville East High School, New York
10. Austin Clark, St. Frederick High School, Louisiana
1. Kyle Xiao, Webster Schroeder High School, New York
2. Haiwen Gui, Alpharetta High School, Georgia
3. Benjamin Wu, Buchholz High School, Florida
4. Sennett Yang, Upper Dublin Senior High, Pennsylvania
5. Dhruv Patel, Hightstown High School, New Jersey
6. Joan Lim, Radnor High School, Pennsylvania
7. Kevin Chen, Walnut High School, California
8. Tony Jiang, Lynbrook High School, California
9. Mark Melvin, Pennsylvania FBLA Virtual Chapter, Pennsylvania
10. Esteban Zapata, Hialeah Gardens High School, Florida
American Enterprise Project
Business Communication
1. Brenna Backemeyer, Natalie Elwood, Wyatt Stroy,
Elmwood-Murdock High School, Nebraska
2. Courtney Renfro, Carlie Snethen, Alexis Yelland,
West Franklin High School, Kansas
3. Andrew Carroll, Katie Polkowski, Aaron Tam,
Pompton Lakes High School, New Jersey
4. Chase Bouse, Ashley Ebeck, Ashtyn Rottinghaus,
Wellsville High School, Kansas
5. Christine Clark, Allison Lu,
Warren Township High School, Illinois
6. Matt Freels, Wade Hodges, Chase Lyons, Beech High School, Tennessee
1. Vismaya Kharkar, West High School, Utah
2. Cameron Leahy, Fort Zumwalt South High School, Missouri
3. Emily Holland, Apollo High School, Kentucky
4. Alex Chen, Valley Center High School, Kansas
5. Sophia Deng, Diamond Bar High School, California
6. Tyler Wilson, Ironwood High School, Arizona
7. Annabelle Williams, Downingtown STEM Academy, Pennsylvania
8. Allison Lu, Warren Township High School, Illinois
9. Nicklaus Stegmuller, Princess Anne High School, Virginia
10. Jessica Ji, Oak Park High School, California
Sponsored by Praxis
6 Tomorrow’s Business Leader
Sponsored by SunTrust Bank, Inc.
Business Ethics
Business Math
1. Jessica Chen, Yoo (Yoohyun) Choi, Odette Wang,
Homestead High School, California
2. Ryan Bigej, Miranda Gibson, Natasha Troxler,
Canby High School, Oregon
3. Sonia Murthy, Sophia Tevosyan,
STEM High School, Washington
4. Lian Song, Liwen Xu, Monta Vista High School, California
5. Katelynn Dane, Andrea Hampton, Samantha Reed,
Arcadia Valley R-2 School Dist, Missouri
6. Tamir Cummings, Christopher Mays, Reyonia Whipple,
Brunswick High School, Georgia
7. Anna Ngo, Jasmine Syed, Stephanie Zimbru,
Grant Community High School, Illinois
8. Abigail Decker, Sofia Goodman, Katelyn Hageman,
Hesston High School, Kansas
9. Tara Bailey, Gracie Johnson,
Montgomery County Area Technology Center, Kentucky
10. Kristen Miller, Julia Rivera, Kennett High School, Pennsylvania
1. Micheal Pearson, duPont Manual High School, Kentucky
2. Austin Lentsch, Theodore F. Riggs High School, South Dakota
3. Ian Campbell, Neshaminy High School, Pennsylvania
4. Louise Zhuang, Oconee County High School, Georgia
5. Pranay Tamminayana, Seven Lakes High School, Texas
6. Keerthana Chakka, Seven Lakes High School, Texas
7. Nityam Rathi, Hillcrest High School, Utah
8. Ethan Smith, Lakewood Senior High School, Florida
9. Reese Butler, Paducah Tilghman High School, Kentucky
10. Tina Lu, Whippany Park High School, New Jersey
Sponsored by Foundation for Teaching Economics
Business Financial Plan
Sponsored by H&R Block
1. Maria Alba, Allison Gonzalez,
Mater Academy Charter High School, Florida
2. Rogelio Dieguez, Marilyn Figueredo, Brandon Uria,
Mater Academy Charter High School, Florida
3. Michaela Mapes, Westside High School, Nebraska
4. Seth Thomas, Mckayl Turner, Damonte Ranch High School, Nevada
5. Khamis Peoples, Aysha Reeves,
Cheyenne Central High School, Wyoming
6. Hannah Goh, Katie Luo, Sydney Wang,
Homestead High School, California
7. Logan Curnal, Peter Gilroy, Isaac Syre,
Wallenpaupack Area High School, Pennsylvania
8. Divya Abraham, Shweta Mohandas, Prasanna Tamminayana,
Seven Lakes High School, Texas
9. Jesus Castillo, Joe Medina, Uriel Valenzuela,
Metro Tech High School - VIP, Arizona
10. Alex Hartley, Graciela Lowery, Pell City High School, Alabama
Business Law
Sponsored by Professional Educators of Tennessee
1. Chris Weeks, Governor Livingston Regional, New Jersey
2. Po-Yu (Bryan) Peng, Homestead High School, California
3. Eric Huang, John P. Stevens High School, New Jersey
4. Susan Sun, Homestead High School, California
5. Lauren Passero, Patriot High School, Virginia
6. Shumrith VinaKollu, Alpharetta High School, Georgia
7. Brandon Chen, Homestead High School, California
8. Garren Wegener, Warrensburg Area Career Center, Missouri
9. Leah Gulyas, Athens High School, Pennsylvania
10. Naveen Chokkar, Seven Lakes High School, Texas
Sponsored by Ozark Delight Candy Company
Business Plan
Sponsored by Wesleyan College
1. Micah Cowley, Smith Hart, Brent Hawks,
Grayson County Career and Technical Center, Virginia
2. Kimberly Barrera-Estrada, Grace Ramstad, Eric Thomas,
Centennial High School, Oregon
3. Georgi Halverson, Sophie Halverson, Megan Hayes,
Davenport High School, Washington
4. Dom Mues, Chris Nachman, Wauconda High School, Illinois
5. Joseph Aunce, Bradley Darling, Westhill High School, Connecticut
6. Kaden Littrell, Betsy Shobe, Canton-Galva High School, Kansas
7. Ramya Gopalakrishnan, Monik Walters,
Valley Stream Central High, New York
8. Erin Bohling, Amzie Dunekacke, Julia Oestmann,
Johnson-Brock High School, Nebraska
9. Caitlin Dickson, Anna Shipman, Angela Zadrima,
George C. Marshall High School, Virginia
10. Anna Hafner, Kay VanAsdale, St. Teresa’’s Academy, Missouri
Business Presentation
Sponsored by The Howe School at Stevens Institute of Technology
1. Dominic Bozzo, Jordan Luntz, Knoch High School, Pennsylvania
2. Josef Benzaoui, Sharon Heung, Dorothy Jiang,
International Community School, Washington
3. Darin Chaichitatorn, Daniella Feijoo, Alex Guiritan,
Mundelein High School, Illinois
4. Lauren Collins, Vishakha Holsambre, Northview High School, Georgia
5. Cora Connolly, Jason Elicker, Lexie Meyer,
Lake George Junior-Senior High School, New York
6. Sam Gebelhoff, Paul Kahlon, Tyler Meyer, Wauconda High School, Illinois
7. Olivia Gartz, Lelia Terzic, Marvin Ridge High School, North Carolina
8. Victor Lee, Angelo Tarver, Zachary High School, Louisiana
9. Austin Conn, Leanna Rosberg, Claire Vanness,
Wausa High School, Nebraska
10. Yuyang Chu, Mitch Reinig, Noah Ryan,
Blue Valley North High School, Kansas
Business Procedures
Sponsored by Northwood University
1. Yana Ilieva, Springfield High School, Pennsylvania
2. Melissa Li, Williamsville East High School, New York
3. Claire Fogarty, George C. Marshall High School, Virginia
4. Courtney Marshall, Walton-Verona High School, Kentucky
5. Kelly Smith, Cyprus High School, Utah
6. Eric Wang, Ward Melville High School, New York
7. Zach Anderson, Dickinson High School, North Dakota
8. Jessica Shu, Seven Lakes High School, Texas
9. Svyatoslav Yushchyshyn, Ridgewood High School, Illinois
10. Matthew Guyan, South Fayette High School, Pennsylvania
Summer 2014 7
Client Service
Computer Problem Solving
1. Kathryn Hucks, Lumpkin County High School, Georgia
2. Kennedy Watson, Englewood Senior High School, Colorado
3. Shoshanna Israel, Upper Dublin Senior High, Pennsylvania
4. Sean Phillips, Clopton High School, Missouri
5. Josie Williams, South Harrison High School, Missouri
6. Brielle Haithcock, Ponte Vedra High School, Florida
7. Carrie Lynne Wolford, George Wythe High School, Virginia
8. Aliyah Formen, Ridgeview High School, Oregon
9. Alexandra Waughman, Woodinville High School, Washington
10. Sierra Plumhof, Uintah High School, Utah
1. James Hulce, Menomonee Falls High School, Wisconsin
2. Asher Kenerly, Wayne County High School, Georgia
3. Richard Lassiter, Spring Hill High School, Tennessee
4. Neal Metcalf, North Technical High School, Missouri
5. Dane Bush, Cass High School, Georgia
6. Alexander Patchin, Advanced Technology Center High School, Virginia
7. Jordan Hart, Middleton High School, Florida
8. Oz Bejerano, Union County Vocational, New Jersey
9. Nicholas Putting, Hallsville High School, Missouri
10. Alexander Chang, University High School, California
Sponsored by KPMG, LLP
Community Service Project
Sponsored by New Worlds Emerge at WorldStrides
1. Naomi Jung, Edward Li, Rie Ohta,
Homestead High School, California
2. Cameron Cook, Mandi Hylton, Makayla McCoy,
Castlewood High School, Virginia
3. Grant Harris, Jami McVay, Sarah Niederee,
Great Bend High School, Kansas
