TABLE OF CONTENTS - New Mexico Veterinary Medical Association
TABLE OF CONTENTS - New Mexico Veterinary Medical Association
“The Voice of Veterinary Medicine in New Mexico” August 2010 NMVMA Annual Awards Banquet August 21, 2010 The New Mexico Veterinary Medical Association is holding its annual awards banquet August 21, 2010 at the Embassy Suites in Albuquerque. If you happen to be attending “Weekend with the Specialists,” we’ve made it very convenient for you! We hope you’ll make plans to join us for a fun- filled evening featuring local comedian Scotty Goff. Scotty is a 20 year comedy veteran who has performed in virtually every comedy club in the country as well as clubs throughout Canada! He has appeared on Comedy Central, ABC’s America’s Funniest People, and is soon to be seen in the feature film, “Redemption...A Mile from Hell”. Scotty was the New Mexico Lottery spokesperson for many years and you will recognize his face from lottery commercials and his voice from lottery and PNM radio commercials. Scotty is an administrator with the Albuquerque public schools, and the author of his first novel entitled, “Potato Torpedoes Away!” It should be an enjoyable night as we honor our own. Legislative Issues - T. Murt Byrne, DVM This spring, in our neighbor State of Oklahoma, legislation was passed and signed into law, which essentially moved equine dentistry from veterinary medicine to animal husbandry. This in itself is troubling, but the law went on to provide avenues to access anesthetic drugs for the new ‘equine dentists’. What happened in Oklahoma can happen here or anywhere. I believe that the political atmosphere in Oklahoma (and the jailing of a popular rodeo cowboy for floating teeth) certainly provided a situation where maybe good decisions were not made. Unfortunately bad decisions are not uncommon in politics. Our profession is under continued stress and pressure from alternative medical groups, not only here in the West but all over the country. In New Mexico, as in all states, veterinarians are guided by their Practice Act. There is nothing sacred or special about out Practice Act, it can be changed and modified at any time by the legislatures. It is our job to make sure any changes to the Practice Act are in the best interest of our patients, clients and profession. The NMVMA supports a proactive view of veterinary medicine in New Mexico. We envision a practice act that clearly defines our role as primary caregivers for all nonhuman medical and surgical procedures. The most effective way for our profession to maintain the best level of protection to our clients and patients is to make sure legislators know what we do, and why we are the only qualified people in New Mexico to perform these duties. This is why we all need to encourage and cultivate relationships with our legislators. This is the key to protecting the high quality of veterinary medicine we all now provide to this state. It’s not difficult to form these relationships, legislators need their constituents, they want to know you. In January 2011, New Mexico legislators will begin a 60 day session at the Roundhouse. We, at this point, are not aware of any major challenges to our profession or practice act, but rest assured there will be issues; maybe big issues. Something we are watching is legislators re-visiting the possibility of combining the Board of Veterinary Medicine with the Sheltering Board. This came up last session as a money saving idea, and we hear talk that it may be back. Judging on the language from last session, this seems like a bad idea, but as we’ve seen, bad ideas sometimes become law. A bad idea became law this spring in Oklahoma and, in my opinion, it’s wrong. Allowing someone with 20 hours of education and a $200 permit to sedate and treat livestock is not in the best interest of horses or horse owners in Oklahoma. But it is a lesson we should not overlook in New Mexico. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2����������� President’s Letter Page 4����������� Locklar’s Laughs Page 4����������� NMVMA Board Nominations Page 5����������� Allied Members Page 6����������� CE Corner President’s Letter Hello, my fellow veterinary professionals and allied members in the great Southwest. I hope the summer is going well for all of you. If you are finding enough time to read this newsletter, during what is traditionally some of our busiest time in most clinics, you will notice that this issue’s President’s Message is focused mainly on your participation in the association rather than just what is happening in the state. If you are not noticing that difference or, you cannot remember when you last got and read a Roadrunner, could it be that you intended to get those dues into the office but it just never happened??? This issue is mailed to a large mailing list of veterinarians holding licenses and/or working for industry, laboratories, regulatory positions, or retired within our state. I sure hope you also have received your membership join/ renewal form along with my letter detailing some of the most important work and projects the NMVMA is currently sponsoring and involved with. The other three quarterly issues of this newsletter are only mailed out to paid membership. Sooooo …. Don’t be like me, who all too often, finds herself thinking she has done something only to find out later that she just thought about doing it and never quite got it done …… MAIL IN THOSE DUES AND MEMBERSHIP FORM! We need your membership, we want your membership, and you will reap all of the benefits of membership mentioned in the membership letter, including the other three issues of the NMVMA ROADRUNNER. All of us in the New Mexico Veterinary Medical Association, and the veterinary community at large, regret the situation of the disbanding of the Albuquerque Veterinary Association. Certainly, we owe a salute to the hard work and effort of many people who were active and gave freely of their time and talents to form the association and to keep the Albuquerque local association going. As is often the case, the work load fell on only a very few and that coupled with lack of interested participants in the activities and offices of the AVA spelled the demise of that association. Assets and responsibilities, such as a pre-veterinary endowment at UNM, are currently in the process of being transferred to the NMVMA and since this involves money and investments between two non-profit organizations, all of the correct and complete legal criteria and tax criteria must be met to avoid problems for anyone down the line. This is not a quick and easy process and we are very fortunate to have legal advice concerning the many aspects of this situation. cont. on page 8 Linda Locklar, DVM feel triumphant with market leverage for tailored insurance for veterinarians Solutions for your practice Workers’ Compensation • Business Property/ Liability • Flood Coverage • Umbrella Liability • Commercial Auto • Employment Practices Liability Solutions for your livelihood Professional Liability • Veterinary License Defense • Professional Extension (Animal Bailee) • Safety and Risk Management Resources Solutions for your home Personal Automobile • Homeowners • Renters ...and much more! Call 800.228.PLIT (7548) today for an evaluation of your insurance portfolio and a free premium quotation. Insurance and Risk Management for Today’s Veterinarian 2 Trust Broker and Administrator: HUB International Midwest Limited Roadrunner • August 2010 In Memoriam Kristine Weaver, DVM Kristine Elizabeth Weaver was born on September 24, 1970 to Sidney and Dianne (Gunderson) Weaver in Boonton, NJ. Kris passed away on June 24, 2010 after a 3 year battle with breast cancer. Kris spent her childhood years in Pajarito Village, NM and was active in girl scouting and the Los A lamos County Sheriff’s Posse. She graduated from Pojoaque HS in 1998, attended NMSU from 1988-1991 and went on to pursue her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from Oregon State University. She received her BS in Animal Sciences from Washington State University in 2003, a PhD in Animal Science in 2005 from WSU and her DVM from OSU in 2005. Upon graduation, Kristine returned to NM and worked and lived in Clovis, NM for 10 years. She fulfilled her dream of owning her own practice in 2007 when she and dear friend Stephanie Williams, DVM returned home and opened Ridgeview Veterinary Hospital in Los Alamos. Kristine married Jeffrey Hayes in Las Vegas, NV in 1997. Their shared love of animals