235 East State Street Doylestown, PA. 18901 215-348-4190 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
235 East State Street Doylestown, PA. 18901 215-348-4190 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
235 East State Street Doylestown, PA. 18901 215-348-4190 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 16, 2013 Tithing is “Stewardship In Action” “Year of Faith” October 11, 2012 - November 24, 2013 From the Pastor’s Desk Stewardship The Summer Season is a blessed time for rest, reflection, and recreation. Summer also affords us a unique opportunity to be close to nature and appreciate the beauty and fragility of creation. As good stewards of God’s manifold gifts we are called to both appreciate and protect creation. Msgr. Charles H. Hagan Second Collection June 9, 2013 - for Building Improvement of the Parish $5,494.00 AD ALTARE DEI Program COMMUNION UNDER BOTH FORMS The Ad Altare Dei religious medal program for Boy Scouts is available to any scout currently in the 7th grade or older. It consists of an intense study of the sacraments, three service projects, and required attendance at the Scout Retreat from October 18-20. The medal is normally a valuable asset, not only for the scout’s religious development, but also as one of the accomplishments prior to the Eagle Scout award. The program is available to all Catholic scouts from any troop, and it meets on selected Sundays, beginning in September, from noon until 1:00PM in St. Mary’s Hall. If a Catholic scout from any troop other than Troop 52 is planning to work on the medal, it is important that his parents make contact with the leaders of Troop 52 during the summer to arrange for the retreat. Because other troops are not sponsored by Catholic churches, that entire troop will not be doing the retreat, and the scout must then be attached to another troop for the retreat weekend. There will be a preliminary, mandatory meeting at noon on Sunday, September 8th in St. Mary’s Hall. Interested scouts AND AT LEAST ONE PARENT must attend (no exceptions, please). This meeting will be about 15-20 minutes. For further information, please call Deacon George Corwell @215-345-6117. 1. June 23, 2013 - 9AM 2. June 30, 2013 - 10:30AM SICK AND HOMEBOUND In Our Prayers: Frank Staudenmier, Frank Maresca, Joseph Sivel, Rachel Johnson, Dolores Carbone, Danny Kenny, Arline Litts, Justine Musick, David Jones, Raymond Reinl, Nan Sabia, Joseph Mc Cann, Megan McGrath (8 yrs old, cancer), Ernest Paterno, Herbie Hickmott, Ronald Zukley, Lili Maltese, Maurice Beaulieu, Mary Lou Stec, Patrick Mc Kenna, Lino & Engracia Fuentes, Jimmy Gill, Alverna McCabe, Laurette DuBois, Dolores Pers, Sister Kathy Donovan and Josephine Mulligan. Note: Names remain on the sick list for three weeks. If you would like to have someone prayed for, please call the Rectory, 215-348-4190. Please remember: Benjamin Thomas Nangeroni, George White, and all the faithful departed. May they rest in peace A Father’s Day Blessing FAMILY ALBUM PHOTO BOOK Happy Father’s Day Many of you are asking about the Church Family album. We appreciate your patience. There have been more details and delays than expected. The album company has received our materials and is working on the book. Blessed is the Father, Who lets the Lord be his guiding hand. Whose faith brings his family courage, Whose wisdom comes from God, And whose children still stand and honor him. If you have a concern or questions, please call me directly: Julie Donahue 215-906-9380. SECOND COLLECTION The second collection for this weekend June 15th and 16th is for the Victims of National Disasters. We thank you for your generosity. 