inWalsall? - Walsall Council


inWalsall? - Walsall Council
Issue 6 June 2006
The Newsletter from Walsall Council
Mr Music
returns to
Page 6
Page 22
Free swim
for all the
A bright
ear Resident,
With local
elections over for another
year and 20 councillors
elected to serve the people
of Walsall, your council
continues its transformation
to deliver improved
services for you on an
unprecedented scale.
Walsall is one of the country’s
most improved councils and we
want to provide not just good, but
excellent, services for everyone in
our borough – young and old.
For example, we are determined
to build on our recycling success,
by making it easier for every
person in the borough to help
protect our environment with big
improvements to our community
recycling facilities this summer.
Our £1 million libraries
improvement plan should give
every resident a library within
two miles of their home – better
buildings, more new books,
extended opening hours and
further improved
customer service.
We’re creating
a brand new
library as part
of regenerating
We’ve created
a fantastic new
Shopmobility facility that is already
helping people
who find it difficult to get around
enjoy Walsall town centre.
And we are working hard
as part of the Safer Walsall
Borough Partnership to make
our communities safer and more
pleasant places to live – tackling
graffiti, fly tipping and other antisocial behaviour.
Young people are vital to securing
a bright future for our borough. We
are building a new junior school at
Fibbersley Park, in Willenhall and
continuing our work in improving
our youth service. We want to
make sure that youngsters have a
voice in how Walsall progresses.
We want to make the council
more representative of the
communities we serve. There are
two new members in the Cabinet
- Councillors Louise Harrison and
Rachel Walker, who have both
impressed me with their drive and
enthusiasm to improve Walsall.
Local people are now telling us
they can see a real difference in
the way their council works and
serves them. That’s great to hear,
but we know there is more to do.
We’ll continue to work to improve
our services and your experience
when you contact us.
We will use your council tax
investment to provide the sort
of improvements you tell us you
really want - better roads, cleaner
streets, improving education,
support for young people and older
And we are looking to the future.
By working within the Walsall
Borough Strategic Partnership on
the ‘Vision 2021’ project we aim to
create a vision for Walsall for the
next 15 years and beyond.
We are building on our
achievements. There is so much
to be proud of in Walsall and we
are focusing on what is great
about this borough of ours, what
you want it to be like and how
we are going to achieve that goal
– together.
Tom Ansell
Leader of the council
Jennie Bond hosts this
year’s Walsall in Bloom
Jennie leaves
jungle to host
Walsall in Bloom
Don’t forget, there’s still time to
enter the council’s ever-popular
annual gardening competition
Walsall in Bloom – and you may
get to meet ‘I’m A Celebrity…’ star
Jennie Bond.
The former BBC News royal
correspondent has agreed to
compere the competition’s
glittering gala awards night on
Wednesday 6 September at The
Terrace restaurant, Brownhills
– which sponsors the event.
Gardening enthusiasts of all ages
have their chance to win prizes in
a range of categories. Application
forms are available from libraries,
the Civic Centre and the Council
House. Closing date for entries is
30 June 2006. Judging will take
place during the last two weeks in
Gardeners can also call 01922
653342 or apply online at www.
This year’s competition sponsors
are: WHG, WATMOS, The
Terrace, Amey Infrastructure
Services,Wimpey Homes,
Planet Ice Arena, Sainsbury’s
Supermarkets Ltd, Snowdome,
Stapeley Water Gardens, Stratford
Upon Avon Butterfly Farm,
Tamworth Castle, Walsall FC and
Thinktank @ Millenium Point.
From Wales
to Walsall
with ease
People from West
Bromwich to Wales are
signing up to Walsall
Council’s new Shopmobility
scheme – allowing them to
enjoy the many attractions at
the heart of our borough.
Membership is steadily
increasing with people from
across the borough and
beyond signing up to use the
service – located in Walsall
town centre on the first floor
of the Saddlers Shopping
Centre car park.
For a small hire charge,
members can use electric
scooters, powered and
manual wheelchairs to get
around the town.
Shopmobility manager Lyn
Eshelby said: “Our service
is becoming more and more
popular, with members from
across Walsall, the West
Midlands and as far afield as
Twyn in Wales.
“People of all ages have
joined – from young adults
to older users in their 90s.
Some members haven’t
been able to visit the town
for many years and can now
get to favourite shops, the
New Art Gallery and much
For further details see page
28. You can call 01922
650781 or 01922 650782
for more information or to
register for the service.
Shopmobility staff
are ready to help
visitors to Walsall
Aldridge Central
and South
John O’Hare
01922 640786
07789 815297
Aldridge North
and Walsall
Anthony Harris
01543 372820
07831 124219
Bentley and
Darlaston North
Ayshea Johnson
01922 647765
Jon Phillips
07986 865326
Ann Young
01922 403747
07963 599158
Bloxwich East
Kath Phillips
01922 479949
Bloxwich West
Louise Harrison
01922 401324
David Turner
01922 455384
Page 4
libraries for
Pages 8 and 9
Pride in
Palfrey and
Pages 16
and 17
Councillors elected to serve Walsall people
Twenty seats in
wards across the
borough were
contested in
the recent local
The councillors
selected are listed
below. For further
information about
Walsall Council
and the democratic
process, please visit
Darlaston South
Paul Bott
01922 473091
07731 957520
Zahid Ali
01922 635303
07957 215 930
Mohammad Nazir
01922 628452
07795 597332
Clive Ault
01922 684012
07810 205917
Pheasey Park
Chris Towe
07719 474053
Harbans Singh Sarohi
01922 441037
What’s on
in Walsall
Rushall Shelfield
Rachel Walker
07947 250286
Short Heath
John Cook
Liberal Democrat
01902 607183
Page 23
in your
St. Matthews
Haqnawaz Khan
07815 939968
Eddie Hughes
0121 366 7241
07764 775137
Willenhall North
Valerie Woodruff
Liberal Democrat
01902 631407
Willenhall South
Angela Underhill
01922 440276
Page 26
Bag a
Page 29
Fame! The
future is
Three-year plan
to improve your
Aiming to attract new members,
young and old – to Walsall libraries
ibrary chiefs aim
to provide every
resident with a
library within two miles
of their home – better
buildings with more new
books, more quickly. They
also plan to extend opening
hours and further improve
customer service.
The plan responds to feedback
from a major survey of library
users. And there are also new
replacement vehicles coming for
the mobile library service, Library
Link, LAMPOST and the home
library service.
Further investment has been
earmarked from potential
regeneration initiatives. New plans
could also include introducing
new community services, such
as recycling enquiries or reporting
complaints, into libraries.
Library membership is on the up,
but Walsall Council also wants to
increase the numbers of residents
– young and old - enjoying their
local library.
Councillor Louise Harrison, cabinet
member for culture and leisure,
said: “This modernisation plan is
the most ambitious the council has
ever embarked upon and will see
significant investment in our library
Citizens of all ages could benefit from a potential
six new libraries, as part of Walsall Council’s £1
million plan to improve and upgrade its library
service – offering greater choice, more learning
opportunities and attracting new customers.
“We aim to boost membership
and offer Walsall residents of all
ages a wide variety of learning
opportunities with the widest
possible access to services for all
sections of the community.”
Library staff will work hard to
continue work on offering as many
services as possible online, 24
hours a day.
How will your
library benefit?
New library: Blakenall.
Refurbished libraries: Rushall,
Pelsall and Streetly.
Year 1 - 2006/07
Replacement libraries: Brownhills
and New Invention Square.
Refurbished libraries: Bloxwich
and Aldridge.
School library sites: Part-time
public service at Sneyd Library and
Furzebank Library will stop.
Mobile services: New mobile
library vehicles.
Year 2 - 2007/08
Replacement libraries: Bentley.
Libraries to benefit from
regeneration projects: South
Walsall, Willenhall and Pelsall
- dependant on regeneration
schemes going ahead.
Refurbished libraries: Streetly and
Year 3 - 2008/09
Replacement libraries: Walsall Wood
Refurbished libraries: Pheasey,
Beechdale and Darlaston.
For more details, please call Sue
Grainger on 01922 650338 or visit
A new library
for Bentley
Walsall Council has outlined
ambitious plans to revitalise the
centre of Bentley and build a state-ofthe-art library to replace the existing
run-down building, which closed
temporarily at the end of April.
While the library is closed, the
mobile library will call outside
the Queen Elizabeth Avenue site
three times a week on Mondays
(10.00am until 10.30am) (10.15am
to 11.00am) and Saturdays
(11.00am until 1.00pm and 1.30pm
until 4.00 pm). The homework club
will be held at Bentley Children’s
Centre on Tuesdays and Thursdays
from 3.30pm to 5.30pm, with the
Cradle Club at Bentley Beginnings on
Wednesdays from 1.30pm until 3pm.
People unable to get to a library,
due to illness or disability, can use
the home library service. For more
details, call 01922 710625. Links
between the library staff and local
schools will continue. Summer
activities will be held at nearby
venues, including the Children’s
The winners of last year’s ‘Doras’ with
Walsall Mayor Councillor John Cook
Make someone’s day...
Nominate them for a Mayor’s Civic Award
Show you care and highlight the community work of a friend, neighbour, colleague or family member
for a prestigious Mayor’s Civic Award. The glittering `Oscar style’ awards, organised by Walsall Council,
highlight the good work and commitment of individuals, organisations and companies throughout the
whole of Walsall. The awards will be hosted by comedian and entertainer Lennie Bennett.
