REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo Let’s Tee Off! ECGC: European Controllers Golf Championship INTERNACIONAL: Diálogo Social num mundo em mudança Social Dialogue in a changing world INTERNACIONAL: EASA, o novo parceiro ATM EASA, the new ATM partner DESTINO: Golf em Portugal: algumas referências Golf in Portugal: a quick tour Flight Level Revista da APCTA (Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo) flightlevel@sincta.pt Presidente do SINCTA: Carlos Reis Presidente da APCTA: Paulo Encarnação Coordenação Editorial: Nuno Simões Colaboradores: Nuno Chambel, Bruno Figueira, Ana Cristina Lima, Rui Marçal, Pedro Matos, Luís Tojais, Carlos Valdrez Tradução: Helga Bandeira Correspondentes: Delegações da APCTA Propriedade: APCTA (Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo) Distribuição: Gratuita aos Sócios Design gráfico: Filipe Preto Impressão: Arlindo Silva - Artes Gráficas, Lda Periodicidade: Trimestral Tiragem: 900 exemplares Lisboa, Outubro de 2010 EDITORIAL No momento em que se prepara o fecho desta edição da Flight Level todos os dados apontam para que a proposta de Orçamento de Estado para 2011, a apresentar ainda em Outubro na Assembleia da República, venha a prever disposições tendentes à redução de salários em diversas componentes do sector Estado, abrangendo também o sector público empresarial. Para todos aqueles que conhecem a estrutura económica da NAV Portugal, parece claro que a extensão destas medidas ao prestador nacional de serviços de navegação aérea só poderá resultar de um claro equívoco. Na verdade, a NAV Portugal nunca recebeu um único Euro do Estado (pelo contrário, contribui regularmente com significativas quantias para o mesmo), nem depende do seu financiamento para sobreviver, pois os custos inerentes à sua operação (em grande medida, despesas com pessoal altamente qualificado), são ressarcidas na totalidade por receitas provenientes dos utilizadores comerciais do espaço aéreo nacional, na sua grande maioria companhias de aviação não-nacionais, constituindo-se, portanto, como fonte exportadora de serviços. Assim, qualquer medida de redução de salários não contribuiria, de forma alguma, para a redução da despesa do Estado Português, mas sim para a redução das despesas de terceiros, maioritariamente estrangeiros, num gesto absurdo, cuja consequência interna imediata se limitaria a uma óbvia redução da receita fiscal obtida através dos vencimentos do pessoal ao serviço da NAV Portugal. Estaremos atentos em defesa do emprego e do serviço de qualidade prestado pelos cerca de mil trabalhadores da NAV Portugal, esperando que aqueles que nos governam compreendam a especificidade da situação desta empresa e do contributo positivo que esta tem dado ao longo dos anos, de forma directa e indirecta, para as contas do próprio Estado. Carlos Reis Presidente do SINCTA SUMÁRIO 02 Internacional: Diálogo Social num mundo em mudança 06 Internacional: Uma viagem pelos Sindicatos Europeus de Controladores Aéreos 10 Internacional: EASA, o novo parceiro ATM 14 17 18 22 24 29 ECGC: European Controllers Golf Championship ECGC: Official Programme ECGC: History of the ECGC ECGC: Touristic Information ECGC: Tournament Courses Nota da Redacção: Flight Level – 5 anos 30 34 36 Social Dialogue in a changing world A journey through the European Unions of Air Traffic Controllers EASA, the new ATM partner Flight Level – 5 years Destino: Golf em Portugal – alguns pontos de referência Golf in Portugal – a quick tour Ecos da Imprensa: Uma selecção de interesse ATC An ATC news selection Breves: Parlamento Europeu European Parliament p.1 INTERNACIONAL por/by Pedro Barata / SINCTA’s Vice-President Diálogo Social num mundo em mudança Social Dialogue in a changing world p.2 REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo Desde que em 1999 foi lançada a iniciativa Céu Único Europeu, o mundo da Gestão do Tráfego Aéreo (ATM) na Europa tem sofrido significativas mudanças, numa primeira fase, em 2004, com a criação das bases legislativas – os quatro regulamentos originais – e mais recentemente com o início da implementação do chamado “segundo pacote” do Céu Único Europeu, reforçado agora com uma forte componente de desenvolvimento tecnológico (SESAR). No meio de toda esta mudança, e em linha com as orientações da União Europeia no que concerne às políticas sociais e de emprego, o pilar “Diálogo Social” tem procurado acompanhar estas alterações, havendo quase desde o início deste processo uma intervenção das organizações dos trabalhadores no mesmo. Neste campo, a defesa de uma abordagem “bottom-up” quanto à construção do Céu Único Europeu, ainda na sua fase inicial, talvez tenha sido a primeira intervenção marcante destas organizações. No entanto, fruto da enorme dispersão de representatividade, e até de interesses, a sua capacidade de intervenção e de mobilização tem sido mais limitada do que seria desejável. Since 1999, when the Single European Sky initiative was launched, the world of air traffic management (ATM) in Europe has undergone significant changes, in the first instance, in 2004, with the creation of the legislative bases – the four original regulations – and most recently with the beginning of the implementation of the so-called “second package” of the Single European Sky, reinforced now with a strong component of technological development (SESAR). In the midst of all this change, and in line with the guidelines of the European Union in what regards to social and employment policies, the “social dialogue” pillar has sought to keep pace with these changes, having existed almost since the beginning of the process some action of the trade unions in it. In this field, the defense of a “bottom-up approach” as the right way for the construction of the Single European Sky, still in its early stage, was perhaps the first striking intervention of these organizations. However, due to the enormous dispersion of representativeness, and even interests, their capacity for intervention and mobilization has been more limited than it would be desirable. COMPREENDER A MUDANÇA PARA MOLDAR O FUTURO UNDERSTANDING THE CHANGE TO SHAPE THE FUTURE Este facto parece explicar-se por um conjunto diverso de factores, que começam desde logo nos diferentes graus de percepção que existem em cada país, junto dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo, sobre o real impacto destas alterações na sua vida futura. Na verdade, reconhecer esta mudança e compreender a sua origem e provável desenvolvimento é, desde logo, factor decisivo para intervir adequadamente em defesa dos nossos interesses. Infelizmente, fruto dos seus próprios enquadramentos e vivências nacionais, os diversos colectivos vêm encarando o Céu Único Europeu com diferentes graus de empenhamento, visível também na profundidade da sua participação nos assuntos internacionais. Têm-se tornado, portanto, evidentes as falhas dos próprios Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo ao longo deste tempo, falhas que vão desde o mais completo desinteresse e desconhecimento do tema – com exemplos bem reais e recentes que mostram como caminhar para o desastre – até à manifestação, pura e simples, de uma sistemática e reiterada oposição a tudo o que cheire a mudança. Ficamos, portanto, debilitados à partida na nossa capacidade colectiva e transnacional de responder adequadamente e sermos capazes de moldar o futuro em linha com os interesses da profissão. De uma forma quase natural, tem sido esta dispersão da nossa atenção que mais frutos tem dado àqueles que, de forma resoluta e aparentemente imparável, têm conduzido este processo de (suposta) desfragmentação do espaço aéreo europeu, pois têm contado com uma resposta frágil e, esta sim, fragmentada. Como sabemos, as organizações dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo são sustentadas, essencialmente, por trabalho voluntário e em tempo parcial, por oposição a verdadeiras máquinas de lobby ao serviço das associações de empregadores e da máquina trituradora da Comissão Europeia, secundada pelo Eurocontrol e, agora também , pela EASA. Esta é uma realidade que, embora não explique tudo, explica muita coisa. E é em consequência desta relação de forças desequilibrada que vivemos confrontados quase diariamente, nuns países mais, noutros menos, com ataques dirigidos aos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo, umas vezes de forma directa, outras de forma encoberta, utilizando-se desde relatórios e notícias que deturpam a realidade, até à pura calú- This fact seems to be explained by a diverse set of factors, beginning early in the different degrees of perception that exist in the different countries, among air traffic controllers, about the real impact of these changes in their professional future. In fact, to recognize this change and to understand its origin and probable development is crucial to intervene appropriately in the defense of our interests. Unfortunately, as a result of their own national framework and experiences, the various collectives have been facing the Single European Sky with varying degrees of engagement, visible also in the depth of their participation in international affairs. The failures of air traffic controllers themselves over this time have become obvious, failures ranging from the most complete indifference and lack of information on this subject – with very real and recent examples that show us the path to disaster – to the pure and simple manifestation of a systematic and reiterated opposition to everything that feels like a change. We are therefore debilitated from the beginning in our collective and transnational ability to respond appropriately and to be able to shape the future according to the interests of the profession. In an almost natural way, it has been this dispersion of our attention that has been more fruitful to those who, persistently and unrelentingly, have conducted this process of (supposedly) defragmentation of European airspace, as they have relied on a fragile, fragmented response. As we know, air traffic controller organizations are supported mainly by volunteer and part-time work, as opposed to real lobbying machinery serving associations of employers and of the European Commission’s shredding machine, supported by Eurocontrol and now also by EASA. This is a reality that, although it does not explain everything, it explains a lot. And it is as a result of this relationship of unbalanced forces that we live confronted almost daily, in some countries more, others less, with attacks targeted to air traffic controllers, sometimes directly, others in a covert manner, using from biased reports and news that misrepresent reality, up to the pure slander and defamation, creating in public opinion a negative idea of these professionals and of their work. It is no coincidence that one of the favorite phrases to justify any delay p.3 nia e enxovalhamento, criando na opinião pública uma ideia negativa destes profissionais e do seu trabalho. Não é por acaso que uma das frases preferidas para justificar qualquer atraso num voo seja: “devido ao Controlo de Tráfego Aéreo”… É o chamado “crime perfeito”, pois salvaguarda sempre todos os outros intervenientes no processo, a começar pelas próprias companhias aéreas e não permite que o visado se possa defender. O CASO PORTUGUÊS Desde há longos anos que os controladores portugueses, através das suas organizações (SINCTA e APCTA) vêm acompanhando de perto todo o processo do Céu Único Europeu, com intervenções constantes nos organismos internacionais, nomeadamente no ATCEUC e, através deste, em diversos grupos de trabalho no âmbito europeu. Não nos alheamos e continuamos empenhados, cada vez mais, na vertente europeia, reconhecendo a existência de forças de mudança e procurando adaptar a nossa resposta em conformidade. E é exactamente porque estamos conscientes da situação actual que a nossa visão do futuro se encontra reflectida nas ideias expressas mais adiante. Aliás, a nível interno, temos procurado e sabido manter um profícuo diálogo social com os nossos interlocutores, o que nos tem permitido encontrar soluções para questões que, a arrastarem-se, poderiam colocar em causa o nosso futuro e o daqueles ainda não chegados à profissão. UMA RESPOSTA PAN-EUROPEIA DAS ORGANIZAÇÕES DOS CTA Parece-nos, portanto, que este é o momento para se procurar dar consistência a uma resposta pan-europeia das organizações dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo. E isto porque, face ao avanço do poder regulador e legislativo europeu, dentro em breve, muito pouca margem restará no que toca à capacidade de negociação colectiva nacional, já p.4 on a flight is: “due to air traffic control” … It’s the so called “perfect crime” because it always safeguards all other participants in the process, starting with the airlines themselves, and does not allow the target to defend himself. A PORTUGUESE VIEW For many years the Portuguese controllers, through their organizations (SINCTA and APCTA) have been following closely the entire process of the Single European Sky, with constant interventions in international bodies, particularly in ATCEUC and, through it, in various working groups within Europe. We do not isolate ourselves and we remain more and more committed on the European side, recognizing the existence of forces of change and trying to adapt our response accordingly. And it is precisely because we are aware of the current situation that our vision of the future is the one reflected in the ideas expressed ahead. Likewise, internally, we have been able to maintain a valuable social dialogue with our partners, which has enabled us to find solutions to issues that, by being dragged could jeopardize our future and of those who still are not in this career. A PAN-EUROPEAN RESPONSE OF ATCOs ORGANISATIONS We believe, therefore, that this is the moment to try to give consistency to a pan-European response of air traffic controllers’ organizations. We believe it because, given the progress of the European legislative and regulatory power, soon, very little room will be left over for national collective bargaining power, since much of the pressure on workers will rise in the corridors of European power. But to achieve this, it is essential a wider awareness of the new reality that is emerging and the establishment of a platform of basic principles that all European air traffic controllers can defend in unison. Are we up to this challenge or will we continue essentially concerned with our domestic disputes? REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo que grande parte da pressão sobre os trabalhadores terá origem nos corredores do poder europeu. Mas para alcançar tal objectivo, é fundamental uma percepção mais generalizada