Document 6445480


Document 6445480
Our children are doing so well. It still
amazes us. When we watch them at the
playground or at gymnastics, we still
can't get over it. Can you believe they are
in kindergarten! Our daughter is taking
ballet now and she even speaks in class.
We can understand our son and so can
his friends.
—Mother of twins
When our older daughter needed speech,
Achieving Milestones
Susan Miron, MA, OTR/L, SAS
Program Director
Tamara King
Administrative Assistant
Services offered in the home,
community or our facilities:
Achieving Milestones
333 Pelham Road
New Rochelle, NY 10805
Satellite location:
Laury Garofano, Program Coordinator
occupational and physical therapy as a
Rosenthal JCC of N. Westchester
toddler, we didn’t know what to expect.
600 Bear Ridge Road
Pleasantville, NY 10570
The therapists from Achieving Milestones
worked with us with compassion, skill
and caring, and, within a year, our
daughter was talking nonstop, climbing
the rock wall at the playground and
“graduating” from therapy. When we
realized that our younger son needed
speech therapy, we happily reached out
to the team at Achieving Milestones,
knowing that we are in the best of hands
with this agency, which always puts the
family first.
—Mother of siblings
WJCS Mary J. Blige Center
489 South Broadway
Yonkers, NY 10705
WJCS is an approved provider of EI Services and is
under contract with Westchester County to deliver EIP
services which are funded and regulated by the NYS
Department of Health and Education and in Westchester
by the County Department of Health (DOH).
Achieving Milestones is a NYS program funded
by Westchester County. To access the EI Program
children must be referred to the Westchester County
DOH at 813-5094.
Children's eligibility is established by state-approved
agencies that have an active contract with the DOH.
Once eligibility is established, the County will arrange
for a service provider to deliver approved services. All
such services are identified in collaboration with the
parent and DOH. Services are provided at no out-ofpocket costs but health insurance will be accessed for
reimbursement. If services are delivered in a day care,
nursery school or other community setting, the parent
is responsible for paying any costs.
Building skills one step at a time
A program of
Strengthening lives… Shaping futures
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Achieving Milestones services
enhance your child’s development,
building skills for learning.
Experts agree that early detection
and therapeutic treatment of
developmental delays in young
children improves future outcomes.
Comprehensive evaluations and services are
Provided to children ages birth through preschool. Our licensed professionals have been
trained in techniques such as sensory integration,
listening program, brain gym, prompt, and
feeding. Our social workers have specialized
training in evidenced-based practices including
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Functional
Behavior Assessments and Parent Management
Training (PMT).
Services available include:
Achieving Milestones’ experienced and
talented licensed therapists are available
throughout Westchester County. We work
in the comfort of your home, child’s nursery
school or at one of our facilities. Our therapists
are dedicated to working with you and your
family to
your concerns
and priorities.
Developmental assessments in the areas of
cognitive, communication, motor, social emotional and adaptive skills conducted by
special education teachers or psychologists.
Bilingual evaluations available.
Psychological evaluations for cognitive testing,
behavior, developmental or diagnostic
concerns. Use of the ADOS to rule out autism.
Speech, occupational or physical therapy
Individual treatment provided by
occupational, physical and speech therapists,
special education teachers, psychologists and/or
social workers.
Developmental groups for children age 18
months to 3 years
Parent Child Group lead by certified/licensed
Ongoing service coordination for children in
the Early Intervention Program
Consultation, workshops and in-service
programs for parents, schools and community
Achieving Milestones’ mission is for
children to achieve their
fullest learning potential.
Our professionals help
children become more
autonomous, self-confident
and emotionally ready for
the variety of environments
in which they need to function. The program focuses
on a child’s strengths, while
providing therapy in a fun
and therapeutic manner.
Therapists help children in all areas of
development such as communication, oralmotor, feeding, play, sensory motor, fine and
gross motor, cognitive, attention, behavior and
social emotional skills.
Families are an integral part of the Achieving
Milestones team. Parents are encouraged
to sit in during sessions and learn through
“facilitated” observation, “interactive”
coaching, modeling and practice of techniques.
Achieving Milestones establishes
individualized goals for each child by
developing treatment strategies in accordance
with the child’s learning style.