2 PASTORAL COUNCIL ELECTION 2013 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish-Doylestown, PA. Please vote for 3 of the 7 candidates Mary Eileen Baltes Betty Margraff Mary Eileen and her husband, Michael, joined Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in June 1993. During those early years, Mary Eileen served as a sponsor in the RCIA program; as a member of the adult committee for Teen Ministry; and as a steering committee member, along with Mike, of the Parish Community Ministry. She has also served as a Eucharistic Minister during Mass as well as at Doylestown Hospital. Since 2000, Mary Eileen has been very involved with the OLMC CCD program, serving the majority of her time as a catechist. She earned a BA in English at the University of Notre Dame and a MS in Education (with a concentration in special education) from Syracuse University. She resides in Doylestown Township with Mike and their four children. Picture not available Betty is a graduate of Little Flower Catholic High School in Philadelphia. She is a resident of Doylestown and a member of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish for the last 49 years. Betty has 5 children all of whom attended OLMC School. She is a former Girl Scout Leader for the Brownie and Junior troops at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School. Betty also served as Past President of the Ladies of Mt. Carmel and is still a member of the Ladies. Betty is also a counter for the Sunday Church Collections. She is a volunteer at Doylestown Hospital and also a Knitter for the Hospice Unit at the Doylestown Hospital. It would be a privilege to serve on the Parish Council, says Betty. Michael John Meehan Michael John Meehan lives in Furlong with his wife Faith, daughter Paige (10) and son Cole (7). Paige is in 4th Grade at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel school and Cole is in 1st Grade. Michael has worked for Merck & Co for 15 years and has held many positions from Sales, Marketing, Training, Operations and Global Support. Most recently he is the Director of Commercial Operations for the Northeast Region in Vaccines. Michael graduated Magna Cum Laude from Johnson & Wales University with a BA in Hospitality Management. Mike and Faith moved to the Doylestown area 7 years ago and registered as parishioners of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Michael has been eager to participate in the Parish Council and hopes to bring a fresh and new perspective to the council. Joseph Campbell Joe has extensive knowledge of Catholic Church History, Ancient and Recent. He would be an asset to the Parish Council. Steve Cox Steve has been a member of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel for 17 years and previously served on the Pastoral Council. He is very interested in engaging with the Parish and Pastoral Council in conversations to bring a greater level of energy and enthusiasm to our Church lives. As a father of two collegeaged sons and one high school-aged son, he is committed to helping foster a stronger sense of involvement and participation from younger Catholics as well. The Church has an opportunity to connect more deeply and broadly with all members of the Parish and Steve will commit the necessary energy to help make this happen. Bonnie Olliver Bonnie has been a member of OLMC since 1967. She taught CCD for 5 years, has been involved with the Prayer Garden since 1990, is a member of the Adult Choir and played in the Handbell Choir. She is a graduate of Immaculata with a BS in pre-med/biology and has a Master’s degree from Hahnemann, Graduate Division, in Human Genetics. Bonnie works part-time at Penn State Extension in Consumer Horticulture. Her husband, Ephe, and she live in Doylestown and have three adult children and two delightful grandchildren! Joan Crowe Joan and her husband, Robert, moved to Doylestown from Maryland in 1985, and joined OLMC. Joan subsequently became a Lector, and recently became an Extraordinary Minister. Joan and Robert have five children and ten grandchildren. Joan is an RN, graduate of Villanova University. She recently retired as the Nursing Supervisor from the Bucks County Correctional Facility. With more time available, Joan would like to devote her energies to OLMC. Please place your completed ballot in the boxes in the church entrances or return to the rectory by June 24th. Thank you. 3 SUMMER BIBLE CAMP 2013 KINGDOM ROCK WHERE KIDS STAND STRONG FOR GOD! Date: June 24-28 Time: 9:00AM - 12:15PM Ages: 4 yrs old (as of April’13) through 4th Grade Cost: $35.00 per child Registration forms can be obtained at the CCD office or online at www.ourladymtcamel.org, on the CCD home page. Adult volunteers are invited to join in the fun! (Free Tuition for Adult Volunteer children) Any questions, call the CCD office at 215-345-7089 All registration forms must be in by June 17, 2013 The CCD Ministry Invites You