October 25, 2015 - Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
Our Lady of Mount Carmel 235 East State Street Doylestown, PA. 18901 215-348-4190 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 25, 2015 www.ourladymtcarmel.org Tithing is “Stewardship In Action” FROM THE DESK OF OUR PASTOR Christian Stewardship For the Christian the most important day of the week is Sunday. On that day we celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Sunday is an opportunity to “Remember to keep Holy the Sabbath”. We do so by worship and rest. The most important part of attending Mass is to give glory and praise to God. We also may be inspired to make changes in our life through the Eucharistic Celebration. God’s grace is always operative in the Eucharistic Celebration. Msgr. Charles H. Hagan COMMUNION UNDER BOTH FORMS ARCHDIOCESE OF PHILADELPHIA CALLED by NAME A FUTURE OF HOPE 1. October 25, 2015 - 10:30 AM 2. November 1, 2015 - 12 Noon A program to promote vocations to the priesthood will begin in our parish next weekend. Please pray for vocations. SICK AND HOMEBOUND In Our Prayers: Elizabeth Fluck, Joann McHugh, Edna Bellucci, Louise Knop, Ted Marschall, Carl Lahetta, Mary D’Eredita, Mary K. Zapf, Marianne Miller, James Doherty, Angela Cummings, Garvin Kissinger, Glenn Dekutoski, Robert Marquardt, Mary & Bill Allen, Joanne Beveridge, Linda MacFarlane, Wm. F. Sultzer, III, Ed Olearczyk, Kimberly Catman, Frances Shagalsky, Louise Matt, Rose Festa, Jason Burkart, Beverly Petrilla, Mary Patterson, Edith Barbone, Tom & Brendon Mullen, Matthew Mc Namee, Ruth Gilronan, Richard Carroll, Nanina Heurich, Josee Ouellet, Josee Audet, Irene Mikolis, Stephen Romagnoli, Joan Palermo, Hillary Di Tommaso, Patricia Mayo, Lauren Rainey, Jonathan Walker, Robert Firesinger, Christina & Edward Dugas, Miriam & Ralph Blanco, Margaret Simons, Edward & Melissa Bauman, Jeannette Lee, Christopher Eisold, Michael Florian, Bud Kern, Jay Sulimay Maury, Lynne Sharkey, Ginny Mintz, Yolanda Nowak, Damon & Laureen Lofgren, Debra Carbone, Alverta Allison, Jason Smith, Barbara Brown, Bob Breeze, Christyne Kolen, John Mullen, Elizabeth Ann Schlotter, Lucy Frey, Fred Roberts, Mary Corini, Marguerite Peluso, Lili Maltese, Patrick McKenna, Lino & Engracia Fuentes, Jimmy Gill, Alverna McCabe, Laurette DuBois. Note: Names remain on the sick list for three weeks. If you would like to have someone prayed for, please call the Rectory, 215-348-4190. God of gracious love, You gathered us first at the waters of baptism, and you lead us through life with faithfulness. Raise up from among our parish family, leaders to serve your people as Priests. To those whom You call, give grace and courage to discern how they may best serve you. To all of us, give us good hearts so we might encourage them along the way. We ask this through Jesus Christ, and with your Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE The month of November is a time, traditionally designated by the Church, to remember our deceased loved ones. Our Book of Remembrance will remain in Church throughout the month of November. We invite you to write the names of your deceased loved ones in our book. As we write: “WE REMEMBER WE CELEBRATE WE BELIEVE” Please remember: Joseph Golinowski, and all the faithful departed. May they rest in peace “At the end of the journey, an angel of the Lord, perhaps the same one who has been our guardian May the souls of the faithful departed, through the along life’s path, will announce to us that the journey is finished, the door to time will be closed, and at the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. same time the door to eternity will be opened and there are no struggles, no tears, no end. There will be eternal PEACE & JUSTICE MINISTRY light and happiness with God.” Please join us after the Mass of Remembrance on Monday, November 2, 2015 for a reception of Second Collection welcome in St. Mary’s Hall. Have a cookie and a Next weekend Oct 31st & Nov. 1st cup of coffee, and share in an opportunity to meet and support other members of our parish who The second collection next weekend is for All have experienced loss during the last year. Saints Day. We thank you for your generosity. 