4. Emily Gunter, Lauren James, Logan James,
Buckeye High School, Louisiana
5. Kylie Ackerman, Taylor Bock, Taylor Fischer,
Appleton City R-II High School, Missouri
6. Rachel Stephens, Hailey Waldron, Wayne County High School, Georgia
7. Makenzie Deines, Bryanna Svoboda, Centre High School, Kansas
8. Nicole Lee, Mikayla McMillan, Brooklyn Sisk, Clinton High School, Missouri
9. Amy Christianson, Gretchen Eichelberger, Justin Hart,
Northern High School, Maryland
10. Carlie Budworth, Stephanie Krautscheid,
Centennial High School, Oregon
Computer Applications
Sponsored by Lead2Feed
1. Faythe Maston, Ripley High School, West Virginia
2. Junwei Ren, Bradwell Institute, Georgia
3. Chris Gibson, Knox Central High School, Kentucky
4. Nastarshia Jones, Craigmont High School, Tennessee
5. Isiah Villareal, Omaha High School, Arkansas
6. Courtney Marshall, Towns County High School, Georgia
7. Michelle Risan, Parshall High School, North Dakota
8. Danny Chu, Troy High School, California
9. Lane Pelham, Kingman High School, Arizona
10. Nathan Yuchi, River Hill High School, Maryland
Computer Game & Simulation
Sponsored by The Art Institutes
1. John Peurifoy, Peter Sharpe, Paul Vienhage,
Central High School, Missouri
2. Noah Gann, Cooper Geurin, Bolivar High School, Missouri
3. Masaki Isago, Brandon Vu, Alief Kerr High School, Texas
4. Jonathan Ngan, Matthew Porras, Nicholas Samoray,
Cupertino High School, California
5. Lorenzo Henderson, Caleb Pagel, Sebastian Quinones,
Eastwood High School, Texas
6. Oscar Maldonado, Jacob Schoenthaler,
Northridge High School, Colorado
7. Esteban De La Cruz, Thao Pham, Juan Seguin High School, Texas
8. Scotty Martin, Jacob Martinez, Samantha Slayton,
Robinson Secondary School, Virginia
9. Austin Hoyle, Alburnett High School, Iowa
10. Nikhil Jog, Ammer Soliman, Parsippany Hills High, New Jersey
8 Tomorrow’s
Sponsored by Friends of the Association
Cyber Security
Sponsored by CareerSafe® Online
1. Christopher Gardner, George C. Marshall High School, Virginia
2. Bruce Blair, Advanced Technology Center High School, Virginia
3. Handa Chun, Mount Hebron High School, Maryland
4. Rahul Ramkumar, Hillcrest High School, Utah
5. Tushar Jois, Oak Park High School, California
6. Douglas Ritter, Downingtown STEM Academy, Pennsylvania
7. Varun Arora, John P. Stevens High School, New Jersey
8. Sam Rondinelli, Ouray High School, Colorado
9. Michael McDonald, Homestead High School, California
10. Derek Howard, Harrisburg R-VIII High School, Missouri
Database Design & Application
Sponsored by Oracle Academy
1. Dominique Kennerly, Savannah Arts Academy, Georgia
2. Matthew Versyn, Fannin High School, Georgia
3. Connor Hill, Osceola Fundamental High School, Florida
4. Yidi Huang, duPont Manual High School, Kentucky
5. Matthew Leung, North Penn High School, Pennsylvania
6. Travis Bell, Ruben S. Ayala High School, California
7. Matthew Muscarella, Union County Vocational, New Jersey
8. Jeffrey Yan, North Penn High School, Pennsylvania
9. Alex Kwok, Nashville High School, Arkansas
10. Alyssa Parson, Douglas MacArthur High School, Texas
Desktop Application Programming
Sponsored by Country Meats
1. Alexander Neben, Boulder High School, Colorado
2. Blair Urish, Santa Fe Trail High School, Kansas
3. Ryan Regier, Damonte Ranch High School, Nevada
4. Christopher Woodle, Lakewood Senior High School, Florida
5. Anthony Liu, Alpharetta High School, Georgia
6. Cris Sochacki, Red Bank Regional High School, New Jersey
7. Sam Rankin, Osceola Fundamental High School, Florida
8. Daniel Lovell, Pepperell High School, Georgia
9. Jason Cillo, South Fayette High School, Pennsylvania
10. Thurston Sapp, Little Rock Central High School, Arkansas
Desktop Publishing
Sponsored by DormCo.com
1. Christina Jiang, Kathy Wang, Seven Lakes High School, Texas
2. Carley Bearden, Lindsey Harris, Bauxite High School, Arkansas
3. Brooke Boshers, Alexa Davis, Mt. Pleasant High School, Tennessee
4. Kyle Bogatz, John Willey, Elmwood-Murdock High School, Nebraska
5. Makenna Wallin, Chase County High School, Nebraska
6. Lexie Wright, Tessie Yates, Sylacauga High School, Alabama
7. Trevor McQuay, Kylie Wiegert, Wausa High School, Nebraska
8. Chloe Eck, Emily Quiroa, Spencer County High School, Kentucky
9. Shveta Thakkar, Sneha Thakkar,
Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, Illinois
10. Halle Sieve, Northwestern School District, South Dakota
Digital Design & Promotion
Sponsored by Krispy Kreme Fundraising
1. Zach Smith, Landon Swearngin, Ozark High School, Missouri
2. Madeline Grunin, Valley Stream Central High, New York
3. Taillane Armas, Chase Cabre, Gregory Sanor,
Armwood High School, Florida
4. Isabel Lin, Serena Ngan, Stephanie Shi, Cupertino High School, California
5. Emily Neubert, Woodinville High School, Washington
6. Saridh Galvan, Tamara Lopez, Carlisle Vidourek, Sandy Creek High School,
7. Sean Howard, Jesse Velleu, Mamaroneck High School, New York
8. Halee Reasor, United High School, Pennsylvania
9. Kimberlyn Hughes, Ian Webb, Allatoona High School, Georgia
10. Saige Herbert, Ben Lambrecht, Fleming High School, Colorado
Digital Video Production
Sponsored by PDC Productions
1. Will Hart, Shikha Jaaswal, Westhill High School, Connecticut
2. Kelsey English, Riley Kuykendall, Drew Mitchell,
Kossuth High School, Mississippi
3. Jayce Kolinski, Joe O’Claire, Andres Ortiz,
Menomonee Falls High School, Wisconsin
4. Jeremy Herzog, Cameron Kern, Warren Township High School, Illinois
5. Derrick Chow, Matthew Li, Michael Win, Westmoor High School, California
6. Dominique Breland, Joe Rivera, Steven Safille,
Jack Britt High School, North Carolina
7. Sebastian Arrendondo, Ethan Carr, Lebanon High School, Tennessee
8. Evan Burns, Anthony Dewey, Morgan Winston,
Edgewood Junior/Senior High School, Florida
9. Eryn Acton, Lily Grant, Mound City R-2, Missouri
10. Logan Bingham, Cody Hayes, Amber Wright,
Crittenden County High School, Kentucky
Sponsored by The National Youth Leadership Forum (NYLF):
Careers in Business & Innovation
1. Adhiv Dhar, William Shan, Matthew Sotoudeh,
Lynbrook High School, California
2. Parker Bott, Jacob Hendrix, Bronaugh R-7 School District, Missouri
3. Zac Copeland, Timmi Keisel, Cole Wise, Fleming High School, Colorado
4. Kaetlyn Blazon, Rebecca Caligan, Cheney High School, Washington
5. Amrutha Gujjar, Woodinville High School, Washington
6. Arushi Garg, Vinamra Prakash, Himadri Shah,
Seven Lakes High School, Texas
7. Kayla Green, Kandi Shramek,
Alma Center Lincoln High School, Wisconsin
8. Chhaya Arora, Rachana Kotapalli, Alpharetta High School, Georgia
9. Zachary Barone, Samuel Schiffman,
Upper St. Clair High School, Pennsylvania
10. Joe Jackson, Orrin Kinberg, Lingle-Ft. Laramie High School, Wyoming
Sponsored by MBA Research and Curriculum Center
1. Grace Chen, Bridgewater-Raritan High School, New Jersey
2. Thorne Lindsey, Allegany High School, Maryland
3. Erik Nielsen, Wentzville Holt High School, Missouri
4. Jack Thomson, Northview High School, Georgia
5. Dane Mauland, West Bend-East/West High School, Wisconsin
6. Ian Cumberland, Mundelein High School, Illinois
7. Anant Mishra, Centennial High School, Maryland
8. Thomas Jones, Robinson Secondary School, Virginia
9. Jennifer Russell, Waverly High School, Nebraska
10. Michael Dillard, Briar Woods High School, Virginia
Electronic Career Portfolio
Sponsored by Zinch.com
1. Ethan Barnes, Highland High School, Arkansas
2. Heather Smith, Montgomery County Area Technology Center, Kentucky
3. Nellie Kassebaum, Centre High School, Kansas
4. Danuta Egle, International Community School, Washington
5. Meagan Cramer, Greenwood High School, Wisconsin
6. Lauralee Schoenberg, Kalama High School, Washington
7. Colton Allen, Aurora High School, Nebraska
8. Daniel Toney, Randolph Technical Center, West Virginia
9. Kristy DeGering, Niobrara County High School, Wyoming
10. Ceirra Carlson, Greybull High School, Wyoming
Emerging Business Issues
Sponsored by American Management Association
1. Joel Thomas, Justin Xie, Cordova High School, Tennessee
2. Jonah Ragsdale, Hunter Williams, Monett High School, Missouri
3. Anima Anwar, Pulkita Dua, Sasha Korn,
Union County Vocational, New Jersey
4. Hunter Cummings, Zane Kittleson, Ross Dahlke,
Westfield Area High School, Wisconsin