The ten award categories are:
The Safer Community Award
(sponsored by Barhale Construction)
The Good Citizen Award
(sponsored by walsall housing group)
The STAR Celebrating Diversity Award
(sponsored by Walsall Borough Strategic Partnership)
The Overcoming All Odds Award
(sponsored by New Deal New Horizons)
The Promoting Learning Award
(sponsored by Education Walsall/Serco)
The Young Citizen Award
(sponsored by Frank Haslam Milan)
The Voluntary Achievement of the Year Award
(sponsored by PricewaterhouseCoopers)
The Carer of the Year Award
The Walsall Business of the Year
(sponsored by Black Country Chamber)
The Environmental Awareness Award
(sponsored by Birse Civils Ltd)
The awards are named the `Doras’
after Sister Dora, one of the
borough’s best known historical
A glittering awards ceremony will
be held on Friday 13 October 2006
at Bescot Stadium where the
winners of each category will be
The sponsors for this year’s
awards announced so far are
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Serco,
New Deal New Horizons, Barhale
Construction, Frank Haslam Milan,
Black Country Chamber, Birse
Civils Ltd, Walsall housing group
and Walsall Borough Strategic
The closing date for nominations
is Friday 16 June 2006. Fill in the
nomination form on the next page.
For more details telephone
the Mayor’s Parlour on 01922
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Pride in Palfrey and Pleck
Children’s play area at Primley Avenue Park
eople in Palfrey
and Pleck can be
rightly proud of
their communities. Not
only do they provide a key
gateway to our borough
– but a vibrant heartbeat
that literally brings life to
The oldest settlement in the vicinity
was Bescot – the name suggesting
Saxon occupation and means
‘Beorhtmund’s cottage’ - and the
place is mentioned in Domesday
The name ‘Pleck’, meaning a
small plot of ground, first crops up
in the late 16th century and was
inhabited by the 17th century. The
Walsall Canal was built through the
district in the late 18th century, with
brickworks, ironworks, mining and
extensive growth following in the
next century. The M6 Motorway
opened in 1968 and both Junctions
Nine and Ten are located in Pleck.
Now Walsall Council is leading the
drive to regenerate the area, working
closely with members of the local
How many Walsall people were born
at The Manor Hospital, in Pleck and
later went on to roar their support for
Walsall FC on the terraces of Bescot
Stadium, in Palfrey?
Walsall is a multi-cultural borough and
nowhere symbolises the harmony
enjoyed by our diverse communities
better than Palfrey and Pleck, where
people proudly work together.
The area has a fascinating history.
There was mention of pasture land at
Palfrey Green at the end of the 14th
century and there was ironworking
nearby in the Middle Ages. Housing
development really began when
the Walsall Freehold Land Society
acquired a 22-acre estate in 1852 and
light industry followed in the early
20th century.
Palfrey Community Centre
of a four-year
programme - run
in partnership
with the Palfrey
Park Friends and
Users Association
with funding from
Heritage Lottery
Fund, SRB 5 and
many others - to
benefit the local
There’s a great
open plan multigames area,
dedicated basketball court and fivea-side football facility with spectator
terrace and youth shelter and under
12’s play area.
Green space in Pleck
neighbourhood partnership to further
build pride in the district by focusing
key projects on young people and the
Partnership members have backed
young people in the area with more
than £6,500 funding for an activity
project called Motiv8 and sports
coaching. They have also made a
£10,000 commitment towards new
fencing around the bowling green in
Palfrey Park and a covered seating
area in Pleck Park.
There are excellent facilities for
residents young and old at Palfrey
Community Centre, in Milton Street
and Alumwell Residents Trust – a
new project based in Old Pleck Road.
Pleck councillor and partnership
chairman Dennis Anson said: “We
have always worked together with
great harmony between the different
sections of our community. This is
something that people round here
can be proud of.”
As part of the Beacon Gateways
scheme, the council is installing a
gateway sign welcoming visitors to
Pleck this summer, which will feature
images of key aspects of the area,
including Pleck Park, Gurdwari Nanak
Sar Temple, St John’s Church, the
iron works and canal.
Children and young people in the
area are benefiting from the council’s
Transforming Your Space play and
youth improvement programme. This
is a borough-wide initiative - funded
through the Big Lottery Fund and
various sources of local funding - to
improve leisure facilities.
People using Pleck Park now have a
great all-weather kickabout area.
And there are key improvements
to facilities in Palfrey Park as part
Current projects include the
construction of a new bandstand
to replicate the original Victorian
bandstand that once stood in the
park and the installation of a horse
sculpture to signify the origins of the
place name Palfrey - meaning small
And the council has worked with
local people to transform ‘Alumwell
Park’, off Primley Avenue - one of the
most important pieces of open space
for community recreational facilities
in the area.
Improved facilities include an underfive’s play area in a more visible
location, a multi-use games area,
skate park and resurfaced
central pathway.
brings thousands of visitors into the
borough each year.
And how many more know that the
club runs a Government-backed
‘Playing For Success’ scheme designed to motivate underachieving
youngsters and improve their
standards in numeracy, literacy and
the use of computers.
Palfrey is a magnet for bargain
hunters across the borough with
the Broadway retail park providing
a range of major retailers, with the
Morrisons Superstore just a stone’s
throw away.
The community safety needs of the
borough are also well looked-after,
with the Safer Walsall Borough
Partnership’s headquarters located in
the Delves area.
Walsall Council, police, Teaching
Primary Care Trust, the probation
service, fire service, Education
Walsall, business, voluntary sectors
and the community are all working
together under the partnership to
reduce both crime and the fear of
Palfrey councillor Joan Beilby said:
“We have a great deal to be proud of
in our community – including Palfrey
Park, Bescot Stadium, Joseph Leckie
Community Technology College, the
valuable work of Acorns Children’s
Hospice and Safer Walsall Borough
The Manor Hospital and
the Dorothy Pattison
Hospital are both located in
Pleck, providing vital health
care for borough residents
of all ages, but for many
Walsall people their heart
lies in Palfrey at Bescot
Following the fortunes
of Walsall FC, thousands
of Saddlers flock to the
football ground on a
Saturday in anticipation
of goals and a successful
campaign to propel the
club up the league.
But how many of those
fans realise that Bescot is
a major conference venue,
soon to be complemented
by a new hotel, which
Walsall FC - The Saddlers
Walsall Borough
Strategic Partnership
One vision –
to put Walsall on the map
Walsall Summit brought together key leaders and
representatives from diverse communities and
representative organisations in Walsall to discuss big plans
for the future.
Commissioned by Walsall Borough Strategic Partnership
in conjunction with Walsall Council’s Visioning 2021
project, the Summit was held at Forest Arts Centre,
Tuesday 21 March 2006 with a follow up session at the Art
Gallery on Thursday 30 March 2006.
The BBC’s Nick Owen presented the event at Forest Arts
Centre, welcoming Cllr Tom Ansell and Chief Executive
Annie Shepperd to talk about the Walsall of the past and
the Walsall of the future.
Extensive research in preparation for the event revealed
Walsall’s strengths and its achievements, which were
presented by Clive Wright, Director of WBSP; ‘Walsall has
so many positive features; its people, its central location
close to the M6, the development of big businesses and
learning campuses. It’s time we used all these great things
to put it firmly on the map.’
Vision 2021 is a project which aims to create a vision for
Walsall for the next 15 years and beyond. The Summit
encouraged partners to focus on what is great about
Walsall, what its residents want it to be like, and what
they, as partners, will contribute. The key output for these
exercises is a vision for 2021 and a way of achieving it.
The aim of the Summit was to create a ‘joined up’
approach to visioning the future of Walsall. It was attended
by representatives from the council, Walsall Teaching and
Primary Care Trust, West Midlands Police, the business
sector and members of the voluntary and community
By bringing together the members of the partnership,
WBSP is proving how joined up working adds value
encouraging partners to come together and pool their
knowledge and resources. The Summit allowed partners,
such as Walsall Regeneration Company to showcase
their contributions to developing Walsall and build on its
strengths; envisaging it as a town for enterprise, exploiting
its central location and creating a vibrant 21st century
town centre.
Contributions from partners will be used in a ‘joined up’
approach to marketing the borough. A Walsall Marketing
Partnership will be formed, ensuring shared, optimistic
common messages are communicated in promoting the
One Walsall has been a success in developing awareness,
raising interest and creating understanding between
partners. This is only the beginning of the journey. By
2021 Walsall will be a vibrant town, its economy and
employment thriving and people will be proud to be part
of it.
Step out to
Summer in Walsall
What can I do in
Walsall ?
ummer is coming
and there is no
better time to
explore the wealth of
activities and opportunities
on your doorstep.
Walsall people must be some of the
luckiest people in the Midlands when
you look at what our borough has to
offer – and Walsall Council is right
there with loads of great stuff to see
and do.
There’s loads of open space in
Walsall. Why not take advantage of
the borough’s parks to get sporty or
chill out? Get in the carnival spirit in
Willenhall, Pelsall and Bloxwich or just
discover the joys of our
fabulous countryside.
Or come into
Walsall town
centre and
Get set for a great summer in
Walsall – thanks to your council
colour and excitement of our Streets
Alive festival with fun and events
for all the family – street performers
and artists, music, dance, drama and
much more.