2 Our Lady of Mount Carmel School ni ry ll Alum th Anniversa A g in ll 0 4 6 Ca 1 1 0 e 2 h pril 9, ating t Celebr Saturday, A in s u ol. Join C Scho o f OL M We are searching for our many alumni. If you attended OLMC School or know someone who did, please invite them to register for our alumni directory by visiting our website www.ourladymtcarmelschool.org or contacting Lisa Martinez, Director of Advancement lmartinez@ourladymtcarmelschool.org / 267-247-0249 Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Doylestown, PA 18901 Founded 1876 One of the annual fall traditions at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School is to induct qualified 7th and 8th grade students into the National Junior Honor Society. Adopted at OLMC in 2005, the NJHS organization is guided by the following five pillars: to create enthusiasm for scholarship; to stimulate a desire to render service; to promote leadership; to encourage responsible citizenship; and to develop character in the students. Eligible candidates are invited to consider joining the NJHS in the preceding spring based on their academic and behavior records. Interested students complete an application which details their service and leadership activities. A team of faculty members reads the applications and confirms the final candidate list. The induction ceremony was a solemn occasion during which the seven current members described the five pillars and charged the twelve new inductees to uphold them. Family and friends attended the ceremony and reception, and the choir contributed to the celebration with their renderings of America the Beautiful and God Bless America. Another highlight of the ceremony was the induction of our honorary member for 2015, Mr. Tom Kardish. Mr. Kardish was selected based on his past contributions to OLMC School as a parent and Home and School Vice President, as well as his success in establishing the Haiti Mission at OLMC Church. Currently, Mr. Kardish continues to contribute to OLMC School by teaching the Junior Achievement elective available to the middle school students this year. I’m very proud of our NJHS students; they consistently do their best to live up to the requirements of membership by acting as positive role models at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School. Congratulations to the classes of 2016 and 2017! God bless, Dawn Parker 3 What’s heaven going to be like? Mothers of Young Children Save the Date OLMC Mothers of Young Children is actively preparing for their annual Santa Breakfast benefiting the Bucks County Housing Group and those families serviced by the Doylestown Food Pantry. Date: Saturday, December 12th from 9AM -11AM For more information or if your ministry is interested in volunteering at this year’s event, please contact Alison at ahales@gmail.com or Jennifer at jennifernmoore@yahoo.com. Ladies of Mount Carmel Open House Facilitator: Father Christopher Walsh When: Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 6:30PM Where: St. Mary’s Hall Information: Kathleen Loftus - 215-348-2615 Cub Scouts Have you ever considered joining Cub Scouts? Do you like to have fun with other kids, learn something new, explore interesting places and make cool things? Then Cub Scouts is for you. If you are a boy in grades 1-5 from any school and are interested in learning more about Cub Scouts, join us for our monthly Pack52 meeting on Tuesday, October 27th at 7PM in OLMC School Cafeteria. If you can’t make the meeting just email: cubscoutspack52@outlook.com for more information. CHRISTMAS WREATH SALE It’s time to order your live Christmas Wreaths again. The Ladies of Mt. Carmel are selling the Classic Wreath for $28, the Victorian Wreath for $33, the Cranberry Splash for $35, the Mini Merry Tree for $30 and the Christmas Cheer Centerpiece for $35. We will be on duty at the front and back doors of the church after each Mass for you to make all of your purchases. Thank you for your continuous support. Any questions contact Jo Green 215-345-1990. Pick up dates are Dec. 5th and 6th Scrip Fundraising In addition to weekly collections, our church could raise money with a no-sell program such as scrip fundraising. Scrip requires no extra time or money to be spent. Families simply do their weekly shopping with scrip gift cards, and in turn raise money for our church to assist with the subsidy to the school. As soon as you order a gift car, a rebate will go directly to our school, and you will use that gift card in place of a credit card or cash. Scrip fundraising is easy, time-effective, and families will also benefit from helping their church subsidize the school while they make everyday purchases. Please consider enrolling in the scrip program and joining others already earning rebate dollars for the school Visit www.shopwithscrip.com to enroll and begin shopping. Call Nicole at the Rectory 215-348-4190 for more information. 