included an array of dogs, snakes, tortoises, birds, sugar gliders and fish. Kris leaves behind her husband, Jeff, of Los Alamos, NM, her father of White Rock, her brother Travis and his family of White Rock, her stepbrother Paul Helmick and his wife Janet of Sandia Park, NM and her stepsister Catherine Shenk and her husband Norman of Boulder, CO. She also leaves behind several aunts, uncles, and cousins in NC, ND, and FL. Kris was preceded in death by her mother, her stepmother, Sara Helmick, and her grandparents. A private family memorial will be held in July. In lieu of flowers, contributions to Kristine’s memory may be made to the Los Alamos Relay for Life. What You Get With Your NMVMA Membership • • Watchdog at the State and Federal Levels! The NMVMA retains a legislative consultant whose responsibility is to track bills dealing with the veterinary profession. The NMVMA also works very closely with the AVMA through “legislative alerts”. The NMVMA maintains a solid working relationship with the NM Board of Veterinary Medicine (NMBOVM)! The NMVMA has representation at all NMBOVM meetings. Likewise, the NMBOVM presents a report at all of the NMVMA Executive Board meetings. This enables the NMVMA to monitor and provide input to the NMBOVM. • Relief Veterinarian List! The NMVMA keeps a list of veterinarians who are doing relief work in New Mexico (who says a busy veterinarian can’t take a vacation? ). • Communication! Members receive the NMVMA quarterly newsletter, the Roadrunner. This is packed with member’s bios, local information, state and national legislative issues and CE opportunities. Furthermore, NMVMA members receive a 20% discount on all advertising in the Roadrunner. The NMVMA is also the proud host of the “vet list”, a list serve used by NM licensees. • NMVMA Directory! The Directory offers a list of NMVMA membership and their contact information. There is a special listing of those members with Board certifications. In addition to this, the directory provides contact information for veterinary support and regulatory organizations of all kinds. • Continuing Education! The NMVMA has become an equal partner with four other state veterinary associations in creating and hosting the Southwest Veterinary Symposium. SWVS is now the premier CE venue for all veterinarians in the Southwest. • NMVMA Website! The NMVMA has developed an informative and interactive website. Check out the new Career Center for job opportunities! Visit us today at! • Allied Members! The NMVMA now has an Allied Membership program for those who provide products and services to the veterinary community! Please contact the NMVMA office if you’ve not received your membership/renewal form for 2010-2011! Roadrunner • August 2010 3 DERMATOLOGY FOR ANIMALS ●Intradermal Allergy Testing ●Dermatohistopathology Service ●Otitis and Video-Otoscopy ●Carbon Dioxide Laser Therapy ●Dermatology at the Multi Specialty Facilities* Thomas P. Lewis II DVM, DACVD Anthea E. Schick DVM, DACVD As mentioned in an earlier edition of the Roadrunner, the NMVMA is still accepting names of candidates for the position of AVMA Alternate Delegate. Thus far, we have heard from a couple of interested individuals, however, the deadline for notifying the NMVMA office is August 31, 2010. Dr. Rick Miller has decided not to seek an additional term as the Southwest District Director. Dr. Miller has served his district exceedingly well over the past 3 years and will be greatly missed. You may refer to the NMVMA district map in the front of your directory. This area includes Socorro, Las Cruces, Alamogordo and Silver City. This position requires maintaining contact with veterinarians in your district, representing concerns of those in your district to the Board, as well as expressing concerns and decisions of the Board to your district. The person in this position will be expected to attend regularly scheduled board meetings where lunch will be provided. Mileage will be reimbursed. This is a three year term. Albuquerque Albuquerque Animal Emergency Clinic* 4000 Montgomery Blvd. NE Phone: (505) 881-7205 Two more positions that are open for nomination are the Southwest District Director and Central District Director. Although Dr. Craig Walker and Dr. Emily Walker, respectively, are