5. Destiny Broadnax, Lily Slaughter, South Gwinnett High School, Georgia
6. Brenna Backemeyer, Trevor Lockman,
Elmwood-Murdock High School, Nebraska
7. Vamshi Adimulam, Shashank Dimri,
Monroe-Woodbury Senior High School, New York
8. Austin Barry, Nate Jurgensmeier, Dana Meduna,
Bishop Neumann, Nebraska
9. Devon Andrews, Quinton Standifer, Jasper County High School, Georgia
10. Megan Mraz, Andrea Thiltgen, Wauconda High School, Illinois
Sponsored by NFIB Young Entrepreneur Foundation
1. Matthias Argenyi, Tyler Matheson, Nicholas Taylor,
Woodinville High School, Washington
2. Steven Barrera, Dallas Dastrup, Mollie Wiegand,
Benson High School, Arizona
3. Belen Mella, Tony Salerno, Miami Beach Senior High School, Florida
4. Allison Braun, Cody Kroeker, Colton Siebert,
Heartland Community School, Nebraska
5. Ramya Rao, William Yoo, Ward Melville High School, New York
6. Mark Fuller, Robert Rick, Greendale High School, Wisconsin
7. Nikolas Lazar, James Rao, Newton South High School, Massachusetts
8. Tanner Brittain, Nick Spicer,
Jimmy C. Draughn High School, North Carolina
9. Topher Ahrens, Patrick Tan, Chase Youngman,Douglas County High School,
10. Matthew Cushman, Mac Holmes, Kyle Job, Mundelein High School, Illinois
FBLA Principles & Procedures
Sponsored by Hilton Worldwide
1. Shun Lei Sin, Westmoor High School, California
2. Austin Chow, Westmoor High School, California
3. Isabelle Zhou, University High School, California
4. Hong Nguyen, Alief Kerr High School, Texas
5. Alicia Kacharia, International Community School, Washington
6. Adam Mattern, Western Wayne High School, Pennsylvania
7. Jacob Williams, Central High School, Missouri
8. Stoney McLarty, Calvin High School, Louisiana
9. Jillian Weston, Western Wayne High School, Pennsylvania
10. Sydney Bell, Waunakee High School, Wisconsin
Summer 2014 9
Future Business Leader
Sponsored by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University—
College of Business
1. Jessica Cao, Centennial High School, California
2. Catherine Jackson, Beech Senior High School, Tennessee
3. Brandon McCoy, Spokane High School, Missouri
4. Hailey Parks, Pleasant Valley High School, Pennsylvania
5. Ben Kornowski, Kewaunee High School, Wisconsin
6. Jacob Dailey, Canton-Galva High School, Kansas
7. Manuel Galang, Brookfield East High School, Wisconsin
8. Kelsey Bohling, Johnson-Brock High School, Nebraska
9. Ashton Seibel, North Forsyth High School, Georgia
10. Jenicca Hale, Sky View High School, Utah
Global Business
Sponsored by University of Utah – David Eccles Business Scholars
1. Ojus Jain, Elliot Sandfort, Alicia Zeng,
Lincoln East High School, Nebraska
2. Nicole Pinto, Albert Tang, Gloria Zhao,
Monta Vista High School, California
3. Humza Ismail, Usama Ismail, Grandview High School, Colorado
4. Cecilia Sena, Kalya Subramanian, Marsela Sulku,
Lakewood Senior High School, Florida
5. Emily Gao, Rie Ohta, Samantha Rhoads,
Homestead High School, California
6. Tara Pichumani, Prashant Pokhriyal, Tulika Wagle,
Lynbrook High School, California
7. Zohair Siddiqui, Aron Tesfai,
Parkway West Senior High School, Missouri
8. Michelle David, Julia Lan, Seri Lee,
Chattahoochee High School, Georgia
9. Roshni Verma, Andrew Yin,
Panther Creek High School, North Carolina
10. Elizabeth Weiland, Emily Weiland,
Claysburg-Kimmel High School, Pennsylvania
Health Care Administration
Sponsored by Everest Colleges, Institutes and Universities
1. Ashley Kwon, University High School, California
2. Crystal Chang, Diamond Bar High School, California
3. Matthew Miklosovich, Eastern Technical High School, Maryland
4. Maria Hudock, Athens High School, Pennsylvania
5. Anita Amin, River Hill High School, Maryland
6. Katelynn Hindman, Denver Center for International Studies, Colorado
7. Hazel Tuck, Creekview High School, Georgia
8. Megan Elwood, Logan High School, Utah
9. Andrew Nadas, Mansfield Jr/Sr High School, Pennsylvania
10. Jocelyn Daubendiek, Elkhorn High School, Nebraska
Help Desk
Sponsored by Alabama FBLA and Illinois FBLA
1. Caleb Spann, Rose Bud Public School, Arkansas
2. John Hatch, Mountain View High School, Arizona
3. Anshul Chandan, Centennial High School, California
4. Michael McGrady, West Career and Technology Academy, Nevada
5. Aidan Shilling, Center for Career and Technical Education, Maryland
6. Drew Ritter, Union County Vocational, New Jersey
7. Jon Montgomery, William Tennent Senior High School, Pennsylvania
8. Andrew Pascual, Ponte Vedra High School, Florida
9. James Rudder, Burton Center for Arts and Technology, Virginia
10. Atharva Rohatgi, Monta Vista High School, California
10 Tomorrow’s Business Leader
Hospitality Management
Sponsored by Johnson & Wales University
1. Kaylen Dailey, Jacob Hoogerwerf, Ellen McCaw,
Woodinville High School, Washington
2. Smeet Madhani, Avi Minocha, Texas FBLA Virtual Chapter, Texas
3. Oscar Armas-Luy, Kevin Chen, North Penn High School, Pennsylvania
4. Dalton Mann, Derrik Mann, Woodinville High School, Washington
5. Samuel Bald, Morgan Pasterski,
West De Pere High School, Wisconsin
6. Sai Nagula, Monisha Narayanan, Teriyana Cohens,
Chattahoochee High School, North Springs Charter High School, Georgia
7. Adrienne Cavill, Tianna Engen, Kearney High School, Nebraska
8. Rosie Jamison, Ellie Klarl, Jamarcus Mathis,
Sandy Creek High School, Georgia
9. Abigail Luebbert, Andi Rodriguez,
South Callaway R-II High School, Missouri
10. Patrick Rivera, Montez Sinclair, Abby Wright, Lyon County
Junior-Senior High School, Kentucky
Impromptu Speaking
Sponsored by Aronson Foundation
1. Nicole Tranchita, Cypress Creek High School, Texas
2. Chris Castleberry, Clarksville High School, Tennessee
3. Andrew Tabalbag, Thomas Jefferson High School, Washington
4. Jacob Malinowski, Greendale High School, Wisconsin
5. Noah Weinflash, Montville Township High School, New Jersey
6. Saagar Gupta, St. Petersburg High School, Florida
7. Chance Maginness, Rock Creek High School, Kansas
8. Roshan Shelley, John P. Stevens High School, New Jersey
9. Nicki Grant, Clearfield High School, Utah
10. Cole Harper, Irwin County High School, Georgia
Insurance & Risk Management
Sponsored by The Griffith Insurance Education Foundation
1. Reva Ranka, Buchholz High School, Florida
2. Andrew Liu, Marriotts Ridge High School, Maryland
3. Paul Weber, Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska
4. William Liu, Mira Loma High School, California
5. Kathleen Elder, Menchville High School, Virginia
6. Nicole Rehwinkel, Merrill Senior High School, Wisconsin
7. Pranitha Pothuri, Stroudsburg High School, Pennsylvania
8. Andrew Sun, Cupertino High School, California
9. Heather Brevard, Woodinville High School, Washington
10. Kyle Wang, Central Valley High School, Washington
Introduction to Business
Sponsored by KPMG LLP
1. Jacob Auten, Worth County R-3 School, Missouri
2. Shravan Ravishankar, duPont Manual High School, Kentucky
3. Olugbenga Ojo-Osagie, Lovejoy High School, Georgia
4. Joey Hwang, Homestead High School, California
5. Jacob Kronman, Fox Chapel Area High School, Pennsylvania
6. Peggy Xu, Homestead High School, California
7. Ethan Hall, Heartland Community School, Nebraska
8. Shubhangi Mehra, Williamsville East High School, New York
9. Emily Karlzen, Monarch High School, Colorado
10. Leslie Braun, Heartland Community School, Nebraska
Get ready to Step Up to the Challenge this November at the 2014 National Fall Leadership Conferences (NFLCs). Experience
dynamic workshops, keynote speakers, networking opportunities, all at three great locations!
Nov. 7­­–8 Washington, D.C.
Nov. 14–15
Minneapolis, Minnesota Nov. 21–22
New Orleans, Louisiana
Detailed housing information is listed in the NFLC Guide online:
Online registration for the NFLCs is available through fbla-pbl.
org/2014NFLC. To preregister, entries must be submitted online
by the end of the regular registration period. NFLC registration
questions can be directed to 800.FBLA.WIN. Make sure your
school’s accounting department is aware of the deadline dates.
Complete your registration early to take advantage of early bird
Early Bird
Washington, D.C. Until Oct. 10
Until Oct. 17
New Orleans
Until Oct. 24
In this exclusive track, FBLA and PBL state
officers will discover how to promote everything
FBLA-PBL offers so they can work more
effectively with their local chapter officers.