4 BLANKET of LOVE Mentoring Ministry Our Lady of Mount Carmel is pleased to provide a Give a gift to Haitian Children at St. Jude’s Blanket of Love for our parish community to honor the Parish lives of those children lost before birth as a result of Port-au-Prince miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion. The blanket is While supporting our Mentoring Ministry made up of forty-four personally embroidered patches A donation of $10.00 will send an that comprise this six foot by eight foot blanket/quilt. OLMC T-Shirt to a child The blanket is on display in the Quiet Room during (Envelops in the pews) the month of December and is blessed at the Express our love and December 28th Mass of Holy Innocents. support for the needy. The Blanket of Love is a powerful memorial that serves as an invitation to families to experience God’s Trip to Longwood Gardens unconditional love and healing as represented in His Living Church today. Join us to see the beautiful displays at For more information about memorializing a Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, PA, on loved one with a patch on the Blanket of Love contact Sunday, December 6th. Debra @267-880-0266. The spirit of Christmas overflows in the warm, 4 acre conservatory featuring 14 fountains and 50 beautifully decorated trees. Outside, get Reunion News! swept away in a magical world of a half million Looking for classmates of Our Lady of Mt. lights. We will board the Hagey bus at 1PM at the Carmel Class of 1983. Please join us Friday OLMC School Parking lot. Cost per person is November 6th at 7:00PM @ Bobby Simone’s $54.00 Adult and $52.00 for Seniors 62 and up. Doylestown. Cost is $25 per person. Price includes admission ticket, bus, and Questions call: Margaret Oniskey McArdle bus driver gratuity. For details and reservations, @215-534-1970 or email: please call Kathy at 215-348-4381. Margaretmcardle@verison.net. Please RSVP We need 11 more people by Sunday, November by November 3rd. 1st to fill the bus. If this doesn't happen by Nov. 1st the trip will be cancelled. Bucks County Theology on Tap Fall Series Life is changed not taken away BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUPS October 27, 7:30PM Giuseppe’s, Richboro You: Who do you think you are? - Encountering the other in love and marriage. Emily Sullivan will be speaking about the philosophical and theological angles to the great marriage debate. We offer a safe place in which to do the work of grieving. Each new gathering builds on the previous one. November 24th, 7:30PM Giuseppe’s Richboro Us: Creating Family, Adoption is a Loving Option. Maria Malone and Jenny Galiani have created a ministry of adoption resource. They are parishioners at MMR in North Wales and are active in supplying the resources necessary to provide loving options for adopting and birth parents. Evening: Tuesday evenings in St. Simon Stock House 6:30PM to 8:00PM. 10/27, 11/10, 11/24, 12/15, 1/12/16 Day Time: Wednesday mornings in St. Mary’s Hall 10:30AM to 12 Noon 11/4, 11/18, 12/2, 12/16, 1/6/16 In God we Trust. Through Christ we Live. In the World we Serve. 