da nova realidade que está a surgir e o estabelecimento de uma plataforma de princípios base que todos os Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo europeus possam defender em uníssono. Estaremos nós à altura deste desafio ou continuaremos essencialmente preocupados com as nossas querelas domésticas ? É preciso, igualmente, fazer os ANSPs e os governos perceber – não deixa de ser um mau sinal a recente nomeação do Presidente da AENA para o Comité Executivo da CANSO, após o ataque que desferiu contra os nossos colegas espanhóis – que se não contarem com os CTA europeus na construção de uma nova estrutura de gestão de tráfego aéreo na Europa – num verdadeiro contexto de diálogo social e não apenas num exercício de retórica institucional que já começa a espreitar - contarão certamente com uma oposição feroz e incansável da nossa parte. Afinal, e até que entrem ao serviço as maravilhas tecnológicas que se anunciam – e que nos virão substituir, dizem – continuam a ser os milhares de Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo europeus que vão garantindo, muitas vezes em condições difíceis, a segurança dos milhões de cidadãos que diariamente utilizam o transporte aéreo neste continente. It is also necessary to make the ANSPs – it is a bad sign the recent appointment of the President of AENA to CANSO’s Executive Committee, after the attack that he made against our Spanish colleagues - and the Governments realize that if they do not count on the Europeans ATCOs in the construction of a new structure of air traffic management in Europe – in a real context of social dialogue and not only in a rhetorical institutional exercise that already begins to appear – they will surely have a fierce and tireless opposition from us. After all, and until the announced technological wonders begin to work – which will replace us, so they say – it is the thousands of European air traffic controllers that ensure, often in difficult conditions, the safety of millions of citizens who daily use the air transport in this continent. DIÁLOGO SOCIAL NO SECTOR DA AVIAÇÃO CIVIL NA UE SOCIAL DIALOGUE IN THE FIELD OF CIVIL AVIATION IN THE EU . . (fonte: Comissão Europeia – Emprego e Assuntos Sociais) O Diálogo Social Sectorial na Europa sofreu um enorme impulso a partir de 1998, altura em que foi decidida a criação de Comités Sectoriais, por áreas de actividade, juntando à mesma mesa os representantes de empregadores e trabalhadores, com igual representatividade. Neste nível, a representação de ambas as partes é assegurada por organizações de âmbito internacional/supra-nacional, que deverão reflectir nas discussões o posicionamento global das diversas organizações nacionais nelas filiadas ou a elas associadas. No âmbito da Aviação Civil, foi inicialmente constituído (1990) um designado “comité conjunto”, que deu lugar, em 2000, a um Comité de Diálogo Social Sectorial. Actualmente, dele fazem parte, do lado dos empregadores, o ACI (Airports Council International), a AEA (Association of European Airlines), a CANSO (Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation), a ERA (European Regional Airlines Association), a IACA (International Air Carriers Association) e a IAHA (International Aviation Handlers Association). A representação dos trabalhadores neste comité é assegurada pela ECA (European Cockpit Association), a ETF (European Transport Workers Association) e, na área ATM, pelo ATCEUC (Air Traffic Controllers European Union Coordination). A presença do ATCEUC nesta estrutura foi, durante muito tempo, fonte de fricção entre este e a ETF, tendo sido possível, em 2009, chegar a um acordo de partilha de representatividade, tendo ambas as organizações reconhecido a outra como parceiro social na área ATM. Este acordo, para o qual o SINCTA muito colaborou - tendo servido ao longo dos anos como ponto de contacto entre as duas organizações - permitiu ao ATCEUC estar efectivamente envolvido nas estruturas de diálogo social que moldarão o futuro da indústria, no quadro do Céu Único Europeu. Deste modo, está assegurada a presença directa da organização que representa a grande maioria dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo na Europa. (Source: European Commission – Employment And Social Affairs) The Social Sectorial Dialogue in Europe has suffered a huge boost from 1998, time when it was decided the creation of Sectorial Committees, by areas of activity, bringing together representatives of employers and workers, with equal representation. At this level, the representation of both sides is ensured by international /supra-national organizations, which should reflect the overall positioning of the various national organizations affiliated in them or related to them. In Civil aviation, it was initially formed (1990) a designated “Joint Committee”, which gave place in 2000, to a sectorial social dialogue Committee. Currently, the employers ‘ side is formed by the ACI (Airports Council International), the EEA (Association of European Airlines), the CANSO (Civil Air Navigation Services Organization), the era (European Regional Airlines Association), the IACA (International Air Carriers Association) and IAHA (International Aviation Handlers Association). The representation of employees in this Committee is to be ensured by the ECA (European Cockpit Association), the ETF (European Transport Workers Association) and, in the ATM field, by ATCEUC (Air Traffic Controllers European Union Coordination). The presence of ATCEUC in this structure was, for a long time, a source of friction between it and the ETF, having been possible, in 2009, to reach an agreement to share representativeness, having both organizations recognized the other as a social partner in the ATM field. This agreement – to which SINCTA has put a lot of effort into, having served over the years as a contact point between the two organizations – allowed ATCEUC to be actually involved in the structures of social dialogue that will shape the future of the industry, within the framework of the single European sky. Thus, it is assured the direct presence of the organization which represents the vast majority of air traffic controllers in Europe. p.5 INTERNACIONAL por/by Nuno Simões Europa uma viagem através dos Sindicatos Europeus de Controladores Aéreos A journey through the European Unions of Air Traffic Controllers A poucos dias de mais uma reunião do ATCEUC - Air Traffic Controllers European Unions Coordination , que representa mais de 25 organizações sindicais de controladores de tráfego aéreo e 13000 controladores na Europa, vale a pena olhar para a actual situação do espaço europeu e atentar no que está a mudar. Assim, e pegando nos vários relatórios que vão sendo apresentados pelos diversos sindicatos, fica-se com uma imagem clara dos problemas, realidades e soluções que colegas nossos enfrentam no seu dia a dia. Deste modo, tomando conhecimento destas realidades, podemos não só preparar o futuro mas também concertar posições a nível Europeu. As próximas páginas são portanto uma partilha dessa informação e a imagem dum sector que está em rápida mutação. A few days away of another ATCEUC-Air Traffic Controllers European Unions Coordination meeting, organization that represents more than 25 unions of air traffic controllers and 13000 controllers in Europe, it is worth looking at the current situation in Europe and pay attention to what is changing. Thus, and taking into account the various reports that are being presented by the various unions, one has a clear picture of the problems, realities and solutions that our colleagues face every day. Then, taking notice of these realities, we can not only prepare the future but also coordinate positions at a European level. The following pages are therefore a sharing of this information and the image of a sector that is changing fast. GEWERKSCHAFT DER A Alemanha registou uma queda de tráFLUGSICHERUNG fego no ano de 2009 de cerca de 7,3%. Apesar Germany recorded a drop of traffic of about 7.3% in the year 2009. Although the year of 2010 shows some signs of recovery, in April, the volcano’s month, those numbers hit again the redline showing a decrease of traffic in the order of 15% on the same month. In a project level, Frankfurt will count with a new control tower because of the construction of a new runway. The installation of the equipments is in progress and it is expected to be ready to be use in June 2011. Also in Berlin there are ongoing expansion works of the current de 2010 mostrar alguns sinais de recuperação, o mês de Abril, o do vulcão, atirou novamente os números para o vermelho apresentando uma diminuição de tráfego na ordem dos 15% relativa ao mês homólogo. Ao nível de projectos, Frankfurt passará a contar com uma nova torre de controlo em virtude da construção de uma nova pista. Decorre neste momento a instalação dos equipamentos e prevê-se a sua uti- p.6 REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo lização em Junho de 2011. Também em Berlim estão a decorrer obras de ampliação do actual aeroporto de Berlin- Schönefeld que passará a Berlin-Brandenburg International (BBI). A nova torre estará em funcionamento no segundo trimestre de 2012. Desde 2008 que a DFS tem vindo a aumentar significativamente o número de ab-initios. O objectivo de 140 novos controladores por ano até 2015 é a meta, o que acrescentará aproximadamente 650 novos controladores ao actual plantel. O número de estrangeiros trabalhando na DFS representa agora cerca de 3,9% do total, o que significa um aumento de 0,8%. Isto deve-se sobretudo à contratação de controladores externos e formadores. Neste momento, trabalham na DFS cerca de 218 não-Alemães de 46 diferentes nacionalidades, sobretudo dos EUA e Reino Unido, seguido pela Áustria e Itália. Berlin-Schönefeld airport which will become the Berlin-Brandenburg International (BBI). The new Tower will be operational in the second quarter of 2012. Since 2008, DFS has been increasing significantly the number of abinitios. The goal is to have 140 new controllers per year until 2015, which will add approximately 650 new controllers to the current staff. The number of foreigners working in DFS represents now about 3.9% of the total, which means an increase of 0.8%. This is mainly due to the hiring of external controllers and trainers. Currently, there are about 218 non-Germans from 46 different nationalities working in DFS, especially from the USA and UK, followed by Austria and Italy. DANISH AIR TRAFFIC Nos últimos três meses, a Dinamarca CONTROLLERS assistiu a um aumento de tráfego na ordem ASSOCIATION dos 10%. Mesmo assim, os prejuízos causados Over the past three months, Denmark has seen an increase of traffic in the order of 10%. Even so, the damage caused by the volcano during the months of April and May has cost NAVIAIR around two million euros. After a period of time in which the famous “Green Arrivals” were available in flights to Copenhagen, they went back to the previous procedure and now only the “Green Departures” are available. It was concluded that these are more economic and the total amount of fuel saved is higher than that of “Green Arrivals”, also, operationally it was extremely difficult for the APP. There are still some difficulties in recruiting instructors to the Swedish Academy, ATC Entry Point North1 being the distance the main reason for this. The NUAC2 is already underway and NAVIAIR and LFV expect savings of around 13 million euros/year. In what it concerns carbon emissions, it is expected a reduction of emissions of 52000 tones of CO2 per year. Due to the surplus of TWR/APP controllers, the company has been assigning leaves without pay, which have been taken by many for small periods. pelo vulcão durante os meses de Abril e Maio custaram à NAVIAIR cerca de dois milhões de euros. Depois de um período em que estiveram disponíveis as famosas “Green Arrivals” aos voos com destino a Copenhaga, voltou-se ao procedimento anterior e só estão disponíveis as “Green Departures”. Chegou-se à conclusão que estas são mais económicas e o total de combustível poupado é superior ao das “Green Arrivals”, além que em termos operacionais era extremamente mais difícil para o APP. Ainda existem problemas em recrutar instrutores para a Academia Sueca ATC, Entry Point North 1, sendo a distância o principal factor para esta dificuldade. O NUAC 2 está já em andamento e a NAVIAIR e a LFV esperam poupanças na ordem dos 13 milhões de euros/ano. No que diz respeito a emissões, os números rondarão uma redução de emissões de 52000 toneladas de CO2/ano. Devido ao excedente número de controladores de TWR / APP, a empresa tem vindo a atribuir licenças sem vencimento, o que tem sido aproveitado por muitos por pequenos períodos. O tráfego nos dois ACC’s de Genebra e Zurique aumentou cerca de 3,3% em relação ao ano anterior. Todavia a SKYGUIDE continua numa situação financeira difícil motivada pela diminuição de tráfego no último ano e meio e pela forte valorização do franco suíço face ao euro. Medidas têm sido tomadas para diminuir as despesas tais como o congelamento de alguns projectos e a não contratação de novo pessoal (a contratação de novos controladores continua no entanto a “full speed”). Em Novembro a SKYGUIDE anunciará o resultado do estudo feito em colaboração com a França e a Alemanha para a criação dum ACC multinacional no quadro do FABEC. Este ACC poderia estar provavelmente localizado em território suíço e operacional lá para 2020. O regulador Suíço está a trabalhar no regulamento do futuro AVRE (Ambient Voice Recording Equipment). No passado, a SwissATCA opôs-se a este sistema por não estar perfeitamente definido quem teria acesso a estas gravações. Um novo esquema desenvolvido pela SKYGUIDE para receber compensação financeira do governo em matéria de formação de controladores, consiste na apresentação duma tese num assunto devidamente fundamentado antes de obter a licença. Dessa forma o curso de controlador teria uma equivalência a um grau académico. SWISS ATCA Traffic in the two ACC’s of Geneva and Zürich increased about 3.3% compared with the previous year. However the SKYGUIDE continues in a difficult financial situation motivated by the decrease of traffic in the past year and a half and the increase of value of the Swiss franc against the euro. Some measures have been taken to reduce expenditure such as the freezing of some projects and not hiring new staff (the hiring of new controllers continues, however, at “full speed”). In November the SKYGUIDE will announce the outcome of the study done in collaboration with France and Germany for the creation of a multinational ACC within the FABEC. This ACC could be probably located in Swiss territory and will be operational around 2020. The Swiss regulator