Parents sometimes dread the
summer holidays and that chilling
cry ‘Mum! What can we do? We’re
bored!’ Don’t worry - help is at hand
with Walsall Council’s school holiday
programme Ready Steady Summer.
Working with local organisations,
the council hosts a range of great
activities for young people aged from
eight to 19 – all completely FREE.
Walsall’s impressive Central Library
celebrates its 100th birthday this year
and we’re throwing a party.
If you’re already a library member,
but haven’t
visited your
library in
a while,
why not
stock up on
some great
books this
And if
you join the
library service
during July
you’ll get an
excellent ‘new
including a
book of special
Take the kids to
the New Art Gallery
Walsall and help them discover the
wonderful world of art through our
fantastic Children’s Gallery, before
exploring the rest of the building – if
you can drag your youngsters away
from Damien Hirst’s Spin Painting .
There are four free museums in the
borough celebrating our traditions
that will guarantee a great day out
for all the family. Find out about
Walsall’s leatherworking heritage at
the Leather Museum or dip into our
fascinating shared past at Walsall
Museum - and if you’re a fan of pop
music, check out the museum’s
enthralling Steve Jenkins exhibition.
There are great opportunities across
Walsall this summer to stay fit and
have fun – whether at one of the
council’s four leisure centres across
the borough, the splendid town
centre Gala Baths or Grange Golf
Course. Badminton, swimming,
aerobics and more, it’s all there for
you to enjoy.
And when you want entertaining,
don’t forget that live theatre and
shows in Walsall are alive and kicking.
Whether at the intimate Bloxwich
Library Theatre, Walsall Town Hall, or
Forest Arts Centre, there’s something
for everyone in the borough – from
comedy and drama to spectacle and
music. And when you just want to
take the weight off your feet and
enjoy a bite to eat and a drink, there
are great restaurants and cafes in
Walsall town centre that will give you
food for thought.
So dive into this special ‘Walsall Pride’
pullout and use it to plan a great
summer in Walsall. Have fun and
enjoy yourselves.
What can I do in Walsall ?
Summer Events
Outdoor events in
Leicester Street
Family Fun Day
Saturday 3 June
11am to 4pm, FREE
Family fun with a football theme.
Penalty shoot out
Football skills
Treasure hunt
Live music
Competition and giveaways
Stilt walkers and jugglers
in and around Walsall Civic Quarter
Streets Alive
Walsall International Festival of Street
Arts - Free. Walsall town centre.
Friday 11 and Saturday 12
August 11am-3pm
Street Buzz
Puppets of all shapes and sizes will
be coming from far and wide…
Friday 4 & Saturday 5 August
Featuring the best of international
and home grown street performers.
Chalk It Up!
Friday 18 and Saturday 19
August 11am-3pm
Watch artists transform the streets
into a blaze of colour and join in with
interactive workshops.
Arts Alive
Information hotline for
outdoor events:
Saturday 22 July
11am to 4pm, FREE
A celebration of the arts in Walsall
Visual arts and crafts
01922 650312/14
Food and drink in Walsall this summer
rom a slice of cake to
a hot meal, there are
plenty of places in
Walsall town centre that will
give you food for thought.
Staff at Walsall Council’s Town Hall
restaurant serve more than 300
meals a day from a varied menu
that covers everything from a bacon
sandwich to a good square meal.
Elsewhere, the Leather Museum’s
acclaimed Saddle Room café has
built a word-of-mouth reputation
for superior quality cakes, home
cooked lunches and refreshments.
Quality cakes and meals are also on
offer at the New Art Gallery Walsall.
The aim in every establishment is
to provide good quality, good value
cuisine to refresh and sustain you
while you enjoy summer in Walsall.
Tim Challans, Walsall Council
assistant director for leisure,
culture and lifelong learning, said:
“Our cafes and restaurants are
great places to meet and unwind
after a trip to Walsall for whatever
“Whether that’s to see a concert in
the Town Hall, a trip to a museum
or gallery they are great places to
recharge your batteries. They are
very popular with shoppers who
want to take a few minutes out
from their busy day.”
Breakfast is served at the Town Hall
from 9.30am to 11.30am, followed
by lunch from noon until 2.00pm
with the menu changing daily and
prices little more than £3.
The Saddle Room café opens from
10.00am to 4.00pm - Tuesday to
Saturday – and offers delicious
cream teas for £1.60 and an array
of meals around the £3.50 mark, as
well as sandwiches and snacks.
The New Art Gallery café serves
food from 10.00am until 4.30pm
Tuesday to Saturday - noon until
4.30pm Sunday. Why not take in
some art, then grab a Danish pastry
What can I do in Walsall ?
and coffee for just £1.80. Lunch is
served from noon until 2.30pm and
afternoon tea thereafter.
A warm welcome and excellent
food at Walsall Leather Museum
t’s getting near that
time of year again –
the summer holidays
are only a few weeks
away and Walsall Council
is putting the finishing
touches to its school holiday
programme Ready Steady
Every year, the council works with
local organisations to host fun,
exciting, challenging and learning
activities for young people aged
from eight to 19.
And best of all, all the activities are
Last year’s Ready Steady Summer
programme again made a huge
impact on youth crime, anti-social
behaviour and hoax calls to the fire
Ready Steady Summer 2005
contributed to a 17.5% drop since
Celebrate summer at
last year in youth crime, a
42.1% drop in arson, 39.1% drop in
thefts from shops/stalls and a 27%
drop in criminal damage and a drop
of 55.6% in malicious false alarms
or hoax calls to the fire service.
More than 11,000 children and
young people took part in more than
200 activities.
Councillor Zahid Ali, cabinet
member for children’s services,
said: “This is now the fourth year
of this fantastic programme of
summer activities and each
year the scheme has gone from
strength to strength.
“This year we are looking for
new bids which will help children
and young people learn new
skills and make new friends – all
while having fun at the same
“Our mentoring scheme will
also run again. This has been
successful in
making sure
youngsters get the
most out the scheme during the
school holidays.”
A special Ready Steady Summer
edition of Walsall Pride will be sent
to all schools at the beginning of
July with full lists of all activities.
For more details on the scheme
please call Tatum Anderson on
01922 653114.
Walsall Libraries
Events taking place at Walsall Central Library, Lichfield Street, Walsall.
Murder Mystery Evening
7 June at 7pm
There is a body in the library! Who is
the murderer? How was the murder
committed? Everyone welcome to
solve our trail of clues. Prize for the
winners! Free.
Meet Katie Fforde
21 June at 7pm
Meet Katie Fforde, author of many
popular modern romantic comedies,
such as ‘Restoring Grace’, ‘Paradise
Fields’ and ‘Flora’s Lot’. Katie will be
talking about her work and signing
copies of her books. Free, but must
be booked in advance.
Meet Colin Dexter
12 July at 7pm
A rare chance to hear the author of
the Inspector Morse novels talk about
his life and work. Free, but must be
booked in advance.
Live poetry with
Furzebank, Pelsall, Gujerati, Rushall,
Sneyd, Streetly, Talking Books, Urdu,
Phone: 01922 653110 for details.
22 July at 2pm
Suitable for everyone from six years
upwards! Free, but must be booked
in advance.
Walsall Central Library’s
100th birthday
24 July
Events throughout the day, spot prizes
and a birthday cake.
For more information on all these
events, please call 01922 653121.
Reading Groups – Aldridge, Black
Writers, Bloxwich, Chatterbooks
for 10 to 12 year olds, Poetry,
What can I do in Walsall ?
Walsall Museums:
Walsall Leather
Hatherton Street
West, Walsall
Adult Leatherworking
Workshop - Handbag
Making with Carol
10 and 11 June.
Learn new skills and go
home with your very own
handbag! No experience
necessary. Booking
essential. Price to be
Talk: Made in Walsall
24 June 2.30pm
Hear museum curator
Michael Glasson talk about
the subject of his latest
book, ‘Made in Walsall’.
Signed copies available for
purchase. Free - booking
So much to see and do
Murder Mystery Night
7 July 7.30pm
Don’t miss one of our
popular murder mystery
nights. £10 (includes
buffet). Booking essential.
5 - 7 year olds (must be
accompanied) 1.30pm
– 3.30pm 8 – 12 year
olds. £1.50 per session.
Booking essential.
*Times to be confirmed.
Tiny Tots! Arts Sessions
for Under 5s
11 July 10.30am
– 12 noon and 1.15pm
– 2.45pm
Children and adult carers
explore and make in a
safe and fun environment.
£1.50 per session.
Booking essential.
Summer Family Fun
5 and 6 August, 10.30am
– 4pm
Top quality entertainment,
demonstrations and
activities. Free. For
bookings and further
information, call 01922
Summer Holiday
Activities for
Children, The
Wednesday Club
26 July, 2, 9, 16 and
*23 August.
10.30am – 12.30pm
Walsall Museum
Lichfield Street,
All workshops run 10am
to 11.30am and 1pm to
2.30pm. Cost: 50p. Book
on 01922 653116
31 July Manuscript
hats. 1 Aug. Bass line
buckle belts. 2 Aug.
Music mementos. 3 Aug.
Summer t-shirt. 14 Aug.
Ocarinas. 7 Aug. Rock
Soap. 8 Aug. Make a Rock
Star. 9 Aug. Superstar
Door Sign. 10 Aug. Music
Book. 14 Aug. Ocarinas.
15 Aug. Chimes. 16 Aug.
Flute. 17 Aug. Drum. 21
Aug. Clocks. 22 Aug.