seeking another term, anyone interested may certainly contact the NMVMA office. The deadline for ballot entries is August 31, 2010. Santa Fe Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Center of Santa Fe* 2001 Vivigen Way Phone: (505) 474-4380 Santa Teresa El Abrigado Animal Clinic 900 Country Club Road Phone: (575) 589-1818 NMVMA Board Positions Open for Nomination DERMATOLOGY FOR ANIMALS Locklar’s Laughs CLASSIFIED ADS RANCH FOR SALE 110 acre ranch for sale at NM-Col. border. Turn key for cattle or horses. A home, 2 barns, springs, fenced pastures, squeeze shoot etc. Perfect start for a new large or small animal vet. Contact Full time veterinarian needed for high quality practe in ABQ area. Computerized records linked to in-house blood analysis equipment. Ultrasound and high-speed radiograph machines. No emergency duty and easy access to specialists. Salary commensurate with expericence or base with percentage. Contact Ted at 505-400-0209 or fax 505-896-4898 Advertising in the Roadrunner 1” X 2”................................................................................$40.00 per issue 1” X 3”................................................................................$60.00 per issue Business Card (1 ¾ X 3).....................................................$60.00 per issue Quarter Page......................................................................$125.00 per issue Half Page...........................................................................$225.00 per issue Full Page...........................................................................$425.00 per issue The NMVMA invites you to place an advertisement in the Roadrunner. Members of the NMVMA will receive a 20% discount on any size. JPEG or pdf preferred. Deadlines: 15 Dec for Jan 15 June for July A collection of Locklar’s Laughs will be available at the Annual Awards banquet. 4 15 March for April 15 Sept for Oct Email ads to Tamara Spooner – 60 Placitas Trails Road Placitas, NM 87043 Tamara Spooner NM Veterinary Medical Association 505-867-6373 Roadrunner • August 2010 NMVMA Allied Industry Members The NMVMA is very much aware of the importance of “community” and we are thrilled to have 15 new members in ours! We hope you will welcome our new allied industry members and think of them first when considering sources for veterinary products and services. This list can also be found on page 36 of the NMVMA Directory and at If you have a potential allied member in mind please contact the NMVMA office or go to to download a brochure. We welcome our newest member Ed Antes of Bank of America Practice Solutions. Architecture/Design Planning Distribution Companies BDA Architecture, PC Wayne Usiak 901 Lamberton Place NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 Ph: 505-858-0180 Fax: 505-858-0111 E-mail: Web: Architecture/Design planning Butler Schein Animal Health Stacey Eoff 2312 Flagstone Rd NE Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Ph: 505-401-3401 Fax: 505-896-3632 Email: SEOFF@ButlerSchein. com Web: Distribution MWI Veterinary Supply Company Teresa Bibb 1549 E. Marvel Drive Pueblo West, CO 81007 Ph: 719-248-1304 Fax: 719-647-0727 Email: Web: Most products in the veterinary industry Drugs/Pharmaceuticals DVM Resources Wesley Bougie 7100 W. Reno Oklahoma City, OK 73127 Ph: 505-353-1283 Email: wesley.bougie@ Web: Full line distributor MERIAL Ellen Arvayo 3301-R Coors Blvd NW #259 Albuquerque, NM 87120 Ph: 505-944-6296 Fax: 505-554-3057 Email: Web: HEARTGARD, FRONTLINE, PUREVAX, RECOMBITEK, IMRAB, PREVICOX Burial/Cremation Services Best Friends Pet Cremation Services Vaughn Hendren 924 Menaul Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 Ph: 505-345-5615 Fax: 505-761-7186 Email: Web: Pet Cremation Services with above and beyond customer service Cleaning/Janitorial Services Caribbean Sun Cleaning Services Justina Ponce 2215 Ambassador Rd NE #90 Albuquerque, NM 87112 Ph: 505-220-0621 505-486-5948 Email: Cleaning/Janitorial Services, General Cleaning-carpet-tile-windows. Currently serving Albuquerque and Farmington. Counseling/Pet Loss Pet Loss and Bereavement Counseling Ann Beyke - M.A. LPC 4721 Southern Ave. SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 Ph: 505-265-3087 Fax: none E-mail : Web: Counseling services for those who have lost a pet or anticipate a loss. Roadrunner • August 2010 Great Western Animal Health Supply Inc. Robert P. Healey Jr. 8433 Washington Pl NE Albuquerque, NM 87113 Ph: 505-822-5096 Fax: 505-822-0988 Email: bobjr@ Web: www.greatwesternanimal. com Veterinary Supplies MWI Veterinary Supply Company Richard Dubois 495 Paseo del Bosque, NW Albuquerque, NM 87114 Ph: 505-301-4993 Fax: 505-255-9891 Email: Web: Most products in the veterinary industry Financial Services Novartis Animal Health Martha Plummer 52 High Country Dr. Cedar Crest, NM 87008 Ph: 505-264-1483 Fax:: 505-286-8210 Email : martha.plummer@novartis. com Web : Deramaxx, Interceptor, Sentinel, Atopica, Percorten V, Clomicalm, AdequanCanine, Milbernite, Ethicon sutures, Program, Capstar, Vetspon. Pfizer Animal Health Eric Brenner 4400 Magnolia Dr. NE Albuquerque, NM 87111 Ph: 505-379-9789 Fax: 505-323-7743 Email: Web: Biologicals, anti-infectives, behavior, NSAIDS, vitamins, parasitic, anesthetics When Contacting our Allied Members please let them know that you located them through the RoadRunner Newsletter. Bank of America Practice Solutions Ed Antes 1662 E. Amber Lane Gilbert, AZ 85296 Ph: 614-307-1565 Fax: 704-625-4535 Email: Edward.antes@ Web: practicesolutions Veterinary Practice Financing. General Contractors CMP Inc. Richard Timmons 901 Lamberton Pl Albuquerque, NM 87107 Ph: 505-822-0477 Fax: 505-858-0111 Email: Richard.Timmons@ Web: General Contractor, specializing in veterinary hospitals and animal care facilities. Laboratory/Diagnostic Services IDEXX Laboratories Mark Villareal 10300 Glendale Ave NE Albuquerque, NM 87122 Ph: 505-340-5311 Email: mark-villareal@idexx. com In House Diagnostics Printing/Copying ABQGraphiX Steve Ferrin or Roger Pare 1930 Juan Tabo Albuquerque, NM 87112 Ph: 505-275-2393 Fax: 505-275-1643 Email: iprint@abqgrafix Web: Printing, copying and graphics 5 CONTINUING EDUCATION CORNER July 30, 2010 ACVB/AVSA Veterinary Behavior Symposium Further Information: Atlanta, GA August 11, 2010 “A Night in the ER” 6-6:30 pm dinner, 6:30-7:30 pm Lecture, VCA Vet Care Conference Room Further Information: RSVP by August 4 Albuquerque, NM August 21-22, 2010 “Weekend With the Specialists” Further Information: Albuquerque, NM 505-883-8387 August 23-24, 2010 NM Humane Conference Further Information: Albuquerque, NM 505-515-4369 September 1, 2010 “Suture Review and Update” 6:00-7:30 pm, VCA Conference Room, 9901 Montgomery NE, Alb, NM 87111 Further Information: No charge to attend this CE. Technicians are welcome. Albuquerque, NM 505 296-2982 505 296-2982 Sept 23-26, 2010 Southwest Veterinary Symposium Further Information: Sept 25-26, 2010 Respiratory Medicine & Surgery Further Information: Ft. Worth, TX April 30-May 1 2010 San Diego, CA 619-640-9588 San Diego, CA 619-640-9588 “Ophthalmology for the General Practitioner” Further Information: NMVMA Scholarship Recipients Taylor Green Taylor Green, the KSU Scholarship recipient graduated from Artesia High School in 2004. He then received his Bachelor of Science in Animal Science from NMSU in 2008. He was accepted to Kansas State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine and will graduate in May 2012. He has also been doing a concurrent masters program and will receive a Masters in Clinical Sciences upon graduation. He is interested in mixed animal practice and will return to New Mexico upon graduation to practice. Currently, he is an active member of AABP and holds an office in SCAABP. 6 Cassandra Lapham-Simpson Cassandra Lapham-Simpson, a recent recipient of the NMVMA Scholarship at CSU, is from Placitas, NM. Cassandra completed her undergraduate education at Portland State University in Oregon. Her interests include outdoor activities such as camping and hiking, travel, and art. After graduation in 2011, she plans to return to NM to work. Although she’s not sure where she will be working, she hopes to find a job as a mixed animal practitioner where she can work with small, large and exotic animals. Roadrunner • August 2010 Now fully lICENSED by the uSDA Don’t let flu interfere with their fun. Protect them with the only fully licensed canine flu vaccine. In 48 hours, I went from having never seen a case of canine influenza to treating 30 cases. – Heather Sawyer, DVM February 2010 Reference: 1. Crawford C, Spindel M. Canine influenza. In: Miller L, Hurley K, eds. Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters. Ames, IA: Wiley-Blackwell; 2009:173–180. Nobivac is the property of Intervet International B.V. or affiliated companies or licensors and is protected by copyrights, trademark and other intellectual property laws. Copyright © 2010 Intervet International B.V., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. All rights reserved. SPAH-VC-416 Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health 556 Morris Avenue Summit, New Jersey 07901 USA Phone: 800 521 5767 It only takes one dog with flu to spoil the party. Highly contagious and potentially serious, canine flu will infect virtually all naive dogs, cause clinical signs in 80%, and result in death in up to 8%.1 That’s why the USDA has fully licensed Canine Influenza Vaccine, H3N8 after a year of safe and effective use in half a million dogs. Now called Nobivac® Canine Flu H3N8, this vaccine has been proven to reduce the severity and spread of disease. Protect the social dogs in your care by making it a part of your lifestyle vaccination protocol. So every day can be a great play day. Only available from Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health, the veterinary flu vaccine experts Canine Flu H3N8 10552 Roadrunner • August 2010 7 President’s Letter cont. For those of you who were members of the AVA or who were active in the building of the endowment, the investments, and the operating funds of this organization, I would like to reassure you that funds coming to the NMVMA from this process will be used conscientiously for projects like scholarships, student outreach, endowments, and other worthy and timely projects that serve the veterinary community of New Mexico. If you were not aware, our NMVMA annual banquet will be held this year on August 21, 2010 at the Embassy suites in Albuquerque. This is on the same weekend as the “Weekend with the Specialists”. So, if you were planning on attending this outstanding CE program, why not join us for an evening of fun and camaraderie at the NMVMA Annual Awards Banquet? Hey, remember those surveys we sent out a few months ago? Well, responsive to your input, this year’s annual banquet will not feature a country western theme. We are excited to have Scotty Goff, an Albuquerque comedian entertain us that evening. While I have your ear (or maybe your eyes since you are reading this) this is the awards banquet. If you have a suggestion for a veterinarian for NMVMA Veterinarian of the Year, a thought for the Distinguished Service Award, a person you know of who would be a suitable recipient of Lay Award for Humanitarian Endeavors, or an animal that deserves a spot in the Pet Hall of Fame, why not submit a nomination form for one or more of these awards. By all means, plan on joining us for this event --- You will be glad you did! Coming up this fall is our annual elections for board members and officers of the NMVMA. We have several positions to fill and we are looking for enthusiastic veterinarians who are willing to give a bit of their time for the benefit of their profession. We will be electing an AVMA Alternate Delegate, and a Southwest District Director. Since our new bylaws state that the President’s term shall be a 2 year term, you don’t get a chance to vote me out of here just yet (I tried to tell my fellow presidents of VMAs that I was going to try to get time off for good behavior but, they just chuckled and said “since when were you known for good behavior, Linda?”) At any rate, if you think you might like to be a bit more active with the association or you know someone who would be good in these positions, consider nominating them (of course best if you check with the person involved first) or consider nominating yourself for one of these positions. IMPORTANT! Remember when that ballot comes around your best voice in the direction of this association is with your vote and your input, so take part and send that vote in with all due haste. On the subject of CE; because the NMVMA will be “sharing the spotlight” with the “Weekend with the Specialists”, there will be no specific NMVMA