is working on the regulation of the future AVRE (Ambient Voice Recording Equipment). In the past, the SwissATCA objected to this system because it is not clear who would have access to these recordings. A new scheme developed by SKYGUIDE to receive a financial compensation from the Government for the training of controllers consists is the presentation of a thesis on a subject duly substantiated before obtaining the license. This way the controller’s course would have the equivalence to an academic degree. p.7 TRADE UNION EUROCONTROL MAASTRICHT Maastricht viu uma redução de 21000 voos durante o período das cinzas vulcânicas. Mesmo assim os números de 2010 são animadores e apontam para uma recuperação do tráfego. O dia com mais tráfego de 2010 foi o dia 2 de Julho, com 4842 voos. O projecto “Vienna Calling” foi lançado nos finais de Junho e mais não é do que disponibilizar controladores de Maastricht por um período de dois anos e meio para cobrir posições operacionais no ACC Viena, enquanto o AUSTROCONTROL treina os seus controladores num novo sistema. Estes controladores receberão o seu salário normal do Eurocontrol e asseguram as restantes garantias. Terão também o seu lugar garantido quando regressarem ao MUAC. Onze elementos foram já seleccionados e partiram no início de Setembro. Um controlo rigoroso dos custos tem levado a algumas medidas frustrantes: o não pagamento de horas extra, havendo apenas compensação por folgas; a tentativa de diminuição das dotações durante os períodos nocturnos para optimização durante os períodos diurnos; e a recusa de projectos e de programas de formação. Na última assembleia geral, o TUEM foi mandatado por 92% dos votos para convocar uma greve caso a sua condição de controladores seja posta em causa tanto a nível internacional (FABEC) ou local. Maastricht faced a reduction of 21000 flights during the period of the volcanic ash. Yet the 2010 numbers are encouraging and suggest a recovery in traffic. The day with more traffic in 2010 was the 2nd of July, with 4842 flights. The project “Vienna Calling” was released in late June and merely makes Maastricht controllers available for a period of two and a half years to cover operational positions in Vienna, while ACC AUSTROCONTROL trains its controllers in a new system. These controllers will receive their normal wages of EUROCONTROL and secure the remaining guarantees. They will also have their place guaranteed when they return to MUAC. Eleven elements were already selected and departed in early September. A strict monitoring of costs has led to some frustrating measures: non-payment of overtime and compensation only of day offs; attempting to decrease subsidies during the night periods for optimization of the day periods; and the refusal of projects and training programs. In the last General Assembly, TUEM asked for a ballot on Industrial Actions in case of threats on our conditions of employments, either at International level (EU-FABEC) or locally. The return was an impressive 92% in favour of actions. NORWEGIAN AIR TRAFFIC AVINOR, o prestador Norueguês, CONTROLLERS ASSOCIATION estabeleceu um período de um ano AVINOR, the Norwegian provider established a period of one year for Radar Displays in one of the AFIS units, including flight information service based on radar information. In the opinion of NATCA, there are at least five AFIS units that should change to Airfield Control, because that is not the right way to follow. The regulator has said that the AFIS radar project will continue whether NATCA wants it or not. The training of new controllers is now carried out at the University of North Dakota. The last elements graduated in EPN (Entry Point north in Malmö) will return in October. It is still too early to draw conclusions on the quality of the courses taught in the United States versus those of the EPN. NATCA already suggested to AVINOR a thorough evaluation of the existing training processes. para testes de imagem radar (Radar Display) numa das unidades AFIS, incluindo informação de voo baseada em informação radar. Na opinião da NATCA existem actualmente pelo menos cinco unidades AFIS que deveriam passar a Controle de Aeródromo, não sendo este o caminho certo. O regulador já afirmou que o projecto de AFIS radar avançará quer a NATCA queira ou não! A formação de novos controladores é agora feita na Universidade do Norte Dakota. Os últimos elementos formados no EPN (Entry Point North em Malmö) regressarão em Outubro. Ainda é portanto cedo para tirar conclusões quanto à qualidade dos cursos ministrados nos Estados Unidos versus os do EPN. NATCA já sugeriu à AVINOR uma avaliação exaustiva dos actuais processos de formação. BELGIAN GUILD OF AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS Desde o final do ano passado que o novo sistema da THALLES (EUROCATE) está operacional na nova sala de controlo (CANAC-2). A principal alteração é o facto de não contemplar a posição de apoio. Assim, o executivo tem a seu cargo, também, as funções do apoio que não estão automatizadas. Escusado será dizer que a carga de trabalho é agora maior e já conduziu a algumas situações “mais delicadas”. Por este motivo e pelas diversas ocorrências reportadas as capacidades continuam reduzidas em 5%. p.8 Since the end of last year that the new system of THALLES (EUROCAT-E) is operational in the new ops room (CANAC-2). The main change is that it does not contemplate the assistant controller position. Thus, the Executive shall be responsible, also, for the supporting functions of the assistant that are not automated. Needless it is to say that the workload is now bigger and has already led to some more delicate “situations”. For this reason and because of the several situations reported the capacities are still reduced by 5%. The economic crisis, the decrease of traffic, the possible bankruptcy REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo of BELGOCONTROL and the constant extra workload resulted in the rationalization of ATC staff. Controllers have accepted a reduction in the staff levels in order to have some time off. However, even working with fewer elements, the overtime remains dramatic as before. In July, the management initiated a trial period to work with (yet) fewer controllers per team, imposing limits of capacity by “economic” reasons. Thousands of hours of delay were generated as a result of these measures. In addition to a reduction in manpower, for the fifth consecutive year BELGOCONTROL continues without making admissions. Also the company had to resort twice to bank credit to fulfill its obligations (especially wages). But this credit line will end in January and, if nothing changes, salaries may be at risk. The Belgian Government undertook an audit of the company in order to get a clear picture of BELGOCONTROL’s reality of to prepare it for the future FABEC. The findings could not be clearer: there is absence of a human resources structure, an obsolete financing method and lack of strategic vision. A crise económica, a redução de tráfego, a possível falência da companhia BELGOCONTROL e o constante volume de trabalho extra resultou na racionalização das dotações. Os controladores aceitaram uma diminuição das dotações para dessa forma poderem ter algum tempo de folga. Contudo, mesmo trabalhando com menos elementos, o volume de trabalho extra continua dramático. Em Julho, a administração iniciou um período de teste para trabalhar com (ainda) menos controladores por equipa, impondo limites de capacidade por “motivos económicos”. Milhares de horas de atraso foram geradas como consequência destas medidas. Além duma redução das dotações, pelo quinto ano consecutivo a BELGOCONTROL continua sem fazer admissões. Também por duas vezes a companhia teve de recorrer a crédito bancário para satisfazer as suas obrigações ( sobretudo salários ). Mas esta linha de crédito terminará em Janeiro e,se nada mudar, os salários poderão estar em risco. O Governo Belga executou uma auditoria à companhia de forma a ter uma imagem clara da realidade da BELGOCONTROL e prepará-la para o futuro FABEC. As conclusões não poderiam ser mais claras: falta de uma estrutura de recursos humanos, método de financiamento obsoleto e falta de visão estratégica. NETHERLANDS GUILD OF AIR Desde de TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS Abril, todos os Since April, all Dutch operatives have three more days of “stress” per year, which makes a total of 5 days. This developed from the new CA operacionais holandeses recebem mais três dias 38th Air Traffic Controllers signed in early April. The most important asde “stress” por ano, o que totaliza 5 dias. Isto deEuropean Unions corre do novo AE assinado no início de Abril. O aspect, however, is the age limit. For operatives, Coordination Meeting pecto mais importante, contudo, é o do limite de the limit varies from 55 to 58 years (respectiveidade. Para os operacionais, o limite varia entre os ly, those hired before and after 2005), but the Venice, 8 - 9 October 2010 55 e os 58 anos ( respectivamente, os contratados Dutch Government decided in 2007, to decrease antes e depois de 2005), mas o Governo Holandês spending, to force companies, with early retiredecidiu em 2007, para diminuir a despesa, forçar ment schemes, to increase the retirement age to as empresas com esquemas de reformas anteci65 years. The Dutch provider LVNL, had to comply padas a aumentar a idade da reforma para os 65 with this decision and was penalized in taxes on a anos. O prestador Holandês LVNL, viu-se na obrigação de cumprir com value that increased in 52% the wages paid during the years of attendesta decisão e foi penalizado em impostos num valor que fez disparar ance exempt. In addition, and already this year, the Government decidem cerca de 52% os salários pagos durante os anos de dispensa de assied to increase the age for calculation of the maximum pension (16,250 duidade. Além disso, e já este ano, o governo decidiu aumentar a idade Euros) from the current 65 to 67 years. This decision will further worsen para cálculo da pensão máxima (16.250 euros) dos actuais 65 para os the situation and will lead to a loss of remuneration of the controllers 67 anos. Esta decisão agravará ainda mais a actual situação e levará a that are already retired. The LVNL is studying the creation of a possible perca de remuneração dos controladores já reformados. A LVNL está a “post-operative” career to avoid penalties, however the NGATC reported estudar a criação duma possível carreira “pós-operacional” para evitar that will not give in on the current age limits. as penalizações , contudo o NGATC informou que não abrirá mão dos acWith the reduction of traffic, the LVNL saw a decrease in their revtuais limites de idade. enues. Without any financial support, the crisis would have increased Com a redução de tráfego, a LVNL viu diminuir as suas receitas. costs by 19%. After negotiations with the Government, it was agreed a Sem qualquer apoio financeiro, a crise teria feito disparar os custos em loan to cover the differences concerning last year revenues and costs, cerca de 19% . Após negociações com o governo, foi acordado um emwith the compromise of maintaining at the same level the unit rate for préstimo para cobrir as diferenças relativas às receitas e aos custos do the next 5 years. However, the provider has reduced the current number ano transacto, com o compromisso da taxa de rota se manter ao mesmo of employees by around 100 people, and the Government ordered a renível pelos próximos 5 anos. Entretanto, o prestador reduziu em cerca de duction of 30 more. So far the controllers were not affected by these 100 pessoas o actual número de funcionários, e o governo ordenou uma measures, but a small group working on “Flight Service Centre” may be redução de mais 30. Até agora os controladores não foram atingidos por dismissed. estas medidas, mas um pequeno grupo que trabalha no “Flight Service 1 Entry Point North is a EU cer�fied ATS (Air Traffic Service) Training Academy for Centre” pode ser dispensado. aspiring and opera�onal Air Traffic Controllers owned by LFV (Sweden), Naviair th th • •••• ••• ••• • • ••• ••••••• • •• • ••• •• • •• • ••• • • •• •• •••• • . . 2 (Denmark) and Avinor (Norway) NUAC - Nordic Upper Area Control Centre Project p.9 INTERNACIONAL por/by Carlos Valdrez EASA, o novo parceiro ATM the new ATM partner Durante os últimos anos temos vindo a assistir a diversas alterações da regulamentação europeia no âmbito da aviação civil. Uma boa parte destes desenvolvimentos tem como origem a Agência Europeia para a Segurança da Aviação (EASA) que após a sua criação pelo Regulamento (CE) N.º 1592/20021 viu alargadas as suas competências iniciais nas áreas da aeronavegabilidade e protecção ambiental à certificação de pilotos, operações aéreas e operações de terceiros países pelo Regulamento (CE) N.º 216/20082 e aos aeródromos, Gestão de Tráfego Aéreo (ATM) e Serviços de Navegação Aérea (ANS) pelo Regulamento (CE) N.º 1108/2009 (RB - Regulamento Base)3. A APCTA (Associação Portuguesa de Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo) e o SINCTA (Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo) têm seguido estes e outros acontecimentos (como os graves eventos ocorridos na Espanha e na França) através do acompanhamento dos diversos dossiers europeus e particularmente através das suas representações na IFATCA (International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations) e no ATCEUC (Air Traffic Controllers European Union’s Coordination). Há um ano, a EASA mandatada pela Comissão Europeia (CE), criou três grupos de trabalho (ATM.0014, ATM.0035 e ATM.0046) com o objectivo de estabelecer os requisitos para os ANSP’s (Air Navigation Service Providers), para o licenciamento de Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo (CTA) e para as Autoridades Competentes (AC). Foi baseada no trabalho desenvolvido por estes grupos que a EASA publicou os Pareceres7 e os Projectos de Regulamento8 durante o último mês de Maio. A pressão que provocou esta antecipação de resultados surge com a proposta da CE para realizar a tarefa em duas fases distintas. Numa primeira fase através de um procedimento acelerado (fast track) onde a Directiva 2006/23/CE9 é transposta com um conjunto mínimo de alterações técnicas. E na segunda fase é elaborada a regulamentação dos Requisitos Essenciais (RE) do RB. p.10 During the last years we’ve noticed several changes and amendments to the European legislation in the field of civil aviation. Some of those developments are due to the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) which after its establishment by the Regulation (EC) N.º 1592/20021 enlarged its areas of responsibility from airworthiness and environmental protection to pilots, air operations and operations of third countries by Regulation (EC) N.