Teams will learn how they can use national
programs and social media to recruit and retain
members, and will develop an action plan to help
Step Up to the Challenge.
This track will be conducted on the Saturday of
the NFLC at each site and is for 2014–15 FBLA
and PBL state officers.
Oct. 11–Oct. 29 Oct. 30–Onsite
Oct. 18–Nov. 5
Nov. 6–Onsite
Oct. 25–Nov. 12 Nov. 13–Onsite
This year’s NFLC keynote speakers are dynamic, motivational, and inspiring. They’ll make you laugh, cry, and think.
Josh Shipp
Hoan Do
Josh Shipp A.K.A. “The Teen Whisperer”
is a former at-risk foster kid turned teen
advocate. His TV series Teen Trouble (A&E,
Lifetime) documented his work with
teens in crisis. He is the author of “The
Teen’s Guide to World Domination“, and
was listed on Inc. Magazine’s 30 under 30
Hoan Do is a student success coach,
author, and competitor in NBC’s hit show,
American Ninja Warrior. Recognized as the
best youth mentor by the International
Examiner, Hoan travels across North
America speaking at colleges, high
schools, and student leadership
conferences where he shares practical
advice that helps students to succeed in
and out of school.
Washington, D.C., Minneapolis, and
New Orleans—Opening Session
Washington, D.C., Minneapolis, and
New Orleans—Closing Session
Summer 2014 11
Introduction to Business Communication
1. Brittany Russell, Neshoba Central High School, Mississippi
2. Lillian Wang, Great Valley High School, Pennsylvania
3. Nicole Kwan, Seven Lakes High School, Texas
4. Emily Liu, Troy High School, California
5. Caleigh Propes, McCracken County High School, Kentucky
6. Sally Pan, Northview High School, Georgia
7. Nitheyaa Shree, Peachtree Ridge High School, Georgia
8. Maria Knisely, Claysburg-Kimmel High School, Pennsylvania
9. Caroline Wang, Williamsville East High School, New York
10. Anja Tonkovvic-Capin, Blue Valley North High School, Kansas
1. Arvin Ng, Ronald Zhang, Lynbrook High School, California
2. Leanna Eik, Wade Taylor, Cheney High School, Washington
3. Brycen Holland, Nikos Milios, Southern Lehigh High School, Pennsylvania
4. Graydon Brewer, Tijona Jones, Ellicott High School, Colorado
5. Noah Harrell, Aaron Willis, West Carteret High School, North Carolina
6. Allen Luo, Shoya Yoshida, Cranbrook Kingswood Schools, Michigan
7. Tim Cohoon, Arianna Prescher, Buffalo High School, Wyoming
8. Evan Eriksmoen, Andrea Haugland, Divide County High School,
North Dakota
9. Drew Collins, Joanna Roberts, Omaha High School, Arkansas
10. Christian Cameron, Jaxon Flitsch, Alburnett High School, Iowa
Sponsored by Pride Distributors
Introduction to Information Technology
Sponsored by National Technical Honor Society
1. Justin Becker, Cherokee High School, New Jersey
2. Douglas Schumacher, Medford Senior High School, Wisconsin
3. Nicholas Loudermilk, Warner Robins High School, Georgia
4. Michael Cai, Payson High School, Arizona
5. Sam Frey, Northview High School, Georgia
6. Mason Goodman, Blair High School, Nebraska
7. Jacob Reed, Littlestown High School, Pennsylvania
8. Jonathan Haroldsen, Herriman High School, Utah
9. Matthew Nicoll, Hoover High School, Alabama
10. Aidan Killer, South Forsyth High School, Georgia
Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure
Sponsored by Tennessee FBLA
1. Allison Basore, Centre High School, Kansas
2. Megan Dukes, Athens High School, Pennsylvania
3. Brandon Byrd, Metter High School, Georgia
4. Thomas Pointer, Gainesville High School, Missouri
5. Divya Kriplani, Lynbrook High School, California
6. Quadri Bell, Manning High School, South Carolina
7. Srikar Boinapally, Cupertino High School, California
8. Alaina Lengner, Western Wayne High School, Pennsylvania
9. Yvonne Yang, Homestead High School, California
10. Collin Dunn, Central Valley High School, Washington
Job Interview
Sponsored by API
1. Richard Gunasena, duPont Manual High School, Kentucky
2. Dakota Frederick, Guernsey-Sunrise High School, Wyoming
3. Julie Slama, Auburn High School, Nebraska
4. Ashtyn Rottinghaus, Wellsville High School, Kansas
5. Mia Manto, Towns County High School, Georgia
6. Dani Rakowitz, Rock Creek High School, Kansas
7. Myles Hammond, Thomas W. Harvey High School, Ohio
8. Iridiana Ibarra, Florence High School, Arizona
9. Adam Kouhel, Waukesha North High School, Wisconsin
10. Courtney Cole, Riverdale High School, Tennessee
12 12 Tomorrow’s Business Leader
Sponsored by National Consumers League
Local Chapter Annual Business Report
Sponsored by Men’s Wearhouse Group
1. Wellsville High School, Kansas
2. Redwood High School, California
3. Bracken County High School, Kentucky
4. G. Holmes Braddock Senior High School, Florida
5. Cotter High School, Arkansas
6. Columbia Junior High-9th, Washington
7. West Career and Technology Academy, Nevada
8. Armorel High School, Arkansas
9. Westmoor High School, California
10. Mayfield/Graves County Area Technology Center, Kentucky
Management Decision Making
Sponsored by Gary E. West COB, West Liberty University
1. Daniel Kochman, Rahul Kosgi, Sonia Thosar,
Adlai E. Stevenson High School, Illinois
2. Robert Pruitt, Eric Winkler, Calloway County High School, Kentucky
3. Andrew Holmes, Tyler Mansfield, Gabriel Mayberry,
Uintah High School, Utah
4. Brendon Asch, Ashley Peterson, Carmen Resco,
Clifton-Clyde High School, Kansas
5. Josh Decker, Brady McDermed, Sabrina Wollenberg,
Hesston High School, Kansas
6. Mark Tremoglie, Alansky Tyler,
Downingtown High School West Campus, Pennsylvania
7. William Sitton, Samantha Stout, Michael Swanson,
Franklin Technology Center, Missouri
8. Katie Anderson, Savannah Hillebrand, Connor Richards,
Estrella Foothills High School, Arizona
9. Gabriella Burns, Madeline Lee, Savannah Arts Academy, Georgia
10. Vikrant Nallapargu, Roshni Patel, Daniel Sequeira,
Hightower High School, Texas
Management Information Systems
Sponsored by Association Motor Club Marketing (AMCM)
1. Ryan Matukaitis, Allen Potter, Sunny Sen,
Southern Columbia High School, Pennsylvania
2. George Jones, Seth Stuart, Mountain View High School, Arizona
3. Zac Adams, Jason Wu, Peachtree Ridge High School, Georgia
4. Sydney Burke, Alison Ng, Woodinville High School, Washington
5. Mason Blanke, Timothy Rodriguez, Robinson Secondary School, Virginia
6. Tingyee Chang, Jay Kamat, Ashley Schmit,
Homestead High School, California
7. Shelby Dietrich, Sarah Kunkel, Vanessa Miller,
Chelan High School, Washington
8. Elysia Ouyang, Mina Rhee, University High School, California
9. Connor Nace, Matthew Plitt, Littlestown High School, Pennsylvania
10. Jared Frenzel, Elijah Kennedy, River Towne,
Auburn High School, Nebraska
Sponsored by Mercer University Eugene W. Stetson School of
Business & Economics
1. Tyler Beairsto, Anna Scheibmeir, Shayna Woods,
Centralia High School, Washington
2. Daniel MacBlane, Robert Roisenberg, Michael Segal,
Livingston High School, New Jersey
3. Angela Chang, Ashley Liu, Dharma Naidu,
Cupertino High School, California
4. Ryan Barlow, Christian Green, Neal Quinn,
Corinth Holders High School, North Carolina
5. Mallika Kapur, Jay Lee, Rohan Mathur, Monta Vista High School, California
6. Matthew Wu, Lilly Xie, Paul Laurence Dunbar High, Kentucky
7. Spencer Chin, Ryan Eshbaugh, Hazen High School, Washington
8. Anne Coyne, Catherine Lucchi, Maria Lucchi, Selinsgrove Area
High School, Pennsylvania
9. Michelle Njau, CeCe Ukejinya, Dulaney Senior High School, Maryland
10. Andrew Creech, Michael Whitehead, Corey Yarber, Chester County
High School, Tennessee
Mobile Application Development
Sponsored by Microsoft
1. Tom Bousso, Simon Deng, Ayush Mehra, Homestead High School,
2. Varun Parwani, Vishal Soman, Fox Chapel Area High School, Pennsylvania
3. Ishan Narula, Tanima Paul, International Community School, Washington
4. Michael Atanasio, Zach Shea, Lakewood Senior High School, Florida
5. Jacob Thomas, Nick VanMatre, Green Bay East High School, Wisconsin
6. Austin Hsieh, Ankush Rayabhari, Lynbrook High School, California
7. Harrison Ding, Ming Yuan Li, William Sheu,
Monta Vista High School, California
8. Adeola Ayeni, Booker T Washington, Georgia
9. Adam Converse, Kyle Hagemann, Aaron Sill,
Edgerton High School, Wisconsin
10. Sahil Mariwala, Bridgewater-Raritan High School, New Jersey