5 WELCOME to our Newly Registered Parishioners CHILDREN’S TIME & TALENT Children learn that they are called to give back something to God. Stewardship teaches children the difference between needs and wants. Children learn to concentrate on their blessings rather than on what they want. The idea of the children’s envelopes is not to raise more money but to teach children the joys of giving and helping. Thus, it is more important that children give a quarter from their own bank than $5 from a parent’s wallet. Children’s envelopes also encourage kids to share talent - a good deed or a prayer they have written - or to write down ways they have been good stewards. John & Hilary Adams & Family Michael & Kathleen Bachrach & Family David & Jennifer Clausen & Daughter Dennis & Annie Doyle & Family Joan Natoli & Family Michael & Beverly Gulbinski & Family Ben- -protect my baby sister Bobby- -helped my Mom Christopher--working hard at practice with friends Ellie- -helped someone reach for something Emily- -helped out around the house Karolina- - kind to a friend Lauren- -set the table Mary- -helped pick up someone’s pencils Mary Francis- -assisted at mass Mia- -babysit cousin Nick- -helped with the laundry Olivia- -folded laundry Patrick- -did yard work Riley- -made a card for a special friend Sofia- -helping with my little brother Sophia- -emptied the dishwasher William- -fed the cats Kevin & Bobbie Hicks & Family Dan & Kim Hinkley & Family Mark & Carolyn Jenner & Family Paige Johnson Maria Kelly & Family John & Judy Lopatosky Chris & Diane Michaelson & Family Robert & Angela Nace & Family Kathleen Pearce Nativity of Our Lord Parish Conference Center 605 West Street Road Warminister, PA Charles & Shannon Riegg & Family Bryan & Colleen Smith & Family Frederick & Christina Swain & Family Get To Know Me: Michael & Marguerite Turley & Family How do you see yourself? How do others see you? How does God see you? Holy Ghost Prep We will spend time, through Scripture and Holiday Craft Fair Holy Ghost Prep will hold its annual Holiday Craft prayers, looking into our self-image and selfawareness. Show on Saturday, November 14th from 9AM to 4PM and Sunday, November 15th from 9AM to How a personal and intimate relationship with 3PM. Christ molds us and shapes our true self. In their Field House located at 2429 Bristol Pk, How our need for others plays a role in who Bensalem. we are. Beautiful Crafts, Handcrafted jewelry, Baked Goods, Raffle Baskets and Delicious Foods will be available. Don’t miss this Bucks County favorite for over 30 years! Msgr. William J.J. O’Donnell will celebrate Mass at 1PM, homilist Deacon Windish. 6 Job Fair Do You Know Your Tribunal? On Wednesday, November 18th from 10AM to 3PM, Representative Murt and the Willow Grove Chamber will be hosting a Job Fair at the Huntingdon Valley Country Club, 2295 Country Club Drive, Huntingdon Valley, PA. 19006. The Job Fair is free to job seekers and features dozens of employers. For information visit ewillowgrove.com, call the Chamber at 215-657-2652 or Rep. Murt’s office 215-674-3755. The Tribunal is a group of specially qualified priests, sisters, and lay persons whose responsibility is to come to the help of people who have experienced divorce. When divorce occurs, the Catholic Church always seeks to balance two realities. One is the unbreakableness of the bond of marriage. This is God’s Law. On the other hand, the Church is concerned about the spiritual welfare of the people involved. Was this a true marriage? Even though a Catholic marriage was celebrated, perhaps there was some weakness in the consent of the parties involved. The Annulment Procedure addresses this question without affixing blame on either party. We must meditate before, during and after everything we do. The prophet says: “I will pray, and then I will understand.” This is the way we can easily overcome the countless difficulties we have to face day after day, which, after all, are part of our work. In meditation we find the strength to bring Christ to birth in ourselves and in others. Saint Charles Borromeo Stewardship Stewards of God’s Gifts If you are divorced or married outside the Catholic Church, please telephone the Tribunal Office. Have no fear. All interviews are private. “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” - Matthew 22:21B Everything we are and everything we have belongs to God. We aren’t “owners” of anything. We are merely “Stewards” of the gifts God has given each of us. All God is asking is that we give back a portion of what He gave us. This is the essence of Stewardship. God should be our first priority in everything. All else comes second. THE TRIBUNAL 222 NORTH 17TH STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19103 Telephone 215-587-3750 A Bit of History: The journey of Christianity is a long and winding road, crossing centuries, continents, and cultures. Our ancestors in faith left a rich heritage chronicling their lives and struggles, dreams and beliefs. When we learn their stories, we find people just like us trying to be faithful followers of Christ. Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, died in AD 397. In him we find an excellent example of how to honor the dead with profound gratitude and deep resolve to make good use of the gift of life. We know he mourned the death of his brother, Satyrus, because Ambrose’s sermons on the topic still remain for our inspiration. Nothing among things of earth, dearest brethren, was more precious to me, nothing more worthy of love, nothing more dear than such a brother . . . to this it must be added that I cannot be ungrateful to God; for I must rather rejoice that I had such a brother to grieve than that I had lost a brother, for the former is a gift, the latter a debt to be paid. And so, as long as I might, I enjoyed the loan entrusted to me, now he who deposited the pledge has taken it back. -St. Ambrose (d.397) 7 Schedule of Events Our Lady of Mt. Carmel This schedule was accurate at time of advance printing but is subject to change. The times listed are the times the facility is being used; not the actual time of the event. If you need assistance please call the Rectory 215-348-4190 and ask for Barb. Sunday Wreath Sale Ladies of Mt. Carmel 10/25 7-12:30P CCD All School Monday 10/26 9-11A Bible Study, St. Mary’s 9A Children’s Liturgy, Church, Rectory Lounge 1P Volleyball, Gym 3-8P Teens, St. Mary’s 6-7P Ad Altare Dei, Rectory Lounge 6-8:30P B/S Trp52, Stock House 7-8:30P Pius XII, Rectory Lounge 1P Free Movie,”Do You Believe”, St. Mary’s 3-3:30P Ladies of Mt. Carmel, St. Mary’s 3:45P CCD All School 5:30P CCD Penance 5th Grade, Church 7P Free Movie, “Do You Believe”, St. Mary’s 7P Pk52, Rectory Lounge Tuesday 10/27 11-11:45A Meditation, St. Mary’s Wednesday 10/28 6:30A Men’s Scripture, St. Mary’s 1P Ladies of Mt. Carmel, Bd Meeting, St. Mary’s 3:15-4;30P After School Program, All School 5P VB, Gym 6:30P Bereavement, Stock House 7P Rosary, Church 7P Pk 52, Cafeteria 7:30P Venture Crew, Rectory Lounge 9-11P H&S Dad’s Basketball , Gym 3:15-4:30P After School Prog, All School 6:30P Legion of Mary, Rectory Lounge 7-9P Bible Study, St. Mary’s 7:30P Trp52, Cafeteria 7:30-10P Knights, St. Bernards Friday 10/30 Thursday 10/29 8A-8P Conferences School NO ACTIVITY Saturday 10/31 Ladies of Mt. Carmel Wreath Sale All Masses, Church 6:15-9P AA, Rectory Lounge 8-4P Adoration/Benediction, Church 10-12P Women’s Scripture, St. Mary’s 6:30P Girl’s Choir, Church 7P Pk52, Rectory Lounge 7:30P Rcia, St. Mary’s 7:30P Choir, Church Bulletin Deadlines Rev. Msgr. Charles H. Hagan, Pastor Please submit items for Bulletin issues on left by 5:00 P.M. on the date to right: Nov. 8………………. Thursday, Oct. 29th Any questions contact: Barb Petrone Rev. Paschal Onunwa, Parish Vicar Rev. Terence P. Weik, Parish Vicar Rev. Harold B. McKale, Parish Vicar Deacon George V. Corwell Deacon Jim Fowkes Sister Dolores Burkhardt, S.S.J. Mr. Carl Kunkel, Director of Sacred Music & Organist PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS Dylan Taylor, John F. Thompson, Nicholas Incelli, Colin Rodgers, Zachary Taylor, Tim Carlin, Kyle P. Sablosky, Christopher Davies, Michael Malandra, Jennifer Malandra, Nicholas Smith, Michael White, Austin Savage, Anthony Taylor, Cole Hamilton, Nathan Danals, Ryan Blentner, Veronica Camiolo, Erik Berg, Robert Reilly, Sam Friedman, Jim Pasquarette, Robert Hayes, Mark Sherkey, Tyler Gall, Josh Maxwell, Shawn Glaush, Christopher Callahan, Seth Gilpin, Steven A. Campbell, Christopher C. Brown, Luke Easterday, Sean Madison, Ethan Surrusco, Anthony Marinucci, John Brabazon, Matthew D. Carey, Thomas Forsthoefel, Bryan Buckley, David Belz, Trevor Needham, Michael Warren Sabia, Christopher Bellus, Matt Matlock, Matthew Fedele, Anthony F. Kurz, Michael Eriandson, and Andrew Hoban. Contact Tara Tconway578@verizon.net. Conway 267-221-5541 Mrs. Dawn Parker School Principal Mrs. Cindy Balceniuk, Director of Religious Ed. Barbara Miller Director of Adult Faith Formation Maureen Brill Youth Minister or 8 SUNDAY MASSES READINGS FOR: Vigil Saturday 5:00 P.M. SUNDAY 6:30, 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 A.M. 12 Noon & 5 P.M. DAILY MASSES 6:30 AND 8:00 