Magnetic puzzles. 23 Aug.
CD Holder.
Summer holiday
activities for seven
to 11-year-olds
Discover Walsall’s museum heritage
alsall is a place with
a bright future, but
it’s also got a rich
heritage to be proud of.
Four museums in the borough
celebrate our historic traditions and
give an entertaining day out for all
the family – with free admission to all
Discover Walsall’s unique role at the
centre of the saddlery trade at the
Leather Museum, or find out about
our rich heritage at Walsall Museum.
Willenhall’s Locksmith’s House is
a perfectly preserved house and
workshop displayed as the Hodson
family would have lived in the
early 1900s, whilst Belsize House
celebrates Walsall’s literary son
Jerome K. Jerome - the author of the
celebrated ‘Three Men in a Boat’.
Mike Glasson, Walsall Council’s
Leather Museum curator, said:
“We’re very fortunate here in Walsall
to have such a proud history and
we work hard to ensure that it is
“We believe strongly that a trip
Walsall Museum, in Lichfield Street,
to a museum should be fun and
Walsall is open from Tuesday to
interesting and it’s our job to make
Friday 10am to 5pm and Saturday
it accessible to people of all ages.
10am to 4pm. For more information
That’s why we have a year-round
call 01922 653116.
series of events that are very popular
The Leather Museum, in Littleton
with families.
Street West is open from 10am to
“We also have the very good Saddle
5pm Tuesday to Saturday and Sunday
Room café at the Leather Museum
noon until 5pm. For more information
that provides some top quality
call 01922 625540.
The Locksmith
House, in New Road,
Why not visit Willenhall’s
Locksmith’s House?
Willenhall is open
from noon until 4pm
Wednesday and
Saturday. For more
information call 01902
634542 or 0121 557
The Jerome K. Jerome
exhibition, in Belsize
House, Bradford
Street, Walsall is open
Saturday from 10am
until 2pm. For more
information call 01922
What can I do in Walsall ?
Justin Timberlake
and his mentor Steve
Steve Jenkins: Walsall’s own ‘Mr Music’
ylie, Justin and
Britney. Multi-million
selling popstars who
don’t need a second name.
But have you heard the secret story
of the Walsall man who has played
a major role in all of their careers?
An exhibition starting this month at
the council-run Walsall Museum, in
Lichfield Street, lifts the lid on Steve
Jenkins’ rise from Barns Lane,
From his first DJ gig at Pelsall
Community centre to becoming MD
of the all conquering Jive Records,
an exhibition starting this month
tells the full access-all-areas story.
Steve said: “In 1999, Jive was
the biggest selling label in the
UK. An amazing achievement but
sometimes when you are at the
eye of the storm you don’t see
everything. At that time things were
just happening so fast.
“So many things happened. I
remember an unknown Britney
came into my office and sang three
songs there and then. I just knew
she had what it takes to become a
The exhibition is a way of showing
how one Joseph Leckie High school
pupil made it to the top and to
inspire a new generation of Walsall
children that the world is their
The exhibition also tells the
story of pop music in
Walsall with residents’
own pop mementoes
from ticket stubs to tour
Steve said: “In many
ways, I’ve never left
Walsall because I still
come back regularly to see
Walsall FC and my family
still live here.
“I was given a Walsall
railway sign by Pete
Waterman as a present.
I had it in my office behind
my desk. I made sure
that anyone who wanted
to meet me had to pay
homage and bow down to
As a tour manager in
the 70s he worked with
Queen, Nazareth and
Marianne Faithfull, as a
promotions expert in the
80s he pushed Billy Ocean, Sam
Fox and Kylie Minogue up the
In the 90s he turned Britney, Justin
Timberlake, Backstreet Boys and R
Kelly into the pop stratosphere. Not
bad from a lad from Walsall.
What can I do in Walsall ?
Steve Jenkins
with protégé
Britney Spears
What’s On
in Walsall
16th June and 17th August
Mix It Up: Baby Palace
Parent and Baby Sessions
Drop-In Have-a-Go
10.30am – 12.30pm & 1.30pm – 4.00pm.
Create your own leather memento of your
visit. Small charge. Children must be
accompanied by an adult.
Free sensory sessions for under 2s,
exploring texture, shape, pattern, light and
sound in a relaxed environment. Please book
to guarantee a place. Sessions are limited to
18 people. Phone 01922 654400. 10.30am11.45am, 12.30pm-1.45pm, 2.15pm-3.45pm.
Wonderful Wildflowers
Spot some of Pelsall North Common’s
wildflowers during this relaxing evening
walk. Free. 7pm - 8.30pm. Booking
essential. Call on 08451 112900.
The Band of The Welsh Guards
See advert.
Matthew Murray Factor 15
See advert.
Band of Welsh Guards Walsall Town Hall 28 June.
Workshop: Making Connections
Past, Present and Future
Create your own artwork using materials on
the theme of past, present and future in
response to current exhibitions with artist
Sarah Cole. Call 01922 654400 for details.
1st - 3rd
Fame the Musical
See advert.
Family Fun Day
See advert
Until 4th
The Jade Terrapin:
A British Museum Tour
See advert.
4th, 11th, 18th and 25th
Art Factory
Exciting, creative activities and materials for
you to use to explore the artworks on
display. Call 01922 654400 for details.
10th until 10th September
Exhibition: Odilon Redon –
Creatures of Dreams
See advert.
Willenhall Carnival
Entry fee applies, plus charges for individual
attractions. For details call on 07736 388401
or 07843 501529.
Adult Leatherworking
See advert.
Black Country Show
Entry fee applies, plus charges for individual
attractions. For details call on 07736 388401
or 07843 501529.
2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th
Music for a midsummer evening. 6.30pm.
For details call 07736 388401 or 07843
‘Made in Walsall’
See advert.
Until 25th
Exhibition: Richard Billingham
Black Country at Night
See advert.
See advert.
Pelsall Carnival
Bandstand Concert
10th and 11th
What can I do in Walsall ?
Art Factory
Murder Mystery Night
See advert.
Tiny Tots!
See advert.
Explore Rough Wood Chase
Discover ancient woodland, flower-rich
meadows, ponds, pools, canals and wetlands
on this 6km (4 miles) walk through Walsall’s
largest Local Nature Reserve, which stretches
from Bentley Haye to Sneyd Reservoir. Free
event. 6.30pm - 8.30pm. Advance booking
essential. Call on 08451 112900.
Layla Curtis
Layla Curtis’s work focuses on people’s
attempts to order the world through maps,
charts, memory and journeys. Runs until 10
September. Call 01922 654400 for details.
31st July, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th,
9th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th,
21st, and 23rd August
Summer holiday activities for
seven to 11-year-olds
See advert.
Free drop-in sessions for teenagers 13 – 17
years. Meet and create art. Every
Wednesday in August.
See advert.
Come along to Clayhanger
Enjoy a leisurely stroll around this wonderful
wildlife site and uncover some of its hidden
history. Free event. 2pm - 4pm. Advance
booking essential. Call on 08451 112900.
26th, 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd
Summer holiday activities for
children, The Wednesday Club
See advert.
Bat Watch
4th and 5th
Streets Alive: Street Buzz
See advert. Featuring the best of
international and home grown street
performers. Call 01922 650312 for details.
Bloxwich Carnival
5th and 6th
Illustrated talk by local expert followed by a
chance to spot bats. 7.15pm. For details call
07736 388401 or 07843 501529.
See advert.
Workshop: Layla Curtis
Be an explorer and track a journey through
icy landscapes. 11.00am – 12.15pm, 1.00pm
– 2.15pm and 2.30pm – 3.45pm.
Exhibition: Hyung-Geun Park
See advert.
19th and 24th
Fantasy Landscapes
Explore Hyung-Geun Park’s fantastical
photographs. 11.00am – 12.15pm, 1.00pm –
2.15pm and 2.30pm – 3.45pm.
23th and 30th
Workshops: Light
11am – 2pm. Create artwork exploring colour
and light with artist Katie Sullivan inspired by
the Hyung-Geun Park exhibition. Materials
Fibbersley Summer Stroll
Find out why this surprising Local Nature
Reserve is so special for wildlife. Free. 10am
- 12 noon. Advance booking essential. Call
on 08451 112900.
6th, 13th, 20th and 27th
Bandstand Concerts
Artists to be announced. 2pm. Call 07736
388401 or 07843 501529 for details.
6th, 13th, 20th and 27th
2pm. Call 07736 388401 or 07843 501529
for details.
Streets Alive: Chalk It Up!
Summer Family Fun Weekend
Bandstand Concert
See advert
Entry fee applies, plus charges for individual
attractions. For details call on 07736 388401
or 07843 501529.
27th July and 1st August
11th and 12th
18th and 19th
Workshops: 13-17
Produce your own journey using digital media.
Map and trace paths across the ice. Drop in
and meet artist Claire Witcomb. 11am–2pm.
See advert.
Monster print making workshops exploring
the Odilon Redon exhibition. 11.00am –
12.15pm, 1.00pm – 2.15pm and 2.30pm –
13th - 17th
Streets Alive: Puppets-a-Plenty
Workshops: Trace
Arts Alive
Monster Prints
2nd, 9th and 16th
8th and 12th
Art Factory
Black Eagles from Tanzania - at Streets
Alive (first 3 weekends in August).