Network Design
Sponsored by The Princeton Review
1. Mathew Merrick, Frank Petrilli, Central Valley High School, Washington
2. CJ Cahala, Tyler Tessmann, Waukesha North High School, Wisconsin
3. Andrew Crutcher, Brandon Wallace,
Linn County Area Career & Technical Center, Missouri
4. Tyler Grizzle, Zachary Smith, Jacob Wilson,
Advanced Technology Center High School, Virginia
5. Tavin Hall, Tucker Preston, Rutland High School, Georgia
6. Jeff Dale, Maksim Derevencha, Nash Fritsche,
Ozark High School, Missouri
7. Matthew Kalinowski, Steven Lykins, Stephen Reilly,
Lakewood Senior High School, Florida
8. Brendan Courson, Will Kolbrener, Chris Tran,
Fox Chapel Area High School, Pennsylvania
9. Henry Ao, Howard Chen, Ricci Lam, Walnut High School, California
10. Dawson Medin, Nathan Mulbrook, Grant Neighbor,
Alburnett High School, Iowa
Networking Concepts
Sponsored by PITSCO
1. Benjamin Simon, Middleton High School, Florida
2. Mitchell McAffee, Hillcrest High School, Utah
3. Henry Londre, Lee’s Summit North High School, Missouri
4. Anthony Marcello, Middleton High School, Florida
5. Michael Stavron, North Technical High School, Missouri
6. Erik Yu, Seven Lakes High School, Texas
7. Christopher Hill, Granby High School, Virginia
8. Robert Sullivan, Brooke Point High School, Virginia
9. Gregory Schloemer, Berea Community High School, Kentucky
10. James Leonard, Woodville Tompkins Technical & Career Institute, Georgia
Parliamentary Procedure
Sponsored by Schermer Pecans
1. Anna Bauerle, Abi Sheen, Dylan Steinkruger, Cody McCain,
Chase County High School, Kearney High School, Minden High School,
Tri-County High School, Nebraska
2. Caitlin Schaefer, Riley Cook, Kerri Young, Eulice Claros,
Blair Oaks High School, Clinton High School,
Pleasant Hope High School, Missouri
3. Kayla Bolduc, Joe Clauss, Adam Curtis, Zachary Curtis,
Bethany Giombetti, Western Wayne High School, Pennsylvania
4. Kimberly Bischof, Christian Collins, Rachel Dikum, Amanda Kostryk,
Austin Taylor, Chestnut Ridge High School, Pennsylvania
5. Bhushan Balagar, Rohan Chitale, Sunaya Krishnapura, Victor Sun,
Mingjie Zhong, Monta Vista High School, California
6. Anthony Hanes, Mandie Mayer, Garrett Santini, Olivia Schreiber,
Pequannock Township High, New Jersey
7. Arianna Baird, Kaylie Butler, Lauren Heath, Zach Sims, Austin Singleton,
Hart County High School, Kentucky
8. JT Durham, Haley Keeling, Barbara Millward, Megan Millward,
Castle Rock High School, Washington
9. Adam Hand, Josh Yount, Matthew Yount, Sydnie Russian, Clara Knipp,
Bakersfield High School, Gainesville High School, Tipton High School,
10. Tahsin Bari, Landry Monroe, Ben Serio, Brandon Smith,
Ruston High School, Louisiana
Partnership with Business Project
Sponsored by Mercy College School of Business
1. Susmitha Bhat, Tara Pichumani, Eric Wong, Lynbrook High School,
2. Jordan Gilbert, Rachel Loughran, Sylvia Marr, Hidden Valley High School,
3. Breonna Bunkley, Kelly Crittenden, Shaw High School, Georgia
4. Damon Mellmer, Kaylee Pierce, McKenna Wegner, Scranton High School,
North Dakota
5. Matt Bulgarelli, Nicholas Kaimakis, Wauconda High School, Illinois
6. Scott Mueller, Kaitlyn VanDyk, Wallkill Valley Regional High School,
New Jersey
7. Mariah Cooper, Emily Foster, Mazama High School, Oregon
8. Steven Braun, Alexis Burdick, Stacia Lesser, Odessa High School,
9. Kyle Adams, Erin Blake, Hunter Butera, Pompton Lakes High School,
New Jersey
10. Jameson Bennett, Aaron Halvorsen, Emily Harsin, Syracuse-DunbarAvoca High School, Nebraska
Summer 2014 13
Personal Finance
Public Speaking II
1. Shaunak Modak, Homestead High School, California
2. Devin Soni, Bridgewater-Raritan High School, New Jersey
3. Daniel Ma, Paul Laurence Dunbar High, Kentucky
4. Robert Mcarthur, Mira Loma High School, California
5. Alexa Muir, Williamsville East High School, New York
6. Kimberly Clark, Canton R-V High School, Missouri
7. Michael Hansen, Boulder High School, Colorado
8. Jennifer Mao, Bridgewater-Raritan High School, New Jersey
9. Anna Maloney, Huntingtown High School, Maryland
10. Nicole Nelson, Buchholz High School, Florida
1. Gabrielle Wollert, Lingle-Ft. Laramie High School, Wyoming
2. Mikala Bell, Mount Vernon High School, New York
3. Stelio Ropokis, West Career and Technology Academy, Nevada
4. Xiaoquan (Kaitlyn) Zhou, Inglemoor High School, Washington
5. Alisha Vavilakolanu, Madison Memorial High School, Wisconsin
6. Katie Ruth, Hastings Adams Central High School, Nebraska
7. Kyle Sukley, Abington Senior High School, Pennsylvania
8. Emily Raney, Willard High School, Missouri
9. Deborah Bineza, Oakland High School, Tennessee
10. Levon Stinson, Southside Baptist Christian School, Virginia
Sponsored by Stock-Trak, Inc. d/b/a HowTheMarketWorks.com
Sponsored by Balfour
Pilot Excel Core Certification
Sports & Entertainment Management
1. Morgan VanRiper, Washington
2. James Willman, Washington
3. Byron Malcolm, North Carolina
4. Benjamin Bunze, North Carolina
5. Gavin Robinson, Utah
1. Blayne Downs, Blake Umlauf, Matthew Zahn,
Logan-Rogersville High School, Missouri
2. Alesha Hatch, Halea Walker, Lehi High School, Utah
3. Zack Marohl, Will VanderHorst, Adam Vechart,
Menomonee Falls High School, Wisconsin
4. Andrew Lavender, Billy Nebel, South Brunswick High School, New Jersey
5. Nate Davis, Alex Hopp, Samuel Wang,
Sheboygan North High School, Wisconsin
6. Mitchell Handegan, Logan Smart, Ian Smith,
Murray High School, Kentucky
7. Blake Bracht, Trevor Koger, Dillon O’’Flaherty,
Arlington High School, Nebraska
8. William Chang, Ezekiel Young, Justin Fleischmann,
Alpharetta High School, North Springs Charter High School, Georgia
9. Riley Hammel, Joseph Hietpas, Alex Shier, Fairfield High School, Iowa
10. Tommie Brechbill, Caleb Goeken, Stanton High School, Nebraska
Sponsored by Certiport
Pilot Word Core Certification
Sponsored by Certiport
1. Jarret Raiford, North Carolina
2. Cristin Arrup, Maryland
3. Patrick Richardson, Illinois
4. Noah Turmel, Washington
5. Nicole Day, Utah
Public Service Announcement
Sponsored by My College Options
1. Naren Akurati, Alex Lao, Vernon Hills High School, Illinois
2. Anthony Klecan, Drew Malin, Aaron Pachta, Wamego High School, Kansas
3. Aarthi Ganapathi, Alina Liokumovich,
International Community School, Washington
4. Lindsay Mills, Callie Zeorian, Elmwood-Murdock High School, Nebraska
5. Mercedes Anderson, Alexandra Pollock, Damonte Ranch High School, Nevada
6. Kendra Alberts, Johnson-Brock High School, Nebraska
7. Taylor Chafin, Gillian Shepard, Castlewood High School, Virginia
8. Anish Shivkumar, Akshaya Vijaykumar, Northview High School, Georgia
9. Meyhaa Buvanesh, Jaeyoung Hwang, Nikita Pasumarthi, Cupertino High
School, California
10. Heather Fitch, Charlee Wilkerson, Blue Ridge High School, South Carolina
Public Speaking I
Sponsored by Dale Carnegie Training
1. Connor Rothschild, Kickapoo High School, Missouri
2. Krystina Stinson, Riverbend High School, Virginia
3. Audrie Lamb, Graves County High School, Kentucky
4. Katherine Hung, Radnor High School, Pennsylvania
5. Fiona Bultonsheen, Southern Lehigh High School, Pennsylvania
6. Leilani Osmundson, Horizon High School, Colorado
7. Grant Bennett, Pine Forest High School, North Carolina
8. Meghann Stamps, Hendersonville High School, Tennessee
9. Dakota Sgarlata, Oneida Senior High School, New York
10. Jonjerica Lucky, Francis Marion High School, Alabama
14 Tomorrow’s Business Leader
Sponsored by ZenCaus
Spreadsheet Applications
Sponsored by School Spirit Coffee
1. Ashley Abrahamson, Towns County High School, Georgia
2. Brandon Carter, Yelm High School, Washington
3. Tanya Chu, D. H. Conley High School, North Carolina
4. Alexander Medina, Chattahoochee County High School, Georgia
5. Ajay Merchia, Monta Vista High School, California
6. Tyrell Henderson, Union High School, Utah
7. Malcolm Byron, Fuquay-Varina High School, North Carolina
8. Michael Gump, Crowley County High School, Colorado
9. Alexandra Weber, Lakewood Senior High School, Florida
10. Andrea L’Ecuyer, Washington County High School, Kansas
Virtual Business Challenge
Sponsored by Knowledge Matters
1. Ivonne De La Trinidad, Crystal Loza, Daniel Sanchez Ruiz,