CE program this late summer or fall. For those of you, who are looking for good CE within the state, please consider this meeting. For those of you who might be interested in a broader range of CE, a design conference, some heavy hitter wet labs, and a large trade show, in a fun location, I would sure encourage you to register for Southwest Veterinary Symposium in Fort Worth. The SWVS is a major player in the big conference game and Fort Worth goes all out with a super nice convention center and a host of special activities and entertainment. New Mexico is one of the sponsoring organizations so your participation in this event benefits the NMVMA and your state. Registration is available on-line now and you may already have received your program and registration form in the mail. If you like the big conferences with lots of CE and lots of evening entertainment, SWVS in Fort Worth is hard to beat. This has turned into a kind of lengthy President’s Message but before I close, I want to share a little personal experience with you. I recently took two of my “granddaughters” ages 8 and 10 on a little four day vacation to see the Carlsbad Caverns. I was telling one of my friends about this. She said, “well, did you get to eat at a few nice or different restaurants?” “ No, “ I replied, “ we ate at Wendy’s and Burger King and sent out for Pizza -- the food was pretty plain but the company was spectacular!” I hope each and every one of you are getting to spend a little time with your family and friends and that your summer is just spectacular also. See you at the Annual Banquet, Linda Locklar DVM Notables and Appreciation Leonard Blach, DVM, co-owner of Mine That Bird, winner of the 2009 Kentucky Derby was inducted into the Ruidoso Race Horse Hall of Fame. Patricia Feeser, DVM has been working with A & E’s series “Hoarders” this past year and will be in featured in their premiere fall episode. She was also the subject of “Animal CSI” shown on KRQE’s evening news program. Emily Walker, DVM is a new board member of NM Animal Humane Association. Thank you to Dr. Robin Hines who represented the NMVMA and the veterinary medical community in the “Expanding Your Horizon” program at WNMU. Congratulations to Dr. John Wenzel and Dr. Allison Stout who were both appointed to the NM Board of Veterinary Medicine. If you have any newsworthy items or announcements that you’d like to include in the Roadrunner, please contact the NMVMA office. 8 Roadrunner • August 2010 Ellen Arvayo Shellie Dutton -As your dedicated and committed local representatives we- Honor New Mexico Veterinarians And are proud supporters of the New Mexico Veterinary Medical Association We are committed to serving our community: We grew up here and are dedicated to making our communities better for all; we love New Mexico and work hard to make it a great place to live. We are dedicated to supporting the health and well being of both pets and people: We are esteemed by testimonies and success stories of how Merial products and programs have made a difference in so many lives. We are unequalled when it comes to increasing veterinary practice profitability and revenue: We succeed when veterinary practices succeed--through proven programs, staff education, employee rewards, nationally recognized speakers, industry sponsorships and the top brands customers want for their pets--we work for your success. Together WE make a difference in New Mexico Roadrunner • August 2010 9 NMBOVM Holds Public Hearing The Board of Veterinary Medicine will hold a public hearing on November 5, 2010 at the State of New Mexico Environmental Health Department, 5500 San Antonio Drive, N.E., Albuquerque, for the purpose of presenting for discussion proposed changes to the Rules and Regulations associated with the Veterinary Practice Act. The draft is available for download at the agency’s web site, www. The NMBVM recommends printing the draft in color for ease in reading the proposed changes. In addition, postcards have been mailed to all licensees informing them of the availability of the download and the hearing date. Interested individuals are invited to submit their comments and suggestions to info@ for inclusion in the draft for presentation at the hearing. Please note the NMBVM is not seeking licensing fee increases. The next scheduled board meeting will be held August 27th. Veterinary Career Day Dr. John Wenzel has announced that Veterinary Career Day will take place September 11, 2010 at New Mexico State University. He may be reached at 575-202-0481 or for more information. 