From dramatic theatre to stunning art exhibitions, from musical extravaganzas
to children’s treasure hunts, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in our
borough – thanks to Walsall Council. Keep this guide and check out some of
the exciting things that are happening over the next few months – many of
them completely free. For further information check out the council’s website
Walsall’s great outdoors!
With 14 parks and a wealth
of open spaces within the
borough of Walsall, there’s so
much for all the family to see
and do in Walsall’s parks and
From bat walks to bandstand concerts,
carnivals to conducted tours, check
out the What’s On section for more
information, or give us a call on 01922
All our parks and open spaces are free to visit, but a
charge will be made for some activities.
You may be asked to pay a small entrance fee on certain
dates - when events are taking place within the park.
Relax in one of
Walsall’s many parks
Walsall: a green and exciting borough
hether urban parks
or rural countryside,
there’s a lot of open
space in Walsall and we’re
very proud of our great
outdoors – why not take
advantage of everything it
offers this summer?
fantastic carnivals in Willenhall
Memorial Park, Pelsall Common and
King George V Memorial Playing
Fields, Bloxwich.
But our open space is not just about
parks - Walsall’s countryside holds
treasure of wildlife, geology and
history on your doorstep for you to
discover this summer.
From Pleck to Pelsall, Bloxwich to
Brownhills, the borough’s parks offer
a chance to get sporty – whether
you prefer tennis, football, bowls or
skateboarding - or simply relax in the
fresh air.
Parks across the borough have been
revitalised under the council’s multimillion pound Transforming Your
Space scheme – backed by £1.7
million of Big Lottery Fund money providing new play and leisure facilities
And there are a range of events in our
parks all summer parks – including
Of course, there is ‘Green Belt’
countryside in the east of the
borough, but there are good
countryside walks and nature reserves
in areas like Willenhall or Darlaston.
What can I do in Walsall ?
Rough Wood - just three miles
west of the town centre - is one of
the largest oak woodlands in the
West Midlands and makes up the
central part of Rough Wood Chase,
the borough’s largest Local Nature
Reserve with a nature trail running
around the site.
Council countryside officers are keen
to encourage people to enjoy nature
this summer and reminding them of
the enormous health benefits walking
Trained volunteers lead health walks
in parks and countryside sites around
the borough. The council also runs a
unique Groundmiles club - one of the
best exercise incentive schemes of
its kind in Britain.
For more information, contact
countryside services staff on 0121
360 9464 or 01922 459813/458328.
You can also pick up a leaflet from
most council buildings.
Walsall Library:
100 years
on and
still going
Keep fit and have
fun at the council’s
leisure facilities
Get fit
and have
fun this
Today’s increasingly
hectic pace of life leaves
many of us wishing we
could exercise a little
more or enjoy sport. Well
why not seize the many
opportunities on offer
across Walsall this summer
to stay fit and have fun.
Walsall Council offers five
leisure centres across
the borough – Bloxwich,
Darlaston, Oak Park,
Willenhall and the
magnificent town centre
Gala Baths that offer a
range of activities to help
boost that healthy lifestyle.
We now offer three
children’s Fitzone gyms for
8 – 16yr olds at Bloxwich,
Oak Park and Walsall
Gala funded by Sport
England and New Deal.
These facilities launched in
January and have proved
very popular.
All leisure centres offer
swimming, sun beds
and activities such as
badminton and ‘aerobics’
sessions, but each has a
great range of activities
for people of all ages and
Visitors to Bloxwich
Leisure Centre, in High
Street, can enjoy dance
classes, indoor bowls,
karate, gymnastics and
more, whilst customers at
Darlaston Leisure Centre,
in Victoria Road, can take
a relaxing session in the
steam room or take part
in circuit training. There
is also a very successful
junior karate club.
Oak Park Leisure Centre,
In Lichfield Road, Walsall
Wood, offers football,
rollerskating, tennis, aikido
and tennis. Customers at
Willenhall Leisure Centre,
in Bath Street, can enjoy
ballroom dancing, karate
and indoor bowls.
Gala Baths, in Tower
Street, Walsall, boasts a
competition-style pool with
7.5, five and three-metre
diving boards, as well as a
one-metre spring board.
The baths also has
the region’s only brine
pool with its warm,
salty waters, which are
wonderfully relaxing and
And finally, don’t forget
Grange Golf Course,
off Broadway North - a
delightful nine-hole course
with refreshment and
changing facilities.
For more information, call:
For the last 100 years
Walsall people have had a
fabulous treasure trove of
information and enjoyment
at the heart of the borough
in their Central Library,
which celebrates its
centenary this year.
And to mark this milestone,
everyone in the borough is
invited to a birthday party
on 24 July at the Lichfield
Street library with events
throughout the day, spot
prizes and, of course, a
birthday cake.
Staff will dress up in
Edwardian costume, whilst
young visitors can enjoy
craft sessions and music.
But don’t worry if you can’t
make it on the big day
– there’s a surprise waiting
for you at your local library.
Every person becoming
a member of Walsall
Council’s library service
during July will get a
special ‘new member’s
pack’, including a book of
discount vouchers helping
you get the best out of
summer in the borough.
Councillor Louise Harrison,
cabinet member for
culture and leisure, said:
”We want to get many
more people – young and
old - using and enjoying
our libraries. The ‘new
member’s pack’ is a
fantastic way of welcoming
them to this great service.
“Whether you want to find
some information about a
business, borrow a DVD or
talking book, join a reading
group or simply relax and
browse in a welcoming,
friendly atmosphere
– Central Library is a great
place to be.
“And under our millionpound improvement
programme, we aim to
create a range of modern,
accessible community
libraries across the
borough that will provide
information and enjoyment
for everyone.”
With bright, attractive
book stock, a welcoming
children’s library and free
internet access for all
- there really is something
for everyone at Central
Library, which is now
open seven days a week,
including all day Saturday
and Sunday afternoons.
You can also find an online
catalogue and reservations
service at www.walsall. or phone
01922 6531110 for more
Come and celebrate
100 years of Walsall
Central Library
01922 710295
0121 526 7473
Oak Park
01543 452849
01902 368663
Gala Baths
01922 653150
Grange Golf Course
01922 615682
What can I do in Walsall ?
Children get smart at gallery
t says a great deal
about an art gallery
when children jump
for joy at the prospect of
visiting it – but that’s the
reaction of many youngsters
to a visit to the New Art
Gallery Walsall.
Damien Hirst’s Spin Painting provides
a fascinating focal point to the
Children’s Gallery, but lots of kids
just love the chance to dress up in
Regency outfits matching the theme
of a huge photograph next to the
costume area.
Some youngsters adore the Yinka
Shonibare alien costume, whilst
others howl with laughter looking in
the seaside-style fun house bendy
Younger children have to be prised
away from the mini Walsall market
section, with play money, play food
and a box full of miniature plastic
The Children’s Gallery features lots
of little doors to open and close - all
placed at exactly the right height for
tiny hands to discover pieces from
Walsall’s leather goods, saddlery and
lockmaking industries.
And when they are not exploring
these nooks and crannies, kids can
be found tucked around the corner
at a table generously filled with pens
and paper, scissors and glue quietly
creating their own masterpieces,
which then go on
show alongside
The gallery itself
is stuffed with
masterpieces. For
the grown-ups there
is the Garman Ryan
Collection, which was
put together by the
Black Country wife of
celebrated sculptor
Jacob Epstein
- Kathleen - and
Comedy, drama, music
Walsall Town Hall,
Forest Arts Centre
Leicester Street, Walsall
Hawbush Road, Leamore
Black Country Show
Fame the Musical
performed by Walsall
Youth Theatre
Thursday 15 June, 1.30pm
Tickets £4
See some of the best Black Country
talent with music from Giggetty
and side-splitting humour from the
legendary Tommy Mundon.
Thursday 1 June – Saturday
3 June, Evenings 7.30pm,
Matinee on Saturday 2.30pm.
Tickets £6
The Concert Band of
The Welsh Guards
Wednesday 28 June, 7.30pm
Tickets £10/£8 (concs)
Fresh from Trooping the Colour, this
magnificent band brings its unique
blend of stirring music and colourful
ceremony to Walsall.
What can I do in Walsall ?
American sculptor Sally Ryan.
There is also a further exhibition
space with regularly changing shows,
which many children really like when
they can explore large installational
On the ground floor the café
provides a welcome break for weary
feet where art-lovers and wornout children can grab a bite to eat
– getting smart about art.
Kids love to be creative
at the Children’s Gallery
and more at...
Library Theatre,
Elmore Row, Bloxwich
Join the mailing list and find out
what’s coming up in the new theatre
programmes in September. From
comedy to drama, there’s something
for everyone.
For more info contact the
Box Office: 0845 111 2900
or call into Walsall Council’s First
Stop Shop, Civic Centre, Darwall
Street, Walsall – open from
9.00 am to 4.45pm, Monday to
Exhibitions at The New Art Gallery
Until 4 June
30 June
21 July - 10 September
The Jade Terrapin: A
British Museum Tour
Matthew Murray Factor 15
Curated by Pete James
Anna Barriball
This beautifully carved life-like
terrapin from a Mughal royal
residence at Allahabad in Northern
India, has never been lent before
within the UK.
Until 25 June
Richard Billingham Black
Country at Night
Born in Cradley Heath in 1970.
Richard Billingham’s photographs
depict his home town at night whilst
everyone is sleeping.