to Serve Our Parish for 2013-2014 Are you being called to serve God’s children? Will you answer yes? The CCD program needs help in the grades and times listed below: Catechists Sunday at 10:30AM - 1st Grade Monday at 4:30PM - 3rd grade, 5th grade, 7th grade Monday at 6:30PM - 2nd grade, 6th grade Assistants Sunday at 8:45AM - 1st grade Sunday at 10:30AM - 1st grade, 5th grade, 7th grade Monday at 4:30PM - 1st grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade Monday at 6:30PM - 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade Please consider being Christ to the children of OLMC by calling the CCD office at 215-345-7089 NOTE: All Kindergarten & First Grade Parents should register their child(ren) at this time. (Baptism Certificate needed to register) “All Baptized children with disabilities have a right to a Religious Education and deserve a means to develop a relationship with God.” National Directory for Catechesis 4 PART TIME POSITION Opening for School Do you love Mary? Is she your loving mother? Then come honor her by sharing her love and care with others. Legion of Mary members visit our lonely, sometimes forgotten, neighbors who are so very grateful for our attention. Morning and evening times are available for weekly meetings. Mary’s love is to be shared. Devotion to her must be encouraged. She is depending on us as we depend on her. For additional information please call: Terry McGuigan 215-668-8220. Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish school is seeking a part time Director of Institutional Advancement. Experience in marketing and public relations is preferred. Please contact: Monsignor Hagan at 215-3488180 if you are interested. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia Presents a DVD Course titled: PREGNANT? “The Blessed Virgin Mary: Doctrine and Devotion” If there was just some way to work it all out - - - Presented by Sr. Sheila Galligan Facilitated by Cindy Balceniuk, OLMC DRE wouldn’t you want to? 24 HOUR HOTLINE Dates: Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, 2013 Time: 6:30PM to 9:30PM Where: St. Mary’s Hall Cost: $25.00 per person 610-626-4006 ------------------------- If you are interested, please call the CCD office at 215-345-7089. Display the insert above so that your family and their friends know that you are pro-life and you will support them no matter what! *Diocesan credit will be given to catechists and school teachers. Thank you for your generous baby bottle donations. $8,000 was sent to Legacy of Life to support their two crisis pregnancy centers. LOCAL HOST FAMILIES NEEDED Are you feeling called to share your God-given gifts? Local Host Families needed for South Korean and Chinese International students attending local private high schools (LC, ABW, PCS, GMA) for the 2013/2014 school year (tuition paid.) RUMMAGE SALE DATES Early Admission, $10.00 on June 17 from 6PM to 8PM They are motivated learners with a wide variety of interests. These F-1 visa students speak English, are fully insured and have their own pocket money for personal expenses. Host families provide room and board and receive a generous monthly hosting stipend and a fulfilling experience. June 18 from 9:00AM to 8:00PM June 19 from 9:00AM to 7:00PM June 20 from 9:00AM to 12:00 Noon On Thursday, June 20, all clothing is $5.00 per bag. All other items will be half price. Contact Cecelia LaPlaca with Nacel Open Door (www.nacelopendoor.org/lpsp) at 215-584-7751 or cecelaplaca@gmail.com. 5 Joseph’s People - Hatfield Chapter ST. MARTIN OF TOURS 2ND ANNUAL Monday, July 8, 2013 SPRING MILL COUNTRY CLUB Are you Unemployed? Underemployed? Want to learn more about networking? How to create an effective resume? Talk to others who are sharing the same experience as you are? At Joseph’s People-Hatfield Chapter we offer support and guidance to those who are unemployed or underemployed. Join us on the first and third Thursday of each month at 7:30PM in the St. Maria Goretti Parish Center Library. We are located at 1601 Derstine Rd. in Hatfield. All are welcome. For more information, please visit us at: www.josephspeople.org or contact Nancy Boak at 215-393-3763 or nancyboak@aol.com. If you are an employer who is hiring or work for or know someone who is hiring, we have a number of great candidates seeking employment. 