A.M., SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. HOLY DAYS Vigil 7:30 P.M. 6:30 & 8:00 A.M. 12 Noon & 7:30 P.M. CONFESSIONS (Sacrament of Reconciliation) Saturday 8:30 to 9:00 A.M. and Saturday Evenings: 7:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. Private confession to be arranged with a Priest. Call 215-348-4190. The Parish Rectory Office is open for routine business Monday through Friday 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Reception area open after 5PM Monday-Friday 5PM to 7:15PM Saturday 12 Noon - 5PM Sunday 9AM - 12 Noon October 25, 2015 1) Jeremiah 31:7-9 2) Hebrews 5:1-6 3) Mark 10:46-52 November 1, 2015 1)Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14 2) 1 John 3:1-3 3) Matthew 5:1-12a Celebrants Subject to Change November 1, 2015 5:00PM 6:30AM 7:30AM 9:00AM 10:30AM 12 Noon 5:00PM rachelsvineyard.org 877-HOPE-4-ME (877-467-3463) Have you or someone you know had an abortion? There are many good organizations offering confidential counseling and post-abortion assistance: Project Rachel………………..1-888-329-3773 National Life Center………….1-800-848-LOVE Bereavement 215-348-5488 Family Min. 215-348-5488 Adult Faith 215-348-4190 Parish Nurse 215-348-4190 Ministry/Elderly/Ill & Homebound 215-348-4190 Music Office Youth Min. School CCD Rectory Fax Msgr. Hagan Msgr. Hagan Fr. Onunwa Fr. Fisher Fr. Terry Fr. McKale Fr. McKale INTENTIONS OF THE WEEK The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 25, 2015 215-345-8782 267-247-0134 215-348-5907 215-345-7089 215-348-3104 Mon. Please remember our Church in your will. Contact Msgr. Hagan for information on how you can include Our Lady of Mt. Carmel www.ourladymtcarmel.org Email: olmcadmin@comcast.net October 26 6:30 A.M. Matthew Sheehan 8:00 A.M. Tom & Anne Gallagher Tue. October 27 6:30 A.M. Frank A. Welsch, M.D. 8:00 A.M. The Clarence Good Family (living) Loving Service in Christ’s Name: St. Vincent de Paul Society: 215-348-8833. Wed. To join our parish - We welcome all new parishioners that live within the boundaries assigned to our parish. You can register in the Rectory after 9:00A.M. weekdays or after the Sunday Masses. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). A program for those interested in learning more about the Catholic Church. If interested, call to register 215-348-4190. Sponsor Certificates for Baptism or Confirmation. Contact the Parish Office in advance 215-348-4190. October 28 6:30 A.M Joan & Troy Johnson (living) 8:00 A.M Joseph & Eleanor Davidson Thurs. October 29 6:30 A.M. Edward Francis Olearczyk III and Dr. Frank Welsch 8:00 A.M. Fr. Sean Holloway Friday October 30 6:30 A.M. Carmella Canova 8:00 A.M. Jim Boyle Baptisms: Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday. The regularly scheduled time is 2:00 P.M. Pre-baptismal classes are held on the first Sunday of the month at 7:00 P.M. in St. Mary’s Hall. Only new parents or those who have not previously attended a pre-baptismal class are required to attend. Please call the Rectory to arrange for a baptism. Marriage: Arrangements must be made with a Priest in the parish at least six months before the date of the wedding to assure sufficient preparation. Pregnancy Hotline 610-626-4006 Signing Mass: Second Sunday of each month at 10:30 A.M. Sat. October 31 8:00 A.M Thomas & Patricia O’Kane 5:00 P.M. Mary Lewis Sun. 6:30 A.M 7:30 A.M 9:00 A.M 10:30 A.M 12:00 P.M 5:00 P.M. WELCOME TO RETURNING CATHOLICS: Those who have been away from the Church are invited to participate in the process of becoming reacquainted. Call 215348-4190. 9 November 1 OLMC Memorial Society Dec’d Mem Peluso & Beckerman Families Joseph T. Bucciarelli, Sr. Don Behm Eileen, Robert & Sarah Druger Brian Good ROGERS TREE SERVICE INC. Removal • Trimming • Pruning • Stump Removal Crane Service • Bucket Truck Service Storm Damage • Free Estimates Prompt & Courteous Service Fully Insured Lic. #PA039509 www.rogerstreeserviceinc.com Truly Fine Independent Living • Large Apartments • Private Garages • Intimate Setting For more information, call us at The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes CHECK IT OUT TODAY! Steven Covino, D.D.S. 215.441.5240 Bill Rogers, Owner 267-488-0398 Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics Complimentary Initial Exam 2010 York Rd. 