Metro Tech High School - VIP, Arizona
2. Yi Wang, Mira Loma High School, California
3. William Chou, Raman Kathuria, Kevin Yang,
Cupertino High School, California
4. Yifeng Ding, Yarden Tamir, Michael Zhou,
Blue Valley North High School, Kansas
5. Aracely Lopez Burboa, Adrian J. Partida Raygoza,
Alejandra Salinas Oclica, Metro Tech High School - VIP, Arizona
6. Nick Adornato, Savannah Arts Academy, Georgia
7. Justin Arzt, Adam Wright, Alma Center Lincoln High School, Wisconsin
8. Leigh Eisenhauer, Cortney Steinbacher,
Jersey Shore Senior High School, Pennsylvania
9. Brian Ceballos, Sabrina Fonseca, Jacklyne Vargas,
Hialeah Gardens High School, Florida
10. Justin Hart, James Jarski, DeYondre Simpson,
Parshall High School, North Dakota
Website Design
Sponsored by GEICO
1. Heidi Dong, James Zhuang, Raymond Zhuang,
Homestead High School, California
2. Jackie Chou, Sally Wan, Kenny Yuan, Lynbrook High School, California
3. Justin Kwak, Ethan Pope, McIntosh High School, Georgia
4. Wesley Johnston, Sameer Kulkarni, Jan Timpe,
Bentonville High School, Arkansas
5. Neil Desai, Steven Fu, Eshan Saran, Parsippany Hills High, New Jersey
6. Tyler Acklin, Courtney Eddins, Hale Public School R-1, Missouri
7. Joseph Bass, Gretchen Bollar, David Johnson,
Fort Mill High School, South Carolina
8. Alejandra Licon, Destiny Lindsey, Alicia Moreno,
Eastwood High School, Texas
9. Tessa McCorkle, Thomas County Central High, Georgia
10. Jacob Berlin, Wilmington Area High School, Pennsylvania
Word Processing
Sponsored by Keyboarding Online
1. Justin Leff, Livingston High School, New Jersey
2. Bridget Sciarra, Omaha High School, Arkansas
3. Ashley Lin, Troy High School, California
4. Kelsey Engle, Knox Central High School, Kentucky
5. Caroline O’’Donnell, Grandview High School, Colorado
6. Erin Gwaltney, Ringgold High School, Georgia
7. Elizabeth Roberts, Wayne County High School, Georgia
8. Mckenzi Moss, Towns County High School, Georgia
9. Isabel Jin, Westlake High School, California
10. Benjamin Mullin, Creston High School, Iowa
2014 FBLA Open Event Winners
Gary Wang, Inglemoor HS, Washington
Computer Operating Systems
Tucker Preston, Rutland HS, Georgia
Benjamin Dugger, Alpharetta HS, Georgia
Nonprofit Management
Vivian Li, Mira Loma HS, California
2014 FBLA-Middle Level Open Events Winners
Computer Concepts
Andy Davis, Mossy Creek MS, Georgia
FBLA-Middle Level Facts
Lauren Freeman, Russell MJS, Georgia
Financial Literacy
Olivia P’ng, D.C. Everest Jr. HS, Wisconsin
Social Media
LaDaysha Brown, Cross HS-Middle Level, South Carolina
Please congratulate the following 2014
spring session Stock Market Game
teams for their excellent performances:
Huntington High School, MD—
Teresa Grauer, adviser
Calhoun High School, GA—
Cherri Rains, adviser
Cheyenne South High School,
WY—Kate Tietjen, adviser
E.T. Richardson Middle School,
PA—Katie Stewart, adviser
Moyock Middle School, NC—Julie
West, adviser
Senath-Hornersville Middle School,
MO—Molly Goodart, adviser
Join us for the new Fall session Stock
Market Game starting September 2.
Register through the Advisers Area at
Check Out the MarketPlace
The MarketPlace is your national source for emblematics,
training, and chapter management merchandise.
Apparel, Publications, Jewelry,
Supplies, and Much More!
Securities & Investments
Social Media
Salvador Robles, Buchholz HS, Florida
Dhruv Patel, Hightstown HS, New Jersey
America Scholarships
Nick Western – Virginia and Isabel Jin – California - $250
Distinguished Business Leader Scholarships
$500 at NLC and $500 upon joining PBL
Kennedy Reynolds – Oklahoma
Annelle Molina – North Carolina
Kimberly Clark – Missouri
Carolyn Kalinowski – Illinois
Sarah Walker – Tennessee
National Technical Honor Society - $1,000
Hannah Brooke Rull – Georgia
Summer 2014 15
American Enterprise Project
• Drew Middle School, Alabama
• Floyd Middle Magnet School, Alabama
• Cabot Junior High School South, Arkansas
• Greenwood Junior High School, Arkansas
• Brantley County Middle School, Georgia
• Long County Middle School, Georgia
• Archdale-Trinity Middle School, North Carolina
• Beaufort Middle School, North Carolina
• Willowcreek Middle School, Utah
• West Point Middle School, Virginia
Career Exploration
• Allison Carter, Florence Middle School, Alabama
• Rachel Armstrong, Florence Middle School,
• Payton Smith, Camden Fairview Middle School,
• Alexandra Gibson, Nettleton Junior High School,
• Moumita Sutar, Chamblee Middle School, Georgia
• Suvitha Viswanathan, Malcom Bridge Middle
School, Georgia
• Cecilie McKenzie, North Lyon County
Middle School, Kansas
• Spencer Morin, Wellsville Middle School, Kansas
• Jaquelyn Perez, Milan C-2 Middle School, Missouri
• Kiera Paige, Wellington-Napoleon Middle School,
• Christine Ho; Connor Michaels, BridgewaterRaritan Middle School, New Jersey
• Phillip Snowden, Acme Delco Middle School,
North Carolina
• Hannah Paul, Broad Creek Middle, North Carolina
• Jayden Wheeling; Ciarra Smith, Cavalier
Middle School, North Dakota
• Autum Telemante, Waller Middle School,
• Kiandra McCrea; Emily Washington, C. E.
Murray Middle Level School, South Carolina
• Garrett Fellers, Coffee County Middle School,
• Nathan Lee, East Hamilton Middle School,
• Sierra Conrad; Carter Klein,
Lehi Junior High School, Utah
• Amaya Doward, Arthur A. Richards Jr. High,
Virgin Islands
• Taylor Hopkins, Beville Middle School, Virginia
• Hannah Ball, Honaker High School-Middle Level,
• Kenzie Graves, Pine Bluffs Jr./Sr. High School,
• Haiden Moody, Wheatland Middle School,
Community Service Project
• Fayette Middle School, Alabama
• Floyd Middle Magnet School, Alabama
• Bethel Middle School, Arkansas
• Booneville Junior High, Arkansas
• Brantley County Middle School, Georgia
• Perry Middle School, Georgia
• Hermitage Middle School, Missouri
16 Tomorrow’s Business Leader
• Jacobs Fork Middle School, North Carolina
• Moyock Middle School, North Carolina
• Drake-Anamoose Middle School, North Dakota
• Lehi Junior High School, Utah
• West Point Middle School, Virginia
Computer Slide Show Presentation
• Reese Cotton; Jacob New, Drew Middle School,
• Lucas Kimbrell; Preston Jones, McKenzie Stokes,
Fayette Middle School, Alabama
• Kacey Hinds, Nashville Junior High School,
• Lila Byers; Susan Hand, Brantley County
Middle School, Georgia
• Anna Wiggins; Maggie McBride, Emanuel
County Institute-Middle Level, Georgia
• Kaylin Berendzen; Annette Peterson, Blair Oaks
Middle School, Missouri
• Aubry Jones, Hannah Johnson,
Senath-Hornersville Middle School, Missouri
• Carah Watson; Carrigan Price,
Jacobs Fork Middle School, North Carolina
• Yamile Flores; Rachel Hodges,
Midway Middle School, North Carolina
• Janzen Peterson; Jaden Friedt; Tristen Scott;
Cavalier Middle School, North Dakota
• Cameron Jennings; Austin Urlaub; Jayden Laxdal;
Jordan Jasna; Katie Jackson; Maud Middle
School, Oklahoma
• Maddie Klohr; Sydney Reynolds;
Waller Middle School, Oklahoma
• Trezion Bell; Marcus Phillips; Bates Middle
School, South Carolina
• Katelyn Blackwelll; Anna Carlin Phelps,
McBee High School - ML, South Carolina
• Morgan Henley; Meagan Jones; Macy Ruggiero,
Coffee County Middle School /Mt. Juliet Middle
School, Tennessee
• Reese McDonald; Harrison Davis, East Hamilton
Middle School, Tennessee; Mt. Juliet Middle
School, Tennessee
• Sierra Conrad; Lehi Junior High School, Utah
• Emily Galavan; Trinity Lambert,
Willowcreek Middle School, Utah
• Narius Louis; Peter Clifford; Terique Riviere,
• Arthur A. Richards Jr. High School, Virgin Islands
• Jenalyse Gilbert; John H. Woodson Junior High,
Virgin Islands
• Alexis Gilbert; Madison Ramsey; Shian Miller,
Lebanon Middle School--8, Virginia
• Madison Capps; Grace Coleman;
Norfolk Christian Middle School, Virginia
• Kassidy Morales; Trinity Ayers; Kacey McCord,
Guernsey-Sunrise Junior High School, Wyoming
Desktop Publishing Applications
• Anna Beam; Shan’’terri Simpson, Floyd Middle
Magnet School, Alabama
• Floyd Middle Magnet School, Alabama
• Greer King; Lexi Robertson; Hannah Mowry,
Cabot Junior High School South, Arkansas
• Kenzie Glass, Spring Hill School (Middle),
• Caroline Peavy; Kate Davis; Kayla Popwell,