1:00PM shotgun start-lunch, open bar, dinner, silent auction, raffles $10,000 hole in one prize Platinum Sponsor $1,000: Foursome, Tee Sign, Banner, Program ad Silver Sponsor $500: 2 Golfers, Program ad Golf Cart Sponsor $500: Ad on Golf Cart Tee Sponsor $150: Tee Sign GOLF PACKAGES Foursome $650. Golfer $175. Name:________________email:______________ Sponsorship or package:___________________ Names of golfers:_________________________ Please make check payable to St. Martin of Tours, 1 Riverstone Circle, New Hope BLANKET of LOVE All proceeds benefit St. Martin of Tours AID FOR FRIENDS The mission of Aid for Friends is to serve needy, isolated shut ins in the greater Philadelphia Area with free daily home-cooked meals. Our Lady of Mount Carmel participates in this program by preparing meals for distribution in the Philadelphia Area. Our Lady of Mount Carmel is pleased to provide a Blanket of Love for our parish community to honor the lives of those children lost before birth as a result of miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion. The blanket is made up of forty-four personally embroidered patches that comprise this six foot by eight foot blanket/quilt. The blanket is on display in the Quiet Room during the month of December and is blessed at the December 28th Mass of Holy Innocents. As well as those in need in this area the procedure for participating is to pick up trays with instructions in the main vestibule - complete and fill the trays and bring them to the church on Sunday and place them in coolers provided in the vestibule. The Blanket of Love is a powerful memorial that serves as an invitation to families to experience God’s unconditional love and healing as represented in His Living Church today. Also needed are helpers to take the meals to the freezer in the barn. For more information about memorializing a loved one with a patch on the Blanket of Love contact Lee @267-880-0266. For more information please call Pat Lewis 215-343-0944. 6 7 Schedule of Events Our Lady of Mt. Carmel This schedule was accurate at time of advance printing but is subject to change. The times listed are the times the facility is being used; not the actual time of the event. If you need assistance please call the Rectory 215-348-4190 and ask for Barb. Sunday 6/16 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 9A Child Liturgy, Church, Rectory Lounge 9A-9P Rummage Sale Sorting, Gym, Cafeteria Rev. Msgr. Charles H. Hagan, Pastor Rev. James J. Mulligan, Parish Vicar Rev. Paschal Onunwa, Parish Vicar Rev. Terence P. Weik, Parish Vicar Deacon George V. Corwell Deacon Jim Fowkes Sister Dolores Burkhardt, S.S.J. Mr. Carl Kunkel, Director of Sacred Music & Organist Associate Organist Mr. Tim Reilly Ms. Elizabeth Barry, School Principal Mrs. Cindy Balceniuk, Director of Religious Ed. Monday 6/17 5-9P Track, St. Mary’s 8A-8P Rummage Sale Sorting, Gym, Cafeteria (6P-8P Pre Sale) 7:30P People of Hope, Rectory Lounge Tuesday 6/18 9A-8P Rummage Sale, Gym, Cafeteria 7P Rosary, Church 7:30P St. Vincent de Paul, St. Mary’s Wednesday 6/19 Bulletin Deadlines 6:30A Men’s Scripture, St. Mary’s 9A-7P Rummage Sale, Gym, Cafeteria 6:30-8:15P Legion of Mary, Rectory Lounge Please submit items for Bulletin issues on left by 5:00 P.M. on the dates to right: Sunday, June 30 - -Thursday, June 20 Sunday, July 7 - - Thursday, June 27 Sunday, July 14 - - Wednesday, July 3 Thursday 6/20 8:30-4P Adoration/Benediction, Church 9-12 Noon Rummage Sale, Gym, Cafeteria Any questions contact: Barbara Petrone Bulletin Designer and Editor at: barb_olmc@comcast.net Friday Anniversary Fr. Donald Mills 6/21 No Activity Saturday 6/22 6:15-9P AA, Rectory Lounge Please pray for our troops as they serve our country while the world strives for a more peaceful solution to conflicts: ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME June 16, 2013 Nicholas Smith, Matthew Conway, Charity Moore, Michael White, Austin Savage, Kyle West, Anthony Taylor, Cole Hamilton, Nathan Danals, Ryan Blentner, Veronica Camiolo, Erik Berg, Robert Reilly, Sam Friedman, Jim Pasquarette, Robert Hayes, Mark Sherkey, Tyler Gall, Josh Maxwell, Shawn Glaush, Christopher Callahan, Seth Gilpin, Steven A. Campbell, Christopher C. Brown, Luke Easterday, Sean Madison, Beth