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Easton Rd., Doylestown IDEAL Plumbing & Heating Licensed & Insured Registered Master Plumber “A User Friendly Full Service Company” Bathroom Remodeling Specialists Call (215) 340-9101 Parish Member TOPSOIL & MULCH 215-345-4481 215.348.1310 Jesus A to Z Serving NJ, PA & DE 215.639.8500 Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 www.wlpmusic.com Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. an Official Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA All individuals react to money, retirement, and their financial life differently... our knowledge of investor behavior combined with detailed financial planning helps clients achieve and maintain their goals. SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS • FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS • LICENSED & INSURED CHECK OUT OUR REVIEWS ON: Follow us on: www.morganbasementwaterproofing.com Wills & Trusts • Estate Administration Family Law • Small Business MICHAEL R. SHELTON, ESQ. - PRINCIPAL FREE PICK UP (215) 822-2708 31 Oak Ave, Chalfont Wed–Sat, 9-5 www.habitatbucks.org 25% OFF Purchase With Ad 215-230-5508 • www.legalsolutionsllc.info 99 Lantern Dr., Ste. 101 Doylestown, PA 18901 DONATE • SHOP • VOLUNTEER • FAMILY OWNED IN THE HEART OF DOYLESTOWN • MEMBER OF KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #4160 OLMC • ADVANCE PLANNING SPECIALIST WITH INSURANCE LICENSE • LARGE OFF-STREET PARKING AREA BEHIND FACILITY • PROVIDING CREMATION & FUNERAL SERVICES • CERTIFIED BY THE "GREEN BURIAL COUNCIL” • SPECIALIZING IN CHURCH VISITATIONS AND MEMORIALS • LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTOR IN PA, NJ & NY • EXCLUSIVE REMEMBRANCE PROVIDERSM IN DOYLESTOWN AREA 344 NORTH MAIN STREET • DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901 • (215) 348-8930 Jason “Oz” Oszczakiewicz, Owner/Supervisor Visit us at www.varcoethomasfuneralhome.com BOB LATINI HOME IMPROVEMENTS Additions, Alterations, Siding, Roofing Windows, Doors, Decks, Kitchens, Etc. Wills • Estates • Elder Law Personal Injury • DUI • DWI Family & Matrimonial Law • Adoption Free Estimates CHRISTOPHER J. SERPICO, ESQ Robert T. Repko, Local Diocese Member 215-348-9500 www.repkowilliams.com O L M C PA R I S H I O N E R Wills, Trusts, Estates and Powers of Attorney WadeAgency Auto • Home • Life • Business PATRICIA WADE, 674-0696 PLASTER, PAINT, CARPENTRY & WALLPAPER EXPERT AGENT 99 EAST COURT STREET ◆ DOYLESTOWN ◆ 215.230.5460 Licensed & Insured • PA 044865 Serving all the families of Mt. Carmel 267.297.0136 • www. farmersagent.com/pwade An owner operated business Diocese Member 215-335-1551 www.jvpainting.com Oil & Gas Heating, Sales & Service, Climate Controls, Air Conditioning, Ductwork, Delivery of Heating Oil, Gasoline, Propane & Diesel Fuels 267-803-4840 219 Keith Valley Road Horsham, PA 19044-1408 Parishioner 698350 Our Lady of Mount Carmel (B) self@self-hc.com www.self-hc.com www.jspaluch.com Fully Licensed & Insured PA HIC Lic #PA008629 www.KircherElectric.com 215-343-4030 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 Dr. Sam Kadan 215-348-3100 402 Hyde Park • Doylestown, PA 18902 MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED • FREE CONSULTATION • BY APPOINTMENT ONLY COUNTY LINE PLUMBING & HEATING Voted One of the Best of Bucks/Montgomery Traditional Funerals • Cremation • Preplanning James P. Scanlin, F.D./Supvr. DAVID GALIANI, M.D. “State Of The Art Medical & Surgical Eye Care With A Personal Touch” On Staff At Wills Eye & Doylestown Hospitals 14 -A Memorial Drive • Doylestown, PA 18901 215.345.5144 Call Mike, your Neighborhood Plumber (215) 822-0480 215.429.3350 www.galianieye.com www.teethsostraight.com SCANLIN FUNERAL HOME LTD. Honest, Reliable, Prompt Service Former 76ers Team Eye Doctor 175 East Butler Ave. • Chalfont, PA 18914 www.scanlinfuneralhome.com Lic.