10 The NMVMA thanks the Albuquerque VMA The NMVMA wishes to thank the Albuquerque VMA for its generous financial contribution! We would also like to acknowledge all of those members, past and present, who made the Albuquerque VMA the exceptional organization that it was for many, many years. The hard work that went into it has not been overlooked and the veterinary community is better for it. With the help of this substantial gift, the NMVMA will strive to accomplish many goals by way of education, scholarship, public service, legislation and numerous other endeavors. Linda Locklar, DVM NMVMA President Roadrunner • August 2010 ENDORSED PROVIDER “After a thorough search, your Board has selected Payment Processing Direct as our endorsed provider because they are the best.” Tamara Spooner Executive Director NMVMA Payment Processing Made Easy We help Veterinarians like you minimize the pain associated with accepting credit cards “The best doctor in the world is the Veterinarian.” - Will Rogers Everyday your practice provides health and wellness for the family pets, large & small. Your --------- supports you with resources that benefit your practice. Now, with a new membership benefit for your practice through you can lower your cost of daily expenses and provide a new income stream for the …….. Why did Will Rogers say? “The best doctor in the world is a veterinarian. He can’t ask his patient, what’s the matter? He’s got to just know.” Lowering the COST of card acceptance Simplifying the COMPLEXITY of the industry Helping you attain COMPLIANCE of PCI DSS Payment Processing Direct (PPD) will reduce your credit card processing costs and pay a percentage from each practice that selects PPD. It’s a four legged friend “high-five” combination of service, support and savings! Serving the needs of New Mexico Veterinarians Nelson McCarty 888-824-8440, 505-660-8440 P.O. Box 23054 Santa Fe, NM 87502, Fax (505) 466-2942 ©2009 Payment Processing, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Roadrunner • August 2010 11 Prsrt STD CALENDAR OF EVENTS August 20����� NMVMA Executive Board Meeting..... Embassy Suites, Albuquerque US Postage PAID Placitas, NM 60 Placitas Trail Rd. Placitas, NM 87043 Permit No. 12 August 27����� New Mexico Board of Veterinary Medicine Meeting Albuquerque, NM Sept. 23-26��� 2010 Southwest Veterinary Symposium, Ft. Worth, TX Nov 5������������ NMBOVM Public Hearing The State of New Mexico Environmental Health Department, 5500 San Antonio Drive, N.E. Albuquerque, NM New Mexico Veterinary Medical Association 60 Placitas Trail Rd. / Placitas, NM 87043 Phone 505-867-6373 / Fax 505-771-8963 Officers and Directors for 2008-2009 OFFICERS DIRECTORS President Linda Locklar, DVM PO Box 1157 Silver City, NM 88062 575-388-1503 Northeast District Kathy Dobesh, DVM 600 Alta Vista Santa Fe, NM 87505 505-982-4418 Southwest District Rick Miller, DVM 1700 Indian Wells Road Alamogordo, NM 88310 575-434-2935 President-Elect T. “Murt” Byrne, DVM 29 Chamisa Drive N Santa Fe, NM 87508 505-466-0650 Northwest District Charles Lange, DVM 5734 Highway 64 Farmington, NM 87401 505-632-3561 Central District Emily Walker, DVM 7007 Jefferson St. NE Ste D2 Albuquerque, NM 87109 505-323-1460 Secretary-Treasurer Manuel Garcia, DVM 167 South Browning Parkway Farmington, NM 87401 505-326-2205 Southeast District Craig Walker, DVM 301 W. Country Club Rd Roswell, NM 88201 575-623-9191 Director at Large Bonnie Snyder, DVM CNM Veterinary Technology Program 5716 Isleta Blvd SW Albuquerque, NM 87105 505-224-5043 Immediate Past President Lawrence D. Young, DVM 110 West Mahone Artesia, NM 88210 575-748-2042 12 Director at Large Heidi Hamlen, DVM, ACVPM 5 Valencia Loop Santa Fe, NM 87508 505-629-7701 AVMA Delegate Terry Jantzen, DVM 100 Mills Avenue Las Vegas, NM 87701 505-454-0117 AVMA Alternate Delegate Don Dykhouse, DVM PO Box 604 Tyrone, NM 88065 575-534-9146 Roadrunner • August 2010
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