Christine Hafer, Ethan Surrusco, Anthony Marinucci, John Brabazon, Matthew D. Carey, Thomas Forsthoefel, Bryan Buckley, David Belz, Trevor Needham, Michael Warren Sabia, Christopher Bellus, Matt Matlock, Matthew Fedele, Anthony F. Kurz, Michael Eriandson, and Andrew Hoban. FOCUS: Forgiveness is freely given to all, even when we judge or believe another is unworthy or sinful. When we really understand the meaning of the forgiveness of sins, it changes us. We alter our attitudes and realize that every person has the opportunity to experience renewal and a change of heart. We can be drawn into a greater union with God when we are able to embrace this allencompassing divine love. Contact Tara Conway Tconway578@verizon.net. 8 215-489-3205 or SUNDAY MASSES Vigil Saturday 5:00 P.M. SUNDAY 6:30, 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 A.M. 12 Noon & 5 P.M. DAILY MASSES 6:30 AND 8:00 A.M., SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. HOLY DAYS Vigil 7:30 P.M. 6:30 & 8:00 A.M. 12 Noon & 7:30 P.M. CONFESSIONS (Sacrament of Reconciliation) Saturday 8:30 to 9:00 A.M. and Saturday 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Private confession to be arranged with a Priest. Call 215-348-4190. The Parish Rectory Office is open for routine business: Monday through Friday 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. READINGS FOR: June 16, 2013 - Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 1) 2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13 2) Galatians 2:16, 19-21 3) Luke 7:36—8:3 or 7:36-50 June 23, 2013 - Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1) Zechariah 12:10-11;13:1 2) Galatians 3:26-29 3) Luke 9:18-24 CELEBRANTS Subject to change June 23, 2013 5:00PM 6:30AM 7:30AM 9:00AM 10:30AM 12 Noon 5:00PM rachelsvineyard.org 877-HOPE-4-ME (877-467-3463) Have you or someone you know had an abortion? There are many good organizations offering confidential counseling and post-abortion assistance: Project Rachel………………..1-888-329-3773 National Life Center…………1-800-848-LOVE Bereavement 215-348-5488 Family Min. 215-348-5488 Adult Faith 215-348-4190 Parish Nurse 215-348-4190 Ministry/Elderly/Ill & Homebound 215-348-4190 Music Office Youth Min. School CCD Rectory Fax 215-345-8782 215-348-4190 215-348-5907 215-345-7089 215-348-3104 Fr. Gore Fr. Mulligan Fr. Terry Fr. Terry Fr. Dailey Fr. Onunwa Fr. Onunwa INTENTIONS OF THE WEEK Please remember our Church in your will. Contact Msgr. Hagan for information on how you can include Our Lady of Mt. Carmel www.ourladymtcarmel.org Email: olmcadmin@comcast.net Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 16, 2013 Mon. June 17 6:30 A.M. Blanche, Marie & Henry Bollenbach 8:00 A.M. Ronald Nuss Tue. June 18 6:30 A.M. Josephine & John D’Alisa 8:00 A.M. Mary & John Munley Wed June 19 6:30 A.M Blanche, Marie & Henry Bollenbach 8:00 A.M Angelo Tobia Thurs. June 20 6:30 A.M. Jim Colt 8:00 A.M. Wanda Boyer Friday June 21 6:30 A.M. Robert Ameel 8:00 A.M. Donald H. Stevens Sat. June 22 8:00 A.M. Anna Margaret Fleischut 5:00 P.M. Rachwal Family Sun. June 23 6:30 A.M. Rev. Donald Mills 7:30 A.M. Jack Doyle 9:00 A.M. Mary Evans 10:30 A.M. Muriel Ebeling 12:00 P.M. Dec Mem of Connell & McNulty Families 5:00 P.M. Alma Mullane Loving Service in Christ’s Name: St. Vincent de Paul Society: 215-348-8833. To join our parish - We welcome all new parishioners that live within the boundaries assigned to our parish. You can register in the Rectory after 9:00A.M. weekdays or after the Sunday Masses. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). A program for those interested in learning more about the Catholic Church. If interested, call to register 215-348-4190. Sponsor Certificates for Baptism or Confirmation. Contact the Parish Office in advance 215-348-4190. Baptisms: Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday. The regularly scheduled time is 2:00 P.M. Pre-baptismal classes are held on the first Sunday of the month at 7:00 P.M. in St. Mary’s Hall. Only new parents or those who have not previously attended a pre-baptismal class are required to attend. Please call the Rectory to arrange for a baptism. Marriage: Arrangements must be made with a Priest in the parish at least six months before the date of the wedding to assure sufficient preparation. Pregnancy Hotline 610-626-4006 Signing Mass: Second Sunday of each month at 10:30 A.M. WELCOME TO RETURNING CATHOLICS: Those who have been away from the Church are invited to participate in the process of becoming reacquainted. Call 215348-4190. 