10 June
Odilon Redon
Creatures of Dreams
Birmingham photographer, Matthew
Murray, visited holiday resorts, theme
parks and the English seaside. This
exhibition looks at the different ways
in which people choose to spend their
leisure time. Runs until 13 August.
Until 2 July
Kerry James Marshall:
Along The Way
Kerry James Marshall’s first solo show
in the UK presents collages, large
scale paintings, drawings and prints
from the 1970s to the present day.
21 July
Layla Curtis
Two prints of Odilon Redon’s from
the 1890’s in the Garman Ryan
Collection start this exploration of
his work that was a major influence
upon the Surrealist movement. Runs
until 10 September.
Layla Curtis’s work focuses on
people’s attempts to order the
world - often unsuccessfully through maps, charts, memory and
journeying, amongst other means.
Runs until 10 September.
theatre steps
into the
and its value-for-money tickets makes
a trip to the theatre an affordable
“The theatre is also really easy to
get to. Close to the High Street, on
several bus routes and with a car
park next door, Bloxwich offers an
accessible theatre experience for a
fraction of the cost of other Midlands
Elsewhere, events are also staged at
Walsall Town Hall and Darlaston Town
Tim added: “Walsall Town Hall for
many people is one of the finest
venues in the country. It’s a grand
place to see an event and has one
of the best organs anywhere in the
country. It’s not just about organ
concerts, though.”
And a bright future for theatrical
talent in Walsall is assured with the
newly formed Walsall Youth Theatre
group at the Forest Arts Centre
launching this year with a production
of blockbuster musical Fame!
The new season of theatre in Walsall
kicks off in September - add your
acked up by Walsall
Council’s box office
hotline team, live
theatre in Walsall is alive and
At the intimate Bloxwich Library
theatre, affordable ticket prices mean
that a front row seat and some great
entertainment is available to everyone
in Walsall.
The 140-seat theatre plays host to
a mix of shows for young people,
older people and serious theatre fans
- offering something for everyone.
Tim Challans, assistant director for
leisure, culture and lifelong learning,
said: “Bloxwich Library theatre is a
great thing for Walsall people to have
The sculpture of Anna Barriball hinges
on minimal interactions with objects’.
18 August
Hyung-Geun Park
This exhibition explores Hyung-Geun
Park’s exploration of landscape
photography from 2003 to the
present. Runs until 8 October.
Workshops for Children
and Families – see
‘What’s On’ section
All workshops are £1 for each
participant. All ages are welcome unless
otherwise stated and children under
12 must be accompanied by an adult.
The New Art Gallery Walsall,
Gallery Square, Walsall
Call 01922 654400 for
further information or visit
name to the mailing list for future
shows by calling the box office on
0845 111 2900 or book a ticket.
The automated hotline has created
many more satisfied customers, as
people can find the right information
24 hours a day.
Fame - remember to get
to Forest Arts Centre
What can I do in Walsall ?
Get in the swim... Free for your family
Swimming is great fun and helps keep the whole family
fit. Walsall Council leisure centres across the borough are
giving every reader of Walsall Pride a free family swim
session at any of the following pools:
Swimming: fun and fitness for all the family
Bloxwich Leisure Centre
Darlaston Leisure Centre
Oak Park Leisure Centre
Willenhall Leisure Centre
Walsall Gala Baths
Just complete the coupon
below and hand it in at
the centre of your choice
for your free swim this
Don’t forget Bloxwich,
Darlaston, Oak Park and
Willenhall offer fabulous Mint
Condition fitness centres
– each equipped with a
range of easy-to-use exercise
And youngsters need not
feel left out. Bloxwich, Gala
Baths and Oak Park also offer
innovative Children’s Gyms,
where children and young
people can get to grips with a
healthier lifestyle
Just call into your local leisure
centre or visit www.walsall. for more information
about family fitness.
This voucher entitles the bearer and family to a free family swimming session at any Walsall
Council leisure centre.
Postcode .................................................
Number of adults/children swimming
............ / ............
Valid until 31 August 2006. One voucher accepted per household.
What can I do in Walsall ?
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Free family swim
Green action for Walsall communities
e all need to pull
together and recycle
as much household
waste as we can if we are
going to cut the amount of
waste Walsall sends to be
buried in landfill sites.
Walsall Council is committed to
making it easy for every person
in the borough to help protect our
environment for future generations,
so we’re making big improvements
to our community recycling facilities
this summer.
We’re working with Walsall Housing
Group (whg) to install mini recycling
centres near blocks of flats across
Palfrey and Pleck. These easy-to-use
facilities allow residents to recycle
bottles, cans and newspaper easily.
And the council is rolling out these
community recycling centres to other
whg locations across the borough
over the next few months.
We are also introducing plastic
collection at selected community
recycling facilities, located at places
like pub and supermarket car parks.
Residents visiting our Household
Waste Recycling Centres – in Fryers
Road, Leamore and Merchants
Way, Aldridge – will experience big
improvements to the service.
The council is now working in
partnership with ECT - a specialist
not-for-profit organisation and
Britain’s largest community recycling
organisation - to run the sites.
“Many residents have taken recycling
to heart with our kerbside collection
scheme, but some still see our
recycling centres as tips. We want to
encourage residents to recycle, rather
than just disposing of waste.”
Staff can assist residents in
To find the location of your
unloading their vehicles and provide
nearest recycling facilities, visit
advice. Site layouts and signage or call 01922
are being made more user-friendly.
We are also planning to increase
the types of materials
accepted for recycling.
Boosting community recycling
Other changes will include
a CCTV system, so
residents can check online
how busy the sites are
before they visit. People
will also soon be able
to buy compost on-site,
made in part from green
waste collected at the
across the borough
Councillor Rachel Walker,
cabinet member for
environment, said:
“Walsall Council is
committed to making it
easy for every resident
to recycle as much
household waste as
possible by improving
community recycling
What can I recycle at the
Household Waste Recycling centres?
Garden waste
Glass bottles and jars
Food and drinks cans
Plastic bottles
Textiles and shoes
Magazines and books
Household and car
Used engine oil
Household chemicals and
Fluorescent tubes
Fridges, freezers and
electrical goods
Televisions and computer
Mobile phones
Rubble and soil (maximum
8 bags)
Trade waste will not be
accepted at either site.
The sites are open Monday
to Sunday 9.00am – 5.00pm
with late opening on
Wednesdays until 7.00pm.
They are only closed on
Christmas Day, Boxing Day
and New Years Day.
Working in Partnership
Walsall Council is working together with Starting Point
Recruitment to solve its temporary worker needs.
After an extensive tendering and evaluation process Starting Point
Recruitment were appointed as the council’s one stop shop for temps in April
2006. Whether the council needs a grounds operative for the summer or a
temporary finance officer all they have to do now is phone Starting Point
Recruitment who will work to find them the right person for the job.
Established in 1999 Starting Point Recruitment has always taken pride in
delivering a professional and supportive service. They are a local company
who has always worked for the benefit of the borough and provided an
honest, flexible and overall refreshing approach to recruitment.
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Starting Point Recruitment will work to recruit, manage and develop those
workers used by the council on a temporary basis. They will work to provide
a new level of support to all temporary workers and improved terms and
Dianne Bull, Starting Point Recruitment Manager said,
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Walsall Branch
Head Office: Challenge Building • Hatherton Road • Walsall WS1 1XS • Tel: 01922 422480 • Fax: 01922 622133
Email: •
breathe new
life into town
alsall Council marked
the opening of the
town’s new Civic
Quarter as part of the historic
Walking the Fair ceremony
– acknowledging Walsall’s
proud heritage and looking
to a bright new future.
And the council is investing £500,000
over the summer in improving another
key gateway into the town centre –
improving the appearance of a prime
historic part of Walsall and providing
parking spaces for disabled people.
Businesses and visitors to upper
Bridge Street will benefit from new
footpaths constructed using highquality materials - building on existing
improvements in the Civic Quarter,
Butlers Passage and Bradford Place
areas of the town.
Come on - Stop
the noise
re your neighbours
driving you to
distraction with
incessant loud music or
noisy DIY work – despite
repeated requests to keep
the volume down? Walsall
Council environmental
health officers can help.
Being considerate to your neighbours
is key to resolving noise disputes –
warning them in advance of parties or
home improvements gives them the
opportunity to prepare themselves
for the noise.
But when people refuse to take
their neighbours into consideration
and polite requests have failed, the
council’s public protection officers
are there to help tackle individuals
causing a persistent nuisance.
Officers will take firm action where
The project – which covers the area
from the Lichfield Street Junction
to Goodall Street - will also see the
roadway resurfaced.
Councillor Adrian Andrew, cabinet
member for regeneration said:
“Walsall Council is proud of our Civic
Quarter initiative, which is already
boosting civic pride and will help attract
further investment to our borough.
“We are committed to boosting the
local economy, whilst conserving
our heritage and Bridge Street will
see further improvements to historic
buildings as part of the forthcoming
Townscape Heritage Initiative.
“This makes it important that we lay
foundations for regeneration in this
area by improving the streetscape.
“The council is investing in our
urban environment to increase the
confidence of private investors that
we are committed to improving our
Walsall’s Mayor Councillor John Cook
formally opened the Civic Quarter
as part of the borough tradition,
which was revived in recent years by
Walsall Civic Society.
The Civic Quarter project has created
stunning new public spaces to help
boost investment in the borough and
provide a high-quality pedestrianised
area around the Civic Centre and
Town Hall.