º 216/20082 and finally to aerodromes and ATM/ANS by Regulation N.º 1108/2009 (BR – Basic Regulation)3. APCTA (Portuguese Air Traffic Controllers Association) and SINCTA (Air Traffic Controllers Union) have been following these and other sources of interest (like the events in Spain and France) through the European dossiers, particularly by its representations in IFATCA (International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations) and ATCEUC (Air Traffic Controllers European Union’s Coordination). A year ago EASA, mandated by the European Commission (EC), has created three working groups (ATM.0014, ATM.0035 and ATM.0046) with the aim of establishing the requirements for ANSP’s (Air Navigation Service Providers), for the licensing of Air Traffic Controllers (ATCO) and for the Competent Authorities (CA). It was based on the work developed by these groups that EASA published the Opinions7 and the Draft Regulations8 during the last month of May. The pressure that caused this anticipation of results, happens with the proposal of the EC to complete the task in two distinct phases. In the first phase the Directive 2006/23/ EC9 is transposed with a minimum set of technical updates through an accelerated procedure (fast track). And leaving for the second step the regulation of the Essential Requirements (ER ‘s) of the BR. We are therefore facing a regulatory revolution which will begin to affect us later this year but whose greatest impact should come “only” in 2012. The first Regulation for licensing (ATCO IR) can, however, imply REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo Estamos perante uma revolução regulamentar que nos começará a atingir ainda este ano mas cujo maior impacto deverá chegar “apenas” em 2012. O primeiro Regulamento para o Licenciamento (RLCTA) pode implicar ajustamentos donde se sublinham os seguintes. • Para as Organizações de Formação (OF): • o estabelecimento de um completo sistema de gestão; e • a adaptação da Formação Inicial (FI) ao “Eurocontrol Specification for the ATCO Common Core Content for Initial Training”. • Para as AC’s: • a inclusão dos averbamentos linguísticos na licença de instruendo; e • a notificação da EASA e da CE da existência de averbamentos de qualificação nacionais e de limites de idade para o exercício dos privilégios dos averbamentos de órgão. É ainda necessário sublinhar a existência de uma larga discussão em torno do licenciamento dos controladores militares. Actualmente o RB não permite a extensão do âmbito do RLCTA directamente ao pessoal e organizações militares envolvidos na ATM/ANS. No entanto, os Estados Membros (EM) devem assegurar que os serviços prestados ou disponibilizados pelos militares ao público oferecem pelo menos um nível de segurança equivalente e podem para isso aplicar o RLCTA. Mas isto não pode significar que os militares possam deter os mesmos privilégios enquanto não cumprirem todos os requisitos. Até porque este tipo de orientação contrariaria o fim dos poderes discricionários pois permitiria a cada EM aplicar aos militares a parcela que interessasse do RLCTA. Na segunda fase as alterações serão em todas as áreas. Todas as situações previstas nos RE serão regulamentadas e as disposições transitórias terão o seu fim, assim como os poderes discricionários dos EM. Podemos nomear uma série de temas chave para a segunda fase analisemos por isso as questões capitais. some adjustments from which we highlight the following. • For Training Organizations (TO): • the establishment of a management system; and • the adjustment of the Initial Training (IT) to the “Eurocontrol Specification for the ATCO Common Core Content for Initial Training”. • For CA's: • the inclusion of the linguistic endorsements in the student license; and • the EASA and the EC’s notification of the existence of national qualification endorsements and of age limits on the exercise of privileges of unit endorsements; The licensing of military air traffic controllers was also extensively discussed. At this moment the scope of the BR does not allow for extending the scope of the ATCO IR directly to ATM/ANS personnel and organisations that are provided or made available by the military. Instead, and fully in line with the provisions of the Basic Regulation, Member States shall ensure that services provided or made available by military personnel to the public offer at least the equivalent level of safety. To achieve this objective they may apply the Regulation. But this cannot mean that they should have the same privileges without complying with all the requirements because it would meant that MS still had some discretionary powers. The second phase will bring changes of detail in all areas. All the situations specified in ER’s will be regulated and the transitional arrangements will have their end, as well as the discretionary powers of the MS. It may be appointed a number of key themes for the second stage, so let us look at the main issues. p.11 O limite de idade operacional é uma das peças fundamentais deste puzzle principalmente por existir uma enorme disparidade em toda a legislação da UE (União Europeia). Apesar deste tema se encontrar nas disposições transitórias, que terminarão com a respectiva regulamentação, já foi realizada uma breve análise à questão. Foram sublinhadas a falta de harmonização ao nível da UE, a ausência de provas médicas que introduzam um limite comum e a possibilidade de algumas posições de trabalho com elevada complexidade poderem criar certas dificuldades. Consideraram-se pois algumas opções para a resolução desta situação: • a possibilidade de os ANSP’s definirem um limite para o exercício dos privilégios da licença baseado na complexidade do sistema e do tráfego, nos factores humanos como o stress e o trabalho por turnos e em outros critérios de avaliação do risco; • a inexistência de outras disposições além da certificação médica e da Avaliação de Competências; • o estabelecimento de limite de idade comum (actualmente sem justificação médica); e • a incapacidade em justificar a limitação de idade no licenciamento (não considerado como factor relativo à segurança). The operational age limit is one of the fundamental pieces of this puzzle mainly because there is a huge disparity of legislation across the EU (European Union). Although this theme is in the transitional provisions, which will end with their regulations in the second phase, it has already been held a brief analysis of the issue. It was highlighted the lack of harmonization at EU level, the absence of medical evidence which could introduce a common limit and the possibility of some working positions with high complexity being able to create difficulties for ATCO’s at the end of their career. It has been considered a few options to resolve this situation: • the possibility of ANSP's defining a limit for exercising the privileges of the license based on the complexity of the system and traffic, in human factors such as stress and shift work and in other risk assessment criteria; • the absence of other provisions beyond the medical certification and the Competence Assessment; • the establishment of a common age limit (currently without medical justification); and • the inability to justify the limitation of age in licensing (not considered as a factor in what it concerns safety). A Formação e Avaliação de Competências são mais dois pontos centrais nesta regulamentação devido à inexistência ou diferente legislação nacional em toda a UE e à sua importância na nossa profissão. Toda a Formação terá de ser regulamentada sendo necessário estabelecer requisitos, conteúdo e duração dos cursos. Serão determinados critérios para aprovação dos Planos de Formação Inicial, de Formação Operacional no Órgão de Controlo e de Competência do Órgão de Controlo. Além disso, também será elaborado um quadro de requisitos para certificar qualquer tipo de formadores ou avaliadores (teoria, simulador e operacional) que deverá incluir as condições de manutenção e validade e Training and Competence Assessment are two central points of this regulation due to the absence or different national legislation across the EU and to its importance in our profession. All training must be regulated being necessary to establish requirements, content and duration of the study courses. Certain criteria for the approval of Initial Training Plans, Unit Training Plans and Unit Competence Schemes will be determined. In addition it will also be drawn up a framework of requirements to certify any kind of Instructors or Assessors (theory, simulator and operational) which must contain the conditions of maintenance and validity, training and required experience. Concerning the Competence p.12 REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo a formação e a experiência necessárias. Quanto à Avaliação de Competências podem ser destacadas as condições para manter a competência e o conteúdo e forma da avaliação. Os elevados custos da saída de CTA’s do meio operacional para a instrução na FI, tem tido um peso preponderante nas decisões a que temos assistido por toda a Europa. Na Espanha já existem universidades privadas em parceria com escolas de formação, como a britânica ASTAC (certificada pela CAA – UK Civil Aviation Authority), com a capacidade de fornecer FI (a um custo aproximado de 45 000 Euros). A SENASA (Servicios y Estudios para la Navegación Aérea y la Seguridad Aeronáutica), anteriormente responsável pela formação dos controladores espanhóis para a AENA (Aeropuertos Espanoles y Navegación Aérea), está numa fase de transição, passando a vender a FI depois de esvaziada dos seus anteriores instrutores para os órgãos de origem. Enquanto na Alemanha, a DFS (Deutsche Flugsicherung) contratou formadores estrangeiros, depois de fazer regressar à operação os seus anteriores instrutores da FI já a Áustria e a Eslováquia utilizam formadores sem a licença válida. Mas não é só, os Factores Humanos também vão ser regulamentados. A garra da EASA vai alcançar os períodos de descanso e as escalas. A normalização e os interesses económicos parecem querer interpor-se à segurança e apesar de estudos científicos poderem afirmar que os descansos devem ter determinada duração, o Projecto de Regulamento pode contornar essa recomendação. Isto só nos dá mais uma indicação de que estamos num período de elevada relevância para o nosso futuro e que devemos estar mais atentos do que nunca na defesa dos nossos interesses. CTA´s e ANSP’s devem unir esforços e representar um papel activo na recolha e partilha de informações, na participação das discussões e na tomada de posições comuns no seio das instituições internacionais tentando fazer prevalecer as nossas convicções. As matérias em causa são fundamentais e as regras do jogo escrevem-se em Bruxelas e em Colónia (sede da EASA). O que o futuro nos reserva ainda não é certo mas uma linha de orientação forte e determinada é fundamental na defesa da qualidade do nosso serviço e o nosso mote: a SEGURANÇA dos Céus Europeus. Assessment the conditions to maintain the competence and the content and the form of assessment should be highlighted. The high costs of the exit of ATCO’s from operational environment to IT, has had a big weight in the decisions that we have seen across Europe. In Spain there are private universities collaborating with training schools, such as the British ASTAC (certified by the CAA - UK Civil Aviation Authority), with the ability to provide IT (at an approximate cost of 45 000 Euros). The SENASA (Servicios y Estudios para la Navegación Aérea y la Seguridad Aeronáutica), previously responsible for the training of Spanish controllers to AENA (Aeropuertos Espanoles y Navegación Aérea), is in a transitional phase, selling IT after dismissing its previous instructors to the initial units. While in Germany, DFS (Deutsche Flugsicherung) hired foreign instructors after getting back, to the operational units, their previous instructors of IT already Austria and Slovakia were using instructors without a valid license. But that is not just it; Human Factors will also be regulated. The claw of EASA will grasp resting periods and rostering. Standardization and economic interests seem to stand in between safety and although scientific studies can assert that rests must have a certain length, the regulation draft can circumvent this recommendation. This only gives us one more hint that we are in a period of high relevance for our future and we must be more vigilant than ever in defense of our interests. ATCO’s and ANSP’s must join forces and play an active role in gathering and sharing information, in participating in discussions and in making common positions within international institutions trying to make our convictions prevail. These subjects are fundamental and the rules of the game are written in Brussels and Cologne (EASA headquarters). What the future holds is still not certain but a strong and determined guideline is crucial in defending the quality of our service and our motto: the SAFETY of European Skies. Notas: Endnotes: . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Regulamento (CE) N.º 1592/2002 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho de 15 de Julho de 2002 relativo a regras comuns no domínio da aviação civil e que cria a Agência Europeia para a Segurança da Aviação Regulamento (CE) N.º 216/2008 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho de 20 de Fevereiro de 2008 relativo a regras comuns no domínio da aviação civil e que cria a Agência Europeia para a Segurança da Aviação, e que revoga a Directiva 91/670/CEE do Conselho, o Regulamento (CE) N.º 1592/2002 e a Directiva 2004/36/CE Regulamento (CE) N.º 1108/2009 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho de 21 de Outubro de 2009 que altera o Regulamento (EC) N.º 216/2008 no que se refere aos aeródromos, à gestão do tráfego aéreo e aos serviços de navegação aérea, e que revoga a Directiva 2006/23/EC http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/doc/TORs2/ToR%20ATM.001.pdf http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/doc/TORs2/ToR%20ATM.003.pdf http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/doc/TORs2/ToR%20ATM.004(a)%20%20ATM.004(b)%20-%20Issue%202.pdf http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/doc/opinions/Translations/2010/02/Opinion%2002-2010.pdf http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/doc/opinions/Translations/2010/03/Opinion%2003-2010.pdf http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/doc/opinions/Translations/2010/02/ Draft%20Regulation%20to%20Opinion%2002-2010%20(ANSP).pdf http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/doc/opinions/Translations/2010/02/Draft%20R egulation%20to%20Opinion%2002-2010%20(safety%20oversight).pdf http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/doc/opinions/Translations/2010/03/ Draft%20Regulation%20to%20Opinion%2003-2010%20(ATCO).pd Directiva 2006/23/CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho de 5 de Abril de 2006 relativa à licença comunitária de controlador de tráfego aéreo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Regulation (EC) N.