9 Truly Fine Independent Living • Large Apartments • Private Garages • Intimate Setting For more information, call us at 267-488-0398 2010 York Rd. Jamison, PA 18929 www.manoratyorktown.com CELEBRATE I Love You Day Anyday, with a gift from CARROLL’S JEWELERS Thefriendlyjeweler.com Michael A. Mendlowski D.D.S., M.A.G.D., P.C. GREGORY P. WASKO, D.M.D. Master of the Academy of Dentistry FAMILY - COSMETIC DENTISTRY Route 413, Mechanicsville Preventive, Cosmetic, Implant Restorative and Family Dentistry Serving our Community for more than 25 years 875 North Easton Road 215-345-8030 Doylestown, PA Parish Member Doylestowndentalcare.com TIM’S AUTO REPAIRS Switch To America’s Most Reliable Wireless Network! 4151 E. Swamp Road Doylestown, PA 18902 215-230-9640 (across from Histand’s) Proudly Serving The Doylestown Community For Over 14 Years 3659 OLD EASTON RD. • DOYLESTOWN (Just South of Airport) 215-489-0300 Kniese’s Plumbing (215) 348-3113 Bill Rogers Diocese Member (215) 441-5240 TRIMMING REMOVAL PRUNING STUMP REMOVAL BUCKET TRUCK SERVICE CRANE SERVICE Storm Damage • Free Estimates Prompt & Courteous Service Fully Insured Lic. #PA039509 Present This Coupon For Either $24.95 OIL CHANGE* or 10% AUTO REPAIR DISCOUNT *(most cars) (synthetic oil extra) 794-3600 Parish Member ROGERS TREE SERVICE INC. Enchanting Apparel Gifts • Accessories for Infants & Children CHRISTENING GOWNS Communion Attire • Formal Wear WITH THIS AD RECEIVE 20% OFF ANY NON-SALE CHRISTENING ITEM On Rt. 263 at 202 M-Th 10-6, Fri-Sat 10-8 Sun 11-6 Bathroom Remodeling 215.794.8520 www.theperiwinkleplace.com General Plumbing Services Water Treatment Licensed Master Plumber Family Owned Since 1958 P. MICHAEL SCHELKUN, M.D., D.D.S. LEWIS J. SCHWARTZ, D.M.D. (Retired) Member of Parish 3633 Old Easton Road Doylestown, PA www.omscenters.com Board Certified Dental • Facial • Reconstructive • Cosmetic & Implant Surgery ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers DAVID GALIANI, M.D. “State of the Art Medical and Surgical Eye Care… with a Personal Touch” On staff at Wills Eye and Doylestown Hospitals Former 76ers Team Eye Doctor VOTED BEST FOR BUCKS Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 215-345-5144 158 York Road • Warminster, PA 18974 Phone (215) 672-6560 • Fax (215) 672-7343 853 Second Street Pike, Suite A-106 • Richboro, PA 18954 Phone (215) 355-4500 • Fax (215) 355-3422 467 Pennsylvania Ave., Suite 106 • Fort Washington, PA 19034 Phone (215) 591-3590 • Fax (215) 591-3593 The Finest in Auto Body Repair & Refinishing Since 1988 “What makes us different is our attention to detail & personal service” Steve Mandes Owner • St. Vincent Parishioner 3785 Lower Mountain Rd. • Furlong buckinghamcollision.com 215.794.3540 Routine exams Anne E. O’Day, DMD, MS Orthodontics for Children & Adults Supplies, Parts, Service Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics 3503 York Road, Furlong 215-794-5002 We Bring Smiles Together! Parish Member Swimming Pool Service & Supplies 800-3 Easton Road Wil & Phyl Sampson 348-1535 Doylestown (behind Doylestown Glass) www.odayorthodontics.com Your ad could be in this space! 698350 Our Lady of Mount Carmel (C) Doylestown’s Oldest Established Funeral Home H. Boyd Steinbach, Supervisor 2335 Lower State Road • Doylestown, PA 18901 215.348.4543 • Fax 215.348.0323 www.reedandsteinbach.com www.jspaluch.com PAOAGHIC:002851 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 St. John Neumann Cemetery BOB LATINI Lots Available - Free Literature (610) 525-0173 www.archphila-cemeteries.org HOME IMPROVEMENTS Additions, Alterations, Siding, Roofing Windows, Doors, Decks, Kitchens, Etc. Free Estimates 674-0696 Bucks County Medical Assoc. Drs. Welsch, Gittlen, Szekely, Acharya Pulmonary Medicine 1980 S. Easton Rd., Doylestown 215-348-1310 Are you ever alone? You’re never alone when you have a medical alert! "I feel more independent, safe, and secure with my medical alert." Advanced Hearing Systems, Inc. Board Certified-Hearing Instrument Sciences Hearing Evaluations • Hearing Aid Selection Sales, Service & Repairs 10% OFF Any Hearing Aids with Ad 215-672-5041 15 Evergreen Ave., Warminster Less than $1 per day • • • • ROBERT E. RIESENBERGER, D.D.S., P.C. PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY We’ve Moved!!! 