‘New Leicester Square’
as evening falls
necessary – as one Darlaston man
found to his cost, after playing
‘Girls Aloud’ too loud led to fines
and costs totalling over £1,700
following complaints from people in
neighbouring flats.
Councillor Rachel Walker, cabinet
member for the environment, said:
“People deserve respect from their
neighbours and to be able to relax in
their own homes.
“Walsall Council will not tolerate this
sort of anti-social activity and our
officers will take appropriate action
against anyone who persists in
causing distress to their neighbours in
this way.”
If you have a problem with persistent
noise, you can contact environmental
health officers on 01922 652223.
Please tell the officer, if a noise is
happening at the time of your call and
every effort will be made to visit and
witness the noise as it occurs.
They can also respond to complaints
at night over the following hours:
7.00pm until 3.00am on Fridays,
7.00pm until 4.00am on Saturdays
and 7.30pm until 1.00am on Sundays.
When officers are not on duty you
can still make a report of noise
nuisance to the council by calling
01922 650000. This call will be
logged and passed to the team at the
next opportunity.
Noisy neighbours?
Don’t suffer in silence.
Walsall Market vibrant and buzzing
argain hunting.
They’ve been doing
it in Walsall for
almost 800 years when
King John granted a Royal
Charter for the town market.
Shouts and banter between
shoppers and stallholders is still
going strong since the first sale was
made back in 1220.
People talk about the internet
hitting High Street sales, but the
personal touch and good oldfashioned value for money still has
a place in the town today.
Nowadays, of course, the bargains
can still be had at Walsall market
but also at Bloxwich, Darlaston and
Willenhall markets.
Maurice Haynes, Walsall Council
markets manager, said: “There is
something about our markets that
is very special. It would have to be
to have lasted for 800 years.
“There is incredibly good value for
money. Not only that but there is so
much and a real atmosphere if you
look around.
“We have fish stalls, butchers, fruit
and veg, mobile phones, cosmetics
electrics and clothes. People still
come from miles around to Walsall
market. The council are committed
to ensuring we have markets to be
proud of.”
The operation of Walsall’s markets
is overseen by a dedicated team of
markets staff who aim to ensure
that shoppers receive the best
service possible.
The shopper’s charter is also
enforced and shoppers have the
same protection on refunds as if
they were using a department store.
For more information and to enquire
about stalls call 01922 721139.
When to bag
a bargain
Walsall Market in High
Street, Walsall runs on
Monday, Tuesday, Friday
and Saturday with a craft
and bric-a-brac market on
Wednesdays from 9am to
Bloxwich Market in
Market Square runs on
Friday and Saturday from
9am to 4pm.
Darlaston Market in High
Street runs on Friday and
Saturday from 9am and
Bag a bargain at the
borough’s markets
Willenhall Market in
Market Place runs on
Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday from 9.30am to
Shouting up
for the volunteers
Walsall Council is
working with our
community partners
in an award winning
local agreement to
shout up for thousands
of volunteers and
community groups
across the borough.
Walsall Local Compact has
been recognised as one
of the nation’s leaders for
the work it does on behalf
of community groups
– one of only 14 from
the 310 similar initiatives
across the country to win a
commendation certificate.
It helps give the voluntary
sector an equal footing with
borough organisations, like
the council, police and the
local NHS - improving the
way they work with the
voluntary and community
sector towards shared
Older citizens
get fresh voice
Councillor Garry Perry,
cabinet member for
communities and
partnerships, said:
“Walsall Local Compact
has brought leading
organisations to work
together and recognise
the importance of the
thousands of volunteers in
“From school governors
and magistrates to people
who run youth clubs,
faith-based projects,
pensioners’ clubs and
sports clubs – these
people do tremendous
work and deserve a voice.”
For more information,
please contact Ann Strach
on 01922 619840 or write
to her at Walsall Voluntary
Action, Jerome Chambers,
Bridge Street, Walsall.
going on
in your
back yard?
Walsall Council has
launched nine Local
Partnerships (LNPs) to
work with local residents
on key community
Come along to your next
Local Neighbourhood
Partnership meeting
– get engaged and make
your voice heard.
Walsall Council is
setting up a pioneering
new group to give older
residents a chance to
voice their concerns and
help make the borough
a better place to live.
The Over-50s Forum gives
people the opportunity
to report problems and
discuss issues that affect
them - from litter in the
street to policing any
subject can be raised, with
people’s views passed to
the council, other agencies
and the Government.
Paramjit Kaur, Walsall
Council’s network
development officer, said:
“We sometimes hear that
older people do not have a
voice. The forum is a way
that we can listen to these
citizens and get things
Aldridge South
and Streetly
Monday 10 July , 6pm
Monday 10 July, 6pm
Pelsall and Rushall
Tuesday 11 July, 6pm
Blakenall and
Monday 17 July, 6pm
Pheasey and
Thursday 20 July, 6pm
Monday 24 July , 6pm
Tuesday 25 July, 6pm
Palfrey and Pleck
Monday 31 July, 6pm
“Older people have
a treasure trove of
experience and so much to
offer. We want to listen to
that experience - whether
from community groups or
individuals who feel they
want to contribute.”
Community groups taking
part include Age Concern,
Apna Ghar, Walsall
Society for the Blind, Afro
Caribbean Community
Association and Diabetic
UK West Midlands.
For more information,
contact Paramjit Kaur on
01922 650466 or write
to her at Adult Services,
Seventh Floor, East Wing,
Tameway Tower, Bridge
Street, Walsall, WS1 1QD.
St Matthews
Birchills Leamore
Monday 31 July, 6pm
All venues to be
For more details on
Local Neighbourhood
Partnerships, please visit
or telephone the LNP
team on 01922 653381.
Making it easier
to get around
We are open:
Monday, Tuesday,
Friday, Saturday
We are closed:
Thursdays and
Bank Holidays.
Electric scooters, powered and manual
wheelchairs for hire to help people of all
ages with mobility difficulties get around
Walsall town centre.
You can find us at: Saddlers Shopping Centre, Level 1
in the Car Park, Park Street, Walsall WS1 1YS
Please ring us for further information or to register
for the service on: 01922 650781 or 01922 650782
You can also e-mail us:
near WALSALL - Junction 9-8 and BIRMINGHAM - Junction 6
The Highways Agency will be carrying out essential repairs this
summer on the M6 motorway near Walsall and Birmingham.
The works are necessary to address the re-occurring problem of
potholes at the two locations. Over the last year this has caused
severe disruption and congestion for road users on both the M6
and surrounding roads. The solution is to replace the carriageway
surface and waterproofing layer. The works must be started this
summer or the surface will continue to deteriorate and the resulting
disruption will increase.
The repair works are planned to take place from July to December
2006. There will be 24 hour working to minimise the works duration
and the contract will include speed limits, contra-flow arrangements
and slip road closures where necessary. The slip roads that will be
affected at various work phases are:
NEAR WALSALL: - M6 Junction 9, entry slip road onto M6
southbound will be CLOSED for 15 months, being the duration
of these works and then following works for structural repairs
to the M6 Southbound link to M5 Southbound link at Junction 8.
A signed diversion route will be in place on the M6 and on local
roads to assist drivers.
The structural work following the works at Ray Hall will mean
there will only be one lane open to traffic on the southbound link
road from M6 Junction 8 southbound onto the M5 southbound.
NEAR BIRMINGHAM: - the M6 Junction 6, northbound onto the A38
(M) Aston Expressway into Birmingham will be closed from July to
December 2006, and A38 (M) out of the city onto M6 Southbound
– closed from July to the beginning of September 2006.
It is likely that both sets of the works will have an impact on the
local highway network and the Highways Agency have been liaising
closely with Walsall MBC, Birmingham City Council, Sandwell MBC,
other local highway authorities and Centro to raise awareness of
the likely impacts.
The Highways Agency encourages drivers to plan their routes and
to allow extra time to complete journeys safely.
The Highways Agency traffic information website is at
For real-time traffic information, the Highways Agency 24-hour voice
activated telephone service is on 08700 660 115. (Calls from BT
landlines to 0870 numbers will cost no more than 8p per minute;
mobile calls usually cost more).
For general information about the Highways Agency and its work,
visit the Highways Agency website, or
telephone the Highways Agency information line on 08457 50 40
30 (Calls from BT landlines to 0845 numbers will cost no more than
4p per minute; mobile calls usually cost more. Service operates:
8am to 8pm weekdays, 9am to 5pm weekends).
We’re on the way in Walsall
ancy developing
your talents? Or
seeing some top
quality performances?
Walsall Council’s Forest
Arts Centre is the place to
Set up to be a community leisure
centre for the creative arts, the
Forest Arts Centre is Walsall’s
flagship venue for talent of all
standards and all ages.
It’s home for music making and
dance of all styles and disciplines,
as well as theatre. Whether
learning an instrument or taking
the first steps on a rock and pop
career Walsall Council’s flagship
arts venue can offer a helping
The community venue, off
Hawbush Road, Leamore, is a
place where people can learn, as
well as seeing some top quality
Councillor Louise Harrison, cabinet
member for culture and leisure,
said: “We are intensely proud of
the Forest Arts Centre whose
reputation is growing all the time.
“It’s a place where people can
learn something new as well as
watch performances. For example,
the Walsall Youth theatre rehearsed
there for their Fame! show which
was presented in the larger of our
Take the rock and pop course.
Youngsters must audition with
their band for a slot on a 20 week
course where coaches help them
with their performance.