Pierce County Middle School, Georgia
• John Coday; Tori Bratcher, Harrisonville
Middle School, Missouri
• Logan Jackson; Lori Wilmes,
Maryville Middle School, Missouri
• Katlyn Walls; Charity Cohen,
Archdale-Trinity Middle School, North Carolina
• Maggie McCabe, Broad Creek Middle,
North Carolina
• Mackinley Green; Courtney Jones,
Carvers Bay Middle School, South Carolina
• Brandon Lackey, Ocean Bay Middle School,
South Carolina
• Dallin Corrington; Daniel Greenfield; Carter Klein,
Lehi Junior High School, Utah
• Cooper Beck; Parley Lambert; Benjamin Mitchell,
Willowcreek Middle School, Utah
• Tyler Clifford; Arthur A. Richards Jr. High,
Virgin Islands
• Keahna Goodwin; Lance Frank,
Arthur A. Richards Jr. High, Virgin Islands
• Hannah Deacon; Cecilia Kelly,
Norfolk Christian Middle School, Virginia
• Jordin Stull; Katherine Belcher, Hailey McFarlane,
Rural Retreat Middle School, Virginia
• Tillie Heithoff, Pine Bluffs Jr/Sr High School,
• Cali Moody, Katie Currier, Wheatland Middle
School, Wyoming
Introduction to Business
• Daphne Embry, Athens Middle School, Alabama
• Sara Beth Johnson, Headland Middle School,
• Emma Toney, Beebe Junior High School,
• Corrina Wesley, Mansfield Middle School,
• Meilinda Lopez, Needwood Middle School,
• Nicolas Trull, Washington Middle School, Georgia
• Emma Boyd, Mission Valley Middle School,
• Payton Enzbrener, Mission Valley Middle School,
• Doug Tefft, Bakersfield Middle School, Missouri
• Cassie Wilkins, Lakeland R-III Middle School,
• Harshita Ramakrishnan, Bridgewater-Raritan
Middle School, New Jersey
• Tanvi Bekal, Bridgewater-Raritan Middle School,
New Jersey
• Marlee Walls, Moyock Middle School, North
• Abby Harris, P.S. Jones Middle School, North
• Sara Stier, Rugby Middle School, North Dakota
• Morgan Hjelden, Rugby Middle School, North
• Kamryn Kerr; Alyssa Coffey, Waller Middle
School, Oklahoma
• Amoira Rush, C. E. Murray Middle Level School,
South Carolina
• Daishanea Gamble, C. E. Murray Middle Level
School, South Carolina
• Chloe Spry, Coffee County Middle School,
• Tyler King, Power Center Academy, Tennessee
• Savannah Ames, North Sanpete Middle School,
• Braxton Francom, Willowcreek Middle School,
• Dureece Byrde, Arthur A. Richards Jr. High,
Virgin Islands
• Logan Lester, Richlands Middle School, Virginia
• Ahnika Boring, West Point Middle School, Virginia
• Haiden Moody; Elyse Rutherford, Wheatland
Middle School, Wyoming
Keyboarding Applications I
• Ana Powell, Abbeville Middle School, Alabama
• Chloe Smith, Sheffield Junior High School,
• Shayla Miller, Nashville Junior High School,
• Danika Sanders, Ozark Junior High School,
• Whitley Fabrizio, Brantley County Middle School,
• Mykala Wright, Long County Middle School,
• Alyssa Stuppey, Osborn R-O School, Missouri
• Taylor Shaw, Wellington-Napoleon Middle School,
• Gracie Helmsteller, Archdale-Trinity Middle
School, North Carolina
• Marianna Blount, Hope Mills Middle School,
North Carolina
• Floyd Althoff, Cavalier Middle School,
North Dakota
• Haydee Krieg, Cavalier Middle School,
North Dakota
• Autum Telemante, Waller Middle School,
• Karma Shulter, Waller Middle School, Oklahoma
• Saja Young, Carvers Bay Middle School,
South Carolina
• Bailey Parr, Merriwether Middle School,
South Carolina
• Daniel Glathar, Lehi Junior High School, Utah
• Lily Barton, Lehi Junior High School, Utah
• Kourtney Woodard, Honaker High SchoolMiddle Level, Virginia
• Jillian Powell, Rural Retreat Middle School,
• Cali Moody, Wheatland Middle School,
• Katie Currier, Wheatland Middle School,
Keyboarding Applications II
• Carly Bright, Drew Middle School, Alabama
• Kiarra Anderson, Putnam Middle School, Alabama
• Sarah Moore, Sheridan Middle School, Arkansas
• Autumn Patten, Brantley County Middle School,
• Anna Gilliard, Washington Middle School, Georgia
• Haylee Wallin, Clever Middle School, Missouri
• Amber Irek, Hermitage Middle School, Missouri
• Cori Bordeauz, Acme Delco Middle School,
North Carolina
• Dora Morrisey, Lewis Chapel Junior H. S.,
North Carolina
• Floyd Althoff, Cavalier Middle School,
North Dakota
• Kealie Fitzsimonds, Cavalier Middle School,
North Dakota
• Jade Reed, Carvers Bay Middle School,
South Carolina
• McKay Lindow, North Sanpete Middle School,
• Riya Patel, Christiansburg Middle School, Virginia
• Virginia Caravas, Norfolk Christian Middle School,
• Marya Mitchell, Wheatland Middle School,
• Shayna Guffey, Wheatland Middle School,
Local Chapter Activities Report
• Athens Middle School, Alabama
• Drew Middle School, Alabama
• Beebe Junior High School, Arkansas
• Cabot Junior High School South, Arkansas
• Brantley County Middle School, Georgia
• Malcom Bridge Middle School, Georgia
• Hermitage Middle School, Missouri
• Beaufort Middle School, North Carolina
• Jacobs Fork Middle School, North Carolina
• Ebenezer Middle School, South Carolina
• Lehi Junior High School, Utah
• West Point Middle School, Virginia
Outstanding Middle Level Member
• Madison Smith, Drew Middle School, Alabama
• Austin Brigham, Mansfield Middle School,
• Gabby Huff-Streiter, Malcom Bridge Middle
School, Georgia
• Cameron Yeager, Bakersfield Middle School,
• Kayla Cole, St. Patrick Catholic School,
Virgin Islands
Outstanding Middle Level Adviser
• Drew Middle School, Alabama
• Mansfield Middle School, Arkansas
• Lewis Fraiser Middle School, Georgia
• Aimee Hand, Bakersfield Middle School, Missouri
Outstanding Middle Level
• Brantley County Middle School, Georgia
• Sean Hoffman, Drew Middle School, Alabama
• Jeffrey Owens, Floyd Middle Magnet School,
• Eden Ballew, Beebe Junior High School,
• Gregory Maddra, Central Junior High School,
• Alec Bornhorst, Chestatee Academy, Georgia
• Jalyn Ross, Washington Middle School, Georgia
• Leif Griffin, Hermitage Middle School, Missouri
• Adri Thurlo, Milan C-2 Middle School, Missouri
• Raven Comacho, Hope Mills Middle School,
North Carolina
• Ira Williams, Hope Mills Middle School,
North Carolina
• Alisha Brand, C. E. Murray Middle Level School,
South Carolina
• Trinity Lambert, Willowcreek Middle School, Utah
• Caiwei Zhou, Willowcreek Middle School, Utah
• Kortnae Smith, Beville Middle School, Virginia
• Annabelle Porter, West Point Middle School,
• Rett Cotterman, Wheatland Middle School,
• Shayna Guffey, Wheatland Middle School,
Web Page Creation
• Jamie Sneed; Olivia Stephens, Athens Middle
School, Alabama
• JaShawn Holmes; Faisal Hossain; Blake Grier,
Floyd Middle Magnet School, Alabama
• Cheyenne Andrews; Laren Lea; Carlisle
High School-ML, Arkansas
• Gracyn Smith; Taylor Willis; Manila Middle School,
• Tyler Perry, Northside Middle School, Georgia
• Kristen Towery; Sydney Hermann; Autumn
Whaley, Ringgold Middle School, Georgia
• Anna Ginnings; Gracie Hagar; Hermitage Middle
School, Missouri
• Nick Dredge; Madyson Neff; Garrett Pistole,
Maryville Middle School, Missouri
• Kamryn Kerr; Alyssa Coffey, Waller Middle
School, Oklahoma
• Tahje Prioleau, Cross High School - Middle Level,
South Carolina
• Briana Wood, Ebenezer Middle School,
South Carolina
• Ashlee Young; Brooke Freeze, Coffee County
Middle School, Tennessee
• Dallin Corrington; Daniel Greenfield; Michael Kelly,
Lehi Junior High School, Utah
• Parley Lambery, Willowcreek Middle School,
• Mojania Denis, Arthur A. Richards Jr. High,
Virgin Islands
• Hartley Hilton; Kiara Thompson; Connor Wallace,
Honaker High School-Middle Level, Virginia
• Jenna Kirkland, West Point Middle School,
• Hunter Jeffries, Pine Bluffs Jr./Sr. High School,
Summer 2014 17
2014–15 National Fundraisers
FBLA-PBL partners with a number of national sponsors to provide fun and hassle-free fundraising options. Choose from one of
the following, then visit go.fbla.org/FBLAfundraising.
Association Motor Club Marketing
AMCM provides your FBLA chapter the
opportunity to build a recurring revenue
business. Your students will build their own business plan,
incentives, and sales campaigns. The technology at AMCM is
cutting edge and gives your students the experience of building a business using technology. Email fbla@amcm-online.com,
call 605-254-8876, or visit www.amcmfbla.com.
Country Meats
A healthy fundraiser that features fresh
smoked snack sticks that everyone loves!