301 S. Main St., Ste. 1 West, Doylestown Tel. 215-348-5222 Fax 215-348-1308 www.DrRobDentist4Kids.com No Long-Term Contracts Price Guarantee A+ Rating with BBB Made and Monitored in the USA Call Today to learn more about our Special Offer. 1.877.801.8608 Toll Free S TEVEN F LASHNER , M.D. A LBERT R UENES , J R ., M.D. K EVIN B. F ITZGERALD , M.D. F RANK H. R OLAND , J R ., M.D. 102 Progress Dr Ste. 101, Doylestown Infant • Toddler Apparel & Accessories 10% Off Communion & Baptismal Outfits with this ad. Main Street Marketplace 22 S. Main St., Doylestown www.bambinisworld.com 215-230-0600 Timothy P. Brennan, Esq. We Do All Things Plumbing! 215-918-1768 www.veseyplumbing.com Parishioner WORKERS COMPENSATION REAL ESTATE • GENERAL LAW DEBT & FORECLOSURE 215.230.4572 RMP #4156 • PA 017398 Since 1998 License # 066050 IN HOME CONSULTATION AVAILABLE PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS OLGC Parishioner FRANCIS X. ADAMS & SONS The Most Trusted Name in Home Remodeling Windows • Roofing • Siding • Doors 1-877-927-5846 215-464-7150 www.BrennanOffices.com www.francisxadams.com • FAMILY OWNED IN THE HEART OF DOYLESTOWN • MEMBER OF KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #4160 OLMC • ADVANCE PLANNING SPECIALIST WITH INSURANCE LICENSE • LARGE OFF-STREET PARKING AREA BEHIND FACILITY • PROVIDING CREMATION & FUNERAL SERVICES • CERTIFIED BY THE "GREEN BURIAL COUNCIL” • SPECIALIZING IN CHURCH VISITATIONS AND MEMORIALS • LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTOR IN PA, NJ & NY • EXCLUSIVE REMEMBRANCE PROVIDERSM IN DOYLESTOWN AREA 344 NORTH MAIN STREET • DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901 • (215) 348-8930 Jason “Oz” Oszczakiewicz, Owner/Supervisor Visit us at www.varcoethomasfuneralhome.com ROOFING. SIDING. PAINTING. CHRISTOPHER J. Over 2 Decades of Experience Residential • Commercial • Churches SERPICO, ESQ FREE ESTIMATES O L M C PA R I S H I O N E R FULLY INSURED & LICENSED • LIC # PA008212 Wills, Trusts, Estates and Powers of Attorney janvilleroofing.com 215.368.5200 99 EAST COURT STREET ◆ DOYLESTOWN ◆ 215.230.5460 Nurse Midwives Delivering At Doylestown Hospital OB/GYN Services In the Heart of Doylestown Parking Available 54 East Oakland Ave. 215-348-4002 Back & Neck Pain Therapy Acupuncture • Therapeutic Massage Laser Skin Care Nutritional Testing & More www.DoylestownHealth.com IDEAL 140 S. Clinton Street Doylestown (215) 348-9521 Plumbing & Heating CONSTANCE M. KILLIAN, D.M.D. Diplomate, American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Dentistry For Infants, Children & Adolescents 230-7600 Georgetown Crossing, Suite 200 3655 Route 202 (Rt. 202 & 313), Doylestown, PA 698350 Our Lady of Mount Carmel (B) Licensed & Insured Registered Master Plumber “A User Friendly Full Service Company” Bathroom Remodeling Specialists Call (215) 340-9101 Parish Member www.jspaluch.com George A. Bullock, DMD Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics www.BullockOrthodontics.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 Leaver-Cable Funeral Home Ltd. SCANLIN FUNERAL HOME LTD. 215-794-7696 Traditional Funerals • Cremation • Preplanning James P. Scanlin, F.D./Supvr. Rte 202 & Quarry Rd. • Buckingham, PA D. Stephen Cable, Supv. (215) 822-0480 Mary’s Best House Cleaning “A Life Celebration Home” JAMES PATRICK MURPHY, DMD Pediatric Dentist, Board Certified 215.348.5778 Doylestown & Center City Locations idental.mobi (On Jan. 1, 2014 Pediatric Dental Care will be covered by Medical Insurance. We will participate in medical plans.) Honest, Reliable, Detail Oriented. Great References and Pricing. Please Call Me at 215-290-1189 OLMC Parishioner 175 East Butler Ave. • Chalfont, PA 18914 www.scanlinfuneralhome.com FRANCO ROOFING, INC. Put Your Home in Our Hands ...We Care Doylestown - 345-1828 Plumbstead - 766-0266 • • • • Asphalt Shingles Cedar Shingles Slate & Copper Rubber Free Estimates Income & Estate Tax Returns Member of St. Robert Bellarmine Financial Planning Email: jspieckercpa@aol.com Small Business Consulting QuickBooks Accounting