There’s also the choirs that practice
at Forest, - the Junior Choir, the
Youth Choir and the People’s
Choir, which was started as a
way for adults to polish their skills
and has now performed in a BBC
Let’s rock: Layin down a
solid musical future at Forest
Walsall’s Senior Citizens’ Orchestra
is a pioneering project which sees
rehearsal space set aside especially
for older people who keep up their
interest in orchestral works.
Forest is also home to the famous
gamelan instruments which scores
of Walsall children have played on.
The secret is to make a great deal
of the space available. Rehearsal
space is well used. A dance studio
is used in downtime as the meeting
place for the watercolour group.
The main hall is used for rehearsals
as well as a performance space
which can seat hundreds thanks to
a retractable bank of seating which
can fold away within minutes.
Among the other regular events at
the Forest Arts Centre are bowling,
sequence dance, dance and karate.
School holiday programmes for
children are also regularly staged.
Film making courses are also staged.
For more information about
events and courses at the Forest
Arts Centre call 01922 492080.
Teenage kicks: future stars in
the making?
Local Neighbourhood
Partnerships Roundup
Walsall’s nine local
neighbourhood partnerships are
making real progress in tackling
local issues and - on many
occasions – solving them.
The award-winning partnerships have made great
progress in listening to local needs. The council has
given £250,000 to the partnerships to help with initial
projects making a real difference to their communities.
Funding surgeries are being held to support each
partnership in obtaining extra cash from external
The partnerships, which now meet every two
months, are made up of councillors, primary and
secondary head teachers, police and primary care
trust, as well as local community representatives.
Members of the public – people like you - are coming
along to raise concerns, ask questions, put forward
ideas, or send in petitions.
Palfrey and Pleck
Members agreed to give £5,000
towards a new covered seating area
and shelter near the bowling green
at Pleck Park.
The partnership also recieved a
presentation from Walsall housing
group (whg) about their work with
the area.
Whg outlined more than £500,000
of housing projects that had
been completed including the
refurbishment and upgrade of flats
in Scarborough Close, Alexandra
Road, Bescot Street and Primley
Willenhall partnership welcomed
plans to install a revolutionary and
potentially life saving emergency
alert system on lampposts
– creating a safer borough.
Working with its partners Amey
Highways Lighting (Walsall) Ltd, the
council is piloting the Amberwatch
initiative in three test locations in
Aldridge North
Blakenall &
Pelsall &
– Shelfield
& Birchills
& Pleck
Aldridge South
& Streetly
Pheasey &
For further details contact the neighbourhood
partnerships team, at Walsall Council, Challenge
Building, Hatherton Street, Walsall, WS1 1YB. You can
call them on 01922 653381, or email LNPS@walsall. or find information at
Here is an update of recent meetings of each
partnership. But don’t wait to read about it in Walsall
Pride – go to the next meeting and get engaged. You
can find details of forthcoming meetings on page 27.
Walsall. Other locations are currently
being reviewed around the borough.
Representatives from 247outdoor
Ltd gave details on the system
where urgent safety and community
messages can be displayed on a
two-line LED messaging system
above an advertising poster.
Members of the Darlaston
partnership nominated members
onto a project reference group to
consult on plans to revitalise the
centre of Bentley and build a brand
new state-of-the-art library.
They nominated the three ward
councillors, partnership members
Denise Birkett and Sue Machin onto
the project reference group, along
with one representative from each
of the following organisations – Over
60s club, Children’s Centre, County
Bridge Community Association,
Emanuel Church and the library user
The partnership also allocated
£4,500 towards an archaeological
study of the former Bentley
Hall, Bentley Cairn. Sue Machin
commented: “This is a perfect
example of an LNP in action. It
shows that local people can have
a real and positive influence on
things that happen in their own
Pheasey and
Members approved a grant of
£1,100 to allow children to scale the
heights with new equipment to be
installed at Chuckery Primary School
that will allow youngsters to get a
taste of rock climbing.
A further £5,000 has been set aside
for summer events to keep children
entertained during the holiday
period. The partnership agreed to
support the work of the Arboretum
User Group with additional funding
and fund a new litter bin in Liskeard
Road at £234.
Members pledged to continue
progress in workshops on developing
the Partnership Plan and agreed to
include action to tackle illegal parking
on pavements and grass verges.
Pelsall, Rushall and
The partnership heard that the
council’s Small Sparks scheme will
launch a pilot project in Pelsall and
Rushall and members agreed to
discuss ideas for ways it could link
into their communities at Task Group
meetings and local community
Partnership members were invited to
don their thinking caps and come up
with ideas as part of the initiative to
bring adults with learning difficulties
closer into the community.
Brownhills Aldridge
Blakenall and
Members pledged to continue their
work on task groups developing
the Partnership Plan – including
improving public health and ensuring
better facilities for young people.
They are also looking at how to
protect Brownhills Common from
‘inappropriate developments’ and
called for a report detailing planning
consents and mineral rights to be
submitted to the next meeting.
Partnership members backed
permanent steps to prevent
inconsiderate motorists causing
damage to grass and graves at
Bloxwich Cemetery – following a
successful trial to stop vehicles going
into the graveyard at weekends.
The partnership heard questions
from members of the public on a
number of issues, including access
to the new Parkview Centre, in
Brownhills and the impact of heavy
goods vehicles. People also asked
about the impact of the Eastern
By-pass on traffic in
Brownhills and why
the lollipop lady in
Friezland Lane had not
been replaced.
South and
Partnership members
called for young
people in the area to
be supported with
Friday night discos
held at Aldridge Manor
Amberwatch installation in Aldridge
– more lined up for Willenhall
Low levels of recycling were also
highlighted in previous meetings
and partnership members learnt of
how recycling levels had increased
dramatically in their area. They
also encouraged the use of home
composters in areas where brown
bins are not available.
They pledged to help
Streetly residents with
a gate at the entrance
to Hardwick Wood
to restrict access
to drug dealers and
anti-social behaviour.
Sgt Martin Brown
explained the restructuring of policing
in the area under
the Neighbourhood
Policing intiative
The partnership also heard concerns
about gangs of youths destroying
fencing in Streetly and the condition
of shops and flats in Boundary Road
– upon which the council has served
legal papers requiring the site to be
tidied and improved.
They supported council action to
make permanent arrangements for
weekend visitors to only access the
Field Road cemetery on foot, with
Blue Badge holders able to gain
access by car at weekends, Bank
Holidays and on Wednesdays by
prior appointment.
Members also approved funding for
park benches, as well as litter bins on
school routes and agreed to fund an
‘Eco-Girl’ interactive environmental
theatre performance for every
primary school in the area.
St. Matthews and
Birchills Leamore
The partnership raised concerns
over the state of the Birchills Playing
Field and its potential future usage.
Feedback will be given at the next
partnership meeting on what is
planned for the site.
The meeting also heard about
work in progress on a number
of ‘alleygating’ schemes aimed
at reducing crime an anti-social
behaviour. These included Northcote
Street car park area, Brewer Street,
Croft Street, Mary Street, Lewis
Street, Small Street, Brace Street
and Mount Street, Northcote Street,
Hospital Street and Gladstone Street.
Members received a presentation
from Walsall Youth Service. An
update was given on youth provision
within the Butts area and current
staffing levels across the partnership
area, along with an overview of
a recent Youth Conference They
also listened to a presentation on
the affordable Warmth Strategy for
Young artists – gallery inspiration
could WIN you a great prize
Young artists have the chance to win a fantastic prize – thanks to the New
Art Gallery Walsall and our friends at The Village Hotel – just get out your
paint box and get creative.
Take a trip to Walsall’s fabulous gallery, choose any exhibit on display and
use it as the inspiration to create your own masterpiece - using paints,
crayons, pencils or any materials you can lay your hands on.
Young gallery visitors get to grips
with ‘Nambu’ by Paul Friedlander
If you have any difficulty in understanding the information provided please
telephone 0121 681 1059 leaving a message in your own language on our
telephone recording facility or contact by e-mail: admin@altailinguistics.
com. Also please provide your telephone number, name and full address for
us to respond to you.
The winning entry – selected by a panel of judges - will
secure a fantastic prize, including:
A great goody bag from the New Art Gallery Walsall
- including books, art materials, T-shirts and more.
A family ticket for the stupendous Walsall Illuminations,
which burst into light from 16 September until 29 October.
A family meal for four at The Village Hotel at Junction
10 – sponsors of Walsall Illuminations and friends of the
New Art Gallery Walsall.
It’s so simple to enter – if you are aged five to 16, visit the
gallery, then produce a great artwork for us. Don’t forget to
write your name, age, address and phone number on the
back of your entry.
Send your pictures to Walsall Pride Competition,
communications unit, room 44, Council House, Walsall,
WS1 1TP, by Friday 30 June 2006.
The winner of last issue’s ‘Walsall in Bloom’ competition was Cathy Cook, aged
11, from Streetly who wins the meal for four at The Terrace restaurant Brownhills.
Walsall Pride is produced
by Walsall Council.
Designed by Print and Design, Walsall Council.
27807 01/06 SB
We want to hear what you
think of this newsletter –
please feel free to contact us
on 01922 653573 or e-mail
your comments and views to
communications@walsall. We look forward to
hearing from you.
If you, or someone you know,
would like Walsall Pride in another
format, such as audio tape, please
contact: Communications, Room 44,
The Council House, Lichfield Street,
Walsall or telephone 01922 652882.