45% profit! Sells for $1.00! For FREE SAMPLES call 800.277.8989 or visit
Receive FREE $5 gift cards to DormCo.
com for each senior in your high school and
earn 15% of all referred sales. This cost-free
program earns funds for your chapter and
requires no direct selling. Call 888.925.2899,
email FBLA@DormCo.com, or visit
Krispy Kreme Fundraising
Doughnuts, BOGO cards, certificates, and
coffee—Krispy Kreme Fundraising is profitable, simple and fast! Whether your chapter
is large or small and whether your Krispy
Kreme retail shop is near or far—it works! Plus, you can
repeat this fundraiser several times during the school year!
Visit krispykreme.com/fundraising, email
fundraising@krispykreme.com, or call 800.4KRISPY.
Ozark Delight
Ozark Delight Lollipops are only available for
fundraising. They do not sell to stores
or other retail markets. Call 800.334.8991 or
visit ozarkdelight.com.
Pride Distributors
Produces “Your Town-Opoly,” a fundraising board
game made in the USA. Chapters can raise
$10,000–50,000 and have fun doing it, while receiving100% profit. Your chapter sells advertising to local merchants, the merchants become properties on the game. Absolutely no risk and no obligation! Call Harriet at 800.451.5442,
email pride@prodigy.net, or visit townopoly.net.
Schermer Pecans
Offers a delicious and healthy fundraising
product. Call 800.841.3403, email schermerpecans@yahoo.com or visit pecantreats.com.
School Spirit Coffee
School Spirit Coffee provides a unique fundraiser
that is personalized to each chapter or school.
From the size and color of the coffee packaging,
to the design of the label, the finished product is
created to boost school spirit and ultimately boost your profit
potential. Chapters receive a 50% profit from their sales. Call
1-800-570-1443, email Debbie@schoolspiritcoffee.com, or
visit www.schoolspiritcoffee.com for information on scheduling
a fundraiser.
Tom-Wat Fundraising
Offers a wide variety of easy and profitable programs, including gift catalogs, lollipops, chocolate bars, cookie dough, jewelry, magazines, flower bulbs, and
much more. Call 800.243.9250, email sales@tomwat.com, or
visit tomwat.com.
Rise and shine with Zencaus—it’s a brand
new day in fundraising. Revolutionary, innovative, and easy-to-use, Zencaus provides FBLA
gift cards redeemable for a wide selection of products. Call
888.960.6148, email customerservice@zencaus.com, or visit
Zinch.com connects you with scholarships and
best-fit colleges. Zinch will donate $1 to your
chapter for every member who signs up! Visit Zinch.com/FBLA
or email Rob@zinch.com.
18 Tomorrow’s Business Leader
As the 2014–
school year
Association Motor Club Marketing
(AMCM) is kicking off a new innovative fundraising opportunity designed
specifically for the FBLA.
AMCM has created the premier fundraising program that is fun for students
and reduces the workload of advisers.
AMCM’s unique approach to fundraising utilizes technology and does not
require inventory, product delivery,
or cash exchange. The AMCM fundraising program is rewarding and creates
long-term recurring revenue for your
We understand your fundraising
challenges and we are here to help!
Together we can make your fundraising opportunity fun, stress-free, and
For information visit our website at
www.amcmfbla.com, contact us at
fbla@amcm-online.com, or call
(605) 254-8876.
Be sure to check out the
Discounts area of your
Membership Benefits page
on our website. HP is offering HP and Compaq consumer products at discounts typically
up to 15% off starting prices. You can
also take advantage of instant rebates
as well as coupons, in addition to the
discount being offered to us. HP offers
a broad line of consumer products,
from configure-to-order notebooks and
desktops to printers, handhelds, calculators, home servers, and more! When
ordering be sure to access the HP site
through the link on our Discounts page
and enter Company Code EP10687 to
receive your discount.
Empowered to
Lead. Inspired to
Serve. Lead2Feed is a student leadership program teaching middle and high school
students a proven process to become
passionate, service-minded leaders for
life. Lead2Feed provides advisers with
free project-based lessons aligned to
Common Core State Standards. The
lessons are leadership driven activities
centered on the challenge of solving a
hunger issue on a local or global level.
Student teams can enter the Lead2Feed World Hunger Leadership Challenge for $500,000 in donation prize
money to non-profit hunger organizations. Register now for fall and receive
a free leadership book: “Taking People
With You” by David Novak. Visit www.
lead2feed.com for more information.
HowTheMarketWorks.com FREE
Stock Challenge
HowTheMarketWorks.com is a FREE
Stock Market Challenge website that
allows teachers to create a custom
stock market trading challenge for
their class or club. Used by over
10,000 teachers each year, HowTheMarketWorks allows teachers to create
their own customized trading challenge for their classes by choosing
the trading dates, initial cash balance,
and other trading rules. Students then
register for FREE and compete against
each other buying and selling stocks,
ETFs, bonds, and mutual funds to see
who can have the highest portfolio
The HowTheMarketWorks site will also
host an FBLA Stock Market Challenge
where FBLA teams will be competing
for $1,000 in prizes each November
and April. Advisers may register their
chapter for a custom contest or learn
more about the new FBLA Stock Market Challenge at http://www.HowTheMarketWorks.com/fbla.html.
LifeSmarts is a
national educational competition focused
on personal finance and consumer
topics. It is a free program, open to
6th to 12th grade students in the
United States, quizzing students about
personal finance, health and safety, the
environment, technology, and consumer rights and responsibilities.
FBLA teams of four to five students
may compete on the LifeSmarts
website where they will have the opportunity to win monthly “TeamSmarts”
challenges and compete against other
chapters for the right to represent
FBLA at the National LifeSmarts
Championship each April.
LifeSmarts is a program of the
National Consumers League, which
was founded in 1899 and is America’s
pioneer consumer organization.
For more information about LifeSmarts
contact Program Director Lisa Hertzberg at lisah@nclnet.org, call 202-8353323, or visit www.lifesmarts.org.
Note: This program is a separate activity from the FBLA LifeSmarts competitive event.
Virtual Business
Knowledge Matters is again sponsoring
their Virtual Business Finance Challenge. FBLA members will test their
skills at managing their own financial
lives and will compete against students
across the country. Members will
experience real world financial issues
such as budgeting, saving, opening
bank accounts, getting a credit card,
monitoring credit scores, education
and advancement, online banking,
paying taxes, finding a job, insurance,
and more.
There will be two rounds held via the
Internet during the school year.
• October 20, 2014 (10:00 a.m. EST)
• November 14, 2014 (5:00 p.m. EST)
• February 2, 2015 (10:00 a.m. EST)
• February 27, 2015 (5:00 p.m. EST)
The first place individual/team from
each round will be awarded $500.
To register, go to www.KnowledgeMatters.com and click on the FBLA area.
Questions may be emailed to
Note: This activity is not a part of the
competitive events program. Participating in this activity does not preclude
a student competing in the national
competitive events.
Summer 2014 19
Thank You, National Sponsors!
We extend our sincere appreciation to our new and returning 2014 NLC competitive event sponsors.
With the help of these outstanding organizations, all of our FBLA national competitive events were
once again sponsored. For more information on our FBLA-PBL supporters, visit our scholarship,
fundraising partner, and educational program pages under Membership Benefits at fbla-pbl.org.
New Sponsors
Aronson Foundation
Association Motor Club Marketing
CareerSafe® Online
Everest Colleges, Institutes & Universities
Gary E. West College of Business,
West Liberty University
Mercer University Stetson School of Business
and Economics
Oracle Academy
Professional Educators of Tennessee
Stock-Trak, Inc. d/b/a
The Griffith Insurance Education
The National Youth Leadership Forum (NYLF):
Careers in Business and Innovation
Wesleyan College
Returning Sponsors
Alabama FBLA
American Institute of Certified Public
American Management Association
Country Meats
Dale Carnegie Training
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University—
College of Business
Foundation for Teaching Economics
20 Tomorrow’s Business Leader
H&R Block
Hilton Worldwide
Illinois FBLA
Johnson & Wales University
Junior Tours
Keyboarding Online
Knowledge Matters
Krispy Kreme Fundraising
MBA Research and Curriculum Center
Men’s Wearhouse Group
Mercy College School of Business
My College Options
National Consumers League
National Technical Honor Society
New Worlds Emerge at WorldStrides
NFIB Young Entrepreneur Foundation
Northwood University
Ozark Delight Candy Company
PDC Productions
Pride Distributors
Schermer Pecans
School Spirit Coffee
SunTrust Bank
Tennessee FBLA
The Art Institutes
The Howe School at Stevens Institute of
The Princeton Review
Tom-Wat Fundraising
University of Utah — David Eccles Business
Visa Inc.
Check-In with FBLA-PBL
Member Benefits
Unlimited mileage and up to
20% off! 800.GO.ALAMO
ID# 7000461
Receive 28% off emergency
roadside service. Look for purchase links under Membership
Benefits (Discounts).
Your shopping supports FBLA-PBL.
One free certification test for
FBLA, PBL, and PD members.
FBLA-PBL members get 10%
off Princeton Review’s online
courses for the SAT, ACT, and
GMAT. For more information,
call 800.273.8439
Save hundreds on your car
insurance with
special FBLA-PBL savings.
Save up to 15% when you shop
via the FBLA-PBL website. Use
Company Code EP10687. Look
for the link under Membership
Benefits (Discounts).
Save 50% on in-store purchases
when you use the coupon located
on the FBLA-PBL national website.
Look for the link under Membership
Benefits, FBLA-PBL Discounts and
Added Benefits.
Save 20% with your FBLA-PBL
card. ID# 5492731
Great Hotel Discount Programs for Members
Major hotel chains offer reduced rates—up to 20% off—don’t miss out!
Hyatt Hotels
10% off at participating Hyatt properties
Group Code: CR51684
Wyndham Hotel Group
15% off their best available rates
ID# 8000001640
Red Lion Hotels
15% off for FBLA-PBL
Summer 2014 21