CARPET ONE® Maryanne Pastry Shoppe CARPET • WOOD • ORIENTALS • VINYL • CERAMIC NATURAL FLOORS • REMNANTS • WINDOW TREATMENTS 215-348-8116 640 N. MAIN STREET, DOYLESTOWN WM. DINLOCKER CONTRACTING Concrete • Masonry • Handscaping Interlocking Pavers OPEN 6 DAYS - WED. & FRI. EVENINGS www.barb-lin.com Lic# PA008113 (215) 822-8391 • Chalfont Mobile: (215) 870-0986 www.dinlockercontracting.com Still Family Owned Since 1948 INVISIBLE FENCE OF DELAWARE VALLEY Call Us Today For A Free In-home Consultation Oil & Gas Heating, Sales & Service, • 1 Year Performance Guarantee Climate Controls, • Used & Recommended By Local Veterinarians For Their Own Pets • On-site & In-store Professional Service & Advice www.invisiblefence.com Air Conditioning, Ductwork, • Certified Trainers & Specialized Training Protocol (215) 345-1800 Delivery of Heating Oil, Gasoline, Propane & Diesel Fuels 267-803-4840 CUSTOM WINDOW TREATMENTS 219 Keith Valley Road COUNTY WINDOW DRESSINGS Horsham, PA 19044-1408 (Associated with County Linen) Call for a FREE Consultation Denise Keiser Una Calahan 267-614-3302 215-498-4258 Parishioner self@self-hc.com www.self-hc.com Consider Remembering ORLOSKI CONSTRUCTION Renovation - Repairs - Additions Your Parish in Your Will. Decks - Kitchens - Basements For further information, please call the Parish Office. No Job Too Small - Custom Furniture 30 Years Experience 215-350-5518 Rich Timmons Fine Art Gallery The Largest Fine Art Gallery in Bucks County 3795 RT 202 Doylestown Thurs. 10am to 6pm Fri. & Sat. 10am to 8pm Phone: 267-247-5867 www.3795gallery.com www.altomontes.com Warminister (215) 672-5439 Doylestown (215) 489-8889 Bundle auto, home and life for big State Farm® discounts. So let me show you how State Farm can help protect all the things that matter most – for a lot less than you think. GET TO A BETTER STATE.® CALL ME TODAY. Fully Licensed & Insured PA HIC Lic #PA008629 www.KircherElectric.com 267-864-7510 Honest, Reliable, Prompt Service COUNTY LINE PLUMBING & HEATING Andi’s House Cleaning Environmentally Conscious... Safe for Kids and Pets! Call Mike, your Neighborhood Plumber • Great References • Free Estimates CALL ME 267.337.2672 Lic.#PA066556 - Insured EMAIL ME kitums@comcast.net 215.429.3350 State Farm, Bloomington, IL Voted Best of Bucks-Mont for 15 Years in a Row Parishioner More policies. More Savings. 1203028 FLOOR & HOME MORE FLOORS - MORE CHOICES Open Daily “The Friendly, Family Bakery” Baked Fresh Daily Quality Pastry, Cakes, Cookies, Breads • Teas & Coffees 499 East State Street Center, Doylestown 230-8885 Member of Parish Rich Bowren, Agent www.richbowren.com Bus: 610-275-6080 rich@richbowren.com • Tar & Gravel • Coatings • Sidings • Skylights & Insured • Purchase DID YOU KNOW INTEREST RATES ARE AT RECORD LOWS? • Re-Finance County Mortgage Services, LLC, Jamison • Pre-Approvals • Local Mortgage Expert Over Twenty Years • 1st Time Buyers Trish Benz, ID #490169 215-340-9697 trish@countymortgageinc.com Licensed Mortgage Brokers with the Pennsylvania Department of Banking & Insurance 215-514-9253 Patented. Reliable. Fun. ™ www.gametruckparty.com Lennon’s Small Jobs Offering handyperson services to homeowners Parishioner of OLMC PAOAGHIC: 3196 Call Mary 215-421-3708 www.LennonsSmallJobs.com PA020435 Heating and Air Conditioning Co. YORK EQUIPMENT • INSTALLATIONS • MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 800 Hagey Rd., Souderton Parishioner 215-799-0515 Jamie N. Goodreau, D.M.D., M.S.D. Specialist in Orthodontics For Children & Adults • Invisalign Certified 1300 Horizon Dr. Suite 117 Chalfont PA 215-997-0200 698350 Our Lady of Mount Carmel (A) LINDA GELCIUS Traditional Funerals - Advanced Planning - Cremation AGENT Auto • Home • Life Health • Business • IRA Funeral Home Inc. 215-340-9654 Rt. 313 And 611 Bypass Joseph A. Fluehr IV, Supervisor Baliwick #21 • Doylestown 241 East Butler Ave., (Rte. 202 at Sandy Ridge Rd.), New Britain (215) 340-1222 www.fluehr.com Dave & Julie Donahue VETERANS LANE SHOE SERVICE Realtors, ABR, SRES, CHMS, e-Pro If the Shoe Fits…Repair it! Coldwell Banker Hearthside - Doylestown 134 Veterans Lane Doylestown, PA 18901 www.djdonahuehomes.com - 215-345-6244 x166 (215) 348-3348 Active OLMC Parishioners for 35 Years! www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263