º 1592/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 July 2002 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Aviation Safety Agency Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council 20 February 2008 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Aviation Safety Agency, and repealing Directive 91/670/EEC, Council Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002 and Directive 2004/36/EC Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 amending Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 in the field of aerodromes, air traffic management and air navigation services and repealing Council Directive 06/23/EC http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/doc/tors2/tor%20atm.001.pdf http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/doc/tors2/tor%20atm.003.pdf http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/doc/tors2/tor%20atm.004% 20% 20ATM. 004 (b)% 20-% 20Issue% 202 .pdf http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/doc/opinions/translations/2010/02/opinion%2002-2010.pdf http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/doc/opinions/translations/2010/03/opinion%2003-2010.pdf http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/doc/opinions/translations/2010/02/draft %20regulation%20to%20opinion%2002-2010%20 (AN ANSP).pdf http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/doc/opinions/translations/2010/02/draft%20re gulation%20to%20opinion%2002-2010%20 (safety% 20oversight).pdf http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/doc/opinions/translations/2010/03/ draft%20regulation%20to%20opinion%2003-2010%20 (ATCO).pdf Directive 2006/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2006 on a Community air traffic controller licence p.13 ECGC Special edition Welcome to ECGC 2010 European Controllers Golf Championship 25 – 29 October 2010 | Vilamoura - Portugal SPONSORS p.14 REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo Dear friends, Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the Portuguese Air Traffic Controllers Association, it is with great pleasure that we invite you to Vilamoura, for the 2010 European Controllers Golf Championship tournament. These gatherings represent a wonderful opportunity to meet your fellow colleagues from all around Europe and other parts of the world therefore creating new friendships and reencountering old friends while practicing your favorite sport. This year you will experience it at one of the best courses of one of the most magnificent touristic regions in Portugal. We look forward to seeing you in Vilamoura. It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to Vilamoura European Controller’s Golf Championship 2010. The tournament is the result of many hours of great effort and hard work conducted by a team that has done its utmost to provide you with the best that can be offered. We know these events have an important regenerating effect in our daily lives so do not forget: Only a few will go home with a trophy but, just by participating, all can and should enjoy themselves to their utmost so that in the end we can all jointly say it was worth it. Good luck to you all and let us then... Tee Off! Paulo Encarnação Fernando Dutra President APCTA Tournament Chairman PARTNERS p.15 ECGC 2010 / Official Programme Programa Oficial DAY 1 19.00 20.00 22.00 DAY 2 Monday, October 25th Arrival Day Transfer from Faro Airport Check.in Hotel Vila Galé Ampalius Team Foto – ALTAIR Meeting Room Welcome Drinks – ALTAIR Meeting Room – offered by Vila Galé Hotels Music Lounge at Hotel Bar Tuesday, October 26th Transfer to Golf Courses 08.00 – 15.00 Training Day – Laguna and Victoria Golf Courses Transfer to Hotel 20.00 Captains Meeting and Dinner – ALTAIR Meeting Room 20.00 Dinner at Hotel Vila Galé Ampalius – offered by Organization Committee 22.00 Music Lounge at Hotel Bar DAY 3 Wednesday, October 27th Transfer to Golf Courses 08.00 – 15.00 1st Day Competition – Laguna and Victoria Golf Courses Transfer to Hotel Free evening to dine and enjoy the local restaurants and bars DAY 4 Thursday, October 28th Transfer to Golf Courses 08.00 – 15.00 2nd Day Competition – Laguna and Victoria Golf Courses Transfer to Hotel 19.00 “WIN A FLAG” Raffle at Vila Galé Lobby Bar 20.00 Special Dinner at Vilamoura Casino with Awards Ceremony, followed by Casino Show (Dress Code – Casual) DAY 5 Friday, October 29th Transfer to Faro Airport Returning Day p.17 ECGC by Graeme Wilson Before the Championship itself came into being, the origins of the tournament can be traced to a contact made by Fred Le Noble of Maastricht to Alasdair Murray at London Centre in 1988. The result of this was a competition held in Holland between a team of 4 golfers from London and 4 from Maastricht. p.18 History of the ECGC The following year the competition again took place between two teams of 4 golfers, this time at various courses to the West of London. In 1990 the tournament really got started with the entry of Ireland. The game this year was played at Fred’s course in Maastricht and involved 2 Irish teams, 2 Maastricht teams and one from London. In 1991 the Maastricht players travelled to Ireland to enjoy the hospitality of Eamonn O’Malley and his colleagues, London were unable to attend. The first of the big events took place in 1992 at Leytown in Ireland, again organised by Eamonn with about 15 teams taking part. For the first time there were teams from Scotland, Northern Ireland, Scandinavia, Spain and France. In 1993 the tournament moved to Belleisle in Ayr, Scotland. About 20 teams took part at this event and we saw for the first time the other teams who are now the “core” of the ECGC. In 1994 Spain hosted the tournament in Madrid. This was a well-attended event at a beautiful mountain course held in fantastic weather. This was the first time the championship had left the Holland/UK/Ireland area and everyone enjoyed the change of scenery, weather and course conditions. In 1995 the game went to Copenhagen where we tried the “bogey” format. Again everyone REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo enjoyed both the course and the surroundings, particularly the Tivoli gardens. In 1996 the tournament moved to Bordeaux, hosted by Hubert Martineau and his colleagues. The game was played over two superb adjacent courses, which have been used for minor European tour events. In 1997 the tournament returned to Ireland. The course was Rosse’s Point at Sligo on the West coast and it was a true links course with beautiful views to all sides. Although some people were almost washed off the course on the practice day, the competition days gave us good weather. The Guinness went down very well and one or two people joined in the singing. In 1998 we were struggling to find a venue but Jeff Gaste stepped in at short notice and found a wonderful course in the hills near Aixen-Provence. Unfortunately the French hotel we were staying in wasn’t used to the drinking exploits of ECGC and they rapidly ran out of beer. By this time the number of teams wanting to play in the tournament was reaching the limits of a golf course so the committee chairman Paul Conroy hosted a meeting of teams in Darmstadt where the rules of the tournament were agreed. In 1999 the championship was organised by Henk Reerink and his colleagues in Amsterdam. Here we benefited from the Hotel being on the golf course. Although some ECGC members used In 2004 we headed North courtesy of Kjell Kramm and his Norwegian colleagues. The course was just outside Oslo and fortunately our hosts had done a good deal with a local brewery so the price of beer was reasonable. The course was in a superb setting of a pine forest but every now and again there was a “pinging” sound followed by a shout of “fore” as a golf ball ricocheted off one of the numerous rocks that stuck out of the ground. 2005 was held in Hasselt just outside Brussels and hosted by CFMU. Another well organised tournament was well attended and some superb weather made it a most enjoyable event. this facility to go from the bar straight to the first tee and then from the 18 th green back to the bar. I don’t think this helped their golf too much. In 2000 the tournament moved to Bournemouth, England. Despite the problems of the Treasurer being taken into hospital for an operation on the first day, a fuel strike that almost stopped our bus transport and a computer software crash, the tournament survived. In 2001 the Irish again hosted the tournament. Shannon this time provided the superb venue of Adare Manor with a testing golf course built around a wonderful hotel. Again a vast amount of Guinness was despatched and a few songs were sung. 2002 was our first venture outside Europe. Our “permanent guests” from America led by Jack Kies were keen to repay our hospitality and host the tournament themselves so we went to the Legends course in Myrtle Beach, south Carolina. It was a fantastic venue which was enjoyed by everyone. 2003 was hosted by Karlsruhe and Austrocontrol on the border between Germany and Austria at Passau/Linz . This was probably the only time so far that we have played the tournament over two different courses in two different countries. The staff in the hotel seemed a bit overwhelmed by us at times, but the hospitality was superb. 2006 was something different entirely. Iceland hosted the tournament and everyone was keen both to see Iceland and the two golf courses which we were playing on. Gummi said that we had to hold it after the end of May because the grass didn’t start growing until the start of May !!. When we landed at Keflavik I couldn’t believe that there were any golf courses anywhere, all I could see in every direction was a lava field that resembled a moonscape. When we got to Reykjavik it was a different matter with a bit more greenery about, but not many trees. 2007 was Detlef Piepenstock’s retirement present to his colleagues from ECGC. He and his friends from Karlsruhe organised the tournament at Semlin, about 70km West of Berlin. As befitting Germans, they had organised free beer for the welcome party. Unfortunately the 500 litres ran out before the party ended. The competition was a bit unusual because the Semlin course was 27 holes, but the organisation meant that everything went very smoothly. ECGC 2008 was held in Aviemore, Scotland with Derek McDade and his team organising. Aviemore is in the heart of the highlands and although it was a difficult place to get to, the beautiful scenery made it worth the trip. Aviemore is probably better known for skiing then golf and I suspect some of the competitors wished the course had been covered in snow. Portugal participated for the first time with Lisboa Team. ECGC 2009 was back to England. This time at Carden Park, just south of Liverpool. This was a really superb venue with a large hotel and two good 18 hole golf courses attached to it. This meant that participation was almost unrestricted and 53 teams took part with Belfast rejoining ECGC and Brussels playing for the first time. The staff at the venue were pleasant and helpful throughout and as usual they were amazed at the amount of alcohol which ECGC consumed. ECGC 2010 in Vilamoura, is today.... . p.19 Inflight Catering Newrest creates innovative customized meals adapted to meet the high quality standards required by the airlines. Catering Every day, throughout our global network, over 500 clients appreciate our creativity, diligence, and know-how used in the creation of their daily meals. On a worldwide basis many banks, public institutions, private company headquarters, factories, construction sites, state authorities, embassies, amongst many other Business & Industry segments, have entrusted us with the management of their restaurants, cafeterias or reception rooms. Newrest is convinced that employees who consume their daily meal or meals in a pleasant, stress-less environment while being able to choose from a selection of fresh, appetizing and carefully presented products - will be an efficient and motivated employee for our client. Intellectual capacity, concentration and productivity are undeniably conditioned by the quality of the catering and leisure services on site. p.20 REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo Hospitals and clinics have entrusted us with managing the catering services for patients and hospital staff as well as the snack bars, bars and cafeterias for visitors (hospitality services). Newrest is convinced that good food is also a key element in the healing process; and we strive to contribute to the recovery process of patients in support of hospital and medical staff. Our teams pride themselves on being attentive to patient and medical staff needs and we scrupulously comply with dietary requirements and constraints. We endeavour to be constantly proactive in anticipating the needs of patients and staff; our primary goal is to assure that patients are as comfortable and content with daily life as possible in the trying circumstances they face in hospital. Past Tournaments & Winners Year Place Country Nº Teams Nº Players Winner 1990 Maastricht Holland Maastricht 1991 Dublin Ireland Dublin 1992 Leytown Ireland Prestwick 1993 Ayr Scotland Euro Select 1994 Madrid Spain London 1995 Copenhagen Denmark London 1996 Bordeuax France Barcelona 1997 Sligo Ireland CFMU Brussels 1998 Aix En Provence France Frankfurt 1 1999 Amsterdam Holland Amsterdam 2000 Bournemouth England Iceland 2001 Adare Ireland Paris 2002 South Carolina United States Heathrow 2003 Passau/Linz Germany/Austria Canarias 2004 Sarpsborg Norway Dublin ACC 2005 Hasselt Belgium 43 170 London APP 2006 Reykjavik Iceland 42 166 Iceland 2007 Semlin Germany 48 192 Maastricht 2008 Aviemore Scotland 48 192 Aix en Provence 1 2009 Carden Park England 53 205 Munich 2 2010 Vilamoura Portugal 62 260 ? p.21 ECGC Special edition Touristic Information Visiting Vilamoura: Vilamoura is the name given to an area rather than to any actual town. It is outstanding in that it is one of the largest single tourist complex in Europe and covers some 2.000 hectares of land. The land is variable in its vegetation, some parts covered in pine forests whilst others open recovered marshland. Vilamoura is a special place, a unique leisure and recreation