#PA066556 - Insured Parishioner Chalfont Custom PA I N T I N G . c o m Interior/Exterior - Power Wash Diocese Member 215-997-7737 Check our website specials GUTTER CLEANING 215-322-7400 www.altomontes.com A+ Warminister (215) 672-5439 Doylestown (215) 489-8889 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Maryanne Pastry Shoppe Open Daily “The Friendly, Family Bakery” Baked Fresh Daily Quality Pastry, Cakes, Cookies, Breads • Teas & Coffees 10 Atkinson Drive, Doylestown 230-8885 Member of Parish For further information, please call the Parish Office. Leaver-Cable Funeral Home Ltd. 215-794-7696 Rte 202 & Quarry Rd. • Buckingham, PA D. Stephen Cable, Supv. Income & Estate Tax Returns Member of St. Robert Bellarmine Financial Planning Email: jspieckercpa@aol.com Small Business Consulting QuickBooks Accounting Residential - Commercial “A Life Celebration Home” Paving - Excavating - Hardscaping Patios - Retaining Walls Concrete - Drainage Pipe www.bppaving.com INVISIBLE FENCE OF DELAWARE VALLEY Call Us Today For A Free In-home Consultation • 1 Year Performance Guarantee Brian Beveridge • Used & Recommended By Local Veterinarians For Their Own Pets • On-site & In-store Professional Service & Advice www.invisiblefence.com P.O. BOX 93 - CHALFONT, PA 18914 - FAX (215) 996-1506 (215) 997-6112 • Certified Trainers & Specialized Training Protocol (215) 345-1800 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... Traditional Funerals - Advanced Planning - Cremation $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Funeral Home Inc. 215-340-9654 Joseph A. Fluehr IV, Supervisor 241 East Butler Ave., (Rte. 202 at Sandy Ridge Rd.), New Britain Save an average of $500* www.fluehr.com Better teen driving, bigger discounts. Rich Bowren, Agent rich@richbowren.com Bus: 267-649-7417 Check out our Steer Clear® Program. When your teen gets ready to drive, we’re there. They learn safe driving and you get lower rates. Stop here for great rates with America’s #1 car insurance company**. Give me a call today. *First Three Months Linda L. Gelcius, Agent 252 W Swamp Rd, Bailiwick #21 Doylestown, PA 18901 Bus: 215-340-1222 www.gelcius.com S TEVEN F LASHNER , M.D. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. A LBERT R UENES , J R ., M.D. K EVIN B. F ITZGERALD , M.D. F RANK H. R OLAND , J R ., M.D. www.statefarm.com annual per household savings based on a national 2012 survey of new 102 Progress Dr Ste. 101, Doylestown *Averagepolicyholders who reported savings by switching to State Farm. ® ® 215-230-0600 1005000 **Based on A.M. Best written premium. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company - Bloomington, IL Short Term Furnished Single Family Rentals in the Borough ONE MONTH MINIMUM • PET AGREEMENTS AVAIL. Esther C. Wooley • Owner/Manager • Parishioner www.estherandbobrentals.postlets.com Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® 267-549-8109 GET TO A BETTER STATE.® CALL ME TODAY. TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 WM. DINLOCKER CONTRACTING Concrete • Masonry • Handscaping Interlocking Pavers Lic# PA008113 1001000.1 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL (215) 822-8391 • Chalfont Mobile: (215) 870-0986 www.dinlockercontracting.com FRANCO ROOFING, INC. Put Your Home in Our Hands ...We Care Doylestown - 345-1828 Plumbstead - 766-0266 • • • • Asphalt Shingles Cedar Shingles Slate & Copper Rubber Free Estimates • Tar & Gravel • Coatings • Sidings • Skylights & Insured JAMES PATRICK MURPHY, DMD Pediatric Dentist, Board Certified 215.348.5778 Doylestown & Center City Locations idental.mobi (On Jan. 1, 2014 Pediatric Dental Care will be covered by Medical Insurance. We will participate in medical plans.) Heating and Air Conditioning Co. Lennon’s Small Jobs YORK EQUIPMENT • INSTALLATIONS • MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS Offering handyperson services to homeowners Parishioner of OLMC PAOAGHIC: 3196 Call Mary 215-421-3708 www.LennonsSmallJobs.com 800 Hagey Rd., Souderton Parishioner 215-799-0515 Jamie N. Goodreau, D.M.D., M.S.D. Specialist in Orthodontics For Children & Adults • Invisalign Certified 1300 Horizon Dr. Suite 117 Chalfont PA 215-997-0200 698350 Our Lady of Mount Carmel (A) ROBERT E. RIESENBERGER, D.D.S., P.C. PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY We’ve Moved!!! 301 S. Main St., Ste. 1 West, Doylestown Tel. 215-348-5222 Fax 215-348-1308 www.DrRobDentist4Kids.com Dave & Julie Donahue Realtors, ABR, SRES, CHMS, e-Pro Coldwell Banker Hearthside - Doylestown www.djdonahuehomes.com - 215-345-6244 x166 Active OLMC Parishioners for 35 Years! www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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