resort community where the pace of life is so easy it feels like summer all year round. Designed from the start to be self-sufficient, Vilamoura is ideally located, features a wide choice of prime accommodation, offers the commercial structure for day-to-day needs and is bursting with sporting and leisure facilities for the whole family. It is a place for rest and relaxation but also for pursuing active pastimes and sports; a friendly and safe residential haven, but also a vibrant and exciting night-life centre. It is a luxury hotel, a private villa or a serviced apartment for the visitor, but also a home to the resident and seasonal population. It is Portuguese, but also truly cosmopolitan. Away from the hectic pace and the stress of the modern world, all who visit are revitalised by the lifestyle, the convenience and the hospitality of this truly special place. p.22 Driving: All motor vehicles drive on the right. Unless otherwise indicated, vehicles approaching from the right have priority at junctions. Seatbelts are obligatory. The law is strict regarding drinking and driving. The maximum speed in towns is 50 km p/h and on main roads and highways is 90 and 120 km p/h respectively. Petrol stations are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. On highways services stations are open 24 hours a day. Weather: Portugal has a mild climate without extremes of temperature. Winters are never too cold and summers are always moderately hot. The North has an Atlantic climate influenced by the Gulf Stream. The Centre has gentle dry summers and short mild winters. The South has a warm, dry Mediterranean climate without extremes of heat. Madeira offers a pleasant climate all year round. The Azores also offers mild weather tempered by the Atlantic. REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo Accomodation: Hotels range from luxury to 5, 4, 3 and 2*. There is a wide range of choice between Boarding Houses, Inns, Hostels, Motels and Aparthotels. The Pousadas are very comfortable, special hotels generally located in historical sites and in many cases they are totally restored monuments, castles or palaces. There are three distinct categories: regional Pousadas, Pousadas in historical areas and Pousadas in national monuments. Advanced booking is highly recommended. “Turismo no Espaço Rural” (TER) offers privately owned homes ranging from wonderful farmhouses to manor houses. There are many camping areas throughout the country that allow for an inexpensive holiday and the opportunity for a close contact with nature. Also available, 18 youth hostels spread around the country. Guides and interpreters: Portugal has excellent guides who will help you to discover the country. For further information contact your travel agent, hotel reception or tourism office. Beach: Portuguese beaches are very invit- Telephones Postal services ing offering white sand all over. Be careful not to swim in areas where there are flags warning not to. Red flags mean total prohibition to swim and yellow flags mean you should be very careful. Green flags mean there is no danger at all. Post offices are open Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. In main cities there is one post office station open on Saturdays. Stamps are sold here and also on shops bearing the sign of the red horse. The Portuguese word for post office is “Correios” and for stamp is “selo”. Time: Portugal and Madeira time are one hour plus GMT. Azores is Greenwich Mean (GMT) time Opening hours: Banks Are open from 8.30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday, closing on public holidays. (Finance, Insurance / Real Estate Directory) Shops From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. (working days). On Saturdays most shops close at 1 p.m., eventhough there are some open in the afternoon. (Retailers & Personal Service Directory) Shopping Centres are open from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. or midnight, every day of the week. Museums From 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Closed on Mondays. (Amusement, Recreation Services & Culture Directory) Useful Telephone Numbers for Vilamoura Emergency Numbers: Dial 112 for Police, Ambulance and Fire from any phone (free) • GNR ( Police) Tel: 289 313 040 • Bombeiros (Firefighters) Tel: 289 312 425 • Health Centre Tel: 289 314 243 • Nearest Hospital Faro Tel: 289 891 100 • Red Cross in Faro Tel: 289 899 900 • Taxi Rank Tel : 289 321 010 • Police Support Services for Tourists Vilamoura Tel : 289 388 989 • Tourist Support Services Tel: 808 781 212 • ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Fernando Dutra - +351. 917285288 Note: Just remember, if you are calling from a foreign mobile phone in the Algarve, Portugal, you will need to dial 00351 in front of the numbers here. Special Discounts for ECGC See map below for locations at Vilamoura. Restaurants: A taska Akvavit Cataplana Dom Miguel Fairways Mariscada Shops: Peter Café Sport Záza Terramar Joias da Marina Tony Barnabé(golf shop) Restaurant & Shops locations around Vilamoura Marina area Currency: The unit of currency is the Euro (€). Some banks have automatic exchange machines. Reception in most hotels will change money and they are entitled to charge a small extra amount to cover fluctuation exchange rates. Traveler cheques and Eurocheques are accepted by all Portuguese banks and exchange bureaus. Visa, Amex, Eurocard, Diner Club and Master Card are the most useful credit cards. Health Medical facilities Medical assistance is available in hospitals providing 24 hours a day emergency service. There are also many clinics open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. In case of emergency dial the number 112. In case of road accident use the nearest SOS phone (orange). For further information see Phone Directory. Chemists Are open 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. /3 p.m. - 7 p.m. Monday to Friday and Saturday mornings. In every area, you can always find one that is open all night or on Sunday. See the sign on the door (white cross on green background) to find your nearest chemist. The Portuguese word for chemist is “Farmácia”. Electricity The current is 220 volts AC, with a continental round pin plug. Some useful words and sentences Thank you Please Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Yes No Bank Change How much is it? Do you speak English? I don’t understand Obrigado (if you’re male) Obrigada (if you’re female) Por favor Bom dia Boa tarde Boa noite Sim Não Banco Câmbio Quanto é? Fala inglês? Não compreendo one two three four five six seven eight nine ten hundred thousand um dois três quatro cinco seis sete oito nove dez cem mil p.23 ECGC Special edition Tournament Courses Oceanico Laguna Golf Course No. holes 18 PAR 72 Length 6121 Architect: Joseph Lee Laid out over low lying coastal terrain, this course, with its many water hazards and few trees, is considerably different from the other ones at the resort and many of its holes convey a links atmosphere. U.S. golf architect Joseph Lee designed this course which was opened in 1990 and many previous visitors will recognise it as part of the former 27 hole Vilamoura III course. It has been subject to continual improvements over the years. Measuring 6,121 metres from the white tees, the par 72 course includes several lakes which influence play on a total of 11 holes. In addition to acting as hazards and emergency water reservoirs, these lakes serve a useful purpose in attracting a variety of aquatic birds, both resident and migratory, as well as amphibians, otters, terrapins etc. Vilamoura’s master developers, Lusotur, have also established an environmental nature park not far from the course. Apart from the lakes and an impressive total of 79 bunkers, another hazard is the wind that frequently blows over this somewhat exposed location. Laguna shares a large, welcoming clubhouse with the neighbouring Millennium Course. p.24 REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo Laguna Course Local Rules To be read in conjunction with the rules of golf and any temporary local rules 1. Out of bounds (rule 27-1) White stakes 2. Immovable Obstructions (rule 27-2) Roads, watering system components, marks made by course equipment, artificial walls, bridges and young trees less than 2 meters high. 3. Ground under Repair Areas marked with blue stakes or GUR signs. The ball must be dropped according to rule 24.2 4. Course Signage Players with buggies must follow the paths and course signage at all times. 150 metres distance posts and all markers are in metres measured to the center of the green. OCEÂNICO GOLF LOGOTYPE FINAL VERSION - CMYK Oceanico Victoria Golf Course No. holes 18 PAR 72 Length 6609 Architect: Arnold Palmer M Y K C M Y 100 95 05 39 90 21 60 C The previous owners invested 18 million Euros in Oceanico’s Victoria Golf Club, designed by Arnold Palmer, one of the greatest legends of the sport. This was the most ambitious golf project in Portugal, and was aimed at being one of the best golf complexes in the whole of Europe. Oceanico’s Victoria golf club was designed by one of the greatest legends of the sport Arnold Palmer. With an 18 million euro investment and the most ambitious golf project in Portugal the previous owners aimed the course to be one of the best golf complexes in Europe. The Victoria Clube de Golfe will be the fifth at Vilamoura and the most exclusive one at the resort, making it ideal to become the Algarve’s and Portugal’s major venue for top international tournaments. Palmer, whose design company has created 500 courses worldwide, designed the Victoria course project, and Southern Golf, Europe’s largest golf course builder, was awarded the construction contract. Oceanico Victoria course is an 18-hole, par 72 championship layout, measuring 6.609 meters from the back tees. Several man-made lakes provide hazards for the players and also serve as water reservoirs for irrigation. 2758 EC Victoria Course Local Rules Vilamoura 2010 Prizes To be read in conjunction with the rules of golf and any temporary local rules Team Competition Net: 1º, 2º, 3º Team Competition Gross: 1º, 2º, 3º 1. Out of bounds (rule 27-1) Beyond any fence and/or white stakes bounding the course and beyond the wall line of the clubhouse building and adjoining facilities. 2. Staked Young Trees and Supports (including guard/stake) If a staked young tree or its support interferes with a player’s stance or the area of his intended swing, the player MUST take a relief as provided in Rule 24-2b. The ball may be cleaned when so lifted. The stakes (and/or supports) are immovable obstrutions. 3. Immovable Obstrution (Rule 24-2) All roads and paths are immovable obstrutions. 4. Water Hazards (Rule 26) All lakes of the course, including the stone dams, are considered lateral water hazard and environmentally-sensitive areas where play is prohibited. Except when marked, the margins of the hazards are defined by the natural margins of the lakes (water or rubber layer lines). If a ball is in or there is reasonable evidence that it is lost in water hazard, tha player MUST, under penalty of one stroke, proceed under Rule 26-1. 5. Ground under Repair (Rule 25-1) Garden beds surrounding the clubhouse and the specific course areas. Those areas outlined, defined by blue stakes, blue lines, GUR signage and/or accompanying rope. Rule 251 applies. 330 EC K C M 66 34 00 100 00 Y 382 EC K Singles Competition Net: 1º +(Peter Nielsen Trophy), 2º e 3º Singles Competition Gross: 1º + (Ole Weile Trophy), 2º e 3º Singles Competition Ladies Net: 1ª, 2ª, 3ª Nearest to the Pin Day 1 – 2 Laguna, 2 Victoria Day 2 – 2 Laguna, 2 Victoria p.25 Committed to Air Traffic Management The core business of Frequentis are highly-available communication and information solutions for the civil air traffic management market. Frequentis is the global market leader in communication systems for air traffic control. With headquarters in Vienna, the Frequentis Group employs around 800 specialists and engineers. The excellent engineering quality of Frequentis systems and the company’s detailed understanding of safety-critical processes underpin many success stories outside civil aviation, as evidenced by the business success in public safety & transport, maritime, and defence markets. Supplier of Integrated Solutions Motivated by these achievements, Frequentis has continued to expand its portfolio and evolved into a provider of complete solutions with outstanding competence in integration: a supplier that delivers both standard products and customized solutions. The core activities of Frequentis in civil air traffic management are end-to-end communication systems, tower automation systems, ATM information systems and value added Front-Ends. The company’s comprehensive product range covers all the central requirements of air traffic management. Voice and data switches, network solutions, back-up systems, recording systems, tower automation systems and information management and display systems form a broad and flexible product base for integration with radio, flight plan or radar systems. www.frequentis.com “Win a Flag” Campaign With your support, Special Olympics provides transformative experiences that bring out pride, courage and joy in atheltes with intellectual disabilities while fostering a culture of acceptance and tolerance. What better gift is there? ECGC is also a solidarity event. Following previous events, ECGC Vilamoura 2010 will also have a solidarity campaign. During all the event, participants may buy raffle tickets with the unit value of 5€, enabling them to the draw of one of the 18 green flags, specially made for the event, accommodation vouchers for the Vila Gale Hotels, green fee vouchers for the Oceânico Group Courses and also golf equipment and material. The organization chosen by the Committee, to become the beneficiary of the players contributes is the Special Olympics Portugal. Special Olympics is an international organization created to support people with intellectual disabilities, develop their self-confidence, interpersonal relationship capacities and sense of accomplishment. Amongst others, Special Olympics organize the Special Olympic Games, every two years, between the Winter Games and the Summer Games. � For people with intellectual disabilities, Special Olympics is often the only place where they have an opportunity to participate in their communities and develop belief in themselves. Special Olympics sports provide a gateway to empowerment, competence, acceptance and joy. But for every Special Olympics athlete, there are many more that we haven’t reached yet. For further information access to www.specialolympics.org p.27 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ECGC 2010 TEAM LIST 16 COUNTRIES – 62 TEAMS - 260 PLAYERS Aix En Provence 1 Aix En Provence 2 Aix En Provence 3 Amsterdam Belfast Benelux Bergen Berlin Bremen 1 Bremen 2 Brest 1 Brest 2 Brest 3 Brest 4 Bretigny Brussels ACC CFMU 1 CFMU 2 Copenhagen 1 Copenhagen 2 Dublin ACC Dublin APP Dusseldorf Dusseldorf 2 Dusseldorf Tower Euromix Frankfurt 1 Frankfurt 2 Heathrow TWR 1 Iceland Iceland 2 p.28 Karlsruhe 1 Karlsruhe 2 Lisboa London ACC 1 London ACC 2 London APP 2 London APP1 Maastricht Munich 1 Munich 2 New York Oslo Paris ACC Portugal AIS Reykjavik Roissy CDG 1 Roissy CDG 2 Roma Schiphol Scottish ACC Scottish ACC 2 Shannon 1 Shannon 2 Shannon 3 Shanwick Stavanger Switzerland 1 Switzerland 2 Switzerland 3 Tampere Vienna Associação Portuguesa de Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo Hotéis Vila Galé Oceânico Group Casinos Solverde Visacar Câmara Municipal de Loulé APTICA SITNA Turismo do Algarve ANA, Aeroportos de Portugal SPONSORS NAV Portugal FREQUENTIS NEWREST Portugal NEVADA BOB’S GOLF ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Fernando Dutra Ricardo Dowling Jorge Ferreira Claudino Nascimento Nuno Peixoto Rui Caldeira Carlos Saboga Francisco Lisboa Anabela Santos Luis Pinto Paulo Peixoto Rui Guimarães António Barroso Vierumäki 2011 is the next challenge..... in Finland REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo NOTA DE REDACÇÃO por/by Nuno Simões 5 Flight Level anos/years Com o lançamento de mais um número da Flight Level cumprimos o nosso quinto ano de vida. Parece, para alguns de nós, que ainda foi “ontem” o momento em que à volta duma mesa víamos as primeiras provas. Cinco anos! Nada melhor para assinalar esta data do que o desafio a que nos propusemos. Lançar um número totalmente bilingue para acompanhar o ECGC – European Controllers Golf Championship que este ano se realiza em Vilamoura. O desafio não era fácil, ainda para mais, atendendo ao tão pouco tempo para levar a cabo esta tarefa, mas era uma oportunidade única de nos mostrarmos junto de outros colegas e levar o nosso nome lá fora. Decisão tomada, avançámos! Os assuntos a abordar não poderiam vir mais a propósito: A “Europa” e os controladores de tráfego aéreo. Algo que nos atinge a todos independente das realidades internas de cada um. A nossa percepção enquanto controladores de tráfego aéreo é que cada vez mais a “Europa” decide, regula e define o futuro da nossa profissão e a nível interno vamos ficando aos poucos com menos margem de manobra. Por detrás dos milhares de números que todos os anos nos chegam por via de mil e um relatórios para justificar muitas das medidas, escondem-se interesses bem conhecidos dos habituais suspeitos. O futuro está já aí e temos certamente de falar mais e a uma só voz em vez de continuarmos dispersos e distraídos a olhar para os nossos umbigos. A revista que agora vos chega às mãos contém um guia do ECGC como parte integrante da revista. Escolhemos esta solução para associar o nome da nossa revista ao evento. E digo nossa porque ela é também um cartão de visita dos controladores portugueses e daquilo que somos capazes de fazer, tal como a organização deste evento. Por fim, deixar um grande Obrigado a todos aqueles que no passado e no presente tornam possível este projecto. Sem eles, certamente, não existiria Flight Level. Em nome da Flight Level, desejo-vos boa leitura e se for o caso ... boas tacadas ! . With the release of another issue of Flight Level we fulfill our fifth year of life. It seems, to some of us, that it was still “yesterday” when around a table we saw the first samples. Five years! There is nothing better to mark this date than the challenge that we proposed ourselves. Launch a fully bilingual issue to accompany the ECGC – European Controllers Golf Championship that this year takes place in Vilamoura. The challenge was not easy, especially considering the short time to carry out this task, but it was a unique opportunity to show ourselves to other colleagues and take our name outside. Decision taken, we moved forward! The subjects to be discussed could not be more relevant: “Europe” and the air traffic controllers. Something that affects us all, despite of each other’s internal realities. Our perception as air traffic controllers is that more and more “Europe” decides, regulates and sets the future of our profession and internally we are getting gradually with less room for maneuver. Behind the thousands of numbers that we get every year through the hundreds of reports to justify many of the measures taken, are hidden well known interests of the usual suspects. The future is here, and we must indeed talk more in unison instead of continuing dispersed and distracted contemplating our own navels. The magazine that is now in your hands contains a guide to the ECGC as part of the magazine. We chose this option to associate our magazine’s name to the event. And I say our because it is also a business card of Portuguese controllers and of what we are capable of doing, such as the organization of this event. Finally, I would like to say a big Thank You to those that in the past and in the present make this project possible. Without them surely Flight Level would not exist. On behalf of Flight Level, enjoy your reading and if that is the case ... good shots! . p.29 DESTINO por/by Nuno Chambel Golf em Portugal ALGUNS PONTOS DE REFERÊNCIA GOLF IN PORTUGAL: A QUICK TOUR s and associations ub cl 4 11 e ar e er th tion In Portugal rtuguese Golf Federa affiliated to the Pothan 10,000 federated (FPG), and more eur and professional). active players (amat p.30 REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo Vale do Lobo Golfe Course Portugal, devido à sua posição geográfica, ocupa na Europa um lugar de referência para a prática de desportos de ar livre, no continente, especialmente no Algarve, mas também nas ilhas. No caso particular do golfe, o facto de a procura por este desporto ter aumentado consideravelmente no últimos anos, tem criado condições para que se tenha investido na construção de campos novos e na renovação dos mais antigos. Algumas provas internacionais têm sido organizadas no nosso país aumentando a projecção das terras lusas no estrangeiro. No total, em Portugal, há 70 campos de golfe espalhados de norte a sul e mais 3 no Arquipélago da madeira e outros 3 nos Açores. Há 20 anos o número total não chegava a metade, o que revela bem o crescimento recente quer de locais quer de praticantes da modalidade. Oceânico Vitória Golfe Course Portugal, due to its geographical position in Europe, occupies a place of reference for the practice of outdoor sports, on the mainland, especially in the Algarve, but also in the islands (Azores and Madeira). In the particular case of golf, the fact that the demand for this sport has grown considerably in recent years, created conditions for increased investment in building new courses and the renovation of older ones. Some international events have been organized in our country, and increased the projection of Portuguese golf, abroad. In Portugal we have 70 golf courses scattered from north to south, three more in the Madeira archipelago and another three in the Azores islands. 20 years ago, the count was less than half, which shows clearly the recent growth of both golf courses and players. p.31 Campo Real Golfe Course Algarve golf courses A oferta hoteleira associada ao golfe é um factor decisivo na escolha do nosso país para eventos internacionais. À semelhança do que se faz por esse mundo fora, os campos de golfe estão quase sempre integrados em estruturas hoteleiras de topo. Existem em Portugal 114 clubes ou associações filiados na Federação Portuguesa de Golfe, e mais de 10 mil jogadores activos federados (amadores e profissionais). O torneio Portugal Masters tem sido realizado no Oceânico Vitoria em Vilamoura, desde 2007. Este campo foi inaugurado em 2004, tendo rapidamente tido sido como referência entre os campos do Algarve. Nesta zona existem bastantes campos, e para alem deste, destacamos também o Royal Course de Vale de Lobo e o seu, mundialmente conhecido buraco #16, sobre a Praia da Falésia. p.32 REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo Resorts and Hotels associated with golf are a decisive factor in choosing our country for international events. As everyone else is doing around the world, golf courses are almost always complemented with high quality lodging. In Portugal there are 114 clubs and associations affiliated to the Portuguese Golf Federation (FPG), and more than 10,000 federated active players (amateur and professional). The Portugal Masters tournament has been held at the Oceanico Victoria, Vilamoura, since 2007. This course opened in 2004 and was quickly taken as a reference between the Algarve golf courses. In this area there are plenty courses and we point out also the Royal Course at Vale de Lobo and his world-famous hole # 16 overlooking the Falesia Beach. took place, known Madeira Open In Madeira, the wellcourse, but Santo da Serra golf at 08 20 to 93 19 from This field Porto Santo Island. by ar ne e th to ed today it mov e controversy, but is m so th wi 04 20 in n. opened ajor tourist attractio one of the island’s m Cascais - Oitavos Golfe Course Na região Oeste, junto a Torres Vedras, encontramos o Campo Real. Nasceu em 2005 integrado num projecto hoteleiro e imobiliário. O Ladies Open 2010 foi aqui realizado, colocando a região Oeste na rota do Golfe internacional. Na Madeira, o conhecido Madeira Open realizou-se de 1993 a 2008 no campo de golfe do Santo da Serra, mas transferiu-se para a vizinha Porto Santo. Este campo foi inaugurado em 2004 no meio de alguma polémica, mas é hoje uma das principais atracões turísticas da ilha. Os campeonatos realizados em Portugal têm prémios de jogo modestos e talvez por isto não sejam os mais atractivos para os grandes jogadores mundiais. No entanto têm vindo a aumentar nos últimos anos fruto de um interesse mediático que também tem vindo a aumentar. No entanto a sombra da crise mundial, particularmente a europeia veio esfriar esse crescimento. Estamos certos que o panorama vai mudar e o sol brilhará mais uma vez sobre os nossos campos. . Porto Santo Golfe Course In the ‘oeste’ region, near Torres Vedras, we find Campo Real. It was built in 2005 as part of a hotel and real estate project. The Ladies Open was held here in 2010, putting the region on the map of international golf. In Madeira, the well-known Madeira Open took place, from 1993 to 2008 at Santo da Serra golf course, but it moved to the nearby Porto Santo Island. This field opened in 2004 with some controversy, but is today one of the island’s major tourist attraction. Golf tournaments held in Portugal have modest prize money amounts and, maybe because of this, aren’t the most attractive for the world’s major players. As a result of the increasing media interest, prizes have also increased. However, the shadow of the world crisis, particularly in Europe, came to cool off this growth. We are confident that this will change and the sun will shine again on our golf courses. Algarve Beach and Golf Courses . p.33 ECOS DA IMPRENSA por/by Carlos Valdrez LICENCIAMENTO DOS PILOTOS Fonte: FAA Está em período de consulta pública a proposta de nova legislação norte americana que regula os tempos de voo, de serviço e de descanso dos pilotos. Foi sublinhado o direito dos pilotos recusarem, sem penalização, a atribuição de um voo por motivos de fadiga. Isto adquire maior ênfase quando a fadiga dos pilotos tem sido citada como o principal factor contributivo para alguns acidentes e incidentes tendo sido ligada às capacidades da tripulação reconhecer o perigo e de reagir correctamente. A nova proposta consolida também os requisitos de descanso actuais que variam com o tipo de voo (doméstico, internacional, não programado, charter). A FAA propõe um período mínimo de descanso de 9 horas antes do serviço aumentando em uma hora o valor anterior. Os limites para a fadiga acumulada e o período de folga são simultaneamente alterados. A aprovação deste plano fortalecerá os requisitos a cumprir pelos pilotos antes de qualquer voo. Um dos factores importantes deste novo regime será a sua implementação ao nível das companhias. Fonte: CNN Foi descoberto pelas autoridades chinesas da aviação civil que cerca de 200 pilotos comerciais falsificaram a sua experiência de voo. Esta declaração segue a seguir ao pior acidente aéreo na China dos últimos 6 anos, ocorrido no nordeste do país com uma aeronave da Shenzhen Airlines que culminou com a morte de 42 pessoas e 54 feridos, não tendo para já uma causa oficial. A elevada procura de pilotos deve-se ao enorme crescimento do sector durante os últimos anos provocado pelo galopante desenvolvimento económico. Depois da falta de qualificações ter sido descoberta pela China Business News as autoridades chinesas procederam à respectiva investigação. A Civil Aviation Administration of China afirmou que a investigação das qualificações dos pilotos faz parte de um programa de revisão da segurança das companhias. Mas o China Daily, citando um piloto chinês, afirma que a falsificação da experiência de voo é muito comum porque a rápida expansão da aviação chinesa levou à necessidade de mais pilotos comerciais. Esta demanda foi preenchida por pilotos vindos das forças armadas que facilmente adulteraram a sua experiência na aviação militar por ser difícil verificação. DE ESPANHA, NEM BONS VENTOS.... Fonte: El País, Jornal de Negócios O ministro espanhol do fomento, José Blanco, encontrou-se de novo com os CTA’s com o objectivo de retomar as negociações para o novo acordo colectivo de trabalho de modo a terminá-lo antes do fim do ano. Entretanto a USCA (Union Sindical de Controladores Aereos) afirmou que 400 dos seus associados pediram a rescisão do contrato recorrendo ao artigo 50º do ”Estatuto de los Trabajadores”. Modificações às condições de trabalho que prejudiquem a formação profissional ou reduzam a dignidade implicam o direito a receber o equivalente a 45 dias de salário por ano de antiguidade, para um máximo de 600 000 euros. Já a AENA relata que apenas recebeu 180 pedidos que rejeitou por falta de pessoal. De qualquer forma, a leitura da AENA é diferente da efectuada pela USCA pois baseia-se no artigo 152º do actual acordo colectivo de trabalho que impõem outro enquadramento e uma indemnização máxima de 130.000 euros. Foi aprovado pelo Conselho de Ministros espanhol o Decreto que regula serviço de informação de voo em aeródromos (AFIS), o que na prática permite que alguns aeródromos funcionem temporariamente sem CTA’s. A legislação aprovada define os critérios que têm de ser cumpridos para estabelecer estes serviços, de forma a garantir a segurança. A DGAC (Dirección General de Aviación Civil) será a responsável pela designação do provedor de cada aeródromo AFIS, que p.34 Uma selecção de interesse ATC An ATC news selection Pilots’ Licensing Source: FAA Commercial pilots would benefit from streamlined rules on flight time, duty and rest requirements in a proposal being announced Friday by federal regulators. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, told reporters that the proposal would, for the first time, “give pilots the rights to decline an assignment if they are fatigued, without a penalty”. Pilot fatigue was cited as a chief contributor to the February 2009 crash of Colgan Air flight 3407. Fatigue was linked to questions about the crew’s ability to recognize the plane was in trouble and how to correctly respond. The proposal would consolidate the current rest requirements that vary depending on whether the flight is deemed domestic, international, or unscheduled, as with charter flights. The FAA proposes a nine-hour minimum for rest prior to the duty period, a one-hour increase over the current rules. Cumulative fatigue also would be addressed, with new limits being established and downtime being increased where current rules apply. FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt, a pilot with the old Eastern Airlines for 25 years, said the plan, if approved, “would strengthen the requirement that a pilot has to report fit for duty, fit for the mission that he or she is about to undertake. And that means being fully rested.” Babbitt added that the responsibility would be placed “with equal weight upon the carrier,” to make sure commercial pilots “get the amount of regulatory rest required that’s being proposed here.” Source: CNN Nearly 200 commercial pilots in China falsified their flying experience, Chinese aviation officials have discovered. The announcement follows one of China’s worst plane crashes in six years, and highlights the high demand for pilots as the country has seen a boom in air travel. Aviation officials began investigating pilot qualifications after the Shanghai-based China Business News broke the story. The investigation of pilot qualifications is part of an overhaul of airline safety, the Civil Aviation Administration of China said, according to the staterun China Daily. They had its worst commercial airline disaster in years in August. A Shenzhen Airlines flight crashed in northeastern China, killing 42 people and injuring 54. Officials have not announced the cause of the crash. The country’s travel industry has boomed in recent years, as its economy has surged and personal income has swelled. The rapid expansion of China’s civil aviation requires more commercial pilots, and the gap was usually filled up by those pilots who drive military aircrafts, but transferred to commercial flights,” said Xu, a commercial pilot with three years’ flying experience, according to China Daily. These pilots were very likely to falsify their flying history in the military, since it is hard to track and verify. By doing this, they can get promoted more quickly in flying commercial airplanes he said. SPAIN, NOT GOOD WINDS .... Source: El País, Jornal de Negócios The Spanish Minister of the Transports, José Blanco, met again with the Air traffic Controllers in order to resume negotiations for new collective agreement and to finish it before the end of the year. However, the USCA (Air Traffic Controllers Union) said 400 of its members sought the termination of the contract by using Article 50 of the “Estatuto de los Trabajadores”. Changes to working conditions that undermine the training or reduce the dignity implies the right to receive the equivalent of 45 days of salary per year of seniority to a maximum of 600,000 euros. Already AENA reports that only received 180 requests rejected for lack of staff. Anyway, AENA’s reading is different from that carried by the USCA as it is based on Article 152 of the current collective agreement that impose another framework and a maximum compensation of 130,000euros. REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo terá de garantir uma prestação de serviço segura, eficaz, contínua e sustentável económica e financeiramente. Mas a certificação das entidades formadoras e prestadoras dos serviços AFIS ficará a cargo da AESA (Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea) que também realizará a supervisão do cumprimento dos requisitos. Esta medida faz parte de um pacote que inclui a alteração das condições laborais dos CTA’s espanhóis e ainda a liberação das torres de controlo de vários aeroportos do país. LINE UP... Fonte: FAA A fraseologia utilizada pelos controladores de tráfego aéreo nos EUA tem algumas diferenças da utilizada na Europa. Uma dessas situações é a autorização dadas aos pilotos para rolarem para a pista e aguardarem nova autorização, desta feita para descolar. Nos EUA o “Position And Hold” será substituído pelo conhecido “Line Up And Wait” a partir de 30 de Setembro. Seguindo a recomendação do NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board), a FAA adopta finalmente a fraseologia aconselhada pela ICAO. A análise de segurança conduzida pela FAA determinou que a adopção da nova fraseologia eliminará confusões, especialmente entre pilotos que também voam na Europa, reduzindo o risco de “runway incursions”. Deste modo a partir de 30 de Setembro a autorização dos controladores de tráfego aéreo integrará o indicativo da aeronave, a pista e a instrução “line up and wait”. A frase “traffic holding in position” continuará a ser utilizada como aviso às restantes aeronaves da existência de tráfego já autorizado a alinhar e esperar na pista em uso. Surpresas !? Fonte: IATA Em 2010, a IATA prevê que os lucros das 293 companhias aéreas que integram a associação totalizem 6,8 mil milhões de euros, valor bastante superior aos 1,9 mil milhões previstos em Junho e que compara com os prejuízos de 7,6 mil milhões de euros registados em 2009. A IATA também calcula que as perdas resultantes do vulcão tenham ascendido a 150 milhões de euros. “A recuperação da indústria foi ainda assim mais forte e mais rápida do que prevíamos”, afirmou Giovani Bisigniani, director-geral da IATA, numa conferência em Singapura, mostrando-se bastante surpreendido com estes números. O mesmo responsável adiantou que estes lucros servirão para compensar as perdas de 50 mil milhões registadas na última década e que na base da melhoria das suas previsões esteve a capacidade de gestão destas empresas. A maioria das companhias aéreas suprimiu as rotas pouco rentáveis ou reduziu o número de voos, iniciativas que surgiram em paralelo com um aumento da procura dos passageiros que, segundo os dados desta associação, terá sido 3 ou 4% superior a níveis anteriores à crise de 2008. It was approved by the Spanish Council of Ministers the decree that regulates Flight Information Service at aerodromes (AFIS), which in practice allows some aerodromes to operate temporarily without controllers. Legislation passed down the criteria that must be met to establish these services in order to ensure safety. DGAC (Spanish Civil Aviation Authority) will be responsible for designating each provider of AFIS aerodrome, those must ensure a safety service, effective, continuous and sustainable economic and financially. But the certification of training providers and providers of services AFIS will be the responsibility of AESA (Spanish Agency for Air Safety ) which also performs the monitoring of compliance. This measure is part of a package that includes changing the working conditions of the Spanish ATCO’s and even the release of the control towers of several airports in the country. Line Up… Source: FAA Phraseology used in the US has some differences when compared with Europe. Analysis by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) revealed that differences between FAA and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) air traffic control phraseology contribute to runway incursion risks. NTSB recommended that the FAA adopt the international standard terminology: “Line Up and Wait” to replace “Position and Hold”. Beginning on September 30, 2010, the words “Position and Hold” will no longer be used to instruct a pilot to enter the runway and await takeoff clearance. Under the new “Line Up and Wait” phraseology, the controller will: State the call-sign; State the departure runway;State “Line Up and Wait”.In accordance with its Safety Management System procedures, the FAA Air Traffic Organization conducted a safety analysis of this recommendation. FAA implemented mitigations to ensure a safe transition from the old phraseology to the new. The phrase “Traffic Holding in Position” will continue to be used to advise other aircraft that traffic has been authorized to “Line Up and Wait” on an active runway. Surprise !? Source: IATA The International Air Transport Association (IATA) revised its 2010 industry outlook and is now projecting a profit of $8.9 billion (up from the $2.5 billion forecast in June). That also compares to an estimate of nearly $10 billion in losses in 2009. “It is a significant improvement, much stronger than forecast,” IATA chief executive Giovanni Bisignani told reporters in Singapore “The industry recovery has been stronger and faster than anyone predicted. The $8.9 billion profit that we are projecting will start to recoup the nearly $50 billion lost over the previous decade. “But I would say it is not time for big celebration, let’s just do a nice party.” There are lingering doubts about how long this cyclical upturn will last. Even if it is sustainable, the profit margins that we operate on are so razor thin that even increasing profits 3.5 times only generates a 1.6% margin. This is below the 2.5% margin of the previous cycle peak in 2007 and far below what it would take just to cover our cost of capital,” said Giovanni Bisignani. The improved outlook for 2010 is being driven by a combination of factors. On the revenue side increasing demand and disciplined capacity management are leading to sharply stronger yields pushing revenues higher. At the same time, costs remain relatively stable. p.35 BREVES 1. Parlamento Europeu: Aprovada Lei sobre ������ ������� investigação de acidentes Após várias organizações signatárias do sector dos transportes aéreos terem mostrado a sua preocupação com as disposições contidas na Proposta do novo regulamento da UE sobre Investigação de Acidentes que concediam às Instâncias judiciais o acesso a gravadores de voo e a informações de segurança e onde o inquérito judicial teria primazia sobre a investigação de segurança, foi agora a vez do Parlamento Europeu manifestar a sua posição. A nova lei aprovada no dia 21 de Setembro com 604 votos a favor,11 contra e 26 abstenções, é bem clara quanto à independência das investigações. No texto pode ler-se: “O novo Regulamento Comunitário garantirá que uma investigação sobre um acidente é realizada sem a pressão das autoridades reguladoras ou outras. Quaisquer declarações realizadas a um investigador, bem como gravações de voz e imagem dentro de cockpits e/ou orgãos de controle de tráfego aéreo, apenas poderão ser usadas para investigação de segurança, a menos que haja uma razão imperiosa de divulgação para processo criminal. Desta forma estará garantindo que os intervenientes podem testemunhar sem receio durante o processo de investigação, cujo objetivo não é atribuir culpa, mas apurar os factos” . Ficou assim assegurado aquilo que era uma preocupação tanto de pilotos como controladores e até de algumas organizações representando as companhias aéreas. Um bom sinal do que se pode conseguir quando todos falamos a uma só voz. �������������������������������������� ������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���� ����������� ��� ���� ����������� ����� ����� ������� ����� ������� ���� �������� �������� ����� ��� ��� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������� European Parliament: Adopted New Law on accidents investigation After several organizations of the air transport sector showed their concern about the provisions contained in the proposal of the new EU regulation on Accidents Investigation, which granted courts the access to flight recorders and safety information and where the judicial inquiry would have primacy over safety investigation, it was now the European Parliament turn to express its position. The new law is very clear about the autonomy of safety investigations. It is said: “The new EU regulation will ensure that a safety investigation on an accident is conducted free of pressure from regulatory authorities or others. Any statements taken from individuals by a safety investigator, as well as voice and image recordings inside cockpits and air traffic control units, will be used only for safety investigation, unless there is an overriding reason to disclosure it to the judiciary. This will ensure that people can testify without fear to the safety investigators, whose purpose is not to attribute blame but to ascertain the facts”. It was thus ensured one of the main concerns among controllers, pilots and even airlines. A good sign of what can be achieved when we all speak as one. 2. A FLIGHT LEVEL errou... No número anterior da Flight Level o artigo Multilateration aparece com um nome que não corresponde ao do autor. O artigo deve-se à autoria do nosso colega do Funchal, Bruno Figueira que além de controlador de tráfego aéreo também é Eng. Aeronáutico e colaborador da nossa revista. Pelo lapso e em nome da Flight Level pedimos as nossas sinceras desculpas. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������� ��� ����� ��� ��� ���������� ������ ������������ ���� ��� ����� ��� ���� ��������� ����� ��� ��� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������� �������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������� ����� ���� ����� ������ ���� ��������� ��� ����� ������ ��� ���� ������ ��� ���� ����� ��� ������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ���������� �� ������������� ������������������������� �������������������������������������������� ������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ��� FLIGHT LEVEL missed… In the previous issue of the Flight Level the article Multilateration appears with a name that does not correspond to the author. The article is due to the authorship of our colleague, Bruno Figueira, air traffic controller in Funchal, Aeronautical Engineer and also a contributor to our magazine. On behalf of Flight Level we ask our sincere apologies for the mistake. p.36 REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo HUMOR EM BANDA por Leonor Ferreira REVISTA DA APCTA. VOL2#17. OUT10 Associação Portuguesa dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo